thegodshavehorns · 7 months
hey guys what are your favorite planets?
AA: there will be a l0st planet, flung free fr0m its star, spinning f0rever in the endless star-spangled night. it will have 0nce held a thriving civilizati0n, which will die 0ut with a tender sl0wness. its atm0sphere and 0ceans will freeze, until 0nly its well-insulated c0re h0lds any heat. there will be pe0ple there, still, living 0ff that heat deep in the crust, praying. it will be beautiful.
TA: anywhere wiith wii-fii ii2 good enough.
AC: :33 would you believe i can’t remember the planet’s name? i had a lot of fun there, though! the people there had this fascinating romance system where each purrson was flushed with two other people, who were also flushed with another shared purrson, making a square. And they were pale on the diagonal. i introduced the concept of blackrom to them, and it was purrfect chaos. >:33
GA: It Is Impossible To Choose Just One. Every Planet Is Unique, Precious, And Delicate. Like A Shard Of Crystalized Precipitate.
AG: It’s called “Areani”, and it’s got a diamond in its center that’s 8igger than two Earths! It’s mine, of course. Won it in a game of craps. ::::)
CT: ▉▉▉▉▉.
TC: AnY sPoT tO cRaSh Is GoOd, InSeCtIsIbLiNg. I bRiNg My FaVoRiTe PlAcE wItH mE. :o)
CA: planets are planets, and people are people. all places tend to blur together ovver time. that’s just as true for the others, too, though they don’t wwant to admit it.
CC: You probably t)(ink I'd say Kepler 195-4, or some ot)(er planet wit)( only oceans, but my favorite was actually K2-219-5 because it )(ad so many islands! Islands are definitely t)(e best. I liked it so muc)( I actually settled t)(ere for a w)(ile, before we all came to -Eart)(. Too bad it's gone now.
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The Gods Have Horns
The Gods Have Horns (Series. Words: 99,525. Works: 17.) by Callmesalticidae and shadow_wasserson
Fandom: Homestuck
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Godstuck AU. The post-scratch trolls all attained god tier and won Sgrub soundly, entering their new universe as a pantheon of gods and choosing Earth as a base of operations.
this fanfic series by @thegodshavehorns is one of M^3's favorites. Explore a world where Earth has always known its gods, and find out what the universe might be like with a heavier hand from the beta trolls!
Here's a few stories from the series:
Survival Lessons (3940 words) by Callmesalticidae, shadow_wasserson Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Characters: Grandpa Harley, Feferi Peixes, Nanna Egbert, Aradia Megido, Sollux Captor, Terezi Pyrope, Eridan Ampora, Jade Harley Additional Tags: Godstuck, The Gods Have Horns, Child Abuse, Abandonment, the trolls are gods, a life story, Hunting, Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses Series: Part 1 of The Gods Have Horns Summary: Your name is Jake Harley, and as an infant, you were chosen to be raised by a goddess.
A Study in Maltheism (2103 words) by Callmesalticidae, shadow_wasserson Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Rose Lalonde, Eridan Ampora Additional Tags: not even this school can quite handle her, First Meetings, Godstuck, Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Rose is a precocious twelve-year-old, Boarding School, Detention Series: Part 3 of The Gods Have Horns Summary: Your name is Rose Lalonde, you are a student at a religious boarding school, and you are currently in detention for daring to criticize the gods. Maybe, if you're lucky, you'll actually get expelled this time.
Capture the Wind (16489 words) by Callmesalticidae, shadow_wasserson Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: John Egbert, Terezi Pyrope, Dad Egbert, Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Godstuck, Trolls are Gods, Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Sifu Terezi, harsh lessons, john do the unexpected thing, Chess, Strife - Freeform, Running Away, abusive training Series: Part 6 of The Gods Have Horns Summary: Your name is John, and you think the religious community is pretty awesome. Church is interesting and people are totally cool and you actually have friends for once! Too bad you're supposed to be an atheist. Too bad the gods have other plans.
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zeemczed · 1 year
Pointless Cosmic Horror Godstuck WOO!
She remembers being human very well. Remembers the search through endless volumes of occult lore, looking for the release. Remembers endless hours scouring bookstores for the good shit, only to run several of them out of business with her aggressive search. Remembers the slow unlocking of the gates in her mind, until she was right there, right at the cusp, her mind about to flay open - and then he was there, foiling everything. For a second. Just long enough for Rose to put out both his eyes with knitting needles. And then she completed the rituals, and the dark came in, and in, and in, and she was one with the dark, and pierced by it, and drowned by it, and one with it… And then all was dark. But not. And then it split. And she poured out. The eye and the light and the skeins and the path and she was glorious. 
And glorious.
And glorious. 
She is the Seer. And she remembers being Rose Lalonde. And she can still be her; it's often convenient to be her. It takes a little effort. That’s all. 
And she will make the effort today.
She has an appointment to keep.
She remembers being human. 
Honestly most of the time she can’t believe that she isn’t human anymore. 
He did not pursue the path; the path was in front of him, and taking it was the quickest way to (save them all/save herself/change everything/change herself/kill the bastard) and so as she pursued the path it never occurred to her what was at the end.
Really it should have.
He was she before the first third of the path was completed. She was one with the storm by the halfway point. When did she lose her skin? Doesn’t matter. Easy to form new. Better skin. People will never know that they’re just touching wind. 
The god thing? That’s fun. She is the storm that speaks, lightning in a bottle, the flux manifest, the trickster rabbit. But at the end of the day, she’s still June Egbert.
Because she wants to be. 
She remembers being human. 
Sort of.
She was quite young, you understand. And when you’re that young, and you’ve crossed the Pale Gate and into the Realms Past and into lands you can’t go if you have a voice or breath in your lungs or blood in your veins then - well.
I mean what do you do?
You press on, because that’s your only option.
You know what you’re losing each time, and you keep going, because you’ve lost too much, you can’t get it back, all that’s behind you is a crypt, all that’s in front of you is… you don’t know. But something.
Did she laugh when she saw the Green Sun for the first time? 
Maybe. No - no, she didn’t (no air in the lungs), but she could have. As she saw it she knew what was going to happen. It was impossible. It was also impossible not to. When she opened her mouth wide, wide, wolf-wide, impossibly wide, and swallowed the endless fire. When she became the Sun, the Wolf-Mother, the Spark and the Void, the Emptiness in All, the Green.
And then she could breathe again.
Yes, she remembers being human. And she isn’t anymore, but she can fake it for a while. Because she doesn’t think it’s really so different from just being herself.
Now if only Jade Harley was a little better about remembering to hide the ears…
He doesn’t remember being human.
Honestly, he thought he was, but he knew deep inside that he wasn’t. A gnawing, terrible ache of knowledge even as he pretended to be. 
He tried to cut himself once and his skin refused to break.
Again, and nothing.
Again, and it did, but there was no blood, just a trace of oil, and the skin sewed itself shut in instants. 
He was too fast, too graceful, too… just too. 
Too hungry.
Ate everything in the kitchen, whenever there was anything. HE stopped stocking the kitchen, started eating outside. Forced him to smuggle food into his room, to hide it, so he could try to ration it, to slowly fight the hunger within. 
Again, and oil.
Again, and oil.
Again, and he saw the cogs within. Wheels within wheels within wheels. He crawled inside his own arm, and explored for weeks, and when he emerged, he knew what he was. 
He burned the apartment down when he left. The crows followed. The crows would always follow.
Human? He doesn’t know how to be human. He’s Dave Strider. He is Iron-sharp, Tempo-perfection, the Pulse-and-Flow, the Last Knight, Crow-Friend, the Burning. 
Mostly he’s the first one on that list. 
And he’s late for lunch. Again.
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averysillytime · 2 years
My Godstuck AU Signless/Sufferer. Please don't use this design or repost anywhere! Reblogs are ok however.
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In the AU he is the God of Romance, Attraction, and Bonds.
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daedalusdavinci · 2 years
i like 2 brushing past shoulder or waist i feel like you could do something really soft with davekat
i know you sent this so long ago and im so so sorry but i wrote. something! ish. its set in the aspec aspects verse if that sweetens it any
the prompt meme
Dave comes unfurled like a night-blooming cereus, impossibly slowly and only with an incredible amount of patience. His spines are sharpened with years of hypervigilance and distrust, and pushing against them only hurts him and you. Instead, you just have to wait until he's ready to bloom.
It takes millennia for him to trust anyone other than Rose. In the beginning, they were inseparable in every sense of the word, so tightly fused that it was at times impossible to tell them apart. They were prickly and nervous and it took ages for you to crack that shell, to slowly coax the two of them into trusting you with themselves, and then each other. And even then, trust was a tentatively crafted definition, full of clauses and rules and lines that you didn't dare overstep. It takes much longer for Dave to feel comfortable.
It starts with little things. He sits close to you when you're alone, tentatively testing the boundaries of your space. His alternates are more daring, flickering in and out of him like shadows as they reach for tiny pieces of contact. Sometimes he's more brazen with it, feigning a level of casualness you don't think he feels as he claps your shoulder or elbows you. It takes work to convince him that it's okay- subtle work, because if you ever called him on it directly he'd shrivel and die in your hands.
When Rose holds your hand for the first time- just a quick squeeze, just to reassure herself of your presence- he quickly and eagerly starts to seek your hand all the time. He blames it on his vision, saying he likes to know where you are, but you think he just likes to know that you're there.
It's slow. It's so, so fucking slow, getting Dave to accept that the world won't end just because he reached for physical comfort. It takes even longer for him to accept it from you, to start trusting you enough to override his initial and instinctive nerves, jumpy at the sign of anything that isn't Rose closing in on his space. But slowly, he gets there too.
In the modern day, you sometimes find it difficult to reconcile how Dave started with the clingy creature you've turned him into. He plasters himself against you like he's reserved the right for the rest of infinity, and gets offended if you brush him off, so certain in his entitlement to your person that it actually shocks him when he can't hang off you for ten minutes. You'd find it irritating if you weren't so fucking proud of him for coming so far, or so desperately in love with him that you really do love it.
When you reach for him, he never flinches anymore. You touch him without thinking, now, a gentle hand on his waist as you slide past him to reach something else, and he glances over his shoulder just to see you, pulsing warm affection your way like candle wax melting. A phantom kiss presses against your cheek, cold like a whisper, and you find yourself fighting a grin, ducking your head to hide the heat on your face as you push forward.
It took time, and patience. But god, he is so beautiful when he blooms.
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brainwashfalls · 1 year
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Godstuck Damien (A!Dave) exists again.
I really need to decide on colors for his outfit…
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unidentifiedfroggy · 2 years
hmmm... do i erase the muse class or the mage class in my earth c godstuck to fulfill my inherent need for symmetry
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crouton-knight · 25 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Homestuck Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram, Sollux Captor, Karkat Vantas, Nepeta Leijon, Kanaya Maryam, Terezi Pyrope, Vriska Serket, Equius Zahhak, Gamzee Makara, Eridan Ampora, Feferi Peixes Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Fictional Religion & Theology, Poetry, Prose Poem Summary:
Twelve gods come into the world, ad infinitum.
Weird godstuck AU poem, have fun
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angel---eater · 19 days
==> Hal Strider: Egress
You wake up first. You usually do, as you sleep on a strict, self-imposed timer and have for centuries. Dirk doesn't stir even a little bit as you slide out of bed because of this routine. You're not worried as you get dressed, walk down the hallway to the seldom-used second guest room, and grab the backpack and duffle full of your shit that you've had squirreled away in there for over two months. You've got your audio feed turned up. He's only rolled over.
You don't think about how what you're about to do will hurt him. You don't think about it as you walk down the stairs at an even pace. Any quieter or more cautous would sound unusual, so you keep going as you would any other day; down the stairs and past the living room, into the kitchen, turn into the entryway and stop to put the duffle bag down.
You manually shut down the anxiety streaking through your system. The guilt blaring at you like a bright red popup to stop, what are you doing? You're going to hurt him. You will hurt him. This could kill him. You haven't manually stopped a thought process in a very long time, you don't like making a habit of it either, but this time you can't let the softer parts of yourself have their way.
You tie your laces and don't think. You don't think about him still sleeping in his bed, your bed, his curls an absolute fuckin' untamable mess until he attacks them with his army of products. You don't think about how he's still warm and sleepy-soft, or about how yesterday, last night, had been a good day. You don't think about crawling into bed with him after marathoning Lord of the Rings for the millionth time and you don't think about how you kissed him goodnight, how he kissed you, how he was smiling and how often. You don't think about how much you'd rather still be up there with him, holding him like he's a big stuffed animal until he starts scrunching his nose up, the sign that he's awake. You don't think about how your fingers fit perfectly along his ribs because you made it so. You don't think. You don't think.
You pick your bag back up, stand up straight. Hand on the doorknob, turn 100 degrees and pull, gently, to open the front door.
You do stop at that point. Stop and look back, down the little hallway to the sliver of kitchen you can see from your vantage point. His gloves are still on the counter. You remember him saying he wouldn't forget them there, but that was three days ago. Something tugs on your brain again. It's beckoning to you from far away, farther than you could conceive if you had stayed organic. Farther than Dirk could understand. His gloves are still on the counter.
You walk out the door and close it behind yourself. You're meeting Harley in an hour.
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4lph4kidz · 2 years
Oh there's no way sollux's rant during his freak out isn't going to be some crazy foreshadowing. Did everyone forget that sollux is a prophet????? I think the whole rant was some sort of prophecy
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thegodshavehorns · 15 days
did any of you ever meet players from other universe frogs/other sessions
GA: I Imagine They Must Exist, Considering How The Game Propagates Itself. All Of Us Have Wondered, At Various Times, What Happened To Those Gods Who Must Have Created Alternia. It’s Possible They Just Never Found Us, But Considering That We Hosted Sgrub, I Find That Unlikely.
CC: T)(ere's my old Lusus to consider, but if s)(e was a goddess t)(en s)(e N-EV-ER told M-E. A part of me does wis)( we )(ad t)(oug)(t to ask t)(e )(orrorterrors for wisdom before we left t)(e Medium. It would )(ave made t)(e early years a little tidier.
TA: ii know they’re out there. iit’2 maddeniing
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Broken Swords (And Cycles)
Broken Swords (And Cycles) (1274 words) by Liyuna_Bass Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Homestuck Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Dave Strider Additional Tags: Earth C (Homestuck), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Second Person, POV Dave Strider, Time Travel, Trauma, Short & Sweet, Implied Relationships, Heart-to-Heart Series: Part 5 of The Skaian Pantheon Summary: Many people fantasize about going back in time to meet their past self, and reassuring them it'll all be okay, one day. Dave Strider just has the ability to actually do so. (Set in the Skaian Pantheon AU, where the kids didn't skip forward 5000 years, but can be read and understood on its own technically. Set 2 years Post-Landing. Younger/Past Dave POV)
this was written when @myusernameisstolen was still a member. posting for archival purposes. direct all queries to their blog!
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9xyzt · 5 months
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rosemarymonths · 2 days
Introducing Rosemary Month 2024 !
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All throughout the month of October!
Tag your submissions with #rosemarymonth2024 or #rosemarymonth
Any form of media welcome!
Day 1: Kiss Marks
Self-explanatory. Maybe even a little vampire bite.
Day 2: Morning Routine
What do you think Rose and Kanaya’s mornings are like together?
Day 3: Cultural Differences
Explore the troll-human differences!! Cultural sensitivity sure is hard!
Day 4: Alchemy
What kind of awesome shit are Rose and Kanaya making together??
Day 5: Aspects / Planets
Wouldn’t it be so sweet if Rose and Kanaya showed each other around on their planets? Or maybe you’re more interested in aspects?
Day 6: Fashionstuck
Rosemary + Fashion, pretty simple.
Day 7: Rushed Date
Late to a date or an incredibly rushed date?? You decide!
Day 8: Cultural Wear
Draw (or write/cosplay!) Rose and Kanaya in your culture’s traditional clothing!
Day 9: Guardians
Anything to do with Maryam and Lalonde guardians!
Day 10: Rainbow Drinker / Grimdark
The parallels….. a staple theme.
Day 11: Late Night Snack Run
Rosemary at Circle K at 3am, what will they get??
Day 12: Wizard Fanfiction
Remember that one time Kanaya said she’d like to look over Lalondian wizard fanfiction?
Day 13: Motherhood
A staple theme in rosemary. Maybe about the matriorb? Maybe about Roxy? Maybe Rose and Kanaya as parents?
Day 14: In-Laws
Rose meeting her monster-in-law or Kanaya interacting with the strilondes, you decide!
Day 15: Injuries
Rose and Kanaya’s famous wounds, go crazy!!
Day 16: Pumpkin Patch
It’s Fall fun time!! Or however you wish to interpret this prompt!
Day 17: Godstuck
Day 18: Laundry Day
Time to get some nasty domesticity on.
Day 19: Dashcon
Exactly what it says on the tin. Thank you Dashcon for the sponsor.
Day 20: Squids & Moths
Self-explanatory. Fuzzy bugs and creepy cephalopods.
Day 21: Dreambubbles
Rosemary dreambubble shenanigans… are they dead? Alive?
Day 22: D&D
Rosemary game night! Anybody else remember Soul Fraying Games?
Day 23: Meteorstuck
Typical rosemary Meteorstuck shenanigans, a staple trope.
Day 24: Earth C Living
Explore Rose and Kanaya’s interactions on Earth C!
Day 25: Wedding
Rosemary wedding!! A classic!
Day 26: Hurt / Comfort
Day 27: Long Distance
What if they were online girlfriends? Or maybe something more metaphorical and pretty?
Day 28: Kidswap / Bloodswap
Classic AU, go wild with any swaps you wanna do! Rose Harley and Kanaya Vantas? So neat.
Day 29: Crossover
Cross Rose and Kanaya over with any of your other interests!!
Day 30: Vampire Hunter
Vampire Hunter rosemary AU, go wild.
Day 31: Tricks / Treats
What’s it gonna be? Tricks or treats?
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daedalusdavinci · 2 years
Calming a Storm
Ship: Eridan Ampora/Dave Strider
AU: Godstuck/Eldritchstuck
Warnings: Body horror (eldritch gods, dude)
Word Count: 1,329
At the worst of times, Eridan could be volatile, dangerous, and damning. These days, though, it was easier to just be clingy.
Part 6 of Aspec Aspects
this is a sort of a drabble sequel i wrote to like an oil-stained phoenix while half-asleep. metaphors are goddamn galore, shit is just dripping with them
read it on ao3 now!
aspec aspects masterpost (newly updated and tidied for your convenience)
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sharkwing · 1 year
I think my funniest earth c/godstuck eridan hc is that, as a way to atone for the mistakes of his youth, he appoints himself as the god in charge of punishing those who use their faith/beliefs as an excuse to harm others. And he takes it VERY seriously, effectively making him a zealot for anti-zealotry. You might think this version of eridan would seem somewhat noble or dignified, but no. He’s priestblaster311
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