#good ask though
extrajigs · 2 years
Considering that Gods and Magic are a thing in your settings, how do you decide how much of your creature designs is "this seems like a plausible way for an animal to look and behave" vs "this looks cool so I'm doing it"
I'm trying to rework an old alien design I made when I was a teen and I'm struggling on the aesthetics vs practicality front.
The most important part is the looks, but tweaks are needed from time to time. Mostly I start out with the idea of what I want and then think about the restrictions that would affect that and how they would even get to that point. Even with magical bullshit there need to be rules, it is more fun like that anyway!
But also you cant be afraid of scrapping everything if things just aint working. Like chimeras used to be totally different, like lobstertaurs livin in lava levels of different. Sometimes if something isn't working it is just in need of a massive reworking. I've scrapped lots of designs for not clicking right. You gotta just decide what's absolutely needed to keep and trim all that extra fat away, then you can build back up!
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meanbossart · 3 months
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There, he got some new underwear.
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gatoburr0 · 3 months
I HATE how this turned out WITH A PASSION.
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impeccablebackside · 1 year
Weird thought but do you think the movie and stage Queens would have sex with their counterparts? Like Vic and 2019 Vic having fun? Or thats strange? They're different enough I think
This is an interesting ask anon, so thanks for it. The weird thoughts usually make for good questions in all fairness.
I suppose there are two ways to regard this, the first being if the queens both know that the other is them in spirit and the second would obviously be if they are not aware and someone just so happens to have the same name as them (if names are even shared).
It is a bit of strange premise anon, I am not going to really disagree with that. Though strange does necessarily not mean bad. In general, how would it be considered if you are having sex with someone who is technically yourself? I suppose it would be weird to say that I think it is less 'extreme' than something incestuous, but who knows.
There are a lot of points that come to mind with it when considering the similarities and differences that align with both queens. You are right, I would say that the greater significance of the stage queens differ to a large degree from their movie portrayals. At least enough that it would be hard to say that many are really the same fundamental character when it comes down to it. Not in a negative sense, more from the perspective that the movie changed characters and basically made a non-replica / alternate universe of sorts.
Reagardless, I do admittedly have a bit of a hard time imagining something like this taking place, particularly if they know the other queen is in fact them. Given the interconnectedness of the different realms and spirituality built into parts of the musical, I think either queen would consider their counterpart an extension of themselves, just reborn into another life. In the vast majority of cases, it would end there in my opinion. Even from the perspective that they do not initially realize they are the 'same' queen, sharing a name would be another issue. That is clearly a hard thing to avoid, and it would set off figurative alarm bells in either queen's mind. No matter how many cats could be around, it would be very unusual to meet another cat with a name as unique as Rumple or Tanto for example. It would likely hinder anything further because they would figure out quickly that the other cat is them in some way. Rather than banging one out, I think they would have much more pertinent topics to discuss and share first as to why a second form of them suddenly materialized.
Anyway, for the purpose of this answer we are focusing on the premise that neither queen knows the other is them and that names are not brought up or important. Essentially the other queen is completely separate and remains that way in any sense.
If 2019 Vic and stage Vic were to meet, I do not think they would end up fucking for a long time (if at all) after the initial introduction. They are both shyer and more reserved queens that would probably share a deep friendship rather than any physical intimacy. They could easily be ballet partners / friends that support the other in such a sweet and personal way. Beyond that, neither of them are the other's type. Stage Vic likes the quiet strength / care of her mans and the boundless energy of Rumple, and 2019 Vic does not strongly possess either of those attributes. Alternately, movie Vic needs someone to chase / woo her, and it is not so much stage Vic's style. It would be a spontaneous and likely one-off thing if anything happened.
If they were aware they are the same, I think they would elated to hear about the other's life and the friendship would grow to be more like one of siblings(?).
For Rumple, I think it would be pretty quick before they are fucking in the bushes somewhere. 2019 Rumple is very forward and sultry, yet fun and exciting. Stage Rumple would eat that type of girl up (quite literally) as soon as she could, as that kind of energy from a queen aside from herself is dearly missing in the junkyard. On the other hand, movie Rumple would be smitten with the fun little queen that has the nicest ass she has even seen. Likely initiated by 2019 Rumple, they would get up to some mutually agreed upon shenanigans before getting distracted and ending up in a competition as to who can make the other cum faster.
Out of all the queens, if both were actually aware that the other was indeed them from another world, I do think they would still fuck. It is like the craziest masturbation possible, and they would be into that. Life is about having fun with little regard for rules, so what if that other hot queen is them in a way? May as well indulge a bit. Makes for a good story.
For Tanto, I think it could go either way. The tasteful distilling amd amplification of stage Tanto's more fun and outgoing side into her stage counterpart would make 2019 Tanto strangely alluring to the reserved queen. However, I would not think stage Tanto would catch her other spirit's attention easily to be honest. If they were to talk and get along, it could build, but I would not see a sexual relationship starting out quickly at all. If it did blossom, they would definitely share a intense passion with one another. Though, I think 2019 Tanto is too male leaning for it to be destined. Plus, she would be keener to explore with a more 'softer' queen akin to someone like Vic.
If they were aware that they were intertwined manifestations of the same existence, I do think stage Tanto would still be interested in exploring intimacy from a perspective of testing pleasure and spiritual energies in a completely irreproducible way that would come as her fucking herself but not herself. Movie Tanto would not agree to it though.
Stage Cass would be intrigued by the sassy / bossy nature of 2019 Cass, and that would elicit some desire from her. Movie Cass would be intimidated by her stage counterpart at first, but get on board with making a pass at the other brown queen. Meeting with a glint in their eyes, I think their sex would be a power struggle of them figuratively and literally wrestling the other be the top / domme. (Un)fortunately for 2019 Cass, she is not going to win that fight.
If either found out about 'truth' behind the other, I think they would have a laugh at making the universe more powerful with a second Cass. Rather than come together, I think they would both share tips on how to flex their control over others.
With Bomba, the stage queen would be put off by the negative aura of self-importance and 'big' attitude exhibited by 2019 Bomba. It would be a pretty big turn off for her. The movie version would be flirty with the (actually) red queen, but it would be a one-sided interest.
They would not fuck if they discovered they are both the Bombas of their world. Confusion more than anything would stem from it.
The stage and movie version of Deme are so different that I cannot see them hooking up or really even having much of any communication or relationship if they were in the same physical realm. Their personalities and essence are too dissimilar, and their preferences in partners is not close at all. Add to that, that stage Deme is not really all that female leaning as well. It would not really work.
Finding out they are the same individual would not change that, but stage Deme would be happy to hear that somewhere existed her spirit that lived without so much past traumas.
Stage Jenny would scoff at how aloof her movie version is. I do not think they would get along well, and would develop a fierce rivalry of sorts about who is best at baking, tending the mice, and training the cockroaches. Even burning competition would not open any sort of deeply fostered lust for the other in either of them.
Making them aware they are both Gumbie would make a bit of a merger of their rivalry into a iron-fisted rule over the junkyard. There would not be a piece of trash out of place, but 2019 Jenny does not have the discipline as her stage counterpart so they would still squabble.
With Jelly(s), there is so much of a disconnect character wise that it simply would not even be remotely plausible. The only thing that connects them is their name. Otherwise, they really are two separate characters that would have absolutely nothing in common if they were to meet, whether they are aware the other is them or not.
If you think I missed the mark on any of these anon, I do welcome you letting me know what you had in mind.
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bluerosefox · 2 months
Her Astrophel and Sterling
You know what.
You know those AU's where the Batfam finds or learns about either hidden or thought to be dead Al Ghul Danny! with a deaged/daughter Dani (Ellie) (I should know, I created a few of those storylines) but what if, now hear me out, what if instead of them finding Danny first its Talia.
Do I want Talia discovering her thought to be dead son to be alive? Yes. Do I want her to find him while investigating Amity Park when the League gets reports of 'Lazarus creatures/water'? Yes.
DO I WANT HER TO KNOCK ON THE FENTON'S DOOR, fully ready to pretend/honey talk her way into the house to uncover what the Fenton's know, ONLY TO MEET A LITTLE ELLIE?!
Ellie whose eyes and hair look like a copy of her Beloved but she can see bits and pieces of herself as well. Talia knows the child in front of her was not fully her's though but everything makes sense when she hears a voice, a voice she hasn't heard in ages but as a mother just knows, speak out.
"Ellie! I thought I said do not answer the door my Sterling."
"But Daddy, yous was busy fighting the hotdoggys!"
Talia's eyes widen when she finally catches sight of familiar black hair and blue eyes.
and she could only lightly whisper a old nickname she hasn't dared uttered in ages, a name she secretly gave her son due to his love of the stars "Astrophel..."
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itsscottiesstark · 3 months
Am I the only one that actually agrees with Neil about season 2 being "quiet, gentle and romantic"? OBVIOUSLY not the final 15, but the rest was terribly sweet and so so so romantic.
The dancing? "I thought we carved it out for ourselves" "so did I"??? "Our car"????? Are you kiiiiidding me????
And- hear me out. What's more romantic than this:
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alluralater · 2 months
“i need to cum” “i need you to go faster” i need i need i need. no. what you need is to shut your pretty mouth and keep your eyes on mine. full focus right here, baby. i want you to watch as i slide my thumb between your lips, pulling your jaw up and closed. you can suck on it. go ahead. but you’d better keep those fucking eyes on me. you’ve forgotten yourself, and your manners as well. mmm but don’t worry, darling. i have a mind to put you in your place just like this. i won’t even have to lift a finger. now spread your legs and touch yourself for me. go on, don’t be shy. i’ll tell you exactly what to do. and if you please me, maybe i’ll touch you, too. maybe. show me you deserve it. say please <3
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Why is he kinda...
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These two asks were right next to each other, and I think that’s beautiful
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canisalbus · 1 year
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What if I told you that RoobrickMarine went and wrote an entire novella starring my 16th century dog couple? It's very canon-adjacent, well researched and thoughtfully put together, has inspired me a ton during these past months and it's now publicly available at AO3. I highly recommend it.
✦ Separation ✦
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shepscapades · 2 months
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20. Weight of the World — Battle Tapes
You showed up haunted with a fist full of dynamite Curated provocateur Ooh, the funny thing about a life that's so civilized Is when the lines start to blur Delusional, until we fold Buried under the weight of the world
This songs hits ten times harder if you imagine that the instrumental dropping out to the slowly rising bass at ~2:28 is the moment Tango respawns after Bdubs' boogeyman kill and starts to spiral into rage.
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Hot 4am take but I feel like if we want to get people more interested in making their yards a more habitable space for wildlife like insects, we have to acknowledge that ‘Don’t want bugs in your house’ is still a 100% fair and valid point of view. ‘Loves nature’ and ‘doesn’t want roaches spiders and mosquitoes in the house’ aren’t opposites.
And with that in mind, when we propose to people that spraying pesticides around houses is Not A Good Idea, Actually, I feel like we need to give an alternative asides from ‘deal with it.’
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cosmicrhetoric · 10 days
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my personal fave "luffy holds a mirror up to someone's soul" moments. aka the whole point i think
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akanemnon · 1 year
If i promise to give kris 100 buckets of moss, will they hug frisk?
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So many people have been wanting Kris to hug Frisk and/or warm up to them... Well, allow me to hit you in the feels
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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merlyn-red-0 · 4 months
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saw this tumblr ask asking about a kiss (and mr. neil gaiman responded with a kiss that was from The Sleeper and the Spindle, illustrated by Chris Riddell)
but I thought, well what if it was an aziracrow kiss after all idk
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hermitcraftx · 7 months
grian explaining how joel works to xb knowing from the life series is enough to make me want to collapse to my knees and start wailing. god i fucking love gribeans so much holy shit "he's just going to get more desperate xb" "hes so IMPATIENT WHY DID HE RUSH IN" "JOEL YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T TRAP PEOPLE THAT'S WHY I NEED TO BE THERE" this is such a huge fucking win for gribeans enjoyers. if im honest
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bloobydabloob · 2 months
Holy shit I love your Dirk interpretations, it's so true and I could talk about this shit forever. I feel like another part of his character that people seem to forget (along with Roxy for some reason) is that he's from the future in solitude in an apocalyptic wasteland. I just see that part of his character always removed which is disappointing because I feel like that's a pretty big part, especially regarding his themes around technology, his brother's theme of Time, his own isolation, and how he plays in the vastness of the universe and spacetime.
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Art I drew related to the subject because I like to respond to asks with art.
But absolutely. I certainly understand where the lack of discussion over his isolation + upbringing comes from, considering a majority of the fanbase that I have seen builds their ideas based on their own version of postcanon. I’m not entirely sure how that would be fixed, but certainly even in the somewhat recent past I would see a lot more content regarding his upbringing both literally and symbolically. I don’t have much to add regarding the things you’ve mentioned, because they just are what they are. Dirk being confined to a singular room left to him by a father figure he never met, in a future where the only other person left on the planet is someone he cannot pursue a relationship of because of himself, with purely 3 robots to keep him companion, one being an exact replica of his own brain who is *also* trapped inside a pair of glasses, is about as literal as it gets to me.
The contrast to me involving the flooded, organic world in comparison to the little speckle of Dirk’s apartment packed with the dude and his technics is not only a representation of his isolation and entrapment within himself, but also of his lack of control. I think his obsession with & themes of control are a direct product in the case of Dirk specifically *of* this kind of upbringing. His themes of technology are also related to his themes around control. So much of his character is actually revolved around this to me like so much. Dirk is so deeply disconnected from humanity in every way and so much of his character + symbolism is based around that.
It doesn’t even have to be about the symbolism or anything though. It’s just pretty *interesting* in the literal sense that he lives in the middle of the ocean in the future. There’s not only a lot to theorise on to do with his young life there, but on how it might affect him in the way he acts for the rest of his life. The latter part is probably what I see mentioned the most by people talking about Dirk regarding this, I’m surprised I don’t see more discussion on the former too though. I really ought to actually talk more about Homestuck stuff on here. I will do it myself.
Roxy & Dirk’s relationship is largely ignored though because there is a narrative a certain demographic spreads that Dirk resented and blamed Roxy for her interest in him, and thus too many people believe that their relationship was or would continue to be an abusive one. Realistically, I believe it’s important to acknowledge that the way Roxy treated Dirk regarding his homosexuality wasn’t right while still acknowledging the obvious amount of respect and admiration Dirk had for Roxy. I mean we have a huge piece of dialogue from their post trickster mode conversations on the quest beds from Dirk purely stating how he feels about Roxy that people completely ignore somehow. I think this usually happens to characters that are women though. I know everyone says it, but it is true. Jane gets the exact same treatment of boiling her down to solely her negative aspects. The things I see completely mischaracterising both of them are horrific.
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I mean how much more explicit can it get that their relationship is obviously very important to Dirk? But I digress. I think the best or I should say “most interesting” interpretations of their relationship usually come from DirkRoxy shippers actually.
I would be interested to hear about Dirk’s relation to his brother’s theme of time though. I don’t have any thoughts on this and I don’t recall ever hearing anyone talk about it before. If you or anyone else would be willing to enlighten me I’d be thrilled.
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