#goddess oracle cards
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bridgetoesoteria · 1 year ago
🖤Breaking baddie🖤: Describing your 'dark feminine' energy. How to channel it?
Hola malacitas 😘 (i hope that actually made sense lol).
First things first, what is "dark feminine" energy?
Yes, this is the **first website that comes up when you google "dark feminine," but it is pretty thorough and comprehensive! I liked it the most out of all the others. The others either repeated the same points or had too many outdated/black-or-white views. Feel free to do your own research however. There are plenty of videos on YouTube as well. **One caveat...when you get to the part about tapping into DF energy, I disagree with #8 (specifically).
(We're going to keep this post light and I'll dedicate a separate post to my personal viewpoints.)
So I will be telling you all about your personal DF "archetype." I will also provide guidance on how you channel your DF energy.
I am so so excited for this! Eek 🙊 Okay, options below, left to right. I hope it resonates!
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I am using a few different decks. I won't be adding pictures but I will provide what cards I drew.
Pile 1
Off the bat: I am hearing "no fuss" and also "ruthless," which is interesting considering the image you chose. I was also hearing the lyrics "all I do is win, win, win no matter what." So I'm getting some really bad ass energy right away! Come thru mob girlies!
4-Card Spread: 4 of Diamonds, 8 of Diamonds, 7 of Hearts, Joker. Bottom of deck is 6 of Clubs.
It's funny you have the 6 of Clubs (wands) on the bottom of the deck. I was hearing those lyrics about winning. This is a card that signifies victory and public recognition or celebration. I feel like the DF side of you is really bad ass! I'm also getting a pinch of "lover girl" energy. Its kind of like you have perfect formula sugar+sheist+everything nice! lol
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This energy isn't afraid to be in the spotlight but is also quite comfortable in the shadows. You may be (or this is what other people think) the type to use underhanded to get ahead. Its not personal but you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm also getting an energy of it is easy for people (I'm hearing "dudes" so maybe some of you talk like that) to get attached and feel led on. But I think you are married to the hustle.
Some of you may not regularly reside in this energy and could be put off by the description. But that is exactly why its dark feminine energy. It pokes and antagonizes the status quo, which is where most of us reside from day to day. Traditionally, feminines are not painted as cunning, street-wise, heartbreakers. Your DF energy pushes back against those constraints placed on feminines that require prioritizing the group over self. Not that anyone asked but I think that's actually kind of amazing.
Of course you don't have to reside in this energy and adopt some toxic alter ego, but there probably are some gems hidden here. People who move like this are usually made, not born. In some way, they learned that survival=competition, so you learn to "stay ready so you don't have to get ready." Your motto as a DF would be "every (wo)man for themselves," making betrayals feel less personal because...well it just isn't, as crazy as that sounds.
Advice: The Devil, Queen of Swords, King of Wands, The Star. Bottom of deck is 7 of Swords + Mute (Oracle)
I'm getting a strong message about speaking up. I am using Tarot de Carlotydes and in this deck the 7 of Swords is depicted as a sword swallower. Which I always interpret as "swallowing" the truth. Then as I was focusing on this group's image, I realized the cabinet behind her is full of skulls, reminding me of "skeletons in the closet." Then finally we have a literal Mute card:
The Mute is told what to hear, say and think and is often suppressed. Sometimes breaking the chains against heeded words may be rewarded.
So you currently may be the complete opposite of your DF energy. One of the keywords for the Mute is "insecurities." I feel like a lot of you are sleeping on yourselves. 🔊AND ITS TIME TO WAKE THE F UP!
Maybe you are trapped in your light feminine energy. I say trapped because it feels like you are forced into that box. Super passive, loss of control. Where your DF energy would insist on speaking up and standing out, you may just keep your head down and avoid any trouble.
I'm hearing specifically that some of you love writing poetry but may have someone who discourages you from pursuing this interest. You may want to present your poetry to an audience and they tell you that no one wants to hear what you have to say. For others, they are saying no one wants to hear from you about something else.
If you are used to toxic and restrictive connections or friendships, you are being called to step out of that. Get used to asserting your boundaries, "do not speak down about my hobbies," "if you cannot allow me to think for myself, then we can not continue our relationship." I think you definitely have it in you.
Another keyword listed is "hope." I think some of you may enjoy singleness and being single-mindedly focused on you and your goals, more fulfilling than you think. It can be healing to finally feel like the star of your show.
TL;DR: Your DF energy definitely has a bit of edge to her. She does what she has to do to move ahead and she prefers to fly solo. Even if that is not where you are right now, this energy already exists within you. Once you drop the dead weight--be it toxic family, toxic friends, or a toxic partner--you will see how quickly you flourish. You have every right to speak your truth and protect your peace. Its time to peel yourself off the wallpaper and start standing out and speaking up!
Pile 2
Off the bat: I wasn't getting anything with this group. I found that strange and wondered if I wasn't "tuned in." I think this represents your mental space when you are in your DF energy. You are clear minded and have a "sober" outlook. Maybe some of you are literally sober or are considering it.
4-Card Spread: 2 of Clubs, Queen of Spades, 8 of Spades (R), Ace of Hearts/7 of diamonds. Bottom of deck is 9 of diamonds.
I am very strongly getting that there is something noteworthy about your DF's decision making abilities. Maybe that sounds "boring," but its actually pretty admirable! The world often sends the message that feminine energy does not possess strong cognitive abilities. When feminines contradict this stereotype, they can be labeled as "cold," "mean," "masculine," or met with hostility.
I'm honestly getting that the DF in you does not care. You may naturally lean more to this side in every day life. Or this is where you could be if you tapped into your DF energy more often.
You make clear decisions and keep it moving. You do not allow your thoughts to keep you tangled up in a web of confusion and indecision. Some of you could be really good at chess. I am getting that kind of energy. Calculated, self-assured, and making decisions with no intentions of taking it back.
You are quite comfortable standing on your own, and pouring into your own little world. I get the image of a woman who lives on a quiet estate, walking through her garden, with birds chirping and flying above. Have any of you watched the movie Men (2022)? I loved the imagery in that film and that's kind of the vibe I am getting now. A lot of horse girlies may have picked this pile.
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I feel you being very unbothered, above drama. Your DF energy would love to find a masculine that can match your energy. You are good on your own so you won't allow anyone disruptive into your peaceful little domain. You do not make impulsive decisions in love and you are willing to wait for a new opportunity that is worth the investment. With the king of diamonds two cards under the 9 of diamonds, I do feel like this DF energy could pull the kind of masculine you desire.
Your DF energy really shines in STEM related jobs, corporate spaces, or any position that requires a sharp mind.
Advice: Ace of Swords, 10 of Swords, 4 of Wands, Knight of Cups. Bottom of deck is 10 of Wands + Spider (Oracle)
As soon as I pulled the ace of swords, I heard "get used to speaking your truth." I also heard stop entertaining "little boys." I don't think this is in terms of age, I think this referring to the maturity level of masculine energies you may usually deal with. I am in no way encouraging that you pursue anyone older. (Honestly, that does not guarantee emotional maturity or respect. But that's another convo).
I think this message is about the expectations you set for your partners. There is nothing wrong with expecting them to match you. They can either rise to the occasion or be left behind. If you hold this potential inside of you to be a queen of swords, queen of pentacles, and 9 of pentacles. Then I'm sure that energy exists out there in a suitable counterpart. The ten of wands is encouraging you to keep forging forward. I don't like preaching to be "strong" and "endure," but this is different. You are being strong for yourself. If you have to walk alone right now, it gets tough at times, but you are doing it with purpose. It will pay off.
For some this may literally require you to live alone. Its interesting that I keep getting messages about homes. I got a lot of diamonds/pentacles in the last spread, which also can deal with the home and related practical matters. "Home" is one of the keywords for Spider. The Moon is on the bottom of the deck, I think it is also relevant. This is what the guidebook has to say about each:
The Spider traps those who wander into her web. Keywords: Control, Home, Familiarity, Comfort, Trapped, Security. The Moon is not always as she seems. Her delicate glow seeks for hidden truths while blinding others to her own. Keywords: Confusion, Apprehension, Suspicion, Feelings.
You may need to be more discerning when it comes to who you let into your home and/or your heart. You might need to create a little confusion when it comes to what your next move is. Everyone does not deserve your energy or to be held on to.
Spiders can also be associated with anxiety. In regular tarot, I do consider the moon to be a card that can speak about mental health. So some of you may need to make these changes for your own sanity, literally.
TL;DR: Your DF energy is a very strong and self-sufficient queen of swords type. She thinks clearly, can make decisions without questioning herself, and always stands on business. She has high standards for those who come around her because she has built a beautiful life for herself and will vet anyone who wants to join. This self-respect and authenticity helps to attract a suitable mate. One who can match this go-getter, no bs energy. The key to channeling this energy is to start living in it now. Trust your decision making abilities, don't announce or seek validation before you make a necessary personal decision. Staying true to yourself and becoming more independent will pay off.
Pile 3
Off the bat: When I looked at the image for your pile, I immediately heard "I'm not one of those/your little girls." So whew! We are coming in hot! Also hearing "I wish a b---- would."
4-Card Spread: 7 of Hearts, Jack of Clubs, 2 of Clubs, Joker. Bottom of deck is 5 of Hearts.
I am getting more light-hearted energy in this pile than the previous two. Maybe a lot of young, or young-at-heart, people have chosen this pile. This DF energy could easily pull many suitors but she views lovers as more of a "fun time," not so much a "long time." You could also be a little toxic toward lovers. Makeup to breakup, or honestly sometimes its just breakup lol.
This energy is quite fiery and uninhibited. Some of you could be fire signs, specifically Sagittarius. Or I am getting that because of what Sag represents: free spiritedness, adventure, luck. No wonder this DF energy resists being tied down. The world is literally your oyster and you knows it!
This DF energy is also a little scrappy. Have any of you watched the Bad Girls Club? You know how there would be that one person who has a temper, then gets a little too messed up when they go clubbing and ends up wanting to fight everyone... When you see red, people need to clear your path! I do get a bit of a party girl energy which is not surprising considering I was picking up on Sag.
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This DF does not have a problem fulfilling her emotional needs. You will always make sure your cup is full. You will always make sure you are having a good time. You realizes that you have this amazing, fortunate energy and unapologetically harnesses it to get the most out of life. I think your DF self is also likely to be single and happy that way. Picking yourself up after disappointments in love is no problem because there are plenty more where they came from. You have an abundant mindset when it comes to love and life.
Advice: Queen of Wands, The Hanged Man, Ace of Swords, 5 of Cups. Bottom of deck is 5 of Swords + Ghost (Oracle)
In order to channel this DF energy, some of you may literally have to ghost someone. I am not surprised the energy of having to cut people off has been coming up. Sometimes the company we keep can really hinder our growth and self-expression. The hanged man is about surrender and next to the ace of swords, I sometimes see this combo as maintaining no contact. Ghost could also be taken literally.
But I think Ghost is also talking about a tendency toward self sabotaging and shrinking yourself. This is the total opposite of the DF energy that I just channeled. Its like the past and your insecurities have a tendency to haunt you and keep you stuck. You may also try to make yourself invisible. In the guidebook, the word forgotten repeats itself twice for this card:
The Ghost lingers, forlorn and forgotten. Keywords: Hidden, Mystery, Forgotten, Spiritual Matters, Fears, Faith
You will need to work on your self-confidence. When you are more confident in yourself, you will be more confident in your decision making abilities. You will be more authentic with the way you present yourself to the world because it won't matter whether people approve or disapprove. You know who you are. With the 5 of cups, there could be something that you are still grieving or regretting but you can bounce back from this! Channel your inner phoenix and allow yourself to blossom. Its time to reinvent yourself!
Be open to all the great things life has to offer you. Guided meditations for gratitude and self-confidence/self-love could be very beneficial. Trust that the flow of life is always leading you to something wonderful. Trust that you are allowed to call the shots in your reality. Do your part then trust and let go.
TL;DR: Your DF energy is very spicy! She is popular and free-spirited. She knows that life has so many different adventures to offer and she does not let anything stop her from exploring them. This DF is likely to be single or somewhat noncommittal. She does not mind flying solo and knows she can always find another mate. She is also quite lucky and manifests fortunate events with ease. To channel this energy you will need to drop any dead weight and increase your confidence in yourself and your decision making abilities. You could benefit from some form of self-help resources like books and guided meditations. And if it is accessible to you, therapy, support groups, or other resources that will help your create a stronger you.
Pile 4
Off the bat: I am getting a pretty serious energy. Some domme energy or you could just be a pretty dominant woman. This could be describing you or your DF energy. I keep hearing strawberries and champagne. Is that even a real thing? I've never met anyone who enjoyed that combo.
4-Card Spread: 4 of Clubs, Jack of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts, and Ace of Spades. Bottom of deck is Queen of Spades
I am still getting some of that super assertive and stern feminine energy. I could see your DF self working being a principal. I am also hearing headmaster/headmistress. I think she would love working with children but not in the traditional, mushy-gushy light feminine way. Its more of a "I have/enforce rules because I love you" type of energy . You believe in structure and order. If this isn't working with children, this could also apply to raising children. I could also see this DF running an orphanage. I did hear "rule the roost" while I was shuffling, so no matter how this resonates, you definitely are not afraid to lead.
You are generous and wise. Beneath the stern exterior is a lot of love and compassion. Your soft spots are not visible until you take a closer look at what you invest your time and energy into. This kind of energy could also attract less mature suitors, because it intimidates them yet they are so infatuated. You carry yourself with grace and probably won't entertain them. You are much more suited to be their mentor than anything.
Going back to the original domme energy I was getting. You may actually prefer partnerships that allow you to wear the pants. You don't really want a masculine energy coming in and dictating to you. You can run your own life just fine and would rather partner up with someone who can understand that. I don't think you want someone that is "weak" either, its more like you desire the cliche of the masculine that calls the shots in the board room but is more submissive/passive at home. They are secure enough to be with a feminine energy as strong as them.
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Some of you as DF would be comfortable living a "nontraditional" life. Nontraditional as far as feminine energy is concerned anyway. You may prefer live-in partners, or life partners, over traditional marriage. You could identify with being poly or something similar. You would love to travel and always seek to broaden your horizons. This is the type of person you would expect to have "summer homes." You could also decide to not have children or you would want to wait on having/adopting children. You love living authentically because of how freeing it is to just be you. You don't care what outsiders think of your life because you know you are doing what works best for you.
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Advice: 3 of Swords, 5 of Pentacles, 9 of Swords, Queen of Wands (R). Bottom of deck is The Devil + Soil (Oracle)
To channel this DF energy more, you will need to master the art of not giving a shit. Some of you could be currently suppressing this energy. I really don't think its that far out of reach for all of you. Its just your fear that is keeping you trapped.
For some of you this trapped feeling is because you are in the closet. I am not telling you to come out because I don't know how that would impact your life. I want you to stay safe! However, maybe you can seek out queer friendly spaces. Or spaces that are supportive of whatever group you identify with.
There could also be a heartbreak that has left you questioning yourself. In the Tarot de Carlotydes, the 9 of swords is depicted as a woman chained in a dark room, with a flower in her hand and broken heart drawn on a piece of paper. I always see this card as being tortured over a disappointment. In this particular deck, I see as a mental prison that you feel trapped in because you are clinging to and rehashing an event. Holding onto this event keeps the pain fresh or recurring. It is time to release it.
Do not internalize other people's actions and shortcomings. It is not a reflection of you. You are who you decide to be. Do not dim your shine for anyone. Do not stunt your growth either. I'm not sure what it is that is holding you back but you have the potential to be the brightest star! You can be strong, and confident, and assertive. There is this little ball of power inside of you, that can grow if you allow it. Soil echoes the same message I am seeing in tarot. You must let yourself bloom:
The soil is a conduit of both growth and decay. Eyes forward, rooted to the past and reaching to the skies, she'll grow. Keywords: Balance, Forward, Growth, Duty, Building.
Some of you may use less than healthy tactics to cope. Maybe you should think of yourself like a plant. What are you fertilizing your soil with? What are you using for watering? Put the best in, get the best out.
TL;DR: Your DF energy is a L-E-A-D-E-R, okay?! She calls the shots in every area of her life. Some suitors are attracted to her because their immaturity is infatuated with her self-assured, mature energy. However, she prefers an equally strong partner at her side but this does not mean she wants to be led. No, she wants someone that respects her as an equal but allows her to take the lead. She lives life on her terms, loves on her terms, and does not care what anyone else thinks of that. She does have a soft spot but that is not for everyone. This nurturing energy could be channeled into working with children in some capacity. In order to step into this energy, you will have to untether yourself from insecurity and heartbreak. You already have this power inside of you, its only a matter of letting it grow. You don't have to deny what you have been through or the way it impacts you, but it also does not have to hold you back. Replace your unhealthy coping mechanisms with healthy ones.
As previously stated, I have a planned post that will expand on my views about feminine energy and other spiritual topics. I am really looking forward to sharing my thoughts and hope you all will chime in! I would love to start a discussion.
Until then ❤
~ K
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logansgaar · 10 months ago
throwing down a wild card that Ankarna saves Gorgug somehow and Gorgug takes on the Rage epithet on behalf of Ankarna to free her from that, while she takes back everything else true to herself. He's been learning so much about how to control Rage on a level previously unheard of and discovered a link between mathematics, music and Rage, if anyone can handle the pure raw Rage of a god and stay themselves it's Gorgug, like Lydia x100. He takes on all that Rage that corrupted Ankarna, freeing her, and wields it himself in a controlled manner that leaves him not a god himself but some kind of partial god like how people can become devils and archdevils and so on.
and now I'm going to dial it right back to reality lmao and say Gorgug probably just gets revived by one of his friends
still Gorgug Thistlespring a demigod of Protective Rage and Righteous Fury, linked to Ankarna, would be fucking dope. He's always talking about dads and that he'll take another dad but what about a new mom, huh? Momma Ankarna
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feminineaestheticart · 5 months ago
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there will be hard work ahead, but the oracle sees you coming out victorious 🔮
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the-clumsywitch · 1 year ago
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thevenusianlife · 1 year ago
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alexfromminecraft · 9 months ago
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today i decided i want to work with aphrodite n made her a lil altar, i pulled that oracle card right after <3
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2mysticmoons · 2 years ago
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geekynerfherder · 2 years ago
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'Goddess Of 10,000 Names' by Jimmy Manton.
Card art from the 'Isis Oracle' card set by Alana Fairchild, published in 2013 by Blue Angel Publishing.
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kikiskitchenwitchery · 2 months ago
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Happy whenever this finds you. For this post the timing is interesting but it doesn't matter. Some background that you may or may not be interested in. I have been a pagan for decades. I am an old queer pagan and have been since I was young. If you know me, that sentence makes so much sense. I have been working with the Morrigan for a very long time. I wasn't looking to do deity work. But the one thing I do know for fact is that if a deity wants to work with you, then you should probably look into that. For me it has been very interesting. I enjoy her company. But let's be honest. Since 2017 my practice over all has suffered from all the loss I have endured. I lost my mom in 2017 and frankly am just now coming to terms with how difficult that was. Not so much the death, but the circumstances around that. Since that time, death has been a relentless constant visitor. I lost my father at the beginning of November this year and that just... sucked. Again, the circumstances were pretty not great. So... now you are mostly caught up. I have been thinking about what I want 2025 to look like. Because all the holy and unholy things know I really don't need things to be like they have been. I have been plotting. Planning a year of KIKI. Sure that sounds selfish. It isn't. My whole life has been taking care of everyone else. And my well is empty. My soul is empty. I will be creating more. I will be working for me, on me, with me... but all of that will be FOR ME. FOR my future. That is where this deck comes in. I wasn't looking for a new deck. I was shopping for other people. But there she was. I even walked away from her... twice. I was at that store easily an hour or longer and I kept wandering back to this deck. I knew I could no longer put off reconnecting with my Goddess. I can no longer pretend that my spirit is just fine and not crying out in grief. It is one of those signs that the universe will always have my back, but I also need to have my own back. Anyway... have a magical day. Looking forward to deck interviews with friends.
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bloodrootarts · 1 year ago
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Virgo for my medieval style oracle cards. 2022.
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ariannafarricella · 2 years ago
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Happy Spring Equinox!
Here's the goddess Flora, the roman deity of flowers and spring, from my upcoming oracle deck for Lo Scarabeo Tarot: Inspirational Goddesses Oracle Deck.
Have a nice start of Spring everyone!
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succubusalchemist · 2 years ago
Queen of My World
I set limits to my world. Inside I am queen, and outside is lost. I am my world, and my world is me. I am royalty. There’s a space out, and a space in. There is my realm, and what is mine. And there are other places. I will not care if my world is made of thorn and ice... and if it is carved by my blood. My world is my world. I rule, I decide it’s borders, and I am the law. I am the princess, I am the blood, in the veins of its heart. I am the warrior, and the bride. I am alone, and I am the first among many. Be fearful of my world, because it’s paved my hopes and dreams. But you have no power there. I am greater than the stars, and more beautiful than the moon.
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thehighpriestess17 · 8 months ago
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Full Moon 🌕♑️ (6/21/24)
Divine Feminine 💕
It’s a reflective and quiet energy passing through. While things may have been exciting and busier with the past new moon in ♊️, it has settled down. This is by design. You’re being guided to take some time to enjoy the quiet moments bc it won’t last forever. You may wish you enjoyed it more while it was here.
Aside from that, your sprit team wants to help you strengthen your connection to your intuition to enhance your own psychic abilities. There’s a dream, vision, or download waiting to be revealed once you settle into this silence. Over the next 2 weeks, set a schedule to sit with yourself, even if it’s for 5 mins, just be silent and breathe deep. The quieter you become the easier it will be to hear. Don’t force the messages, just make the space for them. They will come.
-Keep a dream journal. The messages may come thru dreams.
-Cleanse yourself and the room before meditating/ sleeping with sound, smudges, spiritual baths, candles etc.
- Listen to crown chakra healing frequencies before or during meditation/sleep.
Oracle cards used in this reading 🔮 :
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apolloslyrics · 11 months ago
Hii! Can I get a deity identification if it's possible?? I don't really know how this works since I'm new to this but I wonder if there's a deity wanting to work with me! My initials are LC
Thank you!!!
Hiii LC! I can totally try to give you a deity ID!
The deck that I felt called to was Tarot Draconis, so I'll be using that in your reading today!
This is the spread I'll be using if you want to view it:
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On with the reading!!!
These are the cards pulled:
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I'll get on with the definitions now; feel free to interpret these however YOU want to. If something doesn't resonate, that's okay! This is just how I personally see the reading.
Card One: Two of Pentacles
This card, representing the deity themselves, has to do with time management, prioritization, and adaptability. The number two in tarot relates to balance and moving forward. To me, this points out that the deity is often depicted as protective and balanced. Letting go, combined with time management and prioritization, looks to me like this deity holds balance and safety as extremely important.
Card Two: Ten of Swords
The Ten of Swords points to a more negative trait of this deity. This card represents painful endings, deep wounds, betrayal, and loss. The number ten talks about final outcomes and the end of a current cycle. To me, this deity seems like someone who is not afraid to tell the truth, even if it hurts. Even if the truth feels like the end of the world, and even if it brings about difficulties, it's still needed. This deity most likely is viewed as one who brings about major change, as well. They could be someone grieving an end, or known to have gone through a betrayal.
Card Three: Strength
This card is a more positive trait of the deity; they gave the major arcana card Strength. Strength is number 8 in the deck; the number 8 is about work, change, and getting where you need to go. Strength itself means courage, patience, control, passion, and of course, strength. This deity is one that leads you onto a better path. They change things about YOU. They bring in confidence; however, despite their earlier mention of painful truths, they are often patient with their practitioners. They teach how to be confident and courageous, but ultimately, it's up to you to actually get there. They are just there to guide you.
Card Four: Ten of Cups (reversed)
Ten of Cups reversed means disconnection, misaligned values, and struggle. The number ten, as stated before, brings about endings and final outcomes. It looks like this deity represents those who are struggling, especially in relationships and communication. Their practitioners may have trouble with communicating their values to others, and therefore, struggle to keep up with healthy relationships. These could be platonic, familial, or romantic.
Card Five: Five of Cups
The final card, the Five of cups, talks about regret, failure, disappointment, and pessimism. This deity isn't associated with positive, light-hearted topics. It could be that their mythology is filled with mistakes and accidents.
I used my pendulum to ask a few questions about the deity. Here are their answers:
1. Are you a Greek deity?
2. Are you a Norse deity?
3. Are you from a different pantheon?
4. Are you a god?
5. Are you a goddess?
Based on these answers, I found that the deity you are looking at is a greek goddess. This may not make sense just yet, but in my mind, I believe you might want to reach out to Demeter.
I'll explain my reasoning for this answer now.
For Card One, which talks about care and the self, as well as balance, reminds me of the balance of Earth. Not only that, but Demeter does have care for her daughter; she prioritizes Persephone in much of her mythology. She also takes care of the Earth, and brings about the seasons, which plays into the balance and care part.
Card Two, which represents a negative trait, brought about betrayal and loss. If you've heard of the myth of Persephone and Hades, you'll find that Demeter was deeply hurt by the actions of Hades. This, along with the fact that she is strict with those who listen to her teachings, further point me in her direction.
Card Three, the positive trait of Demeter, talked about patience and control, as well as change. Demeter was deeply connected with her daughter, Persephone; she was (and is) a loving mother, a patient woman. However, she has no patience for those who do not abide by her teachings or those who are foolish. She is one that believes that to get where you want to go, you need to work for it. This might also symbolize her ruling over agriculture (which requires a lot of work).
Card Four stumped me for a moment. How does Demeter help with communication? How does she aid in relationships? When I looked deeper into her mythology and the meanings of this card, I played into the "communication" part rather than the relationships part. She was known to instruct mankind in law. Because agriculture is seen as a social condition, Demeter is known as a peaceful and law-giving goddess. You can look into this more here.
Card Five, which reminded us of her associations, pointed out regret, accidents, and mistakes. If you think about it, of course Demeter felt a lot of regret and grief when Persephone was first taken to the underworld. Also, looking into her mythology, some not-so-positive things she's done include turning Ascalaphos into an owl, turning Abas into a lizard, and cursing the sirens. These were all reasonable; just not positive.
Another note I'd like to add is that Demeter is known as a goddess of strength; "her nod shook a countryside."
I think that is all I have! You may interpret these how you like; I may be completely wrong. This is just how I see it. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
And as always, take care of yourselves 🫶
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jgoddesstarot · 1 year ago
Beautiful Faces - Vol. 2 Deck
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✨🌍 Unveil the Magic: "Beautiful Faces of the Major Arcana" - Second Edition! 🌈✨
Tarot enthusiasts and lovers of diversity, rejoice! 🎉 The second edition of our beloved "Beautiful Faces" collection is here, bringing you the "Beautiful Faces of the Major Arcana," a tarot-inspired deck that's a celebration of global beauty and spirit. 🖌️🔮
Crafted with love and a dash of AI magic, each card is a window into the soul of the world, connecting you to the universal themes of love, hope, and the rich tapestry of cultures that adorn our planet. 🌏💖 Designed with the intuitive heart in mind, this deck is your mystical companion on a journey of self-discovery, relationship exploration, and a peek into the future. 🌟💑
Embrace the fusion of art, diversity, and intuition. Start your journey with a deck that not only speaks to the heart but celebrates the beautiful mosaic of humanity. 🎴❤️ Available now for those ready to explore the depths of their soul and the beauty of our world. 🚀
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#Tarot #Diversity #BeautifulFacesMajorArcana #IntuitiveSoul #GlobalBeauty #ArtAndMagic
2 notes · View notes
qldqueerboy · 2 years ago
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It certainly has the feeling as if you are constantly verbally criticised today from every quarter you turn for help. It feels personal. It could be that these people are envious of the inner light of worthiness, happiness and love that you boldly radiate as you go about your business. It is easier said than done but the lesson today seems to suggest that you need to learn to loudly communicate what makes you shine so brightly regardless of the opinions of others.
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