#gon Freecss imagine
imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Sister Friend
Gon Freecss!Platonic X Fem!Reader Killua Zoldyck X Reader
Potential Illumi Zoldyck X Fem!Reader, Hisoka Morrow X Fem!Reader, Chrollo Lucilfer X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2519
Requested: Anon
Request: Hello again! Loved genya's post with a s/o like unohana. I could ask for a hunter x hunter in which the reader is like a big sister figure to gon and killua (they meet in the hunter exam) the reader has the power to manipulate time as she wishes and she is also an ex he murders and ends up drawing the attention of illumi, hisoka and chrollo.
Warning:- Normal zoldyck family stuff nothing that doesn't happen in the show, threats mostly made by reader, family death, reader killed her family
A/N: - this ended up being way longer than I thought it was going to be but I hope that you like it!
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You met on and Killua in the hunter exam, you had been the one of the first to jump in the second challenge, you winked as you walked past them and stepped off of the ledge, easily standing on one of the strings of web waiting on the small preceding wind current before jumping grabbing your egg and using the current to get back up, you landed in front of them with a small smile “you figure it out?” You asked. “Oh! I get it, follow me!” Gon said as he ran past you, you walked over to Netero and the rest. “I passed?” You asked. “I supposed you did.” He smiled as he watched you pass the egg to Menchi. “Do with that as you like, you are the professional.” You said and her eyes widened as you walked past her and settled waiting for the others to pass as well.
The first time that you spoke to them was on the airship, you had been wasting time looking around, you had heard them before you saw them but it seemed that even Killua hadn’t noticed you when you rounded the corner “so what are we talking about?” You asked softly and they both looked at you. “You're the one who jumped first right?” Gon asked. “Hi names (Y/N).” You waved, smiling. “What do you want?” Killua asked, you looked at him and shrugged. “Nothing really.” You answered “Looking for some way to kill time and you guys are here.” “There are tons of people that you could spend time with. Why would you choose us? You think we’re easy targets?” Killua asked, you shook your head. “You two are probably the only two people here that I wouldn’t want to fight, you are honest and your potential is boundless.” You explained “most of the others won’t get much stronger than they are now, they’re easy to understand, manipulate and beat.” “What do you mean?” Gon asked. “Don’t worry about it, just know that I’ll be around to help you out if you need it.” You promised and despite not really knowing you they both believed you.
You saved them many times in the challenges that followed all while helping yourself. Killua however never truly trusted you until the moment in his one on one fight between Illumi and himself where you stepped in, everything around the three of you seemed to stop, you crouched in front of him and Illumi watched you intrigued “don’t worry about what happens next, even if he sends you home, I’ll come get you no matter what.” You promised. “You would not be able to get onto the mountain that our house stands on.” Illumi said, you turned back to him and glared. “You have no idea what I can do assassin,” You glared at him “go home for now, trust me okay?” “Are you sure?” He asked looking at Illumi and it was in the moment that you realised just how much his brother affected him. “I’m sure,” You pulled out a small necklace with an hourglass on it. “You can give this back to me when we come to get you.” “We?” He asked, your hand twitching as you felt Illumi moving behind you. “You think Gon is just going to let you go?” You asked and he shrugged “alright you owe me dinner if he shows up and if he doesn’t I’ll get you a chocolate bar of your choice deal?” “Who are you?” Illumi muttered as he looked at you. “None of your concern.” You answered as you walked back to where you had been standing leaning against the wall, you waved your hand and everyone around you began to move as they had before, the smirk that took place on your face was nothing short of menacing and if Illumi was anyone else he might have rethought his plan however everything went the way that you expected and Killua made his way home.
After Killua’s disqualification everyone else automatically passed, once Gon had woken up the small meeting that followed became more eventful then it needed to be with Gon making a declaration to save Killua “did you put him up to this?” Illumi asked as he looked at you, you sat at the end of one of the tables, hands clasped in front of you as your eyes shifted to him. “Excuse me?” You asked, “Gon let him go, he’s really not worth it.” “He took Killua.” Gon glared. “Mhm and we’re going to go and get him.” You promised “so let go of him and come here.” “You make it sound like I kidnapped my brother but he walked out of his own accord, on your order I believe.” Illumi smirked as you turned in your seat, finally facing him. “What you would have had him do was far worse than me asking him to go home.” You argued. “And how do you know what I would have him do?” He asked. “Time is my toy, I know what you would have had him do, surely you noticed.” You stood walking forward until you were standing behind Gon. “Do you need another demonstration?” Netero cleared his throat drawing your attention back to him and you grabbed Gon dragging him away from the assassin in front of the both of you and sitting him down “don’t worry I have a plan.”
Killua’s rescue was the time that you showed your ability, while the others took the honest route to the house, you took a direct and dangerous route, your ability to manipulate the time around an object made getting to the house easy, you were there within seconds of leaving the others, however the moment that you stepped into the house you were stopped “your from the information broker family am I correct?” You smiled as you looked at Zeno. “I mean there’s nothing left of the organisation that you speak of…” You shrugged. “Yes I remember receiving the warning from your grandfather the day that you were born.” Zeno explained “he promised that you would bring devastation to both families.” “Yes… And then he sent me away so in retaliation I came back and showed him what he had gotten rid of, he lived long enough to regret it and then the family fell.” You answered “but you know that already, so what is it that you want to know, Zeno?” “What do you want with my grandson?” He asked. “Which one?” You asked, he raised an eyebrow. “As it stands I don’t think I’ll ever see eye to eye with your oldest grandson, however Killua the one you’ve all decided a life for, I just want to give the choice back.” “Mm,” Zeno hummed as he waved a hand “follow me.” Zeno led you to a room below the house one that you knew would be your home should you ever get caught by them. “I’m coming in.” Zeno opened the door and inside your eyes found Killua “I believe that will do for now thank you.” “But Grandpa Zeno he isn’t even sorry not one bit!” Milluki complained and you looked at him. “Any reason for the whining or is that just your voice?” You asked as he looked at you. “Who are you?” He asked. “None of your concern.” You answered as you looked at Killua. “You owe me lunch.” “Yeah.” He nodded. “You may go now, Kill.” Zeno spoke. “Okay.” Killua said as he pulled his arms and legs free of the metal cuffs that he had been confined in before winding his shoulders to loosen them walking towards you “damn that hurt, hey Milluki, your right I’m not sorry but I did feel bad that’s why I let you slap me around for a little while.” “What was that?” Milluki asked. “Come on, I'll show you my room.” Killua said, taking your hand and leading you out of the room while slipping the necklace you had given him into your hand a promise fulfilled. “Oh Killua, Silva would like to see you now.” Zeno said. “Dad said that? Okay.” He said as he pulled you out of the room with him. The Zoldycks knew you as the last living information broker and you lived up to the name that travelled the underworld and the smarter of the family figured it was better that you were friends with the future head, they had enough enemies.
You hadn’t meant to catch Hisoka attention however, you were looking after you two self proclaimed little brothers when the overwhelming bloodlust hurtled down the hall they had just turned down, you used yours to push back against coming to stand behind them finding Hisoka sitting on the floor, you knew that he didn’t know your name so you didn’t bother to give him the satisfaction of knowing his “Who’s this clown?” You asked. “Clown?” He asked. “Do you prefer, Joker?” You asked. “Who are you?” He asked. “Me?” You asked. “Mmm.” He hummed standing. “Go with Mr Wing, he’ll teach you what you need to know.” You ushered them both off lifting your hand to stop that card that Hisoka had thrown as you turned your back. “What about you?” Gon asked. “I’ll be fine, I'll meet you there, don't worry.” You winked, Killua grabbed Gon’s arm pulling him toward Mr Wing who was waiting for them at the end of the hall. “Is there something that I can do for you dear?” Hisoka asked. “What are your intentions with them?” You asked, hand dropping to your side though the card stayed high in the air. “My intentions?” He asked. “I want them to become stronger.” “Stronger? Why?” You asked. “They have potential, surely you know, you’ve felt it, that’s why you're drawn to them.” He smirked. “I just want them to reach their potential, I love to fight but I want to fight strong people, people like you though I doubt you would fight me.” The card moved back in his direction and embedded in the wall behind him. “Don’t give me a reason to fight you, if you do you won’t win.” You warned him, this time when he felt your blood lust pour from your body his lip caught between his teeth. “Interesting little time traveller.” He let his head fall back lazily as you turned away from him again. “Until next time, Jester.” You said before you disappeared.
Hisoka was the one to call you to his room this time, it was after his fight “Didn’t know you had company should I go?” You asked as you appeared leaning against the window. “No please, I was just leaving.” The woman answered. “So what do you want?” You asked. “I want to make a deal with you.” He said and you looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “It’s clear that you don’t intend to let any harm come to those boys, all I want is for you to continue to protect them while they become stronger.” “I fail to see how I get anything from aligning with you.” You reminded him and he stood from where he was sitting stepping closer to you, had you been anyone weaker you would have been worried about the time you had left on this earth. “I’m losing interest quickly.” “Well when I finally fight them, I promise not to kill them.” He smirked as you looked at him and glared. “Why would you promise that?” You asked. “Because I know that you have no intention of letting me get any closer to them with the fear of their death, if I promise not to kill them, then you’ll let me fight them won’t you.” He smirked. “If they want to. Would the deal still stand if Gon were to fight you here?” You asked. “Of course.” He smirked as he stepped closer still within range of reaching for you, however before he could get too close you used your nen to manipulate the time around him and move towards the door faster than he could catch you. “Consider your deal made, if you break it, I’ll kill you myself.” You warned him, he gave a soft chuckle in response but did nothing as you left.
I look forward to our next meeting. A text message, the only evidence that you had ever been in his room in the first place, to Hisoka you were a force of nature, something to be tested, he’d gladly provide that test for you.
Chrollo was someone that you knew of before going to York New city however you never expected that the boys would end up getting mixed up with the Phantom Troupe and much less their boss. With the boys captured you had one option so you walked into the lobby of the hotel, everyone around you slowing to a stop as you positioned yourself in front of the Troupe. “One chance to let my little brothers go, I don’t want to have to take them back from you, I can be violent when I deem someone a threat.” You warned them “are you both okay?” They nodded and you nodded back before your eyes found Chrollo. “You are?” Chrollo asked, you looked around mock confusion on your face. “You're supposed to be smart, use the context clues.” You grumbled as you increase the rate that time moved around you, moving faster than they could see, easily taking Gon and Killua back from the thieves. “Your ability, how does it work?” Chrollo asked, stepping forward, you smirked at him and shook your head. “Why would I ever tell you that?” You asked. “I’m sure that’s one of the conditions for your ability right?” There was a small quirk of his lips and you looked at him and smirked as you placed yourself between them and the boys. “We find ourselves in need of a new member, would you consider the place in exchange for your brothers’ lives.” Chrollo suggested, you looked at him and smirked. “What is it with all you big boys and your deals?” You asked “I won’t be joining your idol group anytime in the near future.” “Why is that?” He asked. “Because you offer me the place at your side in the hopes that I won’t stab you in the back and should I accept the position, you would be right to assume your safety. I have no intention of stabbing anyone in the back.” You informed him “my ability affords me the luxury of stabbing you in the heart and watching the light leave your eyes when I’m ready to let you go, I promise you that will be the only outcome the next time that you threaten those I call my family.” “You're an interesting one.” He smirked as you turned away from him and lifted to accelerate the time around you, Killua and Gon as left concealing the direction you fled in. To Chrollo, you were a proposition that he intended to pursue and secure before anyone else could.
Request Here!!
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wandererbf · 8 months
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How would the main 4 react to their s/o taking care of them while they're sick
Characters: Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio!
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Gon Freecs
• I think Gon would be happy that his S/O is taking care of him, it will remind him of home when his aunt took care of him
• I also think he would be very affectionate, like he would like to hug you while you try to take care of him
• He would really ask you to make him soup or something, and if you don't know how to cook he would ask you to make popcorn so you two can spend time watching movies.
• Well anyway he would want to spend most of the day in bed, I think when he is sick it is the only time he is not energetic as the normal for him
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Killua Zoldyck
• I think Killua would refuse to believe that he's sick, well it's not like he's ever been sick
- Y/N please, I'm fine.. gosh.. - he says rolling he's eyes
• He would keep acting like that until you gave up and let him do whatever he wanted, he was about to leave the house when from the room you heard a bang and when you went to see what it was, it was Killua passed out on the floor next to the door.
• When he wakes up it will be late in the afternoon, you would be sleeping on a chair next to the bed he was lying on with a cloth of cold water on his head, I think that in the end since you were asleep he would pull you to bed next to him, you two would end cuddling!
- Just maybe you were right..
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Kurapika Kurta
• I think he would end up passing out while working at the Nostrade mansion, and Melody had to call you to come get him since when he woke up he still wanted to continue working as if everything was fine
- Y/N: God.. what am I going to do with you?
• In the end he was convinced that it would be dangerous for him and the other bodyguards if he stayed working in that state and went home with you, you would really like to thank Melody for helping you convince him
• You would ask him to take a shower and go to bed while you prepare something for him to eat, of course not before giving him some medicine
• In the end you would be looking after him for the rest of the night, but the next morning when you woke up the man would have left a f/f bouquet on the table next to a letter
'Thank you for taking care of me last night my love, today at 8 pm I'll pick you up to go eat at a restaurant, please get ready! I'll be looking forward to seeing you again. With love, K.K'
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Leorio Paladiknight
• Leorio is studying medicine so he would quickly realize that he is sick and take the correct medicine, but that doesn't negate the fact that he will be needy for the rest of the day
- Please Y/N lets just cuddle for a while, you have to take care of your boyfriend here 🥺
• I think that of the four he would be one of the calmest ones with Gon, since he wouldn't throw a tantrum to take his medicine, he would refuse because he's sick, what you would need to do is purely give him love and affection
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hypercaffeinatedquery · 2 months
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I was listenin' to the ocean
I saw a face in the sand
But when I picked it up
Then it vanished away from my hands
I was painting a picture
The picture was a painting of you
And for a moment I thought you were here
But then again, it wasn't true
-Runaway by Aurora
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The three of you were known to be an odd trio in the hunter society. While Illumi was known for his constantly serious and stoic expression, Hisoka was infamous for his unpredictable and often eccentric behavior. And then there was you, the one who always brought life and energy to the group, the one who could turn any boring mission into a fun and exciting adventure or you might just have couple of lose screws .
It was no surprise that the three of you were often seen together, whether it was on missions or just hanging out. You had a strong bond that went beyond just being colleagues or friends. There was something unique and special about your dynamic that made you inseparable.
Some may have wondered why the three of you never seemed to separate, but for you, it was simple. You enjoyed each other's company and had a special connection that made it hard to be apart. You shared a love for danger and excitement, which often resulted in your missions taking a more wild and unconventional turn.
But there was another reason why the three of you stuck together so closely. You shared a deep and intense attraction for each other, or rather they seemed to have an attraction for you . It was the same for you too .
You guys would mess around constantly . No mate where you were or if it was Hisoka or Illumi something would happen . You loved it even if you hate to admit it . Hisoka was always trying to get somthing no matter if its a public place or if he is on the brink of death . Illumi on the other hand had more self control . He did not hesitate when you were in private .
Hisoka and Y/N were assigned a mission together, along with Illumi. As they made their way to the designated location, Hisoka couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement . He had always found Y/N to be intriguing, with her constantly switching personality. And now, with Illumi also in the mix, he couldn't wait to see what kind of trouble they could get into.
The mission was simple - retrieve a rare artifact from a wealthy collector's mansion. But as they approached the mansion, they realized that the security was tight and getting in would not be easy. Hisoka suggested a plan - he would distract the guards while Y/N and Illumi snuck in from the back.
As expected, Hisoka's seductive charm worked like a charm on the guards and he managed to create enough of a diversion for Y/N and Illumi to slip in unnoticed. They made their way through the mansion, avoiding the guards and searching for the artifact. But as they reached the room where it was kept, they were greeted by the collector himself, along with his armed guards.
With no other option, Y/N took and illumi took out their wepons and engaged in a fierce battle with the guards. Hisoka, who had followed them in, joined in on the fight, his Bungee Gum proving to be a deadly weapon. Together, they fought off the guards and retrieved the artifact.
As they made their way back to their rendezvous point, the adrenaline from the battle was still coursing through their veins. Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration towards Hisoka and Illumi, their skills and teamwork impressing her. But as they reached the secluded spot, Hisoka's mischievous grin appeared on his face.
"Shall we celebrate our successful mission?" he purred, his eyes gleaming with excitement.
Y/N and Illumi exchanged glances before nodding in agreement. They were all in need of some release after the intense mission. Hisoka wasted no time in taking charge, pulling Y/N closer to him and capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. Illumi, being the stoic one, observed the two for a moment before joining in, his hands roaming over Y/N's body.
The three of them moved together in a dance of desire, their bodies entwined and their moans filling the air. Hisoka's hands roamed over Y/N's body, eliciting pleasurable shudders from her. Illumi's skilled fingers found their way to her core, sending waves of pleasure through her.
As they moved towards the peak of their pleasure, Hisoka whispered in Y/N's ear, "You are truly a remarkable fighter, my dear. I can't wait to see what other talents you possess."
And with that, they all reached their climax, their bodies trembling with pleasure. As they caught their breath, Hisoka couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The mission may have been successful, but this was definitely the highlight of the day.
From then on, the three of them became quite the team - both on and off the battlefield. And with each mission, they found new ways to explore their desires and push each other to new heights. It was a dangerous game they played, but one that they all enjoyed immensely.
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Hi, thank you for finally replying to my ask! I actually forgot I even send an ask to you and I forgot what idea I had in my mind at that time. You said I could send again sooooo can you please write platonic headcanons with the main 4 during the hunter exams, where reader is Kurapika’s younger sister who’s the same age as Gon and Killua and also semi-mute? She rarely talks, seems shy and always clings to Kurapika. Oh, but she’s as capable as her brother, that’s why everybody else was surprised at her skills and strength
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Sorry if this is too long, don’t rush it and stay safe!
Yesss!!! I'm so happy when people request anime too!! Lesgooo!! You stay safe too!!
Saving kurapika for last!!! 😍
Relationship: platonic!
Main four x kurapika's younger sister!
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Tbh you were his best friend besides killua.
Tries to make you as comfortable as possible since he isn't completely dumb and notices how shy you can get. He thinks it's kinda similar to kurapika, considering he isn't exactly chatty either.
Also, he lowkey freaks out the first few times you spoke, his first reaction was literally-
"Y/n, you can speak!?" *gets bonked by killua* I swear he isn't trying to be rude.
This dude will drag you everywhere and tries to get you to know you more and to possibly make you feel safe enough to speak to him more. He definitely doesn't mean any harm.
Since you are the same age as him and killua he thinks it's a must for all three of you to be friends.
Sometimes his behavior can get overwhelming to you and make you get even more shy.
"Woah, you are really close to kurapika! Killua doesn't seem to be that close with his siblings. Well I wouldn't know since I don't have any." Would ask questions about you and kurapika.
Was shocked af when you had shown off your skills. Didn't necessarily think you were really weak but didn't think you were this strong.
After whatever you did he would praise you and stay stuff like "wow! Y/n I didn't think you were that strong! That was so cool!"
Would stop worrying about you a little less. Now knowing that if you were ever in danger and there was no one, you would definitely be able to protect yourself. (Let's hope whatever you're fighting against isn't too strong.)
"Hey y/n! Come over here for a second!"
Probably acted kind of a jerk to you the first few times.
But then after a while seeing that you weren't all that bad he started loosening up a bit. And then eventually you became friends with him.
Would've thought you were weak if it weren't for that zoldyck blood in which he sensed something far stronger within you.
Still even so he still thought you were nowhere near as strong as him. And overtime he started to become a little protective of you.
"Y/n you can speak!?" Killua bonked gon on the head.
Doesn't mind your quietness. He prefers it, he likes how energetic gon is but he also wants someone he can vibe peacefully quiet with.
He's kinda jealous of your closeness with kurapika. At first he thought that younger siblings could never get along with their older ones but clearly you and kurapika proved him wrong. He wishes he and illumi could have a healthier relationship sometimes.
If he's feeling especially silly and happy he might try to separate you from your older brother's hip and get to hang out with him instead during free time.
Killua's not shy, just self reserved. Even so he can understand most of your behaviors.
Wasn't that surprised when you had shown how capable you were when you had to fight against an enemy. Though it doesn't necessarily change his opinion on you. He feels a little more at ease.
"Why don't you hang out with me and gon for a little while?"
You're like the little sister he never had.
Didn't really pay you much mind as you never really did anything outstanding for the majority of the exam but as he spent more time in your presence the more he started appreciating you.
You grew on him quick, he's now also your older brother.
Because of your pretty introverted nature he felt quite obligated to be at your side a lot.
Will almost cry if you want to spend time with him, he's never been this happy before. Although in the hunter exam the amount of things you can do is pretty limited.
You're somewhere without kurapika and someone goes out of their way to talk smack in front of you? Don't worry you'll see leorio sprinting towards the person in a very loud and aggressive voice.
Since leorio is more in his delusions most of the time he'll think of you as kinda pretty weak. Don't get him wrong it's not like he'll force it on you, he just feels like he needs to help out in stuff mostly.
Around kurapika alot so that also means he's around you alot, it's a win win. You get two protective and older sibling figures by your side.
Jaw dropped. It dropped to the ground and 5 feet more under. Now he feels kinda bad and embarrassed he thought of you as something that needed help with.
Still tries to help you as much as he can when you're about to be fighting with someone.
He tries to look calm even though he made a dumb expression earlier. Although he does hold a proud smile.
"You were really cool..!"
Kurapika doesn't mind it when you seem to cling to him 24/7. In fact he likes it. As in he feels more at ease when you're in his line of sight. Being the two sole survivors of your clan it's really no wonder.
Of course this without a doubt forms an inseparable and unbreakable bond and trust.
Your older brother was the only person you could comfortably be alone with until the hunter exam. It took kurapika by surprise when you actually decided to hang out with someone other than him. It's not like he hates it but he feels a little uneasy, something you've had your entire life suddenly being away from you is something not so many people can be okay with.
He warms up to the idea eventually though. In fact he does enjoy seeing you interacting with other people. Seeing you by yourself without him with gon, killua and leorio and others sends a melancholy wave of pride through him.
He encourages you to spend more time with your now called new friends.
He wants you to spend a bit more time being independent before he goes away for something which he never told you about or plans to ever tell you about. (Ehem.. Revenge)
Knows you are fully capable of stuff but it doesn't stop him from feeling obligated to do something for you.
Anyone who brings slander to your name in front of him must be a real hell of an idiot.
Not surprised at all like killua after you leashed your skills fighting a random monster or opponent or something. He already knows after all he was the one who taught you everything you knew about anything really.
"I'm proud to have you as my sister y/n..."
Sorry if the last part seems rushed, it's because I am in a rush actually 💀
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Fixer Upper
Part 2
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 1
part 3
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog
if you’d like to be ADDED to the taglist, please comment a red heart ❤️, make sure you’re able to be tagged/mentioned, and have your age in your bio(IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE TAGLIST, YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK TO BE ADDED AGAIN!!)
warnings: mentions of Kurapika injuring reader in the past
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(Name) threw the last article of clothing into the washing machine before starting it. It was around 7:30 am, and the boys were in the kitchen eating breakfast as she did some last minute cleaning.
“Killua, will you put this load of laundry on when it’s done? Kurapika and I are going into town to run some errands.”
Killua nodded, his mouth full of some sugary cereal he’d picked out.
“Thank you. I’ll be sure to pick you up some more chocolate robots.”
His eyes widened and he nodded frantically, seemingly excited.
“I should get ready. We leave in 30 minutes!”
She turned on her heels and ran upstairs, tripping halfway up before running up the rest.
Killua snickered. “She always trips on the 6th step. I think it’s slightly taller than the others.”
Kurapika hummed in response. He wasn’t paying much attention, focused on his breakfast. Today it was a fluffy omelet with a side of mixed fruit.
Now that he wasn’t shoving the food into his mouth so fast he could choke, he had to admit it was pretty good.
Once he was finished, he left to get dressed. (Name) had laid out his tabard and his old shirt. The torn sleeve of his shirt had been messily sown up, but it would do until he could get another one today.
As he pulled the shirt over his head, he noticed how good his clothing smelled. Usually he would just wash it with scentless detergent, but now it smelt floral.
‘Mmm… I wonder what detergent she used.’
He pulled the tabard on and looked at himself in the mirror.
For the most part he looked… okay. His hair had grown out to graze his shoulders, in need of a trim. Kurapika rubbed a strand of his hair between his fingers.
The day before his hair had been dry, yet oily at the same time, but now it was soft and smooth. Her shampoo worked miracles for him, but it didn’t fix his hair entirely. There were still split ends, but overall he felt a lot… better. Slightly more put together than he had been in a while.
After quickly combing his hair, Kurapika left his room.
(Name) was waiting by the front door, and he had to admit, she looked awfully cute.
Today she wore a floral tank top and jean shorts. On her back was a hello kitty themed backpack, several keychains hanging from it.
He recognized one of the keychains, his chest tightening slightly.
“You ready?”
He gave a curt nod, (Name) opening the door. “Alright, let’s go!”
Kurapika climbed into the passenger seat of (Name)’s car. The front seat was clean and tidy, but one look in the backseat told him Killua had been there.
There were chocolate robot boxes strewn across the car floor along with random toys and gadgets.
“… does killua ride along with you often?”
(Name) laughed. “Yeah, he does. I take him wherever he needs to go, that includes to the airport when we pick up Gon or Alluka.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Gon stays with you as well?”
“Yeah, unlike Killua he has a loving home to return to, so he’s here less, but he visits for at least a week or two every other month. You should see the car when HE’S here.”
“I assume it’s worse?”
“You assumption is correct.”
The two laugh, (Name) cranking up the car and backing out of the driveway.
“What’s our plan for the day?” Kurapika asked, staring out the window as they drove through the neighborhood.
“First, we’re stopping at the nearest men’s clothing store and getting you some clothes.”
“Then we’ll stop and get you your own soap and toiletries.”
He nodded.
“We’ll grab some groceries, and should be home before lunch.”
Kurapika pulled his satchel into his lap and looked around. He still had his wallet, thank god. While running the other night, he’d dropped several of his personal items, including a pair of sunglasses, his portable soap, and his spare change of clothes.
“We’re pulling up!”
Kurapika glanced up to see they’d pulled into a small parking lot, (Name) parking before getting out and stretching.
“Ugh, I hate shopping so early in the morning, but I hate the crowds even more.”
“I second that.”
Kurapika joined her, making sure his weapon had been left in the car. He didn’t want to make a scene in case it were to fall from his satchel.
The two walked in, (Name) picking up a basket at the door.
“Hmm, Kurapika, what are you looking for exactly?”
“A few pairs of pants, shirts. Maybe a set of pajamas. I won’t be staying with you long.”
She nodded, grabbing his hand and leading him to where he needed to go.
Her hands were always so soft and warm, a sharp contrast to his cold and calloused ones. He looked down to where their hands connected, his eyes softening.
“Oh, here it is!”
She let go and pointed. “You should be able find everything you need over here. I’m going to go look at the kids section. Killua’s grown out of his favorite pair of shorts, so I’m going to get him a bigger size. He’s pretty particular about what he’ll wear. Not as bad as Gon, though.”
She giggled to herself. Kurapika nodded, making a fist with the hand she’d held in an attempt to keep her warmth from escaping.
“Alright. I’ll meet you back at the car in 15 minutes.”
(Name) left the store with a shopping bag full of clothes, Kurapika raising an eyebrow.
“Didn’t you say he only needed a new pair of shorts?”
She purses her lips. “Well, the more I thought about it, the more I realized he’s grown out of his dress pants, and several shirts. Oh, and he’s always losing his socks.”
He smiled. ‘She’s like a mother. It’s… sweet.’
“I see. Well, if we want to get back before lunch we should get going.”
Her eyes widened before she unlocked the car. “Crap, you’re right! Let’s go!”
He almost laughed at how fast she slipped into her seat, following behind her.
The next place they stopped at was a large grocery store. Kurapika and (Name) walked together to the hygiene care aisle.
“Mmm, are you okay with normal mint flavored tooth paste?”
“Yes. I’m not exactly picky.”
She nodded, placing a tube of toothpaste into the shopping cart, along with a red tooth brush and floss.
(Name) looked over the small selection of men’s hair and body wash. Between the 5in1 bottles to the soap that smelled too intense, (Name) was having trouble helping Kurapika pick.
“What do you usually use?”
“The scentless kind.”
She hummed in response. “Is there a specific scent you’re going for?”
“Not really, again I’m not picky.”
(Name) peeked at him, thinking of her next words carefully.
“So… you wouldn’t mind checking out the women’s selection then?”
He glanced at her. “I wouldn’t, but why do you ask?”
He knew exactly what she was thinking of.
While in York New together, the group of five had gone out to dinner. When the waiter stopped at their table, he hit on Kurapika, thinking he was a woman.
It was very awkward. Kurtapika didn’t hear the end of it the entire night, the other boys only stopping when (Name) put an end to it by saying they were jealous he was pretty enough to be hit on.
The memory of her words still made his heart flutter.
“No reason. The women’s section just has…”
She stared at the 5in1 bottle with a frown.
“Better options.”
He couldn’t argue with that.
The women’s section was something Kurapika had only ever looked at in passing, the man staring at all the options in shock.
“There’s more neutral scents down here. How about this one?”
She handed him a bottle, the man lifting the lid and taking a whiff.
It smelled tropical, like mango and coconuts. While smelling good, it wasn’t too intense.
“This is fine.”
She added it and a matching set of conditioner to the basket. “How about a body wash with a similar scent?”
He nodded, not paying much attention. Kurapika didn’t care too much about what she picked for him, knowing it would smell good and be good quality. She always worried about small details like that.
“Oh, wait.”
He blinked, staring down at her.
“I forgot, you had a bad reaction to this brand when we bought it in York New. Let’s try another one.”
Kurapika was surprised. He hadn’t even remembered that, how had she?
“Let’s do this brand instead. It’s a similar scent too!”
Kurapika grabbed the basket after she set the new set of hair wash in, the girl giving him a questioning look.
“… I’ll carry it for you.”
It was the least he could do.
She didn’t argue, only smiling up at him. “What a gentleman.”
His cheeks turned pink, the man quickly turning to walk toward the food section of the grocery store.
“Hehe, thank you sweetheart.”
That didn’t help his cheeks cool down at all.
(Name) walked along the aisles of food, tossing random items in.
“Mmm, we’re out of crackers… oh and Killua’s favorite cereal…”
She stopped suddenly, turning back to Kurapika with a grin. “If you see anything you like, just toss it in!”
The blonde nodded hesitantly, following behind her.
After a few minutes, he spotted the pretzels he would snack on the most often.
(Name) caught him looking, immediately grabbing the bag and dropping it into the cart.
“… thanks.”
She didn’t respond, but sent him a smile before throwing another item into the cart.
Kurapika began to notice that nothing she had gathered was for her. She’d say this or that was for Killua or Leorio, but not a single thing was just for her.
“Oh, I need to grab some more meat, used the last bit of chicken a few days ago.”
She was talking to herself, off in a different world as she left the snack aisle, leaving without something of her own.
“Ahh, finally.”
The two were back in her car, the girl groaning. “Grocery shopping is the worst.”
Kurapika buckled himself in, watching as she pulled out of the parking lot.
“We’ll get home just before lunch time. Anything you want?”
He shrugged. “I’m-“
“I get it, you’re not picky, but is there something you’d prefer?”
Kurapika thought for a moment. Was there a food he liked more than others? He knew there were, but nothing that she would be able to cook. They were all Kurtan recipes.
But one thing did come to mind.
“… sandwiches.”
She nodded. “Alright, we’ll have sandwiches for lunch!”
Kurapika stared out the window for the rest of the car ride. For the first time in a while, he was looking forward to lunch.
They pulled into (Name)’s driveway about 15 minutes later. Before getting out, she sent a text to Killua.
“Why are you texting him?” Kurapika asked.
‘She’s about to to inside, can’t she just tell him whatever she needs to then?’
His question was answered when killua came sprinting out of the house, throwing open the door to the car and grabbing grocery bags quicker than a normal person would be able to process.
“Was… was that-“
“Killua? Yeah. He takes the groceries inside in exchange for chocolate robots.”
The two leave the car, Kurapika opening the front door for her.
Killua stopped mid bite of a freshly unwrapped chocolate robot to jump up and smile. “What’s for lunch?”
(Name) hummed as she walked into the kitchen, Kurapika following behind. “We’re having sandwiches today.”
“I want ham and cheese!”
“Coming up!”
Kurapika watched from behind the kitchen counter awkwardly.
“Are you going to help her put up groceries, or are you just going to stand there looking dumb?”
Kurapika turned to see Killua staring at him with an annoyed expression.
“I was going to.”
Kurapika brushed past the boy, picking up a random item and staring at it.
“(Name), where does this go?”
“Oh, in the cabinet on the left!”
Killua snickered from his seat, Kurapika shooting him a look before putting the item away.
This went on until they were finished, (Name) patting him on the back.
“Thanks for the help! Now I can get lunch done faster.”
He just nodded in response, lingering in the kitchen. Kurapika wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself when he wasn’t busy. Should he sit and watch TV? Help (Name) with lunch? Go rest in his room?
His decision was made for him when (Name) grabbed his hand.
“Kurapika, why don’t you go sit down and I’ll bring you some lunch? You’re still not fully recovered, some rest will do you some good.”
Kurapika let out a relieved sigh. “Alright.”
He sat down on the couch, trying to relax. Kurapika wanted to recover as soon as possible. The faster he recovered, the faster he could get back to finding the scarlet eyes.
Killua jumped slightly when his side vibrated, patting his pocket and then pulling out his phone.
He put in his password before answering.
“Gon? Hey.”
Kurapika perked up. It had been a while since he’d seen Gon. He’d felt guilty about not being there for him when he’d nearly died around a year ago, so he’d been avoiding him along with (Name).
“Yeah. I’m sure she won’t mind. Hey, (Name)?”
The woman in question hummed in response, placing a finished sandwich on a plate.
“Gon’s asking if he can come over this week and stay for a month while his family renovates their house.”
“That’s fine, make sure he tells Aunt Mito I appreciate that basket she sent me after…”
She trailed off. Killua seemed to know what she was talking about, glancing at Kurapika with a frown.
“I will. I’ll be right back.”
Killua walked out of the room, continuing to talk to Gon while he did.
This interaction troubled Kurapika. Were they keeping something from him?
‘I’ll ask a few questions, perhaps it’s just my imagination.’
“She sent you a basket? What kind?”
(Name) paused, a piece of ham falling onto the floor. Kurapika noticed this, his eyes narrowing.
“Oh, just a gift basket. Nothing special.”
“Uh huh…”
He began to ask her another question, but Killua walked in beaming.
“He’s catching a flight tonight and will be here in the morning!”
(Name) composed herself, giving him a smile back. “Oh dear, I may have to do another grocery run if Gon is coming. I’ll call Leorio and see if he wants to meet up as well. It’s been a while since we’ve all been in one place!”
Kurapika froze, another memory flooding back.
“No… no (Name), you can’t. I won’t let you.”
The girl wrenched her wrist away from the rage filled blonde, wincing at the pain blooming beneath her skin.
“I can, and I will. Why won’t you let me help you? You had no issue with Gon and Killua-“
“That’s because they aren’t fucking weak like you!”
Kurapika would never forget the look on her face when he yelled at her for the first time. Leorio had to step in to make sure she was okay, saying Kurapika had fractured her wrist.
The man glanced at the girls arm, seeing no injury. It had been two years, of course she wasn’t still hurt, but the memory of the pain he’d caused her would haunt him forever.
He was torn from his thoughts when (Name) called for him. How she still managed to smile at him after he’d hurt her didn’t make sense to him.
Kurapika was still that same man, willing to do anything to fulfill his mission. He knew, if he had to, he could bring himself to hurt her again.
And that’s why he couldn’t stay for long. It was better if he was gone, where he couldn’t hurt anyone he loved.
The sandwich he’d been looking forward to sat in front of him, the crust cut off the ends.
She’d remembered he didn’t like the crust.
He took a bite, letting himself enjoy a meal with his friends by his side. Kurapika knew this wouldn’t last forever, but just for a moment (Name) was sitting next to him, and Killua was laughing away at something random on TV.
It was peaceful, not quiet, but… calm.
“Killua, I know you’re excited, but you should go to bed. We have to get up early to pick up Gon.”
Killua was currently pacing the hallways. He was in his new pajamas, staring up at the clock as it ticked away. (Name) flicked the light on and yawned, leading the boy into the kitchen.
“Let’s warm you up some milk. Should help you sleep.”
The sound of a door opening caused her to jump, the girl turning to see Kurapika rubbing his eyes from the doorway to his room.
“Is something the matter?”
(Name) tried not to react. The man was shirtless, only wearing a pair of baggy sweatpants.
“No, Killua is just having trouble sleeping.”
The boy pouted. “I can stay up for three days at a time you know.”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you should.”
She ruffled his hair, the boy swatting at her hands, but Kurapika could tell he didn’t mind it at all by the way Killua was smiling.
“Sorry for waking you. Would you like some tea? I’ll be back down in a minute.”
Kurapika nodded, opening his door all the way and walking out into the living room. Killua raised an eyebrow.
“Why are you half naked? (Name) is right here.”
The man looked down then back up. “The clothing I bought today is still being dried.”
(Name) waved her hand dismissively. “I promise I don’t mind. Come on Killua, let’s get you to bed.”
She rushed off, dragging the boy behind her.
Kurapika watched in mild amusement, leaning against the counter.
He looked down at his torso again, frowning lightly.
Kurapika had lost weight again. When alone, he only ate just enough to fuel himself, rarely eating a full meal.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to eat, he was just way too busy to have the time to. He’d get cranky in the middle of the day just to remember he had yet to have eaten anything.
A sigh escaped his lips. He ran his fingers through his hair. Kurapika didn’t want to worry her, he’d seen the way her smile faltered when he said he hadn’t been eating right.
He stood up and began to rummage through her cabinets.
“You’re too trusting of him.”
(Name) sighed, plopping down onto the rocking chair beside Killua’s bed. When he had trouble sleeping or the occasional nightmare, (Name) would stay by his side singing lullabies until he drifted off.
“He didn’t mean to hurt me, he just has trouble controlling his strength when he’s angry. He already apologized for that”
Killua scoffed. ‘Yeah, and for that only.’
“It could happen again. And if I did I would-“
“It won’t.”
She pushed back the hair on his forehead and planted a kiss. “He’s going through a lot, and I know that doesn’t excuse his actions, but let’s enjoy the time we have with him, alright?”
The boy sighed. “You’re too forgiving.”
“If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t let you live here,” she teased as she ruffled his hair. “I’m glad I don’t rent, with the amount of damage you’ve caused.”
He pouted, obviously embarrassed from the trouble he’d caused.
“Try to be nice, alright? He’s our guest.”
“As long as he’s nice to you.”
(Name) groaned. “No, Killua, you should be nice to him regardless. Even if-“
“Even if people are unkind, you shouldn’t let it influence your actions, blah blah blah. You’re being hypocritical. Didn’t you chew Illumi a new one during the final phase of the Hunter Exam?”
She pursed her lips. “That’s different. Adults stand up for children, not the other way around.”
She stood up, leaning down to tuck him in.
“Now, sleep. I’ll come check on you in an hour, come knock on my door if you need me.”
She stood up, making sure his nightlight was on before leaving the room. “Goodnight Killua, sleep tight.”
She closed the door behind her.
(Name) began the decent downstairs, humming to herself. She could smell something, but couldn’t quite place the scent.
“(Name)? Perfect timing, the tea is almost ready.
(Name) peeled into the kitchen, seeing a tea kettle on the stove.
“Oh, thanks! You didn’t have to.”
He shook his head, placing two cups on the counter and inserting a tea bag into each.
“It’s… the least I could do.”
It was hard to look her in the eye now. He’d only been able to do it once during his stay, quickly shying away after.
He missed seeing the pretty (e/c) color of her eyes.
Kurapika set the cup of tea in front of her, (Name) inhaling the scent with a happy sigh. “Mmm, it smells amazing.”
She smiled up at him, those eyes staring right into his.
He looked away immediately, moving to sit right beside her to make eye contact harder to achieve.
“Have trouble sleeping?”
Kurapika took a moment to answer. “Yes. I get nightmares sometimes.”
He’d told her about that before, during the Hunter Exam. She placed her hand on top of his, pretending to not notice him flinch.
“We can watch a movie until you’re ready to sleep.”
He nodded. “Alright.”
He wanted to say no, to go back to his room and suffer in silence, but he couldn’t. He needed to be with another human being right now, to feel their warmth next to him.
It helped that it was (Name), one of the only people he could tolerate.
The two carried their cups to the couch, (Name) offering him a throw blanket before grabbing one of her own.
“Let’s see what’s on…”
(Name) turned on the TV, the last channel on being the news.
“It’s been reported that a member of The Phantom Troupe has been spotted downtown, causing havoc. Citizens are warned to stay indoors-“
(Name) changed the channel quickly.
“That’s unfortunate but-“
She was interrupted by the sound of his cup crashing onto the floor, the man standing up and rushing to the laundry room.
When he returned, she could see his eyes flowing a bright red.
“I’m leaving to check out that report.”
(Name) stood, grabbing his sleeve. “Kurapika, you shouldn’t, it’s late and you’re not fully recovered y-“
Kurapika whipped his head around, his enraged face enough to make her let go and shrink away. It he wasn’t so angry, he’d feel awful that he could cause such a reaction in her. Calming himself enough to talk without screaming, he gave her a small smile.
“… I’ll be careful. Don’t wait up for me.”
He left without another word.
Killua woke up to (Name) shaking him.
“Come on, get ready. We’ve got to be at the airport in 30 minutes.”
He sat up and rubbed his eyes, pausing.
“I don’t sense Kurapika. Did he leave or something?”
Killua finally got a good look at (Name). Her hair was a mess, and her eyes were red with dark bags decorating them.
“He… it was reported that a member of the Phantom Troupe was causing trouble down town, so he left to see if it was true.”
Killua jumped up. “When did he leave?”
(Name) sighed. “At around 1 am, so 6 hours ago. He…”
She wrapped her arms around herself. “He hasn’t answered my calls.”
“Did you get any sleep?”
(Name) shook her head. “No, but I just had a cup of coffee so I should be fine. I’m taking a nap after we pick up Gon, so don’t worry.”
Killua nodded, pulling out his phone to text Gon. The two may need to go searching for the blonde later.
The two got dressed, (Name) downing another cup of coffee before getting in her car.
“We’ll pick up some breakfast after getting Gon.”
“Alright. He said he’s getting his luggage now.”
The two sat in silence, the only sound a random pop song playing on the radio.
It didn’t take long for them to reach the airport. As they waited outside for Gon, (Name) attempted to call Kurapika again.
Killua frowned when she pocketed her phone.
“He’s still not answering?”
She shook her head. “No. He’s… he’s probably busy.”
This wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. Killua remembered the countless phone calls him and Leorio had made when Gon had been hospitalized.
If only Kurapika knew (Name) had been in critical condition too.
Killua hoped that if he had known, he would have come. That hope was the only reason he was able to allow Kurapika in (Name)’s home.
She’d begged them not to tell him, though she wouldn’t say why.
“Killua, (Name)!”
The two looked up to see Gon sprinting towards him, his luggage flying through the air behind him.
The boy jumped into the air, pulling them both into a hug so fast they all toppled over.
“Hey, careful! (Name) could of gotten hurt!” Killua scolded while squeezing Gon tight.
“I’m fine, Gon you’ve gotten taller!”
The three laughed, Gon pulling (Name) to her feet. “Aunt Mito says she’s going to put a brick on my head to keep me from getting taller than her.”
Killua stood as well, pausing when he stood in front of Gon.
“I have to agree with her. You’re taller than me now!”
It was true, Gon had grown to be an inch taller than his white haired friend.
“Aww he’s just having a growth spurt. You’ll have one too, maybe if you’d eat more of your vegetables-“
He smacked a hand over her mouth.
“(Name)! I eat plenty of vegetables.”
“Do chocolate robots count as vegetables?” Gon asked, giving him a sly grin.
“Shut up, both of you.”
(Name) and the boys entered a small diner, Leorio waiting for them inside.
“(Name), Gon, Killua! It’s been forever!”
The man pulled them into another hug, Killua squirming free.
“It’s only been three months.”
“That’s way too long!”
(Name) laughed. “It’s going to be nice to finally have the whole gang back together!”
Killua and Leorio shared a look.
“I heard Kurapika was in town. Where’s he at now?”
Killua shot him a look, shaking his head.
“Ah. Did something happen?”
The three sat an a random booth, the boys sitting together on one side and the adults on the other.
“He… last night he saw the news reporting there was a member of the Phantom Troupe in town.”
Leorio groaned. “I saw that too, I was just hoping he wouldn’t. What, did he go to check it out?”
She nodded. “He left at around 1 am and hasn’t answered any of my calls.”
“I’m sure he’s fine, Kurapika is strong. We should try not to worry.”
Gon wasn’t wrong, but Leorio knew (Name) would worry anyways.
“Didn’t get much sleep last night?”
Leorio glanced from the dark circles under her eyes to her nails tapping against the table.
“Yeah. Was…”
“Waiting for him to get home?”
She nodded, picking up her menu. “I’m alright though. I’ll take a nap and be good as new.”
Gon noticed Killua frown. The boy nudged his friend.
“Is something up?”
“… no, just…”
He sighed. “Just worried about the current situation.”
Gon hummed, leaning his head against the table. “We can go look for him later if he doesn’t show up by lunch time.”
The waitress took their orders, leaving the group in silence.
“Hey, why don’t we have a get together to celebrate Kurapika being in town?”
Gon didn’t seem to get that the man was a sore subject right now.
“We can have a sleepover at (Name)’s! It’ll be just like the Hunter exam when we all slept together on the airship!”
(Name) grimaced. “Ugh, sleeping on the floor then made my back hurt so bad I thought I was going to die.”
“That’s because you’re a baby. We were fine.”
“Well I’m sorry I wasn’t raised to be an assassin that can sleep anywhere or a mountain boy that could sleep on a bed of nails and wake up refreshed.”
Killua snickered, Gon tilting his head. “I haven’t slept on a bed of nails, but I have slept on a bunch of rocks.”
“My point stands.”
The three laughed, Gon joining in their laughter after a moment.
“Alright, we’ll have a sleepover. How about tomorrow night?”
Leorio nodded. “That’s okay with me. I’m free the rest of the week.”
(Name) leaned against her seat, humming in thought. “I’ll have to go grocery shopping tomorrow morning, then. Everyone send me a list of what you want, including snacks and finger foods.”
Leorio joined the group at (Name)’s, following behind her in his car.
The boys requested to ride with him, Leorio saying he needed to stop to get gas before coming home.
(Name) exited her car, carrying a takeout box she’d ordered for Kurapika. When she reached her door, she paused.
It was open.
And there was a trail of blood leading through the doorway.
(Name) stared at it for a split second, her eyes going wide.
She set the box down by the door and walked in, careful not to step in the blood.
She could sense someone was here, but their presence was faint. (Name) followed the trail, her heart thumping against her chest as she climbed up the stairs.
She already knew who would be at the end of the trail, all could she do was hope he would be alive.
(Name) stopped in front of the bathroom door, the sound of the shower turning off causing her to pause.
She could hear someone approach the door, then walk away again. (Name) waited a few minutes before the door finally opened.
“(Name), you’re home.”
Kurapika stood before her, his hair still wet from his shower. She stared up at him, tears falling from her eyes.
“You… all that blood…”
“None of it was mine, if that’s what you’re wondering.”
An instant relief washed over her, the grip she’d had on her shirt relaxing.
“I see. You’re okay, then?”
“Mostly. Just… tired.”
(Name) leaned her head against his chest, the man becoming stiff as a board. His hands stayed at his sides as his eyes bore into her.
He wanted to embrace her and apologize for making her worry. From just one look he could tell she hadn’t listened and had stayed up waiting for him.
“You wouldn’t answer me, I was so scared…”
She gripped the front of his shirt, tears soaking into the fabric.
“I… it was hard to answer with my hands covered in blood.”
(Name) sniffled before pulling back and rubbing the tears from her eyes. He’d done it, he’d made her cry again. Just how many tears would he make her cry over him?
“(Name) we’re- HOLY SHIT IS THAT BLOOD!?”
The sound of several sets of footsteps running inside made (Name) sigh. “It’s okay, I’m upstairs.”
Killua was the first one there, grabbing (Name)’s arms and looking over her. “You’re not hurt? Wait is that Kurapika?”
Gon launched into the air and hugged the blonde, who laughed and patted his head. (Name) watched with a halfhearted smile. She wish he’d give her some affection too.
Kurapika explained the situation to the other three, the boys nodding along.
“So, was it really a member of the Phantom Troupe.”
“No, just a copycat.”
(Name) walked downstairs carrying the bathroom laundry hamper. His clothes had been completely soaked with blood, and would need to be hand washed before going in the washing machine.
Kurapika sighed, rubbing his temple. “I dealt with them as quickly as possible, but… I needed a moment to calm down.”
“(Name) didn’t sleep last night, you know. Could have at least called her.”
Kurapika frowned. “I left my phone at home.”
(Name) looked at him with confusion. “That’s not what you said earlier…”
The four stared at him.
“Why didn’t you call us? Be honest.”
Leorio put a hand on the blonde’s shoulder, his eyebrows furrowed.
“I… I couldn’t. I didn’t want to admit I was tricked into thinking a Troupe member was actually here.”
(Name) sat down next to him and squeezed his hand. “It’s alright. Just don’t do it in the future, okay?”
Gon and Killua shared a look. Kurapika hasn’t been completely honest, and they could tell.
‘If she knew I didn’t call her because I couldn’t stand to hear her worry over me, she’d think I was an asshole. Who the fuck gets angry over their loved ones caring about them?’
Kurapika ate his takeout silently as the others chatted, only stopping when they mentioned something about a sleepover. He coughed on his food, (Name) patting his back.
“A what?”
“A sleepover! Since you’re in town, we wanted to celebrate! We’re going to have a sleepover like we did on the airship.”
“That wasn’t really a sleepover, also I got drooled on by (Name).”
She gasped and smacked Kurapika’s shoulder. “You said you wouldn’t tell anyone!”
He tried to keep a neutral expression, but his eyes twinkled with amusement. “Did I? I don’t seem to remember that.”
She folded her arms to her chest and leaned against the couch with a huff.
The others laughed, even Kurapika joining in.
“Ugh. I’m going to take a nap, wake me up before 3 pm.”
She stood, leaving the four alone.
The group of four sat in silence for a while, Kurapika staring down at his lap with tired eyes.
“You’ve been MIA for a while.”
Leorio was the one to break the silence.
“(Name) wasn’t sure why you hadn’t updated her. She had to call me to get any kind of update on your well being.” Leorio stated, running his hands through his hair.
“I… I’ve been busy. It’s dangerous for me to be contacting too many people.”
“Is that the excuse you’re using?”
“We’ve all been really worried…”
Killua and Gon sat together in front of the TV, having turned around to face Kurapika.
“I know. I’m… sorry.”
Killua looked him up and down. “You should be saying that to (Name). I haven’t forgot what you said to her.”
Kurapika froze.
He hadn’t forgotten either. Not for a single day since.
“… I can’t apologize for that. It would be dishonest.”
“You didn’t have any trouble lying to her earlier.”
The blondes eyes widened.
“What was the real reason you didn’t call her, huh?”
Kurapika shook his head. “It’s none of your business.”
“If it’s affecting (Name), I think it is.”
Killua and Kurapika had a stand off, the two glaring at each other. Gon stepped in between the two.
“Hey, let’s not fight! Maybe Kurapika has his own reasons for not sharing why he couldn’t call her. Let’s just get along, okay?”
Killua huffed and sat back down. “Whatever.”
Kurapika stood up. “Im going to nap as well. Talk to you all later.”
He left, closing his bedroom door behind him.
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nightqueen1221 · 2 years
Hey, I have a request can you do what hxh characters think of our strength, Like strong or like what's their thoughts? Including the phantom troupe if that's okay with you of course! <( ̄︶ ̄)>
Sorry, I'm not doing the Phantom Troupe anymore. I don't really like them, but I did the main four if that's ok.
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Gon Freeces
-He isn't one to underestimate someone's strengths by they're looks, however he does have a bit of an idea on how strong you would be.
-He was in utter shock the moment you proved you were much stronger.
-Even if you use Nen or not, you have a pretty strong arua.
-"Wow Y/N, if you keep practicing you could become stronger than Killua!"
-By all means, you could be stronger than him already, but it would be best not to say anything since he'll want you to prove it.
-He wants to spare with both you and Killua. It being you all closer together and it makes you stronger. Its a win-win.
-Did you go thought special training? Did You have your strength since birth? He wants to know!
-He doesn't make you use your power when you don't need to just to see you use it.
-He knows when you use it, you'll use it when the time is right.
Killua Zoldyck
- He is interested alright.
-The second you show any form of strength, he wants to know how you got it.
-He is also happy that you're strong enough to protect yourself.
-One less person he doesn't need to fight to keep safe.
-It's not like he would get annoyed if he had to fight for you. It's the fact that if he was away from you, he knows you would be safe.
-Also, he is interested in your full strength.
-Can you be stronger or weaker than him?
-What techniques do you use?
-When did you start training, if you did?
-Other than that he treats you as a friend. nothing more, nothing less.
-He views you as a valuable ally.
-He tries and treats everyone with respect.
-(Key word: tries)
-You however, he holds a great respect towards.
-He admires your strength and usage of it.
-He will ask for any advice you have on how to get stronger and ways to utilize it.
-If you just give a response of, "IDK man, I just kinda, do it?"
-He's going to be slightly pissed off.
-He's not mad with the fact its naturally given to you, it's just, he wants to know.
-If You actually give him a well thought out explanation, that is one of the times he will be at his peak of focus.
Leorio Paladiknight
-He... respects you.
-However, it really doesn't matter to him.
-Only if you did something really cool, his eyes would light up like a kid and he'd ask for you to do it again.
-If your power involves something that could get you seriously hurt (which it probably does) he will IMMEDIATELY rush to your side and help.
-He'd most defiantly brag about you to others.
-"Oh, them? Yeah, that's my S/O, their pretty strong if you ask me. Best you not try and do anything to them or you'll regret it~."
-(this is so short I'm sorry)
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cat3ch1sm · 1 year
Hi hope you're feeling better 💙 if I may ask again (cause ur writing is so good 💕)could I please have some wholesome and funny camping headcanons with the main four?(killua, gon, kurapika and leorio)
🪐~ hi there! thanks for asking abt my health, im taking it one day at a time :) here’s ur request!! to be clear there is no limit on how many requests one person can send in! so if u think you’re being annoying by sending in several requests don’t. i love you guys’ ideas
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𝐡𝐱𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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gon is definitely the one who proposes the idea of camping. the others have to be convinced. but when gon really wants you to do something his eyes get all sparkly and big and earnest and he’s hard to say no to so eventually everyone always pulls up at the campsite
gon and killua have a ton of fun on the hike to the campsite in the woods. they’re just playing tag and chasing each other and swinging on trees and running up this steep ass hill like nobody’s business. kurapika isn’t as eager but he doesn’t have trouble actually hiking. but by the time they reach the site leorio is half dead
gon still pulls up in his fuck ass green shorts and cardigan even though they’re near water and they’re outside in the woods and there are a shit ton of mosquitoes
kurapika in a tank top. that’s all
killua does not even bother avoiding things like anthills and beehives and shi he just walks straight through them and the insects don’t even bother him
gon teaches the whole gang how to fish and Kurapika is a natural for some reason. leorio eventually gets the hang of it. but killua is positively disgusted by the worms they have to use as bait
doesn’t stop him from tossing a few down leorio and kurapika’s shirts though
kurapika is actually really proficient in the wild somehow- he remembers to pack all the essentials, knows how to set up a shelter (even though they have a tent) and knows what to do in case of things like flash floods or forest fires
there is always this one squirrel that will not stop following gon. he keeps feeding it and even though everyone says not to because then it’ll never leave him alone, gon doesn’t care. the squirrel seems genuinely attached to him and likes to chill on gon’s shoulder
there is also a squirrel that follows leorio simply to steal his food.
leorio and killua argue nonstop about how to set up the tents until kurapika swoops in while they’re busy fighting and just wordlessly puts them up himself
of course killua and gon share a tent while leorio and kurapika share the other
kurapika is basically gon and killua’s parent on camping trips because they’re twelve year old boys and super reckless. so before they go running off somewhere kurapika always drowns them in bug spray and sunscreen and makes sure they have full water bottles
for some reason killua is dead set on catching his own food. not like casual fishing like gon does, but he literally just wants to go into the woods and kill animals with his bare hands and bring them back to cook even though that’s definitely not how that works
of course Kurapika is prepared though. he brought things like trail mix and sunflower seeds and nuts and some meat. he also brings s’mores for them to make over the fire
starting the fire, by the way, gives them absolute hell. kurapika’s matches won’t light and killua’s lightning flashes too quick and gon can’t muster up enough heat energy from his nen to make the fire. after an hour though, when leorio leaves his glasses sitting right beside the pile of wood, the sun catches in the lens and finally lights the fire. leorio barely saves his glasses in time from the blaze
gon is a literal mosquito magnet for no reason. even despite the bug spray he comes back from his escapades with killua itching like crazy until Kurapika to the rescue gives him ointment to help with it
kurapika for some reason always burns his marshmallows in the fire when they’re making s’mores. he does it on purpose too and killua always makes it clear that he’s judging him for eating the burnt marshmallows
killua thought it would be fun to light the marshmallow on fire and then try and eat the literal flaming marshmallow. gon wanted to try too, but both leorio and kurapika shut that down real quick
when it’s time to go to bed and it’s dark gon climbs the trees and looks at the stars because he thinks they’re pretty. killua calls him corny but always joins him in the trees
kurapika just stays awake below, quietly watching the two talk and laugh in the tree
gon and killua always wind up falling asleep in the trees despite claiming that they’ll come back down
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sharknark · 6 months
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freecss' freaky fit
+ the sketch 😋
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Hmm could I get a request about this one?
A platonic one
Reader is another Kurta survived but a small child one and is at the orphanage.
Could I get a reaction of the main 4?
It’s okay if you don’t want to 😅
Ooh wait this is interesting! Thank you for the ask!
Kurta!child!reader with the main 4 of HxH
You survived because you had been playing out in the forest away from the village that you were supposed to be close to. You had strayed away, and when you came back you could only drop to your knees and stare in shock
The Lukso Province officials took you into an orphanage, of course while hiding the fact that you were a Kurta. While they weren't the kindest to you, they didn't want your body parts to be sold in the black market
That was where you were given to different foster parents here and there until finally you settled in with a family living near Kukuro mountain in Padokea. You met the main 4 when they were departing for their own missions. Though at a young age, you wanted to leave your home and go back to Lukso to rebuild the broken village that was your former home. They weren't sure what to do with you, but here are the first impressions:
He wanted to get to know you better first of all, and maybe let you tag along with Killua and him for their trip to Heaven's Arena. What would you do there? Not sure, but it would be nice to have another person!
The reason why he felt you were important was also because, well, you seemed really keen on getting back. He wanted to help out
When you tell him you're part of the Kurta clan, that's when he really gets surprised. This is what convinces him too that you should tag along
I feel like he would be sort of like an older brother to you. Though he could be reckless at times, he's usually the one to stand up to you. If you happen to learn nen, go to Yorknew and everything with Gon, expect him to fiercely protect you from the Phantom Troupe.
Sadly, he didn't trust you at first. He grew up around people that tried to manipulate him, use him, etc. and because of that he couldn't bring himself to listen.
However, there was an aspect of you that reminded him of Alluka, even if you might not look or act that same way. It was sort of like you were optimistic, yet quietly sad. This is what makes him get closer to you
Will mostly leave you with Gon because he doesn't want to get too attached (for trust reasons stemming from his background) but when you are with him he's fiercely protective too
When you tell him you're part of the Kurta clan, that's when he really starts to feel bad. He feels like he doesn't have the ability to help you out nor protect you, but the most that he can do, which is support you like an older brother, is the best thing in your eyes
Absolutely will try his best to get you to Lukso. If you choose to stick with him, expect lots of college students to flock around you and say that you're a super cute child haha
He's busy studying, but will often use the spare bits of money he has as a university student to buy you stuff. You soon grow fond of the ice cream trips you guys have on the weekends.
If you tell him that you're originally from the Kurta clan, I feel like he would understand you the most other than Kurapika. He's seen the way the massacre effects Kurapika and he can't imagine how much trauma it has caused you.
Leorio will try to adopt you haha. Honestly let him do that though, he's one of the safest people to be around and will absolutely support you in the best way possible. You're sick? He's a doctor. You need extra cash for new shoes? Done. Overall I can't express how much Leorio would be an amazing father figure to you
He had a feeling he's seen you somewhere, but he wasn't sure if he should mention the connection you two might have. He first says that you should return to your parents but your consistent crying of "let me stay!" finally convinces him to leave you with Leorio
If you tell him there that you're part of the Kurta clan, this is when things get a bit tricky. Kurapika will have a sudden need to keep you with him mainly because you're one of the only "family" he has left but also because he doesn't want you to get hurt. He trusts his friends, but the clan meant so much to him he just has a voice in the back of his head saying his friends won't do as good of a job as he would
Traveling with Kurapika will be arduous, mainly because he's so deep in revenge and hatred that he doesn't have time to really take care of you. He will always be gentle with you and make sure you're healthy, but the light conversations you two have are minimal.
He's going to drop you off at Lukso province when you two get there. But before that, he wants to hear about your life and so will have deep conversations with you. You two share tears often. He's super protective of you, but because of this he won't want to bring you with him to the Black Whale.
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jellybathing · 1 year
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my headcannons for older killugon !!! probably around their 20s ….
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i-love-frensh-fries · 9 months
✨I dreamed of being stuck in the dorm of the phontom troupe in a modern AU ✨ .
🕸️I had a weird dream that day and then it came back last night. And it's living rent free in my head.
Slight sspoilers about the new pt manga chaps.
It was the the phantom troupe in a modern AU and then there was a school that was kinda like a special academy and of course there was dorms ( like the houses from hogwarts but the hunter administration that treats your file is the one doing the sorting) and obviously my delulu chrollo juc thirsty bitch that I'm ends up t in the phantom troupe dorm aka ✨the spider house ✨that everyone is scared of. But first he is some contest about them :
It was the the phantom troupe in a modern AU and then there was a school that was kinda like a special academy and of course there was dorms ( like the houses from hogwarts but the hunter administration that treats your file is the one doing the sorting) and obviously my delulu chrollo juc thirsty bitch that I'm ends up t in the phantom troupe dorm aka ✨the spider house ✨that everyone is scared to be sorted to ( you need to have a murder recored to be sorted their but most student s don't know bout that.
But first here is some context about them bitches :
🕸️ The school was like the hunter association and in the Spider house the only people allowed are the once that killed someone before. So I guess I got their becose I killed somebody? I don't know I just lived with them.
🕸️But there is the thing with the members is that they technically didn't "kill" anybody, at least that's what the authorities assumes before going trough Juvi.
🕸️That day they just happened to be in the wrong place wrong time.
🕸️It happened when they were kids maybe in elementary, they all lived in the same orphanage from the poor side of the city so they always hangout in a certain place after school.
🕸️At that time that were a bigger friend Groupe. But one day, one in particular didn't show up at school but it's fine they didn't think about it much, they were like " it's fine we will see her at the playing spot after school, Sarasa may miss school but never play time anyways" .
🕸️Class finishes they go to their usual spot expecting to find their friend *Sarasa*, but all they find is a black teach bag waiting to be oppend.
🕸️The kids were skeptical about it, some were scared but chrollo, the "main twinck" of the groupe insisted about looking inside of the bag that was suspiciously weird and suspiciously well tied. He tired at first but couldn't do it then then finx shoot his shot but didn't succeed either.
🕸️The kids grew frustrated and all tried opening it leaving their tiny finger prints on that bag. But that until Uvogine te bigger one arrives and finally opens it.
🕸️The first thing they noticed was the metallic smell (in the dream I was kinda their but not their), when everyone hesitated so look, chrollo did. And god he regrets to this day, looking at the inside where his friend's remaining body was.
🕸️Too scared by what they fsaw they run to the orphanage and told the adult not know that they will be used to cover some higher up from the city and with enough money they will be accused of killing their friend and all end up in a specialised juvi ( cause they were minors) that will change their life's and ruin their childhood forever.
🕸️After 5 years in juvi They all come out, many of their friends died during that time many lost their minds. But they survived and are now 16 years old. They get accepted into the hunter association academy? I guess? And that's how they become the most feared students of the .
🕸️ And that where the self insert potential gets jucy. And that's where I get in the story. Apparently I killed my mom? ( we had an argument that night before I dreamed 😂). And that's how I ended up their. I was so freaking scared. But weardly some of them were nice.
🕸️Paku oda was mommy. Machi was kinda sceptical. Shizuku didn't mind same for korutopi, bonolenove and Franklin.
🕸️ Phinx was decent he is from Egypt 🇪🇬 and I'm from Algeria 🇩🇿 so African besties✨✨, we watch égyptien and algerian comedy some times and we speak arabic too. And the fact that some kings from my tribe back in time were faraones ( yeah 'cause I' m amazigh) so we get in preety heated argument about it some times, but over all he is fine. Same for nobunaga we bond over video games and samurai movies ( blue eye samurai)
🕸️But their tiny bestie just straight up hates me. He dispises me sooooo much. He tried to kill I think. Put poison in my coffee ☕ 😂.
🕸️ But the weirdest one out their is chrollo. I think he sees me more like a lab experiment. He follows me with his eyes in such a creepy way. He asks where I got who are my friends. Why am I getting along with hisoka 'cause hisoka was supposed to be the scariest he told me not to approach him cause he would kill me but then we ended up being the bestest of friends so I guess he was kinda jealous.
🕸️But anyways I ranted a lot. But this is what happened when I woke up I thought that I got into a coma cus wtf it's was a looooooooong one and it gilt so vivid a and real.
🕸️If anyone read thins and wants to make It a story or something please tag me the phontom troupe dorm is such a brain rot for me I don't know.
Anyways baaay
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t-marveland · 1 month
𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 | killua zoldyck
Killua Zoldyck x Reader
Warning : aucun
Mots : 44
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❝━ La chance ! T'exclamas-tu en voyant les jouets avec lesquels s'amusaient Killua.❞
En t'entendant, il se tourna vers toi avec un regard surpris et te sourit tout fier que tu admires ses jouets.
❝━ Tu veux jouer ? Te proposa-t-il.
━ Oui !❞
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byah-freecs · 2 months
Apparently very unpopular opinion: I don't think Gon will be a short adult, independent of Ging, because it doesn't suit his character
Or rather, it doesn't correspond to my interpretation of the character, perhaps it corresponds to yours ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ponzusauce · 1 year
Ging was the only person to pass the 267th Hunter Exam. When the main four took the 287th Hunter Exam, it was Tonpa's 34th time taking the exam. It is also stated that Tonpa was 10 years old the first time he took the exam.
In other words, Ging and Tonpa most likely met at Ging's first and only/Tonpa's 14th attempt at the Hunter Exam. At the time, Tonpa was 27 and Ging was almost 12.
It's stated multiple times throughout the series that that it's incredibly rare for a rookie to pass the exam.
I have a crack theory about this, hear me out: what if Tonpa hadn't been entirely truthful about his motivations? What if child Ging mesed with Tonpa so severely that he declared that going forward, he would no longer attempt to pass the Hunter Exam, but instead crush all first-timers at the exam?
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 years
Illumi x Reader
part 6
part 8
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“Catch a pig and kill it. This is way easier than the First Phase.” Leorio said with a grin. Kurapika was quick to respond.
“I hope it will be that simple.”
(Name) hummed in response, looking for tracks.
The group of five walked through the forest, searching for the main dish of their meals.
Gon slid down a hill, and Killua was quick to follow. The yells of delight turned into screams of terror when killua collided with Gon. Next was Leorio and then Kurapika.
“What was that about Gon!?”
Killua whined. (Name) clicked her tongue, staring down at the four.
“Did you boys think before you did that?”
(Name scoffed then moved to the side, sliding down safely away from the group.
“There they are.”
(Name) tilted her head and glanced to her left to see a beast of a pig chewing on bones.
“Uh… they’re chewing on bones.”
“Yep, they are.”
“They’re carnivores!?”
The pig suddenly looked up, seemingly just realizing that five idiots had just presented themselves to it on a silver platter.
It squealed and immediately gave chase, using it’s tough snout toss people into the air.
“These pigs are crazy!!”
(Name) attempted to kick it, only to crab her leg and cry out in pain.
“Now why the hell did you do that!?” Killua scolded, pinching her side.
“Ow! Well at least I did SOMETHING!”
The two scowled at one another before the group split off, every man(and woman) for themself!!
(Name) sprinted as fast as she could as one of the pigs followed her, charging every minute or so to try and catch her.
(Name) nearly paused as she heard Gon scream out.
“Sensitive forehead huh?”
She grinned and began picking up rocks as she ran, stowing them in her backpack. Once it was heavy enough, she ran to the nearest tree and climbed up, then dropped the bag onto its forehead.
She slid down from the tree, staring at the pig.
“Wait. How am I gonna carry this back?”
The examiners, Menchi and Buhara stared open mouthed as the applicants piled into the yard, each carrying a pig.
“Huh, seems like we have some good applicants this year.” Buhara stated.
Menchi nodded, but then she was distracted by the sound of grunting and pulling.
A girl appeared at the gate entrance, pulling along the pig at a snails pace. Sweat dripped from her brow, but she showed no signs of stopping.
“Seems like we really do.”
(Name) groaned as she finally approached her cooking station, pulling the pig onto the heavy duty table.
“You didn’t have to do it alone you know.”
Leorio looked up from his station to glance at (Name). Both he and Kurapika had offered to help carry it, but (Name) had refused.
“If I keep receiving help, then I won’t feel like I accomplished anything myself. Just wouldn’t feel right.”
She began chopping up her pig and sorting out the cuts of meat. Leorio turned away and grinned.
(Name) stopped. She looked up from her cutting board, lifting a brow at the younger man.
“Sorry for what?”
“For underestimating you.”
(Name) paused, letting the sentence sink in. After a moment of contemplation she nodded.
“It’s alright, I’ve been relying on you all too much. I would underestimate me too.”
Leorio frowned at this, but didn’t reply. He wondered if she still thought of herself as a burden, but he didn’t want to ask. If he pushed her now, she might lose focus and fail this phase. It wasn’t the time to talk, he just hoped he wouldn’t regret staying quiet later.
“Now, eat the pig and send me to the next phase.”
Everyone watched as an applicant placed a roasted pig in front of the two Examiners.
“Alright. Time for the taste test!”
Buhara munched on the pig, giving him a passing grade. Menchi on the other hand… a buzzer sounds off.
“It’s overcooked. The tough texture ruins the flavor of the meat.”
Menchi relaxes against her chair, holding up a small sigh with an X drawn on it.
“What? You haven’t even tried it!”
“Don’t have to!”
Several applicants try to serve the two, but they all fail.
“No one’s passed yet…”
Leorio looks down at his plain roasted pig from afar.
“And Menchi hasn’t even taken a bite.”
(Name) nods.
“I wouldn’t want to taste their dishes either,” she mutters under her breath. (Name) flips the pork she was cooking in her skillet, clicking her tongue.
“Come on, can’t anyone give me something good to eat?” Menchi calls, waving her sign in boredom.
Kurapika snaps his fingers, a smile on his face.
“That’s it! This phase of the exam is a cooking test, but they’re judging in originality and powers of observation.”
“Um I don’t-“
“I see…” Leorio interrupts before (Name) can correct them. She pouts and goes back to working on the meal.
Before long, the three walk back, with a look of defeat on their faces.
(Name) gulps.
“Didn’t work?”
They nod, confirming her suspicions. (Name) figured that this was more of a taste test than anything. After all, food was complicated. It didn’t matter how good it looked, if the food was gross it was bad food.
(Name) looked over her creation.
She had an entire plate of fried pork chops, with rice finishing on the stove and a pot of red-eyed gravy read to use.
“Who’s next?”
(Name), with the help of Leorio) to make sure the food didn’t spill, approached the two judges. She sat the meal in front of them, opening the lids to the gravy and rice.
Menchi glances at her in surprise, setting her sign down to pick up a fork.
“What have you prepared us, #406?”
(Name) breathes in.
“Today I’ve made you fried pork chops, red eye gravy, and white rice.”
Menchi nods. “Red eye gravy? Now what is that?”
“I’m glad you asked. Red eyed gravy is made using the pan you cooked the pork chops in. You take the pork chops out, pour in coffee, and let it warm up. The residue oil from the pork chops mixes with the coffee to make red eyed gravy!”
Buhara throws the food into his mouth, giving her a passing grade. Menchi looks at her plate, judging it.
“Hmm. It’s well plated, much more professional than anyone here.”
She took a bite, and then another. (Name) watched as Menchi cleared the plate, finally putting the fork down when not a single morsel was left remained.
“Amazing, this was delicious! #406, you have passed!”
The crowd breaks out into both angry yells and astonished whispers.
“Now I’m all full!”
Buhara pats his now enlarged stomach. Menchi crosses her legs.
“Yeah, me too. And with that, only one person passed. It’s over!”
“Only one person has passed?”
“Is she serious?”
“The exam is over?
(Name), who was still stood in front of Menchi and Buhara, could feel the stare of the crowd on her. Menchi stood and put her hands on (Name)’s shoulder.
“#406 is the only applicant to pass. She satisfied both our palates, which was the only thing needed to pass.”
#255 smashes his sink in rage.
“I absolutely refuse to accept this! That woman needed help carrying her entree to you, why should she win? She’s weak!”
Menchi stands and puts her hands on her hips.
“In the end, you’ve still failed.”
“Stop screwing around! You asked for pork, we risked our lives to-“
“I said to prepare the pork in a manner we both found delicious. No one else made anything remotely delicious. You all did almost the same thing, there was no effort made.”
She pointed at (Name), raising her voice.
“#406 expertly sorted which meat was suitable for pork chops, made a gravy and rice to compliment the meat, and plated it better than a professional. No one else attempted to emphasize the flavor, I’m positive the rest of you don’t take cooking seriously!”
Hanzo, a ninja, sighs.
“Pork dishes are all the same.”
Menchi grabs him by the neck of his shirt.
“Saying that is disrespectful to the person that actually put effort into this phase. Say it one more time and I’ll break your legs.”
A/N: sorry I left it off at a weird point but it’s been in my drafts for a while and I felt like posting it would give me more motivation to work on it!!🫶
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