#good luck finding them.
godrent · 1 year
no mourners, no funerals. / yami bakura playlist.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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The squad of all time has arrived on scene.
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spitblaze · 13 days
If you’re gonna care about prison abolition and justice you are necessarily going to have to care about the people who DID do those crimes and just want to reintegrate and live a normal life without hurting anyone. You're gonna have to be cool with the fact that the guy scanning your groceries might’ve raped someone. You're gonna have to relax about the possibility that your bank teller used to be a career criminal. The person sitting next to you on the bus might’ve committed three different murders, and as long as he's not about to commit a fourth right now, that's not your fuckin' problem. People don't disappear from society after they commit crimes, and most of them really just want to live a normal, stable life instead of going back to that. And the best way to make sure they don't relapse is to ensure they're able to live that peaceful life instead of freaking out because the guy next door used to run a dogfighting ring. You don’t have to be friends with them, you don't even have to like them, but you're gonna need to be okay with them existing in society. Sorry.
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4pondsinabox · 1 year
No wonder Dungeons and Dragons Honor Among Thieves hasn’t taken over the collective hive mind of Tumblr, there are so many tag variations to keep track of and even I think it’s a ridiculous amount of work to sift through them all. Just in the reblogs of my own post I’ve seen people interpret it as dndhat, d&d hat, honor among thieves, dungeons and dragons honor among thieves, dungeons & dragons: honor among thieves, D&D movie just to name a few
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goatpaste · 6 months
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I think Charming Man should be put into a Highlights Hidden Image page for his enrichment
[Commission Prices][Etsy][Buy me a Kofi]
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lyculuscaelus · 1 month
Meet the characters… (EPIC version)
Odysseus "Nobody" Laërtiades, "#1 Penelope Simp": just a man; loves his wife and son; raining reigning king of Ithaca; shorter than Agamemnon; making his way back home but always seems to get into more trouble; rawrs or hoots depending on his mood; equipped with Schrödinger’s braincells
Eurylochus, "Ctimene’s #1 Husband": Odysseus’s second-in-command; doesn’t have his own instrument; likes bags; doesn’t like witches or torches
Polites, "Teganites": good with open arms; used to have blood on his hands; always survives what he gets into
Perimedes, "The Lord of Comfort Zone": good with babyyeeting; aromantic for everyone else except Polites; good relations with Polites (especially) and Elpenor; depression therapy on the lotus-eaters’ island got canceled by his captain
Elpenor, "The Fallen": loves wine and Perimedes
Pallas "Somebody" Athena, "Badass Señorita": patron of nobody; goddess of wisdom, master of war; tilts her head very often; #1 OdyPen shipper; has a scary shield
Telemachus Odysseïdes, "Little Wolf": born far from war; does battle from afar; not Odysseus’s daughter; the little wolf who bites; has a roommate™ later on
Penelope "Duck" Icarione, "Banana Peel": weep, weave, wait
Hermes "Trickster" Atlantiades, "Breaker of Fourth Walls": invents phones and the text message; always slays in discos; professional root dealer; divine messenger, tour guide in the Underworld, patron of travelers, lord of thieves, good shepherd, trustworthy businessman; world’s greatest great-grandfather
Poseidon "Forkman" Kronides, "The Muffin Man": good with gps; doesn’t get pissed off very often; master of horses, god of tides; actually has more lovers and kids than his brother; #1 Odysseus hater
Zeus Kronides, "The Judgment Call": his Honor, master of the heaven, king of gods, bringer of thunder, collector of cloud, protector of strangers, player of birds; good relations with women and boys; has a scary shield; likes to torment Odysseus’s mental health
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"Come get your child." Robin stared incredulously at this...entity? Being? He was a child himself, how could he possibly have a kid of his own.
The creature huffed, seeming very put out by the young vigilantes confusion. "What is there to not understand? Your child has been running wild in the Infinite Realms for a while now. Ever since that portal exploded hes been taking his emotions out on everyone!" The thing said, throwing her hands into the air, "And you!" Robin stepped back a pace or two when he suddenly found a very sharp claw in his face, "I had to do a lot of searching to even find you! What kind of parent are you?!"
"I'm not."
The entity opened and closed its mouth a few times like a fish before suddenly becoming furious, "Its no wonder hes like this when his gardian has so little interest in him! Did you know the other day he plugged a liquor bottle with a cloth and lit it on fire? I don't even know where he got it, but he lit the cloth and yelled something like, "mazzle toff" and threw it at my own adult son!"
"When my little boy burst into flames do you know what he said to me?"
"...no, but I feel like you're going to tell me anyways."
"I'm sorry ma'am I wasn't expecting there to be that much fire."
"That much? So he fully intended to set someone ablaze but the amount of fire is what troubled him?"
"Yes!" She growled, exasperated, "Please come get your child as soon as possible! Hes terrorizing the whole dimension!"
Damian found himself staring at open space the woman had occupied previously before contacting Oracle through the coms, "Did you get all of that?"
It was Grayson that spoke, "Every word."
Aka Danny has a lot of misplaced aggression and kinda terrorizes parts of the GZ. Unfortunately for him hes a clone of one of the bats (weather or not you want it to be Damian, Project R or someone else that hes cloned from is up to you) and they're coming to him to assess if he's an evil clone or mindless or whatever.
Too bad Danny sucks at first impressions.
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avocado62524 · 3 days
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bossuary · 1 month
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a year ago, today.
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yaoifuldnp · 6 days
also what i love about dnp is the fact they embrace that a large chunk of their audience is made up of women, they love it, most ppl tend to like ridicule female fans and see them as smth cringe but dnp do not care they love everyone so so dearly
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breezemoonriver · 1 month
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I’m back posting art baybeeeee!!
I’ve been dealing w/ art block since around May and this is from way back in March but eh happens xD
This was originally supposed to be a color key but then I got too into it and fully rendered it :3 try to spot all the symbolism(especially in the stained glass)!
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ixesese · 2 months
UTY MISTAKES. Reference sheet #1
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neonhellscape · 16 days
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youre disturbing them
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datshitrandom · 22 days
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Favorite Fanfics (109/?): Leaps and Dives by @annepi-blog | illustrated by @esilher
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luhvey-duhvey · 7 months
I need to speak on this because it’s happened far too many times and seems to be a recurring pattern with Fusebox.
It’s really shameful and disheartening to see how often Fusebox puts black women characters into couples with people that don’t actually like them, and proceeds to villainize them in the eyes of MC/other characters in the game.
We’ve seen it in S2 with Hope being loyal to Noah then getting disrespected by him when he confessed to MC in the end.
We’ve seen it with Grace in S6, sticking with Ozzy although he’s disrespected her and clearly wasted her time by staying with her when he was pining for MC all along. And even when he does tell her he’s not interested anymore, she does everything in her power to “win him over” instead of allowing her to rightfully look elsewhere for love.
And if you’re going the Jin route in S8, it happens with Luna. Jin doesn’t want her but he sticks around to spare her feelings. She embarrasses herself trying to win him over only to get booted off the show.
Next, they love to turn them into the “mean ones” by getting upset with MC/defending their relationship when romance (often initiated by the one they’re coupled up with) strikes.
Then they’re the enemy and everyone is waiting for them to be voted out of their game.
Yeah, sure, they’re just characters. It’s just a game. But it blows my mind, especially seeing this as a black player, that time and time again they’ve done this with the black women characters in the exact SAME way:
1. Couple with someone that’s not interested
2. argue/be a jerk to MC/refuse to take hints that their love interest doesn’t like them
3. do acrobatics to win said love interest over
4. get heartbroken, kicked off
If you’re going to put black women in your show, is it too much to ask them to be respected? To be deserving of a happy ending too? Reflect on how you’ve been representing black women, Fusebox.
Then do better.
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neonredhex · 8 months
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January 2023 Lemres vs October 2023 Lemres
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