#good lor d
potato-lord-but-not · 2 months
hi i hope you know the moisthur fanbase (me and like four other people) just went batshit insane over your most recent reblogs and tags,, anyway hope youre having a wonderful day :)
gather children for I have your meal.
I need it be shot for feeding into this.. but it’s too late now it’s been done. Sorry to everyone else except the five people who created this god forsaken ship.
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also some Adora and John because well. it’s Adora cmon
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sagesolsticewrites · 6 months
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shoutout to Insta for gifting us this pic of Nate at the premiere of Apples Never Fall
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midnightcowboy1969 · 2 years
If I knew Maurice irl I'd probably hate him with a passion. We're enemies.
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bitterkarella · 1 year
JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: i want you to sssay hello to Rowling: graham lineham Lineham: [wearing foil hat] free masons run the country Rowling: he'sss got sssome great ideasss you should hear
Poe: joanne you don't need to bring him here Poe: like, you really don't Rowling: he hass thingsss to sssay and you're ALL going to hear them Poe: this is really kind of off topic for us here Rowling: EVERYONE will hear them
Rowling: ssssee, yearsss ago i disssmisssed graham lineham'ssss babble as the bad opticsss ravingsss of a lunatic Rowling: but now that the overton window hass sshifted Rowling: i'm proud to sssay thessse bad opticsss ravingsss are quite good actually!
Rowling: go ahead, graham, tell them what you told me Lineham: trans people produce no great films, no music, no art Lineham: they're incapable of doing this basic human thing because they're subhuman Lineham: untermensch, if you will Rowling: isssn't he great?
Lineham: trans books are always universally panned because of their incoherence Billy Martin: Hailey Piper: Eve Harms: Gretchen Felker-Martin: Joe Koch: M. Lopes da Silva: Arden Powell: Lor Gislason: Julya Oui: LC von Hessen: GE Woods: Michelle Belanger: Rain Corbyn: SA Chant:
FT Catulla: Viktor Athelstan: Meagan Hotz: Ziggy Schutz: Rose Sable: WN Derring-Judith: Charles Maria Tor: Devaki Devay: Dayna Ingram: Ori Jay: Ai Burton: Gabriel Valentine: Cosmin-Mihai Birsan: Jei D Marcade: Rhiannon Rasmussen: Max Turner: Taylor J Pitts: Vincent Endwell:
Bri Crozier: Theo Hendrie: Derek des Anges: Briar Ripley Page: Winter Holmes: gaast: Maya Deane: Charles-Elizabeth Boyles: Layne van Rensburg: Amanda M Blake: May Leitz: Alison Rumfitt: Rivers Solomon: Lillian Boyd: Torrey Peters: Taliesin Neith: Daniel M. Lavery: Joss Lake: Aubrey Wood: Jonah Wu:
Daphne du Maurier: Patricia Highsmith: Franz Kafka: Kafka: wait Kafka: why did the camera pan to me
Barker: oh you know why haha Poe: clive Kafka: why Kafka: [hugging blåhaj] i don't know what you mean
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transmascswagpolls · 3 months
Transmasc Swag Polls- ROUND 1
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Propaganda and other info under the cut.
LOR: CANON Transgender Man THE MAVERICK: Because I Said So
Borderlands, OMORI
LOR PROPAGANDA- hes LITERALLY TRANS!! In borderlands 3 (the first game he appears in) he hasn’t transitioned yet because he’s too busy fighting a corporate war to question his gender identity but in the next game (d&d themed spinoff) he has a male character named Mike, and then when he appears in new tales from the borderlands (terrible game) he has a new look, new name, new pronouns, and so much tboy swag omggggg also his outfit has pink white and blue :3 Borderlands has always been quite a progressive franchise so other than his wanting to transition being not very explicit in his first appearance, they let him fully trans his way to tboy town! He’s a very competent and good leader when he’s fighting in the atlas/maliwan war, and assists the player quite a bit! Since he’s more of a tertiary character, he doesn’t get much time in the spotlight, but all of his appearances are charming and memorable ! THE MAVERICK PROPAGANDA-
i’m bad at explaining but. this man radiates transmasc vibes just look at how he acts in game the maverick is SO SILLY and he canonically references anime and wears wigs
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saltygilmores · 10 months
Both Emily and Lorelai are planning to attend Rory's "Swearing In" for her Vice Presidency at Chilton So, this is a very similar scenario to the one that happened 4 episodes back in "Lorelai's Graduation Day". Yes ma'am, it's another "Lorelai is unhappy about having to be at a place where her mother will also be but Rory wants them both there" situation. Yeehaw.
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Shhh. Nobody tell her.
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This is such a great line, and I don't fancy myself much of a Quote Lover, but I love this one so much I want to make it a magnet and stick it on my fridge next to my "Why did you drop out of Yale" magnet.
Nothing of great consequence or interest happens at the ceremony. Rory and Paris give mediocre speeches. Things between Lor and Emily are still chilly. Emily wants to meet Lorelai for lunch at Luke’s the next day. I see Francie up on stage and remember, tis the season for an incredibly boring storyline involving mean-girl nonsense and school politics 🥱 Francie is the Jason of S3.
I plan to forward past a lot of that sillyness and save myself some time.
Rory tells Paris after the first student body meeting that she wasted everyone’s time and nothing was accomplished and nobody ate the doughnuts that were provided. Paris is incredibly turned on and asks Rory if she wants to get married.
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Just more Jess erasure... Alright, alright! This was Sookie's directive (supposedly) and it was said in jest. And here I was about to cancel Lorelai again for banning Jess from her stupid inn filled with mice. I've canceled her more times than an unwanted subscription to Dean Forrester Monthly magazine.
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Not me going "what is this stupid obscure reference that nobody will understand", then googling it only to find out it's from The Godfather, the award winning book and movie series that half the population alive has seen but not me. I don't watch movies, okay?
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Yes Ma'am!
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I hate this stupid bullshit. Blew past the entire scene.
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That's more like it.
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Luke: Kirk came to me for advice about whether or not he had a shot with you. I told him you liked movies and junk food and talking incessantly but we both agreed that there's nothing like some good lovin to shut someone up." So then you agree, the only thing that would get Lorelai to shut up is to fuck her? Take your own advice already, Sir, and do it already. You're killing us here. Lorelai: Can you bring me a sharper fork? I'm not sure this one will go through your hand. Ah, I see that like me, Lorelai is also a connoisseur of making jokes about injuring people with forks. We're not that different, you and I.
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What the hell else is there to do for fun in Stars Hollow?
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More Crusty nonsense. Followed by student council nonsense.
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Well if that isn't the Non Privacy And Feelings Respecter Pot calling the Non Privacy And Feelings Respecter Kettle black.
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At least Santa Claus visits his Children once a year, which is more than Christopher does.
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Not me and @frazzledsoul discussing just yesterday how often answering machines were used as a plot device on tv in the 90's and early 00's. AmyShermanPalladino in particular is obsessed with the humble answering machine. Because social media didn't exist yet and the male characters must have some way to harrass the women when they're apart. At least It's only Kirk this time so he probably meant well. Probably. He's kinda a perv. Lorelai: i hate my life. Maybe if we look into each other's eyes and say "I wish I were you" we could pull a Freaky Friday. (Imagining I'm me, Salty, and NOT Rory, Freaky Friday'ing with Lorelai): Let's see, let's see switching lives with Lorelai: The whole "fucking Luke" thing is good But then I'd also have to fuck Dean And I'd have to fuck Crusty.. Max? (eh?) Alex? (sure) Have Emily as my mother... Working at a dumb Inn... Idk if having sex with Luke is worth all that. Rory: "If we switched bodies, I'd have to date Kirk." If you switched bodies, Lorelai would have to date Dean. I don't hear her complaining about that.
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The real star of Gilmore Girls.
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Oh no. Not the LOR.
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*smashes that bottle of wine over Crusty's head*
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45? FORTY FIVE? He tripled the record held by the previous contender. Dean better step his harrasment game up if he wants to surpass that number. Crusty: "You don't get to dictate what to do! I called you (45 times) and you didn't respond so I did what I had to do. You can't shut me out, that's wrong! Your'e keeping Rory from me! Why hasn't she called me back?" EXCUSE ME? EXCUSE MEEEE??
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Oh my, the whiplash of seeing Rory stand up for herself and get into Crusty's face, only to have her head to Doose's in a few moments where Jess will give her the peg-lowering of a lifetime and she'll limp away defeated with her tail between her legs. I'll put that in my next chapter. Things Googled While Watching Gilmore Girls: Clemenza, I Take A Nap Gif, Now Kiss Gif, Spelling Of Connoisseur Cutting Room Floor A joke about how Jess won't be invited to any more Bracebridge Dinners since he's vegetarian and he's banned from the inn.
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desultory-novice · 2 years
Whoa, hold up! There's possibly voice clips from both Magolor AND the Lor?
The only thing I'm even VAGUELY aware of is Magolor CLEARLY screeching "KIRBY!!! Kirby!! Kirby! Kir... by..."
Sadly, I haven't gone back to that file since I found the first clip (been busy) but there's something going on there! I think we'll be finding out for sure in just a few days (1)
That said, I know I supposedly wrote out all my angst regarding Crowned Magolor in comic form but I just found this Nico Douga video where someone (several someones?) subtitled what they believe they can hear Magolor saying and UGH MY HEART?!?
Potentially heard phrases include: (Warning for distressing content...?)
"What...d-do I...?"
"Don't...look... at me..."
"...You can...do it..."
"You've done...enough..."
As well as several variants of "...Help...me...!"
Man... Magolor Soul is a really well designed boss. The colors. The crown. The silhouette. Definitely a "cool" looking boss. But they've always been one of the "scariest" Kirby bosses to me too because of the implications of what's happening just past those eyes...
"But Dess..." I told myself pre-remake "...You're just reading stuff into it because you like a little angst with your pastel positivity game. It's not like Magolor is actually suffering under there, begging to be stopped at any cost, lost and confused as his body is wielded against his will, his tormented mind only able to watch. I'd be shocked if he were even conscious while all this is going on..."
HAL Labs: "...Ohoho... Just you wait!"
Now, to clarify, we don't know how much of the above is real and how much of that is good sound design allowing people to read what they feel into a series of broken squeaks that may not be real words phrases in the first place! Things like "...Help..." are heard pretty consistently across the board. The rest is up for debate. (Even I didn't hear all those myself. I'm just here transcribing comments - mostly for anyone who wants writing/drawing fuel for Crowned Magolor's thought processes but can't understand Japanese.)
(1) The good news about all this is that this month's Nintendo Dream is coming up and there's An Interview With Kumazaki and the Team! It's almost guaranteed they're going be spilling some of the goods on DX!! They may not cover as far as the True Arena in this issue, but it's gotta come up eventually, and then we'll have a better idea of just WHAT is going on in that fight.
What Magolor is saying (if anything, because it could just be "filler" noises) whether this fight is a fun (.......) alternate universe scenario or not, and if Magolor's soul is saved at the end.
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MAGOLOR PROPAGANDA: Magolor is a REALLY cool character. I think he's got a pretty great design, and there's a lot of great music associated with him. Go listen to "Settling a Score - Atone for One's Misdeeds" and "C-R-O-W-N-E-D", those are some of the best. Maybe listen to "Interdimensional Traveler" and "I'll Never Forget You (Memorial Arrangement)" too if you like those at all. Looking past design and music, he's a GREAT character. He has more dialogue than any other character, probably more than every character combined across the whole series, and just about every word of it is a joy. The lore drops, the silly puns, the explanations, learning to have friends, everything. It's all so GOOD. As a villain, I really like him. He shows up at the start of Kirby's Return to Dream Land by crashing his Interdimensional Boat Spaceship, the Lor Starcutter, and you spend most of the game gathering parts to help him repair it. He has you fight the dragon, Landia, who shot him down in the first place, but it turns out Landia was stopping him because he was trying to steal the Master Crown, a source of unlimited power that would let him rule the universe. He takes the crown and reveals his grand plan with a pretty great speech (which Kirby does not understand very much...) and leaves to set this into motion. Kirby, with the help of his friends and Landia, fight him. The Crown takes his body, turning him into little more than a shell, but Kirby shatters the Crown off of him. After this, his (playable and very fun!) redemption arc begins. He is trapped between dimensions, and all of his power is lost. He travels and gathers it all by collecting shards of a Gem Apple and with Magic points, along the way making lots of puns, pathetically holding onto villainy by saying things like "thank badness!" and eventually realising he LIKED having friends and remembers that he wants to make people happy (his life goal is to run a theme park). The shards of the Crown take over the (now fully-built) Gem Apple, and it takes form as a giant tree. Gathering all of his magic into a sword, he cuts it in half in a flashy showdown and redeems himself. He spends a while in a parallel world, and eventually returns to Kirby. He builds theme parks to apologise, accomplishing his dream in the process. He's happy now, but he's still quite mischievous! He loves to play pranks and add a bit of extra danger to his attractions. Also, he ties into a few Christian themes which I find quite interesting. The yellow in his design is there because it's the colour of betrayal in Christianity, Magolor Day canonically falls on a Sunday and the first one ever was an Easter, the room he keeps the Apple shards in is literally called the Room of Eden in the Japanese version of the game, and both the temptation of the Master Crown and his connection to apples could be taken as tying into this as well. He is also a JOY to play as in all three games where he is playable. Especially Magolor Epilogue, which is the one where he redeems himself. You upgrade his powers throughout it with lots of fun dialogue about it, and the levels and challenges are all a blast. I've tried my best to explain him, but if anyone reading this is interested: Go read his page on Wikirby! Or, even better, go and play Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe if you have a Nintendo Switch! He is genuinely such a great character and I want as many people as possible to have a good time with him too!
I see! Well, you've heard the propaganda, now take your new knowledge and let it help you vote!
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mistilteinn-magolor · 7 months
☆> top 5 favorite Kirby characters???
1 - magolor (obviously lmao)
2 - marx
3 - the lor starcutter (yes the ship is a favorite lmfao I read a rly good fic)
4 - papi (from meta knight and the knight of hades)
5 - taranza
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Thanks for the answers :D can’t wait for your questions! lol
1: if the duo was not best friends/starburst duo in a AU, who would they be best friends/starburst duo with?
2: I know Chris’s archenemy is general zod, since they are “father & son” but why is Jake’s nemesis is victor zassz? Why him specifically out of both Batman’s & Nightwings rogue gallery?
3: you know about the sinister sons from modern comics, which is the evil versions of the super sons, who are the evil versions of the starburst duo?
4: if they can get rid of one supervillain, besides zod & zassz of course, who would it be?
5: what’s something they find overrated? Like something popular like stranger things on Netflix for example.
6: what’s something they find underrated?
You’re most welcome. So here, have some more answer lol XD @pin-crusher2000
1) Recently both @confusedhummingbird @spider-jaysart and I have been formulating an idea for a new character to act as a Wonder family member akin to Diana with Bruce and Clark, a character that’s a third POV and brings a more excited and passionate side to the Duo’s dynamic, someone to compliment them on adventures
Hence I shall take this questions as an opportunity to introduce a new character I can further develop in future posts.
Jake’s other best friend if not for Chris Kent would be named Penelope Haney Troy, a clone daughter of Donna Troy aka Troia created by Project Cadmus. She’s the lively, no nonsense, and adventurous type of girl about Jake’s age who’s always there to bring some comfort and fun to his life as he does for her. Her hero codename would be Hoplite with her main teacher being Cassie Sandsmark, similar to how Jake’s main teacher is Tim Drake
Basically think of her as the Donna to Jake’s Dick; platonic best friends, Wonder Twins
Then there’s Chris, for his best friend besides Jake, without doubt that’ll be Thara.
Oh yeah and these are in addition to a classmate Chris knows well back at school and Jasper Logan for Jake as well respectively for other best friends
2) Well that sort of relationship between Zsasz and Jake happens after a particularly difficult and cruel case involving some street orphans who are mercilessly taken by Zsasz, put into a gladiator type tournament where whoever survives then faces (and inevitably loses to) him. When Jake manages to find the location of this wicked scheme, Zsasz had him captured and personally taken into a duel against him, stripped of his powers, most of his equipment and even his own boots for this match. Had Jake won, the surviving children go free so the brave young hero takes that challenge. It was far from an easy fight as Zsasz was armed with both a butcher knife and a familiar rusty crowbar. The beat down Jake endured during this battle left him scarred both physically and emotionally while Zsasz was utterly remorseless in his work. Thus, Jake has deemed Zsasz his personal archenemy ever since
For more information on that, check out my fic ‘Broken Wings’
On a meta level, I just felt like Zsasz compliments Jake in that sort of ‘person driven by their commitment to their own’ archetype and give it a unique dark twist to it as Jake can attest to. Plus, since the original version of that arc (which btw introduced the world to Colin Wilkes) has its protagonist regularly nowadays have arch-nemeses linked to the League of Shadows in one form or another more often, that left Zsasz up for grabs thus Jake can fulfill that role
3) Oh I have a good passing knowledge of that book (mainly for the fact it’s further taking name of Chris Kent or rather Lor Zod in general further though the mud but I digress);
Now if there’s any sort of evil or at least anti hero mainline universe counterpart to the Starburst Duo, I would cast them being like a bastard preteen son of Blackfire and the aforementioned Vla-Blo (the young bully Kryptonian who was locked in the Phantom Zone by an ancestor of Chris and had the goal of humiliating the House of Zod for this perceived injustice) who both antagonize our main heroes in many fields with the notion in their minds of proving themselves superior to them, though often to failing results.
At least that’s what I can think of for this moment if anything comes up, I’ll let you know ;-)
4) Probably Mongul, a lot of it due to a time when he’s revealed as a mysterious business partner for Blockbuster regarding trading with for some reversed engineered fear toxin and the brawl that ensued between them and the Warlord tyrant was nothing short of brutal and devastating*, even if they stopped that shipped of fear toxin getting to Mongul’s hands.
*Just picture that what the Duo, also Corvus/Jasper Logan and Hoplite/Penelope Troy went through here with Mongul was akin to what happened with Mark Grayson aka Invincible and his friends when they faced Battle Beast for the first time.
5) Definitely the MCU as a general whole, Family Guy and about a few pro wrestlers they can name off the top of their heads….surprisingly not John Cena. More likely Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, The USOs and definitely The Rock. Heck Dwayne Johnson both in wrestling and especially as a film actor, they can’t stand people who claim he’s the best…or rather fittingly The Great One. It internally the Duo out hearing about him in school all the time.
6) Easily the Monsterverse movies, Hell’s Kitchen, We Bare Bears, and during the Halloween season Hellraiser (that’s if Chris and Jake are feeling brave enough to watch through it’s more gruesome moments lol)
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nolanhattrick · 9 months
good lor d. wo men
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watchingspnagain · 5 months
Rewatching Free to Be You and Me
Welcome to “Bert is to Ernie as Dean is to…: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s5e3: Free to Be You and Me
Sam and Dean have gone their separate ways for now, and this episode splits time between the two as they each have their own adventures. Sammy is incognito and working as a bartender, doing his best to stave off the annoying advances of a coworker, who eventually finds out that people who try to get close to him get held at knifepoint by hurt-butt hunters mad at Sam for starting the apocalypse then quitting the biz (or worse - EXPELLED). Meanwhile Dean and Cas go looking for Raphael to pump him for info on where God ran off to, the whole time giving each other Looks and throwing all sorts of poorly-disguised gay references at each other. Just make out, already, yeesh. Turns out Raphael is 100% that d-bag and God’s nowhere to be found. Dean and Cas then have a heart-to-heart in Baby, during which Dean claims he’s happier without Sam around. Cas smells manure. More tortured loving glances. THEN, cut to Sammy dreaming about Jess, who turns out to be Lucifer trying to gaslight his best vessel. Lots of fraught going on here, folks.
Oh Sammy, quit sulking about that tart
I have jealousy issues
well I mean you ARE way better than Jess
I appreciate the support
shuttup not!Jess
oh Sammy.
pets him
seriously, Jess. Baby is the car. WATCH THE SHOW
oof hot and naked and crying I CANNOT
oh I forgot this song is in the show. Jensen sings this a lot at cons
this montage is so good
omg lemons versus vamp blood
and so is that shirt on Sam
aw Dean taking care of his things
HAHAHA boundaries Cas
"Don't do that!" LOLOLOLOL
“hello Dean”
“my apologies"
"personal space" oh hush, you know you like him in your personal space
"can I have my damn necklace back, please"
oh lookit him getting right back in that personal space
TMN angel haaaaahahahaha
come on, people, HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THIS
they are both so pretty
Right? and they look so good together
and Dean keeps licking his lips
Dean just wants roadtrip time with Cas
stop flirting with my stringbean, bitch
RIGHT? even if you do have a cute smile
yes, barman grandpa, it does seem like the end of the world
"that's how you become president" lololol ow
omg fixing the ID
*big (But I’m okay letting but(t) stand)
"pump and go" do they do this shit on purpose? they must
"we all have our demons" lololol Dean
no, Kolchak
“thank you” and the look
“jumps my bones” COME ON
omg Bobby’s snark
"arid" I LOVE HIM
he brought Dean…oil…special oil...
omg Dean is using the last night on earth line HOW IS THIS NOT ON PURPOSE
he is this close to giving him the "last night on earth" line
oh he’s had occasion, but he’s been waiting for Dean
What the HELL would be wrong with "Keith Samuel"?
bitch, butt OUT
i mean I wouldn't PICK it, but it's not BAD?
agreed, esp with the package it’s labeling
God that SHIRT
look, Dean, when you told him he wasn't gonna die a virgin, he was hoping for someone else
he’s all mussed I CANNOT
"this whole industry runs on absent fathers" you would know, Dean
“years…” oh honey
you DO mean to pry stop it
all you’ve been doing is prying you stupid horse
nnnnnngggggg his deep ass voice speaking whatever that is. Enochian I guess?
part fake Latin part nonsense
but yeah the voice is quality
I have an advantage here in that none of it meant anything to me
"I thought you were supposed to be impressive" DEAN
"by the way, hi, I'm Dean" OMG
all casual taking a beer and then turning around and GLUGGING it because he's actually terrified
"don't look at me, it was his idea" and then the look to Cas like "sorry, hon"
look, dude, demons ain't new
it’s not his fault you’re incompetent at your job, idiot
Meh, knife her, we don’t care
okay, she's a pain, but hunters taking civilians hostage at knifepoint? come on, dillweeds
look Raphael, if you think the 20th century was worse than all the rest of history, you have not been paying attention
Daddy ran away- so angels are all prostitutes?
"he didn't happen to work at the post office did he?”
LORD he looks good
omg lookit Cas and Dean all rain spattered
"but today you're my little bitch" DED
mmmmmrrrg little peek at his back
but wtf is wrong with these a-holes?
why can’t everybody just leave my Sam alone?!
he does look kinda hot with blood all over his face though
he really does
and all pissed
oh so EVERYONE is a prostitute in this episode, then
"who cares what some ninja turtle says, Cas. what do YOU believe?"
oh Dean
knocks him upside
"and you're not that much fun"
you're not ALONE you DOPE you're with Cas
oh ope. careful what you wish for, Chucklehead
oh hey, Luci
oh god that tatt peeking out of his shirt
they are PLAYING this as homoerotic and it still doesn't hold a candle to Cas and Dean just, like, standing next to each other
ooof. shit’s gettin’ real.
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Welcome to the Amaranthine Terminal! Where shalt thou be heading today, passenger?
I think it's about time I do an introduction post of mine own but I'm not exactly GREAT at them so this will probably be short
Good morrow! Thou hast reached the Amaranthine Terminal! I am your train conductor, you can call me Virgil, Liam, Moirai, or Scythe and I use sie/hir, mo/mos, and it/they/he pronouns!
My favourite colours are purple, green, and yellow! I just think they look pretty neat :D 💜💚💛
Currently into things like Project Moon (mainly LoR and LimbComp since I haven't gotten LCorp. yet...), PHIGHTING!, Decaying Winter, Fundamental Paper Education, killing/death/survival game shenanigans (stuff like YTTD, Kenikari, Ayakashi Akashi, yada yada), LOTSA STUFF that if I list them all here it'll be a whole ass novel 😭
I listen to a lot of things like Mili, Eve, comfi beats (Lilypichu), Feryquitous, and a lot more! All genres of music I love listening to!!!
Erhmmm I think that's it la... If I have more things to add, I'll definitely add them! But until then, enjoy the ride, passenger! ~💜
⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTICE! (please read the passage below!)
My blog is a mature one and not for children (why would children be on this site anyways-) or the faint of heart! I swear, make adult jokes (sometimes), and a lot of times you'll find my drawings including things like blood, gore, all that stuff and I don't always put a warning on them.
So PLEASE! If thou art uncomfortable with all the topics I mentioned, click off or proceed with caution!
Catch me in my silly streams here! ArtFight to the death
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gayskogul · 5 months
New tag game besties!
Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Ok so this is a mess. Also, mostly D&d/fantasy since I've been riding that wave a while. Sorry dearies, no illicit TC in my WIP folder!
In no particular order:
-untitled fantasy thing
-the Drow thing
-(to the tune of California girls) lor-dae-ron gay boys are unforgettable
-bodice rippers>>>>>> 10 years formal science education
As for tags... I'm fishing for some of that good good, get on this @renaultphile @carrotcakecrumble @jeork and ofc anyone who sees and wants in!!!
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
Also one thing i constantly wonder is how it would be if for a short period of time the Unseen Varia are tasked to "assist" Tsuna and his family in getting accostumed to life in italy. Hayato doesnt really need it, he is plenty comfortable with the mafia life but the others? Not so much. Reborn is kinda busy with a lot of stuff regarding actually building up a structure for the family, so they were called to help instruct the newcomers to this life and how to actually survive in italy (Unfortunately Tsunas way of doing things does not work that well in a place where the mafia is 90% of the cities population). Squalo only agreed to it because right now there are little hits ordered and the higher ranks are too expensive to deploy so sending them for lower rank missions would be a waste of respurces.
"Go show this trash how not to fucking bite it in the first week in italy!"
Lor: are we gonna get paid?
Ser: dude. But actually good question. Captain, will we be compensated in any way?
Squalo: standart A rate flat
Ser: FLAT?! (meaning instead of a per hour pay its a set amount of money for the whole mission irrelevant of any additional hours or circumstances)
Lor: Standart A Flat?! You gotta be fucking kidding me, isn't thia a super important mission?!
Leo: *soft worried and anxious whimper at the hightening tension*
Ava: Does that mean each "lesson" will be counted as an A Flat, or our entire stay?
Squ: every lesson
Ser: oh, okay, I'm cool with that.
Lor: can we squeeze any additional pay from them?
Ser: you want to scam Neo Primo for additional pay?!
Lor: hey its a good lesson in and of itself to not be sucha a damn pushover.
Squalo: sure, if you dont get a bullet to the shins, go ahead.
And thus the "Unseen Varia" make their way to the Neo Primo Famiglia. Tsuna is not fucking THRILLED being informed that this is happening about 10 minutes before they arrive, and to his horror they are actually a bit early- and the confusion and shock only gets worse when Yamamoto loudly calls "Ava! :D" only for this young boy to look up, grin widely and rush to Yamamoto yelling "Takeshi!" before jumping into his open arms and giving him a kiss to both cheeks that Yamamoto actually reciprocates.
Yama: it's been so long!
Ava: since the future I believe!
Yama: seriously?!
They both laugh and finally the rest of the Varia that are unknown to the rest of them, close up to the group.
The guy with the long white hair that is NOT Squalo, joins with a grin and as Ava lets go of Yamamoto gives him a bro-y handshake.
"Hey, Takeshi! Whats up man?"
"Nothing much! I didn't know you guys would come!"
The group is not surprised at the fluent japense, after all thats what the Varia officers they met also displayed, but the familiarity is jarring until Yamamoto explains.
"Everyone, this is Ava and this is Sergey, they're Squalos second in command of the rain division."
Ser: sup!
Ava: *bowing* it's a pleasure to meet you all in person. During his time training with my brother, Takeshi told us a lot about all of you.
Yamamoto grins widely to which Tsuna just looks a but curious.
"Yes!" Ava smiles proud.
"I am Squalos younger brother, nice to meet you!"
There is a round of genuine shock (Squalo has a LITTLE BROTHER?!?!?) and Tsuna mentally notes that they all seem a LOT more tolerable than the Varia they met- in fact Ava doesnt seem at ALL like Squalo- then Tsuna also thinks back on the ringbattles and how Ava must've seen his brother get mauled by a shark.
Ava: mh? Are you worried about the shock of seeing Squ lose and get jumped by a shark?
Tsuna: (he calls him "Squ"...) Um-- yeah.
Ava: it wasn't your fault. You didn't design that battle arena and besides, Dino immideatly called me to confirm, that my brother was okay.
The temperature drops a few degrees and when Ava opens his eyes, they are devoid of any life despite the smile on his face. It just does not reach the eyes.
Ava: otherwise I would've killed everyone in that building and then myself.
But Yamamoto breaks the tension by pattimg Avas shoulder and laughing.
"It's good that Dino-san was there!"
Ava immideatly returns to normal
Lorenzo then loudly proclaims
"Allright, now that the shmoozing is over, let's get to the point."
He looks directly at Tsuna who jolts.
"We four are the strongest members of the Varia right after the officers. So we were tasked to get you civis into shape." Gokudera clicks his tongue.
"Don't call me a fucking Civi."
Lor: oh? The storm brat has a loose tongue, doesn't he? And you wanna stop me HOW exactly? Throw some firework at me?
Dera: Those fireworks almost killed your damn psycho prince!
Lor: and yet you still lost against said psycho prince
Dera: at least I was a representative for the Vongola in that fight and not some benchwarmer of a second class institution like the Varia!
Ser: Leo, get him!
Ava sighs as Leo quickly grabs hold of Lorenzo and pulls him back.
"Let go of me, Leo, I'm gonna cut this brat limb from fucking limb!"
On the other side Yamamoto has a tight grip on Gokudera. Despite being older and more mature, he still has his temper.
"What Lorenzo wanted to say-" Ava then continues "is that we are here to train you in the survival arts of the mafia life. The city you chose to reside in from now on is to 90% inhabitet by mafiosi of several generations in. They are very well adapt in conning and scheming for their own benefit. Even with the Vongola backing you, they will do whatever they can to bring you down and seize power from you, since they just see you as a civi newcomer. If you had taken mantle as the Tenth of the Vongola Famiglia they would've still shown respect out of fear of angering the entire clan, however now that you have basically opened a new branch, at least as far as the unassociated know, they will try to outsmart you to get a foothold in the power structure. We from the Varia are the ones with adequat experience and knowledge to teach you how to navigate such an environment."
Around half through Avas explanation Reborn joined them and just confirms with a nod.
Lor: that being said, we take half at the beginning of the day and half at the end of it.
Tsuna: half...?
Lor: this isn't some kind of favor we do for a friend, this is a JOB, so as you hired us, you'll have to pay us per hour rates.
Sergey seems a bit nerveous, eyes flicking to Reborn, since he knows Lorenzo is just trying to get MORE money, as all payments usually go through the Varia financial infrostructure but since this IS a good learning opportunity, Reborn turns to Tsuna after a moment of contemplation and just says
"You heared the man. Pay up."
And thus begins unofficially the Unseen Varias mission to instruct the Neo Vongola Primo family in mafia daily life 101.
I really love this little scenario! I don't really have anything to add to it because it's just absolutely lovely the way it is! However, I do want to say again that I would definitely read full novels on these characters! I especially want to say that I love and admire your dialoguing skills. I could really hear each of the character's different voices in my head. Ava has a slighter lighter voice in my head than Squalo, but still has that growling, gruff sound to it that gets worse when he gets upset and he and his brother share some of the same facial expressions and body language when I picture it out in my head. Lor, in my head, has the deeper voice with a slight drawl on some words and his posture and body language is both kind of predatory but also relaxed at the same time as I play the scene out, just because I can hear and picture it so well just reading it all, so compliments to your skills there!!
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alangdorf · 1 year
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Hi :) I finally made my Magolor conspiracy theory board! I know the text is small so I’m gonna write out a transcription plus all the stuff I couldn’t fit without making everything completely illegible. Be warned, this is gonna get long.
By the way, please don’t take this overly seriously; I’m just shaking thoughts out of my head. I used to be all “yeah Magolor is exactly the type of character I would like but I’m just not that crazy about him.” But then the Epilogue came along and we had a blackout where I barely had internet access for a couple days and these two things combined flipped a switch in my brain and I thought about/talked about nothing but Magolor for literally a week straight. And so here we are!
First off, a note about the Another Dimenion creatures (Doomers, Darpas, Deppas, Dippas, and Dupas). In Japanese, Sphere Doomers are called Sphere Lowpers – Lowper being the romaji spelling used in the files, although in Japanese it’s pronounced Rōpā (ろーぱー), and most likely originating from the English words “interloper” and/or “robber”. B and p are closely related in Japanese writing, both being a slight alteration of the consonant h (via diacritic marks called tenten [two little lines] and maru [a circle]), so は is ha, ば is ba, and ぱ is pa.
The other creatures are variations on Rōpā with different vowels in the first syllable (they’re actually called morae [singular: mora] instead of syllables though): Rāpā, Rēpā, Rīpā, and Rūpā. These are changed in English to match the fact that Doomer starts with D: Darpas, Dippas, and Dupas, according to the Magolor Epilogue song titled “VS Darpa-Dippa-Dupas”, and then Deppa for Rēpā as a logical extrapolation of that.
(Side note: since this game came out before Kirby localization teams were given a lot of guidance, the names in other languages for Doomers are alllllll over the place in terms of meaning. Sphere Chimera, Sphere Spook, Spectre Sphere, and my favorite is the Italian, “Fenix Sferix”, meaning Phoenix Sphere. For their translation of “VS Darpa-Dippa-Dupas” they went with the same play on the vowels, so it’s “VS Fanix-Finix-Funix”. But then?? What are their Deppas called???? Probably Fonix but it’s still funny lol)
Now is probably a good time to talk about Magolor’s name; get all the translation fun facts out of the way. In Japanese, his name is Mahoroa (まほろあ). “Mahō” is the word “magic” in Japanese, so the English version starting with “Mago”, derived from “magic”, is a good close translation. “Lor” and “roa” are both their respective language’s name for the Lor Starcutter, and are roughly equivalent in Japanese pronunciation. The devs have said in a Miiverse post that Magolor’s name was also partially derived from the Japanese word “Mahoroba” (まほろば), which is the name for the concept of a “far-off land full of bliss and peace” (per the Wikipedia page for Mahoroba), which could certainly be translated as “paradise” (note on that in a second). With ba and pa being almost the same letter, it makes me wonder if Mahoroba and Rōpā (まほろば and ろーぱー) are meant to be so similar as a cheeky wordplay thing. Mostly because I think it would be really funny if that was the case.
The aforementioned note which is about the meaning of “Magolor” in the language the Jamba speak: there is a pause screen in Star Allies that lists a bunch of translations for words in their language, most notable here being “Mafo = lie” and “Lor = paradise”. “Mafo” having a different third letter than “Mago” is hardly an issue; fo and ho are written the same in Japanese unless you’re being really pedantic about loanword spelling (ホ vs フォ), “Maho” being equivalent to “Mago” is already established, and Star Allies had a notoriously messy localization anyways, so I would hardly be surprised if they just forgot to change it to “Mago”.
Also, given the fact that Return to Dreamland Deluxe added a line for 100%ing the game that clarifies that Mags was lying about being from Halcandra but studied Ancient culture there for years and that this whole post posits the theory that he was originally some sort of Another Dimension creature like the Doomers and co. (Side note: in the context of whatever possible relationship the Doomers and Ancients used to have [Rampaging Doomers are implied by Sphere Doomers EX pause screen lore to be ancient Doomers and have the gear aesthetic and that could mean any number of things], and the limited individuality of the Doomers/Darpa-Deppa-Dippa-Dupas and their subservience to Grand Doomer, I see this less as cultural appropriation and more like uhhhh trans coding, kinda. Please don’t come at me about this; I often joke that Kit, my nickname, is short for Catboy Discourse but I don’t actually want to fight on the internet about this catboy), the fact that this pause screen is for a version of Unhooded Hyness from the SAME UPDATE that added Magolor to the game is so hysterical. Maggie rocks up to a fight with someone he’s never heard of (Hyness claims in his rant that the Ancients erased his sect from their history after the schism), they reveal themself to be an actual Ancient, and the game itself calls him a liar???!? Like dude you had at least one other outfit you could’ve worn today lol
Anyways, I have some loose appearance similarities to point out between Magolor and the Doomers and co. His ears are shaped, striped (his hood is at least, though I know it’s more similar to Hyness’ ears), positioned, and even move similarly to the top two projectiles on a Deppa. The ears do have more jiggle physics now, unlike the Deppa projectiles, but they’re often portrayed as horns instead of ears in his boss forms (and concept art but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything for current Mags) anyways. Also, Dupas’ feet are a little strange. With the way that they move back and forth unrelated to how the Dupa actually moves and the way that they can stand upside down, it definitely could be that those appendages are disconnected similar to Magolor’s hands and the Dupas actually move by floating around. Admittedly they’re not the same color yellow and this one is a vague connection at best, though the Dupas are also slightly egg-shaped like Magolor. Oh, and in Magolor Epilogue his projectiles and the Rampaging Doomers’ projectiles look almost exactly the same to me. I could also point out the fact that Magolor’s 2nd phase/Soul form has a large mouth like the Doomers, Deppas, and Dupas, though it doesn’t look very similar. Girl what is that thing. Why do you look like W.D. Gaster.
A slightly stronger connection is the eyes. Flat yellow eyes (upright ovals with variations for expression in this case) aren’t that uncommon on Kirby creatures, but a lot of notable examples, such as Hyness, the other Jambas, and Wester, have their eyes on a black background, likely to symbolize shadowed, glowing eyes. In Hyness’ case at the very least, this is proven by his unhooded appearance. Magolor, on the other hand, has his on a brown background, which, as indicated by his visible ear in the Epilogue, is just his skin color. (Meta Knight is similar in this regard, but he has his own whole thing going on species-wise, and his eyes were white when not shadowed until like Brawl anyways which just supports my point.) It being a solid color, and comparatively a dull one at that, is dissimilar to the Doomers, though it makes sense with his design to not make it too busy. Also a couple of the Doomer types have different eye colors, but that’s also clearly for the purposes of making a good palette.
My favorite evidence, however, that links Magolor to the Doomers is his first phase boss theme, Welcome Your New Overlord (née Under My Control). I think it’s so similar to Another Dimension (the song that plays in the rift segments before each Doomer fight) and VS Sphere Doomer (context self-explanatory) that they were intentionally written in the same style. (Grand Doomer is also somewhat similar, but to a lesser extent in my opinion.) All these songs have synth chords through most (less in Grand Doomer) of them that, well. I didn’t take enough music theory to be able to identify chords more complex than triads, but I would describe them as “dissonant” or “jazzy”, and they step around to different keys relatively frequently (Oops, just realized I wrote “chord structure” instead of “chord progression” on the board, oh well. It’s probably non-functional harmony anyway but either way, I just meant this). They also have very similar rhythms, playing the same chords multiple times in a row, often falling on offbeats (again, Grand Doomer is the outlier here). Pre-final boss themes in Kirby are often written to be complex and disorienting, but the way that these songs are similar is specific enough that I think it’s reasonable to assume it was on purpose. Also can I just say how much I love Welcome Your New Overlord? Amazing song.
Overall, the trick to all Kirby lore is trying to judge whether things are done by the developers for the purposes of gameplay and game experience or for the purposes of canon lore, and I’m not gonna make a judgement call on this one, but I really like it as a headcanon at the very least. A couple more related headcanons about Magolor for reading this far: Not sure whether I think that Mags named the Lor after himself or himself after the Lor, but I think for the “Mago” part, he either named himself after the Ancient word for “lie” on purpose as an inside joke for only himself (not knowing the Jamba were still around to call him on it) or he named himself after the Ancient word for “magic” and it just so happens to be either a homonym or synonym for the word “lie”, possibly because of negative opinions toward the Jamba. Possibly both options, even. Also I think the reason he talks Like That, at least in English (in Japanese he just uses katakana instead of hiragana a lot, which, katakana is usually used for foreign words so it gives a “foreigner” feeling), is because he’s a very studious and book-smart foreign language learner, but unfortunately the first native speaker of Kirby’s language he met was Marx (there’s a well established fan theory that he has met Marx before based on his dialogue that he knows someone who knows Kirby) and he internalized entirely too many of his speech patterns. On purpose. Mini speech headcanons: At Merry Magoland he either addresses to the patrons as “parkgoers”, “paying customers” (he doesn’t charge admission but he got used to saying it at the Shoppe and thought it would be funny to continue saying it in an inappropriate situation; it does make some people freak out thinking they were supposed to buy a ticket), or “gamers”. Also during the beginning of Return to Dream Land he laid the flattery on a bit thick with calling the main group “kind strangers” and “my saviors” and he still calls them that sometimes after they’re friends for real just to be annoying.
Thank you for reading!
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