#god this might be the rarest one of all
carolinanadeau · 11 months
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hellsslibrary · 1 year
Hi...um oh shit. This's my first request, so sorry if it's bad... Anyway, can you write headcanons on the demon brothers going into their first heat with their alpha(Male reader)?
(If you can't it's not a problem😁)
❀Headcanons about the demon brothers and their first heat with Alpha!Male!MC❀
DNI: minors.
!!Warnings: omegaverse, heat, breeding kink, implied poly!Mc, breeding kink, praise, Dom!Lucifer, possessiveness, lactation(Lucifer), pet play(Satan), P*ss kink(Mammon), Marking, somnophilia(Belphie), Beel want to be a mother, demonic form(Levi, Belphie), Masochist Satan, Chest play(Asmo), kind of Daddy kink(?) (Asmo).
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Probably the rarest and fastest heats in the family. Like, he just drinks pills and forgets about these heats, without even paying attention to it. But sometimes he gets too much work or stress from his brothers and forgets to take those pills and then the heat starts (literally and figuratively).
Also, probably someone who wouldn't want you to impregnate him. That's why he always takes birth control pills. He already has 6 children who annoy him every day, he doesn't need another one.
Crazy possessive, like CRAZY. He gets so clingy and jealous, he won't let you out of his nest for more than 10 minutes. And thank God, his heats lasts only 3-4 days...
Get ready to leave his nest after his heat, covered in hickeys, bites, scratches, bruises and, in general, in the marks of Lucifer. (He certainly apologizes, but not sincerely)
I guess he's very dominant in heat, so if you wanted a sub Luci ... In heat, no way.
He will just ride on your cock until he squeezes all your cum out of you and then he will keep your knot inside, not letting you out.
In general, his behavior is not much different during heat, except that he becomes even more affectionate than usual.
For example, does he see that you are hurt by his prints or are you tired? He will immediately stop doing it and calm you down (Though he won't get off your cock, nah).
I also think he's lactating during heat and his breasts swell for obvious reasons... If you're into lactation, he might even breastfeed you, lol.
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So... Probably the second most frequent and longest heat after Beel. Like, they happen often and last about a week, sometimes two.
You know right away that he's in heat when he starts texting you with whining requests, and if you're lucky, even naked photos of him.
In general, ready to let you out of his nest, but only if you come running after his first message with a request like "Mc, I want your cock again, so get your ass over here."
Becomes extremely whiny and sensitive, he can come even through some kind of petting. Literally every touch you make drives him to hell(or heaven,idk).
Probably would like you to impregnate him, but would not want children, because he is simply not ready for this, he is too insecure.
Wants you to mark him. It doesn't matter how. Just do it, he loves your marks, smell, whatever. He must know that he is yours.
He also becomes extremely honest as his tsundere nature is washed away immediately by the fact that he can't think straight and he just keeps praising you and telling you how good you are.
(Piss kink!!) Probably starting to get into piss kink, yes (if he wasn't into it in the first place, which I'm not sure about). You just know... His smell on you or your smell on him, no matter what, turns him on, and if it's such a strong smell, even more so.
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His heat is not frequent and not fast. In general, they are quite stable and he even adjusts his game mode for them.
He becomes even more submissive than he is. I don't know how that's possible given it's literally canon, but... Just imagine having a handsome, shy, whiny boy for about 5 days that you can do whatever you want with as long as you fuck him.
He is 999 percent for fertilization. There's something so exciting about having your sperm in it, but knowing that it's literally your child/children in it... It's just awesome.
I think the sins of all the brothers in general just go to the peak during their heats, so... Damn it, he won't let you out of it, your knot MUST be in it and only in it... For a maximum of 5 minutes if your natural needs play out.
Mmm, more likely he'll be in his demon form because he's more comfortable in it and he just can't contain it, so... Pull his tail, bite and pull back his scales a bit, pet/pull/scratch him horns or stroke his double cock, he'll explode from it, hehe.
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The most stable boy. Heats are about 4-5 days and always start on schedule, just wonderful and cool.
Becomes an extreme masochist during his heats, he wants you to be extremely strong and hard dominating as much as you can be.
He will also probably allow and even offer to put him on a leash and fuck him, pulling on it, ahem.
His pet play skyrockets, he becomes extremely helpful to you. You are his master and he is your GOOD kitten, so why shouldn't he follow your every order, hmm?
He will calmly let you out of the nest during heats, without even worrying, but only if it is no more than a couple of hours, it becomes difficult for him without you.
As for fertilization, he has a neutral opinion. Of course, driven by instinct, he can and will want your sperm in him. But, if you ask his sober opinion, he does not feel anything for the children. Do you want kids? Okay, fertilize him. Do not want? Okay, he'll take birth control.
Also, I suppose he is very quiet during sex or some hot moments in general, even during heat, but if you still agree to be a hard dominant for him ... Oh, Mother of God, buy earplugs for all the brothers, but better take them on vacation.
He doesn't tend to nest too often, by the way. It's just that, given how messy his room is, cleaning it all up would be such a torture.
And a random thought in the end. Loves when you eat it before you insert it. Of course, he's already wet, but he just loves the feel of your tongue in him, it just drives him crazy.
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Well... The most unstable heat. They always happen differently. Sometimes often, sometimes not. Sometimes it lasts a long time, sometimes it lasts a very short time. In general, everything is difficult.
It has the strongest smell of all. So strong that it can be felt even outside the home. Its sweet, floral scent is simply mind-blowing.
And it also releases an extremely high amount of natural lubrication, like seriously. By the end of his heat, the sheets will be just soaking wet.
He is flattered by the idea of ​​babysitting his and your common children, but he completely rejects the idea of ​​pregnancy. Stretch marks, a huge belly, a fatter build, pallor, nausea, and so on, he will just look unattractive to himself.
Also, calmly let you out of his nest. He could easily go a few hours on his own without your cock in him, although he would certainly prefer it to be you.
He has the most sensitive chest of the brothers. He just squeals with pleasure when you suck/lick/nibble on his nipples or massage/squeeze/rub his chest.
He will probably post a photo after heat, where he will be with his face fucked up on wet sheets with marks on his body and with a caption under the photo like "You know, it's so good to have a daddy in two ways." If you don't understand my chic humor, I'm sorry.
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Oh, in general, the most frequent and long heats. They last about 2 weeks, by the way, so good luck, mate. And usually they occur at the same time with Belphegor.
He is the biggest fan of breeding kink, on par with Levi. It's so sweet to have kids by you that he can take care of and eat with or play sports with (or whatever, he's not a picky boy)!
His appetite increases even more (And somewhere in the distance, one Lucifer sighs heavily due to the increase in food bills). Well, it's true that he also has an increased appetite for sex, so he'll just keep doing it until he squeezes all the juice out of you.
His chest swells, by the way, during heats. So... Man boobs, my kittens, man boobs.
He praises you very much during heats, and sex in general. He just loves everything you do and it brings him such great pleasure, he can't help but praise your actions.
In general, praise him in return. He's going to be so embarrassed about it, it's just a miracle.
Releases you during his heat from his nest freely. Although, after that, you will probably immediately jump into Belphegor's nest and start working with him.
In general, he has a strange thing about the fact that you call him something that is related to motherhood Mom/Mommy/Mother and so on, he blushes and is shy from this, imagining that he really can become a mother.
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All his heats passes in a dream, like real. He wakes up for about two hours a day to eat and that's it.
So, if you have somnophilia, this is the right time for you, sir. You can just fuck him in almost any position and no one will tell you in denial.
He's in his demonic form, one hundred percent sure of it. So you can play with his horns or tail, maybe he will purr (or even moo like a cow, lol).
He doesn't really care if you impregnate him or not. He doesn't want to deal with all these pregnancy-related issues, but he'll be happy to have kids with you if you want.
He moans funny during heats. Some kind of hoarse and high moans and whining, when he lazily shakes his head in a dream, but still does not wake up.
Well, there's actually a chance he'll wake up. He just might want to eat, which is logical, and if you catch that moment and don't fuck his twin at that moment, you'll hear the most wonderful moan you've ever heard.
Also, if he wakes up, he'll get extremely territorial and leave his fingernail scratches on you to let everyone else know you were with him (and Beel, of course).
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nohoperadio · 3 months
Imagine a far-future society, we don't know what's happened but the Earth is dead, I'm vaguely picturing them all living on space stations or something, there are only precious few species of plants and animals being kept alive, very few indeed, you couldn't quite count the remaining species on your fingertips but you could certainly check out all of their Wikipedia pages within the space of an hour. Future Wikipedia I guess, I mean whatever it is they have. No edible fruit or vegetables have survived at all, I'm not sure what they do for food, something futuristic presumably. Some kind of... future powder?
But there's this project that's been in the works for decades, they've figured out they can synthesize an apple. I don't know how that works, but the scientists have figured out a way. They're going to make an apple and this is like landing on the moon for them, everyone's insanely hyped about it, nobody's seen an apple for millennia... well see part of what's going on here is that the historiography of the time back when Earth still existed is irreparably bad now, it's super impressionistic because so little survived. And I guess partly because the Genesis story has been all blown out of proportion (there's more to it but that's a big part of it) these guys have a really exaggerated idea of the importance of apples to Earth humans, they basically imagine us eating apples all day long and worshiping apple gods and making apple art and all stuff like that. It's pretty silly but remember they have NO fruit or veg, they eat powder or whatever it was I said, they don't even have a rough concept of what "eating an apple" might be, like does it get you high for example? I bet they think it does, like a really spiritual special kind of high! They must have embellished it so much right? Gotten real carried away.
So like I say it's really hype, they're going to finally make an apple! A real one I mean, not like an approximation of what some scientists theorize an apple might be like, they've figured out how to definitely do it accurately (somehow, idk, just trust the omniscient narrator that they're doing it for real). But: they can only make one. Too much resources required or some shit, like I said this is their equivalent to the first moon landing except maybe more so, it's not a sustainable plan to reintroduce apple trees or something, they can only make one apple ever and that'll be it.
So as you can imagine, quite apart from all the scientific resource that's gone into this project, there's been a ton of resource invested into (not to mention endless public fascination and debate over) the question: who gets to eat the apple? It's a big deal! Everybody envies whoever's gonna eat it; most people also don't envy them. Since time immemorial, the essence of the apple has been defined by centuries and millennia of myth and speculation and storytelling holding together scattered fragments of a mysterious glorious past. Very soon, the essence of the apple will be defined by whatever this guy says it is, whatever the apple eater manages to communicate of the ineffable experience that will always be theirs alone. Humanity will demand a report, and the apple eater will have to be a poet of rarest genius at the very minimum to be trusted to deliver it, they hold the most privileged position maybe anyone will ever hold by being allowed to do this, and all that will remain of that briefest experience for all eternity will be their words. They're an instant prophet, no questions asked. I don't know about you, but if that was me I would definitely shit myself.
Well anyway forget about all that stuff. I was only thinking of this because it occurs to me, you're kind of like the apple eater of your own life, right? I mean nobody's making a big song and dance of it like those crazy apple space freaks, but it's true no?, you *pokes you in the face quite hard* with your highly specific soul positioned in your highly specific situation, that's only going to happen once, you're the only one who's ever going to know what that's like, assuming you aren't going to give some sort of big testimony, somehow. Only difference is like I say, no one really cares in your case, although actually I do sometimes, I hope that doesn't weird you out. I'm just saying imagine being asked the question! As if the answer really did matter! In theory anybody could just walk up to you and do that! I promise I won't ask you, if you promise you won't ask me.
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speaknowworldtour · 5 months
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“help me hold onto you” // “pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away”
“i’m still trying everything to get you laughing at me” // “stop trying to make him laugh stopped trying to drill the safe”
“how long could we be a sad song til we were too far gone to bring back to life?” // thinking “how much sad did you think i had, did you think i had in me? oh the tragedy”
“you know i love a london boy” // “so long, london”
“you’ll find the real thing instead” // “you’ll find someone”
“don’t put me in the basement when i want the penthouse of your heart” // “i’ll get your longing glances and she’ll get your ring” // “i didn’t opt in to be your odd man out”
“i can’t find a pulse my heart won’t stop anymore” // “i stopped cpr after all its no use. the spirit was gone we would never come to”
“give you my wild, give you a child + our coming of age has come and gone” // “and i’m pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free”
“is this the end of all the endings? my broken bones are mending” // “stitches undone”
“you had to kill me but it killed you just the same” // “two graves one gun”
“i’m gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well” // “i’ll find someone”
“i’m like the water when your ship rolled in that night” // “and when i was shipwrecked i thought of you” // “and so the battle ships will sink beneath the waves” // “and you say i abondoned the ship but i was going down with it”
“is it really your anxiety that stops you from giving me everything or do you just not want to?” // “holding tight to your quiet resentment” + “every breath feels like rarest air when you’re not sure if he wants to be there”
“wondering which version of you i might get on the phone tonight?” // “my friends said it isn’t right to be scared everyday of a love affair”
“and i wouldn’t marry me either” // “you swore that you loved me but where were the clues? i died on the altar waiting for the proof”
“don’t want no other shade of blue but you, no other sadness in the world would do” // “is it insensitive for me to say ‘get your shit together so i can love you’?” // “you sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days”
“my face was grey” // “i’m just getting color back into my face”
“i’d never walk cornelia street again” // “i’m just mad as hell cause i loved this place for so long”
“i once believe love would be black and white. but it’s golden.” // “a moment of warm sun but i’m not the one”
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outtoshatter · 7 months
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This week's author spotlight: @hedwig221b!
Over 10k:
Take me Away From Here | E | 33k tags: nontraditional Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, historical, mpreg, angst & hurt/comfort, possessive Derek Summary: Derek Hale looked terrifying. With his broad frame and muscles, with his wild black hair and thick beard, with his eyes the color of blood and fangs of a killer. Despite his kindness and his apparent attraction to Stiles, he was still a stranger, a predator, a wolf.
The thing is, Stiles would deal, but others might not. People found Lord Hale horrid, monstrous and unapproachable.
If Stiles stood behind him, no one would touch him.
He’d be safe with the wolf. If not from him, then definitely from everyone else. And that was enough.
Full and Void | E | 23k tags: established relationship, canon divergence, void Stiles, dark Derek, captivity, gore Summary: Stiles could be meek, sure. In Derek’s arms, softened under the touch, pinned under his weight. He allowed himself to relax only in Derek’s sole presence.
Stiles could also look meek. Small, scared. Let the enemies think he was hiding in his mate’s shadow. After all, no one would stop to think that the shadow could ever be dangerous.
Torn Apart and Set Anew | M | 18k tags: established relationship, omegaverse, werewolves are known, whump Stiles, stalking, murder Summary: “Someone’s here,” Stiles whispered, feeling weirdly numb.
The metal latch clicked. With ice filling his lungs and his fingers shaking terribly, Stiles swiveled his head in the direction of a window and froze for a beat of a second.
There was a face behind the glass.
Forgettable and plain, but at the same time familiar face.
Wait for me | M | 64k tags: Cursed Derek, Spark Stiles, mates, alcoholic Sheriff, angst & hurt/comfort Summary: “Stiles, we know about your Spark,” Scott looked at Stiles with desperate eyes, trying to convey something. “He is the Werewolf who's been chasing you. You must run. We’ll help you…”
Stiles stared at his friend, genuinely concerned for his sanity, because the nonsense he was sputtering was really fucking confusing.
The Rarest of Gems | E | 26k tags: mates, Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, hurt/comfort, angst with happy ending Summary: "There, somewhere, a flower grows. Its curious petals reach in curiosity, but get burned in return. It craves a soothing touch, a lover’s kiss. It is the sweetest nectar, the brightest moonlight, the most alluring starry night. It is the rarest of gems. It is your mate, alpha Hale. But beware and haste, for the flower grows among the most vicious thorns, who can’t wait to tear it apart."
Under 10k:
Devoured | E | 5k tags: Sex Deity Derek, virgin sacrifice Stiles, consensual somnophilia Summary: Breathless, Stiles shifted his gaze up and went red from the knowing smirk on the deific face. The man’s red eyes sparkled in the moonlight, glowing like two fires on the tips of the candles. One of his thick eyebrows was lifted in amusement.
He was the most beautiful being Stiles had ever seen. As was probably expected, considering he was the god of sexual desire.
Kiss it Better | T | 1k tags: fluff & hurt/comfort, established relationship, mpreg Summary: Eli was healthy, bubbly and happy most of the time, a perfect overly energetic and curious child, but sometimes he just gave Stiles this studying, almost suspicious long stare and pursed his little button nose, as if thinking very hard about something.
Today was one of those days.
Mountain to Hide Behind | T | 3k tags: established relationship/married, mpreg, implied cheating, no actual cheating Summary: “Did you honestly think Stiles wouldn’t notice your absence? He can’t even stomach his dinner, because he knows you’re busy fucking side-chicks as he does so.”
A stunned silence filled the room.
Right then, faced with the sentence he was too scared to even think of, Stiles realized he couldn’t take it anymore. At his first mortifying quiet sniff, Derek swerved around to look at him.
He looked horrified.
Safe | Not Rated | 974 tags: fix-it-fic, established relationship, magical Stiles Summary: “Where is he?” Stiles rumbled, glancing at each member of the pack in front of him, before settling his incinerating gaze on one person he once considered a brother. “Tell me, Scott, where is my husband?”
Fate is Not a Real Thing | E | 5k tags: werewolves are known, full shift wolves, witch Stiles, mates, angst with happy ending Summary: See, the nature was a nasty thing. Yes, Derek despised him, hated him, may be wished him dead sometimes, but he couldn’t fight the instincts. Sometimes it was hard for Stiles to remember that none of that was done out of Derek’s free will. His glares and frowns and his silence always put Stiles in his rightful place, though. He was a mistake and a joke. It hurt, very much so, because, even though Derek didn’t want anything to do with Stiles, he wanted everything with Derek.
The Happiest of All | 2 works | 57k total | complete some tags: mates, angst with happy ending, possessive Derek, true alpha Derek, spark Stiles, mpreg
Go check out hedwig221b's AO3 page, and don't forget to mind the tags, leave a kudos and maybe even a comment!
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doxypsychlean · 2 years
Aegon II Targaryen x reader who is manipulative and uses the motherly love he never got to get her own way. They both love each other but in a toxic yandere kinda way 😂
Wrapped around your finger
Yandere!Aegon ii Targaryen x Yandere!Reader
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Warnings: none? pls tell me if I've missed sth
Thou shan't repost/copy/ translate any of my work or I'll sneak into your home late at night and bite your nose off!
English isn't my first language. I don't proofread. I slap commas wherever I feel they're needed.
A/N: Aegon and Halaena aren't together in this one. It's also pretty sweet, despite their ?yandere? tendencies.
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Oh, he really thinks he's that good.
Then you come around.
You, a lady of noble descent and a member of one of the greater houses in Westeros, are also one of his greatest rivals when it comes to having the worst reputation in all the realms.
At first, it's just harmless fun. Nothing too serious.
But then you become a witness to the way his family treats him.
You work your way into his heart and head. I mean, who in their right mind would miss out on the opportunity of being Queen of Westeros one day, amirite?
He bites the bait pretty quickly.
Aegon is obsessed with the way you shower him with affection and love.
He'd be spending most of his time in your arms, begging for you to tell him how much you love, how unfair his mother is to him.
Alicent hates you at first.
The hatred turns to admiration with time, seeing as you gain complete control over her son and mold him to your liking.
But there's more to what she's feeling towards you- fear. With the way things are going, all it would take is for you to snap your fingers and Aegon would kill them all. For you.
You never do, thank the Gods, and for that you have the Queen's utmost respect and gratitude.
She never lays a hand on him again. She doesn't have to, but she's also too scared to do it.
He still drinks, maybe not as much as he did before, but he no longer chases after the servant girls. As if you'd even allow it to happen.
The first time you realize what you feel for him might be actual love, is when you order for some noble lady to be "displaced" from the Red Keep. You didn't like the way she stared at him. Cue, girly losing her eyes for that one.
He was yours and the only way to get him away would be to pull him out of your cold fingers. And you had no intention of dying any time soon.
Aegon rarely goes out of the Red Keep anymore and when he does, you're always with him. The Prince has glued himself to you, whether you like it or not.
On the rare occasions of you two not being present in the castle, golden scales could be seen shimmering high above King's Landing. Sunfyre loves you, the golden beast could feel the strong bond between his rider and you.
Expect lots of expensive gifts- lavish dresses, the rarest perfumes from Essos, jewelry, books, horses, ginormous bouquets of your favorite flowers, commissioned portraits of you two, gold, sweets, etc.
You want it? You'll have it. Simple as that.
He'd never thought of himself as a jealous man, but the second he sees his brother talking to you and you laughing... All Seven Hells break loose.
Aegon turns into a sniveling, whining mess, hands wrapping around you as if his life depends on it.
All the while shooting daggers at Aemond behind your back, daring him to come closer so he could claw his remaining eye out.
Few soft words from you and he's melting.
You love him. He loves you. Everything is more than fine. He completely forgets about Aemond, who's slowly backing away from you two.
You get married not long after. Neither one of your families is brave enough to say a word against the union, seeing as ...
You absolutely never tried to hide it from the public.
You're all over eachother for the most of it.
Both men and women are dropping like flies around you, if they just as much as stared at either of you for a second too long.
Both yours and his family are equally scared and would rather keep away, than try and separate you.
Word spreads around quickly. You're with child.
Aegon's over the moon. You're his. He's yours. Completely.
The prove pops out not long after. Then another. And another.
He would 100% elbow the midwife in the face if she tries to keep him away from you while you're giving birth.
"My Prince, you cannot..."
"Out of my way, you old hag, my wife is in there!"
He was there while you were making them, he has every right to be there while you squeeze them out.
Definitely cries his ass off when he holds your firstborn.
His tunic is discarded quickly as he holds the small bundle close to his bare chest.
Then he wraps one hand around you, almost crushing your neck with how strong he's squeezing you.
Same thing goes down every single time- he storms in, kid comes out, he's bawling his eyes out at the sight.
You pick the dragon eggs for each and every one of them together.
Aegon's just as obsessed with your children, as he is with you.
Gods forbid someone makes one of his little bundles of joy cry...Heads will be flying in all directions, no matter who they belong to.
Not even the Stranger would be able to pull you apart.
Even in death, you'd find a way to be back together.
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Melian and her Descendants as Native Aotearoa Birds
For day 4 @tolkienofcolourweek
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A detailed image description is at the bottom of this post but I've listed the characters and their matching birds below.
Melian: hūia. A sacred bird, often considered to be one of the most beautiful birds in Aotearoa. Their feathers were traditionally only worn by people of high status.
Hūia were forest songbirds who paired for life and were utterly devoted to their partners. The pairs would fly and hunt together, caressing each other with their bills, singing duets back and forth. Often when a hūia died, its partner would die of grief a few days later (typically due to failing to eat or drink).
There was a sharp decline in the numbers of hūia after the arrival of European settlers in the 1840s. By the early 20th century, they had disappeared from our forests forever.
Lúthien: tūī. The most talented of our songbirds, a stunningly beautiful creature with iridescent blue-black feathers. Their double voicebox allows them to mimic almost any sound, including human speech. They often sing all day long.
Tūī are messengers to the gods. In Māori culture we might compliment a singer by saying that they have korokoro tūī, the throat of a tūī.
Also I'm feral about this quote:
Farmer and ornithologist Herbert Guthrie-Smith, writing in the early 20th century, observed of a female tui singing on the nest (tui are the only bird in the world to sing on the nest): “We were close to her, yet she sang as if her song could have no ending, as if the world was too full of the ecstasy of life for wrong and rapine to exist. The sun was shining above the flowing river, the leaves green, of every shape and shade; her great love had cast out fear.”
Díor: kōtare, aka the sacred kingfisher. (Yes, okay, this is partially a joke about Dior being a sacred king.) Although kōtare are native to Aotearoa, they're also found in other countries. Most Eastern Polynesian cultures, including many Māori iwi, believe that kōtare have power over the ocean and waves.
Kōtare can sit motionless for hours while waiting for their prey, watching with perfect stillness. For this reason, a person who is alertly watching for enemies is sometimes compared to a kōtare.
Elured and Elurin: tara iti, aka fairy terns.
For Māori, terns in general are associated with people of high status. Tara iti are the smallest species of tern in Aotearoa, weighing in at about 70 grams (or 2.5 ounces). They're also our rarest breeding bird. Sadly, there are only about 40 individuals left.
Elwing: kōtuku - I expanded on this in another post
Elrond and Elros: North Island kōkako and South Island kōkako (respectively). Kōkako are blue-grey songbirds who often have a similar call to tūī, although with a slightly less extensive range of sounds. They love to sing duets; in fact, they sing the longest known duets of any bird in the world.
The North Island and South Island kōkakō are closely related but distinct sub-species. Although the North Island kōkako has been the subject of a successful conservation campaign, the South Island kōkako is considered possibly extinct. (The last two reliable sightings were in 2007 and 1967.) However, some people who walk the remote tracks of the South Island swear they've heard its song.
Elladan and Elrohir: tīeke, aka the North and South Island saddlebacks. The two species are very difficult to tell apart for all but the most trained eyes. They're close relatives of kōkako and hūia.
Tīeke are notoriously fearless. In Māori culture, they're guardians and guides.
Arwen: Chatham Islands tūī. While these birds look extremely alike to mainland tūī, they sing a very different song.
(Since this bird is from the Chatham Islands, the Arwen faceclaim is a Moriori woman. Moriori are the indigenous people of the Chathams.)
Image description below cut due to length.
A series of paired images. Each pair has one bird and one faceclaim. All of the faceclaims, except for Arwen, are Māori.
1: Hūia and Melian. The hūia is a black bird with an orange wattle, long curved beak, and white at the end of its tail feathers. Melian is a dignified woman with light brown skin, brown hair, and a traditional chin tattoo. She wears traditional clothing and a pounamu (greenstone) ornament around her neck.
2: tūī and Luthien. The tūī is in flight. The light has caught its wings and tail feathers, making them look a vivid blue. Luthien is a light-skinned (but distinctly Māori) woman with long dark hair. She wears a black dress and a pounamu necklace.
3: a kōtare and Dior. The kōtare is a blue/black bird with a white neck and underside. It's in flight, carrying something in its mouth. Dior has dark brown skin and facial tattoos that mark him as someone of high rank. He wears a carved bone ornament in his hair, a pounamu necklace, and a traditional feather cloak.
4: tara iti and Elured and Elurin. The tara iti is visible from behind, its white wings spread, either landing or taking off. Elured and Elurin are infants swaddled in blankets side by side.
5: Kōtuku and Elwing. The kōtuku is a gorgeous white bird with a long neck and stilt-like legs. This one standing on a tuft of grass surrounded by water, looking down at its reflection. Elwing is a light-skinned, dark haired pregnant woman wearing a white cloak and cradling her stomach.
6: North Island kōkako (kōkako o Te Ika a Māui) and Elrond. The kōkako is a blue-grey bird with a black beak and blue wattle. The Elromd faceclaim is Alex Aiono (Ngati Porou, Samoa), a man with light brown skin and dark curly hair. In this photo he's shirtless, holding a flower and facing the righthand side of the image.
7: South Island kōkako (kōkako o Te Waipounamu) and Elros. The kōkako looks very similar to the bird above except for its orange wattle. The Elros faceclaim is also Alex Aiono, but in this image he's standing on a beach in front of the sea, smiling.
8: North Island saddleback (tīeke o Te Ika a Māui) and Elladan. The tīeke is a medium sized bird with a red wattle and mixed black/red-orange plumage. My Elladan faceclaim is Jordi Webber (Te Atiawa, Ngāti Toa, Te Arawa, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Maniapoto). He's a young man with pale brown skin, wavy black hair, and grey eyes.
9: South Island saddleback (tīeke o Te Waipounamu) and Elrohir. He is also represented by Jordi Webber.
10: Chatham Islands tūī (tūī o Rēkohu) and Arwen. This tūī is sitting on a flax plant, but it looks very similar to the tūī photo from earlier. It has blue-black plumage, a white tuft at its throat and orange pollen on its head. The Arwen faceclaim is a smiling Moriori woman in front of trees. She has long brown hair, light brown skin and a white dress.]
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Prompt 21
This past winter, Geralt grabbed a tower of books from the library and holed himself up in his room for practically the entire season. Eskel walks in one night, intent on just checking in on his brother, only to poke around and find that every book that Geralt is painstakingly studying is medical books, from how to deal with a sore throat to the most rarest of diseases. Eskel asks Geralt why he needs to know all of this, worried Geralt might be losing his mutagen-induced healing factor?! Is he getting sick!? Are his wounds not healing over time!? Oh GODS! Oh nvm- Geralt says he's fine :) He's reading all of this because... He met a human bard he wants to keep safe? Odd... Especially for Geralt... But whatever makes his brother happy! I just want a scene after some nice gay brotherly teasing that's like "Ow- Oh no.. Geralt, my arm was scratched by a branch. Hold on, I need to-" And geralt is like FROTHING and is like "WE NEED BANDAGES, THREAD, A NEEDLE, DISINFECTANT, NUMBING SOLUTION, AND I KNOW FOURTEEN DIFFERENT NATURALLY MADE POULTICES I CAN MAKE, AND I KNOW A HELPFUL SPELL A HEDGEWITCH CAN CAST AND-" "It's just a scratch, Gera-" "SHIT, SIT DOWN, I GOTTA FIX MY HUMAN BEFORE HE DIES AND I LOSE ONE OF THE ONLY GOOD THINGS IN MY LIFE"
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int3rst3ll3r · 5 months
"𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗'𝚝 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚖𝚎𝚗,"
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𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀- Spanking, Pet names: ‘Good girl’ ‘Bad girl’
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴- Possessive Hua Cheng & Possessive Xie Lian
𝗕𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 the wife of the ghost king and a god was quite nice. You lived a life of luxury, always being spoiled with the nicest gifts and wonderful affection from both your husbands. There was never been a day when you had to worry of not being taken care of.
Both Xie Lian and Hua Cheng were extraordinary husbands. They loved and cherished you as if you were the most rarest thing on earth. They gave you all the love you thought you never deserved. They seem like perfect husbands, which they are, don’t get me wrong, but every good thing comes with a bad thing. What may that bad thing be? Well, they were extremely possessive.
This may be a shock to some people, especially with Xie Lian, not so much with Hua Cheng. I’ll let you in on a little secret, Xie Lian was the most possessive of the pair. He might not show it, but he definitely feels it. It even concerned Hua Cheng how possessive Xie Lian got with you, like Hua Cheng isn’t almost as possessive as Xie Lian is. Your husbands’ possessiveness does sometimes get the better of them, which leads to the scenario you’re facing at the moment.
Before I get into the current situation, let me inform you on the earlier events which lead to this one. It was a normal day, everything was smooth sailing. Ghost City was thriving, as it usually was. The streets were crowded with ghost, leaving almost no space for anyone to walk. The street vendors voices could be heard trying to draw the ghosts attention.
You were pushing passed ghost, trying to get out of the streets. You were holding a big basket of fruit that you manage to get a discount on. Of course, you weren’t paying attention to your surroundings and accidentally bumped into a ghost. You dropped the big basket of fruit, making it land onto the group. You looked up at the ghost, who was fairly good looking.
You spoke, your eyes never leaving the ghost’s jade ones. The ghost smiled slightly, replying to your apology.
“Oh no, miss, don’t be. Here let me help you,”
The ghost knelt down and started putting the fruit back into the basket. You also knelt down as well, hastily picking up the dropped fruit. Soon, all the fruit was picked up and you had a full fruit basket in your arms once again.
“thank you very much,” You smiled at the ghost.
“It’s not a problem, miss. I must say, you look extremely beautiful,”
The ghost flirted with you. You noticed his tactics in flirting with you easily. It was obvious, to you at least. You knew you should’ve said something about you being married, but you didn’t want to come off as rude. You smiled slightly and thanked him.
“Here, let me help you,”
The ghost offered, his hands going up to grab the basket. Before you could react, his hand grazed yours and held onto it. You gulped, hoping Hua Cheng didn’t send someone to keep an eye on you. You looked up at the ghost, a sweet smile still planted on your face. You could see a hint of lust in his eyes. The ghost smiled at you, dimples planted on either side of his cheek.
“What’s going on here?”
You froze upon hearing that voice. ‘Oh no’ you thought, ‘I’m fucked’. You could see the Ghost go pale, his hands moving away from yours. You already knew who was standing behind you, a not so happy Hua Cheng. You slowly turn around, meeting the eyes of your husband.
“Darling, who’s this?”
Hua cheng asked, his voice dark and possessive. You gulped, not knowing how to reply. The ghost behind you was in terror. A crowd gathered around the three of you, wanted to know what was happening.
“M-miss, i-is this your h-husband?”
The ghost shook and trembled, regretting he ever spoke to the wife of the ghost king. You didnt respond, only nodding, knowing any word you say will be used against you. Hua Cheng was staring daggers into the poor ghost’s eyes. You clutched onto the fruit basket, waiting for any words to be said.
Hua Cheng commanded the ghost, not wanting to deal with him. The ghost was quick to run away, leaving you with your very angry husband. You knew Hua Cheng knew the ghost was flirting with you moments before, and you knew he was mad at you for not stopping the flirting.
Hua Cheng grabbed your wrist and dragged you along the streets of Ghost City.
“H-hua Cheng, please don’t tell Xie Lian about this,”
You pleaded with Hua Cheng knowing how Xie Lian will react to the whole situation. Hua Cheng’s grip on your wrist becane tighter, as if a warning for you to not say anything more. The walk back to Paradise manner was dreadful. All you could think of was how Xie Lian was going to react and the consequences to come.
Now, let’s get into your current predicament. You were in the privacy of you and your husbands’ shared bedroom. You were perched over Hua Cheng’s lap, you clothes disregarded on the floor of the bedroom. All that could be heard was the sound of Hua Cheng’s hand landing on your ass and your mewls.
You cried, your hands tightly grabbing the robes of Xie Lian who sat beside Hua Cheng and you. His hand was stroking your hair.
“You knew the rules, and yet you still decided to let that ghost flirt with you,”
Xie Lian spoke to you in a disappointed manner. You whined as Hua Cheng’s hand hit you ass for the seventeenth time. You looked at Xie Lian with glossy eyes.
“17! ‘M so sorry!”
you tried to apologize, hoping both your husbands would let you off easy. Hua Cheng only chuckled and continued to spank you. As he continued to spank you, you continued to count, all the way until you got to thirty. During this time, Xie Lian made sure you knew what you had did wrong.
By now, your face was tear streaked. Hua Cheng sat you up on his lap, making you face him. His hand gripped you chin tightly, making you face him.
“Now, what do you say to Gege and me?”
“Sorry for being a bad girl,”
You whimpered, looking into Hua Cheng eyes. Xie Lian looked at you and added.
“Thank you for taking the time to put me in my place,”
You feel the tension in the room ease. Hua Cheng smiled and kissed your forehead.
“You’re very welcome, Darling,”
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cynthiav06 · 12 days
I had originally intended to make this post on Percy's birthday for some well-intended chaos, because why not? But I had a bit of a health crisis since then, and I had no time nor strength to do anything, so here's this now. I have seen so many strongest demigod tier lists, and half of them I find to be somewhat inaccurate, so here's mine:
If you guys want to see specific 1v1 between any characters just post an ask and I will do a breakdown on following criterias:
Strength Knowledge Durability
Speed Battle Strategy Abilities
Stamina Battle Experience FEATS
Now feats is in bold because in the end, that's what actually determines the power level, so keep that in mind. A lot of people might riot, but it is what it is.
This current tier list is also based on the aforementioned categories:
(I don't want to argue over this there's. no argument to be had it's crystal clear)
Twice savior of Olypmus (the only one)
Was offered Immortality
Was War General of Camp-Halfblood during Titan War
Former Praetor of Rome
Bore the weight of the sky without Artemis's blessing
Survived Tartarus
Fought Kronos
Only one to survive the Curse of Achilles
Only one to overpower a primordial entity
Killed multiple Titans and Giants
Sat on a Gods Throne without any consequences
Blessed by Pan and Hestia
Defeated Geras
Wrestled Nereus
Considered to be the only one worthy of commanding a God by Apollo when he initially turned mortal
( Has killed so many notable entities and has probably hundred more feats but I won't mention them all or else it would all be a Percy list)
[ Okay, hear me out on this before everyone explodes. Nico has definitely one of the, if not the strongest, abilities in the verse in terms of both power and versatility. But he comes up short in terms of strength, stamina, endurance, and feats.]
Former Praetor of Rome
Defeated Krios
Has Killed more than one giant
Has Killed the Trojan Sea Monster
Has the highest combat experience/training out of all the demigods
Hera's favored demigod
Could go toe to toe with Percy for a good amount of time
Survived Tartarus
Brought back Athena Parthenos, the Bane of the Giants
Faced a Primordial and got out alive
Half the reason the Titan War was won
The Ambassador of Pluto
(There's a few more but those are more on the abilities spectrum more so than feats)
The Ghost King
Could fight Nero equally for a while ( who is considered to be equal to a Minor God)
(Between her and Meg I guess it's sort of debatable given Meg has more abilities and many feats, but Hazel has stronger feats and solid abilities herself)
Killed a Giant (more than one, with help but it's very impressive either way because of her significant contributions during those times)
Granted power by another God who is not her Godly Parent
Magic user
Has the strongest mist control out of all demigods
Tamed Arion
Praetor of Rome
(No don't bother debating this. It's true)
The sheer number of abilities she has alone is good enough to put her here.
Can summon Karpoi
Strongest demigod child of Demeter
Opened the Grove of Dodona(with Apollo)
Tons of feats ( check @respect Meg McCaffrey on reddit for elaborate descriptions)
Has mastered one of the deadliest forms of combat known (Dimachaerus, an ancient gladiatorial mode of fighting from the roman times. Apollo states it is one of the rarest and deadliest forms of combat one can master)
Was chosen to command a literal God turned mortal
Fought all of Hades's furies and the worst of the monsters Underworld has to offer before her "death"
Has the blessing of Artemis
Lieutenant of Hunters of Artemis
Defeated Luke Castellan completely in pure combat who was before Percy, the greatest swordsman born in the last three centuries.
Fought Iapetus briefly and survived
Survived Orion's attack on the Hunters and fought him briefly and survived
Was considered the strongest demigod in Camp Half Blood before Percy Jackson
Praetor of Rome
Could lead a legion of dead soldiers
Neptune's gift of shape-shifting
As of ToA his life is no longer attached to the wood
The physically strongest demigod
Has the blessing of Mars which gives him enhanced strength and stamina
Can turn into a literal dragon (Need I say more?)
Fought and helped defeat a giant
Blitzed a minor God
(More cool stuff, people need to puts some respect on Frank's name)
(Before the Piper stans roll in, Reyna worked for Circe for a good long while before she and her sister fled after the pirate attack so there's a good chance she knows how to resist charmspeak which is something alike Circe's enchantments.
Now Annabeth's a good contender to fight Reyna, but I am basing this on higher feats. Reyna fought and defeated Orion and was probably involved in overthrowing Krios while the only powerful being Annabeth has gone toe to toe with is Kronos inhabiting Luke's body and she does manage to corner Annabeth in Mark of Athena and Annabeth herself says she is unsure if she could win against Reyna, [it's super close though])
Former Praetor of Rome
Returned Athena Parthenos, the Bane of the Giants
Could easily go toe to toe with Annabeth who has far more training and combat experience than her.
The only Roman demigod to recieve Athena's blessing
Received a piece of Athena's cloak/shield Aegis.
Fought and defeated Orion, a giant who had previously almost completely decimated most of the Amazons and Hunters.
Has the blessing of Artemis
(Yet again, to Piper fans,Annabeth is a child of Athena, born from divine, though, so i think Annabeth would be able to resist Piper's charmspeak to a certain extent and Annabeth has more feats and overall higher comabt and knowledge plus intelligence)
Held up the weight of the sky for half a day(with Artemis's blessing)
The only child of Athena to find and secure the Athena Parthenos
Fought Kronos and held her own while using just a dagger against his giant scythe
Outsmarted and trapped Arachne just using trickery
Tricked Polyphemus
Was able to fight the giant Mimas briefly with Athena in Blood of Olympus
Survived Tartarus
Architect of Olympus
Honestly I can't decide between this. I am going to need you all to decide this one.
Most of Leo's feats are constructing or repairing things. Festus, Argo 2, Archimedies circle, convincing Apollo, and so on.
Piper's feats are all based on her charmspeak and nothing else. Khione, Medea, and even putting Gaea to sleep (because she was already sleepy and in mid-air cut off from her domain for long enough). The plan was Leo's, but the execution mostly depended on Piper, so it's a tie, I think, but let me know your opinions.
Feel free to share your honest opinions; though, mostly, let's agree to disagree on the Top 5. I can welcome debate over 6-10. But I think the Top 5 are mostly factually canonically accurate.
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hubristicassholefight · 11 months
Swordswoman Showdown Semifinals
Hornet (Hollow Knight) vs Brienne of Tarth (A Song Of Ice and Fire)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
Technically its not a sword but she wields a needle in a setting where swords do not exist and she wields it in an exceedingly swordlike fashion so. She counts; Girlboss demigoddess spider lady. She's been protecting an entire kingdom for longer than many of the other characters have been alive. She systematically kills her siblings for being too weak. She's simply the best.
#im pretty sure hornet can beat like. anyone in a fight.#have you ever fought hornet#its so fucking hard getting past her every time i play hk i go literally insane.
#i remember getting stuck on the first hornet fight on mt first play through and bring likr#''omg the boss fights in this are so hard!!!''#like what. you're not even half way through what are you talking about#you can't even DASH honey. you don't know what's diffcult or not in this game.
but I feel like the "she systematically kills her siblings" part needs a little clarification. See, one of her siblings was used as a living prison for an angry god and that uh. Didn't work out for the sibling in question or anyone else.
This account is itself heavily abbreviated but it's likely that any other sibling Hornet encounters will be trying to take over as the god's new prison. She appears to challenge any sibling she sees to battle, in order to test their resolve against herself and her needle - would they actually have a chance against that god?
We never actually see her kill any siblings, but she does quite pointedly tell one of them that (to paraphrase) "My needle is lethal and I would feel no sadness in a weakling's demise."
Feels like a relevant quote. In any case, if they can't beat Hornet, it seems like her needle would be a far more merciful end than what the god would grant.
Anyway, a bit of additional material for @swordswomanshowdown :
As is the case for any cool swordswoman, it's not just her sword that's lethal, it's her with it. And Hornet's needle was custom made for her - the creators have said that, while other needles exist, hers was made specifically for her to wield, and its construction allows her to use her spider silk better in combat.
And another thing that I think makes her a good swordswoman: she's actually pretty thoughtful about how she uses it. There's a least one instance where she tries to warn someone off before fighting them! At the same time, when she does fight, she seems to enjoy it - during her boss battles, you can hear her laugh sometimes, as if exhiliarated. She's really got it all, as a swordswoman!!!
#HORNET SWEEP CMON PLEEEEEEASE#shes gay. shes the only sibling with a gender. shes a spider named HORNET. look like croissant. whats not to like
gets gifted a sword made with the rarest metal ever because she’s THAT good; she’s simply the best
Brienne is one of the top sword users alive in her day. She's descended from a man who's catchphrase was "I'm better with a sword." Better than what? You. Jaime Lannister. Loras Tyrell. Any five given guys at once. She has a fantastic sword that might be magic or cursed and is named Oathkeeper because that's what she does; I love her
Beat like 20 guys in a tournament when she was 19. Was given a magic sword. Won a sword fight against the premier swordsman in the realm. Very swordly; Very tall and strong. Holds her sword in high esteem. Accomplished with other weapons as well!
She's defeated multiple of the top knights in the series in duels. One such knight gifts her the fabergé egg of swords and she uses it to defend orphans and stuff. Got out of a bad betrothal by dueling him and beating his ass so bad she broke multiple bones. Honestly there's so much more she is the swordswoman of all time. to me; She's buff and ugly and 6' 5" and so honorable and kind that she inspires the guy who fucks his sister to yknow. stop doing that. literally gets mauled for the sake of protecting a bunch of orphans (with her sword). also she's 20 she should be at the club ‼️
One of the best sword wielders in Westeros, the author says he would pick her to defend him. Has a cool sword called Oathkeeper. Manages to go up against 7 fighters and take out most of them,. The only true knight; First off, talking about book brienne, they massacred show brienne, the show runners simply didn’t understand what she’s about.“ She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice” brienne had plenty of choice but she couldn’t leave people to die. The chivalric paradigm is rotten and corrupted, but here is Brienne, the one true knight, who isn’t even a actual knight! “knights are for killing”, but here is a knight who risks her life again and again to protect innocents! Bri IS hope, she is the light in the dark that shows that things can be better, things must be better. Fundamentally an idealist: “Winter will never come for the likes of us. Should we die in battle, they will surely sing of us, and it's always summer in the songs. In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining”
I'm going to put some propaganda for Brienne, because she deserves the world.
Some people have been quoting the "no chance, no choice" in the tags, but for those that don't know it comes from this scene:
...she could hear the faint clink of swords and mail from beneath their ragged cloaks. She counted them as they came. Two, four, six, seven. (...) Brienne sucked in her breath and drew Oathkeeper. Too many, she thought, with a start of fear, they are too many.(...) Brienne tried to keep the fear from her voice, but her mouth was dry as dust. The children, she thought. The door to the inn banged open. Willow stepped out into the rain, a crossbow in her hands. The girl was shouting at the riders, but a clap of thunder rolled across the yard, drowning out her words. As it faded, Brienne heard the man in the Hound’s helm say, “Loose a quarrel at me and I’ll shove that crossbow up your cunt and fuck you with it. Then I’ll pop your fucking eyes out and make you eat them.” The fury in the man’s voice drove Willow back a step, trembling. Seven, Brienne thought again, despairing. She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice. She stepped out into the rain, Oathkeeper in hand. “Leave her be. If you want to rape someone, try me.”
This is basically one of the most badass and awesome moments of the series... because here, Brienne is not guarding a King, vanquishing a great Evil Lord, or fighting a big glorious battle... this is an inn full of orphans being attacked by raiders, children whose lives really don't matter in the great scheme of things. If they were all to be killed, nobody powerful would really care, no history book would write their names.
The logical thing is to run away from there as fast as she could. And yet, Brienne decides to enter an unwinnable nightmarish battle (one where she gets her arm broken and her face eaten) because is the right thing to do. She is a true knight.
Because, in the dark pseudo-medieval world of Westeros, where the patriarchal martial system reigns supreme, there is no space for someone like Brienne, she herself said it best:
"You have a noble father who must surely love you. (...) I know he would tell you that he would sooner have a living daughter than a shattered shield." "A daughter." Brienne's eyes filled with tears. "He deserves that. A daughter who could sing to him and grace his hall and bear him grandsons. He deserves a son too, a strong and gallant son to bring honor to his name. (...) I am the only child the gods let him keep. The freakish one, not fit to be a son or daughter."
And yet, despite being on the fringe of this society that doesn't accept nonconforming gender expression, despite not being able to be named knight, Brienne is still the embodiment of the ideal of knighthood. She is a true hero, who over and over decides to defend the innocents and do the right thing.
So yeah, my conclusion here is... I think she and kiku should kiss <3
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I am done bottling up this story, I gotta talk about it bcs I'm so happy with it, I'm obsessed with it.
So that Rosinante x Reader x Doflamingo fic where Reader is Rosinante's wife is called...
Drums pls
I’ll build castles for you, my love (look at me, not my brother)
Part 1 is all about Rosinante x Reader (& Law my bby boy 🥹🥺), Part 2 which is all about Doflamingo x Reader might turn into another part cus I want to cover the pre-baby and then post-baby and I don't think with all the ideas I have one part will be enough.
I like to call this fic “Doflamingo takes Rosinante's wife and baby as his own because he is the older one and Rosinante is dead anyway but damn what a sick thing to do but also really fits Doffy, good luck, girl, you're stuck with the terrible brother” or “Doflamingo trauma dumps to Reader and attempts to gaslight Reader”
Anyway, here is a snippet of one of the scenes 😊
“You know, Tsuru-san…” said Doflamingo casually as he strutted to the window, grabbing his large pink feather coat from the hanger, swinging it over his broad shoulders as he went. He placed his right foot atop the windowsill; the sound of his shoe landing on it resounded in your ears ominously.  With the saw-like, terrible sound of his strings, he pulled open the window, letting in the fresh spring breeze. You smelled the cherry blossoms in the distance. He turned from the window toward Vice Admiral Tsuru, a large grin on his face. “One day I’ll be the one kicking you marines out,” said Doflamingo darkly, smiling at Tsuru, the expression sharp and promising. Vice Admiral Tsuru looked incredibly bored by the implication. “You don’t have that kind of power, even as a warlord.” said Tsuru, staring back at him, unafraid. “We’ll see, dear Tsuru,” mused Doflamingo, chuckling, offering another unnerving smile before saying, “After all, what can a marine do against a god?” Your blood ran cold. You felt your stomach clench in fear. Despite his eyes being concealed behind his sunglasses, you felt his gaze shift to you at the same time as he turned to face you, and you fought back a shiver. “See you next weekend, querida.” said Doflamingo, and smiled at you. The curl of his lips was soft, the grin of pearly white teeth charming and pleasant, the dimples on his cheeks more gentle than the ones present in the smile he’d aimed at Vice Admiral Tsuru.  Even his deep voice sounded impossibly softer. Doflamingo didn’t look frightening in that moment at all. He looked quite charming and handsome, like some divine being offering you the rarest of blessings. You decided not to think about the fact you could now read his emotions by his smiles. In a flutter of pink feathers, Doflamingo leapt off of your windowsill. You saw the gleam of his strings in the sunlight as he unwound them from his fingers, attaching them to the clouds, using them to soar forward over the bay of Marineford, the blur of his pink figure reflected on the surface of the sea. After glancing down at it, you realised the bracelet of white-pink pearls Doflamingo had crafted you had the exact same pearls as the necklace of red pearls he wore around his neck. You watched the pink little cloud of Doflamingo grow farther and farther away, becoming smaller and smaller against the canvas of endless blue. You stepped away from the window, and hoped the sky next weekend would be cloudless.  A woman can hope.
The Doffy smile that flashes across my mind for the scene where he says bye is the one from this manga panel:
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Taglist: @fanaticsnail
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wof-reworked · 1 year
whats ur opinion on dragons having different houses bc of class or tribe? i love dragon architecture </3
I'm such a fan of dragon architecture oh my god. One of my biggest worldbuilding gripes (besides the lack of clarity around food/cooking) is that the actual housing arrangements of the dragons are so vague????? Like towns are a thing but also Tui seems to imply most dragons sleep in caves even though it makes no sense for any of the other tribes???? like ma'am most of your dragons live in swamps, jungles, or deserts where the hell are they even finding them
Basically, we have functionally no point of reference for anyone who isn't royalty (Winter, Turtle) or grew up in such specific circumstances that don't reflect back onto broader dragon society to the point where their input is rather moot (Moon, the DoD, Peril, Qibli). Qibli is the closest thing we have but the Scorpion Den is a combination of a shanty town and refugee camp that makes it harder to draw conclusions for the rest of the population. (We're also not counting Darkstalker bc. well. 2000 years)
For my writing, my stance is usually that dragons are primarily nomadic. Dragons who live in/around towns stay there primarily for reasons like child-raising, business, injury, apprenticeships, or just laying low/blending into a crowd. Like with how dragons don't need to cook their food to eat it, dragons are not dependent on housing and are able to comfortably sleep and live outside (barring extremes such as the central desert or really the entire Ice Kingdom). So, the exact permanence of a dragon's stay in town is situational and tribe/job-dependent more than anything else.
As far as the tribes go, Icewings and Nightwings are the most home/town oriented tribes- both tribes have the rarest approach to housing in that almost all members of both tribes live and sleep primarily in one home location that they return to for the majority of their life. For Icewings, this usually looks like multi-generational families that split off into new homes/houses only once there's a real need for it. On the other hand, Nightwings living on the volcano lived primarily together in caves/dormitories divided by age- even though this no longer exists, most Nightwing towns and houses involve many shared buildings and resemble something more like tight clumps of houses or caves.
For the majority of the tribes (Skywings, Sandwings, Mudwings, Rainwings), most dragons will have multiple houses that they move between as needed or wanted. While outliers exist, most dragons have at minimum two homes/dens: one in a more populated area that might operate as a job homebase or a place to receive guests, and a more isolated, private home that exists for the dragon in question to stash any items of importance or valuables, as well as eat and sleep. For more nomadic dragons, banks exist in towns to hold treasure, freeing up their secondary/non-work den to be little more than a shack or burrow with sleeping arrangements. More houses usually equals more money/class power, up to a certain point, where you start to see buildings more akin to Vulture's mansion or even the Royal Palaces, where one building or collection of buildings is large/grandiose enough to host other people's jobs and living spaces (on a related note, gardening is a very stereotypical high class hobby to have, as it shows both an abundance of leisure time and of space).
Between these tribes, Skywings are the most town and home oriented- Skywings often live primarily in towns and only leave for what is essentially a nesting den, as without rudimentary flight skills, Skywing towns are borderline unnavigable and occasionally hazardous for dragonets. Even with their relative isolation, nesting dens in the past have often been located near other nesting dens, creating something of a nesting village for Skywings parents to socialize and raise their hatchlings. Queen Scarlet's reign did irreparable damage to this style of collective child-rearing and nesting dens as a whole. With her breeding programs, most Skywings were forced into partnerships for the sole reason of producing more future Skywing soldiers, and the majority of eggs were instead stored in mass hatcheries until their hatching day.
On the other hand, Mudwings are the most isolated and nomadic, in part due to the structure of sib groups creating a situation where most Mudwings hatch into life with a social network already established. The Mud Kingdom is also temperate enough that housing isn't always necessary, and most Mudwings only congregate in towns for business or seeking a mate.
Finally, Seawings are almost entirely nomadic, and will usually move between a territory, with small dens and hoards scattered within. These territories can hold many multiple families, or they can exist for a single dragon- Seawing property laws are almost nonexistent and mostly maintained by honor and frequent patrolling of the territory to maintain order and mark it as lived space. These territories aren't uninhabited land either- Seawings will grow seaweed and herd schools of fish on their territory, and many take a certain landscaper-esque role, shaping the terrain into something aesthetically pleasing or useful to the inhabitant and helping signal to other Seawings that the land is occupied. One of the few times Seawings will settle in one den or space is for a hatching den- this lasts from the laying of the eggs until the hatchlings become able to swim well enough to keep up with their parents.
I've been pretty burnt out on WOF writing for a while, but this was honestly a refreshing change of pace from what I've been working on recently. Thanks for giving me an excuse to ramble about dragon housing !! I'd love to hear what other ppl think, the more headcanons the merrier :>
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sundewhasaudhd · 4 months
Once I figure out how to smoothly animate it’s over for all you bitches. Imma produce five animated DSMP fanfics, DSMP the animated show, and my high fantasy story show (no, I still don’t have a name for it after two plus years, shut up). Like, if I don’t revive the fuck out the DSMP fandom after I make DSMP the animated show, I don’t know what will. Like honestly, I’m so hyped about this fan show I’m gonna make in like, eight-ish years that I have like, zero plans for, because it’s going to let people do things like watch c!Wilbur lore and see his perspective without have to watch anything made by cc!Wilbur, which as a c!Wilbur enjoys (who absolutely fucking hates the content creator, fuck him) I find that really fucking exciting! And it’s gonna be a musical show like Steven Universe and Hazbin Hotel, which is also really fucking exciting, ESPECIALLY WHEN DURING THE EGG ARC WE WILL GET I MALE SOPRANO VILLAIN SONG WITH C!BBH, WHICH IS LIKE ONE OF THE RAREST TYPES OF SONGS FOR A MUSICAL TO HAVE AND IT JUST ALABSHSOQOSHDHDH. Plus, I might be able to introduce a whole new generation to DSMP, which would make me soooo happy, because this story has gotten me through a lot and inspired me so much creativity :D. Double plus, we’d get to have more filler-ish moments/episodes without it just being the cc’s just hanging out. God, if I don’t make this show, I’ll be sooo sad.
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mvrtaiswriting · 2 years
Patterns. x Portgas D. Ace ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :
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hiii! it’s simping for ace hours and this might be the most tooth rotting piece I have written in a while. again, quite short - but god i adore it! and i hope you will too <3 do let me know in the comments!
gender neutral! no warnings. not proofread 
feel free to reblog, like, and leave a comment. i would very much appreciate it. if you enjoy my works, click here to read more or buy me a coffee.
“I wonder what happens if I connect all the dots.” you mumbled, running your fingers across Ace’s cheeks, touching every freckle and looking for a pattern. You always thought there was something special about Ace, something that went beyond the love you felt for him - it was like the universe let the two of you meet just at the right time. Your energies complemented each other in ways you never thought were possible - and during the most chaotic period of your life, Ace stumbled into your life. Weeks later you joined Whitebeard’s crew, mastering your newly acquired powers after eating a devil fruit gently offered to you by Pops himself, making love with your boyfriend away in your room when everyone was asleep.
Your life took a whole different turn since you were with Ace - it was like he saved you from something bigger than you; you didn't know what it was, certainly becoming a pirate was more dangerous than serving tables in your island but in all honesty, that could have really killed you. It was freedom you longed for, the wildness of piracy, sailing the sea not having any perception of geographical borders and discovering the world, one creature after the other. There was a whole universe outside the walls of your city, which now only was a faded memory. Ace took your hand and stole you from your motherland - and you never looked back, thanking him everyday for changing your life for the better. 
“Do you think they form something?” he asked giggling, crossing eyes as he tried to follow the movements of your fingers. You nodded in response, not even noticing the goofy expression on your boyfriend face. Laying on top of him, you laid your head on his pillowy chest, getting a perfect view of your lover’s cheeks. 
“I can’t believe it. There IS a pattern!” you screamed in excitement, getting up to take a better look at his face. Lightly squishing his face, you took a pen to connect the dots on his face. Ace remained silent, letting you draw over his face, admiring the little scrunch that formed on the bridge on your nose every time you focussed on something. 
“Pops taught me something about the constellation, and I never saw this one in the sky. I can’t believe it’s here.” you continued, visibly surprised.
“What? What is it?” he asked curiously. 
“The freckles on your cheeks somehow form the Pisces constellation!” you clapped your hands, proud of discovering this little gem hidden in Ace’s face. 
“It’s believed to be the hardest to spot in the night sky. According to the legend, it signifies the union between Aphrodite and Eros, the goddess of beauty and the god of love.” you added, circling the moles on his cheek that indicated the two gods. “I knew it. I knew it wasn’t just a coincidence.” 
Ace smiled happily, quickly wrapping his arms around you, wiggling both of your bodies side to side. “This is so cool!” he squeaked, peppering your face in kisses. “What. a. mind.” he added, emphasising every word he said. 
“This isn’t about me! You are the special one!” you laughed, his kisses slightly tickling you. 
“I would have never known if it wasn’t for you - is something really special if no one knows about it?” he flicked your forehead before you could even argue against it. 
You took a second to observe your boyfriend once again, the way the scribbles on his face exactly charted the rarest and most romantic constellation, out of them all. It was hard to believe in coincidences now; he truly was your soulmate, your twin flame, your other half. There was no other explanation. The connection between the two of you was instant - something clicked the first time his eyes locked with yours. And even if you destroyed everything when you decided to embark in this journey with him, something fell exactly into place as if it was always meant to be. Chaos became the only order things could have, and like the seemingly random freckles on his face, everything was now making sense. 
“I love you, fire fist.” you smiled, biting your bottom lip trying not to burst into tears. You couldn't explain it; you loved him before but somehow you loved him even more now. A new light shone upon everything as a new, intense wave of happiness overwhelming your heart.  
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dc-marvel-crossovers · 5 months
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The DC/Marvel Crossover server is proud to present our summer Pool Noodle Party! Celebrating the rarest crossover pairs, both platonic and romantic. Courtesy of this post about ships that are too small to count as ships:
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For our purposes, a “pool noodle” is a relationship tag that comes up with less than 30 hits on Ao3. Platonic (&) relationships count! Any and all crossover pairings with under 30 existing fics are welcome.
We have six themes. Each theme will have a week for posting creations and a week for celebrating — giving feedback and leaving comments. We’ll share everything that was created the previous week and try to spread the love, but also post rec lists of our favorite older fics that fit the theme.
For anybody who's interested in creating fanworks for existing fic, we'll be posting a list (soon) of fics whose authors have given permission for podfic, moodboards, art, and playlists inspired by their work!
Themes are relatively loose, so your ship might fit multiple themes — that’s fine! Entirely up to you when you post.
Check out the prompt lists! Keep in mind that fics do not have to fit a particular prompt, only the general theme for the week they're posted. These are just for inspiration.
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Hackers, Paleolithic weapons, interplanetary romance, etc.
Robin Hood AU 
Mia Dearden & Kate Bishop
Eddie and Venom work at the Daily Planet 
Tony and Roy in rehab
Venom finds a new host 
Kree identity shenanigans
“I’m a doctor, not a _” 
Oracle & Jarvis 
Clint and Dick knew each other in the circus 
Starfire meets the Marvels 
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Not necessarily femslash, but woman-centric!
Natasha Romanoff/Talia Al Ghul
Birds of Prey crossover 
Amanda Waller puts together an all-female team 
Captain Britain Peggy Carter
Powerpuff Girls AU 
Diana Prince in SHIELD 
Selina Kyle as a Widow  
Coulson recruits Cassandra Cain
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Blorbos who have been resurrected, who live in Daredevil territory, who deal with demonic shit, etc.
Lazarus Pit side effects
"I think they came back wrong."
Dumpster bros 
Buffy crossover 
Nelson & Murdock in Gotham
Orpheus and Eurydice retelling
Angels and demons AU 
Clint Barton/John Constantine 
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-powers, -heroes, -villains, -boys, -girls, and/or -soldiers!
Conner Kent gets adopted 
Powers/serum are sexually transmitted 
Loki joins the Legion of Doom
“Wait, I have powers in this universe?” 
Power swap 
Kryptonian biology quirks
Marvel character gets a Lantern ring
Supernatural crossover
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Murder as a love language, or at least as a career.
John Wick AU 
Ronin!Clint / RedHood!Jason 
Outlaws team-up 
Gun/knife play 
Wade & Slade Wilson are related 
Marvel character trains Jason during Lost Days
Someone kills the Joker
The other Winter Soldier
Frank adopts Jason
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Alternately, found family! Anything to do with relationships involving more than one person.
Band AU 
Team as family (or team as relationship)
Werewolf AU   
Biker gang AU 
“God help us if they ever join forces.” 
Teen Titans meet the Young Avengers 
Accidental alien planet multi-marriage
"Everybody lives in Clint's apartment building" civilian AU
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