#gonna check my notifications and then ignore everything in favor of watching tv
kloppinthekop · 6 months
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lifesabe-ch · 4 years
this means war - billy r. and frank c. (part 6)
summary: this is a spin off from a movie (can anyone find the title? ;) starring Billy Russo and Frank Castle. In this AU, Billy isn’t a psycho, Frank’s family is alive, and they both really like coffee. And, y’know, Y/N.
pairings: Frank Castle x Reader, Billy Russo x Reader (actually both of them, i promise)
warnings: fragile male ego and sass
a/n: hi i’m admin A, aka @pitaparka, and this is my first post on this blog! we’ve been co-writing this for a while so it just seemed logical for me to hop on here as an admin! I probably won’t be doing any individual writing here (i write independently on my above blog, so if you like this blog, you should check that one out too ;), but if we’re doing any co-writing, it’ll probably be here. that’s all for now. later!
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Billy accidentally locked the door to his apartment trying to get in from work. Which was concerning, considering he locked it this morning. If he could bet money on whether or not Frank was sitting on his couch—
He would have been wrong. Frank was sitting at his breakfast counter. Eating pizza.
Billy sighed loudly, “Did you at least save me some?”
Frank doesn’t even look over his shoulder as he slides the pizza box over to the empty seat next to him. 
Billy drops his keys on the counter, tosses his suit jacket there too, and loosens his tie before sitting down next to Frank.
“Mushroom and sausage,” he says, his eyes trained on the news playing on Billy’s television. 
They sit there silently eating pizza together. 
“I saw Y/N today.” Billy says. He can almost see Frank’s ears perk up.
“At work?” 
“No. The coffee shop. I dropped by, you know, to see her.” 
Frank nodded. 
Grinning, Billy nodded, “We’re going on date. Our first date, already.” He gets up from the breakfast bar to wipe off his hands. 
Quirking a brow, Frank chuckled, “Good for you man. Good for you.”
“Yeah. How are you two doing?” 
“We already had a date.” 
Watching as the grin immediately fell from Billy’s face, he couldn’t help but chuckle.
“What? When?” 
“Last night.”
“No… you went on my date?”
“Your date?” Frank scoffed, sipping the beer he had in his hand, as he watched Billy pace. “It was my date, asshole. One too many hits to the head today?”
“I—You… That was my date!” Billy says, leaning on the breakfast bar.
“So why weren’t you on it?”  
 “W-what?” Billy asked. He takes a second to process it. “I was… at a meeting.”
“Sure. At eight o’clock at night?”
“Yes, at eight o’clock at night.” 
Frank shot him a look.
 “Some people have businesses.” He defends. 
Frank scoffed, “You have one business, Billy.”
“And you’re getting into my business, so watch it.”
“Yeah? What’re you gonna do about it, Russo? You gonna—”
“We need some rules.”
“Huh?” Frank asks. He gives Billy a look like Billy’s seen many times before. It basically slaps him upside the head and asks him how much he’s had to drink already. He retreats to the fridge to grab a beer. Get an early start on the night ahead of him. 
“What the hell are you on about, man?” Frank asks. He leans over the box and grabs another slice of pizza. 
“I don’t think we should tell her that we know each other.” Billy says. Frank looks at him. 
“What, like, stay out of each other’s way?” Frank takes the remote and turns the volume down on the TV.
“Yeah. Just let her decide.” 
“We’re already letting her decide,” Frank clarifies.
“No, I mean… no interruptions.”
Billy watches as Frank contemplates this whole thing. 
“Billy, you know you’re like a brother to me, man.” 
He rolls his eyes, “Don’t do this—”
“No no no, I mean, I don’t want this… whatever this is to mess us up, okay?”
“Listen,” Billy starts, “have we ever let a girl come between us before?”
“We’ve never liked the same girl before.”
“I’m just saying…  If things get too tense, we can both back off, okay?”
Frank shakes his head. He lets out a sigh. 
“So we’re not getting in each other’s way.”
“No, Billy, we aren’t.”
“That pretty much settles it?”
Frank closed the pizza box, signifying the end of the conversation. 
“How was my date?” Billy asked, taking a drink from his beer.
“You mean my date.” Frank clarified, turning up the TV a little bit. 
“Well, I was the one who asked her. And I picked the restaurant. And the time.” 
“The restaurant? What restaurant?”
Billy stared at Frank in confusion. “Did you not… wait, where did you go?” 
“We went to Tina's Place. Off of 60th. The midnight one.”
“Oh. Why?” Billy picks at the label on his beer bottle that’s already starting to peel with condensation. 
“Because we were at the bar down the street.”
“You picked her up at a bar?”
“What does it matter, Russo? You’re losing anyway.”
“Frank, you’re this close to getting kicked out of my apartment.  Did you do anything?”
“No, Bill, we sat there and we stared at each other. All night.”
“You know what I’m asking.” Billy deadpanned.  
“We kissed.” 
“And nothin’.” Frank huffed. 
“You went on my date and all you did was kiss?” Billy asked, incredulously. 
“More than you did,” Frank muttered, loud enough for Billy to understand the mischievous grin on his features. 
“Just wait until I get to go on my date, Frankie.” Bill declared, moving to toss the empty pizza box in the trash.
“If you even make it. Maybe I’ll get to go on that one too,” Frank said, chuckling. He gets up and grabs his phone off the kitchen counter. He doesn’t even check it before he slips it into his pocket and makes his way to the door.
“Oh I’m going on this date, Frank. It’s gonna be the best damn date of her life. She’s not even gonna remember who you are.”
“Whatever you say. I’ll see ya tomorrow, Billy,” Frank yells over his shoulder on his way out.
Billy sat, only the company of the TV to keep his apartment from complete silence. As much as he hated coming home to other people in his house, he didn't mind Frank all that much. Especially when he cleaned up after himself. Billy let his own beer bottle clank softly into the trash. He got to work on the dishes that were starting to pile up in his sink. He hated a messy apartment. 
With most of his household chores done, he broods on the couch over Frank’s dinner. His dinner, really. A missed opportunity. He wasn’t upset with her. He wasn’t even upset with Frank. He was more upset with himself, getting caught up like that. He fiddled with the remote. 
“Dinner. Saturday night. Eight o’clock.”
This was shaping up to be just like the situation he got himself in. He needed to do something else. Something drastic. If this was a race, Frank was winning. But that’s okay. Only for now. Slow and steady, Billy. Slow and steady.
He takes out his phone and sends a text. 
Hey, you free Saturday morning instead?
He doesn’t know what to do, so he stares at his phone. He imagines her, rolling her eyes and ignoring him. He cycles through some apps before he gets the notification from her.
uhhhh why?
Billy is awestruck. Why? He doesn’t know how to respond. Everything he comes up with sounds wrong. That’s not how he expected her to respond. 
“Because I want to take you for breakfast instead.” He types, but deletes it. That sounds too forward, like he has plans late on he doesn’t want to cancel for her.
“I just want to see you sooner.” Ugh. That’s the wrong side of creepy, not sweet.
He panics. He’s been typing and deleting for almost a minute. 
Why not?
 He sends.
I’m a coffee man, you know that
He sends again. He stares, and his messages pop up as having been read by her. He lets his fingers do a little dance over the keyboard, waiting to type out a reply.
you got me there
 She sends, and Billy smiles at his phone.
He sends back, and at the same time, she sends him,
still my place?
Billy ponders for a second. The ball is in his court.
Yeah. 9:30 sound good? He asks.
She shoots back immediately. He locks his phone and tosses it to the side, running his hands over his gelled hair. All is right in the world. But he needed to shower. Just then, he gets one more text. 
He thinks it’s Y/N, but it’s not. It’s Frank.
i left my hat at ur house
Billy ignores the message. 
“Even when he’s not here, he’s here,” Billy mumbles to himself. He sees Frank’s blue baseball cap sitting lonely under the chair where Frank sat. He ignores that too, in favor of a hot, steamy shower before bed. Frank will come get it eventually. Just not tonight.
tag list (respond to post or send ask to be added!):
@full-of-sins-not-tragedies, @harrysthiccthighss, @constellation---me, @editboutique, @achesiresmile, @ghastlygray, @muddleofmarvel​ , @starxdame​
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shinidamachu · 4 years
Neighbor Crush (The Thread)
Summary: modern AU, anyone? This was heavily inspired by a twitter thread I read a while ago, about a guy who developed a major crush on his neighbor’s voice and, with his roommate’s help, managed to ask him out.
Word Count: 2.015  Genre: fluff  Fandom: InuYasha  Pairing: Inukag  Format: oneshot  AO3 Link: 🌹  Fanfic.Net Link: 🌹
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“I’m home!”
The abrupt sound of Miroku throwing his keys and briefcase at the table made InuYasha jump on his sit. It was a rare thing to do, taking him by surprise that way.
Unfortunately, Miroku knew so.
“You’re eavesdropping her again, aren’t you?”
It was hard to say what pissed InuYasha off the most: that Miroku had startled him, that he got caught in the act or the infuriating smugness in the bastard’s tone.
“Mind ya business.”
Ignoring his temper, Miroku went to their refrigerator and returned with a loosened tie and a couple of beers. He handed one to InuYasha and sat beside him on the couch.
“Come on, this is getting ridiculous. You have been obsessing over this girl for what? Three weeks, now? Just go downstairs, knock on her door and ask her out.”
Miroku took a long sip of his Heineken, as if rewarding himself for giving the world’s greatest advice. InuYasha wished he would choke on it.
“I’m not knocking on her door and asking her out, dipshit! We have no idea what the girl looks like!”
“Then do us both a favor and go find out!”
To be totally honest, her appearance was what mattered the least about this girl, although he couldn’t deny his curiosity.
Her voice.
It was her voice that started it all.
For two years he had been sharing this little apartment with Miroku and for two years it had been easy for them to ignore each resident of the building without a second thought. InuYasha was in no way a social guy and even though Miroku had a weak spot for the ladies, he had vowed not to get involved with a neighbor, ever.
“Location, location, location.” InuYasha remembered Miroku explaining once. “It’s simultaneously the best pro and the worst con. I’d rather not risk it, it could get pretty ugly.”
Knowing his tendency to hit and run, it was probably the smartest call.
And life went on as usual.
Until InuYasha heard her voice.
It was exceptionally loud. That was the very first thing he noticed. The second thing was that he incredibly didn’t mind at all. There was a sincerity tone to it that was ever present. Almost as if physically unable to lie. Sweet. Gentle. Smooth. But not in a generic way. He could download it into his GPS and drive forever. Her laughter had over him the same effect of sunbeams reaching out the untouched ground of a frozen forest and when she talks too low, something primal and urgent wakes inside him, letting him dying to know what his name would sound like between her whispers.
Then it became less about how and more about what she talked.
Her name was Kagome. She was in her twenties and had just graduated from pedagogy school. Three weeks ago, she had moved in with the girl who lived precisely in the apartment below theirs to save money as she adapted to the new job of substitute teacher. She had a cat named Buyo, couldn’t swear for the life of her, sang a lot, a bit clumsy, definitely a half full kind of person... Single, as far as he could tell.
Kagome had the most hilarious stories, most of them starring her little brother, her grandpa or her friends. He was especially fond of the ones in which she tried to be nice and it ended up blowing on her face spectacularly. Her heart was too big for her own good.
On the floor below, the girl in question left what InuYasha assumed was her kitchen and walked to the living room, turning the TV on. Even now, when the current conversation was supposed to be his focus, he found himself painfully aware of her moviments.
Miroku didn’t have to know any of that.
“That’s insane.”
“Why? How is that insane?”
“Hi, I’m InuYasha, your upstairs neighbor. You don’t know me, but I’ve been listening to everything you say or sing in your apartment since the day you moved in. Often on purpose, like a creepy person. Anyway, wanna have dinner sometime?”
“Lose the ‘creepy’ part and you’ll be fine.”
“Drop it, it ain’t happening.”
“Well, at least you recognize your obsession. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recover.”
“You’re my problem,” he mumbled.
“Wrong, my friend. I’m the solution. You just gotta listen to me.”
“Yeah, don’t count on it.” Miroku laughed. “So how was work?”
“You’re changing the subject.”
“Damn straight I am.”
They made small talk and drank for a while, then Miroku pulled out his phone to check his notifications and InuYasha searched Netflix for an action movie they haven’t seen yet. The girl was binge-watching a sitcom. A good one, judging by the way her laughter reached his ears every now and then.
He smiled.
In moments like these, it was crazy tempting to walk down the stairs and go for it, but InuYasha wouldn’t dare. He was perfectly fine just hearing her life from a safe distance so they couldn’t hurt each other, because this is what love inevitably leads to — and that was assuming she wouldn’t reject his advances, in the first place.
Might as well save them both some pain.
“So what do you say? Shall we eat ramen for the third time in a row or order some pizza? InuYasha?”
But he wasn’t listening. In the apartment below, a door opened. Her roommate, Sango, had arrived.
“Hey!” Replied Kagome. “I hope you’re hungry, ‘cause I just made lasagna.”
“And I hope you’re thirsty, ‘cause I just bought Tequila.”
“Tough day, huh?”
“Tough week.”
“You bet.”
The girls turned the blender on.
The balcony was their favorite spot to chat. It was also where the acoustic sounded better. To the point even human ears could catch the words.
One look at InuYasha and Miroku realized what it meant.
“Is she going to the balcony?” He asked, but didn’t wait for an answer.
InuYasha ran, intercepting Miroku just in time. One hand securely covering his friend’s mouth, the other holding him still. They were now in their own balcony.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
There was an attempt to speak, but it came off muttered. Even so, InuYasha refused to budge his hand. Until Miroku licked it. “Ugh!”
“What does it look like?” He questioned while InuYasha compulsively wiped his hand on his jeans. “I’m being your wingman.”
“I don’t need a wingman and will you shut up, already?” His whispered, angry. Miroku was ready to deliver a cunning comeback when the blender stopped and the girls stepped into the balcony.
“So I had to break up with Kuranosuke today.”
“Break up? I thought you guys were friends with benefits or whatever.”
“YES! WE WERE! THANK YOU! Now could you please be a lamb and go tell him that? Maybe I didn’t make myself clear the first four hundred times! Oh, stop laughing!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Go on.”
“It was a nightmare! The whole week he kept sending flowers and Valentine’s Day cards to the precinct. It’s not even february!”
“I’m surprised you didn’t get him arrested.”
“Believe me, I was this close. It’s hard enough getting their respect, you know? Being a female cop and all. He wasn’t helping.”
“I know. But hey! Someday you’ll find the guy for you. Someone who’ll understand how much your job means. I’m serious! You will!”
“Nope. That’s it for me. I’m done with men.”
“Funny, I’m in the opposite vibe.”
“Really? Now that’s interesting.”
“It’s just… I haven’t dated anyone since Koga.”
“Damn, you’re right! I haven’t realized it.”
“You know what? You should set me up with someone.”
Miroku playfully punched InuYasha’s shoulder, getting his attention. “That’s your chance,” he mouthed. The half demon shook his head.
“Hmmm… Wouldn’t Ayumi, Yuka and What’s-Her-Name be a better option for that? I’m usually cuffing most guys I meet.”
“Eri. And no way! They would just set me up with Hojo.”
“Right! And why won’t you date him, again?”
“Because he’s my friend!”
“He is cute.”
“A cute friend.”
“He likes you.”
“Not my fault.”
“Fine. I’ll d—”
Mortified, InuYasha watched Miroku make a fool of himself. Like in a movie, his body seemed to forget how to react.
“Hi!” Greeted Sango. “I’m sorry. Were we being too loud? We’ll keep it down.”
“No, it’s okay, the walls are really thin. Listen… I have this friend. And he’s really into your friend’s voice. I was wondering if she would be interest in going on a date with him.”
“What?” Kagome let out a shaken giggle.
“Is this for real?”
“Yes! I gotta go, but check his Instagram out. It’s @InuYashaTaisho.”
Apparently very pleased with himself, Miroku walked inside.
“You’re a dead man!”
“What do you think?” Kagome asked, while InuYasha chased Miroku around the apartment.
“It can’t hurt to give a look,” Answered Sango.
“Five years from now, when the two of you get married, you’ll be thanking me for this.” Miroku dodged the pillow InuYasha threw on his direction.
“Don’t ya worry. Imma make sure to write this on your tombstone.”
“Wha—Wow! This is him? What are you gonna do?”
InuYasha threw another pillow. Miroku caught it in the air. He was cornered on the wall and nothing could save him now.
Bzzt! Bzzzt!
Impertinently, his phone choose that exact minute to vibrate. InuYasha fished it off his back pocket and the notification took his breath away.
Kagome Higurashi started following you.
“Is that her?”
InuYasha ignored him. The only important thing was the dark haired beauty smiling brightly on his screen. Her eyes were big and warm, framed by extremely long black lashes. She had adorable bangs and sharped cheeks. The perfect shape of her lips rivaled those from a greek statue and they seemed to be painted in a natural shade of pink in almost every picture. Except when they were burning red.
He couldn’t have put a better face to the voice if he tried.
Scrolling down her feed, InuYasha continued to connect the features he didn’t know with the names he did. Sango. Her mom. Sota. Buyo. Her grandfather.
“Let me see!” Miroku ran to his side and hang on his shoulder like a parrot, whistling in approval as InuYasha went on. “Woah, wait, wait, wait! Who is that?”
“That’s Sango, the girl you just embarrassed me and yourself in front of.” He followed Kagome back.
“I think I’m in love.”
InuYasha glared at him.
“Don’t even think about it.”
“He followed me back!”
“Oh, it’s going down!” Sango laughed.
“Watch me.” Defied Miroku.
“What the fuck happened to the ‘not dating neighbors’ rule?”
“If four years of law school taught me something was that every rule has its exceptions. In this case, the exception is the absurd level of hotness of said neighbor.”
“On a second thought, go ahead and date her. It’s about time someone put you in jail.”
Miroku smirked.
“Should I say hello?”
“Definitely!” Encouraged Sango. “Don’t schedule anything until I check him for bad precedents, though.”
“You’re such a cop.”
Bzzt! Bzzzt!
Hi! I’m sorry about my friend. He thinks ‘boundaries’ is an indie band.
She chuckled.
“Don’t you have a pizza to order?” InuYasha faced him, eyebrows raised. Miroku narrowed his eyes and left.
“This isn’t over.”
That’s okay. So... you’re a dog demon. I’m assuming this is how you can hear us down here?
Actually I’m half demon, which means I’m only half responsible for invading your privacy. The other half is on you for being so damn loud.
Excuse me?! I thought you liked my loud personality! Wasn’t that the whole point?
To be fair, what I liked was your killer cover of Livin’ On A Prayer.
OH MY GOD! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU HEARD THAT! Okay. This isn’t fair. You’ve been listening to my voice since I moved in, but I have no idea what yours sound like.
The next text he sent her was his phone number.
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A/N: it’s been a while, yes? Tell me if you guys enjoyed this one. Fluff is not really my thing. Let me know if I can interest you in a Part II of them dating and send me sugestions of where they could go, if you want to. If I liked them better than the ideas I have in mind, I might end up writing it (is not a priority, though).
Also, I want to dedicate this piece to @xfangheartx​. Thank you for always being a sweetheart.
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itsreigns · 5 years
Roman Reigns x Reader
(Y/N) is Roman’s girlfriend. She’s being distant and he doesn't know why, and it's causing them to argue. What is she up to?
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@xfirespritex | @hardcorewwetrash | @shadow-of-wonder | @oreillyskyle | @crazyprettychick | @heelsamizayn | @helluvawriter | @tryingtofindaplaceinthisworld | @heygargano | @moxleysbaby | @feathers-and-flesh-and-wrestling | @laochbaineann | @lustyromantic | if you want to get (un)tagged let me know
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Is everything ok?”
“Are you ok?”
Roman has been asking these questions repeatedly, over the past few weeks. Only to have a half ass excuse as a response.
You’ve been so stressed planning his birthday party and trying to keep it a secret, that you didn’t even realized how much you’ve been neglecting your boyfriend and how odd you’ve been acting.
It was only when he asked for some time apart that you came to your senses. When abruptly all of your plans, all of your hard work seemed to just… go to waste. Everything went out the wrong way.
Now, you want to explain yourself and your actions, because you definitely owe him an explanation, but that means you have to come clean about his surprise party, and… in all honesty, it breaks your heart to have to do so. You’ve been so excited about it; working on all the details, inviting all his friends and family… and stupidly engulfed in everything about him, but somehow forgetting the most important part: him.
After debating with your thoughts for what seemed a century, you decided to let him get his space and clear his head. Knowing him, pressuring him to talk or listen to you would just upset him even more and make things worse.
So it’s been a week since you last saw him, or even talked to him. You followed your decision and let him be, and, much to your dismay, he never reached out ever since. And you’re missing him as hell.
Tomorrow it’s the big day. His birthday.
You still decided to keep the surprise party up. So that’s still happening. You’re not going to be there, but at least you know he’ll be there surrounded by the ones he loves. Happy. And that somehow is enough for you.
It’s 4pm, and you’re currently sprawled on your couch, a cup of tea sitting on the table, as you type the message with all the details to the venue to all the guests. You left Jimmy and Jey out and sent them a specific message, because they’re in charge of bringing Roman.
Once you’re done, you place your phone down on the couch, sighing as you look up at the ceiling, lost in thought. A few minutes later, your phone beeps.
“Hey, what’s up baby girl? You gonna be there tomorrow? Hope you’re feeling better. And don’t worry, we’ll get him there!”, the text said. You smile. Jimmy really is the sweetest.
The smile fades as you type your reply.
“Hey Uce! I’m not… I’m sorry. Make sure he goes, and please have fun.”
You put your phone on silent and turn off all notifications after hitting send, setting it down at the table, as if doing all that would stop all the stress and pain in your chest and protect you of your own thoughts.
To avoid any more overthinking, you ended up watching a couple of movies and ordering a pizza for dinner. Then, you took a long, hot shower, in hopes of relaxing and getting a good night of sleep, but you still had trouble falling asleep.
Waking up, your chest tightens once you realize what day it is. You drag yourself off the bed, but can’t seem to do anything but mope around the house.
Finally, it’s 5PM. In a half hour, guests would start arriving at the venue.
Once more, you’re lying down on the couch. The TV is playing some movie in the background but you’re not paying it any attention. Your mind… your heart is some miles away. Wherever Roman is.
Meanwhile, Roman is being dragged out of his bedroom by his two cousins who are insisting that he needs to get his 'stinky ass' in the shower. Reluctantly, he agrees and soon enough put on the clothes that were laid out on the bed before slipping on the shoes and lugging himself to the car waiting downstairs.
Lots of guests have already arrived at the venue. And it’s all looking so good. Everyone’s admiring its decoration, and pretty much everything, since every single detail is somehow linked to Roman and something he likes or admires.
Finally, 15 minutes later, every guest is there, in their position, waiting for Roman and the Usos to arrive. Once their car gets in the parking lot, everyone is excited and trying to be quiet until they get there.
Roman seems lost in thought, so lost that he’s not even questioning why his cousins took him to this place.
“SURPRISE!” Everyone yells excitedly, jumping out of every corner.
Roman’s mouth falls open, his brows furrowed in confusion, but those features are quickly replaced by a gentle smile. Not a full, sparkling smile, because obviously something was missing. But he chose to ignore the feeling in the pit of his stomach.
He went out greeting and thanking every guest for their presence and for their birthday wishes. Once he’s done, he stands there in the corner, just glancing are the venue.
Everyone is here. His coworkers, his friends, his childhood friends… even his family is here. How did this happen? Who did this? Someone had to do this. His mind is now running with lots of questions.
Luckily, Jimmy knows him as the back of his hand.
“What’s up, Uce?”
“Uh, nothing. I was just thinking.” Roman sighs, glancing down at his feet, but Jimmy knows best.
“Thinking about what? It’s your party, enjoy it.” He tries to hype his cousin, putting his arm around his shoulder gently.
“Who did all this anyway? You and Jey?”
“Nope. Our job was merely to make sure you were here.”
“What? Then, who-”
“Seriously, Uce? Who do you think knows you this good and would put this much effort in a surprise party, uh?” Roman finally hits realization, running his hands down his face.
“I fucked up. I fucked up big time.”
“Why exactly did you break up with her?”
“I… I didn’t break up with her. I just… I asked for some time.” Jimmy shoots him a look. “I know, it’s pretty much the same. But she had been acting so weird. Always on her phone or on her laptop. Always dismissing me with lame ass excuses. I just assumed...” He trails off. “I just couldn’t handle it anymore… And I know I haven’t seen her or talked to her ever since but-”
“What? You haven’t talked to her ever since? Are you serious?” Roman nods, in shame. “You know she was probably just busy planning this whole thing right?” Once again, he nods, averting his gaze to the ground. “You need to go talk to her and make this right, Uce.”
It’s around 9PM, and you had just gotten up from the couch and headed to the kitchen, trying to find something to eat, when someone knocks on your door.
You go and open it, no questions asked, thinking it’d be Jimmy and Naomi. When your eyes lay on Roman, you almost feel like your heart would jump out of your chest.
“Roman, what-?”
“No, (Y/N), just… please, just hear me out, ok? Just hear me out and then you can make a decision.” Roman pleads, his whole demeanor almost desperate. You sigh deeply, moving from the door so he could enter.
You walk towards the living room, sitting down in the couch and pulling your knees to your chest, hugging them, as Roman sits down next to you, but still maintaining his distance. He sits there for a while, staring at his hands.
“I know it was you who organized the whole party.” He breaks out the silence, as he turns to face you, his voice slightly rough.
“Uh, yeah… It was nothing, I-”
“It was everything.” Roman cuts you off. “You got everyone there. My friends, my family, everyone.”
“I just… I just want you to be happy. That’s all I want, really.”
“I know, and I’m guessing all your weird behavior had to do with all that?”
“Yes… I was trying to keep everything a secret, so it’d be a surprise. I wanted to surprise you. I wanted you to have a different birthday. A memorable one. And I definitely didn’t want to ruin it. And I didn’t, and you had fun, so… mission accomplished.”
“I had fun, and it was definitely memorable, but… there was something missing.” You furrow your brows questioningly, urging him to continue. “There was someone missing.”
“Oh God, who did I forget? Was it a family member? Oh my god, I knew it, I-”
“It was you, (Y/N).” Once again he cuts you off, and you finally lock your gaze with his, seeing nothing but pure adoration there. “You were the only thing missing there to make my day perfect, but that’s entirely on me. And I’m so, so sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry. I’m at fault too… I should’ve acted differently. If I did, I could’ve saved us a lot of trouble.”
“Can I hug you? I just miss you so m-”
You don’t even let him finish, you launch yourself into his arms, hooking your arms around his neck and pulling him close.
“I missed you too, so much.” You sigh, finally feeling home. You pull back to face him, cradling his face in your hands. “Happy birthday, baby. I love you so much.”
“I love you too. So, so much. And I really can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me today.”
“You don’t have to. Seeing you happy is all the thanking I need.”
“You want to see me happy?” He asks, with a wide, kind of teasing smile.
“What kind of question is that? Of course I want to see you happy. What do you-”
“Then, marry me.”
You’re pretty much sure you’re hearing things. Roman didn’t just propose. No, he didn’t.
“You heard me. I don’t know about you, but for me, having you as my wife, would make me the happiest man on this planet.”
“Baby, marrying you would make me the happiest woman on this universe.”
“Could you just do me a favor, then?” You nod. “Check that box, below the TV.”
You stand up, and head to the wood furniture, kneeling down on the floor and pulling the box out. Opening it, there’s a bunch of CDs and DVD’s on top. You look back at him and he motions you to keep looking.
Your motions come to a halt once your eyes lay on the small dark red velvet box. Picking it up, you couldn’t help but feel very emotional. Once you open it and see the ring, the tears start falling. The ring is so beautiful.
Suddenly, Roman is kneeling next to you. You hug him right away. Pulling back, you kiss him, deeply and hard. These days seemed ages. You were craving him… his touch… everything about him.
Roman had the most beautiful, bright smile you’d ever seen on his face.
“This is, easily and by far, the most amazing birthday I ever had.”
Give me some feedback please?
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barnesthesarge · 5 years
Here For You (3)
Bucky X Enhanced!Reader
Summary: The Avengers have a new enhanced on their radar when they run into you during a HYDRA extraction mission.
Warnings: swearing, lots of time gaps lol
TAGLIST: @dreamyalienz
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You watched the TV in absolute disbelief, your own face alongside Bucky’s was on the screen.
“Witnesses say that the woman had some sort of powers, and used them to injure the HYDRA agents. Speculation that this woman is the same one that Tony Stark rescued is currently unclear, we’ve reached out to Shield, but so far we’ve received no response. As you can see from the security footage, which is very graphic, she cuts an agent’s hand clean off. Many are wondering if the Winter Soldier And this new enhanced are on their own te—“ Bucky turned the TV off.
“That channel is garbage. Real big on hating the Avengers.” He plopped down beside you, “Don’t worry about this, I just talked to Tony and while you will have to sign some hefty paperwork, it’ll all be okay.”
“Bucky, this is bad.” He shook his head.
“No this is fine, who cares? You were on the news. It was a blurry shot.” You turned to face him.
“I care! How on earth am I supposed to hop around the world when everyone sees me as a dangerous Enhanced?!” You stood up and started pacing, “That’s it. I have to leave.”
“Woah woah doll, you’re going to burn a whole in the floor.” He put a hand on your shoulder and you pushed him by his chest away.
“Bucky I have to go. Please..I need you to do something for me.” His face fell.
“You can’t go doll, you need to sign the—“
“I need you to delete my file. Everything you have on me, I need to get rid of this.” You pulled the Stark Phone out of your pocket and set it on the table. “Please, Bucky..” He shook his head again.
“Y/N, they aren’t going to stop looking for you, and trust me, when they find you they won’t take you politely. They might go HYDRA style.” He grabbed your wrist and you pulled it away.
“Bucky, I don’t think you understand. I’m leaving, you won’t see me again, and you’ll tell them I’m going to hide back in London, tell them I have a safe house there. I can’t let them find me. They’re going to ruin everything.” You cupped his cheeks. “You have to promise me, delete my file, lie.”
“Let me go with you! I can take care of you, watch your back!” You shook your head.
“Bucky, it’s too risky. When I know it’s safe you’ll hear from me. Just promise me. I won’t tell anyone but you.” You paused, his eyebrows were knitted together, a frown etched on his face, “please.”
Bucky nodded, “I’ll delete what I can. If I do it all they’ll know. You promise I’ll hear from you?”
“When it’s safe Bucky.” You squeezed his hands, “thank you. I’ll talk to you soon.” And with that you went down the elevator and used the car Stark gave you, driving to the docks.
You loved it in Spain. A year had passed and you loved it so much you never left. While you didn’t work, you had plenty of money under another name. It was easy to blend in, slipping between the chaotic streets, shopping in local markets. It was a new home. Every once in a while there would be a sighting of the rogue enhanced once known to associate with the Avengers, but you knew better now. You wore a mask, concealed your skin and hair, the only distinguishing detail being your purple powers.
Tonight another plane flew overhead and woke you up in a cold sweat, had the Avengers found you? Was that Tony? A swat team? The UN? It was always just a plane.
You got up and got dressed, heading out to the market for fresh fruit, staying within the ordinary. You windowshopped for a while, and then headed home, turning on the TV. You flipped to one of the only English News channel you had.
“Today marks one year of the enhanced that somehow slipped through the UN’s fingers. While there’s no clear image of her, there’s still hope that the Avengers, or anyone can step forward and reveal who she is. Tony Stark conducted a press conference earlier.”
“There’s been word that you’re able to track her, is that true Mr. Stark?” Tony stood at a podium, an indifferent look on his face.
“Don’t you think that if I could, I would? She’d be a great asset to the Avengers.” You blushed, Tony was lying for you. He could find you if he wanted.
“So in your time of helping her, you didn’t even get the enhanced’s name?” Another piped up.
“She gave me a fake name, we’ve already dig into it and the investigation hit a dead end.” He lied again.
“Why can’t you release an image of her face?” A woman shouted, a couple others talked over her as well.
“This is a UN and Shield case, and the enhanced is dangerous. I’m sure if she was confronted in public, there would be mass casualties. We would’ve already if we knew it was safe.” He paused, waiting for everyone to quiet down, “Besides she seems to be living peacefully and taking down suspects silently.”
The footage stopped and the news anchor was back, “we have the rest of the press conference on our website, now back to—“
You turned the TV off and moved to make dinner, settling on chicken and rice. Within the next 30 minutes you sat at your table and ate dinner, watching people walking home to their families.
You thought about Bucky a lot more than you’d like to admit. Sometimes you imagined what would’ve happened if you actually let him come with you. Right now he could be coming home to see you, and sitting down to eat with you. You felt stupid for thinking like this, in such short time you knew him, you fell for Bucky Barnes. The stupidest part was that he probably only found you to be a nuisance now. Dealing with the aftermath of your departure had to of done a number on him.
Without thinking much else, you moved to wash your dishes, thinking about the sad creases in Bucky’s forehead as you told him goodbye. It didn’t matter that he made you promise to reach out when it was safe, by now he would’ve moved on and changed his mind. You longed sometimes to go back and see what could be different if you stayed.
Later you were getting ready for bed, when you remembered something. You quickly raced into your bedroom and unscrewed the case on the light switch, pulling out a flip phone. You had a great idea.
The next morning you purchased another flip phone, filling up minutes on each phone. Then you put your phone number into one of the flip phones and prepared to send it, sending a quick text message to the other.
I believe it’s safe.
You grinned and turned the phone off, wrapping it neatly into a box, you put a bunch of stamps on the box, and addressed it to Bucky’s P.O. Box in the Avenger’s compound. To grab his attention, you put your first name in the corner. You raced to the post and sent the package, paying extra to have it sent right away.
But it it’d been a week, and you hadn’t received anything.
Bucky hated being in public, Steve was starting to think maybe his anxiety was getting worse. It wasn’t like that. Bucky didn’t want to leave and miss a message from Y/N, it’d been a year, and she still hadn’t reached out, but maybe it was coming up.
“Bucky, you haven’t left the compound in weeks.” Steve had his signature worried face. “Do you want to talk about anything?”
“Steve, for the last time, I’m fine, I just need a break from all the stress.” He lied easily. “I’m gonna check my mail. Get my steps in.”
Bucky went to his P.O. Box, it was never as full as anyone else’s, but that was okay to him. It was weird to see a package, but it made it through screening, so it’s not like it was a bomb. Bucky picked up the white box, turning it over and gasping loudly. He quickly looked around and then grabbed the couple letters in the box and racing back up to his room. Bucky looked the door behind him, ignoring the slam.
Bucky used a knife to cut the tape and opened the box, unwrapping bubble wrap to reveal a flip phone. It was dead, so Bucky pulled the charger out and plugged it in, waiting not-so-patiently. When it turned on, there was a message notification from Y/N’s contact.
I believe it’s safe. Simple, cut right to the chase, classic Y/N.
I hope so Y/N, how are you? Bucky looked at her number and saw it had a foreign number. When he googled it on his other phone, it revealed she was in Spain.
There was a reply almost instantly, I’m doing good, you were right about how lonely being on the run is. I actually really miss having my Stark phone and having people to talk to whenever I needed it. How’s everything in NY?
I miss talking to you if I’m being honest. It’s not fair that you came into my life so abruptly and left just as quick )-: I wanted more time with you. I don’t like it here. It’s too crowded.
I don’t think it’s much safe for me to be on my own. My apartment doesn’t exactly have security. I’m sorry I had to leave Bucky, I didn’t want to leave a friend like that, but I wasn’t ready for “Avenger stuff” you sound just as lonely as me
Are you saying you want to be one now?
An Avenger? Hell no, but if it gets people off my back, I might bite. I hate having to hide now, I don’t know how I loved it for so long. Don’t get me wrong I love it here in Spain, having a normal life, but I’m lonely. It was nice feeling cared about. I watched Tony lie on TV about being able to find me and knowing anything about me, and honestly it fucked me up. I think I’m gonna come back.
Holy shit please do.
Wanna do me a favor and pass the knowledge of me coming back to Tony? I’m gonna take a boat from Spain so it’ll be a bit.
Yes doll, I will, I’ll see you soon.
“Tony, hey, I’m sorry to barge in like this but—“ Bucky froze, Tony wasn’t alone. Rhodey got up from Tony’s office chair and chuckled.
“I’ll take my leave, Tony please consider, alright?” He left the room and shut the door gently, and Tony crossed his arms.
“You really don’t know how to knock?” He grumbled, Bucky frowned.
“I’m sorry, the door was open, I didn’t think it mattered. There’s something I needed to bring to your attention.” Tony crossed his arms and moved stuff aside on his desk to sit down.
“Is it about your arm? I don’t think the color is flattering either.” Tony sassed.
“It’s about Y/N.” Bucky mumbled, Tony perked up and looked around his office, holding up a finger to silence him.
“That’s still a stupid name for a fish Bucky. You’re wasting my time.” He beckoned Bucky to follow him, and dragged him into the elevator, talking about anything but Y/N. When they got into Tony’s car, he sighed.
“They bugged my office.” He rubbed his temples, “they don’t trust me about Y/N. They know I haven’t been honest.”
“She wants to be an Avenger now.” Bucky blurted, “I um, okay this is gonna sound crazy. Remember how she left under my watch? She didn’t attack me at all. I lied about that. She heard about having to sign the Accords and went nuts. She was getting hysterical—“
“She asked you to delete the file, didn’t she.”
“Yes, she asked me to delete the file and lead everyone on a wild-goose-chase in London. She told me that she would contact me when she knew it was safe.” Bucky confessed, Tony shook his head.
“Bucky, God’s sake, I can’t trust you with her. I can’t believe she convinced you to delete the file. Do you have any idea how much shit I got for having such a weak system that some random woman was able to hack it?!”
“I’m sorry Tony! I wanted to go with her, she just wants to be free and safe and she looked like a trapped animal, she was so antsy and upset. I like her a lot Tony, shit I’m falling for her. But she’s not mine, and I wouldn’t be the one to trap her.” He paused, “Look. Y/N sent me a flip phone in the mail with her number in it, I texted her for a bit and she said she wants to come back, and that she’s finally ready to join us.”
“Give me her number, actually no, give me the phone.” Tony demanded. Bucky pulled it out of his pocket and Tony opened it, scowling at the outdated device. He opened the contacts and started calling Y/N.
Within a couple rings, you answered, “Hey Bucky.”
“It’s Tony.” His voice was flat. “So you’re coming back?”
“Yes, I’ll come back. I’m sorry I left, it was stupid and immature, but I’m ready now.” Tony sighed.
“Look, Y/N, as soon as you get here, it’s not going to be fun. There’s a lot of shit we have to cleanup, I’ll send you a suit to pick you up tomorrow, there’s going to be officials from the UN who’re going to need you to sign stuff. I’ll have FRIDAY brief you on everything you need to say, otherwise Barnes and I are both looking at jail time, alright?”
“Yes of course, thank you Tony. Thank you for covering for me, I know it hasn’t been easy. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
He sighed again, “It will be nice to have you around Y/N. I’ll have a suit tomorrow, so be ready to leave in the morning. See you soon.” He hung up the phone and handed it back to Bucky. “Come on, we have a phone call to make.”
As soon as you arrived to the Avengers compound, you had a collar placed around your neck, and you were pulled into what you believed to be Tony’s office. Around the room was UN officials, who did not look thrilled to see you. You were forced into a chair and recorded, your official statement of the last year.
Next you had to sign a million legal documents, given a strict set of rules, and you had your own copy of the Accords to read over to next week. Once everyone left, Tony took the collar off and apologized.
“Not everyone here thinks you want to be a good guy. You should’ve heard them.” He frowned, “as much as I don’t like them, its best you listen to their rules, otherwise you’ll be thrown in a prison in the middle of the ocean with a collar for the rest of your life.” He paused, “anyways, I have training set up for you for the rest of the day, so let’s go.” Tony dragged you to one of the basements with a coach.
While you didn’t mind your new training regimen, you hated having to do it two times a day, and the little time you actually had was spent reading the Accords. You hadn’t even seen Bucky and the date on your phone reminded you that you’d been here five days.
You unlocked your phone and sent Bucky a message, You busy right now?
The question is, are you? (-:
Not too busy for you (; come here
Aren’t you stuck reading the Accords all week?
Come read it to me lol
There was a knock on your door, you opened it and Bucky grinned ear to ear, “Hi Y/N.” You stepped aside and let him come in.
“Hi Bucky.” He bit his lip to try and hide how hard he was smiling, before you pulled him into a hug. “Thank you.” Bucky still wore the same cologne.
“For what?” He chuckled, burying his face in your neck, you giggled and moved away.
“For protecting me, from how I felt.” You paused, “Its so nice to finally see you again.”
Bucky sat down on your bed, and looked at whatever page of the Accords was open, he looked just as handsome as you remembered.
“You still need me to read this to you?” You grinned and grabbed the booklet, setting it on your nightstand.
“No Buck.” You sat beside him now, “I just wanted to see you.” He raised his eyebrows, “I’ve been here for almost a week and didn’t even get to see you, it just doesn’t seem right.”
“It hurts me too doll, trust me.” You felt your cheeks heat up, “I wasn’t kidding when I said I hadn’t gotten enough time with you. As soon as you finish this stupid reading assignment, let’s go out. Celebrate new beginnings. I hear that Tony has you on that god awful training regimen? It’ll be like that for two weeks and then you get normal training hours.”
“It’s horrible. I don’t get enough time. And that sounds wonderful, I would love to spend time with you.” Bucky stood up.
“Well, that’ll start when you finish this.” He gestured to the Accords, “And that won’t be anytime soon if you keep hanging out with me.”
You groaned, “Nooo don’t leave me with that thing!” Bucky laughed loudly, his smile was so contagious and you wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life sharing it with him. Had you fallen in love with him?!
“Yeah yeah doll, I’ll see you soon once you finish it. Get to it.” He shared one last handsome smile before leaving the room.
You slumped back onto the bed, after spending an entire year away from Bucky, you had somehow fallen for him. Sometimes you’d go to the libraries in Spain just to look at the news of Bucky, to see if he’d done anything new. You’d even gone the lengths of buying newspapers that featured articles of him. You couldn’t imagine how he felt hearing nothing about you, other than the occasional solo mission you did. Thoughts of Bucky grounded you, it reminded you that someone in the world liked you for who you were, the someone who couldn’t stick to one place. Someone who didn’t want to tie you down and keep you, and someone who treated you as an equal. Bucky was an anchor, a reason to try and get better. Now you’d done the dumb thing of falling for him.
He didn’t feel the same way, you could tell.
Bucky found it hard to stay away from you. He knew you finished reading the Accords, but now Tony had you doing all different kinds of tests. How strong you were, everything your powers could do, combat skills, mission strategies, and areas you needed to improve.
It went on for days, and Bucky was suffering knowing you were in the same building but you’d never been so far from his reach. He was shocked that somehow you both had a closer bond than before you left.
During the year you left, Bucky never went a day without wondering how you were doing, sometimes months went by without a sighting of you, and Bucky thought you were dead, or maybe HYDRA got you.
Everyday, Bucky thought about the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, how witty and strong you were, how endearing it was that you could intimidate everyone. Bucky loved how you were rough around the edges, and soft on the inside. He’d fallen for you ages ago, and now he was stuck with unreciprocated feelings.
At least he had you as a friend, right?
You knocked on Bucky’s door, you heard him scuffle around in his room before the door opened, “Y/N!” He smiled and opened the door wider. You came inside, his room was simple and nice, with old decorations and old pictures up. “Are you finally available for me?” He teased, coming to stand next to you in front of an old picture of him and Steve with the Howling Commandos. “See something you like?” You rolled your eyes and elbowed his side.
He grunted, “Watch your mouth. Maybe I won’t spend the next couple free hours I have with you. I wonder if Wanda’s around?”
“No no! She’s with Vision, don’t be ridiculous!” He giggled and turned you by grabbing your arms, “I just got you backkkk.” He whined dramatically.
“That’s what I thought. Trust me I could definitely use the rest, but instead I’ll spend my time doing something better.” Bucky smirked.
“Doing something better? Did you mean someone?” He wiggled his eyebrows boyishly and you gasped.
“Okay that’s it I’m taking a nap!” You hollered.
“I take it back! It was a joke!” You giggled.
“It better’ve been, sicko. Hurry up and put on your shoes, you’re wasting our time.”
“Didn’t know I was that repulsive to you.” He fake sniffled and sat down on his bed to put his shoes on. You started back at the collection of photos.
You focused on one of Bucky and small Steve, Bucky had such a beautiful-full-of-life-smile. You knew at once why every girl in the 40’s fell for him. Maybe it was the same reasons you did.
“Do I look better with short hair or somethin’?” You jumped, realizing Bucky had somehow snuck up on you.
“I’m gonna put a bell on you if you’re gonna start sneaking around.” You threatened, he grinned.
“You didn’t answer my question, doll.” You shrugged and looked back at the picture.
“You look handsome either way Bucky.” His eyes widened, “can we go now?” He was blushing now and you felt your own cheeks heat up. “Bucky?”
He snapped out of the spell, “Yes, of course let’s go.” You followed him to the garage and he brought you to his motorcycle again. “Maybe this time you’ll actually get to enjoy the ride, huh?” He handed you a helmet.
He climbed on and you got on behind him, once he got the engine started, his hands went to the handlebars and yours went around his middle. He slowly left the garage and drove down the private road towards the city. Within fifteen minutes Bucky brought you to a nice restaurant, linking arms with you down the sidewalk. When you got to the table he pulled your seat out for you.
“Aren’t you a gentleman?” You teased as he sat down across from you.
“Only for you madam.” He winked and opened his menu, you rolled your eyes at him and opened your own.
“Have you eaten here before?” You asked and he shook his head no.
“A certain Spider-kid recommended it to me.” A waitress came by and asked for drink orders.
You looked around the restaurant decor, it was modern and niche, big windows surrounding the areas. “See somethin’ pretty?” He chuckled from across the table, “I know I do.” You met his eyes and he looked right at you, boldly smiling.
“What are you implying?” You bit the inside of your lip a little to hide that you liked when he flirted with you, he wasn’t supposed to know.
“I’m implying many things, Doll.” He said suggestively.
“Okay, shoot.” You replied.
“M’definitely implying that despite how nice this restaurant looks, you’re by far a much better view.” You raised both eyebrows.
“Is that so?” You chuckled nervously, “are you trying to flatter me into spending more time with you?”
“We both know I don’t have to bribe you to spend time with me.” Bucky looked smug, “I’m just being honest. Have the times changed where a man doesn’t compliment his date?” His face dropped, “Not date..I meant—friend.”
The waitress came and put drinks down and took food orders at the perfect time, you sipped on something fruity Bucky ordered for you quietly. “What kinds of things did I miss out on while I was gone?”
“Oh just a lot of small scale missions, nothing big.”
“No I mean just like fun things the team did.” You smiled at him, watching his brows furrow while he tried to come up with stuff.
“There was a nice Halloween party, Sam dressed up as me by wrapping tinfoil around his arm, I dressed as him by putting on fairy wings and sunglasses, we did secret Santa for Christmas, Tony and Steve helped host the New Year’s Eve party in Times Square...at one point most of the team went on a team bonding camping trip.” He shrugged, “April Fools was the worst, Clint and Natasha had a prank war and just about everyone participated, it was like a civil war.”
You giggled, “I feel stupid for running away. Really really stupid. I was so scared to be part of something like that, but now it just sounds so—nice.”
“Don’t feel bad about running away from things that scare you, I do it all the time. It’s just something we gotta work on, doll.” You frowned.
“What’s with the nickname? Is that an insult?” You questioned and Bucky’s jaw dropped.
“I—no! Uhh, it’s just a term of endearment.” You grinned at him.
“Alright and mine for you will be..” you thought for a moment, “Ah, Fucky.”
“Thanks Y/N.”
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Spectacle. II
Inspired by our favorite hip hop couple, Offset and Cardi.
I was arguing with my best friend about what he did on her rolling loud set. I’m just gonna write this with Erik x OC (Black! OC);
Erik is a rapper as OC is a rising star. They recently married and his indiscretions have been publicly known via social media, Erik makes multiple attempts to make up for it.
June, 2018:
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Erik Stevens, Stage Name: E. Kill. 31 years old. Married to Raelynn Stevens (Maiden, Johnson) They share one child, a 4 month-old Named Kire (Pronouced KYE-REE) Stephens.
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Raelynn Stevens, Stage Name: Rae. 29 years old. Married to Erik Stevens. She and Erik share a daughter, 4 month-old Kire Stevens.
December 1, 2017
I woke up to the sun was on the opposite side of the house so I knew it was around 4 or 5 in the afternoon. All I could hear was a whispering back and forth between Shawna and Erik.
“I been calling her! I thought she was gone! I damn sure didn’t think she would wreck my shit!” “What did you think was gonna happen? You thought you were gonna come home to a home cooked meal, decent conversation, and some pregnant pussy? You had an affair, Erik. That’s worse than just fucking some slide tossing her some hundreds and never hearing from her again. You had this girl around you. You traveled for this girl. You traveled with this girl. You didn’t even tell Rae everything.” “If I told her everything, she’d burn this whole damn house down! You know that Shawna.” I shoot up from the couch yawning.
“Tell me what?” I direct the question at Shawna. Erik shoots over to me, bending to check on me, “Hey baby, how you doing?” My husband attempts to grab my hand, I push his hand away with my bandaged right one. “I wasn’t talking to you. What happened to my hand?” Shawna sits next to me, “Hey babes, don’t worry about all of that right now. How’s Kire?” I rubbed my belly, “She woke me up so, she’s good.” Out the corner of my eye I see Erik reaching out for me. “N’jadaka. Do yourself a favor, don’t touch me.” He stands up, “How you wanna move forward Rae? Because I love you. I want my family. Give me the chance to fight for it.”
It’s not until Shawna hands me some toilet paper that I realize I am crying, “I need time. Get out.” He grabs a bag I’m sure he packed while I was sleeping and exits through the front door, as he opens the door, paparazzi floods our front porch. I hang my head low, mortified and wondering how I’ll ever get out of my home. “How am I gonna get through this?” My bestie comforts me in a tight hug, “With help, mami. That’s how. Ya team gotchu baby. Believe that.”
December 2, 2017
My assistant Nessa strolls through my backdoor, knowing paparazzi weren’t that indecent to bum-rush my backyard, in awe. “Damn Rae, what happened in here?” I fold my arms shrugging watching TMZ covering my family’s demise for a second time. “I blacked out by the time I was swinging at the records in there”, I nonchalantly point at the dining room. She turns her attention to that, “Daayym! Did somebody burglarize ya spot?” I shake my head, “Nah. I did this. Fucked up that r8 in the garage too.” “What happened? You wouldn’t just do this finding out what happened with that chickenhead.” She holds her hands out looking for answers.
“E came home.” She sucks her teeth, “Forty-Eight Hours Later!” Her spongebob commentator accent makes me crack up at her silly ass, “I needed that” She clings onto me, “I know, boo. I’m sorry he had to be an asshole. How’s the baby?” “The baby is fine!” I succeed in keeping the sex a secret from my assistant, once again. “Dammit, I’m gon catch you off guard! I hope it’s a baby girl so we can get her fly like her momma!” I blush at her correct guess, “Anyway, let me work a miracle. Go take a seat!” I stroll upstairs to retreat back to my baby’s room.
When I reach the top of the steps I looked at the closed door to our bedroom, it had a folded paper in between it. I snatch it out of its place, it was a photo of our wedding picture we took after we eloped in the chapel in Las Vegas.
“Baby lets just do it!” Erik’s tipsy slur was apparent, “Do what, N’jadaka?” “Let’s get married babyy. Be my wife!” “Nigga, what?” He got on one knee in the middle of a busy Las Vegas strip, “You know I love you baby. More that I’ve ever loved any woman. I’m tired of spending time without you! We on tour at different times, back in LA at different times! I’m ready for us to live in our home. I’m ready to put a baby in yo fine ass, Rae.” I protested, “I think not! Boy, you tried it!” He sucked his teeth, “I’m gettin’ yo ass pregnant! Anyway, I’m ready to spend the rest of my life witchu babe. Let me make an honest woman of you tonight.” He pulled out my ring, “Baby, it’s just a band!” He shrugged, “Since we getting married tonight, I figured we’ll work our way up to the wedding ring.” I giggled, “Cocky ass, you just know Imma say yes?” “Will you?” I nodded, “Yes. Yes, N’jadaka!”
I love you. I love Kire. I love our family. Please don’t give up on us.
I swing the door open, “Shawna!” “Yes?” “Can you come up here please?” She met me in my room, “What’s up Rae?” “What was everything that E didn’t tell me?” she sighs, “Uhm, have a seat.” “I’m so tired of people telling me what the fuck to do! I want to stand! Tell me what he’s done, Shawna. Please? I can’t know what I’m doing if I don’t know everything!” She leans on the dresser. I hear my google alerts go off, “Has Rae fallen off the edge? What the fuck?” I click the notification which had a picture of the damaged r8 rolling out of our garage. Nessa jets to my room, “Girl. I had to get that car to the dealership! I’m sorry, they’re closing in less than an hour and if I didn’t get it there today it wasn’t gonna be ready until after the holidays.” “No. No. You good Ness. You’re doing your job! Thank you.” She exhales a sigh of relief, “Okay, cool. What’s going on though? Feels like I’m missing something.”
Shawna clears her throat, “Uhm.. So E. Solace didn’t expose everything that happened. She didn’t wanna publicly put that out, she wanted to have a conversation with you.” “With me? Tuh! The broad has nothing to say to me.” Shawna continues, “In May, she found out she was pregnant.” I blinked a few times, “Excuse me?” “E fucked up Rae. He got her pregnant. He immediately told her to get an abortion, her being an IG model and scared that a pregnancy was gonna ruin her image, she went through with it in July.”
Erik’s POV
I turn on my TV to see my wife being bombarded by paps on TV, her round shape shades covering her eyes, “Rae, have you decided what you’re gonna do about E’s indiscretions?” “Rae, are you gonna get a divorce?” “Rae, did you speak with Solace?” She ignored every inquiry walking into the Beverly Center. I get a notification on my phone, a text from Shawna, “E. Rae’s new number is 310-021-2231.” I texted her.
I’m on my way. Meet me at Farmhouse, please?
Rae Bae: Yeah. LMK when you get here.
That was simple. Too simple. Mac emerges from his kitchen, “Wassup, homie?” “I’m about to meet up with Rae.” He stops in his path, “Woah, you sure she not gon come at you with a bat?” I flinch at the mention, “Man, nah. We in public. She not gon go off the handle like that!” “Man whatever! Rae Rae went cray cray and whooped yo ass! And the r8?! Your other bae?! That was petty. She bought it!” I shake my head, “I think that’s why she destroyed it. She knew I had ol girl in it.” “My nigga.. I know you not that dumb.” “Yeah. I am.” Mack palms his face, “Wow.. Just... wow. Well, good luck on that meeting. I’d keep my distance. Sit at the longest table they got in that bitch!”
My phone rings, I see my wife’s face on the screen.
Rae’s POV
I’m just having the week from hell! My husband’s been cheating on me, it’s in the public eye, I got shows to do for the next month, I need to get in the studio, and now I lost my phone somewhere in this damn mall! This stress and prego brain has taken my irritation to an all time high. “Are Rae and you gonna work things out? Is she pissed off at you? Where are those bruises from, man?” N’jadaka simply answers, “Look, I’m having dinner with my wife, Hope you have a good evening.” I turn around to see him waving off the cameraman, “Hi.” “Hello, beautiful. How you holding up?” “I’m alright. Lost my phone today, but I’m good.”
N’jadaka digs into his pocket and pulls out my phone, “You left it in Saint Laurant. An employee used a picture of you to unlock it and called me.” “You get her number too?” He nudges me, “C’mon Rae. You know I didn’t.” “Whatever, Your daughter is hungry. Let’s go.”
The tension in the private room is so thick, it can get cut with a phone charger cord. I requested the waiter leave us a pitcher of water so he wouldn’t have to come in back and forth to check on us. Because I don’t need my business being spread all over the tabloids regarding my private life.
“Baby, talk to me. I haven’t ever seen you so quiet.”
I take a large piece of salmon and engulf it, “You got her pregnant.” “I--” “Think about your answer..before you think about lying.” he sighs, “I did.” “Did you tell her you were leaving me?” “Rae, it don’t matter--” “IT DOES MATTER, N’JADAKA!” “I didn’t tell her I was gonna leave. I told her that we weren’t as serious as we were in the beginning.” Erik is sitting on the opposite end of the dinner table, on purpose I’m sure.. That doesn’t stop me from trying to throw a plate at his head. The plate clashes with the wall, “Oh, so being married and having a child on a way isn’t serious to you?” I chuck the silverware at him, “I can’t fucking believe you!” “I was telling her what she wanted to hear! It was words with no action behind it!”
“Why? Why did you do this to me? To us?” He hangs his head low, “I’m scared. I’m scared of this fatherhood shit. I know I foreshadowed this when I proposed, but it becoming a reality is freaking me out. I guess I was running from it. I called it off with her before our shower.” I take one final bite of my meal, “It’s funny how you say you’re scared. You’ve been to every doctor’s appointment, you’ve been talking to her, reading to her, singing and rapping to her. You’ve been the father that she needs. And behind my back, you haven’t been the partner I need. You’ve been cheating on me my entire pregnancy. Now all of a sudden as of last month, you want your family? Nah. You gon have to show me. Until then, stay where you at. I’ll sync our calendars before I leave for doctor’s appointments. Other than that.. I’ll mail your shit to Mack’s place.”
“Are we over? We throwing away two years like that? Over some hoe I don’t even want?” “Don’t ever forget, YOU DID THIS.” I sync our calendars as I finish my statement. “Don’t contact me. When I need to see you, I’ll let you know.” I rise from my seat, flip over my plate and exit, stage left, through the restaurant’s back door, avoiding paparazzi.
Okay, III Is going to be the last one (I promise! It’s gonna tie everything together and Rae’s POV between how E got her back... ya’ll gon see, ya’ll gon see.)
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thebloodlinereigns · 6 years
Love Heals All Wounds (part 6)
Their relationship was thriving and so was Roman’s rehab. In the past few months, he was able to abandon the crutches and continue forward with working out. He still had a brace just for added protection but was no longer using the one he had from post op. His cousins were back in town as the show had returned to Pensacola. Roman was excited to at least go watch a show, even if he couldn’t be involved physically just yet. Roman packed up the car and headed out to the arena with the plans of surprising Draya at work.
The thoughts of The Miz’s trash talk lingered in his mind as he continued to drive. He replayed it all in his head as he pulled up to the arena. The words burned into his memory as he thought of the things The Miz had said to Draya. His eyes narrowed and his brows knitted as the intensity continued to build. He knew he couldn’t lose his cool at this show given he still hasn’t been cleared to compete. “I could just be REALLY, REALLY careful and just beat his face in. I mean trading jabs can’t be that stressful on the knees can it? Draya would kill me if I reinjured my knee. I just want to rip him apart limb from limb. If he starts shit tonight, I’m ending it. That’s it. They better be prepared.” He nodded his head slowly as a devious smile appeared across his face. He pulled all the way into the parking garage to hide the fact that he was there from the people waiting to enter. He slipped in and headed to the locker room to hang out with his cousins.
A loud thunderous pounding was heard from inside the locker room as Jimmy and Jey played Madden on the PlayStation. “Man, who the fuck is that knocking like they the police? WHO IS IT?” Jimmy yelled out as they watched the door vibrate from impact. “Don’t make me buss yo ass. We stay ready homie!” Jey called out.
“Uce, it’s me open the damn door bro. Y’all ain’t gonna do shit but lose with whatever bullshit team you playing as. I’m got next against whoever wins.” Roman said as he stood outside the door. The twins rushed to the door. They opened it and jumped up on Roman playfully. They hadn’t seen him since he had been injured and was glad to see him back.
“WHAT’S UP FAM?! Man, you’ve been gone so long. Driving ain’t the same without you man. Jey already got two tickets for speeding in two separate states. It was easier when you drove. Then we could just sleep.” Jimmy teased as they walked back to their seats. Roman shook his head in disbelief. “Jey, that’s a damn shame. He watched the two continue their game.
“So, I see you and Draya have been doing good. Naomi won’t stop gloating about how her match making skills are on fleek. It’s good to see you happy though. I don’t think any of your ex’s hold a candle to Draya.” Jimmy said as he made a run on the game. “Lisa, crazy ass sholl can’t compete. Remember that time she went ape shit and busted up your car cause she thought you was with another girl and it turned out to be Aunt Patti. Aunt Patti damn near caught a case that night. She came out there swinging that bat around.” The two burst out into laughter as they recalled the incident. Roman looked on obviously not amused by the ordeal.
“Lisa, wasn’t my best choice. I know that now. It didn’t start off that way. She just changed, but all of that is behind me now. I know they have a promo event for NXT coming up and I am thinking of asking her to be my date. I’m ready for the world to know what she means to me.” Roman proclaimed as he looked down at his hands before pushing his hair back out of his face. Roman continued to talk to his cousins as he watched their game.
Meanwhile, Draya was in the training area getting things ready for the show. She felt her phone buzz and looked down at her smartwatch to check the notification. The number was unfamiliar so she ignored it initially. She continued with her duties as she felt the buzz again and looked down at the number. “Hello?” She answered the mysterious caller. “STAY AWAY FROM ROMAN! HE’S MINE!”the caller said before hanging up. Draya looked down at the phone and tried to call the number back to no avail. She went back to her tasks but the thought caused a huge distraction.
Roman left the locker room in search of his love. He went to the trainer’s room and quietly came up behind Draya. He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close. “Hey D, ” he said as he buried his face in the side of her neck. Draya smirked and turned around to look at him. ”Funny that you're here, I was just thinking about you. Do you know this number?” she said as she took out her phone to show him. ”A few moments ago, a woman called and said that I should stay away from you because you're hers?” Draya said as she looked intensely in his eyes. His head lowered as he looked at the number. ”That's Lisa. She is an ex that I haven't talked to since we broke up. I have no idea why she would feel the need to do that. I don't even know how she got this number. Here, I'll take care of it. Don't worry. I have a favor to ask you though. Draya, these past few months have been amazing and I will be honored to have you by my side for the Slammy Awards this Sunday. I'm going to be a presenter and a nominee for NXT Superstar of the Year. Either way, I go home a winner with you on my arm, ” he said as he pushed her soft hair back and leaned in for a kiss. Draya kissed his lips before pulling back, ”I’ll go. Just get Ms. Lisa under control.” She looked at Roman with a side glance before getting back to work.
”Okay, okay. I'll call her and talk to her but you have to get everything together for the Slammy’s. I set it all up to you just have to show up and get all sexy. Trust me, babe, you're in for a good night, ” he said as he held her in his muscular arms. She nodded as she smiled trying to contain her excitement.
Later in the show, The Miz appeared in the ring with a spotlight and the lights were dimmed. ”WELCOME to the most Must-See Wrestling talk show in all of sports entertainment industry, Miz TV! On this fascinating episode, I used my journalism abilities to dig into this story that you'll see tonight. It took me some real digging but I got to the heart of the matter and I think you will be incredibly interested in this story. I know one wrestler who should pay close attention. You know what, this news is so good that I want to see his face first hand. My guest tonight, Roman Reigns!” he said as Roman’s music began to play.
Roman looked up at the monitor confused as he heard his music begin to play. Draya looked up at him with the same expression. ”This can't be- no one told me I was going out there tonight, ” he said as Draya looked up at him with concern. ”Babe, be careful!” she pleaded as she knew that he still hadn't been cleared for competition. Roman became silent as he pecked her on the cheek before heading down to the ring. He walked down the ramp trying his best to keep a straight face. On the inside, his heart was pounding as he soaked in the reaction from the crowdm. He was back in the same arena just a few months after being injured. The crowd roared as he approached the ring. He climbed inside and grabbed a mic as he stood toe to toe with The Miz. The Miz looked on with a smug smirk as he looked down at the knee brace.
”Well, well, well, look who we have here. Roman Reigns back in the NXT ring after months of inactivity thanks to my flawless plan. Roman, I appreciate you coming out but if you know what's best for you, I suggest you keep your temper under control.” The Miz snickered as he stared down the angry Samoan Badass. Roman looked coldly at The Miz as he refrained from unloading on him. ”Why am I out here, Miz?” he asked blatantly. The anger building inside as he stood there and the past comments ran through his mind.
”I'm glad you asked. I want you out here because I want to expose the truth to the people in attendance. I have a surprise for you. I have someone here who has been dying to talk to you. ” The Miz stated proudly. A woman’s voice came through the speakers.
Lisa walked down the ramp with a mic in hand. Her long, straight black hair flowed gently as she walked down to the ring in a form fitting black dress and matching pumps. The Miz propped the ropes open for her to enter as she stared down Roman with her ice blue eyes. “Roman, it’s been a while. I can tell that you have kind of fallen on hard times,”she said as she looked down at his knee brace. “I’ve followed your career for a while and you’ve made quite the name for yourself. Been quite busy, huh? Too busy to answer my calls, my texts, and emails? I tried contacting your family and they all seem to have a problem with me. I didn’t get any answers from anyone. I guess I should have expected that from savages. They never truly understood what we had. So I figured the best way to reach you was to reach out to The Miz to get a spot on Miz TV to see if that would get your attention. Worked to perfection! You know I have to admit I am proud to be the one that got you in the business. I drove you past you’re breaking point. My plan to motivate you to actually be something in life launched a decent career. But one thing that is burned into my brain is the fact that you have yet to acknowledge me for your success. If I hadn’t broken you, you wouldn’t be in the business. All of the cheating and mind games were for your own good. Can I at least get a Thank You card, a edible arrangement, some kind of recognition?” Lisa said as she looked coldly into his eyes.
“You have lost your damn mind, I ain’t giving you shit. I earned everything that has happened for me in this business. I got here on my own and didn’t take a single hand out from anyone. I ignored you because I don’t need you in my life. You are toxic to everyone around you. You broke up with me and I’m supposed to reward you for that? You broke me down to a shell of myself and now that I have an ounce of happiness you want to come back and reap the benefits. I’m not coming back to you. I don’t want you. Leave Draya alone and stay away from her,” Roman scolded as he towered over Lisa.
“Woah, someone’s grumpy. What’s wrong baby? Is she not pleasing you the way I did? You know you miss the way my body felt against your skin. I’m not the best person but I know all the right things to do to make you feel good.” Lisa said in a sultry voice as she brushed against Roman’s body. “I know I put you through a lot but if I hadn’t done those things you would have never been able to get where you are now. You’d still be at that bank wasting your talent instead of making those checks with all those zeroes. You went from depositing those large checks for others to making those large checks for yourself. Just imagine where I could take your wrestling career.” She said as she pulled him close to her.
Roman snatched away from her and backed away. “No! Get off me! You are crazier than I thought. Let me put this in a way that you can understand. I DON’T WANT YOUR CRAZY ASS! Stay out of my life!” He said slowly and clearly.
Lisa pulled away and laughed quietly as she looked back up at Roman. “You don’t mean that, that’s the new girl talking. They all turned you against me that’s what it is. They’ve gotten in your head and made you believe that what I did was meant to hurt you. I want the best for you.” She said calmly.
“What the h- NO! You don’t! You don’t want the best for me you want the money. You want the fame. You want me to bend over backwards for you and let you use me as your personal bank. I can’t do that Lisa. You have to find your own way.” Roman backed up and dropped the mic before exiting the ring.
“Don’t make me do this Roman! You remember what happened the last time you were in this arena? Get back here! I’m not done talking to you! ROMAN! Don’t you walk away from me! You’re making a big mistake, Roman Reigns! You turn your back on me and you will never wrestle again you hear me!” Lisa snapped as she watched Roman walk away. She looked back at The Miz and nodded. “I warned you!” She called out as Roman continued to walk away. The Miz quickly exited the ring and ran behind Roman, driving his shoulder into the back of his knee. Roman collapsed to the ramp instantly as he clutched his knee. Roman covered up as The Miz continued to stomp him. Roman grabbed The Miz’s leg and pulled him down to the floor beside him and unloaded with vicious strikes just as the referees came to try to break the two up. Trainers poured out of the backstage area and got in between the two.
Lisa stood in the middle of the ring, shouting demands at The Miz to help him regain the upper hand as she leaned against the ropes. “COME ON MIZ, YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO DO! It’s just like last time! Go for his knee! Attack it! If he doesn’t want to be with me, I will make his life a living hell.” Lisa smirked as she watched from the ring.
The Miz grabbed Roman’s injured leg and began to lock in the Figure Four. Roman desperately fought this attempt. He frantically kicked The Miz several times to block him from applying the hold. The Miz tried once more before he successfully locked in the hold. Lisa shouted in to the mic,”ILL BE DAMNED IF I SEE HIM WITH ANY OTHER BITCH! I am the mastermind behind his attack! I enlisted the help of The Miz to ensure that he would be taken out. No one will reap the benefits of his career other than me. I am the reason he decided to wrestle. I should get what’s owed to me! I should be walking red carpets and going on vacations. I broke up with him to challenge him to become greater. He’s now good enough for me to date and I won’t stop until he’s mine.” She laughed as she watched the anguish on his face. The trainers attempted to break the hold but were unsuccessful. Roman screamed out as he felt the pain intensify.
Draya was fed up and made her way ringside armed with a steel chair. She ran up quickly and clobbered The Miz with the steel chair until he broke the hold. Once he collapsed to the mat, she fell to her knees next to Roman as she writhed in pain. She stroked his hair and she held him close. “I know, I know. Let’s get you to the back.” She said as she helped him up. He limped slightly as she guided his steps. She looked back at Lisa before shaking her head and turning back around to help Roman to the back. “I’m sorry, I- I’m so sorry. I didn’t know she would be here.” Roman said with remorse.
“It’s okay. Johnathan, make sure he gets to the back. I’m going to be right back.” Draya assures before she let Roman go. Draya turned and headed towards the ring as the producers and officials tried to talk her out of it. Lisa teased from the ring,” Come on, bitch! I’m not afraid of you. You’re just temporary. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. He’s forever going to be mine, this isn’t over. You think you bringing your punk ass out here is going to change shit? I know everything about you, Draya. You have nothing on me. That’s my man and I will stop at nothing to ensure that we will be together again. I will keep showing up until he’s back where he belongs.” Lisa said confidently.
Draya snatched away from the officials and slid in the ring under the ropes. She charged towards Lisa as the crowd erupted with a “YES” chant. The crowd was on fire as Draya took Lisa down to the floor. She unloaded with vicious elbows before she proceeded to stomp Lisa’s upper body. Lisa swept Draya’s feet out from under her causing her head to bounce off the mat. Draya was dazed as she held the back of her head and neck before she rolled on to her side. Lisa propped herself up on her elbow and crawled towards Draya. She pulled her hair and slammed her head into the mat repeatedly. Draya laid there as she tried to recoup for a few moments. Lisa made it to her feet and gloated as she soaked in the reaction from the crowd. Draya used the time to muster up enough strength to make it to her feet. She sneaked up behind her and lock in the Coquina Clutch. Draya’s grip around her neck became tighter as she felt her body go limp. The two collapsed to the mat as Draya wrapped her legs around Lisa’s mid section. The referees climbed into the ring and pulled Draya off of Lisa. “Bring it on bitch!” Draya called out as she fixed her hair and checked her mouth for blood. Lisa laid lifeless as the referees checked on her. Draya quickly escaped the ring and ran full speed to the trainer’s room to look for Roman.
“Where is he? ROMAN?! What the hell happened out there?! He wasn’t even cleared for physical activity! Where’s Hunter at? Who’s fucking idea was it to let this happen, huh?! NO ONE HAS ANYTHING TO SAY? So y’all just gonna look at me like I’m stupid?” Draya looked around the room at the producers and fellow members of the training team. Draya stood with her hands on her hips as she breathed heavily, her body covered in sweat. A few bruises and wells became evident under the light in the training room. Roman came out of the bathroom with a heavy limp as he walked carefully back to the table. Draya rushed over to him as the producer called Hunter. “Are you okay? Did they look you over?” Draya said as she spit the words out quickly. Rage filled her heart as Roman looked at her with a defeated demeanor. “I’m okay, just some pain. They did some tests here but I have to go back and get some at the ER. I’m fine. Just some swelling, nothing different than when I work out. I’m sorry about what happened to-“ Roman was cut off by Hunter bursting through the door.
“What the hell was that? That’s not how that segment was supposed to go. I didn’t approve that shit. The health of our talent comes first, if this delays his return to the ring, I swear- it better not happen. Someone dropped the ball and when I find out, you can bet your ass that you’ll deal with me. Go get checked out and let me know what happens, call me directly. I don’t know what kind of psycho shit is going on but this can’t happen again. Good job mustering through it. Draya, I apologize it went that far but hat was a hell of a job taking her down.” Hunter stated before leaving.
Draya looked at Roman and kissed his lips softly before grabbing her things. “I’ll take you to get checked out. I didn’t expect any of this to happen. This bitch is psycho. Why didn’t you tell me about her?” She asked as he pushed himself up from the table.
Roman replied,” I was meaning to but how exactly do I bring that up without scaring you off. She’s not gonna stop until she gets what she wants. I like you a lot and I didn’t want to ruin it before I had the chance to see where it went. I guess you heard most of the story already. She was a childhood sweet heart that ended up being nothing more than a money hungry, manipulative, cheater that only cared about herself. She only wanted me because I had the job at the bank and was spending all my money on her. Money I didn’t even have. I took out loans, maxed out cards because I thought that what love was. She wasn’t happy even after all that so she left. I was broken turned to women, drinking, just letting myself go because it was my first real relationship and I just wanted to numb the pain. I started wrestling then one thing lead to another. I made it here. When I came to NXT and started to get a little popularity. She started calling and trying to contact me. I ignored it all. Then it stopped, I figured I was in the clear. When they started mentioning you on tv, it picked up again. After you showed me the number calling you, it confirmed it.” He said as he held Draya’s hand. “I’m truly sorry for all of this and I understand if you don’t want to continue this relationship. I’m grateful to at least have been happy with you this long.” He said as he looked down at their hand.
“I’m not going anywhere. What we have is worth fighting for. I’m not going to get scared and run away from some delusional woman. It’s all going to be okay. I trust you and I know your heart. We can get through this. Ro, you mean too much to me for me to just let go. We will get you checked out, then we decide what we’re going to do for the Slammy awards.” She said with a smile as she pecked him on the cheek.
Roman smiled slightly as they walked out of the trainer’s room and to his car. Draya took the keys and hopped in the driver seat as Roman climbed into the passenger seat. The two went to the ER to get his knee checked out. After an hour or so, they were informed that no significant damage was done to the knee but the hold did place a lot of stress on the surgical site. They suggest that he stayed off the knee and just rest for the next few days.
Taking the advice, Roman and Draya drove back to her condo. As Draya drove up, she noticed something was different. The condo’s windows had been broken out and clothes were scattered across the lawn. Tears filled her eyes as she saw “HE’S MINE!” spray painted across the door. She slowed to a stop as she turned the car off. Roman quickly called the police as he got out the car and accompanied Draya inside. The home had been ransacked. Paintings had been sliced with knives just like her furniture. The kitchen was barely recognizable as most of the fixtures had been broken. The appliances were smashed to bits. Childhood photos had been cut up and melted frames were found in the fire place. Tears flowed from her eyes as she realized that irreplaceable photos of her grandmother were burned. She quickly went to her room and looked around to see that it had also been destroyed. Her closets were emptied and shoes covered in some type of chemical. Her bed had the same slashes as the rest of the furniture. The smashed wooden furniture left wood pieces scattered across the floor. Every inch of her dream home had been desecrated. Her escape from her busy days was now in shambles.
Draya’s heart broke as the reality sank in. Roman held her tight as he comforted her. “Draya, I'm so - I can't even fathom what you must be feeling. I'm sorry that this happened. I never meant to be a source of pain for you. I never wanted to bring a tear to your eye. It pains me to see everything you worked so hard for destroyed because of us being together.” Roman said in a low voice.
”Ro, I - this was the first home I ever owned. my grandmother was my rock. She was the only one that believed in my dreams and pushed me to pursue everything my heart desired. Those photos were passed down to me from her. Generations before her were in those frames. I can't get those back. When she passed away, I promised her I would get back to Florida and settle here. I promised her I will do the things that make me happy. My last pictures of her before she passed were on these walls. I didn't have anyone else but her. She raised me like I was her own daughter because my own parents didn't want me. She was my first experience of unconditional love. You don't know - I can't explain how I feel right now. LISA TOOK THAT FROM ME!” Draya said as lowered herself to the ground. Roman sat next to her and held her in his arms as her tears stained his shirt. Her loud sobs ripped him to pieces as they intensified. The louder they got the harder it was for him to keep himself together. He pushed his hair out of his face and continued to hold her.
The police came into the house and surveyed the damage before getting a statement from Draya once she had calmed down a bit. Roman rubbed her back as she finished the statement. Her eyes were red and swollen as she continued to choke back tears. As the officers continued to question her, Roman’s phone vibrated. The number read as ”UNKNOWN” but some how managed to send a message with photos attached. The photos showed current images of the inside of the wrecked condo. Roman looked around as he tried to figure out where the pictures were being taken from. ”Ya’ll have to do something. I keep getting messages, she's getting messages from strange numbers. These have photos of the house, right now, attached. What the hell is going on? Can you do your job and arrest this sick bitch or not? Lisa is doing this because I don't want to be with her and she's going too far. This has to stop. I'm taking Draya away from here until this is resolved. Fix this shit!” Roman demanded.
”We will do our best, Mr. Reigns. I need you to cooperate and remain calm so that we can do our jobs. We understand this is a difficult situation but, ” the officer was cut off by Roman. ”A difficult with a difficult situation? You can bet your ass it's a difficult situation that will get a whole lot more difficult it Y'all don't lock her away. I don't understand the holdup. We told you what happened. She left this morning. I left around 12 to surprise her at work. Everything is going smoothly. She gets a message from her saying the exact same thing that's painted across her door. She threatened her at the show and now we come back to this. Draya doesn't deserve any of this and you want to drag your feet on this. Something needs to get done and quick. I can’t do anything to replace those photos but I can break my foot off in your ass if it makes you work a little harder to get this handled, ” he said as his anger reaches a boiling point. ”DO SOMETHING!” Roman exclaimed as he came face to face with the officer. He glared at him as he breathed heavily.
Draya interrupted the confrontation as she wedge herself between the two. “Roman, chill out before they lock you up. Officer, thank you for what you’re doing. I’ll find somewhere to stay until I decide how to get my house fixed.” She said as she looked at Roman. He continued to stare down the officer before the officer ultimately walked away. Roman looked down at Draya with sad eyes as he felt a rush of guilt flood his soul. “Babygirl, I’m sorry. I know I can’t ease the pain of this but I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to you.” He said as he lowered himself to his knees. “I sincerely apologize with every fiber of my being. I never wanted you to hurt like this.” He said as he held her tight to him. He rubbed her back slowly. Draya stroked his hair. “I know babe. I know.”
The days passed as the couple continued to bounce from hotel to hotel room. They weren’t able to stay at Roman’s place, given that Lisa knew where he and various family members stayed. To take their minds off of what happened, the two went shopping for outfits for the award show. Roman kept his word and used crutches to hobble around the boutiques as they looked for a suit. He tried on several, much to his displeasure, but didn’t feel comfortable in anything. “You know what, fuck this damn show. If I have to wear a suit I don’t want to go. Fucking leg hurts and I don’t want to wear a stupid suit.” He snapped as he put the suit back on the rack. Draya looked up from her phone. “Roman, calm down. You don’t have to wear a suit. Here we can go to another store and find something. Maybe a nice button down with a black leather jacket, nice dark denim jeans, and black boots?” She suggested. “Perfect suggestion! Let’s get the hell out of here and find that.” He said as he waited for her to gather her stuff. They walked across the street and found an outfit very close to what she had suggested. Draya looked around the store and didn’t feel much like shopping. She reflected on all that she had lost. She pulled herself together and tried on some outfits. Draya decided to get the black leather jacket, black jumper, and black open toe wedges. Roman looked on in awe of her as she modeled the outfit for him. “I love it, D!” He said as he kissed her lips.
Sunday night came around and the two put the finishing touches on their outfits. Draya finished applying her makeup and putting on her earrings as Roman got his brace on over the jeans. He walked over to her and lightly massaged her shoulders as she sprayed her perfume. “You ready to show the world how I’m the luckiest man in the world to have a woman as beautiful as you on my arm?” He said playfully. He grabbed the keys as he waited for her, leaning against the bedroom door. She grabbed her purse and smiled as she led the way to the door. Roman watched as he walked slowly to the door. He couldn’t help but admire the view. He hurried to the door as he realized that she had caught him in the act. “Come on Roman, we’re gonna be late. I don’t want to keep the people waiting.” She laughed as she held the door open for him. He handed her the keys as he carefully walked to the car. “I could totally drive.” He said before climbing into the passenger seat. “You’re supposed to be resting, I got this boo.” She teased as she started the car. She backed out of the parking spot and pulled onto the street. She picked up speed as she merged into traffic.
Draya drove for a while before approaching the red light. Draya applies her foot to the brake, the car never slowed down. Roman looked over as he realized that they weren’t stopping. “Draya, stop playing around. Slow down, babe.” The horror on her face proved to him that she was by no means kidding. Draya frantically stomped the brake as she continued into oncoming traffic. She panicked as she attempted to swerve to avoid the cars. Draya looked up and saw headlights headed straight towards her. Her heart dropped as she realized their fate. She ran into a pole head on in an attempt to avoid others but failed to avoid the car coming towards her on the driver’s side. As they made contact with the pole, her head snapped forward and hit the steering wheel. The airbag deployed as the glass shattered. She blacked out instantly. She felt the pain surge through her body as the car made impact with the driver’s side door. The metal crunched around her as the impact snapped her neck another direction. The sickening sound of bones cracking under the weight made Roman’s blood boil. He looked over at his girlfriend and saw blood coming from her head. He frantically called 911 as soon as he could find his phone. He screamed, “DRAYA! Baby, please! Come on, talk to me.”
“Don’t move her, please tell me your location and I’ll have help on the way. Stay with her, try to talk to her. Look for any sudden movements.” The dispatcher instructed as she collected info from Roman. “Come on baby, open your eyes. Give me something baby. Anything, please let me know your here. I wouldn’t forgive myself - come on baby! Come on, D!” He begged as he caressed her face. He dropped his hand down to hers and held it firmly. Her hand twitched under his. He looked up as he felt the twitch. “Draya, it’s me baby, I’m here.” Her eyes fluttered as they slowly opened. She looked over at Roman and tried to speak. No matter how she tried, she couldn’t get the words out. “It’s okay, it’s okay. Just squeeze my hand and let me know you here me. Come on baby girl.” He patiently waited for a response as he continued talking to the dispatcher. She squeezed his hand as hard as she could. He smiled as tears flowed down his face. “Keep fighting baby, I’m so proud of you. Keep still for me and help is coming baby. How much longer?” He asked the dispatcher between motivating Draya. “They’re less than 5 minutes. Hold on baby, please!” The lights appeared in Roman’s view as he held her hand.
Roman got out through the passenger side and attempted to direct them towards the area. He checked on the other driver who was still coherent but shaken up. “Make sure she gets help,” the driver instructed. He nodded as the ambulance pulled up. Roman held his hands behind his head as he tried to process what happened. He gave his account of the accident as the cops questioned him. He stole a peek of the EMTs as they worked to pull the car door open. He rushed over as he saw them struggle. They used machinery to force the door open and did his best to keep from jumping in. Once the door opened, he got as close as he could without getting in the way. “I’m still here baby. I’m still here.” He called out as tears flowed from his eyes. They carefully pulled her out from the carnage and held her head straight as they placed the collar around her neck. The entire team were all hands on deck as they called out,”possible SCI with cervical fracture.” Roman honed in on those words as he tried to process what he heard while they strapped her in on the stretcher. He walked over to the ambulance as they loaded her up. He climbed in the back and took her hand. He held it to his lips as he kissed her softly. He sniffled as he choked back tears.
They made it to the hospital as they rushed Draya away. “What’s going on? Wh- where is she going?” He asked as they held him back in the waiting room. “Tell me what’s going on, please!” He looked the nurse in the eyes. “I can’t tell you what’s going on right now, I don’t even know but I will do my best to get an answer as soon as I can. Is there anyone we can call for you?” She asked and took Roman to get checked out.
Roughly 30 minutes later, Roman’s family appeared. Naomi led the pack with tears in her eyes. She knew by the look on his face that the news wasn’t good. He sat in the waiting room with a small bandage on his forehead and some bruising on his face. Patti rushed to him and hugged him tight in relief that he was okay. She kissed his forehead and held him as he began to breakdown. He pulled away as he looked at Naomi. His red swollen eyes welled with more tears as he began to tell her what happened. Naomi’s mouth dropped as she listened to the details. She held her hands over her mouth as tears fell past her chin. Just as Roman finished the story, silence spread amongst the room. Naomi paced back and forth as images of their childhood replayed in her mind. Patti and Sika sat together quietly. Jimmy stared at the ground as Roman sat silently by the window. Jey went to get snacks and coffee for everyone. Roman refused as he continued to sit in silence, not moving a muscle.
Hours passed before an update. The time ticked by slowly as time continued to past. Roman looked up at the clock and walked to the desk just as the surgeon made his way out to the waiting room. Roman glanced at him, “Are you coming out to tell us about Draya? Draya Bermudez?” Roman asked. The entire family looked up in unison and stood up next to Roman.
“Yes, Ms. Bermudez underwent surgery to stabilize the fracture in her neck and her mid back. There is some swelling. She might have some issues with numbness or tingling which should subside as she heals. There’s no permanent damage to her spinal cord but it will be a long road to recovery. We will have her in her room soon. The nurse can let you know which ICU bed she will be in. We just want to monitor her for any changes. She’s going to pull through but we have a tough road ahead.” The doctor said before he shook Roman’s hands. Roman sighed heavily before he went over to the nurse’s station. “Where will Draya be?” He nodded as they provided directions. Naomi joined him and they left the others in the waiting room. They went upstairs to the Neuro Intensive Care Unit and went to the last door on the right. Draya laid in bed sleeping. Her body appeared so small surrounded by all the tubes and machinery. She was still intubated from the surgery with a ventilator in the room. A new neck brace replaced the previous collar that Roman saw her with. As he got closer, he realized that her torso was covered with a hard, plastic brace. She had two IVs in either arm both hooked up to pumps with fluids running. She had fresh stitches near her right brow and in her upper lip from where the glass cut her. He leaned down and pressed his lips lightly to her forehead as he stroked her hair. He took her hand as he pulled up a seat. He held it in his as he sat down. He pulled the rosary out of his wallet and placed it in her hand as he began to pray silently to himself. He wept uncontrollably as he begged for her healing. Naomi stood silently next to him with tears streaming down her face. She placed her hand on his shoulder as she watched her best friend lay in bed, helpless. Before the two knew it, an hour had passed. Roman watched intently for her to wake up. He never moved from the spot as Naomi texted everyone updates.
Draya desperately fought to wake up, the medication they used during the surgery was definitely winning this battle. She felt their presence but couldn’t do much to respond. She heard Roman pleading for her to wake up and Naomi calling her name. Her eyes felt like they were glued shut they were so heavy. Her eyes fluttered before she opened them to see a hazy image of a white ceiling. She looked around and wasn’t sure of her surroundings. She looked down at her hand and saw Roman with his head down. Draya squeezed his hand firmly to get his attention. Roman looked up and smiled as he saw that she was awake. His eyes widened as he heard the monitors beep more as the numbers increased. “Shhhh, baby. Baby, you’re okay. You’re safe. You were in an accident. You have to stay calm babe. It’s okay. You had surgery on your neck and back. They said you broke a few ribs. I know you’re in a lot of pain but I’m here. They have a tube in your mouth to -uh, the tube,”he said as he cleared his throat. “It’s there to help you breathe for right now. It’s temporary okay?” He said as his voice cracked. “I’m not going anywhere. You didn’t leave me and I can’t leave you.” Draya tried to speak but only incomprehensible sounds could be heard. Naomi looked around for a pen and paper. She held it up and waited for confirmation. She squeezed Roman’s hand tight. He nodded as Naomi held the paper and handed her the pen. Draya began to write the words, ” I love you, ” on the paper. She looked back at Roman with tears in her eyes. He wiped each one away before they passed her chin. “I love you since the day I met you babygirl.” He replied sweetly.
In this short time, Draya and Roman had endured so much. Why punish two people for being madly in love? They hoped for a lifetime of happiness but it seemed as if sadness had become the third wheel of their relationship. Will they even make it through this latest blow? It's a tough pill to swallow when someone who is so active and strong is no longer able to be themselves anymore. The true test is coming. The journey to recovery won't be an easy one but both are hopeful their love will conquer all adversity.
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