#god whumper
whumpsoda · 7 months
OOO HAVE A PROMPT! a god whumper taking whumpee—a mortal—and making them into a suggestible immortal consort. whumpee can barely remember being human, and all that matters is that they feel safe near whumper
So I made a mistake where I wrote a whole thing for this, then read this ask again and realized it wasn’t really what was asked… So I guess I have two things?? The correct one is first, and I’ll post the second under it😭
cw: god whumper, immortal whumpee, human caretaker, dehumanization, brainwashing
“I… Whumpee?” 
The two met one another’s gaze, one pair of eyes terrified and desperate, the other hollow and sunken.
The immortal stood tall, draped in fanciful robes and numerous strings of extravagant jewlery, which jingled with every movement. The human kneeled, hunched over in filthy garments, sore wrists shackled behind his back.
“Oh, Whumpee… is it really you?” Caretaker studied the figure, digesting the image of their old friend. The relief was short lived, overridden by the uneasiness bubbling in their starving stomach. “What happened to you?”
Whumpee, the boisterous, ball of positivity that they had missed so dearly, was staring them down blankly. Their eyes were devoid of emotion, their expression vacant and empty.
Where was the giddy, sunshine smile Caretaker had scoured the land for?
After a moment of silence, Whumpee’s lips parted in passive fashion. “Who, is Whumpee?” Their face contorted, an unpleasant scowl forming from their delicate features.
“No… no, you are Whumpee. It’s… it’s me, buddy. It’s Caretaker.” He let out a shaky breath, wriggling inside the metal cuffs scratching at his wrists. “I- I found you, Whumpee. I’m going to rescue you, and, and I’m going to bring you home.”
Whumpee’s brows furrowed, their muscular body towering over the human. “This, foolish human, is my home.” 
Caretaker could feel his heart shattering inside his chest. His lip quivered, as his strong smile began to falter. “W-whumpee, I don’t… I don’t understand… really, you don’t need to pretend, it’s me, I promise. Just let me out of these shackles, an’ I’ll get us out of here. Together, Whumpee.” Desperately, he wished he could’ve held out a warm hand to his friend.
“Well, wouldn’t that be nice.” A booming voice enveloped the room, an overwhelming presence filling the air. Whumpee’s expression flipped, a wide, dull eyed smile stretching across their face as they turned to face the sound.
An enormous, mystical figure began to materialize, catching the full attention of the two on-lookers. Whumpee clasped their hands together, enraptured with the sight of the god. 
“Greetings, darling. I see you’ve met our guest over there.” Whumper affectionately pet the top of Whumpee’s head, grinning smugly at Caretaker. 
Caretaker stuttered, their brain scrambled in a gummy clutter of confusion. “I- Whuh… Whumpee..?” 
Whumper cupped their novelty’s face, admiring their docility. “Don’t bother. They haven’t been the ‘Whumpee,’ you speak of, for a long time. Isn’t that right, little one?” Whumpee nodded eagerly, the words seemingly flying right over their head.
“Whatever you say, master.” Whumpee muttered, leaning into the god’s heavenly touch. Their head tilted as Whumper warmly scratched at the skin below their chin. 
Whumper expelled a short exhale of contentment, before meeting Caretaker’s terrified eyes once again. “Such a good one, aren’t they? I do always make a point to let them know that such subservience suits them exceedingly well.” Whumpee sank to their knees, enraptured with the sensation of such glorious itch.
Caretaker, no matter how much he tried, could not move a muscle. The situation was too much for him to handle, too horrifying for his brain to digest.
“What… what did you do to them..?”
Whumper laughed boisterously, the sound practically mocking the human at their feet. “I gave them purpose, dear. To serve at the will of a magnificent god, devoting every fiber of their feeble being to me for the rest of eternity.” Whumpee let out a pleased sigh at the thought.
“N-no, please… not Whumpee.” Tears pricked at Caretaker’s red rimmed eyes. Their lips twisted into a pleading smile. “Take, take me instead! You can do whatever you want to me, just let Whumpee go!”
“Oh, darling, I was already planning on it. Keeping you as well, that is.” Their wicked grin only grew, shaking the human to his core. “The two of us could use another friend, wouldn’t you agree, dear?” They questioned Whumpee.
“Whatever pleases you, master.”
Whumper chuckled at the devoted mumble of their companion, continuing to litter Whumpee with pets and scratches that turned their will to mush. 
“I mean, it’s not like I could even return them, anyways. I have no means of undoing such a clean slate. So no use in getting your hopes up.” 
Before Caretaker could protest, a humongous hand began traveling toward him. Set into a frenzy, he frantically made the attempt to kick himself out of reach. “I’m not going to hurt you. Just look at your friend over there, they’re certainly enjoying it.”
Whumper’s hand soon caught up with the human, beginning a soothing stroke to his hair. Caretaker watched in horror at the way Whumpee mindlessly nuzzled into the touch, all the while wiggling under the god’s touch himself.
The reality of the situation quickly set in, Caretaker’s breaths becoming fast and thin. 
Soon, that would be him. His mind wiped clean, just a toy for the entertainment of an all powerful god, for the rest of eternity. 
It was obvious that Whumper took notice of his distress, their face softening. 
“Don’t worry, little one. You won’t feel a thing.”
Here’s the second one if anyone actually wants to read it…
The god turned to the door, beckoned by the creak of its centuries old hinges. He eyed his two guests as they entered the room, one in a handsome suit, the other draped in exquisite robes. 
“The procedure has been completed, sir.” The one in the suit said, bowing toward Whumper. The other visitor gracefully stepped closer, then elegantly kneeled before them. 
“Thank you, child.”
“My pleasure, sir.” The servant kept his rigid eyes stuck to the floor as he spoke.
The enormous immortal descended to their own knees, mirroring the tiny human below them. Whumpee watched them with adoring, wide eyes. Cupping the human’s face with ginormous, soft fingers, they carefully adjusted their head. They studied the mortal intently, before expressing a content hum.
“Good, good. A beautiful one, aren’t you? An amazing catch, if I do say so myself.” Their supple grip loosened, transforming to a loop of gentle pets down Whumpee’s head. The countless strings of extravagant jewelry adorning the human jingled with each stroke.
“Thank you, sir.” They replied, giving Whumper a warm smile. They eagerly leaned into the God’s touch, nuzzling against the bliss of their hand. 
“Seems the alterations went perfectly. No more crying and fussing I see.” Whumper grinned, scratching the skin underneath Whumpee’s chin. 
“Definitely sir. They were wiped without issue, I assure you. The perfect mortal for the perfect god.” The servant spoke robotically, with a face devoid of emotion.
“Wonderful work. You may go now.” With a flick of the wrist, they shooed the dull man away. Without another thought, the servant made a quick and obedient exit.
“Now back to you.” Dominantly, the God swiped a finger under Whumpee’s chin, smoothly lifting their gaze to meet Whumper’s.
“How about I ask you a few questions, hm? Double check everything is working correctly?” Whumpee nodded eagerly. “Tell me your name , little one.” 
For a moment, the human’s eyes flickered, a flash of something underneath, which soon faded into assured comfort. “Whatever pleases you, master.” The response was devoted, trained, enticing a small sigh of satisfaction from the god.
“Very good answer. So smart.” Whumper lovingly stroked Whumpee’s glossy hair. “Tell me, what do you remember, my dear?” 
Whumpee pondered for a moment, obediently reaching into the depths of their mind for the correct answer. “I- I remember you, master. How dearly I love my master.” They gazed passionately at the immortal.
“Anything else, love? Any friends? Any family?”
“No, master. Those would simply be insignificant when compared to you.” Whumpee was swiftly rewarded with more heavenly scratches to the neck, eyes fluttering in delight.
“Just marvelous. Only one more question, and then I’ll let you relax.” Whumpee’s eyelids drowsily lifted, a pleased smile still evident on their lips. “Do you understand your role, little one? Your purpose here?”
Whumpee nodded heartily. “Most definitely, master. I am but a novelty, for the enjoyment and company of my master. The rest of my mere, mortal life will be subsequently dedicated to you.” They bowed before the god, resting their forehead to the ground. 
“Absolutely splendid. Your conditioning went just superbly! I must say it suits you.” Whumpee settled upright, heart melting from the praise. “The two of us will have such fun together, I promise you.” They flattened one large hand to the floor, beckoning Whumpee to advance.
The human elegantly neared, delicately placing themself in the palm of Whumper’s hand. Gently, hands wrapped around Whumpee’s frame as they lifted from the ground. 
After a moment of movement, Whumpee was graciously sat in the lap of their master. “Lie down, my dear.”
The mortal did exactly that, draping their tiny frame across the wonderous fabric that covered Whumper’s figure. 
As the god began to routinely sift several dainty fingers through the human’s hair, a continuous wave of pleasure washed over Whumpee with each repetition. Even if they had just been practically reborn, better and new, they were sure they had never felt such bliss in their life. 
Before Whumpee could give a proper thank you for such a sensation, they were silenced by the weight of an enchanting sleep. 
“Good night, little one. Sweet dreams.”
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whumpcloud · 1 year
consider: god of life whumper torturing poor mortal whumpee in unimaginable ways to test the limits of mortal life and of their own power and god of death caretaker treating mortal whumpee with care and reverence as they understand how important a life is and would not wish to damage a living being or take a life before its time
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loonybun · 1 month
ok screw it oc introduction be upon ye
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hi guys this is Rosé!!! I do have an in depth thing regarding his relationship with Adonis (another character of mine) and his whole transformation on my other blog so if you’d like to read that in more detail it’s right here.
CONTAINS: Cults/religion/sacrilege (evangelical nature), religious trauma and guilt, shunning, old timey homophobia and religion-based intersexphobia, historic stuff and some fun facts about the 1920’s, verbal abuse, manipulation, coercion, power dynamic (god and mortal), a really shitty partner and a shitter relationship, body horror, chronic illness, attempted suicide (multiple times multiple methods including overdose), rot and decay of the body, and love potions but for all the wrong reasons.
Rosé, formerly known as Roe Labat, was born in 1898 and raised in an evangelical cult. Ironically enough this has actually nothing to do with the wings and whatnot. That’ll come later. Being both intersex and albino, he was never truly accepted by the people around him. Some were kinder than others, sure, but it was all out of pity. In their eyes, he was already damned to an eternity in hell for the simple sin of existing.
He was a very docile and quiet child, rarely ever stepping out of line regardless of circumstances. He lived inside of the church, as his parents didn’t want responsibility of him. From an early age Roe understood that he was not something worthy of love, as even God had forsaken him. He was cared for out of obligation rather than actual genuine love, having religion almost constantly drilled into him.
When he was 18 (1916), he ran away from the cult’s village. He figured that he’d never make anything out of himself within it, and never be able to prove himself. Roe was also sick of being a burden. He had never been able to make friends due to the constant ostracism, and even though the people he was around changed to be a lot more open-minded, this remained a constant throughout his life. He started living in New Orleans and often frequented various parades and bars. Also he learned that he was queer and that messed him up for a bit. Despite being forsaken, he still tried his best to be a good follower given his circumstances, but the more he learned about the world around him, the looser his faith became.
Roe took an eventual interest in the “pansy performers” (drag queens in the 1920’s), though felt a lot of guilt and shame regarding considering the concept as a career. The more he thought about it though, he realized he didn’t have much else to lose.
He was a natural performer, able to say and do just the right things in just the right ways to provoke a positive reaction from the audience. Considering the more niche community at the time, he never really drew in big crowds, but what he had was enough for him to live off of in a nice 3 room apartment. He was able to afford relatively nice clothes for his performances when they weren’t provided, and quickly became skilled at makeup and wig styling. He also began dying his hair (yes hair dye was a thing in the 1920’s) and using mascara and heavier makeup in order to conceal his albinism, just because it drew some unwanted attention here and there. While he rarely encountered any trouble with the law, he had a few close calls given what he was doing was pretty illegal at the time. homophobia am i right…
Around when he was 24-25, he met “Don”, who claimed to be a cab driver, yet was almost always dressed to the nines in stylish and at times anachronistic clothing. They hit it off very quickly, relating over the strange feeling of being isolated from their peers. They started going out together soon after. It was Roe’s first real relationship, especially with another man, so to say he was a bit nervous would be putting it lightly. Regardless, Don was always very kind to him and patient with him. He was a bit suspicious of Don though since he was always very dodgy about his home life and really any personal details, however he just assumed they came from similar situations. Roe did theorize where his money was coming from and thought him to either be a bootlegger or a member of the mafia, though he never brought it up because in full honesty he didn’t care too much. He was already head over heels and a little illegal activity wouldn’t stop that.
The last thing he was expecting was Don— or rather, Adonis, to claim he was actually a god. And really really wasn’t supposed to be talking with Roe but just couldn’t help himself. Roe was shocked to say the least, and a little incredulous, but Adonis was very quickly able to prove he was telling the truth. Roe, despite having his entire worldview and years of his life shattered by this one man, decided to try and make things work between them. And it did, for a while. The gaps in Adonis’s visits made more sense now, since he couldn’t be away for too long without the other gods getting suspicious. And it was nice to not have secrets. Roe was able to open up to him about his childhood as well, and Adonis provided sympathy for him.
But good things can’t last forever. As time passed, their relationship grew progressively worse. Adonis got upset over increasingly small things, and while Roe understood his perspective and tried to accommodate him, it didn’t mean he was exactly pleased about it. Adonis began to grow concerned over the prospect of something happening to Roe. After all, he was mortal. Frail. Weak.
His solution to this? Well, get rid of the mortality. Roe wasn’t exactly on board with the idea, considering he quite enjoyed being able to perform and live in the city, and accepting Adonis’s offer would make that nearly impossible. Adonis was persistent though, bringing up the idea at any time despite how many times Roe tried to gently shoot it down. Roe eventually grew tired of this cycle and hesitantly accepted. Adonis claimed that this would make things easier— They could see each other more often, they wouldn’t have to hide, the chances of his whole relationship with a mortal being found out by the one person who could end his existence from breaking the rules moved close to 0, no real drawbacks! for him.
this is where the stuff in the post i mentioned earlier comes in. if you’ve already read it, yeah it gets bad. if you haven’t, here’s the brief explanation.
given the fact that mortal bodies aren’t exactly capable of handling literal godly essence, Roe’s body began to decay and break down. At first, it mimicked some sort of disease. His skin became dry and flaky, and his body felt oddly hot and uncomfortable. Painful sensations overtook his body and became almost constant. By the time things started melting and his organs began to fail, he already knew it was too late to reverse any of this. Any hope of continuing his career or life normally vanished completely. Adonis, however, was very happy about this new development! It had worked! yippee! so so much fun. Of course, he obviously remained as sympathetic towards Roe as possible, regardless of any underlying excitement.
Roe became agitated and frustrated because of the amount of pain he was in and how much he had lost. He wasn’t able to leave the house anymore. He began to snap and lash out at Adonis, picking a fight or making a snide remark whenever possible. Adonis hadn’t exactly seen this coming, but he still kept trying to de-escalate things, often in the form of telling Roe that he was acting unreasonable or hysterical (smart move!). Despite all of this, they stayed in their relationship. Roe was too terrified to be alone, knowing that whatever was happening to him would completely destroy any semblance of respect people had for him, and Don because he wanted to see it through.
Their fights got worse until Adonis finally snapped back, calling Roe an “ungrateful cunt” for not appreciating the love and support he’d oh so generously provided. He made it clear to Roe that nobody would recognize him as human anymore. Nobody would love or care about him. He’d be a freak to anyone other than him, so he’d better stop complaining or he’d lose him too.
This got through to Roe, and he stopped shouting. In fact, even if he wanted to, he couldn’t. It hurt too much to speak, to move, to breathe. Every step was agony. His body had contorted beyond recognition. Was it even worth it to continue like this? Would this be what the rest of his existence was like? Did he really want to live if it meant being in constant, unbearable agony?
Even if the answer was no, he hardly had much of a choice. He tried more humane methods at first. Overdose, drowning in the bathtub, smashing his head against the wall— Nothing worked. He was still alive. He was still alive. Why was he still alive? Was he alive? Was this what it meant to live?
He got more desperate. Stabbing at his stomach, burning his flesh, only it would only leave little splotchy marks that quickly faded. Or so he thought.
The area around the wound he’d made on his stomach began to rot, eating away at any organs or skin or muscle in its path. Eventually, his entire torso from the bottom of his spine to the top of his pelvis was gone save for his spine and a few bits of spare viscera.
When Adonis returned, he wasn’t happy to see what Roe had tried to do. He became incredibly upset with him for trying to leave the relationship in the only way he possibly could. Still, as long as Roe promised to stop, he’d forgive him. Roe obliged.
The fact that Roe wouldn’t talk to him became a source of frustration for Adonis. It felt intentional, spiteful. And it hurt. Every single question was met with a dulled response, as if he barely heard him. As if he hardly cared. It became a bit like spending time with a rock when he stopped responding all together. No matter what Adonis tried, he couldn’t seem to get Roe to react. It was at that point he realized that both physically and mentally, the person he’d fallen for was gone. Far, far deep down, he knew it was his fault. But still, there was hardly any point in staying. Roe would probably rot there forever, and what good would it do to watch over that?
And so he left. Roe realized that it was permanent maybe only a week or so later. Initially, he blamed himself. If he had put in a little more effort, he could have tried to respond, but the pain was too much to bear… The pain— The pain that had begun to fade now. Maybe a month after Adonis left, Roe began to regain his mobility, his strength, and while he was still in pain, it was no longer unbearable. It seemed more like a dull nagging now. The fog that the loneliness and agony had inflicted upon him began to lift as well, and all of that guilt quickly shifted and simmered into pure hatred.
Hatred that the new immortal would begin to inflict upon the world and the ones surrounding it. That would continue to build for years with only the set goal of revenge against the man that had wronged him. And while it cooled over time into a tepid resentment, it never truly faded. He was able to continue with life, though hardly on the same plane, confining himself to a dimension that only certain desperate souls could access. Souls desperate to save their relationships, souls desperate to have their so-called beloveds fall for them, wretched, vile souls. And he’d help them regardless. After all, what’s a worse offense to a love god than bastardizing the craft? Who cares if a few… Hundred lives get ruined? It’s fun to watch. It’s not his turn to suffer anymore. And he won’t be made a victim again.
ANYWAYS more extra info i DONT think i put on the other post but dont rlly wanna check:
Adonis is the god of Lust, Beauty, and Vanity
Roe took on his stage name Rosé after his transformation to distance himself from his past
Rosé has been collecting magic. For what purpose? Let’s not worry about that.
Rosé has the abilities to siphon magic and the life force from people. He doesn’t do this often unless something catches his eye that he wants to harness. It does mean he’s incredibly powerful though.
Rosé’s main abilities he gained directly from Adonis’s essence or whatever include being able to alter the emotions of others (he can force people to think certain ways and even do certain things), pocket dimension stuff, and object conjuring.
Rosé has a lot of side hobbies but his favorite is cooking. He really likes savory dishes, but he also likes sweet things.
Rosé is able to travel between different dimensions and such, and only exists as a “god” in (this) one.
Rosé has built up a reputation among a lot of magical creatures. None of them are quite sure what he is or how he seems to defy certain laws of existence but most see him as a relatively trustworthy supplier for love potions.
Every so often Rosé gets bored and chooses to single people out to mess with. Maybe he should stop doing that.
Rosé is VERY prone to breakdowns, and while he’s mostly able to stay professional, if someone’s around him for a prolonged period of time and something causes him to spiral he regresses into an incredibly different and much more desperate person.
Rosé (name aside) considers himself a liquor connoisseur (RED FLA) and does collect rare alcohols. he does have a tendency to drink heavily but considering his body can’t really process food or drinks it sort of just magically disappears. he is a talkative and very mopey drunk though. like will start full on venting about his life story.
He’s friends with Aisling!!! Friends is a very strong word!!!! Maybe the wrong word!!! But they they hang out sometimes and Aisling seems to enjoy his company a lot even if he can’t really understand why he keeps coming back if not out of fear or trying to use him so he keeps his distance. Aisling is honestly just worried about him and has sort of been able to slowly break down that Rosé maybe isn’t as absolutely terrifying as he first thought and is indeed just very. very lonely and maybe even a bit pathetic
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An Introduction to my Whump Ocs: The Lord's Favorite
Ethan Everest-Mann is, quite literally, an everyman. He works at an office job, drinks black coffee, and is rapidly approaching his 40th birthday. He likes dressing in business casual, watches the news, and has minimal free time. He's, in literally every sense of the word, boring. The most boring, normal person alive - and he's perfectly fine with that.
But for some reason, out of all the people in the universe, the One Who Watches, Lord with One Thousand Eyes, The Great Devourer, Collector of Worlds, The Bringer of Endings, Keeper of Time and Space, Ro'tharoth, has decided that Ethan is, in fact, his favorite mortal in all the worlds. He adores watching him, loves seeing what he does and says, and has made a human form just to talk to him! Ethan is his blorbo, the bestest human ever (in his opinion), and he'll happily spend all his time watching him when he's not bringing ends to worlds and extinguishing stars.
However, he's getting a bit bored with the usual things that Ethan is doing. And what does one do when canon is boring?
You put your blorbo in Situations. You make AUs. You write angst.
So Ethan is plunged into a variety of Situations - everything from being kidnaped and sacrificed by cult, to being falsely accused of murder and forced to run from the law, to dying stranded in space. He doesn't know when the world will change - usually it's after he dies a horrific and gruesome death, but it continually does, and he can't even die to have the nightmare end. He's the plaything of a cosmic god he can't even comprehend, let alone understand, and his sanity is fraying just as much as his body is mutilated.
Meanwhile, Ro'tharoth is having the time of his life! His favorite mortal is now doing so many new and interesting things, and it's so much fun to watch him try. Using that mortal form, he even gets to help in the stories - take care of his favorite character, heal him up, talk to him - it's all fantastic. He's sure that Ethan is having fun too, because he always resets the world after the really scary stuff, and he tries to comfort him after every new au through their human form, or letting him talk to them after they die.
Ethan, is, in fact, not having fun.
It's the relationship of a whumper and their whumpee on a cosmic scale, of knowing you're a character designed to recieve torture and pain for someone else's entertainment or catharsis, and how that would feel. They have a really fun dynamic, and I can't wait to share more - their arcs are really cool, and I love them so much.
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montammil · 2 years
Whumper is a god, and Whumpee was their first ever believer/follower. When Whumpee drifted apart, Whumper grew into a blind rage of betrayal and accidentally killed them, not knowing how fragile mortals can be, and mourning the loss of their first believer and best friend/family.
Several hundreds of years later, they come across someone who may not look or sound anything like Whumpee, but Whumper knows for sure that’s them.
They never plan on letting Whumpee leave them again, not through life or death.
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springwhump · 1 year
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having an intimate moment 💜
b&w version + reference under the cut
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Have some cult whump from a project im actively working on with friends
Disclaimer: This is written by two d.i.d systems, how Sparrow and Noxtis are wrote is from our experience as a system as well as from extensive research on how certain events affect the mind.
Characters mentioned Sparrow,Noxtis/Nox,Kris(former whumper and current whumpers mother) and their whumper
They sigh, “God, I am genuinely sorry for Sparrow and her actions. If I would have known that would have happened I wouldn’t have returned to school. I wouldn’t have risked everything not going to plan. I wouldn’t have risked her wanting to devote our collective to Kris,I’m sorry that I let you down,Sir. I’m sorry God, I don’t expect your forgiveness.”
"You don't deserve my forgiveness, pet. You let someone else take what was rightfully mine. You could have prevented it while still going to school, you know how to write, Noxtis. You could have kept a journal, or something. There was a lot you could have done to stop it." The grip on their shoulder was definitely tight enough to hurt now, and the god's voice was dangerously calm. "You know how easily I could end your pathetic life, dont you, pet?"
Noxtis let out a soft squeak in shock and slightly from pain. “I completely understand that I don’t deserve your forgiveness, God. I failed as a pet and as a partner. I tried to keep logs of everything, but eventually I got shoved into dormancy, around the time Sparrow came out of dormancy. “ They paused processing that they were most definitely in danger. “Yes my God,I know how easily you could end my life. I will accept any punishment you deem fit as I failed you. I’m sorry, God. “
"I half expected you to beg for your life." The grip releases, and Noxtis is roughly pulled into his lap. His fingers card through their hair, and he started braiding it. "Your punishment is that you're grounded from the snake for a week. He'll still be cared for though, don't worry."
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whump-queen · 14 days
thinking about
Whumper slamming whumpee face-first into the floor. Their powerful hands pressing—grinding whumpee’s delicate cheekbone into the ground, twisting their arm behind their back and wrenching it up until whumpee cries out.
The chills when whumpee feels those hands running up their torso, whumper’s low voice in their ear, ordering them to “hold still, cmon now, don’t resist me pretty, or I’ll be forced to do some real damage.”
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3-2-whump · 6 months
TW: Rape/Noncon, intimate whumper, obsessed whumper, domestic violence
Imagine this with me: an angry, jealousy-fueled noncon between whumper & whumpee. Clothes-ripping, hair-pulling, being bodily slammed into hard surfaces, no love nor lube, etc.
Imagine me, trying to decide who’s crying during this angry, jealousy-fueled noncon. I could go for the easy choice -because whumpee almost always looks good crying- but then, my partner said something about crying being an emotional outlet, which got my brain turning. If crying is an outlet for humans to let out emotions (any emotions), what if both of them were crying?
So now imagine with me: an angry, jealousy-fueled noncon between whumper & whumpee where both of them are crying.
Whumper is crying something like “What do they have that I don’t? Why am I not enough for you?!”
Whumpee is crying because “No, stop, it hurts, please, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
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king-of-mortar · 3 months
Hero regrets it now, that self-sacrificing idiocy.
Don’t blame them, they expected Villain to kill them. Grab them by the collar, put the gun to their head, and pull the trigger. They weren’t to know their arch-nemesis would hold them by their hair like a trophy and drag them home with them.
They hadn’t expected Villain to lean them against a wall, still too dazed and surprised to move, and get on their knee with a ring pulled off their own hand. They hadn’t expected Villain to say, without a hint of irony, “Will you marry me?”
And Hero had, of course, replied, “This is the shittest proposal ever.” Because it was. Villain’s foyer was dark and they’d not switched on the lights yet, and the night outside was ominous and eerily quiet. “The atmosphere’s off.”
Villain laughed at them, and then said, their voice assured, “Say it.”
“Say it! You have to. You insisted on martyring yourself, so see it through.” Villain smiled, all teeth.
“Yeah, I’ll marry you,” Hero had said, like Villain was asking to borrow their phone charger.
And so now they have to marry them, and for once in their life, Hero has no idea what to do. This is ridiculous, they’re confused, and worse, they’re afraid. But maybe Hero will get lucky. Maybe this is all a ploy, some creepy short-lived fantasy Villain is only orchestrating to plan Hero’s murder. Maybe they’ll be lucky, maybe they won't have to.
But Hero’s going to have to come up with something soon, because Villain seems like the kind of person to do things sooner rather than later.
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the-three-whumpeteers · 7 months
Forced into small cells and cages, the whumpee would often wake up sore and cold, barely ever being allowed out of their cage- and usually, that was only so the whumper could hurt them to their heart’s content. The whumpee would always panic when going back to their cage- the confined space only made their injuries and nightmares worse.
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loonybun · 3 months
been sort of obsessed with more like nature based whump including like hunting whump and the idea came to me of a hunter whumper using hunting dogs to track down whumpee. i just really like the imagery. worst of all is that they’d know the woods far better than whumpee ever could.
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 8 months
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yeah. he is.
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dainluvr · 1 year
I love the whole idea of Whumpee being missing for ages (months or maybe even years) and caretakers obviously moved on, found someone new to spend the rest of their life with. What they weren’t expecting was Whumpee showing up alive at their door in the middle of the night after they’d been presumed dead for the last however many months.
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whumpitisthen · 7 months
Whumpers who have a personal toy <333
Whumpers who have a little whumpee following them around like a pet <333
Whumpers who control and humiliate and abuse whumpee at every turn for entertainment and still expect whumpee to behave perfectly and obey them and look pretty doing it <333
Whumpers with a whumpee who is deathly afraid of them but who has no chance of getting away or even to just be themself because all that matters is keeping whumper content so they might be hurt less <333
Whumpers who coo down at whumpee and hold them close and know everything about them and are so involved with them in every possible way it seems like the two are inseparable <333
Whumpers with a favourite whumpee who is pitied and hated by all other whumpees because on one hand they get to be outside and do things and see things unlike the ones living in cells but on the other no one has to spend more time with whumper than them and that thought in itself is terrifying <333
Whumpers with accomplices and friends and colleagues and family and people who know them who also know what whumpee is and they not only tolerate their treatment, but sometimes even encourage it, if not join in <333
Whumpees who are just whumper's little things <33333333333
Whumpees who are accessories and toys and pets and servants and slaves and they follow whumper around like a little dog and its like theyre a package deal and if you see one of them you'll surely find the other nearby <3333333
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inkwell-and-dagger · 5 months
winged whumpee that uses flying as their main mode of transport. whether that be just hovering above the ground or literally flying, it's up to you to decide. maybe they're unable to use their legs, and their wings are really the only option they have.
now what if whumper decides, instead of using regular restraints to hold whumpee down, to nail whumpee's wings to a wall? perhaps remove them entirely? good luck using those pretty little wings now :3
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