#god im so glad im quitting this fucking job
bnncat · 2 years
I hate days like these
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Woke up from a teaching nightmare that just had every one of my experiences from the last five years of teaching just thrown into one. So way worse than ones I've had before. Panic attack for a good few minutes followed by a now constant headache followed by currently going to reddit while crying and finding out this is pretty common even after quitting.
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kimsmuse · 1 year
yandere dilf !!
this was written in gaps, so im not that confident about it?? but here goes nothing. also i fucking love dilfs god. get me a dilf please.
also this was inspired by this one man i saw on my way to my uni admissions and he was there for his daughter 💀 put me in jail fr
the dilf here is in 40s something and the reader in early 20s n i think she switched universities to do her master’s (if you do not like this type of thing please look away <3)
gender neutral!reader (it might be implied femal but the pronouns are they/them) 1.7k words. warnings for age gap yandere behavior, kidnapping, manipulation, obsessive behaviour? dilf is a delusional yandere fr.
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yandere!dilf who is (clichè i know, please look away but this is the best thing i can think of) your father’s friend, but not best friend or anything because he lives in another city, but oh you’re moving there for uni and your parents can’t think of anybody else to contact so they call him up !!
but he’s busy when you’re moving so he can’t help :(( oh but did i tell you he was the one who chose that apartment for you to move into?? it was so close to him and his friend said to keep an eye on you so he chose the one which wasn’t even like 5 minutes away. and he wants to be of help to his friend so bad but these board meetings and stuff ://
best believe that when he’s free he’s at your apartment with a bunch of new home essentials, a few groceries that you might need, and this man is ringing up your door. now neither of you had seen each other, heard about the other from the common point that was your father, yes. but to open the door and be in the presence of a man that is that gorgeous?? and he’s just wearing sweatpants and a tshirt?? god.
not to mention a thin chain around his neck that leads to inside his shirt…. kill me really.
anyway, but he’s equally taken back because um, this was his friend’s kid. literal kid. he shouldn’t be thinking about how alluring your appearance was, get your head straight, he tells himself, as you invite him. aren’t the shorts too short….
if sexual tension could have been visible, man would your apartment be full of it.
but he’s nothing but resisting, it’s how he has been single for so long, it’s not that he doesn’t like commitment, but… he likes to tell everyone that he just hasn’t found his The One yet.
“the apartment has come together nicely,” he says as he looks around and it is, you’ve done a great job at it and it reflects the type of person that he assumes you are.
you ask him if he wants something to drink? and he politely rejects your offer, he does not want this thing to escalate because knowing his track record, he can’t stand a minute more near the kitchen island and not think about bending you over, and that was normal for him but god, snap out of it, this is half your own age, he thinks to himself.
and you want him to stay, but again, it is quite fucked up to think about being fucked by your father’s friend and someone your father’s age.
“here,” he gives you all the stuff he brought with and kept it. “that’s all, i have some work i need to do so i’ll take your leave now,” he starts to leave when he looks back again “and, um, my number,”
to which you blush, but remind yourself, it’s only like an authority figure, nothing else. and he tells you his own address, in case there’s ever an emergency.
that is how it begins, and your father leaves a message for him, “please take care of them,” and he acts like it’s a burden but he’s overjoyed inside, he has an excuse…
anyway, fast forward to you starting university, getting a social circle, and he visits you weekly, awkward and short visits but you’re just glad he can grace your apartment like that, you even light up your special candles around for him to notice, and he does, but you don’t know how hard he’s just trying so hard to not snap.
when it’s been almost an year or something, he finally thinks he should sit down or you’ll catch on to him or something (little does he know that all you though of it was the fact that men like him are always busy.)
“so you’ve settled in okay?” he asks, as if the cctv installed outside your door doesn’t already tell him that you bring a steady flow of people home, friends.. un-friends and people he was genuinely jealous of. he was jealous of your friends too, because he desperately wanted to stay platonic with you and he didn’t know how they did that.
the conversation flows from one point to other and suddenly you ask him, “are you married?” and he looks startled at the question so quickly begin to apologise, you did not mean to overstep any boundaries.
“uh, i don’t know, i just haven’t found someone who i would like that much, i guess,” if the tension before was a lot, this was the worst it could get.
he leaves abruptly again, and you watch from your balcony as he pulls his car out of the parking and out, wishing he stayed sometime.
what you did not know though was the fact that the yandere was fully invested in your life, your friends, your daily errands. but this was what taking care of you meant, right?
the last straw came to him when you were at a party, frustrated by the lack of response that older man was giving you, you were desperate to get laid today even if you would end up being upset over the fact that it wasn’t him. but unknown to the fact that the yandere just had this.. odd feeling today? that he has to follow you and when he got to know it was a party? parties are never good news.
and he’s almost dozing off 2 hours later in his car, parked safely at a distance when he think he hears your voice. and sure enough when he takes a peek out, across the street is you, and wait, is that a guy following you.
“i was just kidding i really don’t want to go home with anybody tonight.”
he gets out of the car silently, and the guy who is insistent on getting his dick wet by specifically you, a statement which makes his blood boil, is too busy persuading you to notice the punch that the dilf throws at him from behind. the yandere doesn’t think about what you’ll ask about how he got there and stuff, this was serious and it only reaffirms his ideals that yes, he had to make sure you were safe and he had to follow you, god knows what would have happened if he wasn’t there.
as soon as the guy is knocked out, he looks at you and you look up at him surprised, your mouth forming an ‘o’ but noticing the haze in your eyes, he can feel relief inside.
“you’re here!” you exclaim and you are drunk, he concludes as you hug him. he might actually burst but he feels euphoric right now, as if he could cry, it was like he had this actual fear, what would he do if something happened to you? it was no longer the responsibility or the feeling of being answerable to your dad.
don’t worry after that, he drives you home, but his home. he has to make sure you’re safe at all times, right? what if someone decided to rob your place? or… the guy from earlier? what if he got your address from one of your friends? he couldn’t imagine it.
so there might be a change in plans, you don’t need to tell your dad yet though, or anybody. in fact, you might not need to go out at all. he made more than enough to sustain, and keep you safe, take care of you, like your dad asked, and he is nothing but a loyal friend, isn’t he?
now let's dive into little specifics, shall we?
yandere dilf is completely smitten, he was the first moment he saw you but right now you're at his mercy, and it gave me a hysterical kind of high. 
and he is so so convinced that he's doing what he can to protect you and this is allthat can be done, there's no other way!
he brings you bits and pieces of news that are the most terrible of them all - murders, rapes, all of the worst stuff, so you realize how much of a favour the yandere is doing you by protecting you.
and your dad? as far as he's concerned, you're still going about your daily routine, there’s nothing wrong with it. he makes you call him because he doesn't want to deal with his friend, not yet.
yandere dilf is caring but he's also really short tempered, if he brings you food and you eat it silently without saying anything, he'll snap :(( because you should have said the food was good or you were happy that he brough you that, right?
but he realizes his fault quite soon, he was mature, he shouldn’t act this way with you. and he apologises, someone tell this man an apology means you would try not to do it again. because he does, he keeps on repeating the cycle.
at first you were completely opposed to whatever this weird idea was, but slowly you gave in, when you realized the heights he had thought all of this through to, all you could hope was someone to notice that this wasn't normal and help you. well, someone to notice and try to help you and not be bought off by the money that the yandere dilf gave them.
yandere dilf coddles you; at first this is how he got to break your shell, he patted your head when you did something good, something like eating, drinking water. and you loved it, as much as you hated to admit it, sometimes it felt like you put in so much efforts in your daily life to get people to love you, that it felt like a relief that here he was praising you for doing the smallest of tasks.
yandere dilf does not fuck you. he keeps himself in control, he does not even touch you if you're angry or upset at him, but he knows a few ways and he's bringing you around slowly to the idea of a you and him together creating an us.. he's getting there slowly and surely.
just… please.. don't try to escape or anything, that would really set the process back… or would it accelerate it…?
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aezuria · 5 months
Hi! could you do a daughter of hadez! reader x leo valdez headcannons or one shot? Like the reader is really gloomy and Leo is the only one that gets her to smile (like nico and will oops)
*ੈ✎ turn that frown upside down!
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content: leo valdez x daughter of hades! reader
╰┈▸ warnings: canon divergent probably, a few cuss words
librarian's annotations: so i was stuck between making that daughter of hades fic with jason angsty or this one, guess which one i did ! (he can never be not tragic im sorry) anyways SO SOOOO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I HOPE U LIKE IT
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you were not the most joyous person; at least that's what it looked like to other people.
like, did anyone ever see you smile?
(probably nico, but that's about it)
well, leo valdez took that as a challenge
a pretty girl like you with a perpetual frown on her face? he'd turn that frown upside down!
(or so he hoped)
you picked at your food, sitting alone at the hades table once again; nico sneaking off to who knows where doing gods know what
leo took his chance and approached you, not caring about the assigned seating rule
i mean, he couldn't just let you sit there all alone!
"hey there," leo slid onto the bench in front of you, his elbow on the desk as he tried to act all suave.
who is this bumbling fool? you looked up from your food, an ever present glare in your eyes.
yikes, leo thought, laughing awkwardly. "you looked a little lonely, so i wanted to keep you company. is that alright?"
normally (as normal for an abnormal situation like this) you'd tell them to go fuck right off. but maybe you were in a miss-your-brother mood, or maybe you were just hungry and not thinking straight.
regardless, you gave him a shrug and took a bite out of your food. that wasn't a complete no.
scandalous gasps echoed through the pavilion. leo had already gotten their attention when he broke the rule, but you letting him stay? now that was absolutely unbelievable!
you turned your sharp gaze around the hall, wondering what the sudden rise in chatter was about. (they all took it as a sign to shut up because no one wanted to see the daughter of death mad)
your unbothered ass kept on eating because it was hitting especially hard today like-
"so..." leo trailed off, fingers tapping against the table as he tried to come up with something quickly. "who's your godly parent? mine's hephaestus, i found that out like, yesterday."
"hades," you answered shortly. you thought it would be obvious with your whole vibe, but maybe to a newcomer it wasn't. and you were a bit glad it wasn't, because no one bothered to talk to you once they found out.
"oh! yeah that should've been obvious, huh?" leo laughed sheepishly.
you nodded, the mostly one-sided conversation extending for a painstakingly long time.
"y/n!" leo waved eagerly once he caught sight of you leaving your cabin.
you startled, about to look over your shoulder to see who he was waving at as if he didn't just yell out your name. you put up your hand in a weak attempt at saying hello. you were about to go and start walking again when he ran towards you calling, "wait!"
you stopped short and turned back around to see him sprinting towards you. (guess all that running away was good for something)
he put his hands on his knees dramatically and gasped for breath. (maybe not?) leo straightened up, a bright grin on his face. "where are ya going? can i come with?"
you were off to go brood in the woods or something; not much of a two-person job. but for some reason, you couldn’t say no to his cheerful smile.
”sure.” you turned and went to walking again.
he scampered after you excitedly. “great! so what are we doing? do you wanna see this cool bunker i found? look at this bracelet i made! do you want it? i can make another so we match!”
you were a little overwhelmed with the amount of topic changes that happened in a matter of seconds. it was like a conversation with him made up for all the social interaction you deprived yourself of. it was quite endearing, if you were being honest. (maybe you didn't want to be all mysterious and nonchalant anymore! was that so bad?)
principle was principle after all.
"we can go to your bunker if you want," you said after he finally gave you a chance to speak. it's not like what you were about to do was any more interesting.
you didn't know how it was possible, but he smiled even wider. "really!? great! it's this way!" he took your hand and ran in the direction he pointed.
(and if your heart skipped a beat as he did so? well, that was for your information only)
"you like?" leo swung the door open and swooped an arm out proudly. "i'm still cleaning it up so it's a little messy, but there's so much cool stuff here! i don't know why nyssa didn't tell me about this. also! look at this dragon i found! his name's festus!"
he ran over to an astoundingly large bronze dragon. to say you were impressed would be an understatement.
"i know right!?"
"why do you always have a frown on your face?" leo asked one day. his hands itching to tug the corners of your mouth upward.
what? "i'm not frowning. this is my normal face." your face knitted in confusion.
he blew out a sigh, shaking his head in response. "seriously?"
"why would i be joking?" you deadpanned. but maybe that was also your normal voice.
"so like, everyone thinks you're mad at them when you're really just looking at them?"
"wait, people think i'm mad at them?"
"..obviously, i was not about to just sit there and take that, like it would so not fit my super cool, super funny, super hot and manly vibe-" he cut himself off once he heard a giggle to his right. he looked over to see you, a soft smile on your face.
he thinks he could've died a happy man right then and there. did he, leonidas valdez, just manage to make you smile? and not just that, but laugh? his life goal was complete. zeus could strike him down right there and he'd welcome elysium with open arms.
but of course, he just had to play it cool and not act like he was totally head over heels.
"did i hear a laugh from you?" leo smirked and nudged your shoulder. "y/n, do you think i'm funny? i mean, who wouldn't, right? i'm just hilarious!" he teased.
"shut up," you hid your smile behind your hand as you tried to wipe it off.
"aww!" leo drew you in for a hug, completely forgetting his "play it cool" attitude. he felt you stiffen in his arms, and he immediately let go and scooted back. "i'm so sorry! i don't know why i did that! did i make you uncomfortable? sorry!"
seeing his flustered expression brought yet another smile to your face. (or maybe it was just him in general) "i was just surprised. i liked it, leo."
fuck. if he looked at your precious face a second longer, he'd have to confess his undying love for you right then and there. and there was a lot he had to say.
but actions did speak louder than words. "can i kiss you?"
gods be damned, that boy could kiss.
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
imagine the boys just got back from a mission and when they enter the base, they found sweetheart cooking their country food for them. The taste is giving ✨SEASONED✨, its giving ✨you want me to marry you✨, its giving ✨that type of food that added 10 years to your life span✨, ITS GIVING ✨YOU DID A VERY GOOD JOB AND IM PROUD OF YOU✨
NOOOO NEVER STOP THESE I SWEAR YOU'RE JUST FINE 😍😍🫂🫂 these give me life you have no idea miss roro💕
(@missroro ROROOO GURL IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER😭😭 PLS FORGIVE ME I WAS SHADOWBANNED AND THEN OTHER ASKS KEPT POURING IN🧎‍♀️this is quite long, so hopefully you will take that as a sacrifice for my tardiness 🙏I hope you're doing well! I miss you LOTS 💓)
And the FACT that I already have a scenario that's kinda like this blows my mind 🤯🤯
When Sweetheart wasn't needed for this certain mission, she said "aight bet. I know yall are gonna be so damn tired and hungry so watch this WORK."
(Idk if you wanted Sweetheart to cook her home food, or cook their country meals, so imma do both 💀)
Her home-cooked food:
When Task Force 141 came back to the base they smelt that SEASONING IMMEDIATELY LIKE--
Gaz: Something just happened.
I know he's the FIRST to book it to the living room, and then he sees the PLETHORA
Gaz squeals (LITERALLY SQUEALS) cause he's been wanting to taste her cooking.
(He's always asked about African-American cooking since he grew up with British cooking. Sweetheart told him the goodness and he's been hooked on it ever since)
Everyone else comes in and sees the table and they're just in shock
Like what the hell- how long did it take you to make all this?? I love you???
It felt so domestic, like coming home to a home cooked meal after getting off work and seeing your wife smile at you saying "welcome home, dear!"
Sweetheart is just beaming at them, saying "I know yall have been through hell, so have a lil' piece of heaven!" (She's so CHEESY) the mother in her comes thru, telling them to take showers and get situated first then come eat.
They were done so quickly Sweetheart had to check if some of them were actually clean
Sweetheart: Suds?
Soap, flushed: uhm, yeah?
Sweetheart, eyes squinting: Did you wash yo' ass?
Soap: Yes...?
Sweetheart: GO GET CLEANED
Soap: BUT FOOD--
Sweetheart: G O
(Alex and Gaz low key laughing at him and Price is disgusted that Soap sometimes doesn't wash his ass)
They all finally sit down and they just enjoy the warm feeling in their chests while looking at the food. Sweetheart turns on some r&b music (is this a black 80s BET movie? MAYBE) and she walks to the edge of the table, eyes are filled with love and pride for her team. "Aight, I'm gonna keep this short and simple cause I know all yall are hungry and tired," she starts. The team sit on every word she says, as they always do. She smiles. "I'm glad you all made it back safely. Successful mission or not, I will always be proud of all of you. I love yall."
She's too good for them, man. Wtf
They all just fell in love with her more AHA
So she sits down and the chatter and clatter begins. They all moaned so much when they ate the food 💀💀
(They all went into a food coma and had the BEST SLEEP EVER)
(If she made everyone's food from their culture) (I put my whole ass into this wow)
When SAS and Los Vaqueros trudged through the hallway, they heard a clang and a yelping "Ow! Son of a-"
Price and Ghost look at each other before picking up the pace towards the kitchen. "Sweetheart? Are you -" Price freezes when he sees the kitchen filled with different types of food. " - Okay..."
"Oh fuck-- Hey! Yall are back already! That's wonderful." Sweetheart nervously laughs as she wipes her hands on her messy apron. The others start to come in, not expecting the different dishes on the counters. She squeals, "Nah uh! Don't come in here! Go and get cleaned now, all of you!" They stare at her for a bit until sprinting to the Men's Showers. Shouts and loud bangs from falling tact gear are heard, making Sweetheart chuckle and shake her head. Once the men came back to the kitchen, she was gone and so was the food. "In here!" She yelled. Soap made it first to the dining room and let out a big gasp. On the long, make-shift table sat a multitude of different foods and drinks each man recognized from their home country.
"Oh, mo leannan, this looks barry!" Soap exclaims.
"In English, Mactavish." Ghost mumbles, making Soap kiss his teeth. "This looks wonderful, St.! I'm- how did you--" Sweetheart shushes him, Soap still smiling ear to ear. "Don't ask questions! Just come sit down and get your plate."
They all grab a plate and utensils with rushed steps and big smiles.
- 𓆩♡𓆪 -
Price, Ghost, and Gaz sat at the end, where they all recognize the things to make Bangers and Mash. Shepherd's Pie and Fish and Chips could be found on all their plates with a side of Barm cakes. Their dishes melt in their mouths, dragon breathing at every bite since it was still hot. Ghost had a feeling in his chest that he felt extremely warm and overwhelming. He didn't think she would make something like this for him. "How're yall enjoying it?" She asks behind Price. "Umberweivable!" Gaz spouted out, a disbelief and amazed look on his face. Sweetheart laughs at him, "Hopefully, that meant unbelievable!" Gaz nods quickly with big food-filled cheeks. "Absolutely amazing, Princess." Price says after taking a swig of homemade Ginger Beer. "Haven't had Shepherd's Pie and Ginger Beer in so long. Good run down memory lane." Price smiles with soft and grateful eyes. Sweetheart snorts out a laugh and taps her cheek. Price raises an eyebrow until the embarrassment creeps in. He grabs his napkin and wipes the food that was stuck to his cheek. "I'm glad you like it, Cap! It was so hard finding an easy recipe for that damn beer." Sweetheart grumbles, looking at the kitchen with furrowed eyes and hand on Price's shoulder. He leans into her touch and sighs. "All in all, thank you." He murmurs, lifting her hand and placing a kiss on it. Sweetheart giggles, ignoring the heat coming from her hand. "You're very welcome!" She moves to Ghost, who has been quietly shoveling food in his mouth. "Hey Ghost! Are you--" Sweetheart stopped when he looked up at her. Eyes big with tears running down his flushed, stuffed cheeks. His eyes tick away from her changed face. "What...?" Simon whispers. She gives him a soft smile as one of her hands wipes off his tears. He didn't even notice the tears falling... "You enjoying the food?" She asks softly. Oh, that tone. That tone she uses only for Simon. He shivers, nodding his head slowly and then laying on her hip. She coos, wrapping her hand around his head while giving him head scratches to calm him down. You're alright, Simon. She's saying through her touch. Enjoy yourself.
Soap was practically vibrating in his chair when he saw a pitcher of Scottish Ale next to a big pot of Cullen Skink and an array of Scotch Pies with small Bacon Butties on the side. He did a double take when he saw a dish filled with Stovies and fried cut potatoes. Just how he ate it when he was younger. He lets out a disbelieved laugh as he reaches for it. "St.!" He calls out to her. She comes over with a worried look. "Wassup Suds? Everything okay?" He looks up at her with glassy eyes and a smile, nudging the Stovies. Sweetheart snickers, "I told you I would make it! I remember you tellin' me that your...màthair? Or-- mudder- damn I forgot how to say it-- but ya mom use to make this for you! So I looked up a recipe and may have added some of my extra spice to it." She explains as she whispers and laughs that last part. He can't believe that she remembers that. He told her that when he met her; telling her all the different Scottish cuisines. "I hope it tastes good..." She mumbles to herself. She cares. Soap grabs his spoon and collects some of the dish. She cares so much. Memories going through his mind when he chews it. She cares too much. "It's delicious." Soap whimpers out. Sweetheart smiles as she bends down to hug him. "I'm glad you like it."
Alejandro exclaims loudly when he takes a bite of his abundantly covered Elote. Rudy chuckles at him, taking another big ladel of Pancita and putting it in his bowl. "Hey guys, are you- WOW," Sweetheart yells. "You guys really ate almost everything! The Tamales and Flautas are gone..." Alejandro hums as he swallows. "So is the Ceviche and the Pipián." They both laugh at Sweetheart's surprised face. "Yall were hungry!!"And we still are, mama!" Alejandro snickers, taking more bites of his corn. "Mi flor, how did you make some of these dishes? And by yourself?" Rudy asks. He's so proud of her. He feels like he's back at home. "Oh, I had some help! Kinda-- some of the rookies helped me make the dishes! But then I kicked them out cause they were getting on my nerves." Sweetheart said, making the men laugh. "I knew you were a good cook. You would make a good wife someday, Sweetheart!" Alejandro shouted out as he smiled. Her shy laugh made him feel warm, but he wants his statement to come true.
König wanted to cry. He hasn't seen such a big pan of Tiroler Gröstl in a while. A basket of Kaiser Rolls is next to some Kasnocken and a pot full of Potato Gulasch. He scratches the brown hood he has on. Sweetheart made it for him so he could wear it when he's on base, since his other one was stinking up the joint. He watches Krueger take a big bite of his food and gulp down his drink that tastes like Almdudler. He's also wearing a hood that Sweetheart made for him; light blue fabric and handmade yellow stars scattered around it. It's scrunched up to his nose, his scarred lips still munching on his roll. He seems to be enjoying himself. König hasn't eaten with Krueger ever since they were kids. The impact on Krueger's actions in the past really changed everything for König and the family. But at least they're bonding in silence. "Hey, you two! Enjoying the food?" Sweetheart asks. Sweetheart. "Yes, meine kleine Göttin. It's very tasty." Krueger compliments her. She giggles, but it's cut short when Krueger grabs her arm and kisses her cheek. "Thank you for this wonderful feast, my love." He whispers in her ear with a smirk. Her mind goes blank for a moment, the heat of the kiss still searing on her brown skin. König grips his fork hard, turning his knuckles white. She sputters and then loudly laughs. "Yeah! No- no problem! I uh, König? How you uh, you enjoying the food?" He looks down at his plate, still quite full of food, yet not feeling like eating any of it anymore. König smiles with his eyes. "I am, Schatz. Thank you."
Horangi was enjoying himself to the fullest. Slurping down some Jajangmyeon with korean fried chicken and Kimchi fried rice with an egg. It reminds him so much of his mother's cooking, and when he didn't receive any Valentine's Day gifts so he would eat the noodles on Black Day. He blows on the noodles, the steam fogging up his black sunglasses. He wishes his past choices didn't bring him to this point. To be reminded of what he had, and now it's gone. He drank some of his soda, causing a big burp outta him. "You seem to be enjoying it, Horangi!" But without all his choices, he wouldn't have met her. He chuckles, covering his heavily scarred smile with his hand. Her warm hand snakes around his, gently pulling it down. She wants to see his smile. Her eyes sparkle at seeing his half-uncovered face. He's so pretty... "You like the noodles? M'sorry if I got the sauce wrong, I think I forgot some ingredients--" Horangi shakes his hand up. "No, no! It's perfect. The black bean sauce is amazing. I almost finished the whole pot." He's extremely impressed by her, but the cold feeling in his spine is wanting him to put the mask back on. Sweetheart squeals and claps, "Oh wonderful! I'm so glad you like it! By the way.." She leans down to hug his frozen form. "I hope to see your smile again. It's very pretty." She says. He is not grateful for his past choices, but he is grateful for her.
Alex and Roach enjoy their food in comfortable, happy silence. Alex hasn't had a decent cheeseburger since his leave. He dips a crinkle cut fry in ketchup, while Roach enjoys a big Maine Crab Roll. He's never tasted one before, but he always has, ever since Sweetheart gave him a postcard with the Roll on it, it's been his dream to taste one. "Yo, Alex! How's the burger?" Sweetheart asks, walking up to the both of them. Alex hums with a smile on his face. "You can't go wrong with a cheeseburger unless it's from a dirty bar." Sweetheart laughs, "Amen to that! And you're you doing, Gare Bear? Ya like the roll?" She asks sweetly. Roach can feel his face heat up from the nickname. He puts it down, finally taking breaths from horking it down non-stop, and putting two thumbs up. Her bright smile made both of them feel warm inside.
Graves sighs. His bones and joints hurt so damn bad. That mission with everyone was successful but it always costed some type of labor pain. He went to his dorm, already clean and changed into casual clothes. He could've sworn he heard laughing on the other side of the base... It didn't matter to him. All he wanted to do was to sleep off this pain. He notices a big plate covered in tin foil and a small note plus a coke-a-cola on his door mat. His eyes scan down the hall way with confused brows. Is he being pranked by one of his shadows? He better not be, he doesn't have the patience for it- Oh it's from Sweetheart. Wait- "What?" Graves mumbles, eyeing the messy note. The note reads:
Hey Graves. Congrats on the successful mission
Made you some dinner cause I'm pro proo pri PROU FUCK proud of you. That is the only time I'm gonna say that to you and it's not even in person. Doesn't matter, enjoy the food
Sweetheart ♡ (p.s. you still an asshole and NO I did NOT put laxatives in your food this time)
He huffs out a chuckle with a wobbly smile. So she does care for him. In a-- weird, hateful way. He walks in his dorm with food and drink in hand and opens the tin foil, the smell of barbecue baby back ribs, steamed carrots, buttered rolls and mashed potatoes fill his nostrils. His mouth waters immediately as he sits in his desk chair. He digs in with the utensils that Sweetheart gave him, his mind immediately going to his repeated fantasy about having a family with Sweetheart. Her, serving him a big plate of food with their baby boy on her hip. She kisses Graves's forehead and situates their son in the high chair before she starts to eat as well. A happy smile works on his face, not feeling the tears streaming down his cheeks. A happy family. "It's delicious..."
- 𓆩♡𓆪 -
After Dinner Bonus!
"Hey, no one go ANYWHERE! Yall are helping me clean all this shit up!" Sweetheart points out with a frown. Soap laughs, "Of course, hen! Why wouldn't we?"
"You did a lot for us, Princess. We'll take care of everything now. Go and take a load off." Price says close to her. Very close to her. "Nah, I can help!" Sweetheart pushed. "Your shoulder has been bothering you, hasn't it?" Ghost said, making Sweetheart flinch. "Why you gotta call me out like that, man?" Sweetheart whined. He was right, though. She's been rotating her left shoulder from time to time, playing it off every time one of the boys asked about it.
Alejandro laughs, placing his hand on her hip. His thumb doing small circles on her thin clothing. Rudy and Krueger strolled towards Sweetheart. Rudy wore a soft smile, yet his eyes told a different story. A more mischievous story. Alejandro's voice dropped an octave, making a hot jolt spike through Sweetheart's spine. "Come now, mama. I know just what to do to help you relax."
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°.Reblogs are highly appreciated.! Thank you for your support everyone!!
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potatobugxo · 11 months
Hello! I saw your requests are open and I also saw that you did Mike headcanons (which were AMAZING by the way) so I was wondering if you can do the same for William? Both sfw and nsfw if that's cool with you. Thanks in advance🩷🩷🩷
awww thank you so much!! im glad you liked the mike hcs <33
🦋william afton sfw+ nsfw hcs🦋
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you must be a special little something if william thinks you're worth his time <3
god knows how you met him, though it was probably through potential unemployment and you needed career counseling
well good ol' mr. steve raglan is here to help!
you catch his eye immediately, specifically, maybe its your quirkiness who knows haha
and hes such a silly little guy, how could you not fall for him on the spot?
he decides not to send you into the deathtrap that is the pizzeria, and instead gives you a job that completely goes against your skillset
psst, little secret, he wants you to get fired so you'll keep coming back to him for help
why would he want you to make money when he could spoil you himself? sure it hurts his pockets a little, but he's insistent on treating you to coffee shops, restaurants, etc
finds every nickname in the world to call you
"baby, honey, sweet-face" and his favorite, "bunny"
even with how mentally fucked he is, there's a tiny bit of goodness in there sometimes and only you get to see it ok???
you WILL have a collection of rabbit-themed merchandise and there is nothing you can do about it <333
pretty gentlemanly actually in public, likes to link his arm with yours, will ALWAYS hold doors for you, and he'll do it all with the cutest lil smile on his face
boy howdy
he's very experienced, and he loves to show you a fucked up good time
absolutely knows what he's doing and likes to think you dont <3
i hope you have a knife kink because jesus christ
loves to pin you by your neck, whether it be your throat or from behind while he absolutely demolishes you
favorite place to do the dirty is his work desk 🤭 does not care how much of a mess it makes, as long as you're a mess after hes done with you
for the love of god call him sir or mr. raglan/afton he will quite literally pass away on the spot
daddy kink ok??? daddy kink <333
please yank him around by his tie and he might choke you in return <3
likes to stick his fingers in your mouth, loves it when you bite them and draw blood too
very much a masochist and a sadist 😈
loves when he fucks you to tears, wants to hear you whimper and cryyy his name
you'll have bruises on your arms, hips, legs, wherever he can grab jesus does he have an iron grip
likes to bite and nibble your skin too
oh yeah, he'll fuck you in costume too, doesn't care how weird it is
the springlock suit stays ON during sex 😚
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hp-hcs · 11 months
i’m glad!! 😭😭 i was stressing out so much over that one cause there’s no real coherent plot but i pROMISE I KNOW WHERE THE STORY’S GOING
ends at kind of a weird spot cause idk how to end anything ever
ty to the person who said this could be a five part series. i appreciate your confidence in my attention span.
requests? please, sir, i want some more 🥺🤲
this fire ain’t the only thing that’s camp (Chapter Two of Splinched) — death eater! theodore nott x splinched! male! muggleborn! reader
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Theodore comes tromping back into the clearing with an armful of branches, twigs, pinecones, and duff. He clumsily dumps the load into the snow, wiping snow off of the log-turned-bench by the fire pit, and sitting down.
“Okay, now what?”
“Build the fire,” you instruct. “Make a pyramid shape.”
You bring your hands together so that your palms are far apart but your fingertips touch, making an ‘A’ sort of shape to illustrate your point.
“The pine needles and dead leaves and stuff, that’s all great tinder. It’ll burn the quickest, and help start the fire. Put that in the middle of your pyramid. Build your pyramid around that with the kindling; the twigs and thinnest branches.”
Theodore does as you say, making a rather shoddy pyramid that he seems quite proud of.
You pull your blanket tighter around yourself. You sit inside the entrance of the tent, the flap open and pinned back so you can still talk to Theodore.
You had caught a nasty fever the day after Theodore’s spell, leaving you incapacitated for days. To make matters worse, an unexpected snowstorm—nearly a month too early—froze the entire forest. The storm itself reeked of bad magic; everything about it seemed unnatural.
Merlin must’ve had a vendetta against you both, because additionally during that time, Theodore’s wand had begun to spark and malfunction. The Dark spell he’d cast must’ve done serious damage to the core. But his wand had fully given up that morning, shriveling up and blackening like a spent match.
You toss him your lighter and watch as he unskillfully manages to light the tinder, by the grace of God, and cheers with a loud whoop! that sends the birds in the nearby trees scattering into the air.
“Now just add the bigger branches as needed,” you advise, your teeth chattering.
Much to his chagrin, Theodore was quite relieved with your silly Muggle knowledge. He had no idea how to make or light a campfire without his wand, but you assured him that it wasn’t difficult to do the Muggle way.
Glancing over at you with a dumb, silly grin on his face, quite proud of his own achievement, he opens his mouth to mock-boast, only to have his breath stolen from him.
You still look quite sickly, rather weak and tired, but you really make quite a sight. Against the dull olive of the tent and the muted dark blue of the blanket you’re completely enveloped in, the red, sick flush of your face stands out quite a bit. White snowflakes dot your eyelashes, and your pretty eyes seem to track his every movement.
Stop it, Theodore. You have a job to do.
Clearing his throat, he makes his way back to the tent, ducking in and sitting next to you while occasionally glancing over to keep an eye on the fire.
Your face barely peeks out from the thick blanket as you peer out at him. You clearly are thinking of asking him something.
Please don’t ask why I did it, please, for the love of Merlin, don’t ask, don’t as-
“Why’d you help me?”
“Hm?” Theo hums, as if he hadn’t understood you, wrapping one of the spare blankets around himself.
“You could’ve just left me to bleed out. Or you could’ve said fuck it and Apparated anyway. Why’d you help me?”
“The Dark Lord doesn’t like his things damaged,” Theo says in a gruff voice, any friendliness in his demeanor completely vanishing and signaling the end of the conversation.
You just nod, retreating back into your blanket cocoon.
You both sit in silence.
Chapter Three
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azzypzazzy · 28 days
Love Me Anyway
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warnings: mild cursing
summary: reader and charlie had been friends since they were kids, and dated in private for a while until they broke up, and they’re now alone together for the first time in forever.
wordcount: 861
a/n: title is based off of love me anyway by chappell roan because it’s actually such a good song and i listened to it while thinking about this, which was based off of a dream and a few boygenius songs (emily im sorry my beloved). anyways, this is a little blurb i wrote, which im not sure if im gonna continue, honestly depends if anyone actually cares. also wrote this because i recently went through a shitty breakup so why not
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“Charlie?” His eyes met yours, concern plastered on your face.
He took a moment. It felt unnatural. Everything had. Having to ask you, the person who knew him best, how life has been. It irked him, not knowing a thing about you anymore, “Sorry. I’ve been alright. Just streaming, trying to figure everything out.” 
You nodded, fiddling with the bracelets around your wrist. And Charlie couldn’t help but notice, “Something wrong?” 
Another pause. 
He always knew when something was wrong. “Not really. I guess I’ve just been a bit off, you know..” Your voice trailed off, never framing it as a question. He always knew. 
“Definitely,” he mumbled, his hand reaching up to itch the bottom of his jaw. All he wanted to do was pull you into his arms, be there for you, be the one for you. He had to be. Instead, he sat next to you, cramped in the car, desperate to distract himself. “Anything new with you?” 
You finally smiled, a faint chuckle escaping your lips, “Didn’t you ask me that already?” 
Seeing you happy allowed him to finally breathe, the tension between you two a bit lighter. “Guess I did.” 
He knew you hadn’t told him the full truth. And you had to know he knew. 
You sucked in a breath, “I got a new job a bit ago.” 
“That’s good to hear, glad you finally quit serving. Place was a fucking dump,” He paused. It was subtle, but he couldn’t miss how your expression changed, how you now couldn’t look him in the eye. “Uh, so what’re you up to now?”
Your eyes darted out the window, probably looking to see if your friends were coming back to your rescue. After a moment you responded with a mumble, “I didn’t quit or anything, just started picking up shifts at the Citgo. My ex moved out a bit ago, and the place isn’t really fit for a roommate, so ‘m trying to pick up the slack.” 
Oh. You had a boyfriend. 
Charlie swallowed, barely able to collect himself to comfort you. “Sorry to hear that.”
“It’s—It’s fine,” You shook your head. Your hand had moved up from your bracelets to your rings. “It was for the better anyways, he was an asshole.” 
“If it helps, I haven’t had much luck romantically either,” He admitted, his eyes meeting yours again. Did it? 
The corners of your lips turned up subtly, only enough for Charlie to notice. “That sucks. But uh, at least we’ve still got time, right?” 
“Yeah,” He assured you, “We’ve still got plenty of time.” 
Silence filled the car, neither of you knowing how to continue the conversation. 
Charlie’s right leg bounced up and down, his hand resting on his left. “Hey, uh, you remember when we promised to get married if we were still single by twenty five?” He chuckled, anxiously meeting your gaze. He couldn’t tell if it was a good conversation starter, or an extremely weird thing to bring up. 
You once again laughed, a grin staying on your face once you stopped. “Christ, Charlie. We were sixteen, you’re gonna hold me to that?” 
“What? Oh come on—I’m not saying that. I was just thinking about how stupid we were. I mean, married by twenty five. Who even wants that?” He laughed, trying desperately to escape the teasing which was sure to come. 
And come it did, as you let out another cackle, “You do! You totally do! Oh my god, you’re seriously gonna lie about that to me? It’s—Jesus christ man,” You continued to laugh, wiping non existent tears from the corners of your eyes, “It’s fine, just, like, that’s not even that old? Like, why would we ever say that?” 
He turned his head, resting on the window, “I don’t. I really don’t. I’m happy right where I am,” But as you continued your laughing fit it got harder for him to remain serious, forcing him to finally crack a smile. “Well, you could’ve done way worse than me.” 
You took a breath, trying to calm yourself down. “Oh trust me,” Your hand met his shoulder, firmly grabbing him, “I have.” 
He could only laugh more, unsure what to do. Everything was perfect, normal again. Trapped in an isolated moment, in a world of uncertainty. The way the moonlight spilled through the windows to hit your face. The familiar scent of your perfume trapped in the car. The way your crows feet crinkled when you laughed. He’d missed all of it dearly. 
Your arm retreated back to your lap, snapping him back into reality, only to hear you whisper a small apology. 
He felt his breath pick up, worried he just ruined everything he spent all night trying to build up. “No worries,” He tried to smile again, wanting the energy to pick up. Wanting you back. 
“You know, I really missed you,” You admitted, your voice dropping into a small whisper. You fiddled with your own thumbs, the need to fidget still prevalent. 
He took a final breath, trying to calm himself. “I missed you too,” He said, before following it by a whisper, “More than you’ll ever know.” 
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mollyrolls · 9 days
ask game !! thank you anon <3
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
i loveeee bokuaka like top 3 things ever. i think that akaashi had planned with staying with volleyball for a while bc he had so much fun doing it for the first two years, but the first practice without bokuto made him feel so sick that he had to quit
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
im eating a really good burrito rn, all of my professors are really funny and entertaining so classes are fun, and im getting back into the swing of writing for fun and not as a 'job'
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
everyone needs to have a 'shame game' in their life that they can turn to and just shut the world out with. think being on level 2500 of candy crush or 52 of townville (me). its something low stakes but high investment that you can turn to if youre feeling bad but dont have to do every day
also i think that everyone should do something creative every day. like it doenst have to be a masterpiece, you dont have to be good at it, but intentionally making the choice to practice creativity does reallly great things for your mental health
🥝 ⇢ do you lie a lot? what's the most recent lie you told?
i try not to lie, but i do tell some stupid white lies bc they make me laugh. most recent lie i told was i told my roommate that my uncle is a professional bowler. hes not
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
FUCK I HAVE SO MANY im doing them all idc idc
@aozui ree was my actual day one, one of the first people to reblog hey cupid and definitely my first friend on here. i always feel really happy when i talk to ree even when we go spells without talking. instant mood booster. we jsut click like that EWWWWWW I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU REE
@tsukacchako my irloomfie syd, the only person who knows all sides of my freak, the only person i am genuinely not embarrassed to tell anything to, god i love you sm syd im glad we met. syd you always make me feel seen and youre one of the only people i know that i trust 100% with anything
and the four horsemen OBVIOUSLY (@eggyrocks @honeekyuu @nectardaddy), what's there not to say abt them? genuinely some of the funniest people ive ever met, i really appreciate how candid yall are and the absolute ride or die energy we cultivated, you guys are just all so fucking cool and every time we talk it just gets better and better
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sdwolfpup · 1 month
I just finished reading HFoG and oh. Oh. My. God. I need to rant (you can totally ignore this if you'd like).
First of all, the scenario you've created fits them so well. Brienne as a mechanic is an amazing idea. She's still doing something stereotipically male (and kicking ass) at best unnoticed and at worst cast aside as no one takes her seriously or they outright mock her. You've kept her under patriarchy's thumb, and also as a powerful, simmering force waiting for someone to turn up that heat!! What an excellent mirror to her situation in the books.
Second: the extremely high risks + high adrenaline + mightily physically demanding + high rewards of F1 is another excellent transposition of their survival/quest situation in the books. I feel like that, as a setting, is what makes it feel very genuine to them as characters. Your characterization is great too! They're slightly different to the books but still familiar (they would probably act like this in this more modern, more subtle flavour of a patriarchal society). I mean. just. Man. MAN.
Also, turning a bit more to Jaime: The way all the events unfold was incredible. We go steady, quite calm but with an undercurrent of stress and anxiety, building, some doubts, triumphs, more building, more triumphs and then BAM. The dreaded doldrums where we pick up the pieces of a horrible shipwreck. Jaime never getting to that P-1 absolutely broke me. I literally held my breath reading those paragraphs, where time stops for the whole circuit after the crash, and the heavy moment of silence before Brienne hears him over the radio... MAN. I thought you were going to give him at least one P-1 before he lost his hand, making it bitersweet already at that point, and when you didn't I was SCHOCKED. You held back on that element and it worked WONDERFULLY towards the end. JB'S P-1 felt so earned, so fought for. Talk about good storytelling. AAAAHHH!!!!!
I ate it up between yesterday night and all of today. I slept at most, like, four hours. I couldn't stop reading. Congratulations, honestly. I usually don't read fics this long (or leave reviews this crazy under anonimity lol) because authors tend to meander (not a bad thing necessarily but it does get tedious at this scale) but this was SO not the case. Every. single. paragraph. mattered. MAN!!!!! (man counter: IIII)
I know you're probably quite done with it (and what a fucking project you did, my god), but if you ever want to write about JB in that universe again I see myself forced to BEG YOU ON MY KNEES to do more of their radio banter in your missing scenes section. I absolutely love it, the subtle flirting, the encouragement, and the oopsies (Jaime forgetting to turn the radio off and accidentally exposing himself as a I LOVE MY CAR MY CAR IS MY GF guy is soooooo funny). Ugh. Swooning. It has started an itch I need to scratch so bad (I feel like im going crazy a bit ngl. Give yourself a big smacking pat in the back.) that I'm just going to start re-reading it for those parts and also to get that thrill that is there between them at the beginning which is also so good! And so yummy!!!!!
Ok im done now i think.
TLDR: xoxo mwah mwah mwah i loved HFoG i worship and kiss the ground you walk on, etc etc etc. im obsessed, great job!!
"ignore this"?! Are you kidding, anon -- I'm gonna print this out and wallpaper my bedroom with it. 😂💕
I have been re-reading this ask off and on all day, wanting to respond appropriately to make sure you know how much I so sincerely appreciate you taking the time to leave this for me, and I just don't know if it's possible. I'm just... man, I'm grateful. (Man count for this post going up!!!) Seriously though: thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm gonna be riding this high all week.
(Also, I fought with myself about allowing Jaime to win the World Driver Championship and then lose his hand, so I'm always glad to hear that that choice worked for others. It was the right thing to do, but wow did that hurt to put him through it, heh. And pacing of long fics is a thing I take very personally, so I am ALSO pleased to know that worked for you, too!)
Anyway. THANK YOU. I'm gonna go back to re-reading this comment, hee.
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necromycologist · 2 months
i may have asked this already but do you have any nevermoor thoughts to share like silverborn theoriesnor fic you would be interested in reading?
i think you have asked this before but it is probably lost in the absolute pileup that is my drafts, sorry… for now please accept some miscellaneous nevermoor thoughts:
i really wanna learn more about the safeguards in silverborn, who they are but also what they do?? my guess atm is that they’re basically called on to contain/kill dangerous abilities if they go wild or something.. wonder if the death of a safeguard would get mog suspended until they could find a new one?? that could be interesting
as for who’s gonna get murdered, i honestly have no idea, but i think queen cal would be funny just for the uh. jessica stop getting hit by apollos dodgeball challenge.
i don’t really think its gonna be cassiel but i DO think he’s gonna show up in svbn. also because that would mean more israfel yay <3
ok deeply unserious but if dragonriding is a pretty privileged sport i REALLY wanna meet the horsegirlstyle dragon riders… begging it would be so funny
i understand probably not in silverborn but i SO wanna learn more about the rest of the free state and all the pockets. in that vein: mogcrew road trip (in canon or modern au) would absolutely rock. i think cadence drives, mog djs, and hawthorne is the snack guy (goes insane at the onroute). if you’re wondering “who gives directions” so are they.
i think mog has a pretty good sense of direction tho esp in nevermoor— im also curious if her like. connection to the city is a wundersmith thing or just a mog thing
are beetlewuns a thing?? feel like we’ve only seen backboned wunimals. (yes im asking to see if i can justify “the beetles” what’s the problem with that)
no basis to this one whatsoever i just think cadence would like massive attack. idk
this is basically canon not really a theory but it’s kind of insane to think that mog might be like. the first wundersmith Ever to actually be part of a unit? im glad for her
hawthorne seems like he would love heist films. i think he probably comes back from the weekend and pesters arch abt how much of it is actually plausible
we better meet chef honeycutt. not a theory not a prediction just we better
thinking about it actually 919heist would be really cute
still chewing on that thing you said about 20yrold mog being like. oh god ive become jupiter. that fucking destroyed me. insert stick figure violence meme here …
israfel should quit his job i think. wait what if he came and worked at the delaculion. (i dont think this would happen but it’s be funny as SHIT. how does he wear a uniform over wings what can he even do other than sing would he and Dame Chanda have a rivalry… so many questions )
that’s all i can think of rn.. thank you sm for the ask!
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wolf-tail · 10 months
Review for Helliva Boss Music Video: "Look My Way"
Helluva Boss's slow but steady train of improvement continues!
First off, beautifully animated. Stolas's design is quite simple, so the animators were able to put their *ahem* WHOLE PUSSY into this video. Viv has a tendency to overdesign characters *shudders in remembrance of Beelzebub* and I'm glad Stolas breaks the trend.
Secondly, the song itself is beautifully written, and emotionally raw. Helluva Boss writing can feel, as I've said before, edgy for no reason other than it feels like it has to be. And not "good" edgy either, "middle schooler who watches too much Adult Swim edgy". But when it is emotionally sincere is when it shines.
Stolas as a character seems to fundamentally misunderstand his relationship to Blitz, but this song reveals that he's starting to realize that. Their relationship is pretty much prostitution, with Stolas using his grimoire, which Blitz needs to do his job, as payment for sex. Stolas does have genuine care and romantic feelings for Blitz, but is really shitty at showing it in a way that matters for him, and doesn't understand why Blitz is so resistant towards his romantic advances. In this song, Stolas seems aware that the power imbalance of their relationship is fucked up, and realizes that Blitz, as an Imp, is used to being used and treated like shit by higher class demons, which makes the way he's behaving make sense. Stolas, in giving Blitz the stone with no strings attached, wants to reconcile and apologize for using him to meet his sexual desires.
It makes sense that Stolas had no idea how manipulative he was being, considering his upbringing and the fact that he was in an abusive marriage for God knows how long. He probably doesn't have a good idea of sexual boundaries either. As a royal, sex was expected to produce an heir, and he was supposed to be ok with sex he didn't want as long at resulted in a child. The way Stella describes his sexual activity with her, he was absolutely not interested, and would have refused if he thought he could. He was also born and raised in literal Hell, so there's that. That doesn't excuse his behaviour, but it does explain it.
Blitz also does seem to care at least a little about Stolas, as the episode "Western Energy" reveals. But he's not the most emotionally intelligent demon, either, and is fully aware of how fucked up their dynamic is.
Im curious as to how the stone will change their dynamic, and hope the improvement of the series continues, mainly in how it treats it's female characters.
(I'm still pissed off about the slur usage in the pilot, but at least it's no longer canon)
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give me 6 emojis for every single fic on ur list for $1200 cal
ILYSM NOVA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay here we go. Brand spanking new sentences for ya.
18 for 🌊:
“Like reincarnation?” Buck asks. “Didn’t take you for a believer in that sort of thing.”
Eddie chuckles. “I’m not. And, no, not like that. Maybe more like… An alternate reality?”
Buck tenses a little. “An alternate reality?”
“Yep,” Eddie confirms. “You said we, in another life, we live in Los Angeles. We’re best friends. We see each other every day.”
We’re best friends, but I’m secretly in love with you.
And you think I don’t feel the same?
I hope to god that you do.
I think I do.
Buck sits up suddenly and shifts his body to look at Eddie.
18 for ⚡:
“Eddie,” Margaret says, cool and pleasant, like a plastic plant. They’ve walked up behind him as he’s bent over the cooler, grabbing a beer for himself and one for Buck. “Are you enjoying the evening?”
Eddie closes the cooler lid and straightens up to face her and her husband. His stomach twists with apprehension. It’s actually much easier to be around them when he’s simply fulfilling the role of Buck’s not-so-secret service. 
“I am.” Eddie answers flatly. “Maddie and Chim have done a great job.”
“They have,” Phillip agrees. He’s fiddling with the band of his watch. He’s nervous, Eddie thinks. Approaching Eddie is either not his idea, or deeply off putting. Maybe both. Well, hey. Eddie is glad they find him off putting. 
“We were hoping to catch up with you,” Margaret says.
Catch up. As if they’re old friends.
18 for 🌌:
It’s been quite the year for Eddie. He’s done a lot of work. Lots of therapy. Lots of conversations with lots of different people, some good, some bad. A lot of anxiety and self-doubt. And among it, so many soft, quiet moments of reassurance. From Buck, from Chris, from the 118 and everyone else in his life. By the time they planned the trip, Eddie had the staggering sense that he actually deserved it. 
It struck him that he hasn’t, historically, felt that way about much of anything. 
Maybe there’s a lot to be said about allowing yourself to deviate from a destructive path. 
The song playing from Buck’s music library comes to an end, and a few seconds later, Eddie recognizes the beginning few seconds of Steal My Sunshine with an irritated chill.
“No,” Eddie shakes his head. “Absolutely fucking not.”
“Eddie,” Buck complains. “I love this song.”
“It’s ridiculous!”
“That’s never once stopped me from loving you.”
Eddie groans. 
18 for 🚨:
“Uh, hi,” Eddie replies awkwardly. “My name is Edmundo Diaz. My ex was a client of Jim Egerton’s. I was in contact with your firm a bit after she died last spring. Regarding custody of my son.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that she passed,” Nadine says, tone sincere. “Which client was this?”
“Shannon Dempsey,” Eddie answers. “And, uh… Thanks. I-I’m calling, though, because Mr. Fletcher did a great job handling Shannon’s will and everything. I was hoping he might be taking on new clients.”
“For your will and estate?” Nadine asks.
“Yeah, exactly. Actually, I almost died last night. And I know this is super last minute, but if you have any time soon, it would mean a lot if I could update what happens to my son in case I’m not so lucky next time.”
“Next time?” 
“I’m a firefighter,” Eddie explains.
18 for 🩸:
He thinks he’d be safe to go to Hen. He can’t imagine a world where Hen assumes the worst of him without asking questions first. Chim might be scared, but he could come around. And Bobby… Well, Bobby is a practicing Catholic. Eddie knows what his own thoughts, trained by a Catholic upbringing, have whispered in his mind about himself. He’s terrified to risk seeing Bobby and facing judgment. That would break him.
That’s all assuming that it’s Bobby there. Eddie killed Gerrard. So he’s not the captain. But that doesn’t mean they gave it back to Bobby. Fuck. For Buck’s sake - and everyone else’s - he really hopes they did. He can’t imagine how lonely Buck would be with Bobby at a distance from him, too. 
Eddie doesn’t waltz into the station. He’s not that dumb. The station is another home that isn’t quite safe. 
18 for 📚:
He was friendly with everyone. Well-liked, outside his brother and the cousins his brother was close to. He had people at school to hang out with, and got invited to do things. Parties hosted by other members of the swim team that he always avoided or left early. 
Essentially, since Ravi was social and friendly and did well in school, it flew under the radar. The difficulties. The queasy feeling in his stomach every single day before he left for school, and how tired he was every night when he got home. How the smallest social activity seemed to drain him more than anyone. How he could wipe a mask over his face and adopt a personality more amenable to the people he was interacting with. One that didn’t exactly feel like him. 
If there was any strangeness, people chalked it up to years in the hospital leaving him improperly socialized. If he struggled to read people, it’s just that he was more used to healthcare workers than his own friends. If he was analytical and plain spoken, it’s just that cancer had made him wise beyond his years. 
No one thought anything about it. 
Not until he was halfway through his undergrad in business and getting fantastic grades, but so entirely miserable that, if he didn’t have anything he needed to do, he couldn’t get out of bed. He thought it was just depression or anxiety. He thought he was just weak again. 
“Autism,” a psychiatrist told him instead. 
18 for 🦮:
“Evan?” Maddie prompts. “Any questions for Sam?”
Well, yes. Lots, if he’s being honest. Mostly, what does it mean for him if he does this? What does his life look like? Does he really deserve this? Are they sure there’s no one who needs her more? 
“I…” Buck trails off. “Sorry, I-I don’t know what to say.”
“It’s okay.” Sam says. “I know it’s overwhelming.”
He takes a heavy breath. His chest feels a bit tight, stomach a bit nauseous. The room is starting to feel unbearably hot.
18 for 🔮:
Gonna include a line break sorry to be awkward...
He knocks on the door and waits, heart beating loudly enough to feel it in his skull. This shouldn’t be so uncomfortable. This should be safe, like coming home. But sometimes, home is the place you leave so it doesn’t leave you first. 
Bobby opens the door moments later. 
“Hi, Buck,” he smiles. “Thanks for coming.”
“Thanks for inviting me.”
“Well,” Bobby exhales. “Come on in.”
“So how are things really?” Bobby asks when they sit down to dinner. It’s just the two of them. Athena is working this evening. 
Bobby remembers another tense dinner. Not long after the tsunami, when Bobby was quietly blocking Buck from returning. They’ve both grown so much since then, Bobby thinks.
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saintmurd0ck · 1 year
RHI!!! A million congrats on 2.5k, I can't think of anyone who deserves it more 🥰 and so glad you're back and feeling ok! For the train, I'd loveee to take a trip to 86th st with Mikey Kinsella and “please, for the love of god, shut up for once.” “why don’t you come over here and make me?” i think the way you write it would be SO gorgeous and interesting ❤️ and also because im a slut, i just know id LOSE it over a stop at Heuston Station with Fratt x reader and ❛ you want gentle? wrong fucking address. ❜ Anyways I'm so so excited to read everything you do for this event 🥰 congrats again!!
all fired up
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join my sleepover | main masterlist
pairing: michael kinsella x reader
warnings: amanda slander, a tiny bit of spice (minors DNI), aggressive michael / reader, yes we're a little mean but dont worry he gets the upper hand ;)
a/n: christie my gorgeous, thank you so so so much for dropping in 🥺 i hope you like this one, and i am gonna post the fratt request in a separate ask >:) btw i am amending the prompts to better fit the characters i am writing for, so i hope you dont mind xoxo
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Michael’s silent rage simmers in your periphery as he leans against the wall like a fallen angel, gritting his teeth, letting his chest rise and fall in short, controlled bursts. Everything in the room is setting him off: the clicking of your pen, the faint hum of the air-conditioner, and the distant noise of traffic from the main road. 
Unfortunately for him, you’re far from caring today; not when you’ve scraped together the business proposal of a lifetime. One that could easily retire you in the blink of an eye.
You’ve worked your ass off to coordinate this, so isn’t it only fair that Michael, being the other major stakeholder in this business, quits his grumbling? It’s as if he can’t — or won’t — comprehend what this means if this works out. If you negotiate your way through this successfully, with Michael there or not, the Kinsellas land on top. They’ll control Dublin, and possibly the whole of Ireland, with opportunities to plant roots and spread vines across all the major networks in Europe. And as you’re the only decision maker not married to — or even fucking — anyone in the family, you’ve had to prove your worth, a thousand times more so. Simply being Michael’s closest friend and confidante didn’t sit well with the others, but you’ve made yourself far more capable than anyone in this business. 
And this deal will cement you into the Kinsella hall of fame. 
You cut a glance to where he’s standing, a momentary pang of empathy softening your expression. He’s exhausted from today, and it isn’t just the circles under his eyes that demonstrate it. You know his tells better than anyone; in fact, you know him so well that just by judging his body language, you can deduce who he’s been with, what he’s been up to, and what he tries hard to conceal. Right now, and at your disdain, you can see Amanda written all over him. It’s obvious in the way he’s carrying himself, with his chin pointed downwards, the tension almost shrugging his shoulders. Even his skin gives it away, from the warmth in his cheeks to the flush at the tips of his ears. 
“Let me guess,” you sigh, breaking the silence, “Amanda thinks you’re not doin’ a good enough job, and you shouldn’t be workin’ with me?” Saying her name is enough to set you off, but you do your best to diffuse the situation, to bring Michael back to the present. 
His eyes flick to yours at the mention of her name, and you grimace inwards at the sharp stab to your gut. “Somethin’ like tha’.”
It confirms what you suspected; that he and Amanda had met up today, for purposes you try not to burden yourself with. It isn’t your business what they get up to, or how many times you notice her silhouette beyond the frosted glass of his front door. 5 times this week, and it’s only Wednesday, you think, chewing on your lip. 
Unease courses through your veins, and so you go to do what’s natural, and sweep the thoughts under the proverbial rug in your mind. You gesture at the mountain of paperwork in front of you. “Are you gonna help me, Michael?”
His only response is a delicate muscle feathering in his jaw, and for some reason, it sends a lick of angry heat up your spine. The deadline to the deal looms in front of you like a ticking time-bomb, and all he can do is stay silent, and God forbid, mope about Amanda?
Your mouth thins as you take a moment to decide if you want to add to his anguish. To deliver an insult worthy of his attention. There’s a rush that flows through you, a sick kind of satisfaction, that tug the corners of your mouth upwards. If it were Eric, or Jimmy, or even Amanda, he would’ve lost his shit by now. He’d probably have stormed out and sulked home, making sure his gun was accessible from beneath his jacket at all times. His heart would thunder in his ears, itching for a fight with some unfortunate soul who’d then be promptly taken out by none other than the Magician. 
Your voice rings out across the room, coming out more confident than you’d played out in your head. “She refuse to blow you today or what?” 
Michael’s brows furrow together. “What did you say?”
“I asked you something, Michael. Are you pissed because Amanda didn’t open her legs for you?”
His mouth twists into a sneer. “I’d stop talkin’ if I were you.”
But you return his glare, your blood thrumming with challenge. “Actually, I commend her for doin’ that. ‘Cause I wouldn’t want to fuck someone so miserable either.”
He’s in front of you in a couple of strides, seething cold fury as his voice drops an octave. When he talks, his breath fans your face. “I said stop fuckin’ talkin’.”
You swallow, feeling your chest heave as some unchecked part of you — the part that’s scared of no-one — takes over. “Or what?” You pout, cocking your head to the side. “Are you gonna run back to Amanda and tell her how mean I’ve been to you?” 
“Shut. The. Fuck. Up,” he spits, grabbing you by the collar, shoving you until the back of your thighs press up against the desk.
Your retort comes out just before he lowers his mouth to yours. Just before he wedges his thick hand between your legs. “Why don’t you make me?”
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sabakos · 4 months
Quite frankly I think the madness means I should be allowed to say "retarded" even if it *is* true that my IQ was over 180 when they tested it in middle school. Apparently my mother won the fight with my father about not telling me that information, which is a good thing because I did not need *that* piece of information on top of all the other nonsense I had going on. Not like I can even brag about that anyway, who would believe me? I don't even quite believe it myself, it's more likely my dad has early onset dementia or is lying to me or trying to flatter me for some unknown reason. Great thing to bring up casually over lunch, like oh hows the brisket sandwich btw you are literally smarter than god.
If it really is true I kinda wish nobody else growing up had access to that information either though? The personal half-hour long moral lecture from the middle school principal about how I needed to "stop being so lazy" because of how incredibly smart I was when I started not doing well in my classes does make a lot more sense in retrospect, but since none of these people in my life who apparently cared so much about how much of a "genius" i was provided any material help I think it would have been better if i had been left alone.
But also fuck all the other IQ-obsessed people even more honestly. fuck your stupid "you scored really well on pattern matching and word puzzles and shit so you need to contribute more to society and solve all the greatest problems" mindset. i dont owe you shit, if it really is true that any of this shit makes me so much better (which I doubt, honestly...) then I stand by my teenage attitude that being smart meant I deserved to work less hard to fulfill the same expectations as everyone else and that the excess slack belonged to me. go find a "gifted and talented program" bootlicker with perfect handwriting to sort your fucking spreadsheets; im going to do the bare minimum that still lets me have a cheese budget.
and on top of it all turns out I'm literally fucking psychotic anyway so up yours, society. if I worked my ass off in my 20s to change the world before my brain exploded maybe they would have blamed it all on that, but for my part I'm glad I got to indulge in all the "leisure" that I did, and with any luck I've got 50-70 more years of this to not "make anything of myself." maybe i'll be lucky enough to land a boring programmer job where the stress doesnt poison my brain and I can slack off a bit without anyone noticing when the emails start sounding poetic. but fuck your stupid cult of the genius im not going to save the world or cure cancer, if all goes well then excepting maybe some alternative lifestyle bullshit im going to live as a fucking normie and keep to myself. boil the goddamn world for all i care.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 years
Tangerines and deers- part 7
Very fluffy. Heart to heart moments between you and Ladybug <33
Series masterlist
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Tangerines phone buzzed for what felt like the 100th time, he answered it and put it to his ear.
“You have been lying to me, my friend.”
“Well, cats out the bag now, innit?”
“You were responsible for keeping my son safe, for keeping my money safe.”
“You know, I don’t know a thing or two about being a parent, but you know what I would, being that it’s your son and your money? I’d stop crying about your dead wife, get off your fucking lazy ass, come here and finish the job yourself. But as we’re having a bit of a heart-to- heart, got a couple things to tell ya. Your sons a complete bellend and he fucking deserves to be bleeding out of his eye sockets. And as for your case, I haven’t seen it since Tokyo. And I hope someone’s fucking found it, put it all on red, and having a fuckin’ wonderful time.”
“I will meet you at Kyoto station.”
“Oh, how wonderful. I can’t fucking wait.”
“I want to look into your eyes when I kill you and your brother.”
Tangerine struggled to find words “My brother.” He sighed and looked outside. “Morning rush hours rolling in quite nicely. Uh, what’s your plan, mate? You gonna fucking waltz up here and blow my brains out in front of the whole fuckin’ carriage of witnesses?”
“There is no one left on that train. I know. I bought every ticket until the end of the line.” He hung up.
“Oi. You. I know you.” Tangerine pointed to the girl in front of him.
“Hey, uh, Ladybug? Can I tell you something?” You mumbled quietly.
“Yeah, sure. You know you can tell me anything.”
“Yeah, I know. I just wanted to say, if this is the end of the line… I want to say thank you. For everything, really. You’re like… you’re like a father to me.” You said, not looking him in the eyes and looking at the floor as you guys walked beside each other.
(Alexa play heart to heart by Mac Demarco)
He stayed silent for a moment, and stopped in his tracks.
“Thank you, Deer. I’m glad I got to spend these last few years with you.” He said, looking at you.
When you finally looked at him, he opened up his arms.
“C’mere.” He said, as you hugged him tightly.
“Thank you. So much.”
“You’re that girl, aren’t ya?”
“Oh my god.” Prince whispered to herself.
“Yeah, I never forget a face, me.”
“I’m so happy to see you. Please help me.” She whispered. He started to walk towards her.
“Um, there’s this Man, and he was holding me hostage. He was wearing glasses, and their was a girl with him, and they killed my uncle. And they also killed this other man who, I don’t know, he just kept talking about Thomas the trains and-“
“Tank engine.”
“Yeah, right, exactly. But they killed both of them, and then he said he was going to get away with some sort of money. I don’t know.”
“I’m sorry, darling. I beg your pardon. I don’t know who the fuck you are. What was the girl wearing?” He asked, not really believing it.
“She was uh- wearing.. I don’t remember!”
“What was she wearing on her back?”
The girl put her hands up in defeat.
“Im just a girl who was supposed to get off at Nagoya, and then these people-“
“That was fucking ages ago.”
“I know, but these people, the man just said that I could be a good backup plan, and that a pretty girl makes a good hostage.”
“Yeah, well, he ain’t wrong there. But, look, keep your fucking knickers on, alright?”
“Please just help me.”
“All right, calm down. Get off or do what the fuck you like. You’re free to go.”
“Thank you, thank you.” He passed her. He saw something on her back and took it off.
It was the diesel sticker.
“Are you okay?”
“Diesel.” He showed her the sticker “the absolute fucking worst. Little shit stirrer.” He took a deep breath “See, Lemon… God rest his soul, was a don. And he could read people, see them for who they really are. He was right. There’s been a diesel. Running up and down this train, causing all sorts of fucking havoc, and it was you the whole fucking time. You dirty little diesel!” He had his gun pointed to her.
“You made Lemon bleed… and Lemon never bleeds.”
Then, you and ladybug entered the car. The girl screamed for help.
Ladybug and him fought, and you were quick to kick Tangerine off his legs. You took the gun, and threw it the other way.
When he was knocked down, you pinned him down to the floor, getting on top of him. “Ladybug! A little help here?” You said, Tangerine tried to stop you and tell you that she was a diesel and liar, but you didn’t understand him.
Ladybug grabbed the gun, and hit him in the head with it. It knocked him out.
You sighed and got off of him. Examining the bruise that ladybug had given him just now.
“He’ll wake up soon. Not too sure how long that’ll last. Do you by any chance have a rope? And some tape would be nice.”
She looked through her bag, but she had nothing.
“No, sorry. Umm.. he said that he was going to kill you both and blame everything on you. He also said that there’s someone waiting for us at Kyoto station. Someone scary, who would hurt me.”
“No one’s gonna hurt you. It’s okay. We’re getting off this train.” He stood up. He looked at you, who was still trying to figure out what to do with tangerine.
“Just leave him be. Sorry I ruined your chances.. again. You’re a nice person, I’m sure you’ll find someone.” Ladybug said, grabbing the case and the gun.
“It’s alright. I got his number, anyways.” You smirked, he didn’t realize that you used his Face ID to unlock his phone.
“Of course you did.” He grabbed your good, not injured hand and helped you stand up.
“We make the next stop, we’ll be fine.” Ladybug said.
Ladybug made sure that it was clear and safe to go.
“Okay, kid, come o- come on!” He said, the girl had her backpack stuck.
“I can’t, my backpack is stuck!”
“Wha-? Leave it, let’s go. We gotta go, we gotta go.”
“No, I can’t!”
“Why don’t we just leave her?” You suggested.
“Right now, young lady!” He ignored you.
“It’s our last chance.”
“No, no, no, no. Please come back!” She said, as time ran up.
“Kid, please.”
“I’m scared, I don’t want to be alone, please!”
Ladybug sighed, he looked back at you with an annoyed expression on his face. You sighed as well as you stepped back on the train.
When he looked over at her, she held her backpack.
“I got it.”
They decided to sit down, you paced up and down the empty aisle.
“It’s not your fault, kid. It’s my luck, not yours.”
“Yes it is! Jesus fucking Christ, ladybug, it’s a bag. It’s a goddamn backpack, what could be in there that’s so important?” You slammed your hands on his table.
“Calm down, deer. It’s fine.”
You sat down across from them, panicking slightly.
“You got your whole life ahead of you. Make sure you.. do something that brings you peace. Cause everything else is a pain in the ass. And if you run into a guy named Carver, he’s a dick. You can tell him I said so.”
“Fucking carver. Maybe if he was here his beautiful, amazing, asshole face would be the ones dying and not us.” You muttered, with your legs on your chest.
Ladybug squinted his eyes at you.
“It’s true! You have to admit that carver has a very… likable face. Maybe if he wasn’t such an ass I would date him instead.”
“I, uh… I… I took this. I didn’t want to leave it. The man had it, and I thought you could probably use it to kill whoever’s waiting for us at the end of the line. You’re not going to let me get hurt. Be honest.” She showed him the gun in her bag.
“Okay, so we’re while we’re being honest, fuck you!” You pointed at the girl. “If it wasn’t for you I’d be in a car right now, sleeping and probably dreaming of that fucking asshole who’s also unconscious a few cars over!” You said, and didn’t notice the man who stopped at your guys table.
He recognized the other girls voice. He sat across from them.
“Wow, wow, wow, c’mon, Deer,she’s just a kid.”
“Yeah? Well so am I! I’m about to fucking die. Admit it, we’re all about to fucking die!” You shouted. They didn’t answer.
“No, you know what-“ you were cut off as Ladybug put a hand on your mouth.
“Really?” He said to the man who sat down.
“Right. Uh.. okay fella, you’re creepin’ me out. So if you don’t mind, could you just find another seat, like, way, way, way, down there? Sorry about my friend, she’ll shut up. And that way, you won’t have to hear her complain.”
“Oh for fucks sake, I give up.” You threw your hands up, grabbing your katana and moving down a few seats.
Ladybug sighed “Let’s just move. Let me grab your bag.”
“Ow.” He screamed, and he got up. You followed suit.
“Ladybug, you fucking idiot!” You chased him, and tried to get the snake off him. You grabbed the snake off of his hand, and crushed it under your foot.
“You’re fine, remember? We took the antivenom.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re right.” He breathed heavily.
He sat down again, and you sat down across from him.
“I’m sorry for my outburst..” you mumbled after a little bit.
“It’s alright. I mean, I get it. We are probably gonna die. And I wanted to apologize. You know.. i could’ve been a way better influence, I could’ve told you to stay out of this business and go have a life. You were only 18, you were so.. young.” He said, gesturing to you.
“And honestly, I’m sorry for that. I love you, I love you as if you were my own child. And I just… I don’t wanna lose you. I’m sorry about this, all of this.”
You both stayed silent for awhile again.
“I didn’t wanna get in this business. It was my family who wanted me to. It’s why I have this stupid sword.” You pointed to the one on your back.
He listened closely. You never really opened up to him, or anyone for that.
“I thought it was stupid, but they saw me as skilled. They trained me when I turned 10 and didn’t stop. I fucking hate them, I hate this job. It’s not your fault.” You told him quietly.
“I wasn’t lying when I said you’re a nice person. You’ll find someone eventually, even if it isn’t tangerine. And I’ll support you, no matter what you do with your life. You deserve better. And if you don’t want someone else than Tangerine, I’m sure that you’ll grow on him. He doesn’t seem to absolutely hate your guts.”
“And I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. I could’ve been a way better person during the beginning-“ he continued.
“It’s not your fault. I just.. disappeared.” You stopped him.
“You didn’t. I just didn’t look hard enough.”
The beginning of your career was rough. You didn’t talk, you kept to yourself, and Maria had told Ladybug that you were emotional. He just kinda brushed it off, and said it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle.
“Thank you. For everything. And you’re not bad luck, so quit fucking saying that. You just happen to have not the best luck. I mean, look what job we’re doing.” You joked, and you guys stood back up.
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