flamingo-bubbles · 6 years
❤️ Tonbokiri or Sengo Muramasa from Touken Ranbu, please? ;; (this is so sweet of you, I hope you have an amazing day and that the kindness you show will return to you. thank you so much and many blessings! 🌻💚)
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You summoned Tonbokiri and he bought you something extra for Valentine’s Day!
I don’t Touken Ranbu, but Tonbokiri has such a gentle smile...
(Aaah, thank you so much for the sweet message! I hope you had a good day too and have many more good days in the future!❤️)
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yume-x-hanabi · 6 years
More Chimeriad hc ideas: if they went to one of those community center kind of events with different arts and crafts (probably in Elympios? but could be in Rieze Maxia too), what do you think each of them would be good at/would they have the most fun with? What music would each of them like best? (and who if any would be the type to get caught up and starting singing along or dancing if by themselves). Lastly, if there was an equivalent to DnD, who would narrate, and what roles would they pick?
Auj Oule has a lot of festival based on spirit worship (or just for the fun of having a festival), often with food, music, dances and games. There isn’t really an official one – each region and tribe have their own traditions.
Gaius always makes it a point to participate in whatever is going on in the places he visits, partly to be seen more favorably by the population, and partly because it’s just fun and he loves community event. Of course the capital has its own festivals and events, and he always attends at least one of them (depending on what his schedule allows).
That’s one thing where Wingul lets loose a little in public. Dances and songs appeal to his artist side, and he knows how effective active participation is in raising population satisfaction with their ruler. So he doesn’t hesitate to be part of the spectacle, and encourages Gaius and the rest of the Chimeriad to be part of it at least for a little bit.
Jiao likes the atmosphere and the food, but is a bit self-conscious about dancing, because he’s afraid to knock into people. He’s a pro at bon-odori though (which I’m imagining as a Kitarl festival that’s spread to other regions). He can’t sing, though, and playing instruments is not his forte either. He’s in charge of wyvern air show, though.
Presa finds festivals a bit tiring, but she wouldn’t miss an opportunity to see Wingul’s participation. And he sometimes ropes her into dancing with him. She prefers holding food stalls, though.
Agria’s more into the games and competitions and anything where she can let out energy (or show off fire artes), especially if she can destroy stuff. She’s inherited her mother’s singing voice, but you’d have to both bribe and blackmail her to get her to sing in public. Give her a drum and she’s happy, though.
Even when they’re not performing, they’re part of the organization council of at least half of Kanbalar’s festivals.
When they go to Elympios, Gaius insists they check out those so-called “community centers” to get a better feel of Elympion culture.
It’s a lot quieter than festivals, which makes Presa more open to the idea. She somehow becomes knitting buddies with the center’s grandmas, who are all trying to bury her in hand-knitted jumpers and scarves because they think she must be cold showing so much skin (when she points out that Gaius is dressed even more lightly for the season (she at least has a coat for outside), they all turn their efforts on him).
Jiao enjoys Elympion cooking classes and taking care of the community garden (sharing precious Rieze Maxian tips on how to best grow vegetables).
Agria gets bored easily (which is dangerous), but fortunately she meets some girls her age who are into new music genres like “rock” and “metal” and she finds it to her taste. They’re kind of waging war against the grandmas, who’re always trying to get them to lower the volume of “that awful noise.”
Wingul ends up teaching Rieze Maxian calligraphy to a few of the older members. He also gains favor with Agria’s friends when he can reproduce their dance moves just by observing them a few times. They end up forming a band (think Babymetal lol) and hire him as their lyrics writer (Gaius is keeping an eye on the kind of lyrics he’s having the girls sing). He’s also coming up with ideas to promote the community center and improve their accounting, because of course he is.
Gaius tries his hand at a bit of everything that doesn’t involve technology and is quickly on first name basis with most of the members. Due to his neutral position, he’s often chosen to arbitrate the music war. He somehow gets some sort of a following from local punks when he wins the center’s martial arts competition (but what sealed the deal was getting them free tickets to Agria’s band’s show).
I’m not familiar enough with DnD to answer the role thing, but the narrator would be Wingul, who’d get very aggravated that no one is following his script properly.
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vyragosa · 6 years
Vyra, if you're still taking the "rating white haired characters" asks, I feel very strongly that you would be interested in Duke Pantarei from Tales of Vesperia.
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mochizuke-creates · 6 years
Gaius in C5 please?
last one for the expression meme. that smile looks so stinking cute on him!! oh my goodness
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goldenangelwings replied to your post “So, I’m still feeling kinda weird. I got the flu two weeks ago and I...”
Hope you're feeling much better soon! please make sure to get as much rest as possible and take care ok? 
Thank you! ;-; I’m taking care of myself, don’t worry! I’ve been resting a lot and drink a lot of water, and I always have my cuddly cats around to keep me company because they are the best! :D Hopefully I’ll be healthy again soon!
I hope you’re taking care of yourself as well! ;~;
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neylakiiroisenkou · 7 years
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Tales of Link gifs set - Gaius (Final Boss)
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ebonwinged-nova · 7 years
“I’m not your pet, not another thing you ownI was not born guilty of your crimes”
-This Life is Mine - Jeff Williams
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kitcatdrawingboard · 7 years
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A Niamh chibi for @goldenangelwings because she is the best egg and got me Fable Anniversary. Also because I could 💙💙💙
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tricksterlatte · 7 years
What is your favourite birb?
Definitely the peregrine falcon!
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zelvuk · 7 years
goldenangelwings replied to your post
NICE!! \o/
irltails replied to your post
it looks nice!
Aw, thanks! Hopefully, it’ll be much easier to navigate now that everything’s right there. 
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yume-x-hanabi · 6 years
Chimeriad hc's for their choice of warm beverage (it's freezing here and all I can think of is Kanbalar and trying to stay cozy). Who decides to cook everyone a delicious hot stew? Who would walk around the castle with a blanket wrapped around them like a cloak? First to cave and start the cuddle pile bc it's cold? And lastly bc did I mention it's cold and I'm already thinking of Spring sdhjksf what do you hc their favourite flowers to be? Take care!
Haha it snowed here too, so keeping warm is a good topic.
Gaius: hot chocolate obvs
Wingul: tea or coffee
Jiao: hot milk
Presa: coffee
Agria: hot milk or hot chocolate
Jiao’s the one to cook them stuff. If Gaius wants a particular dish, he just asks the kitchen staff to make it. Though when they live in their apartment in Trigleph, they all have to learn to cook themselves (Gaius is banned from using kitchen appliances though, but he’s often on peeling duty instead).
Gaius’s the one taking his blanket with him, not that he needs it, but blankets are comfortable--until Wingul catches him and sends him back to dress properly, because “you’re the king ffs, you have to look the part.”
Agria and Presa cling to each other for warmth, and Jiao comes up and engulfes them in one of his gigantic coats. Wingul looks at them enviously but he has an image to maintain. Gaius just tells him to stop being so worried about appearances and pushes him into the pile, and joins them under Jiao’s coat as well. He’s like a human heater so they all end up clinging to him in the end.
Gaius: gladiolus, once he hears its meaning from Wingul
Wingul: wisteria; he had a tunnel like that in the Long Dau palace garden
Jiao: princessia; for some reason it reminds him of Elize
Presa: queen of the night
Agria: orchids
May spring come already!
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vyragosa · 6 years
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💜💜💜💜💜💜 thank you for the wishes 😩
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cherrycovetc · 6 years
Me: I'm on a wiki
Twin: Which one
Twin: ......you have to be more specific than that.
Both: *Fucking losing it*
Twin: I'm not wrong!!
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mannakete · 7 years
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His name is Soba and he's 8 weeks
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I associate you with Colette, Milla, and Gaius for characters; flowers and any shade of pink, and starry skies! (more than three but hfjsdf)
asdfg these are all wonderful things and amazing characters, I love everything about it! Thank you so much!!
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mcalhenwrites · 8 years
Since you're looking for OT3 prompts, how about something to do with gardening? Growing veggies or herbs or flowers (or hey, maybe all of the above) in planters, jars; maybe getting creative with crates and pallets depending on how much space they have to work with.
Thank you so much for this one! :D Took me a few days, but here we go? :’D I really hope I didn’t mess this up since all the greenery means spirits and with it being post-Xillia/kinda post-Xillia 2...well, I hope it’s accurate, it’s been a while since I’ve played them both all the way through. :’(~~~The kitchen is greener than how Alvin left it thatmorning after eating pancakes with Jude and Milla. The space in front of thewindows is teeming with plant life. It’s nice to look at, especially in a placelike Elmypios. Some have been put in former jam jars, others in cheap pails andglass vases like the kind one puts a romantic bouquet of flowers in. He can’tfigure out where it came from.
“Hey, Milla? Jude?” he calls out. No one answers.He pokes his head into the hallway to check the space in front of the door.Milla’s work shoes are missing, but both pairs of Jude’s sneakers are kicked upagainst the wall in a pile. 
If Jude is napping, Alvin doesn’t want to disturbhim. Work has been demanding for all of them. Jude comes home later, taking hisnotes to the dinner table where he lets half his meal grow cold before he fallsasleep. Milla brings home herbal teas from the café so they can have an eveningdrink—even if it only means giving them an extra hour together before they goto bed.
Alvin checks their room. Jude isn’t there. Thebathroom is closed off. He knocks his knuckles on the door a few seconds beforeletting himself in. Jude is relaxing in the tub, steam rolling off the surfaceof the water. 
“Alvin! Welcome home.”
“That’s what I like to hear,” says Alvin, grinningas he dips down and runs his fingertips through the water. He sends a little ofit sprinkling against Jude’s chest. “What’s with the plants? Taking up a newhobby?”“I already did,” says Jude. He sighs heavily andsinks further into his bath. “The researchers have been using the roof to growherbs and vegetables. Some of it is for used for conducting mana research. We’reseeing spyrites improve the population of spirits in the area, Alvin. Theplants prove how well it’s going.”
“That’s great news!” But it was more complex thanthat. Jude had helped perfect spyrite technology, but people in Elympios hadn’tbeen so willing to change their way of life even if it meant saving the world. Mostof them saw Rieze Maxia’s spirits as the solution, thinking nothing of thefuture. And if they had that, why did they have to change their way of life?Jude, Balan, and many others had exhausted themselves with writing researchpapers and pleading for legislation that would weed out spyrix entirely.
“So why’s it all in our kitchen?” asks Alvin. “Youbrought home a greenhouse.”
“Excess,” says Jude. “We’re running out of room onthe roof.”
“How will you remember to water it? Lately, you’renot so good at watering yourself.” Alvin smirks, but he loses his amusement whenJude slips further into the water, closing his eyes. “What did I say wrong now?”
“I’ll set a timer on my GHS.”
“I didn’t mean to insult you, sorry. You’reworking too hard these days. I’m worriedabout you. Anyway, Milla will be happy to see them. She’s happy to be on thisside for a while, you know.”
“I don’t think she wants to spend her pregnancy inthe spirit realm.”
“Yeah.” That hasn’t quite sunk in for Alvin. They’regoing to have a baby in the house. It is all sorts of terrifying, but it washis idea in the first place. How can he blame the other two for liking itenough to agree? “And she can eat all the treats she wants while she’s here,this time with the excuse to get two servings of each.” He laughs; Milla neverneeded the excuse before to eat her fill of her favorite foods.
Jude yawns. 
“You shouldn’t fall asleep in the bath.” Alvinfetches a towel and holds it out. When Jude steps into it, he pulls him in fora hug, resting his chin on Jude’s shoulder. “I don’t know much about plants.What kinds are they? Hope we can eat some of ‘em.”
After Jude dresses, he leads Alvin into thekitchen. As he’s kneeling down, pointing out which propagations are basil ormint, the front door opens. Alvin calls out for Milla to join them. A fewminutes later, she steps barefoot into the kitchen, her hair still in her loosebun from work. She’s wearing a cute dress today, something that pronounces thegrowth in her abdomen. Alvin stares for a moment to rekindle his crippling fearthat he’s going to be the worst father ever.
Milla takes a sip of her herbal tea and then usesthe straw to point at the plants. “This is lovely, Jude! The spirits arethriving, I can tell!”
Nothing makes Jude smile more than hearing that.He ducks his head down into the stems of the plants, a blush on his face. “I’ll bring home more tomorrow,” says Jude. “Weran out of containers to put them.” “What about the plastic cups from the café?” asksMilla, holding up her herbal tea. There are dozens like it that they’ve storedin the recycling bin. “You could put some small ones in these.” “Good idea!”  “Oh, you have aloe vera!” Milla reaches out andfingers a thick stem from one of the plants. 
“It’s good for treating burns. Researchers getthem all the time.” 
Milla chuckles. “Perfect for a doctor to keep.”“None of this will harm the animals, will it?” asks Alvin.“If we keep everything on the ledge, it’ll be fine.” Jude points out a few ofthe plants. “These aren’t good for cats or dogs. That’s why I put them higherup. The catnip is fine.” He runs his hand over the soft leaves. 
“Catnip, huh?”
“Well, everyone likes cats, right? And I broughthome some vegetables, too! Tomatoes have to be high up to keep the animals out.And they have to be trimmed regularly, or they won’t fruit properly. The bellpeppers are right here. If we don’t pick them for a while, they’ll turn red!And this here is a cucumber. It’ll grow huge and needs support for its vines!We’ll have to repot it soon.”
“I’m sorry I teased you earlier,” says Alvin as helistens to Jude rattle off information. He knows more about the fruits andvegetables than the plants they come from. “I shouldn’t have doubted you couldtake care of them. I’m just worried you’re overworking yourself.”
Jude pauses. “I know,” he says quietly after a fewminutes. “This will help our case, though. They’ll have to see the benefits ofspyrites. We can’t kill off spirits so Elympios can keep its currenttechnology. This isn’t what we destroyed the schism for.”
“Agreed,” says Milla firmly. “You’re working hardfor the future, Jude. I’m eager to see it.”She wrapped her arms around Jude, and not wanting to be left out, Alvinembraced them both in his much wider hold. The sun was going down, and thelight coming in through the windows was greener than usual. He rather liked it,and he thought about how much his parents would have enjoyed it, too. 
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