#going into a dangerous area with his TEAM in a HELICOPTER
tommystummy · 4 months
One of the failed opportunities of season 7 that can be blamed on time constraints is the fact they don’t address that Eddie just… got in a helicopter. Twice. Lives weren’t even on the line the second time he just casually had his new friend Tommy fly him in a helicopter. Like obviously this season was more interested in Eddie’s Shannon Trauma but some acknowledgment, even a single line, about Eddie being up in the air again, would have been nice
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rcmclachlan · 1 month
I love how it appears that Tommy is the grounded, well-adjusted foil to Buck's devil-may-care adrenaline junkie, but I also have to remind myself that Tommy was the guy who was asked to steal a helicopter and fly it into a category 5 hurricane on a hunch, and he was like, "yeah, cool, let's go."
Buck probably thinks Tommy's a rational, responsible adult, because he's so considerate and he owns a house and he's so methodical when he takes Buck apart in bed and he's got a 401k and a Roth IRA account. The helicopter heist flight was definitely an outlier.
But eventually he learns the truth: Tommy's batshit insane.
Like, they're hanging in bed one morning and Buck's on his phone trying to solve the math riddle Hen sent him, and he laments the loss of his lightning-enhanced skills. And Tommy, turning the page on the WWI biography he's reading, absently says, "At least you got them. All I got was 30% hearing loss in my left ear."
Buck slowly lowers his phone and demands an explanation, and Tommy, still focused on his book, tells him about when he was struck by lightning. Both times. The second time he was in the middle of a hoist and winch rescue trying to get to the captain of a sunk fishing boat in the middle of open ocean during a storm. Tommy holds his place in his book with his thumb and shows Buck the picture Lucy took of his Lichtenberg burn—it spans the entirety of his back and goes halfway down his arms. Buck stares at it, stunned, then takes the phone and book out of Tommy's hands, tosses them on the floor, and proceeds to suck Tommy's brain out through his dick.
The first time Buck goes to see Tommy at Harbor, Tommy is still en route back from a call, so Buck gets to talking to two people named Nico and Dana who've worked with Tommy since he arrived. Buck sheepishly apologizes for putting Tommy in such a dangerous position with the hurricane.
Nico and Dana look at each other and snort. Nico puts his hand on Buck's shoulder and is like, "Dude, that is not the craziest thing Kinard's ever done. That's not the craziest thing he's done this year."
They tell him about his legendary but batshit NATOPS check maneuvers and how no one's ever been able to figure out how he can do a barrel roll in low altitude in a transport bird.
They tell him about the time he and Donato were called to a high-rise gas explosion, and they casevac'd an unconscious, pregnant woman who ended up going into labor. Tommy got back there and, with the power of WikiHow on his side, delivered a healthy baby girl halfway to LA General.
They tell him about the time he sustained a concussion while landing a malfunctioning helicopter in the baseball field of a middle school, and yet somehow found the strength to host an impromptu AMA to three hundred kids about what being a pilot's like while he munched on tater tots and waited for a rescue.
They tell him about the time he was flying with a probie at night in an area with uncharted power lines that got tangled in the rotor, and how he slung the probie under his arm like a tote bag and dove out of the helicopter right before it exploded.
They tell him about the time Tommy and Nico were called to a cliffside mansion where some foreign dignitary's daughter was being held hostage. Tommy ended up HRSTing out of the helicopter and onto the scene, and then proceeded to beat the hell out of the guy, get himself stabbed, and give the SWAT team so much shit when they arrived that the 217 has an honorary table every year at the Backdraft Ball.
When Tommy finally shows up and disembarks, Dana's halfway through a story about the time they were all called to Shasta County to help with the Carr Fire in 2018, and as soon as Buck sees him over Dana's shoulder, he shouts, "You flew into a fire tornado?!"
Tommy's expression goes a little hunted and he holds up his hands placatingly, like, "In my defense, I tried to find another way around it—"
And Dana's like, "The fuck you did. You looked me dead in the eye and said, 'You know what would be funny?' And then you banked right into the whirl."
"It's not like you tried to stop me," Tommy says accusingly, ignoring the way the side of his head is starting to smoke from the intensity of Buck's stare.
"Well, no, you were right: it was funny," Dana says with a shrug.
That night, Buck rides Tommy slow and vicious and makes him recount every detail of the fire whirl flight before he'll let Tommy come, and the entire time he grips Tommy's head and forces him to hold Buck's gaze and thinks, I can't believe I ever thought you were normal. You're insane, you're out of your mind, you're perfect, you're perfect, you're perfect for me.
In the afterglow, practically humming with satisfaction, Buck bites playfully at Tommy's chest and says, "So this is what Lucy meant when she texted me that you and I match each other's crazy. Hell, after everything you've done, I think the only thing left to check off your list is, like, aliens."
And Tommy's entire body freezes and he falls very silent very suddenly. Buck lifts his head to stare at him, like, "You've gotta be kidding me."
"Evan, for legal reasons, I need you to change the subject."
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Thinking about smokejumpers or hotshots!141 x forest ranger or otherwise forest service employed reader…
(Hotshots, if you don’t know are the special firefighters that go in to do the really dangerous parts of wildfire fighting, and smoke jumpers are firefighters that parachute into remote areas.)
But, anyways- thinking about reader who’s either working for the national parks or forest service and somehow, ended up on the wrong end of a wild fire. Didn’t get the notice to evacuate in time, couldn’t- whatever the reason is. They’re stuck in the danger zone and convinced they’re going to die, curled up in the corner of whatever remote ranger station they’d been stationed at with soaked towels stuffed under the gaps between the door and frame and the air outside too hot and smokey for them to try and leave the house. They’re curled up in the corner fucking sobbing because they’re going to die there, they’re going to die, they’re going to die- until their door is busted down with an axe and a giant figure clad in fire gear shoves his way inside.
At first, they’re freaking out- they’re not thinking straight. The door being knocked down brings a rush of hot air and smoke billowing into the cabin that makes their eyes water and their lungs burn.
They try to fight the figure briefly, terrified and in a haze of fear and adrenaline as the person throws them over their shoulder like a sack of potatoes and books it the fuck out of there.
But from Price’s perspective (because yes, it’s Price) he and his team were working on the edge of the danger zone- trying their best to keep the fire from spreading further until he hears that there’s someone farther in- a forest ranger or something who didn’t get the evacuation order in time, who’s ranger station was never even expected to be in the path of the fire until the winds changed and left everyone, including them, scrambling to contain the fire.
He hears about it, and he doesn’t hesitate, yelling to Simon to work on arranging an evacuation for them all, because the fire’s growing and moving faster than expected and they need to get out of there.
So he absolutely books it the half or quarter mile to the little ranger station no more than thirty minutes from being engulfed by the fire and forces entry, finding you curled up in the corner struggling to breath through the smoke and sobbing.
He throws you over his shoulder without a second thought. There’s no time for him to explain himself or comfort you, he’s just running as fast as he can because he knows that while he may be able to survive closer to the fire’s edge with his suit and respirator, you certainly can’t.
When he gets back to his team, he can hear the helicopter. Gaz and Soap are screaming at him, telling him he’s out of his mind- that he had no idea that you were even still there or alive, that he could’ve gotten both of you killed, that what he did was stupid and reckless- while Simon is barley holding the situation together between the other two freaking out and his own worry for his captain.
The evacuation was a mess- between the already hazardous conditions and the addition of someone without any protective gear- but they make it out
Afterwards, you’re rushed to the hospital for smoke inhalation. You’re undeniably hurt, but you’re alive.
When you’re well enough to leave the hospital, you track down the fire crew that saved you, wanting to thank them. You show up at their door with a tray of fresh baked goods, shifting shyly on your feet as you present the tray of sweets to the tall, burly man you’re told was the one who carried you to safety.
You introduce yourself, stuttering out your words as you thank him and give him the treats you’d baked.
Behind the man, there’s two nosey men (and one less blatantly nosey man watching from the kitchen, though you don’t see him) sticking their heads out from behind him to get a look at the pretty girl their captain had pulled out of the fire.
They invite you in, ignoring your protests and worries about intruding and insisting you stay for dinner.
Price introduces you to his crew, taking the time to explain what they do, why he went back towards the fire to get you, how he’d know you were there, ect.
In a way, it helps you heal from the trauma of the whole ordeal some.
They ask about your injuries, how you’re doing- and slowly, the conversation turns more casual, with Soap cracking jokes and Gaz chatting you up about your degree and job with the forest service.
Safe to say, you spend a lot of time at the station from then on.
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marymary-diva17 · 1 month
The other sully
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Family bonds had always been strong for the navi and the humans as well, family and people had become everyone things during hard times. There was true among the sully but mostly when it came to Jake sully, he did have a strong bond with his family back on earth but gave up his old life for a new one on pandora. Unware that the other sully on pandora life had been in danger by the rda, who were seeking revenge against the many traitors.
y/n " ....." the sunlight had soon hit your face waking you up from your slumber, as you soon raised from the bed you are laying in. it has been fifteen years since you had arrived on pandora. Your arrival here had been something of wonder and fear. When you came here to study the plant and the navi as well, but it soon become fear when the rda was after all of grace team and even those close to Jake. That was you his baby sister that had been capture and escaped, one life over for her and new one began shortly after.
y/n " another brand new day" the sounds of waves crashing had gotten your attention, as you soon moved to the common area of your home.
????? " good morning ma y/n"
y/n " hello my husband Raeyi" the fifteen years here you had been given refugee by the metkayain clan, after they found you clingy to the dirt wood in the water. A few miles from a crashed helicopter they had thought you were a dreamwalker or a demon, staying here in secret until they saw the tulkun protecting you from any danger. One of them even take you onto their backs, in hopes of saving you from death door.
Raeyi " is everything alright my yawne"
y/n " I was thinking about them again my brothers"
Raeyi " one of them dead and other one still living here unknown, to him that you are here as well"
y/n " I don't think the rda sent him a message right away like hey Jake sully we have your baby sister here, do you still love and care about her because it seems like you picked his side ... I don't blame him for loving pandora and finding love again but I feel like he left me behind"
Raeyi" it take heart to still holding someone so dear after all the pain, that you had been through ma y/n" Raeyi is the brother of tonowari and he had brought you back to the village. Ronal and tonowari had allowed you to stay, seeing that you were baldy hurt and the cloned spirt brothers and sisters would'nt let them bring you elsewhere at the moment.
Raeyi " there had been good that came out when you escaped from those demons, I had gotten to meet you the dreamwlaker I had made my mate or wife in human words"
y/n " still a man with smooth talking words even after fifteen years" Raeyi soon smile as he soon leaned in and gave you a kiss, you still wish to see your brother one day and speak with him.
Raeyi " i do my best ma y/n" soon the sound of footsteps walking towards the common area had caught the couple attention.
Raeyi " my sons good mornings" you had looked up to see your twin sons standing there, your sons Aiiu and Ati had made the clan surprised but when it came to you it was not a shocker. As your family had a long line of twins and it seems like you had kept that going. They are carbon copies of their father but did know the sky people language from you and understood, the humans tech and everything else.
Raeyi " i will be going with my brother on portal today"
y/n " that good to know but stay safe husband the rda had returned, and they will stop at nothing to fully their greed"
Raeyi " i will ma y/n if you promise me to stay safe as well I don't, wish for those demons to come get you ... I will not let them hurt you more like they already have done"
Later on that day
y/n " today everything seems to be going well ...." your words had been interrupted when the sound of a horn had drawn your attention. When you soon looked up to see mountain banshee a good group of them, flying towards the village. You had called your IIu and and headed, back to the village right away.
y/n " ......" you had soon reached the village and got off go your IIu soon swim in the water and towards the shore. That when you spotted navi from the omatacayia clan standing on sandy beach.
????? " daddy there is someone like us already here"
????? " tuk baby girl what are you talking about ....y/n" you had heard a voice you hadn't heard in so long, it was your older brother Jake he looked at you.
y/n " Jake"
norm " Jake who are you .... y/n"
y/n " norm" a few avatars had soon looked towards you and saw you standing there, shocked to see a avatar female all the way out here but more shock to see another sully here as well. Jake soon walked towards you and hugged you.
neytiri " ma Jake do you know of this women"
Jake " yes she is my sister neytiri the one I spoke about"
neytiri " your sister y/n"
Jake " yes y/n you are really here please tell me it true or have we been traveling to long and we are all seeing things"
norm " no Jake we all can see here and so can metekayain as well"
????? " father this is our aunt" you had seen three teens and the girl from before looking at you, with smiles on their faces.
y/n " you are a father now"
Jake " yes there is so much you have missed y/n"
mo'at " Jake sully this women is the sister you had been talking about"
Jake " yes but how are you here I thought you where somewhere safe, how are you here" you didn't have time to answer your brother questions as, the arrival of tonowari and your mate coming back from portal. Along side with ronal and her three children as well.
tsireya " aunt y/n is everything okay do you know these guests"
y/n " yes I do reya"
aonung " they are like you more of them seem to be from the same clan as you"
y/n " yes you are right aonung"
rotox " mother and father will love to have some words with them, alongside uncle Raeyi as well"
Raeyi " y/n is everything okay"
y/n " yes everything is fine we have some guests as we all can see"
Ronol " yes we do the some of the omatcayia clan have come to see us, lead by Jake sully himself"
Jake " hello we have come here in peace and mean no harm"
tonowari " why have you come here Jake sully please tell us"
Jake " we have come here seeking sanctuary for our children and our selves"
ronal " you know of y/n here it seems"
Jake " yes she my younger sister I never knew she was here"
ronal " ......"
tonowari " we wish for now war and more trouble we, already have enough trouble here"
Jake " we wish just to keep our families safe and we will help out" tonowari and ronal had looked at each other and soon back at Jake.
tonowari " you all can stay see how you have asked for our help and, how y/n here is your sister as well and member of the clan as well ... my people are guest will be staying with us and learning our ways as well"
tonowari " my children will be helping the children near you, the rest of my family and y/n will be helping as well when it comes to your group other help will be given as well"
Jake " thank you kids say thank you"
kids " thank you"
tsireya " I will show you all around the village"
y/n " I will help as well" you had helped the families bring some of their stuff over to the houses, they will be living in while they are here.
tuk " you are really my aunt"
y/n " yes I'm sweetie"
tuk " I'm so happy to have you as my aunt another sully in the family"
y/n " yes that is true"
neytiri " y/n we had thought you had been lost to us after the war with the rda, we had thought the sky demons had done worst but we are happy to have you here"
y/n " yes it good to have you all here and I will be here to help with lessons"
neytiri " thank you"
Jake " sister"
neytiri " come on tuk let leave your father and aunt to talk" tuk waved goodbye to you as you had smiled at her, and soon looked up at your brother.
Jake " I'm so happy you are here sister I thought I will never see you again, after all that had happened"
y/n " yes I thought we will be separated forever but it seems like we meet again"
Jake " you have to tell me and everyone else how you are here, we have seen rda use recoms but we never knew there were other already here"
y/n " I will explain all to you and everyone my brother .... you have a beautiful family"
Jake "thank you but they are your family as well I have told them so, many stories about you and Tommy" you and Jake had caught the kids looking at the pair, getting a smile from you and wave.
y/n " I will make sure to be there for them Jake I will not like the rda harm anyone else, after all they have done"
Jake " thank you sister but we will be here for you as well" you had nodded your head, feeling mixed emotions about your brothers words.
norm " hey y/n it good to see an friend"
y/n " hello norm I have to agree it good to see friends and colleagues as well, it has been fifteen years since I last saw you all"
norm " yes it has and it seems like we have much to discuss, max and everyone else are happy to hear about you and see you again"
y/n " good"
Jake " you have already made a life here so that will make everything easy"
y/n " yes I have made a life here so I will be helping everyone with their lessons if need be, when it comes to the adults"
Jake " thank you will you love to stay a bit longer for maybe dinner"
y/n " thank you for the offer but I should allow you and your families to settle in"
Jake " okay but let me tell you your nieces and nephews might be asking to spend time with their aunt"
y/n " I will welcome that time even with the boy who standing with them"
norm " his name is spider he is quaritch son"
y/n " oh yes I know that and he can spend time with me as well" the two males had nodded thier heads, as you soon left them to settle in as you walked home. You had came across Raeyi and his family and joined them, as most of them knew of your story and could see this might be hard time for you. Raeyi had embraced you and made a promise to be there for you during this time, and if needed he will fight your brother to keep you safe form any harm that comes from him.
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xmalereader · 2 years
John Price X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Authors Note: I apologize for the delay on updates. I got sick during my first week back and had a cough and fever for a few days, I’m all better now and good to start updating! Here is my first John Price shot because he does things to me. ( Simon is still my number #1 )
Summary: A new recruit joins the team who remains anonymous and joins unexpectedly. Laswell is keeping them a secret until their own mission is over, little did price know that this new agent is someone he’s very close too.
Warnings: Angst, violence, gore, blood, mentions of code name, sign language, mature language, military life, assassin, soap is slow, task 141 is cautious, selective mutism.
Word count: 3.4K
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John had received news from Laswell that a new recruit was going to be joining there team. He was more than happy to have the extra help on missions but he wasn’t happy knowing that this new recruit was completed classified. Laswell didn’t give him a file and simple provided a name.
Code name; Zero.
Laswell had told John that she trusted the man with missions and was very useful. He was skilled in keeping heavy cover and was known to hide in the shadows. She would say that he was a deadly man who gets the job done without a doubt. That didn’t put John at ease, still not trusting the new recruit that he has yet to meet.
“Zero is a man that I trust and will fit in your team.”
“You want us to trust a rookie with only a simple name?” Ghost calls out.
Task 141 and Laswell were all standing in a briefing room together while she announced the new recruit to the rest of the team. “Ghost is right, who’s to say that he won’t betray us? Remember what Graves did.” Soap reminds her with a glare, clearly not happy with the news.
“I understand the caution and wanting trust from this new recruit but you best believe me that Zero is the one we need for this mission.” She began to explain to the team. “Zero had taken mission that he can complete in less than a few days, get inside information without getting caught. He can help you with getting intel on Makorov.”
“It’s too risky, Laswell.” John finally cuts in, stopping her from taking further. He couldn’t accept someone he didn’t trust not after what happened with Graves and Shepard and their betrayal. “I won’t allow it.”
Laswell frowns, standing straight with her arms crossed over her chest, tilting her head to the side and says. “He knows that Yuri is smuggling dangerous weapons across Russia as we speak.” She knew that the team was struggling to get a location on Yuri. Makorov’s second in command and close friend, the two helping each other in their terrorist schemes which had to be stopped. The new information gets the teams attention as they all looked at her in disbelief.
“He knows where Yuri is?” John asked.
“Like I said, deep cover.” Laswell steps forward, challenging price as the two stare each other down. “Give him a chance and you won’t regret it.” A hint of defeat is shown in his eyes as Laswell slowly smirked at her victory, leaning back to give off a small chuckle before announcing. “He’ll meet you during your next mission, don’t be late.” With that she turns around and leaves the room, tension suddenly gone once she’s out of the room. It wasn’t until Gaz speaks up. “I guess we have a new rookie.”
The team had geared up and loaded on the helicopter, riding out to Teba, Spain. They were dropped off in a base near the area, collecting there things and driving out to town where they are to meet up with Zero and track down their target in order to get more information on Makarov and his plans. The whole ride there, John can’t help but think about the new recruit. Laswell had provided him there comms, letting him know last minute that Zero was selectively mute and wouldn’t speak to anyone. He communicate through Morse code which connected to the rest of the team.
Everyone else in the team was questioning this rookie, wondering if they were easy to trust or perhaps it was all part of a plan to get them killed. They were entering dangerous territory and had to play it well or else things can get complicated. Before they could arrive to town, johns comms goes off, causing the older man to freeze as he listens to the rapid taps.
“Captain Price, this is Agent Zero, over.”
John sighs to himself, sitting back in his seat as he pulls his comm close and responds back. “This is captain price, we are to arrive to our destined location in five.”
The response he gets back is a fast one, not giving him time to cut the comms as he listens. The rest of the team was also listening to the response back.
“Negative, sir. Location is not safe, reroute to his address.”
Johns phone goes off, showing him a new address to drive too. The captain frowns at the sudden change, but knows that he can’t question the man after the bickering he went through with Laswell. “Copy, rerouting.” He passed the location to Soap who was driving the vehicle, taking the new coordinates and changing their route down a different road. “This rookie better know what he’s doing.” Muttered Gaz, getting the captains attention. “We have no choice but to trust him. But, I also hope he knows what he’s doing.”
The drive took longer than planned now that the location was changed then didn’t arrive until night fall. They drive further away from town and into the woods where a rather large house stood out but also remained very well hidden. They all step out of the van and gather there things. Soap looks up to the house and chuckles. “This place is huge! Are you sure this is the right place?”
“You drove us here.” Ghost narrows his eyes at soap.
“Coordinates show that this is the place.” John speaks up, giving his team a glance before nodding. “Alright, let’s head inside.” The safe house was bigger than expected but it was also dark with no lights turned on or guards standing around the place, blending in with the night and remaining hidden from visitors. When approaching the entrance, it’s ghost who takes notice of the pressure plank located at the front. “Place is rigged with traps.” He turns to the others while they look around for another way inside, not finding any open windows or extra doors.
“There’s a shed to your right.”
Johns comms go off.
“Inside there is a hidden tunnel, it’ll lead you to the basement and inside the house.”
John looks around and his eyes land on the shed, approaching the old thing and pulling the door open to things that belonged inside the shed, it wasn’t until he moved a few boxes that he find an additional trap door that guided him through the tunnels. “Over here.” He calls to the rest and followed him through the dark tunnels. Gaz is the last to step inside and makes sure to close up the doors as he follows his captain.
“We need light.”
“Use a few flares.”
Soap pulls a flare from his pack and turns it on, holding it over his head up front as it lights up the dark tunnel. They follow the trail that leads them towards the house and into the basement first before making it to the first floor. “Keep your guard up, who knows what awaits us.” John warns his men as they enter the house with the lights out it becomes difficult for them to see, not wearing any night vision goggles to make thing easier for them.
“You made it.”
The lights were switched on them as they all turns towards the source of tapping shoes, guns up and aiming towards a singular man who stood a few feet away from them. He was dressed in all black, wearing a mask to cover his entire face like ghost and wearing black goggles that covered his eyes. He’s quick to put his hands up showing them that he meant no harm and carried no weapon with him.
“You zero?” John asks, still holding his own gun up as the man in front of him nods. He slowly reached over to his comm and gives off a few taps.
“Yes, I am unarmed.”
That’s good enough to have the team lower there guns. “Zero, I’m Captain price. This here is my team.” He said while approaching him. “This is Soap, Gaz, and Ghost.” He points to each one while Zero gives off a nod in greeting at the other three, raising his hands, hesitance at first as he signs. “Anyone know sign language?” He questions.
It’s ghost who speaks next. “I know the language.” He hums out, getting Zeros attention who smiled proudly under his own mask and jumps on his toes. “Thought I’d have to write stuff out for everyone to understand, but this works!” Zero is enthusiastic in his signing before waving them over to the main room where there a few boxes full of Ammon and additional guns in case they are needed. A table stood in the middle of the room with all the plans written down along with sticky notes of various locations and names.
“Here is the information that I was able to get from Yuri.” Signed Zero while Ghost translated for the team, rounding the table to stand on the other side while the team looked at his work. “How the hell did you get this much information?” Gaz asks, looking at the coordinates located on the map.
“I was under deep cover with Yuri and his men.” Zero placed his hands on his hips while John chuckles. “Laswell said that your good at getting information, did you choke this out of Yuri?”
Zero shakes his head. “I befriend Yuri a month into my cover, took his side while I was there and gained his trust very fast. He trusted me with a storage room that contained dangerous weapons along with poison gas. When I arrived my team had ambushed them and we got rid of everything. Yuri’s men and his weapons and burned the place to the ground.”
The team is shocked to hear his work. Having been undercover and working with Yuri along with getting his trust in order to get locations of important cargo.
“Shit, Laswell was right.” Soap mumbled out, not believing her at first. “Right, she’s got us worried about you but it looks like you are pretty useful.” John steps in, getting Zeros attention who turned his head to face John.
Behind the goggles he stared at John intently, his lips curling into a smile under the mask before looking back at his own plans. He leans forward to point a gloved finger at the map, showing them a circled area. A sticky note was attached to it and it’s John who takes it and reads it out loud.
“Yuri’s second in command is located here. He is to be transporting weapons back to their warehouse at midnight.”
Ghost speaks up. “Using the dark for coverage.”
“Makes it easy for them to move dangerous weapons without getting stopped.” Added Gaz.
John examined the map and location before sighing deeply and standing up straight. “Alright, we are heading out in an hour—take what you need and get ready. We’re checking the place out and putting a stop to it.”
“Yes, sir.” They all say in unison and began to get prepared for the mission.
Zero was located across town nearest to the road that Yuri’s men are to take tonight. He’s hiding in the shadows, rifle in hand as he waits for any signs of movement. He’s alone and the night is quiet only the sound of crickets and civilians from afar is heard. He focuses ahead and still doesn’t see any movement, sighing to himself he turns on his comms.
“No sign of movement.”
He doesn’t get a response which caused him to frown. “Price, do you copy?” Silence. “Ghost? Soap? Gaz? Does anyone copy?” Nothing. He’s quick to step away from the ledge, something feeling terribly wrong with the silence he is receiving from the rest of the team. He remembers price telling him that he’d be on the west side of town nearest to the compound. Zeros eyes widen in realization, it’s a trap.
Zero takes the rifle in his hand and straps it over his shoulder as he leaves the roof, moving in the dark and making his way west. A few trucks pass by, causing him to hide against a few houses and checking the area to see a few familiar faces. Yuri’s men were transporting the weapons down another road, changing the plans and rerouting to a different area. Zero stalks closer, hearing murmurs in Russian when he finds a window in the compound.
It doesn’t take him long to find his team trapped inside a room, door locked while a few men chuckled. “Should we perhaps try to experiment?” One of them says as they turn to face a taller man who wore all black, hair white as snow as they wore round glasses. A hint of a grin upon their lips. “We shall.” His accent is rough, turning around and giving Zero a better view of the man.
“Yakov.” Zero mumbled to himself, glaring at the scientist and watched as he walks over to a tank with a label stating ‘poison gas’ in Russian. The simple warning alerts Zero as Yakov moved the tank over to the room with his teammates, locked inside while the scientist got to work. Zero pulls away from the window, looking around frantically and finding the breaker box located near the entrance.
He moves quickly, rushing over to the box and tanking it open as he switched the lights off. The sound of confused voices fills the night. Zero activates his night vision goggles, pulling out a blade that was tucked away around his leg. “Time to work.” He says to himself and moves back to the window, looking inside to see Yakov shouting at his own men in Russian to check the place and to turn the power back on. Before they could scatter he’s able to lift the window, getting inside without making a sound.
“Go! Without power I am unable to get this done without getting us all killed!”
One of Yakovs men opens his mouth to respond back only to stumble forward with a grunt, falling face first onto the ground with a blade sticking behind his back. The scientist gaped with wide eyes, looking around frantically in the dark as he holds his own gun out. He’s unable to see but he hears the sound of his own men falling one by one. A few gunshots go off which startles the scientist, pulling the trigger on his own gun. He doesn’t hit anything and yelps when the gun is shoved out of his hands and is pinned against the door where Zeros team stood.
His arm against his neck as he applied pressure to his windpipe, causing the scientist to thrash in his hold and tried to kick him off. Zero cocks his head in a menacing way. “Yuri is a fool to leave you unprepared.” He whispered, shoving his blade deep into the scientist stomach and watched as his body slowly grows limp in his hold. Zero let’s him go and slumps down onto the floor.
Zero gives the scientist a long stare before turning back towards the door. He takes a look at the lock and gets down on one knee and began to pick the lock, working fast into getting it unlocked and removing the chain. When he proves the door open he forgets how defensive his teammates might get and isn’t prepared when he’s tackled to the ground.
Price holding him in a headlock as he grunts, elbowing price on the ribs as his grip loosened. He’s quick to get out of his hold and turn around to face the rest of his team. “It’s Zero!” He coughs out, voice croaking.
“Zero? Thank fuck your alive.” It’s Soap who sighs in relief when he comes face to face with the new recruit. “Wait—you just spoke.”
Zero clears his throat nervously, opening his mouth to give a response back but is cut off by the sound of gunshots going off. “Out now!” Price shouts as they all run to the back, finding a door and busting their way through and escaping into the dark night, hiding deep into the woods and away from Yuri’s men. Once they are far enough and not being followed they finally get the chance to breath.
“Those damn coordinates took us to a trap!” Ghost shouts, angrily turning to face Price and Zero. “Damn rookie almost brought us to our death.”
“Easy, ghost.” Price holds his hand up, stopping him from approaching Zero any further. Things were getting escalated by the sudden outburst, blaming Zero for the misinformation and near death that they almost had. Zero stands in silence, panting heavily, head lowered as his mind wandered.
“I almost lost you…” his voice is a soft whisper, not loud enough to be heard from the others arguing with each other. It wasn’t until Price speaks up. “Enough! We should be glad that Zero got us out of there. Who knew how long we were going to be stuck inside with no weapons or plan.” Their captain glared at everyone, giving them a stern talk.
“You could have been dead.”
Zeros voice startled everyone. They all turned to face him as he stood there.
“You could have died and I—“ Zero shakes his head. “I could have lost you.” His last statement is directed towards Price who furrowed his brows in confusion.
Zero sighs, reaching up to remove his helmet and goggles, along with his mask too. His face is bare to the entire team, giving them all a chance to see his face. His eyes avert towards Price who stared with wide eyes, taking him in and stepping forward. “Y/n?” He reached out to place his hand against his neck, thumb stroking his jaw as he sniffles.
“I’m sorry.” He murmured out, staring into the eyes of his husband of two years. Y/n knew Prices work and that he lead his own task force along with having history in the SAS. He’d told John that he worked at an office, doing paperwork and staying indoors knowing damn well that was a lie. He worked with Laswell who knew there history. Y/n had spent years working for her, killing people and going undercover, keeping his identity hidden and never speaking a word to anyone unless it was Laswell who he trusted. He never thought that he’d end up falling in love with their captain and getting married to a military man. What they did was dangerous but Y/n feared that his work was far more dangerous and complicated.
Yet, here he stood. Facing his husband who he almost lost if he hadn’t figured out Yuri’s ambush against his team. The thought of him not making it on time and finding John dead crushed him. He couldn’t lose him, not when he’s finally found happiness.
“Oh, my love.” Johns voice is soft, pulling him close into a hug as Y/n holds back a sob and buried his face deeper into his shoulder. His hands gripping his back, afraid to let go. “Im sorry.” He muffled. The two pulling away. “I didn’t know how to tell you and I was afraid of what you’d think of me doing this sort of work.”
John sighs deeply, shaking his head. “Does Laswell know?”
He nods in confirmation.
That brings a laugh out of johns lips, shaking his head in disappointment. “She knew about us and yet she took the risk into adding you into my team.”
“Don’t blame her, John. I requested to help as long as I stayed quiet and didn’t let our personal life interfere. I had more information about Makarov and his business than you ever did.” He argued back, glaring at John. “If it wasn’t for me I wouldn’t have known about the weapons and his damn scientist Yakov—the man is brutal! I spent a month undercover and working for them in order to get what I needed and had to sit back and watch as he tortured my men! My people.” He bites out. “And I—I almost saw it happen again, but with you on the other end and I couldn’t let that happen.”
John pulled him close again, whispering soft words into his ears. “It’s alright, I’m fine and made it out. Because of you we are all alive.” John knew that he couldn’t be upset with his own husband, everyone makes mistakes and takes risks. He’s simply happy that their both together again.
Their moment together is cut by soap.
“Wait—your married?!”
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diejager · 2 years
Gentle Giant
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Pairing : König x fem!reader
Cw: blood, gore, murder, injuries, war, FLUFF.
Wc: 3.1k
(A/N) : Its my first try at mw2 fanfic, I'm sorry if he's ooc >~<
Ps. I went with standard german since I can't find a free and functioning austrian german translator.
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Calling him a giant didn't do him justice, a goliath within the army giants fit him better. Face hidden under a hood over a balaclava and the skin around his eyes painted black that made his icy blue irises gleam, König was as shrouded in mystery as he was shadowed by thick layers. His sole figure made others move away, parting ways for the behemoth to pass with big strides to match his size.
You've seen it happen too often with bigger or scarier soldiers - Ghost and König being a part of this selection - lower ranked never bothered too much with them, not wanting their ire. You understood them, having met and worked with both KorTac and the 141 before, you felt the difference between you and the men you've worked with.
You being smaller than most men, probably a bit under the average height for a woman your age, knew how menacing having someone towering over you in warfare; but you fought and earned your rank and notoriety.
You watched from afar, laying stomach down and arms propped up to hold your sniper that stood on pegs, observing your teammates through the scope. Your sights zoned in on the squad that moved forward steadily, yet carefully, weapons up and sticking in duos when they split to check corners. They caught on the front lines, the danger being higher than yours, especially on an open-aired ground like this place. KorTac could fall victim to snipers - you made sure to take care of them before you gave them a clear, spotting five gleaming scopes from the dilapidated building you hid in and you took them out, careful not to get caught - grenades, flash bangs, trigger happy newbies or enemy arms.
You watched their back, covering them from any strays advancing from the back of from higher up, you were thorough with your job. People knew you for your 'no man left behind' principle, ensuring everyone came back in one piece or with a few missing, but always alive; you were a sniper people wanted to have covering them, and that's why KorTac placed so much trust in you - aside from the times you joined them.
You heard them talk, about spreading out in teams of two through the radio, half took the front and the other would go through the back, ensuring that they'd trap the target inside.
"Moving in, Owl, " Horangi informed you, eyes forward and leading the front through the back door.
"I'll keep the line open, " you replied, watching as the last of his group entered the building.
Your eyes scoured the windows, watching through them for KorTac operators. You took shots at any armed men you saw running through the door or trying to enter the building. You pulled the bolt back and snapped it after every shot, reloading and searching around you for any enemy before returning to your observation. Gunshots rang in your ear, pained cries from afar, and loud thumps from falling bodies, given a few minutes and they would radio back for exfil with the target. As expected, your prediction of KorTac's skill happened, Stiletto radioed over that they had acquired the target and were moving out.
"Cover us, Owl," König's rumbling voice called out, the monotone timbre in his words sent a shiver down your spine.
"Moving towards exfil."
You watched the men exit from the back, pushing a cuffed and limping man, screaming threats at them, from garnering the ire of his country or thbackupup he called, but the operators ignored his crazed babbles. If the latter really happened, you'd have to be ready. You scoped the area around them and further back, switching to and fro the team and surroundings until they got to the helicopter.
Once you saw them board the aircraft, you jumped to your feet and held your bolt-action sniper across your chest as you watched the helicopter fly your way. The closer it got, the louder the propellers sounded and the harsher the winds became, blowing sand into your eyes, balaclava shielding you from nose to mouth from the grimy taste. Once it lowered itself near the roof, it landed and you boarded, grasping the helping hand of the behemoth. You gave a firm squeeze of gratitude before you slide the door shut and caught the glaring eyes of your target.
"Gute Arbeit, Owl."
Your answer was a swift nod, eyes meeting König's icy blues as he towered over the rest of KorTac and you.
The mission was a success, the target - terrorist - apprehended and the interrogation was left to Laswell. You'd go back to solo missions or join others as their sniper.
A few weeks flew by rapidly, you hadn't seen König much between your missions with TF 141, other teams, or solo missions, and the little rest you got when off duty. A part of you wished for a day of rest, but another one reminded you of the threats of straying for too long, work helped get your mind off of unwanted thoughts, and dark and dangerous ground. Working helped you stay preoccupied, leaving only your nightmare to haunt you.
You were heading to the armory, to suit up and meet with Laswell for another mission, with who? She hadn't told you. "Meeting in 15." those were her words, clear and direct. You wore the dark grey vest over your grey hoodie, helmet, and balaclava in hand, and strode to the room after you stocked up with knives, a pistol, ammunition, and your sniper in a well-protected case. You preferred arriving a minute or two before it started, not wanting to be the last nor the first to step into a room and risk the chance of an awkward waiting time with other people you hardly knew.
Fortunately, the moment you reached for the door, a familiar figure opened it, looming over you at the entrance with the palest blues you've ever seen - or admitted you liked.
"König," you greeted softly, walking in when he moved back.
He gave a slow nod, eyes fleeting and jumpy - perhaps his anxiety was acting up, you spoke with him about it once, when you were forced to stay hidden in a safe house while you waited for evac to come. Did he come here right after another mission?
"Owl, good to have you."
"Owl, how copy?" a gruff voice radioed.
Aksel, the sole Norwegian of KorTac, you knew from the rough rasp he had even when you spoke in person. This task hadn't demanded the whole team, having the need of half of the members for it in case it turned bad. Laswell had you join Aksel, König, Roze, Zero, Oni, and Zeus.
"Affirmative, Aksel, " you replied, eyes catching sight of the target's car.
A dark limousine rolled to the side, doors opening as guards in ironed suits walked out, surrounding an ugly-looking man in luxurious clothes worth probably more than your life. You could see him from 2 blocks away through your scope, eyes probed to focus on your target. He was smart, having meat shields around him from all sides, it gave him a chance to survive; if he wasn't put up against you, he's an unlucky son of a bitch. Human trafficking, drugs and weapons dealing, child prostitution, and more, all on the grounds of a country that couldn't do anything about it unless they risked betrayal. That's why they employed PMCs.
"Target in sight. Permission to shoot."
"Permission granted," Watcher, Laswell, told you from the safety of the base in the foreign country.
You were primed for a headshot, eyes narrowed to his disgusting mug. You blinked, took a slow breath, and fired as you exhaled, body jolting slightly from the fire. You kept your sights on him as you pulled back the bolt, snapping back when you saw your target fall, his head blown bloody and body slumping forward.
You felt almost proud about ending him, watching his bodyguards scramble around his corpse for safety, knowing that their boss, the one who paid them, was dead and bleeding from a hole in his head on the floor. Some jumped into the car and sped away, others into the building and some ran for cover behind alleys and buildings.
"Target down, Watcher," you spoke loud and clearly into the mic, letting her know of your success.
Your next mission with König, around two weeks after the prior one, hadn't gone as your expected. What you thought would be a regular job - Laswell's intel made it seem casual, recon and infiltration - turned to shit, for you at least.
You'd been deployed ahead to let you settle down and mark your sniper's nest for easier extraction, to get into position and cover for KorTac when they landed and started the infiltration. You spent a good 10 minutes covering the ones on the ground - perhaps a bit too much - after taking down the snipers posted on towers and windows to ensure their success. Your constant cover had led you to a rising problem, the enemy would figure out where your nest was and reinforcement would be called or they would send a squad to take you out. You better on the latter, but didn't know when to move; too early would alert them of your position, and too late would come to bite you in the back. The first one was too risky, the second option seemed a bit better.
You'd taken fewer shots, taking more care of keeping them guessing your position until you absolutely needed to move. You had the line open in case of emergencies, if you were caught you'd need to warn them, and let them know that you couldn't support them. You kept your guard up, eyes through the scope and ears open for any clicks or cracks from feet stepping off the rocky debris you littered around the nest.
It was a good idea on your part, as the bolt snapped, you heard crunching and moved quickly. You stuffed the sniper inside its case and swung it over your shoulder, pistol pulled to defend yourself when your buck met the wall behind the entrance.
"This is Owl, I've been made," you hushed through your mic, eyes strained on the blank opening.
Pistol pressed to your chest, and you waited until the first one walked in, seeing his extended hand before his head appeared. The gun was trained on him the instant his head passed the door, your index pulled the trigger and his head jerked right with an explosion of blood and gore. He keeled over and the following enemies all swarmed in.
It was a rush of adrenaline, you're body moved on habit and your mind was keen on killing and surviving, you kicked behind his knee and jammed a knife down the junction of his neck and shoulder, watching the blood spray over your covered face and hand. You pulled his heavy body against yours, using him as a shield as his brother unloaded his mag into him. When he was out, you shoved him forward, corpse toppling over the living soldier with a pained grunt. Dead bodies were somehow amazing weights if you needed them, it was unexpected and the lax muscles that usually held the body up crashed down. You sent a bullet through his head and watched through calm eyes the blood that soaked the floor.
The fear in his eyes when he saw the gun strained on his head, cold and creeping death that loomed over him at that moment before he saw the barrel. Fear was nothing new in your field, fear for yourself, for someone else, or from someone, fear, and death came together in war, as blood and bullets did.
You pushed the image back, quickly stepping over them with a guarded stature, making your way down to find another place to settle down.
"3 down, probably more on the way, moving west," you informed KorTac, hearing grunts and shots from their end.
"Are you all right, Owl?" asked a worried tone.
König, even in this mess, had time to worry about you, voice low with concern instead of his cold, monotone one when he fought. It was sweet, made your connection to him seem more relevant, deeper, and holding more meaning. It made your heart thrum happily.
"Yes," your reply was short since you were busy.
Moving around bodies and reloading behind the hard, cement wall, you sprung forward and shot down two other soldiers, two tapping them for assurance. The number was amassing, it went from three upstairs, one on your way down, and now four near the exit. The inside felt musky and stank of iron, maybe it was from your balaclava being soaked in someone's blood, but the smell permeated from the room, and you could taste the metal tang.
Your eyes fleeted left and right before making an exit, sprinting to the nearest cover and watching for enemies. You moved every time it felt safe, jumping from cover to cover until you reached a tall building far enough to continue your cover. It was safer, or so you thought. Someone in the enemy's beige fatigues grabbed your hands, struggling for your submission.
Your curse made it to KorTac's ears, they asked for your status, to know where you were. Although you wanted to reply, you were a bit too busy with your struggle for ground when he pushed you down, back splayed on the floor as you tried to angle your gun to him. Your shared grunts were heard through the radio, your hiss from your cheek nicking a rock.
He spoke something foreign, you didn't understand him, hadn't had time to learn Farsi with all the missions you were sent on daily. You ground your teeth, your knee pushing against his abdomen with a groan. Unfortunately, he only huffed and brought the knife from his other hand closer to your face, your struggle wouldn't last long with a man twice your size over you.
From your narrowed eyes, you - both of you - missed the big silhouette of a man entering the room in a rush. A familiar knife was shoved into the man's neck as he was pulled away with beige-tipped gloves and pushed to the opposite side of the room with a raging KorTac operator holding the drowning man a few inches above the ground. His choked gurgles reached your ears as you sat up, seeing König hunched over the limp and dying enemy. He jabbed the knife multiple times into him, breaking the soft walls of the enemy's esophagus. It was a bloody display that would make privates shiver.
As his name left your lips, he was immediately by your side, knife sheathed and weapons put aside, his hands were all over you, gripping your shoulders, arms, face, and waist. He was making sure you weren't wounded. You huffed, telling him you weren't wounded, a few scratches and bruises, but that's all. Whatever words you muttered, fell on deaf ears, König's eyes gleamed with worry, dilated and wide.
Getting hurt and dying was part of the job, but that didn't mean anyone wanted to get hurt or die. He knew that, yet the thought of seeing you gone, bleed out, or fallen into the enemy's hands scared him. He worried about you, a being so small and fragile to him, but strong and fierce as you've shown him so many times.
You broke down the barriers he put up, melted the anxiety that he had, and shared your darkest moments with him as he did with you. Your heart beats for him and him, you. It was a dangerous thing, letting one so close that your heart would die if the other was gone. Fear had rushed through him when he heard your grunts, it latched to his back and dragged him back. He couldn't go with the others knowing you were ambushed, he had to turn back and help you. Although he knew you were capable, he just couldn't shake the terror off until he saw you still in one piece.
That's why he left his formation and ran to yours in blinded fear and anger, the latter for the one who stood over you.
Even crouched down, he towered over you, hooded face shadowing you from the sun. Your stomach fluttered every time your eyes met his, the cold and calculative - sometimes murderous - gleam melted to a soft and caring one, warm and comforting as the sun. You muttered again, told how he saved you, that you're alive because of him. You gave him soothing words, eyes locked in a war-torn location.
König, however dangerous, was calm and caring, a quiet figure that held your hand and moved with you down the halls. He used to hide in the shadows - he still had the tendency to do it when you weren't with him - and distance himself from others. He used to hide and avoid people, explaining his reasons as to why he would only let you in, close enough to hold hands and share kisses. You liked the thought of being the only one inside, the special someone he let himself be near and touch without freezing up or stuttering.
You remember seeing him sliding through the crowd and vanishing when he ruined the corner or when you blinked, steps so quiet and so purposeful that you thought he was making sure to lose you - he had mentioned feeling you stare at him, wanting to bury himself in a pit for getting your attention, someone he admired and respected.
König was guarded, he protected himself from pain and people, and now, he vowed to do the same for you, to keep you from harm - when he was teamed with you - and from people - although not the jealous type, he didn't want to risk it.
Fraternizing was shamed by some higher-ups, the old coots like General Sheperd, but most didn't care, some encouraged you - Task Force 141 - and König - KorTac - to make due with what you had and reap the best of it. The danger of getting attached ran high, but you two made it work, you watched over him as Owl and you loved and adored him as (Name).
Perhaps, after retiring, you'd buy a house, a small one in the countryside far from civilization to keep to yourselves. To love and grow old together seemed like a beautiful idea to you when König had his drunk, bumbling mess after a can or two while you stayed sober to drive the team back.
You've come far, from brothers in arms to lovers on the battlefield, you've had your fears and your moments, but you always reached for him when he reached for you. Love's a game for two, after all.
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year
Hey its goose anon! Thank you for answering my question thats like a long time ago which i just saw today, sorry about that been a long time since i visited this blog, but i still love your writings and art! :Since requests are open, i would like to ask of a scenerio of The main guys seeing Soldier!reader in action? Maybe a massive battle happened and reader decides to jump in and save them, but how destructive reader could ACTUALLY be?
Have a good day!
Hi, Goose! It's been a while and I'm glad you're back! :D
(This scenario would most likely take place after the AAHW tries to forcefully make the Soldier join, as well as them collecting enough samples to try and clone them. But their team breaks them out, so this takes place during their breakout and when their loyalty is sworn to SQ.)
During the breakout to retrieve Soldier!Reader from the AAHW facility that served as their prison, the group of Hank, Sanford, and Deimos would no doubt be swarmed by AAHW units that were placed there to try and keep the Soldier contained.
Upon trying to break out, the SQ crew would be attacked by literal DOZENS of agents and units. Upon seeing their little friends getting shot and injured by the hostile organization, the large soldier would fly into a rage for the first time since they came to Nevada.
The peaceful diplomacy that the soldier is known for is suddenly gone and agents are finding themselves suddenly squared up against a large behemoth that is NOT happy that their little buddies are going to be killed off by the agents.
Upon starting to rampage, the soldier crushes numerous agents under their heavy boots with a series of vicious stomps. Turning them into crushed viscera and red smears in the concrete. They move much faster than MAG agents, their longer limbs allowing them to sidestep, leap, and roll out of danger and crush, squish, throw, and rend any agent units in their way.
Their primary objective is to pick up their smaller companions and place them on their body or in their reinforced backpack for safety. The injured are carefully placed onto their back while the others cling on to their back and body while they dispatch and destroy anything in their way as their rampage resumes.
Cars are crushed underfoot and if there are helicopters nearby, they will literally pick up a vehicle and CHUCK it at the helicopters. Sending them down in a ball of fire. If the helicopters manage to drop a few MAG agents, the Soldier will enter combat with them with no hesitation. Their nimble form allows them to dance around the MAGS with ease as they grab their extremities and tear the pipes and hoses from their bodies. If one MAG is particularly skilled, the legendary rifle that the soldier always carries around is utilized. A sound akin to a loud thunder clap rocks the ground and the next thing the grunts know, the MAG's head is blown to shit. Blood, brains, and bone are splattered in a radius around the collapsing body of the MAG agent.
Meanwhile, the SQ crew is hanging on or hiding in their pack, watching just the sheer amount of carnage the soldier is leaving in their aggressive wake. Piles upon piles of bodies lie across the battlefield, burning wrecks smolder and fires raging, and a couple of dead MAGS lie in the ruins of what was once a AAHW base. The soldier isn't even done, as they continue to rampage and rip, stomp, and throw away any adversaries that swarmed the area.
The soldier has taken damage too. From gunshots, to slashed clothes, and even burns from fire, but the soldier is far too enraged to care. They even target certain explosive parts of the base. Intentionally picking up AAHW trucks and throwing them at these vulnerable places. From fueling areas to propane takes, the car impacts these locations and shit fucking explodes. Fire rains down and the soldier finally begins to head out with their charges safely on their body.
The smoke from the fires provide cover from the helicopters and if any are seen following the retreating soldier, another thrown item (be it a car, iron beam, or corpse) is quick to dispatch the pursuers.
The soldier would run for miles away from the location, getting information from their little riders on where to go. Once they all get back to the base after the successful breakout, the soldier finally collapses in a tired heap and allows their charges to get off of them. Doc is quick to come out of the base and assess the damage and treat wounds.
Once the heat is off and injuries are mended, the soldier is treated with far more respect. Their aggression and sheer power was typically never shown nor seen, but after the AAHW fiasco, the SQ crew now truly understands the power someone like their large soldier can wield.
In a way, it makes the crew admire you.
As an added bonus to the aftermath, the soldier now looks at the AAHW as a genuine threat.
"Hank, you are right. The Auditor is a cocksucker and his entire organization can burn to the fucking ground. Fuck the AAHW."
The Soldier would say as they get treated by Doc, much to the happiness of Hank and the rest of the crew cheers in agreement.
The soldier is now much more wary of the AAHW after that, as they are also equally protective of their little "war-family" and would take any hostile behavior towards them as a threat.
NOBODY attempts to kill their little allies or their mini-me (Hank) and lives.
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epicspheal · 2 years
You know with Pokemon leaning more into Parents as Antagonist/Villains, I'd love for them to explore different types of Bad Parents. Because the bad parents that have gotten the focus (Giovanni, Ghetsis, Lusamine, Sada/Turo) pretty much fall under the criminal neglect/manipulative/controlling/abusive category. And while these are fantastic topics to cover...they've kind of been done a lot for the series. And there's definitely a lot more types of bad parents than just those and they have really good narrative potential in a Pokemon game. I'd love for them for example to really expand on the overprotective parent. We've seen this a bit with Wally's Family (due to his respiratory condition) and Bianca with her father but it ends up being resolved rather quickly within the main story. I feel like the Overprotective Parent can work well as the basis of an entire villainous team of well-meaning but very over-bearing helicopter parents who are trying to prevent kids from going on journeys because it's either "Too Dangerous" (Since we know from both Legends and SV that people can die from being attacked by Pokemon) or "To Protect Kids from Failure from having their dream crushed" (there is a common theme among rivals about having their dreams take a shift after constantly losing to the player...and there are many parents who just don't take kindly to the idea of their kids failing and being hurt by said failures). Basically a reverse-Team Plasma. What's great is that this team can follow the trend of recent villainous teams not being straight up evil...but more misguided. You can definitely work the plot of it the founders of the team maybe having been crushed by their own failures and in the misguided parenting are trying to protect their kids from that. If we want to get dark maybe they know someone (their sibling or another child of theirs) was seriously hurt/killed by Pokemon and they really don't want a repeat. The Overprotective Parent also works as just a standalone. This is one of the areas where I'm really hoping BW gets ORAS style remakes because I want them to explore Bianca and her father's storyline in a deeper manner.
I'd also love to see a parent that tries to live through the rival vicariously. They see their child has some potential in battling (or another thing if they bring back sidequests like Contests, Pokestar Studios or Pokeathlons) and because they (for whatever reason) couldn't be what they wanted, they decide to push their kid into becoming that to the point the kids starts to lose interest (or perhaps want a different career path entire). Personally I'd love to see the plot be the kid wants to be whatever it is they're good at, but their parent's ambitions and demands for perfectionism sucks the joy from them and they have to regain their passion independent of their parents. There's a lot of potential for growth in the parent with this one as maybe by the post game the parent stops badgering their kid and they themselves attempt to restart their hobby as a trainer/coordinator/etc. It's important for parents to know that they can still pursue their dreams even with children it just takes balance and not living vicariously through others. One that would be really interesting to see is the parent who thinks dealing with Pokemon (let alone training them) is a pointless and doesn't think their child should want to do the same, despite the kid clearly wanting to go on a journey themselves. We've seen a bit in Legends people not wanting to deal with Pokemon (granted this was a bit more out of fear rather than complete disinterest) and we've seen in the anime kids who weren't interested in Pokemon (Chloe/Koharu early on most notably but also some COTDs in early seasons). I think it's something the games could really use for a character. Like it's refreshing to see characters not necessarily be gungho about Pokemon themselves (let alone battling) and it'd be interesting to see how in a modern timeline that could cause conflict in how the kid deals with not having their parent's support in a "I don't give a f*** about your interest type of way and you shouldn't either". This would be really good for an older rival NPC whose parents feel like their ambition to be a trainer is worthless, partly because they personally don't see any value in Pokemon, but also because they see the notion of going on a journey to be something naive kids do, and as a older teenager/young adult they should be focused on trying to find a proper profession. This is one path that could involve the parent learning to like Pokemon in the end. Honestly though, I'd be okay if the end result is that they still personally don't care about Pokemon or training, but they become more supportive of the character because they realize that their child is their own person and are allowed to have different opinions and aspirations. I just really hope they branch out from the neglect/abuse path because while very important topics there's others ways parents can be not great and those deserve spotlight
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theawkwardthing · 2 years
Short fanfic For :
Simon Riley x Reader (Female)
Summary: you're Pregnant with Simon's Baby in one-night stand during mission to Russia
First time Wrighting this don't judge me :)
A Baby For Ghost                           
You're Probably Pregnant with His child it's been several weeks since you two... Played.. it was kinda weird Place to "Make Love" A Cave to be exact, But Everything got so difficult to process You are pregnant with the child of a man whose face you have not seen or know where he lives or anything about his past except his name, whose authenticity is difficult to verify so messed up situation..
ghost wasn't someone Romantic or anything, He likes dominance over you a lot of Rough kisses all over your neck.
He didn't let you take of his mask only showing his soft lips while he fucks you looking into your eyes.
Hovering over your delicious Body it was Hot, Wild Night on the last day before going Home you told him you wanted to go to this mission in Russia with him .
The man is silent most of time But his Eyes telling a story of a lost Boy everytime you staring at him.
he just keeps his focus on you you both Hated eachother but always there's this Burning Desire between you .
The mission in Russia is two-man job, ghost refused taking you with him He wanted someone else to go but soap and the other team mates were in a different mission.
Ghost was harsh with you in giving orders. He quarreled with Captain Price, refusing you to go with him. He didn't want someone to hold him back. And of course he's not a Newbie like you, but you want to prove your worth in front of him.
"Simon Ghost Riley, we're both in the same rank, and I'm coming with you! Oh, let me tell you something, Lieutenant, I came into the Army to die, not to call for civil protection."
He didn't move from his place. His eyes were just as cold. He stared at you for a few seconds, then he sighed in annoyance. He considered you like a pain in the ass "Stay behind me," he told you in his deep, hoarse voice.
He raised the cap of the military cloak over your head and wrapped it well, making sure that it was tied.
That's odd is did he just took care of you?
You don't know if it's an act of interest or he tried to suffocate you with ties around your neck and then backed away in the last second..
Absolutely, the snow here is falling like crazy, and it may exceed the usual normal degree, and it will not hold its terribly low temperature Freezing one slightly slip off this tight path and you're done..Gone with the wind.
you need to be careful oh goddamn overthinking made you slip a little bit of the cliff but ghost noticed on a quiet quick move he grabbed your arm pulling you into his muscular chest The military equipment hanging on the armor above his body almost smashed into your  nearly frozen face .
You heard a sharp Breath then looked into his burning eyes. fuck He's pissed almost crushing you're shoulders. You know he's clinging his teeth behind that skull mask but thank God on of the guards started to cough that asshole saved you from Ghost's Rage
[ I'm not good at fighting Scenes so I'll just ignore that part :) ]
The mission success was mostly because of you so when you both on the way returning to the base you gave him the victory stare so proud of yourself until you failed finding the way and lost the signal to the car you have to walk now in these frozen areas avoiding frozen ponds and all the dangerous places "there's a blizzard coming, you both have to find a good place to spend the night" price informed you the helicopter can't Reach you "copy that" he said.
Okay maybe apologize for what you did wasn't a good idea when you both walked into the cave and He heard you saying "sorry.. ghost" He was so fucking fast hitting you like he fights an enemy on your leg and you lost balance and fell on the ground damn he's so tall so fucking tall and huge man "damn woman! I told you not to come, didn't I !!" Screamed at you while sitting on your stomach not completely breaking you but he was heavy like hell his legs on each side of your body "I said I'm sorry, okay!" You shouted back "well sorry isn't going to solve our problem"
- what? Are you going to kill me now?
-How about a punishment..
- A Punishment, love. He whispered not Breaking the content between your eyes
Fuck fuck fuck what that look? Damn You feel Ghost approaching you, you feel his hot breath on your cheek and then towards your neck after he snatched you the military helmet from your head and left your hair lying on the ground.
For some reason, you didn't fight him. You wanted this too.
Since the first day, despite your hatred for him, there was a physical attraction between you, very intimate.
Cuffing your wrists above your head & ripped off your vest exposing your breasts good thing the cave was kinda warm or maybe the closer of your Bodies increased the Heat.
he covered your sight using a cloth didn't let you see him when he left his mask starts swirling His tongue around your right nipple making you shivering and moaning like a bitch "simon, please that's.."
He was too quick taking off your pants then shoving his fingers against your clit moving it rubbing your pussy in circle movements making you close your thighs almost reaching orgasm but then he stops "FUCKING HELL SIMON RILEY!" you screamed loud enough to echo your voice then you heard a chuckle an attractive one "that's my phrase" he said, your body aching, pounding, shivering .
Can't see him but feeling his large hands over your stomach then squeezing your breasts, his teeth baiting your nipples and sucking your neck kissing roughly leaving love marks, touching your pussy gently his deep voice hissing into your ears "do you want to come, Babygirl?" Taking off his upper shirt and vest throwing his military equipment oh that's muscular man shit never saw him naked before you didn't tell him you could see him because the cloth moved a little bit off your eyes seeing him Lowering his head between your thighs licking ur pussy gently. Feeling his unshaven Beard tingling you, He's so fucking Good at this your Body is shaking with desire
Fuck he's torturing you, he wants you to beg him everytime you reach the orgasm He stops "Not Now.. you have to beg.." said again sliding his finger inside your pussy making your back arch you inhaled this is too much too damn much you started to cry moaning his name "p-please ... simon.. please.. make me... c.."
-" say it.. what do you want?"
-" FUCK ME, FILL ME UP WITH YOUR COCK!" Shit, you're gonna regret that embarrassing phrase..
Gosh, this man is a devil you can feel his stiffed warm cock on your thigh, his thick fingers didn't stop this time and you may explode this time on the very edge then he suprises you with huge cock inside your tight pussy grabbed your hips giving you time to get used to his big veiny dick size he groans, manly hot groans while moving inside you fucking you hard.
No protection no birth control only his bare cock hitting the insides of your pussy, he removed your gag and said "look at me" you are too shy now "EYES.. ON .. ME" Commands you what a dominant guy, crushing his mouth into your lips still his mask on except his lips surprisingly soft, hot, delicious lips tasting yours breathing near  your face looking into your eyes, touching his masked head "Simon.. come inside me.." and then he did you both did at the same time finally Reaching your orgasms you felt warm In lower belly.
All the time he acted as if nothing had happened between you two, he regained the cold manner he used to treat you since the day you came and you didn't mention anything for five days.
Ghost likes to isolate himself from everyone and always stay in the shadows watching you with his piercing eyes to the point that you feel that he sees you naked in his bed even though you are at the meeting table where the rest of the team are chatting.
Soap loves to tell jokes, and there was a friendly attraction between you, so you always talk and sit next to each other all the time. Soap is an attractive man and any woman may fall in love with him immediately because of his cuteness and attractive Body ofc.
You didn't know about the existence of the monster that was dominated by anger and annoyance. Ghost was not ignoring you as you thought, but all the time his eyes were following you. He is ready to slit the throat of his best friend (Soap) if he dares to cross the boundaries of friendship. Ghost does not want to share you with another man, he considers you his property. It tracks your movements even when you are asleep.
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storeecbrcod · 1 year
Through the Rubble (Pt 2)
Ghost x Reader fic (TW: Death, crushing injury, mild body horror, night terrors)
It’s been months since you were deemed KIA. Months since Soap heard Ghost’s agonised screams in the distance over the crackling of fires and tumbling of walls. Months since Soap had to call in back up to pry Ghost from your still body, and force him to leave the area just so a recovery crew could render your fractured body irrecoverable.
Ghost hadn’t been the same since. He turned colder, meaner, more sour. Presumably, it would make him stronger; he’d been through so much, this was surely not his worst experience.
His days spent in his bed on base begged to differ. He could barely get up anymore. He was used to your soft touch to rouse him, small kisses to his shoulders to get his muscles to work for him. But he didn’t have you now. He wasted away in his room for hours, trying to build up an ounce of strength to face himself and do something.
He hated how weak he felt. How he couldn’t even open his eyes without being painfully aware of the bed springs laying untouched next to him. He hated how he had to drag himself from the sheets, huffing and groaning, just to force himself to get dressed let alone leave his room and continue his life.
The team noticed, watching Ghost move sullenly around base. If you didn’t know what to look for, you’d probably think Ghost was just angrier than usual, but still Ghost. Him moving deliberately and with cold eyes wasn’t uncommon, after all.
But the team saw how he’d become hesitant. He wouldn’t answer their questions with unwavering certainty, he’d always think about it for a moment. He’d pause before picking up his plate from the mess hall. He’d look around a room before entering it. No matter what he did, he never walked straight into anything anymore.
They all thought it was anxiety, flashbacks of some sort. They all assumed he was thinking about how his decisions somehow got you killed, how he didn’t want to eat from grief, how he was searching for danger in every room.
But, in reality, he was thinking of you.
He was trying to decide how his answer might affect you as if you were there. He hated that he was grabbing a plate, not two for a quiet lunch in his office with you like you always used to. He searched for you, hoping against hope that your eyes would meet him and beckon him over to you.
You were never there, though.
It was another night laid in bed, sleepless and overwhelmed. He tried to close his eyes so many times, but all that he got in return was recurring images of your body, lifeless under the rubble through his tear-soaked lashes as he held your hand. Over and over again, all he saw was blood seeping from your crushed body, pink bubbles at the corner of your mouth as you spoke to him.
“Go, Ghost. Go while you can. I’m done.”
How his pleads spilled from his mouth, begging you to push against the weight on your chest.
“I love you, Si.”
He opened his eyes, sighing as he tried to push the thoughts away. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. He invited the person on the other side in, Soap opening the door.
“Morning, LT,” he said cheerfully. It made Ghost’s head hurt.
“Morning, Johnny. What is it?” he asked bluntly. Soap smiled a bit wider. “I’ve got a surprise, mate,” Soap replied. Ghost got up slowly, walking to Soap and following him through the halls.
“What is it, Sergeant?” Ghost grumbled, not appreciating the wake up call despite the sunlight and the crows calling outside.
Soap didn’t reply, just leading him through the halls in a blur. He wasn’t paying attention as he felt his heart flutter in anticipation. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he felt excited, hopeful.
He picked up pace with Soap, exiting the barracks and being led straight to the aircraft pad. He saw a crowd around a helicopter that had landed, their backs to them as they approached. He felt his heart pick up speed again as he plunged through the crowd, forcing them aside without care.
Body after body he had to push past, not bothering with apologies as hope continued to grip his body. I need to know. It has to be. Who else would it be coming home? Coming home to me?
A flicker of hair was seen, and he recognised it immediately, choking him up as he barreled past the last few people. He felt tears prick his eyes in relief, in joy, knowing his intuition was right.
It was never wrong with you.
He burst through the crowd, only to see you standing there. Your eyes pierced his, your smile putting one of his own on his disbelieving face. He just stared for a moment, a mountain of emotions crashing down on him; relief, joy, happiness, disbelief. You were uninjured. You were safe.
You were alive.
“[Name]?” was all he could muster. In response, you lifted your arms to invite him into a hug, and he rushed forward with a strangled choke.
His arms wrapped around you as he cried into your shoulder. So small, my love. I’ve missed you so much, I couldn’t even remember what it felt like to hold you.
There was nothing but comfort for a moment as he held you, his silent tears racing down your skin, staining your shirt.
You were alive. He couldn’t believe it, it didn’t feel real. But all he knew was you were there with him now, hugging him like he had hoped you would for months.
“Ghost.” It was all it took to break the moment. A shiver crawled up his spine, dragging fingers up his vertebrae as the warmth turned cold in an instant. He stilled, holding you in his arms.
Something isn’t right.
He pulled back a bit to see your face. It was sad, but a smile stuck onto it as he looked into your eyes. Streaks ran down your face, as if you had been crying.
His heart sank instantly, his stomach being thrown into unrest as he recognised your tone. His face dropped into a confusion.
“What?” he whispered.
“Why, Ghost? I’m done.”
Your ragged words sent electricity through him, jolting him. As he held you, he felt himself start to shake. He tried to hold you tighter, but felt himself gag as your chest gave way to his squeeze, feeling each of your bones scrape against their fractures in the movement. It was cold, horrifying, but he didn’t dare let you go.
“Go, Ghost. Go while you can, I’m done.” He blinked, and was suddenly assaulted by the smell of burning rubbish, dirt caking his lungs as he looked down at you, now laying on the ground as he kneeled next to you.
No, please. Not again. I can’t.
“No, no, no, [Name], please. Not again,” he whispered, an arm holding your battered body up as his other hand searched you, trying to find the source of your injuries as if he could somehow fix them with his touch, soothe you back to breath.
“For fuck’s sake, not again! Please!” he bellowed. He was growing desperate again, panic forming tight bonds around his heart as it hammered against his chest. He felt your stuttered breaths as your heart fluttered under his grasp, soft and almost gone.
“Don’t you fucking say it, [Name]. I don’t want to hear it,” he growled. He knew what came next, the words that left him broken and clutching his chest in the mornings. The pain that was so unbearable to him.
“I love you, Si.”
He sat up with a scream, booming and piercing. He looked around frantically, eyes wide as his hands shook with the memory of your last breath, the slip of your blood between his fingers. He didn’t speak, he couldn’t over his laboured gasps for air. How cruel.
He looked down to his palms, his mind not comprehending the lack of dirt and blood. Your blood. The blood of his love.
He tried to force air into his lungs, knowing that if he didn’t he’d spiral further. He dare not close his eyes, knowing all he’ll be met with is your face going from a smile to a limp look of distress and loss.
It took time, but he eventually settled, being left with taught features and a tired heart. His pulse felt slow as if he was pumping mud through his veins.
He always tried to avoid using the words heavy or crushing to describe how he felt, feeling like it mocked you, but he was losing words to aptly communicate how much his grief wrapped around him.
He felt as if no one could understand the jarring pain of holding your love while you shared their last breath, so close you could kiss them, willing yourself to believe your lips on theirs would somehow pass life back into their frozen body.
He felt as if no one would understand how he had taken on some of your breathlessness, needing big gulps of air every once in a while to push against the rubble in his chest.
He felt as if the weight on his heart could only mirror that of which your chest had stilled beneath.
But no matter how he felt, he knew this weight would never lift. A pillar of grief on his body, a reminder of his love gone.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 (Final)
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anim-ttrpgs · 1 year
System License Anon here - thanks so much for the reply! with your current idea for how creators could create modules for Eureka, do you think this would allow for modules in a setting like SCP, with its license limitations?
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Well, I don’t know if I can answer this confidently because I don’t know exactly what the copyright and licensing situation is with SCP itself.
However, unofficially, Eureka works super, super well with the SCP universe.
It’s been mentioned before but our own RPG group is currently playing through an indépendant game-agnostic adventure module with Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy and playing it as if the party are SCP field agents.
It has required basically no bending of the rules of Eureka, and just a bit of bending to the SCP lore itself. (In this AU to better fit the vibe of Eureka, the SCP Foundation is not connected to the American government and has much, much less resources and influence than in the main canon, and there are fewer actual SCPs as well, which makes everything higher stakes on a personal level. Not only do they have to watch out for the much better funded GOC, but they have to watch out for the CIA and FBI as well.)
It’s playing out more like a spy thriller, with the SCP field agents taking on fake identities to infiltrate a corporate research station after a whistleblower leaked that something very strange and otherworldly, potentially dangerous, is happening there. They have to keep from blowing their cover while they ask around to figure out what kind of secretive projects are happening at this facility. Ideally they can shut it down and/or capture whatever is going on down there and extract without a huge media disaster.
However, in case their cover is blown or the anomaly there turns out to be way more than three field agents can handle, an MTF team is standing by with an unmarked helicopter to drop in and take over the whole facility and extract the agents. This is a secondary party of PCs with different stats and gear.
Of course, nobody wants it to come to that. There will be no way to cover up the fact that this place was raided by 11 armed men arriving in a black helicopter, and there would be almost no way to prevent a distress call from going out, meaning SWAT or the U.S. Army might show up if the MTF team takes too long to extract the anomaly.
Clearly something dangerous is going on, a scientist mysteriously died just a few nights ago, but the field agents don’t even really know what the anomaly *is* yet, but the plan is to steal the keycard of one of the head scientists to use it to sneak into the restricted lower levels and take a look around.
One of the agents has been getting close to the head scientist because she works in the same lab. In the last session, she made the first ever actual Seduce roll in our group’s history of Eureka, and slept with him. They’re seeing each other again soon, and she hopes to be able to discreetly steal his keycard and hand it off to another agent who will use it to get into the restricted area. The third agent, who is working in the security room, will “accidentally” spill coffee on the keyboard of the security camera computer and “have to turn them off” to clean while the agent with the keycard sneaks around where he isn’t supposed to be.
If he gets caught, the plan is for him to say he found the keycard on the ground and was coming to one of the places where he knows this scientist works to return it to him. It’s not the best lie, but this character has a Trait that gives a big bonus to his lying rolls when he’s trespassing in an area where he isn’t supposed to be.
I kinda got totally off track but the point is that it would be super easy to write a Eureka adventure module that would work perfectly for an SCP Foundation campaign without even needing to use the words “SCP Foundation” in the adventure module itself.
Just say “this adventure works well if the investigators are members of a secret organization that tracks down and captures supernatural creatures and objects” and there you go.
And this all may not even matter. There are tons of indépendant SCP Foundation video games, and I don’t know what the actual rules of that are, but it may be just as legal and okay to use the SCP Foundation for your own indépendant project like an adventure module.
If I have time between other ANIM projects I have to give my attention to, I will try to look into what the actual rules are regarding creating your own SCP Foundation content to sell and profit from. Honestly it might be just as easy as a quick google search.
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sgt-scottymoreau · 10 months
MWII Event: Countdown
Summary: Time is ticking to stop Hassan and the last missile.
Warning: None
Words: 1.9k // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: Last part of the main game fic. I guess now I can start posting more original fics, but I don't know which one to post yet lol I have too many.
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The flight to Chicago was as tense if not more than their trip to Los Vaqueros’ HQ. If they were late by a few minutes it could change the whole story. They had to locate where exactly Hassan was. According to some more intel they were able to get from El Sin Ombre, the missile has been smuggled through the port of Chicago. To move a container that size unnoticed, it couldn’t have been more too far from it. Or with access to the water. The second piece of information they were able to get was that the man had been moved downtown, in a building used as cover - a shell company - to the Las Almas cartel. It was a gamble to hope that both Hassan and the missile would be there. 
Laswell contacted the local police as soon as the information reached her. She told them to make sure any civilians would be out of the area and to be on the lookout for a stolen container full of weapons. If they knew they were dealing with a missile, it might spread panic even more. Scotty and Gaz were able to pull up the schematic of the said building and gave all the most important details about to Laswell. To her it came clear that Hassan might be on the 54th floor where the schematic showed a fortified server room. From here, they had to corner him and stop him before it was too late.
“I’ll be on the ground working to locate the missile.” Laswell explained the plan. “Garrick will infiltrate with the Marines on the Chicago river and move in from ground level. Ghost and Moreau will go take a heli up to an OP across from the objective for armed overwatch. Price and Soap will touch down on the roof of the building with a group of marines and make their way down. While one team goes up, the other goes down, repelling to the server room, pinching Hassan in the middle.”
Their primary objective is to find the missile and stop it. But they also all had execute authority to kill Hassan if the chance presented itself. 
The night had already fallen over the city by the time all was in place and ready. The rain slowly turned into snow as the cold took its place. Every team was rushing to their designated spot. Scotty watched the other heli in the distance. She could make out the silhouette of the captain and Soap. “Ghost, Scotty, get to your overwatch.” Price’s order came through their radio.
“Rog, on the move.” Their helicopter broke formation to reach the building in front. Scotty checked her weapon one last time; a malfunction would be an issue. Ghost looked at her with a reassuring gaze behind his mask. Not that she needed it but she appreciated it. They both knew the danger that was looming over right now. With the intel suggesting a lot of AQ inside, this added to the workload. The helicopter touched down on the roof and the two snipers disembarked.  Ghost pointed to the edge. 
“We set up there, we should have a good view. I’ll go from top to bottom, you take bottom to top.” He explained. “If anything unusual comes up, tell Garrick right away.”
“Yes, sir.” She positioned her weapon to the right angle, quickly looking if she could see her allies. Through her scope she could see civilians. Hostages. Scotty snickered at the idea of people using the innocent as shields. Only a coward would do that. Or someone who was trying to buy time. 
“Ghost, Scotty, we’re set. You have eyes on?” Price asked.
 “A-firm. Flashing now.” Ghost replied. In the distance, the captain saw the two flashes. The sergeant hooked his rope and started his descent, while the captain took the staircase. Ghost guided him down to the 54th floor. Scotty did the same with Gaz. Although on her side, everything was less crowded. Hassan didn’t need men to protect him on every floor, only needed close to him.
“Gaz, you have two x-rays behind the door of the staircase.” Scotty warned him. 
“Roger.” Scotty saw him kick the door open, sending one AQ flight on the floor with the impact and the other too confused to react. They dropped quickly. “We are on floor 28th, keep climbing.”
In the meantime, Soap and Price had made their first breach in the server and control room to look for Hassan. All clear. He was nowhere in sight. A frustrating outcome. “Ghost, you got anything?”
“A-firm. Possible visual. Forty-sixth floor.” 
Scotty and Ghost remained on the lookout, till Gaz said he had a clear visual on Hassan, indeed 46th floor. As the team went deeper into the building, it was harder for them to keep a visual to help. However, what didn’t go unnoticed by almost everyone was the missile launching. As it flew right above them, the two snipers looked at each other very worried. “I hope they find those control soon, otherwise we are fucked.” Scotty winced, panic rising up inside, yet remained calm on the outside.
“It’s not over yet.” They returned to their overwatch and found the rest of the 141. They saw them heading to a door and then an explosion. They both tensed up, their grip on their gun tightening. The smoke slowly dissipated from the explosion giving a clear view. From afar, they had cleared the area for somewhere safer. Price assured he was good and Scotty saw Gaz and Soap follow Hassan toward elevators, then silence for a moment. It was soon followed by a small explosion. Debris flying everywhere gave the hint to one. 
Not even five minutes had passed between all of this, but the silence was worrisome. Soap finally came back on the radio. He had the controls, but no more weapons. “Construction floor.” 
Ghost and Scotty readjusted their position to find said floor. They couldn’t spot him yet, but they surely could see the AQ and Hassan be on the lookout for him. With Laswell help, the sergeant was able to detonate the missile before it would reach its target. For now, Soap had to find a way to survive. Ghost guided him through again, just like in the city of Las Almas. “Aye. Like old times, huh Lt?”
“Seems like yesterday…” Scotty turned to look at him with eyebrows raised. Ghost shrugged, but she could see the smile in the corner of his eyes.
“It was yesterday.” Soap came through the radio, a very faint chuckle in the back. However this time, none of them cracked jokes like they did back with the Shadows. Their minds were focused on surviving and getting Soap out of here in one piece. Because of the layout of the floor, Soap would often disappear from their watch. In itself it wasn't too bad, as they kept comms. After a few minutes, a long silence came, while he was out of sight. 
“You think he is alright?” Scotty worried.
“I don’t know.” Ghost was looking everywhere, but nothing. It took another minute before Soap spoke again. His voice was weak, like he just got hit. What happened?
“Watch the window.” A few seconds after that they spotted the exploding window. Ghost repositioned himself while Scotty kept an eye on the situation. She gave him directives about the wind and double checked the distance. Through their scope they saw Hassan lift Soap and walk him toward the window. Ghost took a deep breath, steadied his body and pressed the trigger. Hassan dropped and so did Soap who had to find his bearings. He eventually called a perfect shot.
"You called it Sergeant." Ghost reminded Soap. “All stations - Hassan’s down. Enemy KIA.”  If it wasn't from him giving a heads up, they wouldn't have paid attention to the right spot. Maybe, but too late. Scotty and Ghost exchanged a glance. The pressure that had been building up in the last two days finally vanished. Their shoulders slacked down, despite their mind still being alert for any more orders. The situation wasn't entirely over, but they could take a breather. A bigger one than before. Still kneeling, in this moment of short relief, Scotty didn’t care. They were on a rooftop, away from anyone’s sight and she had been waiting for this since they found her back in Las Almas. 
She jumped on him, arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. She didn’t even care if the mask was in the way, she needed to kiss him right here, right now. Ghost was surprised at first, but eventually relaxed and pulled her closer to him. He broke the kiss only to lift up his mask enough to free his lips and returned the kiss. Only breaking it once more when Price told everyone to wrap everything. “Much better without the mask in the way, don’t you think?”
“It tastes better, sure.” She smiled and helped him to get back on his feet.
A day later, the 141 joined Laswell for a drink in a local bar before heading back to England. A way to humbly cheer up at the end of another threat. As per Gaz's request who wondered what happened to her after they parted ways in Amsterdam, Scotty told him her encounter with El Sin Ombre and the eventual unplanned but welcome rescue from Soap and Ghost. Gaz joked that this reinforced his idea that she was always putting herself in more trouble when the captain wasn’t around. "Next time you get hurt on the job because of them, give me a call. I'll tell the captain to let you work with us." Gaz laughed and sipped on his drink. 
"Fuck off, Garrick." Soap returned the laugh. "We can take care of the lady. It's her who should take care of herself."
"May I remind you that one time we worked together against that human traffic cell and I got myself in trouble?" Scotty said. "Again it was my choice, but I'm not a hundred percent safe either with you Gaz. So our dear friend here is right; I need to take care of myself."
"Heard you had to save Laswell from a bad situation." She smirked while sipping on her drink.
Gaz leaned closer. "I swear Price loves to put me in complicated situations. First let me scout the fish nursery alone, I still can smell it when I sleep! And yeah, then I have to drive and take down enemies. Meanwhile, he is just riding the pickup truck." The three sergeants looked up. The captain had not heard anything while still talking with Laswell.
"Are you saying it would have been nice if I stayed with you and Price?"
"Yeah, I could have used a hand during the chase."
"You don't want her as a driver. She drives like shite." Ghost commented. She flipped him off with a smile. 
"You will know that my driving skills are very good. You just never let me show it."
She had taken a seat between Soap and Gaz, to avoid the former teasing her even more. Since she called Lt pretty, he hadn't let go of this. Their light hearted conversation died down when they noticed the serious expression of Laswell when she slided a piece of paper to Price. The captain looked at it then back to the chief station. "He is not new."
He passed the picture onto the rest of the team. Scotty looked at it when it passed to Gaz and Soap, she didn’t not recognize the man. One thing for sure the rest of the 141 seemed to. Even Ghost shifted in his seat to get close to the conversation. 
"Who is he?" Laswell asked when she saw that all the 141 were giving her their full attention.  
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Hundreds of Firefighters Tackle a Major Wildfire Raging Out of Control on Fringes of Greek Capital 
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/13/hundreds-of-firefighters-tackle-a-major-wildfire-raging-out-of-control-on-fringes-of-greek-capital/
Hundreds of Firefighters Tackle a Major Wildfire Raging Out of Control on Fringes of Greek Capital 
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ATHENS, Greece — A major forest fire was raging out of control on the northern fringes of the Greek capital Monday, triggering numerous evacuations of Athens suburbs and outlying areas as strong, swirling winds hampered the efforts of hundreds of firefighters and dozens of water-dropping planes.
Faced with a massive, fast-moving blaze that sent flames towering at times to heights of over 25 meters (80 feet), Greece asked for assistance from other countries, activating Europe’s mutual civil protection mechanism.
The fire that began Sunday afternoon burned homes and sent a blanket of smoke and ash over central Athens, where the smell of burning lingered in the air. Power cuts were reported in several parts of the capital and also affected traffic lights at major junctions in the center.
French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said France would send a helicopter, 180 civil security personnel and 55 fire engines. Greece’s civil protection authority said Italy was sending two water-dropping planes and the Czech Republic was sending 75 firefighters and 25 vehicles, while Spain and Turkey were also finalizing reinforcements to send to Greece.
The wildfire was racing through pine forests left tinder-dry by repeated heat waves this summer. June and July of this year were the hottest months ever recorded in Greece, which also recorded its warmest winter ever.
Authorities are faced with “an exceptionally dangerous fire, which we have been fighting for more than 20 hours under dramatic circumstances,” Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias said mid-morning Monday. The fire was burning mainly on two separate fronts, with some parts in particularly difficult to reach areas on a mountain northeast of Athens, Kikilias said.
A children’s hospital and a military hospital, two monasteries and a children’s home were evacuated, while one more hospital was to be evacuated Monday afternoon. More than two dozen emergency push alerts were sent to cellphones in the area warning people to flee, while homes in several areas were burned, although the exact number was not immediately clear.
“The wind would go in one direction and then in the other. The smoke was suffocating. You couldn’t see. Your eyes teared up. You couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t see the house,” said Spyros Gorilas, a resident of the area of Dioni who hosed down his house with water to save it from the flames. “Even the helicopter that dropped water, you couldn’t see it. You could only hear it. Nothing else.”
Evacuation orders were issued throughout the day for yet more Athens suburbs as strong winds continued unabated. Fire Department spokesperson Col. Vassileios Vathrakogiannis said authorities had been faced with more than 40 flareups since the early hours of Monday in areas where the flames had somewhat abated.
The fire department said 685 firefighters, backed by 27 teams specially trained to tackle wildfires and including more than 80 armed forces personnel, were battling the flames. More than 190 vehicles were deployed, with aerial support from 17 water-dropping planes and 16 helicopters.
Three Athens hospitals were on heightened alert, while paramedics and ambulances treated two firefighters — one for light burns and the other for breathing problems — and 13 civilians for breathing problems, Vathrakogiannis said. The Athens Medical Association urged residents near affected areas to exercise caution, especially those with chronic conditions, the elderly, pregnant women, young children, and those with respiratory and heart problems.
Greece’s coast guard diverted all ferries going to and from the nearby port of Rafina, which serves mainly the Cycladic islands and Crete, to the port of Lavrion due to the fire, while authorities were providing temporary shelter for evacuees in sports halls and hotels.
The police department said 380 police officers with 77 vehicles, 36 motorcycles, three buses and four vans were assisting in evacuations, and by mid-morning had helped move more than 250 people away from the path of the flames. It posted a video on its social media channels showing police officers carrying elderly people in their arms out of houses and to waiting vehicles, against a backdrop of a night sky turned red from the flames and smoke.
The fire department appealed to residents to follow evacuation orders, with authorities noting that some people who refused to leave their homes later became trapped and required rescuing, endangering the lives of firefighters.
Meteorologists and government officials have warned of the heightened danger of wildfires because of weather conditions from Sunday until Thursday, with half of the country placed under a red alert for wildfire hazard.
Wildfires are frequent in Greece during its hot, dry summers, but authorities have said climate change is fueling bigger and more frequent blazes. In 2018, a massive fire swept through the seaside town of Mati, east of Athens, trapping people in their homes and on roads as they tried to flee in their cars. More than 100 people died, including some who drowned trying to swim away from the flames.
Last year, wildfires in Greece killed more than 20 people, including 18 migrants who became trapped by the flames as they trekked through a forest in northeastern Greece and were caught by a massive fire that burned for more than two weeks.
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bllsbailey · 2 months
Hoge's Heroes: Rescuer Helicopters in to Save Pups Stranded in Chaotic CA Wildfire Evacuation
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As residents frantically evacuated the area around the northern California town of Cohasset due to a raging fire (caused by arson), one person was faced with a difficult decision. Their truck broke down and they had to leave behind two adult Rottweilers and their puppies. It was clearly a tragedy in the making.
Enter Butte County Sheriff's Office (BCSO) Search and Rescue team's Trevor Skaggs, who quickly decided he was not going to let that happen on his watch. He hopped on a BCSO helicopter, was flown to the perilous area by pilot Conner Smith—then ran a mile and a half to track down the pooches.
But his daring rescue was not over—he still had to get Mama and babies to safety. (Sadly, Dad did not survive the ordeal.) After first sharing his water and his protein bar with the canine clan, he somehow managed to convince them to follow him on the long road back to the chopper.
Once Skaggs got them back to safety, the puppies and their mother were flown to the Chico Airport and are now being cared for by members of the North Valley Animal Disaster Group. The rescue group took to Facebook to thank all those who helped make the rescue successful: "A great example of interagency support and coordination, and a remarkable rescue. Great job!" they wrote. 
"It’s been a horrific few days for our community and we are grateful to be able to share this amazing story," said Butte County Sheriff Kory L. Honea. 
Related: Don't Buy Into the Hysteria - Here's What Really Caused the Park Fire
Why California Can't Afford Its Own Property Insurance Program
$4 Billion Settlement Reached With Victims of Devastating Maui Fire
Meet the pups:
The cuties seemed to have come through their distressing experience with doggie aplomb, and they're ready to chew on whatever life has to offer.
It's certainly been a traumatic time for those facing California's Park fire, but kudos to Skaggs for averting at least one tragedy. For that, sir, you are a hero.
This is one in a series about everyday heroes that don’t necessarily make the front pages. It’s a chance to talk about something other than Kamala's cackling, Iran's saber rattling, and rampant inflation.
I’m inviting readers to send me stories of people they know or who they’ve read about who have done heroic acts—large or small, physical or otherwise—that have made someone’s life better or saved them from danger. Please email me with any tips at [email protected] or DM me on Twitter. Thanks!
More Heroes:
Hollywood Edition: Actor Takes Starring Role in Saving Mom and 3 Kids During Home Invasion
Sunday Edition: 40 Rescuers Team Up to Pull 2 Horses From Swamp in Must-See Video
Five U of Georgia Students Dramatically Save Drowning Family Trapped in Submerged Car
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vixel-horror-show · 3 months
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The Blood Cross Hospital is an institution that Father Surgeon Hellmuth set up after his banishment from the Cult Medica. Once an abandoned hospital ruins, He along with the rest of his travelers found it and thought of a new opportunity. After years of getting it back to working order, the old Hospital was operational again after being dead for centuries.  
Set up in an isolated spot, but yet with several communities of villages and towns nearby to offer symbiotic support. While offering the usual medical care out in their corner of the badlands, with plenty of people needing help with the constant raider and mutant attacks. But for those that want to be more helpful, the hospital is also willing to teach medical skills to those who so wish to, giving a useful "career" opportunity for badlanders.
But medical aid isn't the only service the Blood Cross Hospital offers, for it also has its in-house militia. Decently armed and trained, they act like old-world swat teams to go in and clear out dangerous areas to rescue people. Having access to several transport helicopters and are equipped with good gear, They can quickly respond to any crisis and pull in for fire support and pull out with anyone who needs evac. Also, help in joint operations with other PMCs for more dangerous missions. Most of their members are made of actual mercs, F.E deserters, people looking to help, or maybe just some adventure and thrills.
But those are for regular missions or calls, for more complicated and risky missions needed to be done on the down low and have 2 special operatives. You can learn more about them here www.deviantart.com/cyb3r-syb4r… Mostly the parasitic commandos do missions against F.E forces or far greater threats, but also help out the "lesser mortal" squads if a call is a high threat or needs the support(Or if either is a little short on cash and needs to make some quick money).
In the basement of the hospital lies the Father Surgeon's private lab, conducting secretive work on parasitic organisms and how they can help in the next stage of human evolution. But with little resources, the parasite research is currently used to make superhuman commandos and use them for good. While Natalie and Vince are currently the only blessed infected, they aren't the only nor the first. All previous specimens have either been killed or terminated....
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kudosmyhero · 3 months
X-Men (vol. 1) #94: The Doomsmith Scenario!
Read Date: July 03, 2023 Cover Date: August 1975 ● Writer: Chris Claremont ◦ Len Wein ● Penciler: Dave Cockrum ● Inker: Bob McLeod ● Colorist: Phil Rachelson ● Letterer: Tom Orzechowski ● Editor: Len Wein ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● what could go wrong?
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● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: Chapter 1: The Doomsmith Scenario
Professor X congratulates the assembled X-Men old and new on the success of their recent mission. He also wants to talk to them about the future and asks all the new members to remain on a permanent basis. Most of them agree, some hesitantly. When Banshee is asked to stay, he confesses his concern that he is too old for the team of young heroes, but accepts the challenge anyhow. Sunfire, however, refuses to be a part of a long-term team and leaves.
Unexpectedly, most of the original group - Marvel Girl, Iceman, Angel, Lorna Dane and Havok - all opt to go their own ways as well. Of the original team, only Cyclops agrees to stay on, even though Jean pleads for Scott to leave with her. The next morning, Cyclops informs Jean that he loves her but he is staying. She tells him she loves him too, but still leaves along with the rest of the old team regardless.
Cyclops introduces the new team to the Danger Room - the school’s combat training facility - for their first session. Hot-headed Thunderbird dismisses training as unnecessary. He enters the room, confidant that he will quickly best its challenges. However, he gets only a few seconds through a workout routine before he is flung out the door. Over the next few days, Cyclops uses the Danger Room to train the new X-Men hard. During one session, Thunderbird’s leg is grazed by a laser beam. Cyclops calls him out for being careless and tells him how he could have lost his leg if the laser was on full power. Thunderbird pushes back against Cyclops’s leadership until Xavier telepathically intervenes and breaks up their fight.
Chapter 2: Death O'er Valhalla High
In the mountainous area of Colorado, a helicopter flies near the Cheyenne Mountain, where the command center for NORAD is located. In the base’s war room, a package is brought to officer Joe Harris. Upon opening it, Harris activates a teleport portal from which five odd-looking beings, the Ani-Men, emerge.
The Ani-Men attack and quickly overcome the war room’s personnel. More soldiers arrive and the battle continues until the Ani-Men have overcome all resistance. Their leader is revealed to be Count Nefaria. He reminisces to his Ani-Men about how he and his last group of criminals were captured by the X-Men. He also recounts how he engineered these new beings with the help of Maggia scientists and says that he will use them to take his “revenge” upon the world.
Cyclops confides to Nightcrawler how he regrets his interactions with Thunderbird. Then Professor Xavier telepathically summons the team to the briefing room. There they see a video message from Nefaria playing on the main screen, informing the world that he has activated the "Doomsmith Command System" and demands every country give him money as ransom or else he will launch the entire U.S. arsenal of nuclear missiles. He gives the world three hours to comply. From Avenger’s Mansion in NYC, the Beast reaches out to ask for Professor Xavier's help with Nefaria as the Avengers are already involved with another mission. (The Beast was until now unaware of the roster shake-up in his old team and is initially taken aback to see a bunch of unknowns at the school.) The X-Men accept the mission. Cyclops orders Thunderbird to stay behind as he’s still recovering from his leg wound, but Thunderbird insists to be allowed, however. Prof. X overrules Cyclops and Thunderbird goes along with the team.
Upon reaching the Cheyenne Mountain airspace, the X-Men’s stratojet is met by the Air Force. Cyclops informs them they are taking the Avengers' place in the fight and then they are told to contact Lieutenant General Fredricks. Even though he is reluctant to trust them, Fredricks grants them official access to the base. As the X-Men fly toward the base, Nefaria detects their jet and fires SAMs[3] at them. Cyclops maneuvers the jet around the mountain in an attempt to shake the missiles, but they strike the jet and Cyclops hits an eject switch. The X-Men break away in an escape pod. Nefaria, however, fires sonic disruptors at the escape pod and it is disintegrated. The X-Men survive but are left in free-fall miles above the ground.
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Fan Art: X-men by ImmarArt
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