#gonna finish this when I wake up tommorow
your writing is INCREDIBLE, WONDERFUL JUST SO <3333333333
could you write a 2012 Casey jones x reader?
i honestly have no idea in mind, just anything casey (ilovehimsomuchandnoonewritesforhim)
have a good dayyyyy
- 🪩
Dude I love that fuckin dork so much, he's so goofy-
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Summary: Casey shows up at your window at three in the morning, taking you to go get some ice cream.
Warnings: None! All fluffy fluff!
Requested: Mhm!
GN Reader!
What the hell?
You rolled over in your bed grumbling sleepily as you take a peek at your alarm clock. The bright green number mocking your tiredness.
3:45 AM.
You groan as you get up from your comfortable bed, your blanket wrapped around your shoulders as you opened your bedroom window.
You look down at the sidewalk, your boyfriend grinning up at you with a handful of pebbles. Probably what he was throwing at your window.
"What are you doing, Case?" You whisper shouted, your sleepiness evident in your tone, "It's like, 4 in the morning..."
Casey smiled sheepishly, dropping the pebbles on the sidewalk, "Sorry for waking you up. I couldn't sleep so I was going to go get ice cream. I thought we could turn it into a last minute date."
You perked up at the mention of the cold treat, "Alright, I'll be down in a second!"
You heard Casey giggle as you tripped over your blanket while you turned around. You straightened up, blowing hair out of your eyes.
Rushing over to your closet, you threw a hoodie, (Casey's hoodie), on over your t-shirt, replacing your sweatpants with a pair of loose jeans.
You combed your hair, grabbed your phone and keys, then tip-toed silently out of your bedroom, trying not to wake your parents.
You slipped your sneakers on, then silently opened and closed the apartment door. You then booked it out of the building, rushing over to give Casey a hug and a kiss.
"Hi." You muttered against his lips, your arms wrapped sround his neck.
Casey rested his hands on your waist, smirking at you, "Hey cutie. You ready to go?"
You pulled away from him, taking his hand as you pulled hin down the sidewalk to that 24 hour ice cream place afew blocks away, "Mhm! If you get me some (favorite flavor), I'll forgive you for waking me up."
Casey fell in stride with you, still holding your hand, "Deal." he said, kissing you on the cheek.
The two of you walked together through the city streets, slowly making your way to the ice cream shop. When you arrived, Casey ordered your guys ice cream, he handed you your cone.
"Can I sleep over at yours, babe?" You asked Casey, licking your ice cream cone, smiling happily at the sugary treat.
"Sure, but what about your parents?"
You shrugged, leaning into Casey's side as the two of you walked, "Eh, I'll deal with them tommorow. Or- well today I guess."
Casey laughed kissing the top of your head, "You're a dork." he said.
"Yeah, but you like it though." You teased, poking Casey's cheek.
Casey looked down at you, furrowing his brows, "Is that my hoodie?"
You giggled, "No way you just now noticed, I stole it last Friday."
"Theif, I want it back!"
"Nuh-uh, it's mine now! Forever."
"C'mere-" Casey dropped his half finished ice cream into the nearby trash can, then picked you up.
You laughed loudly, squirming as you tried to get away from him.
"No! Casey, put me down you big jerk!" You laughed.
"Nope. Not gonna. I'll hold you until I feel like putting you down."
You leaned your head on his shoulder, whining lowly, "You made me drop my ice cream."
"I'll get you more after lunch." He said, kissing your cheek as he continued towards his families apartment.
"Promise, cutie."
Needed some Casey fluff in my life, plus it's getting warmer where I live, and I really want some ice cream. 💕
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shades-secret · 6 months
Glimpse of loneliness
Chapter one
TW! Mention of gore/death
Mikey is washing the dishes, listening to his brothers rant, laughing along with some of the statements made. He finishes up, the time still early. His brothers yawn. "Welp, I'm heading to bed hermanos," leo says, getting out of his seat and stretching. "Same here" says donnatello, getting out of his seat aswell "I need my rest if I'm gonna finish that upgrade tommorow " he walks off to his lab. "Raph is tired aswell, goodnight mikey, get some sleep." Raph gives mikey a soft noogie than walks off yawning.
"How come they are all so tired? I'm not even sleepy at all!" Mikey says to himself. He walks off to his room, closing the door behind him to bask in his colorful lighting. He opens his computer to see if his friends are on any games or chatting in discord, but alas, they are all asleep. Mikey frowns at his loneliness, grabbing his sketchbook and pencils, hops in his hammock and doodles angrily.
The next morning, mikey wakes to a shockingly quiet household. Is he still dreaming? He hears the ticking of the clock pounding into his eardrums like scratching on a chalkboard. The dogs bark in the streets above, chasing street cats along the empty streets. Mikey goes to check his brothers room, only to find them all vacant. 'What the- did they go on patrol without me?' He thinks. He puts on his jacket, heading to the surface. Cars are everywhere, crashed into buildings, on telephone poles, inside of shops. He checks the cars to find any signs of life... again... nothing, IDs, Phones,Luggage... that's it. He jumps at sudden barking. He turns to find street dogs fighting over a dead corpse. He turns his nose up in disgust. What was going on?
This is based off of this poem I wrote when I was having a panic attack
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dearwhateverthisis · 2 years
So heres the situation: that i sent to my father via FB message after a huge fight that left me an absolute wreck of tears and pain in my soul.
"i got up because i had to go to the bathroom. she was rolling away from me and i said mom u dont have to do clean in the study i said i was gonna do it today. yesterday immideatly after i turned inmy last final i came out and told her. she immidiatly had a whole list of things she wanted me to do. so i tried to make things stay calm so i threw all the trash and dishes and put a laod of laundry in my basket but i hadnt slept since or eatten since 3pm yester day and it was 1 pm the next day i put things in catagorie piles and got everything off the floor and evendid a few things in the bathroom. i told her i would vacumm and finish tommorrow wheni woke up but i was feeling tired and shakey. she didnt like that and said you where coming home and going to take the door off and clean. i saod no she doesnt have to ill do it when i wake up and i dont want you guys finding the christmas presents i havent wrapped yet. she just doesnt look at me and say 'well will see. dads coming home and taking the door off and he'll want it done' i said the same thing i said before. im tired, hungry im going to rest today and when i get up tommorow i will do it. finally she said okay just to placate me but i was so tired and over talking to her i just let it go. i showered and went to bed , cuz i wanted sleep more than food. so when i got up this morning and she was in there and ignored me several times when i was talking to her while walking away with me. she just kep saying 'go to bed. turn off the light.' im trying to talk to her, im trying to get her to understand. i want to keep the christmas things i picked out with tyna a suprise. i want you guys to have a good christmas. finally i say i need you to not go in there. if you go in there you will break my trust and things like that have consequences. i turn to leave and thats when she stops ignoring me. she says for you. consequences for you. she points at me i walk over to her. shes mad she starts telling me that the room is disqusting and i didnt clean enough yesterday and i let it get bad during finals and i said i finished school yesterday and i had to sleep. we talked about this remember when i get up ill clean. she rolls past me ignoring me saying move out. then move out get out. you can be terrible some where else. im so mad im trying to stay calm but mom when she feels like your disagreeing with her will say the first thing she knows will hurt you the most. i know i let my anxiety and depression make things hard not just for me but for everyone. i know i let me adhd get the better of me. i wish i could be better but some days im just trying to survive. I wish i could move out and give you both freedom from me. i want to have money to do those things for you. i know im a bad daughter. i try to be better but sometimes i just cant seem to get it across. when im with mom im reminded of just how bad i am. its like all the negative parts of me come to the surface and shes not afriad to tell me exactly what i am. but i dont need her to because i already know whats wrong with me. im sorry i woke you up this morning and ill try better in the future."
in a message where i showed a part of my inner soul that I almost never ever EVER show I say a few things.
my own mother has said vile and disgustinging things to me not for the first time
she went against her word to me not for the first time again
I have struggles with adhd, deppression and anxiety
I basically hate myself
my mother makes me understand why I hate myself and why others hsould
I apologize for basically being garbage
I wasn't in the wrong but I still apologized
well lets see what he had to say:
"Lots of issues up in the air. All families are broken. I don't have control of anything or anybody. I do my best to maintain good and reason. Push the negative about yourself away but actively be conscious to be better. The little things matter. The physical clutter in the places that you dwell send a message. Momma interprets the mess as disrespect. Respectful to her own mental struggles she will eventually explode. If you see Mommas Spirit as a little girl and you as a little girl then you can feel the compassion for the other. No perfection in this world. Look to the faith for dialog and answers. Ask hard questions. The good news is that there are glimpses of joy in the answers from Christ. It takes work and patience. You work hard at school but you have to also take time daily to physically organize the environment you share with others. Family will make you the angriest, but they are the people in life that mean the most. There is more to talk about. Thank God that I will have a few weeks off and a new baby is soon to arrive. Blessing counting dose me good. “To love is to will the good of another.” Summa Theologica. Thomas Aquinas 1273"
God what a low key general answer bunch of bullshit.
lets break it down.
"Lots of issues up in the air. All families are broken.:
how long can we live our lives with things up in the air. he's willing to heard directly that his wife is openly abusive to those around her for years and years and just go well its up in the air and were just like everyone else.
I don't have control of anything or anybody. I do my best to maintain good and reason. :
My fathers idea of good reason is sticking his head in the sand. you might not be able to control someone but you can help a situation. you can adult up and sit down with your wife and say hey you can be a real bitch and you shouldn't be because we and our daughter have bent over backwards to care for you.
a quick list of some things i have personally done for my mom that are above and beyond what any daughter especially an emotionally abused one should have to do for her abuser:
made excuses to family and friends for her drunken behaivior
lied and covered for her adictions
put her comfort before myown especially when I was younger
let people tell me exactly what I should be doing to make her better and then letting them talk down to me about ways to go about it and explain
be a mediator between her and my father and my sister
called 911 several times and handled that situation only to have her back track because who she is in front of other people isn't who she is with me. then I have several people blame me for over reacting.
trying to cover her strange behaiviors
trying to keep my family afloat and seem normal
handling her physical care several times throughout my life:from when she peed herself, fell, try and keep her from driving anywhere, physical care after her various hospital instancs
wiping her shit ass and vagina while she would laugh at me for being grossed out and emotionally upset for having to feel humiliated by doing that for someone who emotionally abused me my whole life
and the list can go on forever but those are some of the big ticket items from the last general 5 years.
Push the negative about yourself away but actively be conscious to be better. :
im working on being better im trying to be better mentally. I just told you that my mother basically called me disgusting and that is what you have to say! i basically told you that I hate myself and that's what you have to say!
The little things matter. The physical clutter in the places that you dwell send a message. Momma interprets the mess as disrespect. Respectful to her own mental struggles she will eventually explode:
i admit my adhd does get the better of me and I am more comfortable in messy surroundings than most but here's another message my surroundings say= I exist and live in only two small spaces. i eat, drink, live, explore my interests, have space to live and breath in these spaces. I have told my father many times that I only have a physical interaction time with my mother daily of about 15-30 minutes after that she becomes abusive and volatile. that time accounts for me just walking across the house to go to the garage or the fridge or even if she sees me walking into the bathroom. sometimes I even cut that time down to being seen by her 5-9 times.
If you see Mommas Spirit as a little girl and you as a little girl then you can feel the compassion for the other:
fuck you. absolutly fuck you. I dont know if that's some heal your inner child bullshit but that's not correct. my mother is a grown ass woman who acts like a spoiled child. I am a grown ass woman who is stuck in a shitty situation and cant escape. I am a grown woman who has lived with her abuser her whole life and is trying her best to not just live but be happy.
No perfection in this world. Look to the faith for dialog and answers. Ask hard questions. The good news is that there are glimpses of joy in the answers from Christ. It takes work and patience.:
i hate when people use faith as a catch all make it better. God gives us strength and guidance but he gave us free will. he wants us to look to him for faith and interpretation of how to live but unless we are doing the work and effort we arent going to accomplish anything.
uou work hard at school but you have to also take time daily to physically organize the environment you share with others. Family will make you the angriest, but they are the people in life that mean the most.
i dont want these nasty people to mean the most to me. I want to find new people. you cant use oh there family as an excuse that doesn't mean anything anymore. all it means is that people will judge you when you cut them out of your lives.
There is more to talk about. Thank God that I will have a few weeks off and a new baby is soon to arrive. Blessing counting dose me good. “To love is to will the good of another.” Summa Theologica. Thomas Aquinas 1273:
yeah there might be ore to talk about but your going to stick your head in the sand like always until it happens again and then ill get another one of these bull shit messages that will general solution fix messages with no action. then he concludes it all like a fucking email sign off with some bullshit religious quote.
anouther example of using religion to bandaid a bullet hole.
ive always loved my dad for his kindness but I've also always known that he never will put me before my mother. in a way that makes him apart of the emotional abuse and toxic nature of my family.
i dont know if ill write more about this incident because I have a whole series of exchanges with my sister who can lowkey be just as clueless because she got out and doesn't have to deal with this shit any more.
i highly doubt my mother will apologise andif she does she wont mean It or it will be so generalized it will basically mean nothing and if i try to explain that to her she will gas light me and manipulate her words till its my fault again or im the total problem.
So in conclusion im so fucked and stuck here I have basically no hope.
so maybe im right maybe i am disgusting and worthy to be hated by myself and others and I should just accept that. any self value I've found in the last year was wrong and I need to just accept that I am worthy of hate and deserve now should expect anything more of my self and the world.
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Wip time
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yukisnowywriting · 2 years
Punishment To The Loved pt.2
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Diluc x fem!Reader
genre : angst
warning : mentions of death, suicide, sad shit, and angst, cursing.
Masterlist    -   Pt.1
a/n : Soooo this is actually an open ending at first, but i thought of continuing it. The part 2 is quite shitty so if u dont like it, just skip. and i am running out of ideas, so please request anything (except nsfw, my hearts not ready to write them) thank uu, enjoy.
summary : As the days gets busier, so does Diluc. Youve appreciate his hardworking manner and understand the work he has. He want to make you happy by giving you anything you want... but cant you have a little of is attention? does he not need you anymore? what if he loses you? will that be better? does he not like you anymore? will it fix it if you part ways in your deathbed with your last to be "i hate you"?
He never knew that he needed you the most until he actually lost you. 
Eventhough the doctors say that you could still wake up, the doctor detailed it as the percentage drops from 45% to near 10% of you waking up if you didnt wake up for 3 days. Something that a doctor said always haunts him, “shes supposed to be awake since shes... well shes actually okay, but it seems like her mind doesnt want to, and with her condition, sleeping more is just gonna break her more. So we could only say to you, please, spend your time with her more, say stuff you wanted to say to her, because right now we have no proof or reassurance that she will wake up because if her heartbeat stops... treatment to raise the heartbeat may cause damage to her heart and brain. it will lead to immediate death... so if that happens, we could only hang onto luck and the research that someone could wake up between 30 minutes after their heartbeat stops... im sorry.” 
‘is she refusing to wake up because of him? is she not waking up because hes alive? y/n- does y/n really hates me?’
Hes scared that he will not only lose the one he loves again, but aso being hated by the one he loves, and the fact that she has a reason to hate him just makes it worst. 
“y/n, remember that cafe you said you wanted to go to? you see the investigation is going through quite well- and weve discovered the one behind it, so the team is gonna finish this case by themselves so ill be free for a month or so, what do you think of going there? i just saw the reviews and its very great as they say.... im sorry i negected you, ill try my best to give you all of my attention from now on, even at work, if anything happens, if you call, i will always pick up. so please... wake up...” 
its been 2 days, and now is the third, hes been by your side for the whole day, even ordering charles to give him food from takeout.
Your unstable heartbeat always makes his goes faster in fear and anxiety. 
it scares him so much whenever your hearbeat slows so suddenly, and a wave of happiness washes over him when it comes back to normal.
hes always beside you, holding your hand, and saying that he will take you on dates to the places youve always talked about, the places he didnt bring you too. he always apologizes of everything he did. 
And something that differs to what he did before is that, now hes abandonning the work he said was ‘important’ who know how charles is actually doing.
third day 23.55...
“so tommorow is the fourth day...y/n.... you will wake up right? ill give you anything you want, ill bring the head of the person who did this to you, ill give you all the money you want, ill get you those dolls- no ill give you the whole store, anything.... please i dont want to lose you..”
he keeps repeating apologies until the clock strikes 1. As if theworld has gone in an apocolypse, he shivers from fear. He now feels like he cant keep his eyes aways from you, not even a second. Too scared that youll leave the moment he looks away.
its been a week, and the doctor is seeing y/n condition is somewhat worsening. That theyve decided that if she doesnt wake up until tommorow, she will let her pass. Hearing that makes Diluc shiver as he thanks the doctors for the information and quicy grabs your hand in his palm, and lightly kisses it as he furrows his eyebrows knowing hes gonna cry. 
“im... im sorry... i really am...wake up, wake up, wake up, please wake up..” he slently sobs into your palm as tears runs down his cheeks.
its just like that same day a week ago, where he holds your hand while praying to gods that he used to ignore, please keep his love away from the hands of death. 
as if the judgement was ending for him, and the Gods has decided that he was guilty, the monitor of your heartbeat starts to beep and fall into a line.
“w-wait- im sorry! im sorry! please- please give me another chance. ill make it right. i promise. please dont hate me. dont leave. h-hey! you hear me dont you? hey! answer please! ill do anything”
his voice shakes as tears starting to crawl down and drip to your hand that he brings up to his face. Hes kneeling beside you, words stuck in his throat. 
“i-im sorry...please wake up.. if-if you really hate me, if you really hate me that you dont wanna see me again, please wake up, say that you hate me, hit me, slap me, kill me with a knife, i dont care! i really dont care! and if you really just hate me so much that you want me to dissappear without a trace, i will do that, i promise, you wont see even a finger print of mines... anything...! p-please...”
he says as he gives up on the very last hope he has of waking you up and his hope that you will forgive him and give him another chance, Right now, at this moment, he only wants you to wake up. hear you voice even if the words of hate is the one thats gonna come out of your mouth directed at him, everything is fine, he just wants to see you again. 
his cries began to faint, but he pants heavily as he imagines what he is gonna go through without you..
but as he was in his train of thoughts, a warm embrace so familiar, is felt on his body. Your thin hands around his shoulders, your small hands one on his messy hair thats flowing without the usual hair tie, and one stroking his back oh so gently. he could only freeze, as he starts to come back to his senses, it was you.
“dont worry, im fine, inm not going anywhere, and neither am i gonna get away from you.” y/n says so kindly.
“i-im sorry.. please dont hate me...” he starts to tear up again, a very rare thing of him. As he burries his head in between her neck and shoulders, circling his arms around her waist while sobs escape his throat and hiccups following after.
“i dont hate you, dont worry. Even if somethng like that happens again, I think i cant help loving you still, Sorry, i mustve worried you so much.” y/n says as she runs her fingers through his hair, she also gave the nurses a glance signalling that shes okay and to give the a few moments. 
“And Diluc! for the punishment!” you say and grab his kinda wet face from the tears in your hands, as you lift it up to your face. He looks like he a scared puppy as he hears that sentence from you.
“d-do you... want me to dissappear...? i- im sorry- ill really be gone tommorow if you want! i- im sorry-”
“what the fuck? of course not, if you leave me, itll be easier since you could just forget me. So your punnishment would never be that.”
“i-i then what do you want me to do? do you want me to give you my money? my position? th-that store you like? i could gve you everything! just say it” he starts being desperate, tryng to reassure you that he will never do that again and will give you anything.
but you just look at him with a kind of surprised but blank face.
“you rich ass kid....”
“no never mind that”
y/n brings her forehead againts him and says
“your stuck with me now Diluc. Ill whisoer you the things you did every night your asleep. Ill make you remember what you did till your death bed, Diluc. Love you”
Before he says anything, you kiss his lips in a deep kiss as he feels like his heart just skipped a beat. 
‘I-is she a devil? o-or is she an angel?”
He thinks as he feels like he just went back to the times he started to fall for you for the first time. Im glad im stuck with her
y-yay three hours... ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
I hope u enjoy this part, it wasn't planned so it maybe quite shitty... And i feel like i should stop torturing Diluc- but it's too much fun ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
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ethvn-torchio · 3 years
Bucky x reader, except the reader is also a supersoldier who went through the same thing, so she 1000% understands. They both wake up from a nightmare and comfort each other, and end up having very passionate sex.
oH mY gOd iZzY!??!??!! good lord that is 𝓈𝒽𝓇𝑒𝓍𝓎.
Anyway babe, here's a bucky x fem!reader fic for ya. also omfg i love bucky barnes sm 🥺 hnngh mr barnes can rail me any day
Warnings: smut (duh), p in v sex ;) a little angst kinda? top!Bucky, bottom!reader (kinda?) unprotected sex
Word count: 1,398
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You and Bucky were no strangers to nightmares; over the years, both of you were frequently plagued by them. They never became any easier to manage.
You live in the now, but there is one thing that will always and forever be a part of your past.
The Super Soldier serum.
The Soldier is part of who you are - who you both are. It's a part of Bucky, a part of you.
It wasn't an easy decision to make; to take that acceptance of what the past had set you on, and face forward.
Bucky shouts, bringing you out of your light, fitful sleep with a jolt. You throw yourself up and away from the bed with one quick motion.
It takes a moment for your vision to clear, and your breathing to steady. By the time your heart slows back down to normal, you're aware of Bucky was sitting up, leaning back with his hands braced on either side of his hips, breathing harshly, and panting as sweat dripped down his face and onto his chest, fingertips glistening with moisture.
Your pulse hadn't even calmed down enough for you to register what caused it to speed up in the first place when you exhale sharply, seeing Bucky crouched in the middle of the bed, face contorted in the middle of a scream. You can't see his eyes behind the glare the moonlight throws at you, but you get the feeling he's looking right at you.
He's looking at you.
"Bucky," you say, softer than you intend to, eyeing him as you finish sliding up onto your feet in the floor. "Hey. It's okay, Bucky. Breathe," you offer, holding your hands out open and out to your sides, to show you mean him no harm.
Bucky doesn't register your words and doesn't stop staring at you. His eyes are wide, his fists clenched.
"It's only me, Bucky," you breathe. It's then you notice how tense his body is; the tic of the muscle in his jaw, the tension in his arms, the way his shoulders hunch. He looks like he's ready for a fight, ready to grab his weapon of choice and take aim for the kill.
"Bucky, look at me," you request, the words coming out as soothing as you think you can get them. "Breathe with me. Come on. It's just me. You're safe," you reassure, still maintaining a safe distance.
It takes a couple of seconds, but you can see the way his shoulders visibly relax when he finally looks up at you, breathing deeply and still shaking. The sight of him in the state he was in made your heart ache.
You nod, ready to approach.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, and you can hear him swallow audibly. "I…" he falters, pausing, and then he pauses again, exhaling harshly. "I'm sorry." he repeats.
"Do you...want to talk about it?" you ask tentatively, though you doubted he would. Neither of you liked to talk about your nightmares.
"No," he replies, almost immediately, though you can see him glance back at you briefly before his eyes avert back to their spot between his knees. "No, I don't. I don't want to…I don't want to think about it anymore."
"Okay," you agree, "Okay," you repeat again, slowly. "I don't expect you to." you add with a smile, though you doubt he can see it. You sit beside him on the bed.
You let the silence fill the space between you, letting him collect himself. 
Finally, he says, “I don’t want to go back to sleep.” 
You shift, tucking a loose hair behind your ear. “Well, what can I do to help?”
Dark, lustful eyes follow your silhouette. "I don't want to think anymore... just let me..." He whispers, the tone of his voice desperate. 
You wordlessly nod, allowing him to pull you into a kiss. There’s nothing quite romantic about the way he kisses you, insatiable and impassioned. The kiss feels longer than it actually is. 
Finally, you break apart, staring at each other for a moment longer before his eyes glance down to where your lips are still slightly parted, watching him. 
Without another word, his cold metal hand slides up your nightshirt, leaving trails of goosebumps in it's wake. He helps you out of your shirt, leaving you in only your sports bra.
His brow furrows. He growls, and you can hear the telltale sound of tearing fabric - and then you’re bare for him, nipples hardening in the cool air. 
You never liked that bra, anyway.
He mutters your name in appreciation, teeth grazing your neck. His hands trail along your body, like he was making sure you were real. 
You wish you could see his brilliant blue eyes, if only to reassure him more. 
He tugs impatiently at the waistband of your shorts, pressing his forehead to yours. You card your fingers in his hair, and before you know it, your shorts are uncaringly tossed to the floor. 
He pauses at the waistband of your underwear. You can feel his hot breath against your neck, his fingers hooked at the waistband.
"Bucky," you plea softly.
That's seemingly all the motivation he needs, and your underwear is added to the ever-growing pile of clothes on the floor.
He doesn't hesitate to touch your clit, rubbing tight circles on the bundle of nerves.
You mewl, spreading your legs for him, anything to get more attention on your clit.
However, he abandons your clit in favor of something else.
You can feel the cold metal of his fingers In your searing heat, and you squirm. “Bucky, oh, God-” you mutter, biting your lip. 
He shushes you, pressing a kiss to your lips. You quickly get used to the icy coolness of his fingers, it adds another layer to your pleasure. He buries his two fingers to the knuckle, pumping and curling his fingers just right, making you a wet, wanton mess. 
He hits your G-spot, and you throw your head back, moaning aloud. He hits that spot a few more times before he removes his fingers, making you whine at the loss.
“Suck.” is his simple demand, fingers coated in your slick.
You oblige, sucking his fingers, the faint taste of metal mixed with your own juices.
He groans, and then his fingers - wet with your own spit - go back down to your clit, rubbing it with fast, light strokes.
You moan, clenching around nothing, aching for him.
Eventually, he stops, and you can feel the head of his cock brush against your entrance. He pauses, pressing his forehead to yours. "-needed this so much, Doll. God, I-" he trails off.
You press a kiss to his cheek. "I'm here, Bucky."
He exhales shakily, and suddenly, he buries himself inside of you to the hilt.
The noise that he releases is primal.
You moan at the feeling of being full, and the delicious stretch that comes along with it.
He stays like that for a brief moment, letting you adjust to him before he rolls his hips.
He thrusts sharply, experimentally, before he finds his rhythm, setting a frantic pace, fucking you like he'd never see you again.
He peppers kisses everywhere he can, kissing your lips, your cheeks, your neck, your shoulders - as you writhe underneath him, incoherently begging for more. He grips your hips, holding them tightly, muttering slurred praises in your ear.
It was something carnal, something wild and desperate, and it was so fucking good.
His skillfull fingers find your clit once again, and the combination of the attention on your clit and the way he hits your G-spot makes you cry out his name, you orgasm steadily approaching.
You clench around his cock and he groans in appreciation, kissing and nipping at your neck.
There was surely going to be a hickey on your neck and bruises on your thighs when you woke up tommorow, at the rate he was going.
His hips begin to stutter, his breath gets shaky. "'M gonna-" he warns,
You were about to respond when he pinches your clit, and your orgasm hits you suddenly, quickly. You yell his name, milking his cock.
He groans into your hair, whispering your name as he gives a few short, choppy thrusts before he orgasms.
You both sleep nightmare free the rest of the night.
@rizwritesfandom @motherfuckingstargirl10 @haydens-moles
yo sorry this was vv not good ngl 💁🏻‍♀️ but like I'm really tired yall I'm sorry 🗿✌️ hope y'all enjoyed<3 also the ending was trash
Edit; wtf deadass I forgot the part where the reader was supposed to have a nightmare too????? Literally ignore me sldjfhskek
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burgundyhaven · 3 years
Send Her to Me: Teen! Kit Walker x Reader
Description: basically high school kit walker is trying to ask y/n out to the dance but everytime he tries to ask her out he keeps on missing her so he asks for his friends to send her to him
Word count: 1,702
Warnings: cursing, fluff? Nothing else that I can think of :)
A/n: I had a lot of fun making this, I’ve been in my 60s/70s phase as of recent so I’ve been listening to a lot of 60s garage rock and this is inspired by “send her to me” by the dark knights which is amazing you should go check the song out expeditiously. This is taking place in November of 1957 btw :)))) enjoy!!! Sorry if this is messy I finished writing this at 3:48 am  which explains lots of the spelling and punctuation errors it’s whatever 
Link to send her to me by the dark knights-https://youtu.be/BJKQks4neiI
It was November of 1957 and it was Kit Walkers final year of high school
He just wanted the stress of all of the work and uncertain future to be over
But there was one thing he would miss, you
He’s had a huge crush on you ever since you were in 9th grade, but only now worked up the courage to ask you out
You were putting your things away in your locker when you saw kit coming towards you
“Hey y/n”
“Oh- hi kit! what class you got next?”
“History. you?”
“Oh- uh… cool”
“Yeah.cool?” you chuckled
“Would you want to-“ he stops for a while
“Would I want to what?”
“Would you want to-“
he gets cut off by a loud bell
“Sorry! I gotta go i can’t be late again that’ll be three days in a row, catch you after this class though?”
“Oh. yeah sure” Kit says almost whispering and looking down at his shoes after waving at you
He went to history, though his attention was on the clock waiting for the next chance to see you
Finally, the bell rang and he went right to your locker, but…you weren’t there
He didn’t know, but you just didn’t need to go to your locker that class, but he knew he’d be able to talk to you in lunch
He went to his friends and asked them if they would send a message for him. He knew at least two of them had that class with you
“Hey- hold on wait, Jimmy tell y/n to meet me at the 6th lunch table, I keep on missing her at hall time”
“What for?”
“Nothing I just wanted to talk to her, if you don’t have her class next ask Henry I know he has the same class as her right now”
“Alright good luck… on whatever crazy shit your doing”
“Yeah thanks” he chuckled and looked down at his shoes
You were in your class when you saw one of Kits friends walking into your class, which was normal. But, he never talked to you in particular
He approached you and spoke quickly and quietly
“Kit wants you to meet him at the sixth table in the cafeteria in lunchtime”
“I don’t know? He didn’t give a reason”
“Alright… thanks”
*45 minutes later*
Finally, it was lunchtime and he spotted you sitting alone in the corner of the cafeteria,where he told you to meet him
He walked over to the table and sat right in front of you
“Hey what’re you doing here all alone again”
you smiled and put a strand of hair behind your ear
“Sorry about forgetting to tell you i wouldn’t be at my locker, i forgot i didn’t need any books for my class after english”
“no don’t worry about it it’s fine”
“So what did you wanna tell me kit?”
“Oh,uh i wanted to actually show you something”
He walked over and dragged his lunch to your side and sat down
He pulled out a photo from his bag
“Here it is”
He slid the photo to your side
“Oh my god Kit! That’s us! God we were so little” you laughed
“But- how’d you find these i thought you lost all your pictures in the move”
“Yeah, but we found a tin inside of the box with my moms clothes and it had all my baby photos and stuff like that”
“You got any more?”
“Yeah, If you wanna come over afterschool and I could look through them with you. I haven’t gotten a chance to see them all yet?”
“Yeah, of course! we’d have to walk though, i can’t go alone”
“yeah that’s no problem,meet me by the front of the school at around 2:00?”
“K, see you then”
He knew this was going to work perfectly, you would be thinking about the past you guys had and then he’d ask you out and you would just have to say yes
2:00 came and you were out in front waiting for about 8 minutes, he was a little late but he came out eventually
“Sorry i kept you waiting so long. That son of a bitch Mr. Wells made me stay after class for not finishing the test in time”
“No don’t worry it’s okay,it’s only 2:08 you didn’t keep me waiting for that long” you said while smiling at him
“Alright,let’s go- wait did you call
your house and tell them you were coming over?”
“ Uh-yeah I told my mom i’d be home a little late and i’d be at your place for school”
“For school?”
“She wouldn’t let me at any guys house if it wasn’t school related,even though she’s known you since you were born”
“Makes sense” he laughs and looks at you
The cold november breeze made you start to shiver and you put your books close to your chest but it was no use
Kit noticed you were getting cold and gave you his jacket, and even though you told him you weren’t cold, he knew you just didn’t want to seem like you needed anything, so he put it on you anyways
you made it to his house and he got his key out
you went in and his parents weren’t home
His dad was at work, and his mom left a note saying she wouldn’t be home until around 8 as she was out running errands
“Well i guess this is my house for the after noon” he said smiling
You laughed and smiled back
You asked if he wanted his jacket back, but he said you could keep it, so you put it on completely
“So,you wanna eat anything?”
“No, thanks though”
“I’ll go get the box then wait here”
You sat on the couch and heard him coming down shortly after you touched down on the seat cushion
“got it!”
you sat on the floor and the both of you looked through the box and uncovered dozens of forgotten memories
“Oh my god that was your 12th birthday”Kit said pointing to a photo from 1952
“Look at this one we were babies here!” you pulled out the photo form the small stack
“Kit is that you?” you pointed to a picture of him in a bathtub as a baby
He grabbed it and slid the photo under the couch
“No uh- thats my cousin. You won’t see him much because he’s- twice removed? Yeah”
“Yeah sure. don’t be embarrassed you were cute”
“Yeah whatever” he rolled his eyes
“It’s so crazy that we’ve known each other literally since we were born” you say still looking at the pictures
“Well technically…i’m older by a month so since you were born” Kit whispers
“You’re only older because you were born premature” you patted him on the back while getting up to go to the couch
He got up to sit next to you and turned on the tv for background noise
He scooted in closer to you and eventually you found that he had his arm wrapped around you and you were falling asleep
“hey it’s only 4:15, wake up” he tapped your shoulder
“Yeah i know- i just went to bed super late last night and i-“
“No it’s fine- do you want me to drive you home i could use the extra one we have”
“no i uh- i like it here it’s quiet, plus i can’t sleep now. I won’t be able to make it to school tomorrow”
“y/n. Its Friday ?”
“Oh.yeah well still”
“Okay nevermind” kit faintly laughed
You got up to get a snack as you hadn’t eaten for quite some time,then went right back to the couch
You sat crossed on the floor, looking right at the pictures on the wall
You observed all of them, specifically just seeing how much he’s changed over the years
He suddenly spoke out of nowhere
“Hey, so you heard about that senior ball the schools havin in a couple weeks”
“Yeah what about It?”
“You uh- planning on going”
“Probably, I just don’t really have anyone to go with”
“If you want, I could take you. I- I mean it doesn’t have to be like as a date or anything we could’ve go as friends if you wa-“
You hugged him and stopped him from saying anything else
“Thank you so much kit,I didn’t wanna have to go alone.And… yes we could go as a date ”
“Really?” He scratched his neck
You nodded and looked at him for a while, contemplating what you were going to do
You kissed him, out of nowhere
Now, you had just had your first kiss, and he had just had his
It was extremely awkward afterwards, you both just stared at each other and didn’t know what to say
“So uh- what’re we gonna wear” you said, still being in front of him as you were after you kissed him
“ Uhhh- i”
“we could match?” You started to get up to leave
“Yeah, we could match “ he spoke breathily
“I- uh, I gotta go my moms probably worried sick about me it’s” 
you look down to check your watch 
“I could drive you and take the spare car? It’s kinda cold out”
“Oh yeah thanks sure “
The short 7 minute drive was quiet but lovely and you couldn’t help but stare at him for the whole car ride
You arrived home and quickly  walked to the door
You rang the doorbell and your mom opened the door, she looked pretty pissed but nothing over the top
You turned around and Kit was still there in the car, and your mom moved away from the door
You walked back a little closer to the where his car was  and he said “ come by my place tommorow … for school”
You laughed quietly and whispered “yeah for school… goodnight kit”
And he drove away into the distance, back to his house
You went to your room, and got ready for bed, and all you could think about was Kit and the wonderful day you had with him. And about the wonderful day you would have with him tomorrow
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alterrune · 3 years
Hey, "Creator". Wake up.
Zzz---Wha? No don't rob me!
(I pull out the gun Adam gave me and start shooting it in the air. Luckily, I recognize Alter before I start shooting him.)
...dude. Itchy trigger finger, much?
Ugh...why did you do that, Alter?
We don't want to get asks about if the askblog is dead or something, that's why.
You were dozing off on the job, we had to wake you up.
Yeah. Plus, askbox is getting a bit crowded...
How crowded we talking here, Ellie? I doubt it's as crowded as you think.
We'll see about that. "Initate askbox".
(After she says the command, a mailbox appears in Ellie's hands. As soon as she opens it, envelopes containing asks to the blog shoot out like a machine gun, and when it's finished, I'm buried beneath a big pile of envelopes, which I resurface from, a big look of disbelief on my face.)
Yeeeaaah...maybe I should close the askbox for now...
As long as you reopen it.
Relax, I'm just gonna close it until tommorow. I'm not gonna let the people who follow this blog down with it.
Hey wait. There's a plaque on the wall to the right of the gate. It has a cipher on it...
So it's a vigenere cipher, eh? I'd decode it, but I'd prefer if the fans did that for us.
Yeah. Anyways, gonna close the askbox for now...
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adiventisimp · 3 years
May I request gn reader x diluc that the reader can't swim and doesn't say anything about it until Diluc notices that's they are try to avoid the deep of the ocean and then they tell him that thru can't swim and he try to help them swim!. Sorry if this doesn't make sense
Diluc x gn!reader | Learning how to swim
Words: 895
Genre:  kinda fluff?
Warnings: swearing
Author’s note: Sorry that it took me so long to post this. \Hope you liked it!
- also, I think I know what are you trying to say. If I did not did what you asked, I am so sorry!
  “Why?” Kaeya asked you. “It’s just.. what if I fall in the water?” you asked him. “I am gonna freeze again the water you were just standing, you will just need to swim and reach it.” he said, like it was child’s play. It will probably be child’s play if there were someone else here, talking to Kaeya about how are you guys gonna go from Cape Oath to the Spyral Abyss. It’s not child’s play with you because you don’t know how to swim.
The only person that knows you don’t know how to swim is Lumine, and that’s all. Even your boyfriend, Diluc, isn’t aware of that. Why are you not saying anything about this problem? Well, it’s because you are scared that they are gonna laugh. They probably would take it seriously but you don’t want to risk it.
And because you don’t know how to swim, you are afraid of water too. I mean, what if you fall into a deep water? How are you capable of surviving if you don’t know how to swim. And you don’t want to put someone in danger either. What if they come to your rescue and don’t have enough energy (A.K.A stamina) to save you?
“Alright... then we will take that waypoint and come back when you are ready. How about that, hm?” Kaeya asks. “Yeah, it’s better this way. Sorry for bothering you for nothing, Kaeya.” you respond, feeling quilty. “Nah, don’t worry about it. It was a fine adventure anyway. “ he says. “Alright, I am going to Angel’s Share, wanna come?”. “Nah, I am going too Dawn Winery. I want to sleep. Byeee!”.
You teleport at the Statue of The Seven from the Dawn Winery. You are entering the building and going straight to the bathroom to shower. You were tired, and sweating because you fighted with hilichurls, Whooper Flowers and slimes on the way to Cape Oath. You sigh.
It’s a shame we didn’t make it to the Spyral Abyss, though  you think.
 But what if you drowned? Diluc would be so broken.... you couldn’t let that happen. You stopped thinking abot theese things and just relaxed.
 You finished the shower and go get some sleep. After you waked up you heard Diluc downstairs, talking to someone. “Listen to me.” you heard a familiar voice. It was Kaeya. Kaeya was talking to Diluc. “I have no intention to listen to you.” Diluc said. “Look, it’s about y/n.” as Kaeya finished his sentence, you heard something breaking. “What about them?” Diluc asks. You could hear the terrified tone Diluc had. “I don’t think they know how to swim” Kaeya says. “I knew this was bullshit. Get the hell out of here!” Diluc said, with a clear annoynce in his voice. 
 Diluc goes to the bedroom and finds you awake. “Huh, you waked up, darling?” he asked you. “Yeah.” He looked at you with a serious face. “Hey, y/n. Do you know how to swim?”  Diluc asks you.
 You freeze. You wanted to tell him the truth, but you didn’t want to tell him. He had enough things to do at the tavern. He had to deal with the drunkards everyday, you didn’t wanted to add one more thing on his head. At least not now, because the guy who needed to transport the wine at the tavern was sick, at the others were afraid to transport the wine because of hilichurls. So, he needed to pay them more, to transport the wine himself or just close the tavern for a day or two.  And if that wasn’t enough, Charles was out of town too! He wanted to spend time with his kids three days, and his kids lived with his wife in Sprinvale. so he took a small vacation. So Diluc needs to be at the tavern from when it opens (at 7 am) and stays till it closes (2 pm) so he barely gets any sleep, because he leaves the winery at 5 am.
 “You can tell me. You can tell me anything.” Diluc says. “Yes...it’s true. I don’t know how to swim.” he looked at you. “Alright then. Charles will finish his vacation after 2 days. I have enough time to teach you how to swim. Till Charles come, I will close the tavern. Let’s go to Cape Oath.”. You had no words. You were so happy that you didn’t know how to exprime it. “I love you, thank you very much!” you said. Diluc smiles. 
You getted up from the bed and taked the waypoint to Cape Oath with Diluc. When you arrived there you runned till the water. “Alright so...” he started teaching you. It was so scary, because you could fail at any time, but you calmed yourself everytime you becamed scared. You knew Diluc was there. He will never NEVER let you drown. He loves you more than anything in this world.
 “Alright! You are doing really good. Now, keep performing this and there you have it! You can swim slowly. Tommorow I will teach you how to swim fast. Let’s go and get some sleep.” Diluc said. You were so hapypy.
 When you got home you just cuddled till you falled asleep. You falled asleep on Diluc’s chest, and that maked him happy.
“I love you.” Diluc said.
adiventisimp’s content. Please do not plagirize.
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aestheticmoondrop · 3 years
Fnaf story with GN!animatronicreader!
So i came up with this cuz of a funny tiktok so yuh
but for the Animatronic y/n i would say there a koala how has there own roller rink for the teens/tweens ill put more detail about them in my post tomorrow
As you wake up and look around you find yourself in a new room it seems as you start walking a little robot come up to you and starts talking "My My your already up it seems!" You slightly nod your head and let them finish talking about the plex and whats going on they also tell you that its night and there are no vistors at this hour so you might wanna go and talk to all the other animatronics to get to know them. You thank them and walk out into your room which is a nice midnight blue color with neon pink and green light strips around it. "what a pretty room" you think to yourself as you leave the room you can hear loud banging, laughing and yelling as you walk over to the noise you realize its the band. You decided to go see what was going on and you see a Bear a bunny and a alligator.. arguing over something? you decided to leave them alone and go talk to the two pretty girls on the couch. As you walk up to the the wolf one notices you she cocks her head slightly at you and you start to introduce your self to them losing all focus on the boys over in the middle. "Hi! My name is Y/N im a new animatronic here and someone told me to meet you guys soo. "Oh well im Glamrock Chica nice to meet you!" "And im Roxanne Wolf good to see someone new." "Nice to meet you all but may i ask who those guys over there are?" "oh dont mind those idiots the purple bunny is bonnie the big bear is freddy and the alligator is monty." "Oh good to know thanks" As you start to get in to a good conversation a weird instinct kicks in you which makes you turn your head and catch something that was flying at you insanely fast " WOAH HOLY HELL WHOS ALREADY TRYING TO DECOMMISSION ME??" "oh shit well thats when the staff went" you quickly turn around and chuck the staff in the direction of were it came from. "FUCK LOOK OUT" "bonnie says as the all duck down and dodge the staff that came flying towards them. Ok im prolly gonna write a part two to this tommorow if it gets some notes (also yes bonnie is not decommissioned in my story/au
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dwaekiki · 4 years
Camping trip
Caregiver : Hyunjin
Little : Seungmin
The members were all excited today. They had a weekend to relax and they had chosen to go camping! Everyone was running everywhere in the dorm, looking for the last stuff needed for the trip. Making sure they didn't forget anything. Seungmin had woken up already into his little head space as he was so excited for their trip. He hadn't been able to rest and slip for a long time now since they were always practicing all day long. He was happy he could take the weekend to fully relax and be little. When the group had finally packed all their stuff, they were ready to leave for a well deserved break. Hopping into the car, they all buckled their seat belts and the vehicul started.
The ride to go there was kind of long, almost two hours and for little Seungmin, it was the most boring thing. He had tried to sleep like Hyunjin had told him to, but he was too excited and couldn't keep his eyes close for more than three minutes. Seungmin let out a loud sigh in annoyance and Hyunjin put his hand on his baby's head to calm him down, stroking his hair. To the little's delight, they finally made it to the camp. He happily giggled and started swinging his legs back and forth, waiting for his caregiver to get him out of the car as he had fell deeper into little space. Hyunjin cooed at his baby and took him up in his arms, trying to help the others with all the stuff at the same time. By the time they finished installing the tents, Seungmin had fallen asleep on Hyunjin's shoulder. The day was coming to an end already and tommorow they had a big day planned. They had all agreed on going hiking. There was four tents so they had to sleep in pairs and once everyone had settled into their respective one, Hyunjin watched his little softly breath, already deep into sleep. He smiled and closed his eyes, drifting off pretty quickly.
The morning sun woke up Seungmin the next day. He shuffled into his slipping bag, trying to block the light and possibly be able to sleep a bit more, but it was no use. He looked around and beside him, he saw a sleeping prince. He smiled at the thought and observed his boyfriend's features a little more. He didn't want to wake him up, but he felt himself already starting to get bored. He turned his head again and found his plushie not far away from him. Taking it, he played with it for some time, but the boredum came back quickly so he finally decided to wake his caregiver up. Slowly approaching the latter, Seungmin put a hand on his shoulder and started shaking him slightly.
He whispered.
"Dada, Minnie bowred"
Hyunjin shifted in his sleeping bag, but his eyes remained closed.
Seungmin tried again, louder. A hummed was heard from Hyunjin as he finally opened his eyes, looking at his baby.
"What is it angel?"
He asked soflty.
"I bored"
"Did you try going back to sleep baby? It looks pretty early and you need to be in great form for today"
Hyunjin tried, but only got a whine in response.
"Minnie triwed but can't"
Now almost fully awake, the caregiver lifted himself up into a sitting position.
"Does Minnie want to try sleeping in dada's arms?"
Seungmin immediately nodded and slipped himself into his dada's sleeping bag. They both layed down again, the little pressed onto Hyunjin's chest, the latter holding him tightly. Fortunately, the couple soon drifted back to sleep, but sadly only to be woken up about thirty minutes later. Once everyone was up, the eight boys then started to get ready for the day. They had packed sandwiches and water bottles and Hyunjin didn't forget to bring a first aid kit, just in case. Finally, they were ready to leave and everyone was excited and cheerful. Seungmin more than everyone because of his little state of mind. Jeongin was happy when Minnie was little because he felt like he had a younger brother and really liked to take care of him. Along with Jisung and Felix, the maknae made Seungmin laugh and jump around, making him even more frantic then he already was. Seeing the energetic youngers, Chan decided they could take a longer road than the one they first intended to take. They had originally picked a three miles road, but they changed for a five miles one. They thought it would be alright, as they'd packed enough supply and left the camp early. They would be back by the end of the afternoon, before dinner time.
~time skip
About two hours of hiking had passed before the maknae line, and Minho joining them, started to whine about being hungry. As it was almost noon anyway, the group stopped at a nearby table, which were dispersed everywhere around the trails, and took out the sandwiches. Each member took one and they begun to eat happily. After lunch, they all regained energy and were ready to continu, everyone chasing and teasing baby Minnie. Unfortunately, running around on a ground full of roots and rocks wasn't the best place for Felix' clumsiness as he fell, his knees hitting the ground harshly. Every members ran to him and helped him sit so they could see if he was okay. His knees were bleeding, but it was nothing serious. Although, Hyunjin was happy he had thought of bringing the first aid kit. He took it out of his backpack and opened it up, revealing band-aids, coton balls, sanitizer and lots of other useful supplies. Seugmin, understood Felix had hurt himself, but was still trying to calm down from all the excitement he had just lived. He tried to get the members attention, but they were all by Lix' side, trying to calm him down, but Seungmin needed attention, he wanted someone to take care of him too. Who was better at that then his dada? He then made his way towards Hyunjin and slightly taped his shoulder, getting no evident reaction, as the older was busy dressing Felix' wounds.
The little tried again.
"Dada Minnie wanna pway"
He exclaimed, tapping Hyunjin's shoulder again, but the latter shrugged his hand off.
"I'm busy Seungmin go elsewhere"
Seungmin was disappointed, he wanted his dada to pay him some attention.
"But dada, wanna pway"
Hyunjin became irritated and without looking at his little :
"Seungmin, I said go away! I am busy!"
The members didn't even seem to notice the small argument, as they were drying Felix' tears, or holding his hands, or saying calming words to the Australian. Seungmin was hurt. He didn't feel like his dada cared about him anymore. He slowly backed away from the group, looking around him. Minnie gonna go back to the camp and pway wif plushie. He thought to himself, looking at the track they came from, already starting to make his way in that direction.
A good twenty minutes later, Felix wasn't crying anymore and his knees were gently wrapped in bandages. The group thought it was a better idea to get back to the camp since one of the member was hurt. Starting to walk back, Hyunjin remembered the way he had talked to Seungmin earlier and felt awful. He started to look for him in hope of apologizing but the little was no where in sight. Panic slowly rose inside of him and he stopped, looking around again. It catched the attention of the others and they started questioning Hyunjin on what he was doing.
"Where is Seungmin?"
He faintly asked in a shaky voice. The other six boys looked around, imitating the scared caregiver.
"Where is he?"
He repeated hopeless.
"Where is my baby?"
He questioned again, his voice cracking at the last words as worried tears filled his eyes. Chan approached him and patted his back reassuringly.
"Don't worry, we're going to find him, he's propably not that far"
The others agreed and made groups to go look for the little. The leader stayed with Hyunjin while the rest of the members parted ways. The dancer was still out of it, continuously looking at all the trees surrounding them.
"It's my fault, I didn't take care of him when he needed me. Chan-"
He broke down in tears, the oldest holding him up so he wouldn't fall on the ground.
"It's going to be okay, everybody's looking for him"
Chan reassured, holding Hyunjin in a tight hug. The only way not taken by the rest of the group was the way back to the camping site so once Hyunjin had calmed down a bit, the pair started to walk that way. They had planned that if by 5pm, they still hadn't found Seungmin, they would reunite and ask for professional help, it was currently 1pm. They all hoped it wouldn't get to that. Hopeless, Hyunjin pitifully walked the trail beside a supportive Chan.
~Time skip again
The two hours back to the camp were exhausting for Hyunjin, for Chan too in fact, but the leader didn't let it show as he tried to cheer his member up. Arriving there with no one in sight made Hyunjin want to break into another wave of tears but before he could, a small figure catched his eyes. A little Seungmin was sitting in front of their tent, a plushie in his arms, singing to himself. Chan's eyes widened while a smile grew on Hyunjin's face. He immediately ran towards Seungmin, not caring about his tired legs.
He screamed. The little looked up and his eyes shone at the sight in front of him.
"There you are, don't ever do this again baby"
Hyunjin said, holding his baby in a tight hug.
"But Minnie wanted to pway dada"
The caregiver hummed, hugging him closer.
"I know baby, I should've listened to you. Dada is sorry he yelled at Minnie"
"Ish okay dada, wanna pway now?"
Seungmin asked, resting his head on his boyfriend shoulder.
"Sure, anything for you angel"
Seungmin giggled. Chan, behind them, called the others, telling them they had found Seungmin at the camp. Once everyone was reunited, they used the rest of the day to play games with Minnie, not leaving him alone one second.
The end~~
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bwingus · 4 years
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Siri meets melody (ft @qualityfunnyscenariosfire 's oc melody)
Siri was out on her walk, looking for a deer for ammit. Since it was their favorite food.
She was currently in a deeper part of the woods, with her and ammits house being about 2 miles away. However, there was this strange research lab nearby, that supposedly makes animal human hybrids, but she didnt really beleive that.
"Dammit. There are way to many scents out here for me sniff out a deer." She said
Melody was running through the forest, gasping and whimpering. She walks over this fallen dead tree that was like a bridge over a small lake.
"They're gone. Finally." She says, walking through some bushes. She sees a lady in the distance, who was sniffing around in some bushes.
Melody slowly ventures in the bushes, her scent getting strong. She pops out of one, being eye to eye with the lady
"Ep! W-Wrong bush" she squeaks, quickly moving back into bush
Siri is surprised to see a pair of eyes look at her from the bush, and then disappear. She then hears a startled squeak, and she says, "ummm, is anyone there?" She doesnt get a response, so she decides she just gonna look inside the bush.
She finds a young usagi girl (a usagi is basically a human with rabbit ears) sitting in the bush. The girl looks very scared, and let's out a startled squeak, and raises her hands defensively. "P-p-please dont hurt me ma'am!" She says
"I'm not going to hurt you little one! could you come out of that bush for me?" Siri says.
"B-but how do I know I can trust you not to hurt me?" the girl said.
"Well, I havent hurt you yet, and if I was going to hurt you, I would have done so by now."
"O-ok" the girl says and she gets up. She was a young usagi girl, with long white hair,and wearing a adorable dress. "My-my name is melody by the way."
"Well, that's a rather cute name! My name is sirius, but you can call me siri!" Siri says
In the distance siri hears a stick snap, and so does melody.
"Did you hear that?" Melody says worriedly
"Mhm. Just stay with me. I dont think were alone out here...."
Just then siri hears something running at them from behind, but before she could react she was flung into a nearby tree.
She looks up, and sees that its a wendigo. And its grabbed melody, and has started to lift her up
"H-HELP!!!" Melody screams as the wendigo bites her leg, presumably to taste her.
"Dont touch her you bastard!" siri yells as she runs towards the wendigo, and punches it in the face, sending it flying, making the wendigo drop melody.
"Melody, are you ok!" Siri says
"N-no. It bit my leg, and now its hurt pretty bad."
"Ok. I'm gonna go deal with that beast!" She says, just as the wendigo gets up.
She runs forward yet again, unsheathed one of her swords, and then prepares to fight it.
The wendigo tries to strike her but she slides under its hand, springs up and hits a horizontal slice from its right shoulder to its heart, killing it instantly. She then lights it on fire.
She walks back over to melody, and examines her wound. "Man, it damaged you pretty bad. The wound goes deep enough to were I can see your bone." Siri says worriedly. She knows what she has to do, but she doesnt want to lose her trust.
"Melody. I have to ask you something. Do you trust me?" Siri says very sternly.
"I-I guess so? W-w-what are you gonna do?"
"Well...." she touches melody on the shoulder, and she starts to shrink, and eventually end up at 1 foot tall.
"H-h-hey, why did you do that miss siri?" Melody says, slightly getting scared.
Siri doesnt answer, but instead picks melody up, opens her mouth, and then brings melody into it.
"H-H-HEY!!!! S-s-stop!!!" Melody screams. But, her screams fell upon deaf ears since siri started swallowing her, and with on swallow little mel was swallowed up to her waist, and by a second swallow she was brought all the way into siri's throat. And eventually, she ended up in her stomach.
"M-m-miss siri! P-p-p-please let me out! Why did you eat me!!!" She says whimpering, on the verge of tears.
"Hey, hey, hey! It ok, its ok. I ate you so I could heal you. My stomach can produce a healing liquid, and I put you in there to heal your leg." Siri said.
"O-ok. Thank you. Wh-why didnt you tell me that in the first place?" Melody asked.
"I didnt want you to bleed out, or pass out from shock. So, I ate you in the heat of the moment." Siri explained.
"Ok." Melody said
"So, why were you out here anyway? Your parents must be worried sick!"
"I-I-I dont have parents, or atleast ones that I know of. When you found me, I had just been running from a research facility where they did experiments on me." She says while shaking, and tearing up. "I-I-I do not wanna go back there."
"Its ok honey. I wont take you back there. What If I took you back to me and my husbands house? Would that be ok?" Siri says
"Mhm" melody says as she cuddles up into the stomach, getting comfy.
"Also, our house is pretty far away, so you may wanna get some rest while your in there."
"Ok. Goodnight ms siri." Melody says
"Goodnight mel" siri said
Time skip to when siri gets to da house
"Hey, melody! Melodyyyy!" She says, while jostling her stomach so that she can wake melody up.
"Hmmm?" Melody says, just walking up.
"I got to my house." Siri says.
"Oh, ok. I cant wait to meet your husband." Melody says.
"Honey I'm home!" Siri says as she enters the house.
"Oh, welcome home darling." Ammit said from the kitchen. "Did you bring me the venison I wanted?"
"No, but I brought something better. I found a usagi girl named melody out there. I saved her from a wendigo." Siri says
"Oh? Could we adopt her?" Ammit asks. As he walks up and starts to rub siris slightly distended belly, causing sirius to purr.
"I would like that." Melody says as she cuddles up to the belly rubs.
"That sounds like wonderful idea." Siri says joyfully. "But I'm very tired and I think we should probably go to bed." Siri says. "Mel, would you like to sleep in my belly, or would you like to come out"
"I wanna come out." Melody says.
"I'm gonna go eat something" ammit says.
Siri walks into the bathroom in their bedroom, and then regurgitates melody into her hand, and then ushrinks her. Siri hands melody a pair of her pajamas, and allows her to change her clothes.
Once shes finished, she joins siri in the bed.
"Wow, this bed is super big!" Melody says "and it's super comfy too!"
"Mhm." Siri says. "Oi! Ammit! Do you wanna sleep on the bed or on the couch?"
"Bed dear." Ammit says as he walks into the room. "Just remember that we have to start packing, since were moving into the mansion. This weekend."
"Oh shit-i mean shoot! I forgot about that!" Siris says
"It's ok honey, we can just do it tommorow. But for now I think we should rest." Ammit says as he joins the two in the bed. He immediately sniffs melody and starts nuzzling her.
"Hes very cuddly." Melody says softly as ammit massages her bunny ears, causing her to purr slightly.
"He is." Siri says while blushing. "I think he just likes physical affection."
"Alright, goodnight you two!" Ammit says
"Goodnight honey" siri says.
"Goodnight." Melody says.
Both sirius and ammit fall asleep almost instantly, but melody has a bit of trouble sleeping.
As shes sitting there, trying to fall asleep, she feels something wet touching her ears.
She looks up to find that ammit is sucking on her ears gently, and purring slightly.
She tries to pull her ears out of his mouth, but as shes trying, she gets sucked into his maw up to her shoulders.
"U-ummm, mister ammit? Your eating me!" She says, getting slightly worried.
Soon, ammit got to her legs, and wasn't stopping, so she starts struggling, but is swallowed all the way
Melody ended up in ammits stomach, and found that she landed in a small pool of glowing liquid.
She squeaks as she sees the liquid rising, fearing she was going to be digested, but soon felt a calming feeling
"Mmmmm, maybe mister ammit isnt trying to hurt me." Melody says to herself, and just decides to fall asleep.
Siri soon wakes up, and doesnt see melody, so she starts to freak out "melody! Melodyyyy! Where are you sweetie?" she says as she gets up and walks around the room, finds nothing, then walks out of the room.
Soft squeaks could be heard from inside Ammit's gut as melody snored inside
Ammit purrs loudly as the fullness in his gut felt good.
siri walks back in the room, after finding nothing, and is freaking out even more. w-w-where could she have gone!?!? I mean why would sheeee...." she then notices ammit is purring, and knows that can only mean one thing. She looks at his belly, and sees a slight bulge. "* sigh* I should have known." Siri says. "Melody? You ok in there?" She says as she pokes the bulge.
Mel purrs as she slowly awakes
"Mmmmh...yea... " I say softly, feeling safe.
Ammit stirs as he's poked.
"That's good. Dont worry about being digested in there, he does this all the time to me."
"Ok." Melody says.
Ammit yawns, sitting up. "Mmmh.. " He mutters, licking Siri. "Ah!" He opens his maw wide.
"Well shit" siri says with a sigh.
Ammit chuckles and shoves her into his maw, purring as he slurps her up.
Siri slides down his throat and eventually ends up in his belly, with melody. "Well, I guess we're sleeping in his belly tonight." Siri says to melody
Mel nods and rests by Siri
"Yea." Melody says
"Goodnight mel."
"Goodnight siri" she says as she starts to purr and they both fall back to sleep.
The end
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bioodorange · 4 years
Hey there!! How about Jeff the Killer headcanons comforting his s/o who had a nightmare? Thanks!!
|| Jeff Comforting His S/O After A Nightmare ||
Angst if you squint, this just gonna be fluFf, and im not gonna disclouse what nightmares they are so y’all can like enjoy it more..? you know what I mean
Jeff isn’t outwardly lovey dovey, he keeps his emotions in a jar right next to his superiority complex
But, there a few acceptions
He started to worry when he noticed you sleeping further away, squirming a bit and waking up in the middle of the night
One time he saw it, you sprung up quickly and went to the bathroom in tears
There was a tightness in his chest- what was wrong..?
Walking back to your bed, you tried being as quiet as possible, you didn’t want to wake him up. Pulling the comforter back as steadily as you could and began sinking into bed, only to be the one who got startled
The light besides your bed turned on with a click, illuminating your boyfriend. Turning aroundm he gave you a worried look and pulled you into bed, frowning at the redness of your eyes and tear stains on your cheeks.
“I-Its n-” “Why didn’t you tell me..?” he didn’t even let you finish. Was he upset with you..? You should have been quieter coming back, how long had he known..? “I-Im sorry..!” You said, tears welling up in your eyes again, his worry turned to confusion as he pulled you into his chest, strong arms wrapping around your back.
“What the hell are you sorry for..?” He chuckled, gently stroking your hair. “Im the one who didn’t notice you were upset.” Looking up at him with glassy eyes,  you felt a bit dumb, seeing the small smile on his face. “I-I just thought you’d be upset..”
He laughed again, his thumb coming up to wipe away your tears, cupping your face in his calloused hands. “Well, Im not, now cmon, tell me whats troubling you..” he said, sitting up and taking your hands in his, letting them rest between the two of you.
“I..Im having trouble sleeping li-like I can fall asleep I just cant stay asleep..” you mutterd, your voice breaking at the end as more tears rolled down your face. “Hey hey, look at me.” he said, his thumb rubbing the back of your hand in a soothing manner
“I know in the moment they don’t seem it but they aren’t real..how about we look into medications and stuff tommorow ok?” he asked, nodding you didn’t speak. Jeff smiled again and pulled you into his lap, your back on his chest. “This way you wont get snot on my shirt eh?” it was a lame joke but you laughed anyway
He handed you a wad of tissues and rested his head on your shoulder. “Now, we can either try sleeping again or watch a movie?” “Movie..” You muttered, cleaning off your face and blowing your nose.
“Allrriiigghht, lets see whats on.” turning on the TV he flipped through a few channels “We got spider man, twilight, sinister tw-” “All of those suck, Tom Holland was the best spider man..” “Toby McGuire is better, but you get a pass cause you’re all messed up.” “I am not messed up you’re just wrong.”  He gasped dramatically “Me?! Never, you just like him cause he’s pretty!” “I mean is that a bad thing..?” “hmm guess not, its why you choose me.” “Sure it is.” you grinned “Im going to pretend I didn’t hear that.”
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Hi id like to send otp asks 2, 6 and 7! Have a good day
2: Describe each other in one sentence
Fergus: "There's a sensitive caring man under all that angst he guards himself with."
Kiryu: "They say that one common trait in most relationships is that one will be attracted to someone who reminds them of a parent."
6: Love languages
Fergus: Kiryu remains reserved about his identity and Fergus respects it. In public Fergus will place a hand on Kiryu's shoulder when he notices his emotions welling up. It let's Kiryu know that despite it all Fergus will be there to keep him level. In private he'll use pet names like "Ki-Kun" or say master more affectionately. If he senses Kiryu is extra anxious he'll grasp both of his shoulders or hug him from behind. His way of saying "I have you, you can relax now".
Kiryu: In a way Kiryu's reservations make for the perfect scenario for Fergus. While most brands of relationship would make any scenario in which Fergus flirts with someone end with a clechie bashing on the head, Kiryu accepts it. He understands that this is just who Fergus is and taking that away from him would make him not Fergus anymore. And if he's not Fergus then who is he? What this ultimately leads to more often then not is Fergus returning to the room sulking about his failures of conquest and laying beside Kiryu. Some may see this as Kiryu being a consolation prize but Kiryu doesn't. Fergus has been then for all of Kiryu's rough bringings ever since he came to Chaldea. What kind of lover would he be if he didn't console Fergus through his failures in kind? "Struck out again didn't you, baka?" He says with a coy expression as he pokes Fergus in the back. Whatever happens next the two will most likely wake up in each other's arms.
7: 300 word love scene
Ya know what let me get back to you on that one. Gonna finish "Till It's Gone" tommorow.
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic: #680: Love and Comfort (Persona 5)
7:45 p.m. at Ann's House.......
Ann: ('GASPS') Shiho!~ Is this......!
Shiho: (Smiles Brightly While Presenting Ann's Valentine's Gift) A delicious and perfectly made slice of chesee cake from that Tea and Cake Restaurant we usually go to?~ Yes. Yes it is. I decided to pick it up for you for our special date night. I hope you enjoy~
Ann: (Squeals Happily) Oooh, my little Pogchamp!~ (Pulls Shiho into a Loving Hug) Thank you so much!~
Shiho: You're welcome, Ann-Be- (Eyes Widened a Little Once She Realized Somthing) Wait. "Little Pogchamp"? What's that?
Ann: It's anickname everyone keep calling each other on the internet nowadays. Thought about you calling that for a while now. What do you think?
Shiho: Hmmm..... It's cute. (Snuggles Onto Ann's Embrace) But I prefer Shiho-Kins more!~
Ann: (Giggles Softly While Gently Patting Shiho's Head) Okay~ Okay~ Shiho-Kins it is then. I prefer that nickname a lot more too if I'm being hon-est? (Suddenly Noticed Something on the TV Screen)
TV Screen: (A Black Kitty Softly Purs Alongside It's Owner's Leg)
Ann: (Begins to Frown a Little at The Sight of the Black Kitty) ('Sigh')
Shiho: (Stops Snuggling For a Second Once She Sees Ann's Sad Face) Ann? Is everything okay?
Ann: (Comes Back to Reality) Oh! Uh. Y-Yeah. I'm okay, Shiho. It's just that....Well...('Sigh') You remember Morgana right?
Shiho: Ren-Ren's cute little kitty cat? Yeah, I remember him. Why? (Starts Getting Worried) Did something bad happened to him?
Ann: (Quickly Shook her Head) No no. It's not like that. He's perfectly fine. It's just that...he's been....kind of ignoring me as of late
Shiho: Ignoring you? Why would he do that?
Ann: I'm not sure myself. Every time were in the same room together he would try looking the other way and when we do say "hi" together, he immediately starts waking away!
Shiho: It sounds like it's been bothering you for a while huh?
Ann: To no end. (Looks Down on the Ground) I just hope he's not mad at me this entire time.....
Shiho: (Stares at Ann for a Few Seconds and Nodded to Herself Before Going Back to Hugging her Lovingly Again) Hey now. It's gonna be okay, Ann-Bear.
Ann: (Taken a Bit Back by Shiho's Sudden Hug) S-Shiho?
Shiho: Listen, I know I don't know Mona-chan as long as you guys have, but I'm positive that he doesn't hate you.
Ann: You think so?
Shiho: (Smiles Softly) I know so. I'm sure he has a perfectly good reason as to why he was acting this way. So try not to stress yourself out about it, okay?
Ann: ('Sigh') Yeah. (Smiles Softly) You're absolutely right, Shiho. I'll have a talk with that kitty tommorow. Right now....(Happily Hugs Shiho Back) I wanna spend the rest of the night with my beautiful love and savior~ I can't thank you enough for the help~
Shiho: (Giggles Softly) Hey. You were always there for me when I needed the most, so I wanna do the same for you too. I am... doing a good job at it so far, right?
Ann: Honey, you were wonderful. Couldn't be prouder myself. (Gives Shiho a Big Kiss on the Cheek) I love you so much, Shiho-Kins~
Shiho: (Happily Continues to Snuggle Onto Ann's Embrace) I love you too, Ann-Bear~ (Begins to Put on a Cute and Playful Pouty Face) Now be sure to finish your cheesecake before either of us sleep tonight, alright?
Ann: (Giggles Softly at how Cute her Shiho-Kins is Being Right Now) Don't worry, sweetheart. I will.
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Heathers (Musical) Fem!Reader Insert
-NO JD.- time: 2020
"Martha~!" I said as I sat down at our table, handing her my sandwich, only wanting my fries.
"Thanks (Y/n)! How was your day?" She asked me.
"Well Veronica wasn't in first period so I had to finish out group project alone and she avoided me like a plague. Do you know why?" I said.
Martha was soon coughing on her drink.
"N-No reason!" She said, clearly lying. I stared at her until she craked.
"F-Fine. She somehow joined the Heathers." Said Martha.
"Oh heck no...." I said, sighing. Knowing nothing I could do beside wishing she'll come back to us unharm.
Veronica pov.
"You know (Y/n)?" I asked.
"Yes because She's one of the few people who don't care about The Heathers." Said Chandler, fixing her makeup.
"She doesn't really care for much of anything beside her grades and her friends." I told them.
"But She still choosed this life." Said Duke. "She's a bitch."
Oh God, (Y/n) might murder me...
(Y/n) pov.
"Can't we talk this out now? You shouldn't be rude." I said to Ram and Kurt, who was messing with me, again. I can't miss next class, I have a test today!
"We aren't being rude. We're just showing you a way of life that you're use to." Said Ram.
"So messing with me?" I said. They had me corner and I have not way out. I soon took out my wallet, giving them both 10 dollars. "Leave me alone for the rest of the week." I said, walking off.
'Did she just play them off?'
Thought Martha and Veronica.
3rd person pov.
"(Y/n)?" Said Veronica, knowing her friend has not yet talked to her. "I'm sorry, I wanted to know hey you didn't tell me Kurt and Ram was bothering you too." Said Veronica.
"You can't doing anything about anyway, Veronica." Said (Y/n). "You're a Heather, you now are above it all, remember?" She hissed. Veronica never knew (Y/n) could say a name in such disarray.
"See know, you're the only one that has ever that word, being truly angry." Said a new voice, behind (Y/n).
"Fudge." Mumbled (Y/n), turning around to face the 'Mythic Bitch' as Verinica once said. Heather Chandler, still as (Y/n) remembers, dressed in red.
"But I can promise you that next time would be your last mistake." Said Chandler, stepping closer to (Y/n).
(Y/n) sensing danger, stepped back into Veronica, who was visually tense. All three Heathers now stood in front of her and Veronica.
And (Y/n) did the only sensible thing.
*She ran away.
Veronica never seen (Y/n) run that fast ever.
"Atleast that scared her off for now." Said Duke.
"Come on Veronica, there is a party we have to go to tonight." Said McNamara.
(Y/n) pov.
"Martha, please don't go." I pleaded. "You can't believe that Ram has just changed."
"(Y/n), he invited me. I'm going with -."
"That's not alcohol. Here take with." I said handing her some of my Dad's John Daniel, taking the sparkling juice for myself.
"Thanks." She said hugging me. "You can come, you know."
"Don't do parties but if things go bad, you can come here and we can watch the Princess Bride." I told her, letting her go.
"I'll come here right away if anything goes wrong. Thanks for the drink. Bye." She said before leaving before I sighed, going to my dad to tell him he was out.
-Later that Night-
I was right to say, Martha said he wasn't as rude as he could have been because of the alcohol I gave her.
"Was Veronica there?" I asked.
"Y-Yes but please don't do hurt her." Said Martha, I sighed.
"Not today." I said. "But she will feel me anger soon. Now let's watch that movie."
-3:00 am-
I couldn't sleep, I was angry and I look at Martha, she was asleep on my bed. Luckly I lived in the attic so I had enough room for my bed and a couch with the TV. I sat up grabbing a jacket and my wallet and wrote a note just in case Martha wakes up.
I exited threw my window and there was ladder because one time I jump and sprained my ankle.
I soon was on the side walk, enjoying the coldness on my feet and the quietness of the world. Planing heading to 7/11 for some snacks.
"You know you have no shoes?" Asked a voice of a person, I didn't want to deal with.
"Don't care, I need some snacks." I told her.
"Get in my Jeep. I'll drop you off before heading home." Said Duke, stopping her Jeep.
"Fine but if you kidnap me, I'm gonna be upset." I told her, sitting in the passenger sit.
"Why are you up at 3 in the morning?" I asked.
"Leaving a party, you?" She said, sounding like she didn't truly care.
"Couldn't sleep so I've been watching TV." I said.
"You're so lame." Said Duke.
"Thanks." I said, not caring.
"You really don't care anymore?" She asked. "Not what people say about you or what they may do to you?" She continued to ask me.
"Caring is for the weak or strong." I said as she parked her Jeep. "Thanks, Heather." I exited her car and ran into the store.
"(Y/n)! Where the heck were you?" Said Martha as I entered the window, with 3 bags of stuff.
"7/11. For snacks.-"
"At 4 in the morning?!" She said.
"Well it was 3 when I left." I said sitting down own my couch. Martha soon sat beside, looking though the bags.
"Sodas, chips, a monster, those tiny bread sticks you dip in cheese, pringles, slim Jim, and shoes?" Said Martha.
"No shoes no shirt no business is an awful rule." I told her. "I wanted to binge watch something on Netflix, now if you want to..?"
"Of course but we have school tomorrow." Said Martha. "How are going to stay awake?"
"I'll get though it, I'm bring snack to school tommorow if we have any left." I said snickering and letting Martha pick a TV show to watch.
-Next Morning-
I was drink the energy drink so I could stay alive and not accident hurt someone's emotions.
"Hopefully you don't run into Veronica today, for her own sake." Said Martha as I leaned on her for support.
"You look like hell." Said Veronica, I just glared at her talking a sip of my drink. "Oh. You didn't sleep?"
"Yeah. Me and Martha had a sleepover last night." I told her, be nice I told myself.
"Less sleep when it came to you?" Said Veronica before she was pulled away by something yellow.
"Bye..." said Martha and I before we headed to cafeteria. There was a female at our table, maybe she is a new student. Me and Martha sat in front of her. She was reading a book but she soon noticed us.
"Oh. Hello." She said putting down her book. "I'm Penny. Nice to meet you." Said Penny.
Martha and Penny soon got in discussion about the book Penmy was reading.
"What's your name?" She asked.
"(Y/n)." I said, busy being on my phone.
"It fits you." She said and I was questioning her motives.
"Thank you?" I said and she laughed.
"Are you not use to getting compliments?" She said. "You're kinda cute."
"I'm gonna go somewhere else now! Bye." I said getting my stuff and running off, not noticing the extra people listening to the conversation.
Hiding in the bathroom was a bad idea on my part but I wasn't think clearly.
"(Y/n)?" Questioned Veronica seeing me in a stall. "What are you doing here?" She questioned, seeing my red face. "Are you sick?"
"Didn't think you would ever sho-. What is wrong with you?" Said Chandler.
"She's red." Said Veronica.
The bell rang and I soon tried to run but someone got the back of my by bag, taking my energy drink.
"This isn't good for you, you know?" Said McNamara, going to pour it out.
"No! I didn't sleep last night so I kinda need that." I said struggling with Duke holding both of my arms.
"So you didn't get your beauty sleep... We will give it back if you tell us what got you so red and hiding." Said Chandler.
"It was the new girl, Penny. She called me cute and I freaked out."" I said and Veronica laughed.
"You really can't handle people flirting with you." Said Veronica, still laughing.
Then I felt Duke's breath on my neck and her leaning on my shoulder.
"You don't say?" She said and because of the other reaction, I was blushing. McNamara handed me my energy drink.
"Thank you." I said taking a few sips, trying to cool my face.
"No problem, sweetie." She said making me cough and choke on my drink.
"Are you trying to kill me?" I asked.
"No. Embarrase you, yes." Said Chandler.
"..." I have nothing else to say and have no clue what to do now. "Can I go now?" I asked.
"Hang on..." said Chandler, she put both her hands on my cheeks and leaned in, getting really closer. "That girl was right tho, you are cute." Said Chandler before backing away laughing. But this time I wasn't blushing because I expected it. I was pissed.
They noticed this.
"What I am I not good enough-?!"
"No!" I yelled getting out of Duke's grip. "No of you are! That the reason I don't worship you like the rest of the school because this is w-what you do. Mess with people!" I said barely low enough not to be yelling.
"(Y/n), calm down before you regret-." Said Veronica.
"You, I'm angry at too." I said.
"Yes! You go off to join the Heather's then I know you wrote that note that Martha got and you didn't even try to help her! She came to me upset and crying Veronica!" I said to her.
"Miss Emotional." Said Duke.
"... Screw staying here I rather be tartey or have dentention." I said heading out.
-Lunch time-
"I'm sorry Penny, I'm really not use to people flirting with me. Sorry if I upset you." I said.
"It's fine, I enjoyed your reactions. Plus you gave me a whole bag of chips and a sandwich." Said Penny, eating the food I gave her.
"So... I kinda made the Heathers and Veronica mad at me." I said.
"Who are they?"
"Why (Y/n)? I'm pretty sure they can get away with murder."
That were the two very different reactions I got.
"Heather are like the Queens of this jungle of a school and our friend, Veronica joined them earlier this week." I explained.
"Oh. (Y/n), you sound very screwed. I advise become homeschooled." Said Penny.
"Yeah but my mom is never home and my dad isn't that smart." I explained.
"Hey (Y/n). Saw you talking to the Heathers earlier today." Said Kurt, as he and Ram sat on both sides of me.
"Thinking you might be moving up in this world, thought I would give you a chance with us." Said Ram.
"No thanks." I said.
"Are you Homo?" Asked Kurt, acting like it 1989.
"Boys, its 2020. Grow up and learn some manners." I told them, trying to get them to back away.
But everything I've tried today seem to fail as the two boys leaned closer, onto me.
"You're just playing hard to get, sweetheart." One of them said. I've been though to much today emotional to deal with shit.
"(Y/n), are they bothering you?" Asked McNamara. I could not see her but seeing was Penny and Martha looked behind me, she was there.
"Yes." I said and the two boys were drag off the seat and away from me to the floor before I could see anything gruesome, or look behind me. Veronica sat beside me and pulled me into a hug and I yawn.
"You okay?" She asked.
"I'm taking that's a yes. You sleepy?"
"Okay." Said Veronica. She was warm and I had my eyes closed and I was slowly losing my conscious.
"Shut upp."
"Did she just tell me to shut up in her sleep?" I heard someone, clearly Chandler, say.
I was something really comfortable, more than Veronica. A bed? Martha? I was very confused and still kinda sleepy. My couch.
"Her room is a mess." Said Duke.
"If you don't like it, you can leave." I muttered, sitting up.
"Hey! We didn't have to save you from the two idoits earlier." Said Duke.
"They wouldn't have come after me if they didn't see me with you three." I told them, I yawned. "You know what I don't care."
"You really don't care? If someone messes with you?" Said McNamara.
"I'm to tired to care at the moment." I said.
"You just woke up." Said Chandler earning glare from me and she glared right back.
"And I would have stayed that way if I didn't hear your voice." I said before earning everyone's glares beside Veronica. "Okay, sorry. Just stop staring at me." I complained. Someone grabbed my chin hard making me look at them, Chandler.
"Do not insult me (Y/n)." She said making me and everyone else shiver.
"N-Noted. P-Please let my chin go so I wouldn't have a bruise." I said, but her gripped tighten. Getting a whimper out of me.
"OKAY! I'M SORRY." I said and she finally let me go. That was definitely going to leave a bruise.
"Did you really have to do that?" Said Veronica, heading over to me.
"She needs to know who is in charge even if we aren't in school, Veronica." Said Chandler, glaring at Veronica who was checking on my forming bruise.
"You didn't need to hurt her!" Said Veronica, hugging me and I accepted the hug, hugging her back.
"Are you questioning me?" Asked Chandler, I could feel her glare on us.
"You can't be serious." Said Duke. "Don't defend her Veronica."
"..." McNamara was quiet for this.
"Get out." I said, letting Veronica go. "Now."
"You'll regret this (Y/n)." Said Chandler. I laughed at this.
"Oh?" I said, getting completely serious, knocking her off guard. "You can mess with in school but in my house, Chandler. This is my territory. So get out."
I clearly scared them, Chandler huffed.
"Fine. Veronica, this isn't over." She said before leaving my room with the other Heathers.
"You should go with them Veronica. I'm going to mess up this deal you have with them."
"It doesn't matter (Y/n)! She just injured you! I know they have their issues with you but injuring you is something else."
"...It's not the first time Veronica." I muttered and Veronica gasped. "There's a story, there was a time where there wasn't any shit between use. Last year of Middle School."
- 2016
I was a bright kid, making people happy and being nice was a thing I was great at. Diffently to my neighbor Heather McNamara, who's been making me call her McNamara since there was 2 other Heathers at the school.
I've hung out with the three of them a few times. They seemed to be nice but they were getting more popular with the other students.
I felt that we were drifting away from each other but me being myself, knew if that what was to make her happy, I was happy.
So I started talking to other people like Martha. Clearly someone didn't like it as I was pulled in a closed off classroom one break period.
"(Y/n)." Said Chandler. "We tolerate you but your just not caring."
I was bullying confused.
"Not caring?" I questioned.
"About your reputation at this school! You've started hanging out with Martha now, like you're wanting to be her friend." Said Duke and I made a face.
"(Y/n)." Said McNamara and I looked her in the eyes. "Don't you see what we've been trying to give you? You could have all the power over these students. You'll be at the top with me!"
"Well below us but above everyone else." Said Chandler.
"Nah." I said.
"What?" Said McNamara.
"You aren't hanging out with the right people Heather but I'm not gonna stop you but I'm not helping." I said before leaving.
But Chandler had others ideas and grabbed my arm and dug her nails into my skin.
"Stop thinking like a fool for once. We are offer you power and popularity and you say no to us?" She said.
"Y-yes?" I told her before she pulled me closer to her.
"You are going to regret this, I swear." She said letting me go and pushing me out of the classroom. I stumbled to get my standing.
"(Y/n) there you are!" Said Martha and I turned to face her. She was dragging a tall lanky girl behind her. "I want you to meet my other bestie, Veronica." Said Martha.
"It's nice to meet you Veronica. I'm happy to finally do so since Martha talks about you as much as her taste in movies." I said.
"Right back at ya." Said Veronica. "Did you get...um injured?" She asked looking at my arm. There was bloody nail marks on my arm let by the one and not only Heather, Chandler.
"I probably scratched it on something, don't worry. I got bandaids in my bag but worry if we get in class on time." I said noticing the time.
"I'm gonna murder them." Said Veronica.
"Calm down. That's in the past and it would have stayed there if someone wasn't a fool and joined them." I said. "What were you even thinking?! Things with them never end well with the other party." I exploded at her before she pulled me into a hug. I felt she was crying.
"I'm sorry." She muttered.
"Me too."
Veronica had left and I've haven't seen her at school. She wasn't with the Heather's. I sat with Penny and Martha as normal.
"Penny, I've given you enough time to realise that we aren't popular at all. Like being seen with us will lower it for you." I told her and she just giggles.
"I don't really care about that. I enjoy both of your friendships and I love turning your red in the morning (Y/n)." Said Penny. What is with her and flirting with me every morning?
I turn red still being not use to it and Martha laughs at my misery.
"I've never seen anyone who takes a compliment like you, like no one notices your beauti."
"Ahahaha." I nervously laughed.
"So you're the Penny, (Y/n) was talking about." Said Veronica, out of nowhere with the Heathers. Weren't they mad at her? Penny and I turned around in our seats to face them.
"So you've been talking about me? I'm flattered." Said Penny. "But yes I am that Penny, what do you want?" She said with a different tone altogether, making me nervous.
"Back off of what's not yours." Said Chandler.
What? I'm not anyone's.
"Who said?" Asked Penny. "(Y/n) is a single female and fits all I like in a girl."
"W-wait what?" I said.
"Be quiet for me honey please." Said Penny.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
I actually listened.
"You can't actually think you'll win against us." Said Duke.
"And if you do win, what are you going to do then? Fight each other? Because I know you incapable of sharing." Said Penny. "I went to middle school with all of you. I know how you've fought over her then and then decided to hate her when she said no to your little plan of popularity."
I'm super happy everyone decided to leave, probably because the Heathers threatened them.
"Stalker much?" Said Duke.
"I was always on the side line but it doesn't matter." Said Penny. She didn't answer the question. "(Y/n) has already said no to the three of you, why try again?"
"I'm confused. You liked me back then?" I questioned.
"It was obvious." Said McNamara.
"To a normal person! I can be dense as fuck when it comes to romance!" I told her.
"We noticed." Said Duke and Penny put an arm around me and pulled me closer earning glares and growles from the others.
"I'm sorry but I can't let you have this." Said Penny before putting a hand on my face and turned me to look at her.
"Penny?" I questioned.
"I know it is unlikely for you to chose me but it wouldn't stop me from trying." She said before kissing me on my lips, stealing my first kiss.
It ended as quickly as it happened because I was pulled away and out of my seat and McNamara had her arms me and held my back towards her.
I looked behind me and at her and she moved her hand to mouth and wipe off was probably Penny's lipstick.
I couldn't focus on what the others were doing, probably yelling at Penny, knowing they couldn't truly harm her physically.
"Are you okay?" Asked McNamara, seeming to know I was in a daze.
"I'm feeling out of it. Probably because the shock of 5 girls actually like me and one just kissed me." I said truthfully.
"Ah... I'm sorry for all of this."
"Me too." I mumbled.
This has been a year and 2 day long thing. I'd lost interest in it for awhile but I reread it and fixed it and finished it. Clearly it's not done but it felt how this part should end.
Forgiving for what they've caused the other, knowing or not. I know this isn't my normal gender neutral but this is one of my passion of my love of women and before I started doing all my writing gender neutral.
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