#billy russo the punisher imagine
hungermakesmonsters · 1 month
(Once Bitten) Twice Shy
Chapter Nineteen
Plot summary : Desperate to get away from your controlling family, you take a job in New York as a wealthy vampire's blood source. A million dollars awaits if you can make it through a year, but life with Billy Russo is not going to be as simple as you think.
Pairing : Billy Russo x Reader
Story Rating : R  Chapter Rating : R
Warnings : [This is a fic for 18+ only, minors DNI] Violence. A lot more violence than usual. All chapters will contain mentions of blood. Please check the warnings on each chapter if you choose to follow this story. 
Word Count : 5.6k
A/N : I'm not crying, you're crying 😭
Chapter Nineteen
There was a light at the end of the nothingness that you were fighting so desperately to get to. It got brighter and brighter the closer you got, causing your head to hurt and your eyes to strain. Turning away from the light, you felt something soft against your face, something that smelled like... laundry detergent?
The realisation that you were still alive came slowly, scratching away in the back of your mind as you struggled to open your eyes and force yourself awake. The dream wanted to hold you a little longer and almost managed to pull you back under, but the light was so bright.
A pained murmur escaped you as your eyes finally opened, straining against the midday sun pouring through the windows. You squinted, struggling to focus tired eyes on anything. Your head was pounding but, soon enough, familiarity started to stir inside you.
You knew where you were. 
You were in your room. In your bed.
In Billy’s penthouse.
(You were home.)
You tried to sit up, but you were too tired, too weak to do anything more than lift your head. That’s when you realised he was right there at your side, his head buried in his folded arms at the edge of your bed, Bill the Beagle beside him. You tried to think back, tried to remember what had happened, but everything felt like a blur, like it had all just been some horrible nightmare.
All you could really remember was wanting to be with Billy.
“Billy?” Your voice was a hoarse whisper, your throat aching and straining.
Your neck - you’d been hurt, hadn’t you? You reached for your throat and felt the edge of your bandages, but you didn’t have time to think more about it, not when Billy finally lifted his head and looked at you.
For a few seconds, he just stared, the dark circles under his eyes betraying the fact that he’d been at your side for a long time.
How long had he been there?
How long had you been there?
“You’re awake,” he muttered in disbelief as he took your hand in his, gripping tight. “I thought - I thought I’d lost you...”
All you could think to do was squeeze his hand, not sure what you could say to make him feel better because you couldn’t remember. You had no idea what he’d been through.
“Wh-what happened?” You managed to ask, and watched, again, as he fell silent and stared at you uncomfortably.
“Drake, he -” he started and stopped, his gaze dropping, “- we came to save you.”
He’d rescued you.
Despite everything you’d done and the pain you must have caused him, Billy had risked his life to come save you. He hadn’t given up on you.
“How long have I been back?” You asked. “How long was I sleeping?”
“Three days.”
There was something else, something he wasn’t telling you, something that had shame etched across his features, but it was hard to focus, hard to think about anything beyond the fact that you were safe and you were with him again.
“I don’t feel right...” you muttered, closing your eyes again for a few long seconds.
“I know, hummingbird,” he said tenderly, brushing his thumb across the back of your hand. “I know, but it’ll get better, I promise. You just need to rest.”
You didn’t know what any of that meant. You didn’t know what it was but, again, you were too exhausted to think straight, too out of it to fully grasp the situation. Billy reached for you with his free hand, softly stroking your hair, trying to lull you back to sleep before you could even think to ask any questions.
But you felt cold and uncomfortable despite the thick blanket on top of you. More than that, you felt starved for comfort.
You felt awful and all you wanted was a hug.
“Billy?” You asked, fighting against sleep.
“Yes?” He answered, his hand slipping from your hair to your cheek.
“Can you hold me? Just for a little while?”
“Of course,” he said, his voice breaking just a little, “I’ll hold you as long as you want me to.”
You managed a weak smile as Billy pulled back the covers and climbed into bed. He laid beside you and let you snuggle closer, getting yourself comfortable before wrapping his arms around you. Resting your head on his chest, you let out a contented sigh as he started to stroke your hair again.
For a few moments you were silent, thinking back to the last time he’d held you; how you’d both been so happy, so content. And you’d ruined it.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, burying your face against his sweater.
“Oh, hummingbird, whatever for?” He asked, sounding like his heart was breaking.
“For always causing you so many problems,” you answered with a sniffle, pressing closer to him, suddenly worried he might pull away.
His arms tightened around you and you felt his lips press against the top of your head.
“You never cause me problems, hummingbird,” he told you firmly, though his voice still sounded broken and strained. “I’d go to hell and back for you, to keep you safe, and it’d never be a problem for me because I - I love you. I love you so much.”
A tear rolled down your cheek and you felt so overwhelmed that you didn’t know what to do with yourself. You felt safe, loved, but more exhausted than you’d ever been. It felt like all of this was just some wonderful dream that would be snatched away from you the moment you dared to look away, and you just couldn’t stop crying.
“I’m so tired, Billy,” you told him, tears falling more freely, soaking into the fabric of his red sweater.
“I know. I’m so sorry about that but I promise you’ll feel better soon. You just need to rest, okay?” He told you gently, pressing another kiss to the top of your head.
“Will you stay with me?”
“Always,” he answered and you had no idea just how much he meant it.
Despite your tears, it wasn’t long before your exhaustion won out and you drifted off but, true to his word, Billy stayed with you, holding you tight as you slept.
As he laid with you, Billy couldn’t help but think back to that night, to the hotel, to the moment leading up to finding you on the floor with your throat torn.
The elevator ride felt like it took a lifetime, like every second was time you didn’t have, and the longer it took, the more afraid he felt. He couldn’t stay still, he was practically vibrating with rage, eager to get to the prick that had tried to take you from him, eager to snuff out his miserable existence. He could see Madani out of the corner of his eye, watching him as he tried not to crawl out of his own skin. 
Frank stood on his other side, completely stoic and prepared for what was to come, but Billy knew better than to think his friend was unaware what was going on. He’d seen Billy like this before, he knew just how tenuous his self-control really was.
Madani checked her gun and Frank did likewise. Billy left his holstered, instead gripping a knife. That was all he needed; this was personal and he wanted it to hurt.
The elevator let out a ding before the doors slid open.
The first goon didn’t even have a chance to unholster his sidearm before Frank dropped him.
Billy looked at Madani; “go find her, we’ll deal with Drake.”
She paused but only for a split-second before nodding and starting to move into the penthouse suite, disappearing into one of the bedrooms, while Frank and Billy pressed on to the living area.
Another goon popped out and met a quick end with Billy’s knife in his throat. There was no telling how many of them were squirrelled away in the suite, but Billy was going to relish finding out.
Everything became a blur the moment he first set eyes on Justin Drake. He looked at Billy with a hint of familiarity, like he’d done his research, and grinned. His face was painted dark red with blood, and Billy knew immediately that he’d hurt you, though he wouldn’t allow himself to even contemplate that you might be dead.
“What a pleasant surprise,” Drake remarked. “But I’m afraid you’re late to the party.”
At Billy’s side, Frank had another goon by the neck, pummelling him with the butt of his gun. Billy’s fingers tightened their grip on the knife and things started to get hazy.
He cleared the distance, trading blows with Drake. At some point they’d ended up on the floor, ripping and tearing at each other, both trying to gain the upper hand. His knife ended up in Drake’s thigh, while Drake’s fangs tore into Billy’s shoulder. 
Billy felt himself slipping, giving in to the rage that was so desperate to escape, the anger inside of him that wanted nothing more than to punish the piece of shit that had hurt you.
As they rolled and tussled, Drake pressed a thumb against Billy’s eye, his other hand at Billy’s throat.Billy lashed out, swinging punches and tearing his fangs through Drake’s arm until he managed to retrieve the knife from Drake’s thigh.
Before he had time to register what had happened and what he’d done, Billy was on top of Drake’s lifeless body, his throat cut in a way that even a vampire couldn’t recover from. His hands and clothes were slick with blood and viscera. But there was no time to think about what he’d done, not once he heard Madani’s shouts and felt Frank’s hand on his shoulder, pulling him back to the moment.
He needed to get to you.
Scrambling to his feet, he almost fell as he made his way to the source of the shouting; to you and Madani on the floor in a puddle of your blood.
Despite Madani’s reassurances that help was on the way, he knew it was already too late.
His breath caught as you looked up at him, his hand quickly grasping yours.
“B-Billy,” you choked out, “you’re h-here...”
He squeezed your hand, already knowing that he couldn’t let go, that he’d never let go. He didn’t even try to hold back the tears that were starting to well in the corners of his eyes.
“I told you,” he muttered, feeling like his heart was breaking in two, “I’ll never let you go.”
And he wouldn’t. Not now, not ever.
You tried to mutter an apology, but your voice came out so weak and small, your life slowly slipping away from you. 
Panic and dread started to fill his chest, knowing that the end was getting closer.
“Dont. Don’t try to talk. Just - just stay still, stay with me, it’s going to be alright.” His eyes never left yours as he spoke, wanting so desperately for you to know that he was there and that nothing bad was going to happen to you. He wasn’t going to lose you.
“I l-love -”
“Hey - hey, hummingbird, keep your eyes on me. It’s going to be okay,” but he could see you slipping, he could see that last spark of life in your eyes dimming.
He knew he needed to do something, that he couldn’t just let you die, but there was only one option and Billy knew it was the one thing you didn’t want. Billy only had a second to think about it, he couldn’t waste any more time than that - he’d rather you hate him forever than lose you completely.
“I’m sorry,” he told you, voice fraught and broken. “I love you and - and I’m sorry. I know you’re going to hate me but...” he fell silent for a moment but there was no response. You were still breathing but only just. There wasn’t much time left.
He shouted for Frank.
“You gotta turn her,” he begged, pleading with his friend.
“Bill she don’t want -”
“You think she wants to die?” He snapped. There was another beat of silence and it looked like Frank wasn’t going to back down. His stomach threatened to turn itself inside out. He couldn’t take no for an answer. “If you don’t do it, I will.”
“You’d infect her?” Frank asked angrily. “Make her like you?”
“If it means keeping her alive,” Billy answered back.
“She wouldn’t be alive, not like she knows it. I -”
“What would you do if it was Karen?” He asked, watching as anger flashed across Frank’s face just at the mere thought of anyone hurting Karen this way.
“You love her that much?”
“I can’t live without her,” he answered, tears still rolling down his cheeks. “I won’t live without her.”
You were barely even there anymore when Frank moved to your side and looked down at you, a silent apology in his eyes as he leaned down and sunk his teeth into you.
Then, they’d brought you home and tended to your wounds, hoping that the bite would take and that you’d turn.
Billy had sat by yours side the whole time, barely moving, only daring to close his eyes for an hour or so at a time. And, since that moment, he’d felt like there was an invisible countdown, a clock slowly ticking down to the moment when you realised what had been done to you. 
The moment you would start to hate him.
It was dark when your eyes opened again. A whole day and a half had slipped by unnoticed but to you it felt like only a few hours had passed. You felt sharper - still tired and cold, but you finally felt like you could think straight. You finally felt like you could fill in some of the blanks and figure out what was going on.
Billy was still with you, still holding you. When you slowly lifted your head from his chest, you realised he was asleep and, while you had so many questions, the last thing you wanted to do was wake him. He’d been so tired earlier, he’d looked as bad as you’d felt and just as overwhelmed. He needed rest.
Lifting a hand to your neck, you realised that not only were the bandages gone, but so was the cast from your arm. Your throat felt normal, not even tender where you’d been bitten. It was almost like it had never even happened.
But how could that be?
How long had you been recovering?
More to the point, was it even possible to recover from a wound like the one Drake had inflicted?
You tried to remember that night, tried to think back, but all that remained were a collection of fuzzy memories; Drake trying to get you to leave, Madani appearing at your side, Billy holding your hand, and Frank -
Moving suddenly, you pulled away from Billy’s arms and scrambled out of bed. Your legs felt weak and unstable, like you hadn’t used them in days (because you hadn’t).
The more questions you had, the more the pieces started to fall into place. You’d been hurt, badly, so badly that there shouldn’t have been any coming back from it. And, now, Billy was in your room - how was he in your room?
You wanted so desperately to find another conclusion, something better than the one you were stuck with, but the more you thought about it, the more you came to realise that there was only one thing that made a damned bit of sense.
He’d turned you.
You were a vampire.
“Hummingbird?” Your eyes snapped to him as he spoke, seeing the worry etched on his face despite the darkness. “Are you -”
“Tell me you didn’t...” you pleaded in a low but desperate whisper, torn between anger and sorrow.
His expression became one of shame as he slowly got out of bed and took a step towards you.
“I’m sorry,” he said, his voice breaking, “I’m so sorry.”
“Why?” You demanded. “Why would you -”
“Because I couldn’t lose you,” he answered, daring to take another step towards you. “Because I love you and I could bear to lose you like that.”
As he reached for you, you took a step back, his fingers ghosting your hand as you pulled out of reach, and you could see the hurt in his eyes as you did. But, regardless of whatever was going on in his head, Billy gave you the space you so obviously needed and fell silent, letting you process what was going on.
“Tell me what happened,” you finally asked, trying so hard to hold back tears.
Billy let out a slow exhale and let his gaze drift towards the window. It took him a moment to start but, once he did, he didn’t stop until he’d told the whole story, leaving out no detail. It didn’t help. Not one bit. In fact, knowing what he’d been through to rescue you only seemed to make it worse.
“Please say something,” he gently prompted after a minute passed in silence. “Even if it’s just to tell me that you hate me...”
The problem was that you didn’t know what you wanted to say because you didn’t understand how you really felt. You were angry - so fucking angry - that he’d turned you, despite know it was something you never wanted, but you could also remember how scared you’d been, how you’d wanted nothing more than to just be able to be with him again. 
Now Drake was gone and you didn’t have to worry about Billy losing you to age or illness; every obstacle that had been in your way was gone now and, if you wanted to, you could be with Billy.
But there was something else, a thought you couldn’t escape.
“You turned me into something you hate,” you finally said.
He’d been clear from the start, hadn’t he? Billy didn’t like vampires.
“No, that’s not -” he shook his head as he struggled to find the right words, “- could never hate you.”
“You hate vampires, you hate being a vampire.”
“No, I - maybe I did, but I don’t anymore. What was it you said to me?” You trailed off, trying to remember the exact words. “You were glad that Frank turned me, you were happy that I’m a vampire because, if I wasn’t, we never would have met And that - that made me glad to be a vampire.”
You stayed silent, only shaking your head in response.
“My sickness, the way I was infected, and the way it’s led to me hurting so many people - that’s what I hate,” he tried again, “but you don’t have to deal with that.”
“I can’t give you blood. You don’t need me anymore.”
“Hummingbird -”
You reached for him suddenly, taking his hand and pressing it to your chest, above your heart; a heart that no longer raced for him.
“I can’t even be that anymore,” you told him, unable to stop a tear from rolling down your cheek. “I’m nothing... I’m worthless to you.”
“No, you’re wrong. You could never be nothing to me. You are my little hummingbird. And I love you; I loved you as a human and I’ll love you as a vampire,” Billy told you, his voice turning firmer, more certain, almost like he was angry that you didn’t believe him. “I know you didn’t want this, but I couldn’t live in a world that doesn’t have you in it.”
He kept his hand on your chest until you turned away from him.
“Can you leave me alone?” You asked softly, needing some time to unpack everything that had happened. 
“Please, don’t shut me out, humming -”
“Please, Billy?” You begged, still trying to hold back your tears until he was gone. “I just need to be on my own for a little while.”
There was silence, for a few seconds before he finally relented. “Okay, but I’ll be out in the penthouse, in our spot, waiting until you’re ready to talk. However long it takes...”
And, then, he was gone.
Hours passed as you tried to wrap your head around it and tried to understand how you really felt and, eventually, you realised what it was; you’d never wanted to be a vampire because the prospect of living forever terrified you, the idea of spending an eternity feeling like you didn’t belong, feeling unloved...
But that wasn’t how things were now. That wasn’t your life anymore. You weren’t just living how your parents wanted you to live, you weren’t just following rules and only ever doing what you were told. You did belong here and if you were certain of anything it was that Billy did love you.
(Still, what was to say he’d still feel the same about you in fifty years time?) 
Eventually there was a light knock on the door and, before you could think to say anything, it opened. 
Karen looked at you with what could only be described as absolute relief on her face and you quickly moved across the room to greet her, throwing your arms around her. She held you tight, muttering about how glad she was that you were alright, that you were safe. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” she said, “we’ve all been so worried.”
“I’m sorry, I never meant to -”
“You don’t have anything to apologise for. We’re all just glad you’re safe,” Karen told you firmly. “After the first couple of days we started to worry you might never wake up, but Billy stayed by your side the whole time.”
“The whole time?”
“For days - we couldn’t even get him to leave to sleep,” she explained and the thought alone caused your chest to ache.
He’d been with you the whole time, watching over you for days, not sure if you’d ever wake up. And the moment you had woken up, you’d sent him away. You couldn’t even begin to imagine how it must have felt to him, how much it must have hurt him.
You held her for a few moments more until you realised that, under the sound of her voice, you could hear the steady thrum of her heart. Pulling away, you took a step back, making some space between you as a pang of hunger caused your stomach to cramp.
“I brought you somethin’ for that,” Frank said, as if he’d read your mind.
You hadn’t even realised he was there, you’d been so focused on Karen.
He held out a glass to you and you immediately felt sick. Blood. He’d brought you blood. You didn’t dare ask where from, though you quickly found yourself wondering if it was Karen’s. When you didn’t take it, Frank turned his attention to Karen, asking for a moment alone with you. And, when she left, the sound of her heartbeat went with her, allowing you to focus on Frank.
“Look, I -” he sighed, “- I know you didn’t want this life an’ I’m sorry that this is what it took to save you.”
“Why did you do it?”
“‘cause I’ve never seen Bill care about somethin’ the way he cares about you,” Frank answered. “losin’ you would’ve destroyed him. He told me that he wouldn’t live without you.”
Wouldn’t. Not couldn’t.
“He said that?”
The thought alone was enough to turn your stomach, that he’d do something so extreme, that he thought his life wouldn’t be worth living without you. And,deep down, you started to realise that you felt the same, that a life without Billy wouldn’t be worth living.
Frank nodded. “I know it ain’t my business, but he did what he thought was right. He didn’t think you deserved to die on some hotel room floor, bleedin’ out and terrified. An’ I know all this is gonna be a big adjustment for you, but we’re all here for you an’ we’re gonna help you through it.”
You offered up a slight nod of your own before reaching out to finally take the glass from him. Lifting it to your nose, you took a sniff, shocked to find that beneath the expected coppery tang, there was a hint of sweetness.
Turning away from Frank, you dared to take your first sip, your body instinctively reacting and gagging.
“‘s okay, that happens the first time,” he offered more gently than you’d ever heard him speak.
You took a breath before trying again, taking another slow sip. It went down easier and, almost instantly, you started to feel a little bit better. The hunger pains started to lessen and subside the more you drank and the ache in the back of your head seemed less intense.
When you’d drained the glass, you wiped your lips on the back of your hand before turning to face Frank again.
“Where is he?” You asked, even though you were certain you knew the answer already. He’d be exactly where he said he would be.
“He’s out there, talkin’ to Madani,” he answered but didn’t offer any more than that before reaching into his pocket and pulling out your phone. You watched as he placed it down on your desk. “You’ve got friends here, whenever you need us.”
Frank left it at that, leaving the room. Karen poked her head around the door and said her goodbyes, telling you that she’d take you out to Josie’s with Matt and Foggy as soon as you were feeling up to it. Then you were left alone again.
You let a few minutes pass before deciding to go find Billy, but the moment you reached the adjoining door between your rooms and the penthouse, you froze. 
Billy and Madani’s voices were easy to make out and you couldn’t help but listen in.
“Given the amount of evidence that was found in the hotel room and on Drake’s phone, connecting him and his associates to several high-ranking members of congress and the State Department, Homeland are less concerned about how he died and more bothered about cleaning up the massive mess that’s just landed on their laps,” Madani was explaining.
“So, they don’t care that me and Frank were there?” Billy asked.
“They’re not happy about it and, from now on, I think they’ll be paying close attention to you and Castle but, for now, they’re not interested in pursuing charges,” she explained, and you let out a soft sigh of relief.
There was a moment of silence before Madani spoke again.
“I should also tell you that we recovered the body of Mary Poots. Krista Dumont offered up a full confession after speaking to Layla El-Faouly -”
“You found Layla?” Billy asked.
“She found us when she heard we’d taken Dumont into custody,” Krista explained, “she wanted to make sure we understood that neither you nor she had anything to do with Dumont’s crimes. She also made it very clear that she had asked you to turn her.”
“So...” he started, letting that one little word hang in the air for a few seconds, “that answers all of your questions, doesn’t it? All the women you think I murdered have been accounted for.”
“That’s right,” Madani answered, “but I’m going to have to ask that you don’t leave town, we might have more questions as the case progresses.”
At that moment, you decided that you’d eavesdropped enough and quietly slipped through the door. Billy noticed you as Madani got to her feet, and her gaze soon followed his. Before Billy could say or do anything to stop her, Madani was making her way towards you, eyeing you in a way that made you feel like a monster. Like a vampire.
“I know you didn’t want this,” she said, not bothering to lower her voice so Billy couldn’t hear. “I can keep you safe if you want to press charges, if you want to go on record about everything that’s happened here. You don’t have to -”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you told her, earning a look of annoyance from Madani.
“I was there, I saw -” 
“You saw Billy and Frank saving my life.”
“If that’s the story you want to stick with, fine, but I can’t protect you anymore after I leave here.”
“I don’t need protection,” you said, your eyes flashing to Billy for a moment, “I’m perfectly safe here, but there is someone who does need your protection.”
“My sister, Irene. Drake found her, he had pictures of her and her kids, he threatened them and I don’t know if anyone else in the Maggia knows about them,” you explained. “I don’t know if they’re going to go after her as revenge for Drake.”
“Okay, I can look into that for you,” Madani told you. “Now, are you sure that this is where you want to stay.”
All Madani gave in response was a shake of her head and the slightest of shrugs before heading to the elevator. You watched as she left, keeping your eyes on her, even though you could almost feel Billy’s gaze burning into the back of your head. Even when she was gone and the elevator doors were shut behind her, you kept your back to him, still feeling a mess of emotions that you didn’t know how to untangle.
“Hummingbird?” He said softly.
Finally, you took a breath and turned to face him.
“You didn’t have to do that,” he said, “you didn’t have to protect us...”
“Yes I did.”
He didn’t move, though you could tell that the distance was killing him. He was giving you space, he was respecting your wishes. He was reminding you that you always had a choice when you were with him.
Slowly you made your way towards him, watching as he stayed perfectly still, letting you decide how close you wanted to be. You stopped in front of your usual spot on the sofa, letting your gaze shift towards the window, noticing the colour of the sky; sunrise.
“Will you sit and watch the sunrise with me?” You asked, keeping your eyes on the window as you sat.
“Of course,” Billy uttered softly, taking a seat beside you, but still giving you some space.
The view wasn’t as spectacular as sunset, the window was facing the wrong direction to really appreciate it, but it was still something new, something you hadn’t shared with him before. The sky seemed to glow with pinks and oranges that slowly gave way to blues over the New York skyline. It was beautiful.
You reached for his hand, lacing your fingers with his, but you didn’t dare look away from the window.
“I’m sorry I stole this from you,” he whispered after minutes had passed in silence. “I’m sorry that you’ll never get to experience this for real again.”
It took a few seconds for you to find your voice, for you to decide how you wanted to respond.
“I wouldn’t be experiencing this at all if it wasn’t for you,” you answered, squeezing his hand. “Missing out on sunrises and sunsets isn’t why I didn’t want to be a vampire.” You paused, letting out a sigh, still watching the sky. “My whole life, I just felt like I was existing, that everything I did was to make other people happy. I didn’t want to live forever because I didn’t want to do that forever...”
“And now?” He dared to ask.
“I want to be happy, here with you. I want to stay with you.”
“Why does it sound like there’s a but coming?”
“But I need more than this,” you explained. “I need a life of my own. I need to be able to make my own choices; go out when I want, find a job, do something that’s just for me. I think after everything, I deserve to be able to live on my own terms.”  
His hand found your cheek, urging you to look at him, to see the conflicting emotions on his face.
“I want that for you too, hummingbird,” he told you. “I want you to have the life that you want, a life that makes you happy, even if... even if you don’t want me in it.”
His gaze dropped and your heart ached, untangling your hand from his, you reached for him, taking his face in your hands and forcing him to look at you, just as he’d done to you a moment earlier.
“Of course I want you in my life, Billy,” you told him. “It just can’t be like it has been. If I’m staying here, it needs to be as your equal; no more games, no more arguments, no more pushing me away to protect me. I love you Billy, but I can’t go back to that.”
“I promise,” he told you. “Whatever you need. I’ll do anything just - please give me one more chance. It’ll be different now. I’ll be different.”
You blinked back tears as you closed the distance and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.
“I love you,” he whispered as his arms wrapped around you. “Always.” 
“I promise,” he muttered against your lips, his thumbs tenderly wiping away the tears that had managed to escape you. “For as long as you want me, I’ll love you.”
“I’ll always want you, Billy,” you told him, smiling softly before kissing him again. “I’ll always love you.”
End Note : 😭😭😭 I am going to do an epilogue because this chapter felt a little bittersweet, but at the same time I wanted to end it that way because if felt like an appropriately gothic inspired romance ending. But, I've left a few loose ends so that I can always return to do a second series with Billy and this reader character. Whether you've followed this from the start or only just found it, thank you so much for taking the time to read it, I really enjoyed writing this fic and I hope you enjoyed reading it.
As ever, thank you so much for your support/reading/liking/reblogging/screaming at me in the comments, it's always appreciated! Have a great weekend!!
ALSO as I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I have an omegaverse Bucky Barnes fic in the works, the first chapter will be posted on Sunday. Otherwise, I'm going to post the epilogue to this next Friday then take a week or two off before I start posting my new Stalker!Billy fic.
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future chapters! If tagging doesn't work for some reason (aka Tumblr being dumb) I post most Fridays around 7:30 gmt.
Tag List : @vaguekayla @thdcre @rensolodriver @house-husband-of-castlemurdock
@snowkestrel @danzer8705 @noortsshift @aoi-targaryen @lincerad
@vxnity713 @readerinsertsaremyguiltypleasure @dreadfulxives18 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @glamourbabe17
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@ashy-kit @jazzclubprincess @arwensloanebarnes
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Hello my dear! So excited for Kinkfest! Could I please request praise kink & size kink with Mr. Sex-On-Legs himself, Billy Russo? 😍
Thank you so much for requesting, everyone seems to like size kink with this man!
A soft touch
Contains: Protective Billy, violence, oral sex (f receiving) fingering, P in V, fluff.
1.3K words
Billy is very gentle and sweet, at least with you he is.
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Billy was so proud, the charity auction you had put on for Curt's group had raked in more than enough to keep the doors open and butts in seats for months to come. To make matters even better, he got to stick to the rich assholes who acted like donating a few bucks on their out of the Anvil office was saving humanity.
He walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulders as he whispered into your ear. "You did good tonight gorgeous."
You craned your head and kissed him, and his fingertips grazed your cheek as he spun around to pull you close. "You wanna get out of here?"
Billy grinned. "Fuck yeah."
He took her hand and led you outside, but before he could open the car a shout stopped you both in your tracks. "Hey, baby why don't you leave the pretty boy and have some fun with me?"
Billy went stiff as a board, placing you behind him so he could stand between you and the yelling man. "Billy, let's just go."
You didn't have time, the man was already swagging over, his drunk gate wobbling as he walked. You wrapped your hand around his upper arm and tried to pull him, but it made no difference. "You should listen to your girl buddy, you wouldn't want to embarrass yourself getting into a fight you can't win."
You tended to forget how tall Billy really was, how imposing his height could be with just a change in his mood because he never gave you a reason to notice it. "Go the fuck home, I won't ask again."
Damn alcohol and its effects because all the man did was laugh and rear his fist back. Billy didn't even need to think to stop it, he just dropped the man with one punch. He watched the man get up and hobble away, ignoring the string of obscenities that came from his mouth. He placed his hand on your lower back as he opened the car door and helped you inside. "Sorry about that gorgeous."
You reached out and grabbed his hand, looking over his bruised knuckles as he smiled down at you. "Are you alright?"
He nodded. "Yep, that guy was nothing."
He pushed your door closed and climbed into the driver's seat, kicking the car over as his hand found your tight. "Let's go home."
Billy placed his folded suit jacket over the chair back and cleaned his bruised hand in the sink before walking behind you and unzipping your dress. "Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?"
You nodded. "Twice."
He kissed a path from shoulder to shoulder across your upper back, ending up kissing a line from shoulder dome to neck until his lips were at your ear. "Then let me tell you again, you look beautiful."
Your dress fell to the floor, and he walked in front of you, stretching his hand out for you to take so you could step out of the pile. He walked you to the edge of the bed and paused, his eyes moving up and down your body to take in the lacy set of lingerie. "I'm am the luckiest man on the planet."
You unbuttoned his dress shirt as he slid the straps of your bra off your shoulders, licking his lips at the newly revealed skin when it hit the floor. He stilled for a moment, his fingers drifting down your chest until his thumb was circling a nipple with the softness of freshly fallen snow, and then the air caught, and his lips slammed into yours. There was a rush to shed the rest of your clothes, and then you were scurrying up the bed with Billy hovering over you.
He was rock hard, his long, thick cock standing attention as the tip leaked with his arousal. His lips were on yours again, all lust and heat and his massive hands grabbed at whatever flesh he could reach. It was hard to know where to touch, there was just so much of him that it left you spoiled for choice. His back rippled under your hands as you dug your nails into his skin when his lips sealed around a nipple, your head falling back into the pillows as heat filled you.
The other one got the same treatment and soon enough, he was pressing kissing all over your abdomen on his way further down. He lifted your legs over his shoulder and kissed every inch of your thighs that he could reach before looking up at you through his long eyelashes. "Can I?"
"Yes please."
You loved the way he held you when he did this, his forearm thrown over your hips, keeping you still while he licked at you like he wanted to win some prize and the other holding your thigh, his fingers pressing into the skin in indistinct patterns like he was typing out a code. A gasp caught in your throat as the hand on your thigh moved towards your centre, his fingers slipping under his lips as he slid them inside you.
His thumb replaced his mouth, and he looked up at you with a soft smile. "Does that feel good, Sweetheart?"
"Yes." His lips were back on you as he stroked your G-spot with his calloused fingertips as you wove your hands into his hair. Pleasure zipped up your spine with each pass of his tongue and curl of his fingers and you yanked his hair as he moaned against you. "Billy.." He groaned an affirmative, and you held him to you as you came, him riding the wave with you until your hips stilled against the bed.
He pulled away, wiping his face with the back of his hand before kissing a line up your body to your lips. He took your face in his face, resting his forehead against yours and smiled. "You're so good for me." You spread your legs and he settled between them, gripping his cock and rubbing it up and down your slit. "Can I?"
"Yes please." He didn't leave you waiting, sliding home with a grunt as he hiked your legs over his waist with one hand.
He buried his face in your neck as he started to rock his hips, his voice tight with pleasure as he spoke. "My good girl, I love you so much."
He shifted angles to hit your G-spot as he picked up sped, and you tilted your head to the side to give him more room to suck at your neck as he ran one hand downwards, between your bodies to rub your clit. His lips broke away from your flesh so he could gaze into your eyes, his face filled with affection as he watched your expression fill with pleasure. "Can you give me another one?"
You gasped and nodded with each hitch of his lips, and he smiled. "I know you can." Your nails dug into his back as the edge approached and he kissed you again, nibbling your lower lip as he pushed you into a spine snapping orgasm. "Good girl."
He shifted again, putting his weight onto his hands as he chased his high. With one last thrust, he collapsed on top of you, his chest heaving as he kissed you softly. He rolled off you, moving onto his back to take you with him so your head rested on his chest. "Thank you gorgeous girl."
You sighed. "I should be thanking you."
He smirked and pressed his lips to your temple. "No, you have no idea how much I love you."
You turned your head and pressed a kiss to his firm chest. "I do, and I love you too."
He wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your hair. "I'll run you a bath in a bit, I just want to hold you a little longer."
You laid your face on his cheek, and his eye fluttered closed. "I like the sound of that."
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tuiccim · 3 months
Wrecked (Part 7)
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Pairing: Alpha Billy Russo x Omega Reader
Trigger Warnings: References to infertility, love triangle, excessive drinking, smut, Omegaverse canon possessiveness
Summary: When Frank Castle found his way to your small town bar, you thought you had finally found your Alpha despite being a "wrecked omega" but when his best friend, Billy Russo, blows through town, your world tilts on its axis. You thought you found your happy ending but was it just more wreckage for your life?
A/N: Thank you to my beta reader and hype princess, @whisperlullaby
Wrecked Masterlist
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Standing in the doorway of your bedroom, you stare at the empty spaces that were once filled with Frank’s things. His nightstand held only the lamp. His side of the closet and space in the chest of drawers were empty. In the bathroom, his toothbrush was gone and that was the stupid thing that broke the dam. You let the tears fall as you strip the bed. You had to get his smell out of your sheets or you’d never make it through this. Frank was gone. He was always going to leave. Now, you have to suck it up and deal with it. 
Gathering up the things you would need to see you through proved fairly easy. You kept supplies in stock just in case. You pulled out your favorite comfortable clothes. As you grabbed them out of your dresser, a flash of white caught your eye and you picked up the folded note from Billy. You reread his message and your heart aches. If only his protestations could be true of an Alpha. You don’t think you’ve ever been as attracted to someone in your life. Dropping the note on the top of the dresser, you continue your preparations. Pulling fresh sheets out of the closet, you start to make up your bed but as you move pillows and smooth wrinkles you pick up Frank’s scent with each motion. Your stomach rolls and you throw the pillow in frustration. 
Your mind drifted to the other bedroom and the bed covered in Billy’s scent. A throbbing begins between your legs at the thought of being with him during your heat. Would he be gentle or rough? Would he act feral or reverent? Or would he be a mix off all of it? 
Resolutely, you gather your things and move to the other bedroom. At least having his scent surrounding you would bring you some comfort. You place your things around and throw extra blankets on the bed, building yourself a nest. Laying down, you breathe deeply and feel your inner Omega calm as his scent envelopes you. It’s so strong you could swear he scented the sheets purposely. 
Several hours later, a knock on the front door rouses you from the semi-comfort you had found in the bed. Before you could even manage to untable yourself, Cecily calls out, “Hiya. I used my key. Don’t get up! I brought you some extra supplies.” After a few moments you hear her in the other bedroom, “Where are you?”
“In here,” you call, settling back in. 
Cecily comes through the bathroom between the rooms, “Are you okay? Why are you in here?”
“I… Frank’s scent is on everything in there,” you shrug. 
“Gotcha. Has it started?” she asks, referring to your heat. 
“It’s not too bad yet. I’ll be fine.”
“It smells like Billy in here,” Cecily sniffs. 
You just shrug again, “What did you bring?”
“Oh, I left it on the other bed. Hang on,” she turns back. 
When several minutes pass without her returning, you call out, “Cec? Did you get lost?”
“Uh, no. Coming,” she reappears with a large bag filled with snacks, drinks, and some self-care supplies. 
“This was really nice of you,” you give her a small smile. 
“Well, ya know, I owe you one… or two,” Cecily smirks. 
“You don’t owe me anything,” you shake your head. “We both said things we regret.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Cecily says as a slow grin spreads across her face.
“Robbie and Jordan?” You ask, propping yourself on your elbows to stare at her. 
“They’re really good guys and they told me about them and, ya know, intrigued me. So, we’re going on a date next week.”
Knowing Cecily is not usually one to take things slowly, you narrow your eyes at her, “Why next week?”
“I wanted to wait until your heat is done. I mean, someone has to run the bar and…”
“And what?”
“It’ll give us a chance to get to know each other a little. Maybe develop something that isn’t just attraction. Forming a pack, I don’t think they’ll care much that my parents are Betas,” Cecily shrugs to play off the vulnerability she had just displayed. 
“I think that's a great idea. If you can handle working together at the bar, you can probably handle a relationship- ow!” You wince as cramps hit you. Your body is protesting the lack of male attention. “Sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize. Are you okay if I go back to work?” Cecily eyes you. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll get through this and see you in a few days. Don’t worry about me,” you insist. 
“I will. I’ll check in on you tomorrow. Let me know if you need anything,” she smiles as she heads to the door. 
“Yeah?” She looks back to the door. 
“I’m glad we made up.” 
“Well, ya know we can’t live without each other. You’re my person,” Cecily blows a kiss as she leaves. 
You smile but grimace when the cramps hit again. You reached for some pain reliever. It would help some. At least, for a little while. 
You woke up the following morning, groggy and grumpy. Sleep had only come the night before after another round of pain relievers and a handful of melatonin gummies. It had been filled with a mix of unsettling dreams and intense yearning that made your body scream for touch. Getting out of the bed, you head straight for the shower. Sometimes letting the water run over your body can give momentary relief. You stood under the spray until the water cooled too much for comfort and your stomach was grumbling for food. Wrapping yourself in a towel, you walk back into the bedroom and nearly scream. 
“Hello Gorgeous,” Billy smirks from the chair in the corner of the room. 
You stare at him for several seconds, bewildered at his appearance but then your inner Omega took over and you crossed the room in only a few strides. You ignore the tray of food and the bouquet of flowers next to him and reach for him. Dragging him to his feet by his shirt, you pull him against you and meld your mouth to his. You begin undoing his belt but his hands cover yours and he breaks the kiss. 
“I swear to God, Billy. If you don’t fuck me right now, I will never let you touch me again,” You seethe. When it looks like he’s about to speak again, you drop the towel you’re wearing. “Now,” the word comes out hard but then you put a sweet pleading into his designation, “Alpha.”
His mouth takes yours hungrily as he pushes you towards the bed. His shirt is discarded quickly, and his pants are undone in a blink. It’s your hands that push them past his ass as he positions himself between your legs. He takes no preamble, knowing your heat is in full swing and you are more than ready. The thick head of his cock breaches your entrance and he growls as you seem to pull him in. Your body arches into him, finally having an Alpha inside of you puts you into a haze and all you can do is beg for more.
“Please, Alpha, more!” You whine. 
“I’m gonna give it all to you, my sweet Omega. Fill you up and fuck you out until you can’t tell where you end and I begin,” Billy says as he steadily presses in. 
“Yes, fuck,” your voice melds into whimpers as he begins long strokes. You wrap your arms and legs around him, pressing him close as he fills you just how you need. Billy holds himself above you on his elbows and his hands reach to caress your face. 
“Look at me, ‘Mega,” he commands and your eyes fly open. “Look at your Alpha. I will always be here for you when you need me. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Alpha,” you whisper, eyes wide as you stare at him. 
“Good girl,” he whispers as his hips pick up pace. Your mouth falls open as you feel your orgasm building. Billy watches your face enraptured. He doesn’t relent, pounding into you at just the right angle until you scream, all the pent up frustration and need releasing from you. Your body is wracked with spasm and after spasm as Billy finds his own end. When his knot locks into place inside you he smiles as your eyes roll back in your head and you arch again. He lowers his face to your neck and noses at your mating gland, filling his lungs with your scent. 
His cock jumps inside you when you do the same to him and again when you deliver a tiny kitten lick over it. “Fuuuck,” he groans. 
You pull away when he speaks but his big hand guides you right back. 
“Don’t stop, Gorgeous. Want your scent all over me,” Billy mouths at your gland, fighting his urge to bite down and claim you as his own. But he couldn’t resist scraping his teeth over it to see if it had the same effect it had on you when he did it to you that one night in the living room, and it did. You gasped and clenched around his cock. Encouraged, he did it again and then sucked on it. 
“Oh, oh, fuck, Billy!” Your whole body spasmed again. Your cunt clamped down on his still swollen knot inside you making Billy moan. 
Billy chuckles as he whispers in your ear, “So, when my knot goes down, would you like to do this again or eat and then do this again?”
“Can’t I eat while I sit on your cock?” You whimper. 
“Fuck, I love the way you think,” Billy maneuvers the two of you to the side of the bed and reaches for a cube of watermelon from the tray he had made. Holding it to your lips, he watches as you take the bite and then lick his finger of the remaining juice. He stares at you, admiration clear in his eyes, “How the fuck are you so perfect?”
“I’m not, remember? I’m wrecked,” you shrug. 
“And I’m broken. Guess that’s what makes us so goddamn perfect for each other,” Billy whispers intensely. 
“Maybe so,” you whisper with a small smile. You enjoyed hearing it and decided to just play into it. Play into this feeling that this was someone who wanted you, not despite your inability, but as part of the whole package. He fed you, bite by bite. Compliments and innuendo flowed through your quiet conversation. When you feel his knot release, you take the final bite from him and then flip him onto his back. 
“You haven’t finished your food,” Billy smirks. 
“I’ve had enough for now. I need this more,” you moan as you begin moving your hips. 
“No complaints here,” Billy grabs your hips as he thrusts up into you. He wants to watch your face every second, but gets distracted by the bounce of your tits, the sight of his cock splitting you open, the ways his fingers dig perfectly into your hips and thighs as you ride him, and his mouth runs as he expounds on how amazing you are. “Jesus, you feel good. Do you know how good your pussy looks swallowing my cock? So fucking beautiful. Yeah, that’s it, make that gorgeous face. Wanna see you come, give it to me. Fucking hell, I’m- fuck,shit-” Billy’s eyes suddenly go wide and he grunts harshly. 
You stop, staring at him with wide eyes, “Did I hurt you? What’s wrong?”
“Present,” Billy growls the Alpha command, his eyes darkening.
You comply immediately, lifting off of him and presenting yourself on all fours. You whimper, unsure of what is happening, “Alpha?”
“Mine,” Billy grabs your hips and slams into you making you arch at the pleasure. 
“Billy?” You whine his name as both an exclamation and a question. 
“I’m- fuck, rut kicked in,” he says the words as if it takes all of his control to get them out. His hips don’t slow the steady pounding he’s giving you. “Never… ah, fuck, you feel good. Never been with an Omega in heat before.”
“Were you, ah, were you expecting it?” You ask, curiously. Your fingers dig into the sheets beneath you in an attempt to hold yourself steady for him. 
“No, shouldn’t be happening. Fuck, I’m never gonna be able to stop fucking you. Do you know how good this fucking cunt is? Never gonna find another pussy this good.”
“Alpha,” you whimper as your orgasm builds. You weren’t sure if it was the relentless motion of his cock inside of you or the words that spilled from his mouth. 
“That’s right. I’m your Alpha. Come here,” Billy pulls you up so that you’re kneeling together as he keeps fucking into you. One hand grasps for your breasts and the other finds your clit to make circles. He buries his face in your neck, mouthing at your mating gland, licking, sucking, and scraping it with his teeth. He had to fight the base urge to bite down, to claim you as his, to take possession of what was already his in his mind, but he wanted you to choose it. He wanted you to ask for it. And he wasn’t going to stop fucking you until you did. 
You reach behind yourself to pull his face more firmly against your neck, “Billy! Alpha, it’s so good. I’m gonna-” The long moan you release as you clench around him is enough to send Billy over the edge. He could swear as his knot locked in place again that he saw stars. The pleasure of your body wrapped around his was so intense he had to fight every Alpha urge telling him to hold you down and mark you. Instead, he gently laid you both or your sides and moved his lips to your shoulder to help fight the intense urges coursing through him. 
After your heart stops beating so hard, you whisper, “I’ve never been with an Alpha in rut.” 
Billy’s chest rumbles against your back, “Couple of virgins before today, huh?”
You bark a laugh and cuddle against him more firmly. Billy breathes deeply of your scent as his fingers trail over every inch of your skin he can reach. He didn’t understand it. He didn’t understand his fucking idiot best friend. How the hell had he managed to keep himself together with you on his cock? He’d never gone into rut the entire time he was here? His friend was insane. Or so self-possessed with rage and revenge, he couldn’t see the perfection right in front of him. Billy’s actually glad his friend led him to you and he sure as hell was never giving you back. Without realizing it, he growls out, “Mine.”
“Possessive, aren’t we?” You tease him.
“Mmm,” Billy shrugs as his lips keep moving over your skin. 
With the haze of heat lifting a bit now that you had been knotted… a few times, the questions that should have flooded your mind seeing him in your cabin came to the surface. You had to ask, “Billy?”
“Yeah, gorgeous?”
“Why are you here? I mean, why did you come back? Did you know-”
“Cecily called me,” Billy cuts you off. 
“What? How?”
“She said she was dropping off some supplies and found my note-”
“That’s what took her so long in the other room,” you say as that piece clicks into place. 
“She told me that you two had made up, Frank had left, and that you needed help. Or more accurately, to get my ass here cause you needed me or she would ensure my life would be a living hell from now on. Not that I needed any convincing. I drove straight here, used the spare key, and laid in wait for you again,” he laughs lightly as he uses the words you had thrown at him his last night at the cabin. 
“Thank you,” you whisper. 
“I’ll always be here for you when you need me,” he assures. “My turn for a question. Why are you in this room and not yours?”
“Frank-” you pause as Billy pulls you more firmly against him and growls at the mention of another Alpha. You smile as you continue, “His scent was everywhere and I didn’t want that smell around me while I was dealing with my heat. So, I came in here since…” you trail off. 
“Since what?” Billy prompts.
“Your scent made me feel comforted. Like I wasn’t completely alone,” you confess quietly. 
He chuckles as he admits, “I guess it was a good thing that I scented these sheets.”
You laugh, “I knew you did that! You are diabolical.” His knot releases and you take the opportunity to turn over and face him. As you looked into the dark depths of his eyes, you lost your train of thought, the questions that had flooded your mind, your worries, all of it faded away and instead you basked in his admiration. He looked at you with a mix of awe and hunger that you had never experienced and you loved it. Your mind wanted to use the word love to describe the feelings coursing through you and you shook your head to rid it of that thought. 
“What was that?”
“What was what?” You hedge. 
“You jerked your head. Intrusive thought?” His long fingers caress your face. 
“Something like that. Are you hungry?” 
“In more ways than one,” he smirks before whispering in your ear, “I still want to find out how amazing you taste. Get my mouth all over that sweet Omega cunt. I want to drown in your scent. Have you sit on my face and let me tongue fuck you until you beg for my knot. Have your legs spread wide open as I lay between them and make you come over and over again. If I’m really lucky maybe I can get you to suck my cock while you sit on my face. God, there are so many things I want to do to you.”
“Maybe we should start a list,” you giggle. 
“Mmhm, but for now why don’t we go make some food?” Billy kisses you before you can answer and then pulls you out of the bed with him. 
The next two days were more of the same. Lots of conversations and even more sex, with meals and showers and sleep in between. Billy, you had learned, had a thing for shower sex and so you were happily enjoying him pounding into you as water streamed over both your bodies. 
“Oh, God, just like that,” you whimper. 
“I have a new item for the list,” Billy says as he lifts your leg higher to give him a deeper angle. 
“It’s going to take us years to finish this list at this point,” you laugh in between the moans he pulled from you. 
“Need to add fucking you in a bathtub. I’d get you to sit on my cock while we relax in a tub full of bubbles. I’d play with your clit so you’d come over and over again so I can feel you clenching around me. Make you come until you were absolutely overstimulated then dry you off, put you in bed, and fuck you one more time until you’re ready to pass out. Fuck, I’m just gonna keep adding to it so I have more excuses to fuck you,” he growls.
“It’s not enough that you’re balls deep in me right now, you have to run your mouth about all the other things you’re going to do to me,” you tease him. 
“Is that a problem, gorgeous? Should I stop telling you about all the ways I want to fuck you?” 
“Never, fuck!” You cry out as he begins pounding harder. 
“That’s right, Omega. You like hearing all the dirty thoughts I have about you. Fuck, all I’ve done is think about ways to fuck you since you served me that first drink. I wanted to bend you over the bar right there. I should. Take you to the bar and fuck you on it, on that pool table, on the safe, fuuuuuck,” he grunted as you clenched around him, nearing you orgasm. 
“You should. Maybe fuck me in that fancy car of yours in the parking lot, too.”
“Oh, yeah? What else should I do to you, my Omega?” Billy’s hips are pumping into you perfectly. 
“Lay me out naked on your desk at Anvil and fuck me until I scream your name,” you whisper in his ear.
“Fuck!” He roars as he begins pounding into you relentlessly. 
“Yes, yes. Alpha!” You cry out as you come.
“Never gonna get enough of you,” Billy groans as he loses himself in you. His knot locks into place and you shudder against him. His face is buried in your neck as he scents you. The urge to bite you, to mark you, to claim you as his own grew stronger each time your sweet body clamped down on his. 
A little while later, you were laying wrapped together and Billy looked at you as if some question was on his mind. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” You query. 
“I don’t know if I should ask. It might upset you,” he hedges. 
“I can’t promise it won’t but I’ll do my best to answer it.”
Billy takes a long look into your eyes, studying you, before asking, “Why do you stay here?”
“Here as in the town?” You clarify. 
“I… I don’t know. I’ve been asking myself the same thing lately. Buying the bar shoehorned me into a place of… I don’t know the right word. Importance, maybe? It forced the town to see me as something other than the wrecked Omega. I’m the owner of the bar, I have a place in society, even if I did have to buy it. Lately, I’ve wondered what it would be like to go somewhere that I’m not the wreck, not the Omega whose family doesn't even want her. I guess because I’m scared. This place is all I’ve ever known and what if nothing changed?”
“New York is a big city. No one would question why you’d leave small town life for the big city. Especially if you were with me,” Billy comments.
You laugh lightly as you joke, “Are you asking me to move in?”
Billy caresses your jawline as he answers, “Yes.”
You scoff, “Billy-”
“I love you. I know it’s fast and you’re going to say that this is my rut or your heat talking but it’s not. The moment my eyes met yours, the first moment I caught your scent, every second I’ve been near you, I’ve felt it. And every minute after I left, I missed you. To me, you’re perfect and I love you,” he stares into you, waiting for your response.
You look at him, waiting for the other shoe to drop. He was going to laugh and say he was kidding, or roll his eyes and call you stupid for believing him, or you'll wake up because this couldn’t be happening, a perfect Alpha wanting the wrecked Omega.
“Stop it. I see the wheels turning in that beautiful head. I told you that if you’re wrecked, then I’m broken, and that makes us perfect for each other. Do you believe me?” Billy whispers earnestly. 
You nod, scared that if you spoke you’d lose your composure. Instead, you press your lips to his and kiss him slowly. Pouring out all of your emotions into that kiss, you pull him closer. He rolls you under him and deepens the kiss while keeping a sensual pace. He settles easily between your legs and you writhe against each other as passion builds. You open your legs wider until his cock nudges at your entrance. With a gentle motion of his hips, he slips inside and you moan into his mouth. As his strokes build steam, your mouths part for you to cry out on a particularly deep stroke. Billy’s lips wander to your neck and you whimper, “Billy, I love you, too. I love you, my Alpha. Please.” 
“Look at me,” Billy requests. When you do, he kisses you and pulls back to look into your eyes. “Say it again.” 
It was a request, not a command and you complied immediately, “I love you, too.”
Billy kisses you again and then trails his lips to your mating gland. He nuzzles into it and you tilt your head to give him better access. When his teeth graze over it, your breath hitches and you whine, “Please, Alpha!”
“Say the words,” Billy urges without Alpha command in his voice. 
“Mark me. Claim me, please,” you beg.
“That’s my Omega. My Omega,” Billy whispers reverently as he bites down on your gland. 
Your entire body spasms with your orgasm. You pull Billy even tighter against you as he licks away the blood from your mark. He fucks you through the orgasm, his eyes trained on the fresh red claim on your neck as he does. When you come back to yourself, he reminds you, “Your turn, My Omega. Claim your Alpha. Mark me.” 
He guides your lips to his mating gland and tears seep from your eyes with the realization that he wants this as much as you do. You place a soft kiss on the spot and then bare your teeth and bite down. His exclamation and jerk of his hips as he comes inside you makes you clench around him. Just as you feel his knot lock into place, you feel the bond do the same. Emotion floods you as you realize you are feeling his joy and pleasure through your bond. When he pulls back to look into your eyes, you can feel the love you share tie together inside of you. It was unlike anything you had ever imagined and you couldn’t stop the tears that came. 
“I feel it, too,” Billy whispers as he kisses away the tears. “My Omega. My gorgeous Omega.”
Epilogue: Six Months Later
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Please follow my sideblog @tuiccimfanfiction​ for update notifications. All series and new stories will be reblogged to it. You will only receive notifications when a new part or story is out! Nothing else will be blogged to the page. I can’t thank you enough for your support!
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anti-heroe // billy russo
Summary: You’re assigned to eliminate Frank Castle. But how can you do it? He’s your boyfriend’s best friend. And Billy has no idea you used to kill for money.
Pairing: Billy Russo x BlackWidow!Reader
Word count: 4.3k
Warnings: soft billy, implied smut, murder, stabbing, blood, lame descriptions of fighting, angst, a bit of fluff
A/N: As always, remember English is not my first language. Thanks to @wannab-urs​ for proofreading this!
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Karen was already in bed when the sound of frantic knocking on her door startled her. Her heart raced as the sound grew louder and more insistent with each passing moment. She turned to the alarm clock on her bed table flashing 10:30 pm.
Who could be knocking at this hour?
She slowly got up and crept toward the door. As she got closer, the knocking continued, and she heard a faint voice calling out her name.
She cautiously opened the door, her features quickly twisting into a horrified expression at the scene in front of her eyes — you, bleeding, the handle of a knife protruding from your stomach, your left arm loosely hanging on the neck of a blonde woman who had her arm wrapped around your waist to hold you steady.
“A little help here?”
The sun was rising and the birds were singing outside. A strong arm was wrapped around your waist, and his breath was hitting the back of your neck. You smiled and snuggled into his warm chest, feeling content and happy. Even though you'd only been together for a little over a year, you couldn't imagine living without the feeling of being in his arms.
Billy stirred behind you, and you felt his arm tighten around you. “Good morning, beautiful,” he murmured against your neck, leaving scorching open-mouthed kisses there. 
Those three little words were enough to make your heart flutter.
You turned to face him, and he trailed his lips toward yours. You gazed into his eyes, taking in the moment. You had never considered yourself a lucky person, but meeting Billy changed your outlook on life. Being there, nestled in his arms, made the world outside seem less twisted. Billy's embrace erased every negative memory, feeling, or thought you had. You were safe there, with him. He was home.
You knew you were in love with the ex-marine, but you were wise to refrain from saying the three words. Frank had made it a point, when you and Billy got together, to inform you that this was Billy's first serious relationship --finally choosing quality over quantity. You weren't sure if he was trying to scare you or what, but it had the opposite effect. It gave you some kind of... confidence? Because this was also your first serious relationship. Well, it was your first relationship. Period.
You didn’t want to scare him with these feelings, especially when you weren’t sure if they were reciprocated. So you preferred to keep basking in what you had. 
“Good morning, handsome,” you whispered softly against his lips. Your breath mingled with his before you crashed your lips against his, in a not-so-soft kiss.
You were soon trapped beneath him, and although having Billy Russo on top of you was very enticing, and you would have taken that road any other day, you put a palm on his chest, backing him up a little.
“I have to go to work, and so do you.”
Billy groaned in frustration.
“You don’t have to work in that dreadful place; you know you could work for me.” 
It wasn't the first time Billy had offered you a position at ANVIL so you wouldn't have to work at the coffee shop, and just like the other times, you turned the offer down.
“So everyone can gossip that I made my way there through being tangled in the boss’ sheets? Thank you, but no.”
“You know I wouldn’t let anybody shame you like that,” he said it in such a convincing and certain tone that it almost convinced you. Almost.
“You can’t control anything, Billy.”
“I sure can try.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and bring him down toward you, minimizing the gap between the two of you. 
“I like my job.”
“No, you don’t.”
No, you didn’t. You hated how well he knew you. But the truth is, the job at the coffee shop is the best you could aspire for—You didn't even have a high school diploma; you didn’t have anything to apply for a well-paying proper job. And part of the reason you didn’t take Billy’s offer was because you didn’t want him to pity you or just give you a good position because you were his girlfriend.
“Just hear me out,” Billy said, his voice earnest. “You're smart, hardworking, and I know you would excel in a corporate setting. Plus, we could spend even more time together.”
You sighed. “Billy, I appreciate your confidence in me, but I want to earn my own success, not just have it handed to me because of our relationship."
“I’m not gonna convince you, am I?”
You shook your head, “But you’re always welcome to try.”
You closed the gap and let yourself get lost in him.
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Today was a particularly busy day. You were wiping down counters and restocking coffee mugs when you saw a familiar face that made your stomach drop.
You could feel her eyes on you as you continued to wipe down the counter. You tried to complete your task quickly, hoping that you could escape to the back room before she had the chance to say anything. But before you were able to get away, she waved you over to her table.
You took a seat across from her and nervously fiddled with your apron. She seemed delighted to see you, greeting you like you were long-time friends, with a smile plastered on her face that you could tell was far from being genuine.
“What are you doing here, Valentina?” you sighed.
It was obvious she didn’t make her way to the coffee shop you worked at just because she was a coffee lover. Valentina Allegra de Fontaine never did anything without a motive.
���I have a job for you.”
You squint your eyes at the woman.
“I’m retired. Go and find someone else.”
You promised yourself when you got free that you’d never go back to that life. You couldn't undo what you'd done in the past, but you weren’t under chemical subjugation anymore, you were free, and you wanted to live a normal life — the life you never had the opportunity to have. The life Dreykov took away from you when you were barely three years old, and he decided an orphan child would be a good killing machine someday. You’d spent the last 25 years of your life being a puppet, and you refused to be one again.
“You’re going to be interested in this one. Trust me,” she insisted. 
You knew the woman well enough to know she wasn’t going to drop the subject, and you noticed the queue of people forming behind her. 
“I have a break in five minutes.”
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You opened the door of the shop and a gust of wind hit your face. You were relieved to be out of the cramped, stuffy store taking a deep breath of the fresh, cool air. You started walking down the street, feeling the wind tousling your hair.
You reached a nearby alley, knowing Valentina was waiting for you. It had been about a year since you last saw the woman. You had no idea how she had found you because you thought you had done a fantastic job of remaining under her radar. You doubted Yelena had sold you out, that was not typical of her.
“Well?” You asked as you rounded the corner. Just as you had anticipated, there she was. Valentina Allegra de Fontaine's composure and elegance were nearly impossible to overlook. Though this clearly wasn't her preferred hangout, it didn't appear to bother her. She was a woman who could adapt to anything, never looking out of place even when she so clearly stood out.. 
Her appearance matched her personality; Valentina was a powerful woman who easily influenced people; fortunately for you, you knew her well enough not to fall for her ruses.
She handed you the file she was holding when she walked in the coffee shop before. “They’re offering $200,000 to take him down.” 
You glanced bewildered at the woman. That was a substantial sum of money. 
“Why me?” You inquired. 
“Because you’re the best.”
You averted your gaze from her and opened the file. The blood drained from your face when you saw the picture of the man in the file.
“Who wants him dead?”
“That I can’t tell.”
Your attention remained fixated on the photograph, as a maelstrom of emotions and thoughts raced through every inch of your body.
“Well, what do you say? Do you want to get back into business, or do you want to spend the rest of your life pouring coffee and struggling to make ends meet?”
You closed the file and tossed it to her. 
“I’m not gonna kill Frank Castle.”
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“You’re too quiet,” Billy pointed. He had noticed something was worrying you. Yet he was hesitant to ask you. The last thing he wanted was to upset you more. But as the night went on your distress didn’t subside, and he started to get really worried.
You looked at him, “I’m fine,” you simply said. 
“No, you’re not,” he grabbed the book you were pretending to read, “Did something happen at work?”
You shook your head.
“What’s worrying you, love?”
You sighed. You didn’t want to lie to him, but you couldn’t tell him the truth either. “Just tired. It’s been a busy day.”
You knew he wasn't fooled by your pathetic excuse, but fortunately, he didn't press the issue.
“I can help you relax,” he said instead, pulling a strand of hair out of the way so he could kiss your neck, moving up the line of your jaw and back down your throat.. His lips moved along your skin, sending sparks of pleasure through your veins. You closed your eyes and relaxed into the sensation, feeling your body come alive with anticipation.
You needed a distraction right now, and Billy was always too good at taking your mind off problems.
“Yes, please,” your voice came as a faint whisper, just barely audible to him.
“Anything you want?”
You turned to look at him and soon you were lost in his dark eyes. His eyes held so much emotion that it felt like you could combust.
“Just make me forget my shitty day.”
A smirk lifted in his perfect features, “That I can do.” 
He easily lifted you off the couch, your legs wrapped around his waist, one arm loosely draped around his neck while your other hand gripped his jaw and you collided your lips against his in a sloppy kiss as he carried you to the bedroom.
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You raised your hand and knocked on Yelena's apartment door. After a few seconds of waiting, she heard footsteps approaching. The door opened, revealing a disheveled Yelena.
“What was the emergency?” Yelena asked, as you stepped inside and glanced around the apartment. It was bigger than yours, but just as cluttered. 
“Hope, it’s not too early,” you said when you saw her yawning.
“No. Not at all. I was already up anyways,” she said, rubbing her eyes. “So what brings you here?”
You shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. “I need to talk to you about something.”
“Okay,” Yelena said as she headed to the kitchen. “Do you want some coffee?”
“No, thanks,” You replied as you followed Yelena. “Has Val contacted you?”
Yelena turned around, visibly surprised. “No, she hasn’t. I’m on holiday.”
“Good for you,” you muttered dryly. “She came to my workplace to offer me a job.”
“How did she find you?”
“Good question. But that’s not why I’m here. The target she offered me is my friend’s boyfriend.”
“Well, that sucks.”
Typical Yelena. Emphatic as always.
“Who do you think is going to take over?” You asked her, “Sonya? Maybe Antonia?”
Yelena shrugged, “No idea.”
“Come on, Yelena. An innocent man could die!” You exclaimed, exasperated.
Sometimes her emotional detachment drove you insane.
“If Val took the case he’s not innocent.”
“I know this dude, he’s a good man.” 
You were sure that whoever ordered this murder was someone with a vendetta against The Punisher and they didn’t want to get their hands dirty by doing the job themselves.
“And what do you want us to do?”
“Protect him.”
“You said you didn’t want to get involved in this life again!” Yelena exclaimed.
“I’m not gonna murder anyone. I'm going to stop someone from being killed." You defended yourself..
“Who is this guy anyway?”
“Frank Castle.”
“The Punisher?” Yelena's eyes widened in surprise. Oh, so she knows him. “He’s a 40-year-old man with military training, I think he’s more than capable of protecting himself.”
“Not against one of us,” you said. Yelena looked at you, “Do you think another widow is going to balk when she has to pull the trigger and put a bullet through his head with a sniper rifle?”
“Ты и твой героиновый комплекс,” she murmured under her breath.
“пожалуйста сестра,” you pleaded
“Do you have a crush on this guy or something?”
“What? No! I just told you he’s my friend’s boyfriend, and not only that but my boyfriend’s best friend.”
“You got yourself a boyfriend? Damn, girl, you livin’ the good life,” she made a brief pause, then asked, “Is he hot?” She wriggled her eyebrows and you let out a chuckle.
“He’s so fucking hot.”
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You almost forgot what it was like to be on a mission —spying on someone, following their movements, watching and learning their weakness.  This time was different. For the first time, you weren’t learning the best way to kill a target. You were learning how to protect one.
You and Yelena found yourselves crouched on the rooftop of the building opposite Frank's apartment. From there you had the perfect view of his house and the street. He hadn’t left his place since you arrived a few hours ago, which made things a little easier. 
“There’s someone else there with him,” Yelena said, looking through the binoculars. 
You turned to her, “What? No one has entered the building since we arrived.”
“Maybe he was already there, just out of view.”
You took the binoculars from her hands and brought them close to your eyes. 
“Oh no.” 
Your voice betrayed you and it didn’t pass Yelena who started to swamp you with questions. “What? You know the other guy? Is he a threat? Should we intervene?” 
“What’s Billy doing here?”
It only complicated things more. God, you hated your life.
“Wait… Is that lover boy?” She took the binoculars from your hands. “Черт, он горячий. Вы точно знаете, как их выбир��ть.”
She then turned your attention to you. “Does he know?”
You knew exactly what she meant by that.
“It's better that way.”
You turned to her, “Is it? Because I feel immense guilt every time I look at him. Every time he asks me about my childhood and I have to feed him lies, I feel like a horrible person. Especially when he has been nothing but honest with me.”
“If you had told him the truth he would have run out,” you looked at her, she paused briefly and then continued, “We’re not like Natasha. We’re not an Avenger. We’re not the trained killer on the cover of a magazine that kids call their hero. And you may have left this life, but this life never leaves you. The sooner you understand that, the better.”
You wanted to believe that Billy would have understood what you went through. He had to, right? Then why haven’t you told him.
“They’re leaving.”
Yelena’s voice pulled you out of your trance. Seconds later, Billy and Frank were walking out the doors of the building. Not much later, a dark figure appeared from a nearby alley and was now discreetly following the men.
“We have to go down,” you said as you reached for a wire to attach to the front of the building, but your friend reached her hand, stopping you.
“Wait for what?”
You didn’t want to take any chances. You pulled on your mask and night vision goggles, concealing your entire face. You secured your grappling hook on the rooftop and started repelling down to the ground. You moved quickly and gracefully, making it look easy.
“ебать,” Yelena muttered under her breath before following your actions.
You didn't exactly land quietly; as you neared the bottom, you let go of the rope and slid to the ground. And the fact that there wasn't a single soul on the street didn't help either. Billy and Frank didn't have time to acknowledge your presence before Yelena landed next to you and another three people stepped out of the shadows, blocking their path.
“What the fuck?” you muttered to yourself. 
“What the hell is this?” Frank demanded..
“You pissin’ the wrong people off again, Frankie?”
The dark figure that had come out of the alley was still behind the two men, you lifted your right arm, the Widow’s bite ready to take the aim, and in the blink of an eye, an electrical discharge hit them. One down.
At this, two of the other persons dressed in black attacked Billy and Frank. Frank threw a punch at one of them, and Billy kicked the other one. The last one standing made a move toward you, but before you could hit them with a taser disk, Yelena took them out with a bullet in their skull.
The sound of the shot bounced off the silence of the street, and it only made the other two people who were fighting Billy and Frank fight harder. One of them pulled a knife from their suit pocket, and nimbly slashed Frank across the face, followed by a kick to the chest that staggered Frank a bit. In turn, the other fighter had managed to immobilize your boyfriend, forcing him to his knees and  aiming a Heckler & Koch P30 at his head.
Rage ran through your blood, “Я бы не стал этого делать, если бы я был тобой,” you stepped closer, “держись от него подальше.”
They laughed at you in response, which only infuriated you more. You sprinted at them, and with a swift flick of your leg, you knocked the revolver out of their hand, freeing Billy from their clutches. 
You took a  swing at the masked attacker, who easily blocked it and then jumped back to avoid the next one. You moved with grace and precision, as if you had been born to fight, and in a way, you had been. They were struggling to keep up, you could sense their desperation, and took advantage of it. 
You went for the kill. You delivered a powerful kick that sent the attacker against the building’s wall. They tried to stand up, but you had already moved in for the finishing move. You grabbed their neck and twisted it sharply, breaking it in one swift move.
When you turned to see if Yelena was okay, you noticed the one Frank had been fighting lay  motionless on the ground. He reached down and removed the mask his adversary had been wearing the entire time, revealing a young dark-haired woman no older than 30 years old.
So you were correct. They all were Widows.
“You know this woman?” He asked, turning to face your boyfriend, who was approaching him.
Billy inspected the woman's face and then shook his head. Then, the two men's attention was drawn toward you and Yelena. 
“Мы должны уйти. Наша работа здесь сделана,” Yelena said when she sensed their gaze on her.
“Oh dear, no one is leaving. The fun has just begun.”
That didn't come from any of you, but rather from a newcomer to the scene —a redhead in a white suit.
Why wasn’t she wearing a mask like the others?
A gun was visible in one of her suit's front pockets, and she held a dagger in her right hand. She moved to strike Frank, but you stepped in the line of fire, your body taking the full brunt of the impact. You grunted in agony as the cold dagger pierced your stomach and the redhead twisted it inside you.
The two men were frozen at the scene that had just unfolded in front of their eyes. Yelena screamed for you. She sprang into action and charged at the redhead, punching her and deflecting every blow and kick from her, eventually knocking her to the ground. The redhead was helpless and Yelena was filled with rage, her knuckles turning white as she grasped the woman’s throat. Yelena tightened her grip and squeezed, the woman's eyes widened in shock and then she was still.
Meanwhile, you were on your knees, bleeding on the street, the dagger still piercing your stomach, your breath shallow and feeble. You felt Yelena kneel by your side.
“You’re gonna be okay,” she tried to reassure you, but it was clear from her wavering voice she needed as much convincing as you.
“Your friend needs to go to the hospital,” Frank said, concerned. Even if he had no idea who you were, you had saved his life for whatever reason. 
“Yeah? And what do we tell them?” Yelena’s voice was strained. She wasn’t a particularly  emotional person, but you also knew you were as important to her as she was to you. Yelena was fiercely protective of the people she cared about, and she was not going to let you die. 
She helped you get up on your feet, carefully. You clenched your teeth, trying not to scream from the pain. Yelena supported your weight and began walking along the street.
“Where are you going?” This time was Billy who yelled, incredulously. 
But even if you were walking at a slow pace, the men did not try to stop you.
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“A little help here?”
She quickly ushered you and Yelena inside, her mind racing with questions.
“What happened?” Karen asked, struggling to keep her voice steady. “We have to get her to a hospital.”
“N-No hospitals,” you said weakly, as Yelena gently placed you on Karen’s couch
“Are you going to tell me what happened, Y/N?” Karen inquired once again.
“She saved your boyfriend’s life,” Yelena dropped the words venomously. Even if she didn’t know Karen, she couldn't help but be disgusted by her. It was your friendship with the journalist that made you jump between her boyfriend and that fucking knife. So yes, she blamed her for the whole situation you were in. 
“What? Someone tried to kill Frank?” 
So much information for Karen to comprehend all at once, and then more knocks were pounded on the door. 
“Karen, open the door!” That was Frank’s distinct voice.
“Do not open it,” Yelena snarled.
Karen turned to face you, then to the door that Frank was hammering on. She didn’t know what to do.
“Karen, open the goddamn door!”
She sighed. She didn’t have a choice; if she didn’t open the door she knew her boyfriend would break it down. 
“Are you okay?” It was the first thing he asked when Karen opened the door to welcome him into her apartment. He grabbed her face and looked at her concerned. After the incident he just experienced in the street, he thought if someone had gone after him, they might have also gone after his girlfriend. And he couldn’t let her get hurt. Not because of him. 
Then he realized there was something wrong. He withdrew his sight from his girl, and it fell on you, and on Yelena who was attempting to keep you awake. Then your gaze is drawn to your boyfriend, who is standing on the threshold. And you could tell by the look on his face that he had connected the dots. And you knew there was no going back from this point forward.
“It was you,” he said, his voice was calm but you knew him well enough to know there was anger behind those words.
“What the hell, Y/N?” Frank shouted at you, “You could have gotten yourself killed.”
“I still can.”
“You ain’t dying,” Yelena retorted.
“And who exactly are you?” 
Yelena disregarded Frank's question and turned to Karen, “I need towels, alcohol, and a needle and thread.”
Karen nodded firmly and exited the living room.
“Are you going to pull that thing out?” Your boyfriend inquired, and while he was angry, he also sounded concerned. That offered you some optimism; maybe if you made it out alive, you still had a chance to work things out with him.
“You prefer me to leave it inside?” 
“You’re going to bleed out!” Billy cried out, raking his fingers through his disheveled. hair.
Karen returned with the items and placed them next to Yelena. “Are you alright?” She knew it was a stupid question to ask, but her brain wasn't functioning properly at the moment.
“Sure,” you said faintly, waving your hand, “I’ve had it worse.”
“No, you have not.”
You disregarded Yelena's rebuke, “Pull it out.”
“This is insane!”
Yelena turned to your boyfriend, “You have any other idea, pretty boy? ‘Cause we can’t go to the hospital.”
Billy looked at your friend, then at you. You wanted to tell him so many things, but mostly you wanted to apologize. You wanted to apologize to him for keeping this portion of your life hidden from him. Because you knew how important honesty was to Billy, and you have completely broken his trust in you. He sighed and knelt alongside you on the couch, holding your hand.
“It’s going to hurt,” he warned you.
“I can take it.” 
Billy was taken aback by how confident you sounded. Yelena grasped the dagger’s handle and for a few seconds that’s all she did, then she met your gaze. Silently telling her to go for it. And the last thing you remember is feeling an excruciating pain before passing out.
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marvelmusing · 9 months
Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Reader
Summary: Billy takes you to one of his favourite restaurants, but you can’t seem to behave how he wants you to.
Warnings [18+]: smut vibes, dom!Billy, sub!reader, mentions of spanking in public, reader flashes him under the table, the restaurant is 100% a discrete kink club
My Masterlist
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As the group in front of you finishes speaking with the hostess and starts to be led into the restaurant by a waiter, you begin to step forward, only to be stopped by your boyfriend.
Billy snakes an arm around your waist, slipping a hand between your legs, his fingers curling to press against the seam of your cunt. Through the fabric of your dress, the heel of his palm presses firmly against your clit and you writhe instantly.
Humiliation burns over your cheeks as you attempt to close your coat to keep the position of his hand out of sight. His words are low, murmured against your ear.
“If you misbehave in this nice restaurant, full of respectable people, you’re in for a spanking that’ll make your ass cheeks hot enough to fry eggs.” Embarrassment and arousal warms your body. His lips brush against your hairline as he grins, thoroughly pleased with himself, “Sunny side up, just the way I like ’em.”
He is painfully handsome like this, sure of himself, hair styled perfectly, his facial hair thicker than usual, just touching the edge of ruggedness. It makes your mouth water.
“Go on, baby.” He releases you, giving your ass a small tap with his hand to encourage you forwards, smiling when your legs teeter unsteadily. “Atta girl.”
Billy’s hand stays placed at the small of your back, directing you through the maze of tables as you follow the waiter. When you arrive at the small round table that is yours for the evening, you glance at Billy as he shrugs his coat off.
“Can I sit in your lap?”
“No,” he answers smoothly, handing his coat to an attendant with a polite nod before he removes your coat as well, ignoring your pout.
“But Bil-”
“Another word and I’ll make you sit on the floor.”
It’s a tempting thought, sitting at Billy’s feet with your chin in his lap, but your knees would have no protection and the floor looks rather uncomfortable.
He doesn’t look at you, even when you sit down in the seat opposite him, his eyes fixed on the menu with a confidence that makes you throb.
“Good girl.”
The food is exquisite. Billy does most of the talking which is fine by you, he’s a marvel to watch as he cuts his steak into measured pieces, swiping it through the sauce as he mentions a few upcoming galas he wants you to attend with him.
Seeing Billy like this makes you antsy, itching for something you can’t ask for here, though perhaps you could place the idea in his head for later on tonight.
“I’ve dropped my napkin,” you admit softly. He raises a brow at you. “Could you reach it for me?”
He nudges his chair back slightly, shifting his attention down towards the floor.
As he ducks beneath the tablecloth, you slide the skirt of your dress upwards, spreading your legs wide to give him an unobstructed view of your naked cunt. His hand on the table curls into a fist, knuckles white with the sudden pressure.
The moment he lifts his head back up, his eyes lock onto yours, dark and dangerous. A shudder runs down your spine, goosebumps prickling over your skin. He sits up, rolling his shoulder lightly as he tucks his chair back in.
“What did I tell you about misbehaving?”
His question makes you shift in your seat, eyes bouncing over the contents of the table to avoid his gaze.
“Not to,” you concede, swinging your legs to relieve some nervous energy. He nods slowly.
“Would you like your spanking before or after dessert?”
There’s a pause as you take a moment to consider your options. Hopefully after your punishment, Billy will let you sit in his lap and feed you some dessert. That thought alone is what helps you decide on an answer.
He nods again.
Anticipation thrums under your skin as he gestures to an attendant, asking them to take your empty plates. Billy picks up the candle sitting between you, blowing out the flame with a harsh puff. When he catches your eye, noticing the frown on your face, he grins.
He begins to move the glass candle holder and rest of the table’s contents over to one side. There’s a nervous edge to your voice as you say,
His gaze is direct.
“Do you trust me?”
Eyes bouncing between each of his, in awe of the casual dominance on display as he regards you seriously, and you nod instantly.
“Stand up.” The frown on your face deepens as he nods at the table, pristine white linen spread over the surface. “Now bend over the table.”
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity @slytherheign @ellooo0ooo @vixenofcourse @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jane-arthur @ilikefictionmen @budugu @watersquirtpewpewboomm @mysweetlittledesire @dhampiravidi
Billy Russo Tag List: @rafaelakelley @theysayitscrazy @nyx2021 @chickensarentcheap @stardustmorozov @witchcraftandwit @ladyofsoa
BB Characters Tag List: @rachlovesactors @noortsshift @aikeia @weallhaveadestiny @two-unbeatable-beaters
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stvrlightgirl · 1 month
All the good girls go to hell.
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pairing: dom!Billy Russo x F!Reader
word count: 4.2k
trigger warnings: NSFW 18+ (MDNI!), PiV, dom behaviour, rough sex, what can I say, I like when he’s a bit mean, fluff, aftercare, soft Billy, it’s just a pure 4k words porn without a plot, sorry not sorry
Summary: He likes it when you’re disobeying, because it’s how he can play with you, and god, he do likes the sound of you begging him to fuck you.
a/n: I definitely got carried away at some point, but that’s my first smut ever, so I wanted to test my possibilities, and I think we all will benefit from this ;)
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You stood in the middle of Billy’s penthouse, trying to keep your cool while his gaze burned into you from where he was sprawled on the couch. The evening at the banquet had been all about keeping up appearances, playing the well-behaved date for him, but it was too boring. Billy should’ve known better. You were never one to play by the rules, especially when you knew just how much he loved it when you didn’t. You were just a little minx that didn’t listen at all.
His gaze was dark, heavy with unspoken desire as he watched you. He was in control, always in control, and you loved that about him. The way he could command a room with a single look, make your pulse quicken with just the arch of an eyebrow. Tonight, though, there was something different in his eyes—an edge, a hunger that made your skin tingle with anticipation.
And it was all because of your behaviour. You were proud of yourself.
“Come here,” he ordered, his voice low, a rumble of thunder that sent shivers down your spine.
You hesitated, just for a moment, savoring the power you had over him, the way his eyes flared with impatience at your defiance. But you knew better than to push him too far. With measured steps, you closed the distance between you, your heels clicking softly against the polished wood floor.
Billy’s hand shot out, fingers curling around your wrist as he pulled you into his lap. You straddled him instinctively, your knees sinking into the plush cushions on either side of his hips. His grip on your wrist was firm, a silent reminder of who was in charge here.
“You look too good to be behaving like such a brat,” he murmured, his breath hot against your neck as he leaned in, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin there.
A gasp escaped your lips, your body arching into his touch as he bit down, hard enough to leave a mark. “Billy—”
His other hand found its way to your hair, tugging your head back so you were forced to meet his gaze. “What did I say about using my name like that, sweetheart?” he asked, his tone deceptively calm.
Your heart raced, the sting of his teeth still fresh on your skin. You bit your lip, trying to maintain your composure under the weight of his stare. “You said not to,” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
“That’s right,” he purred, his fingers loosening their hold on your hair, only to trail down your neck, his thumb brushing over your racing pulse. “You’re going to be a good girl for me tonight, aren’t you?” his voice echoed through the empty room. “Since you’ve been such a brat all fucking night.” He gritted through his teeth, and you could’ve sworn it sounded almost animalistic.
There was no question in his voice, only the certainty that you would obey. And you would — God, you would do anything he asked of you, just to feel his hands on your skin, to hear that satisfied growl when you pleased him.
“Yes, sir.” you replied, the words slipping out automatically, your body already primed for whatever he had planned.
Billy’s lips curved into a predatory smile, the kind that made your stomach flip with excitement. He tugged at the hem of your dress, pulling it up over your hips, exposing the lacy black lingerie beneath. His eyes darkened at the sight, and you could feel the heat between your thighs growing, your breath coming faster as you watched his reaction.
“Always so eager.” he muttered, almost to himself, as he ran a hand up your thigh, his fingers teasing the edge of your panties. “You know what I love about you?” he asked, not waiting for an answer as he slid his hand beneath the lace, fingers brushing against your wetness. “You’re so fucking responsive.”
A whimper escaped your lips as his fingers found your clit, rubbing slow, deliberate circles that had you trembling in his lap. You clung to his shoulders, your nails digging into the expensive fabric of his suit jacket as you struggled to stay still.
Billy’s free hand cupped your jaw, tilting your head so he could capture your lips in a bruising kiss. It was a kiss that left no room for gentleness, his tongue demanding entry, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip until you opened for him, desperate to taste him.
The kiss was a battle for dominance, and you were more than willing to let him win. He kissed like he fucked—rough, unyielding, and with a single-minded focus that left you breathless and wanting more.
“You’re mine,” he growled against your lips, his fingers pressing harder against your clit, drawing a gasp from your throat. “Say it.”
“I’m yours,” you gasped, your hips grinding against his hand as the pleasure built inside you, threatening to spill over.
Billy’s smile was wicked, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction as he watched you unravel beneath his touch. “That’s right.” he murmured, his fingers slipping lower, teasing your entrance. “You’re mine to play with, mine to fuck, mine to do whatever I want with.”
You moaned, your body shaking as he pushed two fingers inside you, the stretch just enough to make you crave more. He set a slow, torturous rhythm, fucking you with his fingers while his thumb continued its relentless assault on your clit.
“Billy, please.” you begged, not caring how desperate you sounded, only knowing that you needed more —needed him.
But he was in no hurry. He watched you with a dark, hungry gaze, his fingers pumping in and out of you with a steady, unyielding rhythm that had you teetering on the edge of oblivion.
“Please what?” he asked, his voice a low rumble that vibrated through your entire body.
“Please let me come,” you cried, your hips bucking against his hand, desperate for release.
Billy’s smile was all sharp edges as he leaned in, his breath hot against your ear. “Oh, poor sweetheart.” He cooed teasingly. “Not yet.” he whispered, his fingers stilling inside you, drawing a frustrated whimper from your throat. “You’ll come when I say you can, and not a second before. Understand?”
You nodded frantically, tears of frustration pricking at the corners of your eyes as your body ached with the need for release. “Yes, sir.” you choked out, your voice trembling with need.
His fingers resumed their torment, thumb pressing down harder on your clit, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through your veins.
The world narrowed to the feel of his hands on you, the delicious burn of pleasure and frustration building inside you as he pushed you closer and closer to the edge, only to pull you back each time, leaving you gasping and desperate.
Though, you deserved it. You edged on his nerves all day with those little touches and smirks.
Finally, when you thought you couldn’t take it any longer, Billy’s voice cut through the haze of pleasure, dark and commanding. “Come for me.” he ordered, his fingers curling inside you, hitting that perfect spot that had you shattering around him, your orgasm crashing over you in wave after wave of mind-numbing pleasure.
You screamed his name, your body convulsing in his lap as he worked you through it, his fingers never stopping, his touch guiding you through the storm until you were left trembling and spent, collapsed against his chest.
Billy’s arms wrapped around you, holding you close as you came down from your high, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “That’s my good girl,” he murmured, his voice soft now, full of a quiet pride that made your heart swell.
You nuzzled into him, your breath evening out as you basked in the afterglow, the feel of his strong arms around you grounding you in a way nothing else could.
“Don’t get too comfortable,” he warned, his voice laced with dark promise. “We’re just getting started.”
Billy’s fingers brushed over your hair, a stark contrast to the earlier harshness of his touch. You were still catching your breath, your body shivering with the aftermath of your orgasm, when he suddenly lifted you off his lap and onto the cool leather of the couch. His movements were swift, precise—he always knew exactly what he wanted.
You barely had time to process before he was on his knees in front of you, those dark eyes raking over your flushed skin. The way he looked at you, like you were something to be devoured, made heat pool between your legs again despite your body’s exhaustion.
“Spread those pretty thighs for me.” he commanded, lightly tapping on your skin, his voice a low growl that sent another wave of arousal through you.
You obeyed immediately, your legs falling open, exposing your soaked panties to him. Billy’s smirk was pure sin as he hooked his fingers into the waistband and slowly peeled them down your thighs. He took his time, savoring the way you squirmed under his gaze, the way your breath hitched when his knuckles brushed against your inner thighs.
When he finally tossed the lace aside, he leaned in, his hot breath fanning over your sensitive skin. His lips ghosted over your knee, his teeth nipping at the flesh there before he trailed a path of open-mouthed kisses up your thigh. The anticipation was maddening, every nerve in your body on high alert, your mind spinning with the need for more.
“Billy, please,” you whimpered, your hips lifting off the couch, desperate for the touch you knew was coming.
“Patience, sweetheart,” he murmured against your skin, his tongue darting out to taste you, the sensation sending sparks of electricity straight to your core. “I’m going to take my time with you.”
You moaned in frustration, your hands flying to his hair, fingers tangling in the dark strands, trying to guide him where you needed him most. But Billy had other plans. He grabbed your wrists in one hand, pinning them above your head with a strength that had you gasping.
“Fucking move those hands again and you’ll be cuffed.” he whispered with low voice as his free hand slid up your thigh, his thumb pressing just shy of where you ached for him. “I’m not going to repeat myself, sweetheart.”
His words sent a shiver through you, your body trembling with the need to be touched, to be claimed by him. But Billy was merciless, his lips brushing over your skin, so close to your heat that you could feel the warmth of his breath, but never quite where you needed him.
“Tell me what you want,” he demanded, his voice rough, sending vibrations through your entire body.
“I want you,” you gasped, your hips lifting off the couch, desperate to feel his mouth on you. “Please, Billy, I need you.”
Billy’s eyes darkened at your words, and for a moment, you thought he might give in, might finally take you over the edge. But instead, he leaned back, a wicked grin spreading across his face as he drank in your frustrated whimper.
“Not yet." he murmured, his thumb finally pressing against your swollen, pulsing clit, rubbing slow circles that had you moaning and thrashing beneath him. “You’re going to beg for it.”
You were already so close, the tension coiling tighter and tighter in your core with every slow, deliberate movement of his hand. You would have done anything in that moment to feel the release you so desperately craved.
“Please, Billy,” you whimpered, your voice trembling as your body strained against the pleasure that was just out of reach. “Please, just let me cum.”
Billy’s grin widened, satisfaction gleaming in his eyes as he pressed harder, his fingers dipping into your heat, teasing you with just enough pressure to drive you wild, but not enough to push you over the edge.
“Not until I say so." he said, his voice firm, unyielding. “brats don’t get to cum until they’re behaving.”
His words were the only warning you got before his mouth descended on you, his tongue flicking over your clit with a precision that had you crying out in pleasure. His fingers moved in sync with his tongue, pumping in and out of you with a relentless rhythm that had your body quaking beneath him.
The sensation was overwhelming, every nerve in your body on fire as he devoured you, his tongue and fingers working in tandem to bring you closer and closer to the edge. Your thighs trembled around his head, hands fisting in his hair, tugging him closer, forgetting about his warnings.
Billy’s pace was maddening, his mouth working you over with ruthless precision. The world around you blurred into nothingness, your entire focus narrowing to the scorching heat of his tongue and the relentless rhythm of his fingers inside you. You were drowning in him, your body no longer your own as he pushed you further and further toward the edge, every nerve alight with desperate need.
Your back arched off the couch, hips grinding against his mouth as he sucked your clit between his teeth, the sharp edge of pleasure-pain sending shockwaves through you. You were teetering on the brink, every muscle in your body tensing, ready to snap. And just when you thought you couldn’t take any more, he stopped.
A strangled moan tore from your throat as he pulled back, his lips glistening with your arousal, eyes dark with hunger you couldn’t describe. The look on his face was enough to make you tremble, your chest heaving as you fought to catch your breath, your body screaming for release.
“You don’t come until I tell you to,” Billy growled, his voice rough, the edges frayed with his own barely contained desire. “You should already know it.” He smirked.
What a bastard.
You could only nod, your mind too foggy, too consumed with the need for him to form coherent words. But Billy wasn’t satisfied with your silent acquiescence. He grabbed your chin, forcing your eyes to meet his, the intensity of his gaze nearly searing your skin.
“Use your words,” he demanded, his grip on your jaw firm, reminding you exactly who was in control. “Tell me you understand.”
“Yes, sir,” you gasped, your voice shaky, the words tumbling out in a rush. “I understand.”
A slow, satisfied smile curled his lips, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip before he released you, leaning back to take you in, his gaze raking over your body with a possessive intensity that made your skin flush. “I knew you can behave, not so hard after all, hm?” he murmured, his approval sending a fresh wave of arousal pooling between your thighs.
But before you could even think about catching your breath, Billy was on you again. He shifted you effortlessly, manhandling you onto your stomach with a speed that left you dizzy. You barely had time to brace yourself on your elbows before you felt the blunt pressure of his cock against your entrance, the heat of his body blanketing you from behind.
You didn’t even noticed when he managed to get rid of his clothes.
He didn’t ease into you. Billy wasn’t in the mood for gentleness tonight. With one powerful thrust, he buried himself inside you, the sudden stretch making you cry out, your fingers clawing at the leather beneath you as your body struggled to adjust to the sheer size of him.
“Fuck,” Billy groaned, his hands gripping your hips hard enough to bruise as he pulled back only to slam into you again, his pace brutal from the start. “So fucking tight. You feel that, sweetheart? Feel how good you take me?”
You couldn’t respond, your voice stolen by the relentless assault on your senses, your mind too overwhelmed by the rough friction, the way he filled you so completely, each thrust pushing you closer and closer to the brink.
He pulled you up by your hair, forcing your back to arch, your head resting against his shoulder as he pounded into you from behind, the new angle allowing him to hit that perfect spot deep inside you that had you seeing stars. His other hand snaked around your front, fingers finding your clit and rubbing tight circles that had you keening, your body thrashing against him as the pleasure became too much, too intense.
“You’re mine,” Billy growled against your ear, his breath hot on your neck as his teeth grazed the sensitive skin there, sending another shock of pleasure straight to your core. “Say it again.”
“I’m yours,” you gasped, your voice barely recognizable, broken by the pleasure that threatened to consume you whole. “Only yours, Billy.”
His pace quickened at your words, his cock driving into you with a force that had you clenching around him, your body teetering on the edge, every nerve in your body screaming for release.
“Not yet,” he warned, his fingers moving faster on your clit, pushing you higher, your entire body trembling, the tension coiling tighter and tighter until you thought you might break apart.
But Billy wasn’t done with you yet. He wanted to see you completely undone, wanted to watch you shatter around him, knowing it was his touch, his control that had pushed you to the brink. His grip tightened on your hair, pulling your head back further as he bit down on your neck, the sharp sting sending you careening over the edge.
“Now, come all over my cock, sweetheart, that’s it.” he growled, his words your salvation as he finally gave you permission, his hand pressing harder against your clit as he slammed into you one last time.
Your orgasm hit you like a freight train, every muscle in your body locking up as wave after wave of mind-numbing pleasure crashed over you. You screamed his name, the sound echoing off the walls as your body convulsed around him, your vision going white with the intensity of it all.
Billy followed you over the edge, his pace growing erratic as your tight heat milked him for everything he had, his own groan of release reverberating through your chest as he buried himself deep inside you, filling you with his warmth.
He held you there, both of you trembling, trying to catch your breath as the aftershocks of your release rippled through you. Finally, he loosened his grip, letting you collapse onto the couch, your body spent, every inch of you humming with the lingering echoes of pleasure.
Billy stayed close, his hands gentler now as they brushed over your back, his lips pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder. “You did so well, sweetheart,” he murmured, his voice full of a satisfaction that made your chest swell with pride.
You turned your head to meet his gaze, a tired but content smile tugging at your lips. “Thank you." you whispered, your voice hoarse, your body still thrumming with the remnants of your high.
The intensity in Billy’s eyes faded as the heat of the moment began to cool, replaced by something softer, more tender. His grip on you loosened, and he gently eased himself out, careful not to cause you any discomfort. The absence of him left you feeling oddly empty, your body still humming from the aftershocks of your release, but the warmth of his touch grounded you.
Billy moved quickly, gathering you into his arms as though you were something precious. The contrast between the way he’d just ravaged you and the gentleness with which he now held you was stark, but it was a contrast you’d come to love.
He lifted you effortlessly, carrying you toward the bedroom without a word. The penthouse was silent, save for the faint hum of the city below, but it felt like your own private world in his embrace. You nestled against his chest, your cheek pressed to the warmth of his skin, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your ear. It was soothing, a balm for the rawness of your body and mind.
Billy kicked the bedroom door open, the soft light from the bedside lamp casting a warm glow over the room. He laid you down on the bed with a care that almost made you tear up, the tender way his hands lingered on your skin as he arranged the pillows behind your head, making sure you were comfortable.
“Stay right here,” he murmured, brushing a stray lock of hair from your face, his fingers trailing softly along your temple. The softness in his eyes made your heart ache in the best way.
You nodded, too tired and content to do anything but sink deeper into the plush comforter. Billy disappeared into the bathroom, and you heard the sound of water running, the familiar routine of him preparing to take care of you after nights like this.
When he returned, he had a warm, damp cloth in his hand. He sat on the edge of the bed, his touch featherlight as he began to clean you up, wiping away the evidence of your shared pleasure with the utmost care. He was meticulous, taking his time, his eyes never leaving yours as he worked.
The sensation of the warm cloth against your sensitive skin was soothing, and you sighed softly, letting your eyes flutter shut. Billy’s touch was reverent, as though he was making sure every inch of you was attended to, his hands gentle in a way that spoke of deep affection.
“Too much?” he asked softly when you winced slightly, his gaze full of concern.
“No, it’s perfect,” you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper, too comfortable to muster anything louder. “You’re perfect.”
Billy’s lips twitched into a small smile, his eyes softening even more. He finished his task, setting the cloth aside before leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead, the kind of kiss that was full of love, not lust. It was the kind of kiss that made you feel loved in a way that words couldn’t convey.
“You’re sweet when you’re tired." His voice low and soothing, like he was speaking to something fragile. “I’m going to get us some water, I’ll be right back." He tapped your bum gently.
You nodded, your limbs too heavy to do much else. The bed was warm and inviting, and you felt like you could drift off to sleep any second. But you didn’t want to, not yet. You wanted to stay in this moment, where everything felt perfect, where Billy was yours, and you were his.
Billy returned with two glasses of water, and you managed to prop yourself up on your elbows to take the one he offered you. He watched you closely as you drank, making sure you took slow, steady sips, and when you finished, he took the glass from your hand to set it on the nightstand beside his own.
He slid into bed next to you, pulling you into his arms. You curled into his side, head resting on his chest, one leg draped over his as his arm wrapped around your waist, holding you close.
“I wasn’t too rough, was I?” he asked quietly, his fingers tracing idle patterns on your back, his voice full of concern.
You shook your head, pressing a kiss to his chest. “No, Billy, it was perfect,” you reassured him, your voice muffled against his skin. “You know I like it when you’re rough with me.” You murmured, hiding your face in his neck.
He chuckled softly, a sound that rumbled through his chest and made you smile. “Yeah, should’ve known by now.” he murmured, his tone light, but there was an undercurrent of something deeper, something vulnerable. “But I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“I more than enjoyed it.” you whispered, tilting your head to look up at him. “I’m happy.”
Billy’s eyes softened, and he leaned down to kiss you, slow and sweet, the kind of kiss that spoke of love and commitment, of a bond that went beyond the physical. It was the kind of kiss that made you feel like you were the only person in the world, like you were the most important thing to him.
When he pulled back, he rested his forehead against yours, his breath mingling with yours in the small space between you. “I love you,” he whispered, the words barely audible, but they hit you with the force of a hurricane, filling every corner of your heart.
“I love you, too,” you whispered back, your voice full of emotion, the words catching in your throat.
Billy smiled, a real, genuine smile that made your heart skip a beat. He shifted, pulling you even closer, his arms wrapping around you like a protective cocoon.
“Get some rest, sweetheart,” he murmured, his lips brushing against your hair. “I’ve got you.”
And with those words, you let yourself relax completely, your body melting into his as sleep began to pull at the edges of your consciousness. Billy’s presence was warm and comforting, his steady heartbeat beneath your ear a lullaby that coaxed you into slumber.
You drifted off with the feeling of Billy’s arms around you, the soft sound of his breathing in your ear, and the knowledge that you were safe, loved, and completely cherished. And as sleep claimed you, you knew that there was nowhere else you’d rather be, no one else you’d rather be with. Billy was your world, and you were his, and in that moment, everything was exactly as it should be.
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amhrosina · 2 years
Sneaky Link (Billy Russo x Castle!Reader)
A/N: Nonnie, the way i RAN to my computer to write this. You’re a genius! Here you go! 
Request: Oke so hear me out please...So, Billy Russo and Frank Castle's sister in a backstreet relationship. I know i know it's lame, but i can't imagine Frank's face when he finds out that his sweet-not-so-innocent sister fuck his asshole-but-charming best friend.. Hope you like that idea <3
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Summary: Billy finds himself in trouble with his best friend, Frank, when Frank finds out he’s been messing around with you, Frank’s sweet and innocent sister.
(Warnings: Smut at the beginning, oral (fem receiving), reader is called good girl, cursing (lots of cursing), Frank and Billy get into a physical fight with each other (lol), fluffy Billy, not canon obv)
“Oh fuck, Billy. Just like that. Don’t stop.” You moaned, arching your back. Billy’s tongue was currently making you see stars for the third time that evening. The soft comforter on your bed was soaked in sweat, and Billy wasn’t letting up anytime soon. 
“You like that, baby?” He mumbled, circling his tongue around your clit. “Gonna cum again, princess?”  
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, yes.” You breathed, squeezing your eyes shut. Your legs were shaking uncontrollably on Billy’s shoulders, who was somehow smirking and still managing to inch you closer to your release.  
“You’ve been such a good girl today. Cum on my tongue, princess.” 
The moan you let out was unholy as Billy focuses all of his attention on your clit, sucking and licking in perfect tandem. Your body seized as your third orgasm of the day rushes through you, a spark of fiery lust traveling down your spine. Billy doesn’t let up until you physically shove his shoulders away, heart pounding and ears ringing.  
You gulp in air, turning to lay on your stomach. Billy’s soft hands run up and down your spine in soothing strokes.  
“You did so good, baby.” He mumbled into your ear, planting a soft kiss on the back of your neck.  
“You are going to be the death of me, Billy Russo.” You responded, resting your cheek on your folded hands. 
“You love it.” He scoffed, chuckling.  
You push yourself towards the edge of the bed, searching for your underwear in the trail of clothes that started at your front door and ended by your bed.  
“Where are you going?” Billy made himself comfortable, stretching out on the sheets and resting his hands behind his head.  
“I told Frank I’d meet him for drinks. That’s where I was headed when you knocked on the door. And now,” you check the time on your phone, “I’m very late. If you leave before I get back, lock the door behind you.”  
Billy’s frown is evident as you toss articles of clothing around trying to find your dress. You knew bringing up Frank would cause some anxiety, but you really were going to meet Frank.  
“When are we going to tell him?” Billy asked, pointing out the dress that he’d carefully laid on the armchair before ravishing you. 
Billy and you had been messing around for months now, all behind Frank’s back. It wasn’t that you were ashamed of Billy, but Frank had always been protective of you, and you were sure he’d be less than thrilled to find out his best friend had been fucking his little sister for the better half of a year.  
It hadn’t started on purpose, you reasoned. Frank, you, and Billy had been drinking at a bar when Karen had called Frank, frantic about something. Frank had hurried off, leaving you and Billy to your own devices. Three shots later and Billy was pulling your top off in the bar bathroom.  
After that encounter, you’d avoided spending any time alone with Billy, but Billy’s charming and handsome and so good at kissing, so your resolve only lasted a few days. Since then, Billy and you had been sneaking around Frank’s back, stealing glances at each other when Frank wasn’t looking, and sneaking kisses when you could get away with it.  
It started as a casual hook-up, but it certainly didn’t develop as one. You and Billy were together. You cooked dinner for each other, went out on dates when you knew Frank wouldn’t stumble across the two of you, and spent most of your free time at each other’s apartments. He brought you flowers every week and referred to you as his girlfriend to his employees at work. You’d even gone to the Anvil Christmas party, albeit as Frank’s plus one, but you were still there, celebrating Billy’s accomplishments with him.  
“Did you hear me? When are we going to tell him?” Billy’s voice brought you out of your thoughts.  
“I don’t know.” You responded honestly. At this point, no matter how you did it, Frank would be upset that you’d hidden it from him. 
“Do you not want to be with me?” Billy rarely sounded insecure, but in that moment, you could feel the insecurities rolling off him. You moved towards the bed, cupping Billy’s cheeks and kissing his nose.  
“Of course, I want to be with you, Billy. You’re everything to me. I just don’t know how to explain that to Frank without him trying to murder you. And then me.” you added, pressing your forehead to his.  
“We should tell him soon. I don’t like hiding things from him. We’ve always trusted each other.”  
“I know. We’ll tell him soon. I promise, okay? But I really have to go.”  
Billy nodded, kissing your cheek and standing.  
A knock at the door had both of you on alert. You moved to answer it, but Billy stopped you and held out his shirt in his hands. You looked down and realized you were still naked, minus the underwear. A sheepish grin crossed your face as you threw the shirt on. 
You swung open the door, ready to tell whatever solicitor that you weren’t interested, but you stopped short when you exchanged glances with your brother, who looked rightfully concerned. 
“Where the hell have you been? I waited for you for over an hour, and then you wouldn’t respond to my texts or calls, so I thought ‘Oh she must be getting murdered. Then you open the door with this ridiculous smile on your face, like you aren’t incredibly late for something!”  
Frank stormed through the door, and before you can respond, takes in the fact that Billy is standing in your bedroom doorway, shirtless and guilt-ridden. Frank turned and looked at you, glancing down at your shirt and then back at Billy, who is holding his hands up innocently. Frank’s face is stoic, but you can see the rage churning in his eyes. The apartment is so quiet you can hear Billy’s breathing from across the room. The calm before the storm, apparently. 
“’the fucks wrong with you, you bastard?” Frank charged at Billy, who only lifted his hands higher to try and push Frank away from him.  
“Frank, stop!” You yelped, trying to figure out how to stop Frank from killing your boyfriend. Frank slammed Billy into the wall, punching Billy in the jaw.  
“It’s not what you think. I’m not just-” 
“Just what? Fucking my sister? I thought you were different, Billy. What the fuck is wrong with you?” Frank’s fist connected with Billy’s face again, and you let out a yelp as blood starts to trickle down Billy’s face.  
“Frank, stop! It’s not like that! He’s my boyfriend, Frank! We’re not just messing around!”  
Frank freezes, mid-swing, and turns to look at you. He’s very clearly confused at your confession. 
“Your boyfriend?” Frank drops Billy, who slumps against the wall and lets out a wheeze. “What do you mean, your boyfriend?” 
“I mean, he’s my boyfriend, Frank. We’re together. And we should’ve told you, but I knew you’d react just like this, like a fucking psycho, so I didn’t say anything. And I made Billy promise he wouldn’t say anything to you. If you’re going to be mad at someone, be mad at me.”  
“You’re together?” Frank looks between you and Billy, shaking his head. “Like together, together?” 
“Yes, now can I please go put some pants on and trust that you’re not going to pummel his face in?” 
“I need to talk to you.” Frank points at Billy, who stands and wipes the blood from his face.  
“Yeah, alright.” He responds, nodding.  
When you make it to your bedroom, you can hear the muffled sound of Frank speaking. He still sounded angry, but at least he wasn’t actively trying to punch Billy anymore. You searched through your drawers until you found an old pair of sweatpants, slowly pulling them on. You wanted to give Billy and Frank enough time to talk it out, but you didn’t want to leave them alone for too much longer.  
You creeped through the doorway, where you found Billy sitting on your couch with an ice pack pressed into his jaw, and Frank, searching through your fridge.  
“Is everything...good now?” You asked tentatively, looking back and forth between your boyfriend and your brother.  
“Yeah, but I don’t wanna see any of that lovey-dovey shit. I’m not happy about it, but I can’t stop you from being an idiot.” Frank responded, pulling three beers out of the fridge and setting them on the counter.  
Billy gave you a small smile, but grimaced when pain shot through his jaw again. You could already see the bruises blooming on his face.  
“Okay...do you want to watch a movie?” You asked, trying to play it off like this was a totally normal night.  
Frank handed you a beer, then handed Billy one.  
“Sure, princ- Um.” Billy cleared his throat and said your name. Frank rolled his eyes and sat down next to Billy, which left you the seat next to Frank. You tried not to roll your eyes at Frank’s choice of couch cushions and flopped down next to him. It was going to be a long movie.  
When Frank finally left hours later, he sent you a pointed look on his way out the door. He had barely looked at you or Billy the entire night, but you considered it progress anyways. It was better than physically punching each other.  
Billy had stretched his legs out on the couch, propping his head up on a pillow.  
“So that went...well?” He questioned, raising his eyebrows at you. 
“Are you okay? I’m so sorry.” You rushed to his side, trying to get a better look at the bruises forming on Billy’s face.  
Billy waved a hand and shrugged. “If all I got was a couple licks to the face, I call that a win. He’ll come around.”  
Frank did eventually come around, but he certainly took his time. For the first month after his discovery, he wedged himself inbetween you and Billy as often as he could. Whether it be on the subway, in a bar stool, or at your house, Frank always managed to separate the two of you. It was frustrating, but Billy assured you that he would take the time he needed to get over it and come around.  
When Billy took your hand to pull you out of the way of a fast-approaching cab one night, Frank eyed your intertwined hands, and then looked away, pretending not to notice it. You squeezed Billy’s hand in celebration but didn’t say a word. The first time Billy kissed you in front of Frank, he had gotten an emergency call from work and had to rush out of the bar you were sitting in. He had planted a kiss on your lips without thinking about the present company and bolted out the door, leaving you with a very red face.  
Frank had taken a sip of his beer and continued the conversation you were having before Billy’s departure. The small victories were few and far between, but you and Billy were patient.  
Finally, what felt like months later, Frank made a joke about Billy being your boyfriend, and you felt like you could finally relax. Billy clearly made you happy, so Frank got over it. Later that night, you were wrapped in Billy’s arms in your bed, half-asleep and listening to Billy’s voice as he read from your favorite book.   
“You know,” Billy mumbled to your sleeping form, “I hope Frank doesn’t react the same way when I ask you to marry me.”  
He chuckled as you snuggled into his chest, unconscious to the world around you. You and Billy hadn’t spoken about marriage, but he had clear intentions with you. He wasn’t going to let you get away.  
He leaned over and clicked the lamp off, sending the room into complete darkness.  
“Goodnight, my love.” He sighed, kissing your hair. “I can’t wait to say that to you for the rest of our lives.” 
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i-wanna-write · 4 months
I loved you - Billy Russo x castlesister!reader
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Prompt: Billy doesn’t want to die alone. You make sure he doesn’t.
Warnings: Some cuss words. Mentions of blood. ANGST!! All of it angst!
Disclaimer: I got this photo of Google.
Word count: 1518
A/N: not my longest but definitely my saddest if I do say so myself.
“Hello?” The voice answers the phone.
“Curtis?” Billy croaks out. “Curt-Curtis.”
Billy is met with silence. He’s currently sprawled out on the floor, his back leaning against the wall. Everything hurts. His now healed scars. His head. The bullet wounds to his abdomen. His heart.
“I’m hurt.” Billy adds. “I’m hurt really bad.”
“Where are you?” Curtis questions.
“I’m bleeding all over your basement.” Billy says humorously, letting out a choked laugh.
His breaths are labored. The blood pooling in his lungs can almost be heard through the phone. He’s been in pain before, but nothing ever like this.
“I’m dying.” He reveals. “I’m dying Curt. Will you call Y/N?”
Silence is again heard. His shirt is drenched in blood and sweat. Growing up he was always a pretty boy. That notion caused him many nightmares and scars both physical and mental. But then he met you. His best friend's sister.
You saw behind his good looks and charm and loved him for it. Loved him for all his demons. For his sense of humor, his fierce protectiveness, and his loyal love. You loved him for all the good in him, despite all the bad
“P-promise me you-you won’t call the cops at least. Can you do that? Can you do that?” Billy begs, wincing again in pain.
“I promise I won’t call the cops.” Curtis vows.
“I know I probably don’t deserve it after what I’ve done.” Billy pauses. “But if you can find it in yourself to be a brother one last time, please, call Y/N. I don’t wanna die alone. I don’t -“
The pain cuts Billy off as it intensifies, the phone sliding down his chest as he can no longer hold it. He sits there, alone. He’s done, seen, and experienced so many things in his life. But all those decisions and experiences have led him to this movement - dying alone.
“Curtis?” You question as you answer your phone.
“The basement of the church. I’m giving you a 15 minute head start then I call Frank.”
The phone clicks off and all you hear after that is a dial tone. You’re filled with dread, knowing what the Curtis is talking about. You know why he wants you to go to the church. And you definitely know why he’s calling you before Frank.
Still filled with dread, you grab your gun and jacket before heading out your apartment door.
You walk down the stairs to the basement and enter it, freezing immediately at the sight in front of you.
Sitting on the ground with his back leaning against the wall is Billy Russo.
Otherwise known as the man you loved, and the man that is responsible for the murder of your brother's family.
His clothes are filthy and covered in blood. His face is pale, causing his most recent scars to be more prominent. You see his chest rise and fall in sharp breaths, his hands are over his abdomen where blood seems to be spilling out of.
“Billy?” You questions, walking toward the figure.
His head snaps towards you and your E/C matche with bloodshot.
“Y-Y/N.” Billy breathes out. “Curt called you. You’re here.”
You walk closer to him, many feelings rushing you. Concern. Sadness. This is a man you loved - and maybe still love - for so many years of your life. Who’s been by your side for everything you’ve been through. Seeing him hurt, this broken, makes you feel the same.
But you also feel anger. This man lied, betrayed, and broke you. He tried to murder your brother and it resulted in the death of your sister-in-law and niece and nephew. When you found out the truth, your heart was ripped out and you wanted vengeance - just like your brother.
Now you don’t know what you want.
“Yeah, I’m here.” You say, standing to his left side, sighing to yourself.
You take a seat beside him and press your hands over his bloody ones and pull them away. You see the source, a bullet wound with blood gushing out. You guide his hands back to where they were and let go.
“What the hell did you do Billy?” You question, pulling your hands away and and rising one cup his cheek, turning his face towards you.
“I’m dying sweetheart.” Billy states, his face grimacing in pain.
“I know.” You state, rubbing your finger over his cheek.
Billy’s breaths are coming out hard, his breath brushing onto your face.
“I didn’t wanna be alone.” He states, tears in his eyes.
You nod, swallowing a sob as tears enter your eyes.
“I’m here.” You tell him.
One of his bloodied hands comes up and rests over yours. You see the fear in his eyes. He's been alone his whole life but found solace in you and your brother. In your brother's family.
A family he’s responsible for the murder for.
“I fucked up.” Billy starts, eyes staring into yours. “I-I thought if I had more money, more success, you’d love me more. You’d never leave me. I couldn’t see that you never would have. I - I thought I could get away with it. That you wouldn’t find out what I did. And nothing I say can-“
“Billy.” You cut his rambling off as tears freely fall from your face. “Don’t think about that.”
You didn’t want to hear his reason behind it. How he thought you didn’t, couldn’t, love him enough. That he thought if he was richer, more successful, you’d finally accept it. You can’t reason how he couldn’t see that you accepted him from the moment you saw him.
It seems he was thinking of that moment too.
“I remember when I first saw you.” He says, his voice a whisper. “The gun range Frank brought me to. Your hair was pulled back, a black tank top, and camo pants with combat boots. But I didn’t see your beauty first. I saw you hit every target. 800m away and you were able to hit them like they were nothing.”
You remember that day. While Frank joined the marines, you joined the police force and eventually rose in the ranks, joining SWAT. You took pride in having your teams back and being a sharpshooter. You enjoyed the challenge of shooting a target, whether it be moving or far away.
“When you turned and I saw your face, I was done for. You looked nothing like Frankie’s ugly mug.”
You laugh at that statement through your tears because it was the truth. Despite being his full blooded younger sister, you looked nothing like Frank.
“And you looked nothing like a marine.” You state, hand letting his face go to run it over his hair. “Hair probably longer than regulation and dressed way too nice for a shooting range. But you proved me wrong, being the best damn sniper I’ve seen.”
“One thing you’re terrible at.” Billy couches out, laughing slightly.
“The guns just never liked me.” You state. Happy to see a smile on his face.
“I love you Y/N.” Billy suddenly whispers, the subject changed. “You showed me how to love myself. And I’m going to love you forever.”
You don’t have time to respond as a noise is heard towards the entrance of the basement. You both look up, Billy not knowing who will enter while you’ve been waiting for him.
Your brother walks in. Frank Castle. The Punisher. Dressed in jeans and boots donned with a light jacket over his shirt. His face is a dark black and blue, evidence of the day before’s previous fight.
You sigh. Knowing time is up. The man you loved has been gone since the day he planned to murder your brother. Since the day he caused your brother's family to be murdered. Left was an imposter. Someone who put on a façade and pretended everything was right and as it should be
You run your hand through his short hair one more time. You missed his long locks, how a piece would fall onto his forehead every now and again and you’d pull at it to tease him. You swallow and raise, walking over to your brother who now stands in front of Billy
“Frankie.” Billy says, laughter leaving him.
The laughs quickly become coughs, blood leaving his mouth.
Billy shakes his head, surprisingly showing laughter in his eyes. “You don’t look so good.”
Frank stares at Billy. Eyes full of hate. Hate towards the man that caused his sister so much heartache. Hate to the man who tried to kill him. Hate to the man who is responsible for his wife, his children’s, deaths.
“Of course it’s you.” Billy states. “I should’ve known.”
Frank doesn’t say a word. He reaches into the back of his jeans and pulls out his gun. Silencer on and now aimed, Frank glances at you, silently asking if there’s anything else you need to say or do.
“I loved you too.” You breathe out, a sob escaping you as tears rush down your face.
With that, Frank pulls the trigger.
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Part 15
Warnings: Canon typical violence and gore, implied torture, kidnapping of a minor, very intense predator vibes, angst.
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Billy could feel the sweat rolling down his back.
Though the midnight air of the forest was cool, the gear wrapped around his body trapped the heat, and didn’t make it easy for Billy to be comfortable, especially with the additional adrenaline running through his system.
He ignored it, years of marine training meant that he could bury his body’s signals of discomfort, he remained focused on the task at hand. 
He was hunting.
Frank’s youngest had been missing for five hours. 
Billy had hit the ground running, setting up monitoring stations at every entry and exit point in the state. It wasn't perfect, but it was all he had for right now.
If this was who Billy and Frank suspected they were, they wouldn't be using any official pathways anyway. 
Billy finds the spot Frank Jr. was last seen and starts there, he follows the scent, the footsteps on the forest floor, a boy happily running through the woods he's grown up in.
He'd been chasing fireflies, Frank had told him, wanted a jar of them to come home with. It had taken around an hour for them to notice something was wrong, searched for another hour before beginning to panic. Frank had found the spot where the boy’s tracks had interacted with two larger adult footprints in the dark of the night, and had immediately hiked out of the forest and to a phone.
Billy had gotten here as fast as he could, starting his search, knowing he only had a few hours left before kidnappers would make it to whichever edge of the forest they were going to and get out.
Billy had to be faster.
He would be. Panthers were arguably better trackers than bears, quieter too. Frank had made a good choice to call him when he did.
Even if it had pulled Billy away from you.
He shakes his head, can't afford to get distracted by you right now.
He adjusts the rifle in his hand, taking a deep breath of the forest air to clear his head. If he focused, he could still smell the scent of you on his skin.
It gave him peace, made his body burn even hotter at the reminder of you, of why his hands smelled the way they did. He didn’t even get a chance to write a proper note, only a hasty one of apology placed on the pillow next to you. He’d left his phone at his place to avoid it being traced here. He knew he would have to do a lot of apologising when he got back.
He loses the trail at the river.
Large volumes of water rushing past him and heading into the far off ocean, Billy pauses and thinks. He hears the crunching of dirt under Frank's boot as he approaches.
"I lost the scent here." Frank says.
Billy nods, moving closer to the river, eyes scanning the embankment, searching for scuffs in the rocks, anything to show him where they would have crossed.
At one spot, he finds the dirt has been disturbed.
"He fought back here." Billy points out, "Must have realised that crossing water meant you wouldn't be able to find him."
Frank's breathing is laboured.
They find a shallow spot to cross. The water is frigid, biting, and he knows that he's running out of time to find them.
On the other side, he notes that one boot print has gotten deeper.
"They picked him up… here, probably knocked him unconscious." Billy voice is calm, calculated.
He hears the air leave Frank.
When he finds that the footprints have split off into two groups, he makes a split second decision, pulling his gun off and tossing it in Frank's direction, his gear follows next.
"I'm shifting." Billy says with finality, “Follow those prints,” Billy points to the lighter steps, “They probably take you out of the way for a little, but they have to reunite with these,” he points to the heavier ones, “at some point.”
Frank doesn’t argue.
The predator comes to him easily, ready to protect his family. Billy grunts quietly as he shifts, feels his bones dislocate and realign. He closes his eyes, and when he opens them, he’s looking through the eyes of the panther.
The panther can see so much more, a wider field of vision, better darkness adaptability than his human eyes can. He takes off running in the dark forest, doesn’t stop, his paws barely making a sound as he leans away from the controls and allows the panther to guide his movements, letting instinct take over and make split second decisions.
Nearsighted in his panther form, his brain can hyperfocus on the little things, able to observe the smallest indications of the kidnapper’s presence and direction. Half footprints, the pattern of disturbed grass, the size and depth of his gait giving an indication of their size, Billy finds that he learns more about the mysterious people as he hunts them. 
He’s temporarily disoriented when the scent he was following is drowned out by something overpowering. Lavender oil dumped hastily to deter anyone with sensitive noses from following. Billy huffs angrily, circling in the dark of the forest to relocate the scent lost.
It’s not there, and when he looks around, he notes two sets of tracks, one of which has most likely been faked to throw him off. The panther huffs angrily, moving between the tracks, trying to look for any sign that one is fake.
It takes him a moment, before he sees it, a button, pulled from the sleeve of the younger Frank’s shirt dropped and half buried in the dark foliage of the forest, a sign that the young boy was coming back to consciousness, showing Billy the path to him.
He takes off running again, adrenaline coursing through his veins, telling him to move faster, to protect his pack, to bring young Frank home safe to his father.
The hunters most likely wanted a young shifter they could train, brainwash into killing their own, fighting fire with fire, was most likely their reasoning for such a dangerous excursion in the first place. If they couldn’t train him to kill for them, they’d experiment on him, testing weapons on him that they could use to hunt the rest of his kind. It made Billy run faster, the knowledge that a little boy like Frank was in that much danger.
The panther huffs again, trying to keep Billy focused so that he doesn’t think about his own misshapen past. Remembering his own unique traumas would not help here.
When he reaches the cliffside, he realises the plan of escape. The kidnappers intend to escape with a boat, making it harder for Billy to track them. 
He won’t let them get that far ahead.
He stays in the tree line, looking for signs of human life when he finally catches what his eyes have been searching for- movement.
Two men, busy uncovering a small boat, dressed in very detailed, forest camouflage. 
Billy watches them for a long moment, analysing both figures in the dark of the night. The men wear night vision goggles, and hearing aids to raise the sensitivity of their human sight and hearing. The problem with these technologies was that there was an inability to filter out too much stimuli, which made it difficult to focus on one sound. Billy knew that one good flash grenade would take both men out. 
Still, he had yet to find Frank Jr.
They had probably taken great care in hiding him, the most valuable thing to them now. The panther knew, just like Billy did, that the hunters would rather kill the young shifter, than let him slip from their grasp.
So he had to pick the right moment to strike.
Billy moves quietly, paws padding on the forest floor so softly that no trace of his movements can be heard, not the brush of the leaves on his fur, not the scrape of his claws on rocks as he’s forced to climb down from his vantage point.
The only time he freezes, is when an owl hoots somewhere behind him, and one of the hunters turn to look.
The figure doesn’t speak, they know better, know a single word would be heard for miles. They were trained for this, seasoned and experienced.
And yet still, they wouldn't expect him.
He finally senses the young boy when he’s closer, covered under a shroud that’s been designed to look like foliage. Billy can hear his heartbeat, the soft breathing of an unconscious boy. He feels the anger of the predator inside of him sharpen. 
He stalks closer.
He’s hidden right beside them now, the very items used as strategic cover now works against them, allowing Billy to get very close.
These hunters were only anticipating bears, they would never see the panther coming.
When Frank finally gets to them, Billy shifts back into human form. He takes the shirt and pants hastily tossed his way, and watches Frank kneel beside the shroud covering his son.
Billy looks over, pausing as he puts on his shirt to assess the boy, same as Frank.
Breathing, unconscious still, a red bruise on his cheek where someone might have slapped him aggressively. It makes Billy angrier, wishing he’d made the hunters suffer longer. He’d torn them apart too fast for his liking.
Frank scoops up his son, trying his best not to wake him, most likely to avoid him witnessing the carnage left behind by the predator, sprays of blood and body parts scattered- it had been surprisingly silent throughout- no screams because Billy had torn out their vocal cords first.
 “Thank you, Bill.” Frank murmurs, his arms full of his son.
Billy only nods, glad to have been able to help keep his family safe.
They only make it a few steps, before Billy hears the sound of branches snapping. 
He only has a second to act, lunging at Frank and knocking both bodies out of the way as someone opens fire.
The sound echoes through the forest, as Billy and Frank take cover behind a rock. It only takes a moment to figure out where the sound is coming from, before Frank turns, placing his son into Billy’s arms.
“I want this one alive.” Is the last thing Frank says, before grunting loudly, his clothes tearing as he shifts.
And then he disappears.
Billy wants to help his friend, but he also understands that Frank Jr’s safety holds much more priority. 
In any case, he knew who would be winning this fight anyway.
He’s holding Frank’s son in one hand, and dragging the unconscious hunter by the ankle along the forest floor when Maria finally spots him.
She runs up to him, he can smell the salty flavour of her despair in the forest air.
“He’s alright.” Billy reassures as she makes her way to him, “Just asleep.”
She takes the sleeping boy from his arms, cradling him closely, a little sob slipping from her lips. He drops the hunter’s foot and pulls them both into his arms. 
He breathes in her flowery smell, presses his cheek into her hair.
They were safe.
“Where’s Frank?” She asks after a moment, looking up at Billy.
“He’s behind, making sure the forest is clear.” Billy explains, “You got a place to put this bastard?” He follows up with, inclining his head to the unconscious man beside him.
Maria nods, turning to show him the way.
Billy waits outside the little backyard shed for Frank to step out. He’s spent the last few minutes listening to Frank beat the man bloody. Frank doesn’t even ask any questions- just getting all of his residual anger out.
Billy’s not surprised to see the state of Frank’s hands when he steps out, covered in blood with splashes on his shirt.
“Have at it.” Frank says in a very rough voice, the anger too potent inside of him to get any further words out. Billy watches him grab a rag from his back pocket and begin wiping at his hands. He knows the darkness raging inside of the man, can almost taste it in the air. More than anything, Frank needs his family now to get back into a more stable headspace.
Billy doesn’t speak, only nodding, before opening the wooden shed door to do a little bit of interrogation.
The smell of blood and sweat is heavy in the air. The predator perks up at the atmosphere, scratching at the edges of Billy’s mind to give this pathetic man exactly what he deserves.
“Can you talk?” Billy says calmly, tilting his head at the man, watching the blood drip from his mouth.
The man doesn’t respond, simply eyeing Billy warily from his spot tied to the wooden chair.
“Would you like some water?” Billy follows up, grabbing a clean cup from one of the little shelves and filling it with water from the tap. He moves to stand in front of the man, his boots thumping on the wooden floor, tilting the cup toward him with eyebrows raised.
The man only gives him a bloody smile, his face illuminated by the lone incandescent bulb hanging above them.
“What is this?” the man rasps, “Bad cop- good cop? You think you’re gonna get anything out of me?”
Billy grins, laughing along with the man for a moment, before angling the cup upwards and dumping the cup of water on his head.
The man doesn’t flinch, though he knows that the water stings at the open cuts and scratches on his face.
He tosses the cup aside, walking to the far wall of the shed and examining the tools on the table carefully.
“I’m just making sure you can talk because I want some answers.” Billy responds, tracing his fingers along the hunting knife on the tabletop- deciding against it because it was too sharp.
He pauses on the wireless drill for a second, before deciding that cleaning that up would be too much of a pain.
“I’m not saying shit. So you might as well kill me.” The man responds.
It makes Billy laugh again, fingers pausing on the pliers. He tilts his head, deep in thought before reaching for them.
“I am going to kill you,” Billy clarifies, walking back around to him, “How quickly is up to you.” 
He raises the pair of pliers in his hands, clicking it open and closed twice for emphasis.
“Now why don’t we start with who exactly sent you?”
“Fuck you.” The man spits.
Billy grins.
Like Frank, Billy is wound up and agitated when he finally steps out of the shed a few hours later. Having surrendered to the whims of the predator for too long, it’s not easy regaining control.
Frank’s waiting for him outside, eyeing him steadily.
Billy nods at Frank, silently telling him that even though he’s not at his best, he’ll get there.
“Hungry?” Frank asks, and the absurdity of the question is not lost on either of them. Truth is, they’ve both been desensitised to violence, the wars they’ve been through, the things they’ve seen makes this small event easier to handle.
“Starving.” Billy answers, watching Frank’s mouth pull up in amusement.
Frank might not be blood related to Billy, but they were brothers, in every way that mattered.
When Billy finally gets back to New York, it's almost 9am. He only has enough time to shower and change and get to work, a small pile of concerns having been built up in the three days he's been gone.
He can't wait to see you, to apologise for his absence, to make amends for such a hastily scribbled note left behind on the pillow beside your head and a soft kiss to your cheek. His heart is beating so fast in his chest that it might as well as be a vibration at this point. 
Except he doesn't get a chance to see much of you at all. He only catches a solitary peek of you when you're heading to the elevators during your lunch break while he's standing at Katerina's desk deep in conversation.
"You should go get something to eat." Kat says, interrupting his long stare at the elevators.
"What?" He asks, not even paying attention.
"It's lunch time, and I think the cafeteria might have something you like."
He blinks, turns to look at her. She's giving him an expression of complete understanding.
He takes a slow breath.
"Do you think that's a good idea?" He asks softly.
She nods.
"I don't want you to starve."
Why he was trusting Katerina, was a question beyond his scope of thinking at the moment. Maybe he wasn't trusting her at all, maybe she had just given him the nudge he was looking for.
He heads toward the elevators, and presses the down button. 
He waits.
He torments himself. Why was he doing this? He didn't need to- he could just send you a message to ask to talk to you like a normal person, instead of whatever he would subject himself to in the cafeteria. 
He turns away, officially changing his mind.
The elevator doors pull open.
"Hello, Mister Russo." You say behind him.
His heart stops.
He turns.
He's held in place by how stunning you look, the way your hair falls and the gloss swiped onto your soft lips.
Lips that he kissed.
His stomach knots as he says your name in greeting.
If you have any indication of how frozen he is, you don't show it, barely meeting his eyes before looking away.
"Enjoy your lunch." Is all you say before you turn and walk away, never even sparing him a proper glance. 
When he replays the little interaction in his head, it's only then that he realises that you addressed him by his last name.
He was no longer Billy, and had once again, become only your boss.
He swallows, a sour feeling in his stomach, acid swelling inside of him until it devours everything. 
He doesn’t know what to do, so he turns, and walks back to his office.
“I’m not all that hungry.” He says to Katerina when he notices her studying him, doesn’t like how small he feels in that moment, wants to hide, and not be seen again, maybe take Frank up on his offer to live with him in the woods.
He lets his office door close behind him, before he’s taking a deep breath in an attempt to soothe his emotions.
The panther is hurt too, your indifference is like a sharp knife to his sternum, where he’d been craving heat, he only gets frostbite.
He sits in his chair, moves on autopilot, and doesn't focus on anything for the better part of an hour. He tries to reason with himself, tries to figure out how to fix this gaping wound that has opened up.
Worse yet, he’s afraid to go talk to you. Afraid of your rejection of him, that you’ve looked at him, and decided that you do not want him.
He hides instead.
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leascorner · 4 months
b.r. | Second thoughts
Summary:  Though you had prepared for this day, it still didn’t ease the terror slowly building in your stomach as you were slowly realizing that he was really in front of you. You didn’t know if he was here for you or only to get to Frank. In any case, there wasn’t any happy ending to expect. This was just going to end bad.
Pairing:  Billy Russo x ex!reader
Warnings: Mention of death, injuries, blood, gun, murder, toxic relationship, stalking, (major) angst, reader has no specific sex mentioned, I didn't really watched the Punisher so apologies for any inconsistency (hopefully I learned enough from all the fanfics lol).
Word Count: 2.1k
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You had only come home after an endless work dinner.
Just like you had done a million times, you had placed your keys in your trinket bowl, had put away your shoes and bag before stepping into the rest of your apartment, so ready to go to bed.
This time though, you had not done three steps that your heart had made a sudden jump in your chest for no reason. Chills had run down your spine; all your body hair had straightened up, so straight it was actually painful.
An alarm rang into your head. Something was wrong.
Very, very, wrong.
It was obvious now, from the perfume lingering in the air - his perfume - that he was the reason all your senses were now in alert. Perhaps had he been there before you even got home. Or worse, perhaps was he still here, waiting for you.
Your phone was still in your bag, in your halfway, a few meters back. If he was still here - watching you, it would have been too suspicious for you to run back to it to call for help. So, you opted for a safer option in your mind: ignoring your gut feeling. You tried not to look alarmed while you went through your living room, purposely keeping the lights off. Thankfully, the full moon shining bright out of the living room windows was enough to make your way to your bedroom.
Without thinking, you opened one of your wardrobes and reached for the first clean pyjama on top of the pile. You also reached out for your safe, hidden behind a pile a yoga pants. As quickly and as silently as possible, you opened it and grabbed the gun you were safely keeping in it. It was always loaded as you knew if ever were you in the need to use it, you would never have the time to load it. Little did you know at that time that you would be right.
You hid your weapon under your pyjama before turning around to switch the light on. Holding your breath, you had a quick look around your bedroom: everything was just as you had left it that morning. No sign of him whatsoever.
You weren’t even sure if you were still holding your breath when you entered your living room, but your fingers were definitely shaking as you reached to the light switch. Heart beating furiously in your chest, you braced yourself for what was to come. Your instinct knew he would be right there, sat nonchalantly in your reading fancy armchair. He would have this bright flashing smile on his lips as if he owned the place. His eyes mocking all of your efforts to be safe from him.
And you were right. He was. Exactly like you knew he would. It was your worst nightmare coming alive, except this time there was no waking up.
You should have seen it coming though. A couple of days ago, Frank had called you to let you know Billy had escaped and for you to ‘stay safe’ - as if there were anything you could do about that. Of course, both of you knew there was only one person he could go to: you. Yet, him having the nerves to actually show up in your apartment, years after you had broken up, months after you had helped to lock him up, was still surprising to you.
What you had done to him was nothing compared to all he had made you suffer. He had lied to you, hurt you in so many ways, put your heart back together only to break it all over again. You had never figured out if he was either not loving you enough - or loving you so much he preferred to play with your feeling instead of assuming he too could actually have feelings.
Despite all of this, you had hoped for so long that he would change. That your love would be enough. That you would be the one, the only one, to make things right with him. You had been blinded for so long that your world had been wrecked when you had learned about the last atrocity he had done. It had taken for him to commit the horrible murder of his friend’s family, to make you realize there were nothing from this man to save. He wasn’t a lost puppy in need, he was a lost cause.
After your break-up, Billy had made your life a nightmare. Calling you at any time during the day or night, with different burner phones so he could still reach you even if you blocked all of his different numbers. Somehow, he kept showing up everywhere you went. Sending you notes, flowers, and gifts to your work. Waiting for you every day right outside your flat.
You had moved or had changed your number so many times you couldn’t remember them all. Multiple times you had found yourself yelling at him, imploring him in tears in the middle of the street to leave you alone. And every time he had smiled at you, just like he was doing right now.
You knew Billy too well to know how cruel and ever more unpredictable he was, which made him ever more so dangerous. He didn’t scare you, no… He literally terrified you. And not knowing what he wanted from you tonight was even worse…
Stopped in your tracks, immobile like a deer in the headlights of a car, you watched as he stood up and took a step your way. You took one backwards, trying to keep a good distance between the two of you. He took another one again and after you also took one back and hit the wall, you let your pyjama fall on the ground to display your weapon as a warning to try and intimidate him if you could.
“I’ve taught you so well,” he smiled immediately and hold a hand to his chest to show how touched he was by your gesture.
You snorted in answer.
Billy had not taught you one thing; he had rather inflicted them on you. This was his way of doing and everything you had shared had been through blood and tears. He had made you loved him so much that you had had no other choice that to help Frank to stop him when everything became out of control. He had had put you through so much that you had had to buy a gun so you could protect yourself from him.
Though you had prepared for this day, it still didn’t ease the terror slowly building in your stomach as you were slowly realizing that he was really in front of you. You didn’t know if he was here for you or only to get to Frank. In any case, there wasn’t any happy ending to expect. This was just going to end bad.
You watched as Billy took another step your way. He was so close that with your arm out straight in front of you, the barrel of your gun was nearly touching his chest. All you could look at now was how slowly his chest was raising and falling. If he only took one more step, if you pressed the trigger, you would lodge a bullet through him.
You could severely hurt him, or even worse: kill him.
“What is that, darlin’?”
The gun was starting to feel so heavy in your hand that your whole arm was shaking. You weren’t used in staying your arm out straight for so long and you needed to grab the gun with your other hand. If you had to be totally transparent, you had only practice to shoot once and seeing someone in front of you – knowing that you could lethally hurt them – was totally disconcerting. It was nothing like the inanimate white sheet of paper that you knew you couldn’t hurt.
You realized now that you weren’t like him. No matter how much you hated him and how much it made you want him to suffer, you couldn’t hurt him. You didn’t want him dead; you only wanted him very far away from you, so far away that you could forget that he ever existed. You were probably too good that you would let him hurt you, instead of defending yourself.
“Can’t have second thoughts now, can we?”
Of course, he knew you. He could see the reluctance in your eyes and was playing with it. You knew how it was, you had been here before. You knew he would just get under your skin and play with your head, push you to your limits.
You couldn’t let him do that. You had your principles; you knew who you were, and you knew you were a better person than him.
“Stop talking!”
“Or what?”
Billy still had that stupid cocky smile on his lips and his left eyebrow lifted, silently inquiring what you would dare to do to him. You knew he was enjoying every minute of it. He had proved himself countless times to be the most sadistic person you ever encountered in your life, yet it still surprised you.
You had thought long and through about it when you were still thinking you could fix him. How such a lovely man to all appearances could have ended up like this. The war had definitely been a factor. Joining the mob was another. Yet, none of his friends or partners had turned out this vicious.
You had finally come to realize that this vice of him had always been there and probably would have shown up eventually, war and crime had only made it emerge more quickly.
“Go on,” he instructed.
When you shook your head in response, Billy impatiently grabbed your own hands with his own, pressing the gun into his belly. Eyes wide, you tried to pull away, but his grip was stronger, and he only pressed the barrel of the gun even further against him.
As you couldn't change the direction of the gun, you tried to let it go, but he crushed your fingers against the trigger, and you nearly fired it against your will.
“Just do it.”
His words seemed to repeat endlessly all in your head. His tone was mocking you, as if you were too fragile, not brave enough to just do it. He was pushing all of your buttons in a way he knew you would have no other choice that to give in.
You stayed still in front of him, trying to keep a closed face as much as possible - you didn’t want to give him the pleasure of knowing he was succeeding in torturing you - but you knew your eyes were betraying you.
You battled hard to not give him what he wanted, as his mocking eyes burned holes into your skull. You prayed whatever gods you believed in to keep you strong.
Yet, one by one, you could feel all of your barriers falling.
“I freaking hate you,” you cried out.
He laughed heartily, wrinkles showing up around his eyes, and his laughter froze on his face as you pressed the trigger. In slow motion, you felt the detonation, then the recoil in your arms. The grip of his hand on yours was reduced ever so slightly. You watched as he was taken aback by the detonation and how his eyes opened wider while the bullet went through his flesh.
His knees gave way under his body, and you continued to stand with your arms outstretched, watching him collapse to the ground. One of his hands reached for you, while the other reached for his belly. The blood that stuck to it finally made you realized what had happened.
The time seemed to regain its natural speed. You dropped the gun safely and knelt to his side.
“Press it against the wound,” you instructed while handing him your pyjamas that you had dropped a couple of minutes ago.
His hands trembled in yours as you directed both of them to rest against his chest. You pushed hard on it, trying to collapse the hole that you had made yourself, trying to keep as much blood inside him as possible.
All his blood had left his face and you had never seen him so livid. His eyes were furiously looking for yours, which you understood as seeking the reassurance he wasn’t going to die alone.
“I’ve got you,” you promised. Despite everything he had done to you, you weren’t like him. You were indeed a good person, and you would fix what you had broken. “It’s going to be alright.”
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petertingle-yipyip · 6 months
Tumblr media
Pairing: billy x castle!reader (established relationship)
Word Count: 1,741
Summary: When Frank’s sister finds out that a) her brother’s alive and b) her boyfriend is supposed to kill him, the conversation quickly turns bad.
Your brother, Frank Castle.
Months had passed and his death still didn’t feel real. You had seen the headstone, found a church that was willing to give the infamous Punisher his last rites. Even though Frank didn’t really care for religion towards the end of his life, your parents would’ve wanted it done so you made sure of it. You sent them the blessed crucifix from the private ritual.
You were frozen in place as the news story played out on your TV. The job Billy was working for the senator, the one he claimed was to protect from the unknown bomber, was also intended to protect him from Frank. Frank, the alleged accomplice to the bomber, was being framed - yet again - as public enemy number one.
You paused the screen when the channel was playing video from a cop car that very clearly showed your brother’s face and pulled your phone to text Billy. But as your finger was finding the conversation, you realized he would very likely lie to you again. He lied about the job to begin with, so why would he owe you an honest answer now.
So instead, you paced your living room until he finally made it home.
When you heard the door open, your grip tightened on the remote and you felt the urge to throw it. Either at Billy or close to it, you didn’t care, but you refrained from either. He walked in and said his usual greeting, moving in to kiss your cheek but you shoved him off.
“Tell me you didn’t know.” You said tightly, hoping the anger in your stare was enough to burn him.
“What do you mean?” He asked, a slight nervous chuckle pairing with the words.
“The bombings. All of it is being blamed on Frank.” You continued.
“Frank?” His brows furrowed and you had the urge to shove him again.
“Don’t talk to me like I’m stupid.”
“No, I- I’m not.” His hands went up in surrender. “I want to finish this discussion, really. But honestly, baby, I’m too damn tired. Can it wait till later?”
“So my brother is alive and I find out by chance from some news story and you want to talk about it later?” You said angrily, gesturing to the paused screen that still displayed the photo captured from a police car’s dash cam.
“Can we not do this, Y/N?” Billy sighed and dropped on the couch, covering his eyes.
“No, I think we should.” You snapped. “That is my brother, Billy. If there was even a rumor that he was still alive, you should’ve told me!”
“It was just a rumor.” He enunciated, still not looking at you. “I hadn’t heard from him so how was I supposed to know it was true?”
“You still should’ve told me!”
“I’m sorry!” He shouted, standing suddenly and. pausing you to take a small step back. “What am I supposed to do about it now? What- What- What do you want from me?”
“Jesus.” You sighed and put your hands up in surrender. “Nevermind. It’s just my brother, right? Who cares? Not like I had a right to know but hey.”
You stormed off to the bedroom and ignored Billy’s muttering as you left. You didn’t even need Billy to confess that he knew or that he was helping Frank hide. All you wanted was an honest apology, but he couldn’t even do that.
The days went on and you still said very little to Billy. You still did your usual routine, breakfast and coffee ready before he went to work. Dinner either on the way or finishing on the stove when he got home. But outside of that, or answering a direct question he asked, you were busy with a book or a new TV show. Anything really that meant you didn’t have to say anything to him.
It was right before his TV interview about the attack on Senator Ori at the hotel, which they were attributing to Frank. He had came out and asked if his tie looked okay and you said “Sure, it’s fine” without facing him.
“Jesus, Y/N/N. How long you gonna act like this?” He complained.
“I shouldn’t have to be the bigger person.” You spat back, still keeping your back to him. “I shouldn’t have to bend to keep us on track. Let me ask you this, Bill. That guy with the- the eye thing. He having you go after Frankie?”
“I swear to God I will walk out that door.” You threatened and turned to face him. You watched his eyes dart between yours as he took in your expression. “Everything you’ve been doing lately, was it all about Frank?”
“Catching him?”
“Killing him?”
You didn’t even know how you managed to get that question out but you did. It felt as if your throat had tightened and the three short syllables were rung out of your voice box like water out of a towel.
“Yeah…” He answered, voice barely above a whisper.
Your heart grew heavy in your chest and it nearly felt
like it had stopped beating.
“And you wonder why I’m pissed off.” You said flatly, pushing past  and leaving him behind you.
“Baby, it's just business, alright? Nothing personal.”
“It should be personal!” You turned and shouted. “That’s my goddamn brother!”
“You want me to apologize for doing my job?” He asked sharply.
“Yes!” You threw your arms forward. “Apologize for trying to kill my brother!”
“It’s my job!”
“Well excuse me for thinking you cared about me more than a fucking paycheck.” You put hands up in surrender and turned away, back into the kitchen.
“C’mon, babe.” He sighed, hurrying after you. “It’s not like that.”
“It’s always up to me, even when it shouldn’t be.” You complained. “You want me to take the blame for a fight and I do. I do because I love you and I always think it’ll be the last time.”
“Y/N…” He said your name softly, confused even. As if he had barely realized what the routine with you had become.
Argue about something, sometimes petty and sometimes not. Then you’ll make up when you apologize, but nothing changes. It was a vicious cycle that Billy was completely oblivious to, until now.
“I think that maybe next time you’ll be the bigger person cause I’m sick and tired of carrying the burden of every argument.” You shrugged, tears forming in your eyes that you ignored. “Keep moving my boundaries so you don’t cross lines, keep quiet when you yell. All cause I thought I had to to make it last between us.”
“I… I didn’t realize.”
“Yeah, I know.”
He took a moment to think over his next words. It felt like a very defining moment for your relationship. He never meant to make you feel that way, and knowing he had was arguably the worst pain he’d ever felt. How did he not notice? How could he do that to you?
“Tell me how to make this right.” He said softly, gently reaching to take your hand. You looked up at him while you let your hand sit in his. He looked at you with wide, soft eyes that were begging for forgiveness. “I’ll do anything.”
“You think it’s that easy?” You countered with a small challenge. “Billy, you’ve been hunting down my brother for a man who doesn’t care about you. That guy will throw you under the bus as soon as he needs to, just like everyone else. But my brother? You know damn well Frank would’ve done anything to protect you. He never would’ve don’t this to you.”
“No… He would’ve.”
He looked towards the ceiling and sighed heavily. Your stomach felt tight and your blood ran warm with anticipation while you took a step back, taking your hand away from his.
“What did you do?” You urged.
“The carousel.” He began and that knot in your stomach grew tighter.
“You were there?”
“No.” He looked back to you, a silent plea in his expression. To hear him out, to believe him, to forgive him. “No, I wasn’t, I swear.”
“You didn’t shoot him? Or Maria? Or the kids?”
“No, I wouldn’t do it.” He shook his head and you could’ve sworn you saw tears in his eyes. “I said no.”
You were quiet as things began to click and you knew it reflected in your eyes as Billy’s expression changed.
“But you knew… You knew they were coming after my brother and that’s why we went out instead of me going with them.” You realized and the thick weight of betrayal slammed into your chest so hard you thought the bones would break. “How fucking dare you stand in front of me.”
“No, Y/N, please. Let me-“
“Let you what?” You cut in sharply and your hands tightened into fists at your side. “Let you explain? What is there to explain when you just admitted to knowing that your worthless fucking friends were gonna kill my family and you did nothing?” Your voice grew to a scream as you rambled.
His eyes shot to your hands and he took a step back from you.
“My niece and nephew, Billy!” You shouted. “They were kids! And Maria, she loved you. And you just let it happen.”
“I couldn’t do anything.” He spoke quietly.
“You’re kidding, right?” You laughed in disbelief. “You could’ve warned him!”
“He wouldn’t have believed me!” He reasoned.
“Y’know what.” You took a deep breath. “Just get out.”
“Aren’t you late for your interview?”
He opened his mouth to speak but the glare you gave him kept him quiet. Instead, he collected his things and went to leave.
“I didn’t want all this.” He called from the door. “It wasn’t supposed to end up this way.”
“Yeah, you worked so hard to keep it from me.” You countered. “Good luck when Frank finds out.”
The door closed soon after and you found your phone. You scrolled your contacts until Karen’s name popped up. You had met the woman when her friends were defending Frank in court and you two had stayed decent friends. You texted and said you had seen the news about Frank and asked if she could help you get in touch with him.
karen (lawyer): just put flowers in the window
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hungermakesmonsters · 5 months
(Once Bitten) Twice Shy
Chapter Four
Plot summary : Desperate to get away from your controlling family, you take a job in New York as a wealthy vampire's blood source. A million dollars awaits if you can make it through a year, but life with Billy Russo is not going to be as simple as you think.
Pairing : Billy Russo x Reader
Story Rating : R  Chapter Rating : PG
Warnings : [This is a fic for 18+ only, minors DNI] Nothing of note this chapter, except a moment of sickeningly awkward cuteness (I'm so sorry). All chapters will contain mentions of blood. Please check the warnings on each chapter if you choose to follow this story. 
Word Count : 4.8k
A/N : The aftermath of last chapter. Tumblr is still only letting me tag five people at a time, so tags will be in comments again.
Chapter Four
You woke to find yourself on the sofa, covered with a blanket, alone and with only a vague recollection of what had happened the night before. Your hand had been bandaged and you felt worse than ever. The room was spinning, your head pounding, and finally you understood why; blood loss. You’d drawn blood and, then, you’d let him drink from you; it had been too much and you’d lost consciousness.
It took a moment more for you to remember everything else that had happened; how he’d pressed his body to yours, how he’d kissed you, and how you’d - oh god, your boss had made you come. 
Panic washed over you for a second, your hand reaching between your thighs, terrified that something had happened after you passed out. No. You breathed a sigh of relief and found yourself feeling silly for even thinking that Billy would do something like that. From what little you knew of him, you didn’t think he was capable of that.
Despite being completely alone, you pulled the blanket up, hiding your face and your embarrassment. You closed your eyes and all you could see was his face, blood covered lips and dark eyes filled with hunger - and not just hunger for blood.
You remembered his lips on your neck, the scrape of teeth - fangs - as you came. Gingerly, you ran your fingers over your skin, searching for puncture marks but, thankfully, found none. 
As much as you wanted to move, to go back to your bedroom, you were too exhausted and, soon enough, you ended up falling asleep again. 
Hours must have passed and you certainly felt better for it when you finally opened your eyes again.
At some point a bottle of water and a note had been left on the floor next to the sofa, though you couldn’t say if they’d been there the whole time or if he’d placed them there after you’d fallen asleep again.
You decided to start with the water, taking a slow drink to steady your nerves before reading the note. It was impossible to stop your mind from going into overdrive, from thinking of all the things that the note might contain; was he going to fire you for your unprofessional behaviour, was he angry that you broke the rule about being in the penthouse after 9pm?
Your fingers shook as you unfolded the note and started to read.
I want to apologise for my behaviour last night, it was unacceptable and I understand if you want to terminate your contract because of it. If you want to leave, please let Lissa know and she will retrieve your things from storage. If you choose to stay, you will have the next couple of days to yourself to recover. I’ll be gone until Friday and won’t need blood before then. 
Whatever you decide, I’ve arranged for my friend Karen to visit you tomorrow and, if you still want to, you have permission to go out with her for the day. If you want to leave, she will help you with whatever you need to do so. Please take care of yourself.
You read and reread the note, trying to figure out what he wanted from you. The note felt so detached, almost like he was assuming you’d want to leave. 
(Did you? Was that really what you wanted?)
You read it again before sitting up, noticing the dried blood on your pyjamas. Common sense told you to leave, to get your things and get out of there as quickly as possible. Last night had been stupid and reckless, you’d done the one thing you’d promised yourself you’d never do; you’d let a vampire drink directly from you.
Okay, so he hadn’t bitten you, but what was to say that next time he wouldn’t? But, by the same logic, what was to say that he would? He could have done anything he wanted to you, but he hadn’t. And what he had done you’d allowed. No, you’d been an active participant. You’d enjoyed it. (Who were you trying to kid? You’d wanted it.) He’d told you to stay away and you’d ignored him. It had been your choice to feed him, your choice to let him kiss you, even though you knew he wasn’t in his right mind.
Embarrassed as you were, some part of you had wanted what had happened last night and, now, you had to live with the consequences. 
You read the note one last time. Please take care of yourself, you weren’t sure if those five little words made it better or worse. He always seemed so concerned with how fragile you were, and you still weren’t sure if it came from a place of caring or of liability, but it felt like he was staying away from his own home because of you.
No, you quickly decided, you didn’t want to leave. You couldn’t. You needed the money and last night was as much your fault as Billy’s. 
Staying was still far better than the alternative.
Eventually you managed to get up and move to your rooms, grabbing yourself a bowl of cereal on the way to bed. You put the TV on, but more for background noise than anything and spent the rest of the day dozing, only getting up to get more cereal.
Instead of thinking about what had happened, you started thinking about tomorrow, about finally being able to go outside and see some of New York City. What would his friend Karen be like? Would she be able to tell you anything about Billy? Finally, you had something to look forward to, even though you were worried that Billy had only arranged it out of guilt.
You felt much better the next day when you woke up, in part because you were excited to finally go outside and see some of the city but, also, because you were looking forward to meeting Billy’s friend and having someone new to talk to. The weather outside looked cold and wet, so you dressed accordingly, pulling a lovely blue jacket and pair of boots from your wardrobe to put on over your jeans and blouse.
Just before midday, you heard someone calling your name, and you quickly went out to greet them. She had stunning red hair and skin so pale you might have thought she was a vampire if you weren’t about to go out in daylight with her. It was enough to make you pause, to make you wonder how she knew Billy, an odd twinge of jealousy filling you for a second.
“Hi, I’m Karen,” she smiled and held out her hand. You took it and introduced yourself properly, even though she already knew your name. “Oh, what happened to your hand?”
Your cheeks warmed a fraction, looking down at your bandaged hand for a second. “I caught it taking some cookies out of the oven.”
“Ouch,” Karen winced sympathetically, seeming to buy the lie. “Billy said you wanted to go for coffee?”
“Yeah, that’d be great,” you answered, feeling overcome with relief the moment you stepped into the elevator.
“You got any place in mind?” Karen asked, subtly looking you up and down like she was trying to get a measure of you.
“I - I don’t know. This is my first time in New York, I don’t really know where anything is.” 
“And this is the first time he’s let you outside,” she stated.
For a second you looked at her, confused, wondering how much she knew, how much she was supposed to know. Lissa had told you that Billy valued his privacy and you weren’t sure what you were supposed to say in this situation. The uncomfortable look on your face must have been enough to tip Karen off that you didn’t know how to answer.
“He has his reasons,” she started again as the elevator arrived on the ground floor and you stepped out, “I know it probably doesn’t seem like it right now, but he is trying to look out for you.”
“How do you know him?” You asked.
“I met him through his best friend when we started dating.”
“Oh. And is he...?” You left the question unfinished, not sure if it was polite to ask.
“A vampire?” She smiled the sort of carefree smile that you couldn’t help feel envious of, like she didn’t care what anyone thought of her. “Yes, he is.”
Stepping out onto the street, you couldn’t help but stop for a moment, turning your eyes skyward and taking a deep breath. It took a second for your eyes to get used to natural light and, all the while, Karen stood watching you.
“How long has it been?” Her question pulled you back to the moment.
“A couple of weeks, I think?” You tried to remember, but you’d lost track of how long exactly it had been after the first week. However long it had been, it wasn’t really long enough to warrant that sort of reaction from you. Your cheeks warmed a fraction as you looked at Karen. “I’m not really used to being cooped up indoors all the time.”
Karen just nodded, waiting a beat before starting to walk. You fell into step beside her, your eyes taking in the sights of New York. You had no idea where she was leading you but you didn’t care. You were finally seeing the city and you couldn’t be happier.
Less than five minutes later, you found yourself in a little coffee shop, looking at the pastries and cakes on offer before you realised something.
“I don’t have any money,” you told Karen, your cheeks turning red, an uncomfortable sense of shame filling you.
It hadn’t even crossed your mind; you always had a purse with you or your phone, but Lissa had taken them and you weren’t going to be paid until you’d completed a year in Mr Russo’s service. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” Karen replied, starting to fumble around with her purse before pulling out a black credit card and handing it to you. “Billy asked me to give you this for anything you need.”
The card had your name embossed on it but there was nothing else to indicate - well, anything at all. You didn’t know if it was a prepaid card or if it had a limit, and there was no way of telling where the money would be coming from.
“The PIN is your birth year,” Karen continued, though she seemed more interested in eyeing the food selection than she was in you.
After a moment more, you decided that you’d ask Billy about it when you next saw him (assuming you ever saw him again, after the other night). You choose modestly, not wanting to spend too much on a card that wasn’t yours and that you couldn’t control. For all you knew, you were spending Billy’s money and the last thing you wanted to do was take advantage of this gesture of kindness.
And that was something Karen did notice, watching you from the corner of her eye with a somewhat bemused expression on her face as you calculated just how much money you’d be spending getting a drink, a panini, and a muffin. Then, you held your breath as you used the card for the first time, preparing yourself for the embarrassment of it being declined.  It wasn’t. You breathed a sigh of relief before following Karen to a little table by the window.
Your eyes were fixed on the street outside, watching as it started to rain, but you could feel her eyes on you.
“You’re not like the others,” she finally broke the silence. 
“What were they like?” You asked with a healthy degree of caution, still not knowing what the rules were and what you were allowed to talk to her about. “Lissa said that they disappointed Mr Russo?”
She sat back, biting her lip and trying to suppress a smile. You couldn’t tell what part of it she found amusing and you didn’t want to ask.
“Disappointed is one word for it, I guess?” she took a breath, obviously composing her thoughts before continuing. “Did you know that you’re the first one he didn’t interview himself?”
You shook your head; you’d applied for the job by email and had spoken to someone (you now assumed to be Lissa) very briefly over the phone. In retrospect, it seemed strange given the amount of money that was at stake.
Unless he didn’t bother because he assumed you’d disappoint him like the others…
“The problem with Billy - with the whole job, really - is that it usually attracts a... certain sort of person. Most of them have only been interested in the money and spending a year living in the lap of luxury. The others are...” she fell silent, smiling as the barista brought your toasted paninis over and, when you were alone again, she looked like she really didn’t want to finish her thought.
“The others are...?” You prompted cautiously.
“They’re the sort of people who want more from the arrangement than Billy is prepared to give,” she answered and, when you obviously didn’t catch her meaning, she continued. “Billy is a very rich man and he’s going to live forever. A lot of people find both of those prospects very attractive.”
“They want him to...” you couldn’t bring yourself to say the words, a lump stuck in your throat at the thought. Karen nodded. “And you’ve done this before? Gone for coffee with... someone like me?”
“Not quite like this, but I did spend time with some of them.”
“What do you mean not quite like this?” 
She paused half way through lifting her cup to her lips and, for a second you could have sworn she winced. Still, she took a drink and didn’t try to answer until her mug was back on the table again.
“His rules weren’t always so strict.” Her head shook. “Look, it’s not my place to tell you any of this. Billy has his reasons for why things are the way they are; it’s to protect you as much as it’s to protect him.”
You opened your mouth to ask more questions but no words came out. Ultimately, it didn’t matter how or why the rules had changed because you’d agreed to them. You’d agreed to the job and you needed the money, so the last thing you wanted to do was get Karen in trouble and maybe jeopardise future outings like this.
“Thank you,” you told her, then quickly clarified; “for telling me.”
Karen smiled, considering her words for a moment. “Billy is a friend, but trust me when I tell you that if I didn’t believe what he was doing was necessary, I would have told him so.”
“It’s okay,” you conceded quietly, shrugging, “I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to do this.”
You turned your attention to your food, cautiously picking up your panini, trying not to burn yourself on the molten cheese that was leaking out the side as you took a bite. It was heavenly; toasted just the right amount, the cheese was sharp, and the tuna -
You dropped the panini back to your plate, horrified with yourself.
No. No-no-no. How could you have been so stupid? You felt your chest tighten a fraction, your stomach tying itself in knots. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Karen asked, obviously concerned.
“Tuna,” you stated, your voice breaking. “I’m not supposed to eat tuna. It’s on the list. He’s going to -”
“Whoa-whoa, back up. What list?”
“The list of things I’m not supposed to eat,” you tried to explain, unable to conceal the panic from your voice. 
This wasn’t you - you didn’t break rules, you always tried to stay in line - and, now, you’d messed up. All you could think was that you were going to lose the job, that Billy would kick you out and you’d have no choice but to go home. You were going to end up back where you started all because of a stupid toasted sandwich.
“Hey-hey, calm down, it’s okay,” Karen tried to settle you.
“You don’t understand I can’t lose this job.”
“You won’t,” she reached across the table, taking your hand in hers, “if Billy finds out, we’ll tell him it was my fault, okay?”
“But -”
“No, buts. Nothing bad is going to happen, I promise.”
You didn’t know what to say, didn’t know how to explain the panic that was clawing beneath your ribs. You’d been raised to be good, to be decent, to follow the rules and not cause problems. You’d been raised to fear consequences and, even though you were far from home, that mindset was difficult to escape.
“Here,” she offered, sliding her plate towards you, “we can swap, I got ham and cheese. You only had one bite, Billy will never know.”
It was like she understood, like she could tell just by looking at you how desperately you needed to keep the job - not just because of the money on offer but because you had nothing and nowhere else to go without it. 
Taking the offered plate, you ate slowly, quietly. From time to time, you’d catch her looking at you, concern on her face. Conversation that followed was stilted and awkward as you picked apart your muffin until it was gone. And, once your mug was empty, the outing was over.
“I’m sorry I can’t stay longer,” she apologised as you started back towards the penthouse. “I’ll make more time next week; we can spend a whole afternoon doing whatever you want. We’ll make it a regular thing, every Thursday.”
Agreeing, you thanked her as she rode the elevator back up to the penthouse with you, making sure you were okay before leaving you with the promise of seeing you again next week.
It was strange to know that you were completely alone in the penthouse for another day but, after the incident with the panini, you were very deliberate when it came to the rules. You sat on the sofa until just before 9pm, watching the cloudy sky slowly darken and give way to night before returning to your rooms, even though no one would have known if you’d stayed in the penthouse longer.
That night you laid in bed thinking about Billy - or, rather, you thought about what it was going to be like to see him again after what had happened. Was he as embarrassed by it all as you were? Did Billy Russo even get embarrassed? Maybe it would be better for the both of you if you just pretended that it never happened.
Friday passed in a blur. Every time you heard a noise in the penthouse, you would creep to the door to your quarters and press your ear against it, trying to hear if he was back. Of course, some part of you understood how ridiculous you were being; Billy was so light on his feet that you’d never be able to hear him. But, still, time and time again you found yourself pressed against the door.
After drawing blood, you moved across the penthouse as quietly as you could, looking for signs that he was home and finding none. Once you reached the kitchen and placed the blood in the fridge, you allowed yourself a sigh of relief before turning and -
There he was.
Standing between you and your rooms, a look on his face that you couldn’t decipher.
For a second your lips parted, wanting to say something, but the words just wouldn’t come. Your cheeks started to warm and the silence dragged on for at least ten seconds. Billy looked uncertain, so uncomfortable in your presence. His normally calm and collected demeanour was gone, replaced with a look that made you feel unsettled, guilty even. More than that, you couldn’t help but notice how tired he looked - you hadn’t even realised that vampires could look tired before now.
“You decided to stay,” part-statement, part-question. All you could do was nod, letting your feet carry you a couple of steps closer to him. “I’m glad. I didn’t think you would.”
“I want to stay,” you offered quietly, breathing slowly, trying to keep your heart from racing.
“I’m sorry for the other night. I never wanted you to see me like that,” he said, standing a little taller and seeming to regain some of his usual composure. “It won’t happen again. I never wanted to make you feel unsafe here.”
“You didn’t,” your voice still small as you struggled to find a way to describe any of the things you were feeling right now. “You told me to stay away and I didn’t listen, and I didn’t ask you to stop when I should have. But I just...” you trailed off, not sure how to say the next part.
“What?” He prompted softly, his attention entirely fixed on you.
“I need to make it clear; just because you’re paying me, it doesn’t mean you’re entitled to -”
“I would never think that I’m entitled to fuck you just because I’m paying you,” he interrupted, just as offended by the notion as you were. “Anything that happens here only happens with your consent.”
Did that mean it could happen again if you wanted it to? You didn’t dare voice the question, instead you just nodded.
His gaze dropped awkwardly and yours followed it, noticing something tightly gripped in his hands. A stuffed toy. Before you could ask, Billy had cleared the distance between you, holding out the toy to you. After a moment of confused hesitation, you took it, frowning first at the toy then him.
“When you said you were lonely, you mentioned a dog and I -” he let out an uncomfortable huff of laughter, “- well, obviously I can’t let you have a real dog here but I thought - I hoped - maybe this would help.”
Your gaze dropped to the stuffed toy in your hand, shaped like a beagle with floppy ears and a little pink tongue lolling out of its mouth. You couldn’t remember the last time someone had bought you such a thoughtful gift and that sad thought caused your heart to give an uncomfortable squeeze. When you looked back to Billy, you started to realise that there was far more to the man than you’d originally believed.
“I didn’t know what kind of dog you had, so I just...” he continued, trailing off when he saw your smile.
“Thank you. It’s perfect.” 
It was Billy’s turn to simply nod, seeming just as lost for words as you were for a few seconds before deciding to let you go about your evening. “Anyway, I won’t keep you.”
The conversation was over giving you the perfect opportunity to walk away and recover from whatever this had been, only -
“I broke one of the rules,” you blurted out without thinking, not wanting to carry the weight of it after Billy’s gesture.
A flicker of discomfort crossed his face but was quickly reined in. “Which one?” 
“I ate tuna in a panini when I went out with Karen,” you stated, sounding so ashamed anyone would have thought you were confessing to murder. “It was just one bite. I forgot tuna was on the list. I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again, Mr Russo. I promise.”
You didn’t expect the laugh that followed, or the way the tension seemed to leave his body. His hand found your shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze.
“It’s okay, it doesn’t matter.”
“But the list -”
“Tuna is on the list because I don’t like it. If I’d been here and had your blood, it would have been unpleasant for me, but I wasn’t here so I’m willing to forgive it.”
(Well, that explained why certain foods were on the list. They were things he didn’t like - did that mean he could tell what you’d been eating from your blood?)
“I spent twenty dollars,” you admitted a moment later, like you were confessing all of your sins to him. (Or maybe you just wanted to keep the conversation going a little while longer, keep his hand on you a little longer.)
His hand moved to your neck, his cold touch on your skin causing your heart to beat a little faster. And you knew he could tell, you knew he could hear the effect he was having on you. 
“You spent eighteen dollars fifty-five,” he told you, amused by whatever this was. “I don’t think you’re going to bankrupt me.” When his little joke didn’t manage to draw a smile from you, Billy sighed. “I’m the one that should be sorry. I haven’t really explained things to you, I guess because I didn’t think you’d even make it past the second week.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m asking a lot of you. Maybe too much,” he told you as his thumb began to softly brush against your jaw. “The truth is, I need things to be like this. I need to have control. I need to stay in control because when I don’t...”
He didn’t have to say it, you could fill in the blanks. The other night was what happened when Billy lost control, it was what happened when the monster overwhelmed the man.
“But,” he continued, “I know it’s not easy to be the person who’s being controlled. I know you don’t really want this.”
“No, I -” the words started to slip out before you could stop them. Billy looked at you expectantly, silently demanding you finish the thought. Your cheeks felt like they were burning, but he was giving you honesty and you needed to do the same in return. “I’m used to rules. I like knowing what’s expected of me. It doesn’t make things easier for me, but I like knowing where I stand. So, I guess I don’t mind following your rules.”
It was clear he had questions but clearer still that he didn’t want to ask them. You were grateful for that.
“You always have a choice here, little hummingbird, even if I sometimes make it seem like you don’t,” he told you, leaving his hand to linger on your neck a moment more before it dropped to his side. Somehow, you felt colder for the loss of his icy touch. He was quiet a moment before; “do you like Thai food?”
You nodded despite the very sudden change in conversation. “I love it.”
“I’ve got nothing planned this weekend, perhaps we could spend some time getting to know each other a little better? Maybe that would make things a little easier,” he offered, a small smile on his lips. “We could order from a great Thai place I know and I could try to answer some of your questions about things.”
Your fingers tightened on the stuffed toy as you smiled. Finally, you felt like you were getting somewhere, like this could become something bearable, something good.
“I’d like that,” you answered.
“Okay then, tomorrow evening at sunset,” he nodded and looked ready to leave.
Nodding in return, you finally stated to move back towards your rooms. Your hand was on the handle when he spoke again.
“Why did you help me?” You could tell from his tone that he didn’t want to ask the question, but the curiosity had gotten the better of him. “You didn’t have to help, you could’ve stayed in your rooms. Instead you put yourself in danger to help me. Why?”
You turned back, despite not knowing how to answer him. And, for a few seconds you found yourself looking at him. There was something there, something about his expression, something that made you wonder if anyone else had ever helped him before. It seemed like such an alien concept to him that anyone might go out of their way to do anything for him.
“You looked like you were in pain,” you shrugged, “and, even though I haven’t always felt completely comfortable here, I think you’ve always tried to be kind... in your own way. So, I couldn’t just stand by when I thought there was a chance I could help you.”
Billy swallowed, like he was trying to rid himself of a lump in his throat. Then he nodded, clearly lost for words. That look you’d noticed only seconds before seemed to intensify and Billy didn’t seem to know what to do with it.
“Thank you,” he finally managed, before giving you one last look and turning away. 
For a second you allowed yourself to watch him as he made his way towards the kitchen but you knew you couldn’t linger, not when the pounding of your heart gave you away. Slipping through the door, you quickly shut it behind you, pressing your back against it for a moment. Looking down, you realised that you had the stuffed dog clutched to your chest. It was silly, such a ridiculous gift, but the fact that he’d listened to you, the fact that he’d thought about what you’d told him, it meant so much.
End Note : Billy was having a Mr Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen version) moment when he handed over the stuffed toy. Place your bets on what she’s going to to call it. I know this one was slow and a little cutesy but I wanted to build some more tension before things start to ramp up next chapter.
As always thank you so much for reading! And thank you so much to all my new followers (I did not expect 200+ followers when I started posting on tumblr). I hope you all have awesome weekends!!
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future chapters! If tagging doesn't work for some reason (aka Tumblr being dumb) I post most Fridays around 7:30 gmt. (Note: Tumblr is currently being stupid and only letting me tag five people at a time, so I'll be tagging people in the comments. Sorry if you get tagged twice!!)
Tag List : @vaguekayla @thdcre @rensolodriver @house-husband-of-castlemurdock @snowkestrel @danzer8705 @noortsshift @aoi-targaryen @lincerad @vxnity713 @readerinsertsaremyguiltypleasure @dreadfulxives18 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @glamourbabe17 @sweetserendipity65 @damagelove @strangerfromketterdam @a-starrynightwith-u @readingabouthim @countryday @weepingwitchofthewest
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Hi! For the kink thing you're doing - could we please please get a Billy Russo competency + overstim kink (or competency and praise, whichever pairing you prefer). In my mind the reader gets *ideas* when Billy is building something (bc those damn IKEA dressers are difficult) or maybe she goes to Anvil one day and sees him doing like training with recruits or something? Anyway, sorry for the ramble and thank you in advance!
I am!
In the Sniper's Nest
Contains: Consent and kink negotiation, hand kink (you get an extra one), competency kink, fingering, overestimation, P in V, fluff.
1.5K words
You check out the new instalment at Anvil, a sniper's nest that Billy seems to love.
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Despite his ear protection, he still heard you ascending the steps of the sniper's nest. It was Anvil's newest toy, the tall structure standing out above the skyline of the flat warehouse. He pulled aside his ear muff and pulled the earplug free, pushing himself up from his position lying on the table in the middle of the room to rush over to greet you. "Hi."
You tapped your own ear muff with a smile. "What?"
He pulled them off your head and placed them around your neck as you yanked the earplugs out. "These are a good look for you."
You chuckled. "Yes, that gun is very loud."
He smiled and leaned down to kiss you, his hand soft on your cheek as you leaned against him. He pulled away, brushing your hair from your face as he looked down at you lovingly. "Now what are you doing here?"
You sighed. "I missed you, you've been busy and we've been missing our lunch dates." You furrowed your brow. "Why are you in your suit?" Normally during training, he wore his grey fatigues.
He sighed. "I just got done showing our client our new space. They were very impressed."
You took the chance to look around the small room. It was set up like an embedded sniper outpost, the walls covered in large charts about wind speed and bullet type, even though it was furnished like a dining room in a dilapidated apartment. The only things that really stood out were the new couch in one corner and the shelves of binoculars and PEE along one wall. "It looks even better than the photos." It really felt like you were in enemy territory.
He took your hand and led you to the table, gesturing to his rifle with a smile. "You wanna watch?"
You nodded, and he walked around the table to the shelves, picking up a pair of safety glasses and a set of binoculars. He placed the binoculars on the table and pulled you close, sliding the safety glasses over your face before booping your nose as you held back your giggles. "You're being silly, Billy."
He bent his head and kissed you again before helping you climb onto the table and settling next to you. His shoulder was back bracing the riffle as you looked through the lens, and the shot shook the room while smoke billowed from the barrel. You didn't see anything until he tapped your shoulder and pointed to one of the trees at the very edge of the property. Another look clarified what he was shooting at as another shot rang out, and a left was blown clear of its branch.
It happened like that each time, the green leaves disappearing in a puff as the boom of the gun jerked the table until he ran out of bullets. When he finally placed the weapon on the ground, you still found yourself unable to look away from the sight, he hadn't missed a shot the whole time. He ran his hand all the way up your back, finally breaking your attention away from the tree. You removed everything from your head and turned backwards to face them. "That was very impressive."
He was smiling, his ego clearly boosted by the look of amazement on your face. "I gotta go back to the armoury and clean my rifle. You wanna come?"
You nodded. "Of course I do."
The trip was short, only down the stairs and through a door before you were standing in an expansive space loaded with guns. He made his way to the large table with you following close behind and began to dissemble the weapon, taking it apart piece by piece before cleaning each part with care, his face a mask of concentration as the burnt gun powdered turned into shiny metal.
"You see something you like?" He looked so smug.
You most definitely did, each movement of his slender fingers was precise and controlled more like a dance than a tedious process he could do with his eyes closed and one hand tied behind his back. "Yes, many things, would you like me to list them?"
If you thought he was smug before, that was nothing compared to how he was now. "Nah, I think I have a pretty good idea."
The gun was put away in his personal spot, and he washed his hands in the slop skin as you watched on, swaggering up to you and lifting you onto the table when he was done. "You need something from be gorgeous girl?"
You nodded. "Many things."
He settled between your spread legs, his fingertips playing with the hem of your jeans as he gazed into your eyes. "Are my fingers one of them?"
It was hard to concentrate on anything when he was touching you, but you knew if you didn't answer, nothing would happen. "Yes, I would like that very much."
He smirked and popped open your jeans, slowly undoing the zip if only to toy with you before his fingers met your core. "You got something you need to tell me about, because there's no way my poor landscaping and the smell of gun oil has got you this wet."
He wasn't pulling any punches, there was no tease or slow build, he was doing exactly what he needed to bring you right to the edge before your brain could catch up. "You're very good at things…" You took a deep breath to gather yourself as heat spread out from where his fingers were on you. "And I like that you're good at things."
The feeling of his fingers leaving your skin shocked you into action and you tugged at his clothes while he tugged at yours, and before long, you were both naked with your clothes in little piles around you. "You know what else I'm good at?"
You knew exactly what answer he was looking for by the way his thumb was rubbing at the inside of your thigh. "Yes, yes I do."
He smiled and returned to touching you with the same insistence as before. It didn't take long for the pressure to build in your core, and he knew it. His beard scratched your skin as his lips worried at your neck, and he smiled into your skin as you clenched around nothing. He didn't stop there, his long fingers filling you before the aftershocks could fade.
Everything was so steady and practised, the fingertips on your G-spot, his lips on yours, each move intentional and purposeful until you were once again cresting the hill into bliss. He was unrelenting, pushing and pushing and pushing until one orgasm faded into another and space reduced to just the two of you in the empty Anvil warehouse.
"Please, Billy, I can't take it anymore." That was only half a lie, you could have told him no if you needed to.
He chuckled warmly, pulling his hand away and sucking his fingers into his mouth with a groan before speaking. "So you don't want me inside you?"
His tone held just a hint of mischief, and you nipped his shoulder as he chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes."
You nodded. "Yes please."
His forehead fell against yours as he slid inside you, taking a careful pace as you leaned your weight into him. He wrapped his arms around your body, controlling the pace as you wove one hand into his hair and held the table with the other. As his speed picked up, he pulled back to watch your blissed out face, grunting like an animal with every thrust as he took in the sight of your screwed tight eyes and heaving chest. "Billy..I."
He kissed you softly, whispering against your lips as his fingers made their way to your clit. "I know, gorgeous, I can feel it. How about you be a good girl and cum for me again."
You were powerless to resist his request, not when he said it so sweetly and as you were swept into the undertow of it, his teeth sunk into your lower lip as he followed you.
You stayed together for a breath before he finally stepped back, smirking as you twitched. "Sorry."
You huffed. "No you're not."
He kissed the corner of your mouth with a smile. "You're right about that."
He reached down for your clothes, dressing you piece by piece before dressing himself. Your eyes went wide, and he paused, looking at you intently as if he could decipher your worry. "Umm, is Jerry watching the cameras?"
He chuckled and shook his head. "I made sure they were turned off when we walked in here."
You fained offence and shoved his shoulder playfully. "You ass, you planned this from the start."
He nodded and kissed you again. "Yep. You can't be mad, you love me."
You sighed. "I do but I'm expecting you to make it up to me, I can't have you scheming all the time."
The look of lust on his face told you what he was thinking. "Oh, don't worry, I will."
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tuiccim · 5 months
Wrecked (Part 4)
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Pairing: Alpha Frank Castle x Omega Reader, Alpha Billy Russo x Omega Reader
Trigger Warnings: References to infertility, love triangle, smut
Summary: When Frank Castle found his way to your small town bar, you thought you had finally found your Alpha despite being a "wrecked omega" but when his best friend, Billy Russo, blows through town, your world tilts on its axis. You thought you found your happy ending but was it just more wreckage for your life?
A/N: Thank you to my beta reader and hype princess, @whisperlullaby
Wrecked Masterlist
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You danced around Billy for the rest of the day. He always seemed to find a way to touch you or at the least, be within reach, and always solicitous. It hadn’t taken you long to realize your folly that morning. He was testing you, making sure you were loyal to his friend. Part of you wondered if Frank had put him up to it. Was he trying to find a reason to break it off with you? Did he regret his commitment to mate you? You hated the thoughts that continuously ran through your head. You jerk your head, trying to make the ugly thoughts go away. Would you ever find any peace from your own self-doubt?
“You okay, gorgeous?” Billy asks as he studies you from across the kitchen counter. 
“Fine,” you say, not making eye contact. 
“What time do you have to be at the bar?” he asks. 
“I’ve got to go get ready now. Are you guys coming by?” You look at Frank for the answer. 
“Nah,” Frank says. 
“Of course,” Billy’s answers simultaneously. 
“Okay, well, either way, I’ll see you guys later,” you retreat to your room to change. You wished you had a moment alone with Frank to ask him what was going on with him, but he seemed content to keep you at arms length. It was as you were driving that another explanation crossed your mind. What if Billy brought back memories of Frank’s mate, Maria? He had known her and Frank’s children. The thought made you sad and you wondered if you had jumped to conclusions about Frank’s remoteness. You resolved to talk to him about it tonight after close.  
Saturday night at any bar is busy and you were glad your other bartender was here. You really needed to find another hand, if only to give you a couple nights off a week. You usually take Mondays off but you'd been called in several times lately. You loved the bar but everyone needs a break sometimes. You hadn't taken a vacation since you bought it. 
You shake yourself out of your thoughts as a group bustles in through the door. Without them even making it across the floor, you get a pitcher going and gather glasses. They were regulars on Saturday nights. The group bought a few pitchers, played pool on one of the three tables, and were decent tippers. The leader of their group, Dane, came by to drop his card for the tab and grabbed the drinks. He was an Alpha and paid little attention to you outside of ordering and paying. Just how you liked them to behave. 
You were surprised when Frank and Billy actually showed. After their awkward exchange earlier, you assumed they wouldn't bother. Billy was all smiles as he approached and you set their drinks at two open spaces at the end of the bar. 
"Thanks," Frank said softly with a gentle look. It warmed your heart and you gave him a genuine smile. He looked in your eyes for what felt like the first time in days, though it had only been hours. 
"How's the night going?" Billy asks. 
"It's been busy but nothing we can't handle," you nod. 
"Can I get another?" A patron calls. 
"I'll check on you guys in a bit," you smile as you get back to work. 
The next hour goes by in a blur as customers come and go. You rarely have a moment to breathe and do little but refill glasses. The music was playing loudly and there was a commotion at one of the tables that calmed down with Jordan's quick work. It was a great night business-wise and everyone was having a good time. You had finally made it back over to the guys when, out of nowhere, the hair on the back of your neck stood up. Your shoulders tensed as you glanced around. 
"What is it?" Billy looked around before looking back at you. 
"I don't know..." your eyes continue to scan. 
"You probably just caught a chill," Frank attempts to reassure you. 
"Um,yeah... probably," you say softly. 
"I don't think so, Frankie," Billy disagrees. "Your face went white, gorgeous. Something set you off."
Frank glances around and shrugs, "Everything's fine. Relax. I'm gonna hit the head."
Taking a deep breath, you pour Billy another drink with a small smile, appreciative of his understanding. You glance up to check on the group at the pool table and see their pitcher getting low. You head that way to ask if they want another or to close out. Halfway there, you stop dead in your tracks when you make eye contact with a late arrival to the group. The Alpha that attacked you gave a sinister smile before lifting his glass. You look towards Jordan but he's dealing with a couple of young looking guys at the door. A hand grips your arm and you gasp, twisting to see Billy. A laugh rings out from your attacker's direction and your gut clenches. 
"It-it's him," you breathe out, frozen in place as your anger builds. 
"Who?" Billy looks and immediately knows. His hackles raise as he locks eyes, a challenge clear in the other Alpha's eyes. 
"He attacked me. Frank stopped him. He can't be here," you set off to face your attacker but Billy catches you.
"Hey, Let me handle it," Billy says. 
"It's my bar. I can handle it,"  you say confidently. 
"But you don't have to. Let me do this for you," Billy argues.
"No, I need to do this. I can stand up on my own," you pull away but, letting go of a little of your pride, you turn back to him, "But you can back me up." As you walk, you catch Jordan's eye and motion for him to join you. You approach the Alpha with them flanking you. "I'm only going to say this once, leave now."
"Brought your posse, huh?  Where's your hero with the crowbar? Couldn't hold on to him? He didn't want the broken Omega?" He says, darkly. 
"He's right behind you," Frank's gruff voice is accompanied by the sound of a pool stick taking out your attacker's knees.
"What the fuck?" Dane yells, seeing his friend being attacked. 
Frank stops him with the pool stick, "You don't want in on this."
"What is going on?" Dane looks at you for an answer.
"Last time he was here, I cut him off. After close, he attacked me by my car. He's not welcome here," you explain plainly. 
"Did he hurt you?" Dane asks.
"Nah, I hurt him," Frank grouses.
"Is that when you were in that 'car wreck', Matt?" Dane looks at his friend. 
"No. Back me up here, man!" Matt yells. 
Dane looks between Frank, Billy, and Jordan and shakes his head, "I'm good. Uh, when you're done here another round would be great."
"Sure, Dane." You look at the guys, "Get him out of my bar. Feel free to remind him why he's not welcome."
"We've got this," Billy stops Jordan from joining them. The dark smiles Frank and Billy exchange are enough to make your insides quell. Matt would be shitting his pants before the night was over. 
You grabbed the pitcher and flounced back to the bar as if nothing had happened, secure in the knowledge that he'd never show his face here again. His audacity was mind boggling. 
You settle back into the swing of things and finish off the night. Just as you were yelling last call, Billy and Frank come in with bruised knuckles. You pour them each a drink with a grateful smile. 
"Thanks for delivering the message," you wink. 
Frank smiles as he raises his glass, "Anytime."
You glance down at Billy's split knuckles, "Need some ice? Or a bandaid?"
"Nah, gorgeous," he licks the wound and takes a drink while staring at you. 
You don't know why but it was hot as fuck. Your mind immediately went to it doing other things and you have to swiftly shift your attention. You pour yourself a hit of whiskey, a rarity for you, but necessary to help you through these strange feelings coursing through you. 
“You okay, babe?” Frank eyes you. 
“Just a little keyed up,” you say, dismissively. 
“Sounds like you need an outlet,” Billy gives you a rakish look. 
Deciding to play his little game, you lean on the bar suggestively, “Any suggestions?”
Billy’s eyes betrayed him in that moment. Want was obvious but a moment of vulnerability flashed. He recovered quickly to send a smirk Frank’s way, “You’ve got a firecracker on your hands, Frankie.”
“She gets in her moods,” Frank cracks.
You raise an eyebrow at the comment but before you can reply, Dane walks up to close out his tab. He leaves a big tip and looks at Frank, “He still alive?”
“He was when we left him,” Billy says with a cagey shrug.
“He’s only in town a couple of times a year but once his dad hears about this, he won’t be back. Sorry for the trouble. Won’t happen again,” Dane nods to you as if sealing a deal. 
“Thanks. See ya next Saturday,” you say to assure his welcome to return. 
“Alright, let’s head out, Bill. Jordan, you’ll make sure she gets to her car?” Frank drains his glass.
“Uh, yeah. Of course,” Jordan says nervously. 
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll stay with her,” Billy states. 
“Wha- No, it’s fine. I’ll be fine,” you retort. 
“I’d feel better if you weren’t alone,” Billy says sternly.
“Jordan will be here,” you argue. 
“She’s good, Bill. Let’s go,” Frank jerks his head toward the door. 
“You go ahead,” Billy says coldly. “I’m staying.”
“You always were a stubborn bastard,” Frank laughs, shaking his head. 
“Always,” Billy says dismissively. 
You clench your jaw in frustration but turn away to finish off the night. It was as if time sped up to leave you alone with Billy. The bar emptied quickly, the staff cleaned in record time, and before you realized it, Billy had told Jordan to head to his apartment. Taking the cash to the back room, you crouch down to lock it in the safe. It was the only way to put some distance between the two of you. His intent to get you alone was obvious to you and you wanted to get into the car quickly to limit it. What you didn’t expect was for him to be right behind you when you stood up from locking the safe. 
Gasping, you growl out, “Damn Marines and their fucking silent steps!”
Billy chuckles as he closes the little distance between you. 
“Don’t,” you put a hand up to stop him. 
“We need to finish our conversation from this morning,” Billy intimates. 
“The one where you tried to seduce your best friend’s Omega?” You raise an eyebrow at him. “Were you testing me? Is this some sick game you play? Or did Frank put you up to it so he has a reason to dump me?” You practically spit the accusations. All of your anxiety and fears come to the surface with them. 
A muscle ticked in Billy’s clenched jaw. His dark eyes bore into yours as he leaned in closer. You stand your ground but you’d be lying if you said your insides didn’t quiver. His scent was suddenly more intense and you knew you had struck a nerve. His hand lashed out to grasp you by the throat and pull your face close to his. You wrap your hands around his wrist as your eyes widen. You should be scared, afraid of what this Alpha may do to you but you find yourself aroused by his reaction. Your thighs clench and heat pools in your belly despite you fighting these feelings. He takes a deep breath, pulling your scent in before speaking, “I don’t play games with other men’s Omegas. I don’t mess with Omegas at all, generally. But, I do go after what I want and from the moment I stepped in this damn bar yesterday, all I can think of doing is marking you as mine,” he growls.
“Why?” You ask, staring at him pleadingly, desperate for an answer. Mainly because you felt the same way. Your mind and body were screaming out for him. It was insanity, a delusion. It had to be. A reaction to agreeing to be mated. A seven month itch, fuck, it had to be something because whatever else it was, it was wrong.
“I don’t know. I can’t explain it but I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone,” he whispers. 
“I’m Frank’s,” you reply quietly. 
“Funny,” Billy says, trailing his fingers over the scent gland on your neck and sending a shiver through you, “I don’t see a claiming mark. You’re with Frank, you’re not his. Not yet… He won’t stay. He can’t. Even if he does mate you, he won’t stay.”
Those words broke whatever spell Billy was able to put over you and you felt the anger claw its way into you, “And you will?”
Billy’s lips part but nothing comes out. 
“Exactly,” You push him away. You grab your keys from the desk and flick the lights off as you exit the back room, “Let’s go.” 
You walk away without a backwards glance. Shutting everything down as you go, you make it to your car and slip in without him bothering to say anything more. Frank had told you Billy was known for going through the Omegas but you were kicking yourself for falling for his soulful shit again. Yes, you were attracted to him but he was just passing through town and no matter how much you wanted to give in, it would be stupid to lose Frank for nothing more than a quick fuck. You rode in silence to the cabin. Your anger and frustration were too intense to allow you to speak and Billy was similarly stoic. 
As soon as you were inside, you went to shower, feeling as if all you could smell was Billy on your skin. You ran the water hotter than normal and scrubbed your skin of any smell from him or the bar. When you entered the bedroom, Frank stirred, woken by the light from the bathroom. 
“Everything okay?” Frank asks, squinting. 
“No,” you say as you get on the bed. 
“What’s the matter?” 
You pull the blankets down and straddle his naked body. Kissing him hard, you pull back just long enough to whisper, “I need you.”
His arms go around you immediately and his mouth opens to kiss you more thoroughly. You reach down to pump his cock until it’s hard enough for you to slip it inside. Your walls clench around him. Breaking the kiss, you sit up to work your hips more quickly, allowing him to fill you more. 
“Jesus, babe, what’s gotten into you?” Frank moans as his hands cover your breasts to knead. 
“Fuck, needed this cock in me. Needed it stretching me out like only you can,” you answer, throwing your head back to let out a moan. 
“Quiet, babe. Billy will hear us,” Frank chuckles, sitting up and trying to pull you to him for a kiss. 
You push him back down forcefully and ride him harder, “Then he’ll know just how good you fuck me.” Your anger returns as you ride him. Anger at Billy for his very presence, anger at Frank for making you feel he always had one foot out the door, anger at your family for making you feel less than, anger at society that considered you nothing but a wreck. You rode all those feelings out on Frank’s cock and when that wasn’t enough you dug your nails into his pecs until he grimaced. You drag them down his chest leaving angry red marks, making Frank roar as he grabs you and throws you under him. He thrusts as hard as possible, driving impossibly deep, and forcing a cry from your throat. He doesn’t relent, pounding into you harder than he ever has, enough that you know your thighs will be bruised. You lose yourself in it, allowing your mouth to fall open and release moans and cries with no regard to who hears. When you come, your body bows and you release a full-throated scream. 
You lay like a ragdoll, completely spent and grateful for the release but Frank isn’t finished with you. Pulling out, he grabs your leg and flips you over. He pulls you up onto your knees and slams into you repeatedly from behind, grunting as he uses his hands to pull you back against him. Your skin slaps obscenely and you can do little more than curl your hands into the sheets as he fucks into you. When his hand lands a punishing slap on your ass, you cry out again. 
“Don’t know what the fuck has gotten into you tonight, but don’t worry, babe, I’m gonna fuck it out of you,” Frank growls as he continues his delicious assault on your pussy. 
“Oh, fuck,” you whimper, your eyes rolling back in your head as another orgasm slams through you. 
“That’s right. Let it out, fuck,” Frank pulls out of you and you collapse on the bed. Turning you on your back, Frank pulls one of your legs across the other and enters you again. You're twisted in half, breasts and face where he can see them, but your ass is still displayed as he fucks you. He grasps your thigh as he watches your tits bounce with each thrust. “Play with them. I wanna watch you,” Frank brings your hand up to your breast. 
You pinch your nipples, twisting and flicking as he watches. His hips drive into you steadily and his thumb makes circles around your clit. Your orgasm creeps up on you, your attention on your breast but your body suddenly spasms and you let out a high pitched moan. It comes in waves and you clench down on Frank with each one. 
“Frankie, baby, please. I need you to fill me up,” you whine, exhausted.
“You want me to fill you up, you’re gonna have to work for it,” Frank grunts, pulling you up. He positions you on top of him in reverse cowgirl. “Ride me like you did the other night and maybe I’ll give it to you. Move that ass,” he says as he delivers another punishing smack to your ass cheek. 
“Oh,” you squeal as you begin to move. You’re so tired but you put all of your remaining energy into bouncing on his cock. You stick your ass out, giving him the full view. He licks his lips as he watches your dripping cunt swallow his cock. He grabs handfuls, delivers alternating smacks, and smears slick from your cunt to play around your tight, little asshole. 
“Play with your clit. I want to feel you come around my cock one more time,” Frank demands.
“I… I don’t think I can,” you whimper. 
“I ain’t coming until you come, ‘mega. I suggest you get to work,” he flexes his hips up into you to emphasize his words. 
You circle your clit, searching desperately for that toe curling feeling. You reposition your hips to allow his cock to hit your g spot a little better and begin making shorter strokes. You find it and ride it out, begging your body to give you just one more. When you felt yourself teetering on that precipice, you whined until the spasms hit. Your hips moved in jerky motions as the orgasm made your legs shake uncontrollably. 
Frank’s deep voice groans, “Oh, yeah, fuck. That’s it. Fuck.” 
You feel his knot lock in place and you sob as pleasure rolls through you. Frank rolls you to your side while you’re still connected. His big hand caresses your cheek before resting it on the back of your head. 
“That’s what you needed, huh? Just needed my knot filling you up, huh, ‘mega?” He whispers, exhaustion clear in his voice. 
“Yeah,” you whisper, glad that you were facing away from him so you could hide your tears. You were filled by a man who wanted you, so why did you feel so empty?
Part 5
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dreamcatcher92 · 5 months
Chapter II: New Life Choices
Summary: Reader falls head over heels in love with her neighbor after a bad break-up. Will he also turn out to be her knight in shining armor as well?
Warnings: smut, language, sex, alcohol use. 18+ only!
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The next morning after receiving the Facebook notification, you decided you were going to take a break from social media. You went through your phone and deleted every social media app that you had. You wanted a fresh start and wanted to get back into the dating scene, although you were extremely nervous about it. 
You are not an outgoing person, so you were definitely going to have to challenge yourself. You wanted to try flirting with the hot neighbor. This was going to take a lot of planning because you are not the smoothest person in the world.
You thought that it would be easiest to try and talk to him when he comes back into the coffee shop. So, you grabbed your bag and purse and headed out the door. When you walked in Johanna was leaning against the counter scrolling on her phone. 
“Hey you!” Johanna excitedly said as she put her phone down onto the counter and ran over to give you a hug.
“Hi! How are you today?” You replied as you hugged Johanna.
“I’m okay! You want your usual?” 
“Yeah, sounds great! Hey, has that guy come back in at all?”
“Nope! Not yet at least.” Johanna said with a wink and huge grin on her face as she walked away to make your drink. “Why’s that girly?”
“Uh…no reason really. Just curious.” You sheepishly said then headed to your table that you love to sit at. 
You took out your computer and began to work on things for your marketing job. A few minutes pass, and Johanna brings over your scone and iced drink. Johanna headed back to the kitchen to bake more pastries and you were trying to concentrate on work, but all you could think about was when he would show up. You let out a deep sigh and kept typing.
About two hours had passed, and still no sign of him. Every time someone would walk in, your heart would skip a beat. Then you were immediately let down when you saw that it wasn’t him. Finally after waiting about forty-five minutes, you decided to call it a day and finish things at home.
For the next few days, you did the same routine, but still nothing. Each night you watched when he would come home and pour himself a drink at his minibar. You’d watch him loosen his tie and undo his cufflinks. After turning all your lights off and drawing your curtains, you would peek through to see if he was looking into your windows like you were into his, but he wasn’t. Not at least when you would check. 
Then one evening, you decided to enjoy a glass of wine on your tiny porch. You were listening to music and just enjoying the breeze of the evening air. Something caught your attention and you quickly looked over. There in the doorway was the man. He stood leaning against the doorframe and holding a glass of whiskey. 
Shit! Do something! Say something you idiot! You took a drink of wine and smiled towards him. He smiled back and your heart fluttered.
“Nice weather we’re having right?” You yelled over to him, but immediately felt dumb for saying what you did.
You cleared your throat as you felt a pit in your stomach. You wanted to curl up under the chair. Seriously?! The weather? The fucking weather!? What the hell were you thinking? Talking about the weather is one of the lamest ways to start a conversation. 
“Yeah! It’s pretty nice out tonight.” he replied with a grin.
Holy shit! He’s seriously talking to me!
“I’m Y/N, I moved in not too long ago.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Billy.”
You could not believe that this was actually happening. Now you know the name of the man that you have been lusting over for about a week now. You were trying to think of something else to say, but nothing was coming out of your mouth. 
“I should probably head inside, it’s getting late.” you finally said.
“Okay! Have a great night!” Billy said finding your nervousness comical. 
You turned to go inside, but stopped and turned back around, “um, hey, so I was wondering if I could ask you something.”
Billy smiled and replied, “What’s up?”
“Would you…would you like to have coffee with me sometime? If not, it's totally cool! I just - I just wanted to ask and…” you were stumbling over your words, but he interrupted you.
“Sure! Tomorrow morning sound good to you?” 
“Oh uh, yeah! Sounds great!”
“Alrighty, then I’ll see you in the morning at the cafe.”
“See you then!”
You went inside and let out a squeal. You were so excited and could not believe that this just happened. Tomorrow?! Panic started taking over and you began running the what if questions through your head. What if he doesn’t show? What if I say something stupid and he never wants to talk to me again? What if he comes and it’s so awkward that he just gets up and walks out? What if…
“STOP!” You yelled to yourself while grabbing your head. 
You took a deep breath in and took your wine glass to the kitchen sink. As you rinsed the cup, you got lost in a daydream of how it would be if you and Billy were dating. You smiled and tilted your head as you let out a long sigh.
However, you quickly came back to reality when you dropped the glass into the sink causing it to shatter into pieces. You weren't paying attention to what you were doing, and it slipped right out of your hands. As you were picking the shards of glass out of the sink, a piece sliced your palm open. Blood instantly began to gush from the wound.
“Ow! Fuck!” You yelled as you grasped your hand with the other.
You turned the water back on and ran cold water over the cut. Finally the bleeding slowed enough for you to run into the bathroom to retrieve the first aid kit. You quickly wrapped your hand tightly with gauze. After securing your now mummified looking hand, you walked into your room and fell backwards onto your bed while letting out a loud sigh of frustration.
How were you going to explain this if he asks? Of course he is going to ask, why wouldn’t he? You kept running all sorts of things through your mind until eventually, you drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, your internal alarm clock woke you up around 7:00 a.m. Normally this annoyed you to no end, but this morning you were grateful because you had fallen asleep without setting any sort of alarm. You knew Billy didn’t mention a specific time, but you wanted to be sure to get to the cafe soon just in case he gets there early and thinks that you stood him up.
You took a quick shower, styled your long brown hair into big loose curls, and walked over to your closet. Oh God. What the hell do I wear? You grabbed a few things out and laid them onto the bed. Eventually you settled with black leggings, a white top with big sunflowers covering it, and a pair of black flats. You didn’t want to overdo it. After all, it was just coffee. Right? 
You sat in the booth that you normally do and was bouncing your feet on the ground in anticipation for Billy to arrive. You had gotten to the coffee shop around 8:15 that morning. Just to be sure you didn’t miss him, you checked with Johanna to see if he had been in already. Johanna told you that he hadn’t come in yet and wished you luck this morning while squealing and giving you a tight hug.
About thirty minutes goes by, and you start to feel like you've been stood up. Your eyes begin to fill with tears from disappointment, but then, someone walks in. You look up quickly and see that it’s Billy. You hurry to dry your eyes and sit up straight to look at Billy with a big smile.
As he is walking over, he smiles back at you. Billy was a very confident man and always loved to impress the ladies. He could tell that you were nervous, but that made this all the more exciting for him. 
Billy walked up, grabbed your right hand, and gave the top of your hand a gentle kiss, “I’m sorry I’m a bit late. I had something at work that needed to be dealt with before I came.” 
Butterflies filled your stomach as you held onto his hand, “That’s okay. To be fair, we didn’t really set a time.”
Billy agreed and giggled as he looked down at your hands still joined. You realized you were still holding his hand and let out a gasp as you quickly let go. You immediately felt your face feel like it was on fire from embarrassment. 
“I’m so sorry. I’m…” you stammer.
“Nervous?” Billy said with a grin on his face.
“Is it that obvious?”
“A bit, but it’s cute.”
Suddenly your face was on fire again and you couldn’t believe that he just called you cute. You giggle and the two of you begin to have an actual conversation. During the conversation, Johanna brought you both your drinks and tried her best to eavesdrop on what was being said. She was so happy for you.
“I hate to do this, but I have a meeting in half an hour.” Billy said while slowly running his thumb over the top of your hand as he held it.
You gaze into his dark eyes, “It’s okay, I understand. You do run the business after all.”
Billy smiles and bites his lower lip, “How about dinner tonight?”
You were in shock, but quickly answered, “Absolutely!”
He chuckled at how excited you were, “I’ll come by and get you around seven?”
“Sounds great.” you agreed.
The two of you exchanged numbers and before Billy left. He leaned down and gave you a soft kiss on the cheek.
“See you at seven sweetheart.” he whispered into your ear.
You couldn’t move. You watched him leave and could hear Johanna talking to you with pure excitement, but you couldn’t hear anything that she was saying. You were in awe and could not believe what just happened. This kind of thing does not happen to you, but it was, and you were beyond excited. Now, it’s time to go get ready.
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marvelmusing · 1 year
Helping Hand
Pairing: Alpha!Billy Russo x Fem!Omega!Reader
Summary: As your boss, Billy has always taken care of you. When your heat becomes too difficult to handle, he takes care of you once again.
Warnings [18+]: smut, unprotected sex, fingering, a/b/o dynamics and anatomy, brief mentions of Billy’s childhood.
Word Count: 5.4K
My Masterlist
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“Where the hell have they gone?” you grumble to yourself as you open the same kitchen cabinet for the third time. Unfortunately, the little green box you’re searching for doesn’t miraculously appear in front of your eyes and nerves stir in the pit of your stomach.
Huffing out a sigh of frustration, you lean against the kitchen counter and pick up the tiny handheld fan, clicking the button on the side rather aggressively as you hover the fan over your neck, tilting your head back to achieve maximum cooling from the little device.
Just as you’re considering emptying the contents of your entire kitchen, you hear a knock at your front door.
His scent is recognisable before you even open your front door. Fresh cotton, expensive cologne, and his own unique fragrance that is undeniably Billy Russo. The alpha you’ve been working for over the last year and a half as his personal assistant.
He’s dressed for work, hair slicked back perfectly with his suit and tie all arranged neatly on his figure. The polar opposite of you, currently wearing a small cami top and a pair of sweatpants hanging low on your hips.
His nostrils flare slightly as he breathes in the scent of your apartment, the air thick with your oncoming heat. But you aren’t concerned by his reaction. If there’s one thing you’ve learnt about Billy, it’s that he has a godly level of restraint when it comes to his instincts.
It’s a little harder for you and the rush of his scent has you gritting your teeth to suppress the urge to tug him closer and bite.
“Looking for these?” he asks, holding out a small box. “You left them on your desk.”
Just what you had been searching for. The box of patches that would curb some of the effects of your heat, making it more manageable without a partner to take care of you.
“Thank you so much.” Heaving a sigh of relief, you take the box from him with a grateful smile. “You’re an absolute lifesaver.”
He flashes you a wide smile.
“I could get used to hearing that.”
Breathing out a small laugh, you smile at him.
“I’m sure you could.”
His smile softens as he leans his shoulder casually against your doorframe, giving him the proximity to study your expression intently.
“You need anything else?” he asks.
Shaking your head, you look down at his shoes, shinning with polish that you can still smell the remnants of on his fingertips, almost buried beneath the eucalyptus soap he uses. He must have polished them this morning.
“I’m mostly sorted, thanks.” He nods slowly in response. “Do you…?”
He lifts a brow, encouraging you to continue. Anvil is the closest thing you have to a pack, meaning Billy is the closest thing you have to an alpha, and your pre-heat omega brain is urging you to provide for him.
“Do you want to come in for some coffee?”
He glances down subtly towards his watch and warmth blooms over your skin as you remember that he has to get to work soon. Unlike you who has been given the entire week off.
“Sorry- I’ll let you get to work.”
He places his hand firmly on your door to prevent you from shutting it as you step backwards.
“No, no. I’d love a coffee,” he says, pausing to look into your eyes. “If that’s okay?”
You nod, leaving the door open for him to follow you into your apartment.
Selecting your two favourite mugs, you begin making the coffee, aware of Billy unbuttoning the front of his jacket before he rests his elbows casually on your kitchen island. The weight of his eyes on you send a flood of warmth through your body and you pick up the box of patches.
Gesturing lightly with the box, you don’t dare to risk a glance at him as you say,
“You don’t mind if I…?”
He shakes his head resolutely.
“Not at all.”
As the kettle simmers on the stove, you retreat to your bedroom. In your eagerness to remove your sweatpants, the cuffs remain stuck to your ankles, and you wrestle with the fabric frantically for a moment. Once you’re done, a thin sheen of sweat is glossing over your brow which you wipe away with your palm.
Rummaging through your closet, you tug out a part of loose cotton shorts and pull them on.
The patches you buy can be placed anywhere on your body, but for you the dose is most effective on your inner thighs. Peeling the wrappers off hurriedly, you place one on each thigh and feel them instantaneously ease the discomfort that had been building in your body. A soft groan of relief rumbles in your throat as you tilt your head back, breathing heavily as you are finally able to relax.
Freshening up in the bathroom a little first, you feel a lot more put together as you return to the kitchen and continue making the coffee.
“Better?” he asks, his gaze dropping down momentarily to eye your bare legs.
“Yeah thanks.”
He nods with a small smile.
“No problem.”
“Thanks for giving me the week off,” you add as you pour his mug of coffee.
He shakes his head, offering you a nod of appreciation as you nudge his steaming mug towards him.
“I’ve told you before, you don’t gotta thank me for that.”
“I know. But you don’t have to give me the week off.”
He shrugs casually, sipping on his coffee. There’s a pleased hum from Billy as he swallows the drink and internally you preen at the thought of pleasing him.
“You always make sure my schedule’s clear during my rut,” he reasons.
That’s true. Billy’s rut only usually lasts a few days, and you hum quietly in acknowledgement before you speak without thinking.
“A week on Tuesday. We started syncing a few months ago.”
Syncing usually happens when an unmated alpha and omega spend the majority of their time together, ensuring that your cycles wouldn’t coincide with one another’s.
Billy raises a brow at you, the corner of his mouth twitching when he observes you realise what you had just said.
“I know it’s got nothing to do with me, but I’m glad you don’t take suppressants. I’ve seen too many omegas make themselves miserable for the sake of pretending to be a beta.”
Looking down, you shrug lightly, not disagreeing with him but still feeling the need to defend omegas who do take them. Suppressants don’t stop a heat from happening, but they remove the scent and make the symptoms easier to manage, so that most omegas can continue with their daily lives during their heat. For some omegas, like you, the negative side effects outweigh the positives, but you can understand the benefits.
“Sometimes they’re the safest option.”
“I know,” he says softly. There’s a level of understanding in his tone that makes you frown.
Billy has always been a considerate boss when it comes to the differences between you and some of his other employees. Due to the nature of the business, there aren’t many omegas working at Anvil. The majority of the field operatives and trainers are all alphas, with a handful of betas. Even on the administrative side of things, it’s mostly betas. The number of omegas can probably be counted on both your hands, which is something that you think bothers Billy.
Aside from the private military services, a lot of Anvil’s clients are omegas, or high-ranking alphas looking for extra protection for their mate. There are times where Billy comes off as intimidating but having you by his side always seems to ease the tension from some of the more nervous clients – the omegas seeking protection from abusive or unstable alphas.
Shifting in your seat, you try to ignore the slick in your panties, hoping that Billy won’t notice the scent. Billy is ridiculously observant and highly tuned into what an omega needs. The moment a distressed omega is in his vicinity, he seems to know.
He swallows down the last of his coffee and you don’t want him to leave.
“I finished off those reports,” you say, eager to continue talking with him even for a few moments longer.
He frowns slightly.
“No more work from now onwards until you’re back in the office.”
When you smile at him, he gives you a look that has you sighing.
He smiles, standing up and placing his mug in the sink.
“Thanks for the coffee.”
“No problem.”
He hesitates.
“I’ll send you a text in a few days, just to check in.”
You nod. Billy is somewhat aware of how your heats end up. The worst is usually over after the first two days.
“Look after yourself, alright?”
“I will.”
The moment Billy sees you calling his mobile he presses the answer button, standing up from his desk mid-conversation with the senator and turning to face the window as he says your name. The high-pitched whine that he gains in response sends a thrum of need through his body, but he needs a verbal confirmation that you aren’t hurt before he allows himself to indulge in thoughts of you.
He repeats your name and when you don’t respond he does something he’s never done to you before, putting a commanding edge into his voice as he says,
“Omega? Talk to me, sweetheart.”
“Billy. I need you.”
A pathetic half-cry half-sob escapes your lips, and when it reaches Billy’s ears he clenches his jaw so hard he feels it in the base of his skull. He breathes out slowly.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s so bad Billy. I’m so wet and empty and I can’t finish by myself.”
With Billy’s ears hyper focusing on every minute sound from your end of the line, he can hear the sound of your wetness as you slide your fingers erratically, chasing your pleasure. A low groan rumbles in the back of his throat that he fights to suppress.
“You tried your fingers?” he asks.
“And your toys too?”
He hears you huff with a small growl as you snap weakly,
“Yes Billy. I can’t do it.”
There isn’t much bite to your words, but the fact that you’re talking back at him means you aren’t thinking clearly. Billy needs to bring you back to yourself enough to talk to him coherently.
“I don’t like that tone, sweetheart,” he says sternly. Then his voice softens, “I know you’re hurting but you need to be patient for me. Alright?”
“Sorry, Billy.”
He doesn’t like the sound of you whimpering so sadly.
“It’s okay. I’m gonna count to ten and you’re gonna breathe for me, alright? In for one, out for two.”
He talks you through the rest of the numbers, counting upwards until your breathing is less frantic and your whines have stopped. Billy stays quiet once he’s done, listening to your bed sheets rustling as you sit up.
There’s confusion in your voice and the sound is clearer - you must have placed the phone up by your ear to talk to him.
“Hey sweetheart. How you feeling?”
“Awful.” He hears you breathe out a small laugh before you pause to think. “Did I call you?”
“Yeah you did. You were having a bit of a frenzy.”
“Shit. Billy, I’m so sorry-”
“Do you want me to come over?”
Billy can’t stop himself from smirking at the dumbfoundedness in your voice, as his question catches you off guard.
For a moment, all you can do is stammer over your words but Billy gives you time.
“You don’t have to,” you whisper quietly.
“And if I wanna help you?”
“You’re at work.”
“I’m the boss, sweetheart. I can leave right now if you want me to.”
He can hear you thinking it over and he wonders whether your worry about being a nuisance will be overruled by the need between your thighs.
“I want you to.”
It seems like forever before Billy arrives at your apartment.
His scent and the sound of his voice are what alert you to his presence, even before the knock on your door is encouraging you to tug on a bathrobe and hurry to the door.
In the back of your mind, you’re aware that he’s talking to someone in the corridor but that hardly matters to you as you open the door and wrap your arms around his neck. He catches you immediately, firm hands on your waist as you press yourself against his chest and nuzzle your nose into the hollow of his throat.
He chuckles quietly and the motion of it sways your body as you cling to him.
“Hey sweetheart.”
“Missed you so much,” you mumble into his shirt, breathing in the scent of him.
The sound of someone saying your name draws your attention somewhat back to the present and you turn your head to see Emily, the beta that lives next door to you and always handles your deliveries when you’re in heat. She also wards away any alphas who linger too long beside your front door.
“I didn’t know you had an alpha,” Emily says.
A purr rumbles in your throat as you absentmindedly begin to nuzzle against him once again. Then you nod.
“I asked him to come over.”
He flashes her a smile that has you weak in the knees.
“Billy Russo.”
She nods.
“Okay, Billy Russo. But if you even think about hurting her…”
Billy removes his hands from you, holding them up in surrender as he nods.
“I wouldn’t dream of it. She’s more than just an omega to me.”
Weakly, you tug on his tie, fidgeting with the luxurious material as you struggle to remain focused on their conversation and wish it would be over soon.
Luckily, Emily seems to be appeased by the charming alpha and before you know it Billy is stepping into your apartment.
Alphas are naturally strong and you know that being a marine had allowed Billy to hone his strength to an almost supernatural level. As a result, it feels like the easiest thing in the world when he lifts you into his arms, your legs curling around his waist instantly.
“You came,” you sigh. He smiles at you.
“Course I did. I said I would, didn’t I?”
His forehead grazes against yours, the tip of your nose almost touching his.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks.
The moment your lips meet, pleasure buzzes in the back of your head, threading its way down your spine, and you moan softly. His mouth moves leisurely, but you can sense how eager he is with each determined tilt of his head in an attempt to get closer to you.
He sets you down at the threshold of your bedroom and a rush of self consciousness prickles over your skin as he observes the tangle of blankets and sheets and cushions that consist of your nest.
He presses a kiss to your temple and you shiver as he asks softly,
“You mind if we change these sheets first? They smell like frustration - need some happy smells for a little omega to relax on.”
You nod.
As Billy gets to work, tugging the sweat soaked sheets off your mattress, you walk over to the side of the room and switch on both your nightlight and air freshener.
He opens up your side cabinet, picking up the bottle of cologne that sits there. The same cologne he wears to work.
All omegas have a comfort scent, something that helps soothe them on lonely nights before they find their mate, and you’re one of the lucky ones that has found their comfort in a bottle that can be spritzed onto your pillow.
Billy sprays a little into the air above your mattress, allowing the tiny drops of fragrance to linger in the air and settle into the fabrics of your nest.
“You’re good at this,” you say softly. “Knowing what I need but still asking for permission for the important stuff.”
His presence alone has reduced some of the burning need inside you, though you both know that this calm won’t last long.
Billy keeps his eyes low as he soothes out a wrinkle in the sheets, shrugging lightly as he says,
“Lotta omegas present early when they have a dysfunctional pack dynamic and the group home I grew up in was run by a beta.”
Aside from mentions of Frank - an alpha he served with - Billy has never talked about his family. He gives Anvil the same dedication that would be given to an alpha’s pack, and now you understand why.
“You grew up in a group home?” He nods and there’s a small pause before you ask, “Is that why you don’t like the idea of suppressants?”
He lifts his eyes up to meet yours. Then he nods again.
“Kids shouldn’t have to deal with meds like that.”
Nodding in agreement, you sit down in front of him as he settles himself against your headboard.
“You’re a good alpha, Billy.”
He smiles softly as he loosens his tie, pulling the fabric away from his throat before he begins to unbutton his shirt.
“Yeah?” he breathes out.
Staring down at his throat, you hum as you nod.
“Why do you think that?”
A frown creases at your brows as you register his question. Knowing why Billy is a good alpha is the easiest answer in the world, but the sight of his bare chest has you scrambling for words.
“Because you’re strong and kind and you protect so many omegas. You make me feel safe.”
He hands you his shirt and suit jacket, giving you an encouraging nod to add the clothes into your nest. His scent fills your nose and you try your hardest not to moan.
His chest is smooth and the urge to lick over his skin, leaving bite marks and scratches, is almost too much to bear. There’s a few scars littered over his body and you want to kiss every single one of them.
Once he’s completely naked, and you’re enveloped by his scent, he hooks a finger under the edge of your bathrobe that’s hanging onto your shoulder. He nudges it down, and the silky material pools around your body.
“Look at you,” he breathes out.
His gaze falls downwards, to the spot between your thighs, and you flush with realisation when you see your legs already parted widely as you kneel in front of him, presenting your glistening wetness to him.
“Turn around.”
Confusion fills your features as you stare at him but after a small pause you do as you’re told.
“Come lie with me.”
Soon you’re lying with your back against his chest, his arms around your stomach as your ass sits perched on his adonis belt. He nuzzles his nose against your cheek and your entire body heats up within seconds, melting your coherency.
Billy smiles, hooking his legs over yours to spread them wide. He traces his fingers over your inner thigh.
“Little omega, you want to touch yourself like this, or d’you want me to do it?”
Dropping your head backwards onto his shoulder, you whine pitifully before responding,
“Can you do it, please?”
He presses a kiss to your cheek.
“Of course, pretty girl.” He reaches down to peel off the patches stuck to your skin. “Let’s take these off first…” He stills when your fingers curl around his wrist to stop him. “Something wrong?”
“If you take them off, it’ll get worse.”
He shakes his head, smoothing his thumb gently over the material of the patch and you shiver at the warmth of his touch.
“Sweetheart, look how faded they are, they’re not helping you anymore.”
He’s right. The patches have gone from a soft tan colour to almost completely white. Giving him a nod, you whimper quietly as he begins to remove them.
In your desperation, you had stuck two on each thigh and by the time Billy has finished peeling them carefully from your skin your slick has smeared all over his stomach and you’re burning with need and embarrassment.
His finger slides in easily and a gasp chokes you as he reaches a spot further inside you than your own hands have ever reached. He moans softly against your ear, mouthing a few kisses over your jawline.
He curls his finger and you cry out. Canting your hips forward, you writhe against his touch as he begins to thrust into you.
“Shit, sweetheart. I’m not sure if you could take my knot.”
“I could,” you protest with a breathy sigh.
“Yeah? Brave little omega wants to take my knot?” You nod. “Convince me.”
He reaches down to the spot underneath your pussy, stroking the length of his cock slowly with one hand.
“Cream over my cock, make it nice and messy for me, then I’ll think about fucking you with it.”
He rests his palm over your abdomen, fingers curling down over your mound to circle your clit and you jerk violently in his arms.
The sweat glossing over your skin is clammy, though you’re hardly aware of anything except how close you are to the edge, your stomach swooping every time you think you’re about to peak.
“There we go, good girl, be a good girl for me.”
He presses a delicate kiss to the side of your neck and you cry out as your climax hits you. Whispering his name over and over, you succumb to the pleasure as it floods through your veins, down to your clenching pussy. His touches remain gentle as he coaxes your bliss into a simmering heat.
When he withdraws his finger you whine, especially when he gathers your slick together and begins to stroke himself using the mess you’ve made to glide his hand over the length of his cock.
“Billy,” you breathe out in a sigh as your eyes flutter closed.
“You okay?” he asks, his jaw tight with tension. Even while pleasuring himself, your comfort is the most important thing.
Rolling over, you drape your body against his, your breasts hanging near his face as you look down at him.
“Alpha, I want you.”
Taking his lower lip into your mouth, you give him a small nip with your teeth, and he growls.
Before you can even understand what’s happening, your back is pressed to the mattress with your hands pinned by your head with Billy’s cock slapping against your entrance as he grinds downwards.
As he pushes his cock inside you, everything else in your mind is removed. The only sensation you’re aware of is the sweet drag of friction as more of him enters your body. There’s so much.
“Breathe, sweetheart.”
A shuddering gasp wracks your body as you inhale raggedly. When Billy releases your hands, you reach up and grasp at your pillow, nails biting into the soft fabric.
With his hands now free, he squeezes both of your breasts, simultaneously groping them, pinching and rolling your nipples as you lie pinned down by his cock. It’s the perfect level of stimulation and it has your body barrelling towards another orgasm at an almost frightening speed. This has never happened before and you fear you won’t recover from this.
“Your heat makes you sensitive, doesn’t it?” he asks, breathing heavily as you nod. “Then it’s okay to cum again.”
“Billy I can’t-”
“Yeah you can. Just relax, omega.”
He groans as your second orgasm hits you, your pussy clenching weakly around his cock as your poor body attempts to adjust to the size of him.
Tears spill down your cheeks as his finger slides inside you, opening you up even further. He shushes you softly, a stark contrast to the wicked grin on his face as his finger presses against your tight walls, the digit almost suffocated by his cock.
“Easy, sweetheart, just gotta stretch you open for my knot.” The thought of taking his knot, feeling the stretch of it being pushed into you, has a glassiness filling your eyes. “You’ve already done such a good job, making it all slick and messy for me.”
He hushes you.
“It’s alright. I know. I’m gonna take care of you.”
He slides another finger into you and uses them both to stretch you open even further. Gasping at the sensation, you throw your head back, bearing your neck for him.
He growls, lowering his face into the crook of your neck as he rocks his hips forward harshly. As his knot slides into you, your mouth drops open into a soundless cry.
He continues to rock his hips forward, the head of his cock nudging that sweet spot that has you clenching tightly with every thrust, all while his knot ensures that he remains snugly inside you.
Billy’s mouth descends on yours and the sound of fabric ripping is a distant memory as you sink your hands into his hair, urging him closer.
Both of you are panting frantically as you move against one another, chasing your pleasure. Billy growls and swears quietly, whilst you moan loudly and cry out his name.
His pubic bone grinds against your clit and you gasp into his mouth. He cups the back of your head as he bites down on your lower lip, grinning as you whine.
With his other hand he squeezes your breast before he trails his fingers down your side to grasp tightly onto your hip.
Electricity sparks down your spine, and you trace your hands down his chest, digging your nails into his shoulders as you cling to him, before you leave a trail of red lines over his skin.
He groans loudly and you clench at the sound of him so wrecked. His hair hangs down over his forehead, the perfect strands ruffled this way and that by your frantic hands.
His cheeks are flushed, his lips pink and kiss swollen as he breathes heavily. Dark brows furrowing, his mouth parts, then he grits his teeth in a near snarl.
“I’m close,” he rasps.
“Inside, alpha please.”
He presses his forehead against your collarbone, his breaths hot and heavy over your skin as he continues to swear quietly and you feel him shudder.
Nails digging into his hips, you urge him closer as he spills inside you, his hot spend filling you which sends you over the edge for the third time. Reeling from your high, you slump back onto the mattress and Billy lowers himself carefully over you, propping himself up with his elbows.
Without thinking, you smooth his hair back into place, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
He smiles at you, his chest still heaving slightly with each breath. It’s thrilling seeing him like this, so worked up by you.
He tilts his face towards your palm and you begin to play with his ear, absentmindedly running your fingertips over the soft cartilage there. His eyes flutter closed as you run your finger over the shell of his ear, before you rub affectionately over his jaw. The scratch of stubble there sends a tingle down your arm.
“Want me to stay inside for a little?” he asks quietly, his voice rasping slightly in his throat. You nod.
He presses a kiss to your hand as you continue your exploration of his face.
Hands still shaking from the adrenaline, you trace over his nose and smooth down each of his eyebrows. There’s no frown lines marring his features in this moment and you smile softly at the sight of him so relaxed.
Once he finally does pull out, the action is accompanied by a flurry of kisses over your cheeks which makes your smile widen despite the pinch of discomfort.
“Come on,” he says with a sigh as he begins to move out of bed.
He chuckles when you loop your arms around his waist, nuzzling your face against his lower back as you prevent him from leaving. He gives your forearms a small squeeze before he pulls away from your hold.
When you whine, he turns around and cups your face between his palms. Without warning, he manhandles you into his arms, carrying you towards the bathroom as you shriek in surprise.
He leaves you to do your business in the bathroom, reappearing with fresh towels while you’re washing your hands. His cheeks flush a little when you take it upon yourself to clean him up, wiping a damp flannel gently over his skin.
This isn’t the first time you’ve seen Billy shirtless. Usually after training sessions at Anvil he’ll end up tugging it off as he heads into his office, meaning you’ve caught a few glimpses of his bare chest or abs.
But now you have the opportunity to study every inch of him and you find yourself tracing your fingers lightly over the scar on his shoulder. It’s bigger than most of the others on his body.
Billy keeps his eyes low as he speaks quietly to you.
“At the group home, there was this guy who used to visit a lot. None of us kids had a proper alpha in our lives and we all flocked to him.”
The corner of his mouth lifts ever so slightly before a shadow passes over his features. He rolls his shoulder lightly and you feel the muscle shift beneath your fingers.
“I was a small kid with a pretty face. He thought I was an omega.”
“Billy,” you breathe out softly, placing a hand gently on his forearm. As an omega, you’re well aware of what happens when a bad alpha thinks they can take advantage of an omega.
“I didn’t submit to him, even managed to land a few good hits before he broke my arm.”
“Does it still hurt?”
When Billy meets your eyes a shiver rolls down your spine. He shakes his head.
“It’s a little sensitive every now and then.”
Standing on tiptoe, you press a soft kiss to his collarbone, the spot just beside his scar.
“Thank you for looking after me, Billy,” you whisper.
He cups the back of your head, keeping your eyes on his as he says,
“You don’t have to thank me for this.”
His thumb rubs a small circle over the sensitive spot under your ear, right where the mating gland is, and your eyes grow heavy as a deep sense of contentment settles into your body.
“Let’s get to bed, hm?” he suggests.
With a sleepy nod, you take Billy’s hand and allow him to lead you to bed where your combined scents allow you to sink into a blissful sleep with Billy’s arms curled around you protectively.
Blinking awake, you mentally prepare yourself to be soaked with sweat, your thighs damp with arousal and desperate for Billy to fill you up again. Stretching a little, you frown when you don’t feel any of that.
“Hm,” he hums, words muffled by sleep as he shifts closer to you, burying his face into your neck. “Yeah ‘mega?”
“My heat’s gone.”
He lifts his head up, frowning.
He lowers his nose down to the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply as he traces his way along your throat.
“You’re still in heat, sweetheart. I can smell it.”
“Well it doesn’t feel like it.”
“What do you-”
His voice breaks off suddenly and you feel him stiffen. A stab of hurt plunged into your chest as Billy untangles himself from around your body.
Then his hands trace over your neck, tilting your chin from side to side as he examines the skin there with a deep frown.
“I didn’t bite you, did I?”
Puzzlement evident in your eyes, you shake your head. When he doesn’t find a mark on your neck, he lowers his attention to your shoulders and collarbone. Once again, he doesn’t find anything.
Still feeling half asleep, and confused, you place your hand over Billy’s chest.
“Billy? What’s wrong?”
He breathes out shakily before he lifts his gaze to meet your eyes.
“I think we’re mates.”
That makes you pause.
“But you didn’t bite me…” A frown creases at your brows and you look over Billy’s neck and chest quickly before you add, “…and I didn’t bite you.”
He nods.
“I know.”
Soulmates are practically unheard of - an alpha and omega that don’t need a bonding mark to become a mated pair. But that’s the only reasonable conclusion for why the symptoms of your heat have vanished.
The bewilderment you feel is mirrored in Billy’s dark eyes and the two of you breathe out a small laugh as you lean into one another. Mouths meeting in a kiss, you thread your fingers through his hair and he tugs you closer as you both smile.
Billy is your mate and you are his.
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity @slytherheign @ellooo0ooo @vixenofcourse @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jane-arthur @ilikefictionmen @budugu @watersquirtpewpewboomm @mysweetlittledesire @dhampiravidi
Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23 @rafaelakelley @theysayitscrazy @nyx2021 @skybridgerton @dragon-of-winterfell @chickensarentcheap @stardustmorozov @witchcraftandwit @ladyofsoa
BB Characters Tag List: @rachlovesactors @noortsshift @aikeia @weallhaveadestiny @two-unbeatable-beaters
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