#yandere kazuma
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animeyanderelover · 10 months ago
Hi hope it’s not too late to request from yandere Noragami separate hcs please! For 
Yandere Yato , Hiyuri , Yukino , Daikoku , Kofuku , Kazuma , Bishamon , Rabo, Nora and maybe Tenjin please(if that’s to many Yato , Hiyuri , Yukino , Daikoku are fine 💗) if possible can reader be female if not I’m fine with gn 💗
I left out Tenjin in here because unless platonic, I can't see myself writing for him.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, stalking, clinginess, manipulation, blackmailing, guilt-tripping, gaslighting, controlling behavior, violence, isolation, abduction, death
Noragami Hc's
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🪙​Yato certainly enjoys indulging in his fantasies at times. So far those fantasies have always been centered around his dream of finally becoming the popular and beloved god he has been working to become yet more recently his imagination has shifted. There is a new focus whenever he allows his mind to conjure up his dream scenarios and in every single one of them, there is you. Whether you are the one cheering him on in his fantasies or are the one showering him in your love and affection, there is no dream anymore where Yato doesn't find images of you popping up. Despite those tendencies of his to indulge in his daydreams, Yato is painfully aware of the stark difference between him and that you don't even know about his existence. As a god he has always been forgotten and despite his optimistic and hardworking demeanor, for the first time he finds himself openly experiencing anxiety about the fact that you are unaware of the fact that he exists.
🪙​Cue for constant stalking and a newfound pushiness he exhibits. Yukine thinks of it as frankly embarrassing when he has to tag along when Yato follows you around whenever he doesn't have a job to fulfill but there is no stopping Yato once he has made up his mind. You receive his business card as he encourages you that he will do whatever job you need him to do and that you should definitely call him when anything comes up, although chances are that you will subconsciously forget him as soon as he is gone and have cramped his card in your wallet. Yato knows that best so he makes it a point to bump into you as often as possible and act as if it is but a pleasant coincidence. The enthusiasm of his is truly unmatched whenever you give him a call as he all but grabs Yukine and drags him to the destination where you are waiting for him, no matter the time. Behind his smiles and hard work is the hidden desperation for him to become a conscious memory of yours though as he dreads to be forgotten and to be stored in the back of your mind.
🪙​All the awareness of his sad fate as a forgotten god doesn't help the jealousy he feels though whenever there is someone else you are currently with. His childish impulse has often gotten him that close to do something extremely petty if it wouldn't have been for Yukine or Hiyori stopping him, leaving him to sit there with a pout on his face. It may seem pretty immature but the anxiety definitely rises whenever he sees just how forgettable he is to you and if he has by that point already your number, whether you remember giving it to him or not, he suddenly bombards you with messages and tweets. Perhaps this is why he is the biggest attention seeker the moment the both of you spend time together and he is actually a conscious part on your mind. Then there is really no stopping his pettiness as he becomes the biggest annoyance for whoever threatens to make you forget about him. He has spilled ice cream, drinks and other stuff on people before to embarrass them and perhaps the only good part about people forgetting him is that by the next day they don't even remember his cheeky face anymore. Let's not forget how he whines you your ears full as he drags you away either.
🪙​The former god of calamity has been trying to hold back from cutting down people as if it were a simple game even if he has little tolerance for people he views as either weak-minded or as bad people. Most of the time he just messes with people as he takes advantage of the fact that humans forget about his face quickly to satisfy his often childish anger. He has a unique way of determinating which people he tolerates around you or not and if they are in either a category where he deems them as weak or bad influence, Yato will see it through to cut their ties with you. As much as he knows that he has obstacles in his way in regards of his obsession to you, he still believes that a god can't do wrong and will at the very least justify some of his actions with this mindset. As much as he respects you after all, you are still only human whilst he is a god and it is the job of a god to protect their subject. Although to him you are more than a mere follower. You are someone he wants to protect because you are very dear to him.
🪙​He has neither the capacity nor the willpower to pull an abduction through. There is no place where he could keep you in and partially he knows that he wouldn't be really capable to provide for you as good as he would like. He's working to attain more publicity and a bigger shrine though and one of his new goals is to achieve all of those things so that one day you can move in with him and he can provide you with the needed space and other things so that you can live a good life. Until then he has to content himself with your own home though and it isn't like he doesn't enjoy it. Through countless times of stalking he has found out where you live pretty quickly and he often peeks through the windows to catch a look inside, especially into your own room. Yato is often trying to convince you to let him inside your house as he wants to take a better look, reinforcing the pushy personality of his as he is begging you. Once you have given in to that wish, the begging doesn't stop though as he now wants to spend regularly time in your home and even pops up in front of your door.
🪙​Most notable about Yato is his outstanding clinginess and need for attention. All of his whining and pouting is always expressed in a way that will not scare you but deep down he is constantly anxious and afraid. You never know how hurtful it is when he pops up and you need a couple of seconds before you remember who he is, only reinforcing his awareness of his lonely fate. Chances are that sometimes he might do something very risky or extreme in hopes that such an intense experience will stick with you better than something else. He also leaves a lot of gifts such as drawings from you or a piece of clothing he has tailored you himself. it is partially flattering yet also partially disturbing since some of the drawings capture moments of you that happened in real life and that he just happened to witness as he was once again stalking you in that moment. He is highly affectionate with you and definitely very giddy if you return his affection in any way, shape or form, especially though if you also prepare something for him which shows him that you thought of him even in his absence.
Iki Hiyori
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🩷​Hiyori is a very sweet and selfless girl, although in regards to her own obsession she still tends to be rather naive as the bigger picture of the somewhat disturbing infatuation with you is something that rarely crosses her mind. If it does, it is rather briefly before she turns her attention elsewhere. She goes out of her way a lot to help and assist you in whatever way she can though and similar to Yato she will do it no matter at what time you ask her. It could be the middle of the night and she'd help in whatever way she can. Hiyori has always been an individual who is willing to help after all, even if it comes with the neglect of her own health and safety in certain situations so she is on a rather selfless side in comparison to a vast amount of other Yandere. She has a frighteningly good memory in regards to you as well as she pays very close attention to every word that leaves your lips and even if you only remember something very briefly, she won't forget about it.
🩷​Still though, Hiyori's world is rather different from the world that you perceive. As a half-ayakashi who has already gotten greatly involved with the affairs of gods, especially since she is friends with Yukina and Yato, Hiyori is rather protective at times. So whilsz it certainly will be uncommon, it isn't impossible for her soul to leave her body at times to trail behind you and protect you if she should be informed that there is potential danger that may even end up involving you. She wants to protect you herself but knows that she isn't as strong as some of her other friends are which is why she will let others allow her to help as she is not selfish in the regard that she thinks that she is the only one who can protect you. Mostly of good nature, she can't fully deny that sometimes she is tempted to use her half-ayakashi form even if there is no threat she knows if simply because Hiyori is a rather clingy person herself, though with overall more self-restraint than Yato.
🩷​Not one to subdue her own emotions which means that she will be open when she feels jealous, Hiyori isn't anywhere near petty or possessive level. Her darling's happiness is something the girl highly values and even if she will be exposed to jealousy, she can hold herself back. Her reaction does depend on the relationship though. If she is your girlfriend, she has given you her trust which means that she won't doubt your loyalty whilst also making sure that she will clarify it to the other person that you two are a couple and, if necessary, put a foot down if they do not learn their place. If you two aren't official, she will be a tad bit depressed if she notices that there is someone you are interested in before getting fired up by Yato and Yukine and deciding that she will have to try harder herself. Yato's childishness tends to be a bad influence though as she has sometimes, but only sometimes, caught herself hiding when she sees someone she has felt jealous of before abruptly deciding to follow them for a bit and to spy a bit on them.
🩷​She has a fixation on martial arts as she idolises the martial artist Touno and likes to copy his attacks and in her half-ayakashi form her agility, speed and strength increases. It is not like Hiyori is a damsel in distress by any means, especially since she is very brave and fully ready to throw herself in danger if it means protecting someone she loves a lot. On the other hand she is also a very kind-hearted individual who wouldn't hurt people just like that though. Whilst she is not overly fond of it, she does tend to blackmail people if they have gone too far as her combined skills of stalking someone with her soul or even her abilities to read memories are something very suited to uncover some embarrassing secrets or moments others do not want to be published. Whilst she refuses to let Yukine or Yato interfere when it comes to dealing with normal people, when it comes to threats such as other gods or ayakashi she won't reject their help.
🩷​Even if her infatuation keeps her from acknowledging the somewhat more questionable aspects of her love, Hiyori wouldn't consider doing anything remotely close to an abduction. Despite some of her actions such as stalking you or others in her half-ayakashi form, she values mutual consent in a relationship. Whilst she does dream about living together with you once both of you are older and can finance your own house, she won't force the scenario upon you. What she does though is romanticising it to you though as she does indulge in her own dreams too, especially if both of you wind up as a couple somewhere along the lines. If there is one glaring flaw involving Hiyori's infatuation it is perhaps her tendency to see everything through rose-tinted glasses as anything involving romance and you is something she immediately finds herself gushing about as she tends to neglect to see stuff through a more realistic perspective which makes it all the more heart-breaking for her if reality should come to crash down on her.
🩷​As weird as it is, Hiyori probably grows more used to stalking you in her half-ayakashi form as time passes by. Whilst she still possesses enough respect and responsibility to leave when she realises that you are currently sleeping, undressing or taking a shower, she does find herself growing fond to watch you in your daily life. Occasionally she even finds herself forgetting the time as she starts daydreaming whilst she watches and follows you until she either has to return to her real body or until she realises that she should now give you your privacy. Yato is terribly pushy as he wants to get to know you whilst Yukine takes delight in the fact that it is so frighteningly easy to fluster Hiyori when he teases her about you. Without a doubt she will eventually introduce you to the duo as both of them are dear friends to her, although she knows that you'll forget about them pretty quickly. Given her air-headed attitude, it is quite easy for you to never suspect that she may be up to some questionable stuff when her physical body isn't with you.
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🟧​Yukine is someone who is easily led by his emotions which does nothing but add unnecessary force to an obsession that already threatens to overwhelm him at times. Everything just crashes down on him and he is left dealing with the consequences as he tries his best to not get blighted again as his feelings threaten to get out of hand. It is a rather delicate situation that only serves a growing resentment he holds against you as he doesn't know against whom else he is supposed to turn his feelings. A part of him doesn't want to be attached to someone who could easily be his downfall yet another part of him is extremely possessive and holds too tightly for him to ever hope to forget about you and to let you be. That is how he extends his frustration and bitter outbursts against even those who just happen to be around you, jealous that they get to spend time with you whilst he doesn't before he instantly has to snap out of it before dwelling too strongly on his emotions.
🟧​Even whilst he maintains a rather tsunderish attitude at times, Yukine is very protective of you. He likes sneaking away from Yato when the man doesn't need him and usually finds himself spending his free time stalking you and trailing right behind you which is extremely easy as people quickly forget about him. His thoughts during such time perfectly encapsulate his conflicted feelings. In one moment he is silently seething and cursing you as he blames you for everything you are putting him through and in the next moment he finds himself begrudgingly admitting that you are rather cute when you smile or when you space out. Considering his rather brash and impulsive side, it isn't often pleasant to spend time with him as he will often lash out as soon as he is agitated which happens very often as his emotions are already far more intense than what he is used to and trying to deal with them gives him a splitting headache. He barely understands himself what is going on.
🟧​Resentment and bitterness he thought he has gotten over crawls back and clings to him like a slimy monster. Why can they spend time with you whilst he is constantly being forgotten and overlooked? Such thoughts constantly fill his head when he happens to stalk you when you are with friends as his hands bawl into fists in a desperate attempt to hold back his seething jealousy. Quite often he turns sharply around and walks away before he snaps as he spends a good time calming himself down afterwards. Through such continuous experiences he learns that he is more comfortable simply observing you when you are alone as his existence then doesn't get poisoned by any jealousy and anger. He'll wind up hurting you though if you two spend time together as everything just bursts out then in the form of rude and hurtful words as he storms away and wishes you bitterly to have fun with the people who really mean something to you. Yukine doesn't want you to witness the wet shimmer in his eyes.
🟧​Sometimes in the heat of his impulsive thoughts thoughts about simply killing someone have crossed his mind. Yukine has never acted on such thoughts though as he would not only harm himself but also Yato and by extension Hiyori. He defends you against ayakashi that should try to feed from your negative feelings and against other things that your eyes can't perceive but against humans he has to hold back. His possessive and jealous attributes have led to violent thoughts against people that do not deserve it and admidst all of the chaos going on inside of him, at the very least Yukine is able to acknowledge that some people do not deserve the dark ire he occasionally can't hide. When his protective side emerges though in the face of a person who makes you uncomfortable or threatens you, he still struggles to hold back. He might push them harshly away from you before running away with you or he might do something else such as throwing whatever is in his vicinity at them, whatever his impulsiveness leads him to basically.
🟧​He has no such place where he could keep you and even if he had, he doubts that he would want to torture you with the constant presence of Yato. Whilst he has fully grown into his role as Yato's shinki and has forged a strong bond with him, he knows firsthand just how much he can be. He feels undoubtedly most comfortable if he can just spend time with you himself, especially if there are no triggers that could possibly elicit any negative reactions out of him. Whether you two spend time at your home or go outside, he is fine with it as long as he has your attention on him. That is at least until someone has to interfere and instantly sour his mood. Given his reckless decisions though that blind his sight so that he can't comprehend possible consequences for his actions, it is highly likely that in the heat of the moment he might lock you away somewhere though if there is any immediate danger he hasn't expected. He usually lets you out of the place he locked you away as soon as he has calmed down and the danger is gone.
🟧​Yukine normally doesn't like showing any weakness in front of you but his trauma and his last moments of his human life have led him to fear the darkness and even if he tries to hide that when with you, it is obvious even to you. He doesn't reject your reassurance and comfort in such moments though when he finds himself in a rather raw situation where his most vulnerable fears are exposed as he doesn't have the willpower to do so in such a situation. On the one hand Yukine tries to act like a protector of yours yet on the other hand there are still a lot of things in this world he does not understand about the world of yours anymore as his own death tore him away from it which is why he needs a certain guidance from you. He isn't fond of it as it makes him feel immature and like a child but he grows less irritated about it with time as he eventually reluctantly accepts that he needs the knowledge and experience that you have about the human world to not embarrass himself a second time.
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⚔️Bishamon is fiercely protective of her darling, especially since they are only a human. As a goddess her task is to fulfill the wishes of those who pray to her but surprisingly even if you shouldn’t be someone who believes in her, she dedicates herself to protect you and watch after you. Yet it is the fact that she is a respected goddess that cuts the time she has significantly as she has many other tasks to look after. She has a large group of shinki loyally working for her though and it is quite likely that a lot of them will gladly assist Bishamon in her festering affection for you and volunteer to look after you. Obviously there are shiki like Kazuma who are even despite their loyalty to the goddess realistic enough to point out the many obstacles of her love for you as well as the obsession itself that the woman is developing for you. Bishamon’s own awareness is a half-half situation in itself as she has already lived for over a thousand years and for that is cognizant of her duties and her position yet is partially overwhelmed as she ventures into romantic feelings for the first time.
⚔️There is something exciting and alluring about her new feelings for you and even despite her own better judgement occasionally she can’t help but indulge in her feelings by seeking you out. She is no stranger to loss as the past has robbed her of a great amount of her shinki when she was blighted and that experience of grief and desperation not only elicits a rather protective but also possessive side out of her. She, a goddess, may commit a downright blasphemous act yet she won’t allow you to choose someone else as your lover. If you are still single she will see it through that there will be no one you can choose and if you should already have a partner she will be thrown into the depths of sorrow for a certain time before rising once again to scheme how to tear you and them apart. It is a highly selfish plan and the dwelling guilt is a sign that a part of her is aware of that yet Bishamon wants you to be protected. A job that a mere human is ill-equipped for, no matter how good they may treat you.
⚔️There is no such thing as jealousy as there is an underlying possessiveness with the goddess of war. She thinks poorly of those who just flirt with others as she views it as a rather distasteful action to do and she feels the same for those who seem to have too much time to try their luck with you. As beautiful as she is, Bishamonten has a fierce and dominating presence that would easily make someone a couple of heads taller than her shut up swiftly if she were to ever reveal herself. If she would have it her way, she may be tempted to simply intimidate such people as this is what she has always done as an ancient goddess yet she holds herself back, additionally a few of her closest shinki do the same. Those who do treat you well and give you happiness are the ones she respects and yet envies at the same time as she desires to give you the same joy they give you. Even then she still views them as ultimately unfitting to fulfill their role as your partner as they could never provide the protection and safety that she could give you.
⚔️Kindhearted to those she has taken under her wings and to those who have earned her respect, Bishamon may initially not fit her title as a goddess of war. Yet it is this fierce sense of attachment and protection for those she holds dear to her heart that makes her ferocious in times where a battle should arise and she needs to protect. This is after all a woman who has been holding a grudge against Yato for eons and has been hunting him down because she blamed him for the death of her shiki. Her wrath is only fitting of her title as the loss of so many of her shiki has already forced her through the experience of loss she refuses to endure again. Whilst she does restrain herself whilst dealing with mortals who are unaware of her existence, she believes in punishment so that someone learns what it means to harm you. Strict and unforgiving, she has little to no problem to cut off connections between you and someone else if she deems them as a threat.
⚔️As a famed goddess with a huge amount of followers in the human world, Bishamon is faring very well. She has shinki and she has her own shrine where she lives with all of the souls that she has taken in. Technically speaking, she has the space as well as the means for an abduction. What is holding her back is the shred of awareness and guilt embedded deeply within her. The reality of the situation is too grave for her to completely ignore after all. You are human and you do not deserve to get involved in her life to the extent that she wants you to be involved. There are so many dangers involved after all and even if she is confident in her abilities to guard and protect you, she knows that it would be perhaps best for you to never let you be exposed to them in the first place. If there should be an event where she should snap for whatever reason though, not even Kazuma would be able to hold her back as she would take you to her temple and keep you confined, although she will eventually calm down and discuss the future with you now that you know of her.
⚔️Probably because her obsession is something she has never experienced before does Bishamon initially choose to hold back with her feelings. She provides protection and safety but she appears every bit as tough and fierce as you always imagined the goddess of war to be. It induces intimidation and slight anxiety within you when you are around her as you feel too nervous to even talk to her. Things eventually figure themselves out as she slowly lets her walls down around you. Bishamon knows that she shouldn’t keep you permanently within her shrine even if the darkest part of her wishes for nothing less so even if she should have abducted you before, she will let you go after a while. You are under strict surveillance from that day on though as you now know about her existence as well as everything else that involved her world. She’s somewhat controlling as she has to find the balance between her duties and you which requires you to follow a few rules she gives to you.
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🌸���Kazuma as a shinki that could potentially blight his master if he were to commit any sins should be in a similar position to Yukine but perhaps the centuries of experience he has combined with his composed attitude have taught him how he can avoid inflicting any harm on Bishamon. The solution is really quite simple. By suppressing his own emotions, he avoids the feelings of guilt he would under normal circumstances experience and via that he not only doesn't feel like he is committing a sin but can also continue with his obsession instead of stopping it. Kazuma makes himself quite familiar with his obsession so that he can work everything out beforehand to not let his emotions get the better of him which also means that he will do some extensive research on you as you are the trigger to his obsession. He makes himself familar with everything that triggers his feelings and analyses how to avoid said triggers and only after he has done all of that will he approach you.
🌸​To your occasional dismay Kazuma's special situation does force him unfortunately to be more strict with you at times as he has to find ways around triggers. Whilst his self-control is not that fragile and he can definitely endure some triggers such as jealousy, he knows that there is a limit to it all as he can't let anything blight him or his master. More than often he resorts to subtle manipulation instead of acting as a rigid dictator though as he wouldn't want to appear as unlikeable in your eyes. Since he is a very strategic and analytical individual, his skills in regards of influencing and manipulating you are frighteningly good as he can wipe up a plan pretty quickly as soon as he has a certain amount of information. Those tendencies to always have a rough idea of where you are and what you are doing are not only because he simply desires to control you though but it also helps him vastly if there are any reports of danger near you as it enables him to act swiftly in such situations.
🌸​Jealousy is a categorised trigger of his but only if it goes on for too long and goes too far. Kazuma is by no means a very insecure individual, at least not in such a way that he would think of it as a sin to even be near you. Being in control means after all to be confident and this is a motto that he goes by even in regards to his obsession. There is no need to fall victim to petty jealousy. As long as someone doesn't test him, there is no need to interfere but it is going to be thoroughly unpleasant if someone does pick a fight with him or gets on his nerves. He's not like Yukine who lashes out and spews harsh words. Instead his voice is calm and steady and his gaze rather cold when he eventually speaks up. Because he remains in control, he is usually the one who quickly dominates the situation as he can and will point out quickly every little flaw he can deduce from someone's appearance or behavior without any shame. It normally ends in a short and brutal battle of words which he always wins before he calmly walks away with you.
🌸​There are criteria needed for Kazuma to make such a rather heavy decision but theoretically he is capable as well as prepared to end the life of someone if they pose a significant threat to you. It is certainly an event that can haunt him though, although that rather depends on your reaction to their death as he will only feel that way if you would be struck by grief and despair. Emotions are pushed away though as he approaches everything with a rather logical mindset that is set on protecting someone he loves and cherishes. He has already slayed shiki of Bishamon when she was blighted to save her life as he deemed it ultimately as a tragic but right thing to do and this applies exactly to your situation. If there is no turning back and nothing else he can think of, Kazuma will see it through to end someone's life and if it can't be avoided he will even be the one who will murder them himself. Typical for a schemer and analyst of his though, there is always a plan and a plan b he works out beforehand.
🌸​His home is Bishamon's shrine and whilst he has learned to live with his obsession, he knows that not everyone would feel that way about it if they would fully realise how deep the hole of his feelings really goes. I can see him teleporting you to Bishamon's shrine in a case of emergency where your life is in danger and no ordinary force on earth would be able to help you. The procedure that follows is rather similar to the one of Bishamon. He will properly explain everything to you by revealing the truth to you and he will let you go back to your own world after everything has been sorted through. Afterwards he will see it through though that he keeps a closer eye on you after everything has been told to you to see how you are dealing with the news. Whilst he is never one to think of himself as superior, if a situation arrives that is out of what you are used to he expects you to head his warnings and his advice as he sees it as logical that you would listen to him who actually has experience and is overall centuries more familiar with the problem than you are.
🌸​As a very tidily and punctual individual, Kazuma will never miss a meeting with you nor will he ever look messy as his appearance is always clean and neat. In fact he is the one texting you if you are a few minutes late, worried if something has happened to you. If you ever do let him inside your house, be prepared that he is probably going to start tidying things up as soon as something is too messy for his taste. There is a whole file on his phone that only includes pictures of you, whether they are solely of you or are cropped pictures where he cut everyone else out until only you were visible. Whilst he wouldn't openly admit it, Kazuma enjoys it when you rely on him for certain things as it fills him with pride so sometimes he finds himself purposely searching for situations where you will have to seek him out more simply to experience that feeling again. As someone who plans behind the scenes, you probably never suspect that he is the one at fault when some people suddenly disappear from your life or when relationships crumble he deems as toxic for you.
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💓​Behind the appearance of an air-headed dunce, one should not underestimate Kofuku's insight. She is very aware of every event going on outside, whether it is of good or bad nature and knows about all the threats and risks that exist. So you'd judge poorly if you were to assume that she is oblivious to her obsession for you. In fact she is very lucid of it all, although I do admit that with the bubbly and lovingly behavior she exhibits around you one would be rightfully fooled to think that she remains in the dark about what is a glaringly clear infatuation. It is just part of her nature to treat the people she is close to very lovingly and she is just extra clingy with you. As bad as those feelings should be, they are also rather exciting and she loves the rush and the thrill when she is with you and witnesses all of your cute expressions and habits. As an unnamed god, she doesn't have exceptionally much to do anyways so she may as well spend a large portion of her time with the person that she clearly adores.
💓​Misfortune follows wherever she goes though which puts Kofuku's obsession into a very special position. Daikoku often reminds her of the fate that she brings to everyone she spends time with and the goddess knows about that better than anyone else. She should stay away from you for your own good yet this is a hard task as she finds herself dwelling in sorrow and boredeom when she isn't with you. There is no real way to protect oneself against the poor luck she always brings with her and whilst she tries to help where she can and attempts to save what there is to save, she only makes everything worse somehow. Still, she tries to brighten up your day as good as she can even if she is the cause of all of your current predicaments. It is quite the blatant act though as she hides her true identity from you and that she is the one who makes everything worse in your life whilst simultanously cheering you up as good as she can. She is good though as her personality does cheer you up which somehow leads you into thinking that she is currently the only good thing in your life.
💓​Whilst Kofuku is to a certain degree an attention seeker, she isn't like Yato who is constantly jealous when you pay attention to someone else. Whilst she is as a god of poverty wildly scorned amongst other gods, she isn't as petty as Yato. She actually encourages you to go out and see your friends when she realises that you are in a bad mood because of your pitiful situation she has caused due to her strange powers. A part of her actually wants to meet your friends herself but she is reminded from Daikoku that she would only end up dragging them into a similar situation as yours if she would spend too much time with them which is why she limits her interactions with people you care about as if repenting somehow for being unable to do the same with you. Do not let yourself get fooled though as she has a mischievous vein in her body and might mess with someone if they end up seriously fueling her jealousy, even if it ends up bringing them a lod of misfortune.
💓​Her sweet appearance aside, she isn't shy to threaten and intimidate others when it involves people she holds dear to her own heart. Gods usually avoid her due to her abilities to cause misfortune and she and Daikoku, a begrudging accomplice in this all who tries to save what he can save, can defend you against other things such as ayakashi by themselves. In regards to humans though, Kofuku doesn't find herself needing to use any violence. As lonely as her abilities have made her, she uses them when she needs someone to stay away from you and all she really has to do is spend a bit of time with the person before catastrophe after catastrophe strikes their life. It is then that she deems that she has hung around them enough and just leaves them in the dust whilst they are too busy being a danger to you as they struggle with debt and the loss of their job. She does all of that fully aware that the repercussion will end like that but she does it with a sweet smile on her face nevertheless.
💓​Honestly, Kofuku's entire life has always been siginificantly defined and reduced as everyone has avoided her due to her strong misfortune and that misfortune brings you into a very peculiar spot as well. With the amount of time she spends with you it is highly likely that you will lose your job as well as your house and it is then that you wind up working in her shop as well as living together with Daikoku and her. Deep down Kofuku has always known that if she wouldn't stop herself, it would end that way yet she couldn't help herself. She feels partially still quite jolly now that the both of you can live together as she gets to spend even more time with you but there will always be her guilt that will dull that joy of hers and that leads her to be even more sweet to you as if trying to make all the suffering you had to go through up to you. The most sinister and worst part of all is that you are genuinely stuck now because even if you were to try to rebuild your life from scratch, as long as Kofuku is around you your situation will always end the same way.
💓​Kofuku often drags you outside or just takes you in general with her so that you don't end up dwelling too long on your own life that has been turned upside down. She likes to have fun and is an adventutous spirit after all and she wants you to participate in the joy that she feels. As she gets easily bored when she is stuck inside the shop for too long without doing anything even remotely interesting, she always finds herself giddy to leave with you. A lot of dates she has planned probably failed due to her bad luck so she finds herself often organising everything herself in places where she can't bring misfortune to other people or where the chances of bad accidents will be lowered and won't be too severe. Daikoku often helps her with her plans. She already likes giving people close to her nicknames and you have a whole bunch of cute and silly nicknames she likes to call you by. As soon as you have moved in with Daikoku and her, she is basically already acting like you two are married as she feeds you, holds your hands and sometimes even ends up sleeping in the same bed as you.
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🪭​Daikoku may intimidate people on first impression as he appears to be a rather unsmiling individual but he cares very deeply for the people who are important to him. Similar to his master Kofuku, Daikoku is on a lucid spectrum concerning his obsession. Differently from the god of poverty though, he restrains himself far more than Kofuku and chooses to stay away from you even if it hurts his feelings. As a shinki the risk is always to accidentally blight his master which is why he chooses to suppress his emotions in order to not sin and accidentally blight his master but that path is a double-edged sword. Whilst he does avoid a good portion of guilt and shame as he feels less like a creep by staying away from you, negative emotions still fester within him. Mainly a silent longing that he refuses to act upon. Partially he wishes that he could just push you away when you are around but he never has the heart to do so as he instead just treats you with kindness and attentiveness.
🪭​Kofuku is unironically the one who kindles his feelings as she is suprisingly supportive of his feelings despite knowing that you are a human. It is no surprise that she finds out about you as Daikoku has been her shinki and companion for centuries and both of them have a strong bond. In her mind Daikoku deserves happiness, especially after they had to let Daigo go. She supports his love as she encourages him to visit you or even seeks you out herself so that you can visit the shop both of them are working in so that he can spend more time with you. He's a very protective and caring individual who has zero tolerance for anyone who is trying to mess with you and in public he usually can't help himself but always take a protective step in front of you as soon as anyone faces you, even if they are friends. It's somewhat of a bad habit of his that he can't seem to shake off. At one point he eventually gives up trying to act like he doesn't care that much about you as you always manage to break all of the fragile walls he has tried to build and instead is open about his affection.
🪭​Jealousy and protectiveness are two things closely intertwined in Daikoku's soul which means that envy rarely comes without his instincts to protect and defend. You would know best that he always is a tad bit wary around people he doesn't know yet, even if they should be close friends and family of yours. Upon first meeting someone, he is always inspecting them and observing their interactions with you closely and it usually needs a bit of time before he loosens up around them when he decides that they are no threat to you, though he is still fully committed to kick their ass if they should mess up. He's definitely a tad bit more aggressive when he gets jealous though and that only aids his intimidation skills. Daikoku will be more scary when he glares at someone with a clearly agitated expression and he hates people who have the audacity to just flirt with you. He's not shying away from grabbing such people by the collar and jerking them away from you or really going for a kick that sends them tumbling down, although he does restrain himself in public space.
🪭​Whilst certainly not one to mess around due to his protective nature, Daikoku has more shame about killing than other shinki like Kazuma. There are certain actions he is willing to take in order to keep other people who are dangerous to you away and that without any overwhelming guilt. He threatens them, he intimidates them and he is also ready to get more aggressive if it comes down to it but death is a step too far for him to just comfortably do. Kofuku as a wing woman is willing to offer her own help if it comes down to it and the bad luck she brings with her requires no fists or weapons to drag someone down if she just spends enough time around a person. Daikoku often refrains from informing her though as he doesn't want to get his master involved in his own problems, especially since he knows that Kofuku would be a bit too willing to lend her help to assist him in his love life. If it comes down to it though, he has the capabilities to murder someone without blighting his master as he would see it then as a last and unavoidable resort.
🪭​He would never abduct his darling but since he is the shinki of Kofuku who is going to meet you sooner or later, the question is rather if her exceptionally bad misfortune will lead you into a tricky situation. Daikoku knows best that his master has no control over the misfortune she brings to others and he knows that she is scorned and avoided by even other gods as a result of her unique powers so he would never blame her. That doesn't help you though the moment you get affected by Kofuku's abilities and your life suddenly takes a turn for the significantly worse. Even Kofuku will feel guilty though as she apologises to Daikoku and you, although you obviously will not know why she is apologising. Considering that though, you may as well end up in the same situation where you would end up if you were to be Kofuku's darling. Living together with them and working in their shop. Daikoku would be extra attentive after all the drama you had to endure because he got you involved with their life and even Kofuku would be very affectionate and doting to you.
🪭​As a shinki, Daikoku is even through his doubts a rather stable person. He's most likely a tad bit too harsh on himself at times, especially if your life did end up badly because of his involvement in his life. Sharing a home with Kofuku and him though makes you unironically realise how much house husband material this man has. He ends up doing pretty much all the chores for you, especially the first few weeks after you have moved in and are still in the process of digesting everything. He does the laundry for you, he cleans the rooms for you and he cooks your favorite meals for you all in attempts to cheer you up and give you the time you need to process everything. Kofuku is more mindful too, although she still hasn't given up on making the two of you a couple now that you live together with them anyways. Yato constantly tries to tease you to get to Daikoku as he knows how protective the man is and in a way he gets what he wants when he gets a kick delivered to his ribs whilst Daikoku warns him with a pissed expression to keep his hands away from you.
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🐦‍⬛​Rabo is a character shrouded in darkness and mystery who has accepted that he is a God of Calamity unlike Yato who is actively trying to change his fate. Perhaps it is this acceptance that leads him to never question his feelings for you. Even if he would practice some self-reflection, the end result would remain the same. He doesn't care. He doesn't care if his feelings scare you nor does he scare who he has to kill in order to keep you. He is acting on his selfish and possessive desires freely as he has no morals nor anything else that could hold him back from committing all of the atrocities that he does to ensure that no one else will find you so that he may keep you forever. Why should he care in the first place? You are completely right by labeling him as a cruel and cold person. He has always killed, no matter what species his victims belonged to so killing people you love is no different than what he has been doing already since eons. So stop whimpering and get used to it.
🐦‍⬛​His possessive character aside, Rabo is a very cautious and observing individual who likes to inspect and gauge your reactions and your gestures in order to get a better grip of your personality. The careful nature he mostly reveals when he is fighting enemies to determine their abilities and their strength even shows itself in regards to his obsession, although it is less because Rabo sees you as someone who might physically best him. Partially it is because after so many eons of fighting, this has simply become a habit of his. On the other hand it is a conscious decision he makes as an obsession is something he doesn't know how to deal with. Those feelings are new and foreign and the lack of experience he has makes him a tad bit unsure. He only knows how to fight, to kill and to bring suffering to others but not how to love and care for someone and even if his facial expression doesn't give it away, there is a slimy unease resting in the pit of his stomach as the normal solutions he has been using for ages do not solve the problem.
🐦‍⬛​Jealousy is yet another emotion the God of Calamity can add to the list of new sensations and feelings he has never experienced before he found you. Although jealousy is probably one of the most unpleasant sensations for him. He feels threatened but not in the way he is used to. He doesn't fear for his life nor does he have to fear for your life as he could simply murder anyone who would even think about taking your life or stealing you physically away from him. There is another fear, one he can't grasp nor explain and it only further feeds into the growing agitation. He doesn't understand why he feels threatened when you smile whilst thinking about someone else or when you express your grief as you miss the people he has either slaughtered or stolen you away from. There is a strange pull in his chest as he wonders why you keep thinking about them even now when he is with you and why you never give him the same amount of attention or thoughts you give to those puny mortals.
🐦‍⬛​Death is as natural to Rabo as breathing is to you. It is the one thing he was created for after all, to wreck everything and everyone that crosses paths with him. it is his fate as a God of Calamity and he has resigned himself to his task. Killing has always been the sole solution and task for him which is why you have any right to fret for anyone as soon as you have encountered the grim fate of becoming the victim of his obsession. Even if murdering family or friends of yours is not part of his job, a personal grudge is reason enough for him to stain his sword in blood. It annoys him when you lament about the people you aren't able to return to anymore and it agitates him when he is standing right in front of you but your mind is elsewhere as you indulge in thoughts about others. If he were to serve you all of their corpses, would he be able to remove them permanently from your mind? If your mind were to be empty if you have no one to think about anymore, would he be able to claim your every thought like you have claimed his? There is only one way to find out...
🐦‍⬛​You are definitely getting taken but it is not an immediate abduction. Mainly because whilst Rabo doesn't care about the trauma and suffering he will put you through by satisfying his own obsession, he sems to care at least enough to inform himself of your needs and the basic care that a human requires. You get by that everything you need to fulfill the minimum that you require to look after yourself when you eventually get kidnapped by him but the life you lead is nothing overly grand. You have everything that he deems as necessary and you won't get more either as Rabo has never grown up with the concept of spoiling others. The only solace you have, if you can even call it one, is that he leads the same lifestyle as you. He gets by with the bare minimum. Your life is after the abduction pretty involved with his own as he spends a lot of time with you. You take all your meals together with him, do the chores around the place whilst he is watching you and are even forced to sleep in the same room as him.
🐦‍⬛​Rabo is an incredibly tactiturn god and silence quickly becomes your most loyal companion when he is around you. It isn't the relaxing kind of silence though but the heavy and awkward one that has your heart constantly on edge. He has a prominent habit of just staring at you and following your every movement as he prefers having you within his sight, perhaps a sign of his controlling nature as he wants to always be informed of what you are doing. You don't think that he knows what private space is as it happens that you turn around and find him standing eerily close to you and it always gives you a heart attack, especially because those bright yellow eyes always look at you as if they are about to plunge into the deepest and darkest parts of your mind and soul. Honestly, Rabo doesn't fully know what he is supposed to do now that you are stuck with him. His heart still desires something but he struggles to understand what it is that he wants from you now. He'll figure it out though.
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⚪​Nora knows neither good nor evil which leads to her having no comparison that could help her to properly determine how exactly she should think about her growing feelings for you and what would be the proper way to handle her obsession. She simply was never taught and as that is the case, she has no reason to even pretend to care or to hold back which ultimately leads her into openly deciding to pursue you and act according to her desires. She enjoys being your personal shadow, the one that follows you around wherever you go whilst neither you nor anyone else around you notices her. It is rather amusing, especially since she likes messing around as she takes advantage of her abilities. It is entertaining to see you growing slowly more paranoid as you hear her voice whispering behind you, feel her tapping your shoulder or realise that things disappear only to appear elsewhere all whilst not being able to see her. You are after all only human and you will never be more.
⚪​Nora is quite manipulative and her clear enjoyment in tormenting and frightening you indicates that she has a sadistic vein in her too as she likes torturing you psychologically. She eventually does reveal herself to you but then she doesn't tell you the truth about everything you do not know as she instead decides to make things more interesting. She presents herself as someone you can talk to and trust as you have so far not told anyone about the strange things that have been happening around you and in the few cases that you have, no one has believed you. Sick of realising that everyone would probably think that you have lost it, you have instead decided to keep everything to yourself so the relief to know that there is someone who doesn't judge you and actually seems to believe you soothes your soul. You poor thing remain unaware that Nora wants you to feel comforted with her and wants you to trust her. She probably ends up manipulating you into isolating yourself from family and friends until she is the only one who you have.
⚪​She is rather displeased when you try to maintain relationships with others or when someone else attempts to take her plaything away from her. It is likely that she only shows herself to you when the both of you are alone. There are many masters she serves which does keep her busy at times but when she has tie, she winds up stalking you and following you around throughout your entire day. Nora knows what you do in your daily life and she uses that information against you whenever you two spend time together in subtle ways that will not have you think that she is stalking you but rather make you feel like she just understands you better than anyone else. Normally she winds up manipulating you into cutting ties with the people she doesn't want anywhere near you but if that doesn't work she decides that she has to hurt you by influencing the other person until they end up pushing you away which only reinforces her words to you that no one will believe you and stay with you. Only she is there for you.
⚪​The shinki isn't someone who would take things into her own hands but she will definitely use whatever she has to kill people when she starts seeing them as too pesky. Depending on how much fun she has with her victims, the time until death can vary greatly. Sometimes she torments her victims for weeks on end by being even more extreme than she is with you. It is always so pathetic to see a human going crazy and turn constantly around, paranoid that there will be someone behind them. She never lifts a finger to do anything but she doesn't have to do so as she has caused some humans to commit suicide as a result of the induced fear and paranoia. Other times she may get bored midway and decide to end things on her own instead of entertaining the person any longer. In that case she may use her Ayakashi manipulation to control masked ayakashi and order them to attack the person and to end their life for her so that she can pick up the broken pieces of your heart later on when you find out about their death.
⚪​She has no interest to put in all of the work to abduct you only to be left to care for you then. Nora is very much comfortable with the way things are shaping themselves right now. She already has you depending on her very often as she is the only person who hasn't betrayed you or died on you yet which makes you quite desperate to keep her by your side. There is rarely a rejection from her side though when you invite her over to your own home where she makes herself comfortable for the time being. She doesn't plan to settle down anytime soon either. There are a lot of things and plans she has to do and fulfill so she values her freedom to wander around without having to look out for you all the time which would be the case if she were to abduct you. She expects you to look out for yourself whilst she is gone without seeking out anyone else in her absence as she wants your dependency on her to stay. Just wait in your home for her until she is done with whatever she has to do.
⚪​Nora sees friendship, family bonds and every other form of love as a game where you pretend to be someone that you are not and that partially implies for all of this too. To her, this is a game where she pretends to be someone you can trust and rely on when in reality everything is a lie. She just waits for the right time to shatter your last hopes and your naive belief but until that moment happens, she will continue being what you think she is. There are times where she messes with you though simply because she thinks that it is funny to see you getting all anxious and frightened when she is gone for longer periods or times or when she gives you the cold shoulder because she wants you to grovel to her like a pathetic worm. Physically she will never harm you but emotionally it is a free game for her where she breaks and molds you constantly to her current liking yet you do not realise it or decide to ignore it. What a pitiful, dumb thing you are.
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yyxandere · 5 months ago
Yandere Kazuma with an ill darling? Um maybe they have some sort of condition due to which they are always tired,weak and sleepy or they are actually terminally ill? Up to you.I hope this request didn't bother you.🙂 Romantic please ( also do we always have to mention whether we want it romantic or is it only to be specified when we want it to be poatonic? Sorry i dont know.)
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✧.* gender/pronouns ─ 'You' pronouns
✧.* prompt ─ Yandere Kiryu with an ill darling.
☆ .* note ─  letting these post OUT of my drafts…I was just so scared about how OOC most of my works are (T-T)
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• It might become stressful with his line of work as a Yakuza, but Kiryu would always put his life on the line so no other yakuza can take you away from him.
• If Kiryu met you when you were sick already, he would feel very bad about your condition and he would visit your house or hospital from time to time, but when his feelings bloomed, he would visit regularly, in the hospital the doctors and nurses would always gush how "charming" and "romantic" he is whenever he visits with a bouquet of roses in his arms.
• Haruka would always visit too, she would write many get-well letters that you keep all in a suitcase, even if it's a small note, it would always make your day better. She would also talk so that you could cheer up and stay strong, she would even slip on some embarrassing secrets to make you laugh which would make Kiryu very flustered but would calm down when he heard your laugh.
• If you were ever in a very critical state and had to get surgery, Kiryu would come as fast as he possibly could to attend your surgeries and be by your side while you were asleep or waking up. Even if the doctor tells him to leave he would remain on your side waiting to hear your voice again even if it's raspy.
• If you are ever feeling self-conscious about your looks, because let's face it we're trying to be healthy here in the hospital not look like Snow White while dying. Then don't worry, Kiryu very much thinks that you are gorgeous either way, even if your skin is turning paler than your usual skin tone he will love you no matter what.
• He also likes it when you search for him for comfort, it makes him feel very warm inside knowing that his presence is the best thing to bring out those beautiful (e/c) eyes of yours. His heart is pounding wildly every single time he sees you smile or laugh. His body is burning and he feels like he needs you to close the gap between you guys.
• Kiryu has many connections, maybe he would befriend one of the doctors there so they can always inform him about your condition.
• Now if we talk about when Kiryu already knew you before you became sick, it would still be the same but this time he would be more possessive. Kiryu lost many people already in time he could have prevented it, but this time Kiryu would make sure that he would prevent anything bad that could happen to you.
• Kiryu would research your condition and what are the dos and don'ts of your condition. He would make you eat a much healthier diet making sure you eating well and getting enough protein and vitamins. He would also make sure you take your medicine every day (if prescribed) there will never be a day when you miss your medicine, but he would be the one giving it to you, we don't want you overtaking it.
• If you ask Kiryu if you need to take a bath, Kiryu would hesitantly agree, but he must know that he has your consent to see your body and touch it. He would close or look away his eyes when you take off your clothes in front of him.
• Kiryu would prepare a warm bath for you and would scrub your back and shampoo your hair, even though your undressed body is just in front of him, he tries to focus on his task at hand. Kiryu would also be very careful about washing you, he is scared that he's scrubbing too harshly or knotting your hair, so you have to encourage him that he is doing well. He would really watch over you while taking a bath if you ever have narcolepsy.
• After your bath he would make some warm tea or milk to calm your nerves, being sick isolates you from other people so you always wait for Kiryu so he can talk to you, Kiryu would lightly scold you for not sleeping early because you were waiting for him but how can he ever refuse you.
• If you guys ever walked, Kiryu would be so overprotective, he has a bag full of your medicine and the medical kit even if you guys are just going to the nearby store, and good fucking lord if there was ever a mean person that manages to put their hands on you, he would gently pull you away from the place and make sure that your feeling well making sure that you do not have any bruise or such then he would pull in front of the person who put their hands on you and start beating the fuck out of them.
• If one of the effects of your illness is tiredness, then don't ever worry, if you ever sleep anywhere weird like the bench or the living room, he will carry you gently into the bedroom where all of your medical supplies are and put you on your bed, he would then sit beside you and look at your sleeping frame very gently as he kisses you on your forehead.
“You should sleep now, the doctors prescribed that you should sleep early to have more energy. . .don't worry I'll be watching over you. “
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jilted-love · 23 days ago
Kuwabara/Yukina is such a cute ship. And by that, I mean Yukina is a yandere under all that beauty and "sweetness".
Yukina is as violent as Hiei and even more vengeful than him. This is the girl who wanted to genocide her own race, the very people she grew up with. At least Hiei didn't have emotional attachment to the koorime because he didn't spend any year with them. But Yukina wanted the koorime dead despite growing up with them. This is a betrayal coming from someone with such a sweet facade but it is a traitorous act befitting someone who was betrayed first since the koorime made Yukina's family suffer first. Yukina also lied to every friend who cared about her in the human world. She told them she was allowed to look for her brother instead of running away with a wish for him to kill everyone for her.
Enter Kazuma Kuwabara who begged her not to hate every human for what happened to her after she was tortured by Tarukane. Kazuma who is kind, gentle, honest. Everything that Yukina is not. And then suddenly, she feels like kindness is worth something again. So long as nobody harms Kazuma, anyway.
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dragonnon · 1 month ago
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yandere-isopod · 2 years ago
Where are you brother?
I regret saying I’m lucky to have my brother and now after 30+ asks from him and Faux, I am looking to auction him off. Kazuma is an asshole but he’s obsessive and needy so good if you have attachment issues. Great hair runs in the family and he comes with an awesome sibling. His dad is a dick though.
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midnightlee25 · 2 years ago
Mini Profiles: Kazuma Kuwabara
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Yandere type: Obsessive, Possessive
 Traits: Overprotective, Stalker, Violent, Controlling
 Is it Instant love or one that grow over time:
It’s love at first sight for this guy which really sucks for his darling since everything starts in that one moment.
 Delusional level (0-10):
10, he basically lives in his own reality and is extremely confused when reality starts to hit.
 How will do they hide their yandere side:
Because of his delusions he doesn't see a need to hide what he is doing nor believe that it is wrong.
Danger level (0-10):
10, he is extremely dangerous to those around him because once he sees them as a threat there is nothing stopping him from getting rid of them.
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koiiiji · 2 months ago
windbreaker & lookism + types of yandere
author’s note ; i mentioned characters that only came to my mind, so obviously not full list🙏minors, ageless/empty blogs DNI OR I WILL BLOCK YOU!!!
tw ; contains dark topics, unhealthy behavior, and mature content, please don’t interact if you are not comfortable with such things!! REMEMBER!! WE HIGHLY CONDEMN AND DON’T SUPPORT SUCH BEHAVIOR IRL.
unaware. he truly, from the bottom of his heart believes that you need his protection, this world is too cruel for sweet thing like you. and only way he can save you is to separate you from everything and everyone. don’t you understand how toxic and harsh your friends and classmates or coworkers are? but don’t worry, he will be your hero, your sweetest boy, he will save you, love you, give all of himself to you, his heart is in your hands, it belongs to you and beat for you!! and you… well, locked with him forever. and don’t worry, he will laugh it off or turn a deaf ear to your cries and pleas to let you go. if he never hear this nonsense, you never said it. everything is simple.
Dom Kang, June Lee, Jo Mahyeon, Zack Lee, Vasco, Jay Hong, Kim Gimyong
pervert. he feels that need to be physical with you. i mean, yeah he have twisted feelings for you, but his first need is to be sexual with you. more like sexualization of love and feelings in general, he is the type to infantilize you, or forcing you to act how he likes. in any case if you don’t act how he wants you to, or play along with his behavior (but when you do he truly believes its sincere intention) he will use punishment — physical of course.
Harry Sheffer, Cheon Taejin, Samuel Seo
silient stalker. he maybe your classmate, or guy you usually see on your way to work or university. he even maybe someone you never noticed in your life, just some stranger, a person in convenience store, random guy in metro, barista in local cafe… you will never know, his natural appearance is almost unnoticeable, he mixing with crowd of big city and follow or looking after you from shadows.
Kwon Hyuk, Jay Jo, Kazuma Takeda, Daniel Park, Jace Park, Seongji Yuk, Eugene, DG(?)
unaware, but more aggressive. that one who genuinely doesn’t understand his sickness. why don’t you love him back? he have everything you could ever need or want(in fact it’s all whet he always wanted, which only include material goods). and he turns aggressive, really aggressive when you dare to reject him. he is possessive over things he likes or desire, so if you don’t want to return his feelings, well, he will make you do it. unlike the first type, these aren’t mind to be mad at you, to scream, scare you with rising his hands — but never actually beating — do everything to break you and your mind. of course at first they will be more manipulative, and use psychological tricks, of course it really depends on character. but result is the same — if you don’t submit, they will use more harsh methods everytime, until you end up locked to radiator or somewhere in apartments.
Goo Kim, Ma Taesoo, Kwak Jichang, Ji Gongseop, Chris d'Char, Owen Knight, Sangho Choi
that twisted crazy love where he wants you as close as possible so he believes that most closest condition — is you in him. literally.
Gitae Kim. (im sorry, i had this idea from pic where he chewing that big piece of meat🫡🫡)
platonic / parental
Kim Miru — she is controlling and very clingy. she lost two close friends — teacher and sworn sister to be more particular. so you really believe that she will let this happen again? and it will start imperceptibly. first, you will accidentally bump into each other in corridor and start to chatter about random thing, during a break at school. then you will become good friends. this friendship will quickly grow into being stick to each other anywhere. she will infiltrate all aspects of your life, slowly shutting you out from the people she considers unnecessary in your life — she will never shut out people who makes you happy and smile, but that’s until she won’t feel jealous. i honestly feel that she can be both aggressive and all-forgiving and kind to her friend, so passive aggressive is the answer i guess.
Yamazaki Shintaro — extremely controlling parent! and it was long before haruto die. but after his death everything just doubled. mix it with the fact that Shintaro strictly follows the rules and family hierarchy, which means he is not only controlling but also seeking submission and respect from you, as his child. if you think that you can throw a tantrum, fight him back or try to escape, think twice before doing such nonsense, because consequences will be immediate. shintaro doesn’t shy away with physical punishment even in public, he he is older, wiser and he is your father, you must follow his commands. if you don’t, then seems like you forget family rules and spanking won’t take long to be.
Kim Gapryong — honestly i don’t think he would care much about another boy, but lord help if you are his daughter… means OVER protection. Gapryong not so hardcore as Shintaro, but there will be rules for you (but honestly Gapryong have a really soft spot for his little princess, so most likely he will ignore your shenanigans) since he loves Gimyong he probably will bring you to his family too, so add here Gimyong as your overprotective brother. even the fact that you are from other woman Gimyong still fine with you, he understand that the only problem is his father. plus he is #1 girls supporter!! let’s imagine that Gapryong never died, so he would be extremely overprotective father —“what do you mean you never saw again that guy (who used to be a little too annoying and clingy to you at school) again? no boys are talking to you? daughter, i dont know a thing!!” your old man will laugh it off, with deliberately loud chuckle. to summarize it all up it’s his fatherly unwillingness to admit that you can grow up, and he will always think of you as little kid, but you know, not in a healthy way.
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onecantsimply · 1 year ago
Hi. I'm back. After like a month or two. Maybe more of not updating, I'm back. I've basically been doing things on Wattpad and Ao3, but I've never took the time to go on here unless I needed to take in my daily dose of Jack content. For once that I didn't update... that's my bad LOL-
Okay. I’m doing a JTR oneshot on here- I discussed something with my best friend over on Discord- And I want to try it on here just to give a sample-
So I present to you... Metal Bat, the Yandere JTR Jikenbo x GN Reader I actually want to update lol-
This is basically a Goro Majima Reader x Yandere JTR Jikenbo characters. But be aware that Reader is already in a relationship. With Jack. And he will not let them go HH-
Characters like Kiryu and Jack do not belong to me, nor does the concept of Majima belong to me.
Now that we're done with that... let's get this going.
Warnings: Some violence, Gender Neutral Reader, Reader being addressed as Sir because "Mx" sounds too weird in a non-disrespectful way, Reader being crazy because they're basically Majima-
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"Wh-Who are you?" A male mumbled to a black haired man who carried a suitcase of money. 
"I saw that shit, Kiryu-chan!" Another person's voice spoke. The pair looked towards it, seeing someone carrying an umbrella over their shoulder with a grin. They had an eyepatch over their right eye, as well as a suit over their figure. "M-Mx-?! Kiryu-?! You mean..." The first man mumbled. "Yep! The Dragon of Dojima, Kazuma Kiryu-chan!" The black haired man silently bowed his head. "It's been a while, Sir (Y/n)." Kiryu spoke as the person in front of him chuckled, the two men behind them following after with soft glares over their faces. "Put a lid on the formal shit. Heard you were gonna head up yer own family soon." They spoke while walking around Kiryu to the man on the floor. "By the way... this bar over here." (Y/n) looked up at a building. "That's where your sweetheart works, right? And I hear she's real easy on the eyes. Everyone's sayin so." (Y/n) continued to walk around Kiryu's figure. "They all just want in on the action!" He stayed silent with his same expression as he saw the person lean in. They then looked back at the man on the floor. "Anyways, whaddya wanna do with this fool?" He jolted. "I'm sorry! I didn't know it was you, Sir Kiryu!" He shook his head. "No, it's fine." The male spoke. "Too soft, Kiryu-chan! Soft as a marshmallow! You gotta make things right! Like this!" 
(Y/n) whacked their umbrella into the man's face. 
"I ain't even done!" 
They continued to smack their umbrella down on the unfortunate man's face again and again. 
(Y/n) then turned the umbrella around, aiming to stab the man right in the face. 
Well, that was until their wrist was suddenly grabbed, stopping the man from his own possible death. 
"The hell?" (Y/n) glared at Kiryu. "He's had enough." The male replied. "But I was only doin' it for you." The person tilted their head with barely saddened eyes. "And I say it's enough, so-" Kiryu was cut off. "Oh...? Well, fine then." (Y/n) nodded. "But when ya get your own men, you're gonna have to lay down the law. Let's roll." The person turned as their men did the same. "Yeah. I'll keep that in mind." Kiryu replied. "But..." This made (Y/n) stop. "Huh?" They looked back at Kiryu. "But what?" They questioned. "I'm going to do things my own way." Kiryu answered. (Y/n)'s eyebrows seemed to furrow as they walked towards the male. "And what way is that?" They questioned. "It'll be the right way." Kiryu answered. "The hell? You tryna start shit?!" (Y/n) leaned closer to him, their remaining eye glaring into his face. "I'll fight ya right here, right now!" They spoke. "No." Kiryu firmly answered as he stood his ground. "I've got no reason to fight you." He spoke. "There's no point." He added. 
(Y/n) immediately slapped the male across the face. 
"How 'bout now?" They questioned with a grin. "That enough reason to fight?" The person asked again. "... If I've made you angry, Sir (Y/n), I apologize." This response only seemed to irritate the person even further. "What was that?" They questioned. 
(Y/n) then whacked Kiryu across the face with their umbrella. 
"C'mon! Show me you've got some balls and fight back!" 
He received another hit to the face, making blood trickle down the side of his head. 
"And with that... Are we done here?" Kiryu questioned. "Huh?!" (Y/n)'s eyebrows furrowed yet again as they tossed their umbrella off to the side. They then took out their Demonfire dagger, pointing it up to Kiryu's face. He stood entirely firm without any sense of hesitance. "You talk tough... But I wonder how long that'll last." (Y/n) spoke. 
(Y/n) pulled their knife back before stabbing it at Kiryu's face. 
Yet, he stayed entirely still, his figure still entirely still. 
Just like a statue. 
As (Y/n) expected... 
"... Whatever." They sighed as they tilted their head. "No point? You're just makin' things harder on yourself. Deprivin' yourself for no reason." (Y/n) slightly leaned towards Kiryu while sheathing their dagger. They then placed a hand over his shoulder. "You think the world gives two shits about if there's a point or two? Keep that up, and it'll break ya." 
(Y/n)'s eyes somewhat reflected of sadness. 
"You can see it however you want. But... Nothing you can say is going to change my mind." Kiryu answered. "... No matter what happens?" (Y/n) tilted their head again. "... Right." Kiryu nodded. The person took a few steps back with their arms crossed in thought. But in a simple minute, they grinned while looking at him with clear mischievous intent. "You got it then! I'm gonna see those ideals of yours to the end! I'll have my remaining eye on ya 24/7!" Kiryu could feel his brows somewhat furrow with confusion. "What?" He questioned. "And then, when there's a point... Are ya gonna be willing to fight me?" (Y/n) leaned forward with anticipation. "... I won't know till the time comes." Kiryu answered. "Hell yeah!!" 
The person clapped their hands before punching their fist into the air. "Then all I need to do is come up with a plan to make ya fight me! Let's bounce, guys!!" They turned to their men with a laugh as they bowed their heads. (Y/n) walked past them before stopping, looking back at Kiryu. "See ya soon, Kiryu-chan! Looking forward to some fun!" He only stared with narrowed eyes as (Y/n) continued to walk out of the alley. "Man, this is gonna be sweet!" They jumped into the air before clapping one side of their foot with the other. 
- Later on - 
It was now night time within London, with (Y/n) silently walking down the dark streets. Rain showered down on the surfaces of the ground and the roofs as the person continued to make their way down the soaked streets. They could both hear and feel the pattering of the rain on their figure. It felt... odd. Weird. It didn't feel right. The person then continued to walk forward as they heard men ushering prostitutes towards them. Some had played along as others immediately walked away. (Y/n) then made their way towards a certain house. As they walked towards the window, they saw a silver haired man cooking something. A post it note was beside him on the counter.
(The man kept that. -(Y/n))
They softly chuckled before tapping on the window. The man looked back, only to stop once he saw them grin faintly. He only smiled in reply while walking over, opening the window. "You could have used the front door, Dearest." He spoke. "So? It was easier gettin' your attention like this, Jacky." (Y/n) crept in through the window before shutting it behind them. "You're drenched!" The silver haired man spoke with worry. "Eh? This? Nah, don't worry about that." (Y/n) smiled. "You'll get sick! You brung an umbrella. Where is it?" Jack questioned. (Y/n) stopped. "Ah... Wanna leave that for later, Prince?" They answered with a question. "That's the fifth one you've lost, (Y/n)." The man sighed. "Ah, come on, Prince." They walked over to him. "I was talking to Kiryu." Jack looked towards (Y/n). "Do you mean whacking him?" He questioned. "You know me so well." They smiled as well before they looked back at the food. "Watcha cookin', Prince?" They questioned. "I planned on serving this to you when it was actually ready. However, you got home a little earlier than I thought." Jack smiled faintly. "Oops?" (Y/n) arched an eyebrow. "The only thing you need to say that for is being drenched and getting the floor dirty." They looked down at the ground. "... Oops." Jack gently pushed them out of the kitchen. "Go take a shower." He spoke. "Fine, fine." (Y/n) took off their shoes before heading up the stairs.
Whilst they had done so, Jack had continued to cook.
It didn't take long until (Y/n) had came back down with more casual wear. "My Dear... Why do you wish to wear that?" Jack questioned. He turned off the stove before gently adjusting (Y/n)'s snakeskin blazer. "Is it not comfortable?" They smirked faintly. "... You know... You don't need to be like this with me." Jack gently placed one of his hands by their face, seeing their smirk slightly drop. "... You know fully well I can see through you like a mirror. What's wrong, Dear?" He questioned.
(Y/n)'s amused expression, as well as the rest of their smirk seemed to drop when they leaned into his figure with a tired sigh. "... Difficult day?" Jack questioned as he gently hugged them close. They silently nodded as the male brushed his hand through their damp hair. He then gently pulled away. "Why don't you tell me about it by the table?" Jack smiled faintly. "Alright, Prince." (Y/n) faintly nodded with a soft smile.
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calamari-inari · 10 months ago
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Playing this game (without the likes) 🫶
1. enemies to lovers, best friends to lovers, lord and their knight ❤️
2. Not sure if these are tropes, but yandere lover (just not a very big fan of yandere), obsessive love (treating their partner as a possession), misogynistic attitudes or abusive power in a relationship (basically a partner defining what their partner, whether it be a woman or man, should do or behave, and the victimized partner finds it hot???)
3. Gradual mutual understanding for one another! I also learn more about the characters' personalities this way!
4. One or both partners experience withdrawal when they're being separated from each other lol. True feelings often emerge from such situations and it's adorable...
5. Multiship! So far, the only ships I really think about now are from FE3H and a few from Engage and TGAA. Here's a list of several multiships I enjoy!
FE3H (Apparently Dimitri is very shippable to me LOL)
Hubert x Ferdinand
Hubert x Edelgard
Sylvain x Felix
Sylvain x Ferdinand
Dimitri x Ferdinand
Dimitri x Felix
Dimitri x Dedue
Dimitri x Claude
Byleth x any lord
Alear x Alfred
Alear x Diamant
Diamant x Ivy
Kazuma x Ryuunosuke
Barok x Kazuma
Barok x Herlock
6. I like both rarepairs and mainstream! Most of the rarepairs I like don't have any canon interaction, so I like to explore the "what could've been" situations.
7. Monogamy. Not much to explain here. It's just my preference lol
8. Using my favorite pair ferdibert, they are reversible, but I have a really strong preference for dom Hubert and sub Ferdinand. However!! I'm not a big fan of where Ferdinand is written or drawn very femininely. This applies to any MxM pair. I'm not against the concept of femininity in males, but when used in a stereotypical fashion, it rubs me the wrong way. Just a subtle depiction of their relationship dynamic is perfect to me! I'm alright with seeing SFW artwork of the reverse and reading said fics, but NSFW is where I draw the line
9. Thinking about the games I've played, I can think of at least one pair I like to see romantically, so yes 😂
10. Not at all important! After all, my favorite is romantic fluff 🥺 Depending on the intensity of my liking for a ship, the NSFW aspect becomes more bareable since I'm still personally embarrassed consuming such content lol. I am vanilla. Ferdibert is highkey the only one I consume NSFW for
11. A lot of my MxF and FxF pairs are platonic to me! This is likely due to my aegosexuality, which is the closest explanation I can identify with. Not everything needs to be romantic. I find close friendships very heartwarming too 🥺
12. My top favorites right now are ferdibert 🖤🧡, sylvix ❤️💙, and diminand 💙🧡!
13. My favorite pairs from fandoms that I'm not really engaging in now are:
Madeleine Cookie x Espresso Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
Victor x Yuuri (Yuri on Ice)
Link x Zelda (Skyward Sword version)
Reyn x Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles 1)
Chrom x M!Robin (Fire Emblem Awakening)
14. Domestic fluff is really cute, but the official legal bonding of two partners isn't on my "must have" list for any romantic pairing. I really love seeing creations of my favorite pairs marrying though! Gives me the tingles every time and I just feel so happy 😍
15. As someone that made OC fan kids in the past, yes that is totally fine and I love seeing other people's interpretations for the same pair (if they don't have canon children). I've even made some for ferdibert before but I never fully flushed them out lol
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animeyanderelover · 1 year ago
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, overprotective behavior, jealousy, paranoia, abduction, violence, death
Tags: @saiyara05 @shellofthewell
Words: 8.1k
The CEO and her bodyguard Pt.2
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Months flew by faster than he had expected as he grew familiar with his duties as well as the people around him. It wasn't quite as boring as he had initially assumed. He wouldn't complain about it obviously, not with the amount of money he earned every month by following you and successfully intimidating about everybody that crossed his path.
It wasn't like he had much action within the job besides glaring at someone when they got a bit aggressive or irritated with you, something he had started doing when Yukimaru Aki had told him that no one was allowed to disrespect you or question your position as the CEO. As much as the little lady was bickering with you daily, she genuinely cared about you. Sone Kazuma wasn't much different as Toji had quickly realized. Both of your closest friends and assistants were more shady than what they initially appeared to be like and it was all done for your protection and reputation.
The most entertaining part about his job was actually watching you three who honestly appeared sometimes more like a trio of comedians than three of the most influential figures in Japan with your company. So whilst he wasn't able to beat anyone up as you usually were against any form of violence due to only minor incidents, he at least got a good laugh out of watching Sone, Yukimura and you at times. He had some memories he dared to title as fond since they had managed to elicit a chuckle out of him or had pleasantly surprised him.
His head was leaning back as he stared at the wall of the room, your gibberish white noise as he tried to somehow survive the sheer boredom of the presentation you were currently presenting to a few of higher-ranked members of your company. A presentation with fucking 39 foils plastered with statistics, charts and numbers. Aki had helped you putting everything together as she had essentially imprisoned you in your apartment for hours the last few weeks, discussing and planning everything with you.
Initially he had seriously thought that you couldn't do it as you had whined and begged and protested for her to let you off the hook because the both of you had still time but your best friend had remained firm in her decision. But in this moment you were doing surprisingly well, looking professional as you stood in front of the long table and had memorized everything that was written on the foils. You appeared to be in your flow as you fluently explained everything and suggested changes and adjustments for the feature. You almost looked like a different person.
Until suddenly someone stormed through the door, panting and gasping for breath, her cheeks flushed red as she sputtered out some apologies before flopping down onto her chair as Sone, who just happened to sit next to her, offered her a bottle of water. The younger woman wheezed out a "thank you" before taking a few gulps of the water. And just like that your focused appearance vanished into thin air as a grin stretched your face.
"Midori-chan! You came? Does that mean that...?" You didn't finish your question but he could see that you were slightly bouncing on your heels as you giddily looked at her with expecting eyes. She gave you a nod as a grin also broke free on her face.
"I'm officially an aunt now."
"Oh my god! Congratulations! What's his name? Is your brother fine? Is your sister-in-law alright? Is it really alright for you to be already here? I wouldn't have minded if you would have just taken the day off to spend some time with your little nephew! Tell me everything!" You rambled excitedly as you walked quickly over to her and grabbed her hands in your own, your eyes sparkling with joy and happiness. Midori on the other hand seemed a tiny bit flustered with your sudden intimacy and the onslaught of questions but she most likely didn't say anything because you were her boss.
"Both are doing fine. They're just a bit exhausted from everything. His name is Hayato." She answered you, the sheer brightness of your eyes almost overhwelming her as she averted her eyes elsewhere.
"I'm so happy for you. What does he look like? Do you have pictures? Please tell me that you have pictures of him. Can I see them if you a few? Can I-"
Aki suddenly loudly cleared her throat as he interrupted your happy ramble and adjusted her glasses.
"As happy as I am also for Midori-san, I think you're forgetting that we're in the middle of a meeting here, (y/n). You can interrogate her all you want after we are finished with this presentation. We're only halfway done." She reminded you with a dry yet sharp voice that made your shoulders lift up as a look of discontent deformed your face. It was obvious what you would have rather done right now but then your shoulders sagged in defeat as you plodded back to the front of the room.
You opened your mouth as Aki switched over to foil no. 21 yet nothing came out as you suddenly furrowed your eyebrows, wrinkles appearing on your forehead as your eyes were focused on the ground. Aki gave you a slightly confused look that morphed into a look of horror when you lifted your head and gave her an apologetic and bright smile.
"I forgot what I was supposed to say, Aki-chan."
A collective groan echoed through the room as Aki pinched the bridge of her nose, her nostrils flaring as she released a deep breath through them.
"Can we like...start over from the beginning? Because that's the only part I remember. I'm sure that it'll come back to me whilst I'm talking about what I recall. Midori has missed half of the presentation anyways."
Your suggestion was spoken with a tad bit of guilt and embarrassment audible in your voice as you gave everyone a sheepish grin whilst scratching your cheek. You braced yourself for a few scathing comments from Aki's side but instead a deep chuckle cut through the groans of your workers and you turned astonished around only to find your bodyguard leaning back in his chair, failing to hold his laughter in.
In hindsight he probably shouldn't have laughed because the mood of the room hadn't exactly called for it and Aki had given him her infamous death stare when she had caught him laughing. It had been the combination of everyone's tired and done faces, Aki's twitching brow and your sheepish face that had suddenly caused him to to splutter. All heads had turned around to him as he had quickly attempted to hide his laughter behind coughs. When his green eyes had met yours though, he remembered being sort of surprised to see you actually smiling at him as if happy to see him laughing.
He even remembered that within two days after this conference, you had woken him up by ringing his door bell persistently in the early morning.
He hadn't exactly been able to guess beforehand who it was that dared to knock on his door at such a godforsaken hour but when he opened it and saw you standing there with the same apologetic grin he often saw you giving others when your airheaded behavior got in the way, he couldn't bring himself to be surprised.
"Good morning, Fushiguro-san! Have I interrupted you?"
He leaned against the door frame as his green eyes locked onto the package you tried to hide behind your back. That combined with the impatient and eager spark in your eyes despite your somewhat guilty grin told him that you had something for him and in typical (y/n)-fashion you couldn't wait until his shift started and you would see him for over half of the day anyways.
"Just get it over with quickly. I'm trying to get some sleep."
You tilted your head rather adorably before glancing outside the window.
"Have you been up late again? I mean, it isn't any of my business. What you do with your time after I'm in my apartment and don't have to go outside anymore isn't of my concern because that is your free time. I just want to kindly remind you that in 2 hours I have to go back to work which means that you have to get back up by then too. I don't care too much personally but Aki will probably chew you up if you're sloppy in your job to protect me."
You were rambling again and Toji was absolutely not in the mood to hear it. Not when he was tired and lost money when he had been out to gamble a bit. He still had more than enough left of course but it had irritated him nevertheless. So instead he suddenly grabbed the package you were hiding behind your back and ripped it out of your hold.
"Hey!" You yelled before quickly covering your mouth as you remembered that Aki was inhabiting the apartment right next to Toji's. You glanced somewhat scared over at the door leading to Aki's apartment, ready to dash away if she should have woken up because both of you knew that she wouldn't take it well if she would find the both of you still awake instead of sleeping and getting some rest. When a minute passed by and nothing happened, you relaxed a bit.
"That was supposed to be a surprise for you. You're such a fun killer." You now whispered to him in a hushed down, pouting and glaring at him cutely that he couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle.
"You're quite bad at hiding a surprise if you shouldn't have known that already." He whispered back, playing around with the package in the palms of his hands.
"At least open it then. I want to see if you like it." You replied, gesturing at the package to urge him to open it. He shook it a bit in his hands as he couldn't help but question what you had bought in what had most likely been a sudden and unstoppable impulse of yours. The package was quickly torn open and you eagerly gauged his face as he saw what was inside. He arched one of his brows before looking at you.
"Well, you always look quite bored when we have a meeting. I understand that, I also feel that way. Unfortunately your job is to protect me and my job is being the CEO which also includes all those conferences. Since it isn't your job to actually listen to what I have to talk about during such meetings though, I thought buying you one of those might keep you entertained at least a bit. I also bought a couple of games you can play. Some of them aren't even available yet."
You explained in hushed giddiness as he pulled out the Nintende DS you had purchased for him. He remembered vaguely some adds he had seen about it as it was a very new and portable device. There were also some games inside the box that he could play with this thing. Now, he wasn't quite sure how to feel about this but he also knew better than to tell you straight in your face that he didn't know what to do with a Nintendo.
"Do you not like it?" He had perhaps remained quiet for a few seconds too long which gave him away to you.
"Let's just say that this isn’t what I was expecting to receive from my boss at such an early hour. I must admit, I’ve never really played much before.”
“But I thought you liked gambling!” You exclaimed confused before remembering that you had to keep quiet in order for Aki not to hear you. Toji gave you a weird look when you said that before he huffed out some air, somewhat amused by your statement.
"That's not the same, you know?" He told you after a few moments where he was thinking about what to say. He knew what Aki thought about his gambling habits and he knew that even Sone-san, despite being much more respectful and calmer about it than Aki was, also wasn't a big fan of it. He didn't know how you felt about gambling though.
"I know that of course. But seriously, isn't this the healthier option? You can still waste hours of your day doing something that won't do anyone any good, not even you, but at least you don't spend huge amounts of money on something that has only a little chance of earning you money anyways. You won't lose any money playing some games on a Nintendo. Can you tell me what the appeal in gambling is?"
You were genuinely curious as you looked at him and perhaps it was this look that you gave him that actually managed to overwhelm him for a short moment. You weren't really judging but instead asking him why he gambled as often as he did. And for the first time, he couldn't find a good reply. At least not one that every other person addicted to something would give you. "It's...just fun, alright? " He answered you after a while, although even you caught on to the slight hesitation in his voice.
You gave him a very long observant look as if searching for something in his body language or facial expression before you sighed and nodded thoughtfully. "I see. Well, I don't really care what you do in your free time as long as you do your job. Do not gamble in my presence though." "Weren't you gambling too the first time we met? Or is it alright for you if you gamble because you have enough money to waste?" Toji scoffed as he referred to the first time you had met him in the izakaya.
"That's true I guess... It was a one-time-thing though, understood? I won't do something like this again. I just...had some stuff on my mind back then." You spoke after a few seconds as if you had also been searching for a good enough answer to justify your participation in a small gamble without repeating what everyone addicted to gambling could have said too, although you still failed. Much like him. Then silence befell the both of you. Not the comfortable one, the awkward one where both of you grew slightly uncomfortable.
Toji didn't even know why he of all people suddenly felt so weird, so much aware of any blink he did with his eyes around you. He wasn't used to it so he was the first one to decide to end this conversation. "Thanks for the gift then." He finally said as he turned around in the doorframe and felt briefly embarrassed when he repeated his own words in his head and wondered if he could have said something that would have sounded better. He didn't even know what else he could have said but somehow the gnawing feeling in the back of his mind didn't want to leave him alone.
"See you in about 2 hours then." You muttered awkwardly as you turned around and walked towards the elevator. You turned one last time to wave him temporarily goodbye before you realized that he had already closed the door to his apartment.
"Well, that was weird." You muttered to yourself as you pulled out your key to enable the lift to reach the 4th floor.
"Furukawa-san, please calm down and have a seat." You said with a painfully forced amicable smile as you made some appeasing movements with your hands in hopes of calming the older man down.
It wasn't hard to see that you were slowly reaching the end of your patience though and Toji had to admire you for even holding out for as long as he did. He knew for sure that he would have snapped minutes ago with the bitter and entitled attitude the businessman was giving you as if forgetting that between the two of you, you were definitely the financially more successful CEO by a long shot.
He had been arguing with you for a while now about a contract you had crafted for a cooperation between your company and his smaller and insignificant one. He wasn't satisfied, wanted to play a bigger part within your company.
"I understand your frustration but your business has only been existing for a few years now. Frankly spoken, I fear you still lack a bit of experience in this business so I think it's better for you to learn a bit more about how to handle your own company before I assign you a bigger role." You told The older man, barely able to swallow the annoyed sigh back that desperately wanted to be let out whilst you were enduring his angry rants.
Toji was sitting on the couch in your office in the main building of the company in Tokyo, only focusing half-heartedly on the Nintendo as he constantly glanced at you and Furukawa-san, his eyes narrowing the more he heard him arguing stubbornly back at you, ignoring your logical approach to his discontent. Couldn't that old geezer just shut the fuck up? His jarring voice was giving Toji and probably even you a headache by now.
"Furukawa-san, you're not looking at this from a logical point of view. You can't expect me to put someone who has so little experience in handling a company to a higher-ranking position just li-"
"I do not have to listen to someone younger than me berating me like this! Especially not to someone who just one day conveniently appeared after the death of the previous CEO and his father and took over the company just like this! That's quite suspicious, wouldn't you agree?"
You didn't have enough time to even feel the anger making your blood boil as he accused you as bluntly as he did. No, instead both of you heard a sudden slam as Toji snapped the Nintendo closed and stood up from the couch as if the insult directed at you had struck the wrong cord in him and not you. All of a sudden there was a shift in the atmosphere as it felt heavy and oppressive, for Furukawa more than for you as his angry expression quickly dropped when Toji took a few huge strides to him before shamelessly towering over the smaller man.
"Wanne repeat that again?" He asked in a sneering tone as green eyes looked down on him as if he was a mere piece of trash laying uselessly on the ground somewhere. Furukawa's mouth went dry instantly as he stared at your bodyguard who so far had spent the entire time playing some games on the Nintendo you had gifted him. He nearly jumped up when Toji pressed a hand on his shoulder and applied a bit of pressure. His legs instantly gave up under him as Toji forced him to sit down again.
"Stop acting like a little brat. You ain't shit here, your age must have made you already quite a bit senile, hmm? Show some fucking respect to her because between the both of you, she is the one who makes all of the decisions. She's important, you are not. So stop acting like you're anything special because you are replacable to her. Be grateful that she even made time for you in the first place."
He'd gone visibly pale in his face and all he could manage to do was a weak nod, his whole body rigid. You gave Toji an appreciative nod as he continued standing behind Furukawa, glaring down at him. When you realized that he actually intended to stay there, you dismissed him with a wave of your hands.
"Fushiguro-san, that's enough. I think our dear Furukawa-san here has received his reality check. You're going to give the poor man a panic attack if you continue glaring at him like this."
For a moment Toji's gaze met yours as if telling you that such behavior wasn't enough before he let out a "tch" and stuffed his hands in the pocket of his trousers before flopping back down on the couch, resuming the game on the Nintendo. You could still see how he was glaring sharply every once in a while at Furukawa.
"So, Furukawa-san..." You began again, your voice snapping the older man only partially out of his tensed position.
"Let's talk about our contract again, alright?"
"That turned out easier than expected." You told him as you were putting on your jacket, about to leave your office. Toji was leaning against the wall on the other side, watching you as you stuffed everything into your handbag. You glanced shortly at your watch and let out a thoughtful hum. "I actually have time left. You really intimidated Furukawa-san for good. The poor guy just agreed blindly to everything I suggested. I appreciate your help of course but can you try to be a little bit less intense?"
Toji rolled his eyes at your words. "So now I'm being scolded for doing my job too good? It really is quite difficult to please Yukimaru and you." He told you, although at least he didn't seem to be deeply offended by your words. "I only did what Yukimaru asked of me. Complain to her, not me."
"I am aware of what Aki-chan told you but I didn't expect you to react quite as...well, ferocious as you did today. I mean, don't you think that you were overdoing it a bit? There isn't much use in me negotiating with partners if all they do is agree with everything I say. It takes a bit of fun out of it, although Furukawa-san definitely was a pain in the ass today."
You grinned when your last sentence elicited a light chuckle out of Toji as he trailed lazily behind you the moment you left your office and finished your work for the night.
"Hey, how about going out for a drink? I still have time and don't really want to go back home already." You abruptly asked him as both of you stepped into the lift and you pressed the button for the first floor.
"Don't really have a choice, do I? My working day only really ends when you're back in your apartment so as long as you're still outside, I can't really leave your side." He answered, although he definitely wouldn't mind going out for a bit. He had been stuck the entire day in your office, dealing with more or less tolerable people whilst playing some games on the Nintendo you had gifted him.
"That's right, I guess. Well, just means that I don't have to worry about anyone or anything as long as I have you with me." You replied with a slightly flustered grin as if just remembering that there had been very specific rules in his contract that he had to follow as your bodyguard. Your words caught him off-guard and he didn't know why. He glanced briefly over to you, gauging your expression as if trying to detect any dishonesty on your face. When he didn't find any and realized that you were actually being honest and had just given him a compliment, his eyes shifted to the buttons in the elevator as he sensed a weird warm sensation somewhere in his chest.
"How about going to that izakaya again?" You asked him as both of you left the huge building as every other worker on the first floor bowed down to you and wished you a pleasant night and you did your best to bow your head to all of them and thank them for working so well today.
That izakaya? What did that mean?
It seemed to be important to you and judging from the expectant look you had in your eyes, he realized that you assumed that he knew what you were talking about as well. All he could do was give you a surprisingly clueless and confused stare. A look of theatrical hurt crossed your face as you gasped shocked at him.
"You don't know what I mean, do you? How could you forget?" You spoke slightly dramatically as you placed a hand over your heart. It was only a playful gesture from your side but it bothered Toji much more than he had expected. Not your dramatic reaction but the fact that he had forgotten something that involved you. He was silently brainstorming for the memory that you meant by "that izakaya" but he had probably been to quite a lot izakayas in his life before which he couldn't even recall anymore. Had there ever been a special izakaya before in...
Oh. That's what you meant.
You snorted when you saw his face morph into one of realization as he finally understood to which izakaya you were referring to.
"Wow, seems like the gears finally started spinning. Took you long enough to remember. I'm talking about the izakaya where we first met, Fushiguro-san."
He narrowed his eyes but instead of glaring at you for laughing at him, he glared at the pathway beneath his feet as he silently strolled with you through the busy streets of Tokyo, the city bright with all the lights and adds from the buildings. He had forgotten, honestly he couldn't even remember very detailed what he had been doing with his life much before meeting you. He only vaguely remembered gambling a lot, accepting requests from others for the right amount of money, he remembered killing people for money. Only fleeting memories though, he couldn't even recall very well the faces of people who had hired him. But that wasn't the case with you, was it?
He started walking a bit slower when he realized that he could recall almost everyday he had spent with you more detailed than he could recall the almost last two years of his life. His eyes focused on the back of your head as you took the lead and walked through Tokyo in a good mood, heading for the izakaya. Had he been paying that much attention to you?
You tilted your head slightly to look at him and when your gazes met, he instinctively looked away. He didn't know why. But looking at you somehow only made him recall everything even more, flodded his mind with images of you laughing, pouting, goofing off and being silly.
"You don't have to feel bad for forgetting, you know? I didn't really expect you to remember."
What? What did that mean? Green eyes instantly shot up from the ground as a strange feeling took over him as he mulled over the words you had just told him. Unfortunately you didn't seem to have any intention of explaining yourself further as you walked on. Honestly, he had heard worse in his life, he had been treated worse in his life and nowadays he couldn't even be less bothered if anyone would try to get under his skin. So why...?
Why were your words bothering him so much?
You were a bit surprised when his steps suddenly quickened and he stood in front of you within an instance, forcing you to slow down and eventually fully stop. You were occasionally still amazed with how tall he was, especially since you would go as far as considering yourself quite tall in comparison to many other women in Japan. Now was one of those moments as you looked up at him, slightly confused as he was staring down at you with narrowed eyes as if you were a riddle he was desperately trying to solve.
"What do you mean?"
Hearing him speak so normally without any sneer, cockiness or slight annoyance came totally unexpectant and suddenly you found yourself being overtaken by awkwardness. You had never seen him quite as honest-looking as he was right now and you were taken aback by green eyes staring at you, silently wanting an answer from you.
It was the only thing you were able to blurt out as you were unable to tear your gaze away from Toji, your heart pounding in your chest due to his shift in attitude. Honestly, you wouldn't have been alarmed by anyone else acting this way. However, you couldn't help but be worried by Toji suddenly acting so out of character.
Before you could even grasp the situation, Toji seemed to snap out of it. It was if someone had just pulled him out of a trance. He blinked down at you as if he had just woken up from something before his face twisted into an unreadable mask that you couldn't fully decipher. He stepped out of your way, avoiding your own eyes vehemently. When he realized that you didn't move and were still standing there, looking at him with those eyes, he suddenly turned his back to you and walked on his own.
"Forget it." He muttered as he quickly moved to the izakaya. You stood there for a while, staring at his back as you were silently contemplating whether or not you should try to ask him about what had just happened. You could see though that he absolutely didn't want you to try to dig deeper so eventually you forced yourself to move and trail behind him.
Four glasses of beer and a plate of buttery and delicious tuna sashimi later and you were full. He'd accompanied you already a few times for a couple of drinks before so by now he kind of knew what was coming for him. Both of you had sat down on an empty lower table, the izakaya not nearly as full as it had been back when both of you had met for the first time.
"You probably shouldn't drink too much. Yukimaru will probably only scold you as soon as you get back to your apartment." He spoke as he watched you ordering another beer. You let out a tired and exhausted grumble as you rubbed your eyes.
"t's not my fault that I'm not built as you are. Sseriously, do you ever get drunk?" You slurred as you looked up at him through half-lidded eyes. Even if you tried to be serious right now, it was impossible for him to take you as such as he stared at your face. His eyes took in your hair, your eyes, your nose, your cheeks until they finally zoomed in on your lips...
"What are you lookin' at? my eyes are up 'ere." You spoke, your words snapping him for the second time tonight out of a daze. What was wrong with him?
"...'ey, anser ma question. What's your secret behind not getting drunk?" You repeated yourself, a pout on your lips as you snapped your fingers in front of his face as if hoping to get his attention.
"I don't know. I guess that I was just born with it." Your bodyguard spoke after actually considering it for a while before he also took a sip from the sake he had ordered. Honestly, sometimes he wished that he could get drunk and his inability to do so hadn't made him the biggest fan of alcohol. He enjoyed it though when he was around you as he just joined you whenever you were drinking.
"Hmm...So it's all thanks to your body." You muttered to yourself as your eyes shifted from his face to his toned chest, your gaze narrowing thoughtfully. His brows went up to his forehead as he noticed where your gaze was lingering, your eyes squeezing as you stared bluntly at his chest.
Before he could make any cocky remark about it though, one of your palms suddenly laid itself flatly on his chest, close to his own heart.
As his skin suddenly started heating up a tiny bit and he could feel his own heartbeat picking up its speed, he wondered briefly if perhaps alcohol had an effect on him after all. The warmth from your palm seeped through his shirt and spread throughout his entire chest. His gaze was glued to your hand resting on his chest, probably feeling his own heartbeat through the tip of your fingers. He was struggling to say something and a part of him didn't really want to say something either in favor of just having you touch him.
"C'n I borrow your body then? I wanna drink without gettin' drunk. That's not possible though, is it? Aaah, I'm jealous of you. Ye have such a beautiful body."
You pulled your hand back from his chest as if the sudden realization that swapping bodies wasn't possible had just immensely disappointed you. Toji on the other hand was attempting his best to figure silently out what the fuck was going on with him.
“Beautiful…?” Was the first word he was able to say to you after he had calmed down a bit, although he was still painfully aware how the heat of his skin and the own throbbing of his heart only got worse as he looked at you.
“Yeh. I mean, come on! Look atch you! You look like the guy people either wanna be with or want to be!” You spoke up as your hands gestured wildly at him, trying to make your point obvious.
He knew what you meant. Toji was highly confident in his abilities, he knew that his body and the physical strength that had come with it was one of a kind. All of his clients all of the women who had approached him in his past had known that too.
Yet hearing it from you, half-drunk and looking like your head was about to bang on the table because it was too heavy for you and you were quite tired at this point, just sounded so much more sincere.
He swirled the small cup of sake around in his hand, watching the clear liquid spiraling around as he did so. He wasn’t sure if he would have been able to say those words as easily if he would have continued looking at you.
“Thank you.”
There it was again. Sincerity. You peeked over to him as you heard it but you didn’t know what to say. Then the silence came. The same silence that made him itchy and more aware of every breath he took around you. You didn’t seem to mind as much, already happily drunk to care about the infamous awkward silence and in that moment he envied you for being able to just say whatever came to your mind and to remain so unaffected in a situation that had him acting so unusually stiff.
“Do you…actually want to know my answer to your question from before?”
That seemed to be enough to gain his attention as you felt his green eyes resting on you as you were playing with the chopsticks. It had been bothering you the moment he had asked you this question and you had been silently thinking about an answer in your head the entire time. At least up until you had downed your first glass of beer and had temporarily forgotten about it. It had just randomly came back to you now.
"...Do whatever you want."
You took that as a yes from his side.
"I didn't think that you would remember because to me you looked back then like the type of guy who doesn't care about his surroundings and the people in his life unless money is involved."
He couldn't really deny your words and his vague memories from his life in the years before he had met you only proved your point. Yet it wasn't true. At least not fully. Not when it came to you.
"That's sort of rude to say to your bodyguard, don't you think?" He chuckled as he tried to overplay the strange emotions your answer had awoken inside of him.
"Probably. But I am happy to see that I still made the right choice by picking you. I'm sure that if I would have chosen of Aki-chan's selected choices, I wouldn't have such a good time right now. You really are a nice drinking buddy, although it isn't quite as fun if only one party gets drunk."
You tried to give him a small smile without looking stupidly drunk before you took a glance at your watch and realized that it was about damn time for the two of you to leave.
"Aight! Time to head home." You declared as you slowly stood up, your head slightly spinning as the sudden shift of gravity due to you standing up after having only been sitting for the last two hours was almost too much for your drunk self.
Toji quickly grabbed you, his hand wrapping around your arm to stabilize you.
"Are you going to be fine walking like this around the streets?"
He asked, his tone somewhat laced with amusement as he also stood up from his seat.
"That's what you are for. Aki-chan will kill you if you lose me." You replied with a grumbling tone as you pinched the bridge of your nose. Perhaps you had overdone it a bit with your beer tonight.
"I'm more than capable to walk on my own two feet, y'know?" You complained to him as he led you through the crowds, his grip on your arm tight enough to not lose you yet also loose enough to not hurt you.
"You look like a gentle gust of wind could knock you off your feet." He instantly shot back, grinning as he looked at your slightly wobbly figure, swaying gently left and right.
"Now you're the one who is being mean. I'm your boss." You whined as you swatted his arm lightly when you took notice of the grin on his face. At least he seemed to be back to normal again. You had been low-key a bit worried when he had been so strangely sincere with you.
Your eyes lazily flew across the people walking all past you as Toji led you the way back to the main building. Your car was still in the parking facility where only workers of your company were allowed to drive their cars into. You wondered if Kazuma had already taken Aki with him and if both of them had driven home already. If Aki was still waiting for you, she would most likely insist on driving the car because she would never let someone on the wheel who had just consumed alcohol and Toji's apparent immunity against it was something she couldn't care less about.
You nearly tripped when Toji's strides suddenly increased in length and speed only to feel yourself suddenly be pulled closer against him, your body pressed against him as his one arm wrapped around your waist.
Subconsciously you noticed how incredibly warm his body was but you were more confused with his action. You glanced up at him only to notice that his green eyes were focused on something behind the two of you. You tilted your head around to search for whatever he was noticing but there were just too many people among the crowd.
A short skip of his own heart as you suddenly called him by his first name before his senses went back to focusing on those same footsteps he had been noticing for a while now. Someone was following you two. No, someone was following you.
He didn't answer you but you could sort of tell by his focused look that he was sensing something you couldn't. You didn't know why but for some reason his senses were so much more enhanced than those of everyone else around him.
"There's someone behind us, isn't there?" You asked, although you were already pretty sure that you were right anyways. Toji could tell from the look in your eyes that he didn't need to confirm what you already suspected so he didn't answer your question at all. Green eyes were darting over all the people in the crowd, trying to figure out which one of them it was. Until his eyes landed on a young man whose face was partially hidden by a mask he was wearing.
"Listen, there are still some members of the same group out there who murdered the two previous CEO's of the Ito company. One of them walked a few months ago just like that into our main building with a knife. It's clear that they're out for (y/n)'s life too. That's why I wanted her to get a bodyguard. And for some reason she has gone for you, a random man she met on the street. So as her bodyguard, you have only one job to do. Protect her. Protect her no matter what."
Those had been Aki's words to him a few weeks after he had been recruited by you and it had been her first words to him in a while as she had generally avoided conversing much with him when he had been new. She had obviously still been a bit resentful that you had chosen him over every other bodyguard she had suggested for you.
As his green eyes were scrutinizing the man standing there amongst the crowd, Toji stopped walking. He just stood there, silently staring at the guy who had also stopped when he had noticed that Toji had stopped. He had apparently finally realized that he had been spotted and Toji could tell even from the distance that he clearly hadn't expected to be spotted.
You had been about to say something to Toji but when you looked up at him and saw the look in his eyes, you quickly decided against it. Green eyes were fixed on someone within the crowd you still couldn't make out, focused and gleaming with something that made you swallow a bit.
There was something dangerous in his eyes and even the man could sense that from the distance as he slowly stepped away. Toji never left him out of his sight, his eyes following him and following him until even he couldn't make him out amongst the full streets anymore.
Only then did he finally turn his gaze back to you and released his hold on you, although it took him more willpower to do so than he had expected, your warm body pressed against his own causing pleasurable shivers to travel through his body.
"He's gone. You don't have to look so worried anymore." He reassured you when he noticed the look in your eyes. You glanced back at the crowd for a short moment before you nodded slowly.
"What in the world happened? (y/n), have you been drinking too much again?"
You let out an exhausted groan as Aki's voice pulled you out of your little nap. God, had you fallen asleep? The last thing you could recall was getting into the car and after that everything was sort of blurry. So you had perhaps fallen asleep whilst Toji had driven you home. Why was Aki making such a drama out of it though? It wasn't like you had never drunken a glass or two too much before.
"Aki, you're too loud." You grumbled as you cuddled yourself against the hard but very warm surface beneath you. It felt nice, what was it?
"Ooh, you're enjoying that right now, aren't you Fushiguro? I would appreciate it if you would let her down."
"What was I supposed to do? She fell asleep in the car and didn't want to get up when I tried to wake her up."
"You could have just told me and I could have helped."
What were those two arguing over again? You slowly forced yourself to lift your head, blinking with heavy eyelids to adjust to the light in the first floor. When you finally cracked them open fully, you understood why Aki was causing a little scene right now. Since when had you been on Toji's back?
Toji was the first one to notice that you had partially woken up and Aki noticed only a bit later.
"(y/n), would you please get down from him?"
Your sleep and alcohol-addled brain needed a bit to process her words before you slowly got down from his back with a slight look of discontent in your eyes.
"Why do you look so unhappy?"
"Toji is so warm, Aki."
"He's your bodyguard and not your plushie! Wait, did you just call him 'Toji'? Since when have the both of you been on first name terms?"
You considered her words for a bit. She had a point. So far you had only referred to him by his last name and he had done the same. However, he had been working for you closely for nearly a year now so honestly, at this point you thought that it was appropriate.
"Since today. I think the both of us are close enough now to call each other by the first name. Hey Toji, call me (y/n) from now on and not (l/n)."
You said as you turned around to look at him.
You didn't know if you had imagined the short expression on his face that almost looked flustered before a grin spread across his face.
"(y/n), huh?" He muttered, more to himself than to you or Aki before he locked eyes with you.
"Can't do much but do as you say. You're the boss after all."
The lift stopped on the third floor as Toji stepped out of the rather cramped room since he took up a lot of space within the elevator. You and Aki were staying as the both of you were heading for the fourth floor. You were still drunk after all so Aki planned to escort you to your apartment and make sure that you would instantly head to bed and sleep because you had work to do today again. You hadn't mentioned the fact that someone had been following you to Aki yet and whilst he initially thought that you might have forgotten about it temporarily again because of all the alcohol, you had thrown him a short glance when Aki had asked him if everything had been fine. He understood though. You were drunk and had a bit of a headache so Aki's overbearing questions if she would find out tonight probably would only add to your pain. You'd tell her tomorrow about it.
"Good night, Toji."
"You better not have a hangover tomorrow, Fushiguro-san."
With those words, the doors to the lift closed and he was left alone. He unlocked the door to his apartment, didn't bother to turn the lights on as he went to the living room and flopped down onto the couch. He leaned back against the pillows propped against the furniture, his gaze focused on the wall. Were you already in your apartment or was Aki still trying to stabilize your staggering and much taller figure than hers?
He clicked his tongue frustrated when he realized that his thoughts had drifted once again to you. He sighed as he leaned his head back. Today...had been strange. And now that he was all alone in the darkness with little sounds surrounding him, he became all the more aware of the fact that his heart was still pounding against his chest. It hadn't stopped doing that ever since you had touched his chest and he swore that he could still feel the weight, the warmth and the shape of your palm resting so close to his beating heart.
And then there had been the guy who had been following you... And when Toji had noticed, his body had instinctively clutched your body protectively to his own. When the fuck had he ever done this for one of his clients? He had no doubt that the guy was the pathetic leftover of the assassination group Aki had warned him about and he had also no doubt that he would have most likely attempted to do something if Toji hadn't been with you.
He would have tried to hurt you probably.
That thought struck the wrong cord somewhere inside him again and even worse than when this Furukawa guy had insulted and belittled you in his presence as anger tensed up his muscles before he forced himself to relax again.
Seriously, what was wrong with him?
It almost felt like...
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yyxandere · 5 months ago
How about kiryu kazuma with a strong reader? (Not as strong as him, but strong enough to put up a fight)
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✧.* gender/pronouns ─ 'You' pronouns
✧.* prompt ─ Yandere Kiryu Kazuma with a Strong Darling.
☆ .* note ─  I hope you like this anon, I wanted to add more characters since this was too short but I felt like you would be unsatisfied (。-_-。). But I’m planning to FINALLY finish all of the request so I can open up my request box maybe late November or somewhere in December…I also had Makin Zenin in mind while doing this actually LOLOLOL(^◇^)
✩.* TRIGGER WARNINGS ─ Overbearingness and Unhealthy Mindset
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• I feel like Kiryu would be more relaxed when it comes to this kind of darling no matter what gender. He would see it as a positive thing, for him it means that you aren’t always helpless and you can stand your ground until he comes back to you but there’s also this nagging part in the back of his mind that he can pinpoint. Yes, he is happy that you are physically strong but at the same time he wants you to depend on him, he can be your protector.
• Even if you are strong Kiryu would never raise his hand on you he knows his strength and your limits. He respects your tenacity and your strength but if you are stubborn he would give himself some time before he does something irrational.
• Even if you tried to provoke him he would never falter, he would stand his ground and say ‘No’ whenever you try to challenge him in a fight.
• If you were ever a Tojo or yakuza alliance member he felt secure that the Tojo clan had your back when you were in trouble but if you were ever an Omi or rival yakuza clan, he would genuinely be nervous anytime things were having heated tension, he’s scared that one day he has to fight you one on one.
• He would keep a close eye on you (if you haven’t been kidnapped by him) so you won’t get into any fights, he slowly stalks you and if anyone even tries to pick a fight with you Kiryu would pop out and grasp the wrist of whoever rose their hand on you.
• God forbids the day you get badly injured, you are tattered with bruises and blood-soaked clothes because Kiryu would drop everything and straight up run to whenever you are kept in, he doesn’t care if there are hoards of men waiting for him, he will come and get you, his eyes and heart is full of fury and he doesn't stop punching his way through even if his knuckles are numb and mix with blood.
• Aftermath of the whole incident best believe that Kiryu would be with you 24/7, he would monitor you even after you’re fully healed. He makes sure that you don’t push yourself with exercise, moving around, or even basic stuff.
• Scars are natural in battle, so if you ever had a scar or any large injury that makes you insecure then do not fret, Kiryu sees your scars as a reminder of your determination to live and get past the pain, and he will be there with you to help you walk through it.
• If you ever specialize in any sort of weaponry he would be genuinely interested, he would watch you train as your body naturally becomes tense with all the gymnastics, and he would see the way your arms flex whenever you use your weapon or if you don’t like using weapons but would rather use your hands like him then he would spar with you, using “spar” most of the time he is in defensive mode and won’t even try to hit a punch on you.
• He would teach you some martial arts or techniques he learned from his heydays so you both can improve those muscles of yours and after a long hard day, Kiryu knows that you can’t even use most of the techniques he taught you for he will always be at your side no matter what.
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zexal-club · 9 months ago
Tropes applying to Zexal Club
(I'm mostly taking inspiration from TV Tropes)
Abhorrent Admirer: Miyuki towards Shark. While not physically ugly, her twisted and cruel personality that makes Pilot Shark look like a saint is more than enough to make the boy rightfully want to steer clear of her.
Action Mom: Since Kari and Yuma's mother is Bloom, this is obvious. It's a bit downplayed, though, since she's, you know, trapped and missing
Adaptational Angst Upgrade: Downplayed, but the fact that Kite has to work with 3 magi haters, two of which are especially disdainful of witches, when his mother was a witch, definitely isn't doing any good for his emotional state.
Adaptational bada$$: Yuma, obviously, due to being the fairy of the freaking dragon's flame. Also applies to Kari and Kite.
Adaptational Jerka$$: The students of Heartland Academy, specifically 70% of them, due to their vicious bullying of Kikyo
Alpha B/tch: Miyuki Tachibana
And There Was Much Rejoicing: Every Magi and their family and friends when Mr. Heartland is defeated
Bada$$ Normal: Casey Reeves. While she may not have been born with magic, her skills with alchemy more than make up for it.
Battle Couple: Mari and Kikyo qualify as this
Beware the Nice Ones: Very prominent with our main characters
Crapsaccharine world: Heartland City counts as this due to how Magi are treated
Crossover/Fusion Fic: The whole premise of the AU/fic
Dark Is Not Evil: Kikyo and later Kite
Dating What Daddy Hates: Subverted. A lot of people might expect Musa to be concerned with her daughter dating a witch considering, well, the entire Winx show, but she's actually completely supportive of Mari's relationship with Kikyo.
Expy: Mari was originally this for Marinette Dupain-Cheng from Miraculous, but after I've written her independent from that and given her more of her own personality, I'm not sure how much this counts anymore. Laurent also draws inspiration from Gabriel Agreste and Aiden from Adrien Agreste.
Fantastic Racism: There is a lot of this towards Magi
Good Parents: Hannah Sharma
Hate Sink: Miyuki
Interspecies Romance: Bloom with Kazuma, Dr Faker with Mrs Tenjo, and Hannah with Chandra just to name 3 main ones off the top off my head. Mari and Kikyo may also count.
Karmic Butt-Monkey: I am so going to make Miyuki this. I know she's Yukii's OC, but this is still my AU and I say that b/tch is going to be humiliated.
Kids Are Cruel: In play when Kikyo gets severely bullied after being outed as a witch.
Opposites Attract: Mari and Kikyo
Original Character: We got plenty of these
Our Fairies Are Different: It's a crossover with Winx Club
Our Sirens Are Different: Suga
Our Werewolves Are Different: Here, werewolves are humanoid-like being with the ears, tail, (maybe nose,) claws and skills of a wolf that can change into an actual wolf and back again, along with having knowledge and skill with lunar magic, albeit to a certain degree.
Pink Is Feminine: Mari
Politically Incorrect Villain: Mr. Heartland and to a lesser extent Miyuki
Red Oni, Blue Oni: Mari as the 'red oni' and Kikyo as the 'blue oni'
Tagalong Kid: Downplayed with Casey, as she's only 2 years/one and a half years younger than the rest of her friends
Tragic Bigot: Nistro and Dextra definitely qualify as this, as their disdain towards Magi stems from their families being killed by certain Magi when they were children, and Mr. Heartland exploiting their trauma and feelings of hurt to convince them all Magi were the same - wicked, heartless monsters.
Yandere: Once again, Miyuki for Shark, Let me tell you, it is not played for laughs.
Kikyo Shama, Hannah Sharma (nee Jackson) and Chandra Sharma, Suga Hiragi and Miyuki Tachibana all belong to @yukii0nna
@yukii0nna @fair-night-starry-tears @kousaka-ayumu @bibookdemon @bakawitch @lovelyllamasblog
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yandere-isopod · 2 years ago
Senpai notice me?
Love is when you’re depressed for several days and your brother sends you this over and over in three different languages. Yandere obsession runs in the family and I’m lucky to have you brother.
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midnightlee25 · 2 years ago
Nostalgia: do you really remember it that way? (Yandere Mini Event)
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We all remember series from yesteryear back when we were younger that have since faded from our memories…. or so we thought but they refuse to be completely forgotten.
Day 1:
Wander Over Yonder: Wander
6Teen: Wyatt Williams
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: Wilt
Day 2:
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas: Eris
Invader Zim: Zim, Dib
Osmosis Jones: Osmosis Jones, Thrax 
Day 3:
Atlantis: The Lost Empire: Milo James Thatch
Wizards of Waverly Place: Justin Russo, Alex Russo, Max Russo
Ever After High: Apple White, Raven Queen 
Day 4:
Firebreather: Duncan Rosenblatt
Free!: Nagisa Hazuki
Kim Possible: Kim Possible
Day 5:
YuYu Hakusho: Kazuma Kuwabara
Kim Possible: Shego
Day 6:
Fruits Basket: Kyo Sohma 
Total Drama: Duncan
Day 7:
Danny Phantom: Danny Fenton
Mad Father: Aya Drevis
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yanderestarangel · 2 years ago
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angel || 20 || underground writer || commissions: open
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⤿ 💌 ⌗ 𝐈 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄: non con, dub con, daddykink, dark relationship/romance, dark smut, yandere sex, toxic relationship, yandere relationship, possessive sex, ftm/any/afab/fem pov.
⤿ 💌 ⌗𝐈 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄: relationships with minors/pedo, scat, piss kink, character x character.
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「 ✦ list of characters i write: ✦ 」
miguel o'hara, johnny cage, kenshi takahashi, tomas vrbada, bi-han (sub-zero), scorpion (kuai liang), raiden, kano, lord raiden, shang tsung, albert wesker, nanami kento, spider-man noir, peter b. parker, homelander, adler russell, batman, simon riley (ghost), ghostface, patrick bateman, erron black, arthur morgan, bo sinclair, jason voorhees, hanzo (old scorpion), kuai liang (old sub-zero), fujin, liu kang, jotaro kujo, hiromi higuruma, toji fushiguro, kiryu kazuma, superman, felix neumann, sevika, ambessa, ekko, leon kennedy.
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quillandink333 · 2 years ago
💌 || How long did it take them to realize they had feelings for you? Was it love at first sight, or did they need to get to know you better?
Ty for the ask Kimi!! Doing this one for the yakuza au
So in this universe (which is only loosely based on real Japanese history ok so bear with me lol just know that historical accuracy is selective for this au), Kazuma is the head of the Asougi Syndicate, whose primary source of income is from the prostitution ring in the red light district they operate (unbeknownst to its workers), and I’m one of the prostitutes serving at a “tea house” in said red light district who was sold into sexual servitude by her parents as an infant
With that context out of the way, I can talk about how we first meet! So obviously being the head of the yakuza, he goes undercover whenever he visits the red light district, so when I meet him for the first time I have no idea who he is. So I give him my services and realise he’s surprisingly respectful and considerate compared to any other man I’ve served??? So for me at least it was definitely love at first sight, but for Kaz I think it was more like lust at first sight which eventually developed into love (but I mean, he’s a manipulative control freak yandere who basically grooms me into doing what he wants and becoming completely dependent on him so like, depends on your definition of love haha)
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