#god i hope it becomes a popular tag one day
pop-roxs · 2 years
(the reapers on a roadtrip) Othello: guys, i can't find us on the map... Grelle: give me that! ....i think we're like right h- Ronald: i wanna see!! ............i can't fucking read
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skythealmighty · 6 days
can you imagine if like. object show characters were active on tumblr . i mean fans on here but his account is dead so. i mean itd be fun
#rocket talk #roc save #Fan come Back we miss you
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💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
1️⃣ theoneandonly Follow
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
(3 notes)
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🧪 test-tubular Follow
My best friend is pacing around my lab. I think a new episode's come out on one of his shows...
#I love him (/p) but he's going to become an unskippable cutscene very quickly
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⛔ nowaynuhuh Follow
i love shrimpy but it feels like he rlly doesnt ... get what i mean you know 😔 at least hes trying to cheer me up? i just wish i had someone to really talk to when it comes to these weird things i keep seeing
💼 emotional-baggage Follow
hey, i completely understand how you feel! im going to be busy the next few days with a finale, but ive sent you a dm if you need someone to talk to ^-^
⛔ nowaynuhuh Follow
thanks, ill take you up on that later!
⛔ nowayhuhuh Follow
#i dont think shes been online since that last post #i hope shes alright...
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💰 goforthegold Follow
Reblogging this every time I miss my co-hosts!
💰 goforthegold Follow
💰 goforthegold Follow
💰 goforthegold Follow
💰 goforthegold Follow
🎮 iamnotmrkrabs Follow
Are you Okay
💰 goforthegold Follow
Take a wild guess.
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🥈 5centwonder Follow
why do people keep messaging me about hotel things?? i barely even go in two's hotel!
🥈 5centwonder Follow
yowie, you all need a hug :(!!
#especially you baseball guy!!! #im giving everyone in the comments a nice warm soft cookie
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🆚️ wordswithfriends Follow
Reblog if you think Flower winning BFB was a good choice, you like cheesecake, you hate Steve Cobs, you think Platinum is annoying, you're a fan of Dr. Fizz, you watch Jasonville TV, you think Glowstick's elimination was deserved, or you're gay
#they'll never know which one #i'm gay
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🔌 electricalmusical Follow
👑 kingofeverything Follow
🎡 not-tally-hall Follow
🔌 electricalmusical Follow
🎡 not-tally-hall Follow
👑 kingofeverything Follow
reblog if u dont have a tumblr
🎡 not-tally-hall Follow
This is stupid.
(10,734 notes)
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🍿 stevecobseviltwin Follow
imagine needing to be Consistent to be popular
🖍 magic-crayons Follow
You know it girl!!!
🍿 stevecobseviltwin Follow
#idk who u are but we should hang out Now
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🟢 greenyguy Follow
(42,853 notes)
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🎒 liam-plecak Follow
Oh my god I finally got this thing to connect to the internet. Okay.
Hello, Tumblr, my name is Liam Plecak. I'm sorry for the tag spam, but this is an urgent enough matter that I think warrants it.
For the past year and a half, I've been trapped in another universe with little-to-no communication to anyone else. I've been reading a few posts here and there, and I think some of you might be able to help with freeing me and my friends (I think some of you have powers?). Below is an in-depth description of where I am, what happened, and who did this to me. Please, if you can help, send me an ask.
Keep reading
💥 fans-fantastic-features Follow
oh my god? liam from hfjone is fucking real????
🎒 liam-plecak Follow
I'm sorry what
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ivystoryweaver · 13 days
your dads rival!leto atreides headcanons were delicious what do you think about dads rival!nathan bateman?
Your Father’s Rival!Nathan Bateman
Would Nathan engage in mainstream, juvenile behavior simply to piss off his rival? (Yes. Yes he would) Notes: smut, a bunch of oral, language. it's naughty
Word count: 3k
The above^ mentioned Father'sRival!Leto Atreides hc's @reallyrallyauthor received similar asks (Father's Rival!Nathan) and you HAVE to read the thots and headcanons - they are amazing
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Everyone’s on Bluebook. Everyone. Except your family. Your friends never stop complaining about it. Your dad owns a less popular, less lucrative, but still - formidable social media platform, in addition to the rest of his business
And he hates Nathan Bateman.
He and Nathan went to school together-ish, briefly. Your dad was a superstar TA, about to finish his master's degree, when a sixteen-year-old freshman stole his spotlight. Nathan finished his two degrees and all his postgraduate work in two years,
Never got a doctorate because it was “boring.”
Your dad insists Nathan stole the idea for Bluebook. You just laugh at him. “Sure, he did, Dad.”
Despite your father's insistence to the contrary, you show up on Bluebook because you’re always in pictures with your friends.
One day your friend calls you absolutely freaking out. After a string of “oh my god oh my god's” she finally tells you that Nathan Bateman himself has liked her photo.
“Sure he did,” you deadpan. (Do you ever believe anyone?)
The next picture posted with you in it (by a completely different friend) gets a like from him. Then another, and another. One of your friends starts to put it together. Nathan has liked seventeen pictures by 6 different friends and the only connecting factor is that you are in each of them.
Then you get the email. “Nathan Bateman has invited you to join Bluebook.” You laugh. Sure it’s him. As if the reclusive billionaire plays middle school games.
But out of overwhelming curiosity and pure, college rebellion, you sign up before you can think too hard about it.
Your friends go crazy. “Look who’s finally here!” You get tagged in a hundred and one things…and Nathan likes every single one of them.
“Nathan Bateman follows you.” With the authenticated checkmark and everything. Your friends become obsessed. They follow every like, screenshotting and reposting like crazy.
Of course, by now, your father is livid. This is a betrayal of your entire family, apparently.
"You cannot give that man an inch," your dad rants, attempting to lecture you while you make dinner.
"What does that even mean?" You huff.
"He's using you to get to me," he conspiratorially rambles, pacing back and forth. "He's trying to destroy me. He's trying to take you away from me."
"He liked some pictures," you shrug, rolling your eyes. "Besides, he probably has like perfect models at his house every other weekend. He definitely doesn't want to take me anywhere."
An alert on your phone chimes.
Nathan Bateman. "Come to a party with me."
Oh shit.
"Who is that?" Your dad practically roars, fearing the worst. He is, unfortunately, correct in assuming Nathan is making a move. Or shit-shirring, whichever.
"Dad, I'm not answering that question." You fold your arms over your chest, tucking your phone out of his sight. "I'm twenty-two. Not twelve."
You lock yourself in your room and reply to Nathan, your heart pounding in your chest as you do.
"How did you get this number?"
"You signed up for Bluebook," He sends back. "I'll pick you up tonight at 10:00."
"Wait, tonight? Where are we going? What do I wear?"
"What you're wearing right now is fine. See you then."
What you're wearing right now.... is he spying on you?
You, of course, change out of your around-the-house clothes and dress in what you hope is passable party attire.
A limo arrives at 10:00 sharp to pick you up and you dart out the door, thankful your dad is already snoring on the couch. The driver opens the door for you, but the car is otherwise empty.
Your phone dings. "You changed clothes. I told you not to."
Your mouth drops open as you furiously type back, "You're really fucking creepy."
"Thank you"
You arrive at the nicest hotel in the city and are shuffled up to the penthouse. Nathan himself greets you in a white undershirt, thin gray joggers and bare feet. The shirt hugs his impressive muscles while the joggers highlight a bulge between his legs that makes your eyes linger.
"Jesus, that took forever. Should've sent the chopper."
He turns on his heel and walks inside, assuming you'll follow, which you do. Glancing around, you realize no one else is at this "party"
He plops down at a dining room table, pulls one leg up into his chair, grabs some chopsticks and continues eating a meal he started without you.
Noticing you standing there, stupefied, he motions to the chair across from him with his chopsticks.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" You scoff, folding your arms over your chest.
Dark eyebrows shoot up over his wire frames questioningly.
"I'm allergic to shellfish...and basically like the whole ocean."
(He knows)
"Shit," he laughs. "Better not post a picture of our date, then, or your father will accuse me of attempted murder."
“Date? This is supposed to be a party."
Before he answers you, he holds up his phone and snaps your picture.
"What the hell are you - "
Ding, ding, dingdingingngngngg before you can even finish your sentence, your phone blows up with Bluebook notifications.
Nathan Bateman has tagged you in a photo. It's you, standing here, now. Thank god you dressed cute, but the expression on your face could be better. Still, you've looked worse.
But it's the caption. My fucking hot date
Nathan grabs the phone out of your hand and silences it, making sure it doesn't vibrate either.
"You have notifications on? Desperate." He tuts condescendingly.
You snatch the phone back and whack Nathan on the arm. "You said party. Not date. Do you ever tell the truth?"
He shrugs. "Well...you are fucking hot."
Smooth. “Why…am I here exactly?”
He nods, shoveling more fish into his mouth. “I know you ate dinner with your dad, but those Italian subs you like are on the way if you’re still hungry.”
"Mr. Bateman, really - "
He snorts. "Mr. Bateman was my father."
You gasp in mock surprise. "You mean to tell me you didn't come out of a test tube?"
He motions at you with his chopsticks. "Where do you get that sense of humor? Certainly not from your father. I've never met anyone with less imagination."
"What do you want, Nathan? Assassination by shellfish?" You fold your arms over your chest. "No way am I worth all this effort."
"Nonsense, I've been orchestrating our meeting for some time." Finally he confesses. "I’m buying out your father’s company and I want you to convince him to surrender peacefully.”
You don’t even know where to begin. Your dad is selling? Nathan’s buying? “You would never need someone like me for something like that.” You call his bluff.
He insists he’ll make it worth your while.
He shrugs. “I have a huge dick.”
Wha? “You’re disgusting.”
“Why? According to your porn history, you fantasize about riding a big dick. I have one. Your dad surrenders peacefully, you get to ride my dick.”
"If you wanted me to touch you, you shouldn't have covered yourself in deadly allergens. Dumbass."
He continues eating. “Your loss. Your dad will already think we fucked though.”
He’s right. Everyone will actually, after that picture.
“So you might as well at least get a hate fuck out of it.”
“I hate you,” you redundantly declare. You head for the door. He is way over the line.
“You’ll be back.”
The aftermath is absurd. Your father is enraged, your friends will not shut up about your “date” with Nathan (and demand the details about the alleged sex you had with him).
Nathan sends flowers. Tulips (your favorite) mixed with stargazer lilies (which you’re allergic to). 'Miserable without you' the card says.
Your father half seriously threatens to kick you out.
Nathan tags you on Bluebook, saying you’re going to Hawaii together, if you’ll stop being mad at him.
From there, interested people start a whole narrative online, quickly and easily convincing themselves that you’re together. He texts you for weeks (You text him back. He's funny) and even calls you sometimes.
One evening, his face appears on your screen - a call you didn't accept. "Why are you stalking me?"
"Did you pack for Hawaii yet? I sent some things over."
He's working out. No glasses. Tank top. Sweat. Muscles. Fuck, he's hot.
"Yes, Nathan, I got all twenty packages." With beautiful clothes and accessories exactly your size and style. Damn him.
"But you didn't pack?" He waves his hand dismissively. "Fuck it, I'll buy you new stuff when we get there."
You remind Nathan how he is trying to destroy your father's company, not to mention steal your inheritance, so there is definitely no way you're going to Hawaii with him.
"Come over then. No shellfish, I swear. I'll eat you out instead."
Holy shit.
You’re stupefied.
He groans.
“Are you going to stare at the screen or go outside and get in the limo? I’m waiting.”
This time, the limo takes you to a helipad. You reluctantly climb on a helicopter, briefly wondering if this is a corporate kidnapping or the first leg of your alleged Hawaiian adventure. After quite a long ride, you arrive at a well hidden, sprawling estate, tucked effortlessly into the side of a mountain.
It’s freezing, but Nathan waits for you in a light windbreaker and joggers, with bare feet.
You’re secretly thrilled that he’s waiting to greet you. He kisses your cheek almost affectionately, then turns on his heel and walks away. You follow, naturally.
Once inside, he motions to a gigantic vase filled with calla lilies. “Those are for you. My assistant sent you those fucking stargazer lilies. Well, former assistant. By the way, do you want a job?”
Your hands land on your hips. “You already tried to kill me with shellfish, so I just assumed stargazer lilies were the next logical step. And did you seriously just ask me if I want to be your personal assistant? On the heels of you stealing my inheritance?”
“My assistant made almost as much as your father pays himself before I fired him,” he scoffs, pushing his glasses up his nose with one finger. "I'm not touching your inheritance." He nods to a stack of papers. "It's all right there. Have your attorneys take a look."
Slowly you approach the table, tracing one fingertip over the beautiful calla lilies before reaching for the papers. You sigh, shaking your head. "You're talking about my dad's life work. He'll never agree."
Nathan shrugs one shoulder. "He said he would if I'd leave you alone. Never see you again, ghost you."
Your eyes go wide. "Then what am I doing here?"
He waves his hand dismissively, inching toward you. "I still have to eat you out."
✧ ---------- ✧ ---------- ✧ ---------- ✧
Nathan's thick beard and perfect lips have been nestled scandalously between your thighs for thirty-eight minutes. You've gushed all over him twice, in, hands down, the best orgasms you've ever had in your life.
Better than anybody before him. Better than your vibrator. And your other vibrator.
Your fingertips play with his fuzzy hair as your hips eagerly rock into his face again and again. Tears streak down your cheeks, pooling on the couch pillow under your hair. The overstimulation is like nothing you've ever dreamed - searing every nerve ending in delicious torture.
But you can't stop and he won't stop.
You thought he was fucking with you when he asked you to come over so he could eat you out. He hasn't even used his fingers - only his lips and tongue, stroking, licking, sucking, swirling, fucking up into you over and over. His thick fingers dig into your thighs, holding you in place while his thumbs languidly trace the sensitive spot where your ass meets the back of your thigh.
Body shuddering in rapture, you teeter on the precipice of another wave of pleasure tinged with the slightest discomfort skittering along your spine because it's just too fucking much.
"Nathan...Nathan," you breathlessly moan, halfheartedly attempting to push his shoulders away from your pussy.
He raises his head just long enough to meet your blissed out, watery gaze, smiling in satisfaction. "You're close, honey. Give me one more." And dives back in without a moment's hesitation.
"oh fuck..." incoherent moans and gasps follow as he suckles your clit between his lips so tortuously your back arches off the couch. His tongue joins, rapidly flicking your swollen bud as you shatter and gush, squirting all over his tongue and soaking his beard.
Your vision goes white and your body limply falls away from his mouth as he releases you, groaning with the satisfaction that his rival's daughter is underneath him, whimpering and squirting.
His cock is so hard it hurts and he's leaked through his thin joggers, rubbing himself against your leg while he got you off. Now, as you come back to yourself, he pulls his dick out and jerks it rough and quick, licking his lips at the sigh of your glistening pussy that he can still taste in his mouth.
Your eyes flicker open to the sight of Nathan, pants pooled at his ankles, thick fingers wrapped around his dick. He was not lying. His cock is huge. Not comedically huge, like ridiculously, unfuckably huge, but definitely the thickest and longest you've ever had.
Not that you've had him. Yet.
Wetting your lips, you reach up to help him jerk off, which pulls a filthy string of curses from his lips. Pushing your fingers through his, you work up and down his shaft, bringing your other hand underneath him to cup his balls. He hisses and then groans as your tongue swirls over his leaking tip.
"If Daddy could see you now. Naked, on your knees, with my cock in your mouth. Fuck..."
You should be mad, or something. But you open your mouth wider and let Nathan push his cock all the way to the back of your throat, gagging as you swallow his tip. The most beautiful, dirty sounds you've ever heard from a man fall out of his lips as he thrusts a few times in rapid succession, praising and degrading you in the same sentence.
You can't breathe, tears burn your eyes, but through your cloudy vision, you can see his lips moving like a prayer, corded neck straining as he releases his hold in his dick and grips the nape of your neck, fucking your face, thrusting so hard you know your jaw will be sore for days.
You keep jerking him, fondling and caressing every bit of him that won't fit in your mouth. It's been a long time since you sucked a cock, and never one this big, but you keep taking it because he sounds weak for you and he's calling you his and telling you how good you feel.
Your mind fleetingly drifts to the safe word he gave you before he dove into your pussy: the one you shrugged off, as if he could possibly make you need it.
He scoffed at you. "Honey, if you don't wanna safeword tonight, I'm doing something wrong."
"Asshole," you huffed as he licked the first stripe between your folds, sending your head flying back and your mouth gasping.
You tap his leg forcefully three times and he instantly pulls out of your mouth as you gag and sputter, your weight falling forward. Bracing yourself on your hands, you drag in gulps of air, realizing that Nathan is above you finishing himself off, getting off on the fact that he's ruined you.
Hot spurts of come splatter across your bare shoulders and back. "Stay down," he orders, sent over the edge by the sight of you naked and on all fours. He unloads on you, painting your skin until he's spent. He flops back on the other end of the sofa, half naked, limp dick flopping as his eyes squeeze shut in bliss.
You're drenched in cum and sweat and your slick, filthy and somehow still wildly turned on. The thought fleetingly crosses your mind - that you wish Nathan would take your picture. Not to post, but it would just feel deliciously dirty to know he had a picture of your naked body, covered in his cum, that he could jerk off to.
"I should post a picture of you now," he lazily grins, reading your mind. "Really piss him off. Get banned from my own site."
You stand, hands landing on bare hips. "Are you going to mention my dad every time we fuck?"
He chuckles, standing to join you. "Have we even really fucked yet? Let's clean up. Our flight to Hawaii is in four hours."
"Hawaii again?" You gasp. "Nathan - "
"Look, you drive a hard bargain," he concedes, throwing his hands up. Reaching for his glasses, he kicks off his joggers off his ankles, now as naked as you. "Final offer: I'm already getting your dad's company. He's being fairly compensated. You still get your inheritance and you have generous stock in my company."
Inching forward, he reaches for the swell of your hips, pulling you flush against his muscled chest. "You get to ride my dick, you come with me to Hawaii, I get to post a selfie of us in bed together."
Your mouth drops open.
"Just from the shoulders up," he counters, before you can fire off a protest.
"I don't think I'm getting much out of this deal," you pout. "Your dick can't be that good."
"It is," he almost playfully assures you, nodding rapidly.
As you roll your eyes, he nibbles on your bottom lip. "Come on. I've never made this much effort for anyone."
"You hate my dad that much?"
"No. I want to fuck you that much."
"You're full of shit, Bateman."
"Smile." He snaps your picture. You dive for the phone, squealing at him not to post it. He has no intention of doing so, but attempting to wrestle the phone away from him is how you end up on his living room floor, riding his huge dick.
As your eyes roll back in your head while you're coming, Nathan smirks victoriously.
✧ ---------- ✧ ---------- ✧ ---------- ✧
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sukunasweetheart · 1 year
can i just say i love your fics SMMMM my serotonin boost fr!!! what do we think abt him with an s/o who has a lot of admirers 👁
THANK YOUU here is a treat 4 u <3
sorry i ended up doing too much and also going off-topic a bit oops
it ended up becoming modern au!sukuna 😭 forgive me (gender neutral reader)
sukuna is so used to being the one overshadowing the others - he's used to being the one admired, revered, respected, for his power and intelligence. it's safe to say he'd also be used to seeing people fight each other just for a lick of his attention - desiring for even just a glance from his way. so it's a given that he's not used to feelings of possessiveness or jealousy.
but now that he has you, someone who always has others admiring you from both closeby and afar, he's beginning to understand those petty sensations and thoughts. he's obviously never one to be insecure about your popularity, on most occasions, he even likes to make a show of it - he enjoys seeing them gnashing their teeth with envy as he flaunts his relationship with you in front of their faces - "see this? all mine," he seems to say, as he openly kisses you in public.
but when it catches him on a bad day, perhaps following a bad argument, he sees you with someone who is obviously interested in being more than just a friend to you (which you're not aware of, frustratingly so), and he starts feeling sick to his stomach. with everyone else who came before you, sukuna would simply tell them "don't like it? then leave," whenever they voiced complaints to him about their relationship... but now it's the opposite of what he wants. just the thought of you being with someone that isn't him gets his heart dropping to the ground, making him feel restless.
he knows he isn't the best at being soft. nor at using the kindest words when he gets heated. he'll always be more selfish than selfless, and he's not the most emotionally intelligent. it's unlike him to use words like 'i'm sorry' or 'i love you' so he's uneasy for the moment where you might find someone who'll be everything that he isn't amongst your sea of admirers, and that you'll leave him and never look back.
it's simply so humiliating, feeling this way... he's not sure what to do about it. you seem to be seriously upset this time around, and he knows brushing past it or glossing over it using his usual charm (which is a bad habit that he has) isn't going to work. you're not acknowledging him or responding to his texts properly or saying good morning or goodnight and it's driving him insane because he misses it... you're not looking at him. he's the one gazing at you, longingly.
sukuna will pin you down eventually, somewhere, somehow, and trap you so that you're not able to avoid him any longer. he'll drag you away from your stupid little crowd of spectators and talk to you in private, where'll spend ten minutes trying to apologise in a strange, roundabout and aggressive way because he knows it's his own damn fault. you know him, so you're able to recognise that he's trying to say sorry. your gaze is still elsewhere, looking off to the side instead of him. and that bothers him immensely.
"why won't you look at me?" god, he sounds so sad and pathetic.
truth is, sukuna now simply withers out and dies a little without your attention. what can he do to have that spotlight upon him once again? why are your eyes on anybody, anything, that isn't him? pay attention to me, and me only.
when you finally spare him a glance, he feels like breathing again. and he'll fight tooth and nail to keep that gaze of yours on him. fuck your insignificant and measly admirers. he's all you need, and sukuna's going to make sure of it. (he'll compromise for you, if he has to.)
he's definitely overstimming you in bed that night, in order to catch up on all the lost pride and attention that you'd deprived him of.
tagging; @gojos-thot-patrol <3 hope its to your liking.. even tho its not as angsty as i originally intended it to be haha
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animeyanderelover · 4 months
Hi hope it’s not too late to request from yandere Noragami separate hcs please! For 
Yandere Yato , Hiyuri , Yukino , Daikoku , Kofuku , Kazuma , Bishamon , Rabo, Nora and maybe Tenjin please(if that’s to many Yato , Hiyuri , Yukino , Daikoku are fine 💗) if possible can reader be female if not I’m fine with gn 💗
I left out Tenjin in here because unless platonic, I can't see myself writing for him.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, stalking, clinginess, manipulation, blackmailing, guilt-tripping, gaslighting, controlling behavior, violence, isolation, abduction, death
Noragami Hc's
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🪙​Yato certainly enjoys indulging in his fantasies at times. So far those fantasies have always been centered around his dream of finally becoming the popular and beloved god he has been working to become yet more recently his imagination has shifted. There is a new focus whenever he allows his mind to conjure up his dream scenarios and in every single one of them, there is you. Whether you are the one cheering him on in his fantasies or are the one showering him in your love and affection, there is no dream anymore where Yato doesn't find images of you popping up. Despite those tendencies of his to indulge in his daydreams, Yato is painfully aware of the stark difference between him and that you don't even know about his existence. As a god he has always been forgotten and despite his optimistic and hardworking demeanor, for the first time he finds himself openly experiencing anxiety about the fact that you are unaware of the fact that he exists.
🪙​Cue for constant stalking and a newfound pushiness he exhibits. Yukine thinks of it as frankly embarrassing when he has to tag along when Yato follows you around whenever he doesn't have a job to fulfill but there is no stopping Yato once he has made up his mind. You receive his business card as he encourages you that he will do whatever job you need him to do and that you should definitely call him when anything comes up, although chances are that you will subconsciously forget him as soon as he is gone and have cramped his card in your wallet. Yato knows that best so he makes it a point to bump into you as often as possible and act as if it is but a pleasant coincidence. The enthusiasm of his is truly unmatched whenever you give him a call as he all but grabs Yukine and drags him to the destination where you are waiting for him, no matter the time. Behind his smiles and hard work is the hidden desperation for him to become a conscious memory of yours though as he dreads to be forgotten and to be stored in the back of your mind.
🪙​All the awareness of his sad fate as a forgotten god doesn't help the jealousy he feels though whenever there is someone else you are currently with. His childish impulse has often gotten him that close to do something extremely petty if it wouldn't have been for Yukine or Hiyori stopping him, leaving him to sit there with a pout on his face. It may seem pretty immature but the anxiety definitely rises whenever he sees just how forgettable he is to you and if he has by that point already your number, whether you remember giving it to him or not, he suddenly bombards you with messages and tweets. Perhaps this is why he is the biggest attention seeker the moment the both of you spend time together and he is actually a conscious part on your mind. Then there is really no stopping his pettiness as he becomes the biggest annoyance for whoever threatens to make you forget about him. He has spilled ice cream, drinks and other stuff on people before to embarrass them and perhaps the only good part about people forgetting him is that by the next day they don't even remember his cheeky face anymore. Let's not forget how he whines you your ears full as he drags you away either.
🪙​The former god of calamity has been trying to hold back from cutting down people as if it were a simple game even if he has little tolerance for people he views as either weak-minded or as bad people. Most of the time he just messes with people as he takes advantage of the fact that humans forget about his face quickly to satisfy his often childish anger. He has a unique way of determinating which people he tolerates around you or not and if they are in either a category where he deems them as weak or bad influence, Yato will see it through to cut their ties with you. As much as he knows that he has obstacles in his way in regards of his obsession to you, he still believes that a god can't do wrong and will at the very least justify some of his actions with this mindset. As much as he respects you after all, you are still only human whilst he is a god and it is the job of a god to protect their subject. Although to him you are more than a mere follower. You are someone he wants to protect because you are very dear to him.
🪙​He has neither the capacity nor the willpower to pull an abduction through. There is no place where he could keep you in and partially he knows that he wouldn't be really capable to provide for you as good as he would like. He's working to attain more publicity and a bigger shrine though and one of his new goals is to achieve all of those things so that one day you can move in with him and he can provide you with the needed space and other things so that you can live a good life. Until then he has to content himself with your own home though and it isn't like he doesn't enjoy it. Through countless times of stalking he has found out where you live pretty quickly and he often peeks through the windows to catch a look inside, especially into your own room. Yato is often trying to convince you to let him inside your house as he wants to take a better look, reinforcing the pushy personality of his as he is begging you. Once you have given in to that wish, the begging doesn't stop though as he now wants to spend regularly time in your home and even pops up in front of your door.
🪙​Most notable about Yato is his outstanding clinginess and need for attention. All of his whining and pouting is always expressed in a way that will not scare you but deep down he is constantly anxious and afraid. You never know how hurtful it is when he pops up and you need a couple of seconds before you remember who he is, only reinforcing his awareness of his lonely fate. Chances are that sometimes he might do something very risky or extreme in hopes that such an intense experience will stick with you better than something else. He also leaves a lot of gifts such as drawings from you or a piece of clothing he has tailored you himself. it is partially flattering yet also partially disturbing since some of the drawings capture moments of you that happened in real life and that he just happened to witness as he was once again stalking you in that moment. He is highly affectionate with you and definitely very giddy if you return his affection in any way, shape or form, especially though if you also prepare something for him which shows him that you thought of him even in his absence.
Iki Hiyori
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🩷​Hiyori is a very sweet and selfless girl, although in regards to her own obsession she still tends to be rather naive as the bigger picture of the somewhat disturbing infatuation with you is something that rarely crosses her mind. If it does, it is rather briefly before she turns her attention elsewhere. She goes out of her way a lot to help and assist you in whatever way she can though and similar to Yato she will do it no matter at what time you ask her. It could be the middle of the night and she'd help in whatever way she can. Hiyori has always been an individual who is willing to help after all, even if it comes with the neglect of her own health and safety in certain situations so she is on a rather selfless side in comparison to a vast amount of other Yandere. She has a frighteningly good memory in regards to you as well as she pays very close attention to every word that leaves your lips and even if you only remember something very briefly, she won't forget about it.
🩷​Still though, Hiyori's world is rather different from the world that you perceive. As a half-ayakashi who has already gotten greatly involved with the affairs of gods, especially since she is friends with Yukina and Yato, Hiyori is rather protective at times. So whilsz it certainly will be uncommon, it isn't impossible for her soul to leave her body at times to trail behind you and protect you if she should be informed that there is potential danger that may even end up involving you. She wants to protect you herself but knows that she isn't as strong as some of her other friends are which is why she will let others allow her to help as she is not selfish in the regard that she thinks that she is the only one who can protect you. Mostly of good nature, she can't fully deny that sometimes she is tempted to use her half-ayakashi form even if there is no threat she knows if simply because Hiyori is a rather clingy person herself, though with overall more self-restraint than Yato.
🩷​Not one to subdue her own emotions which means that she will be open when she feels jealous, Hiyori isn't anywhere near petty or possessive level. Her darling's happiness is something the girl highly values and even if she will be exposed to jealousy, she can hold herself back. Her reaction does depend on the relationship though. If she is your girlfriend, she has given you her trust which means that she won't doubt your loyalty whilst also making sure that she will clarify it to the other person that you two are a couple and, if necessary, put a foot down if they do not learn their place. If you two aren't official, she will be a tad bit depressed if she notices that there is someone you are interested in before getting fired up by Yato and Yukine and deciding that she will have to try harder herself. Yato's childishness tends to be a bad influence though as she has sometimes, but only sometimes, caught herself hiding when she sees someone she has felt jealous of before abruptly deciding to follow them for a bit and to spy a bit on them.
🩷​She has a fixation on martial arts as she idolises the martial artist Touno and likes to copy his attacks and in her half-ayakashi form her agility, speed and strength increases. It is not like Hiyori is a damsel in distress by any means, especially since she is very brave and fully ready to throw herself in danger if it means protecting someone she loves a lot. On the other hand she is also a very kind-hearted individual who wouldn't hurt people just like that though. Whilst she is not overly fond of it, she does tend to blackmail people if they have gone too far as her combined skills of stalking someone with her soul or even her abilities to read memories are something very suited to uncover some embarrassing secrets or moments others do not want to be published. Whilst she refuses to let Yukine or Yato interfere when it comes to dealing with normal people, when it comes to threats such as other gods or ayakashi she won't reject their help.
🩷​Even if her infatuation keeps her from acknowledging the somewhat more questionable aspects of her love, Hiyori wouldn't consider doing anything remotely close to an abduction. Despite some of her actions such as stalking you or others in her half-ayakashi form, she values mutual consent in a relationship. Whilst she does dream about living together with you once both of you are older and can finance your own house, she won't force the scenario upon you. What she does though is romanticising it to you though as she does indulge in her own dreams too, especially if both of you wind up as a couple somewhere along the lines. If there is one glaring flaw involving Hiyori's infatuation it is perhaps her tendency to see everything through rose-tinted glasses as anything involving romance and you is something she immediately finds herself gushing about as she tends to neglect to see stuff through a more realistic perspective which makes it all the more heart-breaking for her if reality should come to crash down on her.
🩷​As weird as it is, Hiyori probably grows more used to stalking you in her half-ayakashi form as time passes by. Whilst she still possesses enough respect and responsibility to leave when she realises that you are currently sleeping, undressing or taking a shower, she does find herself growing fond to watch you in your daily life. Occasionally she even finds herself forgetting the time as she starts daydreaming whilst she watches and follows you until she either has to return to her real body or until she realises that she should now give you your privacy. Yato is terribly pushy as he wants to get to know you whilst Yukine takes delight in the fact that it is so frighteningly easy to fluster Hiyori when he teases her about you. Without a doubt she will eventually introduce you to the duo as both of them are dear friends to her, although she knows that you'll forget about them pretty quickly. Given her air-headed attitude, it is quite easy for you to never suspect that she may be up to some questionable stuff when her physical body isn't with you.
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🟧​Yukine is someone who is easily led by his emotions which does nothing but add unnecessary force to an obsession that already threatens to overwhelm him at times. Everything just crashes down on him and he is left dealing with the consequences as he tries his best to not get blighted again as his feelings threaten to get out of hand. It is a rather delicate situation that only serves a growing resentment he holds against you as he doesn't know against whom else he is supposed to turn his feelings. A part of him doesn't want to be attached to someone who could easily be his downfall yet another part of him is extremely possessive and holds too tightly for him to ever hope to forget about you and to let you be. That is how he extends his frustration and bitter outbursts against even those who just happen to be around you, jealous that they get to spend time with you whilst he doesn't before he instantly has to snap out of it before dwelling too strongly on his emotions.
🟧​Even whilst he maintains a rather tsunderish attitude at times, Yukine is very protective of you. He likes sneaking away from Yato when the man doesn't need him and usually finds himself spending his free time stalking you and trailing right behind you which is extremely easy as people quickly forget about him. His thoughts during such time perfectly encapsulate his conflicted feelings. In one moment he is silently seething and cursing you as he blames you for everything you are putting him through and in the next moment he finds himself begrudgingly admitting that you are rather cute when you smile or when you space out. Considering his rather brash and impulsive side, it isn't often pleasant to spend time with him as he will often lash out as soon as he is agitated which happens very often as his emotions are already far more intense than what he is used to and trying to deal with them gives him a splitting headache. He barely understands himself what is going on.
🟧​Resentment and bitterness he thought he has gotten over crawls back and clings to him like a slimy monster. Why can they spend time with you whilst he is constantly being forgotten and overlooked? Such thoughts constantly fill his head when he happens to stalk you when you are with friends as his hands bawl into fists in a desperate attempt to hold back his seething jealousy. Quite often he turns sharply around and walks away before he snaps as he spends a good time calming himself down afterwards. Through such continuous experiences he learns that he is more comfortable simply observing you when you are alone as his existence then doesn't get poisoned by any jealousy and anger. He'll wind up hurting you though if you two spend time together as everything just bursts out then in the form of rude and hurtful words as he storms away and wishes you bitterly to have fun with the people who really mean something to you. Yukine doesn't want you to witness the wet shimmer in his eyes.
🟧​Sometimes in the heat of his impulsive thoughts thoughts about simply killing someone have crossed his mind. Yukine has never acted on such thoughts though as he would not only harm himself but also Yato and by extension Hiyori. He defends you against ayakashi that should try to feed from your negative feelings and against other things that your eyes can't perceive but against humans he has to hold back. His possessive and jealous attributes have led to violent thoughts against people that do not deserve it and admidst all of the chaos going on inside of him, at the very least Yukine is able to acknowledge that some people do not deserve the dark ire he occasionally can't hide. When his protective side emerges though in the face of a person who makes you uncomfortable or threatens you, he still struggles to hold back. He might push them harshly away from you before running away with you or he might do something else such as throwing whatever is in his vicinity at them, whatever his impulsiveness leads him to basically.
🟧​He has no such place where he could keep you and even if he had, he doubts that he would want to torture you with the constant presence of Yato. Whilst he has fully grown into his role as Yato's shinki and has forged a strong bond with him, he knows firsthand just how much he can be. He feels undoubtedly most comfortable if he can just spend time with you himself, especially if there are no triggers that could possibly elicit any negative reactions out of him. Whether you two spend time at your home or go outside, he is fine with it as long as he has your attention on him. That is at least until someone has to interfere and instantly sour his mood. Given his reckless decisions though that blind his sight so that he can't comprehend possible consequences for his actions, it is highly likely that in the heat of the moment he might lock you away somewhere though if there is any immediate danger he hasn't expected. He usually lets you out of the place he locked you away as soon as he has calmed down and the danger is gone.
🟧​Yukine normally doesn't like showing any weakness in front of you but his trauma and his last moments of his human life have led him to fear the darkness and even if he tries to hide that when with you, it is obvious even to you. He doesn't reject your reassurance and comfort in such moments though when he finds himself in a rather raw situation where his most vulnerable fears are exposed as he doesn't have the willpower to do so in such a situation. On the one hand Yukine tries to act like a protector of yours yet on the other hand there are still a lot of things in this world he does not understand about the world of yours anymore as his own death tore him away from it which is why he needs a certain guidance from you. He isn't fond of it as it makes him feel immature and like a child but he grows less irritated about it with time as he eventually reluctantly accepts that he needs the knowledge and experience that you have about the human world to not embarrass himself a second time.
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⚔️Bishamon is fiercely protective of her darling, especially since they are only a human. As a goddess her task is to fulfill the wishes of those who pray to her but surprisingly even if you shouldn’t be someone who believes in her, she dedicates herself to protect you and watch after you. Yet it is the fact that she is a respected goddess that cuts the time she has significantly as she has many other tasks to look after. She has a large group of shinki loyally working for her though and it is quite likely that a lot of them will gladly assist Bishamon in her festering affection for you and volunteer to look after you. Obviously there are shiki like Kazuma who are even despite their loyalty to the goddess realistic enough to point out the many obstacles of her love for you as well as the obsession itself that the woman is developing for you. Bishamon’s own awareness is a half-half situation in itself as she has already lived for over a thousand years and for that is cognizant of her duties and her position yet is partially overwhelmed as she ventures into romantic feelings for the first time.
⚔️There is something exciting and alluring about her new feelings for you and even despite her own better judgement occasionally she can’t help but indulge in her feelings by seeking you out. She is no stranger to loss as the past has robbed her of a great amount of her shinki when she was blighted and that experience of grief and desperation not only elicits a rather protective but also possessive side out of her. She, a goddess, may commit a downright blasphemous act yet she won’t allow you to choose someone else as your lover. If you are still single she will see it through that there will be no one you can choose and if you should already have a partner she will be thrown into the depths of sorrow for a certain time before rising once again to scheme how to tear you and them apart. It is a highly selfish plan and the dwelling guilt is a sign that a part of her is aware of that yet Bishamon wants you to be protected. A job that a mere human is ill-equipped for, no matter how good they may treat you.
⚔️There is no such thing as jealousy as there is an underlying possessiveness with the goddess of war. She thinks poorly of those who just flirt with others as she views it as a rather distasteful action to do and she feels the same for those who seem to have too much time to try their luck with you. As beautiful as she is, Bishamonten has a fierce and dominating presence that would easily make someone a couple of heads taller than her shut up swiftly if she were to ever reveal herself. If she would have it her way, she may be tempted to simply intimidate such people as this is what she has always done as an ancient goddess yet she holds herself back, additionally a few of her closest shinki do the same. Those who do treat you well and give you happiness are the ones she respects and yet envies at the same time as she desires to give you the same joy they give you. Even then she still views them as ultimately unfitting to fulfill their role as your partner as they could never provide the protection and safety that she could give you.
⚔️Kindhearted to those she has taken under her wings and to those who have earned her respect, Bishamon may initially not fit her title as a goddess of war. Yet it is this fierce sense of attachment and protection for those she holds dear to her heart that makes her ferocious in times where a battle should arise and she needs to protect. This is after all a woman who has been holding a grudge against Yato for eons and has been hunting him down because she blamed him for the death of her shiki. Her wrath is only fitting of her title as the loss of so many of her shiki has already forced her through the experience of loss she refuses to endure again. Whilst she does restrain herself whilst dealing with mortals who are unaware of her existence, she believes in punishment so that someone learns what it means to harm you. Strict and unforgiving, she has little to no problem to cut off connections between you and someone else if she deems them as a threat.
⚔️As a famed goddess with a huge amount of followers in the human world, Bishamon is faring very well. She has shinki and she has her own shrine where she lives with all of the souls that she has taken in. Technically speaking, she has the space as well as the means for an abduction. What is holding her back is the shred of awareness and guilt embedded deeply within her. The reality of the situation is too grave for her to completely ignore after all. You are human and you do not deserve to get involved in her life to the extent that she wants you to be involved. There are so many dangers involved after all and even if she is confident in her abilities to guard and protect you, she knows that it would be perhaps best for you to never let you be exposed to them in the first place. If there should be an event where she should snap for whatever reason though, not even Kazuma would be able to hold her back as she would take you to her temple and keep you confined, although she will eventually calm down and discuss the future with you now that you know of her.
⚔️Probably because her obsession is something she has never experienced before does Bishamon initially choose to hold back with her feelings. She provides protection and safety but she appears every bit as tough and fierce as you always imagined the goddess of war to be. It induces intimidation and slight anxiety within you when you are around her as you feel too nervous to even talk to her. Things eventually figure themselves out as she slowly lets her walls down around you. Bishamon knows that she shouldn’t keep you permanently within her shrine even if the darkest part of her wishes for nothing less so even if she should have abducted you before, she will let you go after a while. You are under strict surveillance from that day on though as you now know about her existence as well as everything else that involved her world. She’s somewhat controlling as she has to find the balance between her duties and you which requires you to follow a few rules she gives to you.
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🌸​Kazuma as a shinki that could potentially blight his master if he were to commit any sins should be in a similar position to Yukine but perhaps the centuries of experience he has combined with his composed attitude have taught him how he can avoid inflicting any harm on Bishamon. The solution is really quite simple. By suppressing his own emotions, he avoids the feelings of guilt he would under normal circumstances experience and via that he not only doesn't feel like he is committing a sin but can also continue with his obsession instead of stopping it. Kazuma makes himself quite familiar with his obsession so that he can work everything out beforehand to not let his emotions get the better of him which also means that he will do some extensive research on you as you are the trigger to his obsession. He makes himself familar with everything that triggers his feelings and analyses how to avoid said triggers and only after he has done all of that will he approach you.
🌸​To your occasional dismay Kazuma's special situation does force him unfortunately to be more strict with you at times as he has to find ways around triggers. Whilst his self-control is not that fragile and he can definitely endure some triggers such as jealousy, he knows that there is a limit to it all as he can't let anything blight him or his master. More than often he resorts to subtle manipulation instead of acting as a rigid dictator though as he wouldn't want to appear as unlikeable in your eyes. Since he is a very strategic and analytical individual, his skills in regards of influencing and manipulating you are frighteningly good as he can wipe up a plan pretty quickly as soon as he has a certain amount of information. Those tendencies to always have a rough idea of where you are and what you are doing are not only because he simply desires to control you though but it also helps him vastly if there are any reports of danger near you as it enables him to act swiftly in such situations.
🌸​Jealousy is a categorised trigger of his but only if it goes on for too long and goes too far. Kazuma is by no means a very insecure individual, at least not in such a way that he would think of it as a sin to even be near you. Being in control means after all to be confident and this is a motto that he goes by even in regards to his obsession. There is no need to fall victim to petty jealousy. As long as someone doesn't test him, there is no need to interfere but it is going to be thoroughly unpleasant if someone does pick a fight with him or gets on his nerves. He's not like Yukine who lashes out and spews harsh words. Instead his voice is calm and steady and his gaze rather cold when he eventually speaks up. Because he remains in control, he is usually the one who quickly dominates the situation as he can and will point out quickly every little flaw he can deduce from someone's appearance or behavior without any shame. It normally ends in a short and brutal battle of words which he always wins before he calmly walks away with you.
🌸​There are criteria needed for Kazuma to make such a rather heavy decision but theoretically he is capable as well as prepared to end the life of someone if they pose a significant threat to you. It is certainly an event that can haunt him though, although that rather depends on your reaction to their death as he will only feel that way if you would be struck by grief and despair. Emotions are pushed away though as he approaches everything with a rather logical mindset that is set on protecting someone he loves and cherishes. He has already slayed shiki of Bishamon when she was blighted to save her life as he deemed it ultimately as a tragic but right thing to do and this applies exactly to your situation. If there is no turning back and nothing else he can think of, Kazuma will see it through to end someone's life and if it can't be avoided he will even be the one who will murder them himself. Typical for a schemer and analyst of his though, there is always a plan and a plan b he works out beforehand.
🌸​His home is Bishamon's shrine and whilst he has learned to live with his obsession, he knows that not everyone would feel that way about it if they would fully realise how deep the hole of his feelings really goes. I can see him teleporting you to Bishamon's shrine in a case of emergency where your life is in danger and no ordinary force on earth would be able to help you. The procedure that follows is rather similar to the one of Bishamon. He will properly explain everything to you by revealing the truth to you and he will let you go back to your own world after everything has been sorted through. Afterwards he will see it through though that he keeps a closer eye on you after everything has been told to you to see how you are dealing with the news. Whilst he is never one to think of himself as superior, if a situation arrives that is out of what you are used to he expects you to head his warnings and his advice as he sees it as logical that you would listen to him who actually has experience and is overall centuries more familiar with the problem than you are.
🌸​As a very tidily and punctual individual, Kazuma will never miss a meeting with you nor will he ever look messy as his appearance is always clean and neat. In fact he is the one texting you if you are a few minutes late, worried if something has happened to you. If you ever do let him inside your house, be prepared that he is probably going to start tidying things up as soon as something is too messy for his taste. There is a whole file on his phone that only includes pictures of you, whether they are solely of you or are cropped pictures where he cut everyone else out until only you were visible. Whilst he wouldn't openly admit it, Kazuma enjoys it when you rely on him for certain things as it fills him with pride so sometimes he finds himself purposely searching for situations where you will have to seek him out more simply to experience that feeling again. As someone who plans behind the scenes, you probably never suspect that he is the one at fault when some people suddenly disappear from your life or when relationships crumble he deems as toxic for you.
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💓​Behind the appearance of an air-headed dunce, one should not underestimate Kofuku's insight. She is very aware of every event going on outside, whether it is of good or bad nature and knows about all the threats and risks that exist. So you'd judge poorly if you were to assume that she is oblivious to her obsession for you. In fact she is very lucid of it all, although I do admit that with the bubbly and lovingly behavior she exhibits around you one would be rightfully fooled to think that she remains in the dark about what is a glaringly clear infatuation. It is just part of her nature to treat the people she is close to very lovingly and she is just extra clingy with you. As bad as those feelings should be, they are also rather exciting and she loves the rush and the thrill when she is with you and witnesses all of your cute expressions and habits. As an unnamed god, she doesn't have exceptionally much to do anyways so she may as well spend a large portion of her time with the person that she clearly adores.
💓​Misfortune follows wherever she goes though which puts Kofuku's obsession into a very special position. Daikoku often reminds her of the fate that she brings to everyone she spends time with and the goddess knows about that better than anyone else. She should stay away from you for your own good yet this is a hard task as she finds herself dwelling in sorrow and boredeom when she isn't with you. There is no real way to protect oneself against the poor luck she always brings with her and whilst she tries to help where she can and attempts to save what there is to save, she only makes everything worse somehow. Still, she tries to brighten up your day as good as she can even if she is the cause of all of your current predicaments. It is quite the blatant act though as she hides her true identity from you and that she is the one who makes everything worse in your life whilst simultanously cheering you up as good as she can. She is good though as her personality does cheer you up which somehow leads you into thinking that she is currently the only good thing in your life.
💓​Whilst Kofuku is to a certain degree an attention seeker, she isn't like Yato who is constantly jealous when you pay attention to someone else. Whilst she is as a god of poverty wildly scorned amongst other gods, she isn't as petty as Yato. She actually encourages you to go out and see your friends when she realises that you are in a bad mood because of your pitiful situation she has caused due to her strange powers. A part of her actually wants to meet your friends herself but she is reminded from Daikoku that she would only end up dragging them into a similar situation as yours if she would spend too much time with them which is why she limits her interactions with people you care about as if repenting somehow for being unable to do the same with you. Do not let yourself get fooled though as she has a mischievous vein in her body and might mess with someone if they end up seriously fueling her jealousy, even if it ends up bringing them a lod of misfortune.
💓​Her sweet appearance aside, she isn't shy to threaten and intimidate others when it involves people she holds dear to her own heart. Gods usually avoid her due to her abilities to cause misfortune and she and Daikoku, a begrudging accomplice in this all who tries to save what he can save, can defend you against other things such as ayakashi by themselves. In regards to humans though, Kofuku doesn't find herself needing to use any violence. As lonely as her abilities have made her, she uses them when she needs someone to stay away from you and all she really has to do is spend a bit of time with the person before catastrophe after catastrophe strikes their life. It is then that she deems that she has hung around them enough and just leaves them in the dust whilst they are too busy being a danger to you as they struggle with debt and the loss of their job. She does all of that fully aware that the repercussion will end like that but she does it with a sweet smile on her face nevertheless.
💓​Honestly, Kofuku's entire life has always been siginificantly defined and reduced as everyone has avoided her due to her strong misfortune and that misfortune brings you into a very peculiar spot as well. With the amount of time she spends with you it is highly likely that you will lose your job as well as your house and it is then that you wind up working in her shop as well as living together with Daikoku and her. Deep down Kofuku has always known that if she wouldn't stop herself, it would end that way yet she couldn't help herself. She feels partially still quite jolly now that the both of you can live together as she gets to spend even more time with you but there will always be her guilt that will dull that joy of hers and that leads her to be even more sweet to you as if trying to make all the suffering you had to go through up to you. The most sinister and worst part of all is that you are genuinely stuck now because even if you were to try to rebuild your life from scratch, as long as Kofuku is around you your situation will always end the same way.
💓​Kofuku often drags you outside or just takes you in general with her so that you don't end up dwelling too long on your own life that has been turned upside down. She likes to have fun and is an adventutous spirit after all and she wants you to participate in the joy that she feels. As she gets easily bored when she is stuck inside the shop for too long without doing anything even remotely interesting, she always finds herself giddy to leave with you. A lot of dates she has planned probably failed due to her bad luck so she finds herself often organising everything herself in places where she can't bring misfortune to other people or where the chances of bad accidents will be lowered and won't be too severe. Daikoku often helps her with her plans. She already likes giving people close to her nicknames and you have a whole bunch of cute and silly nicknames she likes to call you by. As soon as you have moved in with Daikoku and her, she is basically already acting like you two are married as she feeds you, holds your hands and sometimes even ends up sleeping in the same bed as you.
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🪭​Daikoku may intimidate people on first impression as he appears to be a rather unsmiling individual but he cares very deeply for the people who are important to him. Similar to his master Kofuku, Daikoku is on a lucid spectrum concerning his obsession. Differently from the god of poverty though, he restrains himself far more than Kofuku and chooses to stay away from you even if it hurts his feelings. As a shinki the risk is always to accidentally blight his master which is why he chooses to suppress his emotions in order to not sin and accidentally blight his master but that path is a double-edged sword. Whilst he does avoid a good portion of guilt and shame as he feels less like a creep by staying away from you, negative emotions still fester within him. Mainly a silent longing that he refuses to act upon. Partially he wishes that he could just push you away when you are around but he never has the heart to do so as he instead just treats you with kindness and attentiveness.
🪭​Kofuku is unironically the one who kindles his feelings as she is suprisingly supportive of his feelings despite knowing that you are a human. It is no surprise that she finds out about you as Daikoku has been her shinki and companion for centuries and both of them have a strong bond. In her mind Daikoku deserves happiness, especially after they had to let Daigo go. She supports his love as she encourages him to visit you or even seeks you out herself so that you can visit the shop both of them are working in so that he can spend more time with you. He's a very protective and caring individual who has zero tolerance for anyone who is trying to mess with you and in public he usually can't help himself but always take a protective step in front of you as soon as anyone faces you, even if they are friends. It's somewhat of a bad habit of his that he can't seem to shake off. At one point he eventually gives up trying to act like he doesn't care that much about you as you always manage to break all of the fragile walls he has tried to build and instead is open about his affection.
🪭​Jealousy and protectiveness are two things closely intertwined in Daikoku's soul which means that envy rarely comes without his instincts to protect and defend. You would know best that he always is a tad bit wary around people he doesn't know yet, even if they should be close friends and family of yours. Upon first meeting someone, he is always inspecting them and observing their interactions with you closely and it usually needs a bit of time before he loosens up around them when he decides that they are no threat to you, though he is still fully committed to kick their ass if they should mess up. He's definitely a tad bit more aggressive when he gets jealous though and that only aids his intimidation skills. Daikoku will be more scary when he glares at someone with a clearly agitated expression and he hates people who have the audacity to just flirt with you. He's not shying away from grabbing such people by the collar and jerking them away from you or really going for a kick that sends them tumbling down, although he does restrain himself in public space.
🪭​Whilst certainly not one to mess around due to his protective nature, Daikoku has more shame about killing than other shinki like Kazuma. There are certain actions he is willing to take in order to keep other people who are dangerous to you away and that without any overwhelming guilt. He threatens them, he intimidates them and he is also ready to get more aggressive if it comes down to it but death is a step too far for him to just comfortably do. Kofuku as a wing woman is willing to offer her own help if it comes down to it and the bad luck she brings with her requires no fists or weapons to drag someone down if she just spends enough time around a person. Daikoku often refrains from informing her though as he doesn't want to get his master involved in his own problems, especially since he knows that Kofuku would be a bit too willing to lend her help to assist him in his love life. If it comes down to it though, he has the capabilities to murder someone without blighting his master as he would see it then as a last and unavoidable resort.
🪭​He would never abduct his darling but since he is the shinki of Kofuku who is going to meet you sooner or later, the question is rather if her exceptionally bad misfortune will lead you into a tricky situation. Daikoku knows best that his master has no control over the misfortune she brings to others and he knows that she is scorned and avoided by even other gods as a result of her unique powers so he would never blame her. That doesn't help you though the moment you get affected by Kofuku's abilities and your life suddenly takes a turn for the significantly worse. Even Kofuku will feel guilty though as she apologises to Daikoku and you, although you obviously will not know why she is apologising. Considering that though, you may as well end up in the same situation where you would end up if you were to be Kofuku's darling. Living together with them and working in their shop. Daikoku would be extra attentive after all the drama you had to endure because he got you involved with their life and even Kofuku would be very affectionate and doting to you.
🪭​As a shinki, Daikoku is even through his doubts a rather stable person. He's most likely a tad bit too harsh on himself at times, especially if your life did end up badly because of his involvement in his life. Sharing a home with Kofuku and him though makes you unironically realise how much house husband material this man has. He ends up doing pretty much all the chores for you, especially the first few weeks after you have moved in and are still in the process of digesting everything. He does the laundry for you, he cleans the rooms for you and he cooks your favorite meals for you all in attempts to cheer you up and give you the time you need to process everything. Kofuku is more mindful too, although she still hasn't given up on making the two of you a couple now that you live together with them anyways. Yato constantly tries to tease you to get to Daikoku as he knows how protective the man is and in a way he gets what he wants when he gets a kick delivered to his ribs whilst Daikoku warns him with a pissed expression to keep his hands away from you.
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🐦‍⬛​Rabo is a character shrouded in darkness and mystery who has accepted that he is a God of Calamity unlike Yato who is actively trying to change his fate. Perhaps it is this acceptance that leads him to never question his feelings for you. Even if he would practice some self-reflection, the end result would remain the same. He doesn't care. He doesn't care if his feelings scare you nor does he scare who he has to kill in order to keep you. He is acting on his selfish and possessive desires freely as he has no morals nor anything else that could hold him back from committing all of the atrocities that he does to ensure that no one else will find you so that he may keep you forever. Why should he care in the first place? You are completely right by labeling him as a cruel and cold person. He has always killed, no matter what species his victims belonged to so killing people you love is no different than what he has been doing already since eons. So stop whimpering and get used to it.
🐦‍⬛​His possessive character aside, Rabo is a very cautious and observing individual who likes to inspect and gauge your reactions and your gestures in order to get a better grip of your personality. The careful nature he mostly reveals when he is fighting enemies to determine their abilities and their strength even shows itself in regards to his obsession, although it is less because Rabo sees you as someone who might physically best him. Partially it is because after so many eons of fighting, this has simply become a habit of his. On the other hand it is a conscious decision he makes as an obsession is something he doesn't know how to deal with. Those feelings are new and foreign and the lack of experience he has makes him a tad bit unsure. He only knows how to fight, to kill and to bring suffering to others but not how to love and care for someone and even if his facial expression doesn't give it away, there is a slimy unease resting in the pit of his stomach as the normal solutions he has been using for ages do not solve the problem.
🐦‍⬛​Jealousy is yet another emotion the God of Calamity can add to the list of new sensations and feelings he has never experienced before he found you. Although jealousy is probably one of the most unpleasant sensations for him. He feels threatened but not in the way he is used to. He doesn't fear for his life nor does he have to fear for your life as he could simply murder anyone who would even think about taking your life or stealing you physically away from him. There is another fear, one he can't grasp nor explain and it only further feeds into the growing agitation. He doesn't understand why he feels threatened when you smile whilst thinking about someone else or when you express your grief as you miss the people he has either slaughtered or stolen you away from. There is a strange pull in his chest as he wonders why you keep thinking about them even now when he is with you and why you never give him the same amount of attention or thoughts you give to those puny mortals.
🐦‍⬛​Death is as natural to Rabo as breathing is to you. It is the one thing he was created for after all, to wreck everything and everyone that crosses paths with him. it is his fate as a God of Calamity and he has resigned himself to his task. Killing has always been the sole solution and task for him which is why you have any right to fret for anyone as soon as you have encountered the grim fate of becoming the victim of his obsession. Even if murdering family or friends of yours is not part of his job, a personal grudge is reason enough for him to stain his sword in blood. It annoys him when you lament about the people you aren't able to return to anymore and it agitates him when he is standing right in front of you but your mind is elsewhere as you indulge in thoughts about others. If he were to serve you all of their corpses, would he be able to remove them permanently from your mind? If your mind were to be empty if you have no one to think about anymore, would he be able to claim your every thought like you have claimed his? There is only one way to find out...
🐦‍⬛​You are definitely getting taken but it is not an immediate abduction. Mainly because whilst Rabo doesn't care about the trauma and suffering he will put you through by satisfying his own obsession, he sems to care at least enough to inform himself of your needs and the basic care that a human requires. You get by that everything you need to fulfill the minimum that you require to look after yourself when you eventually get kidnapped by him but the life you lead is nothing overly grand. You have everything that he deems as necessary and you won't get more either as Rabo has never grown up with the concept of spoiling others. The only solace you have, if you can even call it one, is that he leads the same lifestyle as you. He gets by with the bare minimum. Your life is after the abduction pretty involved with his own as he spends a lot of time with you. You take all your meals together with him, do the chores around the place whilst he is watching you and are even forced to sleep in the same room as him.
🐦‍⬛​Rabo is an incredibly tactiturn god and silence quickly becomes your most loyal companion when he is around you. It isn't the relaxing kind of silence though but the heavy and awkward one that has your heart constantly on edge. He has a prominent habit of just staring at you and following your every movement as he prefers having you within his sight, perhaps a sign of his controlling nature as he wants to always be informed of what you are doing. You don't think that he knows what private space is as it happens that you turn around and find him standing eerily close to you and it always gives you a heart attack, especially because those bright yellow eyes always look at you as if they are about to plunge into the deepest and darkest parts of your mind and soul. Honestly, Rabo doesn't fully know what he is supposed to do now that you are stuck with him. His heart still desires something but he struggles to understand what it is that he wants from you now. He'll figure it out though.
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⚪​Nora knows neither good nor evil which leads to her having no comparison that could help her to properly determine how exactly she should think about her growing feelings for you and what would be the proper way to handle her obsession. She simply was never taught and as that is the case, she has no reason to even pretend to care or to hold back which ultimately leads her into openly deciding to pursue you and act according to her desires. She enjoys being your personal shadow, the one that follows you around wherever you go whilst neither you nor anyone else around you notices her. It is rather amusing, especially since she likes messing around as she takes advantage of her abilities. It is entertaining to see you growing slowly more paranoid as you hear her voice whispering behind you, feel her tapping your shoulder or realise that things disappear only to appear elsewhere all whilst not being able to see her. You are after all only human and you will never be more.
⚪​Nora is quite manipulative and her clear enjoyment in tormenting and frightening you indicates that she has a sadistic vein in her too as she likes torturing you psychologically. She eventually does reveal herself to you but then she doesn't tell you the truth about everything you do not know as she instead decides to make things more interesting. She presents herself as someone you can talk to and trust as you have so far not told anyone about the strange things that have been happening around you and in the few cases that you have, no one has believed you. Sick of realising that everyone would probably think that you have lost it, you have instead decided to keep everything to yourself so the relief to know that there is someone who doesn't judge you and actually seems to believe you soothes your soul. You poor thing remain unaware that Nora wants you to feel comforted with her and wants you to trust her. She probably ends up manipulating you into isolating yourself from family and friends until she is the only one who you have.
⚪​She is rather displeased when you try to maintain relationships with others or when someone else attempts to take her plaything away from her. It is likely that she only shows herself to you when the both of you are alone. There are many masters she serves which does keep her busy at times but when she has tie, she winds up stalking you and following you around throughout your entire day. Nora knows what you do in your daily life and she uses that information against you whenever you two spend time together in subtle ways that will not have you think that she is stalking you but rather make you feel like she just understands you better than anyone else. Normally she winds up manipulating you into cutting ties with the people she doesn't want anywhere near you but if that doesn't work she decides that she has to hurt you by influencing the other person until they end up pushing you away which only reinforces her words to you that no one will believe you and stay with you. Only she is there for you.
⚪​The shinki isn't someone who would take things into her own hands but she will definitely use whatever she has to kill people when she starts seeing them as too pesky. Depending on how much fun she has with her victims, the time until death can vary greatly. Sometimes she torments her victims for weeks on end by being even more extreme than she is with you. It is always so pathetic to see a human going crazy and turn constantly around, paranoid that there will be someone behind them. She never lifts a finger to do anything but she doesn't have to do so as she has caused some humans to commit suicide as a result of the induced fear and paranoia. Other times she may get bored midway and decide to end things on her own instead of entertaining the person any longer. In that case she may use her Ayakashi manipulation to control masked ayakashi and order them to attack the person and to end their life for her so that she can pick up the broken pieces of your heart later on when you find out about their death.
⚪​She has no interest to put in all of the work to abduct you only to be left to care for you then. Nora is very much comfortable with the way things are shaping themselves right now. She already has you depending on her very often as she is the only person who hasn't betrayed you or died on you yet which makes you quite desperate to keep her by your side. There is rarely a rejection from her side though when you invite her over to your own home where she makes herself comfortable for the time being. She doesn't plan to settle down anytime soon either. There are a lot of things and plans she has to do and fulfill so she values her freedom to wander around without having to look out for you all the time which would be the case if she were to abduct you. She expects you to look out for yourself whilst she is gone without seeking out anyone else in her absence as she wants your dependency on her to stay. Just wait in your home for her until she is done with whatever she has to do.
⚪​Nora sees friendship, family bonds and every other form of love as a game where you pretend to be someone that you are not and that partially implies for all of this too. To her, this is a game where she pretends to be someone you can trust and rely on when in reality everything is a lie. She just waits for the right time to shatter your last hopes and your naive belief but until that moment happens, she will continue being what you think she is. There are times where she messes with you though simply because she thinks that it is funny to see you getting all anxious and frightened when she is gone for longer periods or times or when she gives you the cold shoulder because she wants you to grovel to her like a pathetic worm. Physically she will never harm you but emotionally it is a free game for her where she breaks and molds you constantly to her current liking yet you do not realise it or decide to ignore it. What a pitiful, dumb thing you are.
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highqueenofelfhame · 1 year
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rowaelin // 5.8k words // masterlist // ciwyw masterlist let me know if you want to be tagged in my writing :) i hope you enjoy <3 i can't wait to see all your comments. y'all are kILLING me with them on this one.
As much as he knew he shouldn’t be, Rowan was drunk. Again. 
Tomorrow they had a match against Adarlan on Doranelle’s home field. While Rowan laid on his back,  staring at the ceiling fan above him with a full half-empty bottle of whiskey resting on his stomach, he knew they were going to lose. Not because Adarlan was better or because they wanted it more, but because Rowan was a selfish piece of shit and couldn’t put the bottle down. There was no way he would be in any condition to play tomorrow— at least not well. 
Burying his sorrows at the bottom of the bottle seemed like the better alternative until he could figure out how to repair what he had catastrophically obliterated. It had been a full week with no word from Aelin. Not a single one of those days had passed without him sending an apology text into the void. There had even been a few voicemails Wednesday night that went unanswered. He wouldn’t be surprised if she was erasing them without bothering to listen. He deserved that much. 
Rowan Whitethorn had never had social media. Ever. Not even in high school when it was just becoming a cool thing to do. Nobody needed to know that much about his life. At this point in his career, his agent and PR team begged him to do it because it would garner him more popularity. Even Lorcan posted on instagram from time to time and kept everyone happy. 
The thing that finally drove Rowan to making an instagram account was stalking Aelin Ashryver Galathynius. It was easier for his thumbs to scroll through her feed while nursing sips of whiskey, trying not to double tap on any pictures. He was pathetic enough— Aelin didn’t need to be aware of his sulking and pining. 
This all came after he googled her name paired with various words like ‘spouse,’ ‘husband,’ ‘wife,’ and ‘wedding.’ Nothing came back with a result, but it had been lurking in his mind when she didn’t answer his question earlier. Besides, Rhoe Galathynius very well could have been her father-in-law. As it were, she wasn’t married, and Evalin and Rhoe only had one child: their daughter. At least if she was married, there was no record of it. No photos of her in an elegant white gown standing next to the love of her life. 
Good. He could deal with that. 
What he couldn’t deal with was the photos of her in bikinis, arms wrapped around the waists of other men. She was nestled between the pair on the deck of a yacht all three of them with wide smiles and sunglasses covering their eyes. Her bathing suit looked more like lingerie and Rowan had never wished so hard for summer to come back around than he was right then. 
There were pictures of her with a stunning brunette woman, both of them dressed in finery or night-out attire depending on where they were headed. Aelin with a full face of makeup, with sultry dark eyes and a full pouty lip was enough to drive him into madness. 
He found photographs from holidays with her family, Aelin perched on a couch in comfy clothes and thick socks with Aedion Ashryver standing behind her. Further down her page he found the ones from years ago of her on Aedion’s shoulders after he won some match or another. It was captions Always my hero. 
Lower and lower he went until he finally hit her first post: a simple kingsflame flower from nine years ago with the caption Fireheart. He supposed that was where she garnered the name for her foundation. Gods above, she was incredible. A super-hero amongst ordinary women. 
Rowan scrolled back towards the top of her instagram, all the way back to the most recent one. It was from their day downtown, when they had bought a piece of chocolate hazelnut cake and sat outside the bakery. Aelin was laughing around her thumb that she held between her teeth. At that moment, he had been teasing her about getting the frosting everywhere. Behind the camera he was smiling just as brilliantly as she was. The light in her eyes, her smile, the utter joy that radiated off of her… It was enough to make him breathless all over again. 
“Fuck,” he murmured to himself, heart squeezing and soul dying at how absurdly beautiful she was. It didn’t seem fair. Everything about her was perfect. Not just outside, but inside, too.  Aelin Galathynius was the most selfless and loving person he had ever met. Inside and out, she shone with the light of a thousand suns. It made it impossible to look away and broke his heart that he had driven her away so sharply.
“M’such a bloody dobber,” he mumbled, zooming in on her face as close as it would get, until she was little more than a monochromatic cluster of pixels, none of her features distinguishable. 
The phone fumbled where he held it over his face, falling directly onto it. Rowan swore, the taste of metal blooming over his tongue where his tooth had cut through his lip. Worse than that, though, was when he noticed the giant heart that appeared in the center of the picture he’d been staring at. 
Rowan had accidentally liked it. Just as quickly, he unliked it and tossed his phone to the other end of the couch. Jail. He needed to be in phone jail. 
It had over ten thousand likes and three hundred comments. There was a chance she would never notice the notification appearing and disappearing. She might never notice. It didn’t stop the ice creeping into his veins, though. The idea that she would realize how utterly pathetic he was, as if all the texts weren’t indication enough. 
Rowan swore violently under his breath and grabbed his phone again. With bleary, bloodshot eyes he opened their text thread to send off another message. Just as his fingers started their drunken dance over the letters once again, his phone began to ring loudly. The vibration shook him to his core as he beheld the name flashing on his screen, a photo of the two of them laying on her couch flashing in front of him. The sight of it knocked the wind out of him. 
Fuck. Shit. Mala fucking fry him. 
“Hello?” he said, breathless like he’d been running a marathon. 
“Hi.” Aelin’s voice was quiet. Rowan could imagine her sitting in the middle of her couch, a tv show paused. 
“I am so sorry, baby,” he began, letters and syllables stringing together with no space between. “I need to explain, to—”
“Did you just like that picture on my instagram?”
“I…” it was long and drawn out as he squinted at the ceiling, trying to find a way out of it. There wasn’t one. Heat crept up his neck and bloomed over his cheeks like rose petals. “Ye-yeah. That was me.”
“Are you drunk?” was her follow up question. On the other end of the phone it sounded like she was rolling over in bed. Gods, he would love to be wrapped up in bed with her. The expanse of her golden skin under his hands wasn’t beat out by anything, not even football. 
“No,” was his quick response. 
“You sound drunk.” It was impossible to tell what, exactly, her emotions were. Rowan swallowed thickly, setting the bottle on the coffee table and nudging it out of reach. 
“I sound like a pathetic bastard that ruined something perfect.” 
“You’re definitely drunk.” If Rowan wasn’t positive that she hated him, he might mistake her tone as amusement. 
“I miss you. And I’m sorry,” he paused to hiccup, “And I want you to tell me what to do to fix what I’ve broken.” A heavy, resigned sigh came through the phone and Rowan froze.
“Start with sobering up–” Fuck. She was going to hang up, and he had blown his only chance at making things right. Shit.
“Don’t hang up,” Rowan pleaded, lip tucking between his bottom teeth while he waited for her to respond. 
“Get some sleep and win your game tomorrow. After that… maybe we can talk.” If that was what it took, then yes. A thousand times yes he would do both of those things. Anything to get her to talk to him, anything so he could hold her, feel her lips on his skin, taste her and feel her beneath him.
“Do you promise?” A schoolyard thing to say, but he couldn’t help it. The gift of hearing her voice again after an entire week of deafening silence was the most beautiful thing he could ever imagine hearing. If he could, he’d bottle it up and get drunk off it. It was better than any alcohol, any drug. 
“I promise,” she replied, and Rowan swore he heard a hint of laughter weaving between each letter of those two, simple words. That couldn’t be right, though. Aelin was mad at him. They wouldn’t be laughing together anytime soon.
“Okay.” It felt stupid to say, but it was the only word he could find. 
“Okay.” Aelin’s voice was still soft and told him nothing of the status of his forgiveness, or if he needed to beg on his knees and worship her as penance. He would never, ever stop if that was what she required. “Goodnight, Rowan.” 
The line went dead before he could say anything else and a new zap of determination electrified his blood. If she wanted a win, she would get it. But he had to get sober first. 
With a pained groan, he pulled himself upright. A few deep breaths later the room wasn’t spinning quite so quickly and he was able to stumble to the kitchen. The smell of coffee made his nose wrinkle when he opened the bag. It quickly filled the space of the kitchen as he dumped the beans into the grinder, wincing at the shriek it made. Coffee and bread would help sober him up, and then he would focus on fluid intake to not be a useless sack of meat on the field tomorrow. 
He leaned against his counter, ignoring incoming messages from his teammates checking on him, and shoved half a piece of bread into his mouth. A cold shower would wake him up, and tons of water and painkillers before bed would help the hangover tomorrow. 
Anything Aelin wanted, he would give her. Starting tomorrow night by defeating the Adarlan Wyverns and handing it to her on a silver platter. 
When he finally drifted off to sleep, his phone screen was still illuminated in his palm: that final photo he’d taken of her at the bakery wearing a smile just for him. 
As soon as she took one step into the Neon Moon, she found Connall looking over at her with a healthy dose of surprise in his eyes. Aelin moved through the crowd that had gathered to watch the game, managing to snag a single barstool in front of the beer tap. 
“Water, please,” she half-shouted over the loud voices filling the room. As soon as it was in her hands she took a long drink before placing it down on a napkin in front of her. “Hi.”
“Hi yourself.” A crooked grin spread across his face and he leaned forward on his forearms. “Watching the game?” 
“Against my better judgment,” she sighed, ruffling her fingers through her hair. Now that she knew that he played for Doranelle, she just couldn’t miss it. Had she known from the get-go, there wouldn’t have been a single game that she missed. Even if it meant she’d be catching up on work during the short commercial breaks. “How much do you know?”
“Oh just… everything.” 
Aelin groaned and looked up at the ceiling. She wasn’t upset that he’d told his friends, his support system. Rowan needed that, just like she did. Though she had yet to tell her family, she was going to do it soon. Maybe tomorrow or the day after. Some of the dust had to settle with Rowan first. 
Though she was content to let him stew for a few more days, the single like she’d gotten from an account called actuallywhitethorn made her pick up the phone. A result of her doom-scrolling before bed, the notification had dropped from the top of her screen. By the time she clicked her notification icon, that particular like from that specific account was gone. It was like fate, she decided, for her to have seen it in its brevity. If he was miserable and pining enough to accidentally like an instagram picture, it wouldn’t hurt to call him. So she did.
At first, she didn’t know what to say, but as he talked it became more and more clear that he was very drunk. All his words had melded into one long syllable, and the fact that he was likely drinking away his feelings and problems had tugged at her heart. He really was adorable when he was drunk, calling her baby and trying his hardest to apologize, begging her not to hang up the phone. As much as she really did want to talk to him, it wasn’t a conversation to have while he was only half-aware. The apology she deserved needed to come from his sober lips, not drunk, loose ones.
After they hung up, Aelin had decided she would go to the bar to watch the game. It didn’t seem like a feat she could conquer at home alone on her couch. Even with Lysandra a phone call away, it felt too big to do on her own. The bar made sense.
“Congratulations?” Connall offered, and it was the first time she’d really picked up on any shyness or hesitancy from the man. 
“Thank you.” It was still so new, so foreign. The racing of her thoughts hadn’t died down about it yet, her emotions didn’t have a full grasp on the situation. “How is he?”
“I think you already know the answer to that.” Kind of. If his texts were any inclination to his mental state, he was having a rough go of things at the moment. “Feels like a piece of shite.”
“Yeah, well.” That was a little deserved after what he’d said to her. Connall didn’t seem to disagree, merely shrugging as he followed her eyes to the television.
The game had been on for fifteen minutes, and Doranelle had scored one point. Adarlan had nothing. It was a bit of a feat to score so early on in the game, showing just how skilled Rowan and his teammates were. A camera zoomed in on the players, a towering, dark-haired man with a glove tucked under his arm, using the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face. Aelin’s eyes widened and her head whipped toward Connall when the spitting image of him appeared on the screen. The only difference was the color of the curls: Connall’s were black, his brother’s golden. 
“You have a twin?” By way of answer, Connall merely winked and nodded back at the TV where Rowan had come into view. His uniform for home games was navy blue with white letters. Hands braced on his hips, he joined his teammates where they talked. It was only when he turned around that she saw how horrible he looked. 
Though his skin was golden brown as ever, his face was ashen. Dark circles clung beneath his eyes and his bottom lip was swollen and scabbed over. The sweat gathering at his temples didn’t do anything at all to make him look well, if anything he just looked sicker. 
“Whitethorn looks a bit… peaky,” Connall said cautiously, the corners of his lips tugging downward into a scowl.
“As drunk as he was when I called him last night, that makes perfect sense.” She was frowning, too. The most put together part of him was his hair, the single french braid down the center until it all met in a mess of a bun on the top of his head. 
As soon as the whistle blew, he inhaled and exhaled a deep breath. That was when the cameras zoomed back out to take in the entire field, all the players getting into position. Aelin watched closely, one eye on the ball and the other always aware of where Rowan was in the frame.
For a while, it was a lot of passing back and forth, working up and down the field, the ball getting stolen one way or the other. Once, Adarlan got close to scoring but the goalie for Doranelle was quick to block it and pass it back down the field. Another of Rowan’s teammates was quick to get it back toward the Adarlan goal. It was passed back and forth between a few as they worked further and further down the pitch until a pass from Connall’s twin had the ball being juggled between Rowan’s feet.
Watching Rowan play brought back the old feelings she felt watching Aedion. Her competitive temper rose in her chest as he sprinted downfield with the ball between his feet. Somehow, he never tripped or stumbled. When he passed it off to a dark-haired man, Vaughan, Connall told her, it was with tricky footwork that he made look easy. Seconds later and a single pass back toward him, Rowan lunged from behind a crimson jersey. By some grace of the gods he managed to land the perfect kick that arched beautifully through the air. Adarlan’s goalie missed it by a fingertip.
The bar became deafening– some of them rooting for Doranelle, others wanting them to lose for the sake of Varese’s team. On the TV, Rowan’s teammates pulled him off the ground and jostled him amongst them, Connall’s golden-haired brother smacking a kiss to Rowan’s sweaty forehead. 
If Aelin didn’t know any better, she would say his teammates were being a little more gentle with him than they might be otherwise. Rowan’s jaw remained clenched tightly, that muscle feathering as he nodded to the only person on the team that was taller than him where he stood down the field.
“Who is their goalie?”
“Lorcan Salvaterre. Team captain and one of Rowan’s closest friends. My twin’s name is Fenrys.” Aelin nodded and rested her chin on her hands as the next play started, polished blue nails digging into her palms. She knew of most of these names from Aedion’s soccer days and the afternoons at her parents house where her father prattled on about different team rosters.
The minutes ticked by, Rowan fiercely focused on the game. That look of sheer determination never left his eyes, even in the brief moments of reprieve he had to gather his wits. Whenever he could, Connall hovered near her for the moral support she’d come in search of. It meant more to her than she could ever put into words. Being in a new city, far away from her support system, with no one else to lean on? It was really nice to know he was there. Even if they barely knew each other. 
When Adarlan scored, Aelin had over half the pub groaned. The Doranelle players looked beyond pissed. Rowan and Lorcan shared matching expressions, both of their jaws grinding as they shook their heads before getting back into position. 
It led them into more volleying back and forth, the ball little more than a blur between feet. And then it was back in Rowan’s possession. It was like the wind sang for him, pushing him faster as he bolted down the field. Almost as soon as he made his goal, the one that would get them a point ahead though, a whistle blew and a yellow-checkered flag was waving. 
“Shit,” she murmured, closely eyeing the playback. It was a fair call, he had been offside. When the camera showed Rowan again though, he was pointed at the goal, mouth wrapping around words that looked a lot like fucking bullshit. The words weren’t more than a whisper as she said, “Rowan, you stupid idiot.”
Connall chuckled, despite the dire situation at hand. She knew he was only laughing at her, not his friend’s situation. Still, she wadded up a napkin and threw it at his head. It nailed him in the temple.
“It’s not funny,” she hissed, nibbling on the end of her straw, a sick feeling roiling in her gut.
The referee pulled a yellow card brandishing it in front of his face. A spark of anger flickered behind his eyes, mouth opening to spew something else when Fenrys grabbed him by the shoulders and made him turn away. Aelin exhaled a tight breath as Rowan shook his head on screen. Fenrys said something in Rowan’s ear and he nodded, lips thin in a stiff line.. It was enough to make him nod and hustle to his spot on the field, shaking his arms out when he came to a stop.  
Beneath the bar, Aelin’s legs were bouncing. Butterflies flitted their way through her insides enough that she braced her hands against her stomach as though it would calm them. It was impossible to look away as Adarlan took their free kick from the offside, launching the ball halfway down the field and into another frustrating back and forth between the two teams. 
This was always the part of the sport that Aelin hated. No, perhaps hated was too strong of a word. The build up always made her feel nauseous, waiting for one team to make one quick move to kick everyone into high gear to avoid a goal or make one. Being pregnant, it was worse. It felt as though her stomach was in the back of her throat.
Just before the end of the second half, disaster struck. Aelin saw it coming. She was pretty sure everyone watching at home or in the stands did, too. Connall swore filthily as Rowan ran for the ball and dove feet first to knock it away from Adarlan. Except in the process, his cleats clashed into the other player’s feet and they both went down in a heap on the field. 
“What the fuck did you say to him?” Connall asked over his shoulder, never taking his eyes off the screen as a ref jogged across the pitch. 
“I told him to win and maybe we would talk! I didn’t tell him to–” A yellow card appeared in the ref’s hand, followed by a red one and Aelin lost all of her words. Both were for Rowan. 
“I think he took that a little too do or die.” And so it seemed he had.
Distantly, she heard the announcer saying it was the first time he’d ever been red carded in his entire career. The patron’s of the bar murmured amongst themselves, many of them asking what the hell was wrong with Whitethorn tonight. 
The cameras zoomed in to where he walked off the field, sweat trickling down his face. Their coach followed him to the end of the field, the words he muttered only for Rowan to hear. Though he looked ready to hit anyone that was close enough, Rowan simply nodded. Fenrys caught his arm just before he walked off, mouth moving too quickly for Aelin to decipher. 
The last clear shot of him was walking into the tunnel and off the pitch, body rigid and muscles rippling while he pulled his jersey off his body. 
“I… I need to go,” Aelin said to Connall, who only nodded in response. She threw a few bills on the counter as a thank you and pushed her way out of the pub, walking as fast as her feet would carry her to her rental car down the street. 
Even though his team had another win under their belt by the time the game was over, it had been a fucking disaster. Rowan watched the second half on his phone from the comfort of his car after getting kicked out. 
It was the first time in his eleven year career he’d ever received two yellow cards, and consequently a red card, and been ejected from a game. All that anger and frustration from the week, from his hangover, had boiled to a head and exploded on the field. Next week he would have to sit out, too. 
Failing his teammates didn’t sit right with him. Lorcan was probably fuming and Rowan anticipated a less than friendly visit from him tomorrow. Coach Malakai was mad, too. The last thing he told Rowan was to get his shit together before practice on Monday. Only Fenrys, who never missed a chance to be a jokester about anything, had murmured words of encouragement before he left the field. 
By the time he pulled into his driveway, he was exhausted. His entire body ached from that last dive. There would definitely be bruises on his hips and thighs tomorrow from the way Ress Taylor landed on top of him. All he wanted to do was let his muscles thaw under a shower so hot it burned. A glass of whiskey would be great, too. Not that he deserved it after his performance on the pitch.
The game was… rough.The entire day was rough. From the time he’d woken up his mood had been in the pits of hell. Drunk Rowan hadn’t been able to piece together what Aelin said just before they hung up, but sober Rowan did as soon as his alarm sounded. 
Win your game tomorrow. 
Not win the game, like she used to say when she thought he was the coach. She didn’t ask him to wish the boys good luck like she had in the weeks prior. The words had changed. Win your game. The game he would be playing in, that belonged to him. She had given him a personal goal and though he helped his team achieve it, he still felt like he failed. Especially since he would have to sit out next week, too, because of the red card.
It had been stupid of him to think she wouldn’t find out the truth before he had the chance to tell her. Everything had just gone to such absolute shit before he had the chance. Rowan Whitethorn would be groveling at the feet of Aelin Galathynius for the duration of his life, and then some more after he crossed into whatever afterworld awaited him. 
The news of his career was just another lie he had to make right. All day it sat with him, festering like an open wound. It wasn’t that he suddenly felt bitter about his job. He didn’t. Rowan loved what he did, he loved the sport. It was his greatest passion and love in life. But Aelin deserved to hear about it from him. Not knowing how she found out only made it worse, until everything he felt was bleeding out into the astroturf beneath his feet and getting him thrown out of a game.
Upon pulling into his driveway, something white in front of his house caught his eye. His heart came to a stop as soon as his car did. Rowan didn’t even bother to pull into his garage, just parked beside the white SUV and stared at his porch. It felt like a fever dream, getting home from a hard game and seeing Aelin on his porch swing. The wind slowly moved her back and forth, but when she saw him step out of the car she stood, hands sliding into her back pockets. 
“I told you to win, not get a red card before the second half was up.” The lilting tone of her voice made his knees buckle. It forced him to gather himself before approaching, slowly walking up the stairs until he stood one below her.
“My mouth keeps getting me in trouble this week, it seems,” he said back, mouth completely dry. It was an effort to make his tongue form the words with his lips. “But it got you to my house, so I suppose there are worse things that could have happened.”
“Few things are worse than a red card.”
“Not talking to you might beat out all of them,” he said smoothly, fingers sliding along each of his keys until he found the one for his front door. He held it up between two fingers and Aelin nodded, stepping to the side and gesturing toward the door. 
She wore simple leggings and an oversized t-shirt, a pair of socks and slides on her feet. Though she wore no makeup and her hair was twisted half-hazardly onto the top of her head, she had never looked so beautiful. Lorcan would laugh himself hoarse if he heard the thoughts Rowan had about this woman, yet he didn’t care. Even in her most dressed down and casual state, she was breathtaking. 
He led her inside, locking the door behind them. It was late enough he assumed she would be staying for a while. Few people made a nearly two hour drive to turn around and leave upon arrival. Then again, he hadn’t seen last weekend going that way, either, and it’s exactly how that night ended.
“You played…”
“Shittily,” he offered, hanging his keys on a small hook by the front door.
“Brutally,” Aelin amended, slipping off her shoes and heading to the kitchen. Rowan watched as she grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge and handed one off to him before heading for the couch. “Have you eaten?” 
“No. Have you?”
“Not since lunch.” Phone in hand, she curled up in the corner and pulled a blanket over her lap. “I doubt we have any notable options, but Taco Bell is open and is shockingly one of the few things not making me sick at the moment.”
Rowan watched her from where he stood in the center of the room. It didn’t feel real. None of today did, really. It could be the hangover talking, but the day felt like a horrible dream. He was scared to move, scared that if he sat on the couch with her that she would vanish into nothing and he would wake up alone in his bed. 
“Are you going to just stand there all night?” Her eyes didn’t leave her phone while presumably selecting everything she wanted to eat, eyes narrowing at the screen briefly in thought. A moment later she held it out for him. Rowan stared at her, heart thundering away in his chest. “Rowan.”
“Right. Thank you,” he murmured, taking the phone and trying not to acknowledge the rush he felt when his fingertips grazed her palm. Not big on fast food most of the time, it took him a little longer to pick his dinner. “What do I owe you?”
Aelin just snorted as she submitted the order, eyes rolling slightly before placing her phone face down on the couch next to her, head tilting as she said, “Come to think of it, maybe you do. I think your twenty dollar fast food order might do me in completely. I’ll have to take out a loan.” 
“I can Venmo it,” Rowan said dumbly, reaching for the phone in his back pocket.
“I don’t need your money any more than you need mine.” Once there might have been a teasing edge to her voice. Her delivery was much drier than he was used to from her. But there it was. That stupid thing he’d said before he could stop himself, the words that brought everything they were building crashing down.
“Sit,” she told him, patting the cushion next to her. Rowan was careful to leave plenty of space between them. There were definitely lines and boundaries now. The risk of getting ensnared in one was too great and he had a lot of apologies to make. With his arms elbows braced on his knees and hands clasped loosely between them, he stared at the floor. 
“You’re actually getting a pretty sweet deal.” Aelin sighed, shifting so she was facing him full on. His green eyes didn’t leave the rug. “According to google my net worth is two-and-a-half times what yours is. Isn’t that crazy?”
“I didn’t know,” he finally said. As much as he wanted to look at her, he couldn’t. He was a fucking coward. Guilt was a disgusting, oily thing crawling beneath his skin. It threatened to consume him whole even worse now that he was talking to her than it had the rest of the week. 
Aelin sighed again, finally pulling his attention to her face. She laid her head back against the sofa and a few tendrils of hair fell down to frame her face.  Rowan’s fingers curled into fists to fight the urge to sweep them behind her ear. She must have sensed it because she did it herself. The blue of her fingernails was the same blue as his jersey. Part of him wondered if it had been on purpose. 
“I think tonight we can call a truce.” Aelin seemed to notice his gaze on her fingers because she folded her arms over her chest, curling her hands so her blue nails were hidden. “We’ll eat, sleep, and then tomorrow… Tomorrow we’ll talk.”
“Okay,” he agreed. The word was falling off his tongue as soon as she finished speaking. Her cheeks seemed to twitch with amusement, and if he had reacted differently last week she would probably be smiling. 
“I am curious, though. Did you make an instagram for the sole purpose of stalking me?” 
Rowan cringed. His eyes squeezed shut, lips rolling between his teeth as he looked away. Beside him it sounded like Aelin laughing, though it was little more than puffs of air coming out of her nose. It would have been easy to go on the defensive, to add one more lie to their crumpled house of cards. Instead, he went with the truth.
“I missed you. I just wanted to see your face.” He looked back over at her then, but it was she who looked away now. Her eyes were glassy, the dim lighting making the unshed tears in her eyes sparkle. “Shit. I’m sorry.”
“It’s these fucking hormones.” She dismissed him with a wave of her hand when he started to reach for her. It stung more than he would ever let on, but he retreated and dropped his hand into his lap while she used the collar of her shirt to dry her eyes. 
It was silent after that, the two of them alternating from staring at nothing to sneaking glances at the other. Rowan only knew because he caught her staring at him more than once when he thought he could take a second to drink her in. It was only when the doorbell finally rang and he stood that she said his name, stopping him when he was halfway to the front door. Turning to look at her, eyebrows raised in question, he watched her lick her lips. 
“I missed you, too.” It was barely a whisper, spoken so softly he might have dreamed it if he was any more tired. 
Still, it was enough to get him through the rest of their silent night. Enough that it didn’t hurt as much as he thought it would when he insisted she sleep in his bed without him. Enough to chase him with sweet dreams when he finally slipped into the guest room down the hall and tumbled into a deep sleep. 
@elentiyawhitethorn @autumnbabylon @fancysludgeshoelamp  @wordsafterhours @live-the-fangirl-life @the-hospitality-of-knives @tangledraysofsunshine @readandlisten @westofmoon @rowanaelinn  @morganofthewildfire @writtenonreceipts @feynightlight @emster1622-blog @scarblx @thefaetrove @loveyatopluto @actuallybarb @peppermint-fae @the-devils-own @scottmcgivemeacall @livingmylifeforme  @wordsafterhours @foreverfallingforthestars @llyncooljones @emily-gsh @loosesimplicity @emilyrose111294  @charlizeed @aelinchocolatelover @cretaceous-therapod @sayosdreams @fireheart-violet @the-regal-warrior @backtobl4ck @shyvioletcat @mariamuses
167 notes · View notes
cafeinthemoon · 1 year
King - Chapter VII
Chapter 7
Wordcount 4,3k
Title The Quake
Fandom Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Record of Ragnarok
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 🖤
Warnings: basically the same warnings as the previous chapters; harassment against reader (from a guard); mentions of death, blood and use of weapons
Tagging @cloveradora @the-dumber-scaramouche @mikkies @sl33py-zer0 @nooneknows8976 (If you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N. A.: So, this chapter was becoming too long and I decided to divide it in two, so the next one will be published soon and it will be a direct continuation of this one, with a return to a ~familiar scenario and a deep conversation between reader and her not so soft husband 😅
I know the time between one chapter and the next has been too long, and I'm sorry for that, but something that might explain this is that this ff in particular brings a big volume of information in each chapter, and I have to be careful to share the right amount of it each time I post an update. There are still secrets to be unveiled and challenges to overcome here, and I'm using this story to train my patience (and yours as well lol)
Hope you enjoy this one and wait for the next 👀🔥
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After staring at the basket for a few more seconds, Suriah put it back on her lap and raised her eyes to you again. There was no sign of sadness or shame in them; instead, you saw a glimmer of mental peace that you’d never suppose to exist in someone who has been enduring this number of adversities.
– I understand your shock – she commented with a smile – After all, a human girl would never survive this. But you don’t need to be so worried about my well-being. Our species are stronger than yours in this sense. Usually, a woman among us would deliver half of this number of eggs a year, and I myself didn’t want to deliver a single one. Besides, in case you’re wondering, they weren’t all delivered in just one day, just like they weren’t formed in one day. It took me at least three days in a row to produce all these ones – she sighed, as if recalling the tiredness provoked by the task – It was such a labor, but after the first time, I started to believe that, if I managed to do this, nothing could be impossible to me. It was sort of liberating.
The silence among the girls persisted. Since you had nothing to say in response, you stood quiet as well. But that didn’t mean you had no feelings towards it.
Liberating? What could be liberating in such situation? And after all of this, how can she still have the guts to say he loves us? How?
Your inner debate might have shown in your face, for Suriah looked at you with sympathy, speaking specifically about this.
– You seem to be struggling to understand how I was able to endure all of this – she shrugged – But I think it was only fair. I pleaded, my husband offered me a deal, I accepted the conditions, but lost the game. I knew where I was getting into since the start, but I said yes anyway. I am the one to blame in this case, am I not?
That was just too much for you. Suddenly, your tongue was released and from your mouth leaked everything that was in your chest; you didn’t care about the possibility of your words reaching Poseidon’s ears, provoking indignation among the wives who agreed with Suriah or hurting her feelings; you just spoke.
– You said that the game was popular among the gods – you started – This can only mean that it’s unknown to most of us mortals. Besides, he gave you an incredibly short amount of time to learn all the rules before sending you to compete with an expert – you took an unconscious step closer to the table – Of course, your chances were few, and he knew it since the start! He gave you an impossible task and he was aware of this! I don’t understand how this is fair! – you lowered your tone a bit, but your rage was still felt in your words – I don’t understand how you can say this is love…
Another low voice was heard before Suriah could think of a reply.
– You see, this is one of the reasons why Poseidon-sama doesn’t like bringing humans to his domains.
It was Melian. You turned to her and saw no sign of provocation or disdain in her expression, only sadness.
– Your love and your justice are just not like the ones of the gods – she continued, serious – You’re always bringing contention and dissatisfaction with you, always trying to unveil things that are supposed to stay out of your reach. You just don’t fear the gods. This is what they used to say around here, and now that we have not only one, but two of you with us, we can say how much of this is true.
That time, the response came from Alyssa.
– We do fear the gods – she spoke with a firmness in her tone that was new to you – We just can’t accept what is unacceptable.
Melian swallowed. Apparently, she would never get used to the human way of thinking. Suriah, still maintaining her calmness, brought the attention back to herself again.
– Tell me, human, what is your name again? – she spoke to you.
– Y/n.
– So, y/n, can you satisfy our curiosity and tell us what kind of offer you’ve received from our husband?
Contrary to what you imagined, you didn’t feel that request as something intrusive: instead, you found in yourself an urge to speak about the contract you sealed, and a weight was taken off of your chest when you did it.
– I was given one year to observe his children training and learn about their most effective combat techniques. After this, I have to find ways to counteract these techniques by figuring out their weaknesses. The methods I will use to fulfill this task don’t matter, but if I’m unable to do it – you swallowed – I shall be just like you.
Suriah seemed to thought of this for a moment before replying, and a new wave of tension built across the room: the girls stared at you with a sort of compassion and fear, as well as relief for not being in your place. Besides, just like you, they were eager to hear what Suriah had to say.
And this was what she had for you:
– A task with its own difficulties – she frowned – It might be harder than mine in some aspects, but easier in others. Also, it might hide surprises, not all of them sweet. How do you feel about it?
Now that everyone knew about your mission, you had no reasons to disguise how you felt.
– I’m nervous. Even scared.
Suriah nodded.
– It’s a good sign. Only a fool would not feel like this after receiving a task from Poseidon-sama. But what exactly do you fear?
– I’m not a warrior – you shrugged – I’m a merchant, daughter of merchants. I only know how to negotiate. My knowledge cannot be applied to anything but this.
The older woman kept her composure. She took a moment adjusting the basket on her lap, then turned back to you.
– Hm… As far as I can see, every human is a warrior, and you are not different from your pairs. Just a few moments ago, you almost swore you wouldn’t have children. Such determination is rare in someone this young. Do not let it die. Take the time you have, girl, and work with all you got. You say your knowledge cannot be applied to your task, but every knowledge is necessary, and it can save us when we least expect.
You swallowed.
– I remember my parents saying something similar when I was a child and didn’t want to study certain topics.
Suriah smiled with sympathy.
– And they were right, and I wish I learned this when I did my negotiation – she pointed at you as someone who gives a mixture of alert and advice – My task was impossible, and I knew I lost since the start. But maybe you have a chance to make a difference, even with these delicate arms of yours. And, honestly, it would be fun if you succeed and entertain our husband.
When you left the hall in the company of Alyssa, you had more questions than answers.
– The only thing I know for sure now is that I still have many things to learn about these people – you were saying – The way they take slavery for love is something that I just cannot accept.
Your friend was taking slow steps beside you, with her arm entwined with yours.
– If I was you, I’d give up while I can – she laughed – This got me surprised when I arrived here too, and even now I feel uncomfortable whenever they talk about it, which, fortunately, only happens in rare occasions. But they’re not entirely wrong. For example, when Suriah said our husband doesn’t get along with rebel women, it is true for both mortals and goddesses.
The conversation you had about Amphitrite came back to your memory, but you said nothing about it. Instead, you focused on Suriah.
– I don’t understand how she knows so much about us. Did you make friends with her when you came here?
– Not exactly, but she helped me in the first days – Alyssa explained – She’s one of the oldest women here, so she does this for each new girl. There aren’t rules about experienced wives supporting the younger ones, but it’s a sort of tradition she built around herself. You know, her people are notorious for their incredible lifespan among the mortal species, and their capacity of reproduction, as she explained. She has known many people from many folks over the years and, since she’s been here for years and is one of the most fertile wives, she has some status. The other girls and the servants respect her. And as far as I could see, she sympathized with you.
– I see… – you turned to Alyssa and lowered your tone – And how does he see this?
The girl became suddenly serious. It was unnecessary to explain to whom you were referring to.
– If she has succeeded in her task, I guess it would have been a problem for him. But, since things happened differently, he doesn’t mind. He gets what he needs from her, and that’s all that matters.
Your conversation was interrupted by a voice behind you.
– Excuse me.
You both turned to the voice’s owner, and you recognized the noble girl from the Northern Waters, the same people of the priestess who ran to the waves the day you arrived. You saw her at the dining room, but she took a seat in place away from you. Given that she was a member of her species’ high society and displayed a quiet behavior, you didn’t focus your attention on her, convinced that she held the same disdain for humanity as many of the other women, but now that you had the chance to observe her from close and without the interference of a noisy and unfavorable environment, you started to think you were wrong.
And the shy manner with which she spoke to you reinforced it.
– Are you y/n, the human girl who just talked to Suriah?
You nodded.
– Yes, I am – you indicated your friend – And this is Alyssa. She’s also human.
The girls greeted themselves and the noble introduced herself.
– My name is Taulah. We arrived together with the latest carriage.
– Yes, I remember you – and, recalling the other girl’s fate, – I’m sorry for what happened to your pair that day.
Taulah gave you a sad smile.
– Her name was Doonah. She was my childhood friend. Despite being one of the most dedicated priestesses of our region, she never felt comfortable with the idea of being trapped. To her, the sea represented freedom and movement, so when she found out that she was chosen to marry the god she always loved and served, she was radiant… – the girl lowered her tone, and part of the glow in her eyes disappeared as she recalled the incident – However, after what that servant said, all the happiness and expectations died inside her… and she didn’t see any reason to keep living…
You three spent a moment in silence. Alyssa was the first to speak.
– They did the same when I arrived. There was one girl who succumbed to the guide’s provocation and did the same as your friend. Later, at night, I listened to a melody that entered through my room’s window. It was a sad song that reminded me of a flute. The morning after, I asked a maid about this and she said it was Poseidon-sama’s whistle, coming from the Main Tower.
You and Taulah looked at her at the same time.
– They explained that, every time a wife or a bride dies, he walks to the highest spot of this tower, opens the window and whistles to the outside – Alyssa continued – At the same time, he sends a sacred shell to the depths of the sea in honor of her. When they told me this, I didn’t know if I should cry or be shocked.
You held your breath. So, that was the answer for the mysterious tune, followed by that light you witnessed that night. You’ve been wanting to ask about it for days, but the opportunity never came.
– I heard when he whistled in honor of Doonah – you revealed – It was heartbreaking... and beautiful at the same time.
Taulah’s response to this was composed, as expected from someone of her position, but didn’t lack emotion.
– An appropriate way to honor a loyal, honest priestess. She would’ve loved it.
Alyssa and you agreed. Taulah changed the subject.
– Well, I came here to say that I’m impressed with your courage, y/n – she told you – The way you stood up for your friend and for yourself in the middle of so many strangers… – she smiled – That was incredible.
Your face warmed up to this compliment: getting unexpected recognition from someone you misjudged provoked a strange feeling.
– We’re kind of alone here – you glanced at Alyssa – We need to have each other’s back.
– Yes – Taulah agreed with enthusiasm – Anyways, I wish you luck with your task. And if you need anything, I’ll be here.
– Thank you, Taulah.
The girl nodded, and that marked the beginning of a new friendship, the second you conquered in that strange world, but one that made you think that, whatever the future had for you, it might not be impossible to overcome.
You said goodbye to each other like close allies.
– I’ll take Alyssa back to our room now – you said – She needs to rest.
– Go. Be safe.
You three separated right after, with the girl from the Northern Waters rushing back to the dining room and you giving your arm to Alyssa, following on a slow walk back to the lodge.
You helped Alyssa to get comfortable in her bed, adjusting the pillows behind her back, borrowing a cushion for her to rest her feet and covering her with a blanket: she used to take a nap for two hours or three after lunch, while you spent this period reading the books brought by the servants.
That time, however, you would try something different.
– Where are you going? – Alyssa asked with her eyes half closed.
You were preparing yourself to leave the room, changing your shoes for a more comfortable pair and wrapping the shawl you were given by your husband around your shoulders.
– I’m going to visit the Library – you explained – I found out we have permission to use it for both studying and diversion, so I’m heading there to research some things.
– Is it about your task?
– Yes – you walked to the door; and, turning the knob, – My father used to say that a good merchant is always taking opportunities to gather knowledge, and Suriah spoke about my abilities being useful in this task. I need to find something that helps me in this sense.
– I see – she whispered, adjusting her blanket – Just remember that the way to the Library is long from here. So, be careful.
You replied that this was precisely why you changed your shoes, then left the room.
Since the wives are previously informed about the premises of the palace they were allowed to go to, one day you took the opportunity to ask a servant how you could reach the Library, the rules for using the books and the periods of the day when it was open to visitors. Now, while recalling the information you gathered, you walked through the corridors searching for the passage between the tower that housed the women’s lodge and the one where the Library was, which, according to the servant’s explanation, was a narrow bridge that connected the two towers in the inner side of the building, at the North Wing.
You were now walking down a staircase that should lead to the place through which the bridge could be accessed, your heart racing with the perspective of approaching the desired place. You looked around and quickly recognized the servant’s description, and the bridge was almost under your sight’s reach...
When a sudden, strong quake hit the floor and spread to the walls and the stairs, reaching your spot and making you fall before you could think of grabbing the handrail.
It came fast, and left even faster. When it was over, you tried to stand up, but found out your entire body was aching, as if your fall happened from a higher place and not the few stairs you still had to walk down. You found that strange, but for now the pain wouldn’t allow you to think too much.
You breathed deep and tried to stand up again when you sensed you were ready. You adjusted your clothing and massaged your forehead on the spot that hit the floor.
You just witnessed your husband’s bad mood.
It was just like the day we arrived… With such a man ruling over it, I don’t know how this castle is still standing! Anyways, thank Heavens he’s far away from here, and I can only hope he stays like this.
It was when you realized your surroundings were no longer the same.
What you saw before the quake was the end of the stairs before you, and the connection between it and the small passage that would lead to the bridge, located at your left. Now, instead of this, you saw yourself in the middle of a long, empty corridor surrounded by high, bluish walls and a ceiling from which a soft, white light descended; you didn’t take long to see that its end was far from your spot. However, the scariest thing was that, when you turned around, you saw that the staircase just disappeared, being replaced by the other side of the same corridor, and this end was closer to you, with a wall identical to the ones on your sides to indicate it, and a parallel corridor that preceded it.
You started walking in that direction, observing this strange location.
– What kind of place is this? – you murmured unconsciously – No doors, no windows, no decoration…
You came to the conclusion that it was just a passage, where people wouldn’t stop to do anything – not even appreciate its beauty, since there was no art in there. Not only this, but the absence of doors that would lead to rooms or to other corridors indicated that this wasn’t an access many people would use.
It was when you stopped suddenly, your heart jumping inside your chest.
What if I’m in a forbidden place?
The idea came to you only when it was too late.
When you were a few meters before the end, a pair of tall, green-skinned guards wearing helmets and holding tridents similar to the one of their master appeared from the right corner and turned it to take your corridor, advancing in large steps toward you.
You took a step back, tightening the shawl around yourself; there was no way to escape, whether running back to your previous spot or trying to pass through them: their legs seemed too long, ideal for a marathon, and those tridents were too long and too sharp besides, you couldn’t tell if they would forgive an attempt to evasion even if it came from one of their Lord’s wives.
The guards were so entertained with their chatting that they almost bumped into you, not coming to this point because you jumped back with a little scream. When they finally became aware of your presence, they fell silent, and the smiles on their faces slowly faded into a suspicious expression.
The guard at the left, who seemed to be the older one, was the first to speak.
– What are you doing here? – and, since you kept quiet, – Don’t you know this area is forbidden for mortals?
You considered saying that you were looking for the Library when you fell there after the quake, but something made you think your explanation wouldn’t be accepted, so you just replied like anyone would in a situation like that.
– I didn’t know that… – you glanced beyond the men – Can you lead me to the exit?
The guard’s response was to glance at his partner, then turn back at you with a grin.
– Of course, we can – he started, taking slow steps toward you – But not without giving you the appropriate punishment.
You swallowed. You didn’t know what that man had in mind, and certainly didn’t want to find out. Before he could reach you, you stepped back and uncovered your ears, exhibiting the pearls on your lobes. The younger guard, who stood in the same place, tightened his lips in apprehension, while his companion frowned. Yes, faking a courage you weren’t feeling was risky, but it was your only chance.
– You can’t speak about punishment to me when I am one of Poseidon-sama’s wives – your voice echoed across the place, though you didn’t speak loud – Touching me the wrong way will mean a problem for you.
The two guards had opposite reactions to your words.
The younger one kept his position, not taking a single step toward you, and even tried to warn his partner.
– We should just lead her back to the women’s lodge – he was saying – We’ll be in trouble if someone sees her with us here…
The older guard, on the other hand, showed no worries for this advice and no regard for your earrings.
– These pearls don’t prove anything to me, girl – he replied in challenge – You might have faked them, just like others did before you. Besides, our Lord has taken hundreds of women as his wives. One more or one less in the counting would mean nothing to him!
– You can just take me back to the lodge and I will grant you my silence in return – you insisted – If nothing happens here, nobody needs to know about this encounter!
The guard laughed.
– Well, I think I’ll pass!
You held your breath. Your strategy worked partially, but that wasn’t enough to grant your safeness, and there wasn’t much you could do about it.
Sorry, Alyssa. But I couldn’t be as careful as you recommended.
The guard stretched his hand to grab you, and you jumped back, but you never managed to take more than two steps away from him. You thought you were going to stumble and hit the floor, at the mercy of that man…
But you actually bumped into someone who was right behind you, and who seemed to have appeared there by magic. The person held you by your arms, keeping you in place.
You raised your eyes, thinking you just got trapped by a third guard, ready to apologize and beg for help, when you recognized him and felt your words dying before passing your lips.
– This is the first time I meet you casually and you are already in danger, dragonet – were his first words; and, with a slight smile, – Why am I not surprised?
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing: how did he reach that spot so fast? And how did he do it without making the slightest noise?
Before you could say or do anything, he turned his attention to the older guard, and a transformation occurred on his face: the suggestion of smile disappeared from his lips, turning his face into an emotionless sculpture of marble, and the blue of his eyes decreased to a darker shade, close to black. You sensed the air getting cold around you, almost like the sea water during winter, and shivers started spreading through your skin.
You glanced at the guards, and the unexpected appearance of their Lord in that isolated place provoked different feelings in each of them, judging by what you saw in their faces: the younger one had his anxiety increased now that his worst fear just came true, while the older simply panicked.
– P-Poseidon-sama…!
You were surprised that he was able to say even those few words: his massive body was shaking in a way you didn’t know to be possible, his eyes were almost leaving their orbits and the green of his skin gave place to a sickly yellow that you supposed to be the equivalent of paleness in human skins.
To anyone who would look from a distance, it would seem that Poseidon showed no sign of his feelings, but to you, who were between his arms, the story was different: though no wrinkle appeared on his forehead nor his lips were twisted while he stared at the guard, the change in his eyes’ color was the clearest evidence of his wrath.
His next words, however, weren’t for the man.
– Stay here – he held your shoulders and made you turn your back on the men – Do not look back.
He took a few steps toward the guard, and you never knew exactly what happened after this. There was no scream, cry or plead from any of the men; you just heard a fast sound, as if something sharp just cut the air behind you, followed by a wet, disgusting noise, that started and ended as fast as the previous one. At your right, you saw a red stain appear on the wall, profaning the blue as it descended violently to the floor.
Poseidon’s composed voice was the next thing you heard.
– Send servants to clean this mess – he was saying – And inform your detachment’s leader about this casualty. He will designate a substitute to work with you.
The younger man’s voice mumbled a relieved “yes, my Lord”, and he left as soon as he could.
When the sound of his steps disappeared in the parallel corridor (you didn’t know in which direction), you sensed your husband approaching you again. You tried to glance behind, but before you could see anything, his hand covered the side of your face and you were forced to look ahead. He took you in his arms and started to walk, without saying a word about what just happened.
Just as decreed by Poseidon during your wedding votes, those pearls were indeed their only warning.
Chapter 8
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aliorsboxostuff · 2 years
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING A BOB X M!READER hooooo boy have I been saving it up for this. Sorry dude but ya boy loves Bob so much I might actually combust so here I present a bob x m!reader fic! Btw, just so you all know, I know nothing about US military or navy (i don't even know mine lol) so all of the inaccurate stuff is on me, sorry T-T
You didn't request any specific stuff so I'm giving Reader a more confident and dangerous personality (With your callsign being Canine) And while not exactly ‘friends’ with the whole dagger squad before the mission, you were popular amongst them because of your otherwise welcoming vibe, so you're close to most of them. The story will have a lil fluff and promise for more at the end ;) ENJOY LOVELY ANON <3
Pairing: Bob x M-Pilot!reader
Tags: Dialogue heavy, first time meeting, implied nsfw, just meeting our cutie Bobby, slight HangmanxRooster 
After getting called to Cyclones office and signed into the suicide mission, you didn't think it’ll include the bonus of a cute WSO. 
When Cyclone called you to his office; explained all about this ‘Impossible mission’ thats borderline suicidal, and that you'll be in the same team with the best graduates of Top Gun, you thought it might’ve been a sick joke or a particularly hopeful fever dream. But when you walked out and got a text from Nat to meet her at the Hard Deck, maybe you weren't hallucinating.
Nat: Hard Deck, 9 PM
What happened to ‘hello’? ‘How are you’? 
Instead, you replied with a thumbs-up and went on with your day. By the time you had to go leave and meet with Nat, you were in front of your closet, picking an outfit to wear. If this is about the mission then it might be wise for you to wear your formal uniform, and a silver necklace as a touch. 
The time reads 2045 when your car pulls into the Hard Deck parking lot, and you jump out once you spot Nat waving at you.
“Nat! Hey!” You wrap her in a hug making her giggle.
“Hey there big guy!” She tightens, making you grin before pulling apart. You haven't seen Nat since her last deployment, those four months you spent alone without her constant company. Finally seeing her stateside again makes you sign in relief.
“Missed you, Phee,” 
“Missed you too bud,” She smiles, before she looks behind you, prompting you to turn around. Payback and Fanboy, walking side by side, wide grins on their faces as they spot you and Phoenix.
“Guys!” You greet the two with a side hug, smiling widely. “So this wasn't a date Phee?”
“Shut up, you know it isn't,” She rolled her eyes, making all three of the boys chuckle.
“Wait, so hold on,” Payback pauses. “We’re all here ‘cuz of that new assignment right?"
"Pretty sure, I mean, why else would Cyclone inform us individually on the same day," Fanboy adds. You and Nat nod at each other, before a cheer erupts from inside the bar. Everyone exchanges grins and shuffles into position; Phoenix leads the pack while you, Fanboy, and Payback become the guard dogs behind her.
"Let's bring the party boys," Her smirk sharpens. God, you've missed that.
The doors pushes in, welcoming the pack with the warm atmosphere of the bar Penny has been nursing since years ago. True to her callsign, Phoenix's eyes fly over the room easily, and she stops at one point. You follow her line of sight to meet broad shoulders and primly cropped hair, tips of glasses barely visible behind his ears.
“What do we have here?” 
You almost bump into Nat when she stopped just short of the pool table. Your eyes tracked the unfamiliar pilot, sitting lonesome while his eyes studied your pack. Those captivating blue eyes, shining just behind the rim of his glasses, went to Payback, then Fanboy, then yours—At which his eyes met yours, the pilot silently squeaked. You smirk, before turning to Nat who was already in a conversation with Hangman.
“Fellas, this here's bagman,”
“Hangman.” Jake's smile tightens, his eyes are as sharp as Nats. “Whatever,”
“You're looking at a naval aviator on active duty with a confirmed air-to-air kill,”
“Stop,” Coyote nods. “Mind you, the other guy was from a museum piece in the Korean war-” Nat continued.
“Cold war,” He corrects. Only for Payback to interject, “Different war, same century,”
“Not this one,” Fanboy adds, at which you smile at him as he grinned back. 
Coyote took a second to run his eyes down the line before he leisurely pointed. “Who are your friends?”
“Canine,” You smirk when Jake's eyebrows elevate, before turning to Coyote. “Hey Coyote,”
“Hey,” He answers simply.
“Who’s the cutie?” You nod, only to be interrupted by Hangman. “Jake Seresin,” 
“No dumbass- Who’s he?” You nod then turn fully to the pilot sitting on the side, finding him brushing remnants of nuts from his uniform. He slowly raises his head to find the group staring at him. It should be impossible for his eyes to grow in size, it almost makes you laugh.
“When did you get here?” A smile tugged on Coyote's lips. 
“Oh I’ve- I’ve been here the whole time,” He smiles and manages to draw at your heartstring. It took you everything to keep your eyes on him and not down to the floor.
“Mans a stealth pilot,” Hangman chirps, and you hear Coyote agreeing along.
“W-weapons system officer, actually,” He ducks slightly and adjusts his seating, a nervous smile on his lips. 
“With no sense of humor,” Nat takes the cue when Hangman offers it, before he slides behind the group, presumably to order another round of beer. 
“Lay off, Seresin,” You retorted, giving the man a pat on his arm at which he chuckled at. You only caught a glimpse of a shy smile before Nat continues.
“What do they call you?” Nat leans on the stick. “Bob,”
“No hon, your callsign,” You added, which makes him blink before promptly continuing. 
“Uhh, Bob,” He nods firmly. You see Payback chuckling, followed by Fanboy, before they turn to the side with Coyote.
“Bob Floyd?” You turn back to Nat and Bob. “You're my new backseater? From Lemoore?”
You cringe slightly. Natasha was notorious for constantly changing her backseater. It wasn't entirely her fault to begin with, she just flies more dangerously than the average flyboys WSO’s could take. The only two who could follow her flying were Halo and you, granted, it was a training exercise for you. You recalled her last backseater before she was sent to deployment, a pretty built Floridian with the fitting callsign of ‘Crocs’, who demanded to be reassigned after Pheonix scared the living shit out of him. Pray to whatever god above this cutie from Lemoore could take her flaming soul.
“Looks like it, yeah,” He smiles, slightly wider. You nod in response, a sharp smirk displayed, while Nat studied his form for a second. Apparently, a second too long, because his smile turns timid. 
“Alright ‘Bob’ Bob,” Nat extends her hand holding the cue to him. You arch a brow. “Rack em’” 
You threw your head sideways. You hope Nat would spare him because you really would like to get to know the kid better. “A-alright,” He laughs nervously, before accepting the cue.
“I’ll hang on to this,” you swiftly catch the cup of assorted nuts from Bob who quickly realizes; you’ve managed to slip away enough so is now face to face with him. While there’s no reason for you to stand so close to the WSO, you made sure his arm could brush against yours if he moves only an inch. His glasses glint as he looks up at you, pretty blues meeting yours, before you smirk and nod to the pool table.
“Oh right-” He nods distractedly before he goes to set up the session. You grin, throwing an almond into your mouth, before letting the night continue. 
At some point Rooster—Yes Bradley Bradshaw, yes the guy Hangman has sexual tension with—arrived, and you swore he almost made out with Jake when they confronted each other. You and Nat only shared an equally annoyed glance, before you greeted Roo with a firm shake and hug. 
Though, throughout the night, you didn't leave Bob’s side. While he played and was rudely interrupted by Hangman stealing his cue, you made small conversations with him. You learned he graduated on top of his class, surpassing all of his colleagues, at which he got a position in Top Gun and assigned as Phee’s backseater. 
“Phee flies pretty fast, but don't worry, she doesn't bite,” Bob chuckles as he moves back to stand between you and Fanboy. He declines a beer from Payback, opting to take his cup of nuts back while you take the bottle. 
“How about you?” You finished chewing the remnants of your last cashew before fully turning to him, humming in question. “D-do you bite?”
“I could,” You tilted your head and grinned, displaying your rows of teeth, and your famously sharp canines. You see Bob gulps, before he drops his eyes to the cup he’s holding, to your disappointment. The nights still young, you could reel him in slowly. 
“How about you Bob?” He perks up. “What's your callsign story,”
“Oh uhh… Just, I guess- everyone thought I was average, and well, ‘Bob’ is short for Robert and then-”
“Hold on,” You hold up your palm, making the man promptly shut his mouth. “Robert?”
“Yea-yes, that's my first name,” 
“Robert? Robbie sounds way cooler!” You nudge at his hip, making him chuckle, a slight blush creeping from his neck to cheeks. You resist the urge to smother them in kisses. 
“Yeah well, like I said, people thought I was average and… ‘Bob’ is a pretty average name for an average guy,”
“And yet,” You pause, making sure Bob’s blues are staring into yours. “You proved them wrong,” 
Like static washed over you two, the world seems to quiet down. Whatever the crew was talking about slips away when Bob’s lips part and the hue on his cheeks grow darker. 
“You're in Top Gun Bobby, you know you’re not average,” You nod. It takes a second before Bob visibly deflates, be sighs before a genuine smile is displayed in front of you. You could almost feel the sheer shine from the man’s adorable smile.
“Yeah… Yeah, I know,” You chuckle, swaying slightly to him at which Bob repeats the movement. You felt a shock when you brushed knuckles with him, and you're pretty sure it wasn't from the sweaty bottle you're still holding. 
The Hard Decks commotion comes rushing back in when the whole bar boo’s, making you and Bob look around in confusion. In the distance, you could faintly hear a note from an instrument being played, before Nat grins and nods at the group to follow her. You arched a brow to Bob who shrugs, before you follow the pilot to Rooster perched on the bar’s beloved piano. Should've known he’d cut the wires to make the bar sing along again, in the presence of Hangman no less. 
The group gathers around Roo and the piano, you and Bob standing just at the edge of the line. Once confident with the keys, Rooster belts out the opening verse to Great Balls Of Fire, and the whole club joins in. 
Fucking main character, You thought, before joining in on your friend's serenade.
“Hope you didn't pull a cord there Payback,” You shoved at the taller man's shoulder, making the group laugh.
“I wasn't singing that loud,” He huffs. “Oh you were, you were,”
Nat only adds, making another round of laughter from the crew. Hard Deck has finally winded down while the clock ticks to 2245. Mostly pilots and their own friend groups are left, and patrons who haven't decided to pick a partner to go home with. Penny can be seen leisurely wiping down glasses, while the rest of the crew has moved from crowding around the pool table to scattering about near the main bar. Jake and Bradley had left an hour ago, suspiciously together, but knowing them; you and Nat only prayed they won't fuck up tomorrow's training. To say you weren't jealous of Jake and Bradley's enemies-with-benefits relationship was a lie; because you’d like to have someone offshore, better yet—in the team—to lay in bed with.
After making sure you didn't drink too many beers to be tipsy, you're currently nursing your last bottle for the night while listening to Nat and Halo arguing against Payback and Fritz, while Fanboys laugh to the side. You squinted when you realized Bob was sitting at the side again, only occasionally perking up when called. You huffed, This can’t do.
“Had enough for the night?” You slide beside the WSO, who immediately makes space at the bar despite the seat separating him and you. 
“I think so,” He nods, a timid smile on his lips. God, to taste those lips. 
“How about we head out?” Red washes over the man's face. 
“I-We- we’re heading out?” 
“Suuure, why not,” You smirk, again displaying your canines. “Let's go for a ride, or go out back to the beach, or anywhere,”
“Anywhere?” Bob blinks, seemingly in disbelief or embarrassment, you couldn't tell, slightly fuzzy from the beers.
“Sure, just out.” His face is inches away from you, eyes fluttering as he inhaled sharply. You turn to his ears, close enough to whisper. “I'm all yours baby boy,” 
Bob practically melts as he inhales roughly, before he jerkily nods. “Y-yeah okay,”
“Okay,” You smirk, before pulling enough bills to cover your last orders. “Ring me up my dearest Penny,” The woman shakes her head fondly before taking the money.
“Leaving already nines?” Nat perks up, apparently finished with her argument.
“Yeah, sorry Nat,” You shrugged before retrieving your change from Penny. “See you tomorrow at training!” You called as you entwined hands with Bob, obscured from Phoenix's line of sight, before walking out of the bar. Maybe it wasn't covered enough, because just before the door closes, Phoenix shouts;
“You better not break him, Canine! I’m gonna need him tomorrow!”
“No promises!” You shout back, making Bob laugh, his blush now more pronounced under the evening light. 
Once outside the bar, you two took in the night's clammy air, the slight hint of sea salt in the wind, and the slightly empty parking lot—saved for your car. 
“Now,” You slide your arm around Bob’s surprisingly fitting waist, the man rests a hand on your chest, giggling. “Where to?” 
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awakefor48hours · 5 months
A Little Bit of Luck
[Fanfiction.net] || [AO3]
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug & Avatar the Last Airbender Warnings: None Characters: Marinette Dupain Cheng, Azula Relationships: Azula/Marinette (Azulanette) Additional Tags: gods AU, oneshot, (that could change), lesbian Azula, bisexual Marinette
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Summary: After being overwhelmed with the hardships of being a goddess, Ladybug leaves her old life behind to live as a human on earth.
Welcome everyone to the second ever Azulanette fanfiction. I thought of this one during one of my shifts and then started writing it at 2 in the morning. I hope you all enjoy it.
Ever since the beginning of existence, Ladybug, the goddess of luck and creation, has always been popular among humans. Humans always seemed to be in need of luck and that meant they would often pray to her for any number of reasons. Reasons that could range from health, good finances, winning a war, confessing to a crush, or winning a silly game between friends. She loved the attention because it made her feel important to the humans. Even as a bonus, prayers and offerings gave gods their powers and this constant stream of attention made her the most powerful god in the Pantheon.
However, as humanity grew so did the number of prayers. Practically ever second, Ladybug's head would be filled with millions of voices praying to her and it started to become overwhelming. There were so many prayers that would flood her mind that she began to struggle figuring out which voice in her head belonged to whom (including her own). She did everything in her power to keep up with prayers but one day it just became too much for her so she just stopped answering completely.
Once she stopped answering, humans stopped praying to her exponentially and it was a big change to adjust. When the amount of prayers lessened, she started to feel more like a mortal than a goddess. This had never happened to any god before, even the minor gods had a powerful presence so for her godly nature to be almost completely suppressed was completely unheard of in the Pantheon.
Some of the other gods had tried to convince her to start answering prayers again but she didn't want to. As she thought of what she could do with her new life, she realized she could do something that no other god could do before. She could live on earth.
So that's what she did.
Leaving her home to live on earth was a hard decision, she didn't know if she could go back, whether or not she could die, she didn't even know what her new life would be like. Since the presence of a god is too powerful for mortals to look at, none of them could ever appear on earth. But now things were different. As she walked among the crowds, you wouldn't be able to spot her.
Adjusting to the changes in her life were hard at first. If she had to guess her own age, she assumed herself to be 14 years old. She didn't know how much she could do at age but what she did know is that she needed food, water, shelter, and money. Right as she thought of that, she noticed that she was getting hungry, a new sensation.
She didn't know what she could do for food but that's when the smell of croissants suddenly hit her nose. It smelled delicious and followed the source at a bakery. When she read the sign of the bakery, she realized she was in France but that didn't matter right now. She was hungry and this bakery, The Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie, had croissants.
She walked in the bakery and for a moment, she forgot she wasn't on the Pantheon anymore. There were so many pastries all over the place and they all smelled heavenly but she didn't want to be too greedy. One should be enough so she grabbed one serving of macaroons and brought them to the cashier. The cashier was a woman with blue hair and the one she assumed to be Sabine.
When asking for payment, she handed over a piece of gold, hoping it was enough but that's when she was given a strange look. "Do you have any actual money to pay for this?"
"I... don't." Suddenly she felt embarrassed, gold was the only money she had with her. She doesn't know the the first thing about modern monetary items. "This is all I have left."
"'All you have left?' Wait, do you have any money or even a home?"
Everything from there quickly became history. She still didn't understand fully what Tom and Sabine, rather her new parents did, but after doing a lot of paperwork, they were now a family and she was able to start a new life but not as a Ladybug, as Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
The more time she spent on earth, the more she loved it. She went to school, made friends, and got eat many pastries curtsy of living with bakers. But if there was one thing that never left her, it was her love of creation. Even though it was nice to eat pastries, she loved making pastries. Soon after, she found her true passion in fashion. Creating art that people could wear with a smile made her smile. It was difficult and she did stab herself plenty of times but it was always rewarding.
If there was one thing that she could never fully get used to, it was walking. She couldn't figure out what it was but there was something about walking that she could never master.
The more time she spent on earth, the more she felt distanced from her past. She loved the feelings earth gave her, the way her skin would age, the idea of her life potentially ending... sometimes at least. She wasn't like everyone else, her soul was different and would probably perish different. Death would just be a concept she wouldn't dwell on.
If there was one thing she couldn't distance herself from were the voices, voices so quiet they were like whispers, in the back of her mind. People praying, desperate for any amount of good luck. She felt guilty for doing it but she always ignored them.
It's not like she's the only god though. She had no way to confirm this but she heard that the god of bad luck, Cat Noir, was doing pretty good ever since Marinette quit. It made sense, if people couldn't wish good luck for themselves, they could wish bad luck for their enemies. Cat Noir has always loved the spotlight too, so her absence is probably working in his favor. Being Marinette Dupain-Cheng was her life now and nothing could make her want to look back.
At least, that's what she thought until one fateful night.
Marinette didn't know what to make of dating apps. They were different than what she was used to but after a few failed attempts, she found someone she was content with and thought might be good to spend time with them. They talked for a while and after a week, they decided that their first date should be at a restaurant.
When the date happened, it went well. He was a very nice person and Marinette could see herself spending more time with him. The food was nice and the desserts were great. But one round of dessert wasn't enough for Marinette, she loved getting seconds or thirds. Her appetite for sweets has changed much since she started living on earth but she was still the great sweet tooth for a reason.
She excused herself from the table, walked over to the bar, and asked for a strawberry sundae. It was a small sundae to end off the date. While waiting for her waiter to make the sundae, Marinette's eyes drifted to the person next to her. She was a woman about her age, with black hair, yellow eyes, red shirt, black jacket, and black pants. She was just about done eating her ice cream but before she finished, she pulled a matchbox out of her jacket pocket.
"I don't mean to be rude but I don't think we're allowed to smoke in her-" Marinette was stopped dead in her tracks when she saw that the match wasn't for a cigarette. Instead, the second she lit it, she dropped it in her ice cream. The smell that the smoke emitted filled Marinette's nose happily.
Wait a minute… she might not know earth the best but even she knew that she shouldn't be able to smell anything. Was this woman… no way, there's no way she was doing what she thought she was doing. Then again, it wouldn't hurt to ask. "I'm sorry to butt in but what are you doing?"
The woman with black hair looked up from her bowl of ice cream and looked at her. "I'm just doing a burnt offering. I know that this isn't the proper way to do it but there aren't any ceremonial bonfires nearby so this match will have to do."
A burnt offering? That was unbelievable, even back in her heyday, Marinette would probably get a hundred burnt offerings per year. But she pushed her feelings aside to let the realization sink in. She didn't want to make assumptions so she had to ask. "Which god are you burning that for?"
In that moment, Marinette felt her throat go completely dry. She hadn't heard her-that name in years but hearing it now felt… wrong, almost like a stranger's. That should've been the end of the conversation but she didn't know what possessed her to say this but she ended up telling her "I don't think you should bother with Ladybug. I heard she hasn't answered a prayer in years."
"Try centuries--" has it really been that long? "And I know." If she knew then why keep making burnt offerings? "I just admire her. From what I've heard, Ladybug disappeared from the Pantheon almost 11 years now. I just thought that was so cool because if someone like her could run away from her old life, what's stopping me? So I did, I ran away from my horrible father and never looked back. For the past 10 years, I give Ladybug burnt offerings as a thanks for helping me. I know she likes sweets the best, so I try to get as many as them as possible."
Marinette felt her cheeks heat up. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. By choosing to be human, she gave someone hope to leave their past life. She gave her offerings and thinking about it now, the smell of croissants that led to her parents' bakery was probably this woman.
Marinette buried her head into the counter right as the waiter came back. "Here's your sundae." She grabbed the sundae bowl but didn't move. She wanted to know more about this woman, then again, her date was waiting for her. So maybe… "If you could pray to Ladybug for one thing, knowing she would answer, what would you ask for?"
"I'm... also devoted to Ladybug and I'm just curious."
They both stayed quiet for a second. Marinette understood her silence. In her eyes, Marinette was just a stranger and knowing the things humans would pray for, it could be pretty personal.
She was about to walk away until she answered. "I would pray for good luck for finding my brother. Ever since I left, I haven't kept track of him, but I want to see him again… even if it's just one more time."
"That's a good prayer."
Marinette walked back to her table setting down her sundae but before she sat down, she immediately excused herself. "I have to use the restroom." Marinette turned around and walked to the restrooms before her date could answer. Once she was in, she immediately walked into a stall and locked it. She stood upright then did her best to shake off her nerves. She was about to break her centuries long silence but no one could know. She took a breath and focused on the woman at the bar.
If she wanted to see her brother again, then she will see her brother again.
Ladybug, rather Marinette, took one last breath before sending her luck. She mentally followed the lingering scent of ice cream and found the woman. Now that she found her, she could send her luck but since her powers were so weak, it would probably be better to give an object on her luck. She first thought to make an article of clothing like her shirt lucky but she decided otherwise because she didn't know how often she wore that shirt and seeing as how weak her powers were, the effects couldn't last more than a week.
It would be for the best if the luck worked instantly as to not worry about the effects wearing off. That's when it hit her, her cellphone. Cellphones were complex and Marinette hoped that it could be used to her benefit. She imbued her cellphone with luck.
Once she finished sending her power, she almost fell. She didn't even know if it would work but that woman was the first person to give her a burnt offering in centuries, no millennia, and she inadvertently gave her a new home. She had to thank her in some way. She finally stood up, washed her hands, and went back to her table.
When Marinette sat back down, she tried to focus on the date but she couldn't. She constantly fought the heaviness in her head, didn't hear a word her partner said, and couldn't even keep eating her sundae. It didn't take a detective to notice the complete change in her demeanor and after a few minutes her date asked "do you wanna go home? You seem kinda tired."
She didn't want to go home. She did want this to be their night out but she knew that staying out for any longer would probably end with her face down directly in her sundae bowl. "Yeah, I think that would probably be for the best. Do you think we should pick this up next Saturday?"
"Yeah, next Saturday sounds fine."
Azula didn't even know why she shared her prayer. Ladybug devotee or not, they were strangers. It's not like she could take it back now though. A few minutes later, she was able to pay for her food but right as she was about to stand up, she heard her phone buzz. Who would even be texting her?
She looked at the message and she immediately felt the air leave her lungs. At first she thought she was dreaming but she read over the message again and her eyes weren't tricking her.
The message that said: Hi Mai! This is Zuko, I just got a new phone and this is my new number. The next message that went through was said: oops, sorry wrong number.
Azula stared at her phone in disbelief. Just a second ago (or maybe even an hour ago), she didn't even know where to start on looking for Zuko now here he was.
Her hands shook as she held her phone tightly in her hands, almost as if she was afraid it would fall to pieces if she didn't grab on tight enough. What was she supposed to say? Hi? Actually, that wasn't a bad decision, hi was simple, not even she could mess it up.
Her thumbs went back and forth on the keyboard several times before she fully wrote her message. Despite how much effort she put into writing it, she managed to send a message that said: Zuko, this is sister. Can I talk to you?
Azula looked up and right as she did, she made direct eye contact with the Ladybug devotee from earlier. She noticeably weaker was leaving with someone she assumed was her date. It was strange but Azula couldn't help but ask herself if that devotee and Ladybug had something to do with this.
Dozens of rewrites and edits and here we are with the second ever azulanette fic in the world. I'll be honest, I did get a little impatient on some parts but I'm so happy to get more azulanette stuff into the world, it's a bit of an uphill battle trying to write for these two seeing as how they're from completely universes but I am unrelenting.
Also, I don't know if I should make this a proper AU or do other things. I'm still experimenting with azulanette and I don't even have a strong internal idea of how they'd interact. I was able to make a post about my thoughts on this topic (anon I hope you're reading this) but taking a moment to connect everything together cohesively is difficult (also I have a job and it's homophobic for not letting me just play on my phone and think of azulanette fics) but once again, I am unrelenting.
As a final note, if you're wondering about the current status of the ladynette fic, I'm sorry, I haven't forgotten about it, but for reasons I'm not going to get into, I'm just not emotional ready to get back into it. I know that's a weird thing to say about a crack fic but if I'm going to write it, I want it to be good.
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jeonwon-wonwoo · 9 months
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every month of 2023! (almost)
thank you to the lovely @baekhyunnybyun for tagging me! ily, bex!💕💘
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year (totally fine to skip months) and tag some CCs you love!
i started giffing in june of this year! i knew i could never learn on my own! so, thank you to my queen, ngoc for teaching me! i've definitely been slowly improving as i go, and i still have so much more to learn! i always said when i started out that this was just for fun, and it's really become one of my favorite things to do! of course i have sets that i'm proud of, and others that i'm iffy on lol! but at the end of the day, it's so much fun! the community on here is also extremely welcoming and kind! i appreciate all of my mutuals, especially those who i've gotten to know more personally!💘thank you sm to my followers and everyone who has appreciated my gifs!💖 i hope to make more amazing ones next year! i hope everyone has a happy new year!
most popular: wonwoo huxley ads shoot (which is also the first set i ever made and one of my favorites!) favorites: wonwoo & mingyu april shower live clip and seungkwan and dino star 1 photo shoot sketch
most popular: minghao dazed photo shoot behind and scoups allure korea photo shoot behind (both were my first sets to ever hit 1k!) favorites: jeonghan 1st look photo shoot behind and some my fave wonwoo moments
most popular: some of my fave scoops moments favorite: joshua snp ads shoot sketch
most popular and favorites: mingyu 1st look photo shoot behind and woozi romantic crown campaign shoot sketch
most popular: some of my fave hannie moments favorites: hoshi allure korea photo shoot behind (super proud of this one that i recolored!), wonwoo seventeenth heaven jacket behind the scenes, and seungkwan seventeenth heaven jacket behind the scenes
most popular and one of my faves: wonwoo x dior favorites: wonwoo x dior (miss dior version), wonwoo mama 2023, hanbin zbtv ep. 6, wonwoo and mingyu god of music promotions sketch, and dk theater+ photoshoot behind
i haven't been able to gif because of my eye surgery😔but i'm recovering well! i'm hoping to make a gif set for joshua's bday, so hopefully i can get it done!
tagging some of my fave creators on here! i love every single one of my fellow CCs! (no pressure to participate, and if you've done this, i'll def check it out!): @jeonghan-yoons @wonufied @jeonsupershy @hongjoshuaz @facethesuns @goblinvern @jjaez @wnjunhui @cherriescoup @nootcoups @woozification @master-tonberry @seungkwan-s @irlvernon @pookiez @kveom
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
OC Questionnaire
Thanks to @willtheweaver here, @theeccentricraven here, @paeliae-occasionally here, here, and here, @the-golden-comet here and here, and @somethingclevermahogony here!
Hey, this is somehow still not all the tags I have for this game but I'm cutting it off at eight again!
Previous questionnaires:
Round one masterpost
Round two: Tyler, Gwen, Liam, Noelle, Akash, Robbie, Sam, Ewan
Round two: Jazlyn, Carla, Wade, Rose, Maddie, Xitlali, Jedi, Lexi
Keep reading for Ash, Kelsey, Atsila, Teo, Carmen, Issa, Raissa, and Gabriel
#1- Ash
What would it take for you to admit you were wrong?
“That's a bit hard because I really don't like admitting it. It sucks. I hate being wrong about things. [Pause] I guess it has to be pretty bad. I am usually sure I'm right about a lot of things, but this drama happened last year with Shelby, and I did admit to Lexi that I was wrong about her. But that was only after this weird thing happened with her dad. I dunno. It freaked me out.”
Are you forgetful? If so, how do you remind yourself to do things?
“Admittedly a little. But I have Lexi to remind me to do a lot of things.”
Do you consider yourself a neat freak?
“Pfft, no. Hannah is. We share a room, so that sucks to be her.”
More Ash: questionnaire one, two truths and a lie, bingo, bag, origin, OC in three, interview
#2- Kelsey
Have you ever gone against your morals? What got you to or would get you to make that decision?
“Can't think of a lot of things. [Thinks] Well, occasionally I'll have a thought I don't like. Like once, when we first arrived in Alium, I got bored and frustrated, then I realized I was super worried about Maddie and my cousins, and felt bad for being bored. I dunno, actually. I like to stick by my morals. I guess I'd put my morals after my family, but I feel like having a family value is a moral. This is stupid; forget I said anything.”
Did you have any speech disorders as a child?
“I had a bit of a lisp, which definitely didn't make me a bigger target for bullying on top of my ticking. And struggling to read.”
Do you carry the popular opinion or unpopular opinion in your society? Or would you say you are on the fence or in the middle?
“I can't really think of an unpopular opinion. I guess I don't like Cheez-Its.”
Other Kelsey: OC in three, Picrew, bingo, questionnaire one
#3- Atsila
Would you do something illegal if you were getting paid a large sum of money? (You can choose the illegal thing)
“Pfft, yeah, who wouldn't? I can choose the illegal thing? Easy: my good friend Gwandoya is a speedster. He'll help me exceed the speed limit, and then we'll get a fine. And then I get a large sum of money, which makes the fine meaningless.”
What is your favourite non-human creature in the world and why? (Gods count)
“I must say dragons. My beloved Custos is a wonderful companion.”
If you were forced to kill one person you have met, who would it be. (Not yourself)
“Raissa Kamanzi, no doubt. I unfortunately have met her.”
Other Atsila: questionnaire one
#4- Teo
If you had a pet, what animal would it be?
“A dog or a fox, easily. Wade and I want to own foxes one day - they're so adorable!! And, like, K'Ehleyr is the best dog I have, like, ever met.”
How long would you like to live? Why?
“As long as I can! I want to, like, grow old together with Wade, and of course Parker. If we can all, like, die of old age, at, like, the same time, that would be just lovely. Sound minds at, like, 99. That sounds amazing.”
When will you be done?
“... Wait, that's, like, the whole question? Done with what? Life goals?? Let's go with that. I want to live a fulfilling life. Make, like, an impact on the world. Start a family. I think becoming, like, a YouTuber would be, like, awesome. And when I'm, like, done with making content, I'll be done. I guess. I hope I understood this question.”
Other Teo: questionnaire one, kiss picrew
#5- Carmen
Why did you leave home?
“Why did I agree to this interview? Ugh, I was a young adult, let's move on.”
What is your ideal job?
“I am perfectly happy where I am. [Pause. Pause. Pause.] Though I'll admit that I have wished I were apart of the Alii Power Database Council. I have a few words about organizing the subpowers alphabetically rather than rarity - since it makes it impossible to find anything unless you have the rarity memorized - but I suppose it is consistent. Working directly with the database council would allow me to gain greater funding to research the powers and certain potential subpowers.”
What will life look like when you complete your main goal?
“Wasn't this question asked to Mr. Attwood's Ceter boyfriend? Whatever, I just wish I was asked more unique questions. I hope to fulfill Atsila's wishes by completing her study on Alii from Ceteri and stopping the Refugae.”
Other Carmen: OC in three, OC in fifteen, Picrew, smash or pass, art, interview, questionnaire one
#6- Issa
Would you sacrifice yourself for another?
“Uh, yeah, duh. What kinda silly question is that? It would be wrong not to.”
How often do you daydream?
“Uh, quite often, actually. I find it so easy to be distracted.... Oops, sorry I fazed out for a second; thought of something CJ said earlier. Anyway, uh, my mind is a theater; constantly stuff is just happening up here.”
What is your favorite activity?
“Oh, I'm in musical theater! I love theater! I'm a champion at improv nights. I've also performed comedy skits there. I'm also in the art club and the debate club, and I'll attend book clubs! I also like baseball a bit, though I prefer to watch with CJ and Alex and Wendy. I'm not on a team, but maybe someday! Oh, yeah! Hanging out with my friends!”
Other Issa: questionnaire one
#7- Raissa
How many people have you killed?
“Ha-ha! I'm sorry, I had to laugh - what are you talking about? That's the dumbest way I've ever heard an interview start! How is that the first thing on your mind when you're sitting down with me? [Face hardens] Regardless, the answer to your question is irrelevant, and I find it incredibly offensive.”
Favorite type of drink?
“I am quite fond of green wine. Why do I have to answer such trivial questions?”
Do you smoke?
“... Occasionally.... This was a waste of time; I must get back to work.”
Other Raissa: questionnaire one
#8- Gabriel
What would you say is your greatest weakness?
“Tsk. I don't like to think of myself as a person with weaknesses. Cassidy says I'm too uptight. He's wrong, of course. Jaz sometimes says I'm stubborn. I think Traeger called me rude once. I suppose it is frustrating that I can't adapt to unfamiliar situations as much as I'd like.”
Who is someone in your life that you like but that you don't trust?
“Bold of you to assume I trust anyone.”
If you could magically learn any mundane skill right now (cooking, a particular dance, a language, singing, sewing, etc.), what would it be?
“Part of learning the skill is the learning itself. The process. I would rather not instantly learn a skill. However, if I must answer this question...I suppose it would be nice to just learn how to drive. I find it admittedly frustrating that knowing exactly how cars work and what to do to drive them is not appearing to help me.”
Other Gabriel: questionnaire one
Tagging @sleepywriter00 @finickyfelix @rehnwriter @dyrewrites @talesofsorrowandofruin
Your questions:
1) What is something you spend a lot of time worrying about? 2) Would you prefer to leave where your hometown and never come back or stay in your hometown and never be able to leave? 3) Do you own something to rarely/never use?
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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sixminutestoriesblog · 7 months
lunar new year foods
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In the last Chinese New Year post we talked about some of the traditions that accompany the new year's celebrations. We did not, by any means, cover all of them. A quarter of the world's population celebrate the Spring Festival and that's a lot of room for a lot of different traditions. For this post, I'd like to talk about some of the dishes eaten for the festival that have meanings that go a little deeper than simply being tasty, though they are that as well. I am not going to be able to mention all of them so I hope that everyone feels absolutely free to include them in the notes, tags or reblogs.
One can never have too many delicious food suggestions.
Let's start off with a familiar one. In many parts of Northern China, dumplings are front and center when it comes to meals. This is because the Chinese symbol for dumpling 饺子 sounds like 交子. 交 means 'exchange' and 子 is 'midnight'. So this play on word-sounds means to exchange the old with the new at midnight. In some areas the stuffing in the dumplings needs to be egg for prosperity in the coming year. The dumpling itself is reminiscent of silver ingots and the egg therefor adds gold to things as well. Alternately, you can add meat and bamboo strips which will make sure that everything you will need in the coming year will come your way. Don't use anything pickled however as this might lead to a difficult future. And lastly, don't forget to add a coin or a long thread to one of the dumplings. Whoever is lucky enough to find the coin will have good fortune and the thread is for long life (as long as no one chokes on it!).
Don't forget the fish either. The symbol for fish sounds a great deal like the symbol for 'extra'. Make sure to eat the middle of the fish but not the head or the tail. This will help you finish everything you start, from 'head to toe (well, tail)' so to speak. Also you shouldn't eat the whole fish in one sitting. Stretch it out into two meals so that your prosperity and extra will stretch out for the whole year as well. Have a business you want to thrive? Add red peppers to the cooking fish. Not only is red a lucky color, the spiciness of the meal will lead to a lively future for your business as well.
Nian gao is a must. Originally reserved for the gods and ancestors as offerings, these rice cakes have since become a tasty treat for everyone. Gao sounds like the word for 'higher'. Hence, if you want to go higher in the new year, you've got a very good reason to tuck into these delicious cakes.
You also want to keep an eye out for turnip cakes. They're made of shredded Chinese radish. 'Radish' sounds similar to 'good luck and fortune' so this is a tasty way to bring exactly that into the new year. These cakes are especially popular on the seventh day of the festival as a reminder that the goddess Nu Wa created humans on the seventh day.
Don't turn up your nose at unprepared food either. Oranges, kumquats and tangerines have a golden color that is sure to bring in prosperity in the coming year. Peaches will bring longevity and health. Muskmelon and grapefruit symbolize family and hope. And if you want a large family, start eating pomegranates.
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22degreehalo · 25 days
Pulling my hair out........
Whyyyyyyy are people SO DESPERATE to find ways to justify harry potter being an awful book that nobody ever liked. Why is is SO GODDAMN HARD for people to just admit that a bad person could make a good thing!!!! Even a pretty decent thing!!!!! As if millions of people around the world didn't sit down to read over a MILLION WORDS for fucking nothing!!!!!!!!!!
Because I work in a library!!!!!! Harry potter is still so goddamn relevant guys!!!!!!!! We still have harry potter signs up!!!!!! There are still so many kids reading them for the first time!!!!!! Still soooooooooOOOOO many spin-offs and 'wizarding world crochet' and 'the science of Harry Potter' and 'essays on Hogwarts' and literally anything you can think of!!!!!!!! I wore a cheap-ass witch hat and two separate people asked me if it was a 'Hermione hat!'!!!!!!!! And my coworker dressed up as Professor McGonagall!!!!!!! Another coworker has an 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good' lanyard!!!!!! Hell, my aunt in goddamn America moved in to a new apartment and do you know what event they put on to bring the tenants together? A Harry Potter crafts day!!!!!!!!!!!
Christ all fucking mighty, regardless of how you personally feel about it now (or back then, if you were ~oh so smart~ enough to uhm Acktchually have hated it from day 1), it was a global phenomenon that got millions of kids into reading. Was it in the right place at the right time? Yeah!!!!!! Just like literally anything that becomes a phenomenon!!!!!!! But IT HAPPENED, and *to this day* Harry Potter is a global symbol of reading and wonder and childhood and it's been fucking decades and you simply cannot change that now!!!!!!! You know what people still to this day recommend to people learning new languages? Reading Harry Potter, because it's immediately assumed of everyone that you'll not just be familiar with the story but know all the beats well enough to follow along with the story even when you can't fully understand what you're reading!!!!!!!!!!
Just oh my fucking GOD, I know this is an unhinged rant but I still keep *hoping* that *this time* if I take a peek behind those filtered tags, I might see a post with some vague tangential reference to reality as it pertains to the most popular modern book series of all time, but as always: nope!!!!! God for fucking bid we acknowledge even for a microsecond that Goodness and Beauty are not inextricably intertwined!!! Absolutely anything to justify ourselves as True Of Heart because we, The Good Ones, would never commit such thought crimery as having positive emotions about a work of art whose author later became a transphobe!!! And of course we can't possibly ever praise the work's anticlassism messages oe statements of tolerance or diversity, because that means Saying She's Right About Everything Ever, so we have no choice but to continue this vicious cycle wherein people only ever hear bad things in this goddamn stupid echo chamber and that just becomes the 'objective truth'!!!!!!
God I'm just fucking waiting for when somebody posts some old letters of Tolkein's and suddenly everyone remembers that he was an old white Catholic man who started a lot of the goddamn racial charicatures HP is blamed for and wrote a whole goddamn race of Always Chaotic Evil sentient beings. Where's all that ~hopepunk~ ~ohhh it's about community gathering together (unlike Harry Potter which idk I guess the MC just did everything huh)~~ bullshit going to go then? Not that I think LotR is actually objectively bad, even though I tried to read it and didn't like it and never cared for the movies at all (they're just action movies. They're literally just action movies in a fantasy setting yall I'm glad you guys enjoy them but to me they're pretty goddamn boring 90% of their runtime) because I am a person capable of nuanced thought and acknowledgement of the concept that sometimes other people can find meaning and enjoyment in things that I myself do not without being objectively wrong!!!!!!!!
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ink-flavored · 2 days
cloud, overcast, lightning
OoOo the sinister trio, and i shall answer all of these for Pride & Justice because i am always thinking of them
☁️ Cloud: Describe your MC’s arc during the main story. Is it positive or negative?
Pride has a positive arc! Eventually!
Part of how I crafted his arc (and Justice's) was to really hone in on what "pride" he actually represents. At the beginning, he's the sort of arrogant pride that comes from insecurity. He's confident at the expense of other people. He needs to be special and important and popular, because all his validation is external. By the end, he becomes a healthier version of "pride"—the kind that's self-sustaining, he's confident without other people's approval, because he knows he has worth regardless of what others think of him. And it's not a perfect transition, he still has many problems and he will always and forever be a menace, but he's not actively mean on purpose anymore!
🌦️ Overcast: Which character do you think readers would love the most? Which character do you think they would dislike?
I hope people enjoy reading Pride in a "god he sucks, but he's awesome" sort of way. I really hope Justice is everyone's bestie, the bestie you wish you had. I think everyone should love Ollie because she's awesome. I don't really know which character people will love the "most," because it's all subjective, but I think a lot of my characters have stuff to like!!
I hope people hate Honesty so much lmao I think I can do a good job of making her awful. To be honest, I don't want people to girlboss her, but I know in my heart they will. And I'll ignore it. I Do Not See It.
⚡️Lightning: Really search your WIP—what is the ONE line that best describes the story? Give it a tag line!
One line....you curse me.
This one's sort of a joke, but it really does reflect Pride's mindset for the.... always
We’re gonna die, Pride thought. But at least I convinced an angel to defect from Heaven. And what better victory could he ever hope to get?
[send me a rainy day ask]
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tenrousei-kuroi · 3 months
I did read Angel Sanctuary! I never finished it, though. I remember that what got me to start was the author’s art style. Her characters are so pretty!
I’m not familiar with A Cruel God Reigns, but by your description, it’s right up my alley (also, with a brief search, I see it has a very traditional style from the 90s/00s mangas that I find very nostalgic). I’ll definitely take a look into it.
As for the Black brothers, I think I discovered the ship around 2017-18, so there was a fairly good amount of work by then, but Blackcest has definitely grown a lot in the past couple of years. I’ve not read many James/Regulus works, mostly because many have a 'cleansed', fanon version of both – which also applies to the Marauders as a whole – and I have very picky views of Regulus’ characterization (my boy canonically had his own fan board of Voldemort 😭 and as far as we know, he never fully – or at all – quit his bigotry, yet in many works, his Slytherin friends and himself diverge completely from this).
But I do think Sirius/Regulus will remain somewhat popular for a long time. The Black family seems to have an appeal within the fandom that I don’t see as much with other families, such as the Lestranges, for example. Also, the idea of two good-looking, rich boys in a complicated family is intriguing (or at least I hope so; if not, you’ll see me signing up to your mailing list). On that note, I'm still hoping for the day Rodolphus/Rabastan gets popular lol
Anyway, thank you for the link, and I'm looking forward fest postings (ngl, I'm pretty confident in my abilities to recognize your writing style in anon fests. Sometimes I read a title and I think "this looks like a title ten would use". Is it a little stalker-ish of me? Maybe 😅).
Yeah Moto Hagio’s a bit more old school, she was most prolific in the seventies and eighties, and her art shows it. I could be misremembering but I believe her work “Sunroom” is typically credited as the first boy/boy manga kiss. And she’s one of the pioneers of the modern boy’s love genre. Real “culture award winning” sort of author.
Jegulus fics are hilarious to me and there’s a reason I call my stuff James/Regulus when I tag it, because that portmanteau has become its own thing. Whenever I read a Jegulus fic in my brain I’m thinking, “you know you can just write Timotheé Chalamet RPF, right? He’s not gonna’ come for you” 😂 And honestly that fanon “style” is bleeding over hard into the Sirius/Regulus section.
No shade, I’m glad people are having fun. Makes it harder for me to find the kinds of fics I like but I’ll survive lol. There’s just a larger selection now. And popular as it all is, I do truly feel people will move on. Because it’s less an attachment to the characters and more to these seriously altered fantasy versions of them, which can be easily grafted onto the next popular thing.
If you had told fifteen year-old me my weird incest and incest-adjacent pairings where two of the three characters aren’t even alive in canon would one day be as common as they are now I’d’ve thought you were high 😂 yet here we are.
I’ve dabbled a bit in Rodolphus/Rabastan but they always end up coming out so similar to my Sirius and Regulus that I don’t like it. I’ve kind of tabled the pairing until I can force myself to be a bit more creative with them. People already put up with all my Sirius/Regulus nonsense being basically the same, I don’t need to be grafting their dynamic onto other pairings 🤣🤣
When I pick prompts for fests I always try to ignore the promoter names until after I’ve chosen, but it doesn’t seem to make much of a difference, roughly 80% end up being yours anyway. Talk about wavelengths.
And let’s blame 2009 LiveJournal for my pretentious and easily-spotted titles, shall we? Specifically a Sirius/Regulus fic from forever ago called “A Thousand Years Good Wine” which basically flipped something in my brain and I haven’t been able to title anything like a normal human since.
That was a stellar fic, by the way. And if anyone ever ever ever finds it back for me I’ll…I don’t know…write them a 100k commission of their choice or engrave their name on my tombstone or something because that fic is LOST beyond belief and it causes me literal pain sometimes lol.
I’m feeling rather inspired today so I might spend my Saturday night plinking away at one of my fics. Odds are it probably won’t be the one that’s due in three weeks but we can always hope TT.TT
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indigo-flightly-falls · 9 months
OC - Alex 'Sparrow' Widdow
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Pronouns: he/him Nicknames (+ who gave them): Starling - little sister Magpie - Brooklyn newsies (affectionate) Jay - Brooklyn newsies (affectionate) Blue Jay - Brooklyn newsies (negative) Shrike - Brooklyn newsies (negative) Butcher - Brooklyn newsies (negative) Swift - Manhattan newsies Swoop - Manhattan newsies Feathers - Jack Canary - Davey Crow - Race Raven - Crutchie Backstory: Alex was the first (and only) son born to his parents, the owners of a popular brand of furniture and the only one who would be allowed to inherit ownership when he was old enough. However, when he was younger Alex spent most of his time reading books and playing outside, enjoying the freedom it gave him. One day, he met a newsboy trying to sell his last few papers. Alex remembered his mother mentioning that the newsies rarely came by their house, and so he went up to buy a paper for her, knowing how much she enjoyed reading the news. And this cycle started to become a daily thing. Alex would be out and about, he'd find a newsies, and buy a paper for his family (and sometimes one for himself to use, newspaper is good for drawing practice). And over time, the newsies started to recognize him. This eventually lead to Alex tagging along on a few runs to help convince people to by a paper or two, and Alex realized that he really wanted to have the freedom the newsies got, not a stuffy future with no excitement. While Alex never joined the Brooklyn newsies, he did hang out with them from time to time, often during quick runs or after they'd finished selling papes. Alex quickly grew in popularity, for his special talent of being able to mimic noises. This combined with his love of snatching shiney things earned him the nickname 'Magpie'.
Then, when he was 15, Alex told his father that he wanted to start earning money to help out the family. His father was all for this plan, until Alex said he wanted to be a newsboy. Alex's father didn't want his only son to fall for the illusion of fun being a newsies could bring and then experience only the hardship, so he forbid Alex to not contact the newsies, or he would be locked away. Alex was crushed at his father's threat of not letting him leave the house, so Alex packed his bags and ran that night, before anything could happen. He only stopped quickly to inform the Brooklyn newsies of his plan, saying he'd be back later.
Alex, no, Sparrow, had one thing driving him. A need to prove that he wasn't just in it for the fun, but for the fact that he could learn about people different then him. That he could experience the hardships he had been barred from and he wanted to learn exactly how he could help people down on their luck if he ever returned to his old life.
It was pretty easy to be welcomed into the Manhattan newsies, he just showed up and melted his way into a perfect spot. He was quick, his frame was skinny and pale from his family's genetics (evokes sympathy points!), and he was hard working. He could make due with this, he even amassed more bird themed nicknames! And deep down, he knew that despite all the hardships, all the cold winters nights and blistering summers afternoons, the nights of hungry and the days of working through sickness, he finally felt full. He was more then just a fancy doll here, he was a person! a person with feelings and opinions and fears and hopes! The newsies saw something in him that his family never had!
Maybe one day he'll return back home, but for now... he's a newsie, and he won't turn his back on a family that accepts him.
Extra info:
-I will not be explaining all the nicknames. there are far to many. But here's a few: Shrike, Blue Jay, and Butcher are references to his more aggressive actions at times. They're typically used in a simluar manner to any common insult. Sparrow doesn't really take any to of these toheart though. god knows he's said worse things without really meaning it Feathers, Swoop, and Swift are for how he acts. He's quick and light as on his feet as a feather, he tends to jump off things like how a bird swoops to catch prey, and he's speedy. -He's the newest of the newsies, only having been part of them for about a year before the strike (he's 16 when that happens)! As such, he sometimes feels out of place, but he's already grown used to his new life -most definitely either autistic or has adhd. Possibly both. -Bonds pretty well with Kathrine once she starts working with the newsies, and helps her get used to the chaos. -Whenever the Brooklyn newsies get involved with the Manhattan ones, Sparrow is there to help smooth over and disagreements! -the Brooklyn newsies often call him Magpie, which confuses the hell out of Davey when he, Jack, Les, and Sparrow go speak to Brooklyn about the protest.
@thenopequeen here's my son who actually just barely older then me. he's still my son in my eyes :]
something about them|Picrew - picrew I used!
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