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gonzobuddhist · 5 years ago
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How to "Roll Out" with the squad, and still be in isolation. #transformers #transformerscollection #rollout #babybomb #photobomb by #constantlywinter #teachthemyoung #inlife there's #morethanmeetstheeye #geekdad #blissjoypeace #gonzobuddhist (at Iowa City, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-xsk77jco1/?igshid=12etyp4yetfqx
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midlifemomment · 5 years ago
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@trucrimekaiju tagged me for a selfie (thanks!). My son’s on one side, Meta on the other.
What’s everybody up to? @hrstories1234 @fitnessgeekandcoffeefreak @pho-tyk-lyk @wilwheaton @veganfoody @gonzobuddhist
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fatgirlgetsfitatlast · 11 years ago
All About Me Game ...
So, I've gotten tagged twice in this game, first by the lovely lanicakes and also by the fabulous timberonthemount.
I'm really bad at coming up with questions, so I hope you guys don't mind if I combine these two into one post so I just have to figure out 10 questions instead of 20! ;-)
Gonna put it under a 'read more' link too, cos it might get really long ...
You must answer the 10 questions given to you by the blogger who nominated you. 
You must pick 10 bloggers to tag to answer questions.
You must create 10 questions for the bloggers to answer on their blog.
Then link back to the person who nominated you
Questions from lanicakes
1. What do you do in your free time? 
I don't know what 'free time' is! LOL! Seriously tho, I own my own business, so I feel like I'm always working to some degree. I guess, true free time would be working out (Jazzercise, yoga, biking, swimming) or watching TV (Hawaii 5-0, The Walking Dead, Top Gear - UK version...the REAL ONE)
2.Are you a morning or night person? 
3.What's your favorite season and why? 
That's hard cos I love different things about all the seasons, but I guess summer. I'd rather be hot than cold, rather be outside than in, rather be able to swim than not.
4.What is your happy song?
This changes, but right now, I'd say 'F*cking Perfect' by Pink.
5.What was your last dream about?
Work. :-/
6.Biggest pet peeve? 
Parents out in public telling a child to 'stop' 500 times and the child still does not STOP whatever it is. YOU ARE THE PARENT! MAKE THEM STOP!
7.What is your dream job and why? 
Nature photographer.  Love nature, love photography, love travel.
8.Favorite food? 
Edible food is my favorite.  haha! Actually, I guess I'd say BACON, if I had to choose one.
9.What is the best gift you have ever given?
I gave my best friend my old car one time instead of trading it in cos hers died and she didn't have the money to get another one or get it repaired. We traded her car in instead, so kinda swapped ... but really it was a gift.
10.What would you do if you have a week off of work and $1000?
Fly to Paris and climb up the Eiffel tower. Can you climb up the Eiffel Tower? I hope so ... I want to do that.
Questions from timberonthemount.
1) What motivated you to make a change in your lifestyle?
I wonder this every time I finally find the willpower to start over, to be honest. I suppose it was just finally getting fed up with being tired and feeling lethargic, and also thinking about the fact that if I don't do something NOW at my age, waiting could have some very dire results.
2) Assuming we’ve all had ups and downs, what got you out of your last “down cycle” in your health journey?
Well, this is kind of answered above. I had gone 'off the keto wagon' for 6 months, I had gained 50 pounds, I felt like SHIT, tired, no energy, just wanted to eat carbs and sleep all the time. I started listening to some audiobooks, like 'Spark' and 'Grain Brain' and realized there are more reasons for me to go back on keto than just weight loss. I'm pretty terrified of being dependent on someone else to care for me in my old age, and listening to those books helped me realize that I needed to take care of myself now to hopefully avoid that possibility in the future.
What kind of self-talk do you engage in? If it turns negative, do you try to change the conversation?
I try to keep my self-talk positive, and when I'm working out and feeling good about my food choices, I can usually manage that pretty well. Sometimes I definitely turn negative, and honestly, sometimes I just wallow in that for a while and have a rip-roaring Pity Party, but, yeah, eventually, you have to turn that around and tell yourself that things aren't that bad and start finding the positive again. I don't want to be a negative person. I don't want to see the bad in every situation. I want to see the positive, even in myself, so ... yeah, I do turn it around after a good cry and some wallowing.
What is your greatest strength?
I guess I would say my imagination and my independence. I don't mind being alone, I'm self-reliant, and I can figure out solutions to problems on my own.
How did you select and set your goals? What do you reward yourself with, if anything?
My goal of 175 pounds came from the lowest weight I've been as an adult. I felt really awesome at that weight, strong and fit, so that's what I'd like to feel again. Maybe it won't be at 175 pounds ... but the main thing is the strong and fit part.  I really don't reward myself, per se. Feeling better and looking better really is my reward. Although, I vowed to get a massage when I get below 200 pounds.
How have your family and friends been a part of your health journey?
I've done Keto off and on for 10 years, so all my family and friends know what I will or will not eat when I'm 'on' and they support that. My BF does most of the cooking, and, although he eats junk all the time, the meals he cooks are all keto-friendly.
What are the three new habits that you feel the most proud of?
I guess I would say the no diet soda ... that was a HUGE effort to do and took me a long time to commit to that, and drinking 120 oz a water a day or more every day. Also trying yoga. I really love yoga and am sorry I didn't try it sooner!
What do you do if you notice that you’re starting to slip back into old habits?
I don't really 'slip back into old habits' ... if I go back to old habits, it wouldn't be a 'slip', it would be a FREE FALL into an ocean of carbs! I don't do that kinda thing small ... it's very ALL or NOTHING for me. But, what I do do is stretch new habits past their breaking points. For instance, if 1 ounce of Macadamia nuts are good, then FOUR ounces must be AWESOME!  When I see that happening, usually what I have to do is stop buying the offending item and just stay away from it, at least for a while.
What is your favorite show or movie?
TV Show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Movie: While You Were Sleeping
What is one of your non-health related goals for this year?
Wow, I'm so focused on health that I'm not sure I have any that aren't somehow related to that. Ummm .... Well, last year I really wanted to go to NYC at Christmastime and see the Rockettes and just do the whole tourist thing. My best girlfriend couldn't go with me, tho, so that fell through. She really wants to do it, tho, so she asked me to hold off until this year.  I'd really like to do that this year ... with or without her.
Wow! Thank you both for the awesome questions! And if you're reading and you made it this far, you must have a strong constitution! :-)
Okay, ten questions for my tagees:
1) If given the opportunity, where would you time travel and who would you bring with you on the adventure knowing that you're not going to alter anything in the present?
2) You have the opportunity to meet any musician, dead or alive. Who would you meet and why?
3) Favorite video game? High Score?
4) Something you know you shouldn't have done, but did anyway?
5) What's the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
6) What's holding you back from doing something you really want to do? What can you do to remove the roadblock?
7) Tell us about your fondest memory.
8) Have you ever traveled outside your country? Where did you go?
9) Can you carry a tune? Can you play an instrument? Which one?
10) If you had the money and the time, what place would you most like to visit?
My Tagees: thorkone , bcente  , southerngirlinwi  , 8tabbsandadime ,
gonzobuddhist  , dateswithweights  , pamthefathelete  , delightfulrandomness  , theketodame  , fitoverfifty, zellcake  , keep-it-up-buttercup  , fluffytobuffy  , in-case-of-zombies  , twidis
I'd love it if you would TAG ME if you play along, so I can be sure to see your answers!
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yogipeach · 11 years ago
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cate-monster said: That’s amazing!!!!!!!gonzobuddhist reblogged this from you and added:
yogipeach your amazing friend, Namaste . . !
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journey2ahappierme reblogged this from you and added:
You deserve it, you’re amazing!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3 <3 <3 Namaste!
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pyroddiction · 11 years ago
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Smiletrain! I was tagged by Bananawesome! Big smile because it's finally weekend after an exhausting week. Have a nice weekend you all :D
I'm tagging: yogipeach, gonzobuddhist, runeatsleepstudydream, supersizetosuperhero, asanaambitions, colormesylverwoodandglass
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lovekarel · 11 years ago
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2 :Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked & write 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 12 new people & let them know you’ve tagged them
Rule 4: Smile♥
These questions from Cat (: Thanks for tagging me! 
 What sounds can you hear right now, this very second? Be descriptive! My boyfriends music and the clicking of my keyboard.
 What book are you reading right now/what was the last book you did read for pleasure? Do you/did you like it? I am currently reading Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. I LOVE it. It is seriously changing my life.
 If you didn’t have to worry about making money, what would you do for work or how would you pass the time? I would do crafts, I would make things with my hands, I would play with kids, I would hold babies and feed them and play with them and sing to them until they fall asleep. I would cook food, and then eat it. I would love my little family. And repeat.
 If you won the lottery, how would you use the money? 1. Pay off student loans. 2. Pay my YTT in full. 3. Travel with my love. 4. Pay my sisters college 5. Find a better place to live.
 If you could own 3 different properties anywhere in the world, where would they be, what kind would they be (apt, house, castle, hut on the beach, cabin, etc.), and why? A house, a cabin in Tahoe by the lake, and a beach house. oh, or a boat so I can sail around the world, but that freaks me out. Maybe just my little California coast.
 Are you an early riser or a night owl? And, depending on your answer, what is your favorite part of the early morning or late night? You know, I really don't like either but I end up doing both. I really like 11am and 6pm. It's my favorite because that's usually the time I eat. lol.
 What was the last live performance you saw (band, theater, dance, etc.)? Was it any good? omg, I don't even remember. Probably a yoyo competition. HAHA. I went cuz M wanted to go and they were all so dang good!
 What are you most looking forward to this month? Graduation? But bleh, more like graduation dinner. Man... I need to let go of my attachment to food.
 What are you most looking forward to this year? FREE DISNEY TICKETS! WHHEEE!!!!!! :D
When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? Who or what made you laugh like that? A few days ago. M and I crack up everyday.
If you could be a “natural” at one thing, what would it be (granted, you’d still have to work to exercise the talent)? I wish I was a natural at dancing. I am so awful that I barely dance in front of my own boyfriend who I've known for YEARS.
My Questions:
What is your favorite all time favorite lunch food and why?
What is one quote that you live by?
Be honest, you totally have a soundtrack to your life. What is one song on it?
If Tumblr (or any blogging) did not exist, what would you be doing instead?
What is one language that you wish to learn that is not a "main" one? (As in not, English, Spanish, French, Chinese)
Which bodily thing you wish you do not have to do in order to live? (Like, eating to sustain yourself, youll just be full. or blinking, your eyes will naturally hydrate itself. or sleeping, you will naturally have energy).
What is something you did today that made you feel like you were living in the NOW?
Do you live more in the past, present, or future?
What is one of your pet peeves?
Which animal just blows your mind? (For me it's jellyfish. Like how do they even live?!)
Tell me your Tumblr friends!
Tagging: sassyyogi fitanne gonzobuddhist lexliftlove jessicareinvented fitlikethor ruggerally tealiteful AND YOU. do this too.
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gonzobuddhist · 5 years ago
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#wonderwoman #tattoo #finishedtattoo #itsstillcoming #imhavingachild #injanuary #noychromosome #forearmtattoo #letsmakeitclear #fuckprejudice #fuckprudery #fuckmanssuperiority #crushthepatriarchy #stayoutofmychildsway #thisishowitellsocialmedia #wereinthistogethernow #ittakesavillage #haveagreatweekend #blissjoypeace #gonzobuddhist (at Iowa City, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1zMb4cBpvT/?igshid=1owlgutt9vzs6
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midlifemomment · 5 years ago
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@fatmaninalittlesuit tagged me to sds and I’m finally tipsy enough to do so. I rarely selfie.... so it’s amusing that my son caught me doing this and commanded me not to. Lol. Teenagers. So hip, so fun. Peachy keen.
What’s everybody up to?
I’ll tag @frontalbread , @gonzobuddhist , @bigbootywhitegurl , @akapearlofagirl , and @blue-voids to sds if they so wish.
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fitbumblebee · 11 years ago
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My Tumblr Crushes:
fightblr (10%)
mandyqueenofsquats (3%)
eximiusfitness (3%)
fitanne (3%)
gonzobuddhist (3%)
fitelise (3%)
kyaaatitan (2%)
krissykillstheweight (2%)
spamfanny (2%)
lol at the fact that Blade and Mel are so high up because d'awwww <333333
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fatgirlgetsfitatlast · 11 years ago
Behind the Yogini | Yoga Game!
Tag #behindtheyogi and 4 yoginis to play behind the yogini and then answer these simple questions:
Name: Valencia / Val
Birthday & Sign: 19th July & Cancer
Last song listened to:  Darkhorse - Katy Perry
Hobby: Online Scrabble (Words with Friends)
Celebrity crush: James Marsters (Spike, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Something you splurge on: Workout clothes
Upcoming personal goals: Continuing to get fitter, lose weight, find the right balance of macros for my body to be happy and healthy.
Favorite Quote: - Not sure I could really pick a favorite, but I just saw this today (Don't know how said it) and I liked it a lot: 
Progress has little to do with speed but all with direction.
Share 3 secret yoga behaviors:
 I often try to get a spot near the wall in class so I can catch myself if I fall.
I MUST use a towel atop my mat in hot yoga or my sweat literally SPLASHES like a puddle on my mat when I move. I forgot my towel once, I almost drowned.
I wish the hot yoga teacher WOULD NOT turn the air conditioning on at the end of class and cool the room down below 100F. I think I may be the only person who dislikes that.
I tag: fromsmallvilletosuperman , becoming-rachelgreysummers, gonzobuddhist, yogini-dreams
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ladyscandal · 11 years ago
gonzobuddhist replied to your post: is hard when he break your he...
Lo siento mi amiga … xxx
Todo bien!! dont worry :D always happy!
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gonzobuddhist · 5 years ago
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#feltcute after holding the door open at the gas station for a collar wearing priest(who looked like he just got done with back to back Sunday services). I was wearing my pentagram BABYMETAL tshirt and razorblade necklace. He said, "Thank you", I said, "No problem, have nice day". Thought I should take #selfie #nofilter it was moment that made me smile and laugh a little to myself. I was raised Catholic🙂 Hope everyone else out there has an alright Sunday. Take Care, Have Fun. #blissjoypeace #tommyjo #gonzobuddhist (at Iowa City, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1CLHmjBv1i/?igshid=1cp3cehwh19ff
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midlifemomment · 5 years ago
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@frontalbread tagged me to sds - thanks!  This one if from yesterday...does that count?  
I’ll tag @itisallmydoing, @fitnessgeekandcoffeefreak, @holistichomie, and @gonzobuddhist to sds if they wish
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midlifemomment · 6 years ago
10 movies
I was tagged by @fatgirlgetsfitatlast to gif my 10 fav movies.  Thanks for the tag and here we go...
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I’ll tag @gonzobuddhist, @itisallmydoing, @akapearlofagirl, and @bigbootywhitegurl to post if they like.
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midlifemomment · 6 years ago
15 questions
15 Questions
I was tagged by @itisallmydoing.  Thanks for the tag!
Are you named after anyone? Biblical name - my brother has a biblical name too.
When was the last time you cried? I happy cried just yesterday.  One of the clients of my school showed me a video celebrating the birth of a new family member.   It was sooooooo beautiful....I happy cried.
Do you have kids? yah
Do you use sarcasm a lot? yah
What’s the first thing you notice about people?  how they engage eye contact
Eye colour? Blue
Scary movie or happy ending? haps
Any special talents? yogi stuffs
Where were you born? Fontana, CA
What are your hobbies? Yoga, cooking, hanging with my kid
Do you have any pets? yah
How tall are you? 5'7
What sports do you play/have you played? sporty I am not
Favourite subject? Social history - and food/cooking history
Dream job?  Soooo, I’m really lucky that I really like both jobs I have: one is working at a school for young children and the other is a yoga teacher.   I think I’ll retire from the first job in about 15 years or so, but keep the yoga gig....because YOGA.
I’ll tag @fatgirlgetsfitatlast, @fatmaninalittlesuit, @bigbaldhead, @cheaplazyvegan, and @gonzobuddhist to answer if they like.  Yay!
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midlifemomment · 7 years ago
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The super handsome @tubadougblog tagged me to sds and I still *can not* look into the camera to selfie. Not sure why. My son tries to instruct me on the art of the selfie. I’ll tag @geeky-yogini, @gonzobuddhist, @lostsplendor, and @dragonfli17 to sds if they wish.
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