outspeakings · 1 year
"A reard of many waters"
I remember seeing in the Godbook a reard being retched as "as many waters". Seeking, I saw it is a retching of and God's and Christ's reard (from Ezekiel 43:2 and Wraying 1:15 thasly). Lately came to me something that can at least get close to what it lides like.
Have you ever heard a crowd in a footballspird? You may already know whither I'm going. The reards of sere folk screaming or only speaking in oneswey end up sweying as if they were an afold reard, it doesn't lide like sere reards, but rather a new one shows up. Although it sunders between he- and shereards, for the andeven of men and women in the crowd, the onalikeness belives. Won't you say this crowdreard doesn't lide like "many waters" too? I find it so chirten and even soothing to hear, even if it's not thousands of folk.
That's as close as I can ofthink what Christ's reard may lide like. Does it make anyet to you? It's easy to ween it's loud and strong, showing all His mighty; He is God after all.
The meaning
Anyone who reads the Godbook can underyet that a lot of things said in there are leethy, have, so to speak, a bodily and a rowny meaning. The soothquid Christ's reard lide like many waters doesn't mean only chirtenness, mighty; in truth, I would only say it gives the feeling of mighty, not that it's the meaning of it. It turns out the word "water" here may not have been brooked hapsomely.
The telling of the Godbook brooks understandings, words we know to retch things we're not even able to fully understand, but they help us to get a hint. I heard that water has the meaning of wisdom, so Christ's reard liding like many waters may mean that He is the from of wisdom. Althought I've never saw it in the Godbook, it could easily be true. Eked to it, and this can be found in the Godbook, water is brooked by Christ when talking about a soulkind need: "Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink." That means that those who need to fill their soul, let them follow Him, for He is the way to do so. Christ having a reard of waters hints that He is the one who can give fullness of soul, that His words, been followed, will quench the thirst.
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okgodbooks · 4 years
I was praying one night and heard God speak to me. God said, “Sell all your possessions, quit your job and travel America. I’ll protect you.” A sane person might think I’ve lost it. I’m not claiming I’m perfectly sane or anyone else on planet earth is either. I’m just saying when you hear God’s voice telling you to do something you better listen. “Ok, God, if that’s what you want.” was my reply.
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edivaldofontes · 3 years
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A editora VLM Press em parceria inédita com a GodBooks do Brasil vai lançar em Março o primeiro livro fruto de uma parceria entre duas editoras. De autoria do escritor, pastor, teólogo Emanuel Carvalho, A Cura é uma obra extraordinária que oferece uma solução para os males da vida e desta geração. Aguarde mais detalhes do lançamento, data e local. Estamos muito entusiasmados com essa nova aliança e contamos com o apoio de sempre da comunidade brasileira na Flórida e em todo o país. #vlmpress #godbooks #emanuelcarvalho #acura #editoravlmpress #livros #livrosemportugues #livrosdeautoresbrasileiros #lancamento #lancamento2022 #lançamentovlmpress @emanuelrcarvalho @christianyrebelo @vlmpress @editoragodbooks @edivaldoafontes @abiinter @marcelasimonato @acontecemagazine https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ3VyCqscEw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aestheticwordss · 5 years
heracles stands alone
his family murdered by his own hand
forced to do labour for an act he didn’t commit
he knows he is being strung along
the gods are his puppetmasters
but he cannot do anything differently
he dances, knowing his body with collapse from the exhaustion
sometimes he hopes it will
his final act, is dying in a pyre, because of another divine manipulation
the final laugh is still not for him
when he becomes a puppet master
and yet
despite the godly powers
heracles still stands alone
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nightmarist · 7 years
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Finally added more ! 
Gunna add Sigyn, Hodr, and Nerthus next xoxo
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markrosewater · 2 years
In today's article, you quote the art descriptions. In a few places it made reference to three digit numbers.
"Location: A room at the Lat-Nam Tolarian academy, like the one on 321"
Are those page numbers in the concept art/godbook?
That’s from the World Guide.
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memecucker · 4 years
there’s a post on here i saw that said something along the lines of how GRRM basically used the latter parts of the GOT show as a beta test for how well plot threads would be received and that seems like a misinterpretation of how GRRM let the show runners look at his notes and godbook and stuff bc if you read the books they clearly set up things entirely differently when the show began to approach the current point in the books including with some of the cliffhangers. Eg; there will certainly be nothing like Theon and Yara/Asha beating Euron to Meereen and warning Dany not to trust him because his fleet has already reached the city while Theon and Yara/Asha had been captured by Stannis who is also actually successfully building a power base in the North by virtue of being the only alternative to Bolton rule for Stark loyalists. And that’s not even mentioning major book characters not at all in the show like Lady Stoneheart or Old Griff and Young Griff.
Also i actually tried to look up if the show runners ever explained why they left out Lady Stoneheart and they basically said they didn’t want to spoil a certain cliffhanger in the books involving her which like is a really dumb excuse in that instance bc “Zombie Catelyn Stark who feels only hate and a desire for revenge so strong she kills children affiliated with Lannisters, Boltons or Freys with no hesitation” isn’t exactly a concept that would be hard to take in an original direction (especially since the last action she did while alive in both the books and show was killing a child). But that aside I think the statement about deliberately avoiding plot developments that would act as “spoilers” for the books is actually something that went into the writing and why certain elements in the later seasons felt a bit disjointed (I mean, the ultimate reason is still that they rushed season 8 by speedrunning resolutions for series long slow builds so the showrunners could go onto that Confederate alt history show that got cancelled and that Star Wars project which was also cancelled but this is still part of it i think). So basically in knowing the direction of the books they intentionally went in entirely different directions and pulled an FMA ‘03 (though at least FMA 03 tried to be creative with the ending...)
Anyway the only reason i’m saying this is is bc the show makes it canon that Jon is the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar and i’m lowkey hoping that means this isn’t the case in the books bc jfc so many RLJ people in the book fandom are so fucking insufferable bc they also usually believe it was a love marriage and end up sounding like Sansa at the beginning by just thinking the most romantic version of events is the true one and are basically obnoxious shippers but it’s in a fandom where shipping isn’t a big thing so it also feels weird and think the fact that anything that could be interpreted as a hint of Lyanna and Rhaegar’s child being someone else (*cough* Young Griff *cough*) or the stuff about Ned being in love with Ashara Dayne are just “red herrings” as if GRRM hasn’t been fully aware for a long time that a large chunk of the fandom basically thinks RLJ is as good as canon anyway this has been a rant i’ve been rereading the books and rewatching the show in chunks
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I really need to finish a godbook this is embarrassing.
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nauticaaaa · 4 years
Any Islamic book recommendations ?
1.Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey Into the Heart of Islam
by A. Helwa
2.Revive Your Heart: Putting Life in Perspective
by Nouman Ali Khan
3.Prayers of the Pious
by Omar Suleiman
4.The Productive Muslim: Where Faith Meets ProductivityBook 
by Faris Mohammad
5.Allah LovesBook by Omar Suleiman
6.The Art of Letting GodBook by Mizi Wahid
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Oh jesus christ here come the very much unwanted friend requests from every other Old One. Fuck.
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altasabedoria · 3 years
#Motivador #Reciprocidade #Godbook
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stellahmupanduki · 7 years
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Benefit from the Stellah Mupanduki Anointed Books written by the Finger of God Almighty and be set free from all kinds of illnesses, troubles and strongholds in this life.
When you feel weak, defenseless and hopeless, when you have encountered challenging situations in your body and life, simply reach out for the Stellah Mupanduki healing and moulding books breathed by the Holy Spirit and find and regain your strengths in a powerful and revived way. There is divine and powerful healing for you in every area of your life coming down from God Almighty for your life and peace and happiness...You will feel well, guided, comforted and strengthened in the powerful healing flow of God Almighty who created you and everything in this universe...You are a beautiful flower of God Almighty and he nurtures you with his holy healing protecting and blessing presence....These prophetic, living and active, God-given healing books will prove to be true to your life and circumstances as God Almighty himself is True and Faithful in everything...God never fails and God does not lie...He is full of love and mercy as is revealed in these divine healing books of all times...Hallelujah...Holy Spirit, you God and you are good all the time...
Sacred Writing...Sacred Healing
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okgodbooks · 4 years
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Ok God If that’s what you want original hand written journals from Author Ian Cranston
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edivaldofontes · 3 years
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A editora VLM Press em parceria inédita com a GodBooks do Brasil vai lançar em Março o primeiro livro fruto de uma parceria entre duas editoras. De autoria do escritor, pastor, teólogo Emanuel Carvalho, A Cura é uma obra extraordinária que oferece uma solução para os males da vida e desta geração. Aguarde mais detalhes do lançamento, data e local. Estamos muito entusiasmados com essa nova aliança e contamos com o apoio de sempre da comunidade brasileira na Flórida e em todo o país. #vlmpress #godbooks #emanuelcarvalho #acura #editoravlmpress #livros #livrosemportugues #livrosdeautoresbrasileiros #lancamento #lancamento2022 #lançamentovlmpress @emanuelrcarvalho @christianyrebelo @vlmpress @editoragodbooks @edivaldoafontes @abiinter @marcelasimonato @acontecemagazine https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ3Sv-4uKDz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aestheticwordss · 5 years
your lips are like venom
moving between mine
i feel the poison
and i keep going for more
your gaze is like stone
i freeze beneath it
willing to bend
to anything you wish
your hair is like a nest of snakes
pulling me in as i run my fingers through
soft and beautiful
ready to bite at any moment
your are like a puppetmaster
stringing me along
putting on a charade
waiting for me to fall
and turn to stone
beneath you
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#JulianBarnes, #LoveEtc, #Love, #Novel, #GoodReading, #godbooks, #NiceBooks, #EntertainingBooks, #books, #Entertaining, #Good http://bit.ly/2ivwWxJ http://bit.ly/2jzfJoV
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