#ghost in a trenchcoat // ooc
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the-parkour-god · 5 months ago
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a parkour god rp blog
inspired by @seawattgaming
blog owner uses any pronouns, same goes for parkour god.
this is technically just a joke blog, doesn't have any real lore, but if lore does happen, it will be tagged properly as such.
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wizblr-blue-moon-ball · 11 months ago
Just a bit of an ooc note/update
I'm not going through the best time rn irl, so I'd really appreciate it if preparations for the ball went as smoothly as possible.
Feel free to ask questions but please don't attempt to do anything serious or angsty or crazy at the event. And no nudity, please? Keep it SFW.
I'm doing my best to answer questions so please bear with me
Also I think this deserves a mention for the pinglist so y'all are aware
@scuttling-comfuddlement @the-gnomest-bastard @kobold-sanctuary-buss-island @satyrs-apothecary @irving-the-pirate-wizard @morbingtime @justagingerwithredhair @chaos-familiar @these-detestable-hands @regina-the-sorceress @combustion-witch @yourlocalbreadenthusiast @selldemapplez @agentldiddy @fractalkitty @wizard-island-trading-co @good-wizard @the-illegal-wizard-council @ash-the-tiefling @mysticminion @blobbiedaykeeppcaway @blaster-fagot @life-is-okay-rn2 @skyethebisexualwolfwizard @thequeerwizardcouncil @dread-the-eldritch-wizard @profeshinul-wizurd @a-squirrel-wizard @the-mighty-dalob @amateur-wizard @chaos-wizard-nyehehe @bertskullhaver @transgender-wizard @flowers-the-sun-witch @ceeceelemons @the-silliest-sorcerer @wizard-ghost @a-goose-in-a-trenchcoat @flirtyambiguouswizard @paltering-peculiarity @parkyrtheelvishbard
@jesterofthelibrary @be-gentle-with-littluns-2 @weezebyrger-the-wizard @monsterfucker-research-wizard @vivithecatgirls-rpblog
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ask-mr-chopped · 4 months ago
"I'm definitely going insane," the woman thought while carrying the head from place to place, stopping in front of a door and looking down at the severed head's reaction to see if it was even the right door...until, two voices from afar rang out, both belong to adult males.
"Where's the little twerp!?"
"Fuck I know, little bitch ran away with her tail between her legs!"
Upon hearing the voices, the woman stopped in a tracks for a second...before dashing off with the severed head and hand in a frantic manner. She was too preoccupied with the idea of finding a talking head to forget why she even got into the Ghost Apartments — right, she just fucked around and stole money from some local gang's car, and they caught her red-handed!
"Shit, shit, shit—"
The woman cursed under her breath, before turning into a random room, shutting the door quickly, while coughing and wheezing, trying to catch her breath. This human woman in a white trenchcoat...is certainly quite the interesting lass.
— 🚬
Mr. Chopped, contrary to popular belief, knew when to keep his mouth shut and avoid drawing attention. Though he wanted to cry out in distress from the sudden running, he kept his lips pressed tightly together, swallowing back a yelp. If this human was kind enough to carry him, the least he could do was remain silent and help keep her out of danger Besides, he shuddered to think what the other shouting humans would do to him if they found him. IF he had a torso, that is.
Once the sounds of yelling and quick footsteps faded, one eye creaked open, followed by the other. He scanned the room, ensuring they were safe, before turning his attention back to the human in the trenchcoat.
"...ꌩꂦꀎ... ꌩꂦꀎ ꂦꀘꍏꌩ? ꌩꂦꀎ ꃅꀎꋪ꓄?"
He wasn’t sure if she would understand he was asking about her health, but he tried. Meanwhile, his hand companion- who had been gripping the woman's ankle the whole time for safety6 let go and crawled toward her, pointing at her face. Or, well, her quick breathing. Perhaps that would make his concern clearer.
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solitaria-fantasma · 3 years ago
((It is done. Gawain’s own sideblog is (technically) live!
So is Callahan’s, but it’s all still rough themes and half-finished pages. Pardon the dust!))
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lost-kingsmen · 3 years ago
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((Reptilitone reference!))
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wolfwidower · 4 years ago
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      ooc: someone really said it’s a rare occurrence to hear the ghost giggle at you in phasmophobia. well, i’m level 1100 and i’ve heard that bitch giggle at me consistently.
      you know what it hasn’t done? write in my goddamn book while it’s in my hand.
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adorable-deku · 3 years ago
tagged by @mihonoko and @fanfiction-artist-prototype
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips.
i want you to know that this is a very difficult task bc i do not in fact have a wip folder, i have a bunch of wips scattered in my google docs that i occasionally mass add to my comprehensive bnha fanfic doc
street rats (again)
shigaraki get em babe
dfo myth
shindeku demon summon
mini boss cont
demon posession (yes it is misspelled in this exact way)
demon summon less ooc
ghost yoichi
i guess we're doing a second chapter
fuck it
idk fuck all might villain izuku
idk sequel
kirishimas hardass hair
ohshc crossover
that one villain izuku idea
izuku was Human
framed and distrusted
uhhh bad dad AM??
unexpected winner rewrite
shiggy izuku rival pk guild
little mermaid shindeku
stupid cat oneshot
wow a happy oneshot what an idea
lov shenanigans au
dragon izu
the pinnacle of nothing
prose-y villain dfo
midas touch
izuku finds out his dads identity
tomura grows a conscience
mini boss
hpsc trained izuku dfo
rich tacky izuku
izuku wants to be normal
the kidnapping arc
normal au izuku but w 10x the chaos
short afo manipulation oneshot
halloween shindeku shenanigans
street rats izuku and kai
i WILL NOT tag as many ppl as i have wips. actually cant think of anyone to tag who hasnt already been tagged uhhhh @3-snakes-in-a-trenchcoat
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blownoffsa · 8 years ago
starters from things my friends said ic & ooc tonight.
"4000 degrees for 1 sec cookies y/y” “You can't just "anyways" yourself out of that!” “I don't hate people I don't know.” “As soon as that puppy heats up it's like you're asking for your entire house to explode.” “Would you like to be introduced to my friend sarcasm?" “I'd say would you like to be introduced to my fist but when I was a kid my mom said i couldn't punch people dumber than me so.” “I want to see ___ fucked over by her.” “Honestly, I'm too busy dealing with two people who actually mean something to my life.” “Back off, Future Gas Station Attendant." “His insults hurt me about as much as he actually matters to me.” “Yikes, haha, wild, okay. Anyway, did you know that kangaroos have 3 vaginas?” “Tips tiny fedora on dick. M'cock.” “Butterflies also feed on sweat, blood, and tears.” ”HOHOHOHOH, THE THICK PLOTTENS.” “What do you mean chaos killed the dinosaurs?” “I'm actually way into this. It's kind of cool to try and find out things that we have no explanation to. It's, like, the one thing I like about science.” “We're doing a science and theorizing.” “I'm just sitting back and enjoying the show.” “No nihilism, I'm not mentally prepared.” “Oh yeah? you wanna know something that'll blow your fucking mind, ____?? Space. Space will blow your gotdamn mind.” “You think people can see ghosts? Like, rationally.” “We're all sad and you’re sad and we're all gonna hug the shit out of you.” “No, you smoked pot.” “Slam it straight into my lungs.” “Why is everyone crying, no.” ”I have approximately 3 sticks up my ass, thanks.” “On an unrelated note, who the fuck decided that the two definitions of well should be "happy && good" and "giant water pit of death and drowning children?” “I'd cry but I cried last night so I am emotionally Drained.” “Hey ____, you sound like a CREEP.” “I’m sorry ____, I don’t know you enough to judge you.” “I’m an impulsive brat who has a snake, what do you think?” “Anyway, ____? I don't know her.” “I can't believe ____ is probably gonna die. Which, I mean, good to be honest.” “Honestly, if you guys wanna fight, I'd be down. We can get some slushies afterwards too if you feel it.” “Why are any of you like this at any point in time.” “OH MY GOD YOU ARE A BAD BOY BOY BAND STEREOTYPE.” “You sound like the love interest in a Disney channel original movie.” ”’I don’t have depression’ he said, depressed.” “Wait, __, I still wanna fight you what the heck” “Wow, ___ is going on a date. Incredible. A Fight Date.” “Did ____ seriously rip a fucking mattress.” “Oh don't be disgusting I rinsed my mouth” ”Technicalities about having STICKS up someone’s ASS isn’t going to kill anyone.” “Hey I just vomited you know what I'd like to do now? Have sex. That trenchcoat? Mmmmm sexy.” “If I can kick your ass, will you finally listen to reason?” “Yeah sure. I always love getting beat up on a Thursday night.” “Would you stop playing the goddamn pity card when you refuse to take advice that could save your relationship?” “Maybe you can learn to not butt into other people's business.” “Forgive me for defending my friend. What? If one of your friends was being attacked by their fuck buddy, would you just turn the other cheek and not try to help them get the most out of life?” “Let them suffer with an asshole with APPROXIMATELY 3 sticks up his ass.” ”Can’t be depression if you keep repressin’.” “I'd learn pretty quickly that it's their issue to deal with but since you're so fucking slow, I'll spell it out for you right now.” ”Blend it with nacho cheese. Make it a square.” “Well, when you don't try and fix things yourself sometimes you need a little assistance.” “Can we finish working out your problems and getting you to be willing to open yourself up to ____?” “Turn on your location, I just want to talk.” “You shouldn’t think about the future. Focus on the now and if it’s hurting you do something about it.” “Wow. So cool. You'll live a miserable life while no one can tolerate being with you because you refuse to show any emotion and snap at someone like you snapped at _____. Sounds like a great life.” “Do you want to be alone forever? Is that it?” “The future is all I have.” “One day I’m gonna say ‘fight me’ and someone’s gonna deck me in the face.” “SqUaRe d OriTo” “You know when I was a kid I thought that meant potato chips but now I'm a man who knows they mean Dorito chips.” “I hate people who think cool ranch Doritos are better cause they SUCK. Everyone knows nacho cheese is 1) more popular and 2) a lot better.” “Text me your address. I'll just meet up with you.” “It's not like you do it to avoid confrontation at all...” “I'm going to lose my god damn mind.” “FOR FUCK'S SAKE.”
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lost-kingsmen · 3 years ago
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((First post art post!))
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