#gods give me the hardest battle (I have a god complex and this is all my fault)
helenstudies · 5 months
me: hey, japanese language might be convoluted but it's still very enjoyable to learn!
japanese language: oh! by the way the kanji for おいしい is 美味しい :)
me: one day i will kill you with my bare hands
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esta-elavaris · 4 months
For the fanfic ask game 🌼
What is your least favorite trope to write & who's the hardest character to write/characterize?
What is your least favorite trope to write
God, anything linked to pregnancy. Not even because I don't want kids, but because it's something I have never experienced and like, sure, the same can also be said for battles against zombie pirates at sea but the difference is that most folk also haven't experienced the latter, so there's a lot less potential for it to just read as hilariously untrue or unrealistic.
Also I don't hate it, but enemies to lovers is so difficult to get right that some deep breathing exercises are required before taking something like that on. I was writing HTWA like "okay maybe there's tension or maybe readers are just gonna be fckn exhausted by you two" for a loooooot of the first big chunk of the story.
Who's the hardest character to write/characterize?
So I went into CTW dreading Jack, Beckett, Barbossa, and Davy Jones. Jack was surprisingly easy to get the hang of, I just had to be very very aware of how I was writing him at all times. Jones remained a headache all the way through but when in doubt just be angry kinda worked.
HWFG is tricky with Aragorn, because he's so complex, but honestly almost every character in that fic gives me heart palpitations. Elrond and Gandalf get honourable mentions.
And writing Aemond Targaryen is probably gonna be tricky too.
Buuuut the difficult stories are the most rewarding so it's all good! Plus I think I'd really suit grey hair so if it arrives early it is what it is.
Thank you!! 💜💜
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seraphofthesimps · 1 year
Hello! I'm back with another episode of "B sends you a threesome from different fandoms you wouldn't have thought of together". In today's episode:
Chuuya Nakahara and Hawks!
Hear me out: both of them have quite the mouth on them. The banter? Glorious. They also both think rather highly of themselves (peep a little touch of god complex) and they're the most confident men you know. Which means when they are going toe to toe, it's a battle of sarcasm, sass, and who can piss the other off more. But I honestly in my soul feel like these two would end up friends. Like the kind of friends who greet each other in ways that makes you think they're about to fight, but then they break into a smile and do some secret handshake they swear isn't nerdy. They have some baggage and trauma, neither really knows the meaning of family until they meet you and suddenly the three of you are a cute little found family. And just imagine Hawks in the Port Mafia alongside Chuuya? Hawks already has some morally grey to him and he'd be brilliant as a member of the Port Mafia. OOH! And Chuuya can fly with gravity manipulation and Hawks with his wings so they are always swooping in out of nowhere.
Now when it comes to you and them together? They're competitive little shits and somehow every time you're together, it turns into a battle. Who can make you cum first? Who can make you cum the most? Who can make you squirt? Who can make you cum the hardest? It's a competition with them. And at the same time, they're all about making sure you're being taken care of, pleasured in every sense of the word. And these two in particular I just know love DP. Hawks tends to usually take his position in your ass while Chuuya likes to bury himself in your warm cunt. They have DEFINITELY fucked you like this while flying, all cozy between them with Hawks' wings flapping behind you and Chuuya glowing red in front of you. Chuuya even sprinkles in a bit of his ability to lift you up and down on their cocks in mid-air. Harder you scream? He turns up the power a little bit 😈
Romantically, they're both the most protective fuckers around. One of them is nearly always with you. They just don't like letting you out of their site and truly, they only trust you with one another. You couldn't be in safer hands than being the perfect little kitten belonging to Chuuya and Hawks. They also love to mark you and make sure everyone else knows exactly just who you belong to. Dates with the two of them usually consist of nights in but there have been times they fly you across the city for takeout or to a pretty beach or even to a secluded little area in the forest where both of them like to chase you down--they put you in the middle and both take off 200 feet in opposite directions and give you a 5 minute headstart to run. And then it's a race to see who gets to you first!
TLDR? These two would have the best sassy banter and also fuck you within an inch of your life.
Thank you and tune in next time for another episode of " B sends you a threesome from different fandoms you wouldn't have thought of together"
The way my eyes bulged at those names together. PORT MAFIA HAWKS?! The way I want to see that so bad 😭 once again these asks are both a blessing and a curse.
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Pokemon Teams for Fictional Characters pt. 2
Damian Wayne
(Also, I'm not including move sets because in my headcannon Pokemon do remember all their old moves. But humans choose to only use four)
For this AU I'm having the Wayne's own the Gotham City Gym, which specializes in Dark types. Most of the cannon events still happened. Just with a few tweaks here and there. (Dick's 20, Jason's 16, Cass is 15 Tim's 15 but younger than Cass and Damian's 13 because I love AUs where there closer in age).
Anyway here we go!
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First things first in the Pokemon Universe his alias wouldn't be Robin since they don't exist. Instead I think it would be Rookidee, since thats the closest Pokemon to a Robin.
His Partner Pokemon and ace would be a Gligar
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Name: Goliath
Gender: Male
Why: Gligar screams Goliath (his Batdragon) plus the coloring of his evolutions matches with Dami's Robin and Batman outfits
Story: He found Goliath while climbing a mountain for his training. At the time he was four and Goliath was a hatching. Damian ended up giving him some food, seeing that the hatching was hungry.
Grateful, the Gligar followed him hoping to return the favor.
When Damian's hand got broken on that same trip, Goliath was the one to help him finish his mission and get home safely.
Talia was impressed that Damian could tame a wild Pokemon without catching it, so she allowed him to keep him as his first Pokemon.
Next he would have a Meowth
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Name: Alfred
Gender: Female
Why: This one has to do with its evolution. Persian are said to only be loyal to trainers it likes and that it takes a lot to get them to like you. Their also said to be prissy and uptight. This reminded me of Damian. How it took forever for him to trust his brothers and his own snobby attitude. Thus I think it fits.
Story: After coming to live with his father Damian didn't know how to act. He saw his "brothers" and father treating their Pokemon so different than how the League did. They all trained hard. But, there was something eles: warm praise for a job well done, asking for insight on a case (they had taught their bipedal pokemon sighn language) and comfort on a bad day. His father and brothers treated their Pokemon like... people
In the League Pokemon where the lowest soldier, lower than the slaves or concubines. They trained, ate then they had to and got in their ball.
He had been a little more lenient in his training with Goliath. When asked he said that he was still a baby and he had to take things slow in this stage or he might develop too much muscle mass and be unable to fly.
He had kept him out of his ball with the excuse of developing muscle mass at a proper pace.
He liked Goliath's company. The Gligar was a good companion. But on the same level as another person?
He had expressed these thoughts to Pennyworth, the only person in the house to give him a straight answer when he needed it.
Pennyworth had explained to him that some people love to hold power over others and that Pokemon where an easy target, since they couldn't communicate their emotions as clearly as people could.
"Think of Mistress Cain. She sometimes cannot communicate with words, but we know that she's intelligent. But some people see her as less than intelligent and treat her as such because of the power it gives them."
Two weeks later Damian would come across a group of teenagers attempting to shave a Meowth. The Pokemon was little more than skin and bone and crying out on pain. So, Damian broke their fingers and shaved part of their heads for good measure.
He kept the Meowth and named her after the man who taught him about the abuse of power.
Next, a Poochyena
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Name: Titus
Gender: Male
Why: These Pokemon and their evolution are ruthless with their pray, and only obey trainers with external skill.
Story: Raven gave Damian Titus as a gift. She said that she rescued him from an underground fighting ring (where the battles are to the death). He was still to young to battle so he didn't need much rehabilitation. The other Pokemon there though...
Now we have a Type Null
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Name: Heretic
Gender: ???
Why: This Pokemon was created in lab, and artificial designed for the purpose of fighting, just like Damian. True I could have given him Mewtwo, but that cat seems to fit Kon more.
Story: Damian's mother had spent years creating Type: Null with the purpose of being able to kill any target. As a last test she wanted to see which of her creations was suppirrior. So she sent the Type Null out to (try and) kill her son.
Damian, with the rest of his team, beat the Pokemon but couldn't kill it. He had long since vowed to wash the blood from his hands. Instead he offered his hand to it and asked it to join him.
Here we have the hardest to explain... Mimikyu
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Name: Habibi (I hope I spelled that right)
Gender: Female
Why: Damian is complex, he wants to be accepted and loved just like Mimikyu but dosent know how. Both try to mimic others in order to get that love, Damian his father and Mimikyu Pikachu. So I see this as Damian's spirit Pokemon in a way.
Story: He didn't know why it was so hard to fit in. Gods know he tried. But... little things confused him. Like how eveyone could understand each other without words or singhing. He had no problems with that on a battlefield, but in day to day life; it felt like he was on a separate server.
Like how Todd knew at breakfast with just a look that Drake was in a bad mood and how to help. Or how Grayson could audomadicly tell what kind of day at school the rest of them had withen a few minutes. Hell even Drake could tell what grunts ment what from father! Which ment good job, Which ment I'm glade your okay, or frustration either at them or at a case (Cass didn't surprise him, she had to learn how to communicate without words and watch body language and micro expressions).
School was no better; sometimes it was to load or bright othertimes, when everyone was doing a test, it felt to quiet. But, to much or to little, Damian was always aware of every movement, every sound. It was like the very instincts that saved his life every night where turned against him.
He turned to his nearly forgotten childhood habits to distract himself from everything around him. That only led to more whisper shouting and what even he could tell where displeased glares with a grunt of "fucking tapping" or a snap of "stop!" He knew it was disrupting but it was all be could do to drown out the noise or silence.
On one particularly bad day at school; apparently during one of their tests one of his classmates had had enough of Damian's tapping and decided to make a scene.
There was some yelling from the kid. A few cries in agreement. Before the teacher had gotten hem to settle down. He had demanded that Damian look him in the eye and when he finally did told him to stop with the tapping or else he would be sent to the office, Gym Leaders son or not.
He was the last to finish that test where he normally finished first. The silence had been to load!!
After that clusterfuck Damian finally headed home. He had texted Grayson saying that he was meeting a friend somewhere to work on a project and to not pick him up. In truth he didn't want his brother reading what kind of day he had had. He needed some time to himself.
That was how he found himself in a nearby park. It was filled with plenty of sounds that didn't suffocate him and the fall leaves where soothing to his eyes. Damian had Titus out of his ball as company, knowing that the pup loved park walks.
They had been walking for an hour when they came across a box set off just on the edge of the trail. "Free to Good Homes" was written on the side in black sharpie.
No sound was coming from inside, so he assumed that the had all been taken. Until Titus went closer sniffing at the seemingly empty box.
"Pooch Pooch"
"Hmmm... what is is it boy?" He asked as he walked closer to his Pokemon and the Box. Damian hoped he was wrong. It was cruel to leave a baby Pokemon all alone, especially since the weather was getting colder by the day.
Inside the box was in fact a lone Pokemon. At first glance it looked like a Pikachu. But something was off. It looked more like a doll than a living creature. If it wasn't for the small chirps it let out and slight way that it was shivering from the cold Damian would have written it off as a toy. No wonder it got left behind...
Damian reached down and picked up the mystery Pokemon as gently as he could.
"Come on beloved, lets go home."
He tucked the Pokemon in his jacket to warm it up before reaching for his phone to call Grayson for a ride home.
That night Damian locked himself away, even skipped patrol, and spent a sleepless night learning everything he could about his newest Pokemon.
That was inspired by this comic
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Finaly, for his last spot Eevee!!
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Name: Omni
Gender: Female
Why: I'm going to have all the Batfam members have an Eeveelution. This branch and the Batfam are both growing consistently. We all have our favorites but we love them all the same. So I think it fits.
Story: Everyone in the family had an Eevee or one of its evolutions. Damian's Father said that Eevee was the Wayne family symbol, it was potential, the ability to become whatever you wanted.
Though it surprised Damian that the Wayne symbol wasn't a Noibat or Noivern (Batman's ace) at first he eventually understood the logic in choosing such a Pokemon to represent the family name. That only made things harder for him being the only one not having one. Did they not truly see him as family?
On the one year anniversary of Damian arriving at The Mannor, his family through a small party. Pennyworth made his favorite foods, The Mannor was decorated in tacky streamers (Graysons' idea) and they watched some of Damian's favorite fims, their Pokemon curled up with them. His father had offered to take the day off from the gym. Until Todd suggested that Damian take on the challengers.
The Gotham gym was part of his heritage. Damian had been training for the day that he could finally help weed out the weak challengers just like his siblings sometimes did (think the battles you do before challenging a gym leader in the games).
On that day, if the challengers agreed to it, their final battle wasn't with Bruce Wayne the Dark Knight but instead his son. Most accepted thinking that it would be an easy win, that they had lucked out in not having to battle one of the stongest Gym Leaders in the League and could still get the Shadow Badge.
Those poor fools.
Damian was only allowed to use Alfred, Titus and Habibi since he used Goliath and Heretic primarily as Rookidee.
Damian fought seven trainers that day in 3v3 fights. Only two of them got the badge.
With the day overwith and the night rising, so did Gothams' protecters.
The night ended with exhausted body's and adrenaline crashes. Damian was ready to slip into a mini coma from the day he had but before he could head upstairs to The Mannor...
"Not so fast baby bat." Graysons' voice called out to him. "We got one more surprise for you."
Damian raised his eyebrow at that. What else could they do? His father came back from the locker rooms where he had been desuiting, it always took him the longest because of his "old man bones" as Todd said.
"Son," his father said "its Wayne tradition to get your first Pokemon when you turn ten years old. I missed that with you." He paused, eyes briefly shifting to the floor before they snapped back on Damian's face. "Luckily there's one tradition we didn't miss. When you've lived at The Mannor for a year or the adoption papers get finalized, I give my children this..."
He pulled a Poke'ball out of his poket and handed to Damian. "Go on son, let them out."
He did
Staring at him was his own Eevee.
AN: All of Damian's Pokemon (sans maybe Omni, I'm thinking of leaving her as an Eevee) will eventually evolve. Eventually.
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sashannarcy · 3 years
hi op what are your thoughts on uhhhh *spins wheel* sasha's season 2b arc (hope that's not too broad a subject)
edit: putting this under a cut bc it got LONG but. enjoy (???)
okay I gotta start by saying I didn't expect the depth of it at ALL; I knew Sash was featured prominently in the ending episodes of s2 based off of what my friend informed me, but like. I was not expecting 4.5 episodes to be almost ENTIRELY centered on their character arc and design (the .5 being the first half of True Colors).
that being said, I think Sash's 2b arc is PHENOMENAL bc of the way the nuance in it is written so incredibly well. this character is about to perform the most antagonistic move that they've pulled in the whole series so far, which is the act of betraying both Anne and Marcy in order to support Grime and get them home safe, if they so choose to go home (as an aside, I think at this point Sash has probably decided that she likes it more in Amphibia than back home, and there's one line that I'll get to that seems to be VERYYYY indicative of that. and if this is the case, it makes sense to me why Sasha would want to help Grime at all and why they don't really seem quite eager to follow Anne and Marcy back home. but! important to note that they still give those two the choice to go back if they wish, because at the end of the day Sash loves them and wouldn't try to force them to stay). and yet we see!! this back and forth!! this FIGHT that's happening in their mind, the way there's a flash of guilt they express at the very end of The Third Temple directly after confirming to Grime that things are still going according to plan, their convo w Anne at the end of The Dinner, the entire plot arc of BotB, and ofc the Sashanne duel in True Colors. I want to make an analysis post for each of these episodes because they're so fucking PACKED w shit to analyze, but I'll try my best to touch on all points here.
obviously we first learn of Sasha's plans to betray Anne and Marcy in The Third Temple. but what's important is that throughout the entire episode, there's several points where Sash switches back and forth between manipulation and honesty. I can talk abt this w confidence just based off of the whole. *gestures vaguely at myself.* but Sasha's initial apology in this episode was sheer manipulation, I think we all know that. however, when Sasha has to do their final test in the temple, those few lines they exchange w Anne in the moments before they raise themself up off the floor and launch themself into battle... those were genuine. they know they've been a shitty friend, and they're willing to accept that. so you have this game, almost, where Sash keeps flipping between putting on a mask to ensure they can keep up their facade until Grime secures the city and genuinely acknowledging their behavior and knowing that what they are doing is not going to sit well w Anne and Marcy.
so with that, The Third Temple sets the premise for the rest of the episodes of the season as far as Sasha's character arc. The Dinner is such a good fucking episode to follow with, because it hammers in the fact that Sasha has not changed. what it ALSO hammers in is she is still acting in her own self-interest - to put it in her words, she wants to get the friendship back under control. they still lash out, they still have a short fuse, they're still heavily opinionated and rough around the edges and prickly because this is an environment where they feel threatened. they're finally reuniting with the two people that mean the absolute most to them, only to realize they've been left out of the narrative. also not for nothing, but their trauma in Reunion got joked about in this episode which led to them blowing up over it, and like. I'm giving that one a pass bc man. anyway. at the end of the episode they say they like who they are, but it's said with a frown, which I think is fucking GENIUS. because there's an actual meaning to this line - they don't ACTUALLY like who they are. we have plenty of evidence that they don't like themself. what they MEAN is that they don't want to change, because that would mean giving up a security that they need in order to keep themself together. AND THIS IS DEMONSTRATED CRYSTAL CLEAR IN BOTB. they literally PURPOSEFULLY detach themself from Anne and Marcy bc they know they want control but they ALSO know that their behavior is just going to hurt the other two, so instead of compromising, they just go hey I'm gonna do my thing and you guys can do yours. and we'll both get what we want. and if that's not evidence that this character is fucking GRAPPLING with how to grow and change as a person, idk what is
and then. sigh. we get to True Colors. ofc Sash goes through on their betrayal - they're loyal to a fucking T once you dig beneath the surface, and they wouldn't just not follow through for Grime. what is absolutely KEY here is the fact that they are still leaving room for their friends' best interests, as in they're not trapping them in Amphibia but rather explaining how they're gonna help Grime take over, implying they'll go back home once they're done, but if Anne and Marcy wanna go back now, that's cool. if she didn't give a fuck abt their wellbeing, she'd just keep them there w her. but she doesn't. and then Anne starts retaliating, and. well. we ALL know Sasha does NOT do well with criticism of any kind. so they just go okay I'll send you back now then (and this is STILL an action motivated by what they think is best for Anne). BUT THE LINE. OHHHH THE SUPER IMPORTANT LINE THAT MADE MY HEAD SNAP UP AND MADE ME PHYSICALLY GO "YIKES" OUT LOUD. is Sasha saying "say hi to your parents for me." it's like a goddamn full-on sucker punch packed into one sentence - seven words, and all of a sudden we know for sure this kid does not have a good home life. I could go into elaboration on Sasha and the way she views familial ties throughout the show, but I won't bc that's gonna take this already super long answer and make it even worse. regardless, Sasha has once again flipped the switch and is indulging in their worst behaviors, which is full on controlling and holding power to act on what THEY think is best in the moment. and the moment Anne snaps, the moment Anne yells about Sasha being a horrible person, literally EVERYTHING shifts and the reaction from Sasha is VISCERAL. and what I mean by that is. it's not just the look in their eyes at those words. it's not just the sudden and complete loss of meaning, of self, of motivation after they've lost Anne's support. it's not just the way they stare at their own reflection in a sword that represents the color of the person they're trying their hardest to protect. it's the way that for the rest of the goddamn episode, they spend it trying to do the one thing they fear the most: giving up control. I'm gonna elaborate on this whole aspect in a different ask bc I was asked abt it, but the way Sasha acts towards Anne after the fallout, especially at the beginning of the duel and during the confrontation w Andrias, is fucking monumental. they struggle so much with how to change their own behavior, yet the very moment they lose the support of the people they've been trying so hard to love and care for in their roundabout way, they can change the way they act. because who the fuck is Sasha Waybright without Anne Boonchuy and Marcy Wu? in her mind, no one. she doesn't have any idea of who she is outside of this, so ofc she can act differently when she's thrown out in the cold. after all, it doesn't take much to warp an identity that doesn't exist.
tldr; god. how do I sum this up. Sash's 2b arc is smth that's incredibly intricate and complex from the way they constantly flip between desperately needing control and feeling guilty that this is the way they need to live. and True Colors is able to finally demonstrate to us the final piece in how they operate - without their friends, they lose sense of who they are, and their personality comes undone. in 4.5 episodes the writers managed to give us 1000 aspects to their character that we hadn't gotten to explore, and we can see that Sasha was never meant to be the villain. so. final review is that's some good shit👍
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insomniac-dot-ink · 4 years
Books I’ve Read in 2020
AHello! I’m trying to read as many books as I can during the quarantine, here’s what I’ve finished so far:
On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong (literary fiction): a son writes a letter about his life to his illiterate mother. Breathtakingly beautiful with it’s way with words this book is lovely and real in the hardest and sweetest ways. The author’s combination of prose and poetry is dazzling and intricate, this book has stuck with me for days afterward. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik (fantasy): a money-lender gets in trouble after bragging she can turn silver into gold and is kidnapped and ordered to do so by a fey creature. It may be that I am the perfect audience for this type of book, but it’s my favorite thing I’ve read all year. It’s a book that equally takes on the fantastical and real-world with compelling female characters at the center of the whole thing. A wonderful fantasy journey inspired by eastern-European Jewish folklore. 5 out of 5 stars.
Through the Woods by Emily Carroll (horror graphic novel): a series of short horror comics. Absolutely bone-chilling! This was a really fun type of scary story, especially the last one which made my skin absolutely crawl. Deliciously eerie, this was treat to read if not a little too short. 4 out of 5 stars.
The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender (magical realism): a young girl can taste other people’s emotions in their cooking and begins to understand her family in new ways. This was a weird book, but it has everything you’ve got to love about that combination of the surreal and mundane. It’s sense of character was electrifying and I had fun engaging with this type of off-kilter real world. I was a little frustrated in parts bc of some characters choices, but that too was true to life. 4 out of 5 stars.
Crier’s War by Nina Varela (steampunk fantasy wlw): about a Made automaton heir to a throne and her human hand-maiden that is trying to kill her. This was an easy read with a lot of tension between the two main characters that I liked, but the writing itself was very weak. There was waaay too much exposition in parts and the dialogue had some really hockey lines. I enjoyed the twists and turns in the middle of the book, but the beginning and end didn’t have much movement. 2.5 stars out of 5.
The Huntress by Kate Quinn (historical fiction): honestly, I’m a little disappointed. This book just did not hit my sweet spots, it wasn’t fast-paced enough for me to get immersed in the plot, and the characters weren’t real enough to be wholly invested in them. That said I adored Nina Markova and the Night Witches, so that did help. 3 starts out of 5.
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White (horror sci-fi retelling): HAND IN UNLOVABLE HAND. A retelling of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein from the perspective of Victor Frankenstein’s wife and my God! The characters! The plot was well-enough, but the characters took the whole show for being complex and compelling. The main character was breathtakingly layered and I was wholly invested in Elizabeth and her story and the triumph at the end of this story was tangible. 4 out of 5 stars! 
Uprooted by Naomi Novik (fantasy): A story of a young woman who lives in a valley where a girl must go live with a wizard for 10 years. She is certain she won’t be chosen, but ends up having to be “uprooted” herself. I enjoyed most of this book! However, I think I liked “Spinning Silver” a lot more just because the ending of this one somehow lost me. The characters were good and plot compelling, but (SPOILERS) the big battle at the end seemed to drag and didn’t interest me somehow. 3.8 out of 5 stars.
Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (fantasy): excellent read! A story of a young woman in Jazz Age Mexico who goes on an adventure with a Mayan death God who is trying to regain his throne. A romp across the country absolutely brimming with likable characters and fairy tale twists. My only complaint would be that most of it felt a little predictable due to the fact we knew where we were going throughout the whole story, However, it was still greatly enjoyable for the heroine herself, Casiopea. 4 out of 5 stars!
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng (literary): a story of two families in a progressive “planned” community, how their lives intertwine, their secrets, and a central question surrounding motherhood. Deeply empathetic to its characters and introspective, this is an every-day story of people in suburbia that reads like a thriller. I could barely put it down and felt deeply for its characters and situations, 5 out of 5 stars!
Wilder Girls by Rory Power (YA sci-fi suspense): a story of a group of girls at a boarding school on an island affected by the “tox” which alters their bodies in strange ways like giving them scales or an extra spine. This was an eerie, interesting read with a wlw romance! Watch out for the body horror in this one, but it was very gripping and held my interest. Some of the pacing was off in places (like the romance), but had a very creepy atmosphere that did it for me. 3.8 out of 5 stars!
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio (thriller-mystery): A thriller about a group of Shakespeare actors in their last year of college and one of their classmates who turns up dead. I enjoyed the murder mystery part of this novel more than I expected despite the fact I had guessed who had “done it” pretty early on. I really enjoyed the James-Oliver dynamic with its growing homoeroticism, but I didn’t like how the character of Meredith was handled at all. She felt like a one-note aside. I might have given this book four stars, but the ending was EXTREMELY frustrating for me and I did not like the “open-ended” conclusion. 3 out of 5 stars.
A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman (literary humor): a weird character-driven comedy about an old grumpy man and a new family that moves in next to him. Warning for themes of suicide. Anyway, I don’t normally indulge in cliches like “I laughed, I cried, I loved one Cat Annoyance.” However, that’s exactly what I did. I laughed out loud, I cried my eyes out (THE CAT’S HEAD WAS IN HIS PALM), I loved this book. It was sweet and compelling and thoroughly immersive. 5 out of 5 stars!
The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow (historical fantasy): set in the early 1900s comes a story of a young girl and her experience with “Doors” that lead to different worlds. This book had a lot of great character development and really interesting descriptions, however, I didn’t like it as much as I wanted to. I found it hard to get myself to sit down a read it. There was just something missing with the push to “page-turn,” but it was still a really good book. 3.7 out of 5 stars!
Gideon the 9th by Tamsyn Muir (high fantasy, kinda gay): I AM FILLED WITH EMOTIONS. This was book was definitely a page-turner. I was very confused with it at the beginning, but the characters and their interactions were, forgive the expression, the life blood of the story and kept me wholly invested. The ending has CRUSHED my heart, but damn did I have a good time reading it. 4.5 out of 5 stars!
Harrow the 9th by Tamsyn Muir (sequel to Gideon the 9th): I really enjoyed this book. It was just as strange and twisting as the first book, though I think I enjoyed the first one a bit more since I love Gideon. It was fun ride overall, though the ending was kind of really confusing. So 4 out of 5 stars.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (historical fiction): Overall, I really enjoyed this book! The writing style was personable and grounded in reality. I found myself really liking the main characters and the exploration of the life of a bi main character was really well done I thought. A solid book with drama and glamor to boot. 4.6 out of 5 stars!
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah (historical fiction): A story of two sisters during WWII and their resistance to Nazi occupation. To be honest, this book wasn’t my cup of tea. It was compelling, but also wholly depressing and I felt like gloried in the pain of the two main characters too much. The history was wonderful and realistic, but it didn’t make me feel anything good afterward. It was just dark. 3 out of 5 stars.
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston (mlm romance): I finally finished this after the heaviness of The Nightingale. This is a story of the First Son of the USA falling for the prince of England. And it turned out to be a very fun and light hearted read! Some of it was kinda generic and too political, and it coulda been shorter, but I thought the romance itself made up for it. It just made me feel so sweet and lovely inside. 4 out of 5 stars!
Anxious People by Fredrik Backman (literary humor): I’m searching out heartfelt books and this one ticked off all the marks on my “sweet” list. A lovely book that made me cry more times than I would like to admit. Compassionate beyond belief, funny and heartfelt. I think I enjoyed A Man Called Ove slightly more, but this book was also dear to me and something I hope to reread in the future. 4.2 out of 5 stars!
Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel (sci-fi): A post-apocalyptical story about a group of traveling Shakespeare actors and a symphony. Overall, an excellent read that somehow pictures a more realistic or even softer version of the apocalypse. At first, I wasn't happy with the jumping around of the story, but as I progressed I grew fonder and fonder of the interwoven characters and their journey. A very fascinating read about a world that hits a little too close to home. The appreciation of the arts and preserving humanity was somehow very hopeful and I was fully engaged with this story. 5 out of 5 Stars!
Up next: The Hidden Life of Trees by by Peter Wohlleben (nonfiction science), The City We Became by N. K. Jemisin (urban fantasy), The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (fantasy)
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quinnfebrey · 3 years
okay bestie, it’s cactus anon and i’m back. buckle up cause i did some research for this.
my first inclination was to separate the twins but i actually don’t think we have to. i think rachel and nora could both be daughters of athena. nora obviously has the wisdom and book-smart part down, but i think rachel has her stubbornness and would have her sense for battle strategy. for example, the way she took charge and tried to get them to hike to the top of the island, look for shit in the airplane, and attempted (and failed) to direct people once she was put in charge. i don’t feel like i have to explain nora’s very much lol. if i was to split them up rachel would be nike for obvious reasons. nora, however, would be either athena or hecate. hecate is an option because nora is all about deception and pulling the wool over the girls eyes, much like hecate herself.
miss fatin of course would be aphrodite. that bitch can already charmspeak the hell out of anyone and she isn’t even in the percy jackson universe. imagine what she could do fully charged. she’s hot and she knows it, exactly as a daughter of aphrodite should. also, piper is canonically much more than just a pretty face. she’s just as intelligent and capable as her counterparts, and i think fatin is similarly complex. people would read her as just the pretty aphrodite girl, but she could kick some serious ass. alternatively, and this is just cause i think it would be hilarious: dionysus. cause, y’know, partying, but that would be reducing her to just someone who likes to party, and fatin is too complex for that.
martha is a textbook demeter kid. her connection to nature is undeniable and i think that is what makes demeter ideal. she’s so sweet and loving and giving and i just feel like it fits. i love marty so much. i don’t have much else to add lol i just know in my heart this is right.
i think dottie would be a daughter of hephaestus. now i know what you’re thinking, why not apollo because of how she helped her dad? first of all, i’m saving apollo for someone else, but also dot was really forced into that role. alternatively, on the island she is extremely resourceful and level headed. she keeps track of supplies and helps build shelter. i just feel like she’d be a kickass hephaestus kid, i really do. imagine her piloting the argo or riding on festus. you know she’d kill it.
leah would be athena. she’s booksmart as well and spends all her time on the island trying to uncover what’s really going on. that bitch has athena’s wisdom running through her veins. she’s on another level, no one else was anywhere close to where she was with uncovering the truth. athena 100%.
now for the apollo kid. shelby is a daughter of apollo through and through. she’s got that sunny disposition, the blonde hair, she’s good at singing, she volunteered at the hospital. i could go on and on. also she’s like, sooooo good at medicine (the pill scene). plus both apollo and shelby are gay icons so it just feels right.
last but not least, my comfort character, toni shalifoe. this one was the hardest tbh. i thought maybe ares cause she’s got anger issues, or perhaps nemesis because of the incident at the movies. hear me out: hermès. i know, i know, it’s boring and toni is anything but, just listen. hermès is the god of “gymnasiums, athletes, thieves,” and other shit that doesn’t matter. that’s so toni. i think she would be a great hermès kid. picture her as a divine pickpocket. hermès kids have enhanced theft abilities, money manipulation, can pick locks telekinetically, superhuman speed, sometimes telekinesis (yes i did read the wiki for this). so that’s why i think she’d be a luke-level-powerful hermès demigod.
TLDR: nora: athena or hecate; rachel: athena or nike; fatin: aphrodite; martha: demeter; dot: hephaestus; leah: athena; shelby: apollo; toni: hermes
oh my god this is so long i am so sorry for all of this but also i had such fun so here you go bud, please give me your thoughts i’m so excited to hear them. :)) —🌵
OH My god cactus i feel so bad i kept putting this off so i could give it a good response and then totally forgot omfg i’m so sorryyyyyyy
BUT THIS ASK opened my third eye on my GOD
nora and rachel as athena kids YES it really does show both sides of athena and how she’s soooo smart and calculated and how it can come out in multiple ways
fatin as a daughter of aphrodite is so chefs kiss and truly i can totally see her charm speaking like piper to get a bunch of free shit and never realizing she was doing it bc her parents are hella rich and stuff. i can also 100% see fatin using her looks to make people underestimate her which feels like a piper thing to me
martha demeter yes but may i offer you martha as a hunter
dot as a child of hephaestus i LOVE because YES the caretaker role was forced on her and not something she enjoyed or even was necessarily good at. i can so see her in class just like building shit out of paper clips or on the island passing time by building little cities out of twigs and generally being a hella mcgyver with their resources to get things done. her in chb universe building weapons and rachel and toni testing them on each other (while leah and shelby are like.. you do want them to live, right?) is something i never knew i needed until now
leah daughter of athena so true. i can see an enemies to lovers leatin right there 😩🤘🏼
the pill scene as a reason why shelby is a daughter of apollo is kind of sending me but i could totally see it. for some reason my brain wants shelby as a daughter of hephaestus even tho it makes no sense but i love the apollo casting
TONI JACK OF ALL TRADES what a god tier take?? hermes is also the god of travelers and lost people and shit and like. imagine toni helping new young campers that don’t know where they belong yet feel better their first night and showing them where to sleep and eat and helping them pick their activities 😩
cactus anon i love you 💚
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meg-noel-art · 4 years
What’s your favorite Glimmadora moment in the show?
I do have a few /favorite/ Glimmadora moments... But for me, at least, the best parts of their relationship have always been in the “little things”, so--if you don’t mind, I’m gonna take this opportunity to go off a little bit about why and how much I love them:
My answer is too long for one ask! So I’m gonna make a post about this Per Season!
Season 1:
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1.) I think this moment is so underrated. Glimmer, after spending just a few hours with Adora, is surrending all hope for the Rebellion to her enemy--the face of a force that has taken away her father, and her childhood, and her relationship with her mother. The fight with the Horde has defined Glimmer’s entire life, but in this moment--she trusts the good she saw in Adora and gives her the sword--and in turn her hope that the Rebellion will win. In the end... We kinda have Glimmer to thank for it all, huh? (Also look how absolutely gay this expression is when she sees She-Ra o///o... God is a woman.)
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2.) Annnnnd vice versa... Right after this leap of faith from Glimmer. We see another from Adora. She has just turned her back on the organization that raised her from “birth”. It’s all she’s ever known. It’s all she’s ever believed in. Giving it up meant giving up friends and routine and security. And who is the first one to offer her a new home? A new group of friends? A new sense of security? Glimmer. This first interaction between them will always strike me as beautiful because of how much faith it took in a total stranger from both of them. And how infinitely it paid off in the end. 
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3.) Small moment, but it’s so cute to me that Adora stole Glimmer’s cape to go practice being She-Ra so that she wouldn’t let Glimmer down. Amazing. Good gf material already.
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4.) This is more of a best friend squad moment overall, but look how happy Adora is here.... ;-; she’s found a new home and a new family. Bless her heart. (But also Glimmer swore to take accountability for Adora in this scene and that’s basically Etherian marriage i make the rules, sorry.)
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5.) This entire sequence is beyond cute, but the fact that it set the stage for the dynamic that so much of the fandom picked up on is amazing. Glimmer is a bit of a defense for Adora... from herself. In this instance, it’s funny, she stops her from running off, or touching electricity. But in other context, it implies Glimmer as a caretaker and protector from Adora--who’s hero and guilt complexes are so big, they often put her in danger in the process. idk. it’s soft. Also this episode implies that Glimmer actually sometimes encourages Adora’s more impulsive and ridiculous tendencies and their energy can be as chaotic as it is soft.
“Babe ima go destroy that thing”
“Okay baby you go I gotchur flower.”
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6.) ........hm... inch resting.... INCH resting....
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7.) I. Adore. This. Moment. This entire episode is great, because neither Bow or Glimmer quite know how to help Adora with her trauma--but they try their hardest to let her know she’s supported and loved no matter what. Adora wakes up from a nightmare and her first words are not “Guys?” or “Wha--?” Her first word, and the persons she reaches for--”Glimmer?”
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8.) Honestly, I could make a whole other compilation with how many times Adora looks at Glimmer like :pleading_emoji: ...She’s just happy that Glimmer is happy, that’s love babes.
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9.) So this entire sequence is amazing and again, I think it’s not really examined for it’s context, which is: 
Adora... surrenders herself back to the Horde--really with no presumable plan other than “Let Glimmer go, you can have me in return” because she knows that will work. She knows Shadow Weaver will take that deal... Or so she thought. But I think the absolute selflessness in that act alone--returning to her captives, her abusers, for the chance that Glimmer can go free... That’s some true love, romantic knight shit. Don’t tell me otherwise. And then GLIMMER (once again, because their relationship is very give and take) breaks through the bonds that have kept her weakened, tortured and imprisoned for ..days? out of SHEER will, when she hears Adora screaming in pain. And just ... DECKS her fuckin’ abuser in the face.... And then immediately turns to free Adora. And ...once again: Adora’s first word? A gentle “Glimmer.” I can’t believe we’re only in season 1 still damn !!! LES GO
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10.) Look...all I’m saying is that Glimmer left DPS Bow to deal with crowd control while she cradles Adora, okay?
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11.) Glimmer is always the first one to reassure Adora that she’s not alone.... ;-; Also they’re both wearing bike shorts to a battle. Soultmates.
Season 2 + 3//Season 4
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ghoste-catte · 4 years
multiples of 3 ✌🏼-sgmdrcklee
@sagemoderocklee you’re really trying to kill me lol
This got long as heck so I’m throwing it behind a cut. Read on for answers and fic recs! (Mostly the fic recs)
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
This is a tough one to answer for me generally because I tend to spit words onto the page and once I have written them I no longer remember writing them. And 2020 has stretched on so long that as I’m looking at some of the stuff I wrote in the beginning of this year, I hardly remember what’s even in it. I think at one point someone (@goblin-draws maybe?) mentioned a line in Sleeptalk with Me where the innkeeper calls Kankuro “chubby boy”, and I was like “Oh ... did I write that? Yeah, sounds like something I’d have someone say to Kankuro ...” 
It might be easier to talk about this in other terms. One of the scenes I worked the hardest on this year was the fight scene in Chapter 3 of Skeleton Key. The original draft of the scene was a lot shorter, and a lot of the backstory for Misaki’s revenge quest was elided. The scene as originally written was clunky, confusing, and as my lovely wife/beta put it sounded “like a Naruto villain” was doing the dialogue, when previously she’d found Misaki sinister and intriguing. Which wasn’t what I wanted. I basically entirely overhauled the scene and re-wrote it several times. I wouldn’t call it a ‘favorite’ scene (I hate writing fight scenes generally; having chosen to immerse myself in a fandom about ninja where much of the drama comes from battle is my eternal regret), but it is a scene that I put a lot of effort into, and I’m moderately satisfied with the improved product that resulted.  
6. least popular fic this year
By far my least popular fic by kudos ever is Pitch Perfect. Which makes complete sense to me. It’s a fic where I’ve written 2 characters who are men in canon as cis women, which pushes a lot of uncomfortable buttons for a lot of people. It contains F/F smut, which is something that a lot of people who choose to read GaaLee probably aren’t out there looking for. And people comment and kudos less on smutfics, I assume because they don’t want their username attached to porn or because they’re embarrassed (which I totally get, no shame there). It’s a modern AU with a sports twist, and AUs are often less popular than canonverse in my experience. I will say though that it has a surprisingly high number of private bookmarks compared to other fics with comparable hit and kudos counts. So I assume people are just a bit more shy because the premise is so ‘out there’. I will say as far as my fics go, it’s one of my personal favorites and probably one of the most intimate and true-to-life things I’ve written? So it actually is a little comforting to know that something so vulnerable has relatively little attention. 
9. longest wip of the year
If we’re going based on stuff that’s partially published but not complete, my Gaara-adopts-Shinki fic On My Way Home is my longest in-progress fic at just over 20k words, although technically I started it in 2019. It will probably end up being right around 40-50k when it’s complete, which might end up situating it as my longest fic ever? 
12. favorite character to write about this year
Okay, this is an easy one. I love writing Kankuro. I think he is hilarious. He is the devil on my shoulder and a creature of pure id, and every time I write a line of dialogue for him it’s the summation of my rudest thoughts about a situation put in the crudest possible terms. If there were a megaphone directly from my unfiltered brain giving running commentary, that would be Kankuro.
15. something you learned this year
I have learned SO much this year! This is only my 2nd year properly ‘focusing’ on writing fic and investing any substantial time into it. I think the biggest thing I have learned, though, is how to overcome a lot of my self-consciousness about writing stories with NSFW elements in them. Starting out, I was so extremely shy and mortified about writing fic at all, much less things like hugging or (god forbid!) kissing. So taking on the smut prompts I took this year and really buckling down on learning to write the mechanics and emotions of sex has been a massive learning experience. (And sorry, by the way, if I haven’t gotten to a prompt you sent me in January yet. I do intend to write all of them eventually!) 
18. current number of WIPs
Ah. The call-out question. My general fic process is idea -> outline -> wip -> edit -> ready to post (where the final draft sits in my docs until I gin up the courage to actually post it). So skipping fics that are just “ideas” on the big mega-list, I have 3 fics in the “outline” stage, 13 fics in the partially written “wip” stage, 1 fic in the “editing” stage, and 2 that are complete but yet-to-be-posted. So, like, 19 total in the offing. (The “ideas” list is even worse lol.)
21. most memorable comment/review
This is such a difficult question because every single comment I get makes me do a little dance for joy. That’s not an exaggeration btw I really sit there and like bounce around in my seat for a moment before I open the Ao3 email. I am not an especially emotive person irl, but there have been times I’ve been brought near tears by comments. I’ll also occasionally show them to my wife like !! look at this nice thing this person said !! and she’s indulgent enough to actually read them. There have been a couple comments that have really stuck with me, that I starred in my inbox and return to frequently, but I don’t want to bring attention to someone else without their permission. I will say there was one person recently who mentioned (not in the comments on one of my fics) that they had found someone who does physical binding of fanfiction and they were about to ask my permission to do that, but then the person who does the binding only does certain ships that she likes ... so that, just, absolutely floored me. The idea that someone might actual want a physical copy of my stupid little ninja fanfictions is, like, so truly immense and completely overwhelming?
24. favorite fic you read this year
You can’t make me pick just one!! (For reference, I have bookmarked right around 180 fics in the past year, and that’s not including fics that I just read, really enjoyed, but didn’t think I could ‘handle’ a second time around.) So, skipping over the ones that AREN’T Naruto ... here is a brief sampling of some faves:
Silica by deepestbluest (rated E, GaaLee, ShikaTema, and Kankiba) - An absolute emotional powerhouse of a fic that manages to skillfully interweave three complex relationship dynamics, satisfactorily resolve them, and give you ALL the sandsibs feels in just over 10k words. 
Childhood Not-Friends (series) by MegaWallflower (rated G, KakaGai) - @megawallflower is a KakaGai god for good reason. Absolutely adorable relationship development fics (five of them!) with the premise that Kakashi thinks he and Gai have been dating since they were kids ... Gai just hasn’t been clued into it yet. These stories will give you heart-eyes.
The Bright Side by gidget_goes (rated T, GaaLee) - This is the Buffy AU I never knew I needed, because I’ve never seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But truly you don’t need any Buffy knowledge to enjoy this fic. @gidget-goes command of imagery is masterful, and the way they manage to snap from snark to tugging at your heartstrings is awe-inspiring. Gaara breaks my heart in this. And did I mention Kankuro wears a 10-gallon hat? Because Kankuro wears a 10-gallon hat. 
Nature vs. Nurture by Bidiza (rated T, GaaLee) - So introspective and so poetic. This looks like a WIP but it’s actually multiple oneshots, although by the end of the second one you’ll be dying for the rest of the promised series. 
I’m a Fool to Want You by BeelieveRosemarie (rated M, GaaLee) - Turns out @tuttiefruttiegaalee isn’t just an amazing artist, they’re a writer, too! Slow-dancing that will break your heart. Listen to the Frank Sinatra song while you read this for extra tear-jerking effect.
Let Love be Known (series) by TenTomatoes (rated G, GaaLee) - This is the twist on the arranged marriage trope and Beauty and the Beast that I didn’t realize this fandom was missing. I’m absolutely obsessed with their concept of Gaara as the Beast
I Could Be by LilacNoctua (rated T, GaaLee) - I know I big up @lilac-writes Worthwhile series a lot (deservedly so, because it’s so good it makes you look at the series and go “Why the fuck didn’t Kishimoto make this canon exactly like this?”), but this story made me absolutely die between the butterflies in my stomach and how hard I was laughing. There’s one line--you’ll know it when you read it--that absolutely bowls me over every time I re-read this. 
And Then Continue by EgregiousDerp (rated E, GaaLee) - Obviously I’m biased because this was a gift, but @egregiousderp writes some of the the best characterized porn I’ve ever read. You will read this and go “Wow! This is exactly how it would happen!” It’s such a tender, beautiful exploration of Gaara’s insecurities and a very real feeling first time, for all its soft edges. 
Cake by citronelle (rated E, KanKiba) - I don’t even know what to say about this one other than ... phew, this is extremely well written, extremely hot, and extremely in character. Just read it. I promise it’s worth it. 
Saudade by YumKiwiDelicious (rated M, GaaLee) - I’ve run around reccing this to just about every person on the face of the earth at this point. If you’re in the GaaLee Discord you probably saw everyone salivating over every new update of this fic and with good reason. The twists and turns of this fic will have you on the edge of your seat, second guessing every single moment. And it will break your heart in the meantime. What more could you want?
the love potion commotion by floating_cats (rated T, NejiSasu with background GaaLee) - One of those fics where you wish the author’s sense of humor was your own. So many hilarious moments in this story, and it brought me a new appreciation for a ship I never would have even considered. 
Finger Lickin’ Good by whazzername (rated E, GaaLee) - Whazz is another one of those authors where I literally want to rec every single thing she’s ever written, she’s just that good. (Speaking of which, if you haven’t read Fools Rush In and its sequel Degrees of Separation, you’re missing out on the best possible Metal origin story of all time. Don’t deprive yourself of this.) But this story is just ... so incredibly in character for a situation that reads like crack. It’s handled with the utmost straight-facedness and it’s so. freakin’. good. 
heart lines by winterberry_holly (rated M, NejiTen and GaaLee) - I don’t even have the words to describe how perfect this fic is. It’s a truly beautiful exploration of Tenten’s relationship with her palmistry hobby and with the people in her life. My heart ached with every single line. 
Standing on Ceremony by kuroashi (rated E, GaaLee) - This is just ... such a beautiful wedding story. So lovely, like getting the best possible warm hug from someone you love. If that love one was slightly strange and socially inept, because, well. It’s still Gaara doing Gaara-things. @baphometsss is another one of those authors whose handling of smut scenes is so stupendous it makes me wildly jealous. 
Thrall by RokiRiot (rated T, GaaLee) - Idiots-to-lovers with a magic AU twist! This is such a wonderful story, and Gaara’s internal monologue is absolutely amazing. And Lee is Deaf in this fic, which I never ever get to see and which absolutely made my entire day/week/month/life. 
Make-Out Consequences by LuxaLucifer (rated M, KakaGai with background canon Boruto ships) - I laughed so hard reading this that I had to take a breather to stop crying. That’s not an exaggeration. The characterization in this fic is impeccable and the humor is to die for. Naruto’s buffoonery truly shines here, and the author’s wit is just beyond anything I could even properly summarize. Hysterical. A++. 
Thirteen Strokes by Luna_Lee (rated T, GaaLee) - Again, like, if you aren’t reading literally everything @sagemoderocklee writes, are you even really a GaaLee fan? But this fic is beyond even for one of Eeri’s incredibly excellent writings. The worldbuilding in this, the cultural notes, the imagery ... it’s all so lush and so fulfilling and so beautiful. It’s a story about love and it’s a story that you can tell has love poured into every single line. I can’t recommend it enough. 
Checkmate by shadowstrangle (rated G, GaaLee) - The pettiness vibes ... this is so funny. Such a cute story and I love Gaara’s sense of humor here. Not a lot of writers give him a sense of humor, but I love how @shadowstrangle gives him a slightly odd, slightly left-of-center take on humor that still manages to be so funny. 
To Court a Village by FanFictionEngineer (rated G, GaaLee) - Another one where my bias is perhaps slightly obvious, but the premise of this fic is amazing. I love cultural misunderstandings, and the idea of Lee trying his hardest to court Gaara ineptly is just so perfect. 
affliction of feeling by theformerone (rated E, SakuHina) - One of those ships that it would never have occurred to me to seek out but that absolutely works with how the author’s set it up. The dynamics here are delicious. It’s so rare to find good F/F porn but this is one of them for sure. 
Tried and Tested by twentysomething (Rated M, KakaIru with background canon Boruto ships and GaaLee) - Iruka’s narration in this story is just incredible. I haven’t laughed this hard reading a fic in ages. And the concept alone (that Naruto can’t be promoted to Hokage until he passes his chuunin exams ... as an adult ... and Sasuke gets dragged along for the ride) is just brilliant. Amazing concept, amazingly executed. 
a fireside waltz by winterberry_holly (rated M, GaaLee) - I really tried not to rec a single author more than once here but for this one I had to. I got about halfway through this fic and immediately started running around ringing the town crier bell like READ THIS FIC! READ THIS FIC! An absolutely smoldering Regency AU with such beautiful, intimate dance scenes. My heart was racing every single time their fingers brushed. If you don’t read anything else on this list, at the very least read this. 
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
I really can’t pick just one. I am lucky enough that @egregiousderp passes me her drafts under the table before (or without) publishing, and getting to read those is a private treat of unparalleled proportions. Some of my favorite things I’ve read this year I can’t even rec because they’re her unpublished stuff. 
30. favorite fandom to read fic from this year
This is gonna come off strange because I just wrote such a long Naruto reclist, but I recently watched What We Do in the Shadows, and found an incredibly talented group of authors in that fandom with really amazingly good dialogue and narrative voice. I also read a lot of fic for the new It movies (even though I couldn’t watch the 2nd one for ~reasons~), and damn if there isn’t a talented crop of authors in that fandom, too. And finally with ATLA making its way onto Netflix, I had the chance to start watching that for the first time and found a ton of really good fic there as well! 
fanfic end of the year asks!
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How about a Steggy drabble for the "stormy day" prompt in that October prompt list you posted? (Only if you feel like it of course!) :D
This is so not what you wanted. *insert Modern Day Steggy* I don’t know where I was going with this.
The fact that his apartment complex or fuck the whole neighborhood had been plunged into darkness during a heavy, stormy night didn’t surprise Steve. He sat in the sudden darkness on his couch, phone in hand as he listened to the lightning and thunder clash outside, like two Gods in battle. He listened to the heavy wind and rain threaten to burst down his apartment and flood everything away. Lightning streaked once more and when he thought the coat stand in the far corner of the room, Steve sighed and figured he’d better get a flashlight or two.
It was supposed to do this all week, with very little breaks in between. They were expecting over seven inches of rain, if not more, not that those measurements meant anything to him. With the power out, his job of working as a comic book artist and finally putting some fresh ideas to paper was useless.
It was cold in the apartment now without power and the blonde was fully aware as he pulled out his trunk of emergency flashlights, camper burners, candles, etc. that he remembered someone had moved in just next door. He doubted they had prepared for this either. 
The past few storms had taught him that his neighbors had all prepared for this, after going through every other home and giving out flashlights and candles to be sure they had something to see by. No idea how long this outage will last.
Hopefully not long, because Mr. Jensen upstairs needed his oxygen, but his wife assured him that they had a generator. That was just her text coming in again to confirm they were okay.
How do you even go to your next-door-neighbor? Hi, I’m Steve? The power is out and I’m not trying to be creepy or have some Hallmark moment, I just didn’t know if you had flashlights or a charger for your phone. 
“Mother-fuck-get off!”
Steve’s heart lurched into his throat at the shouting, the worst ideas coming to mind. He didn’t even think. He jerked the door open and pointed the bright beam of light at the figure on the floor, eyes wide.
“What the hell?!”
She was...his neighbor. The brunette with the chocolate brown eyes, pretty red lips, and a flare for the dramatics with a spark of stubborn energy that never seemed to die. He’s seen her around the lobby, the cafe down the street. Never had the courage to talk to her.
“I-I-I-I…” Steve swallowed the stutter and dropped the box, reaching a hand down to pull her to her feet. “You...shouted, I overreacted.”
“Damn right you overreacted, breaking into my home. What gives you that right?” She growled, her accent doing nothing to help Steve and his muddled brain.
“None, ma’am, but...I thought you were in trouble and reacted. I…” The light fell to her feet, where a pale blue and yellow baby blanket was wrapped around her leg.
“Unless you’re here to save me from my son’s baby blanket, then I think I could handle it.” The anger melted from her face as she read Steve’s expression. “I can’t be too mad, can I? You heard me screaming, luckily I didn’t wake the baby up. I’m sorry. I’m frustrated with these cheap lights and this storm. Michael can’t sleep without his nightlight, I was going to fix him a bottle.”
As if right on cue, there were heavy screams of an infant who’d woken up in a confused and dark setting didn’t like to be. 
“Excuse me, Steve, was it? I better go get him.”
“Yeah, it was...I…”
By the time Peggy came back, an infant in one arm curled up against her chest. His hand was no larger than Steve’s pinkie. And oh, oh he must just be less than a week old.
Peggy looked up from cradling the sniffling baby and frowned at Steve holding a bottle and a steaming cup of ginger tea as if it was a peace offering. He’d placed several lights around them, some battery-powered and stuck to the walls to give the living room some space. He’d even fixed the couch so she could lay back with the baby.
“You didn’t have to do this,” she whispered as she sat on the couch and adjusted Michael in her arms to get him to take the bottle. There came that sigh of relief when he latched on instantly. “I’m Peggy by the way, I...diddidn’ introduce myself before. Your neighbor, Mrs. Jensen upstairs talks about you all the time. She helped me move in last week.”
“I wish I was here, I could’ve helped. I was in D.C.,” Steve sighed, sitting on the edge of the couch and adjusting a blanket so it covered Peggy’s cold feet. It was odd, being in a stranger’s home that was clearly halfway unpacked with boxes, moving blankets, half put together furniture, but it felt more like home than his four walls did. 
“Doing a presentation on your comic, right? She told me all about your comics and how you’ve donated so much money to various organizations when you could’ve lived comfortably by now and how you even purchased her husband’s generator.” The pride in Peggy’s voice made Steve’s throat tighten. He found himself looking down at his hands where she nudged him with her foot. “I think it’s awfully nice of you. You do more for these people in this lil, ole apartment than you do for yourself. Is that why you came here - to my apartment?”
“Y-yeah, yeah. I just knew you had moved in and didn’t think you were prepared for this storm. I didn’t know you had a son, Mrs. Jensen didn’t mention it.” He wanted to ask the obvious, where’s the father. Partner? There was no ring on her finger, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t taken. He didn’t want to overstep but so far, it didn’t seem like he was. 
“No, I doubt she knew. I had already had Michael’s stuff moved in before I even moved here. I doubt many know since I haven’t been out much. When I have, it’s without him, my friend and his wife come to babysit while I run errands. He’s so small and I’m terrified of something happening when I don’t know the streets so well, I…”
The human fear of being a first-time parent was there. Steve didn’t know that fear well but he’s grown up around it with his ma being a nurse. His hand slowly moved to close around Peggy’s calf, giving a tender squeeze. 
“You’re human,” he tells her in the softest tone he can manage. It still manages to rumble from his chest like a dragon about to blow flames. “You’re a first-time mother, it seems and a single-parent if I have to guess. This terror you’re feeling is new. Michael looks like how I did - premie?” At her nod, he smiled. “You’re doing great, Peggy. I don’t have kids, but I...can help. My ma is a nurse. I’m sure she can offer some advice.”
That’s how at nearing midnight, Steve found himself putting together a rocking-chair thanks to a video on YouTube. Following the rocking-chair was a changing table, dresser, and even Peggy’s bed. She’d been sleeping on the couch with the bassinet beside her. He made a call to his mother to ask about Michael’s medication and introduced over video Sarah and Peggy and unsurprisingly the pair hit it off.
And in private, Sarah warned Steve he better not mess around, not that he was the type. Peggy needed someone to depend on in this scary time but she was glad it was her son. 
“Okay,” Steve sighed, taking the plastic that had been around the mattress and tossing it down the recycling chute with a grin. “I think that’s done. Is there anything else?”
Peggy still laid on the couch, bottle and tea empty, cradling her son close. She nodded and sat up, nodding at Steve to sit. When he sat further away from her, she came closer and slowly eased Michael into his arms.
Steve froze because for his vast size and despite his mother’s knowledge, he’s never held a child before. Oh, he was so small and warm. And full of life. Wrapped up in a tight bundle of duckie-themed blankets. 
“Shh. There we go, just support his head. See, you’re a natural.” She laid her head on his shoulder, the smell of her lavender shampoo flooding Steve’s nose. “I wanted you to...hold him. He hasn’t been held by many others. Oh, he likes you.”
The smile on the infant’s face did warm Steve’s heart, enough to slowly rub his fingertip over the infant’s nose.
“No, I think that just means he passed gas.” Steve’s nose wrinkled up at the smell but he, like Peggy found himself on caring as she snuggled into him. “If you don’t mind me asking - what does bring you all the way here and with an infant?”
“Work,” she yawned, picking up a heavy blanket to wrap around both of them. The storm was still going on outside and given the notifications on their phones, it was expected to go on for a while. “I start teaching at Brooklyn University in a week. They paid me to move here and to settle, even with my son. The hardest part was leaving him in NICU until he was strong enough to fly. But my...friends, Mr. Jarvis and his wife were able to care for him in there while I was gone. I felt like a terrible mother.”
“You are no such thing. You had no choice, Pegs. Come here.” It took some adjusting before Michael was situated in her arms and she was in his. He didn’t understand this - how did they get so close like this? He was just here to offer a flashlight and maybe rescue her from a baby blanket, now he was holding a tired mother in his arms.
“Pegs, from all that you’ve told me...from moving, losing your family, to...having to close estates and do paperwork back overseas, all after giving birth and leaving your son behind to be in the care of your friends, it shows how strong you are. You came back. You’re here now. He still loves you. No one judges you for that.”
Well, he could think of a few of those snobby nurses but hopefully, he thought she didn’t have to deal with them. 
“You’re here now,” he continued. “You’re making a life for the two of you.”
How was it that this was happening? That Steve found himself nodding off with a single mother and infant in his lap while a storm raged on around them? When the sun would later stream through the window, he’d find Peggy in the kitchen, unpacking the last of the pots and pans. His flashlights were piled back into his box, and the baby, sleeping in his bassinet again.
The blanket fell from Steve as he got to his feet and slowly crossed over to the kitchen, not wanting to wake the baby, just watching Peggy. 
She smiled as she turned around to hand him a cup of coffee, sipping on her own. “You looked so peaceful asleep, I didn’t want to wake you. The storm finally stopped.”
With no storm between them, it almost felt awkward with last night’s memory. The cuddling, the closeness, the sense of home, it felt foolish. Had he just imagined it all? 
“It did,” Steve mused, looking out the window. “I can help you unpack later, I have to go into the office and submit some new drafts. Would you...like to come with me? I think Michael could use a little bit of sun. His stroller is together, I worked on it last night while you changed him and the...the car seat. I have a Jeep we can use.”
The flush on the blonde’s cheeks told Peggy everything she wanted to know, the stumbling words were just added details. He wanted more time with her, with her son, and so did she. “To your place of work? Isn’t that a bit scandalous, Mr. Rogers? What would they say?” To Steve’s ears turning red, Peggy laughed. “I’d love to. We could make a day of errands. Do you mind - of course? It’s your vehicle after all.”
“If I minded, I wouldn’t ask.” Setting the mug aside, Steve reached around her to pick up a box of dishes before they started to fall to the floor. “Good. We’ll make a day of it, grab some breakfast.”
And maybe with luck, Steve could learn more about his new neighbor. Of course, when he’s not rescuing her from tangling baby blankets.
18 notes · View notes
thebrokenblackman · 4 years
KRS-One - “Ah Yeah!”  Critical Analysis by Hakeem Ture
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“If hip hop has the power to corrupt young minds, it also has the ability to uplift them.” - KRS-One 
The musician is a natural master of vibration and emotion. Many musicians have been able to make us dance. Many have been able to draw on relatability because nobody is the only person like them in the world. Perhaps some have even made us cry or provided soundtracks for intimate moments. Only few musicians have taken on the task of socially and historically educating their listeners through their music. 
Even fewer have been able to combine the mastery of teaching with mastery of rhythm. Those who do this become legends like; Nate King Cole, B.B. King, Nina Simone, Bob Marley, Chaka Khan and Fela Kuti’ and their influence lives throughout generations. In 1995 Krs-One released a self-titled album that came in the sunset of his reign. His career would mirror the sepia filter of the album cover. 
This album had dominant auras of militancy and rebellion that Krs-One fans had not heard since Boogie Down Productions - Criminal Minded. Krs-One was able to both appease his day one fans and gain the younger generation of Hip Hoppers who were listening to artists such as: Nas, Redman,Das Efx, Tupac, and A Tribe Called Quest. The message and timing of this album may have been divine. Let us look at the historical events of the year(s) Krs-One was creating this album in. In 1994, the United States congress had successfully completed the first step of becoming fascist by Voting to Censure Dr. Khalid Muhammad, National Advisor of the Nation of Islam. Bill Clinton and Joe Biden led Democrats to pass the The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and effectively fueled the prison industrial complex. South Africa held it first election since intergrating with the apartheid government and Invisble Man author Ralph Ellison had passed. Hip Hop was the soul vehicle of expression to protest the genocide that had been going on and KRS One was one of its leaders. The youth looked toward this leader to deliver an album reflective of their mindstate and he delivered. 
Imperative of a classic work of musical art, this album is composed of multiple great songs, but in my opinion the cornerstone song of the album is undeniably “Ah Yeah”. In this song he masterfully uses three 16 bar verses to empower and mobilize his listener much in the same way Dr. Khalid Muhammad did. This track starts with the establishment of an a capella warcry. He writes in response to western power’s having done such an incredible job destroying the rebel instinct that Afrikan people possess by publicly shaming our leaders and traditions. These lyrics are him trying to raise the psyche of a fallen warrior class and put revolt back in its holy place as opposed to the negative connotation that has been applied by the white power structure.  He essentially made a chant-like hook with an underlying message of “This is your enemy, This is how to handle him, and THIS is okay”. The aim focuses on  redirecting the accumulated anger of a traduced peoples that is often mistargeted toward self so that we may be collectively progresssive. 
He bellows:
“Ah yeah, that's whatcha say when you see a devil down
Ah yeah, that's whatcha say when you take the devil's crown
Ah yeah, stay alive all things will change around
Ah yeah, what? Ah yeah!”
Then comes the establishment of an eerie bass line. This song structure is familiar to fans of his earlier work. It was what they were longing for. For a few albums he took the perspective of being in the classroom or office as opposed to in the battlefield with his men. He had returned to fight with us like Haile Selassie. Immediately he establishes a dual level of respect. One with his men and one with his deterrent.  
“So here I go kickin' science in ninety-five
I be illin', parental discretion is advised still
Don't call me nigga, this MC goes for his
Call me God, cause that's what the black man is
Roamin' through the forest as the hardest lyrical artist
Black women you are not a bitch you're a Goddess
Let it be known, you can lean on KRS-One
Like a wall cause I'm hard, I represent God”
In the first 2 bars of the preceding excerption he lets us know he intends to drop some knowledge, but it will not be filtered for political correctness or comfortability. The following 2 bars he establishes both a tone of encounterment and identity. Then he goes on to explain from which direction he came much like Saint Maurice's appearance upon the plagued people of Europe to let them know he has navigated and he is no spook. He goes on to talk to his listener and the most important of them, the women.
In 1994, fresh off a press tour on which she gained popularity from criticizing Bill Clinton, Sister Souljah published her first book that was heralded by black scholars and youth alike entitled No Disrespect. Her Influence was cemented in the minds of black youth and played a huge role in raising generational consciousness by dealing with topics like “how the black woman is viewed by black men” and “the black woman’s role in repairing the black family structure”. She had solely been awarded leadership duties by a disregarded demographic in a scapegoated culture and was handling it with the grace of Misty Copeland.  Her and the women she raised to consciousness needed the camaraderie of Krs One. He goes on to sell to himself:
 “Wack MC's have one style: gun buck
But when you say, "Let's buck for revolution"
They shut the fuck up, can't get with it
Down to start a riot in a minute
You'll hear so many Bowe-Bowe-Bowe, you think I'm Riddick
While other MC's are talkin' bout up with hope down with dope
I'll have a devil in my infrared scope,”
In the first five bars he addresses the enemies of the oppressed people within the oppressed people. These “Wack MC’s” are the Uncle Toms’ and Judas of the rebellious, afro-centric movement that is Hip-Hop. He says they lack discipline and do not have the self awareness to rescue themselves. In comparison with himself who uses that energy toward an ultimate goal, Independence through revolution. In the succeeding excerption KRS briefly displays the cognitive processing and coping mechanism of a warrior:
That's for calling my father a boy and, klak, klak, klak
That's for putting scars on my mother's back, BO
That's for calling my sister a ho, and for you
Buck, buck, buck  cause I don't give a motherfuck
Remember the whip, remember the chant
Remember the rope and
You black people still thinkin' about voting?
Every President we ever had lied!
You know, I'm kinda glad Nixon died.”
Throughout the preceding excerption KRS skillfully uses onomatopoeias to create a setting for his listener. There is a battle going on. Shells casings are falling to the ground and bullets are flying from high caliber weapons. He is in the thick of it and then an enemy approaches him. He musters the courage to engage with his assailant by remembering the suffrage the morals of his enemies��� elected nation-state has caused his ancestors. Then he rejoices in the death of one of their leaders, Richard Nixon.
In the second verse Krs-One addresses an age-old topic of discussion for spiritual people that was brought forth to the Afrikans of today by Noble Drew Ali, “The Prophetic Soul”. This belief dates back to ancient Buddhism in the caves of Asia taught to us by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima in his book “African Presence in Early Asia”. This belief entails that all the prophets of the world including but not limted to; Adam, Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, and himself were the same soul being reborn until its mission is completed.” Krs-One puts himself and a couple others in this divine line of being. 
“This is not the first time I came to the planet
 concern every time I come, only a few could understand it
I came as Isis, my words they tried to ban it
I came as Moses, they couldn't follow my Commandments
I came as Solomon, to a people that was lost
I came as Jesus, but they nailed me to a cross
I came as Harriet Tubman, I put the truth to Sojourner
Other times, I had to come as Nat Turner
They tried to burn me, lynch me and starve me
So I had to come back as Marcus Garvey, Bob Marley
They tried to harm me, I used to be Malcolm X
Now I'm on the planet as the one called KRS
Kickin' the metaphysical, spiritual, tryin' to like
Get with you, showin' you, you are invincible
The Black Panther is the black answer for real
In my spiritual form, I turn into Bobby Seale
On the wheels of steel, my spirit flies away
And enters into Kwame Ture”
In the beginning of the third verse he briefly continues the theme of possessing The Prophetic Soul but now, he does not speak from a perspective of being the people who had the soul. He speaks from the perspective of the soul. This soul is traveling and looking for a host. In the first two bars he speaks of how he was able to travel without detection from the government’s surveillance. Then, he goes on to finally choose a host that is relevant to the demographic of people it intends to reach. This host is stylish and his image is relatable, so the people will be receptive of his message through familiarity. 
“In the streets there is no EQ, no di-do-di-do-di-do
So I grab the air and speak through the code
The devil cannot see through as I unload
Into another cerebellum
Then I can tell em, because my vibes go through denim
And leather whatever, however, I'm still rockin”
After the prophetic soul latches on to the host, KRS-One, it manifests purpose with grassroot organization and motivational speaking. Being KRS-One founded the Stop the Violence Movement in 1988 and was solely responsible for mobilizing many of the most influential Hip Hoppers against Gang Violence and Culture he had plenty of knowledge to give on the topic.
“We used to pick cotton, now we pick up cotton when we shoppin'
Have you forgotten why we buildin' in a cypher
Yo hear me kid, government is building in a pyramid
The son of God is brighter than the son of man
The spirit is, check your dollar bill G, here it is
We got no time for fancy mathematics
Your mental frequency frequently pickin' up static
Makin' you a naked body, addict and it's democratic
They press auto, and you kill it with an automatic”
Too often credit for the creation and establishment of a culture or society is given to one person as opposed to being evenly distributed amongst the support structure. How many times have you been taught the legacy of all the men that signed the declaration of independence? It is likely that you’ve only been taught about Thomos Jefferson. Just like there would be no Fidel Castro without the parallel influences of Che Guevara and Camilo Ceinfuegos there would be no Hip-Hop without KRS ONE. Perhaps without his tenacity, passion, and will it would have been infiltrated and exploited before it reached its full maturity. If that would have happened America would not have its current number one export. In his prime most consumers who listened to his message and gazed upon his image said “OH NO!”  from fear of what they could not understand. Today, we look at his legacy of art and effort and cant help ,but smile and yell “AH YEAH!”.
“If hip hop has the power to corrupt young minds, it also has the ability to uplift them.” - KRS-One 
The musician is a natural master of vibration and emotion. Many musicians have been able to make us dance. Many have been able to draw on relatability because nobody is the only person like them in the world. Perhaps some have even made us cry or provided soundtracks for intimate moments. Only few musicians have taken on the task of socially and historically educating their listeners through their music. 
Even fewer have been able to combine the mastery of teaching with mastery of rhythm. Those who do this become legends like; Nate King Cole, B.B. King, Nina Simone, Bob Marley, Chaka Khan and Fela Kuti’ and their influence lives throughout generations. In 1995 Krs-One released a self-titled album that came in the sunset of his reign. His career would mirror the sepia filter of the album cover. 
This album had dominant auras of militancy and rebellion that Krs-One fans had not heard since Boogie Down Productions - Criminal Minded. Krs-One was able to both appease his day one fans and gain the younger generation of Hip Hoppers who were listening to artists such as: Nas, Redman,Das Efx, Tupac, and A Tribe Called Quest. The message and timing of this album may have been divine. Let us look at the historical events of the year(s) Krs-One was creating this album in. In 1994, the United States congress had successfully completed the first step of becoming fascist by Voting to Censure Dr. Khalid Muhammad, National Advisor of the Nation of Islam. Bill Clinton and Joe Biden led Democrats to pass the The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and effectively fueled the prison industrial complex. South Africa held it first election since intergrating with the apartheid government and Invisble Man author Ralph Ellison had passed. Hip Hop was the soul vehicle of expression to protest the genocide that had been going on and KRS One was one of its leaders. The youth looked toward this leader to deliver an album reflective of their mindstate and he delivered. 
Imperative of a classic work of musical art, this album is composed of multiple great songs, but in my opinion the cornerstone song of the album is undeniably “Ah Yeah”. In this song he masterfully uses three 16 bar verses to empower and mobilize his listener much in the same way Dr. Khalid Muhammad did. This track starts with the establishment of an a capella warcry. He writes in response to western power’s having done such an incredible job destroying the rebel instinct that Afrikan people possess by publicly shaming our leaders and traditions. These lyrics are him trying to raise the psyche of a fallen warrior class and put revolt back in its holy place as opposed to the negative connotation that has been applied by the white power structure.  He essentially made a chant-like hook with an underlying message of “This is your enemy, This is how to handle him, and THIS is okay”. The aim focuses on  redirecting the accumulated anger of a traduced peoples that is often mistargeted toward self so that we may be collectively progresssive. 
He bellows:
“Ah yeah, that's whatcha say when you see a devil down
Ah yeah, that's whatcha say when you take the devil's crown
Ah yeah, stay alive all things will change around
Ah yeah, what? Ah yeah!”
Then comes the establishment of an eerie bass line. This song structure is familiar to fans of his earlier work. It was what they were longing for. For a few albums he took the perspective of being in the classroom or office as opposed to in the battlefield with his men. He had returned to fight with us like Haile Selassie. Immediately he establishes a dual level of respect. One with his men and one with his deterrent.  
“So here I go kickin' science in ninety-five
I be illin', parental discretion is advised still
Don't call me nigga, this MC goes for his
Call me God, cause that's what the black man is
Roamin' through the forest as the hardest lyrical artist
Black women you are not a bitch you're a Goddess
Let it be known, you can lean on KRS-One
Like a wall cause I'm hard, I represent God”
In the first 2 bars of the preceding excerption he lets us know he intends to drop some knowledge, but it will not be filtered for political correctness or comfortability. The following 2 bars he establishes both a tone of encounterment and identity. Then he goes on to explain from which direction he came much like Saint Maurice's appearance upon the plagued people of Europe to let them know he has navigated and he is no spook. He goes on to talk to his listener and the most important of them, the women.
In 1994, fresh off a press tour on which she gained popularity from criticizing Bill Clinton, Sister Souljah published her first book that was heralded by black scholars and youth alike entitled No Disrespect. Her Influence was cemented in the minds of black youth and played a huge role in raising generational consciousness by dealing with topics like “how the black woman is viewed by black men” and “the black woman’s role in repairing the black family structure”. She had solely been awarded leadership duties by a disregarded demographic in a scapegoated culture and was handling it with the grace of Misty Copeland.  Her and the women she raised to consciousness needed the camaraderie of Krs One. He goes on to sell to himself:
 “Wack MC's have one style: gun buck
But when you say, "Let's buck for revolution"
They shut the fuck up, can't get with it
Down to start a riot in a minute
You'll hear so many Bowe-Bowe-Bowe, you think I'm Riddick
While other MC's are talkin' bout up with hope down with dope
I'll have a devil in my infrared scope,”
In the first five bars he addresses the enemies of the oppressed people within the oppressed people. These “Wack MC’s” are the Uncle Toms’ and Judas of the rebellious, afro-centric movement that is Hip-Hop. He says they lack discipline and do not have the self awareness to rescue themselves. In comparison with himself who uses that energy toward an ultimate goal, Independence through revolution. In the succeeding excerption KRS briefly displays the cognitive processing and coping mechanism of a warrior:
That's for calling my father a boy and, klak, klak, klak
That's for putting scars on my mother's back, BO
That's for calling my sister a ho, and for you
Buck, buck, buck  cause I don't give a motherfuck
Remember the whip, remember the chant
Remember the rope and
You black people still thinkin' about voting?
Every President we ever had lied!
You know, I'm kinda glad Nixon died.”
Throughout the preceding excerption KRS skillfully uses onomatopoeias to create a setting for his listener. There is a battle going on. Shells casings are falling to the ground and bullets are flying from high caliber weapons. He is in the thick of it and then an enemy approaches him. He musters the courage to engage with his assailant by remembering the suffrage the morals of his enemies’ elected nation-state has caused his ancestors. Then he rejoices in the death of one of their leaders, Richard Nixon.
In the second verse Krs-One addresses an age-old topic of discussion for spiritual people that was brought forth to the Afrikans of today by Noble Drew Ali, “The Prophetic Soul”. This belief dates back to ancient Buddhism in the caves of Asia taught to us by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima in his book “African Presence in Early Asia”. This belief entails that all the prophets of the world including but not limted to; Adam, Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, and himself were the same soul being reborn until its mission is completed.” Krs-One puts himself and a couple others in this divine line of being. 
“This is not the first time I came to the planet
 concern every time I come, only a few could understand it
I came as Isis, my words they tried to ban it
I came as Moses, they couldn't follow my Commandments
I came as Solomon, to a people that was lost
I came as Jesus, but they nailed me to a cross
I came as Harriet Tubman, I put the truth to Sojourner
Other times, I had to come as Nat Turner
They tried to burn me, lynch me and starve me
So I had to come back as Marcus Garvey, Bob Marley
They tried to harm me, I used to be Malcolm X
Now I'm on the planet as the one called KRS
Kickin' the metaphysical, spiritual, tryin' to like
Get with you, showin' you, you are invincible
The Black Panther is the black answer for real
In my spiritual form, I turn into Bobby Seale
On the wheels of steel, my spirit flies away
And enters into Kwame Ture”
In the beginning of the third verse he briefly continues the theme of possessing The Prophetic Soul but now, he does not speak from a perspective of being the people who had the soul. He speaks from the perspective of the soul. This soul is traveling and looking for a host. In the first two bars he speaks of how he was able to travel without detection from the government’s surveillance. Then, he goes on to finally choose a host that is relevant to the demographic of people it intends to reach. This host is stylish and his image is relatable, so the people will be receptive of his message through familiarity. 
“In the streets there is no EQ, no di-do-di-do-di-do
So I grab the air and speak through the code
The devil cannot see through as I unload
Into another cerebellum
Then I can tell em, because my vibes go through denim
And leather whatever, however, I'm still rockin”
After the prophetic soul latches on to the host, KRS-One, it manifests purpose with grassroot organization and motivational speaking. Being KRS-One founded the Stop the Violence Movement in 1988 and was solely responsible for mobilizing many of the most influential Hip Hoppers against Gang Violence and Culture he had plenty of knowledge to give on the topic.
“We used to pick cotton, now we pick up cotton when we shoppin'
Have you forgotten why we buildin' in a cypher
Yo hear me kid, government is building in a pyramid
The son of God is brighter than the son of man
The spirit is, check your dollar bill G, here it is
We got no time for fancy mathematics
Your mental frequency frequently pickin' up static
Makin' you a naked body, addict and it's democratic
They press auto, and you kill it with an automatic”
Too often credit for the creation and establishment of a culture or society is given to one person as opposed to being evenly distributed amongst the support structure. How many times have you been taught the legacy of all the men that signed the declaration of independence? It is likely that you’ve only been taught about Thomos Jefferson. Just like there would be no Fidel Castro without the parallel influences of Che Guevara and Camilo Ceinfuegos there would be no Hip-Hop without KRS ONE. Perhaps without his tenacity, passion, and will it would have been infiltrated and exploited before it reached its full maturity. If that would have happened America would not have its current number one export. In his prime most consumers who listened to his message and gazed upon his image said “OH NO!”  from fear of what they could not understand. Today, we look at his legacy of art and effort and cant help ,but smile and yell “AH YEAH!”.
13 notes · View notes
Only Sinners are Repentance Series
Chapter 12 - Unleash the Truth
Story Summary: The gangs in New York have not been getting along as the control of the city is falling apart. Here we follow the story of Viper and Vemon as these girl’s experience heartbreak, drama and death.  
Chapter Summary: Joe get rudely awakened by Mika to notice her fear they run into Kayla and Sam fighting. He knew that this day was coming, so he was going to be prepared for anything. Sam finally realizes that he can’t be the hero anymore, so he tries to convince Joe with a sneaky deal. He refuses and now Sam is left broken while the sisters prepare for the battle of a lifetime.  
Word Count: 1,706
Joe’s POV
I woke up to someone frankly pushing me awake as I slowly open my eyes to see Mika standing before me with a nervous expression. If I wasn’t wide awake I am now as I could hear distance shouting in Kayla’s office. I look at her as we bolt towards her office as the shouting is getting louder and more aggressive. Without any warning, I slam open the door to see my older daughter nose to nose with Sam as none of them were holding back. They haven’t even noticed that we are in the room as the fight went on. It was like we were not even there.
“Why won’t you accept my help, Doofus! You clearly need it and you need me here!” Sam’s hands turn into a fist as he glares into her soft scared brown eyes.
“Sam,” Kayla takes a deep breath before she heard the door slam open and whipped her head to notice myself who is standing tall and proud with my arms crossed and my blue eyes scanning the situation. and a confused Mika.  
“I need you to go back to work and to forget that this has ever happened.” She tries to calm Sam down but that just sent him into a panic.
“What! Why!? You need to be protected!” He bolts back as he scans his green eyes to my blue ones.  
“What do you mean I ‘need to be protected’ what does that mean Sam?” Kayla questions him as she starts to cross her arms.
I see Sam’s green eyes of rage turn into a look of regret as he looks towards me with an ‘oh shit face’
“I-uh-didn’t mean- “he started but Kayla already uncrossed her arms as she ambushed him with her spit fire attitude. You think that I need a prince in shinning armor to come in on a white fucking horse to protect me! I have spent my whole life protecting myself that I don’t know what it feels like to be protected!” She screams at him as she backs him up into a corner. “I have people to protect me Samuel” She points to us around the room as she mentions our names, “I have my father, Joe, my loving sister Mika and every man and women I employ here. They would gladly die for me if we finally stop the King Jacks gang!”  Sam’s face finally turns to me with a confused gaze.
“But he’s not even your father! I mean come on it has to be adoption! You look nothing alike!” He points out as Mika is trying her hardest not to laugh.
“Don’t you think I know that dumb ass Our parents died in a car crash when I was four! Vicino told Joe to be our parent since he was the one that Vic trusted with his life. Joe gave us a better life than our dead parents could! My real father didn’t like what Vic was doing so we never got to see him.” She sighs as a quick memory rushes back, but she turns it away as she has a situation to handle. “Out of all the ‘father’ figures in my life, Joe and Vicino were always there for us! “She stalks up to Sam as he backs up to have his body pressed against the clear widows.
“I don’t need your help!” she spites back, as she turns around for a split second before she grabs his shirt and pins him against the same widow, “You have no right to come in here and order me around like some cop! This line of work is very dangerous.” She leans right in his ear to whisper something that made his green eyes dull as she smirks and stands back up. We all see Sam slide down the window with his hands over his face.
“I’m perfectly able to take care of this myself and my team to back me up.” She gloats as she turns to meet her sisters gaze, “Well, I would love to stay and chat, but I have some men I need to train. Come on, Mika lets go!” She walks up and grabs her wrist as they walk out. Before they leave completely she turns to whisper in my ear. “Take care of him, would you Joe?” she winks at me as she leaves the room.
I know what she is planning, and she needs Sam to go back to work since knowing William he might be bugged. I think as the door slowly closes. As soon as I hear the doors click I smirk as I stalk right up to Sam bundled up in the corner. As I slowly make my way towards him he tries to attack me.
‘Children’ I muse as I dodged his incoming attack to hold him without causing any more damages. A couple of minutes went by, so I released my hold to allow him to stand as he stood his ground eyeing the new threat.
“What the hell man! What was that for!” he shouts at me as his eyebrows narrow in confusion.
“Look, I understand that you may be hurt about this boy, but you don’t need to understand why my daughter is giving you the boot-and thank god not in a body bag.” I mummer the last part to myself.
“Boy? Daughter?” he turns his head looking at the nickname before his green eyes narrow back, “I don’t give a shit about any of this!  I’m here to protect her! From him, from you! My men are coming to put you all in jail for your crimes against the city” he smirked as he walked closer, “You should just all surrender now, and I’ll make sure that your sentence is less painful. I know you want to save the girls from that mess right?” he rubs his hands together before holding out a hand to shake on.
I turn around to see his outreached hand and sigh as rub my eyebrows in irritation. “Boy, do you know that you are starting to become your boss. I’d be worried if I were you, he has more demons than you would ever know “If I know your boss right, which I do. We are not your enemy, he is. You don’t understand. Look at yourself in the mirror next time and tell me what you see. Cause I see William right in front of me.”
I hear Sam scoff at my words as he gives them no attention. I’m finally fed up at this situation, besides I have a job to do. I ignore his outburst as I turned to throw him some stuff that I picked up around the complex. He catches it as he looks up at me like a lost child.
I point to the door as I spoke, “There is the door. Put yourself together and then leave. Don’t you say anything to your boss about our plans. You can still be a use to me yet boy.” I hear him grumble at the nickname as he shoves past me towards the door.
It’s been two months since Kayla kicked my ass out of the Royal Serpents Headquarters. It was embarrassing when I arrived home, carrying my items back and Joe’s death glare still fresh in my memory. I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door to see James give me a wide-eyed look of concern as I pushed through to stumble in the lobby. I was still fuming as I dropped my stuff on the ground as you could hear a loud thud throughout the house. My fists were still balled up as my breathing got rapid and I didn’t have time to think before I had James pinned towards the back of the door.
“Sam! What has gotten into you!” James shrieked as his golden eyes narrowed into my blazing ones to see some tears threatening to spill. My jaw tightened as I thought about my conversation with Joe a couple of hours ago.  
James POV
After I have gotten those words out at Sam I found myself pinned towards the back of our door with Sam yelling at me.
“How dare you tell me that I’m slowly turning into my corrupt boss! Who does that guy think he is! All I did was to make their sentence less painful, but he turns this shit on me! I know, he’s scared because we are getting closer to them and he wants to protect his family. How sweet! Barf.” keep I should have known about what’s going on! You don’t get to hide in the shadows and then pretend that everything is okay.”
As he was yelling at me I could tell that this was serious as I could see that he had a look that could kill. Sam had some pent-up anger from whatever he saw, and with him being gone for two months I was prepared for the worse. After he spoke aloud he turned around to see Erik, Matthew, and Damien coming down to hear the commotion. His whole face went blank as he stared into my collective form. I gave him a look of sadness but before he broke his grip completely I pulled him in for a hug.
“Ah- James, let me go!” I heard him protest but I only pressed harder around him as he needed comfort in this moment.
“Sam,” I gave him a half smile as he looked up at me, “Even the strongest people need help once in a while.”
I let go of Sam as he turned around to meet Matthew with a sad smile. “Sam,” he started, “What the hell has happened to you.” He squeaked out as he silently walked past pushing him aside I nodded to my brothers to leave Sam alone as they filed out towards the living room. Before I left I put my hand on Sam’s shoulder as he glared at me.
“When you are ready, I’m here to listen.” Sam brushed off my arm as he saw me leave the room. I shook my head sighing as I went back towards the library to finish reading.
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foolishlovebugbaby · 5 years
skz’s reaction to their s/o being a classical musician
requested by @wxnterlee​!! i hope you like it, sorry it took so long hkjdhfkhsg <33
bang chan
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The first time he’s introduced to you is at a busking event at a christmas market
It’s the holiday season, so skz being skz they wanted to really feel that christmas spirit
But as they’re strolling, they reach this live band playing christmas tunes
And usually those mellow, low-key songs would play around this time of year but this band was anything but that
It was lively and every synonym for jolly
And as he scans the band, his eyes finally land on you
You’re playing the saxophone with so much energy and really feeling the music that his eyes are just so drawn to you
He can’t explain it, but he can’t take his eyes off of you
It doesn’t help that you’re extremely attractive either
His eyes never leave you through the entirety of the performance, and you definitely take notice
Mans is as subtle as a gun lmao
You make it a point to smile at him directly after the first set of performances because ure cheeky like that, and you immediately see him flush in the cold
So now he frequents the market and always makes sure to catch at least one performance of yours 
But then one day you approach him and chan internally yells because he’s in a hetero panic 
But then he chills out because you’re so warm and inviting and you both get to know each other slowly
Needless to say, the rest was history
As a boyfriend, chan is your number 1 hype man
And i mean Hype Man
He always makes it a point to watch your performances whenever he can
Esp whenever you have big recitals that get you all nervous, he’s always there no matter what to cheer you on and give you a pep talk and take you out for a celebration dinner afterwards
And he loves the way you light up when you play
The sheer passion in the way you perform and in everything you do in general makes him fall so deeply in love with you each time
He’s also a clown and never fails to try and attempt to play the saxophone whenever you have it with you
He fails miserably, but he’s cute and you love him more than anything else :’)
lee know
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Knowing the crackhead he is, the only reason why he was able to meet you was because instead of booking a cinema ticket for frozen 2, he booked a musical titled Frozen II
The show had nothing to do with badass sisters and magical talking stones (it was some winter musical or sumn, minho wasn’t sure), and the moment he realised this, he was all pouty
But then he scanned over the orchestra and thought that for once his dumbass worked with him and not against him
Because there you sat, looking as ethereal as ever, playing the harp
He swore up and down you were a goddess
Like, hera or aphrodite’s reincarnate
The only magic he saw that night was you, and he was more than happy about that
He tried his hardest to meet you, to tell you what an amazing job you did, but alas, he couldn’t reach you because visitors weren’t allowed to go backstage
So he got all sulky and :(( as he exited the theatre
But by a miracle, as he was walking back to his car, he saw a certain someone struggling with bags and equipment of all sorts as they walked out of the back entrance, and minho’s heart skipped a beat when he realised it was you
Of course he rushes to help you bea=cause chivalry 
And he makes it a point to compliment you and make small talk as he helps you to your car
As fate would have it, the two of you become good acquaintances, then close friends, and even closer more-than-friends until you finally had the guts to just ask him to be your boyfriend and you don’t even take a breath before he says yes
Minho as a bf is minho as a bff but on lsd i swear to god
He already goes to majority of your performances, but when that boy is cuffed jesus christ he makes sure he’s in the front row for every damn performance no matter how small
You’re his harp-playing goddess who walked straight out of eden in his eyes, how could he not???
He’s also humorously afraid to go near your harp because he knows the moment he’s within arms length from it, something will go wrong
Being the weirdo he is he always finds a way of personifying your harp and whining about how you spend much more time with it than with him
And you’re like??? And he’s all like :((( 
So you just have to give him a cuddle and boop
Ugh what a cutie
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Dark rapper meets classy cello player???? 
An aesthetic.
Because you both are polar opposites in the music world, the only reason you knew about him is because your mutual friend had dragged you to an underground rap battle (much to your dismay) as a way to “get you out of your shell”
As much as you thought you’d hate it, you really enjoyed yourself
Esp when you laid your eyes on Changbin
Just everything about his aura was so enthralling to you and you so desperately wanted to get to know him and asked your friend to introduce you, but to no avail :((
After that, you didn’t really see him again
But one fateful night, unbeknownst to you, your friend had dragged changbin all the way to your music studio because he was in desperate need of a recording booth as the ones in the company were all occupied 
When he entered, what he did not expect was to witness an absolute daydream right before his eyes
You sat inside the booth playing the cello, recording a snippet of a symphony you so desperately needed practice on, and hadn’t noticed them walked in, too concentrated on the music sheet in front of you
But oh god, to say changbin was impressed was an understatement
Dang he thought he produced good music, but the music that you made???? 
Absolutely magical.
When you ended the piece and looked up, you almost had a heart attack
Literally jumped out of your seat a lil bit because they both were just staring at you
But once you both introduced yourselves, it was like you both were two sides of the same coin
You both grow closer and realise that you really are opposites of each other
But in a good way??? like everything is so complimentary
So you shared your playlist of symphonies and he shared his playlist of lyrical masterpieces and these songs suddenly become the soundtrack to your love story 
Ugh he’s such an amazing boyfriend because he helps you with his recordings and vice versa
You’re both super critical of your own work so the pair of you make it a point to remind each other of how good you’re doing 
And just being with you opened up this whole new world of music for changbin 
He’s so grateful for it that he can’t describe it in words
He even asks you to record small pieces so that he can add them into his music
And you have a habit of turning skz’s and his own music into cello versions
Thank god opposites attract
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Mister dancer over here loves going to dance workshops of different types
Hip-hop, contemporary- you name it
So when he signed up for a 2-week modern dance class, he definitely got more than he bargained for
He didn’t know what he was supposed to expect, but goddamnit he did not expect to have his limbs feel like they were falling apart
So after class, when everyone had left, he literally just laid on the floor all sweaty and tired wanting nothing more than to crash n sleep
But then !!
He heard a piano melody echo through the room, a mix of melancholic yet romantic notes floating through the air
And when he lifted his head up to look for the source of the sound, his eyes settled on your figure at the other end of the hall
As it turns out, you were the pianist for this specific studio and for all modern dance productions
You didn’t notice him at all- mostly because the lights were dimmed and mans was too busy dying on the floor to make his presence known
But dear lord did your music make him feel some typa way
He just wanted to dance to it, express himself through it
So once you finished, he just clapped from where he was on the floor without getting up
Think lazy seal on its back
Nevermind the fact that he literally almost made you scream
But you both introduced yourselves properly to one another, and let’s just say that hyunjin started to look forward to his bone-breaking classes a lot more than he would’ve thought
At first it was purely because he thought u were cute and he had a middle school crush on you
But then as the days progressed, he found himself more and more drawn to you and the way you played the piano
Always so concentrated and the expression on your face mimicked the piece you were playing
And agghfhf he loved being able to dance to your melodies
So when his lil 2-week excursion was over, he was all :(((((((((((((x10009283 because he knew he wouldn’t be able to see you as often
So he mustered up all his strength to ask you out on a proper date
Now, when you both become official, dear lord is this man always going to ask you to play something for him
Literally the ABC’s would suffice 
He’s just so smitten with you and your love for the piano that he always wants to see you play because it lights up your entire face
And when you compose pieces just for him to dance to, his heart m e l t s
He also always begs you to teach him, but he’s such a flirt that not much teaching goes on lol
It makes me feel loopy imagining hyunjin dance to the melody his s/o plays like do u feel me ohmygod idk what to do w myself
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Han’s first encounter with you was purely accidental
Like a literal accident
As in, he was just walking down the sidewalk not really paying attention when he ran into you
You, a clumsy violinist who had just exited your apartment complex in a rush to get to your lesson that you were already late for, suddenly found yourself knocked over and on the sidewalk in a daze
Jisung was h o r r i f i e d
He rushed to your aid, helping your disoriented self stand up but
Your fall was the least of your worries
Because there, strewn across the sidewalk, was your life your love your baby
Your violin
You rushed to it and inspected it for any dents and scratches and phew
Thank god your hard case protected it for the most part, save for minor dents and scratches
So you let out a breath and finally face the culprit of your heart palpitations
And suddenly you’re given a different set of heart palpitations because big, round eyes of an extremely, unfairly handsome man looks at you with concern and guilt and you suddenly forget how you ended up there in the first place
Lots of apologies from han’s side and he offers to buy you a drink 
But you’re in a rush so you tell him nah
But he’s like pls pls and so you’re like but i have to go and he’s like i’ll wait for u and you’re like O-O o-ok,,,
So he sits awkwardly outside your practice studio, but the moment he hears and sees you play through the glass window, he feels the wind knocked out from his chest
So now he just makes it a point to get to know you by asking you out more and more 
Like changbin, when you both become a thing, your relationship revolves so much around your mutual love of music 
And he lovesss getting to help you improve and vice versa
And on your one year anniversary he bought you a replacement violin to make up for the one he scratched up during your first meeting and you’re just like :’)))) i would’ve destroyed my violin a thousand times if it meant getting to meet you :’)))))
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Like minho, it’s Felix’s sheer crackheadness that allows fate to cause the two of you to meet
Like one day he decides on a whim that he wants to learn the viola so he books classes on the first learning centre he sees on the internet
But when he got to the class,,,,
As it turns out, the one that he booked was for beginner kids, not beginner adults
Cue tiny heads plus yours snapping to the door and staring at a blushing felix
Not only did he just embarrass himself in general, but the moment he saw how attractive you were he just wanted the world to swallow him whole
But he paid a good amount of money for it so he sucks in his cheeks and decides to stay for the class
He’s so awkward when he comes into the room ksdfjs you find it so cute because even though he’s like more than twice the height of the kids, his face and expression are just as small
You introduce yourself and vice versa, and you begin teaching everyone the basics
Immediately felix has a crush on you
And he wonders whether there’s a big age gap because uhm you’re a teacher and he’s a student
But turns out you do this as a side job and are a performing arts school student with the same age as him and he’s just like :DDD 
So now he always makes sure to come to class on time
Actually, even earlier than on time because he wants to get some alone time with you before the rest of the class cockblocks intervenes
And slowly you both develop a strong bond
Even though he’s a crackhead and it’ll take you 2757264597 years to explain to him the difference between a viola and a violin, you don’t mind because at least with him being your boyfriend, you can give him a kiss to shut him up abt it :)
Even after his viola classes ended and you both became official, he still had a lot of interest in learning that instrument so you always teach him
And he offers to pay for lessons but you always reject it because duh hello you’re my bf shutup just give me a kiss and buy me ice cream instead??
And he teaches you a thing or two about dance, even though you look like those blow-up mascots in front of car dealerships whenever you do
He thanks the universe that he’s goofy and a crackhead, because at least he now has you :))
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So on a trip to a jazz house is when seungmin first met you
Yes, a jazz house
Don’t ask why but skz just wanted to go okay let them be
They watched multiple groups perform and were having the time of their lives
But something about you just caught seungmin’s eye
You were apart of the last group coming to perform and you played the double bass
He thought you looked so goddamn cool and slick whenever you played 
And he found it adorable the way the instrument was almost the exact same size as yourself
Like chan, he’s about as subtle as a gun with the way he looks at you
And he’s so enthusiastic during the performance, always hooting and clapping after each song 
And you take notice and find him so absolutely adobable because who wouldn’t
And after the performance he even yells encore so loudly and the rest of skz just laughs at his antics
But mans is so shy to approach you afterwards
He can barely move towards you 
It takes a jeongin a hyunjin and a whole ass changbin to mentally and physically push seungmin to say hi to you
And after a whole 10 minutes of convincing, he finally does
And you both talk and talk and talk that he doesn’t realize all the boiz left him
So the two of you make plans to meet up another day
Another day becomes two
Then three
Then ten
And soon enough (after much pushing again from the entire skz) he asks you to be his officially
He always tries to show up to any and all of your gigs, big or small
And he’s sooooo boastful about it it’s so cute like he’ll have videos saved on his phone of you playing and send them to anyone and everyone
His parents, the skz gc
Almost sent it to jyp himself too lmao
You’re just so cool to him that he wants the rest of the world to know it as well
But, like minho, he won’t go near your instrument
He’s so intimidated by it it’s hilarious
So he sticks to watching it from afar and hfkjhkgjfh
Big smooch 
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During a music event is when jeongin first laid eyes on you
But not because he saw you perform
Your performance group shared the same backstage lounge as skz and everyone was just getting to know each other
And you and jeongin really clicked well because you both were the youngest and the same age 
He had absolutely no clue who u were tho and he didn’t want to be rude so he didn’t ask what kpop group u were from
But as it turns out you weren’t apart of a kpop group at all
You were apart of an orchestra doing a special stage and you played the flute and jeongin was just like O_O when he found out 
You played the flute and damn did u play it well
Jeongin just stood in front of the screen astounded and seungmin did not and will not stop clowning him for it
After it ended, jeongin was quick to congratulate and compliment you 
And he rambles about how it was so unexpected and you blush so much because he’s so cute
And so you both exchange numbers and frequently text from then on, becoming really good friends
And then slowly developing feelings for each other
Cue cute highschool confession tingz
Jeongin as a bf is super adorable
He’s always asking you to send voice notes of you playing the flute
But not just to any song
He’ll request crackhead ones like the wii music, some trot song, into the unknown
And you’re just like????? Okay, my quirky king
And in return you force him to send voice notes of him singing more trot songs
He attempts to play your flute
But he always messes up but he’s so adorable that you tell him he’s doing great just so that he keeps playing cutely
choosing to do ot8 now,,, it’s difficult to imagine skz as ot9 in my head then be brought back to reality of ot8.. please understand :( but i will take separate woojin requests
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yeet-man · 4 years
One's Rebirth (Chapter 3)
A/N: What's poppin, I'm back since I don't have requests. Anyway, if y'all enjoy this chapter be sure to like and reblog! It really helps my blog grew and would be appreciated!
The excitement filled the air as J'me woke up. His heart pumping with blood and adrenaline started to flow through his veins. 
He pulled the covers off and stood up. As soon as he did, he felt soreness throughout his body from yesterday's activities. He slowly fell back onto the bed and let out a sigh. 
He stood up again using the bed as support. J'me then went to the bathroom to freshen up and take a shower.
Once he finished taking a shower and freshen up, he changed into his U.A. school uniform. He grabbed his bag and started to head to the door. "Since I'm able to utilize Naruto things I need to make seals to use the Flying Thunder God." He muttered to himself on the way to the door.
The Flying Thunder God also known as Flying Raijin or FTG is a technique in which whoever is able to make special seals can teleport to them whenever they like. The seals were the hardest thing to do because you needed a formula for the teleportation to even work.
"I'll do it when I get home..." He yawned and reached the door only to be interrupted by his mother.
"Bye honey! I hope you have a good day and I love you." She gave his son a kiss on the cheek.
"Bye I love you too mother." He walked out the door and started to head in the direction of the train station.
"Wait today is the hero training isn't...I need them fucking seals!" He muttered to himself while running to the station.
He got there and hopped on the nearest train that was heading in the direction of U.A. He sat down in a seat and let out a small sigh.
He pulled out a couple pieces of paper and began to work on his formula for Flying Raijin. This formula J'me was working on would be completely different than the variant's before his. Not only would this let him teleport, it would also allow reverse teleportation and let him fly out the seals if he wanted too.
The new formula J'me was making would be called Flying Falcon. There were a couple reasons behind this of course. The first reason is that 'Flying' would normally be in front of the name at least that's what he knew. The second reason was because his last name was falcon and wanted to do something special for it and the way you could fly out of it looked like a falcon.
J'me thought about what else he needed before the train ride was over. He realized he needed a weapon to put a couple of the seals on. He didn't have enough time to make a custom weapon he used the one Minato Namikaze did in battle.
The handle was about three inches from his wrist up. The blade was the same length and had an extremely sharp tip. Two side blades stuck at the beginning of the blade. They were straight but were only an inch out and they weren't as sharp. 
J'me finished copying the design as soon as the train ride was over. He packed everything as quickly as he could and ran off the train.
Instead of going the normal way he calculated the quickest way to U.A and started running. He needed to get there early and hope that someone from the support class would be there to make his stuff.
He vaulted over rails or anything small that was in his way. Climbing up and over walls as quickly as he could J'me ran as fast as he could and only hoped he had enough endurance.
He got to U.A. in ten minutes flat, luckily for him the doors were open already. There were a couple students arriving, wanting to practice a little before school started, while a few more were inside the building doing other things.
He slowly walked up the stairs one step at a time so he could catch his breath. The future teleporter made his way through the doors and to the tech support room. 
He peeked his head into the doorway and saw a girl working on some gadgets. She looked familiar to J'me but he couldn't guess who it was. He slowly stepped into the doorway so his body would be fully visible to the lady. He knocked on the side of the door and started speaking. "Hello! um...I was wondering if you could give me some gadgets, a weapon, and a costume...I know this is a lot to ask you but please..."
The salmon pink haired woman turned around from her work and smiled hugely at J'me. "Of course! I don't care how much it is, I love making gadgets!" She started to walk towards the boy, excited to help him.
As soon as the girl turned around J'me recognized her as Mei Hatsume, a tech support person who was amazingly good at making items to help in battle. Her intelligence was as good if not better than J'me's. 
He kneeled down, carefully placed his bag on the floor, and opened it up. It took him a couple seconds but he did find the papers that contained the formula, weapon and costume. He pulled it out and started off with showing Mei the formula. "Basically with this formula it should allow me to teleport...if you can make this and put it on something that won't break that will be amazing." 
She took the paper and examined the formula. "Holy shit...this formula is amazing! Not only is it complex and difficult to figure, it can't be copied either! I can make this...how many do you need?"
"I should only need ten for the time being, now for the weapon." He showed her the paper in which was the weapon. "It's nothing really special but if you can make three of these and place a seal on each one that will be perfect."
Mei took the weapons paper and looked over it. "Okay simple enough I'll make the weapons first then the formula sound good?" 
"Yeah that's excellent, the costume is also very simple so you should knock the weapon and costume out in ten to fifteen minutes max." He gave her the costume and threw his bag over his shoulders. 
After he handed her the paper with the costume, she started to touch him everywhere for measurements. He stood there not really knowing what to do.
Afterwards she looked at the boy and smiled hugely. "You have such a creative mind with all these designs! How come you aren't in this class? Also I have the perfect measurements for your costume!"
"Simple really I want to be a hero so I can protect the ones I love..." He smiled at Mei before returning to his normal facial expression. "Do you think you can have all this done in..." He looked down at his watch for the time. It was 6:15AM and classes started at 8AM. "I don't know an hour and a half?"
She thought about it before giving her answer. "I should be able to, it's a matter of time the formula takes which with the steps you put on the paper it shouldn't take that long."
His eyes widened a little and he bowed, "thank you so much!" He straightened himself and gave Mei a small smile. "I really do appreciate you doing this ma'am." He knew he couldn't just say her name as if they were friends or else that would be weird.
She blushed a bit before speaking. "I-it's not a problem besides I love making gadgets! By the way the name is Mei, Mei Hatsume. What's your name if I may ask?" 
"My name is J'me Falcon, it's nice to meet you Mei." He extended his right hand for a handshake and smiled at her.
"It's nice to meet you as well J'me." She shook his hand and afterwards the girl put her hands behind her back. "Well I'll have your stuff ready in an hour and a half max." 
J'me put his hands inside his pocket and nodded his head. "Great, thanks again Mei." He started to head out the door before tilting his chin at her. "I'll see you later." He threw up the peace sign and left.
He entered the cafeteria and sat down, he pulled a book out and read till the bell rang. He finished his book just in time.
He stood up, put the book in his bag and walked off to his class. The boy let out a simple sigh as he walked through the door of his classroom. He put his right hand on the back of his neck and messaged it a little. 
J'me walked to his seat, placed his bag down and took a seat. He looked out the window and awaited for All Might to enter.
As soon as the bell rang All Might stormed through the room, making a cloud of dust behind him. He was the number one hero of the world, he was a great hero honestly. Some people hated him and some people loved him, you couldn't deny the fact he has helped millions of people.
"Do not fear because I am here!" After he finished speaking he did his infamous superhero pose.
Everyone was surprised to see the number one hero in their classroom. They all had a shocked expression on their faces. 
All the students had stayed quiet except for Midoriya. He was the first who spoke up, "All Might what are you doing here?!" 
People started to agree with the boy's statement, All might did a little cough to get everyone to become quiet.
"The reason I am here today is because I will be your teacher for hero training." All Might then proceeded to explain the rules of the hero training that we would be doing. "It is mandatory to wear your costume for this!" 
After the number one hero said this what looked to be shelves came out of the wall. There were everyone's costumes with their names on the shelf. 
J'me knew his wasn't there so he made his way to the door. That was until All Might started to speak again. 
"Once you all have your costumes on, meet me at the assigned area!" After he spoke the man ran out of the room at extreme speeds.
J'me left the classroom and headed straight to the support class to get everything he needed. 
After arriving to the support class, the boy slowly walked in trying not to disturb Mei. She was currently finishing up the costume design he made to go along with his kunai and teleportation seals. He watched her finish the costume. 
Mei walked over her shoulder to see J'me standing there, watching her. The girl's smile formed back on her face, in his eyes, she actually looked kind of cute with that smile. "Hey! Just in time I am done with everything."
A small smile formed on his face before he responded. "Oh really? Well glad I got here in time." 
Once she was close enough to J'me, Mei kind of guided him to the table so he could look over everything. 
The first thing he examined were the seals to see if she got the formula correct. "This seal was supposed to be difficult enough to where no one could steal from me. Good job, the formula is perfect now I'll be able to teleport to the seals at least."
He grabbed one of the kunai and threw it at the door. Before it got close to the door a blue flash of lightning appeared. J'me was suddenly at the other side of the room, grabbing the seal marked weapon before it hit the door. 
Mei eyes widened and she jumped up and down in joy. "Yes! It worked!!" 
J'me chuckled a little and walked back over to her, kunai in hand. "Yeah, I'm actually surprised it did. I feared that I might have messed up the formula but I didn't."
She stopped jumping up and down, Mei forgot to show him something she added to his Hokage costume. "Oh yeah! I want to show you something I added to your costume." Mei lifted up the piece of the clothing, it looked exactly like how he requested so J'me was confused about it.
"Um... What exactly am I supposed to be looking at exactly?" He looked at her with a very confused look on her face.
"Well since you're able to fly out the seal if you wanted, I thought you would at least like some wings to go with it. Whenever you are sent flying out, wings will come out of the suit and help you!" She smiled hugely at J'me and placed the outfit back on the table.
His body moved on its own and hugged Mei. This had been the first time in months since J'me hugged anyone. Before he instantly appeared in the world of My Hero Academia, he just kept to himself. He had friends and stuff like that, but he felt bad for even asking for such a simple thing like hugs. "Thank you Mei..." His voice was sincere, he meant it when he said 'thank you'.
Mei was surprised by the hug, not even realizing it she started blushing really hard. The girl was four inches shorter than J'me and her face would be somewhat buried in his chest. 
J'me realized what he did and immediately let go. He had a light pink shade on his face after he let go. "I'm so so sorry!!!" He backed away a tiny bit to give Mei some space.
"I-It's fine," she was flustered. Mei didn't expect for some guy she just met to give her a hug all of a sudden. She brushed her hair behind her left ear with her hand. The girl smiled slightly giving J'me the reassurance that it was okay.
He smiled back and let out a sigh of relief. He walked over and picked up his Hokage outfit. He went into the bathroom and put it on, felt as if he was a hero now. The boy then picked up the kuani and paper seals, he placed the kunai's on his ninja belt. J'me placed the seals in his pouch and let out a small sigh. J'me walked back into the room and looked at Mei. "Thank you, again I can't just say how much I'm grateful."
"You're welcome! I will say it as many times as I have to J'me." Her normal smile had returned while he was away. 
He gave Mei a slight bow. "My class is starting soon so I better get going. It was nice meeting you Mei!" He walked to the door and waved goodbye.
She waved goodbye, "it was nice meeting you too J'me!" Mei smiled hugely before J'me left completely.
He smiled softly and threw on his kunai down the hallway. Like that J'me disappeared in a flash, a blue lightning strike effect signaling his teleportation.
After J'me left Mei started thinking to herself. "Do I like him...? That's impossible we only just met, how can I have feelings for him..?" She questioned it further and shook her head. She needed to get her mind off of it, so Mei started to work on her gadgets. They did have a thing in common which was building gadgets. Maybe this would lead to a possible relationship in the future.
J'me arrived at the building area where the hero training would take place. He got there at the same time as everyone else. 
All Might would proceed to explain the rules. After he finished giving the rules he had an announcement to make. "We have two students transferring into class 1-A their names are Ryan Talley and Kairo Furō."
J'me recognized both of the name's and was in complete shock. Ryan was his friend in the real world, he was a great friend though he beat up J'me alot. Kairo was J'me's friend as well, though that wasn't his real name. Kairo was a name that he used for role-playing, his real name was Cale. J'me thought that he changed it when he got here.
A boy of about 6ft could be seen as he slowly entered the training going. As he entered, an ominous energy entered with him. Ryan would walk up to the front with a large smile rested on his face. He had a strangely muscular build, unlike how J'me remembered him, and he was wearing contacts instead of glasses. As soon as he stood at the front of the class he'd notice someone and laugh a little. "No fucking way.. Is that you J'me?" As he asked this All Might would smack the fuck out of Ryan.
A few seconds after Ryan got bitch slapped, a shorter figure could be seen in training grounds. He'd look out over the area as he walked towards the front and wouldn't notice anything, or anyone. As he paused at the front, he'd hear what Ryan said and laugh as All Might slapped the shit out of him. "Wow Ryan, You're a fucking idiot.." He'd realize his mistake as soon as All Might raised his hand for another slap. Kairo would get bitch slapped into the same wall Ryan was at.
Everyone laughed at the idiots in front of them. All Might made a small cough to get the attention. "It will be hero's vs villains, it will also be a tournament style. Now you all know the rules, Kouda Kouji and Satou Rikidou please head to the building immediately. The two of you will be the villains, while Ashido Mina and Ryan Talley will be the hero's!" 
Everyone took their places, All Might inside a different building with the kids. While Kouda & Satou got ready for the hero's. Ashido & Ryan getting ready to capture the villains as well.
Tick, tock, tick tock...time seemed like it was going extremely slow while J'me watched Ryan's fight. He couldn't help but wonder how him and Kairo had gotten into that world with him.
Minutes passed when a winner was finally declared. It was Ryan and Mina who won.
Afterwards the battles were randomized so this was another change in the timeline. 
J'me's battle came up rather quickly, him, Asui and Sero made their way to the location. His enemy was Kairo, Todoroki and Tokoyami.
"5...4...3...2...1...GO!" All might screamed as loud as he could. The hero team which was J'me's team, ran inside the building. Only reason this happened was because Kairo yelled out either 'I WANNA BE THE VILLAIN TEAM AND KILL' So All Might made him the villain team.
The battle would be the best one out of them by far. Hardly any flaws in either teams plans, even Momo had a difficult time trying to find flaws. After many times of watching the battle unfold she came up with no flaws in the battle.
J'me and Kairo just smirked at each other. They were both prodigies when it came to plans.
The test ended rather quickly, J'me, Kairo and Ryan started walking back to class.
"J'me you do realize how overpowered your quirk is? It's literally the most powerful thing in here."
"Yes, I do. Look Kairo I'm sorry my quirk is better than both of your quirks. You need two quirks just to keep up to me."
"Bro, you literally couldn't think of a quirk when you came to this world. I bet you probably said 'Uh yeah lemme get a carbon copy of every anime,' headass.”
“Carbon copy? Don’t make me laugh bitch. I am not a carbon copy, if I was then I wouldn’t be able to make my own shit. Besides you are a fucking Todoroki knock off.”
“What do you mean J’me? You are deadass a carbon of EVERY ANIME except My Hero Academia.”
“I’m hearing you aren’t denying the fact that you’re a Todoroki knock off?”
“I ain’t a knock off of that emo bitch, but you aren’t creative at all.”
“No, I can make shit if I wanted.”
“Okay so? Congratulations, Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday.”
“Last I checked it's not August 26 or Christmas.”
“No shit dumbass, I like to call it sarcasm. Great name don’t you think?”
“It’s okay I guess, could probably make something better for it.”
“J’me, you are making it really difficult to have a comeback war when you don’t have any.”
“You want a fucking cookie for that?”
“Absolutely, cookies are god tier.”
J’me simply nodded before throwing his kunai behind him slightly. He teleported to it and smacked Kairo upside the head. He laughed since they were both playing around.
Kairo turned around with his eyes widened at J’me. “Bitch…” He laughed a few seconds later and shook his head.
Ryan just chuckled through the entire situation. He decided to speak up, “I have the best quirk…”
J’me and Kairo just looked at Ryan as if he was an idiot
“Or maybe not…”
The three of them just chuckled and made it back to class. 
Once class ended J’me said goodbye to both Kairo and Ryan. Afterwards he made his way to the support class. He wanted to catch Mei before she left for the day.
When he walked into the room, Mei was getting her stuff ready to leave.
She spotted J’me and smiled, “hey J’me! What are you doing here?”
Mei’s pink hair made J’me smile whenever he saw it because of how cute it was on her. He admired her since the beginning of My Hero Academia. He was glad to know her in this situation. “I wanted to ask you something. Could...could you possibly give me your phone number?” He asked with a slight blush on his face.
She blushed heavily when the question was asked. Mei slowly walked over to J’me, “o-of course…” 
He pulled his phone out and opened it. Once he did, he handed it to Mei so she could put her phone number in.
She did exactly that, while she was entering her number Mei decided to put her contact as ‘Cutie;)’. She handed it back to J’me and smiled.
He looked at the contact name and blushed even more than he already was. “T-thanks Mei...I’ll text you later.” 
Mei smirked slightly, seeing J’me blush. “Okay, I guess I’ll talk to you when you text me.” She winked and went to get the rest of her stuff ready.
“Y-yeah…” He smiled and ran out of the room. J’me was glad he was able to get Mei’s number, he was surprised about what she put the contact under. 
As he ran out the room, Kirishima saw him and walked over to him. "Hey buddy, I haven't seen you this happy since we met. What happened to make you like this?"
"Oh uh…" J'me turned to look at Kirishima. He quickly put his phone in his pocket before speaking. "I um… so… you see, I got this girl's number and I think she likes me."
Kirishima's eyes widened in excitement. "Woah! Who's the lucky chick? That's amazing bro congrats!"
J'me smiled a bit, "thanks man. I'm afraid I can't tell you yet, but you'll know later on I promise." 
He looked a little disappointed but he did understand. "Alright, but I better be the first one to know when you decide to tell someone!"
"For sure Kirishima I gotcha man." He waved goodbye and started walking home.
As he walked home, he spotted someone who looked similar. It was the girl who he didn't recognize when he first came to this world. "Her name was Mari Lin right? Hm...I'll have to talk to her at another time. I hope she's a good person, though something is telling me she is."
He finished his walk shortly after and did what all he had to do at home.
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theropoda · 4 years
3, 4, 6-8, 11, 13-17, 19-22, 26-30 uwu
WOO LAD THAT’S A LOT THANK U!!! this got long and i wrote an essay or two LOL so im putting it under a readmore!
3: Best game you’ve ever played? WEEEELLLL.......let me preface this with two things: one, i am a FAKE GAMER as in my laptop is not at all made for gaming, it’s piss poor, so a big chunk of games i’m interested in is because i watched a playthrough of them lol. i have a 3ds but only 3 games on it (animal crossing new leaf, tomodachi life, nintedogs & cats). second, i’m very bad at choosing favorites of things.....BUUUUT .....i choooooose, in no particular order, OFF, pigeonetics, elder scrolls oblivion, pathologic classic HD!! i’m more than likely forgetting a few though, so sorry about that
4: Worst game you’ve ever played? as i said above, cannot choose favorites, neither can i choose whatever the opposite of favorites is but...uhh, does lif even count as a game? like lif, the stupid little furry flash game i remember playing on some shady website. it was surprisingly very active with a BUNCH of people there but i kept dying like every 5 seconds....AWFUL
6: A game that’s changed you the most? WELL define Changed.....ummm aha first thing that comes to mind is OFF. it’s one of those things where you never knew you wanted something so fucking bad until you saw it--and it’s like that for me. i NEVER knew i loved that odd, surreal, colorful, “looks playful and simple in some parts but incredibly violent and unnerving in other parts” aesthetic til i played it. like aesthetically i love that game to BITS and something about it just stuck with me til the end of time.
later in life (meaning, past year or so) it changed me because it taught me a lesson about storytelling and creative endeavors. a very useful lesson. which is: things don’t really need to have a meaning. stories, art, music, writing, whatnot, while it CAN be deep and meaningful, while you CAN use it as a way to communicate with the world about all kinds of heartfelt things, it can also be...nothing, really.
once i, as usual, got ridiculously overwhelmingly sad about small things. specifically seeing other people around me come up with all kinds of deep and meaningful characters and stories, sometimes putting them into webcomics or writings of theirs, and they were all so well-thought out and detailed and what i envied most was people put a lot of themselves and their experiences into them, venting and coping through them, whilst also making these larger-than-life grandiose complex stories and worlds and so on and so forth.
it made me look at my own ideas and get mad/frustrated at how shallow they were. but then i remembered OFF and i felt better because Fun Fact, mortis ghost has a now-abandoned dA account and if you go through the comment section on his profile, he answers a lot of fan questions and he mentions several times that the game didn’t really have a “meaning”, it didn’t really have a “deeper story” or moral or anything, really. i’m paraphrasing this but i vividly remember him saying “i wanted to make a game, so i did”.
that made me feel a lot better because it made me realise that sometimes art--especially stories, in my case-- doesn’t NEED to be DEEP or have MEANING...sometimes it can just BE!!!! sometimes it really can just be all about AESTHETICS like who GIVES a shit if there’s a hidden meaning if you take the first letter of all of your characters’ names and put them backwards, sometimes all that matters is if they just VIBE with you y’know....
yume nikki is similar in this regard bc that game doesn’t have any story other than “collect egg” and yet it’s so impactful. that game doesn’t have a story or meaning it just IS........ :) GOD THATS SO LONG IM SORRY ABOUT THAT but yeah. funny violent ghostbusting baseball man is a game that changed me :)
7: A game you’ll never forget? OFF AGAIN LOL,,, it’s just so memorable because of how unique it is. visuals, soundtrack, story, everything is so memorable. unforgettable. oh god you can tell how much i love this damn game can’t you
8: Best soundtrack? yakuza 0, OFF, there is a picture (another game by mortis ghost, again composed by alias conrad coldwood who also composed OFF), pigeonetics (the entire soundtrack of which is here), jojo’s bizarre adventure all star battle and eyes of heaven, silent hill 2 & 3, undertale....probably forgetting more but all of these...earcandy
11: Hardest game you’ve played? i am a shitty gamer so this is Most games i’ve played lol!! but uhh..well you see. hardest game i remember playing as of recent is pathologic classic hd in which it’s...not only hard to understand what any character is saying at any given time lol but also, i don’t think it’s HARD it’s just...you need to focus. you REALLY need to fucking focus and pay attention in this game. so i wouldn’t say its HARD, but i’m only putting this here bc it’s in recent memory.
i say recent memory because the true answer is susceptible to “yeah, but now you’re older, it must not be so hard.” as in if i played it now i think i’d have a way easier time. but when i was around....10-12 years old i had several ps3 video game adaptations of animated movies and i had SUCH a fucking hard time with them. g-force, bolt and up in particular were fucking HARD. like genuinely, the hardest time i had EVER had in my live playing video games is tied to these three fucking games. g-force and bolt ESPECIALLY. one particular level in bolt took both me AND my sister around a year to fucking finish.
again, i was baby, so i bet i’d have a much easier time with them now that i’m 17. but for now, in my experience, bolt and g-force for the ps3 were harder than pathologic classic. i think icepick lodge should take a few notes for them for pathologic 2.
13: A game you were the most excited for when it wasn’t released yet? STREETS OF KAMUROCHO...i spent the entire day of its release anticipating its launch lol
14: A game you think would be cool if it had voice acting? hmm..most games i like and know about do have voice acting so i dunno....i guess it would’ve been kind of cool if morrowind had like, full proper voice acting. but i can understand why it only voice acted things like greetings and battle insults because GOD that game is SO...complicated...and as a result, the conversations are so lengthy and text-full. playing morrowind is really like a goddamn book! if it was voice acted i’m sure all that information would have to be shortened bc i know no one is going to fucking voice act two whole paragraphs
15: Which two games do you think would make an awesome crossover? pigeonetics and yakuza in which instead of being about the criminal underworld it’s about shady and unethical pigeon clubs, breeding, racing, etc etc...a lot of illegal shit does happen in the world of pigeons especially when it comes to racing; prized racers have been kidnapped and held for ransom before. and then there’s Avian Cucking: The Sport, where people breed the sexiest pigeons (horseman thief pouters), release them outside to seduce other people’s sexy pigeons, and bring them back and keep ‘em, drama ensues. will kiryu ever escape his past as a professional pigeon-napper, and find solace in his new life as a pigeon hobbyist? find out now by playing YACOOZA......
JOKES ASIDES i don’t know i really don’t....umm, pigeonetics and animal crossing somehow?? :O... like, instead of managing your own town it’s managing your own loft!...orrrr, the jojo games (all star battle & eyes of heaven) with yakuza, because i think they’re somewhat similar because they’re both haha Wacky Silly AND serious over the top fighty-fighting.....or maybe a crossover with OFF and discover my body, which, despite being an incredibly short and obscure indie game i still love to bits for what it’s worth. WAIT ANIMAL CROSSING AND MINECRAFT THAT WOULD FUCK SO HARD OH MY GOD
16: Character you’ve hated most? From what game? i can’t think of any character i like, HATE...with a burning passion.. there are a few i dislike or have a complicated relationship with though.. i’m not interested in the series anymore but ouma from drv3...i’ll admit that he is a bit fun sometimes, especially in the very early beginning he’s a likeable brat but as the game progresses he becomes more irritating than anything and i have an issue with him in regards to writing, despite the fact that i have never been awake in any english class ever lol. it’s too long to put in this already long post but i’ll keep it at that. if you like him, well, good for you for finding joy in something i couldn’t! but he just doesn’t do it for me.
AH I JUST REMEMBERED....MINE......FROM YAKUZA 3....maybe i’d change my mind if i watched a playthrough of y3 again, because i think you always absorb something better on your second watch (tho i honestly Dont have the energy to do that all over again, the yakuza games are too fucking long), but i really hate his writing. spoilers for y3 but, i think mine’s writing, alongside other things in the game, were super messy...and a big part of why i hate him is that not only is he one of those “could’ve had great potential but fell flat” sorta guys but also his love for daigo is seen as some fans as good gay rep and i?????/.............um....WELL let’s just say that, i think people nowadays will see any gay character ever in any circumstance and say it’s good gay rep just based off the fact that A Gay Character exists....he was Not, good gay rep imo....he was not, let alone, Good. .........
17: What game do you never tell people you play? can’t think of any games i wouldn’t tell people i play.. idk exactly what this question’s asking. does it mean what game you don’t tell ppl you play bc you’re embarrassed about it...? i’m not very embarrassed by any of them. the only thing that comes close, i guess, is uhh lioden and wolvden. i’ve only interacted with those communities a LITTLE TINY WEE BIT, yet of what i’ve seen it’s a goddamn dumpster fire and i’d never want to be associated with them lol
19: Which game do you think deserves a revival? i’m well aware it’ll never happen and that it’s more a wet dream than anything but...PT/silent hills..... on a more realistic/”could happen” note, PIGEONETICS!!!! SERIOUSLY, it’s an amazing game about amazing animals and it teaches genetics in a very simplified and efficient way!! genetics is SO hard for me to understand, i fucking hated studying it but this game really helped me understand how it works AND its super engaging and interesting!! HOWEVER, of all the pigeon genes we know of, only a handful were seen in pigeonetics and i’d LOVE a sequel that employs new game mechanics AND new genes!! i wanna learn about bronze and stencil genes! i wanna learn about phenotypes like grizzled and pied!!! genes like sooty and dirty!!! @ UNIVERSITY OF UTAH GENETICS DEPARTMENT PLEASE IM BEGIGNG YOU
20: What was the first video game you ever played? earliest memories of Gaming involves me at my aunt’s house playing two games: super mario brothers and some kind of trapeze game. i don’t remember anything else though
21: How old were you when you first played a video game? i can’t remember but i must’ve been REAL tiny.... 6-9 years, maybe??
22: If you could immerse yourself in any game for one day, which game would it be? What would you do? immerse myself meaning go into their world...? huh....on one hand i’d like to go in the world of yakuza 0 to play in the arcades and do whore related activities but i’d also love to go into the world of animal crossing (and i’m pretty sure i’d be some sort of generic dromaeosaurid in that game!!) and shop, chat with villagers, do chores for them, go fishing, bug hunting, eat delicious fucking food like the apples mangos peaches cherries etc etc.....OH AND FOSSIL HUNTING THAT’S THE BEST PART!! though it would definetly be a little weird, to be a little dinosaur and finding a fossil of a...little dinosaur....i guess the non-sentient species went extinct and the dinosaur i am is some kind of, descendant of a sapient non-avian dinosaur that survived the k-pg extinction event...oh but who cares all i want is a cool little ambulocetus fossil or something. and some cherry pie :)
26: Handheld or console? my old ps3 just went kaput one day years ago so i haven’t used it in years so i can’t compare well... but i’d say handheld, because it lets me like DO stuff more...would love to get a console one day, a ps4 maybe but i’m kinda worried it’ll make me stay in one room all day wasting away my time when there’s other stuff i can do, y’know? but something handheld like my 3ds, on the other hand...i can do stuff with it. i can take it to my room and play it between breaks i take as i clean the room and fold my clothes, i can watch something on the tv and play the game during ad breaks, i can take it outside too if it has charge to last me a while! so....handheld i guess
27: Has there ever been a moment that has made you cry? yakuza 0 and undertale in particular have ALMOST made me fucking bawl with many of its moments....yakuza 0 especially, after that Fucking Ending i had trouble sleeping because oh my fucking god. video game people SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28: Which character’s clothes do you wish you owned the most?
29:  Which is more important, gameplay or story? HMMM....well, if i were to play a game with a shitty story but really good and fun gameplay i’d probably continue playing it for the gameplay. but if i played a game with shitty gameplay but an interesting story, there is a chance i’d play it more for the sake of the story but also i might just quite and see the rest of the story on youtube or something. i’m more likely to go through a boring story for fun gameplay than go through boring gameplay for an interesting story, so i guess gameplay is more important to me....that is, WHEN i actually own and play a game as opposed to when i just watch someone play a game because i don’t own the game but wanna know abt the story lol
30: A game that hasn’t been localized in your country that you think should be localized? i have no idea how video game localization really works....but i assume localizing a game in india would mean something like, removing content according to cultural norm and also somehow translating it into the 22 official languages..? or just two or three language if it’s tied to a particular state, which seems way more doable. i honestly have no idea? i’ve never interacted w the indian gaming community that much to be honest, all i know of it is of the video games i’ve seen sold in some game stores and a few whispers about like solid snake or whoever from my school’s cafeteria....the most popular games here, to my knowledge, are those very streamable games like fortnite and PUBG and your call of duties and whatnot. those generic shooters. and even then, that honestly isn’t the “indian” gaming community bc this country is so FUCKHUGE, it’s just tamil nadu. one state.
soooo, according to what little i know of gaming interests in where i live, i don’t think any of the games i like should be localized here bc i don’t really think there’s an audience for it as far as i can tell :( maybe animal crossing? it’s a fun little games for all ages and i think it has a chance of becoming popular here, so maybe that is worth a shot! but i can’t think of any other game that i like that really has an audience here (other than Me lol)
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rangerslayer-97 · 4 years
I'm gonna do the question ask thingy for you.... but I'm gonna choose a few numbers for fun! I chose questions 10, 17 and 19! Enjoy... and feel free to send a revenge set at me! XD
10, 17 & 19. Well then XD
10. Do you enjoy writing dialogue, exposition, or plot the most?
Ans: My top 2 are dialogue and exposition. Plot I make up as I go, even though I have a plan, which then explodes into a Skywalker-Tano-Kanobi plan. Most of the dialogue I come up comes from other sources, or other media. Some pieces of dialogue I put in are nods to other films or TV series, video games even. Exposition becomes an all-you-can-eat buffet, I have some good moments with it other times crappy. I try to keep a balance of dialogue and exposition, but some scenarios call for more dialogue focus or vice-versa. XD
17. What fic are you most proud of?
Ans: Oh, you really want to test the waters there, do you? XD
The works I'm most proud of? Gonna have to twist it a little, since it's a series rather one specific fic. My favourite would be my Galaxy-38 series - AKA: There Will Be No Hero in the End, Who Will Rise Above and COIG (Crisis on Infinite Galaxies). G38 I'm most proud for because, I simply tossed a cosmic sized thermo detonator and blew it all up. Might have scarred some readers that I turned Ahsoka into an irredeemable monster who sees herself as a God.
COIG is essentially, one giant soup of chaos. With the theory of Multiverse and tying it into the concept of the behaviour of the World Between Worlds... Filoni, your new lore was screaming to be abused XD
19. Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
Ans: Oof. I'm gonna have to take multiple fronts on this. Easiest character to write: Ahsoka Tano, followed by Anakin Skywalker and Kenobi, along with Amidala. They're essentially a bunch of disasters, very easy to characterise whilst fleshing them out more. Also an excuse to add some personal headcanons. The Clones such as Rex and Clone OCs are easy to write.
Besides, when I need in-depth info, Wookieepedia is a great help, especially since I mix Legends with canon.
The hardest. Without a doubt, the one character in all of Star Wars is Mitth'raw'nuruodo - "But you can call me Thrawn". To be honest, he is one of most complex characters added in the SW mythos. Cold, calculating, cunning, one of the Empire's greatest Admiral and combat strategist. His ability to turn a losing battle in his favour is incomparable and his ruthless cunning allowed him to work the complex ladder of Imperial hierarchy in a xenophobic galaxy.
One can say I fear writing him. I'm not lying, I do fear writing him. Thrawn is a complex character, no amount of reading material will help me prepare to give him page time in my fics. Hence, my safest option is to make nods/mentions to the Grand Admiral of the Chimera. That doesn't mean I hold a lot of respect for Thrawn, I do. I just don't have enough confidence to write his character into my stories.
Well, I hope those answers suffice and aren't too long winded.
Thanks for the ask @sirloozelite. Maybe expect some revenge XD
If anyone else has questions, feel free to ask. I honestly don't bite XD
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