#gonna try to log into my work account on my personal laptop at home wish me luck 🤞🤞
propertyline · 2 months
what they don't tell you when you complete formal education is that microsoft 365 will want you dead
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He’s Not Here - Part 24
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Word Count: 8034
Rating: M (language and violence)
Parts 1-23 + the interludes and NSFW alphabet can be found on my Masterlist (link in bio)
Summary: What’s in the box that Billy left for you? Why was it so important that you have it? Does it even matter? 
Author’s Note: I’m about to ruin your Saturday.
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(Banner made by @the-blind-assassin-12)
It had taken you three days to go through all of the files on Billy’s laptop, starting with the videos in the folder he’d labeled with your name. There were plenty of them, and each one was like a punch in the gut, simply because with every word he said, you heard him in it, the way he’d been when he was with you, even though you weren’t together at the time. They followed a linear timeline - some of them were simply Billy talking to you through his webcam, staring at the laptop with wide brown eyes, features contorted in sadness as he reminded himself - and by extension, you - of what he was doing and why. You couldn’t watch them all that first night; you were crying too hard, and after calling your boss and letting her know that you needed a few days off, you pulled one of Billy’s t shirts on and crawled into bed, bringing his iPod with you and holding it with one hand until you fell asleep, the songs that had comforted him in the desert filling your ears. 
 You’d cried yourself to sleep, but had woken up early the next morning, determined to make more progress with the videos and the files. You made notes as you went through them, lists of what was in each file, and as you did so, the story unfolded, little by little. Billy had been involved with heroin smuggling, starting with the contact that he’d had with Schoonover when he’d been shot. The man had offered him an opportunity to work directly for him as soon as he’d gotten back overseas, and though Billy had been hesitant because he knew what hard drugs could do to people, he’d agreed. “I didn’t want to do it, you know? But it was good money, and if I hadn’t agreed, he woulda gone to someone else, and who knows what he woulda done to me for sayin’ no. I wanted Anvil, wanted to… just wanted to get started, and figured that once I was back here and could find a new way to… he’d go somewhere else after I’d done my part. He’d find someone else, and I could just…” Billy’s hand had been working the back of his neck as he spoke, still not looking at the camera. “I was wrong. I was so wrong, but by the time I realized it, we were already… it was about more than the drugs, it was … we were - me an’ Frankie were…” 
 Agreeing to help with the drug smuggling had been just the beginning, and while Billy had assumed that he’d be on the hook for that when he came home - using Anvil as a front until Schoonover could find another avenue for importing and distributing the heroin - things had quickly changed when he and Frank had been tasked with leading two squds of men in Afghanistan, turning from dedicated Marines into something more deadly, more focused - more wrong. “Cerberus, at first was just them tellin’ us to go in and do what was necessary. We’d all been asked to do a buncha shit before, shit that we didn’t agree with but didn’t question, and so it wasn’t anything different. It got bad, Orange… Rawlins had his own agenda, and we just did what we were told, and… and it got out of control. It wasn’t just Schoonover keepin’ an eye on me anymore, it was both of ‘em, and I couldn’t...” 
 The folders contained information about each of the men - dates and amounts, contacts, phone call logs, requests, meeting notes. “I couldn’t keep track of shit over there, but once I got here? I knew… I knew there was a chance they were gonna get caught, and I’d go down with ‘em, but I wanted to… I know I can only count on myself, yeah? But after Schoonover died … after Frankie killed ‘im, things got… things changed. Rawlins is so paranoid now, but he thinks that… it’s never gonna be on him, never gonna… but he… if he knew I was keepin’ track of things, makin’ these videos? It’s gonna cover my ass, but he’d kill me for it right after he made me watch him kill you.” 
 Billy outlined everything for you - the way that the operation had changed after Schoonover died and the heroin stopped coming in in the same way, the way that Rawlins stayed as far out of the spotlight as possible and still tried to control the narrative, sending Billy and his men out on missions that needed to be handled quickly and quietly. “An’ I know you won’t want it, but I can only use so much of this money, and if I’m… I’m doin’ all of this shit? I want it to mean somethin’.” There were things that Billy did that were legitimate - he talked about situations where the men and women of Anvil were doing real jobs, where the company was exactly what Billy had dreamed, getting recognition in the papers and in military and political circles. “It’s only been a year, only been… and we’re doin’ it. I’m doin’ it, and I want… I wish I could tell you about it, because I think you’d be proud of me, at least for some of this shit.” 
 The money that he’d been putting into your account - that he’d opened by using the signature on the contract that you’d both signed for the Anvil party - was, according to him, from Billy’s portion of the legitimate deals he’d been doing, the training and the protection, the missions. “I’m usin’ the blood money, and that’s more than enough. Everything that goes to you? That’s… that’s what I woulda been doin’ for you if we were still together.” But there’s no way to verify that, I don’t… all I have are these records, but… But you realized that there’d be no reason for anyone to look into the account; it had been opened in your name, and the signature was as close to your own as you’d ever seen. You went back and forth about how you felt, knowing that the money you had access to could have come from illegal activity, but at the end of the day, you decided it didn’t matter. 
 I can… I can use this to help him, I can get him a lawyer, I… You’d actually laughed when he explained what was going on with your rent amount being deposited into the account in one of the earliest videos. “I told you we’d be livin’ together as soon as I came back, that I wanted to… well, since I’m savin’ money by living in the apartment next to my office, instead of paying my rent, I’m paying yours… kind of, even though you don’t know it yet.” 
 Billy had moved out of his apartment and into the building that he was leasing only a few months after Anvil opened. You weren’t surprised by it - that meant he could be close to his recruits, close to the company, always available, and even though you knew that him doing that would have consumed him, you also knew that it was what would have kept him sane - and too busy to really sit back and think about how far his life had spiraled. 
 The videos continued, Billy talking about the things that Rawlins and Wolf had him do, the meetings he had with Bennett and the other men, the promises they made him. “I know I can’t trust ‘em, and at this point, it’s more about me bein’ able to somehow cover my own ass when this all goes bad. Not if.  I’m guilty, I’ve done a lot of bad shit and I know that, but it didn’t start out that way, and now… now they’ve got me in so deep that… I don’t know what else to do, except make these videos and talk to you like you’re really here because it might matter someday, even if it’s only to you.” 
 You’d seen the progression in Billy as the time passed. His first video to you, he’d been distraught and angry, trying to explain everything to you in a way that made sense while coming to terms with the fact that his life was exploding. The video after the Castles had been killed had been difficult to listen to, to say the least, but he’d been a combination of heartbroken and pissed, and you’d seen the fire in his eyes, heard the edge to his voice. The one from after Anvil’s opening had been short, but Billy was simply resigned in that one - he’d  talked about your kiss, talked about saying goodbye. “I shoulda done it like that in March. I shoulda just been more honest, been more… but if you’ve made it this far, you know why I couldn’t, you know the risk. You know how dangero… You’re right. I have to let you go, I can’t keep pullin’ you back in. I already did, and it’s too dangerous, even though I tried not to, I … The next few, he’d been more calm, matter of fact - you could hear in his voice that he’d accepted his new reality - a life without you, without the Castles and without anything meaningful in it, aside from Anvil - something that had been his dream but that he’d allowed to be corrupted. 
 Billy had laid out everything for you - the reasoning behind your breakup, the reasons that he’d acted the way he had, the motivations for how hard he was working with the company, the need for him to try and help Frank in any way that he could… and even the ways that he was trying to make it seem as if everything was normal in his personal life. You’d assumed that Billy hadn’t been celibate after ending things with you, but hearing him talk about it? Seeing him looking at the camera and then away from it while he talked about the fact that he had to keep up appearances by being seen with other women, that he’d had to sell it by drawing them in and then cutting them lose? It hurt, and no number of apologies would ever make the feeling that you’d had in the pit of your stomach while you heard him apologize for sleeping with other women - and then remind you that he was doing it because he loved you disappear. He’s not wrong, though, it makes sense, it just… 
 You believed him, believed every word of what he said, because the things he said in the videos lined up with the other files on the computer - the pictures, the spreadsheets, the documents. They even lined up with the phone calls and the text messages, and you knew without a doubt that they’d line up with Anvil’s records, too. Billy had had to do a lot off the books, but it seemed like before he’d turned over the invoices to whoever it was that had paid him for the ‘special’ missions, he’d made copies of documents, made notes of the transactions. Though Anvil’s headquarters was nothing but a smoking pile of ash, there was a separate portion of the hard drive dedicated to it - and to the records. I have everything. Everything he worked for. Everything he was. “I know that my discharge papers say somethin’ different on record, but I have the real ones, I asked for ‘em when I came home. It was before Rawlins got to… he’s gonna use the ones he did, the ones… but I know. These are real, and you’ll have em, they’ll… they’ve gotta be good for something, right?” 
 As time passed, you could see that for Billy, things were falling apart and he didn’t know how to deal with it. Frank’s supposed reappearance - and the fact that Madani was also looking for the man weighed heavily on him - you watched the look on his face change, the fear in his eyes grow. “If Frankie’s really back, he’s gonna know, he’s… I’m not gonna be able to explain, because how do you… how do I explain that? How do I get him to listen for long enough to...” Billy had wanted to see Frank again, had been both relieved and afraid to learn that the man was still alive, but it presented him with a lot of problems, too. “I didn’t want to turn him over to Rawlins, but I couldn’t… I couldn’t tell him no, because I’m in too deep now, he still has leverage on me, and I can’t… I won’t risk it.” Billy had been relieved that Frank hadn’t shown up at the docks, and then the bombings and  hotel attack had happened, exposing him to both Madani and Frank at the same time. “That’s not how I wanted him to find out, not how I wanted her to find out, either. I don’t… she was a means to an end, but I didn’t… it was never supposed to happen like this, I shoulda known that Frankie wouldn’t let it… fuck.” 
 There was no doubt that in the few days leading up to Billy showing up on your doorstep, he’d been trying to make sure that you had everything you could ever need on the laptop - and on the phone, which is where the call logs and text messages still were stored, along with audio recordings of meetings that he’d had with Rawlins and other men that you didn’t recognize - because while most of the information was organized, there were also things that were messily added, not labeled thoroughly, just put on the computer so that it would be there after he wasn’t. 
 But it was the last video - the one that you watched, curled up in bed, wearing his sweats and clutching the dog tag in one hand - that forced you into action, caused you to start thinking about what you could do with the information you had. In it, Billy was in a dark room, and he was wearing the outfit you’d last seen him in, hair hanging over his eyes and his skin pale, but his voice was sure, and he’d done something that he hadn’t in any of the previous videos: he stared directly into the camera for the whole thing. 
 “So this is it. I’m meetin’ Frankie tonight, and it’s… it’s gonna be one of us or neither of us. I gotta fight, I’ve always fought, and even though after what I did, just lettin’ him have me is what I deserve, it won’t… he won’t… I can’t just lay down and die.” He’d run his fingers through his hair, taking a deep breath. “I gotta say this now, because it could be my only chance, and if I say it to you when I come there in a few hours, you won’t let me leave.” Your heart was pounding as Billy leaned in, staring at you through the screen. “He thinks I’m somethin’ that I’m not, at least not completely. I did a lot of bad shit, a lot that I wish I wouldn’t have done, but it’s always been about survival. For me, for you, for him, for… fuck. You know how I get, so I can’t… I can’t promise you that I’m gonna make it through the night. Frankie and me, we always… we bring out the best in each other, but we also... “  Billy shook his head. “I told you I’d come back to you, no matter how long it took me, but I can’t… I don’t think I’m gonna be able to do that after tonight. I don’t think I deserve it, because this whole fucking thing is just… I just tried to… I’m tired. I’m tired of things bein’ like this, tired of… this isn’t me. It can’t be me anymore.”  
 He stood and walked away, coming back with the book you’d made him in his hands, holding it up for you to see that it was tattered, the pages bent and ripped at the edges. “I think you coulda forgiven me for the drugs, even though you would have been mad. And I know you woulda told me to … to warn ‘em, instead of… but I couldn’t. I tried to tell you without tellin’ you, but now I’m… You loved me, and I think you still might, but you need to know that it didn’t matter who I was with or what I was doin’, or what any of them say.” Billy tore the last page from the book and held it up, turning it so that you could see the words, even though they were backwards. “I just love you. I always have. And if you love me, you’ll use this - everything I gave you - not to clear my name, but at least to… explain why I did what I did. Maria’s parents, maybe? Frankie, if he makes it… if… fuck. Just promise me that you won’t blame yourself. I didn’t give you a choice - I made it for you.” He sighed, looking down, and you saw that the bloody fingerprint was on the card. “Make it worth it. Help him if you can.” Billy licked his lips, saying your name and holding his hand up to the screen - much like he’d done when he was overseas. “I love you, and I’m sorry.” 
 The video ended there, and you sat staring at the screen - his face frozen in a mask of sadness, his hand against the screen with his fingers splayed. He thought Frank would win. He didn’t think he would… Without thinking, you reached up to mirror the motion, tears streaming down your face. “Oh, Billy.” You took a deep breath, eyes finally moving away from the screen and down to where the rest of the items from the box  were spread out on your bed, thinking. He told me to make it worth it, but the only thing… You shook your head. Frank was still alive, that much was for sure. He deserves to know, he needs to… this can clear his name, too, give him closure, it’ll… You took a deep breath, still thinking. But Billy’s still alive, too. 
 As much as you hated Frank for what he’d done to Billy, you understood it. From where Frank stood, Billy was solely responsible for the deaths of his family, and there’d been no reason for it aside from Billy’s own selfishness and his desire to become wealthy and respected. That has to change. He needs to… Your breath leaving you in a shudder, you closed your eyes. Billy was in the hospital, clinging to life, and when he woke, he’d have Homeland and the rest of the government pinning crimes on him that he hadn’t been responsible for while overlooking the part that their own men - and women -  had played. You knew that they’d likely frozen Billy’s bank accounts; despite the fact that he’d included his own credit and debit cards in a separate envelope, as well as information for two offshore accounts, you were wary of counting on any of that money to be there when and if Billy needed it. But my account, he’s... I can use that, I can... You climbed out of the bed, crossing your arms over your chest as you paced your room, thinking. 
 Billy would have a public defender, a lawyer that was likely going to be able to be intimidated, one that wouldn’t work hard to save the life of his client - someone that he didn’t care at all about. And he’ll lose. And he’ll go to jail, or worse. He’d said it himself - he was guilty of a lot of things, but in all of the coverage you’d seen over the past week and a half, there had been no mention of anyone government or military being involved, aside from Billy and Lewis. He’s going to get blamed for everything, even the things he didn’t… Even Frank’s name had been scrubbed from the narrative; he’d saved the lives of two teenagers as well as Madani’s on the carousel, but after that, nothing. He can’t just… he’ll have to… “He said to help him.” You spoke out loud to your empty apartment, blinking away more tears. Billy had meant Frank, you knew that he had, but you didn’t know how to get in touch with him - and if you were being honest with yourself, didn’t know if you could face him, knowing what you did. I had no idea, I didn’t… You stopped in your doorway, looking back at the bed, and then looked down, realizing that you still had Billy’s dog tag in your hand, uncurling your fingers and finding that you’d been holding it so tightly that there were indentations left in the skin of your palm. I guess you had a preference, Billy. You just didn’t… you didn’t realize it until it was too late. 
 Taking a deep breath, you slipped the dog tag into your pocket, squaring your shoulders. Figure it out. He did. He … Your eyes landed on your phone, which was sitting on the nightstand, and you hurried back to it, picking it up. Who can I trust? You didn’t know where to begin; you’d never needed a lawyer, never been in trouble with the law, never had to think about what you’d do if you ever needed to defend yourself in public. There has to be someone, but… Leaving Billy’s laptop and everything else, you walked back into the living room, eyes moving over to the TV stand, where the pictue of you and Billy had been, though you’d moved it. That picture started it, it was… Shaking your head to clear it, you moved to the couch, perching on the arm and holding your phone. Focus. You didn’t even know what time of day it was; you’d been in a haze since you’d opened the box, but as your eyes wandered again to the TV stand, you pressed your lips together. It’s only noon, it’s the middle of the day, it’s what, a Friday? You unlocked your phone, opening the browser and took a deep breath before typing ‘criminal defense attorney New York City’ into the window and hitting search. 
 There were hundreds of results, and as you scrolled through them, you frowned. I can’t trust them, I don’t know if… they won’t take it seriously, they… You set the phone down, closing your eyes and rubbing your fingers over them. You were exhausted, and even though you’d been sleeping, your dreams were once again filled with Billy’s face, with his voice - and even though you had no clue what Frank had truly done to him, the dreams often featured Billy with injuries - scars and raised skin, bandages covering wide swaths of his face. You felt guilty - more guilty than you’d ever felt in your life, and you knew that you wouldn’t be over that feeling for a long time, especially not when you knew that Frank was still - “Frank.” You dropped your hands, picking your phone back up and typing again. This time, the search was more pointed - ‘Frank Castle defense attorney’ - and your eyes widened as you scrolled through those results. Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson’s law office was known for taking on difficult clients, and the two men were also known for getting results. “Can they help me? Help...Billy?” You swallowed, eyes scanning the page and you gasped when you saw a name that jumped out at you - Karen. 
 Frank had mentioned someone named Karen when he was talking about Billy, and the fact that she was associated with the lawyers couldn’t have been coincidence. You remembered Curtis mentioning her, too, both men saying her name with reverance. She helped Frank, she… You closed your fingers around your phone, squeezing your eyes shut. If she helped Frank when he was accused of… she might… You knew it was a long shot - if she was invested in Frank’s wellbeing, she’d likely be hesitant to listen to Billy’s side of things without rushing to judgement. But she doesn’t know, none of them do. Your heart pounding, you backed out of the news article and typed the woman’s name into your browser. She’s a reporter. You took a deep breath, scrolling, and saw that along with her email address and the newspaper’s phone number, she had her extension specifically listed on her profile. That has to be… You swallowed, memorizing the four numbers and biting your lip. It’s a long shot. But it’s the only… it’s the only one I’ve got. 
 You started the call before you could question yourself again, taking a deep breath and repeating the extension number when a man answered. As you were transferred, you felt your heart in your throat, foot tapping against the floor rapidly. “Karen Page, New York Bulletin.” Freezing, you didn’t respond right away. “Hello?” You made a split second decision, closing your eyes briefly and then opening them, your eyes landing on the decorated tree in the corner. I have to do this. “Hello? Is there -”
 “Miss Page?” Your voice shook, and you paused, swallowing before you introduced yourself. “I… I think you can help me.” 
 “You’re…” She paused. “I know your name, you’re Billy Russo’s…” She stopped herself and you heard yourself laughing quietly. “I’m sorry, that was… how can I help you?” 
 “Miss Page… Karen…” Your eyes went back to your hallway, the corner of the laptop just visible. “I didn’t know who else to…” You fought to keep your voice even, trying to figure out the best way to continue. Just say it. “Billy Russo isn’t the person that you think he is.” You heard her exhale, but continued before she could say anything. “I have… I have some things I need to show … someone, anyone that can help, I…”
 “Why do you think I can help you?” Her voice was slightly colder than it had been previously, but you heard the interest in it too. “I don’t -”
 “You believed in Frank Castle.” She sucked in a breath loudly. “You knew there was more to it than what they…” Now or never. “There’s more to this, too.” There was a long pause. 
 “I’m listening.” You let out your own breath, which was more like a sigh of relief before you closed your eyes, nodding. That’s all I needed. 
 The next day, there was a knock on your door, and when you opened it, you forced a smile at the blonde woman, inviting her in. You hadn’t slept well the previous night and were nervous - not because you feared what Karen would say in response to what you showed her, but because sharing what Billy had left you was opening up the remnants of your relationship - of his life - to someone on the outside, someone with an allegiance to Frank. But she’s … I have to. “Hello, Miss P-”
 “Call me Karen, please.” She stepped into your apartment, shaking her had. “So many people out today, you’d think they would have gotten it all out of their….” She trailed off, noticing the confused expression on your face. “Yesterday… was Black Friday?” Karen cocked her head to the side, frowning slightly. “Day after Thanksgi…” You shook your head, brow furrowed. I didn’t even realize. I missed…  You watched her as she watched you, her eyes raking over your body. You’d showered, changed into clean clothes and made an attempt to improve your appearance, but knew that you still looked rough. “You love him.” She swallowed. “Still, even after -”
 “I do. And I owe him.” There was no shame in your voice, nothing but the truth in it. “And you’ll understand better once…” You gestured to your kitchen table, where the laptop was sitting, open and unlocked. “Before I show you what he left me, I need to tell you… do you want something to drink?” 
 Over the course of an hour, you filled Karen in on your history with Billy, starting with how you’d met and ending with the moment he’d left you for the last time the night of the fight with Frank. She’d listened, her eyes growing wide at certain parts of the story, but hadn’t interrupted, a pen held tightly between her fingers as she took notes. You were honest with her, telling her details that you wouldn’t have told anyone else, because you wanted her to know the Billy that you knew, the man that you’d fallen in love with. “And he left me a box, telling me it was the truth… but I didn’t open it, I couldn’t, because it felt like…”
 “Like moving on. Like… ending that part of your life, the part that was with him.” She spoke quietly and you nodded, watching as she set the pad and pen down on the coffee table, next to her empty beer bottle. “You opened it, though.” You nodded, recounting Frank’s visit to you a few days after the fight, followed by your trip to the hospital and the encounter with Madani. “I’ve met her. She’s… she saved Frank’s life, her and Lieberman, after…” You watched her eyes flash. “After he killed Rawlins, and again after he fought with…” Karen bit her lip and used her fingers to wipe beneath her eyes. She loves him. You felt a chill run through your body at the realization, but you knew that you were too far in to stop things. “He’s gone, he’s not in the city anymore, you know that?” I didn’t. “He left Madani to look after Billy, told her to call him if anything changed, said he’d come back if he needed to, but even… even after what Billy did to Frank, to his family, he didn’t… he couldn’t kill him.” Karen shook her head. “I don’t know how he… Frank’s a good person, but, Billy, he took -”
 “He didn’t do it because he wanted to.” You spoke quietly. “He never wanted to hurt them, never would have…” You met her eyes, feeling yours flooding with tears that you didn’t even try to hold back. “Rawlins gave Billy a choice, Karen. And I didn’t know it until I watched…” You gestured to the laptop, shaking your head back and forth. “Rawlins wanted Frank dead, not Maria and the kids. Billy thought…” You looked down and then back up at Karen, who was watching you silently, hands clasped together on her lap. “Rawlins told Billy that if he warned Frank, if he tipped him off in any way, that he’d…” Your jaw worked silently, but you only paused for a moment before continuing, saying the words out loud for the first time. “He said he’d kill me.” 
 Karen had been on the phone moments after watching the first video that Billy had recorded for you, the woman pacing back and forth in your living room as she talked with somone on the other end of the line. “I need you to pack up everything - not the clothes, but the laptop, the other stuff, the papers… and you need to come with me.” Shocked, you’d nodded, slipping Billy’s laptop and phone into your own bag, adding in the paperwork and few envelopes along with it. By the time you’d finished, Karen was sitting on your couch again, head in her hands and her long hair hanging through her fingers. “We’ll figure this out.” She looked up at you, and you saw that her eyes were shining. “I trust Frank. He’d never… he’s never…” She shook her head. “But that didn’t seem like…” No, it didn’t. She stood, pressing her lips together and  then she crossed the room to you, putting her arms around your shoulders and pulling you close. Though you were surprised, you hugged her back, feeling a sense of comfort for the first time since Billy had walked out the previous week. “Matt and Foggy will know what to do, they’ll… Matt will be able to…” 
 So the two of you had taken a cab to Hell’s Kitchen, entering a large and open apartment. You recognized the man that opened the door as Matt Murdock, and though blind, he’d reached out for your hand before you could say a word, introducing himself. “Karen tells me you have a case...or what you think is a case?” He smiled at you, and out of habit you nodded, opening your mouth to speak. 
 “I do, Mr. Murdock, I -”
 “Matt. Call me Matt. If we’re going to be working on this, you should…” He led you deeper into the apartment, asking you to set up the laptop and play the video you’d played for Karen. You watched him with interest as he listened to Billy’s words, his face giving nothing away. It was one of the longer videos, but as Karen pressed the pause button at the end of it, you felt like it wasn’t long enough. “And he recorded that when, Karen?” 
 “The date of the file is from about a week before the Castles were killed, Matt.” She sighed. “I mean, we’d need to check it out, and make sure, but… the other videos, they all have dates that line up with things Frank told me, things that we looked into for his case and with The Blacksmith. I mean, it… there seems like there could be a lot of truth to it, and if…” She trailed off. “If there is, then this could get interesting, Matt.” She believes. 
 “Russo’s voice… he believed what he was saying.” Matt frowned, shaking his head. “He was genuinely upset.” You leaned in, reaching past Matt to open up the file from the day that the Castles had been killed, pressing play. Just keep going, that’s all you can do now. When that video ended, you glanced over at Karen, whose eyes were read, tears streaking down her cheeks. You were crying too, but you were spent, your body almost too tired to produce any real tears. “He really didn’t know.” Matt’s voice was filled with surprise. “That changes things. If there was proof that -”
 “There is. It’s short, but there’s a recording on Billy’s phone, I don’t know how he got it, but it’s…” You swallowed. “It’s Rawlins and Billy the day of the…” You pulled the phone out, going through it. “Rawlins tells Billy that there are men outside of where I work, and if anything goes wrong, if Frank isn’t there, or if he seems like he was tipped off, they’ll grab me when I go to lunch.” You pressed play, letting Matt and Karen listen. Some of the audio was garbled, since you assumed that Billy had had the phone in his pocket, but most of the words were clear.
 “Does R… Billy have a lawyer?” You told him you didn’t know, and Matt nodded. “We’ll look into it. They can’t try him, or even charge him with anything formally until he wakes up and they assess… his brain function.” You gasped and Matt continued. “It’s been all over the news, I’ve… kept up with it.” Of course you have. “We have time, but we can’t… we can’t let anyone know that this information exists, not until we go through it, and…” Matt sighed. “Karen, can I talk to you for a minute?” The blonde nodded, and Matt pointed at the refrigerator. “Help yourself, we’ll be right back.” They  walked slowly away and down the hall, and you turned the laptop to face you, staring again at Billy’s face, paused on the screen. I’m going to help you, Russo. Even if they won’t, I … A few minutes passed and then you heard your name, Matt stepping back down the hallway in front of Karen, who looked determined. “We’ll need to keep the laptop and the phone, it’s evidence. Once we can verify that things were created on the days that … that he says they were, we can move forward.” You agreed and Matt took a deep breath. “I still have to talk to Foggy, but… I think that we can help Billy, and maybe Frank, too.” 
 You felt yourself deflate, your knees growing weak. “You...you believe him?” That time, your voice shook, and as you gripped the edge of the counter, you felt Karen’s hand on your back, heard her murmur your name. “I know you guys believe Frank, and you trust him, and…”
 “Frank’s entire… everything he ever did was to… was for the people he loved.” Karen shook her head, and for the first time, you noticed the faint scabbing on her face, the scar next to her lip. “If Billy really did that for you - and there’s proof? Proof that he…” She shook her head. “They’re going to try to bury him, and no one will ever know the truth if they have it their way. Sweeping what Rawlins and Bennett and Schoonover and Madani …what all of them did under the rug to save face?” Karen shook her head. “That’s not right, that���s not what .... Not what people like Frank and Billy fought for.” Karen nodded, her eyes clear. “I believe Frank. I believe that Frank did what he thought was right because of what they did to his family, but … but that doesn’t mean that I don’t believe Billy, too.” 
 “There’s a lot of work to do.” Matt spoke again, drawing your attention. “If Billy wakes up, we’ll need to be there almost as soon as Madani’s guy is, so we need to get to work on this.” You nodded, forgetting again that Matt couldn’t see it, but he grinned, continuing. “We need to go through all of these files, and start working on a strategy, figure out what we can…” 
 “Matt?” You swallowed, eyes moving back to the laptop. “If… if he doesn’t wake up, that laptop… the phone… it’s all… it’s all I have left of him, and it’s the only proof that he…”
 “We can make you copies of the videos.” Karen’s hand rubbed against your back, her voice quiet. “I’ll do that right away and get them back to you, just in case.” 
 “Yeah.” Matt cleared his throat, nodding his head. “It’s probably good to have backups anyway.” 
 Things moved quickly, and over the course of the next few weeks, Matt, Karen and Foggy worked tirelessly on the case, categorizing all of the information and printing things out, connecting dots. Karen’s position on the paper allowed her to dig into files and reports, getting them more information on the men that Frank - and Billy - had killed. It had only taken a few days for them to come to the conclusion that nothing on the phone or laptop had been fabricated, meaning that while the truth behind Billy’s words couldn’t be validated unless he woke up and remembered, he’d recorded and saved things as he went - not all at once, and not after the fact. It made you appreciate what he’d done for you even more, and it made you hate Madani and the government more, too. 
 Though you weren’t allowed in the room with Billy again, you visited him multiple times a week, sitting quietly in the hallway in a chair that faced his room, waiting for any sign of change. 
 Nothing happened - aside from the bandages on his face getting thinner, the bulk disappearing as the wounds beneath them healed. Madani was in the room with him most of the times that you were there, and while you couldn’t hear what she was saying, you watched as she spoke to him, the anger on her face and in her posture palpable. She’s going to try everything to … to ruin him. You kept it together, taking everything in, and reported back to Matt and Karen, letting them know if you overheard anything from Madani or the doctors, but it wasn’t until the beginning of the third week of December that they had to take action. 
 Billy’s court appointed lawyer had visited with Madani, and though you didn’t catch all of their conversation, you watched the man shake hands with her and heard him say that when Billy woke up, things wouldn’t take long to wrap up. I knew it. You texted Karen as soon as you left the hospital, and not less than 24 hours later, you received a message from Foggy, telling you that he and Matt had officially taken on Billy as a client, letting Madani’s team know that the court appointed lawyer would be replaced, pending Billy’s return to consciousness. You felt relief, but it was short lived, as the next time you showed up at the hospital Madani refused to speak to you, instead glaring at you as she walked by, going back into Billy’s room and blocking your view of the man by closing the blinds. 
 You weren’t allowed into the room - aside from a short visit on New Year’s Eve, something Karen had advocated for once she’d found out it was Billy’s birthday, but nothing changed with him. He was still out, still unresponsive, and even though you could see that he was healing - bruises and cuts fading from his arms, the doctors (and his own heightened senses) telling Matt that the other injuries on his body were getting better, too, you were beginning to worry that Billy wouldn’t ever wake up. 
 Even after the bandages came off, exposing the thick and jagged scarring on Billy’s face to the open air, he didn’t stir. You watched his chest rise and fall through the window, watched the monitors, eyes on the numbers, listened as much as you could to the doctors and nurses … and hoped. By the end of January, even Matt had said that things were changing, and he could almost hear Billy’s body as it healed, but he still didn’t respond - not to Madani, not to Detective Mahoney, not even to the medical staff, when they poked and prodded at him, examining him or manipulating his body so that he didn’t remain in one position. His arms and legs were thinner than you ever imagined that they could be, but they were nowhere near as thin as his face; Billy’s eyes sunken in, the raised and angry pink skin stretched tight over his skull. He looked nothing like the man that you knew, but that didn’t change the way you felt. This is because of me. Frank fighting him is because of me.
 While at work on a Tuesday in February, your phone rang, showing Karen’s number on the screen. You answered, unsure of why she was calling - but you didn’t have to wait long for the answer. Karen said your name, and at the sound, your grip on your phone tightened, chest growing tight. “He’s awake.” 
 You made it to the hospital in record time, and even though Karen met you at the front doors, you barely stopped until you were in the elevator, foot tapping on the floor. “Is he -”
 “I called you as soon as they called Matt.” She swallowed. “Madani’s been trying to get in there, I guess, but the doctors won’t let her, since Matt and Foggy are his legal council, and she’s not even technically supposed to be in the room.” I didn’t know that. “The cops will usually let her in, but if Mahoney’s here, she stays away, and now that he’s awake…” Karen shook her head. “You can’t go in, not yet, but maybe if he… if he sees you? Sees someone familiar that isn’t… her?” You nodded, nearly sprinting out of the elevator when the doors opened, but stopped in your tracks when you saw that Billy’s blinds were closed. That’s new. Madani was pacing in the hallway, her arms crossed and she swore when she saw you, rolling her eyes. “Agent Madani.” 
 Karen’s voice was frosty, and you and the blonde woman stopped in front of Billy’s door, waiting. “The lawyers are in there now, along with one of the -” Madani rolled her eyes. “You’re not going in there.” 
 “I know.” You eyed her, not saying anything else. It didn’t feel any different in the hallway, even though you knew that Billy was awake, but you could feel the anger rolling off of her, saw the way she was looking at you and Karen. “I -” Billy’s door opened and the officer stepped out, talking to Madani. 
 “He’s lawyered up. We can’t speak to him again unless they’re present, but the doctors also said that he needs some time to recover. He can’t -”
 “I don’t care. I want to see him now.” Madani pointed at the door, whch was still open a few inches. “I want to go in -” 
 “No. Agent Madani, we’ve allowed you to go in up until now, but there’s nothing we can do, both doctors as well as I heard him agree to let Murdock and Nelson -”
 “And Page.” Karen spoke up from next to you. “I’m a junior partner, we’re just waiting for my cards to come in.” She shrugged. “I’m on the team too, so I’ll have access to Mr. Russo.” Madani’s face turned thunderous, but the officer nodded. 
 “Murdock and Nelson and Page represent him, so unless one of them is present, you won’t be able to be in the room with him, and neither will we, except to guard the medical staff.” Swearing under her breath, Madani spun on her heel and stormed off, leaving the three of you - and the single guard outside the door - standing in the hallway. “Ms. Page, if you’d like you can join them in the room.” Karen nodded and squeezed your arm before she stepped away, slipping into the room and closing the door behind her. I just want to see him, I want to see him awake, I… “Take a seat, it might be a while.” The officer - one of the guards that you’d become familiar with sighed as you shook your head. “Suit yourself.” Minutes passed and then the door opened again, a doctor and a nurse leaving and shutting it behind them, walking down the hallway and  talking quietly between themselves. What is happening? What… You stared at the window, eyes unfocused, and then, after what felt like a long time had passed, you watched as the blinds rose, Karen’s worried face inches away from yours. She was blocking your view of Billy, and waited until you’d met her anxious eyes and nodded once to step to the right, letting you see him. 
 His head was turned to the side, looking away from you as he talked to Matt and Foggy, but after a few seconds, Billy’s head moved, even though it didn’t lift from the pillow. Oh, God. Things seemed to be happening in slow motion, your heart thudding behind your ribs as you watched him move for the first time in months. Billy’s head stopped, his cheek resting on the pillow, and you stepped closer to the window, staring at him, even though his eyes were closed. He finally opened them and you felt your eyes widen as you saw them through the glass - the same brown eyes that you’d gotten so used to staring into looking at you as if they didn’t see you at first. Billy it’s me. It… You watched as his eyes widened, eyebrows rising, and for the briefest moment, a flash of recognition went through them, his jaw twitching. Hi. But then it was gone, Billy’s brow furrowing as he kept staring at you. No… what… he doesn’t… Unwilling to give up, you raised your hand to the glass, pressing your palm against it and tilting your head to the side. Come on, Billy. It’s me. 
 For the span of a few seconds, you thought he was going to respond, but then Billy closed his eyes again, turning his head back toward Matt and Foggy. Feeling crushed but trying not to show it, you stepped away from the glass, dropping into the chair you typically sat in and putting your face into your hands. It doesn’t matter. He’s awake. He’s alive. Nothing else matters.
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airoasis · 5 years
HOW TO INVEST $50 IN BITCOIN - DAY #1? Free Bitcoin Technical Analysis & Crypto Currency News 2107
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HOW TO INVEST $50 IN BITCOIN - DAY #1? Free Bitcoin Technical Analysis & Crypto Currency News 2107
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THE BOSS OF BITCOIN!! What are we doing right here, what are you doing guys? What is going on on people are you able to guys hear me ok? I am in the chat proper now simply make sure we are able to hear every other real rapid Cookie said I seem bored now. Uh i’m good what’s going on logs, thanks for joining us All right, so uh is my situation good proper now you guys hear me, okay. Good loud and clear good good excellent Wolf of crypto mentioned the place is Neos quantity going? I have no idea I in no way pay attention to quantity i don’t rather have to as soon as the Intersections tell the can knows where to head and the volume will come back into it so I have no inspiration the place the quantity goes I understand it’s a industrial currency as industrial money in the back of itself businesses entities businesses executive’s own neo so in the event that they stopped shopping briefly which is caused by the twenty billion greenback decline and market cap over the last few days, then that is by and large where it went huge crypto said you’re trying to message me on facebook All correct, good let me assess excellent read and reply please is the correction over already in most cases no longer however that doesn’t imply that you cannot become profitable out there.I am never scared to make some money Scared money don’t make none All right, so what we’re gonna do real fast um Let’s throw up this timer i’m officially back an office feels good to be home Slept in my own mattress in these days. I bought I landed Landed like seven eight simply practically 9 o’clock Went a little bit to love midday jumped up and bought on some charts and right here i am four:00 p.M.. On a Sunday Make us some money in the markets So let’s do this let me pull you guys over right here What time is eat 443 let’s do 4 Cool i am trying to smash this thing out actual rapid exit full-monitor there you go Bambam that is better you are able to do this now BAM just right No all correct alternate the calendar month Oh A month is what calendar month September What calendar month? We’re coming there month are you guys speakme about? Salut my man in Nigeria what’s going on? Kenya Mark, thanks for staying up with me.I attempt to make it worth your while Austria what is going on on? We crypto I believe they certainly not potty you on facebook okay guys so once more. This is the way it works. We must stand up to seventy five likes If we’re competent to do this earlier than seven minutes runs out i will bounce into ten and decide upon a cash winner once we go survive the air ensure you hit that subscribe button flip your notifications on so you’re capable to leap on survive the air with me whenever I do a video i try to supply away cash So that is your danger Hmm we’ve not performed the query of the day we will do the query of the day As soon as we go correct before we go reside once we have now seventy five likes Then we are going to go forward and start the video.I will supply out the query of the day but if we do not get 75 likes then uh No query of the day no money Elle balls cat i am striking in a link correct now for tremendous rapid that’s the excellent website to purchase Cryptocurrency to buy a Bitcoin for money Straight out of coinbase you do not must give them your social security number you in actual fact take cash right into a financial institution Put it into the account and also you get the %cash despatched straight to your pockets it’s lovely cool I did about some huge cash.I did a lot of money via them Yeah, man Cool seventy five Dunham increase just right, all proper. Let me uh grasp a cup of water. I will be proper again. We are going to get began That was once fast y’all quick alright okay what’s going on big Joe? I see you in the market man. Maintaining it down for miles. I recognize you very well here. We go here we go you do not like me ought to now not like what very well? Just trying out the thread actual rapid once more have you been seeking to get in touch with me I express regret i have been on vacation you will see your boy a bit of bit darker than he used to be when he left Had a quality high-quality great go back and forth To the South Bahamas it was once good well needed so I truly shut my laptop down you know I jumped on a couple of times I believe nevertheless it used to be first-rate, so i have been off the grid off The grid, however we back at it back at residence again within the workplace bought the bay on my again.I’m pronouncing So yeah, it’s going to be just right. It’ll be just right So what i am doing now Bam Bam good good enough All proper cool, we bought our 75 lights. We go go forward and get started let’s see What must our question of the day be I feel what simply occurred not too long ago in college football this Saturday Thank university soccer simply started, you understand i am announcing I suppose I consider house soccer just began i’ll have my shirt on I obtained my helmets up there however uh that’s what we go do Who’s gonna win college football is the double-a championship this year that’s our question of the day? So jump in the chat.Inform me your favourite staff or simply ain’t even bought to be who’s gonna win the championship Who’s your favourite workforce correct? So who’s your favorite group in school soccer? I will choose a winner as soon as we get began and we will be excellent to move after which I have to share this video to our facebook workforce given that I forgot to try this Let me try this actual quick So yeah when you an assault right now leap on inform me your favourite tuition football workforce And we will be getting started here in about two minutes There we go there we go excellent Go again preserve looking your favorite team out i’ma bounce on we go do that intro and we go get began Go Like a boss that is proper every person reside from america helping you get paid everyday this is the boasts of Bitcoin the crystal of crypto it’s your boy.Be cake and in the event you don’t like me you need to no longer like cash at present is September third and Bitcoin is still above four thousand dollars, this means that it is a lot of money to be made in this marketplace a variety of persons in the market who do not recognize market psychology who don’t comprehend the vigour you realize inside of these candles could say That you recognize now’s the time to be scared, but when you already know me, I already instructed you scared money do not make none and i am never scared to make my money and at present is not any exception if this is your first time tuning in congratulations possibly you are now rocking with them exceptional. My title is BK My associates be aware of me as a crypto dealer And i’m the boasts of these charts as you are going to quickly discover you understand in the hood they name me Santa Claus on account that once I come I constantly Come bearing gifts and in these days is not any exception And so with that being said I desired to leap on this chat actual quick and choose a winner but some money money out of my pocket if you wish to win all you must do is hit that subscribe button proper now flip your notifications On and bounce on reside with me subsequent time i am on the air, to be able to be the next day so the question of the day is what’s your? Favourite institution soccer staff it is simply that effortless so let’s go ahead and opt for our winner and proper now I see plenty of Ohio.I see various Ohio players within the constructing proper now, however let’s go together with my man Joseph Joseph’s a woman who said NC State shout out to the Wolfpack, correct? So that is what we go do y ou s? Eph Joseph that is what we go do right right here. I’m gonna replica and paste your title. I am gonna throw it up in our facebook workforce it can be called the number Bitcoin group on the planet I Invite you all to join if you are gazing this video proper now.You most likely must leap in this facebook team. We got about nine thousand individuals and we are on the charts 24 hours a day Seven days a week to make every other money So all you must do Joseph is a remark on this snapshot ship me your Bitcoin pockets And i’ll ship you a couple bucks cash out of my pocket from my pockets to yours as a token of my appreciation I do price your help in our group, and me every day of the week. I’m working to get our men and women paid so with that being stated Let’s go forward and get to these charts and make this cash some of the first things I desired to do you guys is take it back a step you recognize and and seem on the possibility at hand You know it’s a brand new month.I am fresh off vacation, and that i suppose what? Higher time than to begin a 100 day assignment, and show you guys day-to-day methods to chart like a boss and find out how to revenue like a king and that is what I plan on doing So what we’re gonna do what I’ve finished already is. I have set up a brand new buying and selling account on bit ryx To which I deposited about $50 and so this means that any one With 50 bucks can get started and to be honest you don’t even need 50 for those who had 5 you could just divide everything. I am doing by 10 and get started in the event you had 500 Multiply the whole thing i am doing by means of 10 and get began, but I wanted to start with a quality smooth slate $50 is what i’m commencing with and every day.I’ll do one exchange buy or promote, and you’re going to see how rapid this cash grows additionally to that daily i’m going to be depositing a further $50 so you will find it was once 0.01 Bitcoin in these days you realize optimistically through the tip of 100 days. It’ll be correct round one full Bitcoin but we can be earning money that whole time and the outcome will amaze you I promise correct so today. We started with zero.01 this is on bit tricks and that i must buy something right you understand they throw up all these little coins in case you click on you know the markets the movers. They are going to show you what’s happening and what’s up, 20%? What’s down 12%? You know more or less where the dumb cash is flowing available in the market. I don’t quite look at any of that I already gave you guys a record on the internet site Boss of Bitcoin calm profit packaging the dream crew so anything you see me buy goes to be from one of those Two lists proper so right now. They’re announcing neo. You recognize top time real property one down 1.Eight% i am now not even doing that proper now.You recognize i’m moving i am relocating forward of the market and the place i am relocating is the place no person is watching and that’s wit my man the C H Bitcoin cash is a snoozing significant correct now in the market and the charts don’t lie So this is our chart for Bitcoin money. This is why i am shopping it imma walk you through this real fast. That is trading view calm you are looking at a 300 and forty-three minutes chart when you have the free variant you can pull up a four-hour chart and it’s going to virtually let you know the certain equal story First things first, what will we become aware of with Bitcoin money? We don’t we discover right away that we do not need That so much expertise the three moving averages that i use and each single certainly one of my charts are a seven a twenty one and a seventy seven you are not looking for the 231 when you consider that we should not have that a lot knowledge correct so first things first in case you watch a few of my older movies What i’d do is i’ll draw a line from the top to the highest Bam Bam proper, and that is displaying me the upper degree of my channel correct So top the highest, identical to that boom there.You go, and i’ll make it a high-quality little stable line like that subsequent thing i am gonna do is i’m gonna draw yet another channel from the 2 intersections and that is going to be our Breakout let’s see we obviously want this one right here, so let’s put a circle around this this is our breakout Intersection and i’m gonna anchor it into the bottom factor in time for that green value and that is our get away to interrupt out so clearly what i’m doing right here is i am forming a channel that is gonna.Supply us Bitcoin caches run line Over this entire cycle it was once up. It was down consolidated just a little bit went up and Now it can be right there proper and so what this is telling me is that Bitcoin cache has basically? Completed a full Cycle in the event you detect on any of the opposite essential Breakouts, you already know you appear at any chart. This is essentially the way it goes it jumps it crashes after which it breaks about 2/3 up and Dovetails right so that’s basically what Bitcoin cache has already finished over the direction of the previous you understand six weeks that it’s been up And this is a top time to purchase it we one thing more we are able to do is throw our Fibonacci up on it Freestyling on a fibonacci delivered to you with the aid of your boy BK Bamm-bamm right we go from escape the golf green line right the place it crossed that purple head to the highest point feasible And Even convey it down slightly bit so break out to break down see that so he went inexperienced red intersection spoil down Let me draw a circle so you will see what i’m working with so we did that intersection escape To that intersection breakdown and All that tells us is that at the same time it is on this channel Bitcoin money is now consolidating particularly nicely proper at the six one eight and If you recognize whatever about Fibonacci that’s top time actual estate.That’s the place you wish to have to purchase it considering that is your most profitable subject proper and what this says is that if Bitcoin cash when Bitcoin cash is competent to break out of that blue line it’s going to go up to the white line and as soon as it gets as much as the white line almost certainly it’s going to the highest of That orange line, which in the event you see isn’t too a ways of the discipline that’s already average in its cycle so once more this is top time real property to buy so that’s what we’re gonna do on day considered one of this hundred day challenge is we’re going to buy Bitcoin cash now. I am gonna do that as let’s examine i’m gonna buy it outright, but i am gonna put a discontinue loss in since the market is variety of crazy proper now And i don’t wish to lose no money So what i’m gonna. Do is i am gonna tell Bitcoin money That okay Bitcoin money Bamm-bamm i will do it proper there So virtually that subsequent fib goes to be my discontinue-loss Whereas once this factor actually begins rolling i’ll appear to sell it traditionally proper below that line, i don’t need to be greedy, so i will most likely take it right at the high of that green line right there, that’s gonna be my cell line proper And that offers me a exceptional very best revenue margin of about six and a half of which is beautiful strong correct So there you go, that’s Bitcoin cash and clearly we are going to take it out proper about there growth boom and that is gonna be a very very very excellent piece of revenue to this hundred days with Now granted.I can not purchase one full Bitcoin money however that doesn’t matter due to the fact the money I do put within it’ll be growing and when you consider that I paired it towards Bitcoin When it goes up, it can be surely out pacing the growth of Bitcoin So i do not care if the price of Bitcoin goes all the way down to $2,000 considering that once more in my mind Bitcoin has already at $a hundred,000 all I need to do is To beat the market all I wish to do on every trade is to accumulate more Bitcoin right and as long as we’re relocating in that direction.That is precisely what we’re doing so let’s go ahead and buy this Bitcoin money on bit Rick’s correct here the best way we do that’s we have we see we have zero.Eleven BTC available we go down here we click on Macs We put our price at the bid in an effort to sincerely provide us the going cost of the market right now i don’t need to make it a restrict order.I’ll try this on a further video I just want to get on this market and get this cash So now we click purchase it’s going to supply us slightly confirmation Are you certain you wish to have to buy Bitcoin money warning? You’re going to make some huge cash yes verify and Bam, similar to that. It’s that handy when you place this straight on bit ryx. You’ll observe that this blue reveal pops up and when the market really fills it on Their inexperienced monitor goes to pop up in a number of moments you probably have that alternate done however due to the fact we put the price at the bid it mustn’t take very long in any respect it is handiest whilst you do limit orders and you do ask and you realize that the cost range is to spread they name that it’s very very thin Or clearly i am sorry very vast To the place you wouldn’t get crammed right away, however this thing will have to consider in a topic of minutes earlier than we get off this call And there you go, and when you wanted to investigate it first first means you could possibly do that is You go scroll down a little bit bit.It can say open orders for something cause it gave me a limit with the aid of at one three one six I wanted a market order Conditional oh i assume I would’ve did an anti conditional that is okay, so this thing will consider pretty effortless and when it does it’ll truely show you your order historical past and then it’s going to pop in down there as soon as it fills so We should have that come via beautiful quickly once more.What’s? What did we put in it one three one six? Right now. It’s at one three Two one so it is gonna must drop just a little bit for us to feel but i do not think that must be a drawback We already had you know so long as you didn’t hit this sort of severe facets like put in you realize a buy Down right here you recognize considering we’re within the core we will have to think lovely handy So it is simply that handy to earn cash you guys again, my plan is to do something like this daily for the next 100 days my plan is to deposit $50 a day For the next exchange if i’m shopping I could also be promoting the following day, i’ll go in and i will buy something else next week relying on what happens.I could sell some of the cash I purchased this week correct, however i am displaying you guys how you can exchange? How one can be moneymaking and how one can preserve the money flowing? You acquired to feel about it like like a boat right a ship sitting in water it’s going to rust out after a even as you need to take that boat on the water do what it can be purported to be done you realize an plane equal factor your aircraft sitting on the runway is definitely falling apart.It needs to move within the air in order to outlive our money desires to move around so as to outlive. I believe you i’m hoping you all fully grasp that in case you just go away it parked in a bank account someplace incomes 0.02 percentage interest you’re now not going to accumulate money if you happen to don’t exchange crypto currencies that out % outperform Bitcoin cash or i’m sorry outperform Bitcoin which occurs when this goes up that means it is getting you more Bitcoin if you’re now not capable to do that then you’re going to not accumulate more Bitcoin and so again, this is our number one purpose Accumulate extra Bitcoin and the way will we do that we need to buy when these candles are setting up to try this and that is precisely what Bitcoin cash is ready to do correct now, so if you’re in the chat correct now once more this is the speedy quick video leap in there shouts at nation out if you’re in the chat i’m gonna circle around to you in about two and a half of minutes So again if that is your first time tuning in we do have What I believe is the number one crypto group on this planet we obtained about 10,000 almost 11,000 subscribers to this channel right right here we do have 9,000 contributors in our fb group My man Joseph already despatched me the pockets.Thank you for that. I will ship you this BTC as quickly as we’re done With this video and again boss of Bitcoin comm if you wish to be rewarding right this is our internet site Boston Bitcoin calm. You go see that good watching man over there on the proper-hand side proper and booted carrying the pink white and blue watching like the American Dream all you have got to do is you click on on this little Button to the left hand facet on retailer and these are two distinct products I’ve put collectively meticulous Market strategy and analysis the primary is the revenue bundle It takes quite a few time to gain knowledge of these charts to grasp when the strikes are gonna happen and i’ve finished all this be just right for you and summarize that into about three i’m sorry into ten unique coins the profit bundle is $25 it is a high ten lock down decide upon and all you are gonna do is soar from one two three to five to seven some thing is breaking out at that second that’s the place you set your money so for instance I threw up a picture the other day so that quantity two just broke out for about a hundred and two percent this week number 4 simply broke out for approximately eighty percent this week quantity eight I believe it is just broke out for a hundred percent.You already know inside the prior two weeks, correct? So you have got a fantastic assortment of cash here to where you could continuously be? Beneficial utilizing the boss procedure and that is all we’re trying to do is stay moneymaking keep outstanding and keep prosperous on the market And that is what this a approach allows you to do so with that being said let’s jump back In our chat right now. Let’s touch down touch him with our men and women swimsuit See who we obtained rocking out on the line with us correct now So earlier than we try this revenue package deal is one option you ought to buy in our group to the next is the dream crew and these are the small cap coins So virtually the twenty dollar dream team manner which you could buy each coin on this record with a twenty greenback bill So that implies each and every coin is roughly plus or minus two greenbacks So for those who don’t you don’t need that much cash to get worried you guys and be profitable and what I did is these are The small cap cash these are truly like if you happen to were field Jackson you recognize Phil Jackson obtained a pair championships with cheque, and Kobe you recognize drafting drafted Shaq out of LSU, youngster you know child-confronted and and nonetheless remains to be a younger however these are the young bucks in the marketplace correct now right these, are you understand the next-gen coins that might be ten twenty million greenback market cap at present but six months to a year from now most commonly sitting between 100 and 200 million bucks So these are ones which can be the following new release last factor we have now to be had is a one-on-one meeting and once more, if you haven’t been equipped to satisfy with me once more final week.I used to be on vacation we can be making that point up this week And that is $25 to installed you jump on right here you click on on that little link pay to $25 and it is going to take you to my personal calendar so as soon as you’re able to try this you soar on say you desired to get together you recognize Monday evening you know after the youngsters Uh, you realize, or we will say Tuesday in view that Monday is a excursion so Tuesday afternoon you understand once the kids left from school BAM there you go set it up for 1:30 Tuesday afternoon And we received some FaceTime, and we’re working to make you some cash and it is simply that effortless you guys i attempt to make myself accessible, i try to motivate help prominence and Prosperity in our community, and these are a couple of packages and merchandise. I put collectively to facilitate that system you know and that i simply leave that up there man this prophet bundle It used to be a long time coming, however this factor in case you purchased it and you purchased the coins on that record you’re up lovely excellent right now So there you go all proper? So we go jump within the chat and see who we got rocking out with the boss a Bitcoin right now let’s examine who we received continue to exist the air with us.I see my man mighty funny story from Boston, Massachusetts. I appreciate your help brother. Thank you for holding it down for the mods what’s going on in Jamaica, Slovenia Poland England Germany? What’s up, lefty, glue? I appreciate you man, El Salvador Harrisburg Germany giant Eric in Minnesota a enormous ten, youngster saying I used to be over a badger after Wisconsin no longer too lengthy in the past myself. Slovenia, Stamford, Connecticut and Puerto Rico you recognize pronouncing my man lefty Lugo and bicoastal proprietor Bait discipline maintain it down Germany within the constructing frankfurt bay field two occasions arise making georgia joke cash another time and let’s see who we bought to lock it down who we received to lock it down and final one California with a cape with that being said guys, I come on I Come on this channel everyday to do one thing and that is to make you guys some cash hopefully, we used to be able to do that in case you purchase bitcoin cash today you can be able to do that when you subscribe today you can be in a position to try this.That is my intention make as many individuals as a lot cash as feasible you know the item I constantly say if you happen to simply turn on the tv any tv on the earth and take heed to the speaking heads On tv with the voices within the ear and the phrases at the back of the monitor telling them exactly what to claim they are going to find a hundred one of a kind approaches to separate me from you hundred extraordinary approaches to divide us apart as An engineer i am within the constructing of business of constructing bridges no longer burning them What I discovered after making a lot of money is that that’s one of the bridges that tears us aside So extra money, i am ready to make the leisure of the arena extra the relaxation of the sector can come collectively and recognize each different as human beings With that being mentioned guys about that time of date signing out it can be your boy, BK. Regardless of where you keep from Brazil to the bay in California all of the means back out by means of Germany just right night time just right morning, and hi there hiya, I truly do admire your time So simply hit that thumbs up button like and subscribe if you respect my make certain you replica and paste this video to a friend anyone you want to empower an individual you need to see do well anybody you wish to have to learn with financially that is what it can be that’s what it can be all about proper there till we meet again stay cryptic y’all, please
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
HOW TO INVEST $50 IN BITCOIN - DAY #1? Free Bitcoin Technical Analysis & Crypto Currency News 2107
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HOW TO INVEST $50 IN BITCOIN - DAY #1? Free Bitcoin Technical Analysis & Crypto Currency News 2107
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THE BOSS OF BITCOIN!! What are we doing right here, what are you doing guys? What is going on on people are you able to guys hear me ok? I am in the chat proper now simply make sure we are able to hear every other real rapid Cookie said I seem bored now. Uh i’m good what’s going on logs, thanks for joining us All right, so uh is my situation good proper now you guys hear me, okay. Good loud and clear good good excellent Wolf of crypto mentioned the place is Neos quantity going? I have no idea I in no way pay attention to quantity i don’t rather have to as soon as the Intersections tell the can knows where to head and the volume will come back into it so I have no inspiration the place the quantity goes I understand it’s a industrial currency as industrial money in the back of itself businesses entities businesses executive’s own neo so in the event that they stopped shopping briefly which is caused by the twenty billion greenback decline and market cap over the last few days, then that is by and large where it went huge crypto said you’re trying to message me on facebook All correct, good let me assess excellent read and reply please is the correction over already in most cases no longer however that doesn’t imply that you cannot become profitable out there.I am never scared to make some money Scared money don’t make none All right, so what we’re gonna do real fast um Let’s throw up this timer i’m officially back an office feels good to be home Slept in my own mattress in these days. I bought I landed Landed like seven eight simply practically 9 o’clock Went a little bit to love midday jumped up and bought on some charts and right here i am four:00 p.M.. On a Sunday Make us some money in the markets So let’s do this let me pull you guys over right here What time is eat 443 let’s do 4 Cool i am trying to smash this thing out actual rapid exit full-monitor there you go Bambam that is better you are able to do this now BAM just right No all correct alternate the calendar month Oh A month is what calendar month September What calendar month? We’re coming there month are you guys speakme about? Salut my man in Nigeria what’s going on? Kenya Mark, thanks for staying up with me.I attempt to make it worth your while Austria what is going on on? We crypto I believe they certainly not potty you on facebook okay guys so once more. This is the way it works. We must stand up to seventy five likes If we’re competent to do this earlier than seven minutes runs out i will bounce into ten and decide upon a cash winner once we go survive the air ensure you hit that subscribe button flip your notifications on so you’re capable to leap on survive the air with me whenever I do a video i try to supply away cash So that is your danger Hmm we’ve not performed the query of the day we will do the query of the day As soon as we go correct before we go reside once we have now seventy five likes Then we are going to go forward and start the video.I will supply out the query of the day but if we do not get 75 likes then uh No query of the day no money Elle balls cat i am striking in a link correct now for tremendous rapid that’s the excellent website to purchase Cryptocurrency to buy a Bitcoin for money Straight out of coinbase you do not must give them your social security number you in actual fact take cash right into a financial institution Put it into the account and also you get the %cash despatched straight to your pockets it’s lovely cool I did about some huge cash.I did a lot of money via them Yeah, man Cool seventy five Dunham increase just right, all proper. Let me uh grasp a cup of water. I will be proper again. We are going to get began That was once fast y’all quick alright okay what’s going on big Joe? I see you in the market man. Maintaining it down for miles. I recognize you very well here. We go here we go you do not like me ought to now not like what very well? Just trying out the thread actual rapid once more have you been seeking to get in touch with me I express regret i have been on vacation you will see your boy a bit of bit darker than he used to be when he left Had a quality high-quality great go back and forth To the South Bahamas it was once good well needed so I truly shut my laptop down you know I jumped on a couple of times I believe nevertheless it used to be first-rate, so i have been off the grid off The grid, however we back at it back at residence again within the workplace bought the bay on my again.I’m pronouncing So yeah, it’s going to be just right. It’ll be just right So what i am doing now Bam Bam good good enough All proper cool, we bought our 75 lights. We go go forward and get started let’s see What must our question of the day be I feel what simply occurred not too long ago in college football this Saturday Thank university soccer simply started, you understand i am announcing I suppose I consider house soccer just began i’ll have my shirt on I obtained my helmets up there however uh that’s what we go do Who’s gonna win college football is the double-a championship this year that’s our question of the day? So jump in the chat.Inform me your favourite staff or simply ain’t even bought to be who’s gonna win the championship Who’s your favourite workforce correct? So who’s your favorite group in school soccer? I will choose a winner as soon as we get began and we will be excellent to move after which I have to share this video to our facebook workforce given that I forgot to try this Let me try this actual quick So yeah when you an assault right now leap on inform me your favourite tuition football workforce And we will be getting started here in about two minutes There we go there we go excellent Go again preserve looking your favorite team out i’ma bounce on we go do that intro and we go get began Go Like a boss that is proper every person reside from america helping you get paid everyday this is the boasts of Bitcoin the crystal of crypto it’s your boy.Be cake and in the event you don’t like me you need to no longer like cash at present is September third and Bitcoin is still above four thousand dollars, this means that it is a lot of money to be made in this marketplace a variety of persons in the market who do not recognize market psychology who don’t comprehend the vigour you realize inside of these candles could say That you recognize now’s the time to be scared, but when you already know me, I already instructed you scared money do not make none and i am never scared to make my money and at present is not any exception if this is your first time tuning in congratulations possibly you are now rocking with them exceptional. My title is BK My associates be aware of me as a crypto dealer And i’m the boasts of these charts as you are going to quickly discover you understand in the hood they name me Santa Claus on account that once I come I constantly Come bearing gifts and in these days is not any exception And so with that being said I desired to leap on this chat actual quick and choose a winner but some money money out of my pocket if you wish to win all you must do is hit that subscribe button proper now flip your notifications On and bounce on reside with me subsequent time i am on the air, to be able to be the next day so the question of the day is what’s your? Favourite institution soccer staff it is simply that effortless so let’s go ahead and opt for our winner and proper now I see plenty of Ohio.I see various Ohio players within the constructing proper now, however let’s go together with my man Joseph Joseph’s a woman who said NC State shout out to the Wolfpack, correct? So that is what we go do y ou s? Eph Joseph that is what we go do right right here. I’m gonna replica and paste your title. I am gonna throw it up in our facebook workforce it can be called the number Bitcoin group on the planet I Invite you all to join if you are gazing this video proper now.You most likely must leap in this facebook team. We got about nine thousand individuals and we are on the charts 24 hours a day Seven days a week to make every other money So all you must do Joseph is a remark on this snapshot ship me your Bitcoin pockets And i’ll ship you a couple bucks cash out of my pocket from my pockets to yours as a token of my appreciation I do price your help in our group, and me every day of the week. I’m working to get our men and women paid so with that being stated Let’s go forward and get to these charts and make this cash some of the first things I desired to do you guys is take it back a step you recognize and and seem on the possibility at hand You know it’s a brand new month.I am fresh off vacation, and that i suppose what? Higher time than to begin a 100 day assignment, and show you guys day-to-day methods to chart like a boss and find out how to revenue like a king and that is what I plan on doing So what we’re gonna do what I’ve finished already is. I have set up a brand new buying and selling account on bit ryx To which I deposited about $50 and so this means that any one With 50 bucks can get started and to be honest you don’t even need 50 for those who had 5 you could just divide everything. I am doing by 10 and get started in the event you had 500 Multiply the whole thing i am doing by means of 10 and get began, but I wanted to start with a quality smooth slate $50 is what i’m commencing with and every day.I’ll do one exchange buy or promote, and you’re going to see how rapid this cash grows additionally to that daily i’m going to be depositing a further $50 so you will find it was once 0.01 Bitcoin in these days you realize optimistically through the tip of 100 days. It’ll be correct round one full Bitcoin but we can be earning money that whole time and the outcome will amaze you I promise correct so today. We started with zero.01 this is on bit tricks and that i must buy something right you understand they throw up all these little coins in case you click on you know the markets the movers. They are going to show you what’s happening and what’s up, 20%? What’s down 12%? You know more or less where the dumb cash is flowing available in the market. I don’t quite look at any of that I already gave you guys a record on the internet site Boss of Bitcoin calm profit packaging the dream crew so anything you see me buy goes to be from one of those Two lists proper so right now. They’re announcing neo. You recognize top time real property one down 1.Eight% i am now not even doing that proper now.You recognize i’m moving i am relocating forward of the market and the place i am relocating is the place no person is watching and that’s wit my man the C H Bitcoin cash is a snoozing significant correct now in the market and the charts don’t lie So this is our chart for Bitcoin money. This is why i am shopping it imma walk you through this real fast. That is trading view calm you are looking at a 300 and forty-three minutes chart when you have the free variant you can pull up a four-hour chart and it’s going to virtually let you know the certain equal story First things first, what will we become aware of with Bitcoin money? We don’t we discover right away that we do not need That so much expertise the three moving averages that i use and each single certainly one of my charts are a seven a twenty one and a seventy seven you are not looking for the 231 when you consider that we should not have that a lot knowledge correct so first things first in case you watch a few of my older movies What i’d do is i’ll draw a line from the top to the highest Bam Bam proper, and that is displaying me the upper degree of my channel correct So top the highest, identical to that boom there.You go, and i’ll make it a high-quality little stable line like that subsequent thing i am gonna do is i’m gonna draw yet another channel from the 2 intersections and that is going to be our Breakout let’s see we obviously want this one right here, so let’s put a circle around this this is our breakout Intersection and i’m gonna anchor it into the bottom factor in time for that green value and that is our get away to interrupt out so clearly what i’m doing right here is i am forming a channel that is gonna.Supply us Bitcoin caches run line Over this entire cycle it was once up. It was down consolidated just a little bit went up and Now it can be right there proper and so what this is telling me is that Bitcoin cache has basically? Completed a full Cycle in the event you detect on any of the opposite essential Breakouts, you already know you appear at any chart. This is essentially the way it goes it jumps it crashes after which it breaks about 2/3 up and Dovetails right so that’s basically what Bitcoin cache has already finished over the direction of the previous you understand six weeks that it’s been up And this is a top time to purchase it we one thing more we are able to do is throw our Fibonacci up on it Freestyling on a fibonacci delivered to you with the aid of your boy BK Bamm-bamm right we go from escape the golf green line right the place it crossed that purple head to the highest point feasible And Even convey it down slightly bit so break out to break down see that so he went inexperienced red intersection spoil down Let me draw a circle so you will see what i’m working with so we did that intersection escape To that intersection breakdown and All that tells us is that at the same time it is on this channel Bitcoin money is now consolidating particularly nicely proper at the six one eight and If you recognize whatever about Fibonacci that’s top time actual estate.That’s the place you wish to have to purchase it considering that is your most profitable subject proper and what this says is that if Bitcoin cash when Bitcoin cash is competent to break out of that blue line it’s going to go up to the white line and as soon as it gets as much as the white line almost certainly it’s going to the highest of That orange line, which in the event you see isn’t too a ways of the discipline that’s already average in its cycle so once more this is top time real property to buy so that’s what we’re gonna do on day considered one of this hundred day challenge is we’re going to buy Bitcoin cash now. I am gonna do that as let’s examine i’m gonna buy it outright, but i am gonna put a discontinue loss in since the market is variety of crazy proper now And i don’t wish to lose no money So what i’m gonna. Do is i am gonna tell Bitcoin money That okay Bitcoin money Bamm-bamm i will do it proper there So virtually that subsequent fib goes to be my discontinue-loss Whereas once this factor actually begins rolling i’ll appear to sell it traditionally proper below that line, i don’t need to be greedy, so i will most likely take it right at the high of that green line right there, that’s gonna be my cell line proper And that offers me a exceptional very best revenue margin of about six and a half of which is beautiful strong correct So there you go, that’s Bitcoin cash and clearly we are going to take it out proper about there growth boom and that is gonna be a very very very excellent piece of revenue to this hundred days with Now granted.I can not purchase one full Bitcoin money however that doesn’t matter due to the fact the money I do put within it’ll be growing and when you consider that I paired it towards Bitcoin When it goes up, it can be surely out pacing the growth of Bitcoin So i do not care if the price of Bitcoin goes all the way down to $2,000 considering that once more in my mind Bitcoin has already at $a hundred,000 all I need to do is To beat the market all I wish to do on every trade is to accumulate more Bitcoin right and as long as we’re relocating in that direction.That is precisely what we’re doing so let’s go ahead and buy this Bitcoin money on bit Rick’s correct here the best way we do that’s we have we see we have zero.Eleven BTC available we go down here we click on Macs We put our price at the bid in an effort to sincerely provide us the going cost of the market right now i don’t need to make it a restrict order.I’ll try this on a further video I just want to get on this market and get this cash So now we click purchase it’s going to supply us slightly confirmation Are you certain you wish to have to buy Bitcoin money warning? You’re going to make some huge cash yes verify and Bam, similar to that. It’s that handy when you place this straight on bit ryx. You’ll observe that this blue reveal pops up and when the market really fills it on Their inexperienced monitor goes to pop up in a number of moments you probably have that alternate done however due to the fact we put the price at the bid it mustn’t take very long in any respect it is handiest whilst you do limit orders and you do ask and you realize that the cost range is to spread they name that it’s very very thin Or clearly i am sorry very vast To the place you wouldn’t get crammed right away, however this thing will have to consider in a topic of minutes earlier than we get off this call And there you go, and when you wanted to investigate it first first means you could possibly do that is You go scroll down a little bit bit.It can say open orders for something cause it gave me a limit with the aid of at one three one six I wanted a market order Conditional oh i assume I would’ve did an anti conditional that is okay, so this thing will consider pretty effortless and when it does it’ll truely show you your order historical past and then it’s going to pop in down there as soon as it fills so We should have that come via beautiful quickly once more.What’s? What did we put in it one three one six? Right now. It’s at one three Two one so it is gonna must drop just a little bit for us to feel but i do not think that must be a drawback We already had you know so long as you didn’t hit this sort of severe facets like put in you realize a buy Down right here you recognize considering we’re within the core we will have to think lovely handy So it is simply that handy to earn cash you guys again, my plan is to do something like this daily for the next 100 days my plan is to deposit $50 a day For the next exchange if i’m shopping I could also be promoting the following day, i’ll go in and i will buy something else next week relying on what happens.I could sell some of the cash I purchased this week correct, however i am displaying you guys how you can exchange? How one can be moneymaking and how one can preserve the money flowing? You acquired to feel about it like like a boat right a ship sitting in water it’s going to rust out after a even as you need to take that boat on the water do what it can be purported to be done you realize an plane equal factor your aircraft sitting on the runway is definitely falling apart.It needs to move within the air in order to outlive our money desires to move around so as to outlive. I believe you i’m hoping you all fully grasp that in case you just go away it parked in a bank account someplace incomes 0.02 percentage interest you’re now not going to accumulate money if you happen to don’t exchange crypto currencies that out % outperform Bitcoin cash or i’m sorry outperform Bitcoin which occurs when this goes up that means it is getting you more Bitcoin if you’re now not capable to do that then you’re going to not accumulate more Bitcoin and so again, this is our number one purpose Accumulate extra Bitcoin and the way will we do that we need to buy when these candles are setting up to try this and that is precisely what Bitcoin cash is ready to do correct now, so if you’re in the chat correct now once more this is the speedy quick video leap in there shouts at nation out if you’re in the chat i’m gonna circle around to you in about two and a half of minutes So again if that is your first time tuning in we do have What I believe is the number one crypto group on this planet we obtained about 10,000 almost 11,000 subscribers to this channel right right here we do have 9,000 contributors in our fb group My man Joseph already despatched me the pockets.Thank you for that. I will ship you this BTC as quickly as we’re done With this video and again boss of Bitcoin comm if you wish to be rewarding right this is our internet site Boston Bitcoin calm. You go see that good watching man over there on the proper-hand side proper and booted carrying the pink white and blue watching like the American Dream all you have got to do is you click on on this little Button to the left hand facet on retailer and these are two distinct products I’ve put collectively meticulous Market strategy and analysis the primary is the revenue bundle It takes quite a few time to gain knowledge of these charts to grasp when the strikes are gonna happen and i’ve finished all this be just right for you and summarize that into about three i’m sorry into ten unique coins the profit bundle is $25 it is a high ten lock down decide upon and all you are gonna do is soar from one two three to five to seven some thing is breaking out at that second that’s the place you set your money so for instance I threw up a picture the other day so that quantity two just broke out for about a hundred and two percent this week number 4 simply broke out for approximately eighty percent this week quantity eight I believe it is just broke out for a hundred percent.You already know inside the prior two weeks, correct? So you have got a fantastic assortment of cash here to where you could continuously be? Beneficial utilizing the boss procedure and that is all we’re trying to do is stay moneymaking keep outstanding and keep prosperous on the market And that is what this a approach allows you to do so with that being said let’s jump back In our chat right now. Let’s touch down touch him with our men and women swimsuit See who we obtained rocking out on the line with us correct now So earlier than we try this revenue package deal is one option you ought to buy in our group to the next is the dream crew and these are the small cap coins So virtually the twenty dollar dream team manner which you could buy each coin on this record with a twenty greenback bill So that implies each and every coin is roughly plus or minus two greenbacks So for those who don’t you don’t need that much cash to get worried you guys and be profitable and what I did is these are The small cap cash these are truly like if you happen to were field Jackson you recognize Phil Jackson obtained a pair championships with cheque, and Kobe you recognize drafting drafted Shaq out of LSU, youngster you know child-confronted and and nonetheless remains to be a younger however these are the young bucks in the marketplace correct now right these, are you understand the next-gen coins that might be ten twenty million greenback market cap at present but six months to a year from now most commonly sitting between 100 and 200 million bucks So these are ones which can be the following new release last factor we have now to be had is a one-on-one meeting and once more, if you haven’t been equipped to satisfy with me once more final week.I used to be on vacation we can be making that point up this week And that is $25 to installed you jump on right here you click on on that little link pay to $25 and it is going to take you to my personal calendar so as soon as you’re able to try this you soar on say you desired to get together you recognize Monday evening you know after the youngsters Uh, you realize, or we will say Tuesday in view that Monday is a excursion so Tuesday afternoon you understand once the kids left from school BAM there you go set it up for 1:30 Tuesday afternoon And we received some FaceTime, and we’re working to make you some cash and it is simply that effortless you guys i attempt to make myself accessible, i try to motivate help prominence and Prosperity in our community, and these are a couple of packages and merchandise. I put collectively to facilitate that system you know and that i simply leave that up there man this prophet bundle It used to be a long time coming, however this factor in case you purchased it and you purchased the coins on that record you’re up lovely excellent right now So there you go all proper? So we go jump within the chat and see who we got rocking out with the boss a Bitcoin right now let’s examine who we received continue to exist the air with us.I see my man mighty funny story from Boston, Massachusetts. I appreciate your help brother. Thank you for holding it down for the mods what’s going on in Jamaica, Slovenia Poland England Germany? What’s up, lefty, glue? I appreciate you man, El Salvador Harrisburg Germany giant Eric in Minnesota a enormous ten, youngster saying I used to be over a badger after Wisconsin no longer too lengthy in the past myself. Slovenia, Stamford, Connecticut and Puerto Rico you recognize pronouncing my man lefty Lugo and bicoastal proprietor Bait discipline maintain it down Germany within the constructing frankfurt bay field two occasions arise making georgia joke cash another time and let’s see who we bought to lock it down who we received to lock it down and final one California with a cape with that being said guys, I come on I Come on this channel everyday to do one thing and that is to make you guys some cash hopefully, we used to be able to do that in case you purchase bitcoin cash today you can be able to do that when you subscribe today you can be in a position to try this.That is my intention make as many individuals as a lot cash as feasible you know the item I constantly say if you happen to simply turn on the tv any tv on the earth and take heed to the speaking heads On tv with the voices within the ear and the phrases at the back of the monitor telling them exactly what to claim they are going to find a hundred one of a kind approaches to separate me from you hundred extraordinary approaches to divide us apart as An engineer i am within the constructing of business of constructing bridges no longer burning them What I discovered after making a lot of money is that that’s one of the bridges that tears us aside So extra money, i am ready to make the leisure of the arena extra the relaxation of the sector can come collectively and recognize each different as human beings With that being mentioned guys about that time of date signing out it can be your boy, BK. Regardless of where you keep from Brazil to the bay in California all of the means back out by means of Germany just right night time just right morning, and hi there hiya, I truly do admire your time So simply hit that thumbs up button like and subscribe if you respect my make certain you replica and paste this video to a friend anyone you want to empower an individual you need to see do well anybody you wish to have to learn with financially that is what it can be that’s what it can be all about proper there till we meet again stay cryptic y’all, please
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itsclydebitches · 8 years
“He likes this song.”
“How can you possibly know that?”
In which Cisco is given seven months to fall in love with Barry Allen. It’s admittedly a little weird - what with Barry being unconscious and all - but since when was anything normal nowadays?
Fandom: The Flash (TV show)
Words: Through Chapter Three: 8,213 (will be around 12k total)
Warnings: None
Pairings: Barry/Cisco
Where to Read it: Below the cut or on AO3 (AO3 recommended for formatting) 
Worth the Wait: Chapter Three
Could you know someone you’d never spoken to? Really get them based purely on their presence and a public profile? Cisco was starting to wonder.
It was freaking him out just a bit. Because the longer Barry just lay there the longer Cisco searched for him online, and the more he searched the more he felt like they’d known each other for years. Barry posted update statuses filled with enough science jargon that all his friends sent exasperated emojis and his former teachers liked the posts with pride. There were silly Vine attempts and one memorable home video, basically laying out for the world that Barry Allen would never be an actor. Barry posted more selfies than the stereotypical teenage girl (all of them stunning), wept about his food, glorified his job (which he didn’t need, he was a goddamn hero in Cisco’s eyes), comforted anyone about anything, sent heartfelt messages on everyone’s birthday, and accompanied those tear-jerkers with presents—despite his slightly iffy bank account.
He was like a ray of sunlight personified.
Cisco knew, intellectually, that a digital footprint was just one small part of a person’s whole. That they were never truly what they posted online. That, really, Barry couldn’t be this sunny, smart, gracious, and heroic in real life. Constructs like this just didn’t exist.
Except then he’d look over at the guy’s still form and think, maybe.
What cinched it for him was another real life person suddenly appearing in, what had become, his otherwise digitalized world. Cisco came into the Lab Thursday morning with bedhead and a packet of chocolate donuts, thinking about how he wanted to test the Suit’s resistance to acid and read more about whether coma patients experienced smell as well as sound. Cisco was lost enough in his thoughts that he nearly ran into Caitlin as she rounded the corner out of the Cortex. They exchanged a silent, rapid-fire conversation—Donut? No, already ate. You okay? Yeah. Sure? There’s a Thing. A Thing??—and Cisco was still trying to decipher what kind of a Thing that hand gesture meant when he spotted the woman sitting at Barry’s bedside.
Oh. That kind of a Thing.
Cisco recognized her. He’d seen her name on the Labs’ entrance logs a few times before and he had vague memories of her standing on the periphery of the action the day they’d moved Barry here. Mostly Cisco knew her from Barry’s pictures though. She was in nearly all of them.
“Hi, Iris,” he said and she turned to smile at him, the both of them totally ignoring the fact that they’d never technically met before. That was refreshing.
“Hey, Cisco.”
“God yes. Chai latte?”
“Not worried about my cooties?”
“Nah. Go for it.”
She passed over her drink and he set the box on Barry’s blankets, kind of liking how some of the sprinkles spilled over. It gave him a less sterile look. Like a dude who’d actually been munching rather than just...lying there.
The chai was spicy on Cisco’s tongue. He could see the smears of Iris’ lipstick around the cup’s edge.
It was kind of amazing how put together she looked in the face of this ongoing tragedy, and Cisco had to give her points for style. He had his own sort of look going on, sure, but he also know that if his bestie/brother got struck by freaking lightning and refused to wake up he’d be sporting nothing but comfort PJs and tear stains. Cisco tried uselessly to untangle his hair.
“He loves these, you know,” Iris said, holding up one of the donuts. She tilted it so Barry could see. “He always eats the icing first though, scooping it off like—” she demonstrated, scattering more crumbs across the bed.
Cisco pulled a face. “Okay. That’s wrong.”
“Right? You need to see him eat a cupcake. He pulls it apart and like, makes a sandwich out of it. Or nachos! Jesus, he’s always complaining about not getting all the toppings in one bite. I told him to just lift, but he claims the weight is too much for a single chip, and... ”
Iris trailed off, shaking her head. Maybe she was thinking about the implications: that hopefully someday Cisco would get to see Barry and his ridiculous eating habits.
“Food is priority #1,” Cisco said. “He’s a guy after my own heart.”
As soon as he said it Cisco ducked his head, realizing the implications of that, but Iris didn’t even bat an eye.
She just took another donut.Cisco let her.
“You know I’ve started talking to him,” he shared after a few moments of silence. Iris’ smile begged him to continue. “Uh huh. I must look like a real nut on all the security footage. But I read that coma patients can, you know, hear and stuff. Sometimes. So I figured why not? Might as well give Barry something to focus on other than this insistent beeping.” It actually wasn’t even that bad--Caitlin had removed most of the equipment on the third day, growling that it wasn’t doing enough for Barry anyway—but the point remained the same.
Iris snatched her drink back. “What do you talk about?”
“Oh, you know... stuff. Gossip mostly. I complain a lot. Just... things.”
Iris was still smiling. “He likes movies,” she said. “Put Star Wars on sometime.”
“...right.” Cisco very much didn’t voice that the Star Wars franchise was his be-all and end-all fave.
Iris stood then, reaching over to smooth the hair out of Barry’s face. “You gotta wake up,” she whispered and Cisco had to turn away, recognizing the private moment. He didn’t comment on how long it took her to speak again, or the thick quality of Iris’ voice when she did.
Cisco did clasp her arm though as she took up her purse. “Work,” she explained. “I’ll come back tonight?”
“I’m sure not stopping you.” Cisco spread his arms in a welcoming gesture.
Iris seemed to consider him then. One of those cataloguing looks that made Cisco wish he’d actually used a comb this morning. Or worn something other than his Homestuck t-shirt. Whatever Iris found though didn’t seem to be too bad.
“He’ll like you,” she said and it felt like a promise.
Cisco nodded, slowly. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. He definitely will.”
They both appreciated the future tense.
Iris left him then with too many thoughts and just the right amount of donuts. Cisco sighed, taking the place she’d vacated (no, it wasn’t his spot, no matter what Caitlin was starting to say) and booted up his laptop, enjoying this new routine.
Cisco pulled up Chrome in one window and a stream of A New Hope in the other. He wafted a donut under Barry’s nose as the story’s scroll began.
“Smell that, dude? Glazed glory, right here. Gonna wake up for it?”
Barry breathed even and deep. His eyes moved briefly beneath his lids. That was all.
“Your loss.”
Cisco was nothing if not gracious though. He patted Barry’s knee while taking a massive bite.
“I’ll buy you more when you do get your lazy ass out of bed,” he garbled. “Promise.”
Taking care of a coma patient was, sadly, not all movies and one-sided conversations. Cisco was endlessly glad that Barry gave them all something to focus on (Caitlin in particular, gushing daily now about the ever growing changes in Barry’s DNA. “It’s fascinating, Cisco!” “Uh huh. Sure, Spock.”) but there were some things that just shouldn’t have been a part of the job. Or at least, not part of Cisco’s job.
He so didn’t sign up for this when he applied to STAR Labs.
“You want me to what now?”
Dr. Wells gave him a Look. It was the particular one that was a combination of “I expected more of you” and “please leave your immaturity outside of my facility.” The last time Cisco had gotten the Look he’d accidentally set Level 8’s workroom on fire trying to create goggles that replicated heat vision.
Emphasis on ‘accidentally.’
“I have a meeting with Larson—yes, yes, of rheology fame.” Dr. Wells shook his head. “Please wipe that look off your face, Dr. Snow. She’s not nearly as impressive in person as her autobiography suggests.”
“You read her autobiography?” Caitlin teased, but she did school her features. Dr. Wells waved her off like an errant fly.
“Look, I would honestly like nothing better than to skip this lunch and remain here, but Larson is insistent that we discuss the work our two labs were conducting prior to the explosion. I have… admittedly been putting it off.” Dr. Wells took of his glasses to rub at his eyes. Cisco felt a pang. “I fear you’re the only one available for this shift.”
Cisco looked imploringly at Caitlin.
“Grandpa’s birthday,” she said, apologetic. “It’s literally the one family gathering I can’t miss.”
“Joe?” Cisco suggested, remembering the strong, fatherly man who had accompanied Iris on numerous visits.
“Also working.”
“And look who else is in his place of employment, on the clock no less,” Dr. Wells gave him another pointed look.
Cisco felt something like panic inching its way up his throat. “And this can’t wait?”
“Don’t be cruel. You’ll be fine,” and with that utterly useless bit of confidence they just abandoned him, like two totally awful, abandoning people.
“I will have my revenge,” Cisco whispered, because really, he was not cut out for this.
Clipping toe and fingernails was one thing. Swapping out full catheter bags was ew, gross, but doable. Turning the guy to avoid bed soars was a piece of cake. But sponge baths?
Cisco looked at Barry. Barry (he imagined) was looking back, with his eyes closed. Judging. Cisco thought about how he’d feel if he was stuck in bed for months without access to a shower.
He shivered. Fine.
Getting the supplies took longer than he’d anticipated, though it gave Cisco time to calm down a bit and, as Caitlin might say, stop being such a big baby about it. He got two tubs of water ready—one for washing, one for rinsing—and made sure that the bath water was nice and hot. It wasn’t like the Cortex was freezing, but who the hell wanted a lukewarm bath?
Easy to wash away soap. Baby shampoo that smelled liked lavenders. Lots of washcloths; even more towels. It took Cisco ten goddamn minutes to find the special basin for washing hair because who the hell had put it with the old microscopes?
By the time he was ready the bath water was no longer scalding and Cisco’s heart wasn’t a freaking jackrabbit anymore. Progress.
“I hope you know,” he intoned, “that this completely solidifies our friendship. I expect best man-level status when you wake up, dude. Got it?”
Barry breathed.
“Damn straight. C’mon now...”
He’d moved Barry before, and despite the muscle developing he was still surprisingly light. Cisco got him on his side pretty easily and slid a couple of towels underneath, really not wanting to change the sheets yet if he could help it. Barry had been going shirtless most of the time anyway, so all he really had to do clothes-wise was tug the pajama pants carefully off his legs.
Cisco definitely did not look at the toned thighs as he did.
“Don’t be a perv about this,” he muttered. “Do not be a perv...”
And for the most part he wasn’t, because he was an adult, and a decent person, okay? Cisco had always viewed his nerd status as at least preferable to the Nice Guy douches, and he was perfectly capable of separating romantic situations from professional ones.
This was definitely the latter.
Even if Barry did have the most fantastic abs. Ever.
Cisco clucked, soaping up a washcloth to run over Barry’s arms and chest. “I should really hate you, you know? I should be jealous here, Mr. Lays in Bed All Day and Somehow Gets Buff. But I am the bigger man here. Even if you’re a freaking giraffe. I’m still bigger. Metaphorically. Okay?”
Talking to Barry had gotten easy over the last few weeks. It was sort of worrying Cisco a bit. He didn’t know if the guy was that good a conversationalist even while comatose, or if he was just that lonely (ha). But sometime between not startling every time he caught sight of the new edition and donuts with Iris, Cisco had let his talking get a little more... personal. Less Jitters gossip and more family drama. Then less family drama and more, ‘Hey, could we actually be buds when you finally decide to wake up?’
Part of Cisco was terrified that Barry would remember all this someday. Another part worried that he wouldn’t be nearly as cool in real life as he was on paper.
The realistic part said he would, but would also 100% not give a shit about Cisco.
“And why should you, man?” he said, carefully going over Barry’s stomach, then his back. “I mean, we just sort of got landed with you. Not that I’m complaining. But it means you got landed with us too. You didn’t ask to get struck by lightning, or delve into an extended nap, or become Dr. Wells’ charity case. You’ve got every right to ditch our asses once you’re up and about.” Cisco regarded the soapy washcloth. “Not gonna hang with your nurse, right? How lame is that.”
He was nearly done with Barry’s upper body now. “But... if you did want to hang...well. I’d be cool with that. Just so you know.”
Cisco stopped. Shook his head. He spent another ten minutes changing the water.
He paused again before removing the blankets around Barry’s legs. “Don’t make this weird,” he admonished.
In the list of things Cisco had planned and expected to do with his life, cleaning another man’s genitals wasn’t anywhere on the list. Outside of sexy-shower fantasies at least. He really shouldn’t have worried though. Barry might have been gorgeous, but there wasn’t anything sexy about a non-consenting partner that made you think more about necrophilia than second dates.
It didn’t stop Cisco from taking his time though. He didn’t like what he was doing—it wasn’t what he was starting to want it to be—but he’d sure as hell do it right.
“There,” he announced, patting Barry dry and pulling the blankets back up. “I’ve saved the best for last. Can’t promise not to get soap in your eyes though.”
It was sort of soothing, washing someone else’s hair. Cisco liked the texture of it beneath his fingers and he tried to get all fancy, like the women did in salons with their massages. He wondered if Barry was in there somewhere, appreciating it. He hoped so.
Cisco found himself smiling as he made little tufts of his hair stick up. “Aww. Look at you. Take note: you would make an excellent penguin. Feels good, huh?”
Barry drew in a slightly longer breath—
—and promptly began seizing.
Cisco stumbled back, knocking the basin as he went and sending water everywhere. The motion knocked Barry’s head as well, causing it to loll as the rest of his body jerked horrendously. The blanket he’d so carefully tucked in slipped off to the side. Bits of soap began decorating Cisco’s shirt.
He just stood there, useless.
It was Barry’s right arm flying off the bed (limp, pale like a dead fish) that finally sent him into motion. Cisco’s first instinct was to throw himself atop Barry and stop that godawful movement, but a vague, oddly calm voice in the back of his mind reminded him that you didn’t do that. No. That was bad. But what did you do instead?
“Dr. Wells!”
That’s what he did. He got help; got his mentor. Cisco scrambled over to the Lab’s sound system and slammed his hand over the button with enough force to leave an outline on his palm. “Dr. Wells get up here!” He must have shouted it more than he’d thought, because by the time Cisco remembered that Dr. Wells had left his voice was feeling terribly raw.
Dr. Wells was gone. He was out, for the first time in ages. Because of course this happens. Cisco pulled at his hair, trying to get his useless brain to function for two goddamn seconds. He couldn’t call Dr. Wells. He didn’t know his number. The three of them had practically been living together for four months and he didn’t know the man’s goddamn cell number.
“Oh my god, oh fuck—fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck—”
Cisco whirled on the monitors, trying to get all his training in engineering to somehow translate into medical knowledge. He was halfway through a muddled translation of the meds Caitlin had been feeding into Barry this week when one piece of equipment finally made sense.
The steady beat of Barry’s heart—a sound that had become a necessary part of Cisco’s world—suddenly stopped. Rapid beeps became a long whine that sounded like a scream.
“No,” Cisco whispered.
In the same moment he thought, Call Caitlin.
Because he did have her number. They’d swapped months ago. He was her emergency contact, now that Ronnie was gone.
Barry’s not Ronnie, Cisco insisted and dove for his cell. He had it ringing while he grabbed for his Macbook too, screaming as Siri to find him tutorials on CPR.
“Why the fuck didn’t I take that summer class?” Cisco shrieked, trying to get the bed to go flat.
“Why didn’t you what?”
And there it was, Caitlin’s voice, a godsend that cut straight through Cisco’s panic. Even so, he couldn’t recall exactly what he said to her then, only that his breathy ramblings seemed to make some sort of sense, because he was able to toss Siri aside (useless) and follow Caitlin’s instructions instead. He had the phone wedged between his ear and shoulder, Barry’s heart directly beneath his hands.
Cisco spotted a drop of water. It might have been from the bath. It was probably because he was crying.
“It’s not—he’s not—” he kept gulping, feeling like he was about to pass out. There were actual spots in Cisco’s vision when he was suddenly wrenched off the bed, hard enough that he fell straight onto his ass.
Caitlin was here, impossibly. She looked calm and doctor-y and Cisco sucked in a massive breath.
“How?” he managed and she said something about her and her mother getting into a fight. She’d come back here and, oh Jesus, Cisco was so glad she had.
The relief was sort lived though. Barry was still coding.
Which made Caitlin’s next action all the more shocking. She just...stopped. She even stepped back, regarding Barry while every machine attached to him screamed that he was dying.
“What are you doing?” Cisco hissed.
Caitlin looked up. Her expression was awe. It was the first and only time Cisco had seen the true definition of the word: reverence mixed with fear.
“He heart hasn’t stopped,” she whispered. “It’s... tachycardia. It’s beating so fast the machine can’t pick it up.”
Barry stopped.
Instantly. Like the conclusion of a puzzle when you’d finally found the answer, he just stopped. From 60 back to 0 they had their sleepy, peaceful looking guy again.
The monitor began a steady rhythm. Beep, beep, beep.
“God,” Cisco said. Still on the floor he crawled the last few inches to the bed, heedless of how soaked his jeans were getting. He reached up and took Barry’s hand in his. Unbidden, Caitlin did the same.
That’s how Dr. Wells found them twenty minutes later—still wet, still holding onto Barry. Caitlin told him in a shell-shocked voice about the impossible heart rate; how the ‘seizing’ Cisco had seen was actually vibration, Barry’s body moving at a frequency she just couldn’t explain. When Dr. Wells reached them Cisco expected a thorough questioning on this phenomenon. He expected the scientist.
Instead Dr. Wells raised a hand of his own. He hesitated only a moment before laying it on Barry’s arm.
“But he’s okay?” he asked. Dr. Wells raised his gaze, taking in the three of them at once. “You’re okay?”
“Mmm hmm,” Caitlin agreed, a little watery. Cisco nodded.
“Good... good. Let’s get this place cleaned up.”
It was while Dr. Wells was bundling Barry’s soaked sheets that Cisco stopped him, daring to lay his on hand on his mentor’s shoulder. When Dr. Wells didn't brush him off—didn’t even flinch—Cisco mustered up a smile.
“Hey. So I really need your number.”
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