#god i want the movie to be good so fucking bad the cast is perfect
televenus · 1 year
youre so real for this
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😭 like. yeah yeah fnaf is cringe but look man i was a kid when it came out. i was exactly the crowd and was fully immersed in all the hype and truly the early days feeling of community between the teasers and theories was like nothing else. probably the first time i was really Involved with something online and the in depth retrospective from somebody else who was lost in the sauce is just so compelling and nostalgic
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fandomfucker · 5 months
I loveeee the singer and rhea headcanons you write could you do one where the reader is an actress? Maybe they meet through the reader getting cast in a movie that involves around wwe so she spends time going to matches and backstage
Also, the years are different because that's how i want it and I said so🤷‍♀️
You'd have starred in that movie Fighting With My Family (just a different year though)
Since a big part of Saraya's story was Wrestlemania, you were invited to that years Wrestlemania, just a month or two before you started filming
The one you were invited to was Wrestlemania 39 and you were able to go to not only day 1, but also day 2 and got backstage VIP treatment
You got to meet a bunch (if not all) the wrestlers and had a heart-to-heart with Triple H
Rhea saw you first
She was nervous and jumping around shaking out her hands when she saw you walk down the hallway past her open door
Her heart stopped as did her nervous bounces
She kinda just automatically walked out of her room and watched you walk down the hallway until she couldn't see you anymore
She turned around and caught Dominik laughing at her
He told her who you were and told her to go for it
She didn't have the confidence until a little after winning her match against Charlotte
"Oh my god! Congratulations on your win! I'm Y/n Y/l/n, its so cool to finally meet you. You, uh, you looked really good out there."
"Yeah, you too. Thanks, uh-would you maybe, wanna, like, I dont know, get a drink or something after the show? You dont have to if you dont want to but-"
"I'd love too! And...maybe you could teach me a thing or two about wrestling?"
"Yeah, for sure"
You'd never seen her so nervous and it remained that way until she wound up proposing
But she just thought you were so fucking hot
Little did she know, you were just as affected as she was. you're just better at hiding it
soon as you walked away from yalls first meeting you were blushing and stuttering so bad someone asked if they needed to get you medical help
You were able to watch the matches from the guerilla and get a feel for the environment; the stakes, the people, the emotions, everything so that you'd be able to replicate it for the movie
You studied peoples moves, not only how they moved individually but together
Letting each other know what they were going to do, setting up, taking the bump, everything
You watched Rhea the closest though
It was just because she and Saraya seemed to have a lot in common in the way their characters looked is what you told yourself. Totally not cause she was absolutely gorgeously lethal in the ring
She helped you spare alongside the people actually hired to teach you for the movie. The wrestling with Rhea was more effective because that was her expertise
You definitely learned a lot but you only ever won when she let you
But with her looking the way she does when she riptides you, losing really doesn't sting too bad
You officially start dating around the time the movie comes out later that year, she was your date to the premiere and you guys wore matching outfits and it was perfect
Once you moved on to other projects, Rhea found solace in watching some of your previous stuff she hadn't seen before but found that she could NOT stand watching you scream or cry or be covered in blood (and god forbid a combination of the three)
You woke up once at 2 am to a call from her, checking to make sure you were ok and to hear your voice after she watched a show where your character was tortured nearly to death
She doesn't watch any of your horror/sci-fi stuff anymore
Shes always your premiere date though unless she absolutely has to work in which case you just go alone, but together you always match
She does love the stuff your in where youre not being harmed though and she'll watch them over and over again
She has at least one poster from everyone of your projects up somewhere in her house
Plus an abundance of your merch
Like way too much for any normal person
Kinda gives off Tom Holland and Zendaya vibes, but you each think that you're Tom and your girlfriend is Zendaya (if that makes sense)
Rhea about has a stroke when she find out you guest starred in an episode of Supernatural when you were younger
The Fighting With My Family movie is Rhea's favorite though and harbors the most merch since thats how yall met
You've gone to a ton of PPEs and RAWs since you started dating and fans freak out every time
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ok so what are some of the changes you would want in the upcoming harry potter hbo series. and since your blog is Harry centric so I'll ask how do you want him to be portrayed in the series ? what traits of him do you think the series makers should shine more light on ?
Okay, I have, like, a list of things I didn't like in the movies and could be improved upon by the show. The list I have here isn't just about things the show could improve, but also things I want to see in the show in general. I think most of my opinions are pretty common, though.
(Also I'm not sure how good the show will be, like, I'm somewhat hopeful, but also very cautious with my expectations. We should start getting casting announcements around in a few months, which could help indicate where this show is going)
Regardless, here's my list of top concerns for the upcoming show:
Harry's character
This is the one you questioned specifically and one that could make or break the show for me. I want Harry's sass and anger, I don't want him to be a self-insert for the audience the way he was in the movies. I want his actual character. The sass, anger, and tenacity that is Harry Potter combined with his kindness, compassion, and sometimes clueless awkwardness. Let him be smart, clever, and talented.
Harry in the books is so much more than "just Expeliarmos" and the fact people could think that about Harry is a legitimate crime against his character the movies committed. Truly character assassination that Harry isn't an exceptional wizard with the world's lowest self-esteem and cheeky attitude.
(Also, for the love of god, give him green eyes, please. Contacts exist for a reason and it'll be a good way to differentiate the new actor from Radcliffe)
2. Ron & Hermione's characters
I could probably just put a "make all characters like in the books" category since this is true for a lot of them.
Specifically for the other two members of the Golden Trio, I want Hermione to have her flaws, and Ron to be smart. He is talented and smart and just as skilled as Harry and Hermione. He isn't the dumb comic relief and I'm so mad the movies made him such. And Hermione isn't a perfect Mary Sue who can do no wrong. Let her put Rita in a jar. Let her show how much she actually appreciates Ron and Harry and their approach to problems, different as it is to hers.
3. Voldemort's everything
I didn't like Voldemort's design, I didn't like his characterization, I didn't like how he spoke, how he walked — none of it felt like Voldemort to me.
I want Voldemort to be scary, not some odd caricature of himself. Give me a Voldemort design that looks scary. Give him the red eyes, and make him look actually skeletal. And let him move elegantly, talk softly. He isn't shouting and throwing tantrums, usually, he is very deliberate in what he says and does.
Also, give him his weird sense of humor. In the books, he makes bad puns ("Wormtail is here to lend a hand"), I like my villains a little campy with bad puns but also terrifying.
4. Dumbledore's everything
Well, honestly, I have no complaints about Dumbledore in the first movie, my problems started after he was recast.
I want Dumbledore to speak softly. I need an actor who could say "Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" and make it work. I want an actor who'd smile like he knows things you don't as his eyes fucking twinkle, but could still look intense and even intimidating for the later seasons. I also want him to look whimsical and dress in the most absurd eye-catching robes you've ever seen.
5. On the matter of robes — wizard fashion
I want wizarding fashion. I want long robes, silly hats, colors, and patterns. I want the costume designers on the show to have fun with it. I want them to go wild.
The wizarding world should look whimsical and campy — that's part of the magic. I want it to look like a foreign world. Even the most purebloods of purebloods (like the Blacks) are more like the Addams Family than any serious drama. They have a sense of campiness and whimsy. Let wizards be weird as shit and show it in their dress and interior design (I mean, the Blacks hang house elf heads and have a troll leg umbrella stand, the Ministry of Magic has paper airplanes flying all around, they're weird).
6. About the more filler-y sections of the books
I want all the silly little plots that were removed from the movies. I think some of the more filer-y things add a lot to the books and to the whimsy of being a student at Hogwarts. I want the trio to sneak out Norbert, I want to see Peeves, the deathday party, all of these things that make Hogwarts truly feel like a magic school.
7. Hogwarts Castle
I love the castle of the movies and that of Hogwarts Legacy. Honestly, I think Hogwarts Legacy did a good job of capturing the feeling of the movies castle while making it its own new unique thing. I think the TV show should do something similar and kinda create a Hogwarts castle amalgamation of all previous iterations that would feel familiar and allow them to still use some of the same merchandise but also be new and unique at the same time.
8. Time period
I think this is a pretty common opinion, but I want the muggle clothes and sets to clearly be set in the 1990s. I want the show to be a period piece. I don't want to see smartphones, or modern fashion, or modern cars — none of that.
9. Age-appropriate casting
I'm not the only one who says this, but as great as Allen Rickman was, he was too old for the role. Part of the tragedy of Snape and the Marauders is how young they actually are. I think it'll just be much more heartbreaking if the actors looked as young as they're supposed to be.
(Including James and Lily in the flashbacks!)
10. Worldbuilding & extra scenes
Since it's a TV show and not a book, which opens up more perspective options, I would like to get, maybe, some extended Pottermore facts into the show. Like, to flash out the world in a way the movies didn't.
Additionally, I wouldn't mind if some extra scenes were added to build up characters we don't get as much of in the books and it could serve the plot. Like, as long as the scenes are added in a way which is like 'they might've happened in the books, we just didn't see them cause Harry wasn't there', that sort of thing without subtracting from anything else and without retconning or contradicting anything. Like, with good writers, this could be really well done, I'm just worried about them adding anything because I don't know how much faith I have in the whole project. But it could be cool if done well.
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zomboys-blog · 7 months
how i long to feel your touch.
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summary: y/n’s big movie is premiering and she couldn’t be more excited, she loved everything about the movie and almost everyone she worked with, however one of her cast members just happened to be her exes new girlfriend which led to her ex coming to the premiere.
pairings: jenna ortega x fem!reader
spoiler: angst? jealousy
really short Drabble!!!!
Y/N looked beautiful as she spoke to an interviewer who had been asking about her newest movie, unbeknownst to her a crowd had gathered behind her, all her cast members doing interviews and taking photos. y/n was finishing her interview when she was interrupted by cameras flashing immediately all in one direction, out of pure curiosity she turned to look at who had just walked in but they were already looking at her.
Y/n’s breath hitched and she felt her heart stop for a moment as she stared at the new arrival, jenna ortega. They continued to make eye contact for a moment until their moment was interrupted by jenna’s dear girlfriend, ava.
Ava had ran up to jenna and gave her a kiss, they laughed and spoke to one another with the most endearing look on their faces, y/n could feel her heart break even more than the day that they had broken up. Y/N apologized to the interviewer and left to the restroom near by to take a breather.
y/n stood their in the mirror wondering where it all went wrong, the memory of jenna breaking up with her grew like a migraine in her head, she remembered their relationship as a bad one. Consistent arguing, no communication, and cheating. For some reason, she could only remember the good parts as of right now. Sneaky kisses inbetween scenes, cuddling in their trailers, watching their films together, and spending their days off together, y/n tried to forget by seeing other people but no one was ever like jenna. She hated herself for thinking that way.
Y/N wiped the tears that threatened to fall out of her eyes and walked towards the exit. The door swung open, barely missing y/n.
“im so sorry are you-“ jenna spoke quickly before pausing as she realized who she almost hit. “oh, hello y/n i haven’t seen you in a long time” jenna said refusing to make eye contact, y/n looked down at jenna with a stare that showed how much she longed to hear jennas voice again, without thinking y/n word vomited, “whyd you do it?”
jenna was caught off guard by the sudden question, “what are you talking about?” y/n could see the confusion mixed with a want to know more in jenna’s eyes, she regretted asking the question but couldn’t back out. “whyd you break up with me jen? we were perfect together, you were all i ever wanted, i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I changed for you jen. And you threw it all away.”
jenna’s face  faltered from the sudden raise in y/n’s voice. “i’m sorry y/n i really am, i wanted nothing more than to be with you but the consistent arguing was too much, i loved you i really did. I don’t think we should be talking right now, my girlfriend doesn’t take a particular liking towards you.”
“Oh my god your such a fucking push over now, all your girlfriend does is boss you around, your pathetic. You say you loved me but told everyone else you wanted to leave after the first month? we were together for a year you asshole! no one in their right mind would do that to someone they love. Your a coward and i regret the time that i spent with you.” Y/n couldn’t believe herself, she didn’t mean for it to come out so harsh but she couldn’t help it, she felt a mix of emotions and so did jenna.
“im sorry y/n i don’t know what else to tell you.” jenna spoke as tears fell out of her eyes.
“it doesn’t matter anymore. goodbye jenna.” y/n took one last longing glance at jenna, she wiped jenna’s tears before walking around her and leaving the bathroom.
jenna couldn’t stop herself from crying even more after hearing y/n call her ‘jenna’ she hadn’t heard that in a long time, she didn’t know how much she needed to hear it though. She realized her mistake but knew it was too late by then.
“goodbye y/n/n”
y/n/n = your nick name
the end
sorry btw i got real lazy near the end
based off real experiences 🧟
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headcanon-territory · 2 months
Lupin III movies/media and their respective side character/npc girl rating - excuse for rambling -⭐️
~order of when I watched it~
• The First : 10/10
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>Sexy people movie
>still one of my biggest favorites
>This movie is strong with its characterization and interactions
>Everybody in this movie you guys have my phone number
>look I get it we have Sweet boy Lupin but girl you did not need to feel the need to save the nazi
>I kinda just skipped the scenes that are not involving lupgang I'm sorry Latitia
>why why are we now feeling bad for her nazi grandpa why why are we here
>the rating is perfect for the animation sorry guys
NPC girl: 7/10 - Latitia is fun when she's interacting with Lupgang she works well with them despite being so normal,, unless if it's her solo scenes especially with her grandfather
• Castle Of Cagliostro: 10/10
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>peak lupin
>second movie so immediatly went from sexy people doing crimes to Hayao Miyazaki telling you to sit down and rethink life
>is there anything else to say cause many of video essays represents what j think of this movie
>I got weirdly hyped when I realize that ending was the scene that Marisa stole that precious thing referenced
>I need more zenigata and lupin moments with how this movie does it
NPC girl: 9/10 - Clarisse is the prototype sure but the tone of this movie helps her stand in and not awkward with the cast most of the time
- I also feel emotions like I cared for this girl in comparison to Latitia
•Prison of the Past: 10/10
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>I had a blast
>Zenigata and Yata are the best here sad that Yata's character didn't transition into part 6 apparently
>First introduction to Yata though that I seen clips of him in Part 5 prior
>cute robot heehee
>Harvey stardew valley why are you here
>Yata beating up lupin and going apeshit with no intentions to be will always be my favorite
>rewatched for comfort from nostradamus' Zenigata
NPC girl: B - Florensa was that her name?? Didn't care, that fighting scene was good tho
•Tokyo Crisis - 9/10
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>Fun Movie
>Alot alot of Zenigata in this I'm happy
>we can excuse Goemon getting nerfed the shit he has to go through is funny
>Fun artstyle
NPC girl: 8/10 - what the fuck was the plot with the villain using her egg cells about I forgot
She slayed tho, casually has psychic powers that rocks
•Detective Conan vs Lupin III [the second one] - 5/10
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>watch this one for the scenes with Jigen and Conan only
>I do not care about that idol boy and his manager what are you guys doing
>the fujiko bath scene with Ai is.. eugh../neg
>also this one is one of the movies with creepy lupin uh oh
No NPC girl but the crossover experience?: 4/10 get that idol boy OUTTA HERE
•Blood Seal ~ Eternal Maid: 9/10
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>refreshing characterization after watching the Case Closed crossover oh my god
>Cute Fujilup in this
>Plot fun kinda died down when the little girl dropped the "I wanna be a thief" Plot for her sister
>still good tho nonetheless
>Especially its depicting a young Arsene Lupin and its funny on how sweet he is compared to our grandpap Lupin in Lupin Zero where he straight up ripped a woman's tooth
NPC girl: 9/10 what I mentioned earlier deducted a point but she is very fun in the first half of the movie I do care for her and her sister. Love all these little kids wanting to become Lupin
•Fuma Conspiracy: 9/10
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>I need to rewatch this
>Was Goemon young when he met Murasaki in her young girl school uniform 😧..
>Weirdly I didn't feel like there was that much Goemon despite being a Goemon movie
>One of the best Fujiko Designs woah
>I don't care that it tries to replicate The cagliostro feel it was still a great movie
>the budget issues tho sheesh
NPC girl: 8/10 - Murasaki is cute I really don't mind;; after she got rescued it's like she dosent matter anymore but not in a bad way I do enjoy her company. Again with the change of tone she fits in [but I dont like the implication with her and Goemon from earlier]
•Farewell to Nostradamus: 10/10
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>I love this movie fuck you
>I can excuse the absolute butchery they did to Zenigata because of how crazy this movie is
>still I need mental recuperation for that
>weirdly this and fuma are up on YouTube and these guys has good animation but why are they left up there??
>I do love this Lupin even though he's not that different from other movies but this specific version of Lupin is my fav
NPC girl: - 10/10 JULIA SOLOS I love her she dgaf most of the time either of how she has been under her parents protection and had fun after everything and she wants to be Lupin III?? EVEN SHE AND LUPIN ARE TRYING TO BUY A CANEO FOR SERGEO?? STOP THATS SO CUTE
-also she and Lupin gets along because of being kids born from rich families that wants freedom and fun
Bonus: Tagalog Dub
>This one is more funny than the sub but hey who loves themselves with pinoy humor
>Lupin gives Goemon and Jigen nicknames [Goemskis and Jigs] and i love it
>Lupin in my boiling blood is half Filipino with all my heart that i would die on this hill
>They removed the pedophile lines from Julia only because her first encounter with Lupin was changed from "You like little girls" to "You like dolls?" Probably for cultural reasons
>and other scenes calling Lupin a pedophile is changed to "The guy that looks like a monkey"
>Zenigata when he finally saw lupin after he's mistaken as dead added "Lupin, buhay ka pala, UNGOY KA!" ["Lupin you're actually alive you monkey!"]
>Lupin's first time seeing goemon "And lalaking sakam! Na walang hilig sa Chika babes!" [It's the Lonely/Greedy not interested to chicks and babes!"]
>Would it be funny if you decide watching the lupin tagalog dubs because you're a big Englishira
>I'm unironically calling Lupin by <Lu-Pin> not <Lu-Pon> because of this
•Green vs Red: 9.5/10
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>Sometimes I'm watching a psychological horror movie
>and that thought came to mind when Green Lupin was panicking inside the car when red lupin came in
>and when Goemon couldn't handle that his friend's face is everywhere by people trying to impersonate him??
>and the "real" Lupin spying on everyone in the beginning sounding so depressed as he spies on zenigata??
>this shit was surreal I love it
>jigen was hot Grabbing on that helicopter wait whatt
>goemon tied up whaattt
>Serious sexy zenigata whattt
>this movie left me with emotions I think I'm supposed to rethink life
•Lupin III vs Cat's Eye: 8/10
>oh boy that artstyle is so limited to what it can do
>I have not watch Cat's Eye I didn't dig into any summary of Cat's Eye I immediatly jump in
>they cool tho
>I like Ai
>Lupin blowing a kiss to Zeni and Grabbing Jigen by the ass you kidding me
>Lupin gets injured so bad but not for drama intensity but to nerf him he's fucking blind for half the movie
>Goemon our mann he knew that burger hoe was badddd
>Zhongli why are you talking to Lupin
>Lupin's voice is also low for majority of the scenes because of how tired he is.... stop the car,, I had to watch dub for the difference of Tony Oliver's performance
>It's alright but Kanichi's voice has some.. effect on me
>I need more lupin getting fucked up maybe I should go watch part 6 idgaf [I did]
>all of my screenshots of this movie is lupgang being very bloody and sexy
>crossover experience: 7/10 and I didn't got to be properly introduced with Cat's Eye
•Operation: Return the Treasure: 8.5/10
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>A fun one
>Everybody really did shine here huh
-ok the first minutes he's in already witness his benefactors murdered
-reunites with the gang and first thing done is trick him into giving back the treasure and get chased down after
-Gets arrested
-Got shot by the shoulder
-bleeding in an alleyway
-Got slammed by the door
-stabbed that crazy bitch clean despite that the blood was censored even though he wasn't censored also getting stabbed and shot?? Or is the zantutsken just like that
>Movie's a win when they have a good Fujiko
>Last act has pretty visuals
>shits gonna turn to the diamond castle from barbie
Npc girl: 2/10 why why are you can you exist nowhere we don't need a few shots of you admiring the scenery of that tower
Even the crazy bitch Is cooler than you
☆~Woohooo! I'm kinda new to Binge watching Lupin despite getting into the fandom 2 years back
Now last thing to note is that I'm scared facing the most harsher Lupin entries with the Lupin similar to Manga Lupin because the Lupin that was formed by Miyazaki in cagliostro then balancing him in movies like Nostradamus is my comfort,;,
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monstersinthecosmos · 6 months
List 7 comfort films and tag 7 people!
is it obnoxious if i put some pictures in the post too? Sorry I get really excited to talk about movies hkjdslgasd please don't feel obligated to put pictures in yours, I'm just being extra.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day [1991]
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LISTEN I CRY EVERY FUCKING TIME it's just the best, ROBOT DADDY??? HOT MOMMY???? The T-1000 is so scary?? ALL THESE RIDICULOUS EPIC FIGHT SCENES AND THE ACTORS ARE JUST NOT EMOTING AT ALL BECAUSE THEY'RE ROBOTS? The director's cut with the extra scene where John is trying to teach the Terminator to smile and you realize when he does his little side smirk it's because he's copying John's smile, bc when he copied randos it didnt fit on his face?!??! Eddie Furlong's voice cracking which feels like such a happy accident because he's a weak little fragile human in contrast to the killing machine?? PLEASE.
Hellraiser [1987]
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Pet Sematary [1989]
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okay this one and the next one and the last one are all GRAINY 80S COZY FEEL, you have to understand that I grew up watching 80s horror from like the age of 5 so that flim look, the grain, the flat lighting, it just !!!!!!! gives me so much cozy fuzzy warmth for childhood and I just adore it. Anyway !!!!!!1 I LOVE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH it's so extremely dark and also extremely absurd, somehow it's so magnetic that you are immediately immersed even though it's got the aesthetic of a bad TV movie, it's just wonderful I adore it. ALSO a rare super faithful Stephen King adaptation!
An American Werewolf in London [1981]
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PRACTICAL EFFECTS MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!11 blah blah cozy 80s, but also! FUNNY! ROMANTIC! TRAGIC! SCARY WHEN IT NEEDS TO BE! I'm so deeply deeply impressed by the practical effects in this film, too! But wow it's so good every time, the hot nurse in this movie is a crazy monsterfucker I adore her, it's a good Armand/Daniel AU, the end is a gut punch every fucking time, it's the best, a naked American man stole my balloons, etc. Absolutely perfect film.
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain [2001]
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VISUALLY STUNNING FILM ABOUT AN ASEXUAL WOMAN WITH SOCIAL ANXIETY, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I think this movie like, changed my life maybe? I think I saw it when I was 15 or so and it just had such a huge impact on me. I used to watch it so much I would just turn the subtitles off because I'd get distracted and didnt even need them anymore. It's a movie I used to bring with me when I traveled, like I brought the DVD with me when I studied abroad because I was so scared I'd have anxiety or get homesick, I just always wanted to be able to watch it if I need to. IF I WATCH THIS AT THE WRONG TIME OF THE MONTH I CRY MY EYES OUT which is cathartic in the end, idk if it's comfy or comforting but wow. but wow really amazing film it's so beautiful and had such a huge impact on my worldview and my creativity and the way I write and the way I do photography and just !!! ;.; I'm gonna cry!
The Departed [2006]
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I really like it when Leo DiCaprio cries and he's not a super crybaby in his one but he does scream in pain and have the shit beat out of him and has panic attacks and needs anxiety meds! The cast is sick! The music is amazing! It's such cool storytelling!!! It's exciting every time! The ending fucks! GOD. Just wonderful, I love it so much. The Blu-ray starts over every time it ends so every time I watch it I tend to walk away and let it loop all day LOL. It's disgusting how many times I've watched it. ALSO MY BABE VERA FARMIGA WHAT A MILF god i love her.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall [2008]
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this is like such a perfect comedy for my sense of humor, INCLUDING A BONUS DRACULA SUBPLOT CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, but is actually such a clever and lovely story about getting over heartbreak wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this movie so fucking much oh my god. Also ever since I worked on ships I feel like especially potent to it because there's something about the social community within the resort that feels so much like the community of a cruise ship crew!! ;.;
Tagging (but no pressure!): @rugbertgoeshome @hekateinhell @mothmage @apoptoses @cup-of-lixx @somevagrantchild @covenofthearticulate
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twilightknight17 · 7 months
On this round of P3R, we’re heading to the red-light district!
But first, I just want to say, Fuuka’s link requires MAX COURAGE to start? Omg. Now I’m assuming Mitsuru needs max academics. Good god. NG+ is absolutely gonna be needed for this.
So it’s now the third (technically fourth) full moon! And now that I’m thinking about the Magician and that whole mess, I think it’s a little funny that no one in SEES, in any of our downtime, has ever questioned, “Hey, what the fuck was that thing that ripped itself out of Orpheus and bodied the Magician in one shot? It might help with some of these slogging battles.” But no. It’s fine. We don’t need to know what that vastly powerful persona was. Whatever. Let’s rock.
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Shirakawa Boulevard, despite Ikutsuki’s attempts to talk around it, is where the love hotels are!
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I’m pressing X to doubt, sir!
So we’re off to the Champs de Fleurs hotel, and actually other than the weird curtained waiting area and sexy price list next to the front desk, it does look pretty normal? Like, it’s a hotel. It’s got hotel hallways and elevators and stuff.
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And then we get to the third floor and the equivalent to the presidential suite.
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This is labeled as the Hierophant’s Chamber, and… Lovers is supposed to be here? Did the P3 movies just straight-up skip the Hierophant Shadow and I never noticed? XDDD The Hierophant is very round and kind of looks like a really big guy with a lady with a head made of coral behind him.
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Hierophant wasn’t bad, actually, and we get to explore the room afterwards before heading back downstairs. The kids clown on a lot of the décor, but like, the silly round bed would be cool for the novelty, and who DOESN’T want a tub that big???
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But when we try to leave, we all get knocked out, and Minato wakes up in a different room, where Yukari is taking a shower.
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This sounds very like Orpheus, but it’s definitely not Orpheus, because Orpheus would know that Yukari is not our soulmate!
Yes I will continue being biased. XDDDDD
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If you say anything other than the correct answer, you get a “wait, that doesn’t seem right” thought bubble, and the dialogue just loops back to the start. You cannot fuck up the mission and game over on a night of brainwashed debauchery. XD
Minato comes to his senses, gets up from the bed, and Yukari comes out wrapped in a towel. She abruptly realizes where she is, screams, and slaps Minato before running back in the bathroom. And… Yukari? I was literally just standing here. Holy shit. Is this the pre-Kyoto warmup scene? God.
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Fuuka gets through to us, and we go back up to the second floor to meet up with Junpei and Akihiko.
I can only assume Junpei and Akihiko were put in the same room.
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No one accused you of anything. Although now I’m giggling wondering what would have happened if I’d brought Mitsuru along instead.
We roam the hotel to find the mirrors we need to break to get back into the suite, and this is weirdly hilarious, all things considered.
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But eventually we find our way back into the boss arena, and the Lovers has the perfect design, honestly.
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GOD is it a bitch to fight, though. This fight took AGES because EVERY time it cast a spell with a charm effect, people got brainwashed. God forbid anyone other than Minato ever dodge an attack. Jesus fuck. I used every single one of my patra gems and dis-charms. Plus it cast diarama halfway through and of course when a boss does that it heals THOUSANDS of HP back to full health. Just give it salvation if you’re gonna do that.
As a brief side note, I love that when Minato casts the Jack Bros’ fusion spell, he just casually walks “offstage” afterwards and leaves them to it.
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But finally, we’re out of here.
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...Yukari volunteered so that I couldn’t take her out of the party and ruin my scripted undeserved slap. X’D
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Gee, Yukari, I wonder if it’s because no one ever has anything nice to say to him? He just gets treated like the comic relief.
Also, we’re being watched by these dudes.
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So when you say “we” do you mean you three, or like… humanity as a whole?
Back to the dorm to sleep this bullshit off, and then we move on with our week!
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...christ, dude, I just came to see how you were doing. Can I please have a dialogue option so we can talk about this??? No???? Okay… God, this is Mona all over again. My god damn Magicians are always having problems.
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...well, that’s nice. I wasn’t expecting that.
People at school are gossiping about how the school was rebuilt after an explosion ten years ago, and I’m getting texts from my attendant, who I apparently haven’t added to my phone? But at least she texts nicely.
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It’s pre-exam week, so all my social links are busy. Instead, my academics are lagging, so I’m studying with the members of SEES who aren’t cranky with me. That means Yukari and Fuuka, and Mitsuru and Akihiko. Akihiko recommends doing a quick workout after every few problems, because then, you’ll power through the next set in anticipation of getting to your next workout!
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Everyone I live with is insane. I love them. :’D
Ikutsuki calls a meeting to discuss something important, but before he can get to it, Yukari wants to speak. She’s had Fuuka looking into some stuff from the incident that happened ten years ago, and now she wants answers, because she thinks Mitsuru has been hiding things from us.
Other than the explosion, students were sent to the hospital, even though they were formally noted as just “absent”. It’s the same thing that happened to the girls bullying Fuuka; they fell unconscious and were unresponsive. Turns out, yeah, it was the same sort of thing. And it was Mitsuru’s grandfather, Koetsu Kirijo’s fault.
In greater Persona lore, knowing that he broke off from the Nanjo Group, he probably had access to tech that made his bullshit significantly easier to pull off. At the very least, we know he had the blueprints for a prototype anti-shadow suppression weapon, and the method to create artificial persona-users. But of course, he pushed too far.
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(Sorry that these subtitles are kind of blurry. Basically, they gathered up a shitload of shadows and then lost control of them, because of course they did.)
Tartarus and the Dark Hour exist because of all of this. The lab explosion happened because they lost control, and because the lab was around/under Gekkoukan, it ended with the school needing to be rebuilt as well.
Yukari is not pleased with this development. She feels like we’re just being used to clean up other people’s mess. But as Ikutsuki puts it, we’re the only ones who can fix things. Normal people can’t fight shadows.
He also says that no one knows why the Arcana Shadows suddenly reappeared after ten years, but… Well.
No one is okay after this.
Junpei is angry because he feels like nothing he does is good enough, and that all he’s really good at is fighting, which won’t be necessary anymore if the Dark Hour vanishes.
Akihiko goes to see Shinji, who he apparently grew up with in an orphanage with someone named Miki, to tell him that they know how to stop the shadows now. But Shinji still won’t come back to SEES.
Me and Minato aren’t okay because I’ve finally started this guy’s social link, and he’s a dick.
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Yukari’s dad was the lead researcher on the shadow stuff that led to the explosion, so I assume that he’s the one who got blamed for everything. Ikutsuki mentioned that the media picked one dude and demonized him.
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I think this date is wrong, though. If it was ten years ago, that’d be 1999. Right? :/ It’s also just funnier if the lab exploded like 3 weeks after the Sumaru crisis ended.
But I saved the cat! So everything is not a complete wreck.
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Pharos comes back to see me and implies some sketchy shit about my parents.
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My parents (and my sister, shush, I’m pretending it’s canon) did not explode, though. So this isn’t their fault.
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We’re absolutely friends.
After affirming that at least one person will stick by me to the end, even if that one person is a strange child who keeps waking me up at midnight, I come home from school the next day to find everyone sitting around experiencing the most awkward silence ever conceived.
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Akihiko, no!
Thankfully, we manage to talk through what’s bothering the group as a whole (Junpei is still mad at me, I think), and Ikutsuki shows up to suggest that after exams, we all go on vacation to Mitsuru’s family’s summer home on the island of Yakushima. Her dad is going to be there, apparently!
Mitsuru reluctantly agrees, Yukari apologizes to her for being too gung-ho and accusatory the other night, and I think we’re all chill again. Which is good.
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…….it’s my last night before exams and my option for study-buddy is Ikutsuki???
Nah. I’m out.
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jasbaklonbri · 7 months
My issues with the Avatar Live action show. (Spoilers)
before I get on with this… rant I guess, I want to stress that I do not “Hate” this adaptation, I actually think it’s pretty…. decent. Mixed in terms of being an adaptation but as its own thing i do think it actually is good. If a newcomer gets introduced to the franchise through this show, I’d mostly be okay with that (though would still stress to watch the original, especially hinting about the rest of the story if they’re really invested) before I go into my biggest problems I should quickly list its positives.
The characters, for the most part, are done well, they meet the core criteria of what made the original characters so beloved. The acting, for the most part, is good, overall the cast does a really good job at their respective roles. Costumes are amazing, sets, while not exactly 1:1, are still overall awesome. soundtrack is really REALLY good, stellar work all round. The action is not only great, it’s BRUTAL AS FUCK, it does not shy away from the themes of war and death and I love that 😈 some of the expanded editions to the lore are really interesting, big shoutout especially to the inclusion that zuko’s crew is also the battalion he defends in the war room, that was actually brilliant 👌 on top of that, references and inclusions of stuff from expanded material I mostly really liked, from the comics, to legend of Korra to even the kyoshi novels. As for the writing and story…. I can accept no adaptation is perfect and there will be changes, I think it follows the moments of the show decently and that the writing is… adequate. overall rating for me is a decent… 6/10… almost was a 7 but… no.
okay now for the stuff that sucked!
The Characters that weren’t good:
Aang is not bad in this, character wise and acting is overall good, Gordon Cormier does a good job, he looks and sounds the part. My issues are how the character is written. Ill get into more about his biggest issues later on as it mostly has to do with writing and a few particular scenes, but for now I’ll harp on how repetitive and annoying his dialogue can be sometimes, way too many times has the character had the same “guilt scene” which hits the exact same beats: he sees devastation, he says “this is my fault”, he’s reassured it’s not. Again and again.
sokka is awful in this. And to be honest it’s not really the writings fault, Ian Ousleys portrayal does not do it for me, his line delivery is too monotone-ish, his emotional delivery is lacking, he has the same blank facial expression throughout the show. He has a decent one liner here and there, but the comedy and character is MILES away from the over expressive, hilarious and badass original.
zukos actor is decent just enough, and honestly it’s a little unfair to compare Dallas Liu to Dante Bascos performance, but admittedly I felt he was comparatively more underwhelming at times. Though if anything I was more annoyed at the look of his Scar. Don’t get me wrong, its leagues more noticeable than it was in the god awful movie adaptation… but it’s still not great. Remember how grotesque his scar is in the animated show, even at a distance, his skin is shrivelled, he can hardly open his eye, even his ear is half burnt off, they could of gone all out in showcasing his disfigurement, the greatest source of his self shame and most brutal showcase of his fathers cruelty and abuse… but no it’s just a dark red patch around his eye, it’s not even ugly to look at. Disappointing.
Bumi, while acted and portrayed really well by Utkarsh Ambudkar, is written very badly. His motivations have completely changed from the original, and no it is no where near as good, unlike in the show were he “toys” with Aang to teach him lessons about the journey ahead of him, offering wisdom and compassion to his old friend, keeping his identity a secret allowing Aang to realise who he is, making an emotional reunion when he realises another piece of his lost past is still alive: here Aang finds out immediately it’s him, and Bumi instead is pissed and petty that Aang left to the point HE TRIES TO KILL HIM, completely disregarding the point of the message and character from the original show. Oh and not to mention the ending scene with him, but again I’ll get to that scene later.
finally, biggest problem I’ll harp on the characters themselves is the diminishing, lack of focus and editing of the three protagonists flaws. Aangs childish immaturity, kataras inexperience, Sokkas rudeness and distrust. There are reasons why the show took these out or didn’t focus on them, but in my opinion this was a huge mistake to do. Character flaws are integral to character growth, throughout the original show we see the characters learn and grow with and out of said flaws to become more rounded and stronger characters, Aangs journey to embrace his destiny and responsibilities, Kataras growing wisdom and strength, Sokka accepting his wrongdoings becoming more open minded and accepting. Diminishing these ultimately take away a lot from these characters and it does them and the fans a huge disservice to outright ignore them at times.
Aang and Kataras bond is there… but it’s Seriously lacking!
I’m a Kataang shipper. Before I go into detail with this I think it’s important to point out a certain bias I might have with this, but regardless of any opinions about the original shows romantic themes, I’d still argue that Aang and Kataras relationship is one of the core and integral bonds of the original show (the others being Katara and Sokka, Zuko and Iroh, Aang and Zuko and Zuko and Azula (book 2 onwards) so getting this right is in my opinion important to any adaptation. Overall their relationship is fine in this iteration, but MAN it’s just not as good.
Imagine my utmost disappointment When in this version: Katara is not the first person Aang sees when he wakes up! Now I know that seems like a petty thing to harp on but really think back to the original show, how beautifully written their friendship was, how they constantly support and empathise with each other, how Aang is a source of Kataras hope, how Katara is an emotional rock for Aang when coming to terms with his loss and grief. All of it starts with the foundation of their first meeting in that first episode. After a hundred years of sleep, Katara accidentally discovers Aang (with Sokka) and rushes to save him, the first person Aang sees as he opens his eyes is her, he immediately, and essentially asks her out. Katara introduces him to her village, she’s enamoured by his playful attitude and abilities, there are hints of a blooming crush between them (mostly from Aang) they promise to explore the world together, they go penguin sledding, until finally, when Katara realises and breaks the truth about Aangs 100 year absence and slow realisation that everything and everyone he knew is likely gone, Katara tries to reassure him mentioning there may be a bright side: Aang responds with “I did get to meet you”. all of that build up and setup of the friendship (and budding romance) of our two leads is masterfully established in one, 23 minute long episode. Really think about that. It takes the original show 1 episode to set the core points of the two lead’s relationship in what takes this show AN ENTIRE SERIES TO PROPERLY ESTABLISH! Not only is all of that practically absent in this iteration, but plenty of scenes and moments are either missing or lessened, Such as when Katara calms Aang out of the Avatar state, or how they begin to train and learn their waterbending together (more on THAT later), cave of two lovers is now given to Katara and Sokka?? (really missed the point of that episode) or how about the mutual understanding of each others grief through their own grief, oh yeah that’s another thing, in this version Katara, nor Sokka for that matter, ever mention to Aang that their mother is dead?! Not once. I don’t even think he ever knows, or maybe he finds out off screen? Big thing to not mention guys??
Now there are plenty of scenes in the show that do help build up their friendship here, but by missing core scenes, especially those from the first episodes, it just makes it harder for the show to establish that bond towards an audience, and again just pales in comparison.
No statue room???
I’ll be a little more brief here, but the fact that this moment is completely missing infuriates me. You have the quintessential moment where Aang is in full view of the scope of his legacy, a monument to hundreds of all the past avatars, a moment for our characters and the audience to visually realise the weight and burden that Aang Carries upon his shoulders… and you completely take it out??? What the actual FUCK???
Kyoshis premonition almost ruins the show! as awesome and badass as Avatar Kyoshi was in this version, this one tidbit is by far not just a weird addition, it’s arguably one of the biggest fundamental flaws of the show, not as an adaptation, but the show in of it self. The idea apparently (according to behind the scenes comments) is that kyoshis premonition to Aang of the northern watertribes destruction is to give him more of an assentive to head “straight to the point”, removing the unnecessary detours and filler of the original. The problem with that is even for that reason, this addition is completely pointless, because Aang already has enough assentive to head to the north: LEARN WATERBENDING!!!
In the original show after Katara and Sokka save Aang from zukos ship in the 2nd episode, they establish that they must find Aang a water bending master so he can begin his first step in becoming the avatar, in fact rewatching the first few episodes, AANG MAKES THE SUGGESTION FIRST TO KATARA SO SHE CAN MASTER HER WATERBENDING! Even the god awful movie understood that that was enough reason to head north! And if you really want more reason and imperative for them to get there as soon as, why not just reiterate that there is a WAR GOING ON! The attack on the south, the genocide of the air nomads, accidentally bringing an invasion to Kyoshi island, these are all good enough reminders for the Gaang to showcase the need for Aang to head to the known one place in the world where Aang can possibly master an art integral to achieving his destiny. But even worse than that, this addition seriously hurts the show going foward, because now, after Aang has been shown the impending doom destined for the north, he STILL detours from it, not once but twice! (And according to one gossiping bartender, possibly a few more times!!) in an attempt to try to showcase his nobility and compassion to always help those in need, every time he decides to stop to help a new problem, HE IS LITERALLY RISKING THE DESTRUCTION OF AN ENTIRE CIVILISATION!!! Priorities dude!!! It’s not like he’s given a time frame, for all he knows this premonition could happen at anytime, it could be already happening??? It is by far one of the biggest, if not THE BIGGEST flaw of the show.
Muddying the rules of the spirits and spirit realm
Aside from kyoshis future sight, too many instances does this show, in an attempt to expand ideas of worlds spirituality, often just make things more confusing. Another example is when Aang accidentally drags Katara and Sokka into the spirit world, which even with the reasoning they give it makes no sense whatsoever and it only serves an excuse to combine moments from other episodes into one. Or how about when wan shi tong… for some reason… explains that spirits can only talk to the avatar and only they can communicate with and talk to spirits… except that rule is completely ignored when Katara and Sokka can clearly hear what koh is saying? ooops???
Hai Bai has no agency or resolution in his inclusion here, he’s not even the central threat despite HIS forest being burnt. Instead of going on a full rampage against humanity for their destruction, he’s now just really angry about being wounded? Instead of hai bai kidnapping people, it’s now Koh, who while still really creepy in this version, his abilities are now greatly diminished. Instead of his lightning quick speed to remove the faces of anyone who show any ounce of emotion in his presence, here he can only prey on negative emotions, and is never shown to be especially fast (except the two jump scares). again it just pales in comparison to the intensity of the original scene.
Kuruk should know why his advice is horseshit!
while I like the inclusion of some details of the lore outside the original show, using it during Aangs scene with Kuruk significantly hurts his first scene, because now we have the writers completely miss the point and lessons of Kuruks life. Kuruks advice to “walk the path alone” to “distance himself from his friends” is not just obviously poor advice on its own, but considering that the past avatars are aware of events after their death, it especially doesn’t make sense coming from Kuruk! Avatar Kuruk HAD friends! the kyoshi novels go into detail about his closest companions as well as his secret deeds of hunting dark spirits. Yes Kuruk did it in secret and inadvertently and purposely distanced himself from the people he loved so that he could in his mind protect them, and that’s excusable because Avatars never have hindsight about some of the consequences of their actions, in fact past avatars often use their mistakes and their consequences as advice and warnings to the current avatar. KURUK SHOULD BE ADVISING THE EXACT OPPOSITE!!!
One of the major consequences of pushing his friends and keeping secrets was that when he eventually died mysteriously at a young age, his companions felt they had failed in their mission to serve and protect their friend, pushing one of them, Jianzhu, to fall into a path of political meddling and corruption, and being consumed with keeping his power and influence through back handed tactics like kidnapping, torture, intimidation and murder, eventually becoming Kyoshi’s earliest nemesis and one of her greatest enemies (highly recommend reading the Kyoshi novels 😍) Not to mention that Kuruks “advice” leads to an incredibly forced scene and trope where our hero attempts to push Katara away and “nobly distances himself to protect his friend”, only for the advice to be immediately ignored a few minutes later, making it entirely pointless.
yes, through the entirety of BOOK 1 WATER, Aang never learns waterbending! Katara offers to show him some techniques she knows in one scene, but for some reason he’s hesitant to take her offer, which would have been interesting to explore, except they never really address it?? Worse even when they finally reach Pakku in the north, all that happens is that he’s kind of scolded for not starting his training, but not once is it seen or mentioned by pakku that he’ll teach him ANYTHING. If there’s enough time to have Katara shown water healing lessons as well as arguing and fighting Pakku to teach her combative techniques, WHY THEN DOES EVERYONE IGNORE TRAINING THE GOD DAMN AVATAR!!! The fate of the world rests on Aang learning the 4 elements, but for some reason they completely leave it out?
Now Katara is mentioned to teach him in the future like in the original, but the problem now in this version is that while Katara is gifted and talented, unlike the original show she’s never formally trained (outside of healing lessons) by Pakku or a master to warrant her to become Aangs official waterbending teacher. They are literally leaving the training of the most important person of their time to an AMATEUR!!!
a baffling diversion?!?!
Finally my last big problem with the show is the handling of the ending scene. Take in mind that the fire nation sends an entire fleet, no, hundreds upon hundreds of ships to invade, subjugate and snuff out an entire civilisation, and to take out the avatar, once and for all. Also consider the sheer loss of life and devastation that was unleashed by the ocean spirit upon them when zhao murdered the moon spirit, they got hit back hard and then some, honestly it was spectacular to watch! The problem, according to Ozai: “it was all according to plan”…..
apparently it’s revealed that the North Pole wasn’t the “real target”, but instead a “clever ploy” to instead… invade Omashu?? First of all, who are you creating a diversion for??? We don’t see earth kingdom soldiers coming to assist the fight in Agna Q’ela? It’s not like we ever see waterbenders helping to defend Omashu when we were there earlier, it’s not like anyone outside the protagonists was aware of Aangs premonition (oh by the way why didn’t Kyoshi warn Aang it was a “diversion”??) WHO ARE FUCKING TALKING ABOUT???
and again, just to reiterate, you are saying you sacrificed an ENTIRE INVASION FORCE, big enough to destroy a whole society, which led to a huge loss of life and ships which YOU CLAIM was “to be expected”…. In order for you to take one city???? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING JOKING??? That’s not just bad writing, that is beyond STUPID!!! Oh and just to add, unlike in the show where Bumi willingly surrenders to avoid the destruction of Omashu, instead opting to wait for the right opportunity to free it later, saving his people doing so, here we see him bruised and bloodied after a siege! Yeah, one of the most powerful earth-benders in the world is taken out offscreen!!! CHRIST ALL BLOODY MIGHTY!!!
okay… rant over… 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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blacksupremacy86 · 1 year
On The Casting Couch
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Clint Eastwood Hollywood Legend and also is the father of hot shot new actor his son Scott Eastwood is on the set of new movie set.
I am so tired of the bullshit with people like his Dad that need to be put into his place for all eternity and I have made so much of my progress.
In order to do so I snuck on a Hollywood hot shot therapist on the set of the movie set of Dumpster Fire and he waltzes into the office with an attitude.
A chip on his shoulder is apparently clear for all to see slamming the door to my off he has behavioral issues obviously and I am hired to fix him.
“Look this is mandatory but I don’t need to be here.”
“Why is that? Why are you so angry”
“You are just riling me up”
“Why would I do that?”
“Uh huh! Sure I am”
Sighing he opens a box on the table picking up a cigar closing it, after he digs into his polo pocket and grabbing a box of matches he lights.
Waving his hand the light with a puff of air his mouth lit up inhaling the smoke as it rose into the air then blowing it out I knew I and him for good.
I smirk as the smoke begins to blowing out in and through the room covering every inch of the surrounding area no trace of light is left.
I can hear him inhaling deep sounds are cut off then in between his coughs he breathes releasing it I can tell he is in a deep state of relaxation.
I instruct him carefully to follow me outside of the room standing up he swing opens the door siding it to the side his foot steps are very light.
The ground cracks a bit walking into a small garden like area I command him to stand in the middle.
Taking my time I begin to pose him carefully to add to my college I want my own fantasy memories.
“How do you feel Scott? Are you sure?”
“Bliss, calm, and sleepy.”
“Perfection! Mwahahaha “
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“Why are you so angry?”
“It’s built in to me”
“Like your dad is bigot”
“No! He’s not”
“Come on”
“Admit it”
“He is a bigot”
“Now! Was that hard?”
“That’s much better”
“Good boi”
“I am not a boy”
“Why are you hard then?”
“You love the humiliation “
“I love the humiliation “
“What the fuck?”
“Why is it pointing straight?”
“I am hard “
“Dumbass! Hello”
“Oh God!”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“Stubborn as hell”
“Focus Scott”
“Will you submit?”
“Fuck! No!”
“Fall into my embrace”
“Let your body drop”
“Give in”
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“You are back on the couch casting couch for a new movie.”
“Fuck yeah!”
“I am your director.”
“You will listen and obey my instructions “
“Yes fucker”
“You will address me properly as Auteur”
“Yes Auteur”
“Good boi”
“Stop calling me that”
“Why? You love it”
“I love it”
“Fuck yeah!”
“You must do something “
“You want this part so bad”
“My pleasure “
“What must I do?”
“Tell me please!”
“I’m begging”
“Sit back”
“And sleep!”
“Too good”
“Lay back and surrender “
“The sweet music of my voice”
“It’s angelic”
“It’s hypnotic “
“It swallows you up”
“In dropping in”
“Falling into the abyss”
“I will forever”
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“At the count of three you will wake up”
“Do you understand?”
“I will wake up at the count of three”
“Yes who?”
“Much better”
“Can you understand me”
“You look comfortable “
“I am”
“What are you?”
“Whatever you will me to be”
“Exactly “
“That’s it pussy”
“No…I am….a….”
“Say it”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“You are a fuck boy”
“My fuck boy”
“Your dad will see it all”
“Will get a billboard”
“Release videos “
“Serve the prick right”
“Own him”
“Old Hollywood Royalty”
“My dad is no Royalty”
“He is a bigot”
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The end
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minijenn · 9 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: How to Train Your Dragon 2
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Woo, ok, calming down a bit. But can you really blame my excitement? How to Train Your Dragon 2 is just... so damn good, it is so damn good ya'll. It takes everything the first movie did, the characters, the story, the animation, the music, and just... perfects it. It is an utterly fantastic ride from beginning to end and it is one of the main factors as to why I am so utterly head over heels for this franchise (well, it and Race to the Edge, again go watch it, its good).
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We return to Berk five years after the first movie, with Hiccup under pressure from his father to take on the mantle of chief. However, danger soon arrives in the form of Drago Bludvist, who is amassing a dragon army. While searching for Drago to try and reason with him, Hiccup reunites with his estranged mother, Valka, who, much like him, has a deep affinity and respect for all dragons. From there, well, damn a bunch of stuff happens, in a story that just flows so well and just... slams you with so many emotions, from sheer joy and wonder to crushing despair and grief. It's a roller coaster, to say the least, one that is utterly captivating and at times, utterly heartbreaking. And I adore every last second of it.
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Our returning characters are all fantastic, as usual. I especially love the arc Hiccup goes through here, because while the first movie was in ways, a coming of age story for him, this one truly is, with him struggling to figure out who he really is and who he's meant to be. It's a beautiful narrative about responsibility and leadership, one that Hiccup and Toothless experience together in such a beautiful, parallel way. As for our new cast, we have Valka (who I'm in love with btw) and she's just delightful. The way we get to see her bond with Hiccup and rekindle her relationship with Stoick is absolutely beautiful (AT LEAST UNTIL THE DAMN MOVIE TEARS THIS BEAUTIFUL FAMILY APART WHY CANT THEY HAVE ANYTHING NICE FUCK).
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However, I do have to say that the weakest link in both this movie, as well as the next installment in this series... is its villain. The first movie didn't have much in the way of an antagonist, and I think it worked well in its favor. Because HTTYD antagonists... are kind of mid to lame. Drago Bludvist is certainly on the more mid side; he's just... ya know, a bad guy. He isn't really a compelling foil to Hiccup, just some crazy guy who wants to use dragons to conquer people and uses violence to get his way. He's not especially interesting, despite his rather cool design. He's just... there.
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But that one minor point aside, everything else about this movie is utterly fantastic. The animation is somehow even more stunning than the first, with so many new dragon designs to see and an even wider world to explore. The flying and fight scenes are so mezmerising to watch, and the music FUCKING GOD don't get me started on this score. It is utterly HEAVENLY, just like the first movie's (also For the Dancing and the Dreaming has me in shambles, I'm still crying, don't look at me). What kind of insane magic Dreamworks used to make this movie look and sound as good as it does? The world may never know.
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So yeah, this movie clearly has a major soft spot in my heart. I watched it when it first came out in theaters and absolutely loved it then, just like I do now. Every time I review it, I fall more in love, especially now that I've seen the tie in shows, I can appreciate how they led up to this movie and what details were thrown in that to make them serve as something of a prologue to 2.
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As for the movie itself, its such a masterful work of art, one that I'll gladly return to over and over again. Aside from Prince of Egypt, it's probably my second favorite Dreamworks movie overall. And considering some of the other contenders on this list, that's saying something. I love it to pieces, always have, always will. It's wonderful.
Overall Rating: 10/10
Verdict: Hiccup's Mom has got it going on
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Previous Review (Mr. Peabody and Sherman)
Next Review (The Penguins of Madagascar)
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heroictoonz · 2 months
Thoughts on the sonic movies?
I adore the Sonic Movies they do a REALLY good job and retelling a very well known story in a whole new way. I've never been the biggest on the new really weird need companies have to make everything live action, but I have to give the credit where it's due that the Sonic Movies LOOK BEAUTIFUL the animation is so good and like admittedly I never thought the OG Sonic design everyone hated actually looked that bad. He wasn't like overly cute or anything it was like alright ya that's IRL Sonic anyways time to go watch Satam for the millionth time. But I didn't like overly hate it the way other ppl seemed to. But the new one is AWESOME. The Sonic design we ended with looks AMAZING and also it was super cool for them to listen to the audience like that!
The movie original characters are also SO FUN. Obviously I know the inherent copaganda where it lay whether it was intentional or not but Tom RULES. Tom and Maddie are an ADORABLE couple and they are PARENTS to Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. I love them so much.
Also! The Sega characters are done SO WELL. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles were so so so perfect. Now I haven't seen the Knuckles series yet but I'm p sure it's out. So I'm only talking about the first two movies but MAN the characterization for these guys is fantastic. Also Eggman was so fun. Like they really made him such a fun villain for the movies.
Also the voice casting is AWESOME. Ben Schwartz is one of my top favorite VAs and I was SO excited when he was first announce for Sonic. And just as I suspected he BLEW IT OUT OF THE FUCKING PARK. Sonic is so perfect for his usual voice casting like Rise Leo, 2017 Dewey, and of course Randy Cunningham. Sonic, especially this version of Sonic, fits PERFECTLY. And of course Colleen O'Shaughnessey did amazing as always. Admittedly, I was kinda disappointed at first when she was announced as Tails. If only because everyone else was getting a new voice cast so then why not Tails? But I wasn't disappointed for long because, as usual, she fucking killed it. Now, admittedly, I had no fucking clue who Idris Elba is before Knuckles and still kinda don't (he is an actor! that's all I got ^^;) but MAN HE DID GREAT!!!! Also the reports that he started reading the fucking Knuckles comics to get in characters?! 1) Hot damn the dedication 2) I'm so sorry for his loss if he spent actual time reading the Ken Penders stuff
And of COURSE I can’t talk about actors without talking about Jim Carrey as fucking Eggman GOD what a choose. I’m convinced that when they were writing the script for Eggman that they wrote it a FOR Carrey I’m really not sure if anyone else coulda done all that. Maybe Tim Curry but also I think Tim Curry and Jack Black can do anything they want every and for always acting wise
I also LOVE the easter eggs from the movies I think thats one of my other favorite parts is how may Sonic details are in the movie and how much the ppl working on them clearly love the franchise so so much
I could probably say so much more but this is so long and I honestly haven't seen them in a hot second lol but MAN they are good fucking movies
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
hiiiii this is the latino ralph macchio anon again, just writing to say that thanks to you i've become obsessed with the exorcist show and it has taken over my entire brain and so i am saying thank you but also oh my god this is the second show you have successfully hyped up to make me watch you're tempting me with ted lasso now the hyperfixation is STRONG and i can't stop thinking about the spooky sad gay priest show helpppppp (/lh) (but also oh my god i have sent so many texts to my poor friends and family) (i cannot stop talking or thinking about this show)
listen, I am firmly convinced that the exorcist tv show is the best kept secret queer horror that people didn't know about at the time (hence the cancellation)
it was marketed in the style of cool slick horror and so naturally the completely wrong audience found it and didn't like it at all, when I think if tumblr had only known....
that, and of course the guest-cast is stellar -- geena davies in season 1?? john cho in season 2??
I will say - as a horror aficionado that gets scared super easily - that it's not the scariest thing out there. this is potentially good (if horror isn't usually your bag this is relatively entry-level, although it does get in a couple of good spooks!), or bad (if you wanted it to be as scary as the original exorcist, but then, that is a high standard), but it certainly makes up for it in both character writing and themes (and having said that, it is definitely not devoid of scares!)
for anyone else wondering, it's partially a rumination on the violence perpetuated against kids and a traumatised queer man who's trying to break that cycle, alongside another man who's unfortunately got "Destiny" written all over him, and therefore demons think he's a fuckn snacc (tomas, bby, you are trapped in the narrative, but at least marcus would crawl through hell to save you)
I watched ben daniels (marcus keane) in a play the other day and my goodness is he just as electric onstage as he is on the screen. he's going to be in the next season of interview with the vampire as well, which is perfect as I am conspiracy theory convinced that the exorcist laid the groundwork for something like that to exist, while alfonso herrera (tomas ortega) is known for having been in sense8 around these here parts (my house), where he plays a beautiful bearded university lecturer in a secret relationship with a closeted gay actor. not to throw even more shows out there, but my goodness is there some wonderful storytelling in this world
wish I could chat with either of them about this show and whether they had a sense of what they wanted to happen next, but hey, at least we had it to begin with! (don't cry because it's over, etcetc)
again, if anyone is tipping over into maaaybe could watch, the individual seasons are their own stories, alongside the overarching plot, so one can watch and get two good horror stories out of it. the first one references back to the og movie, but I hadn't seen it when I watched and was still easily able to go along for the ride
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if memory serves, this is like... the very first time they meet
Please let me know about your thoughts, I am parched for anyone to talk about this show with!!!
as a last thing, can absolutely recommend the football show. I'm currently rewatching (as you may have seen) and it really is very well constructed + my not-so-secret-secret is that I really really like football. playing it, watching it, as a thematic structure -- as Dani Rojas of the show would say: FOOTBALL IS LIFE!
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mod2amaryllis · 2 years
Lots of people are coming out with their best shows/movies/anime etc. of the year, and since you have such impeccable taste I'd love to hear yours! Only if it's okay ofc! Have a wonderful rest of 2022 and great 2023!
ok this is the only end of year reflection i have the capacity to do tonight, lemme thiiink ummm it was a big year for things tbh!!! I'll just ramble i guess, first up...
SEVERANCE: possibly the best first season of a show I've ever seen, and absolutely the best s1 finale of a show I've ever seen, huge ups to @tricktster for recommending it. you've probably heard it a million times but if you haven't, GO WATCH SEVERANCE, it lives up to the hype.
THE REHEARSAL: the magic trick that this show pulls is so bizarre and unprecedented it's like. impossible for me to even talk about. the entire time watching it i was gaping at my tv in open disbelief. it does and says so much in the wildest ways possible I'm still obsessed.
WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS S4: three words, Baby Colin Robinson
ANDOR: I'm not a star wars guy at allll. not even a little bit. my expectations have never been high. but when i saw @variastrix loving it up on my dash i was like okaaay and holy shit. SO good. the prison arc especially was just like OUUUGHH THEMES AND DIALOGUE OFF THE CHARTS!!!
SPY X FAMILY: what's especially fun is that we were in Japan while the second part of the season was dropping and Anya was fucking eeeeverywhere!!! everyone agrees with me cannot get ENOUGH of that funny little girl!!! best execution of fake dating trope everr the more convoluted the better.
MOB PSYCHO 100 III: ......like. c'mon what is there to even say. what's there to saaaaay! it's in my top 3 anime ever! the subversion of shonen anime has basically ruined all other stereotypical anime for me forever because it's just. so much better. so much funnier and more poignant to watch the most powerful boy ever strive to be a better person. i love that little guy and his silly conman role model
EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE: i feel the same way about this movie as anyone else. saw the trailer, hooked instantly, then when i actually watched it i walked out going "this is the greatest movie I've ever seen??????" insanely shot, cast incredible, the whole premise simultaneously huge as a multiverse and small as an immigrant couple in a laundromat. this movie defined my cosmic outlook on life. that nothing matters, so we should make the most out of what and who we love. in any other year this would've been my far and away fave. but then came:
NOPE: you guys follow me. you've heard it already. this movie ..... this..... FUCKING MOVIE.... haunted me from the moment i saw that chimp covered in blood. it scared me so bad i wasn't even sure if i liked it but then i thought and kept thinking AND I THOUGHT AND KEPT THINKING AND I HAVEN'T STOPPED THINKING this movie this god damn movie. it's a social commentary, it's a blockbuster popcorn hit, it's about animals, it's about people, it's a creature feature, it's funny, it's glorious to look at it's glorious and i love it so so much. Jean jacket really is a beautiful name for a baby girl.
VAMPIRE SURVIVORS: this game is like if you broke gaming down to it's purest chemical form and injected it directly into your bloodstream. it's a game that might be perfect in its simplicity. it's also really funny that i can be a stinky old garlic man, i like that a lot. it's free on mobile what are you waiting for.
HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST: i feel so fucking bad for this series not once, but TWICE releasing at the same time as two of the greatest games literally ever made (i still have to beat elden ring oops) because i love these games SO MUCH! they scratch a very particular itch for me which is plenty of upgradable weapons/armor for me to chase, incredibly in depth lore, and post apocalyptic robot dinosaurs. literally no notes. i love games like this that're like "we know what you want. you want to kill a spinosaurus with a bow and arrow and afterwards treat yourself to some incredible American vistas, here, take it, enjoy." it's an incredibly Me game. probably my goty if measured by how much fun i had playing it.
BRONCO BY ORVILLE PECK: the biggie. life changer. this beat out pony for me. makes me wanna be a lonesome cowboy in the Rockies so fucking bad i can taste it. like....im already thiiiis close to being a lonesome cowboy in the Rockies and when i listen to curse of the blackened eye on my morning walk, looking at the snow capped mountains, I'm there. I'm a cowboy baby. also saw him live and sobbed he's insane, the talent, he's just showing off he's nuts.
LAST NIGHT IN THE BITTERSWEET BY PAOLO NUTINI: through the echoes specifically. came up randomly in a mixed playlist and swiveled my head so fucking fast. one of my favorite artist finds of the year.
NOPE OST BY MICHAEL ABELS: that's right bitch nope gets featured TWICE, idc!!!
DANCE FEVER BY FLORENCE + THE MACHINE: this is the album to finally get me into Florence + the machine, before i was just into the hits but this album.... King? FREE???? DAFFODIL???????? good god welch
FISH!!!!!!!!!! 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟💙💙💙💙✌️✌️✌️🥰🥰🥰🥰🐠🐠🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🦈🦈🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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johnslittlespoon · 5 months
Have you seen this buckbucky edit yet?
1) UNFORTUNATELY (said with love). that edit made me cry like a mf, my soul is too soft for those two to stay dry eyed through stuff like that. but god it was BEAUTIFUL.
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2) ohh 100000%. it's in my post–war buckbucky playlist, it fits john's pov so well. it's so angsty, working through mental health issues in the aftermath, learning how to communicate with gale and ask for help when he needs it, just wanting to be by his side 24/7 but feeling undeserving of his love and also being afraid of how much he loves him and how much gale loves him back </3
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3) omg no don't be sorry!! i am someone who listens to a little bit of everythinggg don't sweat it. i gave it a listen and YOWCH that hurt wtf?? it does fit bucky in that time so well, our poor sweet boy. :( also i still feel so bad that my only curtbucky fic is an mcd angst one LOL i need to fix that soon <3
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4) another one i hadn't heard but nooo it absolutely is. all the angsty pine–y songs fit him so perfectly </3 he just wants to feel someone love him the same way he loves!! but also: 'i know i should be angry, but i can barely feel a fucking thing' is very plane–wing–scene :(
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5) NO. NOT FUN. i have such a hard time listening to that song as is but thinking about it with post–war john in mind has literally made it 10x more painful and now this edit 😭 i tried to make an angsty edit to it a few weeks back but i started crying every time LOL phoebe just hurts too damn bad when you pair her with mota stuff. i adore her <3
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6) SGDKJG honestly a wild day for us. she cracks me up like no one else <33 but OOO okay so i'm a strange one alright i grew up adoring anything fantasy/sci–fi, ate every novel and movie and show up, but in the past few years i've sort of lost interest in that vibe? which makes me really sad! but i've just been enjoying more slice of life stuff in terms of media i consume.
so i think if dune had come out when i was in like high school, i would've been obsessed, but even if it's not my go to genre, i still thought they were beautiful movies, perfect casts, managed to hold my attention as someone who can barely sit thru movies 99% of the time, the sound design was incredible, 10/10. no complaints.
but listen.... at first i was like "yummy feyd" as a joke. i serious'd very very fast. like i knew i'd be attracted just bc, i mean, c'mon, it's austin lmfaooo, but my brain chemistry was genuinely altered. i haven't like properly fleshed out any au–type of brainrot because i honestly didn't retain enough info about the dune universe (again. i am not a good movie watcher, i do not do well just sitting down and paying attention to one thing for three hours lol) but i do think some sort of crossover where john is in the dune world would be interesting!
let's be real, most of us would probably just wanna see john and feyd fuck nasty so. not sure it needs much elaborating on LMFAO and i'd be surprised if someone doesn't end up writing a fic like that– wouldn't be surprised if there already are some!
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royalrudberg · 1 year
My thoughts on RWRB, in no particular order because my brain doesn't work like that:
These are my opinions/thoughts after the first watch through (of course I'm gonna re-watch several times) but don't be mad at me please I'm sensitive
Things I loved
I spent the first full hour smiling and laughing. It put the Com in Romcom. And then the lake scene plunged me into a pit of despair, but in a good way.
Alex was Alex and Henry and was Henry. Like Nick and Taylor really got their characters and did them so much justice and the chemistry was chemistry-ing
Miguel! He was fun and flirty. I wasn't expecting him at all but I think his addition really worked for two reasons: it saved Alex time in figuring out his sexuality so we get ahead into him + Henry, and it gave an explanation for the leaking of the emails without being as politically charged as in the book, because some people, especially if they're not American, don't care about that part as much
Amy is so fucking funny
Zahra is even more funny
Casting! Pez was perfect! Philip was amazing! Papa Diaz delivered the dad vibes for sure. I wish Bea had more screen time. Shaan was good (and very handsome) And don't get me started on UMA FUCKING THERMAN!!
I know we'd have preferred to have both June and Nora but I think that for the purpose she served to the plot just Nora was fine. Movie!Nora was a combination of book!Nora and June. It worked.
Henry pretending to look for a book when Amy comes into the red room absolutely killeddddd me
Ellen talking about getting Alex on Truvada. Real AF.
Henry doing karaoke!
"I thought Alexander Gabriel Claremont-Diaz was a mouthful." "He is."
"Shut up stop talking" and "You're late", followed by him trying to close the door
The texting/messaging and emails. They included enough for you to get the idea and to show the passage of time and they did in a cool way that didn't take too much of the screen time. Also Henry being "in the room" when they're on the phone was so cute!
Alex being nervous and awkward about having sex with Henry was perfect! It felt very real
Henry going to fidget with his ring,realizing Alex is wearing it, and that little smile at each other. Fucking beautiful
Alex reading OLS
I wanted Henry singing God save the King
We didn't get to see Catherine? But at least she didn't get Juned.
No powerpoint??? Even though Ellen giving him the talk was plenty funny.
Fucking eyelashes! Miguel mentioned them, but I don't think Herny did? Why notttt??
Random but I would have rather had the conversation in the tack room than the whole polo mantage. We get it, he's hot.
Leo?!? I knew June wasn't there but his parents still being together was so random to me? Not necessarily bad just random.
I really wanted to see Alex standing in the rain...also the dialog there kinda threw me off? Like I know it was heartfelt and emotional or whatever but the "and I'll bother you no longer" part didn't feel like that version of Alex. Kinda took me out of the moment.
Maybe I just wanted more Stephen Fry, but that resolution was a little too easy/cheesy
Idk if it was my ADHD or Taylor's pronunciation but I had to turn on the subtitles because I kept not understanding him?
Did they have to change Henry's name? Like bc of the actual royal family?
Can the presidents spouse still have a seat in Congress? Is that allowed?
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essayofthoughts · 10 months
Tag Nine People You'd Like To Get To Know Better Tag Game
I was tagged by @chamerionwrites over Here. I will be tagging no one, for I am where tag games go to die.
FAVOURITE COLOUR(s): As mentioned in the last tag game I completed (here) it's purple! I wear other colours more frequently, but I have a lot of small purple things around.
FAVOURITE FLAVOUR(s): That's hard. I like savoury and sweet at the same time, I suppose, and I like adding some confit garlic into a toastie because it just... elevates the savoury of the cheese with some extra umami. I like a good chai or a medieval spice mix - cinnamon, allspice, ginger, cloves. In the UK they're so often used specifically at Christmas but they're such a good combo all year round.
FAVOURITE MUSIC: I am... bad, at genres. I like what I like and the music I like tends to be... melodic but textured? It's not just one instrument or type of instrument, I like the roughness of a more metal guitar over the smoothness of a rounded backing beat or melodic synth, and I like more melodic tunes than pure beats - this is why I don't gel with a lot of rap or hip-hop. They can be lyrically very impressive, but I listen to music for music, and I've got to be in the right mood for a spoken word poem over a beat. I also just... don't like Musicals in general. I'm not opposed to songs with stories - one of my most-listened to songs is Aviators' Godhunter which is about someone revered by a god who's waiting to be hunted by the person who's killed the rest of their "godly" kin - but I just don't like musicals in general, so musical songs are more miss than hit for me.
FAVOURITE MOVIE(s): Crimson Peak. Guillermo del Toro's films do not miss, and this is the one that dragged me into the gothic horror/romance pit and made me realise that while I don't like standard "thriller", shock-value horror, I like things that go "Hey, isn't this fucked up? Do you want to see how more fucked up it can get?". Things that are aware of the awfulness and don't revel in it but use it to show you and teach you and help you see.
FAVOURITE BOOK(s): Probably the Several on my trauma reading list, honestly, with right now A Dowry of Blood by ST Gibson being tops. For all of you hyped by @theabigailthorn's "Dracula's Ex Girlfriend" announcement who wants something of that premise while they wait, it's a fantastic look at abusive relationships and is told from the perspective of one of Dracula's brides after she and the others have murdered him. Exceptionally good and crunchily fucked up.
FAVOURITE SERIES(es): I don't know, actually. I don't think I have a singular series I enjoy (Well. I did. But then the author went to shit, so it's kind of tainted now). Or- no actually. The Gotham TV Show. Started as a dull as dishwater police procedural set in Gotham and by the time it gets to multiply resurrecting definitely not the Joker you're not sure how it got there but the tonal shift makes perfect sense somehow. Fantastic style, fantastic cast, why are Nygma and Penguin so perfect as bickering, acrimonious exes.
LAST SONG: When I like I song, I listen to it on loop. It is still:
LAST SERIES: That I actually finished was probably Raven of the Inner Palace which is an extremely good anime! Magical worldbuilding and mystery, slowbuilding relationships and fun court drama. It's like Apothecary Diaries but with more magic, and has a similar style to it's worldbuilding as Mars Red - where that slowly dripfed you information on the vampires and makes a rewatch well worth one's time, this also sets stuff up and lets you start to figure it out as it slips in more lore. Highly recommend it.
LAST MOVIE: As said in the last post - it would be Barbie, last week's film night pick. Was good.
CURRENTLY READING: A book called Old Gods, about Finnish wildlife and folklore. I like folklore a lot, so seeing how folklore affects how people have historically seen the world is really cool!
CURRENTLY WATCHING: The latest dubbed episode of Apothecary Diaries (yes, I watch dub. Sadly, I am bad at paying attention when it's subbed because I like to multitask).
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: Several fic projects. Currently aiming to finish up the Kash backstory fic.
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