#gonna b gud
ryusxnka · 3 months
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chika-nyan · 1 year
Lies down. So it looks like my job is actively trying to moorder me so I’ll probably be mostly ded for a while. Honestly at a breaking point, can you believe vacation was just last month? :) Gonna keep doing my best to hold on for that mid-late spring exit/quitting time with next vacation but it’s going to be a trial forsure.
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sylvctica · 2 years
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      Their ears are bouncing in excitement for the lantern rite; it's a good time to step back from Sumeru and drop by Liyue ... benefits of being neighbouring nations.
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bridgertoncorgi · 1 year
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(via GIPHY)
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musicalmenace · 2 years
Getting a ref of my new fursone from my fav artists to get refs from :)
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@asteelgarden​​ sent:
"Can you imagine you're just downing a bottle of fine wines in the ritziest of establishments, and this annoying lil prick comes and sits on your table and starts yapping nonsense at you? Then someone in the next booth over just up and explodes! Talk about an immediate buzzkill!" This is the exact wording that came from this weird lil ivory skinned, ivory haired ... individual, who had basically done exactly as described, coming up to Kuja's booth with a glass in hand and sitting his tush right down on his table and talking.
Next thing you know, there is indeed a resounding WHUMPH noise in the neighboring booth, and a round of shocked screams and clamoring as an orange glow casts upon the floor. Amid the cacophony of panic, the strange character, who had simply looked in that direction as if looking for the source of a voice calling his name, looks back to the lord and nods.
"Name's Rouen by the way." And with that he just... gets up and starts walking away! Maybe stepping over someone who had fallen in their panicked scramble to escape the quickly expanding flames.
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A jester in desperate need of a master to appease.
That is all Kuja could see the moment the stranger began his incessant yammering. Obviously, it would not be the first time someone had decided to waltz directly into his line of view---some without even knowing the first thing about him---to gain his much-clamored-for attention. And Kuja’s had always the sort that quite a few had gone to ridiculous lengths to attempt to claim, only to be thoroughly scorned in the end by his malicious manipulations and ultimate refusal.
However, that initial impression is a tad shaken upon the rather intriguing turn of events. Of course, the abruptly-spawning pyre is hardly of concern to the mage, who had survived near-annihilation a myriad of times---and this establishment is not one of his own, not even in a world of his own, and therefore, he is utterly apathetic in seeing it burned to the ground.
No, what bothers him, truly, is that there is something absolutely rude in a person who had so boldly addressed him simply attempting to meander off, as though he had done something of grandiose importance.
Thus, paying no mind to the fire, and the individuals attempting to douse it, Kuja crosses one leg over the other with a graceful nonchalance and takes in a dainty sip of his wine, then offers an exaggerated sigh of exasperation from reddened lips before he announces:
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“Was that supposed to impress me?”
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tree-tpot · 4 months
Tree what happened, u gud?
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Have some water here
okay, ahem, hey guys! lightning is back, woo!
im kinda over tree being so dizzy he cant even type flooding my tumblr notifs, so im gonna try to translate what he types!
he speaks a LOT less bad even if its still slurred, i think its a visual issue, wonder what he sees, but anyways, ask time!!
Igmokay, th b naks feerjtaqater.
['im okay, thanks for the water.']
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oddmawd · 3 months
no questions! just letting you know I've just binge read all the chapters of the grasp of gilded strings and I'm running LAPS around my apartment, yelling talking in the mirror about how insane it is and how much of a literal MASTERPIECE it is (my roomie is NOT impressed, but she'll survive).
never, EVER thought I'd be a fan of Doflamingo's bitcharse, but here we are? I was literally gonna keep scrolling on ao3, but goddammit that synopsis was TEW GUD to pass up... had me hooked INSTANTLY 🫦
sososososo good I could throw up, cry, tear my heart out and eat it, just to be able to read it again for the first time....
b-b-b-b-b-bro stop i can't handle this, i'm gonna cry
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i've had this ask for a long time and every time i look at it i start stuttering like a looney toon falling in love, omfg, you're too nice and i may cry again
i am secretly insecure about my story summaries so hearing that it grabbed you soothed a woe i don't think i've ever expressed aloud, are you a goddamn mind reader omfg that's so cool
i am rolling on the floor in a ball, ty for being so nice to me, i am so glad you love Gilded and Doffy and i would take a bullet for you, anon, don't fucking test me because i'd do it for you rn istg
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my-castles-crumbling · 7 months
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii Omg i havee SOOO much to tell and ask you its both sad and fun stuff, First off i wanna tell you that you are such an amazing person like seriously omggg how do u even exist like you must not be allowed away from heaven. Btw random: i heard u mention abt u in university so hows that going and whats ur majorr???? :)) And now the very very bad stuff: i messed up. not very uncommon you see, but very bad. my cousin whom i rllyyy love shes amazing shes like the andromeda to my sirius. nd my dad's side is very cruel to my mom before i ws born and they also shamed her for having a kid (my sis) that has problems (they refuse to tell me what it is but she has 2 problems idk the first one she has since birth and the second is that she had um.. men parts but when she was around 4/5 we founf out shes.. female? im a minor i rlly dont undersrand how ths works so..yeah. shes 8 now btw this year shes gonna be 9 y/o) basically very cruel people very very bad and so my cousin, whos from my dad's side, she came for like a sleepover thingy and my father commented on my mom's side and how they arent close to me even though they are my basucaly everything.. and in reply, i said how i like them and they are good and i said "my mums side is great... better than father side atlst" and she said "i can hear u yk" and i said that shes a excpetiion but when she wnt home she really felt upset and she had an exam but she stll didnt come to my house (my house is closer to her school so she stays here in exam time so it takes less tme in travelling) so my father cmpletly blamed me and now im so upset idek what to do i dont wanna apologize to her cz she doesnt know that i know that she said shes upset. my father confronted me about it and he got to jknow from my cousins mom so there was no direct contact but basically yeah thats it. i need help in what i should do to fix things again :( but this is the reason that simply talking wouldnt work and its rlly hard :( btw random: how do i start my microfic thing like do i just upoad a micfic or do i post smgthn else first if ykwim? another thing:
yeah idk but i think m bisexual and i have a bestfriend shes straight and supports lgbtq+ community but i rlly like her and cz were besties i dont wnanna ruin anything at all and im cool with how we r rn but at the same time i want more ykwim? and.. were like the touchy-feely kinda bestfriends so we hold hands n stuff as a joke nd people ship us and its so asdxdfgkhljhxx idek if i rlly like her as a frnd or i like her as in like like her.. but i also have a crush on a boy but it only lasts for 2 secs but when i see him again i start to thibk i like him again but my other rlly gud friend likes him so is it that i like hm and ignore my feelings js cs my frnd liks him or do i just like him as frnds,, idek were close we play games togheter n stuff but thtas about it..
also have i mentioned how much of an angel you are??? i literally scream and jump off a cliff casually when u reply to my texts <333 ilysm ur such a great person <333
xoxo, sweet potato <33
Aww you're so sweet! I'm not in university anymore, at least not in the traditional sense: I'm working on my master's degree. It's going.....not terrible lol. I'm majoring in ESL Education (English as a Second Language).
For your first question: I think this is a really good example of how talking through other people isn't the best solution. Do you have any way of getting in contact with your cousin directly? Because things are definitely going to be changed and exaggerated if you are talking through your aunt and dad. Once you talk to her, be truthful. Be sincere and tell her how important she is to you. I'm betting she'll come around.
For microfics: Nope, just go for it! You don't have to do anything beforehand, just start! I can't wait to see what you write!
For the last part: First, are you sure you friend is straight? If she definitely is, then yeah, it might not be worth it to say anything? But I mean, you could always try bringing it up casually. Like "Oh, I think you're really pretty!" and see what happens?
With the guy- I know it sounds cliche, but if your friend likes him, stay away. I've been there. I've seen friendships fall apart. It's not worth it, especially since you're not even sure of your feelings. I know I probably sound like a parent, here, but there was a full-on FEUD I experienced in eighth grade because two people were fighting over a guy and....yeah.
Thank you so much for the compliments, you're so nice!! <3 I hope you have a great day!
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beetlelandiart · 1 year
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lightning bunny. i talk abt her design unda da cut
(DONT MAKE ME TAP THE SIGN!!! if yr gonna use my art [don’t repost] u gotta credit me!!)
so i reblogd a “cringetober” prompt list (by @icryink btw) a while back n i came back 2 it n thought “wow this stuff wud b fun 2 draw.” but i’m not gud @ keepin up w this kind of stuff as u mite remember from inktober 2022 (i hope u don’t). so instead i’m j gonna design characterz based on 1 or multiple promptz whenever i feel liek it. or maybe this is a 1 off thing. who knowz!! not i!! >uo
4 this character, i chose heterochromia, fursona/animal featurez, n kind of unnecessarily complex fit.. i had bigger planz in the sketch phase but most of da bellz in whistlez were removed in favor of the pose lolol. she wuz also gonna hav moar of a sailor outfit which wuda been another prompt but it wuz kinda slowly phased out
here’s da prompt list 👇
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babey-lewis · 8 months
Hiiiii I took nap an made smoothie :D it yummy! Ish made wif bananananan an blueberrys! Also probably gonna take nap later cuz go bed so late last nights :0 I like b talktive :3 I hope chu has gud day
- @the-rainbow-littles
A nap and then a smoothie!! It sounds so yummy! I hope you enjoyed it, kiddo! Another nap sounds like a good idea! Little ones need to have a good nap :3
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miss my baba! miss my frens, n miss scittrs changin schools, n my body hurs, n i look wrong, n m not smart enough! can’ keep up! M NEVR GONNA HAV TH TIME TO BE GUD ENUFF!
but I do.. I jus waste i all away cuz I can’ focs n
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keijoikawa · 5 months
you hear the familiar tune of your doorbell and some knocks on your door . . . and you see a familiar man – standing tall and true, hair slightly dishevelled as if he had just leapt out of bed to come to you. 
“hey, sweetheart.” 
“wriothesley?” you whisper, looking up at him. the height difference seems so apparent now – he’s so big, and you’re so small. 
“hey, bun. a butterfly told me that you weren’t feeling so good–” wriothesley scoops you up in his arms, eliciting a squeal as you clung tightly to him.  “–so i took the day off to come see you. just you and me, today. how’s that sound?” 
he can feel you nod into his chest, and he lets a small smile grace his features in return. the time spent with you is scarce and precious with both of your lines of work, as much as he tries to come up to the surface to see you often. it’s never enough. 
“just you and i? promise?” you whisper, burying your head into his chest. 
archons, you’re so small. he never says this out loud, knowing that whatever teasing comment he makes would be met with a passionate protest and squirming out of his arms. 
“promise, bunny.” wriothesley sticks out his pinky.  “now, what do you say we get back into bed?”
“mhm.” you’re quick to agree, and you soon find yourself cuddled up in bed with him, his arms wrapped tightly around your frame – a stark reminder of how gentle he is with you ; your protector, your stronghold, your shield, your love. 
time seems to pass by too quickly, nestled in his warmth. it’s too warm – too comfortable, too lovely – such a stark difference from the past few days that you want to cry. and perhaps you do ; salty tears have won their battle, and you find yourself silently sobbing, body shaking against his in a display of unparalleled confusion. 
“sunshine, darling,” wriothesley sits up gently.  “what’s wrong?” 
“i don’t know! i don’t know. i’m sorry.” you find yourself bawling like a child. 
“hey. it’s alright,” he smoothes back your hair. “it’s alright to not know.”
you can’t help but keep silent at being treated so tenderly. 
“it’s alright to not have everything figured out. that’s why the archons gave me you, isn’t it? so we’ll figure it out together, like we always do.” wriothesley croons with all the gentleness he can muster. 
“and when we do figure out what’s got my baby so upset, we’re gonna give the big ‘ol meanies a punch.” 
that’s got you giggling. 
“that funny? i know. i’m the funniest person around.” wriothesley gathers you in his arms once again. “so make sure you stick around, yeah?” 
– 🦋 ; you know who this is.
i have reread dis sososo many times since chu sent it ma’am… > < n’ i end up in tears evry time.. i luv him sosososo much i just )): no one will understnd dat dis is how much comfort i needs rn !! i needs holdin even if i dun know wut is wrong :c jus need a lil patience..
eeeeek had 2 come back n’ read dis aftr da night i jus had > < n’ thought is perfect time 2 try n’ give mi thoughts but i didnt do 2 gud ! jus know i luv n’ cherish it sososo much n’ becuz i knows who u is, i will b repayin dis :c
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Hayyy ^_^ <3
Kelly if your r3ading this Y0UR A B!TCH!!! BRAND FUCKIN N3W GLITT3R BUTTERFLY SHIRT N YOU STAINED IT!!! n it's a white shirt 2!!!! U fucked th3 whole sc00L. N y3s ive fukked a l0t of the dud3s around here guess what...DIDNT FUCK UP THERE SHIRTS.
So frenz don't b mad but last nite I h00ked up w Tony. I waz feeling sad n ugly like no1 is 3v3r gonna Luv m3. And I went over 2 his house n got black0ut n I guess w3 hooked up. I dont remember doin it 0.o he didnt even drink. Hope it waz at least a gud time...I juzt remember waking up n arguing w him h3 called me a stupid ugly psycho bittchh n n0b0dy will 3v3r be able 2 deal with me bein a psycho. He tried 2 hit me again but I got our of th3r3....-_-;
N 2nite I'm doin some X....hung over as fukkk I hope it doesnt fukk me up in a bad way my frenzzz....
I n33d to p0st some of my animez on here....
Love @ 773|\|
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wellnesscard · 1 year
omg my teenager coworker was talking about how theyre gonna make a five night at freddys movie im like ya it already came out i saw it - with nic cage? not in my top 10 its no time bandits but whateva. guess nododis seen that one tho. also why do so many ppl with like d.i.d. Obsessed with that franchise ? or maybe thats just tumblr. even b4 tumblr tho there was this girlie at my highschool who was like mental like insane not in reality at all n it was all she fuckin talked about? what specifically is the pull like creating this demographic . but it weirds me out so i dont actually want 2 engage in real five nights at freds only thru the sweet filter of nic cage am i safe ig. cos that was a knockoff? who made that movie it was so weird and not even in an awesome way like many other b movies. idk the whole concept like. and yk fs theres towns like that in america. but theyre just racist. this post is getting away from me . idk the insaneos just dont talk abt jeff the killer anymore maybe im just old . do any pardonmyfrench normal ppl like five nitez at fred. i mean ig my coworkers pretty normal from what i know. ig im probably just in such different spheres from the enjoyers of that n the only ones being crazy abt it is the crazies so. i feel like this isnt very pc im sorry like my brain dont work good too like its no problem to be mentally ill and have interests im just . it throws me thry a loop. that n like taylor swift continuously getting bigger status thru out what feels like my lifespan. like i remember singing 'our song' in first grade w classmates n its like yeah its gud ig im 5 i dont have a critiquing of music mind yet too much. its catchy. never thought shed still be around let alone with a cult following in the year 2023. was it covid? like i havent heard about nikki minaj in ages but taylor swift is being exponential as hell in like . all this. why is she in so many commercials. ok my neighbors just got home one minute and thirty seconds ago and theyre already using power tools fuck yea girls build a house for her!! or that could be a blender tbh i thought i heard hammering though. hammering and sawing. shit did i just stereotype lesbians. i shouldnt be allowed to have tumblr app when im home alone cos then i just type type type whatever i want and we end up with this. oh sidenote too, i have a thickass nodule on my thyroid im having checked today so like ig ilyk laterz if its really fucked. like i hope i dont get all goited up thatd suck. its so funny bc in my eating disorder in highschool i was like oh what a dream itd be to have hyperthyroidism, sighs wistfully. omg what if gods punishing me and i get hypothyroidism and get f*t. but its probably just a lump and its not the consistency of cancer so we good basically. just waiting for the doc to say that too haha! and im like 3 days off all alcohol even the light beers bc i am getting sick of never having energy and like i wanna make sure my life is good and its hard to take care of everything because ngl im a heavy drinker n once i have any alcohol im just like impatiently waiting for my next drink, so. and its expensive when you drink a 12 pack a day plus other alkie snacks such as shooters pints or beers at the bar. and i need to save for a cruiseeee devon n i have been married for almost three years n still havent went on vacation yet goddamn! we deserve it , and i was the sexiest in my life when i was sober for a year too so jot that down.
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najidaninja · 2 years
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