#gogogogo go ghost
graphicpolicy · 2 months
GoGoGoGo-Go-Ghost! Vol. 1 is interesting but doesn't give us a protagonist to empathize with
GoGoGoGo-Go-Ghost! Vol. 1 is interesting but doesn't give us a protagonist to empathize with #comics #manga
After an illicit affair at her promising first job fell through, office worker Ushiro Akechi has slid down to rock bottom. All the world has in store for her now are temporary gigs, a lonely, run run-down apartment, and plain rice for dinner. With a life like that, would death be any worse…? What she really needs is an older-sister type to talk her back from the edge! Luckily, she is about to…
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hotwaterandmilk · 2 months
2024 English language manga releases I'm enjoying
Here are a couple of titles I've picked up in English so far this year that I've enjoyed. Most of these I read digitally in Japanese for one or two volumes a couple of years back, but opted to wait and purchase the English print versions for my collection.
I feel like all of these books are worth the purchase price, but don't have the energy to do individual posts for each of them. So here's a very smooshed together post covering a few 2024 reads.
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Akechi Ushiro is a heavily flawed, hard-working woman whose disregard for her own wellbeing results in her coming face-to-face with her equally flawed guardian spirit, Masako. The pair decide to combine their forces and begin tackling the obstacles in Ushiro's life using curses.
Hiruzuka Miyako's darkly funny tale of a woman taking control of her life alongside her queer sister spirit is such a delight . Featuring a rough-and-ready art style that helps underscore the macabre elements at play, the entire first volume is scathing in its humour and unashamed in its portrayal of Ushiro's flaws. I was surprised when this one got picked up by Yen Press a while back, but so happy to see it enjoying a stateside release. If you're after something that doesn't always play nice, GOGOGOGO-GO-GHOST! might well be for you.
Edit: If you haven't read it before, this Japanese interview with Hiruzuka is worth reading for a bit more on her background and the creation of the series.
Pass the Monster Meat, Milady! (Akujiki Reijou to Kyouketsu Koushaku) from Kodansha USA
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A sweet little fantasy romance between two individuals who find solace in one another despite being reviled by the general public for their interest in monsters. One loves defeating monsters in battle while the other loves cooking them!
Melphiera is a smart, capable heroine while Aristide Rogier du Galbraith is a dashing and supportive hero. The manga art is a bit low in detail, but the characters and story are absolutely worth your time. I'd love to see the LNs that the manga adapts in English someday too. I mentioned in tags before this whole series gives me the types of vibes I enjoy in historical fantasy romance novels, so if you like that kind of content this might be a good title to check out (or recommend to friends who appreciate romantasy but haven't tried manga before).
In The Name of The Mermaid Princess (Mio no Na no Moto ni) from VIZ Media
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In a country where being "unhuman" or in some way supernaturally inclined is seen as a curse rather than a blessing, Princess Mio takes medications to suppress her mermaid-esque traits and please her father. Her perspective changes when Yuri, a tutor from her fiance's home kingdom, encourages her to be herself and embrace the things that make her different.
I've seen people say this is a bit too obvious in its parallels between fantasy oppression and IRL issues, but this is a Ribon manga for young girls so yeah it's on the nose but I think it works for the audience it has in mind. Tashiro Miya's artwork here is gorgeous and both leads are quite endearing (Mio is SO freakin adorable I can'ttttt). Overall a solid little series with nicely packaged volumes for those after something for a younger audience.
The Moon on a Rainy Night (Amayo no Tsuki) from Kodansha USA
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A romantic slice-of-life tale featuring two high school girls, one of whom is a budding pianist (Saki) and the other a loner who is hard of hearing (Kanon).
I don't normally go much on high school romance but the way this series blends classic GL melodrama tropes with genuine issues in an earnest manner works for me. While we see things more from Saki's viewpoint as she eagerly tries to learn more about Kanon and tries to figure out her own sexuality, we do also come to understand Kanon's thwarted ambitions and the difficulties she has with letting people in.
Kuzushiro's art is quite whispy and cute, with all the characters tending to look quite well-realised on the page. While I prefer romances that feature a character with disability to centre their perspective, I do feel this does a decent job of portraying both girls as they try to navigate their deepening relationship. YMMV on this though, particularly if you are d/Deaf or hard of hearing.
Sketchy from Kodansha USA
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Ako is living an unfulfilling life with a dull job and even duller boyfriend, but she suddenly finds herself thrust into a whole new world upon encountering a mysterious young skateboarder.
Sketchy, while ostensibly about women taking up skateboarding is more a snapshot of their individual lives and the role having a hobby plays once you're no longer a child. Ako's story particularly resonates with me (I literally worked her job at a similar age) but all the characters prove interesting in their own way.
Makihirochi's art is a bit more experimental than others on this list and may not be to everyone's taste, but I do think Sketchy is still worth checking out even if you're not entirely sold on the art (which I think has improved since I first became familiar with her work through Itsuka Tiffany de Choushoku o in Comic Bunch). Titles like this, which, let's face it, have low level of mainstream appeal, don't often get English language releases so I highly recommend supporting this one if you have the opportunity to do so.
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trouble-warning · 5 months
Hi again!
What got you into Rise??
runs circles around you Ooo fun question fun question!
I was first introduced to the show by my IRL friends! They kept showing me memes and things that made me laugh and feel great, so I tried to watch the movie first, but the first scene scared me a bit because it was very emotionally charged and intense, so I decided to watch the show first instead XD
It's a found family trope show, and while most of the scenes are super silly, they're all very open about loving their family, and the emotional and vulnerable moments in the show are incredible. Amazingly, even the silliest and least serious episodes have details that all build up to these emotionally charged moments in the show, overall making them hit your feelings like a dump truck XDD
It's also chaotic and so crammed full of details and smaller jokes that you can re-watch it like 5 times and still find new things, making it interesting to watch regardless of already seeing it! That can overwhelm some people, though, so it's not for everyone I'll admit-
I could talk forever about why I love each individual character and say a whole buncha headcannons about all of them and sososo many theories omístars XD
but to wrap this up, I'll just say they're almost constantly spinning around in my brain like popcorn in a microwave XD
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its-elvie-innit · 2 years
elvie what if i told you i was thinking about the slenderverse/creepypasta characters again. what if i told you that. what if i told you i was thinking about those little freaks again.
I would hold out my hand and wait patiently for u to drop an ask into my hand like a dog owner getting a tennis ball from their puppy's mouth
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beneaththetangles · 2 months
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This week’s Reader’s Corner features reviews of two premieres: that of a “starting-over” romance, Re-Living My Life with a Boyfriend Who Doesn’t Remember Me, and a supernatural josei tale, GOGOGOGO-GO GHOST! But there’s plenty more besides, including the latest volume of Medaka Kuroiwa Is Impervious to My Charms and the moving one-shot manhwa Your Letter. Check out our thoughts on these works and let us know yours!
Associate Professor Akira Takatsuki’s Conjecture (Vol. 4) • Bless (Vol. 2) • GOGOGOGO-GO GHOST! (Vol. 1) • I Want a Gal Gamer to Praise Me (Vol. 2) • I’m Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness (Vol. 6) • Medaka Kuroiwa Is Impervious to My Charms (Vol. 5) • Re-Living My Life with a Boyfriend Who Doesn’t Remember Me (Vol. 1) • Your Letter
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vacantgodling · 7 months
🎃,🤞, ⁉️, and 🚩 for Chidori because I love him <3
🎃 - What is [or would be] their go to Halloween costume ?
after talking to my partner about it, i think he would either go as ghostface (esp ghost face in one of those slutty outfits for shits and giggles) and would absolutely prank call the bianchi's restaurant and then bust in and scare rai (one of amehana's brothers) LMAO.
the other option is sonic and that thought is sending me
🤞 - How often do they lie ? When they lie is it only about big things, or do they lie about small things ?
dorky is overly truthful so he doesn't tend to lie too often. its also really easy to tell when he's lying so even if he tried to you'd know lmao.
⁉️ - Most scared & confused they've ever felt
chidori's dad died when he was young in a train accident (he was a conductor) that was caused by yknow pieces of shit who try to rob trains and the like. chidori was like elementary school age? and bc his mom already wasn't in the picture he became an orphan but for so long he didn't really get what happened to his dad. the bianchi's started looking after him after that.
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(this pic is before chidorky transitioned, cuz he did so when he was like 18 ish)
🚩 - Their biggest red flag ?
absolutely forgets everything. anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, things you like, etc. he's got adhd bad. he makes up for it with a lot of enthusiasm but another reason he and ame broke up is because he's very gogogogo and forgetful and isn't necessarily the most 'romantic'
if you're patient with him he can be a good partner and friend but yknow. he's trying.
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bacchicly · 7 months
Email/text to my boss I am posting here instead of editing ad nosium and agonizing whether to send it not send. Keeping it in my drafts is not a strong enough "tonic" / interrupter of the behavior I am trying to stop/explain.
Note: I just realised half way through that I am literally writing the sfd (shitty first draft) that Brené Brown talks about and it is working. I am not sure if I am chuffed or irritated.
Hi, My daighter was sick yesterday (she is back at school today). I then allowed myself to fall into the "I will log in and do the last few things I promised to do just before I logged off on Monday - as soon as I have just done xyz " trap. Which is, of course, a shame trigger itself, which then makes it harder to stop the cycle of behavior I am trying to reduce in myself (not following through on promises, not informing proactively as soon as I realise I am not doing what I said I would do, not setting clear boundaries between home and work) - all of which I am clearly not doing as successfully as I would like to be is another shame trigger in itself.
I also am super frustrated with myself because my usual strategies aren't working (or I am not practicing them correctly) to interrupt the cycle and I am just getting more and more anxious - which is in itself perpetuating the cycle.
And the pure question of should I "hide my challenges" or "proactively disclose the situation" is creating even more "noise" in my brain. I am also starting to play the mental game of "if they really needed me they would reach out" and it's sinister shittier cousin "if they cared about me and trusted me they would have reached out to ask if I was ok when I ghosted them". And then I "have to" take time to argue with those stories I am making up since I am aware they are stories but also that I am trying to be true to myself and try to trust my impulses... which is time consuming and awful too.
It's feels like the behavioural equivalent of feeling like I need to smash into the boards to stop because I haven't learned to stop properly on skates.
Anyways - in an attempt.to both be kind to myself and clear with you. I need to:
Check if cats need crunchies and laundry.
Then at 2pm exactly I will log on and do 3 things:
Review my email and teams (this is the first source of my anxiety/procrastination loop) because I am afraid that I will be "in trouble" or that there will be a surprise that I will not be able to handle. (I still don't trust others to speak up for themselves or go the extra mile - whether going the extra mile is actually required is moot - I still feel that it is...but I don't feel that it is required enough to be justified in asking other people to go as far as I would)
Send the email (staffing related).
Follow up on session 2. (Shame trigger because this shoulda been done mid last week and it is time sensitive.)
Many thanks. Yours to Niagara falls,
Shut up brain. Shut up brain. Eat. Do the thing. Stop thinking about how you hate taking time off and suck at it and should could be better. You are working on this and yes you suck at it but you will get better. You are here now. Now feed your body and set your timer and GOGOGOGO. Turn on your audiobook tooooioo! Focus. Be kind to yourself. But go!
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knifvd · 1 year
𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇   𝐎𝐑   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒 Jett - For Neon
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                                            𝙨𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙝  𝙤𝙧  𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙨.  𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜.
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           head  cants  to  the  side   ,   AS  IF  observing  some  invisible  ghost  on  the  TABLE  :  stares  at  the  provided  snack  like  she's  to  burn  a  HOLE  through  it  ,  but  ,   shakes  off  thoughts  ,  or  whatever  had  begun  to  creep  in  her  mind  ,   like  a  DOG  shakes  water  off  of  itself   .          ❛      is  she  into  girls   ?    i  dunno   .   i  mean  she's  cute  .  well  ,  like  ,  REALLY  cute  .  so yeah . DEFINITELY smash .  but  i  didn't  know  she  was  into  girls  .   is  she  ?      ❜       a  pause  .          ❛     go  ask  .  gogogogo  .       ❜       
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reallyromealone · 2 years
The date night from the babysitting fic
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When (sons name) was safely with their friends, Eddie led (name) back to the car "c'mon baby let's go have fun" Eddie had plans tonight, he was recreating their first date.
No not their first "date" but the official one Eddie took (name) on without a chubby cheeked sibling interfering.
(Name) was reluctant but went with Eddie none the less as they drove off, Eddie's hand on (name)s thigh and gently tapping to the music playing; the same song that played on their first date.
First stop was the arcade, the couple taking turns playing games and generally being coupley and cute as Eddie wrapped his arms around (name) as they played pacman.
"Gogogogo!" Eddie cheered his mate on as (name) desperately avoided the ghosts, the couple giggling as the game got more intense before eventually the ghosts got (name) "beans!" (Name) grumbled playfully "sucks to suck baby" Eddie teased as (name) typed "butt" into the score board "reaaal mature babe" Eddie teased his mate as if he didn't put "fart" as his.
Had to keep it pg after all.
After the arcade they went to a burger joint and (name) had to keep his fries away from Eddie "you have your own!" "Yours taste better!" "They're the same!"
Eddie was happy seeing (name) so relaxed and having fun, not constantly worrying about their pup.
Eddie likes seeing (name) relaxed and carefree.
It made him relax considerably.
After the two ate, they went on a drive to the one and only Lovers lake where Eddie had (name) on his lap making out with him way back three and a half years ago.
Two years dating and a year and a half mates and with a pup already.
Time flied by honestly.
"Eddie..." (Name) was teary eyed as he connected all the dots and looked at his alpha with so much love it was almost a punch in the face to Eddie but like in a good way "this is so sweet..."
"Glad you like it baby" Eddie said with that smile that made (name) fall in love with him in the first place.
Eddie and (name) got out of the car, Eddie's happy he got a better car because now he could lean (name) against it as they made out.
"Love you baby..." Eddie said between kisses and (name)s pharamones held nothing but love "love you too alpha..."
The two made out and most likely did other things, skipping out on smoking as (name) was still breastfeeding and did not need that contaminating the pups food supply.
When they went back to their place Eddie set (name) in his lap, the couple had collected the good snacks they hide from their friends and fired up the NES and played Friday the thirteenth "gogogo! He's right there!"
"Fuck fuck!" Eddie said as be mashed the keys.
By time two am came around the two were passed out on the couch and snuggling, game abandoned.
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ink-on-parxhment · 4 years
throw a dart at the map (i’ll follow where you go)
Summary: Hitoshi comes home from his own patrol just as dawn breaks. In the warm, lazy light of morning they talk about just how much they deserve a break.
You can also find it at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30027042
Sunlight is barely peeking in through the windows when the door opens and light, shuffling footsteps make their way to the bed. There’s a rustle along the bedside table before the blankets shift and a warm, heavy weight settles itself against his front. Still-damp hair sticks up to tickle his nose as long, lean legs bump against where his are curled. An arm slings around his waist, and he feels a measured breath ghost over the skin of his throat as all the tension in Hitoshi’s body slumps into the mattress.
“Good morning,” he says, voice low with sleep.
“Good night,” Hitoshi snarks, like he does every time he crawls into bed at the crack of dawn.
Their work schedules are polar opposites of each other, and have been since graduation. Pro-Hero Deku was a well-known spot-light hero even before he graduated, and after their class graduated he only rose in the rankings. Hitoshi switched into the heroics class without a single bit of fanfare, kept his head down even during the chaos they all got into, and slunk into the shadows of the underground immediately upon gaining his license. Their time together was limited to the mornings and evenings between patrol shifts, and their coordinated days off.
It was hard, but it was worth it.
He bites his lip, thinks about voicing the thought he’s been rolling around his brain for the past few days. He lets one of his hands trail down Hitoshi’s back, tracing nonsense patterns as he goes.
“What are you thinking so hard about?” Hitoshi asks, and the question comes out half asleep, lulled that way by warmth and soothing hands.
He tugs the blanket back up over them, and then goes back to tracing patterns along his back.
"We should take a vacation."
"Mmm." Hitoshi twists a little in his arms, wakes up from where he had fallen mostly asleep. "Wait, really? Are you serious?"
The surprise in his voice is warranted. Everyone in their class has thrown themselves headfirst into herowork and never looked back, none moreso than Izuku himself. It’s been three years since then though, three years of putting himself in the spotlight and giving himself to the public and doing his damnedest to keep the press from digging too deeply into their personal lives. He wants to be able to keep some things to just them, and privacy is Hitoshi’s first line of defense.
He wants to go somewhere, go out and relax, be a random stranger and with his boyfriend instead of number 4 Pro-Hero Deku dodging questions about his roommate.
"Yeah. I am. I think it would be good for us."
Hitoshi’s eyes are as intense as they always are when he actually turns his attention onto something. Getting Izuku to relax is a topic Izuku knows without doubt he feels strongly about. They’ve had this talk before, in fits and starts. "I mean. I agree with you. You haven't taken a vacation day since we graduated."
He fights the urge to turn his head into the pillows. He doesn’t call in unless they bench him, and he hasn’t taken more than the required days off since he signed on. It’s not a healthy lifestyle, and he knows it.  There’s a voice in his ear that’s constantly pushing him to gogogogo and it wasn’t until recently he could get it to quiet down.
"Like you have?" He shoots back, motormouth on autopilot now that the conversation has really started.
"You know I do. You know how I feel about this."
And he does. They’ve had this conversation as well, or at least parts of it. Hitoshi takes his vacation days and calls in sick when he needs to. He goes and sees his adopted family on his days off, sits in the warmth of their home and lets the comfort ease away the shadows that start to linger in his gaze after too long in the dark. Izuku fights more heavy hitters, sees more property damage and big-name villains and screen time, but Hitoshi lurks in the parts of their city that doesn’t see a huge hero presence, and sees the kind of crime that keeps him up at night.
Hitoshi runs himself just as ragged, but he takes his days off. Izuku thinks he’d go crazy if he didn’t.
Maybe he’s heading in the same direction.
"Yeah. I do. And. We should go on a vacation. Just us, just a couple days." He sighs, tugs his boyfriend closer under the covers. Hitoshi comes willingly, slotting them together like warm, comfortable puzzle pieces. "We deserve it."
"We do. But only if you're sure."
And that’s another conversation they have had in piecemeal. Ever since they got together, ever since the beginning, Izuku has been beyond terrified of endangering Hitoshi with his spotlight identity. Hitoshi agreed at the time, and still did for the most part. His career and safety required him to have the element of surprise, for his enemies to not know his weaknesses, and that would be much harder if his personal life was broadcast to every news station in the country.
But really, they would be in no more danger than they were already, with Izuku constantly in front of a camera and Hitoshi crawling into their apartment as the first rays of dawn hit. They go on dates in hats and slouchy sweaters, and when they go shopping together Hitoshi smiles indulgently and offers to take pictures of fans when Izuku gets recognized, easily dodging recognition himself. None of that would change if they got away for the weekend.
None of that will change no matter how long they’re together, Izuku thinks. It’s as much a comforting thought as it is frustrating.  
“I am sure. If you’re comfortable being more open, then I am too. You know I don’t want to endanger you, but we’re no more at risk as a couple on vacation than we are just going to the store. And anyway. We deserve a weekend away.”
“Hey.” Hitoshi says, burying his face in the soft skin of Izuku’s neck. “You don’t have to convince me. And I appreciate what you’re willing to do to keep my identity a secret, I really do, but you’re right. We should take a break. You’re getting less sleep than me.”
He wants to say something, anything about how he would do much more to keep Hitoshi safe, but that’s a discussion that could quickly lead to an argument if they aren’t careful about their wording. So, he just nods against the top of his boyfriend’s fluffy hair and basks for a moment.
“Lies and slander.” He says directly into purple hair. “Go to sleep, babe. We’ll start looking at locations and hotels and stuff later, okay?
“Mmmm.” Hitoshi is already halfway to sleep, one strong arm curled loosely around his waist. He’s a warm, comforting weight against Izuku’s chest, and while they haven’t discussed a location or even what they want to do for their weekend away, he knows he wants it to feel just like this.
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Lockwood and Co. AU
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graphicpolicy · 8 months
Yen Press announces nine new titles!
Yen Press announces nine new titles! #manga #comics #comicbooks #graphicnovel
Just off the heels of the recent June 2024 licenses, Yen Press has announced nine more new titles releasing in July 2024, including seven manga (Miss Savage Fang; Excellent Property, Rejects for Residents; My Oh My, Atami-kun; GOGOGOGO-GO-GHOST!; Aria of the Beech Forest; Kind of a Wolf; This Wolf Is Not Scary), one novel (The Trials of Chiyodaku), and one artbook (Yana Toboso Artworks Black…
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hotwaterandmilk · 17 days
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Series: GOGOGOGO-GO-GHOST! Artist: Hiruzuka Miyako Publication: ‘GOGOGOGO-GO-GHOST!’ manga volume #1 (01/2022) Details: TSUTAYA Exclusive Bonus Illustration Card Source: Scanned from my personal collection
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hungnitan · 6 years
I can’t promise to update everyweek (or everyday) with my limited internet connection I have but I make sure to finish what I started~
Like always english never become my first language so just bear it with me~
Chapter 4 : Plan
> Chapter 3                 > Chapter 5
Yuki : Small fluffy ? Riku : The one who attached on Iori's equipment ? Iori : That one is Yamato’s doing...! Sougo : Tamaki and Ryuu see them ? Tamaki : The one who saw it just Mitsuki Ryuu : But, it's hair doesn't look like usual animal we see on town Nagi : Tenn still research on that Yamato : If there's more info, we will contact you Mitsuki : Sorry, for troubling you with other things beside ghost Gaku : No problem Momo : Okay-. I finished checking all machine ! You brought ghost lens contact, ghost team ? Yuki : Yes. Eyedrops too Nagi : Be careful not to filling ghost tank's gauge too much Gaku : I get it Ghost team : We're going out All : Take care Tenn : Be careful
Female ghost : Ah, he's so handsome...! Kya-! Please go out with me and just forgot a real life ! Gaku : We're right in time ! Riku : Gaku surrounded by ghost has been confirmed ! Yuki : Yosh. Just as planned. Sougo, you ready ? Sougo : Leave this to me
Gashan ! (equipment sounds)
Sougo : Just die, you ghost ! With my machine, I will send you all back to your planet...!
gogogogo-... (equipment sounds)
Female ghost : Kya-! kya-! I got sucked in-! Sougo : Sorry ! You have bad luck for meeting me ! Graaaah !! Finished already !? Entertain me more ! Female ghost : Kya-! Yuki : You're okay, Gaku ? Gaku : Ouch... I'm fine with decoy strategy, but she hugging me tightly ! Even so, it never cease to impress me, Sougo's personality always change everytime he holding a weapon... Riku : He's so cool ! Yuki : Next Riku, take care of that small ghost Riku : Okay ! Riku : Everyone-! Hello~ ! Kid ghost : Uwaa- it's onii-san~ ! Riku : I can show you all direction back to home ! Kids ghost : Waaaai- ! He looks like nice guy~! I... got separated from my mother... Riku : Is that so ? It's fine. I'm sure you can find her ! Here's the entrance-! Go in order ! Kids ghost : Waa-i ! Gaku : Ghosts willingly to get capture when Riku doing it Yuki : Sounds so easy. Yosh, I look around park Gaku : Okay. Then, I’ll doing from west leopard street Yuki : Please
Old days yankee ghost : Don't joke around ! You really doing this ! Gaku : Just be quiet...!
gogogogo-... (equipment sounds)
Old days yankee ghost : Release me ! You ! Gaku : huff... Seems it's just them... Brown monster : ... Gaku : ...!? There's something... where's it... !? Gorilla ghost : uho ! uho uho ! Gaku : ...ugh ! Sougo : Stop there Gorilla ghost : uho !? Sougo : Do you really think you can escape from me !? Gorilla ghost : uho ! uho uho...! Gaku : Sougo...! Be careful Sougo : Ops...! You're pretty good Gorilla ghost : u, uho...
Gashan ! (equipment sounds)
Sougo : Don't be scared. You want to play, right. Come here, ghost !
gogogo-... (equipment sounds)
Gorilla ghost : uhohohoho...! Sougo : I send you back to home Gaku : ... Sougo looks so fun... I should leave this place to him, and meet Yuki and Riku...
pipipi ! (notification sounds)
Gaku : Eh..., since when my ghost tank full !? It's still not hours I started...
pipipi ! (notification sounds)
Sougo : Come here, ghost ! Gaku : It's bad ! Sougo's tank too already overload ! Sougo ! Stop, stop...!
Yuki : Hm, wait Riku : Yuki skipped out again- Yuki : You misunderstanding, Riku. My tank show that I can only catch around 2 or 3 animal more... Riku : Ah, mine too. It’s weird, let's report this to invention team Yuki : Well then, we’re standby Riku : I like standby Yuki : Me too Riku : Want play "Seven coloured ghost leg" ? * Yuki : What's that, is that popular with young kid nowdays ?
Prrr...(incoming call)
Riku : Ah, incoming call ! Yuki : Hello, Yamato ? Yamato voice : We looked at data from support signal, nothing unusual, we always check and keep our inspection done. Maybe ghost team used it too rough-? Just please take care of our cute kids. Yuki : We use it gently. Next time, raise this machine into macho men Anyway, we're going back after meet up with Sougo and Gaku Yamato voice : I get it. I start the preparations. This is the first time all tanks are full so onii-san kinda exciting Tenn voice : Be careful not to get attacked by ghost on way back here Riku : Thank you, Tenn ! Yuki : We have 2 attractive person here and can't use weapon but, we will do our best
pi- (call ended)
Gaku : Yuki ! Riku ! You're fine !? Riku : Gaku and Sougo ! Here here !...eh Riku : There's many female ghost coming here ! Female ghost : Wait-! You handsome man ! Yuki : We can't comeback with running...
Youtube Video : https://youtu.be/zd_1LpVKVYU
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tails89 · 6 years
There’s no such thing as ghosts
Sterek. 1200 words
“I just, I don’t understand!” Stiles throws his hands into the air, ignoring the loud exasperated sigh behind him. “How can you not believe in ghosts?”
“It’s easy,” Derek growls. “They’re not real.”
“Yeah, like werewolves aren’t real,” Stiles spins to stab at Derek’s chest with his finger. “And banshees and kanima’s and motherfucking ghost riders. Oh-“ his face lights up. “Ghost riders. There is your definitive proof right there.”
“The Ghost Rider’s weren’t actual ghosts,” Derek argues. “And can we not bring up the time you were erased from existence?”
“I just- I can’t-“ Stiles turns away from Derek, training his torchlight on the shadowy corner of the room. “You’re a supernatural creature who doesn’t believe in supernatural creatures. How does that even work?” Derek squints against the harsh light when Stiles spins, pointing his flashlight at the werewolf’s face. “It’s mind boggling.”
Derek swipes at the torch and blinks to get his night vision back. “I believe in the supernatural,” he huffs defensively.
Stiles laughs. “Well thank fuck for that. Could you imagine? A werewolf who doesn’t believe in werewolves. You’re completely ridiculous. You know that right?” He laughs again. “So, what about unicorns?”
Derek rolls his eyes. “Really?”
“Yeah, okay fine, but what about zombies?” Stiles peeks tentatively through the doorway into the next room, turning back to Derek when he doesn’t get a response.
Arms crossed, Derek shakes his head. “Zombies aren’t real.” He watches Stiles hesitate and sighs, striding forward into the next room. He cocks an eyebrow and gestures to the empty kitchen.
Stile follows slowly, swinging his torch in wide arcs. “Big Foot is real,” he says when he’s satisfied they’re alone in the room. “There are pictures of Big Foot.”
“There are pictures of the Loch Ness Monster too, you going to try and convince me that’s real too?”
“Actually-“ Stiles raises a hand.
“They’re fake Stiles.” Derek leans against a counter. “None of it is real.”
Stiles throws his other hand up. The flashlight casts an eerie yellow light across the ceiling. “You have got to be kidding me. I seriously can’t believe this.”
Derek tugs the torch out of Stiles’ grip when it blinds him again. “I seriously can’t believe you dragged me to a haunted house,” he retaliates.
“If you’re so against the whole idea of ghosts,” Stiles storms over to the werewolf, “why’d you come with me?”
Pushing back from the counter, Derek growled. “You asked me to come.” He stands his ground and watches the different expressions flit across Stiles’ face.
“So, you came,” Stiles crows. They’re standing close enough that he can see the twitch of Derek’s mouth.
Derek let’s his head drop forward. “Yes, so I came. Obviously, because here I am, standing in a pitch-black kitchen, in a house that’s supposed to be haunted, yet-“ he lifts his head. “No ghosts.”
“Aw,” Stiles wraps his arms around Derek’s waist. “You care.”
“Hardly,” Derek snorts, but he doesn’t move away.
“You love me.” Stiles sings the words.
“I don’t,” Derek laughs. “Not even a little.”
“You-“ Stiles stops, his arms drop to his sides and his gaze turns towards the ceiling. “Did you hear that?” He asks.
“Nope.” Derek pops the p, refusing to look up. It’s an old house. Old houses creak and shift and make noises. There’s no such thing as ghosts and there is no way Derek is letting Stiles win this stupid argument.
“I think we’ve probably spent enough time here,” Stiles says, taking a step back. “Maybe it’s time we head home.” He’s still looking towards the roof.
“You wanted to find a ghost,” Derek reminds him.
“And you said ghosts aren’t real!” Stiles argues, meeting Derek’s gaze.
“They’re not,” Derek says picking up the torch.
“So, then we’re wasting- Fuck,” Stiles jerks back, feeling Derek tense beside him. “What was that?”
Their torch dies, throwing the room into complete darkness, and Stiles lets out a strangled shriek, his hands clutch at Derek.
“What the fuck? What the actual fuck?” His fingers tangle in Derek’s shirt, trying to get closer to what is hopefully the bigger, scarier creature than whatever it is upstairs.
Derek’s eyes flash red. “Footsteps.”
Stiles can hear them too. The staccato rhythm crosses the room above them and then stops, directly overhead.
“So? We can definitely go now right?” Stiles is already tugging Derek out of the kitchen as he says it.
They stay close to each other as they return to the previous room. Derek leads the way, his heightened vision allowing him to guide them through without colliding with any of the furniture. Despite this, a chair scrapes against the wooden floor. Stiles shrieks and jumps, wrapping his arms and legs around Derek’s body.
“It’s here,” he whispers. “Oh god. Gogogogo.”
Derek carries Stiles out of the room and into the hallway. The front door is just up ahead. They’re so close. Just a few more steps.
As Derek reaches for the door knob, Stiles lets his leg’s drop and loosens his hold around the werewolf’s neck. He’s facing the hallway when it appears.
“GeT oUT!”
Stiles flails and smacks back into Derek. The apparition flickers and disappears. Derek grabs Stiles’ hand and pulls him from the house.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck!” Stiles scrabbles at the handle of the front passenger door. With jerky movements he gets the door open and drops into the seat. “Go!” He yells, eyes trained on the front door of the house.
Derek gets the keys in the ignition and the Camaro roars to life. They peel out of the street, leaving behind nothing but the stench of burnt rubber.
They sit in silence during the entire ride back to the loft. Finally, Derek pulls into his regular spot and cuts the engine.
They stare at each other for a moment until Derek opens his mouth... and laughs. They sit there laughing as the fear and adrenaline drains from their systems.
“So, I think I might be ready to accept ghosts as real,” Derek admits quietly.
Stiles just stares at him. His mouth flopped open.
“You think? You think? It was right there! Like right there in front of us! And you think you could maybe believe ghosts are real.”
Derek shrugs and climbs out of the car. “I didn’t actually see it,” he confesses.
“You didn’t-“ Stiles slams the door. “It was right there! It spoke! How did you not see it?” He follows Derek through into the lift.
“All I saw was you flailing and screaming. Look,” Derek clutches at the hem of his Henley, “you tore my shirt.”
“In my defence,” Stiles waves him off, “I thought we were going to die. You can always buy another shirt, maybe in colours other than grey and black.” They reach the loft. “So, you ready to accept that ghosts are real?” Stiles watches as Derek pulls open the roller door. It’s loud and jarring after having spent so long in the silent ghost house.
“You know what?” Derek says, “you can have this one. Ghosts are real.” He ignores Stiles’ whoop and strides forward.
“Ha! Yes!” Stiles hasn’t moved from the lift. “Maybe we can revisit the zombie idea.”
Derek doesn’t even turn around, calling “No” over his shoulder.
Stiles smirks. “We could try to catch ourselves a sasquatch?”
“Hook us a Nessie.”
Derek turns and puts his hand on the door. “I’m locking you out.” He goes to pull it down and trap Stiles in the lift.
“Hey, don’t leave me out here. Derek. Hey!”
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makerpreserveus · 8 years
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im in love with @ghost-chicky‘s comic!!!
go read it people!!!!now gogogogo
i stalk the ectober-comic blog like crazy I really wanna draw vlad too....wait imma do thatimma draw uncle Vlad!!!
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