#good these bitches didn't drink the candles
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Only Nathan can make his room romantic enough to be fit for a first date. They are already above cloud nine. Especially Pickles, being held so close in Nathan's big arms...
Originally I planned on having half the height of this painting, but then I saw Nathan's room. So now we have the octopus decoration, the whiskey glasses (kinda hidden), the cinnamon bun, and the already gone drinks with candlelight.
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carolmunson · 2 months
blood machine.
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emperor geta x senator's daughter!reader songspiration: in keeping secrets of the silent earth 3 | coheed & cambria
did not once plan to write for this guy but here we are. also like, is it historically accurate? no. like, not even a little. (hell is mentioned and technically hell wasn't 'a place' until 400 BC but like WHATEVER.) am i making a semi effort? sorta kinda. have i been a little stoned every time i've worked on this? well, yes.
summary: when what was supposed to be a diplomatic dinner before a much bigger and lively feast becomes a marriage offer, all of the wine you drank turns to ash in your mouth. haters to haters, bay-bee. tw: 18+, drinking but like -- idk it's ancient rome, tension, fighting, some mild body shaming (??), a literal threat of domestic violence but again it's ancient rome so like i don't think they cared, two stupid little bitches who hate each other. mentions of war and ultimate distaste for the poor. reader kind of has lady macbeth vibes. my little evil queen.
Wine is poured, golden chalices exalted. You are a vision and he is a toad looking creature of a man that only his mother could love. Not quite his brother, never quite measuring up the same way -- always trying to puff his chest. It was easy to tease him, ego easy to bruise -- little brother. You’d spent time in your childhood tagging along with your brother and the other kids to taunt him, pathetic and whimpering. 'Tale teller!' you'd jeer, every time he'd run off to his mother to blubber over how mean you all were. And you were mean.
But people grow, as they do. And so did you -- still mean, but in a different way. Listening to meetings, reading maps, keeping tabs on new republics, on potential uprising. The poor -- the fucking poor. Finding new ways to keep them occupied so that they'd stop trying to find ways to be powerful. Powerful like you. Powerful like the man at the head of the table with a plum to his lips. And as it has been said, a man in possession of a good fortune and power, must be in need of a wife. It became clear when you arrived that this was not a business dinner before a grand feast, your parents simply forgot to mention what this was really about. Your best linens, your hair coiffed, your best jewelry, you should have known it had been a ruse the moment you got there. His home on Palatine just sparkling the way the gold on your fingers did, candles in the halls and stairways glittering when they hit the rubies and pearls on your chest and ears. When your father veers the conversation from politics and business to marriage you both choke, stern eyes glued to your mother's painted face. A business dinner where you are currency -- more than worthy. Just a few months shy of being eligible when Caracalla was, regrettably, forced to marry Flavia at the last moment. It would've been nice to have the gang together again in some capacity. Could've bullied the toad to assasinating himself if you were lucky enough. Total power. Complete upheaval. The more you thought about it, the more of it your craved. The pit in your stomach grew, if it wasn't with his brother -- even though you bore no attraction -- there was not a point at all. Geta didn't think nearly as critically, didn't hit hard enough, didn't strategize correctly. You'd never even seen him pick up a sword -- but then again, that made sense. You very rarely spent time in his palace, much prefering the festivities of Caracalla's close by.
You listen while your mother goes on and on about his grace, tongue dipped in honey while she blabbers. She mentions how handsome he is, his valiance in leadership, how honorable he's become as he's taken the place of his late father -- you can't help yourself but laugh. The giggle echos and bounces through the high ceilings, floating against the archways, getting caught in the drapery by the open hall. His eyes flick to you over his goblet, catching in the candle light, an aggravated sneer plaguing his face. He looks like a pig when he does that, you think to yourself.
You know that business, for the most part, is a man's game. But it does not deter you from doing your best to try and wager yourself out of this. Ideas drip into your mind while the drone of the conversation turns to fuzz in the background. How can you sell that this is a bad idea? It will bring less publicity, less of a threat, less resposibility if married to someone with equal nobility. Certainly not an emperor. Especially not one like this. So petulant, so competitive, so eager for a war he does not know how to plan, so temperamental, so weak, so conniving, so consumed with the colosseum that he doesn't think of what should be done around him. It's his voice that brings you back to attention.
"And why is it she hasn't been taken for a wife then, at this age?" he asks, brow quirking in your direction. You let out of huff of offense while he sips his wine, metal clinking as he places it back down. A smirk flits across his features at the remark, "Is something wrong with her?"
Your father, sweating with embarrassment, looks over at you and back at the emperor, "Well she, she's of course beautiful." Geta winces, cocking his head to the side with a shrug. Your father sighs, desperate to try to find a better angle, "She um, she -- she has great wits, Ceasar, unmatched. She knows her duties as a wife, but -- a great thinker. She could -- she could be helpful!" "Wits," he mumbles sourly under his breath before leaning back leisurely in his chair, "Great thinker? Very surprising." "August--" your father starts. "Co--" you correct over a sip of wine, "Co-Augustus."
Geta tosses you another sour look, tongue running over his teeth before clicking it behind his lips. You shrug while swallowing. "Semantics, Publius," you wave a hand at him. A hush falls over the room as his gaze snaps up at you, blanching at the disrespect of being called by his first name. Your mother hides her face in her napkin with a groan. Your father leans his temple against his fingers, eyes closed in frustration. "Mind how you address me," Geta corrects with a stern pull to his lips, eyes glittering with rage. Your eyes catch over the mountains of food before you, holding your glass out as one of his servants pours you another glass of wine. "Is that not what your mother calls you?" your voice feathery, but certain. A vein begins to raise and pulse in his neck while his shoulders round forward.
"Please apologize, dear," your mother mutters, putting the napkin back on the table, "Tell -- tell the emperor what it would mean, to be -- to be wed to someone of such calibur."
Your eyes stay on his, challenging him while your mother begs you to say something to make amends. Another sip of wine passes your lips, "No, shan't."
Your mother scolds you, your full name escaping her with embarrassment tainting her tongue. Sweat beads at your father's forehead while he changes the subject, doing aything to try to keep his good favor with both sides of the imperatorship.
You grin into your goblet at the sight of Geta's face -- reddened with anger and frustration at the brazen disrespect. But it was fine to continue to be an enemy if it meant you would leave these regal walls and never have to step foot in them again. And if you did, it would be as another senator's wife, visiting his brother in another house where you'll laugh and drink wine and cheer when he's killed.
Even his posture is revolting, hunched over while he listens to your father speak. Now going on and on about paper work that doesn't interest you if it doesn't have a say on who is next on the list to conquer. Your eyes glaze over in boredom while pomergranate, honey pudding, and dates are placed on the table. Rose wine replaces the red to sweeten the tongue -- you're sure your parents wished it were true.
It's not very long after dessert is served that your parents start again.
"As you know, she does come from a family of very fertile women," your father encourages. You quickly swallow the bite of date you'd taken to interrupt, nearly choking, "Excuse me, I'm not sure this is appropriate dinner conversation."
Geta looks at you while you speak, scanning you and then lingering on the dessert in your hand, "Her hips are quite sizeable -- big enough to bear multiple childen, that's certain. Is that her only sell?"
Anger bubbles under your chest, but warning looks from both of your parents keeps your sharp tongue between your lips. The grip on your goblet tightens, jaw clenching while your pass another sip through gritted teeth. You let a seething breath out through your nose. "As I tried to explain before," your father continues, "She is very on the pulse in terms of the political climate and, and, and great with strategy." "I'm not looking for a wife who tries to strategize for me--" he responds coolly. "From how the empire has not expanded since your father's death I would guess that perhaps you should be," you snap back smartly. His posture straightens, chains and medallions across his chest glinting in the candle light. The room quiets itself again, only the sound of untensils and cups being put down or collected filling the dead air. The soft scrape of metal, the rustle of linens while servants and guards alike avert their gaze downward.
"Leave us," he states, voice pungent with authority. You stretch your neck on both sides while the servants depart, already bored with the back and forth. Already moved on from the eventual scolding and potential exile that won't get put into motion because you are simply too friendly with the rest of the upcoming generals and politicians. One rogue idiot who barely has the power his brother has, that his father never trained into him, could not dole a punishment that is worth your genuine fear.
You sigh, hearing the staff make their way down the long stone corridors into the grand halls to prepare for a more formal party with other higher status families. More likely a collection of offerings for him to choose from, other parents trying to arrange a marriage with the empire's most powerful and eligible bachelor. It would be one of the few times the brothers would have to engage with each other, which you're sure put Geta more on edge than normal.
"Senator, please take your wife to the grand hall to be seated," he commands, his voice lower, delving darker. The vein in his neck continues to pulse, forearms straining against the golden cuffs over his wrists, "The guards will accompany you."
You watch as your parents rise, bowing their heads before following the guards out of the room and through the blood red drapery hung from gilded valances. Geta's eyes stay hardened on you, and yours him, while you rise as well, taking a few steps around the large wooden table toward the exit. "Not you," he says, not turning to face you, "You will stay." "It is not appropriate for me to be unaccopanied in the pres--" "Do not speak," he huffs, hand coming up to silence you, "Your voice grates on me." "Then you can imagine what your own voice does, Augustus," you say without thinking, letting the insults flow out of you like the fountain water in the courtyards. He pushes away from the table, steadily walking towards you with enough vigor that the bottom of his cape starts to billow behind him. On his way, he pulls a sword from a guard's holster, dragging it so the tip grinds against the stone, making your jaw clench at the shrill sound.
"What happens to those who speak against me?" he asks, steps clicking against the floor from the studs on the bottom of his sandals. He begins to stalk around you, circling while he waits for an answer. "Execution," you respond, keeping your eyes on the drapery just twenty feet ahead of you. "What else?" he asks, you can feel his breath behind you, the whining grind of the sword against the stone making your shoulders tense. "Exile," you answer, a laugh bubbling out of you, "But I can't imagine your brother agreeing to either of those. You'd really banish me, Publius? Because I was a little mean to you?" When he appears in front of you again, your lips stretch into a sickeningly sweet smile, sarcasm staining your tone, "But we're such old friends."
He cocks his head to the side, taking a step closer with the sword between you, "Oh, I wouldn't do that to you."
He leans forward, enough that you can smell the rose wine on his breath. His voice quiet and menacing, "Though -- it could be that the senator said something to offend me tonight at dinner. It could be that perhaps he -- spoke poorly of my dear brother or my late father. Something just dastardly enough to sour my brother's respect for him." "And you expect Caracalla to believe that?" "In what way does it benefit me to lie about it?" he challenges, "And even more so -- with your father exiled, where does that leave you?"
You swallow thickly, not giving him the satisfaction of replying while your look into his now wild brown eyes. Flashing with mania and endless possibility.
"A peasant," he spits.
"If it keeps me out of these halls I should be lucky, no?" you fire back, looking at him from under furrow brows. He continues to circle you, dragging the sword again. The click, click, click of his shoes keeping time in your head. "I'm sure my brother would be happy to keep you as a pet in the meantime," he laughs to himself, "Or we could put you in the colosseum, you think you'd fare well?" "Better than you could, that's certain," you cross your arms over your chest, "Could never stand up and fight like a man, even as a kid. Your father would be embarrassed."
The grinding gets louder as he presses harder down, causing small sparks to fly from the edge of the sword.
"If you were to be chosen, would ever even attempt to learn respect?" he asks sharply, "Or would it have to be beaten into you?" You snort, "At least you're the funnier brother, you have that going for you." You can see him out of your periphery, the way he pulls his cheeks in, the roll of his shoulders -- he's losing patience. "What, would you prefer I called you Geta? Augustus? Ceasar?" your eyes roll. A soft cackle comes from his through, canines showing in a gleeful smile, "No, no -- from you? I'd much prefer something more respectful." Click, click, click. The grind of the sword. The rose on his breath. "Dominus," he nods with the threat, "Dominus et Deus."
"You disgust me," you respond quickly. "As a husband and as emperor is that not my title, already?" he shrugs, looking at you like it's obvious.
"You are nobodies Lord and God, you are a petulant -- sniveling -- repulsive little brother who is only where he is by being lucky to be born," you glower.
"You still see me as a child, femina," he tuts, "I promise you, what ever Caracalla has told you is a tapestry of made up stories. You could hang it on the tallest arch and it would hit the floor ten times over."
"I do see just a whining child before me," you hiss, "I'm sure you'll run to your mother after this, too."
His chuckle turns to a low, dark laugh from deep in his chest. It crawls up your spine and rings in your ears, mixing with the grating 'shhhhhhinnnngggg' of the sword on the ground.
"If it were fate that there was union between us," he asks from behind you, "What would you say to that?"
You look straight ahead, hearing the click of his shoes. The heat of the torches on the walls billowing onto your face while you keep your eyes on the drapery, still closed -- still keeping you here.
"It would be a fate worse than the hottest hell," you confess, your voice not wavering.
The whine of the sword stops, sheathed into his belt. The click of his shoes halts.
Rose wine on his breath, you feel it on your skin now, his chest against your back while he closes the space between you. A hand reaches up to push the hair from your neck, the other gripping the fat of your hip to pull you ruthlessly against him in a thud. Your eyes shut, bile crawling up your throat in disgust. His nose coasts against the shell of your ear, making you tilt your head away while goosebumps rise on your arms. Through a knowing grin he whispers, the words burrowing deep in your chest in loathing and a glimmer of fear: "I pray every moment of it burns you."
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vinyldreamsfuckup · 2 months
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Birthday Boy
warnings: smut, fluff, striptease, semi-rough sex, oral (female receiving), fingering (female receiving), squirting, praise, smoking, drinking, cussing, bantering, playful name-calling
Slash's birthday had always been a huge day. Axl would always throw some huge rager where we all got completely drunk and ate cake. Honestly, it was always super fun. This year was a little different, but not by much. You flew out to meet Slash on tour for his 24th birthday. They were out in Texas on tour with Aerosmith. Technically, they weren't supposed to be drinking or smoking backstage but Axl was also known for breaking the rules and doing whatever the fuck he wanted. Axl's birthday present to Slash was you. Well, you and a striptease which you had agreed to.
You walked through the venue in your leather pants and one of Slash's t-shirts. It was a white Killer Pussy shirt. Underneath you were wearing a red lace bra with matching underwear. You were twiddling your fingers as you walked through the venue with one of the security guards. You weren't really nervous about Slash's reaction because you knew he would be excited to see you, but you also knew there would be groupies EVERYWHERE. It always made you anxious to go in and see Slash when there were groupies around cause they weren't always nice.
You approached the door to the dressing room. Music, laughing, and talking oozed out of the door. You looked over at Dave, Slash's security guard. He smiled, "He's been missing you."
"Yeah?" You asked as you exhaled the breath you'd been holding in. Dave nodded.
"Yeah," Dave chuckled, "Yeah, he's been non-stop talking about you. He's been carrying around a picture of the two of you and showing everyone every chance he gets."
You couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corners of your lips, "Really?"
Dave laughed and nodded, "Yeah man. He loves you. You don't have anything to be nervous about."
"Thank you," You smiled and nodded.
You took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Everyone paused and Slash looked up from the couch. He was sitting next to Duff wearing no shirt. he had on his short shorts and he was smoking a cigarette. Your eyes met and a huge smile spread across his face.
"No fucking way," Slash said with a huge smile. He got up and quickly rushed to you and picked you up into a hug, "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"It's your birthday, idiot. You think I'd miss it," You giggled into his shoulder. He let out a laugh and squeezed you tighter.
"God you bitch. I missed you," Slash laughed out. You giggled and hugged him tighter.
"I missed you too," You pulled your head back to look at him. He smiled and kissed you.
"God you look so good too," Slash mumbled against your lips. He tasted like whiskey, cigarettes, and mint gum.
You giggled against his lips, "Thank you, baby."
The party went on with both of you cuddling, kissing, and getting increasingly more and more drunk until Axl decided it was time for the birthday cake portion of the night.
Axl and Duff carried the cake over to Slash. Everyone was singing "Happy Birthday." Slash wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer as they brought the cake over. It was a sheet cake with writing on it that read: "Happy fucking birthday you fucker."
Slash laughed when we saw the cake. They set it in his lap and everyone finished singing to him. He blew out the candles and people took some pictures before we all grabbed forks. You all didn't even bother cutting slices, you just dug straight in taking bites off the cake.
"Okay, time for the present," Axl slurred his words. You looked up at him, your eyes slightly glossy.
"Right now?" You slurred looking up from the cake. Slash looked between you and Axl confusedly.
"What present?" Slash asked he was practically hanging all over you. You giggled drunkenly, "I thought you were the present."
"She was, but there's even more," Axl said with a smile. Slash looked over at you with furrowed eyebrows.
"It's a surprise," You slurred and stood up. Axl smiled and walked over to the speaker, which was blasting music.
"Move," Duff mumbled as he pushed people out of the way to make room for you. Slash furrowed his eyebrows and took a sip of his drink.
"What are you doing, princess?" Slash slurred. You shushed him and Axl started some kind of horrible music. Slash let out a laugh.
“Okay you have to just give me a second,” You breathed out. You took a deep breath and smiled at him. You leaned over and set your hands on his shoulders. He smiled his goofy smile at you.
“Are you about to dance for me?” Slash giggled. You nodded and smiled. Slash's smile widened and he grabbed your hips.
You smacked his hand away, "No. No touching."
"What? It's my birthday," Slash pouted. You giggled.
"You can touch in a second just wait," You said as you took a step back. You carefully undid your belt and pulled it off. Slash smiled and leaned forward. You handed him your belt and he grabbed it and giggled.
"Okay baby," You smiled, "Ready?"
Slash nodded quickly. You carefully started dancing, mainly moving your hips, and pulled off your (Slash's) shirt. His eyes focused on your red lace bra and he took a deep breath. He adjusted slightly in his seat.
"Jesus Christ," He whispered. Whistles sounded off behind you as you moved. You took a step toward him and his gaze moved up and down your body. He grabbed your hips and you chuckled.
"You wanna do it?" You whispered as you grabbed the laces on your leather pants. He looked up at you and nodded. He carefully started to undo the laces on the pants and saw a glimpse of the red lace underwear you were wearing. His eyes widened and shot up to look at you.
"Everyone out," Slash said coldly. His eyes were still on you, desire and lust filling his gaze.
The whistles stopped and Axl furrowed his eyebrows, "Wait what?"
"Get out," Slash said again. He pulled you closer and everyone quickly stood up and rushed out of the room. Once the door was closed, Slash quickly undid the laces and pulled the leather pants off.
"Fucking christ, you're so beautiful," Slash breathed out. You chuckled and leaned in front of him. He cupped your breath feeling the lace under his hand.
"You can do whatever you'd like, baby. It's your birthday," You said softly. A smile stretched across his face. He picked you up and brought you to the vanity. He set you down and started kissing you, running his hands up your thighs. He pulled you to the edge of the vanity and kissed down your neck.
"God I fucking love you," He breathed out. He pulled at the red lace thong you were wearing.
"I love you too, honey. Happy birthday," You breathed out.
Slash pulled off the underwear and sunk to his knees. He gripped your thighs tightly and kissed up your thigh. You let out a shaky breath and tangled your hand into his hair. He licked through your folds and a long moan fell from your mouth.
"Fuck..." Slash mumbled before he started ravishing you. His tongue circled your clit and inserted a finger, curling it as he did.
"Oh my god...Slash..." You moaned out. He smiled against your core as he lapped your folds.
He looked up at you as you moaned and writhed beneath him. As your legs started to shake he pulled back earning a needy whine, "What...why?"
He chuckled and wiped his face. He stood up and pulled off his shorts. He stroked himself as he looked at you, "Take that beautiful bra off."
You quickly leaned forward, took off the lace bra, and tossed it away mindlessly.
"Fuck...you're so perfect," Slash smiled as he slowly positioned himself against your entrance, "You gonna be a good girl?"
You nodded, "Yes, baby. I'll be good."
He smiled, "You're always good."
He chuckled and pushed into you. Both of you groaned in unison as you adjusted to him.
"So beautiful..." Slash muttered as he grabbed your hips and started thrusting into you, slowly at first.
Having sex tipsy was always different, especially with Slash. He was so loving all the time, but when he was tipsy he was much more clingy. The alcohol made both of you more sensitive. This time was no exception. Moans fell from both of your mouths as he pounded into you. The vanity shook beneath you and the mirror rattled against the wall.
"Slash...baby...yes," You moaned. His grip on your hips tightened. You were sure he'd leave bruises.
"Fuck...keep moaning like that. so fucking good," Slash grunted as he pounded into you harder. You grabbed his shoulder and dug your nails into his skin. He let out a loud moan.
"Slash...Slash yes," You moaned out. He rested his forehead on your shoulder as he moved harder against you.
"Fuck baby...so good for me...so loud...fuck," Slash moaned out. His body shuddered and you felt him twitch inside of you.
"Slash...baby...'M close..." You whined. He nodded and moved his hand to your clit, circling his fingers around it as he pounded into you relentlessly. The mirror smacked roughly against the wall and the vanity squeaked as you moved. A loud moan fell from your mouth and your head fell back against the mirror.
"Yes baby...yes," Slash moaned out as he watched you.
"Slash....Slash..." You whined as your legs started to shake. You felt him twitch inside of you again. He was close you could tell.
"Fuck...fuck..." Slash muttered and added more pressure to your clit. You felt the coil start to build in your stomach, it threatened to snap with every movement.
You dug your nails further into Slash's back as you clenched around him and squirted out on his thighs. A long moan fell from your mouth as your back arched. Slash groaned and slammed in a final time as he finished. You both sat there trying to catch your breath.
"Fuck..." Slash breathed out.
"Happy birthday, baby," You said breathlessly. He let out a small breathless chuckle.
"Best birthday ever," He said with a smile.
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reodashi · 1 year
BNHA Smells
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Deku - Smells like Spreamint and Lime, it's not strong... But subtle freshness.
Bakugo - He's evil... Unintentionally. He Smells so good, like cinnomin rolls and cookies, but he hates when people get too close.
Todoroki - Subtle lavender from his clothes, and subtle vanilla from his shampoo.
Kirishima - Axe... I love him... But it's axe body spray 100%
Iida - Fresh books, pencils, and oddly cranberries... No one asks why though.
Denki - Probably the second best smelling guy in 1-A, Smells like pumpkin spice and Apple cider... He's aware of it too.
Sero - Very subtle Smells, not strong at all... But vague fresh bread scent.
Uraraka - You know she smells good, she smells like berries, frosting, and candy.
Asui - Grass... It's not bad though. She just smells like fresh cut grass.
Momo - Fancy ass perfume, costed her like 200 bucks just to smell vaguely like vanilla and cocoa powder.
Jiro - I mean this in the best possible way, but basement... Not grungy or gross, but just that nice rustic smell basements give.
Tokoyami - He got a candle named 'Death' which smells of blackberries and coconut. He's emo and berrylicious.
Shoji - Bamboo, Campfires, and Rain... All depending on the day.
Ojiro - Freshly vacuumed carpet, and if he's felling fancy he uses citrus body wash.
Hagakure - Fruity cereals, strawberry milk, and occasionally hazelnuts.
Aoyama - Everyone say it with me! 👏 Jasmine👏 Starbucks👏 and cake batter👏
Sato - Duh, flour, cake, fresh pastries, and Gingerbread.
Koda - This one is hard... He either smells like a summer garden or farm hay...
Mineta - B.O. which he says is his natural musk. And sometimes tries to hide it with axe.
Aizawa - Apple pie, fireplaces, and fresh blankets. He Smells cozy.
Allmight - He Smells like pubs... Even though he doesn't got there often... He also smells a bit like blood.
Endeavor - He Smells like charcoal, gasoline, and arrogance. He Smells like he tries to hard, which is ironic since he didn't even try hard to become #1 hero since it was just handed to him after Allmight. 👀 And never tried hard to be a good dad👀
Present Mic - He Smells like fresh technology, you know when you unbox a phone and it smells similar to a fresh phone... It's like that.
Miss Midnight - She smells like Jasmine, aphrodiacs, and rose petals... Very flirty scents.
Nezu - Hamster food and coffee... I said what needed to be said.
Eri - She smells like candy stores, carnival sweets, and fresh plushies.
Hawks - He's a mix... His breath is minty fresh, his hair smells like masculine cologne, but his clothes smell like leather even though they aren't made from leather.
Mirko - *the lingering affection from simps* Jk... Sort of. She smells like protein shakes, new shoes, and carrot cake.
Shinso - Tea, coffee, energy drinks... Anything he consumes that helps him stay awake really...
Shigiraki - I know he smells dusty, he smells like mothballs, alleyways, and Walmart 100%
Toga - She smells like blood, I mean it's inevitable due to her quirk. Other than blood, she smells like cheap makeup, like the really chemically smelling stuff.
Dabi - *Daddy issues and burnt* He smells like hot summer days, peanut butter, and bleach due to his hair dye.
Twice - Beer, cigetettes, fresh pavement, and depression.
Overhaul - He smells fine, he smells like chalk and tree bark... But his mask smells NASTY, the bitch never cleans it.
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saintlucretia · 3 months
A Lethiferous Date With an Art Deco Man
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Pairings: James Patrick March x Female!Witch!Reader
Warnings: Violence. Death. Alcohol. Smoking. Blood. Murder. James Patrick March.
Summary: Y/N is a young witch at Miss Robichaux's Academy. Cordelia has sent her to The Cortez to find out what happened to Queenie and what a coincidence, James March is the one she should talk with.
A/N: Hope you enjoy <3
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I was sitting in the bar, smoking a cigarette when I noticed the man I was looking for all day. Finally, James March. This son of a bitch. I watched him from my seat, as he approached the bar counter and started talking with a bartender. I couldn’t hear them, because of the distance, but he probably was ordering a drink. I took a minute to take a closer look at him. Perfectly pressed black striped suit with red tie. Gentleman from a black-and-white movie. 
I put out the cigarette and stood up, straightening my black mini-dress. It took me only a few seconds to take my purse, but when I turned back to the bar counter he was gone. Damn him. 
As I was walking toward the elevator, cursing myself for my sluggishness, I heard someone calling me.
“Miss, wait a minute!”
I turned back. It was a bartender lady.
“You forgot your sunglasses, dear,” she said, handing them to me.
“Thank you very much.” I smiled, getting ready to leave.
“Sorry, do I know you?” she asked, watching me intently. “God, I saw you on CNN! You are one of the witches, right?”
“Yes, I am,” answered I, a bit surprised that she recognized me.
“Gosh, such an amazing meeting!” She hugged me excitedly. “You are part of that coven, where they wear chic black and do spells, yeah?”
“Yeah.” I chuckled and then an idea formed in my mind. “Have you, by any chance, seen another witch checking in here? A few weeks ago? Her name is Queenie.”
A smile quickly disappeared from her face. The woman frowned, looking uneasy for a moment. 
"Queenie... no, I don't think I remember that name," she answered with another forced smile, looking away.
"Are you sure?" I pressed on. "She has short, curly hair and..."
"I don't know dear, I’m sorry." She interrupted me.
Her response was too quick and too defensive for my liking. 
"Really? Are you sure you don't remember meeting a woman like that? Not even seen her somewhere?" I pressed on, my eyes studying her face intensely.
The woman shifted uncomfortably, wringing her hands together. Her eyes darted nervously around the lobby, avoiding my gaze. She was clearly hiding something. 
"Well..." she started slowly. "Now that I think about it... I do remember her staying here a few weeks ago."
She cleared her throat anxiously, still avoiding looking directly at me. "Well... she didn't stay here long. She checked out very quickly, and didn't like our rooms or something."
I studied her face, trying to determine if she was lying or not. She was a terrible actress. Her eyes were averted, and she was nervously twisting her fingers together.
Before I had a chance to say something she added. “I’m sorry, but that’s all I know, dear, have a good stay.” She quickly walked away.
What the hell is going on in this place?
I sighed in annoyance and headed to my room. Walking through the halls I heard muffled screams, after all, Cortez is known as a perfect place for any sort of crime. A brilliant choice for a holiday stay, Queenie. Bravo.
After spending almost the whole day exploring this building and trying to figure out what really happened, this situation started getting on my nerves. Why are there always psychopaths in charge of grand places? 
Even though I had a sneaking suspicion that Queenie could probably be two weeks dead already, a glimpse of hope was still living in my heart. She was a strong witch after all and I hadn’t sensed her spirit here. Having finally become convinced that without magic I couldn’t know anything, I locked the door to my room and began to look for candles in my things.
I placed them in a circle and lighted them in an order. At the academy, Madison and I performed the ritual of summoning the dead a couple of times. It was my first time doing it alone. I stood at the center of the circle mumbling special spells. 
“The ghost of James Patrick March, show yourself.” Nothing really happened. It was oddly quiet and the silence was unsettling. “The ghost of James Patrick March, show yourself. Now.”
“Ah, what a demanding tone.” I heard his voice behind my back and even though I was waiting for him, I flinched anyway. “You know, darling, I may be an old-fashioned man, but I am not used to being invited on a date by women. I am a gentleman after all.”
I turned around and saw him standing in the far corner of the room, leaning casually against the wall. James March, in all of his dapper glory, was watching me with an amused glint in his eyes. "So you have a flair for the dark arts. How delightful." He smirked, looking me up and down.
“Quit your games. I have a business conversation with you.” I said, crossing my arms on my chest.
“Ah, skipping the pleasantries?” James chuckled, strolling towards me. He stopped in front of me, looking down with a playful smirk.
“Two weeks ago a witch from my Coven checked in here and now she is missing. Tell everything you know.”
"Before I answer, let's set a condition. I'll tell you what happened to your friend if you give me something in return," he said, tilting his head slightly.
“I will not bargain with you. You are not in charge here, Mr. March, so you better cooperate or I will exorcize you.”
He laughed, clearly seeing through my bluff. 
With a sly smile, James March stepped closer, his eyes roaming over my face. "Oh, darling, you're just trying to scare me. You can't exorcize me, and we both know it. Many tried, but no one succeeded."
I narrowed my eyes, refusing to be intimidated by him. "Try me."
He chuckled, his eyes sparkling with interest. "Tsk, tsk, what a feisty witch. Has anyone ever told you that it's charming?"
"Cut the flattery. Tell me what happened to Queenie."
He took another step closer, now only a few inches separating us. He was watching me intently, with a small smirk playing on his lips.
"Now, now, why don't you ask me nicely? Or are you too good for manners, darling?" He leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a whisper.
"I'm not in the mood for your bullshit."
He chuckled and then turned away, stepping to the window. "You know, I find the tendency of using expletives that young girls have adopted nowadays depressing."
I rolled my eyes at his old-fashioned values. 
"I think you have lived for far too long, March," I retorted, walking closer to him. "It's a new world out there, and new rules apply."  
He turned back to me and smirked. 
"Ah, but old rules still can be fun, darling. And manners are a lost art, sadly," he said, his eyes drifting over my figure. "Some of us prefer a bit of elegance."
“I am happy that you keep ancient traditions,” I replied sarcastically.
He chuckled, his eyes now focused on my face. "You seem quite a character, love. Not afraid of me at all."  
I smiled. "Is that supposed to be menacing? I'm not intimidated."
He arched an eyebrow, clearly amused. "Most people find me unnerving. Especially the ones who know about my reputation."
"No offense, but you seem like a typical psychopath, who killed dozens and enjoyed it. Nothing special."
“Ah, that’s where you are wrong, prettyhead dear. I’m not just a psycho, as you may say, I am a man that understands true art-”
“I’m not here to analyze your mental disorder, March.” I interrupted him.
He smirked and stepped closer, getting into my personal space. "And I thought we were on such great terms, love. Why so impatient?"  
James leaned in, his breath warm on my cheek. "But you're right, let's get to business. Your friend is missing and you want me to tell you what I know, yes?"
“Well, hypothetically, I know something important, but why would I help you?”
I raised an eyebrow, challenging him. "Oh, please, don't pretend like you don't want to help. I see your pathetic attempts to please me."  
He smirked, enjoying this little game. "But why shouldn't I enjoy this little situation? A pretty young woman, locked in a room with me, doing anything possible to get information from me. Sounds like a win-win."
“Ugh, you are unbearable.” I sighed and sat down on a couch.
He chuckled and sat beside me, his body dangerously close, his shoulder touching mine. "Unbearable, yet you're still here." He turned his head towards me, studying my face. “I can’t fight an urge to help a beautiful lady with her problem, but I will expect something in return.”
I raised an eyebrow, wary of his request. The last thing I wanted was to owe a ghost something. But it was my mission after all.
"And what exactly do you expect in return?" I asked, my tone guarded.
James smiled slyly, leaning closer to me. His eyes gleamed with something dangerous and exciting behind their polite gaze. 
"Nothing major." He said, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. His touch was cold, like a gust of winter air against my skin. "Just your attention and conversation, I could use some company.”
I tried not to visibly shiver at his icy touch. His request was reasonable enough, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more beneath the surface. 
"That's all? Just conversation?" I inquired, not quite convinced.
"It could be quite boring being a ghost. I don't mind a partner for… playing cards, for example, especially such an interesting one, as yourself," he said, fixing his tie and watching my figure up and down.
I let out a scoff, not entirely surprised by his response. James March, the ladies' man. Hard to admit, but still charming, even after death.
"And here I thought you were a gentleman, Mr. March," I replied, trying to keep a cool demeanor despite his flattery.
James chuckled, amused by my attempt to maintain composure. His gaze never left my face. 
"I am, darling. A gentleman who can appreciate a cunning conversation." He said, looking me in the eyes. "And I enjoy the view as well."
His eyes slowly roamed over my body, shamelessly admiring the curves of my dress. His gaze was intense like a predator sizing up its prey.  
I felt a shiver run down my spine. His blatant flirtations, coupled with the cold touch of his fingers against my skin, sent a strange mix of fascination and unease coursing through me.  
"Fine, let’s say I will owe you." I retorted, forcing myself to sound unfazed. “Now tell me everything you know.”
James chuckled, a pleased smirk playing on his lips. "You're truly delightful when you're being demanding."
He leaned in, his breath cold against my cheek. "But I'm afraid I won't tell you anything here. Let's say, a date somewhere more, hmm, private?"
I arched an eyebrow, suspicious but intrigued. "Private?"
He chuckled, clearly enjoying this question. "Oh, nothing too sinister, I assure you. Just dinner. You see, I've grown quite fond of you since you graciously invited me into your room..."
I looked away in hesitation.
"So? Do we have an arrangement?" he asked, standing up from the couch. 
I weighed my options. On one hand, I didn't trust him, and a private dinner seemed... risky, to put it mildly. But on the other hand, this was a way to ensure his full cooperation. He is probably the only one who knows about things that are happening in this place.
"Fine," I replied, standing up as well. "One dinner. But no tricks, no games. I want straight answers to my questions."
He smirked, clearly satisfied with my response. “Anything for such a charming lady. I expect you at 7 pm in room 64, dear.” 
I nodded, not quite sure about the decision I just made. What have I gotten myself into?
"Seven o'clock, room 64," I repeated, looking up at him. "I'll be there."
“Good.” He said, and in a matter of seconds disappeared. 
I was left alone in the room, staring at the spot where he had been just moments ago. Had I just made a deal with a ghost? Oh, Cordelia, I hope you weren't mistaken, you sent me here alone.
I had a few hours before my “dinner”, so I decided to do some research about my “date”. I sat down on the armchair and grabbed my laptop from the desk. I started digging through every online resource I could find. Newspapers, historical records, paranormal articles. Anything that could provide me with information about James March.  
After a few hours, I got a clear picture of this man’s life. He was indeed a former hotel owner, a murderer, and apparently a rather charming psychopath.
I closed my laptop, feeling the weight of the newfound knowledge settling on my shoulders. The man I was about to have dinner with wasn’t just a ghost. He was a horrific serial killer. Cordelia has warned me that he could be dangerous and blah blah, but I haven’t really considered the scale of his crimes. Torture, rape, terrible methods of murder, and an incalculable number of victims. 
I took a deep breath, realizing that I was about to have dinner with a man who had committed the most heinous crimes that I couldn't even imagine. In a way, I was glad that Cordelia had sent me here and that she believed I could handle it. She believed that I could stand up for myself. Even against... him.
I wondered what changed in me that I wasn't horrified by this realization. Instead, the thought of our upcoming meeting was thrilling, exciting even. It was as if a dark magnetic field was sucking me in. And I couldn't resist.
I checked my watch. It was a quarter to seven. I got up from the chair and took a closer look at myself in the mirror. I fixed my makeup and decided to change it into something more “formal dinner” appropriate. The black lace dress below the knees.
The dark fabric contrasted nicely with my pale skin, and the lace pattern gave the dress a romantic flair. I took a few steps around the room to check if I was comfortable in the new outfit.
Satisfied, I looked at my watch again. I was already one minute late. I took a deep breath and headed towards the door. My heart was pounding in my chest, and my mind was buzzing with anticipation and nervousness. I glanced one last time at the room as if looking for any excuse not to leave. But I knew I had to go through this.
I walked through the hallway as fast as my high heels allowed, heading towards room 64. As I approached the door, I took a deep breath and gently knocked. I tried to calm my racing heartbeat and mentally prepared myself.
A few seconds later, the door opened slowly. Standing in the doorway was James March, dressed in a white shirt and black trousers. His eyes lit up when he saw me, and a sly smile appeared on his lips.
“Darling, you look entrancing.”
"It's good to know I could meet your standards," I replied, unable to hold in a small smirk. 
I stepped into the room, my eyes quickly scanning the surroundings. The room was dimly lit, with only a few candles providing light. A small table was set against one wall, adorned with a white tablecloth and silverware glimmering faintly in the pale light.
James closed the door behind us, his gaze fixed on me. I walked to my seat, but he was faster. "Allow me, darling." James moved around the chair and pulled it out, gesturing for me to sit down. His manners were impeccable. A true gentleman from a past era. It was hard to believe that it was the same man, who rips open girls' guts as a hobby.
As I took a seat, he moved back to his own chair. “Black suits you splendidly, dearest.” 
I felt something like fear settling inside me for the first time in his presence.
“Would you like a drink, darling? I have a great collection of wine. Or perhaps the lady prefers something more exciting?”
"Wine, please. Red," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. I wasn't sure if alcohol would help or hinder this already tense situation, but I needed something to calm my nerves. 
James got up from the chair and walked towards a small cabinet in the corner of the room. He opened it, revealing a collection of various bottles adorned with elegant labels.
He rummaged through the collection, eventually pulling out a bottle of dark red wine. It was an older vintage and had intricate designs.
James grabbed two glasses from the cabinet and returned to the table, pouring the wine into both of them. The dark liquid shimmered in the candlelight, like the blood of his victims.
He handed me one of the glasses, his fingers grazing mine for a moment. His touch was cold and unnerving, yet strangely thrilling.
I took the glass, feeling the weight of it in my hand. I took a sip, trying not to show how much I was shaking on the inside. The wine was smooth and rich, leaving a lingering warmth in my throat. Relax. He can’t harm you. 
James settled back into his chair, taking a sip of his own wine. He watched me silently for a moment, his eyes flickering over my face.
"You seem a bit unsettled, darling," he said, his voice soft and seductive. "Is something troubling you?"
I ignored his question. "You promised to cooperate. What happened to Queenie here?"
"Ah, back to the subject of our friend," he replied, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
He took a moment to swirl his wine in the glass, then looked at me again. "Let’s say, she was a necessary link, unluckily for her. Wrong place, wrong time... I suppose it's not too difficult to guess what happened to dear Queenie."
“You couldn’t kill her. She has a voodoo power and-”
James didn't even bother to listen to the end. Instead, he chuckled again, a cold, humorless sound.
"Indeed, I did kill her," he said, leaning back in his chair. “It was a shame if you will allow me, I have always been interested in bearers of the gift of the dark arts.”
“It’s impossible… No one can harm her without harming themselves too, she is a voodoo…”
James chuckled again, clearly amused by my bewilderment. He leaned forward, resting his chin on his hand.
"Oh, darling, you're a bit slow on the uptake, aren't you?" he said, his tone mocking. “I am not alive, a ghost, if you recall.” His smirk widened.
The realization felt like a blow. I sat there silently, feeling like a fool. Of course. He was a ghost, a creature of the Hotel, our powers can’t harm him. I took another sip of my wine, silently berating myself for my oversight.
“So she is dead?” I asked calmly.
James nodded a smug smile on his lips. "Oh yes, darling," he said, an almost gleeful tone in his voice. 
“And her ghost? Why can’t I feel the presence of her spirit?”
“Souls need peace at first, she is probably trying to cope with what happened, but you will see her soon. In a few days perhaps… It’s just a matter of time before you cross paths with dear Queenie’s wandering soul.”
Suddenly anger fogged my mind.
“And why the fuck haven’t you told me this right when I asked you?”
“Ah, so the kitten is showing her claws, is she?" James raised an eyebrow at my sudden display of anger. He seemed almost amused by my reaction. “As for the reason… Well, it would be silly of me to miss the opportunity to date such a beautiful lady.” He smiled. 
I stood up from my seat and walked toward the door. God, and I have spent all this time in this dump to find out that she is dead.
"Oh, come now," he said, his voice dripping with mock hurt. "You can't just rush off like that. It's impolite to ditch your host so soon."
He moved closer to me, closing the distance between us. "And besides..."
He reached out a hand, gently touching my shoulder, a sly smile on his lips. "The night is still young, darling."
As his hand touched my shoulder, a shiver ran down my spine. But I pushed the feeling away, determined not to give in to his charms.
"The night may be young, but my patience is not," I said, my voice cold and firm. I stepped toward the exit, but he grabbed my hand, stopping me. “Ms. Y/S, it would please me more if you could stay and join me… For a dessert.”
I tried to pull my hand away from his grip, but his hold on me was strong. His words were spoken like an invitation, but I could hear the underlying hint of demand in them.
"Dessert?" I said, trying to sound nonchalant. "And what kind of dessert would that be? Perhaps, the one that requires my dead body on a table?” I said sarcastically.
James chuckled softly at my jest. "Oh, darling," he said, his voice dripping with fake shock. “I assure you, it's nothing so sinister as that. "He released my hand. "Although, the idea of you on a table... Now that is an enticing thought." 
“You disgust me.” I rolled my eyes and reached for the door handle. 
He blocked my way with his figure. “Please, darling, don’t leave. I will not do you any harm, you can have my word.” James slowly took both of my hands in his. “See, if I wanted you dead, I would have mixed something into your drink, don’t you think?” He brought my left hand to his lips and gently kissed my knuckles.
Despite my disgust, a shiver ran down my spine as James took my hands in his. His touch was smooth, almost seductive. I tried to push the feeling away, but his words rang true. If he had wanted to harm me, he could have done so many times already. As he kissed my knuckles, I felt a sudden tug of hesitation within me. I wanted to pull away, to maintain my anger toward him, but his touch was disarming. He is so handsome. I am just drunk.
“I am a man after all. Can’t a man desire a woman’s attention?” He brought one of my hands to his chest, resting it against his heart. "Can you feel it?" he asked, his voice low and seductive.
My head was almost spinning, and I felt numb. James' voice was like a sweet poison, seeping into my veins and dulling my senses. I could feel my resistance weakening, my anger fading. I tried to shake off the feeling, but his touch was intoxicating.
I couldn’t feel the steady beat of his heart, because, well, he was dead, but there was something strangely soothing in this gesture. I couldn't deny it... He did have an effect on me.
James smirked at my half-formed response, his grip tightening around my hand. "Yes, darling?" he prompted, his voice low and seductive.
He stepped closer, closing the remaining distance between us. "What were you about to say?"
“I can’t stay.” My voice was embarrassingly shaky.
James chuckled softly, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "Can't," he echoed, the word lingering between us.
He ran a finger gently down my cheek, his touch sending another shiver down my spine. "But do you want to stay?" he whispered, his eyes searching mine. “You see… I don’t think I could let you go, dearest.”
Our faces were mere inches apart, the space between us filled with tension. I could feel his breath against my skin, his body pressed against mine.
My voice trailed off. Part of me wanted to stay, to let myself fall into this seductive dance. But another part, a stronger part, was screaming for me to leave, to gather my thoughts and regain control over my emotions. He fucking killed hundreds of people. He fucking killed Queenie. 
As my mind fought between desire and reason, James seemed to sense my inner conflict. He smirked, and his hand gently stroked my cheek.
"Such a struggle, darling," he said softly, his voice dripping with mockery. "Trying to decide between your desires and your morals?"
“Mr. March, it’s-”
“Shh…” He put his finger to my lips.
James gently shushed me, his finger on my lips silencing my words. His eyes flicked to my mouth, lingering briefly on my lips before returning to my eyes.
"Call me James, darling," he said, his voice low and intimate. 
I tried to gather my thoughts for a response, but his gaze, fixed on my mouth, made it difficult to concentrate. "James..." I finally managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. “If my supreme finds out about it… I should go.” I broke free from his grip and quickly ran out the door. Strange, but he didn't follow me. 
I continued walking, turning around a couple of times. I could still feel the lingering effects of James' touch on my skin, his words echoing in my mind.
I needed to report back to Cordelia, to tell her about what had happened here and needed to quickly get out of this damn place. I quickened my pace, my footsteps echoing through the empty hotel halls. The further I got from room 64, the easier it became to think clearly again.
As I turned the corner, I saw my own room door. Relief washed over me, and I walked toward it. 
“Crazy night, don't you think?” I heard a female voice behind me. Turning around, I saw a young woman leaning against the wall. Black dress, smudged makeup, ripped tights, and a cigarette between her fingers.
“Who the hell are you?” I asked her, as she slowly walked to me. The woman took a drag from her cigarette, her eyes narrowing as she sized me up. 
She chuckled and exhaled a cloud of smoke. “You indeed are quite the beauty.” The woman gave me a once-over, her gaze lingering on my features. Her eyes gleamed in the dim light as she spoke again. "Now I understand what all the fuss is about," she said, taking another casual drag from her cigarette.
I sighed tiredly. “Miss, I have no idea what you are talking about, now excuse me, but I have to sleep.” As I turned to leave, I felt a sharp pain in my side, just below my ribs. I winced, reaching a hand back to feel the spot where the pain had surged. To my shock, my fingers came back stained red with blood.
"What the-" I started, turning back to the woman in disbelief. 
“Nothing personal.” She said stabbing me right into my chest. I tried to use my powers on her, but nothing happened. The pain was searing. I was helpless. Fear ran through me, and I stumbled backward, trying to distance myself from her. She took another drag from her cigarette, a satisfied smirk on her face. 
Suddenly, everything began to spin. The hallway grew fuzzy around me, and I felt my legs give out. The pain in my chest and side was intense, and I felt myself begin to lose consciousness. I hit the floor with a thud, my head spinning. Darkness threatened to take me. 
I saw the figure of a woman standing near me, watching me bleeding out. The world around me had become a hazy blur, but I could make out a second silhouette near her. I heard a distant voice. Male voice.
“Ah, great work, Sally! I knew that I could rely on you. Now I think you deserve an evening with John.”
“This is the last time I do your dirty work, March.” I heard the woman's answer. 
“Don’t be dramatic, after all, you have just made me the happiest man on earth.” 
The last thing I heard was a soft chuckle. Then everything faded to black.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Will- The Truth Will Always Come Out Pt1
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Trigger Warnings- physical abuse, emotional abuse, drug dealing.
"How did this happen?" April asks cleaning up a wound on my thigh
"I erm dropped a match" April frowns as Will walks into the room "can I go home now? I've got to go shopping, there's no bee... no food in the house and Ryan gets home from work soon and I wanted to surprise him with a meal"
"YN. Your forgetting something, I know you better than anyone else. 24 years YN. So I know when you blink rapidly your lying to me. So tell me the truth how did you get this burn?"
"I told you. I dropped a match. I was lighting a candle. Can I go?" I look at April who sighs
"Yeah. I'll get your discharge papers" April walks out and Will stands with his hands on his hips looking at me annoyed
"What's going on?"
"Nothing. Just drop it"
I arrive home not long later, not being able to go the shops. I hear the front door open then shut
"YN!" My boyfriend Ryan shouts from downstairs. Taking in a deep breath I leave the bathroom after looking at the new cigarette burn mark on my leg "YN!" He shouts again
"I'm coming" I run down the stairs seeing him on the couch "what's wrong?" I ask walking over to him
"Get me a beer"
"Yeah" I walk over to the kitchen and open the fridge up hoping that we have at least one left. We don't. Shit. Nervously I make my way back over to Ryan
"Well where the hell is it?"
"We erm... we've ran out"
"For fuck sake! You have one fucking job!"
"I'm sorry. I'll go and...."
"I'm going out and when I get home there best be beer in the fridge" Ryan cuts me off getting up from the couch. Instinctively I move backwards "fuck sake woman get out of the way" he pushes me onto the floor. I land on my wrist in a funny way making pain shoot up my arm. I watch as Ryan leaves the house slamming the door behind him. I know I should get my wrist checked out, but I also know I'm going to have a lot worse than a sore wrist if I don't get more beer. Plus I have literally just come back from Med and Will is already getting suspicious. Making my decision I grab my purse and head to the store.
An hour later Ryan comes home obviously having had something to drink, but not quite drunk he looks at me stood in the kitchen
"Well?" with a shaking hand I get a beer can from the fridge. I hand it over to him "it's not fucking cold!" He yells throwing the can at me, hitting my stomach
"I'm sorry I only got back from the store 20 minutes ago"
"Why's that? Should only take you 10 to get there and back"
"Babe please I had to walk. My wrist hurts so I..."
"Shut up" he grunts looking irritated "I've got friends coming over in an hour so remember, be seen not heard" I nod my head holding back the tears. I need to get out of this relationship before things get worse.
Just like he said, an hour later he's got a group of 4 'friends' over more like clients. He's doing a deal down stairs. Normally I have to be present to 'sweeten the deal' but for whatever reason today Ryan wants me out of the way. Deciding to stay out of the way I stay upset in our bedroom looking at a duffel bag debating if I should pack and leave in the morning when Ryan has gone to work, but before I can make a decision Ryan walks through the bedroom door
"Downstairs. Now!" Slowly I get up off the bed and start walking towards the stairs. Ryan pushes me against wall. Holding my neck in his hand squeezing a little "why the fuck is Will texting you asking if your ok? What have you told him?"
"Nothing I swear"
"I told you to stop messaging him"
"I-I did. I promise" I say getting scared
"So why is he texting?"
"The burn. I had to go get it checked. I didn't say you did it I promise"
"But that doesn't explain what your getting texts of him" his hand on my neck tightens making it hard to take in a good breath
"He works there. He saw me"
"You are nothing but a worthless bitch. No one would believe you if you told them anyway. Your luckily I tolerate you. I'm doing a good deed being with you" tears start rolling down my face "oh get a grip woman. Your so fucking emotional" Ryan rolls his eyes "get downstairs" Ryan then pushes me down the stairs "so fucking clumsy" Ryan walks down the stairs and over my body. He and his 'friends' laugh as he lets them out of the house. I try getting up by the pain in my stomach and chest hurts to much. After letting the others out ryan finally turns to me "I'm not helping you if that's what you thought. I'm going to bed. Don't worry I'll throw a blanket down for you" and with that he heads up stairs.
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lostfirefly · 1 month
Bugust. Day 21. "Oh." Buggy x Catherine (sorry, this sketch is quite long). Family memories, sadness, sister's love and care.
Ladies and gentlemen, flight Loguetown to Cairo has landed at the international airport. Please proceed to the arrivals area with those meeting you.
Catherine stood on tiptoe, trying to get a good look at the familiar figure among the people, and began to squeal as soon as she spotted her sister.
"Jules!!!! Hi-i-i!!" Catherine ran to her and hugged her tightly. "Finally you're here!! How was your flight?"
"Great! Slept the whole way." Jules looked around the hall. "Where's your beloved clown? I thought you two never parted ways. And you die if you don't hold hands for more than five minutes."
"Ha-ha, very funny, sis. You and your Ethan are together all the time. No, Buggy has business at the circus, we'll see him at home."
"He's probably not happy that I'm here." Jules shrugged.
"Don't say that! He's very happy. And I'm glad you're getting to know each other better. Let's go!" Catherine grabbed the sister's bag and dragged Jules out of the airport.
Catherine chattered non-stop the entire way home, asking her sister what was new in Loguetown, if her room was okay, and how Aunt Ruth was doing.
"Welcome to my new home, Jules!" Catherine closed the door as soon as they entered the hallway. "Buggy's shirt and sneakers are missing. He's not home yet. Okay."
"I have to admit, his place has gotten a lot better since I've been here." Jules went into the room and looked around. "Candles, funny figurines, even your favorite plush pillows. How did Buggy let you buy all that stuff?" She giggled. "He doesn't seem like the kind of person who likes pink fluffy pillows."
"Jules, once you get to know him, you'll realize Buggy's a nice guy. He loves me and takes care of me." Catherine adjusted pillows. "Don't forget! We're gonna see his show tomorrow, remember? Can't wait for you to see it!!" Catherine pulled out her vibrating phone. "Oh! Buggy texted that it's coming soon. We're having--- Why are laughing, Jules?" Catherine narrowed her eyes, looking at giggling sister.
"Buggy? Texted? God! I see mom and dad in this. You always liked that they sent messages to each other." Jules exhaled. "Sorry, but your boyfriend doesn't seem like the type to text. He's kinda.. weird."
"He's not weird! He's kind and funny. Honestly, you look like our father and Buggy's friend now. He didn't like me at first either." Catherine went up to her sister and laid her head on her shoulder. "Anyway, I'm glad you came."
"I need to get to know the guy you left me for at the airport better. No one laughs at home all the time anymore." Jules put her hand on Catherine's head.
"I don't think you and Ethan are sad about this."
"Go to hell!, Cath! And hey, red-haired bitch! Are you even going to offer me a drink?"
They sat in the kitchen for about an hour, happily sharing the latest news. Jules laughed at the cow-shaped salt and pepper shakers and was beginning to feel sorry for Buggy. Though the topic shifted and evolved, their words were laced with the comforting familiarity that could only come from a lifetime of shared experiences and unbreakable bonds. Catherine was showing Jules pictures from last walk when she heard keys jingling in the front door.
"It's Buggy! I'll be right back!" Catherine squealed and ran into the hallway.
Jules, sitting in the kitchen, heard the sounds of smacking lips, Catherine's endless "you're finally home, my love" and the rustling of bags.
Catherine, with a wide smile, led Buggy into the kitchen. "Look, who's here!"
"Hi, Jules." He replied rather stiffly.
"Hi!" She waved back and sipped her wine.
"Well.. Cot-- Catherine. I brought pizza, your favorite Indian food, and lots of booze." Buggy set the bags on the table.
"You're my best!!" Smack. "Sit down, you're tired after rehearsal and stopping by to get everything we need."
Buggy took a beer and sat down across from Jules, who was looking at him intently. "So... How was the flight?" He asked, trying to fill the awkward silence, glancing at Catherine, who was setting the food on the table.
"Not bad." Jules sipped her wine. "So, Buggy the Clown. Somehow, you managed to win my sister over. I don't know how you did it."
"It's his natural charm." Catherine sat down next to Buggy and opened a box of pizza. "Oh, triple pepperoni! My favorite!" Smack. Smack. "You know, I'll get the candles. I'll be right back. Don't kill each other." Catherine giggled and ran out of the kitchen.
Jules followed Catherine with the corner of her eyes and as soon as her sister ran out, she turned to Buggy. "See, I had to come to your house to get to know you." Jules took a sip. "You've let Cath go home so many times, but you've never come with her. I wonder why."
"I'm not a fan of airplanes." Buggy was twirling the bottle in his hands.
"Yep. Either you're in trouble there, and you don't want to show your face there. Either. I don't know." Jules shrugged. "You have someone else here. I mean, the woman."
"What?" Buggy almost dropped the bottle in surprise.
"Buggy, listen, don't get me wrong," Jules crossed her arms, "but I'm asking. No, I'm warning you. Don't hurt my sister. I'll kill anyone who tries to hurt her."
"To kill me? Oh, it will take you a lot of time." Buggy giggled and took a sip.
"You're a funny guy, aren't you? I'm serious." Jules ran her finger along the glass. "My sister... She's all I have. I know Cath loves you very much, and if you break her heart or make her cry for you even once..."
"Hey! I will never do th--!"
(knock on the door)
"Guys! I'm back! Can I come in?" Catherine poked her head around the door. "Thank goodness! I thought you were at each other's throats." She walked slowly into the kitchen. "God, the tension is so high I could cut it with a knife."
Catherine lit the candles, kissed Buggy on the cheek, and took a slice of pizza, sitting in the chair. "Oh, you know, this reminds me of how we were sitting then the first night after our adventure. We went to all the hotels in Cairo, and they were all booked up, so Buggy offered to stay at his place. Damn! Jules, I'm so glad you came!" Catherine squealed. "I want to show you everything!"
While Catherine rambled on and on about life in Cairo, all the circus shows, walks and everything else, Jules watched Buggy and Catherine carefully. The way they looked at each other, how Buggy blushed every time Catherine pecked his cheek or took his hand. How he poured her wine and she put pizza on his plate.
"Oh, Cath!" Jules snapped her fingers. "I forgot! I brought you something from your room. I think you'll like it." She came out of the kitchen.
"I'm so proud of you, my blue-haired love!" Catherine said quietly, looking at Buggy, and kissed him on the cheek. "I know it's hard for you to talk to her, but you're doing great." She tilted her head. "You look tired. I promise you, soon I'll let you go to bed, and we'll just sit quietly in the kitchen. In meantime, accept this." Catherine moved forward a little. "This's my thank you." She pulled Buggy by the shirt and kissed him on the lips.
Jules cleared her throat, entering the kitchen. "Sorry, lovebirds." She laughed and put the box on the table. "Here."
Catherine rubbed her hands with a squeal and opened the cover. "Oh, my God! This is the photo album I collected with dad."
"Yes, I was cleaning out your room and thought to bring it here."
Catherine opened the album. "Look, Buggy!" She pointed at the photo. "That's me and my daddy at the circus. Huh, look what I'm holding. Cotton candy!" She flipped through a couple pages. "Oh, this picture was taken one month before dad died. It's our family picnic. Dad thought the idea of ​​costumes was fun, so there we are all wearing a cow-shape kigurumi. I love that photo, we are all so happy there."
"Do you remember how dad, wearing this costume, chased away some annoying guy from you?" Jules laughed.
"Hah, yeah." Catherine scratched her nose. "Some guy was hitting on me, but I didn't want to be into relationships then."
"Our dad always protected and defended our family. And especially his little beloved Catherine. They had some kind of special connection. He would still protect her. But now I do it." Jules shifted her gaze to Buggy, who looked at her from under his forehead.
"Jules!" Catherine said quietly and turned the page.
"Where's that picture from?" Buggy pointed to a picture of Catherine and her father dressed as archaeologists.
He looked at the photo carefully. Catherine embraced her dad in a warm hug, sitting behind him. The sheer joy and happiness on her face were palpable, radiating excitement and love for this precious moment captured in time. With their arms wrapped tightly around each other, Buggy can see the special bond they shared, filled with warmth and affection.
"Oh, that's nonsense." Catherine smiled. "Dad and I dressed up as archaeologists just for fun and pretended we'd found a real treasure."
"Oh, I remember that day." Jules burst out laughing. "Mom and me laughed at them when they came into the kitchen with makeshift maps and started looking for hidden cupcakes. They studied the coordinates of the kitchen and drew the supposed burial site of the cupcakes. Yeah, Cath was always dreaming of adventures with dad. They'd sit in the backyard for hours, discussing Jules Verne for the millionth time or your favorite, Treasure Island. I never understood what you found in that book. Pirates, treasure. I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up with a pirate. But the circus turned out to be stronger. Right, Buggy?" Jules shifted her gaze to Buggy who looked at her in surprise.
"What?" He asked a little angrily, but he felt how Catherine took his hand and began to stroke it with her fingers.
"Jules!" Catherine said strictly, looking at the pictures. "Yeah.. You and mom always muttered at us when you asked us out for dinner, while we were engrossed in conversation." Catherine ran her hand over the photo. "If only dad knew that his daughter got part of our dream come true. And then she found the biggest treasure of her life." She placed her head on Buggy's shoulder.
"I'm sure he knows, Cath." Jules raised her glass and twirled it in her hands.
"Alright, girls." Buggy clapped his hands. "Let's have a drink instead."
With smiles on their faces and laughter in their voices, Catherine and Jules shared stories, jokes, and heartfelt moments that brought them even closer together. The joy of being surrounded by loved ones and connecting on such a deep level was truly overwhelming for Catherine. Her happiness grew stronger with each passing minute as they delved into topics ranging from childhood memories to future dreams. This simple moment of togetherness was a reminder of just how precious these relationships were for her, and how she wanted more moments like this in the future. Catherine was happy that evening. She was home with her family.
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visceravalentines · 2 months
just a lil note bc good things are good to share too
this week after I got back from vacation I've been determined to not slide back down the muddy hill of horrible day-to-day worker bee hell in a high-stress job. I always feel that way after vacation, but all it usually takes is one shitty day at work and all that shining optimism is crushed like a Christmas ornament under the couch.
but bitch
I clawed myself a human-shaped hole in the week this week. and goddamn it took effort. but it was so so so worth it. I meal-prepped and packed my lunches every day. I got up with my alarm (most days). I did fun things after work that reminded me that I exist outside of my job and that life has beautiful things to offer if you sift around for them. it was murderously hot but I hiked and saw birds and deer and ground squirrels and I sat on a patio and had drinks with friends and laughed and sweated to death. I've been listening to a novel and writing thoughts in a notebook and lighting candles before bed. and I didn't get to all of it and I didn't eat all my lunch and I still worked too much. but I feel like a person on this quiet Sunday morning. I haven't felt like a person in a goddamn long time.
so I guess you do have to do it tired. and do it alone. and do it sore and cranky and kinda crossfaded. but you gotta dig your heels in and do it. even imperfectly. because holy shit I feel awake and every minute I realize that, it's like a revelation. like a surprise. you're awake!! you're alive!! you are!!
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vanosslirious · 3 months
BBS Dialogue Prompts #322
ʙʙꜱ ᴅɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛꜱ & ꜱᴇɴᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀꜱ: [ 13 ]
Goddamn, how am I supposed to clean that?
True, I can just rappel down.
It doesn’t even set up on these walls.
I feel so professional right now.
Bro, stop, I’m on a scaffold, it’s dangerous.
Dude, I don't have my rope.
Wow, it’s like a different world in here.
The outside is still disgusting, I’m going to be 100% with you.
Let me hear it, gimme it.
It’s all downhill...
Might be awhile until I have another one.
I didn’t think it was that close.
I’m sorry, this normally doesn’t happen.
I was literally about to say that.
Put it on the roof!
Yes you can!
Bro, let’s look at the sights together.
Bro, we were supposed to leave it up there, how did you grab that?
You know what, you bring up a good point.
Line it up but right next to me.
You tip zero?
Is that the delivery man’s fault?
Yeah, let’s do this.
Wow, it takes two hits.
Well, now you can show us the way.
I feel like I’m being pranked.
Is it made out of cheese?
Finally one that doesn't work so well.
Ah, fucking get me an audition.
I shot you point blank.
Wait, wait, is there another one?
I have five keys.
This is me and you, old lady.
What did I miss, I literally closed my eyes for a second.
I tried to take her down!
I'm gonna murder this old hag.
Somebody is flying out that window.
You have IQ?
I don't know if that's how it works.
Bro, I can't even explain that, I'm just dogshit.
I'm going back in there, aren't I, for fuck sake.
Time to die, I guess.
He's walking through walls now, sick.
I know he's behind me, fuck this…
Alright, bitch, buy me some candles.
Shut up, stop talking.
How did I win?
How come you didn't message me on my birthday with the calendar?
Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya.
Jeez, you are sick.
Vampires holding guns in general is funny.
I thought you can read my mind.
I drink blood 'cuz it reminds me of kool-aid.
God, just put on a shirt, please!
I'm only 5'10.
He wronged us too many times.
They hit the pentagon.
I sacrificed myself.
Help, I'm gonna die, you fucks.
That's it, I've had enough.
I'm getting hit by everything, bro.
I'm not paying my mortgage until we win.
You guys got about fifteen more minutes for my prescribed Adderall kicks in, and all the wind is fucking flowing in.
Press the fucking button, you dipshits!
Cut him off, it's the last guy, cut him off.
You got this, I believe.
We already qual'd, you dumb ice-cream fuck.
You can, but it's just going to be hard.
I don't know what that means.
I heard a door open.
Get off of the keys!
How do I get out of here?
Now, cut me in on the deal, exactly as you promised.
Wow, that is really difficult.
I'm just gonna go ahead and do this real quick.
Can you carry my body back to the van?
We have forty-two seconds left.
Don't be a hero.
I don't know how to activate it.
What is this bag here?
No, I got it covered.
Hold on, I gotta kill this guy.
That's my title.
Honestly, I zoned out completely.
Watch how bad this guy is.
No one has paid a penny yet.
If it was ten thousand, it would’ve selled.
You guys do whatever the fuck you want but leave me alone.
Stop what you're doing!
Okay, I figured it out, it’s this way.
I'm on top of this man, and he's not dying.
I might have gotten executed in the back of the head.
That was violent.
Wait, just stand still.
This is such a-brother-and-sister-and-guy-we-bought-drugs-from-moment!
Yay, reviving the better player.
We're going for a ride!
How do I not die?
I think the door hit the dog in the head, because there's blood everywhere. 
Oh, I fell over and died.
What did you get, did you get something good?
He's not near the bikes, fuck off!
Dude, he was just with us.
Only the killers can hear dead people.
I think you and I have the best read on our friends, you know, that's why I want to work together.
That fucking guy flopped the fuck over.
He's trying to act all scared around me.
I knew you were a bad boy.
What do you need to help him do?
Why do you ask a question and run away?
He never gonna find me.
I can't kill anyone.
I'm out of ammo.
I lost so many points!
You can teleport through the sewer system? 
Fuck you, how about that, huh, you little idiot!
Really, you're gonna do me like that?
I literally didn't notice you.
Wait, what did I just see for a second there?
Wait a minute, I'm getting eaten!
I don’t think he can hit me.
Maybe he can’t see me.
I’m a spectral anomaly.
Where the hell did you go?
It’s not personal, it’s just you.
There’s a rabbit taking a bath.
This is my nightmare!
Alright, I should be scared.
That’s not what I meant!
I’m in the garage, I just heard her.
Are you just blowing up vaults, dude?
Alright, hacker.
I can't believe they got beyblades in this game, this is incredible.
Oh my God, you can kill them.
Back the fuck up!
This is the heist, motherfuckers.
Hey, knock that shit out.
Make sure they're fucking dead.
Alright, I might've shot him.
Wait, you got the submarine, what the fuck!
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galaxyedging · 1 year
Tumblr media
Sex worker!Max Lord x f!reader.
Warnings: Unprotected sex. A little angst.
Summary: There's that rule about not mixing business with pleasure. What happens when pleasure is your business? Max is about to find out.
Series Masterlist
Max turned your reaction over and over in his mind. It was obvious that control was a big issue for you.
All your interactions were on your terms. Even in the moment, you would control everything. Shifting your body to move him where you needed him. Or flat out ordering him to move. The money you gave him was good. Who was he to question your motives? Friday night rolled around. The scent of coconut met him at the door. The sight of you in your short robe that barely covered anything greeted him. 
"Come on in." The room had a few little candles dotted around. The ambient light was low. 
Max was inside and shrugging off his jacket as usual when you caught his arm. He stopped his movement and he left the jacket in place. 
"I want to apologise, Max. For the other day. It's not an excuse but I spent all day walking a tightrope at work. If I don't speak up I'm freeloading off the ideas of others. If I do speak up I'm a bitch. If I'm friendly I'm leading them on. If I'm not friendly enough I'm a frigid bitch. It's just hard being damned if you do and damned if you don't just because you happen to be female. I wanted to be the one in complete control for once." The longest sigh you let out tugged at his heart strings. "I understand if you want to stop this. There was no time frame in your contract. We can just stop."
Max continued to remove his jacket.
"I can understand how that must be difficult. I prayed on it before, that insecurity that society seems to hard wire into women. I had one steal for me, so I could get what I wanted, just by making her feel seen."
"Wow, it seems like we both have a mean streak. I guess we deserve each other." 
Max's lips parted in a silent question. "Obviously not like that." You waved a hand in dismissal. "Rule two still stands. But, I guess it wouldn't be so bad to loosen some of the other rules I've imposed on myself. I wouldn't mind if you took care of me again. You're a nice guy Max. I can see that. Even if you can't. If you're alright with it, I'd like to keep this going."
"It's more than alright with me."
With that a weight was lifted and you snapped back to your usual, confident self."Good. I was hoping we could try something different tonight."
The coconut candles continued into the bedroom. The scent reminded Max of drinks on the beach in the summer heat. The memories warmed his skin but nowhere near home much your next sentence did."I was thinking I could give you some control tonight." You dropped your robe leaving you bare to him without  a care in the world. "As always I have some rules. No missionary or similar intimate positions. The main one is that you come inside me."
Max's curiosity got the better of him. He decided to push his luck while you were being so open. "Why that rule in particular?"
"I don't know. It just does something for me. Everyone's got something. You clearly have a thing for praise, Pretty Boy." A flush burned his cheeks. "I don't know why you get so embarrassed about it. You are."
"Thank you." He looked even more embarrassed.
"Right, well this is feeling a bit too familiar. You wanna get to work?"
Max had asked a pretty damn good question. What was it about a man filling your cunt with his cum that drove you crazy? Could you still have a breeding kink if you didn't want kids? Was it the sinful waste that called to your lapsed Catholic upbringing? Something about it always felt naughty and wrong, even with you using birth control. The thought occupies you until Max decides he wants to take you from behind. And what a good choice it was. Max certainly knew his way around a vagina. He knew every spot to make you feel good and just how to hit it. He hit the last spot perfectly when he purred "Can I come inside you?"
It was your turn to beg for a change. "Please, Max. Give it to me. I need it."
It felt better than you remembered when he spilled inside you. Two large hands came to palm your breasts as he pulled you up flush to him.
The sounds Max made when he came made you want to double his fee. You had never heard a man get so lost in his enjoyment. He would moan deeply. Whimper your name when your touch was too much, which you made sure was often for Max. Always just pushing him just a little further to hear his panted whines and pleas. It was a rush to have such a man beg for you. 
When Max walked into a room people paid attention. They were attracted to him. Whether that attraction be physical or to his energy. When Max was in his element he could charm the birds out of the trees. You knew he was accused of being some sort of con artist. The details were fuzzy in your memory. It made sense when you saw the two men he was. The confident one he presented to the world was almost its own con. Sure, Max was confident but he didn't think he deserved anything that came with that confidence. The attraction. The admiring glances. The envy. The Max he let you make him during your time together was more comfortable in his skin. Ordering him around, making him beg for you, that seemed to be what he thought he deserved. That's where the aftercare came in, you wanted to show him what he truly deserves.
In your heart, you had so much love to share but no one to share it with. The job you moved her for took up most of your time. Aside from your Sunday night call to your parents, you didn't tell anyone you loved them. There were a few acts of service you did for your female friends at work but even then they had to be kept quiet. There was no room to show weakness if you wanted to move further up the company.
Max quivered, giving a final choked off whine as he pumped the last of his cum inside you. The sounds of him panting and cursing in Spanish made you smile. A smile played on his lips and dragged over your shoulder. He pressed the occasion kiss along the path he traced up your neck and behind your ear. For a moment he just pressed his head to yours, his arms still around you. His cock softening inside you. Post coital bliss settled under your skin as Max settled over it. You should move. This was too close to something more intimate. You would just let him catch his breath then send him away. When Max's breathing settled, you turned your head to dismiss him. That was a mistake. Those captivating brown eyes caught you in them. Caught in their trap you stayed where you were, saying nothing. Just being there, lips hovering so close to him. It wouldn't take much to lean in. To fall into him. To let the feelings in your chest rule over the thoughts in your head. You knew he would be so soft with you if you asked him. Even without being paid. 
The line came into focus. He was being paid. This was a job for him, nothing more. You had bought a service that you needed. 
"Max, why don't you go get a shower?" He looked a little confused. Almost always you had him make you come at least twice, he hadn't even achieved that once, your bare pussy being too much for him, before running him a bath. Reluctantly he obeyed.
Once you heard the shower running, you lay yourself down to finish what Max had started. There was no way you could have his hands on you in your current emotional state. Dipping your fingers inside you felt Max's cum gathered there. A few times you ran your fingers through it aimlessly just enjoying knowing you were full of him.
Max's heavy footsteps on the fall drew you attention. "I'm sorry. I was just coming to ask if you were sure you didn't need anything else."
Fuck, he was pretty. He was naked and willing. And sweet. And charming. And caring. Would it be so bad just to fall a little, to land in his arms? It didn't have to be a marriage proposal. It didn't even have to be for more than one night. Just for once you could be soft. Not just in your care for him but by letting him care for you.
"Take care of me, Max. Please."
His broad form pressed you heavily into the bed as he lay on top of you. The feel of him grounded you. He hadn't stopped kissing you since he climbed on top of you. Your lips tingle from it. His nimble, clever fingers brought you closer to orgasm by the second. 
When you came you moaned a single word against his mouth. "Max."
Gently he worked you through the aftershocks until he could start on another orgasm. "Look at you, letting me take care of you. I know it's hard. You're so strong all of the time. You don't need to be with me. I can be whatever you need."
That was food for thought. Maybe a new contract could be drawn up. One with rules on how far his care was allowed to go. All too soon you were arching into his touch again. "Oh my god. So good, Max. Max. Ahh." The second climax was stronger than the first. It spread through your whole body, systematically wiping out every part of you until you were a compliant mess for him. So compliant that you didn't say a word as he took you to the still running shower. Or even when he rutted his now hard cock against your ass. Or when you guided him inside you to finish again, you combined moans echoing a chorus in the confined space. The silence continued as he helped you dry off and wrapped you in your bathrobe. It still carried on when he slipped you into bed before climbing on top of the sheets and wrapped his body around yours. Sleep found you so fast that night.
The next morning you awoke to an empty bed. A fresh glass of water and one of your legal pads sat on the nightstand. Picking the pad up you looked at the heading, writing in neatly scrawling cursive and underlined.
My new terms.
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duskwoodgirl4life · 2 years
Please Stay With Me
Chapter 9
Jessy's lies where now starting too spiral out of controlz she had now told Richy so many lies there was no going back for her if Richy found of the truth she would lose everything.
Richy was still willing too give her another chance, he was keeping her at arms length he couldn't let him self get too close incase the worst happened. He was sorting through some of stuff and he came across a note book, he picked it up and took a look inside.
He couldn't believe what he was seeing Jessy had been writing down the dates from when she first started too feel unwell.
Richy's POV
Everything she told me that night was a complete lie she told me that I was the farther and that she mixed the dates up how could she do this too me again. I don't think I can ever trust her again first she cheats on me and now this.
He went into the bedroom grabbed a suitcase and packed all of Jessy's things. He got everything that was hers and packed it all up. He opened the front door and left everything outside, just as Jessy was walking up the path she saw the look on Richy's face.
Richy: you evil bitch!! How could you!! You have lied too me AGAIN!!
Jessy: Richy, I never meant too....
Richy: save it Jessy I should never have taken you back it's over for good this time
Richy didn't give Jessy a chance too say another word and chucked the note book at her and slammed the door behind him. He sank too the floor tears escaping from his eyes, he could here Jessy banging on the door begging him too open it. But he just ignored her crys he couldn't face her he began too think of their relationship was all built on lies.
Jake and MC where having a fabulous time away the weather was lovely they where spending their time talking and just enjoying life.
Jake had decided he was going too ask MC too marry him at dinner, while Mac was in the shower he requested a romantic table for two on the beach.
MC: I needed that I feel so much better
Jake: I thought we could have dinner on the beach tonight
MC: aww Jake that's so sweet I'd love too
Jake: perfect, he lightly kissed MC on the lips and let her finish getting ready.
They made their way too the beach, Jake pulled out a chair for MC too sit down. They order their food and have drinks served.
MC: it's such a beautiful night
Jake: not as beautiful as you my love
MC: your such a charmer, are you okay? You look a little nervous
Jake: I'm okay I promise
They both enjoyed a magical evening after they had finished eating Jake took MC by the hand and walked down the beach.
They arrived at a spot on the beach with candles and rose petals scattered all around, there was a blanket for them too both sit on and snuggle
Jake: MC there is something I wanted too ask you
MC: what is it Jake?
Jake takes the box out of his pocket, he gos down on one knee and opens the box.
Jake: MC will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?
MC: yes, I will
Tears of joy running down her face Jake slippes the ring onto her finger and she flings her arms around him. They both sit down on the blanket holding each other close.
Jessy was left absolutely devastated she didn't know what too do, tears running down her face. She knew how badly she had messed up so she takes her phone out of her pocket and calls her brother
Jessy: Phil, I need you please come get me
Phil: where are you?
Jessy: I'm at Richy's
Phil: okay I'll be there in 15 minutes
Jessy hangs up the phone and puts it back in her pocket and sank down too the floor not knowing what too do she takes her phone back out of her pocket and sends Richy a message.
Dear Richy,
I know I have lost you nothing I can say or do will ever make you trust me again, I just wanted too tell you how sorry I am and that I am so in love with you. I know you will find that hard to believe go en everything that I have done. You will forever hold a place in my heart and I truly hope that you are the baby's dad I want there too be an us again more than anything in the world. I have booked a test at the doctor's office too find out who is the farther.
I will always love you now and forever
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skinni-girls-eat-books · 11 months
Thursday November 9th
6am Woke up really well rested! Good!
Got sad when I saw I didn't have any messages overnight. CBT: This is your anxiety plugging emotions into nothing. Nothing has transpired, there's no real reason to feel anxiety, the anxiety is only coming from inside you.
Why hasn't he texted you? He's sleeping and he's a POS you don't need that controlling your energy. You can't control what he does. Reclaim your energy.
What am I thankful for this morning?
- nights rest, stretches, soft blankets, cool fan, and the fact that I have no hw due tonight! Think about that! ❤️
630am I should buy another candle for the bathroom for my showers lol don't know why the last one went so quick
7am tumblr can be a really nice positive space, it's like the only positive social media like that's kinda insane.
8am about to get ready for class, I can't stop thinking about him. I would like to try to not text him today just to see what happens really. I'm afraid he won't notice or not care and just not text me either. Maybe that's what I need. Whatever this is, is clearly not working. Got to leave early enough to get a coffee bc maybe that will distract me. Drink for lunch too, I'm tired of gorging myself and wasting money on food. Just breathe oh yeah I'm going to take a benadryl and maybe that will help with anxiety.
830am I want to text him so bad but I really shouldn't lol. He doesn't care enough to change. I won't say he doesn't care at all, but he doesn't care enough for me to keep doing this. I got an iced coffee and an egg McMuffin :)
11am Daydreaming about traveling over the break. I need to be realistic tho. I know I am able to take off on a flight somewhere but let's be real I probably won't have the time off and money to do something like that. I'll keep it in mind, but I don't want another Disney scenario where I just go completely broke on one adventure, I'd rather do day trips, maybe an overnight if that even sounds like a good idea. I like sleeping in my own bed unless it's for a really good reason tbh. I want to focus on things around here that I don't typically have availability or mental capacity to do. I know I'll have fun regardless. Maybe even do the plasma thing some afternoons or mornings really to fund the adventures I'll have on my true off days. Just thoughts :)
1130am I passed my HIV patient counseling! It says satisfactory in the gradebook! For some reason I can't see my rubric so I started to panic and doubt myself, but now I know I'm not the only one who can't see their rubric, so I'm sure that part is a fluke/ irrelevant :) just breathe and enjoy the passing grades ❤️ if something is wrong, someone will let you know ❤️
12pm lunchtime! I'm getting curry chicken. Journaling is actually helping a lot and made me realize how intrusive and repetitive my thoughts are when I don't write them down. It's like I need a little vent port for these thoughts to fly out of my brain like steam out of a boiling pot of water. Crazy tbh lol.
1pm Ate lunch outside with some friends and it felt great!!
3pm lol I zoned out during the whole Verbal Defense (not mine!) But then he texted me good afternoon so I sent him a picture of my sweet tea, nothing crazy. I won't let him control my evening. I just wonder what is his motive lol. During class I was looking up free and cheap things to do and it's funny how a little googling can come up with a thousand things to do! So much fun to be had in the world :)
4pm he got me looking at my phone for a text back bitch guess what I'm taking a nap just like I planned lmao I'm not waiting around to talk to you wtf. Call me like I asked you to if you wanna talk, I hate this texting shit and he knows that. What am I a high schooler? Texting bs got you into this mess in the first place dumbass. I'm eating a cupcake and taking a nap.
6pm I have woke up from my nap. No messages lol I guess he just wanted to see if I was alive?? Don't know don't care. Nap was ok, cats kept waking me up or micro waking me up I think but that's ok too :) - There's really only one week left of this bullshit I am so proud of myself ❤️ I actually love the idea of NOT burning myself out the last week so that when I leave school I don't necessarily NEED to do that hibernating thing where I feel like shit for 4-5 days afterwards. I'd like to exit my verbal defense maybe take a nap just like I did today to refresh and then shit take myself out for a nice dinner and get dressed up. Instead of getting drunk and passing out, I can do that most other nights after a closing shift 🤣 I want to start my vacay right away with no need to "recover" in such a drastic manner. Let's see if we can make that happen :) I think that also includes NOT avoiding fun things the next week, bc I always avoid fun stuff when I'm stressed as if I'm going to jinx myself, but I think I'm ready to break that curse of "all work and no play." We shall see ;)
9pm A little tipsy but I'm getting my work done :)
11pm I keep wanting to text him because I'm in a GOOD MOOD but when he doesn't reply it puts me in a bad mood....... So solution is simply DON'T TEXT HIM AND ENJOY YOUR GOOD MOOD QUEEN 😂 he's stupid for leaving and he's missing out on this drunken chill fest tbh and one day, I'll have a fuck ton of friends I've acquired through the years of being myself that I can randomly snap my thoughts to and they'll actually reply and care 😂
12am I know I texted him some dumb shit but idc I still feel good and I love journaling and Tumblr. Getting tacos again for dinner bc JFC I did a LOT of dumb shit work today. He's such a loser he can't do shit by himself not even get a taco 🤣 tbh one day I feel like you'll find someone who's gone through what you've gone through and you'll have so much in common and everything will just be EASY. Yeah I'm fucked but I'm not the only one going through this so I know I have an army of ppl out in the world who would have my back in a heartbeat and THAT'S what matters and what keeps me going fr.
1245am What a weird day. I want to keep journaling so bad I think it'll help me alottttt. I texted him a little but it's like it doesn't matter as much as it did previously lol. It's different now. Let's keep it up :)
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therealbuunee · 1 year
"I can't erase you. It's your birthday ! Today would've made 4 years. If we stuck it out. Life happened though and even though things are way better than they have ever been. It's more than that when I miss my friend."  - Kimaa 9:37 am
I get it . I understand
Wyd today?
Idk yet
That's different
You normally already have plans.
Yeah I'm cooling this time around
That's good honestly but it's your birthday you gotta do something!
Nah lol
No fr
You gotta blow candles out today tf
At least do that
Lol nah
📵 Missed Call
I said I'm otp I was gonna call back
📵 Missed Call
Everything after that is far from a mystery we've done this before...
Dinner turned into a walk in the park literally. After drinking and finishing two cups of passion fruit margaritas. I started to wonder if you needed to drink to be around me. Yea it was that obvious. The hookah was far from done and the food wasn't hitting how I thought it would. So I sat and puffed away. I invited you out tonight so the bills on me. Before long we were headed out of CARNEVAL and standing out front really wasn't it for me. I could've gone home from there that would have been fine by me. You asked me how far DOMINO PARK was from where we were. At this point I'm thinking to myself. This is too good to be true. No yelling no cursing eye rolling. No attitude as  calm as can be. From the moment you hopped out that Uber waking across the street in that dress I knew what you came to do. You had changed so much. I had evolved and was afraid to show you. Many things crossed my mind during these short moments with you. Between the phone call to ask me where I was to the instant I laid eyes on you. The eruption of butterflies in my belly grew. I just hoped you wouldn't sense my excitement. No matter how happy I was I refused to tell you. You asked if I wanted to go to the park. Nothing but confusion filled my mind. What's being in that park mean to you ? Til this day I have no clue. Thinking back to the first night we did that I'm pretty sure you remember that night too. How you slept for hours in the car. I stayed up making sure no one would interrupt you. The relaxation over your face as you leaned back in your seat still so close to me. Maybe it was the liquor or the fact that you made me kiss you in front of every body. This kiss was nothing compared to others we've shared many. It was the way you did it lol . I hated the fact that you were actually in there. Spending the amount of time that I did there was nothing compared to growing up there although I spent a lot of time. I guess it would never be the same. You being there is being there together felt wrong. Who were those bitches you brung with you. I wanted to  take you home get you away from there. I wanted to go home too. That night is such a blur ... Amy heart aches alot was going on ! I could taste the tequila on your lips when ours met.  You were drinking. I asked if you drove and you said yeah ! The bitches that came with you I had never seen them before. I knew Thea and Mani Emoni what ever her name is. The one you said smelled like piss. I had already planned to make the gang shirts. I offered you one and all these bitches wanted one too. I didn't like Mani simply became you exposed me to her. I shouldn't have been mad at her I should been upset with you. I have never done anything like that to you . Why would you expose what's yours ?   Why would I expose what's mine ?... We gave each other parts of one another that no one else had seen ! Foolish of me to believe I was special. Mani wasn't even a horrible person. I could feel your energy good bad ugly fake I'm going to know. Playing dumb has its rewards every time. Posted up in front 340 the next generation of red bullies ! Double S Byron My Fave just came home. You walked up the ramp towards us the way you and Shay talked to each other it was as if Footz was there. Nobody else seemed to notice but us. You told me to stay here you'd be back to pick me up. I had no clue where you went. I waited for you until I couldn't wait anymore. Being in that apartment you could feel everything, most of all the hurt the pain was heavy. I wished at times that this could all be a bad dream. When you called me from OT crying on the other end of the phone. You just said you needed me. I put you on mute and begin to laugh to my bros like this shit gotta be a joke.
It's been 51 days since I seen you last I've been trying to burry my mind in just about anything trying to consume so much so that I wouldn't think about us. I'd been trying to figure out in my mind what I would say to you. What could I say to you I could tell you the truth that life has been difficult. I lost my sense of clarity my peace hope all of these things I possessed on my own that seemed to be enhanced by your presence I still love with all of me whole heartedly I still wear my heart on my sleeve and now that your away from me I found a new sense of peace light love and clarity. My hope still lives in you. I knew you were capable I believed our love wouldn't allow you to do it. I could tell from the look in your eyes that day I blew it. I never imagined the day would come where I lost you. I knew at some point in time that I had you. The wall you built was so tuff to break yet hear I was everyday with a bag of tools. I still don't know if I hurt you. 51 days I used you have this thought that I knew you sooo well it turns out I didn't no amount of time could make you or me see the bond we created was soo deep.
I didn't know how I could make what ever you were going through better for you. When you said the words out of your mouth Kima I need you ! I knew something had to happen but what. You told me what was going on and like a ton of bricks the weight of the world seems to be on my shoulders. I hurt because you hurt 😢. I wanted him to wake up too ! Nobody deserves for their life to be taken from them too many people in the world playing GODS. We talked all night you seemed to relax a little more after each conversation. When you needed me just like Superman I'm your savior.
Later that night ⓑ
Well in this case it had to be the patron. She told me to look for a room. I wanted to so badly say no. Whenever we go down this road it never ends well, your phone was already dead for almost an hour and my phone would die soon. We both looked and looked  you told me you knew a place after calling the we drove toward downtown and I'm thinking to myself why am I always in the position with you. I parked your car across the street and you came back to tell me you had the key. As we made our way up in the elevator. I wanted nothing but to finally get some sleep. You took a shower It took everything in my being not to get inside of there with you. Getting out and climbing into bed with nothing but a towel I decided I'd go shower too. While in there you came inside and drew a heart on the glass shower door. As the heart begins to drip downwards I rinse my body off  grab a towel and made my way out to the room. I have no idea how long I took in there but when I came out your eyes were closed and you seemed to be asleep. I'm not afraid of the dark anymore and that's all thanks to you. Turning on the small light near me I wrote in my notes and asked myself how could you?  I laid down beside you and my body just seemed to have some type of magnetic attraction to you as I climbed in bed and got under the covers. I could feel you move closer to me realizing I had nothing on. You held me closer haven't slept in a bed with you in a while. It wasn't abnormal for me to find comfort in your arms. Early that morning I felt your hand on my thigh as you pushed my legs apart I felt myself dripping for you. My body always reacted this way to you before I'm not surprised. I felt like I could explode just from being touched by you my body was on fire. You rubbed my Clit before sliding one finger then you added another slow and then you kissed and sucked on my neck. I woke up to this. As I felt your lips on mine I couldn’t control myself I let soft moans out. Nobody ever made me feel this way. Maybe I love you … I could feel the way my heart beat as if it would beat out of my Chest. I was almost there. A couple more mins and I might’ve came crazy in that room but your phone rung and you stopped !!! If I had a dick I would have blue balls. Why tf would you tease me that way.
0 notes
the-slasher-madame · 2 years
So I’m sneaking my phone out rn because dear lord my dysphoria is so bad. I was wonder if you could do the Sinclair brother, Thomas and RZ Michael helping a ftm s/o dealing with dysphoria? Thank you so much
I am so so sorry :(
I'm genderfluid, but I don't feel a whole lot of dysphoria, but what I have felt was horrible. And most of my friends experience it and it hurts watching them hurt. I'm sorry dear heart, I'll do my best to have a present for you <33333
TW/Notes: gender dysphoria, trans masc/trans man reader, mentions of violence (it's slashers, what do y'all expect?), cursing (but I think y'all are used to that by now lol), probably OOC but again, that's just how I roll here, let me know if I missed anything!!
Bo Sinclair:
Poor thing will take a while to understand
While I am 10000% in the camp that headcannon him as bi or pan, and I think Vinny is some shade of not-cis, Bo is still new here. And a little outdated
HOWEVER, he will defend your honor like a rabid dog. He'll hear someone misgender you and will kill them, brutally, slowly, and will not allow them to be waxified. He gets so pissed at himself when he messes up on your pronouns
Along with all that, I think he would be a little confused and not understand dysphoria. He's like "you said yer a boy, whyoncha feel like it?"
If that's the final straw and you start crying, his entire thought process is 'shit shit shit shitshitshIT'
He hates when you cry and he wants to put himself in the Wax Chair when he makes you cry
I love the idea of this man comforting me while I cry and shushing me
Once you explain that your brain is a little bitch as well as the fact that your body just feels wrong sometimes, he understands a bit better; he understands very well what it's like to feel that your body is wrong
He tries so hard to help you on days that it gets unbearable. He makes sure that if you bind, it's safely and whatever you bind with is clean. He steals every piece of masc clothing from the victims (even if it's definitely not the right size). He helps you keep your hair styled how you want (bringing in Vincent to help).
Bo would also help with when you needed to shower but didn't want to look at yourself. A couple of candles and himself, of course, to try to solve the issues
He's also there for all the hardest times, when you just wanted to cry. He always had reassurances ready for you, and never failed to remind you that you were his man
Vincent Sinclair:
I think he understands the most
I am firmly of the belief he goes by he/they, and I won't take criticism
Or is a gender non-conforming man, or non-binary, or demiboy
I think y’all get what I’m saying, he’s a masculine entity but they aren’t a man
He’s the best for helping you feel comfortable
He is the King of soft, god I fucking love them
He might mess up once or twice, but he’s like really good at getting your pronouns right. Sometimes it feels like they’re more accurate than you
If you don’t want to see feminine clothing? He will actually burn any feminine clothing in the house
While I absolutely agree that they’re co-dependent on Bo, Vincent will not hesitate to lose they’re shit on either brother for misgendering you or being rude. This man would eat straight wax for you ngl
ALWAYS READY TO LISTEN!! If he smells the most tiny bit of sadness or bad feelings, he has a cup of tea (or your favorite drink) prepped and a spot in his lap that hey, wouldn’t ya know, is you sized
They will do anything in his power to learn to make you binders. And he will not let you wear it for too long. Like exactly 8 hours later they materialize at your shoulder and politely ask you to take it off
They could and will spend days showering you in affirmations and validations. You are his man, their handsome boyfriend, and he loves telling you as much
His art of you is always perfect, always shows how you feel, and he tries so hard to show you how he feels and how he sees you in his art. However, they’re also understanding if it’s not helpful when you feel super dysphoric
Another one that’s more than happy to shut off the lights and shower you. They won’t let you lift a finger, pampering your body with all possible bath products in the house
I think they’d both sew you clothing and let you pick out anything you want from the victims. Would also threaten his brothers to buy you things in town
Did I mention they get exceptionally brutal with people who misgender you?? Like I love the idea he get’s very brutal and cruel in his art, but dear sweet jesus on a breadstick anyone who hurts you, physically or emotionally, will be kept alive for weeks and will die horrifically
Loves styling your hair <3, cause he definitely has to cut and shape the hair of finished tourists
Lester Sinclair:
I love this himbo, like I don’t care what anyone says he’s sweeter than sugar
Also like the idea of him having a dark side
Ok moving on to the, you know, request
Y’all remember how in Steven Universe, Blue said “she prefers to be called Steven”? That’s the vibe I get from him. He’s confused, but he’s got the spirit
ofc he makes mistakes, but he tries so so hard and feels so so bad when he messes up
It hurts him seeing you have to feel this way, definitely the boyfriend who cries when you cry
Firmly believes in the healing power of cuddles. Somehow cuddles you extra hard when you feel really dysphoric
I think I might’ve seen this somewhere else, but he when you’re with him and he’s picking up tourists, he will stop the car if someone misgenders you. Full stop, brake petal to the floor, full body turn towards whoever just spoke, and pulls out the Southern Politeness. The politeness that us southerners use when we want to kill someone
“Well, ma’am, if you’d like to keep ridin in my truck you best apologize to the young man who accompanies me.” He’s used to people being bitchy to him, but will not tolerate it directed towards you. I fully believe he has put people out of the truck, driven to Bo, and told him there were some target practice out about a mile or two away. Will refuse to let the twins waxify the rude tourists
Listens to you and tries his best to validate you, even if he doesn’t completely understand. Will do anything to make you feel better
Always always always buys you masculine clothing, even splurging on you (even if you insist he needs some clothes, he’ll just say, “naw, darlin’, I’m jus fine.”
I’m a slut for close intimacy that isn’t necessarily sexual, so he’d be more than happy to shower with you in the dark or make you the BIGGEST bubble bath possible
NOOO HE’D SIT JONESY DOWN AND EXPLAIN THAT “Y/N’s a boy, alright Jonesy? He’s one of the boys and we gotta treat him as such”
Does worry about when you bind, he’s read up on it and he worries about you getting hurt, but either way he will send you friendly reminders when it’s been 8 hours and very carefully washes what you bind with
Thomas Hewitt:
The Hewitt family is one of the few Christian families that live in Texas I would love to be around (I’m sorry, I have a thing against Texas and I’m suspicious of most Christians concerning my status as a queer person with a uterus in America)
Ok yea, it takes the whole family a little while to get used to everything, but Thomas and Luda are accepting and try to understand. They will also criminally assault Hoyt if he is dick
If Hoyt misgenders you, and if he does it on purpose, he better pray. Thomas will turn on his Extra Scary Mode and Luda will pull out a cast iron skillet she has set aside specifically for dealing with Hoyt
Thomas might make mistakes, but at the same time he doesn’t talk so I think that would affect how often he accidentally uses the wrong pronouns
Also, how much interaction does he have with gender and social norms?? I could see him not understanding why people think it’s a bad thing
Someone is a transphobic wad of dick cheese? Won’t eat that person, straight up won’t. Hell, he might not leave enough to eat
He keeps an eye on you and your binding, but I don’t think he’d be like Vincent and come forth from the shadows to remind you it’s been eight hours (at first at least). But he would try to find patterns to make you binders and makes sure they’re washed properly
He is a master seamster. Sews you clothes that are masculine and that fit and flatter you perfectly. You swear he uses magic when sewing you clothes because how can they possibly be this fitting and help you look so much more masculine??
Will do anything you need to feel better, from cuddles to clothes to tea. Would try to find advice from Luda on how to help you, and she’d tell him what kind of stuff usually helps people feel better, but she doesn’t know exactly what to do either
Would treat you in baths and showers, doing his best to distract you from how you feel with your body
He may not understand completely, but whew boy does he know what it’s like to have body issues. He understands that much, at least, and he aches that you feel similarly to the way he has his whole life
He doesn’t speak often, or like at all, but he’d give you a few words of validation and reassurance that he knows you’re a man, and that he sees you as a masculine individual, and that he loves you no matter what
Feels comfortable enough now to explore his gender
RZ! Michael Myers:
While this man is by no means a child, I don’t think he has a full grasp of gender (at least the way other people think he should)
Like come on y’all, he was locked up as a six year old child and didn’t get the whole experience of ya know,,, being raised (I will forever quote the person who said that Loomis’ degree was written in crayon, cause they were right)
So anyways I don’t think he really understands gender as like the rigid structure so many people think of it as. Like I know for me gender is just kinda weird. Like some sea animal with no shape, or mystery meat that shivers when you poke it
And thus he doesn’t understand transphobia at all. Like bro how does a person telling you their gender affect your life that much??
And along those lines, he may not fully understand dysphoria. His thinking is “you know you are boy, you have told me (the most important person in your life) that you are boy, so therefore you are boy”
THAT BEING SAID MY RZ MIKEY IS SOMFT AND TRYING HIS GODDAMNED BEST ALRIGHT?!!!?!??! He uses his lil 6th sense for gauging emotions to keep an eye on you and is by your side the second he detects a change
Bless his heart he’s a cat. Stares at you, will try bringing you things, and just shows up when you cry. He could be on the other side of the city, but he knows when you cry and will hightail it home
You have to warm him up to cuddles, but once you do his is always always ready
He kind of assumes you know how best to handle binding, but he will still keep an eye out and start to nudge you if you’ve had it on too long
This man doesn’t clean, he’s no help cleaning your binder, BUT he will bring you masculine clothing from a victims house...you just may need to use some lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide on it because I don’t think it was originally that shade of red
I think he’s more a bath person, and would love to try and return the kindness you show him by giving you a bath when you feel dysphoric. Might add too many bubbles, but he figures the more bubbles = the easier to hide under
Back to transphobia: he either kills them especially brutally, or really quickly because they don’t deserve the time of day. It depends on how badly they pissed him off. If someone misgenders you on purpose, you will see their face on the news the same day Mikey comes back with his coveralls soaked and pieces of flesh spattered onto his figure
He’s the kind of guy that you have to show him what to do at first to be helpful and validating, but after that he’s good to go. Give him a break he was never properly socialized as a child :(
Also understands the body issues (very few slashers don’t if I’m being honest) and will try to show you what helps him: making masks. He can be persuaded to extend that to making art
Another one that’s a masculine entity but not entirely a man in the traditional sense. He too thinks gender is a shivering mystery meat ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Alright that’s what I’ve got!!! Again I’m so sorry Ziggy :((( I hope you feel better, and if it helps any you’re definitely one of my slasher tumblr crushes <333333
I will also brutally murder anyone who misgenders you, just hit me up and I’ll grab my bat
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Kinktober Day 21 Candle Wax
Selina Kyle X Reader
Tags: 16+ | 1.7k words | jealousy, swearing, almost black widowing, theft, candle wax obvi, and well no sex? I don't know, girls just hit different sometimes and I feel soft about them. 
Tumblr media
AN: Zoe Kravitz as catwoman has me in my feelings and I'm burned out on Rick Flag for the time being. 
You knew Selina in her pre-cat burglary days. Before she was robbing bankers and museums blind, she stole cars from parking lots and took them out for joy rides. 
You've met every single one of her boyfriends– from the kindergarten crushes to her first homerun to her "long standing" back and forth with a foreign exchange student. You always thought she had a type– rich, usually white, and stupid. 
Damn it if you weren't basically obsessed with her. That's how your parents described it anyways, but they didn't understand you growing up and they don't understand you now. Yes, you would jump off a bridge if she asked you to. Because she would be right there with you, holding your hand and screaming the lyrics to a cheesy song as you took a deep drink in the briny water. 
She's your ride or die and that's why the boyfriends never really bothered you. They could never have what you two have, never achieve that level of devotion and commitment that the two of you had forged naturally through thick and thin. 
But you had started rolling your eyes whenever she said the name of her latest sucker and Selina was starting to notice. "What? What's so bad about this one?" 
"He's such a douchebag!" He's truly awful, a spoiled brat that made Veruca Salt look tame by comparison. "He's not even in the will, Seline, they took him out of it when his baby brother was born." 
Selina nodded. "And his brother will inherit the family fortune if Mr and Mrs. Whalen bite it but Charlemagne is going to inherit the key to his grandmother's jewelry box." 
"That the fuck are you going to do with one jewelry box??" 
Selina did not rise to your attitude, she simply replied, "you'll see. I have a plan, sugar, and it's working perfectly." 
You acquiesced and let Selina work. It's just what she does, you reason, she tricks people into getting her close to their riches and robs them. She's not stupid, she's scheming. 
And she's hardly in love with this American Psycho Yuppie. 
She found you sitting in your little rooftop nest with fairy lights and blankets for walls playing animal crossing. 
"Girl you were right." 
"Oh?" Selina hated admitting she was wrong. "Do tell in great detail, please." 
The woman rolled her eyes and sat down taking the handheld game from your hand and starting the save function. "Soooo… Grandmother Whalens passed away this weekend." 
"Damn," you say, "bad for him but good for you…?" 
Selina sighed. "Well it would have been if not for some fine print in her will which stated that even though Charlemagne is supposed to inherit all of her jewelry, there is one person who can veto that decision." 
You nod. "His mother." 
"His cousin," she said. is great-great aunt Marlene Arnold. A person he has literally never even heard of until yesterday." 
You whistle in awe. "That has to sting." 
"Do you wanna know why she vetoed such a seemingly harmless inheritance?" 
You raise an eyebrow. "Come on Selene you're killing me, we don't have all night." 
She was smiling that toothy smile that either meant she was truly amused or deeply enraged. "A fucking pissing match." 
"Marlene has beef with is dad's brother and just to piss him off, she vetoed Charlemagne's inheritance and plans to bury his grandmother with every piece of jewelry except for a pair of cuff links." 
Your jaw drops. "That is un-fucking-believable. No seriously that is petty as shit, girl, I mean– I do not like that brat by any means but holy shit he does not deserve that." 
Selene laughs until she falls against the stack of pillow, breathless. "I know! What a fucking bitch…" 
You lay against the pillows beside her, looking up at the tent display of gathering sheet fabric and gold lights. Selene is quiet for a while and all you can hear is the idle music from your game and the city streets and sirens. 
"You know I was doing it for you…" she said. "Grandma Whalen she uh… she had this necklace that I thought would look amazing on you." 
You roll your eyes. "All that for a necklace? Bullshit." 
Selene chuckled but her heart wasn't in it. "You're right, you know? Not about that but… I don't like them. These guys I mean...
"Not like I like you." 
You almost don't want to acknowledge it. How long had you pined for her, seemingly unnoticed? How many times have you watched her start relations with ulterior motives and leave them heartbroken in dust? What was her endgame here? 
You feel… a sort of anger rise in you. It feels like teasing but she's hit a truly sore, infected spot in your psyche. You're contemplating getting up to just leave and never come back when the entire city of Gotham turns black in the blink of an eye. 
You're afraid for a moment you've gone deaf and blind until you hear the squealing of tires,  breaking glass, and Selina whispering "what the fuck?" 
You sit up and blink a hundred times. Nothing. "Are you OK, Seline?" 
"I'm fine, are you…" 
You reach over her and grab your danish cookie can of emergency supplies. "I have candles and matches. Here–" 
There's a flicker of light in the pitch black that almost blinds you. When your vision clears, it's just Selina with a lighter. She looks at you like she wants to say something but she changes her mind. 
You trade her the lighter for some tea lights and candle holders. You light each of them one at a time and take the tent walls down until the two of you are surrounded by warm candle light on the rooftop. 
Selina checks the radio and finds an emergency broadcast warning of a massive power outage. 
"Probably another supervillain." You roll your eyes like you're bored and it makes her laugh. 
Seline's quiet for a second before she asks hesitantly– " are, uh, you gonna say anything about–" 
You shake your head. "I'm… I'm not ready to have this conversation right now." 
You look away because you can't stand to see the disappointment she can't hide. Your winter jacket becomes a little too warm and you take it off, leaning back on your hands and looking up at the stars. 
"Holy shit, Seline," you whisper, "I bet Gotham sky hasn't looked like this since the fucking dinosaurs." 
The sky is streaked in gold and purple and white. Stars big and small dot the sky horizon to horizon, innumerable and unknowable. A photograph could never truly capture the depth of its beauty. 
Selina has no interest in a rare starry night because she only has eyes for you. 
"That's a new shirt, you go somewhere nice?" 
You look at her incredulously. "I went to that new nightclub on 5th. It's a mile high, pervy Pete let me in VIP for a couple of homemade beignets." 
Selina hums. "The ones with the powdered sugar and honey?" 
You scoff. "You ever know me to make 'em any different?" 
She chuckles longingly. "You right, you right. Why mess with a perfect formula and all that." 
When the laughter dies down you assume its the end of it and go back to stargazing. Selina isn't finished though. 
"It looks good on you. That shirt." 
It's hardly a shirt. More like a bandeau with mesh sleeves. It's making you cold even. You lay back on your jacket and feel the tickle of the fur lining the hood. You wish you could stay here forever, with Selina and pretend like all that other shit doesn't bother you more than you let on. 
Speaking of the devil, she leans over you with a mischievous look. You glare at her but can't decipher right away what's so funny. 
"Can I help you?" 
Selina holds up a white candle with wax melting down the sides. "$2000 says you won't let me draw a rose on your skin with this." 
You open your mouth in shock. "You're nuts. You're an insane person and I know for a fact you do not have $2000." 
"Pussy," Selina teases. "I'm good for it. Have a stash at my old man's place, brick in the wall. Come on…" 
Fuck it. What do you have to lose? You'll hardly get third degree burns from candle wax. "You better be good for it. Good at it." 
Selina chuckles evilly and tips the candle over the holder to get rid of the excess before using it. Now that you're in it you're not sure– 
"Hsssss!" You bite your lip to hold in the HOLYFUCKINGMOTHEROFJOSEPHTHATSFUCKINGHOT that wants to burst forth from your chest like a xenomorph. 
She knows it too and smiles like the cat that got the cream. "You tapping out?" 
"Better be a rose, you bitch," you grunt and brace your hands against the seam of your jeans. 
Selina continues to drip candle wax on your chest, just between your collarbone and along the top of your breast. It fucking burns, you can feel her trying to spiral it in an outward pattern growing larger and large. She sits on your lap for a better position and you unconsciously settle your hands on her hips. 
"You're doing so well," she praises, "almost there… feel free to choke at any point." 
"Fuck you." 
You win. You know you've won when she gives up and admires her handy work. "Got a mirror?" 
Selina takes out her phone and takes a picture instead. It is immediately made her lockscreen, which replaces her previous lockscreen of you drunk dancing on a minigolf court in a tutu and leather jacket. You take a look at the wax art and… "Nice fucking job, Michaelangelo, it's a blob." 
"Hey! It's a rose!," she pouts. 
"It's a shit rose!" 
"Fuck you–" 
"No fuck you– " you were laughing and tickling her sides when she leaned down and kissed you. 
Selina sits back up slowly and gives you a calculated look to see if she just fucked up but you can't bring yourself to mind anymore. 
"No more rich idiot boyfriends," you tell her. "Let's just steal cars and paintings, ok?" 
Selina nods. "Deal. Hey you know I have some safe candle wax in my room... it burns at a lower temperature and we can out it anywhere..."
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empyreanwritings · 3 years
Could I request like a Friday the 13th type thing? Like you know how in the game you're trying to survive Jason? Could I get a reader x yelena with that? I don't really have a full idea on what it is, but I'm gonna leave it up to you, bby! 🥰
Warnings: mentions of killing, minor blood, and injuries.
You weren't sure how you got here. One moment you were drinking at the local bar, and the next you were getting a pillow case ripped off your head in the middle of an abandoned campground.
You thought it was a prank. So did the seven other strangers who were dropped off with you. But when someone in a hockey mask far too similar to Jason came out and killed the closest person to him, you realized this wasn't a prank. This was some sick serial killers fantasy, and you had to figure out a way to survive.
The power had been cut off to the cabins, but the candles on the walls gave off a faint light. You couldn't see much, but it was better than nothing. There was a car parked just outside, so you hoped you'd be able to find the keys somewhere in the cabin closest to it.
"I already checked the drawers." You jumped at the sudden voice. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
Yelena sat in a chair in the corner of the room, one hand gripping a machete and the other pressing onto a wound on her abdomen. The killer must have gotten a good slash on her.
You quickly moved to help her. You were lucky enough to find a med kit in one of the other cabins, and you stashed a few packets of gauze in your pocket just in case. Clearly that worked out in your favor now.
"What the hell did we do to deserve this?" You murmured as you lifted her shirt to see the slash.
"I don't know. I'm Yelena, by the way." You told her your name, and she smiled. "I wish we could have met under better circumstances."
"Do you think there's any way we can get out of this?"
She nodded. "We can kill him, but he's strong. We're gonna need a few of the other people to help if they aren't dead already."
"But we can do it together," you replied with a new sense of determination.
If some son of a bitch wanted to get his rocks off by killing you and these other strangers, you were going to give him hell. And now you had a friend to do it with.
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