#goddess zuo qingluan
sinistercakes · 4 years
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The Ladies of Dance of the Phoenix (featuring Jun Linyuan and Yu Mingye).
Lyrics: Song of Women by The HU ft Lzzy Hale (I highly recommend giving it a listen as well as Wolf Totem).
I’m very new to gif making so bear with me. This is all just practice. But advice and constructive criticism is welcome. I’m a blank slate when it comes to anything like this.
I think I should’ve used different fonts for each line.
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Dance of the Phoenix as Text Posts Part 1
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Dance of the Phoenix - Episode 3
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Okay, one last episode. Let’s get a glass of water, wash our face and apply a mask and let’s go. Okayyyyy! Now we are readyyy! Let’s gooo!
Last episode ended with Mu Yao trying to frame Feng Wu by letting Jun Linyuan believe she pushed her on the ground. That is so childish. I don’t think Jun Linyuan would actually buy this. But he doesn’t need to meddle, because our Feng Wu isn’t a lady who lets people bully her easily. So she uses her medicinal knowledge as a pretext to heal her, and she massages to hurt her on purpose. Because she doesn’t like the pain, Mu Yao promptly gets up. And runs away, angry at Feng Wu that her plan (stupid) didn’t work.
However, our prince isn’t too happy either with Fen Wu pranking Mu Yao and he scolds her that if she does something like that again, he’ll leave her alone in there. To gain his favour back, she decides to treat his wound, but doing so, it activates the loveless venom, which causes him to have pain in his chest and he moves away brutally from her. He gets away for a little and wonders why the venom acted up. When he went to Penglai, they couldn’t cure him from that because the only way to do so is through the tear of someone who loves him and would be willing to die for him.
Feng Xun is little down because he feels like everybody likes Jun Linyuan better. He never got any praise and is always in the shadow of his two friends. However, Feng Wu cheer him up. I really like Feng Xun, he’s such a sweet character. I just don’t hope for a love triangle for them, because it’s going to break my heart, because I will ship them. Like, I want her to end up with Jun Linyuan actually, but I would like for Feng Xun to have his happiness with her too. And you know what’s worse than second lead syndrome? It’s second lead syndrome while shipping the main couple together. BECAUSE YOU CAN’T EVEN BE SPITEFUL.
Jun Linyuan bumps into Yu Ming Ye and gives him a pill that will suppress his spiritual energy for twelve hours. They fight a little, but verbally and Jun Linyuan ends up hanging Yu Ming Ye for his minions to find him. He won’t let him find the fruit first. I know Yu Ming Ye is in the bad guys’ team, but I am feeling this character is going to be interesting. I hope my intuition is not wrong. Not long after that, Feng Wu comes over, looking for Jun Linyuan. Seeing Yu Ming Ye hanging, she decides to save him, but when he moves, she runs away. His vision is blurry, he couldn’t see her properly, but he thinks he saw a goddess. Well, not exactly a goddess. The actual translation for that is fairy, but not as in western tales fairies. This kind of fairy is for a very beautiful immortal human. Someone with a generous heart. When she comes back to sleep, she leaves a gourd next to Jun Linyuan, no idea what is in there. And he protects her from bugs when she sleeps. But... How are there any mosquitos in there? Like... it’s the frozen forest and it’s cold? Bug are strong over there.
The next day while they go on with their journey, they get separated when evil spirits attack  them. Feng Wu and Jun Linyuan quickly end up bumping into each other. That Feng Wu is really clumsy. She loses her balance and instead of just catching her, he catches her and rolls under her, falling with her. I feel that was unnecessary. Oh. That’s because they needed to add the accidental kiss while falling. Classic. Following that, to lighten the mood, she tries to make him talk, but he’s not really talkative and asks him questions about the celestial fruit. She’s wondering if it wouldn’t be a little mean to take it away from him while he saved her so many times.
Zuo Qingluan gets to a village which is harassed by a beast. The villagers say that a female cultivator came before, but she couldn’t manage to win over the beast. Zuo Qingluan wonders if it was Zhao Ge. I can’t wait to see who is that Zhao Ge.
Jun Linyuan decides that they should take a rest for the night as the fog is too dense, they’ll just get more lost by going on. Feng Wu is kind of scared by the spookiness of the forest and makes Jun Linyuan sing for her. But he’s a terrible singer, it sounds pretty awful. Well it was a good idea because the three others heard him and then will be able to find him, but still. Then, Feng Wu makes him stop singing, in case it calls out for the wolf. Well it does worse as a charm spirit comes into play. Jun Linyuan fights them to protect Feng Wu, but then he faints from watching in their eyes. Feng Wu is saved by her spiritual ring and the firecloud giant hawk gets into. It looked more like an illusion of it though. And right then the others find them. They set a camp for the night.
When Xiaowu is asleep, she hears a voice calling for her from the ring. She gets into the ring and tries to wake up her master, but because he gave her the rest of his phoenix blood, he can’t wake up. The firecloud hawk was actually sent by her master to protect the fruit. It’s now in the form of a parrot which has a very annoying voice. It explains to her the energy barrier is broken now and that she needs to get the fruit to regain her powers and after wake up her master to save the world. The parrot will help her get the fruit and tell what to do next.
At home, Feng Wu’s mom isn’t eating anymore. Qiu Ling tries to make her at least have a bite when somebody starts knocking at the door. She’s sure Feng Wu is back, but it’s actually people from the Feng family looking for Feng Wu. It looks like trouble is coming.
Both the darknight court people and our little friends get to the celestial fruit at the same time. And we will only know in episode 4 who will get the fruit.
This is consistent in being good so far. I’m glad I was recruited to translate this because otherwise I might have not watched this and that would have been a shame. I really enjoy this show. So beautiful. I’m looking forward next episode, tomorrow or the day after that, we’ll. For now, let’s just enjoy the ending theme. Good you all!
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suibiansybian · 4 years
Just really shipping  Goddess Zuo Qingluan and  Zhao Ge, I want a Sugar Mamma Cultivator and a Sugar Baby Hedge-witch fic 
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evcryopeneye · 4 years
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Blinking back into consciousness, Feng Wu attempted to put the last of her memories back together again. The fight against Zuo Qingluan had gone as planned, or at least as planned as it could go. The red robes hid the worst of the injuries, for a moment Feng Wu idely considered if that was indeed the purpose of the colour red in battle - to hide blood.
‘That's my Phoenix Blood.’
The words rang through her mind, crystal clear, she had reached out and grabbed the other woman's wrist, gribbed it as she stared at the white band, red tracked through it and it sang to her. She knew what it was the moment she saw it. Like someone had snapped their fingers in her head, and then, that was where it had all fallen apart.
Her eyes focused on someone, oh, there he was.
Those big dark eyes staring at her, an expression that Wu couldn’t quite read, and yet, there was no startle, here was no panic, ,here was an odd calmness around him that she couldn’t explain. Instead of laying there, she pressed a palm to the floor under her, pushed herself up and gritted her teeth. Pushed through the pain so she could sit up. Pain and injury didn’t matter right now.
There’s silence, too much silence as she glanced around. The cliff under the moon was beautiful, and it offered privacy, but Feng Wu found herself hesitant. No. Lost for words.  What was she meant to say to him? That the Goddess of the Celestial Palace was responsible for all that had befallen her, and that the Holy Sovereign was a liar. That her public words, to the entire school, were outright lies. Fighting against it, and denying it publicly would do little for her cause. The damage had already been done.
Eyes glanced down, then to the side as she tried to find words, aware that the silence was starting to get heavy, and she absolutely had to find some way to break it.
“You believe me?” She asked, honestly if he didn’t...Feng Wu didn’t know what she would do. Her eyes watched him, searched his face, trying to find flickering hints of emotions that would offer some kind of insight into how he felt about the whole thing.  “Don’t you?” Yet, there was insecurity, uneasiness...not with him, but with the situation at hand. For the first time, she felt defeated despite the fact that she had won. It felt like like everyone was against her, like the world had pivoted on itself and she was the target of its ire.
The expression on her face fell, “they all just wanted to see me fall, and then I handed them it,” won or lose, public humiliation was a loss far greater than a lost fight.
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sinistercakes · 4 years
Dance of the Phoenix: A Character Guide*.
*by a biased and unreliable narrator.
Part One - The Youngsters**
**I have no idea how old these guys are supposed to be, but I’m guessing late teens/very early 20’s.
Feng Wu
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Genius of the Capital. Possesses Phoenix Blood. Quickly has her Phoenix Blood stolen and then is killed by her rival within the first 5 minutes of episode 1.
Feng Wu #2
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The protagonist. Is but isn’t Feng Wu. (I know - try not to think too deeply about it). Trickster. Determined, intelligent, kind and insightful. Has a cool fiery sword. Talented medic and brilliant cook. Gets possessed by Phoenix Blood whenever her life is in imminent danger. Everybody loves her except those who don’t.
Jun Linyuan
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Male lead. Feng Wu’s love interest. Rarely smiles. Uptight like there’s a stick up his arse. Crown Prince of Junwu. Tends to use his status to get what he wants. Powerful cultivator. Has a minor myocardial infarction every time he has emotions due to eating poison as a kid. Funny bone appears to be broken. Gets the girl. Kind of a douchebag. Similar to MDZS’s Lan Wangji but minus the likeability. My friend refers to him as the Grinch. Is supposed to be in his late teens but actually looks like he’s 30 with a wife, two kids, and a mortgage.
Yu Mingye
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Heir to the Darknight Court. Powerful cultivator, and Jun Linyuan’s rival in power and love. No one likes him, despite the fact that he’s actually a giant sweetheart underneath the villainous goth exterior. He’s in love with Feng Wu but boy is that a disaster. Terrible at flirting. Extremely gullible. Never enters via the door. Sucks at being stealthy. His father made him kill his best friend as a child. All he has left of his mother is her flute. Used and abused by his father and the protagonists. Loses everything, including an arm. Desperately needs hugs. Very attractive.
Zuo Qingluan
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Feng Wu’s rival, main antagonist. Steals Feng Wu #1’s Phoenix Blood and then kills her. Would’ve been a nice person had her master not taught her she has to be the best otherwise she has no worth. Wants to marry Jun Linyuan for the power. Loves winning. Besties with Queen Sheng. An ice person (pun, not a typo). Loves her junior sisters, especially Zhao Ge. Bitch in sheep’s clothing. Goes mad with envy. Turns to the Dark Side. Has the title of “Goddess”, so like, pretentious much?
Feng Xun
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One of Jun Linyuan’s two best friends. Endearing idiot. Actually really nice. Never stops talking, even when he should. Thinks he’s a Casanova but comes across as more of a Pepé le Pew. Snarky. Loves food, especially Feng Wu’s cooking. His mum makes his pyjamas. Wields a fan sharp enough to slit a throat and makes it look awesome, even if it’s main use is fanning lanterns so Jun Linyuan can impress Feng Wu. No relation to Feng Wu despite same surname. Was in love with Feng Wu as a child
Xuan Yi
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Jun Linyuan’s other best friend. Grandson of Master Fang of Junwu Academy. Major bookworm. Comes across as serious and disapproving, but is actually just shy. Awkward around girls he likes. Hilarious when drunk. The smart one of the group. Falls in love with Zhao Ge but it takes him forever to voice even the slightest feeling for her. Makes an awesome battle couple with Zhao Ge in the finale. Dies but then doesn’t.
Zhao Ge
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Feng Wu’s best friend. Daughter of the Celestial Palace’s Master but is exiled for being embarrassingly useless with cultivation. Beloved by Zuo Qingluan. Was fat but then was miraculously made slim overnight by a magic flower. Is terribly shy and timid, but very sweet and a loyal friend. Wields a slingshot and is awesome with it. Becomes better at cultivation with Xuan Yi’s help. Awful cook. Falls in love with Xuan Yi and actually makes the first move. Dies but then doesn’t. Can speak wolf, apparently.
Mu Yao
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Alpha bitch of the Celestial Palace. Idolises Zuo Qingluan. Bullies Zhao Ge. Hates Feng Wu. She’s the captain of the Jun Linyuan/Zuo Qingluan ship. Starts to have some character development and then promptly dies.
Huang Li
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Starts off as secondary alpha bitch in Zuo Qingluan’s gang, but goes through some major character development after apologising to Feng Wu for accusing her of murder. Takes a level in badass. Breaks the good guys out of jail. Rallies her peers to join Feng Wu. Leads part of the fight during the Battle for Junwu. Has a cute crush on Yu Mingye. Yu Mingye is painfully oblivious to this.
Part Two: The Adults (and a magic bird)
Part Three: The Rest
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sinistercakes · 4 years
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Lyrics: Daisy by Ashnikko
Zuo Qingluan was a goddess and she deserved so much better. Her shitty master had made her believe she’d never be good enough, despite sharing the title of most powerful cultivator alongside Yu Mingye and Jun Linyuan, until Feng Wu steals their thunder what do you mean it’s her show?
And I totally ship Zuo Qingluan and Yu Mingye. But like, I headcanon they were having rough hate-sex in secret, and totally tore into each other, to vent some of their anger and frustrations. Yu Mingye might be in love with Feng Wu, but he’s only human, and he isn’t going to pass up a round of hardcore hide the zucchini with a goddess.
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sinistercakes · 4 years
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Holy Queen Gao Sheng and Goddess Zuo Qingluan have gone Goth to mark their transition to The Dark Side The Darknight Court’s cultivation methods.
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sinistercakes · 4 years
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Zuo Qingluan’s despair event horizon. She crosses that line and there’s no coming back, consumed by envy and darkness.
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sinistercakes · 4 years
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That was my immediate thought watching this scene. He looked like a old-timey villain ready to kidnap the damsel.
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Dance of the Phoenix as Text Posts Part 7 | Part 6
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Dance of the Phoenix as Text Posts Part 6 | Part 5
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Dance of the Phoenix as Text Posts Part 5 | Part 4
I love how Feng Wu isn’t afraid to stuff her face. My kinda girl.
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sinistercakes · 4 years
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Oh look it’s Liar McBloodthief Goddess Zuo Qingluan. And she’s lying in wait for Yu Mingye, to warn him that she’s on to his scheming. Watch out Your Goddess-ness. He knows you’re not squeaky clean either. At that exact same moment, in another universe far away in Nightless City, Wen Qing is warning Xue Yang that she knows he’s up to something. He scoffs; he’s not afraid of her. “You should be,” she replies, and proves it by paralysing him for several hours with a single acu-needle.
In part 45, Wu Youdao plays hopscotch
In part 47, Yan Daifu doesn’t know where the fuck he’s going
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sinistercakes · 4 years
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Yu Mingye is drowning his sorrows with Bitchy McBackstab Zuo Qingluan. Is this a date? Is he doing this on a dare? Has he lost a bet? Is he really that desperate? Why do I have the feeling she would eat him alive like a hungry she-dragon? At the exact same moment, in another universe far away, Xue Yang is in Jinlintai drowning his sorrows with...Jiang Yanli. And instead of alcohol, he’s gulping down pork rib and lotus root soup. She had spotted him wandering around Koi Tower all beaten up (she didn’t need to know they were his war wounds from a particularly brutal murder) and immediately adopted him. He happily goes along with this because no one cooks or bakes like Jiang Yanli. Xue Yang wouldn’t admit it, but he’d kill for her and her food.
In part 30, Yu Mingye kicks ass
In part 32, Yu Mingye takes a nap
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Dance of the Phoenix - Episode 7
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Yeah so I’m crazy. I realized that new episodes were out like an hour ago it’s past midnight and I don’t care. I’m note sure how many out of the 6 episodes came out and how long will I be able to watch before I pass out, but... here I am, ready for some more fun. I’m glad I didn’t have to wait too long to know what will happen with the crazy cousin, if you remember well, last episode she was about to go and try to hurt Feng Wu. And the guys were fighting against Yu Mingye.
Feng Wu manages to injure Feng Liu with the hairpin, which makes the mad woman even more crazy than she already was. She’s not playing anymore and she takes out her whip to fight Feng Wu while Qiu Ling runs aways, probably to ask for help. In their fight, Jun Linyuan and Yu Mingye can hear the screams of a woman. Will they stop the fight to go check it out ? Yu Mingye is unhappy about Jun Linyuan being distracted from their fights and decides to attack first. Meanwhile Feng Wu is barely saved by her mom. Feng Yiran tells Feng Liu to calm down, but she goes even more crazy, I didn’t think it was possible, and burns Feng wu’s herbs and throws the spiritual ring into fire. Feng Wu tries to go get it but her mom stops her and gets down herself on her knees to get back the ring from the fire. And there was a zoom on Feng Wu pester. I’m sure it’s the sword they are looking for. I have no doubts. Feng Wu’s screams still distract Jun Linyuan from his fight and Yu Mingye escapes, so they go check on the situation instead of chasing him. Feng Wu’s mom’s hands are all burnt from the fire which angers much Feng Wu and she’s really mad at Feng Liu so she tries to attack her, but Feng Liu draws a sword out and Feng Wu tries to block it with her bare hands. And either the blade doesn’t cute, either editing was bad here because her hands are not bleeding.
But that’s exactly the moment Zuo Qingluan gets to the Feng house. Oh now Feng Wu’s bleeding. They are right on top of the pester.  Seems like Zuo Qingluan won’t interfere. Blood drips on the pester. I was right. It is the sword. It protects Feng Wu when Feng Liu tries to finish her off. Looks like she possessed by the sword and then she faints. Feng Yiran recognizes the sword as the Phoenix Chant sword. Brother and sister are shook that the sword chose Feng Wu. Feng Liu isn’t ready to give up, but Zuo Qingluan stops her. Now that Jun Linyuan is here to see her... she’s playing nice right... Bleh. They both get scolded badly.
At night, Jun Linyuan pays a visit to Feng Wu. He gives her a pill, maybe it’s to calm her nightmares? He tells her not to try so hard and when he’s trying to check if she’s Feng Xiaowu, Qiu Ling comes back so he leaves and finds the pendant left behind by Yu Mingye. That is trouble coming up. Erf. Why does nobody clean this house more often? Most likely because they’re poor.
Lord Jun has his court having a meeting and his wife is kind of doing all the work for him. They decide to make Gao wei in charge of something, I’m too lazy to check it out again and lord Jun says he’s going to isolate and that they should find someone to replace him while his son hasn’t come back yet. They all suggest his wife which kinds of make him unhappy and she tries to avoid it but all the ministers agree for her to be in charge. They are about to disperse when the old man Xuan Yi spoke to earlier comes in to stop the wedding. Hahaha! I’m so funny! Seems he has something important to say. OMG. That Lord Jun speaks to that old man as if he was senile. I really don’t like Jun Linyuan’s dad. So thirsty for power and narcissist. Anyways, the old man was sent by Jun Linyuan to come and help deal with the palace affairs in his stead. Lord Jun seems very pleased about it and his wife is seeing her power leave her sadly. She’s so bitter about it.
Feng Wu finally wakes up and she only cares about her mom. She really worries about her. And she feels sorry. Her mom tells her to go thank Jun Linyuan but Feng Wu doesn’t really want to. Her mom is really moved that the sword chose her, as it was her dad’s before. She still ends up going and Feng Yiran is begging to be shown mercy upon. He says since nothing too bad happened this time around there’s no need to be too severe. But when they thing they won’t be punished, Jun Linyuan still sanctions them by taking some of their cultivation away. Feng Wu is super happy about it and Feng Xun calls her to come in as Jun Linyuan knew she was listening.
Zuo Qingluan is the first one to welcome Feng Wu, but she definitely feel something is weird and she leaves to get ointment for her mom. Then Feng Wu asks Jun Linyuan how he knew she was outside and he scolds her for laughing at the misfortunes of others and she says she won’t be stingy with him. And calls him ice cube face like when she told Feng Xun she would chose him over the two others back in the frozen forest. Feng Xun laughs and then has a flashback of Feng Xiaowu and Feng Wu is like ooops I messed up big time. So she pretends it’s a usual phrase in the border city.
Feng Wu makes some tea for Zuo Qinglun and calls her goddess Zuo. Zuo Qingluan says she changed a lot from before and Feng Wu is kinf of uncomfortable. She says it’s normal after what she has been through three years ago and Zuo Qingluan asks her if she really forgot everything and praises her to be satisfied with what she has.
Feng Yiran tries to calm down Feng Liu. They want to get the sword. Zuo Qingluan happens to come in that time and she gives them a pill to restore their spiritual energy. She asks them about Feng Wu and confirms she really forfot. And the discussion gives Yiran an idea. They need to marry off Feng Wu, that way she’ll have to let go of the sword as she won’t be part of the Feng family anymore. He goes to meet with Feng Wu’s mom to discuss it.
Feng Wu is trying to use the sword to light candles but it won’t work. Qiu Ling asks Feng Wu what she thinks of Zuo Qingluan, as people agree that she’s the best match for Jun Linyuan. She pretends she doesn’t care about it and then somebody knocks on the door. It’s Zuo Qingluan. She gives her some medicine pills, which I hope she won’t eat and she offers to teach her how to practice swordmanship. I hope she says no. But only episode 8 will tell.
The scene between Zuo Qingluan and her master after she took away Feng Wu’s phoenix blood leaves me kind of wondering what are really her motives. Is she really a bad person? Also she put the blood in a bangle and didn’t use it yet it seems. Can’t wait to see more. I don’t trust her though. And won’t like her easily, that’s for sure.
And that will be all for today, I’m exhausted. I will keep on watching tomorrow morning.
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