#gone but never forgotten o7
mizuski-pirat · 8 months
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Real 😔
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pattonsfam-ily · 1 year
i have acquired The Bois
L & Near lol -virgil
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phil-lesterfan · 10 months
What are your thoughts on Squidbob tell me now
HI!!! i know you said now and it's been a few hours but we'll put it up to time zones. anyway, i was thinking about this ask and ultimately it's that quote from dan in that interview, right? "best friends, arch enemies, husbands, business partners, partners in crime, soul mates, just mates, who the fuck knows?"
obviously it's antagonistic, but on spongebob's part, it's unintentional (my knowledge is rusty, and i'm not fully caught up on spongebob, though i've seen a few squidbob moments from more recent eps) and when he does hurt squidward, he genuinely feels bad about it – when he picks up on it, at least. but, like, when squidward says spongebob has hurt his feelings or when it's really obvious, spongebob takes accountability and tries to right his wrong(s). even if that means making the situation worse, lol
AT THE SAME TIME, yes, squidward can really hurt spongebob and even enjoys seeing him hurt, but he understands when things have gone too far, and it seems to me like he doesn't just want to be in spongebob's good books for the sake of his reputation. take "fools in april" for example: squidward really hurts spongebob with his "prank" and it's a very public prank where people make clear their disapproval of his actions. of course, no one wants to be seen as the huge asshole, and squidward even says "it hurts, doesn't it?" to plankton when plankton becomes the most hated thing in bikini bottom. BUT when squidward apologises to spongebob, while he struggles, it's clear he wants to (he just physically can't) and he doesn't know everyone else is at spongebob's house. he genuinely just wants spongebob to like him again. (plus, he finds it humiliating when it's revealed other people are there – clearly, it's not about reputation)
the other obvious one is "dying for pie" where he puts spongebob's life in danger and realises he doesn't want to be responsible for spongebob's death nor does he really want spongebob to die at all.
it's also insanely cute to me that he's, like, as far as i know, the only one who calls spongebob "sponge" – i don't think i've heard any other character refer to spongebob like that . . . except maybe patrick? but i might be confusing it with a – you guessed it – squidbob scene.
also the way squidward's voice goes all soft when he calls "spongebob sponge" :') and how he's protective of spongebob too. like in "pizza delivery", when the customer is rude to spongebob and spongebob sobs, we can infer squidward KNOCKED THE GUY OUT!!!!! and he went back over to spongebob and reassured him that the customer was happy with the order and everything was ok :)
squidward also gets flustered when spongebob compliments him and spongebob likes it when squidward is having fun. i think deep down, they both genuinely care for each other, and they both want the other to be happy, they just have different ideas of happiness and aren't sure how to get them to align. there's really great potential there, and i personally love relationships like theirs where it's just so fucked and they're more prone for divorce but they keep remarrying anyway
sorry for this mostly focussing on squidward . . . spongebob is a bit more complicated to me bc he's a mix of childish and mature and you're never entirely sure when which facet will be more prominent. ultimately though i think they have the potential to balance each other out but still have a good time together (as in, they won't settle right into "BORED old married couple"). when i have more thoughts on spongebob's side of the relationship, i will let you know o7
i know this spawned from the "to be loved is to be changed" post tags, but for squidbob's part i feel i was mostly joking or i probably made a tblitbc comment while watching spongebob with my irl and i've forgotten why, LOL – let me think on it some more and let me watch more of the show, and i'll get back to you on that. :)
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lmanburgseulogy · 5 months
I love you las Nevadas crew…I love you l’manburg crew…I love you eggpire…gone but never forgotten o7
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netheritenugget · 2 years
Hello all. Before I got polls, I promised myself I'd make this post when I did. And today's the day! So I have decided to officially retire this blog (for real this time, unless I wish to use it for some kind of shameless self-promotion in the future). I wanted to give it a nice sendoff, in a blazing viking funeral of a post, in the only ship that matters.
I will miss this blog, and the joy it brought. And it will never be forgotten. Happy blogging, wherever you are.
Yours, Roxy
PS If you're curious about where I've gone and why I've left, I talk about it on the post before this.
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arbitrarygreay · 6 months
I would love to hear more Berryz vs C-ute meta if you're interested! I started out as a Momusu fan and dabbled in Berryz but C-ute felt way, way too young for me at first so I mostly ignored them. By the end of their careers though, Berryz sometimes felt like they were miserable performing while C-ute just got better and better. I've never seen anyone seriously ruminate on this though.
Thanks for the ask!
The thing to know about the era is the industry context. MM is the obvious case, starting in the late 90s when there were some pretty big girl groups (Speed, Zone, Folder5), and of course the Golden Age was called that for good reason.
(Huh, weird, now only Wikipedia lists MM's single sales in table format.) But if you look at the singles sales numbers, they've already fallen back down to Morning Coffee/Furusato level sales by 2003. This is why when you read the ancient fan forum archives (o7) the people who are all around for Golden Age have a grudge against 5th and 6th gens, and the taken-for-granted assumption of management's incomptence. So, H!P is already in a decline by this time (not that H!P broadly was ever as successful as MM in this era), but Tsunku is on a total roll musically, so it can be hard to notice.
And outside of H!P, the idol market (for girls, anyways, Johnny's is still trucking along as usual) is pretty bleak. Avex makes a few attempts every now and then (with dream, BRIGHT, and SweetS), but none of them really take off. For reference, AKB48 starts in December of 2005. I have treasured fan forum memories where Maeda Atsuko was "the one who looks like Kamei Eri". They won't get any real traction (especially sales-wise) until 2008, at which point they spearhead the Idol Sengoku Jidai.
This is the environment in which the H!P Kids are formed and have their early careers. H!P in decline but in denial about it and so throwing about some money they probably didn't make back their money on (very notably, the Sports Festivals actually going so far as to rent out Dome arenas). ZYX, Aa!, and early Berikyuu are receiving god-tier music, Berryz skips doing indies and is doing hall tours right off the bat. (Idols won't really get into livehouses until years later thanks to Idol Sengoku Jidai.)
At the same time, there are some signs. Most notably, the similarities between Berryz and Melon Kinenbi. Sure, I just called early Berryz music god-tier, but there are also quite a few songs and singles in those first three albums are now forgotten deep cuts, aren't they? Even the good ones! At the time, people could definitely predict that Kofuku Kangei would get lost, but the ever catchy Piriri to Yukou? More than that, there is the easy sense that this music is already deeply uncool. Those MKB songs are outright cringe now, especially in the visuals. This is why MKB eventually had to re-pivot to that rocker energy (to the point of mosh pits and even crowd surfing at some of their lives). Berryz, however, were never able to do that. To the end, their music retains a composition style harkening to this mid-00s Tsunku pop, even their dance tracks like Want! or Dakishimete Dakishimete. His last hurrah of the unabashed cheesiness that took Love Machine straight to the top and Koi No Dance Site to peak MM's sales. Pata did a series of posts where he complained about Tsunku's intrusions into Buono's otherwise blessedly Tsunku-free run of singles.
Kobushi, of course, also never recovered sales-wise from their scandal parade and exodus of members. However, because the members of Kobushi grew up in the social media age, as well as after H!P had gone through true industry dark ages, the members reacted to the shrinking by upping the sass and DGAF that make for great clips, Jojo Gundan able to engage with them on improv comedy.
Berryz, meanwhile, kind of had a chemistry problem. They were friendly enough. A newbie like me found their early making-of footage compelling. But they could not really carry a non-scripted segment. Again, maybe a newbie might find their DMs sweet, but the moment you switch to another group, you can see the difference when the interactions have snap and rhythm. Wota joke about Yurina's inability to tell anecdotes. There's a very real reason that only Momochi was able to break out on TV, and even Momochi's schtick feels more forced than the attitude the 48G was bringing to the table, honed by late night variety willing to be really mean to them. Maasa and Chinami are getting pretty good at DGAF, but it says something that they seem to get better mileage when interacting with their juniors (like 5nin J=J or 2nd gen S/mileage) than their own group.
So yeah, by 2007 (around Kokuhaku no Funsui Hiroba) Berryz can tell that it is not going to happen for them. I guess given that they started their careers so early, they really didn't know yet what they could possibly do outside of the industry yet, so they all just stuck around because why not? And they broke up when enough of them had found post-Berryz prospects.
Honestly, I can't give you an answer as to why C-ute succeeded. They were why I thought Kobushi's scandal parade and member exodus would actually benefit them, but I was never really into C-ute's music. Their songs were also pretty unabashedly Tsunku cheese? Someone I met through SNSD fandom really liked e.g. The Middle Management, but didn't seem to get any deeper into H!P. Anyways, some kind of magic happened, with Chisato and Nakki embracing late blooms intersecting with being able to snag onto the Idol Sengoku Jidai momentum with with a will. Who knows? Love is timing, after all.
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loudlyunladylike · 1 year
Hey there,
It's been a while hasn't it? 2 whole years is a long time to be gone, so to those of you who remember me, don't worry I'm alive and well! Or as well as I can be, and to those who don't remember or don't know me, hi there! My name is Ender, or at least that's what most people know me for.
I'm the first anon who tecnically originated the whole Unsung Falls thing, if any of you remember it, I'm also the one who kinda made the named anon things so prominent in this blog.
Now that most of you are familiar with me, you're probably wondering what happened, where I've been, the whole shee bag. Well, for starters, I'd like to apologize for just vanishing for 2 years straight, I hope I didn't freak anyone out during that time.
But explaining what happened, well, the entire thing started when I was at the peak of my hyperfixation with dsmp, I found Loudly's blog and started interacting from there, but I was starting to fall out of interest with the fandom, and when Technoblade passed away, well... I couldn't hold myself much longer in the fandom, and I started drifting away from a lot of things I used to enjoy.
Then life happened, and life is still happening, I started learning more abaut myself and dealing with a lot of personal things, specially abaut my gender identity, remember when we joked abaut Ranboo stealing our genders? Yeah, guess that wasn't much of a joke after all (this little egg finally got out of the shell 🏳️‍⚧️!). Another things is that I've been researching for my first big scale school project that I have to present untill the end of the year, so yeah, I've been busy.
But just because I've been busy dosen't mean I forgot abaut this blog, I've made incredibly good memories here, and I've met amazing people as well, specially the blog owner, you were a big inspiration and motivation to pursue my little writing streak Loudly.
And don't think I've forgotten abaut any of you Unsung Falls anons, I may not remember all of your names, but I do have many found memories with all of you, and belive me when I say that you all made an impact bigger on me than any of you will ever know.
I'm not sure if I'll be back fully or not, I might drop by every once in a while, but I'm not sure, but what I am sure is that I won't ever forget this blog or any of the people in it. I might move on from the fandom, but I'll always remember every single one of you with a smile on my face.
Besides, I'm always lurking around in this blog, even when I couldn't interact much, so don't worry, I'll still be here even if you can't see me.
I don't see this as a goodbye, I see this as a "see you around", because that's what I hope will happen son.
See you around Unsung Falls!
From a young Farlander and aspiring writer
– Ender Anon/⟒⋏⎅⟒⍀ ⏃⋏⍜⋔💜🤍
ENDER!!!! :")
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OH MY GOD, OUR BELOVED HI!!! Oh I missed you, we missed you, god two years hi. This feels like the end of a season finale where a character last seen in like season one appears and the crowd goes wild.
More importantly though hi I'm glad you're doing well :") even with all those ups and downs and busyness but that's ok, we all have those. Congrats on the gender btw🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️!!! holy shit so epic!!!! And your project, and your writing!! aaa, incredible soso cool, you're doing fantastically and I'm so proud of you.
Oh I feel so emotional overwhelmed and touched by all of this lovely-ness /pos. No matter how much you come and go you've always got a place here, we haven't forgot about you either and we never will, you're awesome, see you around friend! o7
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lords-of-mayhem · 1 month
Rip wine glass 🫡🪦
RIP wine glass, gone but not forgotten o7
awful // hole
Swing low, sweet cherry, make it awful. It's your life, it's your party, it's so awful. Let's start a fire, let's start a riot. It was punk. Yeah, it was perfect, now it's awful.
They know how to break all the girls like you and they rob the souls of the girls like you. And they break the hearts of the girls-
He's drunk, he tastes like candy. He's so beautiful, he's so deep like dirty water. God, he's awful. And they royalty rate all the girls like you and they sell it out to the girls like you.
You're ripe for the picking, it's so awful. You've got your youth, don't waste your money. I was punk, now I'm just stupid. Oh, just shut up, you're only sixteen.
If the world is so wrong, yeah, you can break them all with one song. They bought it all, just build a new one, make it beautiful.
social cues // cage the elephant
I think it's strange when people say, "you're the next big thing, you'll never fade." The slightest touch and first to fall. Sleight of the hand, modern goal.
Starry-eyed child left behind, choose your favorite vice. I don't have the strength to play nice. Hide me in the back room, tell me when it's over. I don't know if I can play this part much longer.
I don't know if it is right, to live this way. I'll be in the back room, tell me when it's over. People always say, "man, at least you're on the radio." Close your eyes, don't be afraid.
Take some of these, they'll ease the pain. Live fast, die young, pay the price. The best die young, immortalized. Starry-eyed children left behind to choose their favorite vice.
i really fucked it up this time // girli
Why am I like this? I got two left feet and I blame it on you. I find the dynamite and I make us go boom, boom, boom. And I don't wanna be like this, I'm tryna talk to my therapist.
In truth, I know it's me and all my issues. I hate when I come home and I put them on you. I promise will be the last time, that I do all the things that I said that I wouldn't do last night.
Then I lose my shit and I slam the door, and I ask myself, "what did I do that for?" I'm the damaged type, but it's no type for all of my hurt that I'm living, that I'm giving to you.
I swear I'm not terrible, I just get emotional. I end up feeling sorry for myself. I wanna cause a scene just to feel alive, maybe I'm only mean 'cause I know you're mine.
And I hate myself for making you cry. I know that I really fucked it up this time. Hurricane blowing through your town, I know it's hard for you to stick around.
right side of wrong // mick mars
Divide and conquer us all, yeah, the cities will fall. Let's burn it down. No more believing the lies and the people will rise, the sun's fading out. It's already too late, there's no turning back.
Voices are calling, it's been so long. Catch me, I'm falling. In the end, there's no right side of wrong. Keep on selling the dream while they're stealing the green, we're going nowhere.
The hate that's building inside, you learned from your parent's eyes. Let's change this somewhere. It's already too late. It's fulfilling, all through the hatred you're feeling inside. But you know that you'll find it so fast that it's making its way into your mind.
i got the boy // jana kramer (I'm never going to stop promoting country music)
I saw your picture in the paper, honeymoon in Jamacia. She's a lucky girl. You look so grown up in your black tux, from a ball cap in a pickup. Seems like another world.
You and me and our big dreams, falling in love. We were two kids in a backseat, all fearless and young. I got the first kiss and she'll get the last. She's got the future and I got the past.
I got the class ring, she got the diamond and wedding band. I got the boy and she got the man. Yeah, there's the old you that I knew. Fake IDs to get into those spring break bars.
Now you're cleaned up with a haircut, nice tie and shoes. If things were different and I had a choice, which would I choose? I got the first kiss and she'll get the last.
We each got something the other will never have. I got the long-haired hothead, she got the cool and steady hand. I got the boy and she got the man.
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humandisastersquad · 2 years
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fellow aussies, know your rights as a consumer and don't let stingy companies get away with selling you shitty products and services without consequence
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journeysfable · 2 years
I don’t think anything is ever truly forgotten. Long lost times shape the present, years from now, the earth will remember. The universe will remember. We remember. And that means he will never be gone. He is dead but not gone. o7 Thank you for everything you’ve done. Rest now. And kick the asses of whatever is next
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literaphobe · 2 years
whole situation was just funny to me bc it was literally just a screenshot of exactly what they said and they acted like you wildly misinterpreted what they said when you really didn’t. o7 to the tweet, gone but never forgotten
i gained some followers so when i make more tweets that will get people in trouble i’ll get more likes and rts Yayyyy
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marshmurmurs · 3 years
hey. hey psst. grian & purpled friends au is a banger. you um, you got any more? mayhaps?
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Ok so you're gonna have to bear with me for aa few moments since this au is made by someone who hasn't watched Evo in a hot second and someone who I believe hasn't yet finished watching it, so we are mostly working off of fanon and my terrible memory for Watcher stuff
With that said, you've heard of Watcher!Grian, now get ready for Watcher!Purpled too :D
So you’re probably wondering how in the world we got here. It started with Peggy mentioning that Purpled got a clean view of both Tommy’s duel with Dream and Phil taking out Wil. That’s enough for me to start the Watcher propaganda babey!!!
“They watch but cannot be seen”
I'm pretty sure I yoinked this quote from a sign that showed up in some Watcher thing at some point. Purpled sure does watch. I also believe he has done some messing around with replay mod to see inside the prison or something? So yeah, Watcher boy be looking. And the “cannot be seen” part? He’s constantly falling into the background, almost forgotten, and maybe it's in his very nature.
Grian and Purp were both Watchers, though their time as Watchers only briefly overlapped. Purpled was already a Watcher during Evo times, having been picked up by the Watchers while traveling the void in his spaceship. They had promised him he would become something greater than himself, he would be part of something important, he would have a legacy. Purpled went along with them, at first, it wasn’t like he really had anything better to be doing. Besides, the magic and wings he got out of the deal were pretty cool.
It was when the Watchers started looking to recruit Grian that Purpled started to question why he was there. That legacy they promised him, he wasn't sure if they ever delivered on that. If anything, it was the Watchers that were benefiting off of him. The Evolutionists were the only people who were confident in their existence, and even then, they only knew of the group as a whole. They had no idea how many of them there were or of any of the individuals within. He doesn’t think that was ever what he wanted out of joining the Watchers... He wasn’t actually sure what he had wanted out of them.
Purpled noticed the Watchers focusing their attention on Grian, he saw how they worked to break down his will to rebel. Sure, he had joined them, but it wasn't like he had been told all their rules upfront. Naturally the guy who had continuously tested the limits of their patience when they had been some unknown power wouldn’t stop that just because he was one of them now. Grian would push the limits of what he was allowed to do, finding loopholes, dancing around the rules, and even outright breaking them at times. The two interacted a few times and Purpled liked the guy well enough. He liked him enough to break the rules himself and not report Grian when he caught him breaking some rules, he even pointed out a few spots in the rules where the phrasing could be exploited. Still, he recognized the opportunity Grian’s presence provided him. Purpled was no longer the newest Watcher, no longer constantly under their gaze. He could just leave, and if he was smart about it, he could get away and have plenty of time before anyone noticed.
So he did. With a final o7 to Grian, Purpled left. Their final encounter within the Watchers domain went something like this:
Purpled: Hey do you want some advice?
Grian: Sure
Purpled: *walks away never to be seen again within the Watcher’s domain*
It was only later that Grian realized what the advice was, long after he began sneaking out, began testing the limits of what he could do. It was long after he figured out that an eye couldn't really look within itself and he could use the very powers the Watchers had given him to hide himself from them, long after he'd made his own domain, long after he'd slipped away to a land he created specifically to stay out of their sight and reach that he realized what the advice was. Purpled had left. His advice was to leave. Grian had—albeit unknowingly—followed that advice.
Purpled had taken a much different method to getting away. Instead of making himself untraceable, he hid in plain sight. He went to Hypixel and made a name for himself playing Bedwars. With each game he won, with each game he clutched, he amassed supporters. Players, believers and doubters alike, began to bet on the outcome of his matches. Purpled had made himself seen. He knew the Watchers knew he was there, but that was the point. They couldn’t reach him, not without breaking their own rules, at least. Unlike the two Players turned Watchers, the original Watchers cared deeply for and were bound by their rules. Even if they had tried anything, Purpled managed to create his own legacy, making for himself what they never could. Beyond that, he'd found friends, he'd built a community, surrounded himself with people who would look for him and make themselves a problem for the Watchers if they tried to make him go back. They were forced to sit by and do nothing as he continuously broke their most important rule.
Purpled didn't need the Watchers, he never did.
Grian didn't really know how he felt about the Watchers. He didn't think he hated them, not really. The Watchers had given him a taste of true freedom then immediately began to restrain him. They'd given him wings and the power to create worlds in mere seconds, something which would not only take a regular Admin a much longer time, it would require a significant amount of preparation. He was given the world at his fingertips but was limited by the long list of rules the Watchers enforced. He doesn't regret joining them—he wouldn't give up his wings for the world—but they just weren't enough. The more they tried to make him fit their mold of a perfect little Watcher, the more sure of that he became.
It was almost funny, the Watchers had become stricter in order to prevent another Purpled situation. They were trying to ensure Grian wouldn’t leave them too, but in doing so, they had given him reason to. He was a bit curious though, he wondered what Purpled was up to now. Grian hadn’t gotten news about him since he’d left the Watchers.
So Grian went to Hypixel, he wanted to see if he could track down Purpled. He knew the other was there, judging by the leaderboards, but he couldn’t seem to catch him around the hub. He managed to track down gamblers betting on Purpled's victories. Grian followed that lead, tailing the person who was updating them on the results of Purpled's matches. Somehow that person continued to find intel without Grian catching where Purpled was. It made no sense, and if he was being honest with himself, it had long since reached the point of being frustrating. Eventually, after an infuriating amount of dead ends Grian decided he may as well play a few games before calling it a day and heading home. He tried a few solo matches of bedwars and while PvP wasn't really his thing, he had to admit throwing fireballs at people was pretty fun.
Grian finding Purpled wasn't even intentional on his part. At that point he wasn’t even actively looking or playing the game properly. He’d simply started building houses after politely asking people to leave him alone with varying levels of success. After a few games, he received a friend request from the person who had won the last match with a message inviting him to join them for some doubles. Grian accepted after a moment of thought, they seemed polite enough. They had left him for last when it would’ve been way easier and much more convenient to just continue their clockwise sweep.
It didn’t take Grian long to realize that his new companion was nicked, though to be fair, he was too. It’s not that he particularly cared when someone was nicked, but his curiosity was getting the better of him. There was something about this person, the way they held themself, the general energy around them, something that just felt so familiar. Try as he might, though, Grian couldn’t quite figure out what it was.
It was when he noticed the absolute confidence and ease in which his companion threw themself into the void that Grian finally gave in to his curiosity. Players usually avoid the void, and even if they did jump into it for strategic purposes, he's never seen anyone
recover as fast as his companion did. While they ran off to go stab someone who was getting too close to their area for comfort, Grian tried to look past their disguise. He was met with resistance, surprisingly. Usually looking past a Player being nicked was no issue. He pushed harder, it was more than just curiosity at this point, he needed to know who this was, why they were able to resist him. Somehow the results were worse this time. Grian realized with increasing bewilderment that he could no longer even see his companion. His teammate was just gone, there one moment and gone the next.
Grian blinked away the purple in his eyes, focusing on his surroundings. There were no new bridges leading away, his teammate was still in the game, and they hadn't died. Where could they have gone? He continued to scan the island when he was suddenly hit with the overwhelming sense of being watched. There, standing beside him was his teammate, eyes glowing the same purple Grian's had moments before.
"Something wrong, Grian?"
It all clicked for him then. His nicked companion was the guy he had been looking for the entire time, he’d only just now decided to reveal himself. Of course Grian’s Watcher abilities hadn’t helped, Purpled had way more power here than he did. He was just a guest in the other’s domain, he never had a chance of finding him if he hadn’t wanted to be found.
“Y’know, you could have been a lot clearer.”
“Rule 7. Besides, you figured it out, didn’t you?”
Once they reunited, the two realized they still got along well. They agreed to keep in contact, and they did. Grian would sometimes hop onto Hypixel to join Purpled for a few games—always nicked, they didn’t want the Watchers to realize they were in contact— and other times he'd drag him off to a creative world to challenge him to a game of build swap or various flying courses he’d created. The two often swapped tips and tricks for things they were good at. Grian would give Purpled lessons on building, block palettes, and flying (he argued the other only ever really using his wings while voiding didn’t count). In exchange, Purple would try to give him advice on various things he’d picked up from playing bedwars: block clutches, speedbridging, and general PvP.
When Purpled was invited onto the DreamSMP, he was fairly excited. He loved what he had going on with Hypixel and his friends there, but part of him had always wanted this. Ever since he was with the Watchers, overlooking everything on Evo and worlds before that, part of him had wished to be on the other side of things. This desire only grew stronger as he heard the tales of what Grian got up to on Hermitcraft.
The Dream SMP was nothing like he expected it to be. It turned out to be a hardcore world, only 3 “lives” allowed per player. There were also seemingly infinite respawns, though, which made no sense. He wasn’t sure which was more annoying: the unclear respawn rules or the fact that he was never told about them before he agreed to join.
Besides that, there was also some entity with a great amount of power, even more than the admin himself. Purpled had noticed their presence fairly quickly upon joining and he was immediately on edge. He had no information on the being, their power, their motives, nothing. And that felt dangerous. Purpled had unintentionally ended up falling back into old habits from working with the Watchers as he tried to establish himself in this world. He claimed land for his own, carving out his own domain within that of the unknown god while trying to avoid catching their attention. Eventually, once he was comfortable enough within the world, he began trying to reach out, trying to get involved in the things that were happening. He heard there was a war brewing, and if he learned anything from Grian, things were about to get really fun.
They didn’t.
His attempts to involve himself mostly failed, so he went back to doing what he had before. He claimed more and more land and continued watching over events from the sidelines. Things got serious, conflicts got personal, and unless he was directly pulled in by someone he considered a friend, Purpled just watched.
Anyway my excuse for whatever is going on with their designs is that Watchers can control how they are perceived. This is my city and I want them to have cool wings. Also Peggy was supposed to be my impulse control but the memo got lost in the mail and she never got it, so she enabled me instead. Now we have both funky dragon/parrot vibes on Grian and vague alien/phantom/vex vibes on Purpled
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cyanightmars · 2 years
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Rest well, king
You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten
Go conquer the kingdom of god for us
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majorbowomper · 2 years
Technoblade had sadly passed away..
I hope he rests in peace, he may be gone but he will never be forgotten. He has helped me in a shit ton of dark times and I know damn well he also helped others. He had fought well but unfortunately lost the battle.
o7 fly high Alex
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mymp3 · 3 years
rip eneli’s twitter account,, gone but never forgotten o7
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angeloncewas · 2 years
Happy one year anniversary for penis smp
o7 Penisunavailable gone but never forgotten
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