#good lord. second long post in like 30 minutes lol
l3irdl3rain · 15 days
Cat update for the cat’s left behind at my sister’s new house. I got some more info. One was left behind by the upstairs tenant when she moved out. He was on my sister’s porch this morning crying to be let in. I went over to try to find him today but he didn’t show his face for me. I left a carrier for my sister so if that happens again she can see if she can grab him and put him in the carrier. Otherwise I’m going by again this weekend to see if I can find him.
The super pregnant mama I saw over the weekend has unfortunately given birth. I regret not just grabbing her then but my sister was still moving her stuff in and I didn’t want to risk making her neighbors hate her by taking someone’s cat before they’d even brought all the boxes inside. I think I know where the kittens are but I can’t possibly get to them so I can’t take Mama for now without making them starve to death. My sister did talk to the neighbors though and Mama was left behind 5 years ago when someone moved. So no need to worry about enraging her neighbors when I eventually take Mama.
Also before you say “an outdoor cat is a free cat” I get it. I really do. But in this scenario my sister would be facing the repercussions and not me. I figured I’d give her a day or two to unpack before I started asking to come over and take cats. Unfortunately that was all it took for Mama to pop out babies
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justice4canyonmoon · 3 years
An Evening Off
Summary: Both Y/n and Harry have a rare night off. Y/n has relaxing plans for how they should spend it.
Notes: Howdy! This is probably the last fic I’m going to post for the next two weeks; I have finals for college next week, and I have a fuck ton of work this week because professors love to give students everything at once 🙃 Anyway, I came up with the very fluffy concept because I crave emotional intimacy, so I hope you like it!!!!
Warnings: cursing ig. otherwise just a lot of fluff and taking a bath together 🥰
WC: 1.9k
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Y/n was feeling lonely.
Her boring ass office job didn’t produce too many friends for her. While the people she worked with weren’t the absolute worst, they were just, well, bland. Their lives were cookie-cutter. The closest thing any of them had experienced to a true adventure was a trip to IKEA. Her two best friends, Maria and José, were across the country, since she had moved from one coast to another to live with her boyfriend. Sure, she could FaceTime them, but it just wasn’t the same. And after the call, she knew she’d just be more lonely than before.
Harry wasn’t an option either. He was working, far too hard for her liking. She understood, of course; it was album crunch time. He had to make all of the last minute decisions: finalizing the tracklist, photoshoots, and touch-ups on the chosen tracks in the studio. But she missed him. The only times she saw him anymore was right before bed, when he would stumble into the room sleepily and kiss her forehead before going right to sleep. So yeah, she was a bit lonely. And being alone on her day off wasn’t exactly the plans she wanted to have.
Luckily, the universe decided to answer her pleas. At around 1:00, after she had finished up a late shower, her phone buzzed with a text from her beloved.
H: Hi, baby! The only thing we have left on the agenda today is touching up a couple of the album tracks, so I should be home a bit earlier :D If you’d like, I can pick up some dinner on the way home.
She couldn’t help the huge grin that spread across her face. For the first time in ages, the two of them could finally have some time together! Maybe she could do something nice for him! He had been working so hard lately, he deserved it. And honestly, she did, too. An idea popped into her head, and she threw open the bathroom closet, taking a look through her bath supplies. She grinned triumphantly as she pulled out a citrus bath bomb, knowing that Harry enjoyed the calming scent of orange and lemon. A nice bath would not only help Harry destress, but it would also be the perfect cure to the loneliness that was settling in her heart. She quickly texted Harry a reply as she set the bath bomb aside.
Y/n: Sorry about the wait, babe, was just taking a shower. Forgot to this morning lol
He answered pretty much right away, making her smile.
H: It’s okay, baby! No need for apologies :)
Y/n: Okay! I’m excited to actually get to spend some time with you! I could really go for curry, if you’re up for Indian takeout.
H: Curry sounds good to me! I’ll probably be home between 6 or 7! I have to go now, but I can’t wait to see you :) I love you so much!!!!
Y/n: Can’t wait to see you, either, Har!!! I love you, too 💕💕
“Baby, ‘m home!”
Y/n looked at the clock. It was 7:30, a bit later than what Harry had said through text, but still much earlier than usual. She leapt up from the couch and sprinted to the front door, tackling Harry in a hug. He laughed loudly and wound his free arm around her waist, not fully able to hug her back because of the takeout bag in his arms.
“Let me put the food down so I can give y’ a proper hug.”
She let go with a small pout on her face, which Harry promptly kissed off while setting the bag down. He then wrapped her in a tight, two-armed embrace. She melted at the contact, resting her head on his chest and hugging him back just as tightly. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head, then rested his head on top of hers.
“Miss you, Har,” she said, her speech slightly muffled from talking into his t-shirt.
She could feel him frown against her hair, “I miss y’ too, Y/n. The album should be done by the end of the month, and then ‘m all yours until tour starts.”
“Good. I was gonna break into the studio and steal you back myself if you weren’t done soon.”
He chuckled, “I don’ think Jeff would like that very much.”
“Fuck Jeff! I need you back here,” she scoffed.
“I certainly hope y’ don’ want t’ fuck Jeff.”
She rolled her eyes, “You’re annoying.”
He grinned cheekily, “But yet y’ still here.”
“Lord only knows why,” Y/n grumbled, though there was a smile on her face.
They pulled away reluctantly, both realizing how hungry they were. The two chowed down on chicken curry and naan while chatting about their day. Y/n spent most of her day off watching The Great British Bake-Off and snuggling with Daiquiri, their black lab. Harry had been putting the finishing touches on three of the album songs (“I can’ wait to play them f’ y’, baby”), and ranted about the traffic coming home (“I would’ve gotten home 45 minutes earlier, but the freeway was ridiculously clogged up!”). It was domestic in a way that Y/n never thought she would have, and she loved every second of it.
When everything from dinner was cleaned up, Y/n figured now was as good a time as any to reveal her plans for the rest of their evening.
“Hey, Har,” she paused, then continued when she heard his hum of acknowledgment, “would you want to take a bath with me?”
He raised an eyebrow, “Is this a ploy t’ get me naked?”
“No,” Y/n said bashfully, “I just thought it would be nice to take a bath together. I found a citrus bath bomb at the back of the closet, and I thought it would be relaxing for us.”
Harry’s eyes softened and he smiled gently at her, “That sounds perfect, love. Y’ too sweet.”
The two made their way to the bathroom, hand in hand. Y/n plucked the bath bomb from the closet and laid it in the tub, turning on the warm water. The water became a pastel shade of yellow, reflecting the lemony scent of the bath bomb. As she was checking the temperature, a pair of tattooed arms wrapped around her waist, and a kiss was pressed to her cheek. The heat radiating off of his body led her to believe that Harry had already rid himself of his clothes. When she turned around, her suspicions were confirmed.
“You work fast,” she commented, making a humming sound when the temperature was to her satisfaction.
“A bit,” he confirmed, leaning over to turn off the nozzle “just wanna take a bath with y’, love. Speaking of, let’s get those pesky clothes off of y’, shall we?”
Y/n nodded and Harry reached forward, almost reverently lifting her (his) sweatshirt over her head. She shimmied out of her leggings and removed her undergarments. She stepped into the bath first, gesturing for him to follow. He obeyed, and sat between her legs, resting his head on her shoulder. The two sat in silence for a while, basking in each other’s company. Y/n couldn’t remember a time where she had felt this at peace. But she also knew that Harry had forgotten to shower that morning since he was nearly late to the studio, so she reached over and grabbed some soap and a washcloth. She looked down at him and giggled softly when she realized he was almost asleep
“Wake up, baby,” she crooned, “let me wash you.”
“‘M awake,” he muttered, “promise.”
“Sure you are, that’s why your eyes are closed,” Y/n teased.
He only hummed in response, making her giggle again. She kissed his forehead and began washing him gently. The soft circles she was rubbing into his skin with the washcloth were soothing, and a sleepy smile made its way onto his face.
“‘Y always take such good care of me. Dunno how I got s’ lucky.”
Y/n felt her face grow warm as she reached for the shampoo, “I think I’m the lucky one. You always take care of me, too.”
She began rubbing the shampoo into his silky locks. Breathy gasps fell from his lips as she tugged lightly as his hair, working the shampoo into his curls.
“Feels s’ good,” he murmured.
“Glad you’re feeling good, Har,” Y/n replied in a hushed tone.
She rinsed his hair and repeated the process with the conditioner. By the time she had finished, Harry had fully fallen asleep on her shoulder. She cooed softly at how adorable he looked. He was like an angel; his long lashes were speckled with little water drops, his wet hair stuck to his forehead in an oddly endearing way, and a small smile was spread across his lips. He looked so relaxed in a way that Y/n hadn’t seen in a while. The bath helped her feel more at ease too; the monotonous motions of washing Harry made the stress from her job melt away, and the loneliness that had plagued her earlier in the day was washed away by the warm water. But she knew she had to wake Harry. She wasn’t quite strong enough to carry all six feet of him back to their bedroom.
Y/n gently jostled his shoulder and whispered, “Harry. Need you to wake up, baby.”
He groaned softly, making her giggle softly once more. His eyes slowly blinked open to reveal his jade irises, and he stumbled his way out of the tub, making her laugh a little harder as she followed. Y/n got out two towels and dried them both off, knowing that Harry was much too tired to do it on his own. She took his hand and walked toward their bedroom.
When they reached the bedroom, Y/n guided Harry to sit on the bed while she picked out sweats for both of them to wear to sleep (she knew that Harry had a particular fondness for when she wore his clothes to bed, so she got out his clothes for both of them). Harry pliantly moved his limbs as she clothed him, and watched her with moony eyes as she pulled on her own sleepwear.
“Look s’ pretty in m’ clothes, love,” he complimented, relishing in the shy smile that appeared on her face.
“Thank you, Har. Let’s get you to bed, okay?” she replied.
Y/n turned off the light and joined Harry on the bed. He was already lying on his side, so she wound her arms around his waist, resting her head between his shoulder blades. Usually, he was the big spoon, but with the whole mood they had set all night, it just felt right for her to be the one cuddling him. Y/n barely heard Harry mumble a “g’night. Love you,” before his breathing evened out. She smiled and closed her eyes, reflecting on the day. Just spending one evening with her boyfriend made her feel right as rain, and the loneliness that had once threatened to overtake her was totally gone. Though she had been taking care of him that night, he was also taking care of her. And sure, they were both going back to work tomorrow, but in two weeks, Harry would be done with the album and would be all hers. When sleep finally overtook her, all she had were the most pleasant of dreams.
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1989 (Taylor's Version) thread:
What we know:
-Rolling Stones blue photoshoot has 6 words which would be June
-77 letters out of place in Hey Stephen lyric video
-77 days after April 9th is Friday June 25
-42 letters shifted up
-42 days after April 9th is Friday May 21
-35 letters shifted down
-35 days after April 9th is Friday May 14
-Midsommar is June 20-June 26
-Taylor posted a photo in a bear costume and wore a flower dress to the Grammys which both resemble Midsommar
-Talked to Stephen Colbert about Hey Stephen on the 13th
-National Pizza Day is February 9
-Style was released February 9
-National Pizza Party Day is May 21
-1989 secret sessions were referred to as pizza parties
-National Pepperoni Pizza Day is September 20
-1989 secret sessions were first held on September 20
-5 pieces of pepperoni on the pizza
-1989 is the 5th album
-bird on the collage is similar to bird on 1989 shirt
-Taylor posted a picture with Haim and pizza on February 19
-She captioned it "the mood board" which she also referred to her collage of Stephen Colbert as a mood board (which also had pizza)
-Style was recorded on February 19
-Stephen Colbert's Ben & Jerry's ice cream is in the collage. It was originally released on February 13
-The style music video premiered on February 13
-12 stars
-8 hearts
-8 of hearts means success in love
-The flag of Europe has 12 golden stars and was adopted on December 9
-Stephen Colbert dressed up as Legolas on December 9
-Legolas is played by Orlando Bloom which is Katy Perry's husband
-Legolas and Gandalf are in the collage
-Taylor bought her New York apartment from the Lord of the Rings director
-bike photo of Stephen colbert from GQ is on the collage
-Taylor did an interview with GQ during 1989 era
-no this is a pizza sound like no this is becky
-no this is becky was during 1989 era
-old picture of stephen colbert on mood board is from 1989
-she mentioned his social security number as 33035
-33035=14=May 14th
-You Need to Calm Down is the 14th track = May 14th
-Katy Perry was in You Need to Calm Down music video (1989 vault song?)
-Dark Visions by Stephen King came out in 1989
-Stephen Colbert's birthday is May 13th
-513 address=May 13th
-She says she can't call the song Stephen or it would be too obvious which is a nod to Style which is about Harry Styles
-Stephen talked about the Squad which was popular during 1989 era and Bad Blood music video
-Bad Blood was about Katy Perry
-44 years 179 days before April 13 was October 27
-1989 came out October 27
-4 4 1 7 9 =25=June 25
-1989 came out in 2014 when Taylor turned 25
-TS is re-recording her first five albums in order of F1RST: Fearless, 1989, Red, Speak Now, Taylor Swift
-She picked up the phone because the old taylor was calling her
-She is wearing a cardigan because she is coming out of the woods (folklore/evermore) and into re-recording era
-5'11"=November 5 which is a Friday
-Spirit Untamed is released 6/4/21=13
-In some countries Spirit Untamed is released on May 20th so Wildest Dreams (Taylor’s Version) would have to be released before then.
-Wildest Dreams is the soundtrack for Spirit which has 13 letters
-Luminescent=neon lights=1989
-April 13 is National Scrabble Day
-Scrabble posted about Taylor on twitter on April 13
-Luminescent in scrabble can make 523 words and is 15 points
-The Shining was mentioned and was released on May 23
-On Instagram she posted a picture of her and her mom playing scrabble on 10/21/18. The 21ST!!
-1+0+2+1+1+8=13. 10+2+1=13.
-15 days from the interview is April 29
-the clock in the Cowboy Like Me lyric video is at 4:30=Friday April 30. It could also be interpreted to be pointing to 6 and 4.
-Spirit Untamed is released 6/4
-the all knower posted a photo on April 1 with a fake TS album and track list with a clue about a 1989 single release date
-the words twenty and june were part of the track list
-the shifted letters in the Hey Stephen lyric video minus "light" because it is the only full word shifted up is 72 letters
-72 days from April 9 is June 20
-5 1 1 and 3 3 0 3 5 add to 30
-30 days after April 13 is May 13
-the pizza on the mood board is New York style which is not to Welcome to New York and Style
-Stephen Colbert was 44 when she wrote Hey Stephen
-44 days after the interview is Friday May 28
-Taylor mentioned 1989 and Shake It Off in the interview
-She said she stayed up for 3 days making the vision board
-Hey Stephen is 4 minutes and 13 seconds long = April 13
-3 days after April 13 is Friday April 16
-She typically announces stuff on Thursdays and releases on Fridays
-Thursday April 15 =4/15/21=13
-She said in the interview "I came here to have a good time"
-The meme "I came here to have a good time but honestly I'm feeling attacked right now" was popular in 2014 during 1989 era
-Taylor seemed stalker-ish in her interview which is a nod to Blank Space
-Taylor mentioned Stephen Colbert on Law and Order
-His episode aired on 3/14/04=21=May 21
-She says "Hey Stephen I love you on TV"
-TV is an abbreviation for Taylor's Version
-The Stand by Stephen King was mentioned
-it is about a virus that almost kills the entire world population (lol)
-The book has 823 pages
-Stephen King's birthday is September 21
-Taylor did a cover in 2018 of the song "September" where she changed the lyric from "the 21st night of September" to "the 28th night of September"
-this is speculated as a nod to her anniversary with Joe
-She mention Stephen Colbert waiting tables in 1989 at the restaurant Scoozi’s in Chicago.
-Their address is 410 W Huron St, Chicago, IL 60654.
-4+1+0=5. 6+0+6+5+4=21
-The line “waiting tables” is at 0:21 seconds on Mine.
-You All Over Me and Clean have very similar themes.
-Clean is from 1989 and is track 13.
-You All Over Me is track 21.
-The length of the YAOM is 3:41 which adds to 8.
-8 weeks from March 26 (YAOM release date) is May 21.
What this means:
-Style, Shake It Off, Blank Space, Welcome to New York, Out of the Woods, Wildest Dreams and Bad Blood are potential singles
-Dates to remember: April 15/16, April 29/30, May 13/14, May 21, May 28, June 4, June 20, June 25
@taylorswift @taylornation
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AIGHT Y’ALL I wasn’t tagged but I’m doing this anyways because f u c k  i t
It's the year 2021 and you're obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?
Deadasss weird as fuck, my dude. Like...out of all the things I could’ve predicted happening in our lord’s year 2021, it definitely was NOT getting hyperfixated on a hammy gay ship with a punk and a nerd from a goddamn karate soap opera. And yet...here we are??? I will never understand hyperfixations, my guy. But I’ve met a lot of really cool people in this fandom, so I can’t really complain.
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?
I have never seen a single Karate Kid movie in my entire life. When I was a kid, it looked kinda dumb so I never got into it XD But then I saw my roommate watching Cobra Kai on Youtube Red one day (he has every streaming service known to man) and I was hooked. And...here I am!
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character:  
Literally EVERYONE except for Kreese, Yasmine, Kyler, and Tory, sorry stans
Okay but if we gotta pick, Johnny Lawrence is my Problematic Fave. Also I love my boy Daniel, he’s trying his best!!! And Amanda LaRusso, we stan a queen!!!
Among the kids, definitely Miguel, with Demetri as a close second. I also love Sam, Aisha, Moon, and Hawk (pre- and post-Bastardization Arc, anyways XD)!
Favorite ship:  
Take a look at my username and take a WILD FUCKING GUESS lmao Yes it’s Eli/Demetri because DUH, every interaction they have is so fucking gay and Eli fucking saved him!!! And came back to him!!! And betrayed the world’s most terrifying dojo with a WAR CRIMINAL SENSEI all for Demetri!!! And how Demetri was willing to forgive him for everything at the drop of a hat because he always had faith there was still good in his best friend??? That’s TRUE LOVE motherfuckers. Please let them kiss in Season 4. I will sell you all of my limbs. Sam/Miguel is a close second because they’re cute as shit and it’s just so lovely to see two people so unapologetically smitten with each other. They are in LOVE, and I will RIOT if they break up again!!! Keep Sam and Miguel together 2k21!!!
Underrated character:
SAMANTHA LARUSSO!!! The amount of hate my girl gets for acting like a normal teenager and fucking up occasionally JUST like the rest of the cast makes me want to start punching things. She cares SO MUCH about her friends!!! And she loves the shit out of Miguel!!! She hasn’t always been the best friend but you know what??? Neither has Hawk, and we still forgave his ass!!! Also LET HER BE FEMININE but also kick utter ass, my god!!! Femininity should not be synonymous with being weak, y’all! ALSO DEMETRI, like yes, he likes to complain and occasionally run his mouth, but guess what else he likes to do??? Never give up on the love of his life his best friend Eli Moskowitz and refuse to lose faith in him no matter how much of a little shit he’s become, and I for one think that’s very badass of him. Also the way he takes care of Eli pre-Cobra Kai in his own snarky bastard way makes me absolutely Weak and needs more appreciation. Like the dude has charisma and COULD have probably made other friends and left Eli behind if he wanted, but did he??? No, he wants the weepy loser with the lip scar in the polo shirts and dorky sweaters and will protect him as much as his wimpy ass is able!!!
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol):  
Among the adults, Daniel/Amanda!!! Like maybe I just don’t watch that much tv, but it seems kinda rare to me to see a happily married hetero couple, and it’s just nice to see a married couple who genuinely love each other and where there’s not like...lingering resentment or some shit. I feel like this ship gets overshadowed by Lawrusso a lot (which like--okay, fair!!! Daniel and Johnny do have a ridiculous amount of chemistry, and the gay undertones are undeniable, so I get it), and it makes me kinda sad. I do love Lawrusso, but I don’t like when Amanda has to get her heart broke for it to happen, you feel? Among the kids, honestly YasMoon. Like I really love the idea of Yasmine trying to better herself because of Moon’s influence on her and because Moon like...inspires her to be a better person, I guess? With their pretty strong friendship, it just makes more sense to me for Yasmine to get a redemption arc through Moon than through Demetri. ALSO girls DO often pull the whole “mean girl” shtick to cover up being closeted lesbians, and Moon IS canonically bi, so it could work!!! I just think this one could be a really interesting Friends to Lovers take, and could make a really nice coming-out arc for Yas. And MoonPiper too, honestly!!! Like they only got 5 seconds of screentime so I understand WHY it’s underrated, but I still love what we DID get and loved that there was a canon gay ship (even if only for 1 scene lmao). I’m really excited to potentially see more of them in Season 4!!! Please, I’m begging!!!
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?
Sweep the Leg because it will always be deeply hilarious to me how Demetri took note of the first move Eli ever used on him and spent presumably weeks perfecting it OUT OF SPITE just to get him back with it at the soccer game MONTHS later. Just goes to show how OBSESSED Demetri is with Eli and their little karate rivalry which is just NOT straight, I’m sorry
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?
There’s something so funny about this pretentious little fuck walking around in fancy suits once he becomes a #SuccessfulBusinessman, and still occasionally trying to do karate in a full-ass suit (take THAT, Tom Cole’s boba!!!) I’m also a big fan of how he looks in his gi with his little headband. Still killing that look as a 40-50-something!!!
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver:
Tbh I have still never seen a single Karate Kid movie (they took them off of Netflix, RIP), so...I don’t really care if they bring anyone else back??? I’m invested in the characters we already have in the show, I don’t need some rando from the movies to make a cameo to have a good time XD The only character I really wanted them to bring back was Ali, and they already did, so like...I’m good??? That’s all I really needed, I can die in peace now XD
Scene that lives in your head rent-free:
Basically any fluffy Elimetri scene, but 5 in particular: ~Miguel first meeting Eli and Demetri at the lunch table, and Eli looking at Demetri like he hung every goddamn star in the sky ~Demetri going off at a terrifying, “unhinged” karate sensei on the first day of Cobra Kai because he made fun of Eli’s lip and Demetri is not about that shit ~ELI STEALING DEMETRI’S NACHO AND SMIRKING AT HIM, LIKE EXCUSE ME SIR PLEASE BE A LITTLE LESS HOMOSEXUAL IN FRONT OF YOUR GIRLFRIEND ~Eli yanking Demetri onstage during Valley Fest to hold a board, and Demetri being visibly like...extremely turned on when Eli breaks said board ~ELI SAVING DEMETRI DURING THE CHRISTMAS FIGHT, ELI APOLOGIZING, DEMETRI AND ELI KICKING COBRA ASS TOGETHER AKSBDCUWYVCBU
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?
I hope not! He’s kind of a funny meme character to pop up now and again but I don’t think he deserves a serious plotline when there are so many more interesting characters to follow.
You live in The Valley and are forced into the karate gang war. Which dojo do you join?
Miyagi-Do because Cobra Kai would eat me alive. Also I’d probably straight up get stuck and die in that cement mixer, if I even made it that far XD Besides, being salty that your friend who you have a crush on likes martial arts better than you and starting martial arts to impress them but also being too lazy to join anything TOO intense is a Big Mood and I am certainly not speaking from personal experience here, no sirree
What’s your training montage song?
"Shut Up and Drive” by Rihanna for a weight-training and bicep-flexing montage, “Whatever It Takes” by Imagine Dragons for a more intense punching-and-kicking-shit montage. I don’t know why this is, I just feel it in my heart.
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?
*Briefly panics because I don’t actually watch that much TV and most of the stuff I do watch is fantasy/sci fi shit that absolutely would not work for a CK crossover*
Hmmmm okay but ACTUALLY
You know what would be fucking funny as hell would be an It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia crossover. Allow me to elaborate: ~The Gang goes to LA on vacation during the height of the Karate Dojo Wars. They literally can get barely anything done without all these goddamn karate-fighting teenagers getting in the way. ~They are all very annoyed by this. Even the most obscure of tourist attractions is eventually intercepted by karate fights. ~Mac tries to join Cobra Kai because he sees all this karate fighting on, and wants to unquestionably prove both his badassery and masculinity. Both Johnny and Kreese are like “Wtf are you doing here? Aren’t you like 30?” ~Mac gets a planet-sized crush on Johnny after all of 5 minutes and endlessly gushes to the gang about him. The gang mercilessly roast him about this and about how much of a pathetic loser with his life together in no way whatsoever Johnny sounds like. They proceed to have exactly 0 self awareness about this. ~The Waitress is in town visiting family or something, and Charlie is stalking her, as per usual. However, every time he’s about to go up and talk to her, a pack of battling Miyagi-Dos and Cobra Kais throwing punches and kicks everywhere blocks his path. One times, Mac is among one of these packs and Charlie is like “???? He didn’t get kicked out of that teen karate dojo yet???” ~Seeing how much the Kids These Days seem to like fighting, Charlie drops by a local high school to try and sell Fight Milk to the kids doing karate. Only Kyler and Brucks buy into it, and subsequently get the entire West Valley High wrestling team sick. Charlie is inevitably arrested, as Counselor Blatt thinks he’s selling the kids drugs. ~Dennis makes a plan to have sex with every hot chick he can in Los Angeles. He meets Ali on a dating app post-divorce, and inevitably tries to bang her. It doesn’t work. ~Frank crashes the rental car, and inevitably the gang ends up at one of Daniel’s dealerships. Dee quickly takes a liking to Daniel and is like “Watch, assholes--Imma homewreck this guy’s marriage.” She starts frequenting the dealerships to attempt to flirt with Daniel, until one day she walks in on him having sex with Johnny in a back room and she’s like “Is that the guy from Mac’s goddamn dojo?!?!” ~Dennis, of course, tries to sleep with Amanda. Amanda is not having it, and rebukes him in the most snarky, Amanda-esque way possible. Dennis is just like “Oh not AGAIN--the women in this goddamn diva city have too high of standards!” ~Later on, the gang is at the beach and Dennis spots the blonde lady he went out on an ill-fate date with, and decides to give it another shot--that is, until he sees her go up and kiss another woman and he’s like “IS THAT THE LADY FROM THE CAR DEALERSHIP??? STUPID-KARATE-KICK-COMMERCIAL’S WIFE?!? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.” ~Dee complains to Dennis about her lack of luck getting laid, and Dennis is just like “Oh come ON, is everyone in Los Angeles gay???” Smash cut to Hawk and Demetri having sex, Moon and Piper making out, Bert and Nate holding hands, Chris and Mitch doing oral, and Amanda, Ali, and Carmen having a threesome. ~Frank tries to scam Kreese into buying cheaply-made karate equipment for his dojo. The gang ends up having to leave LA because Kreese is quite literally plotting all of their murders.
For tagging, uuuuhhhhhh @jackonthelongwalk @soe-leo @max-eagle-fang @cc-tinslebee @backawayfromthegay @asphodel-storm do the thing, if y’all haven’t yet!
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etoileholland · 4 years
cooking fiasco
Pairing: Peter Parker x female reader
Summary: after a failed attempt at cooking your anniversary dinner, May and Pepper step in to save the day
Warnings: none, it’s just fluff
Word count: 2k
A/N: I’m still trying to be more active on here lol, but requests are still open! Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future posts, and also the gif is not mine, all credit goes to its respective owner
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“May, should I make the fettuccine sauce from scratch or should I just buy a can of Ragú instead?” Peter asked as he perused the aisles of the small grocery store. He had already picked Fusilli noodles (to which he believed were better than long fettuccine noodles because they were twisty) and was still deciding on the brand of sauce. 
“Oh honey, Bertolli is better anyway, it tastes more homemade.” She replied. “And it sticks better to the noodles.” 
Peter nodded and placed the can into the basket. Along with the dinner ingredients, he was also picking out ingredients for the dessert he had planned, which was chocolate lava cakes. He found the recipe on Pinterest and decided that it seemed easy enough to do, even though this boy doesn’t have one ounce of baking skills in him. Here’s hoping it’ll go well. 
The reason for all this, you may ask, is quite simple- it was yours and Peter’s one year anniversary. He couldn’t believe that it’s already been one year since he asked you out in one of the most unique ways. 
He had tried to say the words out loud, but when he would speak, nothing came out of his mouth. His hands would get shaky and his heart seemed that it would beat out of his chest, but he was determined to ask you out. So, one day when you were over at this place studying, Peter got the bright idea to write the words “will you be my girlfriend?” on an etch-a-sketch. While you were grabbing some snacks in the kitchen, he quickly wrote out the words and left the toy on top of your open textbook. When you came in and saw it sitting there, you eagerly wrote back “yes”. He was so happy about it that he picked it up but forgot that when he did so, the writing disappeared. 
“You cute idiot.” You stated, and the both of you broke out into a fit of laughter. From that moment, Peter knew that he would do anything to hear that giggle more often. 
Coming out of his daydream, he quickly finished grabbing the ingredients he needed and told May that he was ready to go. 
He decided that it was best to purchase the ingredients the day of your anniversary so that they would be the freshest, and therefore taste the best. Since he wasn’t a prolific cook; he wanted to make sure he had plenty of time to prepare, so he enlisted the help of Pepper to help him make the food. 
He had about 5 hours to make the food, how bad could it go?
Very bad, apparently. 
“Peter Benjamin Parker, I told you to watch the pasta so that it wouldn’t overflow everywhere! And why didn’t you put a timer on the oven like I told you to? The lava cakes are literally on fire.” Pepper exclaimed as she stood in the empty kitchen while Peter was upstairs getting ready for tonight. She quickly pulled the fire extinguisher off the wall and opened the oven door, grabbing the tin with oven mitts and quickly extinguishing the small fire. 
Sure adds a whole new meaning to lava cakes, now doesn’t it? He thought to himself, which made him laugh.
“Why didn’t you watch over it?” Pepper shouted.
“You said you had it!” He shouted back but was interrupted by the shrill of the smoke alarm. 
Pepper let out a word of profanity and replied, “No! I didn’t say that. I asked you to watch it while I had to take an important business call.” She groaned and tossed the pan into the sink. The water splashed everywhere, including on herself, and she let out a shriek. “I had asked you to do one thing Parker, one thing!” 
Peter leaned up against his closet and let out a long sigh. “Well, so much for dinner.” He muttered under his breath. He was trying so hard to impress you, but instead he had ultimately ruined it by stepping out of the kitchen. She was right though; she had asked him to tend to the dinner but he figured that nothing bad would happen if he left it unattended for a few minutes. Oh, how wrong he was.  
“What are we going to do now?” Pepper exclaimed from the bottom of the staircase. “I could call Happy, maybe he would know what to do?” 
Peter paused for a second and then replied, “Wait, I have an idea.” 
“Oh lord.” Pepper sighed. 
He sprinted down the stairs and nearly knocked into Pepper sitting on the bottom steps, her index finger massaging her temple. 
“I promise it’s a good idea.” He stated breathlessly.
“Tell me then.” 
“Alright, so instead of me making her dinner, what if we ordered from that fancy restaurant that you and Mr. Stark always go to on your anniversary, and I’ll just say that I made it instead?” 
She shot him a dumbfounded look. “Peter, honey, we both know you don’t know how to make filet mignon with caviar and coated with a truffle sauce on top.” 
“Hm, you’re right.” He sat down next to Pepper on the second to last step on the stairs, slumping his shoulders forward and putting his face in his hands. “I’ve ruined the whole night. I tried to do something nice and I ended up ruining it.” 
Pepper placed her hand softly on Peter’s back and gently rubbed circles on it. “Love, it’s so sweet of you to want to do something nice, and I know that she would’ve appreciated it, but maybe it just wasn’t meant to work out, hm?” 
“What do you mean?” Peter questioned. 
Pepper paused for a second as if she was thinking of the right words to say, before she ultimately spoke. “Well, maybe you both would’ve been sitting on the rooftop, having the time of your lives, when one of the many villains you’ve fought off sees you sitting there and then ruins your night by attacking you and kidnapping her.” 
Peter scoffed and guffawed, and said, “Oh yeah, I’m sure that would definitely happen.” 
“But you never know, you’ve experienced weirder situations. It wouldn’t be totally improbable though.” She answered softly and Peter noticed that she spoke to him in the same maternal voice that she often uses when she talks to Morgan. It was comforting to him, and somehow made him feel a bit better about the cooking fiasco. 
“Maybe you’re right. Maybe something bad would’ve happened and this is just the universe’s way of stopping that.” 
“Exactly. Life works in mysterious ways, little man. Usually for the better, or at least that’s what I tell myself.” She kissed the top of his forehead and stood up, holding out her hand for Peter to grab. “The night is still young, so you get ready and I’ll think of something in the meantime.” Pepper ruffled Peter’s hair and gently pushed him towards the staircase. “Now go.” 
“Thank you Pep, I don’t know what I would do without you.” 
“I know.” She whispered back to herself and watched Peter run up the stairs.
Peter came down from his room about 30 minutes later, phone in hand. Pepper and May were sitting on the couch talking to each other, but he couldn’t hear what they were saying. They both looked up to see Peter walking towards them with a frown on his face.”  
“What’s wrong honey?” May asked. 
“Y/N cancelled on me, she said that something came up so we wouldn’t be able to spend our anniversary together.” He walked over to the couch and plunked himself down on it dramatically. “I was looking forward to seeing her.” 
“I know love, is she alright?” Pepper asked and Peter nodded his head. 
“Yeah, she said it was a family situation that she doesn’t want to talk about. I’m not sure why though, she always tells me everything. Maybe I’ll go see her.” He tried to get up but May tugged at his arm and pulled him back down onto the couch. 
“No,” she replied hesitantly, “you don’t want to do that.” She glanced over at Pepper who gave her a confused look back. “She’s asking for some privacy right now Pete, let’s respect that. And you know she’ll tell you when she’s ready to; you just have to be a little bit patient.” 
“Mmhmm.” Peter replied. After a minute of silence, Pepper spoke up.
“I know!” Pepper exclaimed a little too loudly. “Let’s do something instead, just the two of us.” 
“Like?” Peter asked hesitantly. 
“Well,” she paused for a minute to think, “I was thinking that you would want to come with me to, um, Pottery Barn to pick out some things to decorate my guest bathroom with.” 
“Sounds like a ton of fun.” He retorted sarcastically while he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“Well we’ll just have to make it fun then. Besides, it just may get you out of your funk, and if you come with me I’ll treat you to a pretzel from the mall. I know how much you love those.” She grinned, but Peter didn’t smile back. “Please darling, for me?” She gave him her best pout and Peter sighed.
“Good, let’s go.” Pepper stood up from the couch and grabbed her purse. While she did that, she and May exchanged a knowing glance and tried to conceal their smiles. 
“Okay, what are you hiding?” He asked and quickly the women both replied, “Nothing!” 
“Right, let’s go then.” Peter replied unconvincingly. He waited by the door for Pepper to grab her things and together they went out to run that errand. 
A few hours later, Pepper had dropped Peter off in front of his apartment. 
“Thank you again Pep.” Peter stated as he got out of the car and waved to her from the curb.
“You’re welcome love, thank you for the help.” She waved back and quickly drove off. 
Peter walked to the door of his apartment and unlocked it. He stepped in and gasped when he saw that there was a pillow fort in the middle of the living room. The smell of garlic wafted through the air, and he heard music playing softly in the kitchen and a giggle that he could recognize anywhere-yours. 
“Hey Peter.” You ran out of the kitchen and threw your arms around his neck and lightly kissed his lips. “Happy anniversary darling.” 
“What’s all this?” Peter asked and May stepped out of the kitchen holding a tea towel. 
“May texted me after your, um, incident and told me what you had planned. Even though it didn’t work out, the gesture was super sweet and so we thought we would surprise you with dinner and a movie.” 
You pulled away and motioned to the fort and towards the kitchen. “Really though, it was all May’s idea, so you should really thank her.” 
“Wow, thank you May.” Peter said as he pulled you close to him and placed his hands on the small of your back. 
“Welcome angel, but it was also Y/N who helped come up with what to eat and came up with the fort idea.” 
“Thank you Y/N.” He kissed your cheek and pulled you even closer to him. “I thought you had a family emergency though.” 
You shook your head no before answering, “Nope, that was just a way to get you out of the house without you wanting to come over to see me, so that I could sneak by and help plan all this. Pepper didn’t really need your help picking out shower curtains, you know.” 
“I kinda figured when I pointed to one and she would answer, ““Honey are you blind? You know that fabric wouldn’t go well with the marble floors.”” He laughed and playfully rolled his eyes. “Remind me not to go into interior design.” 
“Noted. Now come on, let’s eat and afterwards we can watch a movie in the fort.” You leaned forward to kiss his lips lightly and you felt him smile into the kiss.
“Sounds perfect, what are we eating for dinner?” 
“Fettuccine and garlic bread.” You beamed and let out a mischievous giggle. 
“Oh god, anything but that.” Peter laughed and playfully sighed, all while you grabbed his hand and dragged him into the kitchen. 
— —
mes anges (taglist) @sunflowerhollands​ @scarletxwidow​ @fangirlwithasweettooth​ @taciturnspidey​ @musicalkeys​ @harrysleftchelseaboot​ @quaksonhehe​
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kunderdogs · 4 years
Take A Chance VII
Simon Dominic (AOMG) x Y/N (Reader) Genre: Romance / Angst Count: I didn’t count lol sorry Warnings: None Rating: Mature (suggestive, swearing) Summary: Who would’ve thought a one night stand with Simon D would turn into FWB? It only gets more complicated when you developed feelings, against your better judgement.
This gif of Simon D is one of my favs. Pls don’t hate me for the ending. :) Two more chapters left! 
Had to post this early because I got called into work today.
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Chapter One. | Chapter Two. | Chapter Three. | Chapter Four. | Chapter Five. | Chapter Six. | Chapter Seven.
Driving around aimlessly at 9AM was not how you pictured the start of your weekend to go. Then again, you could’ve never imagined Simon would stroll up to your place, drunk as hell and picking fights with you in the middle of the night either. For now, you felt your nerves settle as you drove around the town. You figured you could drive around and get some fresh air. Anything to get your mind off of your intruding thoughts. 
Being in that house with Kiseok just felt so suffocating.
You were cruising through some of the residential neighborhoods when you noticed you were close by Nicky’s house. You smiled and pulled on the side of the street, immediately grabbing your phone and dialing her number. She picked up at the last minute, groaning and complaining of a hangover, before launching into retelling you all of the drama from last night.
“So what do you want to eat? I’ll pick something up for you.” You connected the call to your car before pulling off the street. 
Nicky yawned a bit, “Eh, don’t worry about it. Wouldn’t want you to come all the way over here just to get me breakfast.”
“I’m in your neighborhood anyway so just tell me what you’re in the mood for. Cinnamon rolls? French fries?”
“Why are you in my neck of the woods at,” she paused on the other end, most likely to pull the phone back to check the time. “9:27AM? Couldn’t sleep?”
You sighed a little louder than you intended to, “You could say that. Since you won’t tell me what you want, I’ll surprise you.”
She hummed in agreement, “Don’t forget the OJ! Thank you, love. See in you in bit.”
Saying your goodbyes, it didn’t take long to get to a small cafe about ten minutes from Nicky’s apartment. It was early enough that there wasn’t much customers so you were happy to be in and out of there within a few minutes.
Upon arrival at Nicky’s place, you found her sprawled out on the couch, clothes from last night wrinkled but still in place. Her makeup was wiped off and smeared onto makeup wipes that were on the coffee table. You laughed to yourself, nudging her with your foot when you got closer. She was such a beautiful disaster.
“You look like you’re barely hanging on over here,” you teased, putting the food down on the coffee table before cleaning up the makeup wipes.
Nicky mumbled something in the pillow and reached blindly for the food. “So what’s bothering you, hm?” Her voice followed you into the kitchen.
Washing your hands in the sink, your mind worked to find the right words but they got stuck in your throat. Everything was still so confusing to you.
Yes, you had deep feelings for Kiseok but the reality was that you couldn’t be together.
It was just cruel of your mind to even picture him involved with you in the way you wanted him to be.
Part of you was relieved that you ended it but the other, much larger part, almost immediately regretted it. That part of you wanted to run back into his arms and confess your feelings to him right at this second.
You didn’t realize how loud you sighed until a cold hand wrapped around your wrist. Nicky pulled you to the living room, and began searching for a movie while you got comfortable on the couch
“Does it have anything to do with Lover Boy?” She guessed, eyeing your downcast mood. When you pouted without answering her, she plopped next to you. “Wanna talk about it?”
Nicky always wanted to talk about her problems, which you were completely willing to listen to but when it came to you sharing...It was a little more difficult for you to open up. She was never offended or put off when you didn’t want to talk about your feelings but she was definitely surprised when you nodded.
As Iron Man played in the background, you spilled everything that happened last night. Her sky-colored eyes grew in size as you vented about everything that was said yet she didn’t interrupt you once. By the time you were done, you took a moment to catch your breath and her mouth was hanging open in shock.
“Dear lord, I leave you alone for two seconds and all this happens huh,” she teased, causing a smile to crack on your lips.
Taking a bite of her food, Nicky thought about what she wanted to say before looking at you fully, “So, are you going to tell him or leave it at that?”
Looking to the hanging TV, you sunk back into the couch. What good would come out of you telling Kiseok your feelings for him? Other than getting it off your chest, it would change nothing. If anything, it may even ruin your chances of being friends with him in the future.
If you couldn’t be with Kiseok romantically, you still wanted to be friends. He was always there to listen to you and give you advice, even make you smile when you were stressed or having a bad day. Above all else, you enjoyed his company, even when you two just sat and did absolutely nothing.
You huffed when you noticed Nicky was still waiting for an answer, “There’s nothing more for me to say. I feel like I’ve said all I had to...”
She snorted, “You didn’t say anything of importance. You should go back to your place and talk it out with him.”
“What good would come from that?” You dismissed.
She shrugged, “Maybe he feels the same way. Close mouths don’t get fed.”
The orange juice you were drinking almost came back up through your nose as you snorted. “Yeah, right. If Simon even had an ounce of feelings for me, he wouldn’t be out with that other chick.”
Nicky couldn’t really argue with that point and shook her head, “You know how men are. They don’t realize their feelings until it slaps them in the face. From what you tell me, Simon D is the type of guy to not recognize it right away.”
Sighing again, you felt the tension in your shoulders. “I’ll figure it out later. I just want to rest for a bit. All this is so emotionally draining.”
With an understanding smile, a foot suddenly kicked into your side, forcing you to lay down on the couch. You glared playfully at your best friend while she tossed a throw blanket over your lower half.
“Take a nap. I’m going to shower. Gotta wash away all the bad decisions I made last night.”
Without further ado, Nicky skipped off to her bathroom, your laughter following her down the hallway.
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Usually, you had a hard time falling asleep now that Cookie wasn’t with you, but something about Nicky’s apartment was so cozy that you were out like a light in under five minutes of laying down. It was probably because her couch was just so warm and comfortable.
Either way, you woke up hours later to another Avengers movie playing and Nicky eating brownies at the other end of the couch. You checked your phone to see if Cookie had called or texted, but they were at a water park today so you weren’t expecting a call until they got home, which would be late at night for them. It made you a little sad to not talk to your mini all day but you were glad she was having a good time with your ex’s family.
Sleepy eyes glanced at the time on your phone. “Shit. It’s already 1:30? How long was I out?”
“Since like 10, dude. You must’ve been dead tired.”
Yawning, you sat up and snuggled the blanket into you again. “Still am. I think I’m gonna head home and go to sleep in my own bed though.”
“Are you saying my couch isn’t an acceptable bed?” She teased, knowing damn well you loved her couch more than your own.
“I will steal this one day and replace it with mine.”
“Sure. Text me when you get home. Drive safe! Woah- HEY! Leave the cinnamon rolls!”
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The drive back to your house was uneventful. Oddly enough, there was hardly any traffic out which was a bit odd for a weekend, but you thought nothing of it.The once blue sky was now gray with even darker clouds hanging low. It felt like the calm before the storm. 
You were in no rush to get home, and the feeling only amplified when you pulled up to your apartment and noticed Kiseok’s car still parked in the guest parking.
Sighing, you dragged your feet up to your place and as soon as you were getting off the elevator on your floor, your phone rang. A wide smile broke out on your lips.
“Hi, sweetie! I was waiting for you to call me!” You answered, leaning over the rail that over looked the courtyard garden. “Oh yeah? How was the water park?”
A few minutes into your conversation, you were so engrossed with listening to her ramble about her favorite rides, that you didn’t notice the opening or closing of a door down the hall. Heavy footsteps came closer to you, but you paid it no mind. Other than yourself, there was two other families that lived on this floor so it wasn’t out of the ordinary.
“Mommy missed you too. Your daddy being nice to you?” You laughed when you heard a huff on the other side of the phone. “No, I didn’t have dinner yet. I’ll have some later- oh, okay. Tell your grandmother I said hi, okay?”
The sound of someone clearing their throat alerted you to the body leaning on the rail a few feet from you.
Jung Kiseok, still in his clothes from last night, peered down at the garden beneath you two. When he noticed your attention on him, he glanced to you. “Can we talk?”
Jesus, he literally came out of nowhere! Noticing your jaw hanging slightly, you swallowed before agreeing with your daughter. “Yes, baby, it’s okay. Go shower and go to sleep. Thank you for calling me. I love you. Goodnight...”
The ending dial tone sounded much too loud for your ears as the silence in the hallway was almost suffocating. It was quiet for sometime, since the two of you didn’t say anything. Kiseok was trying to find the words to say, and you had too much you didn’t want to uncover.
This conversation was inevitable but you still wanted to avoid it. The lump in your throat only grew when he sighed deeply. It seemed like he was about to say something, until the elevators opened and two small blurs sprinted out. “I-”
The Choi twins were your neighbor’s kids and it was only another two seconds before you saw their mother chase after them. You giggled after them, those two were always giving their mother a hard time.
“Sorry about that,” A deep voice apologized. You nodded to the twin’s father, who was holding a tiny baby wrapped in blankets to keep him warm.
“Don’t worry about it,” you waved him off with a smile but didn’t miss the double take he did to your company.
“Maybe we should go inside?” Kiseok pushed off from the rail and waved slightly to a wide-eyed Mr. Choi.
You took the advice without a word, leading the way to your front door though he would’ve had no problem finding it himself. Once inside, you kicked your sandals off and dropped your purse on the entry table.
The door shut tightly behind him, entrapping the both of you in a thick silence that didn’t go unnoticed. You sunk into the couch, giving him enough room to sit near you without touching you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
You weren’t sure what you expected him to say, but it surely wasn’t that. Could you really be surprised though? Suspecting what he was asking, you had to make sure you two were on the same page.
“Tell you about what?”
Tired dark eyes stared you down, “Let’s not go back and forth. I know you have a daughter and I’m not sure what kind of problems you and your husband have, but cheating is never the way to go about it.”
You tried to stop the loud laughter that spilled out of you, but that was so far from what you thought he would say. You honestly couldn’t help it, and soon, you had tears in your eyes as you were literally rolling around the couching laughing.
Kiseok did not look amused in the slightest - his lips thinned into a hard line, brows frowned to display his seriousness of the topic. “This really isn’t something to laugh about. I refuse to be some kind of homewrecker.”
You had finally got your giggles under control when he said that, launching you into another fit of laughter. “What! You think-?! Oh my god, I haven’t laughed like that in a while,” you giggled, wiping the spilling tears from your eyes.
Feeling his glare, you sat up and took a breath. The tension was a bit less in the room. “I’m not married.”
He didn’t believe you. “You have family pictures-”
“In my daughter’s room, yes.”
He dismissed your interruption, “I saw that man at the airport when you ran into Jay Park. He hugged you and you were crying.”
You paused, blinking slowly. How did he see that? “How do you know that?”
The way he sighed with finality made you feel a bit defensive. “Jay was FaceTiming me and Loco. The main point of this is I don’t want to be in the middle of whatever you have with your husband.”
Eyes rolling, you crossed your arms under your chest. “Stop saying that. I’m not married.”
“Why are you lying? You have a child with him.” The tone of his voice raised slightly but you frowned at him.
“You can make a kid without being married to someone. Me and my daughter’s father aren’t together. I’m no cheater. Unlike you, I don’t have a list of hoes I can run to.” The words left your mouth but you regretted it immediately. Your personality didn’t allow you to apologize or take it back, especially with how heated you were becoming.
Sitting less than a foot away from you, Kiseok couldn’t really argue with that. You were right. He called Nayoung because she didn’t care for a relationship and he had wanted to...hurt you the same way he had been hurt after seeing you in the arms of another man.
It was childish of him, he’ll admit it, but it happened. He was only human and he had acted on his emotions. It wasn’t one of his proudest moments. Once you brushed past him at the restaurant with tears in your eyes, he had felt sick to his stomach about the whole thing. It wasn’t like he knew you would be there that night, it was honestly a terrible coincidence. After that night, he couldn’t even look Nayoung in the eyes without seeing your heartbroken expression.
Prideful at heart, Kiseok still felt the need to defend himself even if it was a weak defense, “I don’t have a list of hoes. That was me being an idiot.”
“Whatever, Kiseok. I don’t care anymore.” Calling him without an honorific gave you a sinking feeling in your stomach but you looked away from him. “What more do you want from me?”
With that, he faced you fully, “Everything. I want to know everything, about your daughter, your past, the truth about all of it.”
Startled, you faced him with doubt clouding your face. “Why? Why does any of that matter to you? Why do you even care?”
For the first time today, you saw Kiseok smile. Not a smirk, or half grin that he liked to flash you when he teased you, but a real smile with his teeth showing. Looking closer, he also was a little rosy in the cheeks a bit. “I-Well...I thought it was obvious now, but you’re really dense.”
You thought you knew where this was going so you sighed, “Look, I’m not a charity case, okay? I can-”
“I really like you, ___. Not just in a sexual way either. I like you on an emotional level...I really, really like you,” he confessed in a rush, sounding just like you felt at the moment - breathless.
And then your heart started to ache.
“Kiseok...we can’t...we can’t be together.”
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floatingpetals · 6 years
Boys in Blue || Pt. 1
Pairings: cop!Stucky x F!Reader
Warnings: language, frustrated reader(she’s a little ridiculous tbh), road rage(kind of)
Word Count: 2300+
Summary: (Cop AU) There was just one crappy thing after enough that happened to her. It possibly couldn’t get any worse, or so she thought until she saw the dreaded flashes of red and blue behind her. Could things get any worse?
A/N: This idea came to me after such a bad day. I can say this didn’t happen to me, but it would have been ironic if it had. It also might not help that I’ve been watching a lot of Live PD and America’s Dumbest Criminal’s compilations. However, the frustration is and was real. This might only be three parts to this in total for this story as well. I haven’t quite decided yet. Let me know what ya’ll think!! Enjoy!! Also, don’t do what the reader did if you do get pulled over. It might not work out like this lol
The gifs are not mine, credit to the owner.
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Series Masterlist
Today sucked. This had to be the worse day Y/N ever had to date. First, it started off with her waking up late, almost half an hour later than she should have. It created a snowball effect where she had to rush to get dressed, put on a quick face of makeup, make sure her hair didn’t look crazy and be out the door in less than ten minutes to not get stuck in traffic. Fortunately, she made it with five minutes to spare. Unfortunately, she didn’t have time to eat breakfast and she left her lunch bag sitting on the counter beside her cup of coffee she had thrown in the travel mug. Of course, she hadn’t realized she left it behind until she was already on the freeway and couldn’t possibly turn back to get it.
Second, it wasn’t until she sat down that she realized she grabbed two different pairs of black shoes, on with a pointed toe and the other a rounded toe with a cute bow on the top. not something she could exactly hide. She stared blankly at the articles of clothing for a good ten minutes before she let out a heavy sigh. That wasn’t enough to really drag her day down yet. However, once she opened her emails from clients, she knew she was in for a hell of a day. Throw in the constant badgering by her boss and her coworkers poking fun at her flustered and mismatched appearance, Y/N was overwhelmed and nearly in tears by the end of the day.
Now after nearly eight hours of the most grueling day to date at her job, Y/N was trying to get home. There was an accident on the highway, so she hoped to avoid traffic by taking side streets. She was just ready to get out of her mismatched shoes, drink a glass of wine and take a relaxing bubble bath. Apparently, the rest of the world didn’t get that memo.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” She slammed her fist on the steering wheel, screaming out for the tenth time in five minutes. “The speed limits 40! Not 30! Let’s go!”
She had been stuck behind the same jackasses for the past twenty minutes in the middle lane, locked in on both sides by equally frustrate drivers beside her. In all three lanes, there was a trio of cars matching speeds with each other, clearly keeping the traffic back considering there wasn’t a soul in front of them. All while going ten under the posted speed limit. Y/N tried to be patient; she really was. It wasn’t like she was asking them to speed, she really just wanted them to go the damn speed limit. But her nerves were already frayed and if these jerk wads didn’t go, she was seconds from slamming into one of them. Not to mention people kept honking at her for some reason, which only added to her already high level of stress.
“Oh, my sweet fucking lord!” She snarled for the nth time. Finally, the car in the right lane slowed down to turn, giving Y/N a chance to flip on her blinker a few seconds before she switched lanes and went around the 80-year-old woman in her unnecessarily giant Dodge pickup. Putting her foot to the floor, Y/N shot off ahead, finally hitting the speed limit. She switched her blinker back on the to signal her passing back into the middle lane, all while muttering oaths under her breath and keep her speed constant.
She thought she was finally clear; she was right down the street from her left turn to get to her apartment when a black and white Dodge Charger pulled up behind her. She shot a glance down to her speedometer, the little red line one ticks above forty. Surely, he wasn’t going to pull her over for going 42 in 40. Her stomach dropped when she saw the red and blue lights flash on. Of course.
“God damn it!” She cried. Tears started to form in her eyes as she slowly signaled to the right and turned into a parking lot. The cop followed right behind her, stopping two car lengths away. She kept her hands on the steering wheel, willing herself not to burst into tears. This was just icing to the cake.
There was knock on her window, startling her. She took in a deep breath to hope calm herself before she rolled the window down. Any ordinary day she would have swooned over the sight of the man standing beside her car. But today, she wasn’t in the swooning mood.
Standing beside her was a giant officer, his uniform seemingly a size too small stretched over his massive muscles of his arms and chest. The officer's dark hair was shaved close to the sides of his head, the top left longer and slicked back, one stray hair curling on his forehead. His dark glasses hid his eyes, but she couldn’t get over that jawline and cheekbones, strong and unworldly sharp. Alright, maybe she was in the mood for swooning.
“License and registration, ma’am.” His smooth voice sent a shiver down her spine, momentarily short-circuiting her brain. He raised a thick eyebrow, tilting his head to the side when she took too long to answer. “Ma’am?”
Reality crashed around her, and the fury she felt before came rushing back to the surface. The officer instantly noticed her shift, his face hardening as he waited.
“And why exactly am I being pulled over?” She bit, narrowing her gaze at the officer. He didn’t seem slightly deterred, tucking his thumbs into his belt loops.
“Ma’am. License and registration first. Then I’ll tell you why I’ve pulled you over.”
Gritting her teeth, she grabbed her purse from beside her seat and plopped in her lap to dig out her wallet. The officer waited patiently with a hint of amusement as she grabbed her registration from the glove compartment with a huff. Just as she went to hand them to him, she jerked it back.
“Look, I don’t know what possible reason why you decided to pull me of all people over for, but you clearly weren’t paying attention to the two people behind me that were going ten under the speed limit causing the backup, which might I add is illegal and more dangerous than someone switching lanes to get around them. As much as I wanted to make a show of going around those jackasses, I didn’t. I had my blinker on for the two seconds I needed before I safely got into my lane, made sure I was in it before I turned it off. Then when I got back over, I did the same exact damn thing.” She couldn’t stop herself if she wanted to. The officer seemed almost impressed, his eyebrows shooting up to his hairline as she continued her tirade.
“I have dash cam footage that can back me up; I did nothing wrong. It also has my speed limit on the video, and I can guarantee you I wasn’t doing anything illegal. None of my lights are out, my license plates are valid, registration is up to date and I have no record. So, I’ll ask you again. What the hell could you possibly be pulling me over for?”
The officer seemed at a loss for words. He shot a look over his shoulder to his partner that appeared behind him, a tall blonde that seemed to be made from the same tree. Where the hell did this precinct get their officers? A modeling agency? He was possibly the next best looking eye candy, that wore a size too small for his build, she’d seen right beside the gorgeous brunette in front of her. The blonde office had pushed his sunglasses up, his bright blue eyes growing wide the longer she went on.
She figured steam was billowing out of her ears at this point. Logically she knew this was the stupidest thing she could have ever done, arguing with a police officer. But this day was out to get her, and she wasn’t going to put up with it anymore. Drop dead gorgeous officers be damned.
“Listen, ma’am-.” The officer started again, laughing softly as he rested his palm on the roof of her car. Y/N wasn’t having none of his honeyed voice.
“Don’t give me any of your bullshit. Why did you decide to pull me over?”
He was quiet, looking over to the second officer who had to step away to laugh in private once again. He let out his own snicker, shaking his head as he pushed his glasses up off his nose. Y/N’s heart stopped when she locked eyes with his eyes, the grey-blue eyes sparkling with amusement.
“Ordinarily, I would sit here and demand for your license and registration again, but I can tell you’re a handful, aren’t you?”
Y/N glared at him not liking his tone. She gritted her teeth, clenching the steering wheel with one hand and balling up her license and registration in her other. It’s illegal to hit a cop, it’s illegal to hit a cop, she chanted silently to herself.
“Don’t fucking flatter yourself, Barney. I was already in a shit mood, you’re just the lucky one who gets to deal with the brunt of my frustration.”
There was a bark of laughter coming from the blonde officer on the other side of her car, any sort of control slipping away at her quip. Good, at least the blonde had good taste in television shows. The brunette glared at the blonde over the top of the car before returning back to Y/N, a lopsided grin sliding smoothing on his face.
“Alright. We clearly got off on the wrong foot.” Y/N snorted, rolling her eyes. He ignored her and continued. “I’m Officer Barnes, this is my partner Officer Rogers. The reason I pulled you over today isn’t because of you’re driving but because you have a couple bags sticking out of your back passenger door.”
Y/N blinked.
He bit his lip and motioned to where Officer Roger was at the other side at the back door. Y/N twisted around to look at the back seat, noticing her reusable grocery bags weren’t sitting on the seat like they should have been. She vaguely remembers opening the door earlier that morning to grab her lunch bag if had been there, and apparently, she missed grabbing them and putting them back before shutting the door on the handles.
Office Rogers tapped the window, pointing at the lock. When Y/N could only stare, her face growing hot from embarrassment, Officer Barnes reached in and hit her unlock button. Officer Rogers opened the back door and gently placed the surprisingly still intact bags on the floor before shutting the door, grinning widely at Y/N as he did.
Y/N slowly faced front, shame and embarrassment washing over her. It took her a second to recover, she mindlessly passed the paper and license through the window to Officer Barnes, who only glanced at her name before returning his attention back on her. Y/N let out a long groaned and buried her face in her hands.
“Oh my god. That’s why people were honking at me.” She whined. it all clicked. Now it was Officer Barnes turn to lose control of his laughter. If she wasn’t so mortified, she’d have melted at the sound of his amusement.  “It’s not funny! I just chewed you out for fucking grocery bags! Oh my god! I’m such an idiot!”
“Not an idiot, just a little tightly wound.” Officer Rogers chuckled, now back beside his partner on the driver side. He had a dazzling smile spread on his face, his head tilted to the side as he observed Y/N having yet again another meltdown.
The tears won out, Y/N realizing that she really was a moron and should have just shut up. instead, she put her giant foot in her mouth. The two men’s behavior shifted right along with her, neither liking the tears that fell down her cheeks.
“Hey, okay.” Office Barnes began uncertainly, looking at Office Rogers with wide eyes. He could handle giant drunken men with guns and knives, hell he could handle screaming, hysterical angry women. But a genuinely overwhelmed not mention pretty woman balling her eyes out was a whole different story. “It’s okay. We’re not gonna give you a ticket. It’s just procedure to ask for a license and all that. You’re okay. I should have just said it was ‘cause of the bags first.”
“Try not to take it too hard. My partner doesn’t have the best of tact.” Officer Rogers tried to lighten the mood with a joke, but Y/N didn’t hear him. Risking a move he knew he probably shouldn’t, he reached in the car an placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Take a deep breath and once you’ve calmed down, you’re free to go.”
Y/N sniffed loudly, wiping her runny mascara and tears with the palm of her hands. Great, she thought bitterly, I already made them think I was crazy and now I look the part too. Nodding through her tears, she took in a deep shuddering breath.
“I’m still an idiot.”
“No,” Officer Barnes repeated firmly. “You’re not. You’d have been an idiot if you smacked me like you wanted to though.”
Y/N let out a watery laugh, a smile growing on her face. The two men grinned, their shoulders relaxing at the sight of her wobbly grin.
“I wouldn’t say I wasn’t impressed with how eloquently you put your argument early, but maybe next time let the office say his reasoning before you start an argument.” Office Barnes said gently, passing the papers back into the car. She frowned, wondering when she gave him the papers but took them quietly.
Officer Rogers clapped a hand on his partner’s shoulder, nodding to Y/N.
“If you can, take a bubble bath tonight. Have a good night, Y/N.” He winked, flashing her another one of his dazzling smiles before he turned to head back to his car. Y/N face burned, his wink doing things to her insides. Officer Barnes stepped back in her line of sight, grinning widely.
“Drive safely. And double check your doors next time before you get in your car.” He chuckled, his crooked grin and insufferable cheekbones causing the butterflies to explode again. She nodded numbly, melting into the seat as the officer turned and headed back to his cruiser. She couldn’t help but stare at his backside as he moved. Sweet lord, he must live at the gym when he’s not at work.
Shaking her head, she put her stuff back in its place before putting the car in drive. As she drove away, she eyed the two Chargers that contained the most attractive set of officers she’d ever seen. And damn it all if she didn’t kick herself for not asking for their numbers, stupidity be damned.
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Summary: Your destiny was to rule over Hell, it was your birthright. But you couldn’t help but think of another warlock you knew deep in your heart was also part of you destiny.
Pairing: Nick Scratch X Sabrina (Nabrina!)
Wordcount: 2,694
A/N: This is my first post! I mean, it’s Nabrina people. He’s loved her since he first saw and heard her in choir class. Softboi Nick. But honestly, Part 3 of Sabrina messed me up pretty bad. I wanted to write a Calbrina fic, but honestly, I needed to write a Nabrina one as my first post here. No way in Heaven I would do Nabrina dirty like that. So anyway, enjoy! Leave notes likes, asks and such I super duper appreciate them! Calbrina fic is still a work in progrss. Hope you guys enjoy this. I had an awkward time ending it. LOL.
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Ruling over Hell wasn’t that hard. Growing accustomed to the afterlife where souls who deserved it were meant to live in anguish and suffer in the darkest most deranged forms of torture surprisingly happened pretty quickly, at times you’d even feel like it was more home than good old Greendale where you left behind your best friend who fell in love with your ex-boyfriend, and your family who never even noticed that the Sabrina they were living with wasn’t even the Sabrina of their time, but family can only reach so far to really know you… especially when you weren’t even related to them by blood in the slightest, except for Ambrose. You knew for a fact Ambrose noticed right away, the clever little beast. Perhaps another reason you’d grown so accustomed to Hell, your real father was with you, and as strange as it may seem, it was like you were living in any old house with a father and stepmother, minus the demons and the road of blood leading to Pandaemonium. Your father, Satan, Lucifer, or even the Dark Lord was like any other father out there. He had meals with you, guided you through your newly imbued powers, and even gave you advice on how to handle hellish matters when things came down to it. But more importantly, he never really stopped ruling over Hell, sure he had more free time now, but even then, he’d still be backhandedly working, he’d handle the affairs you couldn’t since you haven’t really gotten a grasp on the whole politics of hell, he knew he had to step in when you nearly instigated an uprising after telling a court of demons that Hell would be reformed from top to bottom. Even Lilith proved to be helpful, especially when you had to go to the mortal realm to collect souls, she’d stand guard making sure you didn’t stray from the path you’d chosen, the path of night to go back to your family and friends. Of course, hell wasn’t a full time gig, you were allowed days off, in fact you were only ever really in the throne room when you needed to be which wasn’t exactly all the time, any decision you had to make was reiterated to you through telepathy so you had free time now more than ever.
That was the problem though. 
You wanted to be busy. You wanted to stay busy because whenever your brain had even the tiniest inkling that there was nothing to occupy it with, it came back to a certain raven haired warlock whose smirk could keep you hooked for days. The same warlock who broke up with you because all he could imagine and see when he looked at you was your father who in all fairness did try to overtake his soul. Nicholas Scratch. You look down at the writing in the sand from the Shore of Sorrows and quickly cross out his name. It’s funny, the coven was now praying to Hecate, but you could still hear them, you still imbued them with their dark powers because well, they were your coven, and they really believed Hecate could give them that much power when in reality, casting spells and actually getting them to work required a circle of witches murmuring in prayer to the Goddess. The prayers ranged from offerings to prayers asking for forgiveness, you could hear your Aunties, Prudence, even Ambrose had the quick prayer every now and then even though he claimed to be a Polytheist, but the one voice you’d never heard was his, you’d like to say that you didn’t notice it, but you’d never heard him pray to Hecate.
But you could only keep up this lifestyle for so long. You spoke with your father about this. He was powerful in his own right, already feeling the discord of space and time the second you stepped foot in the throne room. He knew there were two of you, he advised you to first learn everything you could about Hell, because a time would come where you would be forcibly merged with your other self living in the mortal world, and instead of forcing you to choose like he’d done in the past, you’d already agreed to rule over Hell so you would always come back and if not, they would just summon you whenever they needed anyway.
You were walking along the path of blood through the forest where you noticed a tiny scribbling on your palm.
You looked at it curiously, and then the realization hit you all at once, there was only one person who had your magic marker. The same person who would use it to have late night conversations with you when he knew damn well that your aunties were sleeping and could hear every single squeak in the house. You quickly clear the forest, hiding the palm of your hand from Lilith when she comes to greet you in Pandaemonium.
Lilith wasn’t and never would be a fan of the Queen of Hell having any romantic life, she always told you to never even think about that.
“Oh, well if it isn’t the Queen of Hell herself.” Lilith has her hands on her hips, talking with an individual who quickly turned towards you, a cunning smirk and devious eyes trained on you. You gulp quickly.
“My, my, Miss Spellman I don’t think I’ve seen you in a long while. I thought you had foregone your magic studies for your mortal friends?” It was Dorian and you realized he was here to bring your father’s monthly stock of alcoholic beverages, he licks his lips, “Never quite thought I’d find you here though.”
You furrowed your brows, “And where exactly did you hear that?”
He turns his body fully towards you, “Why, from Nicky, of course.” Lilith gives you a short nod before going off to find her minion, “And how sad Nicky has been without… well, you.”
Your eyes which had been trained on your shoes snap up to meet his eyes, “W-what?”
He nods silently, eyes closed, “Yeah, he told me months ago and well, there hasn’t gone a day where he doesn’t drink his sorrows away.” He sighs, “Well, that’s what he gets for falling in love.”
He starts to walk around, taking inventory of his deliveries, “You’re his friend, Dorian.”
He hums, “Yes, well, he’s also a customer. A well paying one at that-”
Without even letting him finish, you turn your head in disgust, holding up two fingers to send him back to his bar through a fiery portal.
"Well, aren't you sensitive today." Lilith rubs her still nonexistent pregnant belly, "Has Mr. Scratch got your mind occupied?"
You shake your head, "No. Just-just tell me where my father is."
Lilith moves aside, "Right in his office."
You open the large doors shaped like demon hands and without giving him a chance to talk, you ask him, "How do I check up on my other self?"
He grins at you devilishly, "Dear daughter, by now you've already been gifted most of your full powers, it's about time I gift you a another one." He approaches you slowly looking glad to be ripped apart from the paperwork on his desk he holds his hand over your eyes, "Cum his ad divinum manus mea reddere tibi, divina aspectu"
You blink once, twice, thrice. Nothing seemed to have changed, "You seem pretty happy to be away from paperwork " you scoff.
He shrugs, "Well, you did declare a reform of hell and a book keeping of deals made of uncollected souls." He sits back down, "The royalties of Hell cannot be kept away from their collections any longer."
You shut your eyes, imagining yourself, your voice and as if you were astral projecting you see yourself with your friends. You were Laughing with Theo and Roz in the halls of Baxter High in your cheer uniform and before you can move a body passes through you, it was Harvey and when you expect him to make a beeline for Roz, he goes straight to you. The other you, leaning down he pecks you on the lips.
You look in shock as this Sabrina seemingly embraces her mortal life with her friends, in the 30 minutes you'd spent watching her, not even a hint of magic or spellcasting, "No. No, she wouldn't do this she loves her family, she loves her magic." You shut your eyes tight indespair and disbelief transporting you back where you were, not catching the way you voice seemed to have reached the other Sabrina's earsas if a whisper.
Lucifer was leaning against his desk, a knowing look plastered on his face, you walk towards him with intent, "That wasn't me. That COULDN'T have been me."
He chuckles lowly, "But in fact it is." He stands up straight, "You both are Sabrina, when Hell replenishes and provides your powers there are two of you which it splits into, and as time goes on, you and your powers get stronger because she has been slowly giving up the path of the night. It's a slow, gruesome process but she seems to think it was worth it, to keep that Kinkle boy around." He says in disgust.
He leans over you, finally taking the whole two Sabrinas situation seriously, "You see, dear daughter, only a single soul may exist in this world, to have two means it is constantly ripping and tearing the two souls apart one going more to the other, and what is a human without a soul?"
You look at him in shock, "And because the powers from Hell are more powerful with me, and she's trying to rid herself of her powers, she-she's-"
He sighs, "She knows." He pinches the bridge of his nose, "She's spoken with me and she knows everything. She only wished to spend her remaining days living a normal life with her friends and family, before she ultimately dies a slow and painful death. This was her last wish, as she's seen a future where her loved ones were killed by the Pagans." He starts pacing back and forth, "You see, the universe has a funny way of correcting itself. This time paradox which she had created was never to be successful in any way because only one Sabrina was ever meant to exist, the only two things that could have happened were you two would by nature absorb into a single being or second, one of you would have died." He shrugs.
"Now what? What then when she dies?"
Lucifer ponders, "Well, it is up to you to juggle these two lives or to choose one path over the other, but I must warn you that Hell has a way of fighting back if you do not respect the order of your binding to the realm." He sighs, plopping back down on his seat, "Now run along, child. I must finish these papers."
You walk along the corridors, before a voice reaches you, the only voice you’d wish you’d heard, his voice was low and calm as he began his prayer.
“Unholy Dark Lord, I know I have sinned against you but I am in service and gratitude to you for bringing Sabrina Spellman into my life. I only wish for you to bring her back to me. I am merely a vessel in your grand plan as your will commands so long as you bring her back to me. You rule over Hell and our lives, my brothers and sisters of the Order of Hecate do not understand our powers are granted by you our unholy savior. In exchange for my willing service if you cannot bring her back to me, I only pray you keep the love of my life from harm.” 
You tossed and turned in your bed, unable to sleep. All you could think about was Nick, how the other you had thrown him away and all you wanted was to be with him, to tell him you loved him.
When you opened your eyes you were sat on the couch right in front of the fireplace in Dorian's bar, sitting next to one Nicholas Scratch who you already knew had been there the whole day. He takes another sip from the bottle in his hand and before his mouth touches it, you call him, "Nick."
As if the faintest of whispers reaches his ears, he looks around, catching you off guard.
You feel your eyes fill with tears as he looks around, trying so hard to find you, you speak in a clearer, louder voice, "Nick."
As clear as day, his eyes locked on you and he freezes, slowly bringing his hand to your cheek and cupping it, "Is this real? Are you really here with me? The real Sabrina?"
The tears start falling before you nod your head, "Y-yeah Nick, I'm here."
He embraces you tightly, "I-I just knew. I knew that wasn't you. The day you stopped going to the academy and you told me you were leaving behind the path of night to become a mortal, I just knew that it couldn't have been you." Tears start to stream down his face, “I’m never letting you go, Spellman. Not anymore, now that you’re back.”
You freeze, reluctantly, you clear the air, “Nick, I-I’m not actually back-I, I took the role as Queen of Hell. It’s my domain now.” You can’t seem to find the strength to look him in the eyes, “I’m not even really here. I’m in my bedroom, probably levitating while I meditate my physical and astral body here. Nick, I-I love you, but I can’t give up Hell, I don’t want to anymore. This is my destiny, and even if I did, the hierarchies of Hell would never let me.”
The giant grin on his face slowly lowers to a frown in realization, “H-Hell? You live there now? What happened to the Sabrina here?”
You shake your head, “It’s a time paradox. I’m from this time, but her, well she’s from a different timeline where Caliban was crowned King of Hell and you all died.”
He looks into your eyes, mind made up, and a determination burning in them, “You said before we broke up that you’d give it all up… for me, you would give up your destiny, Hell, Heaven, Earth, you’d give everything up for me.” You didn’t like where this was going because if he was going to make you choose, you knew you would choose Hell, “And Spellman, being apart from you only made everything all the more obvious, I thought my destiny was to become the best warlock of the Church of Night, but now I know my destiny has always been to be by your side-” He holds your hand tenderly in his, “Holding your hand as we travel and explore the path of night together and discover our place in the Underworld. I don’t ever want you to give up your place as Queen of Hell, I know this is what your were meant to do, but I would never ever let you go again, Spellman.”
You shake your head, “Nick, I don’t understand what you’re saying-”
He grasps your hand tighter in his, “What I’m saying is, Spellman, I’d follow you anywhere, even through the gates of Hell because you will always be worth it. Wherever you are, that’s where I want to be because it’s where I’m meant to be.”
You blink away the tears in your eyes, relieved Nick finally opened up to you, “Nick.” You hug him tight, “You’re willing to leave behind everything and everyone, the world, to be with me in Hell?”
He nods confidently, “I don’t care about the world, Spellman. I just care about you.” He leans in pressing his lips against yours as you come back to your physical realm and teleport him to Hell.
He breathes a sigh of relief, “Spellman.” He embraces you, “I love you, Spellman.”
You tuck your head into the crook of his neck, “I love you too, Nick.”
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gottagobuycheese · 4 years
Tag Thingy
Thanks @silent--sonata for indulging my terrible sleeping habits XD
(fyi this will probably be unnecessarily long and rambly, so it’s going under a cut (EDIT: whelp the song list got a little out of hand, I’d apologize if I were even remotely sorry)) 
Rules: Answer 17 questions & tag 17 people you want to get to know better  
Nickname: Cheese (or Lactose Wedge, or Dairy Product of Unspecified Origin and Purpose)
Zodiac Sign: Gemini! 
Height: 160.5 cm/5′3″ (Bubbles I refuse to believe you’re actually that much taller than me) 
Hogwarts house: Somewhere between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff allegedly, both of which I’d be honored to get sorted into, but honestly I’d just be stoked to get sorted at all 
Last thing I googled: I think it was something along the lines of “how to speed up audio playback in GarageBand,” but but my train of thought was derailed before I actually looked at any of the results so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (and on a related note, thanks again for the magical audio editing @imperiousheiress!)
Song stuck in my head: The end credits to Legacy of the Wizard (which is SUCH a jam, thank you for enlightening me @jessicafish) Following and followers: 227 (goodness just looking at that number is stress-inducing) and...104?! When the HECK did you all get here??? I think just last summer I was happily floating about in the 50′s. Anyways, to anyone I have not said hello, hello! Hope you enjoy your stay, and I am sincerely sorry if you expected Quality Original Content, or even just regularly scheduled other people’s content. Sadly, neither of these things tend to happen here. 
Amount I sleep: During the school year it’s usually anywhere between 30 minutes and 6 hours (DON’T EVEN START BUBBLES YOU HAVE NO RIGHT), usually landing in the 3/4 hour ranges if I’m smart about it, but now that I am on Unofficial Break, it’s usually at least around 6 hours (except today was 3 because Avatar is an excellent show and the weirdos in this house have regularly scheduled breakfast at 9-something every morning). Sadly my sleep schedule can only be forced to tolerate normalcy for so long before careening back in the other direction, so we’ll see if this is just a blip or if we’re back to normal mid-Atlantic Ocean hours!
Lucky number(s): I wouldn’t say these are necessarily favorite numbers, but I do like 2 and 9. But come to think of it, second attempts at Official Things do tend to go better for me than first attempts, so maybe there’s some merit there after all! Dream Job: Don’t think I’m really cut out for dreaming anymore, haha (unless you are a theoretical future employer in which case I am Extremely Full of Ambition and Passion). The bed-adjacent metaphor has been made, and not to brag, but I can sleep on pretty much any surface. Currently studying my Not Favorite aspect of STEM (was there ever a favorite or did I just like being good at things sometimes) and learning how to People™ properly (and also learning a gazillion convoluted drug names like what the heck dude, did you just fall asleep on your typewriter coming up with these), so I’ll take whatever place hires me and pays me enough not to depend on my parents for everything, I suppose. In an ideal world, that would entail a job where I could make friends, and even more importantly, a job where my shortcomings would not cause Massive and Irreparable Harm, but I don’t think this line of work really meshes with that last one, so I guess I’ll either have to get my shit together™ extremely soon or fake my death, adopt an alias, and flee to a completely new place with no ties whatsoever before trying to get another, less high stakes job. 
(Though I guess, less cynically, I like helping people well enough? And stories are fun! Maybe there could’ve been something with that. Not that there still can’t be, mind, but there’s still a long way to go between Here and There)
Wearing: Black shorts. Navy t-shirt. Brown some-specific-kind-of-jacket-I-forgot-the-name-of jacket. Is it summer? Is it fall? Am I in middle school? Who can say, but they are COMFY so sadly I have no cares to give
Favourite song(s): way way WAY too many to list here, and I do not have them all organized in a handy playlist separately, but to name a few (and these are not necessarily the MOST favorite okay, it doesn’t mean I don’t love stuff not on this list, it means you can’t force me to pick between my children and I am going to find at least one quick thing from a few things I like before I need to hit post and go back to looking like I’m being studious, and also things I think you should listen to right now, but for everything I’ve linked assuming I mean the whole OST), here’s a spam of links in no particular order: 
LoZ Wind Waker - The Great Sea (aka the epitome of optimism) 
Undertale - NGAHHH!! (I was about to link more but then I realized it’d be the whole soundtrack lol) 
LoZ Breath of the Wild - Hateno Village (Night) 
A:tLA - Peace (bad call BAD CALL NOW I HAVE EMOTIONS) 
Legend of Korra - Final Scene/Ending Theme (MISTAKES WERE MADE MISTAKES WERE MADE) 
Kung Fu Panda - Oogway Ascends (I feel like I’m taking you on a whole little album journey now XD) 
PMD: Explorers of Sky - Dialga’s Fight to the Finish (aka the Gotta Shower Fast song) 
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Pursuit ~ Cornered (aka the HURRY UP AND PACK UR SHIT YOUR FLIGHT LEAVES IN THREE HOURS song) 
Apollo Justice: A New Trial Is In Session (very underrated soundtrack imo) and also Apollo Justice: Telling the Truth (because these two are very closely associated in my head and it’s getting harder and harder to narrow things down so maybe I should stop lol) 
Your Name: Katawaredoki (in which I am forcibly thrown heart first into the bedroom of my second apartment at approximately 12-something A.M.) 
Digimon Adventure 01: Butterfly (MASSIVE 90′s childhood anime feels, and also Last Summer Before Everything Went to Shit feels (on a general scale I mean, not personal)) 
Pokémon: Lugia’s Song multitrack cover by Jordan Moore (would that I could have a talent of that musical talent) 
Pokémon the First Movie: Tears of Life (great now I’m on a Pokémon music spiral GUESS IT’S CHILDHOOD NOSTALGIA HOURS NOW) 
PMD: Blue Rescue Team - Farewell and Run Away/Fugitives (you CANNOT make me choose between these guys okay, my brain WILL explode, and whoops now I want to link the whole ost) 
Palette by A Dear Friend (wink wonk) 
Pokémon: Alpha Sapphire - Fortree City (wow talk about mood whiplash)
Detective Conan: Main Theme (I can’t find the specific version since there are so many, but it’s a Good Theme) 
Super Smash Bros.: Brawl - Opening Theme 
Pokémon Colosseum - Relic Forest 
Song for Lindsay by Andrew Boysen Jr. (oh great now it’s time for marching band feelings I guess)
Mt. Everest by Rossano Galante 
Deltarune - Field of Hopes and Dreams and A Town Called Hometown (orchestrated) (aka the Lots of Work To Do song) and You Can Always Come Home and Don’t Forget (hey guess what I wrote a bunch of fake extra verses for) (also it looks my pathetic attempts at narrowing things down are getting even more pathetic so I’ll wrap up soon XD) 
 Guild Wars 2 - Fear Not This Night (never actually played this myself but my friend got me addicted to the music) 
Lord of the Rings - May It Be (Enya) (aaaand now I miss choir, THANKS BUBBLES) 
Lion King - Can You Feel the Love Tonight (Multilingual) by Travys Kim (aka how I remembered how fun these things are) 
Original Song by Anonymous  
(The urge to add all the other songs I’m not adding is so strong but I’ve got so much work to do so just assume I mean all Nintendo music from any game I’ve played, all Ghibli movie music, every musical I’ve ever heard, and even more) 
Random fact:
Apparently as early as the 17th century, you could guess that a child would have a shortened life span if their foreheads tasted salty. Yes, there is a specific reason, and yes, you may already know what it is, and thankfully no, that life span projection no longer holds true, assuming access to Modern Medicine! 
Favourite Authors: Okay I have not read enough various books of enough various authors to be able to answer this, so I’m just gonna go with a few books instead. They are not necessarily all-time favorites, but I enjoyed reading them very much at the time and more often than not go back to them for comfort reads: The Martian, any of first three Harry Potter books, and The Rise of Kiyoshi. (That last one’s not really a comfort read but I am drowning in Loving Kiyoshi juice so here we are)
Favourite Animal Noises: Certain kinds of birds (UNLESS it’s some ungodly hour of the morning and you’re trying to sleep)? Ooh, and crickets! 
Aesthetic: A slob, but like...a comfy slob. An incredibly disorganized hermit who is happy to mill about in the uncontrolled entropy. (Are we talking about what aesthetic I give off, or what I like to look at, visually? Because I like space, and water, and mountains, and forests, and forests ON mountains, OOH and forests on mountains at night where you can see space, perhaps reflected in a body of water. Or just water, idk. Different things are pretty to look at at different times)
@pachelbelsheadcanon @averybritishbumblebee @shingeki-no-korra @sailorlock @yeswevegotavideo @soultheta @queenerdloser @ifeelbetterer @rogueofdragons @peppervl @amadness2method @mutalune and anybody else who wants to do this! This isn’t seventeen, and I don’t know if any of you have already done it/been tagged, but I hear people moving around upstairs so that means this break is over XD. And ABSOLUTELY no pressure to actually do this, this is pretty much just me wishing you well! (and YOU of course, my dear reader! I hope everything’s going all right, or if it’s not, that it does soon)
4 notes · View notes
spaceytingz · 4 years
1 year of my last.fm!
A year ago, on 20th of May 2019, I learned of last.fm from some peeps at a Carly Rae Jepsen Discord I joined because she had released her new album a few days ago and I wanted to discuss it with other fans. I’m a bit of a stats nerd, so it was really exciting seeing, like, analytics of the music I was listening to during the past year, and, now that I’ve hit the first important milestone, I’m doing this post so I can compile my observations!
General Stats
Month Recaps
Some observations
General Stats:
Total scrobbles (listens) :  33302 (Assuming an average 3 minute song length, this is 1665 hours, which is 69 days of music (nice). However, if we give 8 hours for sleep every day, that’s 104 days of music and sleep, which conveniently matches the duration of a summer vacation. Nice. This is 91 songs a day, AKA around 4.5 hours of music a day.)
Top 15 artists:
Carly Rae Jepsen - 6469 scrobbles (One fifth of all songs listened, around 323.45 total hours, which means around 53 minutes a day)
Ke$ha -  2150 scrobbles (around 107.5 total hours, which means around 17 minutes a day)
Marina & The Diamonds (I am gonna be referring to her as that because we don’t claim L+F) -  1741 scrobbles (around 87 total hours, which means around 14.5 minutes a day)
Taylor Swift - 1620 scrobbles (around 81 total hours, which means around 13.35 minutes a day)
P!nk - 1218 scrobbles (around 61 total hours, which means around 10 minutes a day)
Lorde - 968 scrobbles (around 48.5 total hours, which means around 8 minutes a day)
Tessa Violet - 697 scrobbles (around 35 total hours, which means around 6 minutes a day)
Tove Lo - 692 scrobbles (around 34.5 total hours, which means around 6 minutes 5.8 day)
Britney Spears - 684 scrobbles (around 34.2 total hours, which means around 5.6 minutes a day)
Halsey - 646 scrobbles (around 32 total hours, which means around 5.3 minutes a day)
Charli XCX - 588 scrobbles (around 29.5 total hours, which means around 4.8 minutes a day)
Kim Petras - 577 scrobbles (around 29 total hours, which means around 4.7 minutes a day)
Dua Lipa - 529 scrobbles (around 26.5 total hours, which means around 4.3 minutes a day)
Meghan Trainor - 492 scrobbles (around 24.6 total hours, which means around 4 minutes a day)
Ariana Grande - 485 scrobbles (around 24.25 total hours, which means around 4 minutes a day)
Top 15 albums:
Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen (1887 scrobbles, AKA around 94 hours)  - Probably my favorite album ever.
Dedicated by Carly Rae Jepsen (1740 scrobbles, AKA around 87 hours) - A chill album that I really like!
Emotion: Side B by Carly Rae Jepsen (923 scrobbles, AKA around 46 hours) - A collection of B-Sides that is better than other people’s main material and its parent album
High Road by Kesha (792 scrobbles, AKA almost 40 hours) - THE PARTY ALBUM OF THE YEAR
Melodrama by Lorde (642 scrobbles, AKA around 32 hours) - Masterpiece
Kiss by Carly Rae Jepsen (642 scrobbles, AKA around 32 hours) - To be fair, all my streams from Kiss have been streams of its good songs, which are, like, 60% of the album
Electra Heart by Marina & The Diamonds (585 scrobbles, AKA around 29 hours) - An amazing concept album
reputation by Taylor Swift (476 scrobbles, AKA almost 24 hours) - I love the energy of this album
Bad Ideas by Tessa Violet (473 scrobbles, AKA 23.5 hours) - Amazing.
FROOT by Marina & The Diamonds (454 scrobbles, AKA around 22.5 hours) - This album really grew on me. It’s almost as good as EH.
The Truth About Love by P!nk (408 scrobbles, AKA around 20.5 hours) - My favorite P!nk album, filled with bops.
Manic by Halsey (407 scrobbles, AKA around 20.5 hours) - It has high highs and very low lows.
Animal by Kesha (396 scrobbles, AKA almost 20 hours) - Incredible
Future Nostalgia by Dua Lipa (373 scrobbles, AKA around 18.5 hours) - Very consistent and very good.
Sunshine Kitty by Tove Lo (358 scrobbles, AKA almost 18 hours) - Filled with bops.
Top 15 tracks:
Happy Not Knowing by Carly Rae Jepsen - Carly’s songs are usually growers for me - I don’t like them immediately, but when they grow on me, I love them passionately for a very long time. Happy Not Knowing was an exception. It was the song that I fell in love with on my first listen of Dedicated. It’s my second favorite on the album, after Too Much, but it turns out that it managed to beat it, even if Too Much has an MV. Good for it. Also, my aro ass can very much relate to the sentiment (even if Carly’s doing this to not hurt herself, I can very much Frankenstein this into an aromantic song, thank you very much) - (294 scrobbles)
Too Much by Carly Rae Jepsen - This song might as well have been called “Carly Rae Jepsen violently comes for Tumblr user @ravenclawer‘s ass”. I adore it, the MV is amazing, and it’s one of my favorite songs ever. - (277 scrobbles)
Your Type by Carly Rae Jepsen - I have called this song a song that can turn an aroace into a girl desperate for love for a period of 4 minutes and I stand by my word. My favorite CRJ song ever. - (251 scrobbles)
Want You In My Room by Carly Rae Jepsen - This song is so fun. - (217 scrobbles)
Let’s Get Lost by Carly Rae Jepsen - Let’s Get Lost is pure joy. I honestly think it’s a perfect pop song, and I could go as far as call it a quintessential Carly song. Like, one of the biggest advantages Carly has over many other artists in my eyes is the fact that her singing is so full of emotion - of joy, sorrow, pity. And this song showcases that well. My face literally lights up every time I hear it. - (206 scrobbles)
I’ll Be Your Girl by Carly Rae Jepsen - One of my faves on Dedicated. I love the pettiness behind it. To be frank, I was sleeping on this song until I saw fanart about it, and that fanart made the song click in my head. - (194 scrobbles)
Cry by Carly Rae Jepsen - This song is incredible. One of my top 3 favorite CRJ songs. I can’t really describe it, but.... it’s Cry. I have literally seen people pray for Dedicated Side B to have a “Cry”. It’s Cry, and that’s enough of an explanation. - (184 scrobbles)
Now That I Found You by Carly Rae Jepsen - It’s fun! I love the MV, it makes me wanna dance! A nice song! I am perplexed over why I have listened so much to it, as I like every single song from #9 to #15 more than it, but hey, data doesn’t lie. Oh shit, it just got to the prechorus, I take it back, it’s amazing. - (179 scrobbles)
Party For One by Carly Rae Jepsen - Jepsies shit on this song, and this angers me. It’s a bop, the music video is iconic, and it’s classic Carly. I love it. - (177 scrobbles)
Run Away With Me by Carly Rae Jepsen - You know, this is also surprising, because I’m one of the three (3) CRJ stans that does not worship this song. Like, it’s amazing, but I can name 10 better song on Emotion only. But still, it’s amazing. LET’S RUN AWAAAYYY I’D RUN AWAY WITH YOUUUUU - (171 scrobbles)
Fever by Carly Rae Jepsen - You have not lived until you have shouted this song at the top of your lungs while biking in the countryside. One of my three favorite songs from CRJ. The live performance is also amazing. - (154 scrobbles)
The One by Carly Rae Jepsen - This song finally fully clicked for me in August, and, Jesus, this song is truly one of her best. IF YOU WANT TO, YOU COULD HOLD ME TIGHT, I DON’T WANNA BE THE ONE - (152 scrobbles)
Cut To The Feeling by Carly Rae Jepsen - It’s Cut To The Feeling, come on, it’s literally one of the best pop, nah, best songs in history. - (150 scrobbles, however, if we count a certain cover, it jumps to #5 with 209 scrobbles)
Making The Most Of The Night by Carly Rae Jepsen - I remember first hearing this song and reading a comment that said “This song is literal pop perfection”. And, you know what? I’m inclined to agree. - (149 scrobbles)
ooookay, so that top 15 is super diverse, so I’m gonna do a second top 15 with the songs that are not from CRJ lol
17. Crush by Tessa Violet - This song is SO GOOD. It’s not special to me or anything, but it’s SO GOOD. - (134 scrobbles)
20. Delicate by Taylor Swift - One of my favorite songs of all time. It’s up there with “Your Type”, “Please Don’t Leave Me” and the others. - (114 scrobbles)
23. Tonight by Kesha - as a user on r/popheads described it: “THE TRASHY HOE ANTHEM OF THE YEAR” - (134 scrobbles)
24. Primadonna by Marina & The Diamonds - My mental state when I drink five cups of Coca Cola in a row and I get too happy about life. - (111 scrobbles)
25. So Hot You’re Hurting My Feelings by Caroline Polachek - I wanted to dislike this song SO HARD, cause she just kept popping in my recommendations, but once I gave in.... a masterpiece. - (110 scrobbles)
27. Stay Over by Tove Lo - What is with me and desperate bops? Amazing, a masterpiece. - (108 scrobbles)
28. Physical by Dua Lipa - LET’S GET PHYSICAL MISS DUA! The MV is a masterpiece. - (108 scrobbles)
30. Supercut by Lorde - One of my favorite songs of all time. A bop, a masterpiece, the moment. - (105 scrobbles)
32. Liability by Lorde - The only song that has ever made me cry. - (100 scrobbles)
33. Talking Body by Tove Lo - A sexy bop. - (100 scrobbles)
38. You Need To Calm Down by Taylor Swift - It’s catchy, I like it - (98 scrobbles)
39. Don’t Start Now by Dua Lipa - DON’T SHOW UP - (97 scrobbles)
45. Convenient by Lo Lo - This song is so bitchy, it captures the exact kind of energy I’m striving towards. Masterpiece. - (89 scrobbles)
46. Between You & Me by Betty Who - A bop I discovered in summer! Amazing! - (87 scrobbles)
48. Green Light by Lorde - I’M WAITING FOR IT! THAT GREEN LIGHT! I WANT IT! - (87 scrobbles)
some fun stats (for me):
Top Artists:
CRJ has more scrobbles than #2, #3, and #4 combined and if she had a couple hundred more, we could add #5 to the equation.
I’m honestly surprised Halsey and Charli XCX even made it to the top 15, considering I don’t think of myself as a fan of them.
Britney at #9 is a welcome surprise.
It’s very curious to me how I have listened more to Meghan Trainor than Ariana Grande
Also, the small gaps after #7 are really funny. Like the gaps in #1 - #6 are in the hundreds, and the gaps in #7 to #15 happen to be something like 15 scrobbles lol
Top Albums:
I didn’t expect Electra Heart that high, but good for her
I am pretty sure I listened to reputation enough to help TS get to #5 of my Top Artists.
Just Emotion’s scrobbles would have been enough to get CRJ to #2
Top Tracks:
40% (6) of the top 15 all-time tracks are from Dedicated, 33% (5) are from Emotion, and the rest 27% (4) are from Emotion Side B (if we count Cut To The Feeling)
60% of the top 10 all time tracks are from Dedicated, 30% are from Emotion and 10% are from Emotion: Side B
Month Recap:
I will be treating the statistics like charts cause it’s fun lol
May 2019:
May 2019 in one sentence: Carly Rae Fucking Jepsen.
Top Artists:
Carly Rae Jepsen (404 scrobbles, AKA around 20 hours, AKA 2 hours a day) - CRJ released her new album a few days before I started my last.fm, so I was obviously listening to her a lot.
Sara Bareilles (65 scrobbles, AKA around 3 hours) - I was just discovering her hit songs.
Ke$ha (36 scrobbles)
Paramore (34 scrobbles)
P!nk (30 scrobbles)
Top Albums:
Dedicated by Carly Rae Jepsen (184 scrobbles, AKA around 9 hours, so probably one listen of the album a day) - It just came out, and I am a slut for CRJ.
Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen (64 scrobbles, AKA around 3 hours)
Emotion Side B by Carly Rae Jepsen (63 scrobbles)
Kaleidoscope Heart by Sara Bareilles  (29 scrobbles solely from Gotta Get Over You)
Kiss by Carly Rae Jepsen (27 scrobbles)
Top Tracks:
Want You In My Room By Carly Rae Jepsen (37 scrobbles) - You know, I’m kinda surprised it’s on top, since it’s not in my top 3 in Dedicated, but, to be fair, I probably listened to my top 3 a lot in the three days the album was out and I didn’t have last.fm. A bop.
Too Much by Carly Rae Jepsen (33 scrobbles) - My favorite song on the album. Legendary.
Gonna Get Over You by Sara Bareilles (29 scrobbles) - I had forgotten exactly how much of a bop this song was. I discovered it around the time I set up my last.fm.
LA Hallucinations by Carly Rae Jepsen (21 scrobbles) - One of my faves on Emotion. Deserved much better.
The Sound by Carly Rae Jepsen (19 scrobbles) - You know, this is kinda surprising, cause The Sound isn’t one of my faves, but, hey, it’s a bop.
As there were only 10 days of tracking, there is less material. On to the first full month of tracking!
June 2019:
Top Artists:
Carly Rae Jepsen (=) (990 scrobbles, almost 50 hours, so about an hour and 40 minutes a day) - Miss Carly Rae Jepsen continued her dominance over my ears and my heart during June. As she should. 
P!nk (+3) (245 scrobbles, around 12 hours) - P!nk was my favorite artist of all time until 2019, and now shares that title with CRJ and Kesha. Dunno what I listened from her during June yet, but she is very much a summer artist.
Kim Petras (+16) (107 scrobbles, around 5 hours) - Kim Petras has bops, and released her debut album in late June, so I listened to quite a bit.
Taylor Swift (+33) (95 scrobbles)
Ke$ha (-2) (90 scrobbles) - Love her
Top Albums: (Carly Rae Jepsen Dominating My Life Part 2)
Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen (+1) (303 scrobbles, aka 15 hours) - Oh, wow, Emotion managed to outperform Dedicated? Surprising, but, to be fair, this album is timeless and it has so many bops, I adore it.
Dedicated by Carly Rae Jepsen (-1) (230 scrobbles, aka 11.5 hours) - Dedicated is very much a spring album in my eyes, so as summer gets closer and closer, it seems to give some place to Emotion. I remember being really obsessed with Want You In My Room in June.
Emotion Side B (=) by Carly Rae Jepsen (164 scrobbles, aka 8 hours)
Kiss by Carly Rae Jepsen (+2) (63 scrobbles, aka 3 hours)
The Truth About Love by P!nk (+23) (54 scrobbles)
Top Tracks:
Too Much by Carly Rae Jepsen (+1) (48 scrobbles, AKA around 1.6 times a day) - I mean, are we surprised.
Want You In My Room by Carly Rae Jepsen (-1) (46 scrobbles)
Cry by Carly Rae Jepsen (+7) (44 scrobbles)
You Need To Calm Down by Taylor Swift (debut) (41 scrobbles) - I was obsessed with this song when it came out. Don’t know why people don’t like it.
Happy Not Knowing by Carly Rae Jepsen (+1) (36 scrobbles) - The first appearance of what will eventually become my top track of the year.
July 2019:
July was the month of my internship and my sea vacation. I love July.
Top Artists:
Carly Rae Jepsen (=) (803 scrobbles, around 40 hours, so about an hour and 20 minutes a day) - Third month in a row!
Taylor Swift (+2) (245 scrobbles, around 12 hours) - I actually don’t remember what I was listening to from her during July, we’ll get to that in the Top Tracks section.
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Cast (+8) (119 scrobbles, around 6 hours)
P!nk (-2) (118 scrobbles) - I always listen to P!nk when I’m on a sea vacation, it’s rules. Like, I associate Funhouse with the amusement parks near the sea.
Ke$ha (=) (106 scrobbles, around 5 hours)
Top Albums: (Carly Rae Jepsen Dominating My Life Part 3)
Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen (=) (229 scrobbles, aka 11.5 hours)
Dedicated by Carly Rae Jepsen (=) (226 scrobbles, aka 11 hours) - Dedicated out there giving Emotion a run for its money.
reputation by Taylor Swift (+12) (127 scrobbles, around 6 hours)
Emotion Side B by Carly Rae Jepsen (-1) (85 scrobbles, aka 4 hours)
Kiss by Carly Rae Jepsen (-1) (74 scrobbles, around 3.5 hours)
Top Tracks:
In My Bed by Sabrina Carpenter (debut) (41 scrobbles, aka 1.3 times a day) - Wow, Carly has finally been dethroned on one chart! I remember discovering the MV for this song in July and really enjoying it. It’s a bop!
Too Much by Carly Rae Jepsen (-1) (38 scrobbles, aka 1.3 times a day) - Too Much ain’t going nowhere for a third month straight.
Now That I Found You by Carly Rae Jepsen (+54) / Your Type by Carly Rae Jepsen (+4) / I Did Something Bad by Taylor Swift (debut) (I had just discovered this song, and god, it’s amazing) (33 scrobbles, aka around 1 time a day)
Run Away With Me by Carly Rae Jepsen (+30) (31 scrobbles)
Between You And Me by Betty Who (debut) (This song is so summery, I adore it!) / Right Words Wrong Time by Carly Rae Jepsen (+106) (29 scrobbles)
August 2019:
I spent half the month biking in the German countryside, singing my heart out to Carly lol
Top Artists:
Carly Rae Jepsen (=) (544 scrobbles, around 27 hours, so about an hour a day) - Third month in a row!
Taylor Swift (=) (156 scrobbles, around 8 hours) - Her new album came out in late August, so I listened to it a bit.
Katy Perry (+6) (59 scrobbles, around 3 hours)
P!nk (=) (51 scrobbles)
Ariana Grande (+6) (48 scrobbles, around 2.5 hours)
Top Albums:
Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen (=) (140 scrobbles, aka 7 hours)
Emotion Side B by Carly Rae Jepsen (+2) (125 scrobbles, aka 6 hours) - August 2019 was the moment Emotion Side B fuly clicked for me. Fever and The One got promoted to masterpiece level in my mind. Also, Side B is such an August album. I adore it.
Dedicated by Carly Rae Jepsen (-1) (85 scrobbles, aka 4.5 hours)
Lover by Taylor Swift (debut) (78 scrobbles, around 4 hours)
Kiss by Carly Rae Jepsen (=) (72 scrobbles, aka 3.5 hours)
Top Tracks:
Fever by Carly Rae Jepsen (+19) (THE MOST MEMORABLE SONG FROM AUGUST, YOU HAVE NOT LIVED UNTIL YOU HAVE SCREAMED “SO I STOOOOLE YOUR BIKE” WHILE RIDING A BIKE WHILE THE AUGUST SUN SETS AND THE SKY IS PINK) / Happy Not Knowing by Carly Rae Jepsen / Small Talk by Katy Perry (26 scrobbles, around 1 time a day)
Too Much by Carly Rae Jepsen (=) (25 scrobbles)
Party For One by Carly Rae Jepsen (+8) (24 scrobbles)
Queen Of Mean by Sarah Jeffrey (debut) (23 scrobbles)
I’ll Be Your Girl by Carly Rae Jepsen (+36) / Your Type by Carly Rae Jepsen (-2) (this particular song hits really different in August) (22 scrobbles)
September 2019:
Summer dies and I go back to school.
Top Artists:
Carly Rae Jepsen (=) (398 scrobbles, around 20 hours) - CRJ really said “y’all ain’t taking my spot on the top artists chart”
Marina & The Diamonds (+31) (107 scrobbles, around 5 hours)
Taylor Swift (-1) (103 scrobbles)
P!nk (=) (76 scrobbles) - P!nk is #4 for the third month in a row lol
Britney Spears (+1) (64 scrobbles)
Top Albums:
Dedicated by Carly Rae Jepsen (+2) (141 scrobbles, around 7 hours) - As summer dies down, Dedicated manages to outperform Emotion for the first time since the month of its release. Good for her.
Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen (-1) (87 scrobbles, aka 4.5 hours)
Electra Heart by Marina & The Diamonds (reenter) (74 scrobbles, aka around 3.6 hours)
Lover by Taylor Swift (=) (36 scrobbles)
Emotion Side B by Carly Rae Jepsen (-3) (30 scrobbles)
Top Tracks: (AKA Marina and Lana teaming up to finally kick CRJ out of the top 2)
Doin’ Time by Lana Del Rey (debut) (31 scrobbles) - This is such a September song, it’s amazing.
Starring Role by Marina & The Diamonds (debut) (29 scrobbles) - This was around the time I realised this song is actually a masterpiece. Fuck me up, Marina.
Want You In My Room by Carly Rae Jepsen (+73) (28 scrobbles) - The MV came out in September, and I, naturally, adored it.
Obsessed by Mariah Carey (debut) (26 scrobbles) - I discovered the MV on Youtube and it was and still is, a bop.
Happy Not Knowing by Carly Rae Jepsen (-4) (25 scrobbles)
October 2019:
My biggest memories from this month: Discovering Melodrama and Bad Ideas. (Also Body Talk by Robyn)
Top Artists:
Carly Rae Jepsen (=) (420 scrobbles, around 21 hours)
Taylor Swift (+1) (252 scrobbles, around 12.5 hours) - I’m calling it: this is from my autumn listens of reputation + the song Red
Lorde (debut) (214 scrobbles)
Marina & The Diamonds (-2) (151 scrobbles)
P!nk (-1) (127 scrobbles)
Top Albums:
Melodrama by Lorde (debut) (200 scrobbles AKA around 10 hours) - Carly finally gets kicked out of the first place by a masterpiece of an album. Discovering Melodrama in autumn was a fucking experience. A masterpiece.
Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen (-1) (196 scrobbles AKA around 10 hours) - It’s amusing to me exactly how close the two are lol
Bad Ideas by Tessa Violet (debut) (100 scrobbles, AKA around 5 hours) - I adore this album.
Turn Off The Light by Kim Petras (debut) (88 scrobbles, AKA around 4.5 hours) - I mean, it’s the Halloween month, you expect me not to listen to it?
Dedicated by Carly Rae Jepsen (-4) (79 scrobbles, AKA around 4 hours)
Top Tracks: In a shocking turn of events, CRJ is completely kicked out of the top 5. Autumn sadness (or, dare I say, melodrama)’s impact.
Graveyard by Halsey (debut) (42 scrobbles) - A bop. I also really liked the summer-autumnish aesthetics in the MV.
Supercut by Lorde (debut) (40 scrobbles) - Masterpiece.
Liability by Lorde (debut) (39 scrobbles) - When I listened to it for the first time, I cried. I never cry.
Do You Miss Me At All by Bridgit Mendler (debut)/ Clementine by Halsey (debut) (Ugh, this and Graveyard’s aesthetics. Me love it.) (35 scrobbles)
Red by Taylor Swift (debut) (34 scrobbles) - An acquaintance had the nerve to say it’s better than Delicate, so I gave it a listen. Spoiler Alert: It’s not, but it’s a good song.
November 2019:
Warm autumn is gone. Seasonal depression.
Top Artists:
Tessa Violet (debut) (256 scrobbles, AKA almost 13 hours) - And so, the artist who has the honor to end CRJ’s 6 month streak at #1 is revealed. I love Tessa. I continued to listen to her album in November, it’s amazing.
Carly Rae Jepsen (-1) (248 scrobbles, AKA around 12.5 hours) - She ain’t giving up without a fight, your honor.
Lorde (=) (179 scrobbles, AKA 9 hours) - *screams in Melodrama*
P!nk (+1) (154 scrobbles, AKA 7.5 hours)
Britney Spears (+7) (126 scrobbles) - I think I was discovering Britney in autumn.
Top Albums:
Bad Ideas by Tessa Violet (+2) (179 scrobbles, AKA around 9 hours)
Melodrama by Lorde (-1) (178 scrobbles) - THE GAP addjajdasla
Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen (-1) (101 scrobbles)
The Truth About Love by P!nk (+4) (95 scrobbles)
Dedicated by Carly Rae Jepsen (=) (72 scrobbles, AKA around 3.5 hours)
Top Tracks:
So Hot You’re Hurting My Feelings by Caroline Polachek (debut) (62 scrobbles)
Don’t Start Now by Dua Lipa (debut) (54 scrobbles)
Haze by Tessa Violet (debut) (47 scrobbles)
Back To You by Selena Gomez (debut) (37 scrobbles)
Crush by Tessa Violet (debut) (34 scrobbles)
I feel like my variety of songs I get obsessed with shrinks as winter approaches. Or, you know, those five songs are that good.
December 2019:
*insert mental image of me desperately ignoring my final thesis project*]
Top Artists:
Carly Rae Jepsen (+1) (495 scrobbles, AKA around 25 hours) - Aaaand she’s back :)
Tove Lo (+43) (199 scrobbles, AKA 10 hours) - I think I discovered Sunshine Kitty around December, which was my introduction to Tove Lo after discovering Glad He’s Gone in the summer.
Tessa Violet (-2) (113 scrobbles, AKA around 5.5 hours)
Britney Spears (+1) (98 scrobbles) - It is most amusing to me how she keeps popping up in this chart, when I’ve never fully listened to an album of hers, and she doesn’t appear on the other two charts lol. Love her.
Taylor Swift (+1) (97 scrobbles)
Top Albums:
Dedicated by Carly Rae Jepsen (+4) (174 scrobbles, AKA around 8.5 hours) - Okay, I figured it out: Dedicated is a winter and spring album, Emotion is summer and autumn.
Sunshine Kitty by Tove Lo (debut) (170 scrobbles) - I discovered it that month, a solid album. Stay Over is my fave on it.
Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen (=) (131 scrobbles)
Bad Ideas by Tessa Violet (-3) (75 scrobbles)
Emotion Side B by Carly Rae Jepsen (+14) (73 scrobbles)
Top Tracks: (wow, this top 5 is both diverse in terms of artists and immaculate in quality)
Happy Not Knowing by Carly Rae Jepsen (+117) (51 scrobbles) - Okay, so I’m pretty sure this is the point in which Happy Not Knowing began to gain on Too Much to eventually overthrow it as my most listened-to song.
Stay Over by Tove Lo (debut) (49 scrobbles) - I was and still am obsessed with this song.
Out Of Touch by Dove Cameron (debut) (41 scrobbles)
Crush by Tessa Violet (+1) (38 scrobbles)
Feeling of Falling by Cheat Codes feat. Kim Petras (debut) / I’m Fakin’ by Sabrina Carpenter (debut) (37 scrobbles)
January 2020:
I was in a trance between the middle of January and the middle of February. Music related things I remember: Listening to Selena Gomez’s singles and Halsey’s Manic in the beginning, being obsessed with Kesha’s new album High Road and Dua Lipa’s Physical at the end.
Top Artists:
Carly Rae Jepsen (=) (753 scrobbles, AKA around a whooping 37 hours, which is the highest scrobble rate since June and July lol)
Ke$ha (+10) (538 scrobbles, AKA 27 hours) - Her new album came out in the end of the month, I think she would have topped the chart if it was in the beginning lol
Halsey (debut) (291 scrobbles, AKA around 14.5 hours) - Her new album came out in the middle of the month. I enjoyed half of it, but that half was amazing.
Tove Lo (-3) (201 scrobbles, AKA around 10 hours)
Taylor Swift (=) (189 scrobbles) - I didn’t realise I listened to her that much lol
Top Albums:
Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen (+2) (301 scrobbles, AKA around 15 hours) - Emotion and/or Dedicated almost constantly beating new albums every month will never fail to amuse me
Manic by Halsey (debut) (249 scrobbles, AKA around 12.5 hours)
Dedicated by Carly Rae Jepsen (-2) (214 scrobbles, AKA around 10.5 hours)
Animal by Kesha (debut) (128 scrobbles, AKA around 6.5 hours) - OOH, I remember that, I was relistening to Animal to get ready for High Road. A great album.
Emotion Side B by Carly Rae Jepsen (-1) (124 scrobbles, AKA around 12 hours)
Top Tracks: (This entire Top 5 outperforms every single song that has charted in the Top 5 yet, save for Caroline Polachek’s So Hot You’re Hurting My Feelings, which is only outperformed by the Top 2)
Talking Body by Tove Lo (debut) (a WHOOPING 89 scrobbles, which is very close to 6 hours. This has to be a record) - I discovered this song in the beginning of the month, and gods, it makes me feel so empowered and cool. It’s amazing.
Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA (debut) (Again, a WHOOPING 65 scrobbles, which I think beats every single #1 on the Top Tracks chart yet save for Talking Body) - I discovered this masterpiece on the second day of the new year, and, I don’t know, this song is so fitting for the timeless period in January. I can’t describe it, but it’s amazing.
You Should Be Sad by Halsey (debut) (59 scrobbles) - Such a nice song, I love the MV too.
True Romance by Ashley Tisdale (debut) (58 scrobbles) - I discovered this song along with the top 2 on this chart and it’s amazing, I love it.
Cut To The Feeling by Elijah Mann (debut) (this CRJ cover is probably the best one I’ve heard yet. Amazing) / VIP by Kesha (debut) (54 scrobbles)
February 2020: The trance continues as I do the majority of the work on my thesis project in the last three weeks. As one does.
Top Artists:
Kesha (+1) (663 scrobbles, AKA around 33 hours) - Kesha joins Tessa Violet as the only artists who have managed to dethrone Carly on this chart. (Both of them were riding off the wave of their new albums which I adore)
Carly Rae Jepsen (-1) (564 scrobbles, AKA around 28 hours)
Marina & The Diamonds (+7) (256 scrobbles, AKA around 13 hours) - And so we enter the so called “Marina” period. When I discovered Marina in early 2019, I listened to her constantly from February to April, and then I slowly stopped listening to as much. I resonate most with her during these months.
Meghan Trainor (+2) (166 scrobbles, around 8 hours) - Meghan’s album came out on the 31st of January, along with Kesha’s, and, in a criminal offense to the entirety of the Internet, I am proud to announce I’m a casual Meghan fan. Don’t come at me.
Taylor Swift (=) (157 scrobbles, also third month in a row where she’s #5)
Top Albums:
High Road by Kesha (+6) (549 scrobbles, AKA around 27.5 hours) - High Road joins Melodrama and Bad Ideas as the only albums that have managed to dethrone CRJ’s Emotion and/or Dedicated on this chart. (With a gigantic lead, mind you)
Electra Heart by Marina & The Diamonds (+19) (143 scrobbles, AKA around 7 hours) - Aaaand Marina barely manages to outperform Emotion. Good for her!
Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen (-2) (142 scrobbles, AKA around 7 hours)
Emotion Side B by Carly Rae Jepsen (+1) (115 scrobbles)
Dedicated by Carly Rae Jepsen (-2) / Treat Myself by Meghan Trainor (debut) (106 scrobbles) - THE WAY Meghan’s album could barely tie CRJ’s third highest album on the chart lol
Top Tracks: We have some insane numbers again due to my self-isolation to work on the thesis project.
Let’s Be Friends by Carly Rae Jepsen (debut) (76 scrobbles) - Y’all can obviously see what a new CRJ song can do to me lol
Physical by Dua Lipa (debut) (64 scrobbles) - It’s a bop with an incredible video!
Tonight by Kesha (+13) (61 scrobbles) - BITCH WE’RE GOING OUT TONIGHT
Kinky (feat. Ke$ha) by Kesha (debut) (58 scrobbles) - Dare I say, iconic.
BFF (feat. Wrabel) by Kesha (debut) (57 scrobbles)
March 2020: I attempt to get my life together and a global pandemic says “bitch you thought”
Top Artists:
Marina & The Diamonds (+2) (627 scrobbles, AKA around 31.5 hours) - Marina’s power over me during “Marina season” is unmatched
Carly Rae Jepsen (=) (477 scrobbles, AKA around 24 hours)
Lo Lo (debut) (222 sctobbles, AKA around 11 hours) - Lo Lo is an indie artist, whose music I discovered during March. She’s amazing, I DM’d her on Instagram to tell her so and she responded!
Dua Lipa (+6) (196 scrobbles, AKA almost 10 hours) - Her album “Future Nostalgia” came out at the end of the month. Amazing.
Conan Gray (debut) (175 scrobbles) - ALERT! ALERT! A MALE HAS APPEARED! The public is shocked. Anyways, his album Kid Krow also came out in the middle of the month - amazing.
Top Albums: (first time CRJ is kicked out of the top 3, and, hell, even the Top 4)
FROOT by Marina & The Diamonds (+8) (236 scrobbles, AKA around 12 hours) - That month, FROOT finally fully clicked for me. An amazing project.
Sweater Collection by Lo Lo (debut) (186 scrobbles, AKA around 9 hours)
Electra Heart by Marina & The Diamonds (-1) (167 scrobbles, AKA around 8.5 hours)
Future Nostalgia by Dua Lipa (debut) (157 scrobbles, AKA around 8 hours)
Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen (-2) (150 scrobbles, AKA around 7.5 hours)
Top Tracks:
Convenient by Lo Lo (debut) (a WHOOPING 88 SCROBBLES, only 1 scrobbles below Tove Lo’s Talking Body, which currently holds the record of the most scrobbled track in a month) - This song is fucking amazing.
You & Jennifer by Bülow (debut) (I discovered this from one of Conan Gray’s vlogs, they are very relaxing to watch. Amazing) / Can’t Pin Me Down by Marina (65 scrobbles)
Solitaire by Marina (debut) (62 scrobbles) - I can’t believe I used to find this song boring before March.
Yours by Lo Lo (debut) ( (56 scrobbles)
Femmebot (feat. Dorian Electra and Mykki Blanco) by Charli XCX (debut) (50 scrobbles)
April 2020: Bored.
Top Artists:
Carly Rae Jepsen (+1) (212 scrobbles, AKA around 10.5 hours) - The Presiding Angel Of Pop returns to the top for the first time since January. As she should.
Marina & The Diamonds (-1) (194 scrobbles, almost 10 hours)
Kylie Minogue (debut) (176 scrobbles) - I really got into some of her singles, and I also listened to her album Fever. Sadly, it wasn’t good, so the majority of the scrobbles are from the singles.
Dua Lipa (=) (155 scrobbles)
Kesha (+3) (154 scrobbles)
Top Albums:
Future Nostalgia by Dua Lipa (+3) (141 scrobbles, AKA around 7 hours) - A great album, it was also my workout music.
Pure Heroine (Extended) by Lorde (debut) (110 scrobbles, AKA around 5.5 hours) - I discovered this album in April and, Lord (e), it really is as good as Melodrama.
Fever by Kylie Minogue (debut) (85 scrobbles)
Dedicated by Carly Rae Jepsen (+2) (69 scrobbles (ayyy))
Pang by Caroline Polachek (debut) (68 scrobbles) - I really got into some of the songs.
Top Tracks:
Fever by Kylie Minogue (debut) (52 scrobbles)
I Will Always Love You by Dolly Parton (debut) (50 scrobbles) - I discovered this song that month and Jesus, it’s so much better than Whitney’s version.
Levitating by Dua Lipa (debut) (41 scrobbles)
XS by Rina Sawayama (debut) ( (38 scrobbles)
Cool by Dua Lipa (debut) (35 scrobbles)
May 2020: Spring approaches.
Top Artists:
Rina Sawayama (+3) (184 scrobbles, AKA around 9 hours)
Charli XCX (+28) (165 scrobbles, AKA around 8 hours)
Carly Rae Jepsen (-2) (162 scrobbles, AKA around 8 hours)
Kesha (+1) (130 scrobbles, AKA around 6.5 hours)
Lorde (+1) (127 scrobbles, AKA around 6.5 hours)
Top Albums: (this is the first month in which Emotion and Emotion Side B are dropkicked into oblivion out of the Top 40 lol)
Sawayama by Rina Sawayama (+27)  (182 scrobbles, AKA around 9 hours) - Okay, so, after having r/popheads scream at me indirectly and after getting obsessed with XS, I finally gave this a listen and, man, this is such a stellar record.
Dedicated by Carly Rae Jepsen (+2)  (85 scrobbles, AKA around 4 hours) - I discovered Dedicated’s true calling as soundtrack while cooking. Amazing.
Pop 2 by Charli XCX (debut)  (74 scrobbles) - You know, the irony here is that I dislike, like, 60% of the album. Like, these scrobbles are solely from Track 10, Backseat, Out Of My Head and Femmebot.
Pure Heroine (Extended) by Lorde (-2)  (70 scrobbles) - Because it’s spring and we’re in a pandemic and I’m 19 and I’m on fire
WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? by Billie Eilish (debut) (44 scrobbles) - I first listened to this album when it came out and I found it boring. Then, I participated in a rate on r/popheads which made me do a relisten, and this album is actually really solid!
Top Tracks:
Track 10 by Charli XCX (debut)  (48 scrobbles) - I am not a Charli XCX fan. Like, I feel like a big part of her experimental tracks drop the ball. This, however? This is a masterpiece.
Queen Of Disaster by Lana Del Rey (debut)  (42 scrobbles) - I heard this song from Tiktok lol. First unreleased song on the chart!
Bad Friend by Rina Sawayama (debut) (28 scrobbles) - I do not want to comment on the ways miss Sawayama brutally called me out in this song.
Dead Horse by Hayley Williams (debut) (27 scrobbles) - A bop.
XS by Rina Sawayama (-1)  (25 scrobbles)
Some Observations:
Carly Rae Jepsen has spent 9 months on top of the Top Artists chart.
There has been a CRJ album in the Top 5 Albums every single month, with Dedicated only being kicked out in March, and Emotion in April and May.
The only Top Albums yet: Emotion (4 months), Dedicated (3 months), Melodrama (1 month), Bad Ideas (1 month), High Road (1 month), FROOT (1 month), Future Nostalgia (1 month), Sawayama (1 month)
The only male artists that have appeared on the chart are Conan Gray as #5 on the Top Artists chart in March and Elijah Mann on the Top Tracks chart in January as #5
The lowest place CRJ has been kicked to in the Top Artists chart is #3.
The lowest place CRJ has been kicked to in the Top Albums chart is #5.
The songs with the most scrobbles on the monthly Top Tracks Chart: (also, just noticed #1 and #2′s artists have Lo in their names lol)
Talking Body by Tove Lo
 - 89 scrobbles in January (#1). That correlates to around 3 listens a day.
Convenient by Lo Lo
- 88 scrobbles in March (#1)
Let’s Be Friends by Carly Rae Jepsen
 (#1) - 76 scrobbles in February
Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA
 (#2) - 65 scrobbles in January.
You & Jennifer by Bülow
Can’t Pin Me Down by Marina
 - 65 scrobbles in March, tied for #2 in March
The only artists who have managed to briefly dethrone CRJ on the Top Artists chart: (The longest wait between CRJ’s #1s is two months: she didn’t have the top spot in February and March)
Tessa Violet (after the release of her new album and by 8 scrobbles)
Kesha (after the release of her new album, and with a healthy lead of 99 scrobbles)
Marina & The Diamonds (out of nowhere, and with the biggest gap yet, with 150 scrobbles)
Rina Sawayama (by 20 scrobbles) / Charli XCX (by 3 scrobbles lol)
This was fun, I might edit in some more observations later!
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the-pancake-writes · 6 years
Snippet: Prince Yugi/Bodyguard Atem AU 9 - Hurtful Words
Sequel to “The Kiss”
For a complete overview check the contents page
If you saw this post  you already know about this AU of mine. The title basically says it   all. Prince Yugi, body guard Atem, forbidden love, drama. ;D
Guys, I’m planning on uploading this to AO3/FF.net since it seems to be turning into a story after all lol. So if you have any ideas for the title let me know because I suck at titles!
Last time Yugi and Otogi took a walk in the forest. Otogi took the opportunity to kiss Yugi, much to Atem’s anger...
Another alarm for @spiritualpuzzleshipper and @yamisonarbtleh!!
“How dare you?!“, Atem hissed. “How dare you kiss the prince?!”
“Atem, calm down”, Lord Otogi said but Atem’s grip around his collar tightened.
“You will pay for this! I swear I’ll-”, Atem said and drew back a fist. But before he could punch, Yugi forced himself between Atem and Lord Otogi.
“Atem, what in the gods’ names has gotten into you?!”, Yugi said with outstretched arms and a drumming heart. Atem snorted, his face almost as red as his eyes.
“Me?! He’s the one who dared to kiss you! This is a crime and I will make sure that-”
“Atem, Atem, my friend, calm down”, Lord Otogi said and stepped beside Yugi, adjusting his coat and scarf. “I admit I may have disrespected Dareian laws but you know that in Kallias-”
“We’re not in Kallias! And once we are I will not let you kiss the prince whenever you please or … or even worse!”
Lord Otogi chuckled.
“Or worse? Atem, you’re talking as if I was about to show the prince the path to adulthood.”
Before Yugi could ask what that meant Atem pushed Yugi aside and Yugi almost slipped on the mud the melting snow had created. Atem seized Lord Otogi’s collar once more.
“Over my dead body you will!”, he said. “I’ve had enough! Pull your sword! I challenge you to a duel!”
Lord Otogi only rolled his eyes.
“Atem, I’m a diplomat. Even if I had a sword with me I’d be stupid to accept the challenge of an elite soldier. Relax, my friend.”
“I am not your friend!”, Atem said and shook Lord Otogi.
“Atem, stop!”, Yugi said, grabbed Atem’s arm and made him turn around.
“And watch how that shameless Casanova toys with you and your feelings while courting five other people?!”
“That’s not true and you know it!”, Yugi said.
“I don’t care! I will tell the queen that I see your purity in grave danger and then she’ll remove that philanderer from your vicinity before you completely forget about your duties!”, Atem shouted, his voice echoing through the cold forest.
“Why, aren’t you a hypocrite!” Yugi clenched his fists. “When I found the blue, little book you were the one who told me that here on the continent people are way too strict in that regard! That a noble can be a good leader without being mostly abstinent! And now you’re freaking out over a kiss?!”
Atem was speechless for a moment. He opened his mouth but no words came out.
“Could it be”, Lord Otogi said and stepped forward, “that what Atem is displaying right now goes beyond brotherly protectiveness? I dare say he might have romantic feelings for you as well.”
Atem stumbled backwards, eyes wide. Adrenaline rushed through Yugi’s body.
“A-Atem …” Yugi played with his hands. “Is … is that true …?”
Hope fluttered in Yugi’s chest like a hummingbird. Atem returning the feelings Yugi had been suppressing for so long now …! Atem would only need to say one word and Yugi was ready to run into his arms …!
“That’s … completely ridiculous!”, Atem said. “I’m your bodyguard, my prince! I … I’m only concerned about how you’re forgetting about the duty to your country! The way you’ve been acting I wouldn’t be surprised if you decided to run off with Lord Handsome and leave your people to die in a war!”
Atem might as well have rammed an icicle into his heart. Yugi could only stare. A cool breeze blew and made Yugi’s blond bangs dance.
“You know what?” Yugi’s voice was so calm it even surprised himself. “You go and tell my mother what just happened. But then I’ll make sure to find another bodyguard before I leave for Kallias. One who doesn’t stalk and spy on me. Someone who is honest when he says that I can trust him.”
Yugi turned around and ran. He heard Lord Otogi’s voice trying to stop him but Yugi didn’t care. Nor did he care about splashing himself with mud and icy water as he ran through the puddles, manoeuvring around all the trees and bushes. He mounted his horse and galloped back to the palace, getting away from Atem as fast as he could.
Yugi locked the door to his bedroom behind himself, ignoring the confused servants who had asked him to take off his muddy boots. He felt a few sweat drops running over his temples and a slightly painful tingle all over his skin, caused by the sudden change from the cold outside to the heated chambers.
He took off his scarf and gloves and flung them into different corners of the room. How dare Atem accuse him of forgetting about his people?!  How dare he insinuate that Lord Otogi was courting other people beside him?! How dare he ruin a moment that could have become a wonderful memory?!
Yugi tried to remember what the kiss had felt like but it was all overshadowed by Atem’s outburst. He sank into an armchair and buried his face in his hands.
He never meant to forget about his country! His mother had raised him to always be conscientious and responsible. Just because he had enjoyed how Lord Otogi had distracted him from a possible war it didn’t mean he had forgotten his duties! Even he deserved a break now and then … right?
Yugi didn’t know. But instead of anger he now felt guilt creep all over him for every time he had blushed or laughed because of Lord Otogi’s advances. What if the gods really looked down on him in shame and disgust? If not for forgetting about his people, then definitely for the blue, little book in his bedside table …
Yugi got up and peeled himself out of his coat. Without changing out of his riding attire he made his way into his office, hoping to appease both the gods and the tense feeling in his stomach by getting back to work.
Yugi spent the rest of the day and half of the next in his office. He had already distributed most of his tasks because of his upcoming journey but he still found papers to read or binders to reorganise. He ate little, spoke to no one and hoped that this way he could prove to the gods that Atem had been wrong.
Now and then anger flared up in his chest, directed at Atem and his unjust accusations. Atem’s anger on the other hand, apparently hadn’t lasted long. At least he hadn’t fulfilled his threat of telling the queen of what he had seen. Otherwise she’d have summoned Yugi immediately.
Maybe Yugi’s counter-threat of finding a new bodyguard had stopped Atem? But even if it had, Atem had only refrained from telling the queen because he didn’t want to lose his position as Royal Protector. It certainly wasn’t because he cared for Yugi. He had made that clear by calling the idea of him being in love with Yugi “ridiculous”. Yugi still felt a sting in his chest at the memory.
Just as he was taking notes concerning  the funding of a medical research facility, a knock sounded and a butler entered with a tray.
“My prince”, he said and filled Yugi’s cup with tea and half a spoon of sugar. “A maid of Lord Otogi gave this to me just now.”
He handed Yugi an envelope and withdrew. Yugi opened it and read:
My dearest prince,
I am deeply sorry if any of my actions yesterday caused you hurt or confusion. I hope I’m not the reason for your refusal to receive anyone right now. About Atem, I tried to talk to him but sadly he rejected my kind offer.
If you’re feeling lonely, know that you’re always welcome in my chambers. Whenever you need a friendly word, a shoulder to lean on, or more, do not hesitate to call on me. Furthermore, I think you’re a most devoted and hard-working person and a wonderful prince who only wants the best for his country.
With all loyalty and admiration,
Lord Ryuji Otogi
For a moment, Yugi’s worries were wiped away. How kind of Lord Otogi to write a note! The words on the page warmed him from the inside more than the steaming cup of tea next to him ever could. While Atem had pushed him away once again Lord Otogi’s arms were still wide open.
… you’re always welcome in my chambers.
Yugi had to admit that he’d much rather talk to Lord Otogi than keep working. But wouldn’t the gods be disappointed? Then again, he’d only spend 20 or 30 minutes with Lord Otogi – and he certainly wouldn’t let it result in another kiss! He only needed a few smiles and kind words, then he’d get right back to work …
Yugi stood up, left his own chambers and approached Lord Otogi’s. He knocked on the white door with golden ornaments but no one answered. Had Lord Otogi gone out? Yugi knocked a second time but still no answer.
Yugi’s heart sank with disappointment and he was about to turn around. But then he heard a female chuckle from inside. Yugi stretched out a hand for the handle. It’d be rude! But he only wanted to ask where Lord Otogi was … and he had written that Yugi was always welcome.
He opened the door and sneaked into the corridor. He was about to say something but heard another chuckle, a male one. Lord Otogi’s …?
It came from the drawing room where he and Lord Otogi always spent their lessons. The door was ajar and Yugi looked inside.
It was as if someone poured a bucket of icy water over his head.
The red-haired maid was sitting on Lord Otogi’s lap, their faces glued together in a kiss, and Lord Otogi’s hand on her naked thigh, pushing up her skirts.
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swiftdec13 · 6 years
Meeting Taylor 7/27/2018
Ok... Get ready for a WILD ride.
Flashback to May 25, 2018. I flew to Denver to see Taylor with my best friend. He moved across the country after high school and we always make sure that we see a show wherever he is living at the time (he moves around a lot) and where I am, which is always Upstate, NY because I’m a homebody!!!
SO, this is where life started to take a downhill for me. Before getting on the plane, I had a panic attack and I wasn’t even sure if I was going to make it to Denver. I kept reminding myself, it’s for Taylor, you have to go, it’s for Taylor. I was SO sick the entire time in Denver from anxiety. On show night, we found out that our seats were right at the barricade that Taylor was going to walk through and naturally, I was balling my eyes out, I could NOT believe that I was going to be THAT close to Taylor. I have seen Taylor live 8 times altogether throughout the years and NEVER have I EVER been able to be standing within an arms reach of her!!!! 
The show was rough. As I mentioned before, I was feeling SO sick. At one point I legit thought I was going to have to get security to help me out BUT I kept telling myself, you are NOT missing the chance of being able to grab Taylor’s hand, NO WAY NOT HAPPENING. So it was time for her to walk through the crowd and Mitch got mine and his reaction on tape, which was actually really hysterical so I posted it on Tumblr in hopes that Taylor would see it because seriously ya’ll it was priceless. 
So, fast forward to June 15. I was laying in bed minding my own business, reblogging my posts as per usual and ALL OF A SUDDEN, my Tumblr starts BLOWING up. Taylor had liked the video of Mitch and I... not only that, she straight up LURKED me and liked 7 things, including a selfie and I DIED. I called Mitchel and was BALLING, I’m pretty sure that he thought an emergency was happening but once I told him, we were both FREAKING out, we couldn’t believe it. Taylor and I have been mutuals for like 4 years and this was the first time she properly noticed me and I was living a dream. 
Alright, fast forward again to the beginning of July. I was sitting in the movies with Mitch while he was visiting and my entire body started shaking for no reason. I could not calm it down for the life of me. It continued to shake all night and I felt SO sick. The next morning, the 4th of July actually, I told my Mom for the first time that I thought I was suffering from an anxiety breakdown. We went to on call wondering if maybe it was dehydration but, everything checked out normal. I called my Dr. straight away and the office was closed for 5 days straight. For 5 days, I laid on my couch, sicker than I have ever been in my entire life. So nauseous, my body shaking off and on, it was literal hell. I finally got to the Dr’s. and explained to her that I believed I was suffering from major anxiety that just popped up and overtook me. She agreed and I started to see a therapist and began medicine. Ok, the first night on the medicine, I about DIED, I was so sick, getting sick in the trash can, with a non stop shaking body and I was so scared. I called my Aunt and cried and told her I needed to go to the hospital. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t move, I just wanted to die. My Aunt came over the next day and we sat down with my Mom trying to figure out what to do and I went to stay with my Aunt for a week because she has been through something similar. That week, was the scariest week of my life. I couldn’t go out in public, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep. I felt nauseous 24/7 and all I did was cry. 
OK, FAST FORWARD AGAIN, so now I’m like 2 weeks into my medicine and the Dr. said about 10 days things should start improving but you don’t see full effects until about week 6. SO, I still feel nauseous daily and my appetite is just starting to return. It’s still difficult to go out in public and my hands pretty much shake non stop, which is really annoying. I keep making myself go out every day because I know that it will be beneficial. SO, it’s a week before the Gillette shows and I had tickets to all three nights. I knew that there was NO WAY IN HELL I was going to be able to go with how sick I’ve been. I called Mitch and sadly told him that I had to call everything off, and when I say sadly, I mean, SADLY. I was so depressed. That weekend is all that I was looking forward too all summer and I wasn’t strong enough to go. Mitch being the great friend that he is only cared about my health so he understood completely. 
FAST FORWARD to Tuesday, July 24th. I was leaving my therapist appointment and ALL OF A SUDDEN, around 12:30 in the afternoon, I have a DM from Taylor Nation. SO, I try to remain as calm as possible, because, anxiety, and I called Mitchel and staying calm didn’t work out so well. I was SO sick waiting for that phone call. Around 6:45 in the evening, I got a phone call from a New York caller and I FREAKIN’ REJECTED THE CALL BY ACCIDENT. I called back over and over and left a voicemail and talk about SICK. I couldn’t sleep the entire night, and my stupid body was shaking again, and I thought that was my one chance to meet Taylor and I freakin’ BLEW IT.
SO, the next morning, Wednesday, sick as shit again, I just prayed to GOD that they called me back. A little after 11 in the afternoon, I got a call again from a New York number and it was Taylor Nation and PHEW thank you LORD. SO I gave her all of my information and she was super nice. Later that day everything was confirmed for meeting Taylor Friday and WOW what a DREAM. 
Now the nerves set in. I had no idea how I was going to survive this trip. The night before, Thursday, I was a nervous wreck. I was so sick, legit like leaning over toilet dying and I was so scared. I was just praying that somehow I could myself together because I could NOT miss this opportunity. The next morning, I was feeling pretty calm and I was READY TO MEET TAYLOR SWIFT. I picked Mitch up around 8 am and we set off to Massachusetts. As the day went on, my anxiety started popping up here and there but it was manageable, I just kept reminding myself that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I’ve been waiting 12 years for and my stupid anxiety was NOT going to ruin it for me.
So we had to pick up the meet and greet paper at will call between 4-5 pm on Friday. This is when the nerves really started kicking in because other people were waiting for the paper too and it just wasn’t coming and we were all freaking out. FINALLY the paper came closer to 5. So, we went through security and the paper said to ask the guards for help. I went up to a group of security guards and they kept telling me, were told there was no meet and greets for this show, where did you get this paper? I was trying to explain and the guy TOOK MY PAPER AND WALKED AWAY and I wanted to DIE. He came back and goes yea, no meet and greets, after using his walkie talkie, So, I SNATCHED THAT PAPER SO QUICK AND SAID, I’LL FIND IT MYSELF THANK YOU!!!!!
I’m FREAKING out at this point because neither Mitchel or myself know where to go or what to do and we had 20 mins. at this point to get there. I ran into amazing Tumblr people who literally ran around the stadium trying to help me. I’ll be forever grateful to that group of girls because not only did they help us find the meeting spot, they stayed with us the entire time until we went backstage reassuring me that everything would be ok. At this point, the stadium is legit SPINNING and Mitch just kept telling me to breathe and take a minute to myself.
We finally get backstage and I CANNOT BELIEVE that I’m standing inside of the REP ROOM. There was polaroid cameras that we got to use and water and sodas for us. I’m not sure how long we were in there before meeting Taylor but, it felt like a lifetime and I was slowly sinking ship. FINALLY it’s time to start lining up to meet Taylor. Mitch and I were called second. We had talked in the car about what we wanted to say, etc. and keep in mind that originally I wanted to ask Taylor to sing Change, I’ve been posting it on Tumblr for months, but I told Mitch to forget about it because I was like, she never will. Before going into REP ROOM I ran into another Tumblr Swiftie and Taylor had told her the night before that she was thinking about singing Change for Friday night and I ABOUT DIED CRYING BEFORE EVEN GOING IN TO MEET TAYLOR. I COULDN’T BELIEVE??? DID SHE SEE MY POSTS??? HOW WAS MY LUCK FALLING INTO PLACE LIKE THAT??? THIS NEVER HAPPENS IN MY LIFE.
SO, it’s our turn to go in. I pushed Mitch in first because I was legit SCARED LOL. Mitch walked in and I followed closely behind and Taylor goes, oh heyyyyy, like she knew us forever. She hugged Mitchel and then hugged me. She goes, look at you guys, you look so good, I love the snake vibes you have going on!!!! Mitchel goes, WOW you’re so tall!!!! Are you wearing heels??? Taylor laughed and was like I know right, I am so tall, but yes, I’m also wearing heels. Mitch then proceeded to remind me to give Taylor the snake ring that I had for her, mind you I have yet to say anything because I was just IN SHOCK. She is so beautiful, and WOW like in person she’s not even real??? So, I hand her the ring and she puts it on and says oh my gosh thank you so much!!!!! SO there was like an awkward silence and finally I turn to Mitch and I go, I’m going to start crying, and I turn back to Taylor and I am full on UGLY CRYING SOBBING at this point. She was looking me in the eye, like she genuinely cared about what I had to say, and I said, I’m having a really hard summer and I just wanted to thank you for wanting to meet me. Taylor goes, aw of course, and I said, I just sit and listen to Change and I know that things will get better, your music helps me so much. Taylor’s eyes, I can’t even explain her facial expression like she genuinely felt my pain and cared so much. She hugged me and she was like I’m so sorry that you’re having a hard summer, I hate hard summers. Then when she let go she goes, would you like me to sing that song for you tonight? I was like yes thank you so much... she was like yea? That would be good? I haven’t played it in like 8 years but I can make it happen. I’m still full on sobbing guys. 
She goes should we take a picture?? So we walked over to the picture spot and Mitch goes, what side Britt, and Taylor laughed and goes, yea get your good side girl. At this point I’m so zoned out, I couldn’t even remember what I did for the picture. I don’t even remember Taylor’s head leaning on mine hahaha. SO, after the picture, Taylor hugged Mitch again and then came over to me hugged me for SO LONG GUYS. Like, legit I start sobbing again over her shoulder and she was like, I hope that your summer gets better because you don’t deserve this. It will get better, because these things will change, right? and I said right... and still full on sobbing. So we said bye and I said thank you, and I honestly can’t remember what I last said. I just remember I heard Taylor like sigh, a sigh like oh my gosh, poor girl, LOL. I never even once said I love you and you mean so much to me??? What’s wrong with me!!!!
ANYWAYS, flash forward to the show. At this point, I’m really losing steam. I can feel my body so tense and so nervous and the nausea started to return but I kept telling myself, you need to make it to the surprise song, there’s NO WAY you can miss this. So, FINALLY it’s that time. I had NO idea that Taylor was going to legit CALL ME OUT ON STAGE and basically dedicate Change to me but I was full on SOBBING AGAIN. I looked around the stadium and felt like 60,000 people were telling me to keep fighting because these things will change and I can’t even describe the feeling that went through my body.
There are NO words to express how grateful I am that Taylor did all of this for me. I don’t know what I did to deserve this all but, it was worth the 12 years of standing on the sidelines wishing for that moment. I still have a long battle to fight but I’m never giving up because these things will change, can you feel it now? Thank you so much, @taylorswift this night meant SO much to me. I love you!!!
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thegreyareabetween · 6 years
Texts I Send During Seminary
I consistently forget to post these here, but I’ve compiled them now because tbh, they really show a lot of what seminary is about. (Things in quotes are things said by teacher or students in seminary; asterisks mean I went on a long rant after)
- Cool so in seminary they’re saying that the reason the native Americans were forced out of their lands and beaten and tortured and subjected to the horrors the Europeans brought because it was god’s will.*
- “This is not about color” as god makes the bad guys in the Book of Mormon darker skinned and makes the good guys have light skin. Sure whatever just say Joseph Smith was racist and let’s move on*
- “Women need to be educated because they need to educate their children. Not because you want to make more money.” First of all, fuck you.*
- “When you feel like the church is wrong, you aren’t feeling that it’s wrong, you’re feeling what those people who oppose the church are saying is wrong.” What kinda bullshit logic are you trying to use?
- Oh boy do I just hate going to church and listening to the same lesson I’ve been hearing for 17 years
- Love when the church uses big numbers to make them seem better... Kay so they say they’ve donated $1.2 billion dollars over the last 30 years to charity. They’ve got 15 million members. If all those members paid tithing, that’s a lot of fucking money right? But the church only donated $80 per member to charity. When y’know, you’ve got members donating $18,000 per year. So really, are they really digging into their pockets for charity? If you divide that by the number of years, they’re donating $2.67 per member per year to charity. So like, that’s bullshit.*
- I bond with no one over being gay because I’m surrounded by STRAIGHT PEOPLE
- God we have a sub today in seminary and he’s being a bitch,
“No talking”
“Get off your phone.”
“Use your phone only for scriptures.”
“You have to talk to people.”
“I’m going to take your phone away.”
First of all I have anxiety so jot that down, Second of all, try to take away my phone, I fucking dare you. I will get up and leave, I’m done with this shit.*
- “The Nephites were in bondage.” First of all, that’s kinky. Second of all, please stop saying bondage so much it is making me
u n c o m f o r t a b l e
“In what way have you seen people in bondage today?”
- Getting up early and dragging my ass to a religious institution that makes my whole existence a sin is not something I would call ideal. The sabbath is the lord’s day of rest therefore Jesus wants me to take this nap, mom.
- If there’s one thing I’ve learned from church, it’s that I hate kids and I will never have them. Other people? Fine have an army of children. Me? Not for both of my kidneys.
- So my seminary teacher is telling a story about an SBO at Bingham high school. The legislature said you can’t pray at high school graduation right? So this kid gets up at his graduation and prays anyways and my teacher is like, “And I’m so proud of him for standing up for what’s right.” Like wtf. Breaking the law and forcing your religious values on a captive audience seems wrong to me???
- Mormons trying to reconcile religion with science makes me feel not good.*
- “Now that gay marriage is legal, mormons may now be forced to perform gay marriages.” That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.
- "A successful woman isnt educated, or in a big career, or an owner of nice things- she's a mother." -My seminary teacher. Like I’m not trying to make motherhood seem unimportant, because it is important, but like... it’s just not for everyone.
- I don't know why but it bugs me when people brag like, "Well I'm related to Brigham young." The man had 50 wives, the real question is who isn't related to Brigham young in this state.
- My teacher is like- overtly racist and it meshes way to well with the doctrine in class
- "Would you go on a mission to a Polynesian island?" Idk man seems racist to me to ask that
- “Our church does really well in countries with dark skin." That's... that's not... where do I even begin to tell you how wrong that is. Bad bad word choice.
- "50% of people who walk into hotel rooms watch porn." First of all, I didn't even know the hotel had any porn options until now. Second, where did you get that statistic?
- "When you dress immodestly it's because you want attention and you don't really care about your body." That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
- "You'll get an STD if you have sex outside of marriage." I mean, if you're dumb and you're not careful you'll get an STD. You can get an STD even if you're married so lol
- "We turned on a PG-13 movie and within 10 minutes they had sworn like 30 times." At that point it's not PG-13 so you obviously weren't really looking at the rating
- My seminary teacher just said that Albert Einstein said that he believed in god. Which is like. So wrong. Albert Einstein said he was agnostic, and didn't believe in life after death. He said he wouldn't deny the possibility of a divine being but he wouldn't say there was one either 😒😒
- "Wow. The Book of Mormon and the Bible are so similar! They say the same kind of things about this other thing." Wow. It's like. It's like Joseph Smith had read the Bible because he grew up Christian. It's like. It's like he knew what the Bible said. Wow.
-"Anti-Mormon literature is so false, I would know because I'm the expert on the staff here about why it is false." Well first of all you have been so wrong so many times I find that extremely hard to believe
- "Fortnite is part of Satan's plan." Yeah I'm sure Satan wants to turn people from Jesus by playing fortnite.
- "My friends who swear have different thoughts." Wow, really? That's insane information.
- Everyone getting accepted to BYU and I'm here like, lol if I step on that campus I'm pretty sure alarms would go off and the campus and I would burst into flames.
- "It's on girls to dress modestly so boys don't do bad things." Maybe... maybe we should teach boys to control themselves.... And not teach girls it's their fault if boys make fucking dumb decisions...**
- So being gay is equal to murder in the eyes of the church in terms of transgressions. I hate living here*
- “You can’t be on your cellphone unless you’re on the gospel library.” Cool, try to take away my phone, see what happens. Like lol go ahead and call my mom. I don’t care anymore. I clearly have not cared since the day I started seminary. My mom will be pissed and probably take my phone away but really, y’all parade around free agency but it’ll just make you look bad if I get in trouble*
- “All of you on your phones are you with us?” Is that some sort of rhetorical question? Because I know you know I’m not paying attention and I don’t care to so why do you keep asking? Because if you’re looking to shame me into complying, jokes on you, I have no shame.
- Why must I, a simple gay, suffer like this
- If I had to choose between coming here and getting hit by a bus, you best damn be sure I’m choosing the bus
- Because of course that’s how you encourage people to go to church, yell at them so they feel so bad they have to go
- Like 90% of my problems wouldn’t be problems if church weren’t a thing
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danciingwthestars · 7 years
My VIP experience at the DWTS Light Up The Night Tour!
Hey everyone! I wasn’t going to do a post about this but I decided to so I could look back at it and remember every detail. 
This was the first DWTS tour I went to so I obviously don’t have any other experience to compare it too.
I went to the show on January 21 in Buffalo, NY. It said to arrive the latest at 5:15 and the show started at 7:30 pm. My mom and I got there pretty early and checked in. We got a cute reusable bag with a tumbler cup and each got 1 free drink ticket. We walked in the bar and there was the gif booth that was fun and had great lighting lol. That room leaded to the main room we’d be in that had a few tables and some chairs. 
Not even 5 minutes being there I saw Lindsay’s husband, Sam, and asked him for a picture. He said of course but had to make some announcements first. I didn’t know he was so involved in the tour!! So that was really awesome. He was very nice and I asked him about Hawaii because I saw they went after the season ended. 
The other guy who did announcements was hilarious. I don’t remember exactly what time the dancers came in but I’d say around 5:30? I saw that the people in the professional photo are alternating and same with the people that mingle un the room. It was very organized. We were given a lanyard and they had a number on it. We had 5. They called you up by number and there were about 10 people in each group. I’d say there were probably 12 groups total? 
Alan and Sharna were in our photo along with Frankie, Jordan and Lindsay. Keo and Brandon were in the room talking to people. Keo came and sat in my mom’s seat ( I have no idea why she was standing) but he came to us first and started talking to our table. He was so nice and easy to talk to. He thought I was funny and asked what my name was and shook my hand. Then we took a picture! I just made some funny remarks to him like telling him he better have a good show and make it the best. Then he got up and a line started to form to talk to him and Brandon and take pictures. It was cool that we didn’t have to wait in that line because he came right up to us! (Our table was right where people exited the photos. When they all first came in they went on the little stage and got water and he came out that way.) 
It didn’t take too long for us to be called for our picture. I was so nervous!!! I already had planned what I wanted to say to each person but I wasn’t sure how rushed we’d be. When Same told us we were ready to go Alan was right there ready to greet us with a hug. He was soooooooo cute in person, oh lord!! I wish I had said more than just hi to him but my mom told him she hopes hes a pro again. (Which is what I planned to say lol). Lindsay was next in line and I told her she was even prettier in person. I planned to tell her how much I admire her and how amazing her choreopgraphy is. But…Jordan was next to her and heard what I said and was like “aww thank you!!” so that kinda caught me off guard from my plan lol. I don’t remember exactly what I said but I said something along the lines of oh you are too. And gave him a hug. I wanted to tell him how awesome he was and that I also admired him but yeah he caught me off guard lol. I’m so sad I didn’t say more to them!!! Sharna was next and I was so excited to meet her. Her eyes were SOOOO blue. She gave me a hug and I told her how sad I was that her and James didn’t win. I can’t remember what she said but I remember her laughing but yeah I can’t remember for the life of me how she responded. Frankie was last and I gave him a hug. I told him I loved him and his contemporary was my favorite. I think he just nodded but I’m not sure. Then we posed for the pictures. They took 2 thankfully. After the first one, my dumbass said “I can’t believe you guys are real” and they all laughed lol. Then Jordan whispered to me “one more”. Then we said bye and they were all so enthusiastic saying bye. 
We sat back down at our table and it already felt like it didn’t happen! Not too long after they finished all the photos and then they lead us to the merch table. Everything was pretty overpriced to be honest. Even the programs were $20!!! Another thing was, for clothing they charged an extra $5 for XXL. I thought that was discriminatory. (My mom wanted a shirt and is an XXL but didn’t wanna have to give an extra $5) 
After that, we had about an hour and a half before the show started. The doors opened at 6:30 but we were hungry so we walked somewhere to have dinner. We went back and our seats were awesome.
I’m not gonna go into too much detail about the show itself but the first half went by so fast! There was a 15 minute intermission. The commentary that Frankie did was hilarious. Obviously it was scripted but he was great. He did his Argentine Tango, Foxtrot? and Cha Cha. Jordan did his freestyle, Samba and Foxtrot. He was also in a lot of the dances with pro’s while Frankie wasn’t. (Makes sense but also have to feel bad for Frankie) The second half had a lot of Disney dances. Emma and Sasha had a cute dance together. Jenna was in a lot of the number and had a lot of solo stuff with the guys. The show was amazing and it was so cool to see them dance in person. The show went by so fast!! 
Things I would change about VIP: for the amount of money paid to be a VIP, I still feel like we could’ve gotten more than a bag and a tumbler. It’s nice don’t get me wrong, but I think they could’ve included a program for everyone. $20 is a little ridiculous. I also wish more dancers came out to mingle than just 2. I know not all of them and they rotate between that and the pictures, but I was hoping to be able to meet more people. It would’ve been better if there were 3 people out there. I was hoping Jenna would be one to come out but she was doing a livestream during it so I knew she wouldn’t be. I was talking to one lady and she said that last year they had some cheese and crackers for the VIP’s but they had no food or snacks. The one free drink was nice though. 
Yeah idk. I’m so grateful and happy and thrilled I got to go. If there was any tour I would’ve wanted to see, it would be with Jordan. Frankie was an awesome extra bonus. I regret not saying more to Lindsay and Jordan because I love them so much! I doubt anyone even read this or this far in general lol. I guess I wrote this more for myself to remember the little details! BTW, the pictures took less than 48 hours to upload on the site and turned out really great. I’m glad they took 2 pictures in case one didn’t turn out good!
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straydays7-blog · 7 years
My Day6inNYC Experience!
EDIT: I typed this up in word and pasted it into Tumblr. Tumblr kinda make some things look a little weird so excuse that please.
This is super late coming but as soon as I left NYC I had to cram for a ton of exams and now that most of those are over I can take the time to talk about my experience seeing Day6 perform live and even hi-touching them;;;; This post might be a little bit all over the place, but I cant help but to feel SO MANY FEELINGS when I think about this okay. Its still so surreal I cant believe it actually happened it felt like a really good dream okay. Also, I wish my English were better to express myself here I have so many emotions I wish to express but honestly, I dont know how Id even describe these feelings in any other languages I know SO ILL TRY MY BEST WITH ENGLISH. Also, fair warning, thisll probably be really long so prepare yourself.
Okay, first things first. I arrived like 30 mins early to pick up my P2 wristband and apparently had I been a little earlier I could have seen day6 enter the Town Hall! Somehow, even though I was not the first that arrived at the venue to pick up my wristband, I did end up being first in the P2 line. And lord behold. Someone opened the backstage door. Then and there, I caught a glimpse of Sungjin, playing his guitar singing his part in the You Were Beautiful chorus. EVERYONE AROUND ME STARTED SCREAMING LOL. I was in such shock. Sungjin is so beautiful (in present tense) and has one of the best voices Ive ever heard okay. I dont think I really realized until then I was going to see Day6, like the band that inspires me to work hard every day and makes me so happy. Even though I had bought the ticket and everything that brought me to NYC, it felt surreal and then I knew it was R E A L. Theyre real and I was about to watch them perform live and even meet them afterwards like what the heck? After getting my wristband, I picked up a fanproject banner that would later be used to move day6 to tears:) These boys are so wholesome.
I went back to my hotel for a while after that because it was rainy and windy so walking around didnt sound so nice. Around 5:30 I left to get a bite to eat and then head back to the venue. Ended up getting a burger at Five Guys (and okay totally off topic from seeing Day6, but the Five Guys burger I had in NYC was so much better than any Ive had here in VA? Or maybe excitement makes stuff taste better.) I arrived at the venue at like 6:00 and the line was already pretty long! There were some My Days handing out photocards and I bought a Sungjin badge from one girl. (This experience is gonna make me sound so Sungjin biased but omg my bias is definitely Young K)
Once I was in the Town Hall I decided to buy a lightstick to cheer for the band! Id already ordered some of the other merch from the Subkulture Shop, because I was literally only traveling with one backpack and didnt want to buy more than I could fit in to take back home.
I had no idea on which side my seat would be, I only knew I would be 12 rows away from the stage. So, when I found my seat I was beyond happy to see I was on Young K and Wonpils side of the stage omg. With a really clear view of the both of them also! All the MyDays there were so sweet man, I had a great time talking with some while waiting for the concert to begin. Though I do honestly really wish that @mikulinneamew or @reading-river would have been there with me. Day6s instruments were already set on the stage and oh my goodness I fell in love with Sungjins Gibson Les Paul. Its white body with the black pickguard and golden hardware is SO BEAUTIFUL. Makes me want to go out and buy a Les Paul just like it, but going to this concert I used money I was originally saving for a new Fender P-Bass (That aint happening for a while now lol) but I am so not complaining. Sungjins Martin acoustic is also really beautiful, but I still prefer Taylors. Young Ks bass is also super pretty. Really, I was drooling over these instruments while waiting for the concert to begin.
Its two minutes before the concert was set to begin and everyone is already chanting “DAY6! DAY6! DAY6! DAY6!”. Shortly after the lights went dark and the screen behind the stage started to play a video introducing the members (And can I say I love how so many of their songs were mashed up perfectly in that video like wow Id love the audio of just that)! One by one then the members came on stage. First Dowoon, then Wonpil, followed by Young K, Jae and last but not least, leader Sungjin! While the video was finishing playing I could see Young K getting his bass tuned and ready to perform. I started tearing up here already because they were right in front of me? Unreal, but yet so real.
And then, the first song was: I WAIT! One of my favorite songs already ;; (what am I saying, all of their songs are my favorites) Such a high energy song for the first one. It was perfect to get the crowd hyped and pumped for what was to come! Then there was me crying of happiness and singing along though omg. DAY6 IS SO COOL PERFORMING. Sungjin and Jae rocking out on their guitars, Young K thumping on the Bass, Wonpil playing the Synth and Dowoon rocking the drums! I loved how connected the audience was with the band too like out of all the live performances from bands Ive seen, this one was definitely the one with the most chemistry with the audience and music! All of the “I WAIT!” chants were so nice to hear with the music aaaa. THE SONG ENDED SO FAST. All songs went by so quick really, but hey that just means youre having a great time.
The second song was: HUNT! I was NOT prepared for this song so early on in the show already. If I had to summarize this performance in two words: Younghyuns rap (I love it so much). I really love the guitar riffs in this song so I payed a lot of attention to Jae and Sungjin at first but man, as soon as it was rapping time my eyes were focused on Young K. His rapping timbre is soooOOO darn good. And hes such a good performer too when he does it. HE FEELS EVERY WORD HE SAYS. Hunt is such a good song. I loved it. So much.
After the first two songs, lights went back on for a moment and Jae hyped up the audience! Young K shook his head the first time everyone made noise at Jaes request, but the second time Jae asked us to make some noise BOY THAT WAS GOOD VOLUME MYDAYS HAVE GREAT LUNGS.
That was followed by: IM SERIOUS! This song is so fluffy and catchy Im pretty sure everyone was singing along in the “I cant stop loving you” part. I mean, how could anyone stop loving day6 theyre so wholesome and talented and KIND AND SWEET. Wow. Its SO FUN to watch Sungjin play his acoustic guitar he was smiling the whole time. Everyone was smiling during that performance EVEN DOWOON HE WAS SO CUTE. Its such a sweet song how can you not smile playing it or listening to it. During the acapella part Young K was shooting finger hearts and did an AMAZING adlib. I was m e l t i n g. Turning me into a puddle.
The next song was: MAN IN A MOVIE! I REALLY LOVE THIS SONG A LOT. Another really soft and fluffy song, but soOOO musically interesting. Day6 is one of the few groups that not only produces earcandy, but earcandy that is also thinking candy for people who enjoy music theory (a n d I d o) This is the only day6 song Ive actually written out a fingerstyle ukulele arrangement for (totally weird instrument choice, but Im working on rewriting it for guitar LOL). Im EXTREMELY fond of everyones vocals on this song. Especially Sungjins and Young Ks :)
After this song it was game and Q&A time! I cant remember if the preference game or Q&A was first so Im just going to talk about the preference game first.
Firstly though, all the members introduced themselves. They all looked so happy that it made me even happier LOL. For the preference game, all of the audience had to stand up and participate in a game with day6! It was so fun! First up the audience had to guess which one Jae like more, by either raising their left or right arm: The statue of liberty or Brooklyn bridge. The right answer was Brooklyn bridge and the majority of the audience (including me) had guessed it right! The MyDays who guessed wrong, had to take their seat again. Second was Bob (Sungjin). I guessed his wrong already! >3< The question was if he preferred playing Overwatch or Fifa. The correct answer was Fifa. Sadly, most people had guessed this one wrong. Next was Dowoon. We had to guess if he prefers skirts or jeans on girls LOL. His answer was jeans but it got too loud that I couldnt quite hear his reasoning. Then was Young K. Does he prefer sneakers or high heels? His answer was sneakers, because high heels are very uncomfortable (he said hes even tried them on before what a cutie). Wonpil had the most far fetched question in my opinion it was kinda funny! The audience had to guess if he likes Ariel or Snow White more. His answer was Snow White because he feels more sorry for her. Lastly was a question that would decide the faith of a lot of Jae stans hair LOL. Does he like long hair or short hair better on girls? His answer was short hair, because it makes them seem more confident. After all of those guesses only four lucky MyDays out of about 1500 were left standing! They got invited onto the stage and got a bag full of (signed!) tour merch gifted to them by Day6! It was so sweet and kind that the winners even received such a gift from Day6 themselves!
MOVING ON TO THE Q&A! Before they picked their questions to answer, Sungjin said “This! Is! Paradise!” and Dowoon sang the “Oh you are My Daaay” part of their song MY DAY to the NYC MyDays. Wonpil went first to pick his question. While each member would choose their question, the audience would sing the jeopardy theme song. It was hilarious. He chose the question: “Where did your interest in music come from?” Right when he was about to answer the question someone in the audience screamed “I LOVE YOU YOUNG K” but Young K shut her down so fast saying “Its Wonpil time!” Wonpil was flustered for a sec but then resumed to answer his question and said that he listened to a lot of hip hop when he was young and that got him interested. Next up was Young K! He chose the question: “What was the funniest moment in your life?”. He began to say that since Chuseok hes been eating more. And his most funny moment was before he came onto the stage. Apparently his pants didnt fit him anymore and he had to expand them a bit! The way he told this story was utterly hilarious and cute I can highly recommend finding a fancam of this moment omg. After him was Dowoon. His question was: “If you could have a superpower what would it be?” He said he wishes he could talk to animals. When he was in college he had a pet cat which he neglected and now he feels bad for that. He said if he could only communicate with one kind of animal though it would be bear LOL. Sungjin started imitating a bear after that and it was so hilarious omg he puffed himself up and was clawing at him. Next was Sungjin! He was lowkey dancing along to the jeopardy theme omg. His question was: “What is the hardest thing you have ever done?”. He said working towards Day6s debut was the hardest time in his life ;; He shouted out collapsedone who helped them a lot towards their debut and he was actually at the concert right there ;; Jae was the last one to get a question. He chose: “What inspired you to pursue music?”. He said he was getting into a bunch of Youtube musicians and thought he should try it out too. He met Wong Fu Productions Phil who also further inspired him to pursue music. And so Yellowpostitman was born. That concluded the Q&A! Day6 left the stage for a quick moment while the NYC Vlog-like video they made for the tour started playing. This time it was Wonpils cut! It showed the boys having fun at times square (someone in the audience screamed I SEE MYSELF and everyone laughed it was so funny) and Wonpil loosing his phone while dancing on the street LOL. I really love this vlog concept they had to play during intermission its so sweet of them.
Once the vlog was over they came back on stage and started to perform You Were Beautiful. THIS SONG IS SO BEAUTIFUL. Its one of the first songs of theirs I heard that got me into them ;; I was tearing up during this whole performance its such a heartfelt song and you could truly feel the emotions of the song being conveyed in their performance. They all sing it so softly yet powerfully. I really love Young Ks vocal parts in this song and his voice was so stable too (everyones was really) aaa ;;
The next song they performed was their debut song CONGRATULATIONS! Everyone in the audience had received a red sticker to cover their phone flashlight with during this song to create a red ocean. I wasnt in a good seat so see if it was a success or not but the lighting definitely seemed more red :) Everyone was singing along to EVERY BIT of this song it was fantastic. I love this song so much aaa. Young Ks rap makes me feel so many FEELINGS. This song was over way too quick I wish itd last forever.
After Congratulations Jae was saying that the last two songs are coming now and everyone was getting a LIL SAD that the night was coming to an end soon. (Jae didnt count the encore though ;D) Jae also took a moment to tell everyone that they should follow their dreams and not let anyone tell them that they cant make it. Even when it seems impossible to make it to your dreams he believes that we can make the jump and achieve them ;; Hearing those words from him made me a sobbing mess. For a few reasons I think. Even just seeing them perform live was a dream come true. Being in NYC (if even just for two days) was a dream come true. Its a city Id been dreaming of seeing someday since I was a little kid. Probably because music as a career has almost always been my dream. And NYC is one of the worlds music capitals. I used to want to become a concert pianist. Then I wanted to become a music teacher. Right now Im leaning more towards songwriting, production and playing guitar LOL. But as someone whos in the position where I need to decide what I want to do with my future relatively soon, Jaes words helped me so much.
Their next song was LETTING GO! And oh my goodness. I was not prepared for those buttery sweet harmonies in the beginning. I was thinking so much about what Jae had said before during this performance so Im a little blank on what special happened during this performance but I totally remember it being mesmerizing;;
Their last song before encore was I SMILE! The fanchants on this one were so strong! Everyone held their banner up which read “My Day6 which I thought I only met in my dreams is right in front of me”. I could see Young K tear up when he read it. It was so sweet :) I do wish that Wonpils synth had been a tiny bit louder because he has that cool solo part in it, but I could hardly hear it. But the whole performance was so overwhelmingly beautiful that I was crying.
After performing I SMILE they left the stage and everyone started chanting “DAY6! DAY6!” again. Shortly after they came back on stage and THEY PERFORMED DANCE DANCE. This song is so upbeat and happy and makes you forget all the stress so much I love it to bits. I absolutely love Jaes guitar part in this song too so I tried to focus on him until Brians rap distracted me AGAIN (rapper K is my weakness okay). The entire performance was so high energy it was perfect buildup to the next song they performed which was also their last performance for the night. FREE하게! This is my go-to song for escaping from the stress of life and simply basking in how powerful music truly is. So, hearing it live, as the encore really touched me (and I cried more). I felt so many emotions go through me during this performance. It felt like a reminder of why I love music so much, which sometimes is well needed. Its so energetic and uplifting. My highlight of this performance: …Young Ks rap (wow surprise surprise). Also Sungjins high note! And Jae jumping into the crowd and hyping us up even more! (If Jae tells you to jump, you have to jump.) This performance was a perfect end for the concert. I really didnt want it to end though.
After this performance Day6 bowed and thanked the audience. I dont know where to begin describing how I felt after that. I still had the high touch left but the main event was over. I felt (still feel and always will) so extremely blessed to have been able to experience that. Theyre such a wholesome, hardworking and admirable band. I felt such extreme happiness.
The night was nearly over, but the hi-touch was still left for those who had purchased a P2 ticket! Id never done a hi-touch before, so I didnt know what to expect. I only knew itd go by super quick. What I did NOT expect however, is to walk around a corner and BAM there standing is Young K, Mr. Brian Kang, THE KANG YOUNGHYUN, BASSIST RAPPER GODLY VOCALS FULL TIME COLLEGE STUDENT BUT ALSO FULL TIME BANDMEMBER HE WORKS SO HARD OK. It is a lot to take in when you see your ultimate bias being the first in line for the hi-touch. My first thought was how pretty his NOSE is. Like dang, boys got the finest nose Ive ever seen. My second thought was how intimidating he seemed though omg. But as soon as it was my turn for a brief second with him it seemed like he was glowing and flowers were blooming around him? Hes got the sweetest smile and eyes. Instead of high fiving him I held onto his hand for a second and all I could say was “I love you so much” I WAS IN SUCH AWE. He gave my hand a bit of a squeeze and said he loves me back. SUCH A NICE MAN IM CRYING.   Then it was already time to move on though and next was Dowoon! My mind was completely blank from Young K being first (I was hoping hed be last for this reason LOL) I also grabbed onto Dowoons hand for a moment and I mustve not said anything at first, because he was like “Thank you!” first (his Korean accent is adorable) so I said thank you back to him and he then gave a teeny bow like how polite omg. Thats all I had with Dowoon though (Wish I could have said more I wanted to tell him how cool he is!) But next was Jae. First impression: Hes so TALL. Second impression: Hes so NICE. I think Jae made it a thing to keep eye contact with his fans for as much as he could. I told him “Thank you so much Jae” because man especially his speech about following dreams hit me hard as I had mentioned before. Hes honestly the member I was most thankful for that night (Im thankful for them all though please dont misunderstand!) I would have hugged him if I could. His face is so pretty up close too, how can someone manage to look handsome but like a personification of Chicken Little at the same time? Jae can. Next was Wonpil! And I must say I was taken a back a little like “Who is this man?” HE LOOKS SO DIFFERENT IN REAL LIFE. In a good way of course! I held onto his hand for a moment and said “Thanks Wonpil” he nodded and had such a smug look on his face like omg. SUNGJIN WAS NEXT AND BOY THIS WAS MY FAVORITE ENCOUNTER. He was already like pulling his arm back to give a really hard high five so I was BRACING myself, because it looked like it might be painful omg. Hes the only member I actually high fived whoops. BUT his high five was so happy and so energetic! Yet it was aggressively soft? It was definitely a hard high five but it didnt hurt at all LOL. He was like “Ah yeah!” after that and I thanked him for the great show. Then the hi-touch was over for me. Even though I wish I could have had a little more time with them, I was so thankful to have had the experience in the first place.
IN CONCLUSION: This was the best night of my life so far. This definitely is not going to be the last time I see them live. If they come back to NA while Im still here you can count on me doing my best to get that P1 or P2 ticket. They better come to Europe someday too! For their next tour if it works out I might even try to go to more than one of their concerts. I was trying to go to the Toronto concert for this tour too, but my exam schedule wouldnt allow that. But I am so blessed that NYC happened. I will also definitely plan any trip to Asia around their concert schedule!
Tl;dr: I love day6 so much. See them live someday plz. Tell Brian I love him plz.
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Day 81
i keep talking to myself all the time - no not cause im mad or alone - but like i said earlier - i pretend like its ‘him’ and just him. meaning, no, im not those people who talk to themselves cause they enjoy doing it, or like um neither those who talk to themselves cause they dont have anyone else to talk to - but rather, -i-just-talk-to-him-
wow, no that was a nice way to put it out there. so much for defending myself lol
ok so im kinda energetic - as in -my mood is- i am not, physically energetic though. i mean i just spent the last hour and a half in bed scrolling through my phone until my phone shut off cause it ran out of charge and only then i dragged myself slowly to the washroom to pee which i shouldve done 60 minutes ago. so yeah - very lazy 
speaking of time. WTH is going on with this world? i feel like the number of seconds in one minute is a subject to small rise and falls like the world currencies! I mean seriously, i swear nowadays “1 minute” = “EIGHTY seconds” No Kidding!!!! It all started from after fajr today!!!!! 
yeah so after fajr today, at first i kind of blanked out - as in - that rush, impatience and i dont even know how to describe it - kinda feeling i was telling? about missing him and all that? like i need some action something to happen and wow this is such an off season - so yeah i was kind of stuck in my chair,, just switching from one social media to another doing nothing literally other than idk - trying to fast forward life and hit play somewhere cool ugh ok
so then something happened and it cheered me up and i got on the treadmill as was planned. usually do 3 hours but i knew doing 3 now, including my tiny 3-5 min breaks every 30 mins would take too long 
anyways ended up doing two hours at around 7 30 and then was too tired to take a shower so i just pulled a bed sheet from my closet and slept on the floor, cause no way im putting my stinky body to bed. 
when i got up, prayed zuhr and YESSS i did the one hour i skipped in the morning and yeah well thats pretty much it for the day. i mean then i sat and ate and then went to the hosp came back, chilled and still chilling right now as im typing :) 
oh something i said yesterday about how i wish life was full of action like in movies. like i just wish it was although i know its BS thats totally against how this life works. whats more surprising is how i actually wish for stupid stuff - i mean you know how on social media - one gets to present themselves the way they want. i mean you can be anything. happy sad widow married depressed gay - its like - its in your hands - how do you want to present yourself to the world mam? yeah you get my point? but like i lot of people fall for it. you look into others posts and you might wonder how their life is so wonderful and yours is not, how someones life is picture perfect and yours is not and BLABLABLA but Lol - i neverrrrr fell for that. pretty much cause i sugar coat my life too loool 
Its actually funny - im actually laughing - anyways where im getting at with this is - i was thinking about it - i mean for someone like me who never fell for all the crap people put up on display on social media - i sure am one hell of a dreamer to ‘wish’ for a busy ‘movie-like’ all colorful life. But then again in my defense - those are real people and people are full of crap so yeah i dont fall for their shit but i mean a movie is a well organised script being played out - ofcourse you ‘wishing’ for something like it is acceptable yasss (whatever makes you sleep at night:3 ) 
Also i assure you my vocabulary aint that poor, i just seem to lose my words when im posting anything here. mostly cause i have no words - everything is so messy and twisty and complicated Ugh 
Also its really weird that i feel like a days just passed by too fast this week. i mean i mustve slipped. i mean im like a human clock. lol i mean it. i mean when im not on vacation - and you ask me the time, anytime - my guesses are so close to accurate - like im aware of every second ticking by - now, im just saying im aware of it - that doesnt really mean i make the most out of time - but then i do know how precious it is, and i do feel like crap when im just shitting it away. and just randomly wasting time is one thing, but trust me when you are aware youre doing shit - ouch that burns! 
so august is coming, and i was kind of planning on fasting - i mean i didnt fast in july cause i wanted to get used to working out and fasting would just be disturbing. but yeah now its almost august and i think i should fast - for like the whole month - yeah :) cause i barely fasted for i think 8 days this Ramadan i need to make all the rest of it up. AND THEN AFTER THAT, it is sunnah but not one im actually brave enough to do to be honest but but but i think i have no choice - i mean i think i have to fast like every monday or thursday every week - cause i have a lot and a lot of fasting to do to make up for ALLLLL the ones i missed my entire life and trust me thats quite a lot - not the normal amount any girl would miss - cause ive been having problems and so i had to skip a lot and stuff - and i never kept an exact count - well actually its impossible cause its been a problem for years but then i do have to admit that i never tried either - cause idk- i guess i kind of took it as - oh cmon its just fasting - i mean i think i missed around 20 roughly - so ill just fast 30 - thatll cover it up plus ill fast extra - which is a good thing and blabla all that random thoughts! 
anyways i should now just focus on the 30 i wna fast for this year, in august but idk i have to come up with some legit plan where my work out schedule fits in perfectly too. both  are important to me, and im not choosing one over the other, i dont want to and i dont have to inshaAllah 
oh just a random thing - but i go for brands! Meaning, you know if something is sold by a really well known brand youd obviously expect it to have good quality and most of the time yes youre right. sometimes, nope! but then there are things which are not “branded” but the quality is amazing, and the price? well most of the time it is cheaper, but yeah i guess sometimes the price is almost similar - well the thing is - i am the type of person - whod want the brand name on PLUS the quality. like if there were 2 bags for example or two shoes, SAME quality, but one is cheaper ONLY cause it does not have a famous brand name on it - i am definitely the person whod pay wayyyy wayyy more for the branded one! - SO now you know the type of person i am :) :) :) :) 
Lol im sure that kind of information is something a lot of people would use to judge someone :3 But then im not all so irrational loool - like thats definitely something that is “goals” for me! I mean, i am a medical student being financially supported by my dad right now and will be for atleast the next 3 years. ATLEAST! ATLEAST! ATLEAST! 
SO yeah im not saying i cant afford branded products right now but i sure am not comfortable living a life of luxury at this phase of my life. I want to earn it. With my own sweat and energy. I want to tell myself that i deserve it. So yeah, thats the type of person i am but im not currently ‘practicing’ it like religion and one day IF i do, i know it will be something i earned and something Allah will not be unhappy with, because I am not planning to disappoint Him 
Okay enough with that. i really dont need to talk about it as long as i know ill be alright inshaAllah 
Oh something really interesting - so i REALLY REALLY need to smile. like NOT “smile more” but like “SMILE” for gods sake hahhaha. I mean idk - its like i hate people so much and idk i feel like everyone for some reason is turning against me or doesnt like me, and its not like i even care or want them to like me and thats exactly why im like all -pokerface-pokerface- but like cmooooon! if youre really talking to someone, something as simple as a short interaction in the hospital for example with the receptionist or pharmacist - i mean cmoon - just smile a little? i mean i REALLY need to work on it. cause if i am planning on being a doctor - OH PLEASE - smiling is part of the job OH WAKE UP LADYYY!!!!!!! 
but like im not kidding - like i just said - i feel like everyone for some reason is turning against me or doesnt like me. and ofcourse its not true, i mean MOST people dont even know me. like in the hospital i went to today for example - whyd everyone hate me? :) i mean idk its just something i feel. its weird. but sheeeeeet. have to work on it. fake a smile honey :) 
Okay and idk how wrong or right it is. but i thought of it and i dont feel like there is any harm to it. Like, id like to have the idea in my head that me and him, we love each other and we are meant to be together one day. inshaAllah. For which i always and always pray to Him and ask from Him. But as of right now, we are not together. but deep deep deeeeep deeeeeeeeeep deeeeeeeeeeeeeep and deeeeeeeeeeep’errr in my heart i keep telling myself that. We are.
now idk if its wrong, or right - but - i believe it is not making me do something which might anger my Lord.  All what it does is calm my heart. a little. And so i guess its okay! At least for now, i cant let go of the idea. Not today <3  Tada, guess thats enough for today! 
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