Books of Healing For Terminal, Rare & Chronic illnesses
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stellahmupanduki · 4 years ago
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Lungs Renewed: Be Healed From Lung Cancer, by Stellah Mupanduki
This powerful and unique book of lungs is living and active and is very helpful. Believe this: The fact that you have come across this living and active, holy healing, cleansing and protecting book for the healing of body and lungs, means that God Almighty has led you to this book and he wants you to be healed and you will be healed in the name of Jesus Christ, the lamb of God who took away the sins of the world. This soulful book touches your body and lungs with the healing flow of God Almighty. It removes the spirit of lung diseases like; lung cancer, COPD, cystic fibrosis, Asthma, lung failure, collapsing lungs, COVID 19, damaged lungs and all chronic, terminal and rare lung diseases., it gives strength to your lungs and removes all lung troubles. It touches all body with divine healing, cleansing and protection. The Holy Spirit of the Sovereign God intercedes on your behalf using his vessel for his glory and honour. You will find your salvation and peace, joy and happiness filled with good health when you have this holy healing book that touches and removes terminal illnesses, rare and chronic diseases. Remember this principle: God is the answer and God Heals in fullness and he will heal you as you read this blessedly blessing book of all times..
Chapter 1… Lungs Special
Chapter 2… Be Healed From Lung Failure
Chapter 3… The Third And The Fourth
Chapter 4… Fifth And Sixth
Chapter 5… Be Healed From Lung Cancer
Chapter 6… Lung Cancer Conquered
Chapter 7… My Body and Lungs
Chapter 8… Lord Heal Me From Lung Cancer Caused by Smoking
Chapter 9… Be Healed From Cystic Fibrosis
Chapter 10… Prayer For Deliverance From COVID 19
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stellahmupanduki · 4 years ago
Blood of Jesus...
I am also made holy by the blood of Jesus...I Love the blood of Jesus...cleanses...sets me free..makes me clean...sinfree...honour the blood of Jesus...fame to the blood of Jesus...I only know of the blood of Jesus..makes me holy...everywhere is the blood of Jesus...glory be to the blood of Jesus...thank you Jesus for the blood on the cross...hosana Baba..blood of Jesus...all churches speak of the blood of Jesus...Father, we come cleansed by the blood of Jesus......goodness in the blood of Jesus...I am happy in the blood of Jesus...I walk in the blood of Jesus..wonderful blood of preserves me...I cry for the blood of Jesus..
...I only know of the blood of Jesus
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stellahmupanduki · 4 years ago
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In the book: Joyful Wells of Salvation by Stellah Mupanduki, there is a firm promise of God that He will make this world beautiful in His divine moulding and protection
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stellahmupanduki · 4 years ago
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God Almighty will summon His power and strength to save His world and people...
Anointed Author Stellah Mupanduki...For Global Love.
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stellahmupanduki · 4 years ago
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You will never reach a zero point in your life when you have the Stellah Mupanduki books given to you by the Lord God Almighty using a human vessel for your salvation, ability, stability, good health, success, breakthroughs, joy and happiness in the name of Jesus Christ...
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stellahmupanduki · 4 years ago
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A glimpse of parents of Author Stellah Mupanduki...picture as book cover and another picture taken 1963....
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stellahmupanduki · 4 years ago
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stellahmupanduki · 4 years ago
Stellah Mupanduki (author) on AuthorsDen
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stellahmupanduki · 4 years ago
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stellahmupanduki · 4 years ago
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stellahmupanduki · 4 years ago
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Anointed Author Stellah Mupanduki of Jesus Christ....
My principle as a vessel of the Almighty One is to pray continually against all odds in my life. As long as I am praying and being in the righteous will of God Almighty for His Name’s sake, I go with the flow and let God to be God in every area of my life and the work of my hands. In my life, the Holy Spirit connects with me strongly around 2 am- 4 am. This is the best time for me to receive his holy giving, guidance and revelation for my life and the work of my hands through him in great peace and  silence...Praise be to the Lord and Master of my life. Reader, when you feel you cannot sleep at any particular time of the night, go into prayer in your silence and try to listen to your heart in that stillness and you will find the Lord. and your life will change for the best in His Name. The Holy Spirit will reveal himself to you concerning your life....
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stellahmupanduki · 4 years ago
Hoyo Mushandiri Washe - Zimpraise Season 12 (Back to God) Zimbabwe/Shona
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stellahmupanduki · 5 years ago
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It is good for any person who reads the Stellah Mupanduki books to give testimony of the goodness of God happening so that other people who are not strong in faith can be encouraged and be helped to seek their salvation. Whatever you are going through, the hand of God will reach you and lift you up from the troubles surrounding your life....
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stellahmupanduki · 5 years ago
Are these books supposed to heal the body from various illnesses forever? As it physically heal it, like healing a wound?
Dear Anonymous
These books are meant to help and bring healing to those who believe in the power of God to bring healing and salvation. There is nothing impossible for God. If you have faith in God, then these books will deliver you from any stronghold. From my experience as a vessel of the Holy Spirit of God, I say to you, yes, God heals wounds and any disease. When you read the Stellah Mupanduki books, breathed by the Holy Spirit of the Sovereign God, you will know the truth and that truth will set you free. You will be fine. Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ.
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stellahmupanduki · 5 years ago
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The eyes of the Lord are upon me. He sustains me with his love and mercy. I am the beautiful one of God in the name of Jesus Christ....Get the Stellah Mupanduki books and eBooks and be beautiful....God heals everything. Try these books and see for yourself
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stellahmupanduki · 5 years ago
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d dwell I feel beautiful, in the presence of God, nurtured by God Himself...Get this life changing book and dwell in the righteous moulding presence of the Almighty One and be happy all the days of your life in the salvation and peace of God Almighty....
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stellahmupanduki · 5 years ago
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The Lord who is our God and Saviour, says this; “You will overcome trials and all troubles as nations in my salvation and righteousness. You prosper as nations, continents and all people. The days of troubles are over, I am with you and in you my people; and nations. Be in my rest”  declares the Lord God Almighty, the Sovereign I AM
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