#god sun
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lynaferns · 6 months ago
The God AU that took me more time to draw than I anticipated.
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The size of the Gods isn't exact like in the third image. Gods can be whatever size and shape they want.
I decided to make y/n's runes show a bit under their clothes. I would have liked to make a reference of all the runes and how they cover the body but I got tired, I wanted to finish this and I didn't come up with an alphabet yet.
Some info I brainstormed back in July <- especially about the Dissident.
As always with these type of AUs I come up with, I have the concept of a story but I don't really know where to begin talking about it.
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I really like how the lineart looks without color :]
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tokiro07 · 11 months ago
Sun: Sorry, kid, I don't make the Rules Fuuko: You literally do
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scarredlove · 1 year ago
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I have no recollection of drawing this-
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thecroissantwriter · 5 months ago
The Nebula (or the Key) Chapter Two: Hide and Seek
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croissantlover24 · 5 months ago
Sun why are you so professional? (god AU)
Like I know you’re a god and everything but STILL
Let yourself be a little ✨silly✨
God Sun: I am expected to be professional. That is my job.
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shibiichi · 2 years ago
God sun and moon designs!
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The daycare attendants ascended!! Here are my sun and moon designs but gods!
Also looking to get these guys in vr chat so wish me luck for finding someone who can do that!
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cruciannnn · 3 months ago
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my sons💋
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shxinny · 2 years ago
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Montu es el netkher de la guerra, del alto Egipto y manifestación del sol abrazador, es por esta razón que también lleva el epíteto de Montu-Ra.
Su nombre significa ''Nómada'', es un dios muy antiguo, tras ser reconocido por el epíteto de Montu-Ra fue considerado cómo un netkher de la guerra, uno de sus títulos era ''Horus con el brazo fuerte''.
Tuvo varias consortes, entre ellas se encontraban Tenenet/Tyenenet, netkher de la maternidad, Rattaui/Raet-Taui, señora de las dos tierras y personificación del sol, contraparte femenina de Ra y madre de Harpra y Harpocrates, y Iunyt/Tunit, netkher de la fertilidad y el campo.
El centro del culto de Montu se situaba en Hemonthis (Tierra de Montu), Tebas, Nubia, Medamud, Karnak, lugar donde su templo yace junto al de Amen, Amant y Tod.
Su festividad se celebra el 5to día del mes de la estación de Akhet/Ajet
Fue hijo adoptivo de Amen y Mut, luego sería reemplazado por Khonsu, esto debido a que, según la mitología, Montu se percato que su importancia se vería opacada por la de sus padres, es por esta razón que decidió escapar a Hermonthis.
Los Greco-Romanos le nombraron Month y lo asociaron a Apolo/Sol y Ares/Marte.
Fue sincretizado con Her/Heru, Ra, Ra-Horakhti y Bakh, recibiendo los nombres de:
Montu-Her (Month-Horus)
Montu-Ra (Month-Ra)
Montu-Bakh (Month-Buchis/Month/Bujis)
Montu-Ra-Horakhti (Month-Ra-Horakhti)
Fue en la dinastía XI donde los faraones decidieron portar su nombre, Montuhotep/Mentuhotep (Montu está satisfecho).
Es representado cómo un hombre con cabeza de halcón o de toro, portando el disco solar, dos ureos y la corona de dos plumas. También era representado directamente cómo un halcón.
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Imagen: crimson-chains
Fuente 1: Wiki-Mitología
Fuente 2: Cairotoptours
Fuente 3: Egiptología.org
Fuente 4: Worldhistory.org
Fuente 5: Egipto Exclusivo
Fuente 6: Amigos del antiguo Egipto
Fuente 7: Egipto profundo
Fuente 8: Sobre Egipto
Fuente 9: Egyptopia
Fuente 10: Wikipedia (solo para sacar el nombre griego, no lo tomen cómo fuente seria).
Recuerden que todas mis redes sociales y la Per-Ankh están ligadas a mi Beacons, no vemos en un próximo post ¡Adiós!
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nazumichi · 1 year ago
the joys of a keychain (wow! little object) vs the fears of a keychain (What If It Vanishes)
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unowneyenon · 10 months ago
pokémon game plots will forever be some of the wildest things to grasp for me. a bunch of environmentalists dressing up like pirates actually almost drown the world. oh yeah you can also dress up your pikachu in silly outfits and pick berries for them. jeff bezos creates a death laser using gods to try and destroy france. oh yeah you can also participate in cutsy pageants w your pokémon and yassify your poodle. meanwhile, in hawaii, aliens sent by your girlfriend’s abusive mom are trying to kill everything and many of them look like lovecraftian horrors. have fun surfing on manta rays though. meanwhile, in meiji era japan, you have to battle The Devil from The Bible TWICE because this loser who’s been Just There the whole game has religious trauma and wants to fistfight god. everything wants to KILL YOU and you’re getting paid minimum wage for groundbreaking scientific research. GOD from THE BIBLE gives you an iphone -11 reality is BREAKING NOW GO CATCH 20 BIDOOF AND THREE LAKE SPIRITS
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sailing-ever-west · 2 months ago
I gotta say I'm obsessed with what Luffy does to the typical "sunshine" character trope, in that he's an exception to the usual portrayal but perhaps the most true to it of anyone. He's not "sunshine" as in pure niceness and sweetness and innocence. He's sunshine as in The Sun.
He's joy and light and warmth, illuminating all the beauty of the world, but he's also powerful enough to kill and blind and burn. He's an everyday annoyance. He's the strongest force of nature that exists. His happiness shines bright for miles. So does his rage. You could look at him wrong and be screwed up for life. You never want to live without him.
I can't get over this.
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call-me-jmd · 5 months ago
I Would Obsorb This AU Like Soup
The God AU that took me more time to draw than I anticipated.
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The size of the Gods isn't exact like in the third image. Gods can be whatever size and shape they want.
I decided to make y/n's runes show a bit under their clothes. I would have liked to make a reference of all the runes and how they cover the body but I got tired, I wanted to finish this and I didn't come up with an alphabet yet.
Some info I brainstormed back in July <- especially about the Dissident.
As always with these type of AUs I come up with, I have the concept of a story but I don't really know where to begin talking about it.
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I really like how the lineart looks without color :]
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theproblemsofdonhi · 11 months ago
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Big Luffy finds a weird looking cat.
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egophiliac · 2 months ago
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2025 is the year of the DRAGON SLIPPERS
#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#kutsurogi my room#eyestrain#(just a little) (that purple is a beast)#happy new year everybody!#still catching up but i needed to bust in to be extremely validated about some anime slippers#I KNEW IT i knew he'd have some doofy footwear!!!!#they're even actually dragon slippers!#i just got the wrong end of the dragon. whoops.#god. i love this idiot so much.#lilia really does have the best character development huh#lilia 600 years ago: i exist only to defend my kingdom against humanity. (eats a frog without breaking eye contact)#lilia today: wah i stubbed my toe :( i can't find my eyelash curler :( the sun is too bright :(#(this is not a complaint i genuinely love this silly grampa)#most relatable groovy ever tbh#sigh. i gotta have a serious think about my keys now.#i didn't get ANY of the new cards (not even the srs...)#i did get bloom lilia(!!!) from the mission pulls so that kinda made up for it but now i'm like#weighing the odds that birthday malleus is going to be in sweatpants...#i just feel deep in my bones that this upcoming mal card is going to be the funniest yet#(and this is saying something considering his og card literally is wearing a little frilly sash that says 'birthday boy')#honestly though no matter what malleus wears it's going to be incredible#this man has such an intrinsic vibe of dark hooded cloakiness that whenever he wears anything else it's guaranteed hilarity#sometimes i like to think about how he just wanders around campus in his little blazer and tie and it's the best
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croissantlover24 · 5 months ago
To both Sun and Moon:
How do plants and greenery not die of constant light/sun and how do plants and greenery of the other side get ENOUGH light/sun with the constant moon?
God Sun: Every plant here is modified to need as much sun as possible. Even with it being always day, most plants need to be on windowsills so they don’t die. It’s kind of like how cacti evolve to get used to the desert. Life lives on.
God Moon: Most of the foliage here already blooms in the night, such as moonflowers. Some plants need artificial lights in gardens, but most just evolved to stand the darkness.
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sloanslone · 4 months ago
didn't have enough art to give away for Halloween so have these divas in compensation
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I worked so hard on this my artwork files crashed 💀🙌
Bonus: I love these two so much 😭
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