#gonna get into a union
parker-likes-tea · 9 months
so. hi mutuals. ive vanished for a bit because school is a lot of fucking effort right now. but. guess who's officially going to costuming school.
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montanabohemian · 1 year
if i see a single one of you pissed that your faves canceled an event or a con appearance because they're striking for fair wages then imma come for you in your sleep 🔪🔪🔪
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(direct that fury where it belongs: AMPTP and the execs)
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magickkart · 7 months
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Just finished the fourth novella, someone hold me. Technically I know Murderbot prefers big jackets and tshirts, but I'm deliberately ignoring that in favour of silly anime outfits that expose its arms. The text is secondary to serving CUNT
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txttletale · 1 year
what does it mean when people say stuff like individual morality or action is incompatible with class analysis or class struggle?
alright so like one of the key ideas about class analysis is the idea that classes (as a whole) have economic interests that affect all their members but don't extrapolate out to an individual analysis.
for example, let's say that you can't find a job, and somebody offers to pay you below the table for below minimum wage. it's in your individual interest to do this--it beats having no job! but as a member of the working class, once this practice becomes normalized, suddenly the standards of pay for everyone are lower because people know that they can just pay less than minimum wage under the table. competition between workers for jobs drives wages down for everyone, leaving them all in a worse situation overall even if each individual choice to scab, to accept lower pay, to resist unionization, etc, leaves the person who makes it better off. cf. karl marx on what happens when wages and working conditions deteriorate:
The labourer seeks to maintain the total of his wages for a given time by performing more labour, either by working a great number of hours, or by accomplishing more in the same number of hours. Thus, urged on by want, he himself multiplies the disastrous effects of division of labour. The result is: the more he works, the less wages he receives. And for this simple reason: the more he works, the more he competes against his fellow workmen, the more he compels them to compete against him, and to offer themselves on the same wretched conditions as he does; so that, in the last analysis, he competes against himself as a member of the working class.
— Karl Marx, Wage Labour & Capital
similarly, any individual member of the working class is completely dispensable and replaceable by capital. if one person refuses to work unless they're paid a higher wage, they'll be fired and replaced with somebody who doesn't. the individual worker has no economic leverage whatsoever. but the working class has incredible economic leverage! and so does the intermediate stage between the working class and the individual--organized segments of the working class (e.g. trade unions) have economic leverage. if one person strikes, the capitalist can fire them. if 40,000 people strike, your industry is going to shut down.
so the reason why class analysis is compatible with individual action is that your incentives measurably change when you start organizing--it's in the interests of the individual to compete, but in the interests of the class to cooperate. and obviously you cannot just expect everyone to spontaneously coordinate! you, the individual, are disposable to capital! if you, personally, refuse to take the under-the-table offer, either on moral grounds or because you recognize your class interest, your neighbour's going to take it--unless you and her get together and agree that neither of you will take it. that's the only way that the guy making the offer is going to have to give in and offer the job for a living wage.
and this is what organization is--trade unions (although they have severe limitations!), communist parties, and other worker's organizations allow the working class to pursue their collective interest--which can only be pursued by collective action, because engaging in the strategies of collective action as an individual, without the cooperation of your peers, is high risk for no reward.
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syn4k · 1 year
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new crackpot theory: empires is gonna end right as doc finishes whatever the fuck this is gonna be, the emperors cross back over, all of them get killed by gem and die permanently, and then hermitcraft season 9 continues like nothing ever happened until decked out 2 inevitably becomes sentient and starts killing people for fun by its own hand. Then Scott Smajor and Sausage walk onto a big stage shirtless with Snoop Dogg also there, both holding the gay flag, and kiss
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astragatwo · 10 months
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The new W Corp besties
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goldensunset · 1 year
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they’re talking about responsibilities
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spicyraeman · 4 months
Called into work today, fuck this job :]
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drumlincountry · 2 months
Sometimes caring So Much feels like a curse in this cruel world. but sometimes it allows me to connect with other people who also care A Lot and together we actually are able to make a difference. And that is literally the best feeling in the entire world.
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dayurno · 7 months
have we considered: jean moreau having crushes on both kevin AND thea and being just the worst about it as he passes their notes back and forth anyway. they’re just like Man he’s a little more bitchy than usual. must be riko. meanwhile he’s just mad he has feelings
ANON DO YOU LIVE IN MY WALLS i was just talking about this i think jean and thea having a thinly veiled sexual tension-boosted rivalry is so fucking good. like it starts with this awareness that they're both into kevin and also have a very similar place in the ravens so obviously they're competitive as fuck with each other. and the longer it happens the more it's obvious it's all a very elaborate scheme to avoid admitting they have a Situation going on. i honest to god can see kevin suggesting that jean and thea hook up completely straight-faced and casual and they both are like HOW DARE YOU and SHUT UP KEVIN and YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT but it plants that seed in their head. you understand. its there.
the boy is mine by brady if it ended in a threesome. do you get it.
jean: excuse me can i talk to you for a minute
thea: uh huh sure you know you look kind of familiar
jean: yeah you do too. but i just wanted to know do you know somebody named-? you know his name.
thea: oh yeah definitely i know his name. and i just want to let you know he's mine
(furious making out)
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fluffydice · 9 months
Usually I don’t talk about real world stuff here but the fact that Starbucks is doing a collaboration with Stanley cups to get out of being boycotted is bad enough. What’s worse is that it’s fucking working why are these being sold out in minutes
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daincrediblegg · 4 months
seriously I'm so tired of netflix releasing half seasons and also the 8 episode run becoming the norm. like awwww did the studios not like when the mean scary unions asked for better working terms and better pay for the kind of production level they wanted and now they're hemorrhaging cash even more than usual because they didn't respect their work force enough to listen to them in the first place and now they're shooting their consumer base in the foot by- on top of a million changes that are going to hurt their subscription numbers unequivocally in the long run- short change the consumer for an incomplete product that they have to release in sections because their instant binge release schedule was not sustainable as a business model??? awwwwww pooor babyyyyyy get FUCKED.
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Crab party you will always be famous
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allur1ngs · 9 months
you guys don’t understand how excited i am for the next chapter of the mafia au…i finally get to introduce a love rival!!!!!!!🤭🤭🤭🤭
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Guess who just joined the IWW 👍
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rosie-kairi · 1 year
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