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girly-mess · 5 years ago
{ Billet d’humeur #5 }
Self reflection
“ L’introspection est un long voyage que l’on peut entreprendre à tout âge. ”  - Vincent Thomas Rey, compositeur de musique
Savoir se remettre en question, je trouve que c’est essentiel pour chaque individu. On a tous besoin de passer par des phases d’introspection pour se comprendre. Ça nous permet d’analyser notre propre comportement, nos réactions, nos émotions, nos pensées. C’est de cette manière qu’on arrive à déterminer ce qu’on veut et ce qu’on ne veut plus, qu’on réalise ses erreurs pour pouvoir s’améliorer ensuite, et qu’on découvre de nouvelles choses sur soi. Mais pour ça, encore faut-il réussir à être honnête avec soi-même pour prendre un véritable recul...
Beaucoup trop de gens ont tendance à réprimer leurs émotions, à les enfouir au plus profond de leurs êtres, pour ne pas avoir à les affronter. Probablement parce qu’ils ont déjà trop de choses à gérer et qu’ils préfèrent éviter de rajouter ça à leurs assiettes. Ou parce qu’ils ont été éduqués à ne jamais montrer ce qu’ils ressentent, car ce serait soi-disant signe de faiblesse. WRONG. Refouler ce qu’on ressent, c’est se tirer une balle dans le pied, sans même le savoir. Et ça peut mener à des blocages. 
Plus vite on comprend la raison de nos actes, plus vite on tâchera de ne plus répéter les mêmes erreurs. Sinon on reste enfermé dans un cercle vicieux où il nous arrive les mêmes merdes, dont on se plaint constamment auprès de notre entourage, sans pour autant faire quoi que ce soit pour briser ce schéma. Je ne dis pas que c’est facile, bien au contraire. Pour avoir moi-même mis un bon moment à réaliser qu’il fallait que je cesse certains de mes comportements, si je voulais que les choses avancent et changent, j’ai conscience que ça peut prendre du temps. Mais il faut le faire ! Il faut confronter sa propre image dans le miroir et se dire “ STOP. Je veux que ça change et je vais faire le nécessaire pour. ”
Pour ma part, j’ai l’impression de me remettre en question trop souvent. Mon cerveau passe son temps à analyser chacun de mes agissements et me signale presque immédiatement quand j’ai fait quelque chose de stupide, d’étrange, d’inapproprié, de blessant... et ainsi de suite. Ce n’est pas sain, pour le coup, puisque ça me donne la sensation de ne jamais faire les choses correctement. Conséquence : Je n’ai pas confiance en moi et je doute de tout ce que je fais ou dis. C’est pour ça que je parlais de phases d’introspection. C’est mieux de se faire un petit checkpoint une fois de temps en temps, pour faire le bilan de ce qu’on aurait pu mieux faire et de ce qui était bien. Ne vous infligez pas plus de problème en vous culpabilisant, en vous flagellant fréquemment comme moi. 
Enfin, je dis ça, mais... ce n’est pas comme si je pouvais contrôler mon cerveau. Quoique, techniquement, si, mais vous m’avez comprise. Donc pour remédier à tout ça, je m’intéresse de plus en plus à la psychologie, au développement personnel et même à l’astrologie ( Oui oui, vous avez bien lu. Je vous vois avec votre air dubitatif là, vous savez ? Mais ne vous braquez pas sans savoir de quoi il s’agit réellement. Je vous en parlerai dans un prochain post, de toute façon, histoire d’éclairer votre lanterne. C’est passionnant, vraiment. ) pour mieux identifier mes lacunes, mes failles, mes défauts mais aussi mes qualités. Et depuis, je peux vous affirmer que ça m’a beaucoup aidée à mettre des mots sur ce que j’éprouve, sur mes envies, ma personnalité. Je me comprends mieux, je me connais mieux et je m’assume mieux aussi. D’où l’importance de l’introspection, par diverses techniques. 
Il y en a beaucoup qui se tournent vers la méditation ou le yoga pour reprendre possession de leurs émotions et retrouver une certaine sérénité. Personnellement, ce sont des méthodes qui m’attirent un peu moins et je ne suis pas si sûre que ça fonctionnerait sur moi. Mais ça a l’air de très bien fonctionner pour d’autres. 
Et parmi ceux qui ont le plus de mal à se recentrer sur soi, certains vont chercher l’aide d’un psy pour les guider dans leur réflexion interne. Je trouve que c’est une très bonne chose. Mais ça demande un certain courage et l’envie de tendre la main. Ce n’est malheureusement pas mon cas. Pas pour l’instant, du moins. J’ai encore du mal à accepter l’idée que je ne puisse pas le faire seule. Je suis encore convaincue que je suis capable de m’en sortir seule, d’améliorer ma vie et de m’épanouir, sans l’aide d’aucun professionnel. Peut-être ai-je tort, peut-être ai-je raison... Qui sait ? Seul le temps pourra nous le dire. 
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starseededhippie · 6 years ago
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I have felt rather stagnant as of late.  I have had no desire to leave my home.  When I do HAVE TO go outside, I make sure I do so when it is very early or after dark.  This is due to the fact that fewer people are out at these times.  I have ALWAYS found hmans to be INCREDIBLY EXHAUSTING, however these feelings have definitely intensified.  Human interaction has become almost intolerable due to the fact that I feel EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.  I have had to step back, focus on and preserve myself and my sanity.
I definitely feel like I am in some type of transition process. I constantly think of myself like a caterpillar going through the cocoon process.  I even see this image constantly.  Right now, I just need time to go inward and focus on myself.  This is OKAY.  I have to remind myself that this is okay.  Like they tell you on the plane, you have to put your own mask on BEFORE you can help others.  Well this is me putting on my mask.
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ninaluba · 2 years ago
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"...the bravest step one can take is by way of going inward..." 🤍 #ninaluba #ninalubainspiration #ninalubamoodboard #pisces #piscessign #piscesseason #thebraveststep #goinginward The most Beautiful words by @danielledoby https://www.instagram.com/p/Co4_fLnIFa0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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damedarcy · 4 years ago
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@flame_imperishable thanks for profiling #damedarcytarot #queenalicetarot ❤️https://etsy.me/2GuNuYg ❤️A good #tarotreading ! #goinginward and #seekingknowledge with the #pageofcups to access #creativeopportunities , #intuitivemessages with #curiosity to access any #possibility to reach the #highpresitess using your #intuition accessing #sacredknowledge the #divinefeminine within you and your #subconsciousmind ❤️ @damedarcy #curiouserandcuriouser #witchcraft #allthingsalice #throughthelookingglass #spices #aliceinwonderland https://www.instagram.com/p/CF4Dgenj77Y/?igshid=11rvh173bngc2
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haveuevr · 5 years ago
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#balancedmind #equanimity #sefinquiry #goinginward #surrendertotheflow #heartopening #inwardjourney #truenature #consciousawakening #releasefear #lawofattractioninaction #soulcalling #synchronicities #fifthdimension #selflovemovement #seflovetips #selfloveiskey #selflovesoldier #selfloverevolution #selfloveisimportant #loveconnection #alovelikenoother #lovegodloveothers #nootherlove #loveeachother❤️ #lovehelpingothers #loveforeachother #loveforothers #loveoneanother❤️ #haveyouever (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_SaiAGnK5H/?igshid=1mfyeyb2lg140
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paintingmommy · 5 years ago
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Does anyone else find, that as an adult, that you’ve gradually disconnected from so many of the things that used to bring you such tremendous joy? Somewhere along the line I stopped trusting my creativity, forced it into technique, style, perfectionism, and quit giving myself permission to play. My business woman self told me I didn’t have the time, if it wasn’t “serious “ work. I used to inhale fantasy books like candy, and doodled unicorns and fairies in every schoolbook margin. Now I only paint things that have a reasonably good chance at selling. I’m tired of it. I’m tired of being serious. My own favourite artists are deemed “illustrators” by the art world, but their work touches my soul like nothing else. @lucy_campbell_art , @sandradieckmann , @rivuletpaper @verpabunny are some of them. Last night, just as I was about to fall asleep, this little girl whispered that she wanted to come to life. So here she is. Nothing polished, or painted yet. But a whisper, a nudge...#betruetoyourself #innerchild #magicalrealism #midcareercrisis #goinginward #searchingfortruth #bellacoolaartist # (at Dragonfly Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5EbvIKnemN/?igshid=yd8w5dsxkbt8
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notesofjo · 6 years ago
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I got slapped into a deep cocoon almost as soon as I got back to Ubud, and I’ve been in an extremely deep/intense process of self-reinvention and evolution since. I was forced to grow by the Universe, and I made it through the tunnel stronger/in one piece. 🐛 . While I was still making my life moving forward with ease and grace on the surface, internally, I got exactly what I asked for —— EXPANSION —— And there would be no expansion if there weren’t any contrasts. I’ve never experienced so much growth CONSCIOUSLY in my life. 🦋 . Thank you for those of you who’ve walked this journey with me one way or the other - who have spared their precious time to listen. Thank you for being there for me. I’m extremely grateful. 💖 @shanti_lightworks for being a true sister and a constant nudge throughout the whole journey; @brian.explores for offering the time and space to let me talk everything through and put all the puzzles together - “Then Ubud happened.” (I’m still laughing whenever I hear your voice saying this phrase in my head.) @imnat.w for being there in the beginning. @yichinglinnnn who’s always been there for me since 16 (minus the years we didn’t talk 😝.) @awakening.radiance for being there in the end and helping me to see the full picture in my authentic essence. You reminded me of me; Sunjoo & Marika for emotional/mental supports from afar and Leo for giving me a ceremony that’s full of reminders and triggering me to take the necessary actions for transformation. 🙏 . This photo is the little secret garden I got in front of my room in Ubud, and I thought it’s perfect because it literally looks like a cocoon/tunnel. The synchronicities and all the parallels in my life. 🙈 . More to come! (And more music to share soon, hopefully!) . . . . #awakening #wakeup #ascension #selfgrowth #selflove #unbecoming #ubud #aswithinsowithout #goinginward #upgrade #alignment #flowstate #balihome #evolution #cocoon #innerwisdom #innerbeing #movingforward #nextlevel #raiseyourvibration #higherself #highvibe #ubudbali #ubudlife (at Ubud) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz7GUAcANw8/?igshid=onyqmojwnss4
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stellar11-blog1 · 8 years ago
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"The only way to grow, is by going inwards" - Tom Noonan .. lately I've been called to do just that, go inwards. To be still, calm and peaceful. To reflect, journal & really get in touch with my emotions. This weekend is all about that. I'm so happy it's Friday and tomorrow I'll be heading off to the Blue Mountains for a a full immersion day of #kundalini yoga 🦋 it's just what the Doctor ordered 😘 • • • • • • • #retreat #bluemountains #kundaliniyoga #switchoff #technologyfree #weekend #leaves #winter #techdetox #emotions #winterwithin #inspire #reflect #life #listentoyourheart #freedom #growth #journal #goals #dreams #meditation #spirituality #goinginwards #wellness #slowdown #imagine #relaxation #mindfulness #friday #friyayvibes
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zenwords · 5 years ago
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renovationwellness · 7 years ago
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💗 #inward #goinginward #solutions #herowithin #hero #brave #courage #beyou #bepresent #liveinthemoment #EmmaTiebens #DailyCalm #RenovationWellness #RWCrew #RW
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vivavolo · 8 years ago
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cozy, sun-lit days in B R O O K L Y N. #staycation #winterbreak #goinginward #williamsburg @studioscrivo
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thesexygardener424 · 6 years ago
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July 10th 2019
Taurus, baby! Here's what I have for my birthday and time:
Intensity is what the Moon in Scorpio is all about. Whether it’s passion, elation, sorrow, or desire, emotions are felt on a deeply personal level. We are motivated by the desire to get to the bottom of things, the root, and we instinctively read between the lines. Superficiality won’t work for us now. The Moon in Scorpio urges us to uncover our own power, and it’s an excellent time to rid ourselves of old fears and limiting habits. It can be an intimate and passionate time.
There is increased of jealousy, greediness, envy and other low resonance feelings.  Sexuality and sensuality go up and possess strong, powerful emotions that run high whilst diplomacy and tact will noticeably decline. However, it is a good time for any occupation which needs intensity and total devotion. The Moon in Scorpio generally favors intimacy issues, psychological examination, research, self-examination and shedding old habits.
Today is a great day for being your most creative! You can try and have fun with some lively recreational activities on this day. You like to enjoy the small joys that life has to offer on this day. Make the most of it and don’t let worries to overcome you.
For career success, employment, promotion, making presentations, public speaking, improving social status, approaching authority figures, improving health. Themes include Wishes, Happiness and Vitality!
I didn’t fail the test. I just found 100 ways to do it wrong.
- Benjamin Franklin
Jupiter Retrograde in Sagittarius ♐
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haveuevr · 5 years ago
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#yinandyang☯️ #equanimity #sefinquiry #goinginward #surrendertotheflow #heartopening #goinside #connectedness #inwardjourney #truenature #consciousawakening #releasefear #meditateeveryday #turninward #groundyourself #quietthemind #soulmission #balancedmind #calmyourmind #calmyourmind #quietthemind #beinthenow #groundyourself #haveyouever (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_NNDUxHBQv/?igshid=13mxolx1nn57o
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rightwildish · 3 years ago
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<> (Lord Byron) . . . #naturephotos #naturequotes #forest #goinginward #ecosexual #lordbyron #moss #lichen #aftertherain #earthmedicine #quotes #pleasureactivism #restandreflect #poetry #rewilding #rewild #womenwhorunwiththewolves — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3w7vtoG
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flowerandmagic · 7 years ago
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An infiltrated version of me today. I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed inside myself and im so glad i am able to do a day of reflection inside my little homecave. . . This morning i tried a new thing..after listening to a podcast and heard @sarahmchappell mention something that sparked something in me. And i started a ritual which i hope to integrate as much as i can because i felt the immediate healing potential of just 5 minutes of doing this. Its a thing thats called "morning pages" and im doing it the way julia cameron does it. Its writing out the cloudy thoughts in your head..its allowing yourself to whine and complain on paper... Its not about forcing yourself to "love and light-wash" everything that you truly feel in this moment. Its more like taking your shadow for a cup of coffee as julia cameron describes it so perfectly. And as soon as i did it for just 5 minutesi felt something clearing up .probably because i took the time to sort through some dusty anxiety inducing corners in my head..i really really am going to try to make this a habit as much as i can. Maybe not every day but as much days as i can.. i am so excited to find out how it will make me feel to take my whining self on a regular coffee date 😉 . . . So have a great day you all and if you want to know more..about what writing morning pages entails pls look up julia cameron..there is a short video where she explains the idea of it..i think its on her website. . . #morningpages #juliacameron #reflection #goinginward #shadowwork
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zenwords · 6 years ago
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