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the-parkour-god · 5 months ago
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a parkour god rp blog
inspired by @seawattgaming
blog owner uses any pronouns, same goes for parkour god.
this is technically just a joke blog, doesn't have any real lore, but if lore does happen, it will be tagged properly as such.
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godcriticizes · 2 months ago
God, do you foresee things going well for the next few days?
I know Vox isn’t completely gone but.. I’m just hoping for a little peace yknow?
Yes, until the 15th something big might happen.
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makeastraightpath · 2 years ago
I HAVE TAKEN TO MYSELF A PROPHET - "And through him have I made My plans known. For I do not change" *Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/I_Have_Taken_to_Myself_a_Prophet
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swarehime73 · 2 years ago
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A word spoken at the right time is like gold apples on a silver tray. Proverbs 25:11,, Words spoken at the wrong time are like rocks on a paper plate. Our words must not only be true but must be delivered at the right time and in the right way to be effective. Always ask God to guide you in speaking the right words at the right time in the right way. In other words, be like Jesus.
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godswordforyourweek · 2 months ago
Psalm 60:4,6.
“ You have given a banner to those who fear You, That it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah. God has spoken in His holiness….”
It is 400 BC. Israel is fighting nations in the north when she is suddenly surprised by an attack from Edom in the south. This is a dark moment: David is caught off guard and Israel is suffering the devastating wave of losses. In their shock, embarrassment and fear, they feel rejected by God, until…
“God has spoken.”(verse 6). What God said was like a banner, a rallying point, a place to gather (verse 4). 
In our devastation, defeats, fears, we must ask, “What does God have to say?” It changes everything.
This week, what is your banner?
Pastor Robin.
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southerngraceful · 2 months ago
Hearing God in the Noise
Yesterday, I had a conversation with a dear friend about something that’s been weighing on both of us: the feeling that we’re missing God’s message or calling.
It all started when I sent her a meme—classic me, trying to lighten the mood. It said: “When I’m trying to be obedient to God but have no idea what He’s calling me to do.” The clip was from a movie where Jackie Chan is nodding in confusion while Chris Tucker yells, “Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?” We laughed because, honestly, doesn’t that feel relatable?
I joked that the Holy Spirit must look at God sometimes and ask, “Are You sure You picked the right person?” But the conversation quickly deepened. We started talking about how hard it can be to feel certain about what God is saying—or if He’s saying anything at all.
Here’s the thing: I think so many of us are waiting for a moment. A booming voice from the heavens. A burning bush, tables flipped in fury, a veil torn in two. Something big and unmistakable. But what if we’re looking in all the wrong places?
What if God can’t cut through the noise we’ve surrounded ourselves with?
We live in an age of constant stimulation. Big screens, small screens, and everything in between. Ads pop up at every turn. Our downtime is spent scrolling endlessly, keeping up with Facebook friends, or checking notifications. Add in family, work, kids, community obligations, and a culture that glorifies being busy, and it feels like there’s no time to simply be. If your calendar isn’t packed from the moment you wake up to when you collapse into bed, are you even doing enough?
I wonder sometimes why God used shepherds so often in His story. Shepherds were the first to see Jesus in the manger. King David was a shepherd boy before becoming king. Maybe it’s because shepherding is quiet work. Sheep aren’t loud. They graze, they sleep. There’s time to think, to reflect, to listen.
One of my favorite lines from The Alchemist says it best: “If God leads the sheep so well, He will also lead a man.” And how true that is. God speaks in the stillness.
I’ve heard God most clearly in the silence. I remember one vivid moment years ago, driving over the St. Simons Island causeway with the convertible top down. The wind drowned out every other sound, and as the marshes stretched out before me under the sunset, it was like time slowed to a crawl. I was in the middle of a season of uncertainty, praying about a specific person in my life, and in that quiet moment, I heard it.
“Let them go.”
It wasn’t a booming voice. It wasn’t words spoken aloud. But it was unmistakable—like God Himself was sitting beside me. I had spent months praying about this, but it wasn’t until I let the distractions fade into the background that I could hear Him so clearly.
Maybe that’s the real issue: we’ve become so tuned to the noise around us that we’ve fallen out of tune with God.
But here’s what I’ve also started to notice—God doesn’t stop trying to reach us, even in the chaos. What if, while waiting for us to sit still and listen, He’s speaking through the clutter of our lives?
Maybe He’s using our worship music to lead us to prayer. Maybe He’s placing the same Bible verse in our feed, over and over, until we finally pay attention. Maybe He’s working through friends, strangers, even those silly Reels we scroll past, planting little seeds along the way.
At some point, the coincidences stop being coincidences.
The same verse popping up in different places? That’s not an accident. Conversations that sync up with a situation you’re walking through? Not random. A song that brings you to tears and reminds you to pray? That’s not chance.
God is always working to start a conversation with us. To slow us down. To connect. He wants to reveal our calling, show us what we’re missing, and remind us that it’s not just about the destination—it’s about the relationship.
So maybe the next time life feels noisy and overwhelming, instead of waiting for the burning bush or the booming voice, we can start looking for Him in the little things. The patterns. The whispers.
Because God isn’t just found in the big, dramatic moments. He’s in the stillness. The quiet. And even the noise—if we’re willing to tune in and listen.
What about you? Have you noticed God showing up in unexpected ways? Are you carving out space to hear Him, or do you feel like He’s speaking through the noise? I’d love to hear your thoughts and stories.
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itamzz · 5 months ago
You can’t make this up! (God Speaks)
Thank you Lord for speaking to me when I asked! I know you will always be with me no matter what. I will keep holding on and staying strong. Thank you Adonai! Our father in heaven. Shalom to the most high. Emmanuel “God with us”! 🥲♥️
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lolabeesoasis · 8 months ago
I have to spend time with God to listen to Him.
There's no way to make it in this life without the voice of God leading and guiding me closer to Him(My Destiny).
"My sheep hear My voie, And I know them, and they follow me."
+++John 10:27
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gobodegoblin · 15 days ago
ye/n/seh/th/ey/ki . th/ah . duh/ey/m/ye/ah 'g . ye/ah/teh . wuh/ey/n/ah/beh/ah/n duh/ie . m/ey/keh/ss/ah/duh/r/ah/g h/ou/beh/ie/n/ey . v/oo/ku/oh/n . th/ah/ss/teh/ie/r
p/r/ie/th . zz/ah/v . th/uh/n/ah/teh . ^tuh/ah/r/g/ey p/r/ie/th . zz/ah/v . th/uh/n/ah/teh . ^luh/ah/ye/n/ey/tuh p/r/ie/th . zz/ah/v . th/uh/n/ah/teh . ^v/ah/ss/h/ki/ey/r
'g . ye/ah/teh . v/ey/ss/teh . keh/ah/r/fuh/ie/tuh duh/ie . ye/ah/teh . seh/n/th/ey/keh . beh/ye/r/oh/n v/uo/n/ah . teh . keh/luh/n/uo . th/ah . p/r/ie/th yeh/ey/r . th/ah . g/ey/ss/p/ah . v/ie/ss/ah
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godcriticizes · 2 months ago
I called for Michael to do that, I don't know why you're mad at me specifically.
Seraphiel, it's so nice to see you again.
Please don't use that name with me again, it's been years since I stepped foot out of Heaven on my own. But yes, nice to see you father.
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godcriticizes · 2 months ago
@valcriticizes no matter what you always do, you'll always be a disappointment, I am sorry but there's no way of saving you as much as I am someone who forgives my children, I can't forgive people who hurt my family, and I will make exceptions for you specifically. If it was possible to, I'd send you to double Hell.
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makeastraightpath · 2 years ago
Section 1 of 9: THE TRUMPET CALL OF GOD (From: The Last Trumpet Before The Time - Volume Seven) *Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Last_Trumpet_Before_The_Time
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fracturedgod · 2 months ago
HEY HEY !! i was wondering if i could please request a Donnie Darko (2001 film) icon for pinned post ?? and possibblyy some accompanying stamps 🙏
thank you kindly 🫡
OH HELL YEAH Donnie Darko is my fave movie so I will GLADLY make these cool url by the way!
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lauvheart · 1 year ago
Edward Godspeaker is a little bitch and a total failure of a man.
Tbh I don't think matilda should be with edward at the end. I think it would be cool if their child was the result of a failed relationship and he just has her for the weekend when he's telling this story. Instead of edward, I think she should be with dughlas because even though both men are fucking whores, I doubt that dughlas would take a three day horndog marathon with a fae woman after finding his home, people, and other materialistic bullshit in ruins. Matilda slays. dughlas fucks. edward sucks.
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forgottenbones · 1 year ago
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starfoam · 3 months ago
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