#god i am so sO LATE i apologise this was drafted actually on time but my housemate and i had a cRAZY evening so im only posting now sjdjd
ctrlkctty · 4 years
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          *turns the bass to max and blasts monsta x’s rodeo* howdy crazy kids, i’m opal and i reside in the good ol gmt timezone ( which seems to always make me like the odd one out in rp where did all u brits go sjdjd ). i use she/they so honestly either is fine !! i’m v excited to be here, it’s been a while since i’ve seen an rp around that has a supernatural element without it being like intense and dramatic plot wise. it’s nice to see a slice of life incorporate it for once !! anyway kit has a pinterest board you can check out here to get a sense of his general persona and his stats page is here ( he does not have a bio yet but his stats do kinda delve into that area briefly enough for now ) and below the cut i will give u the run down of him !! just heart this bad boy up and i’ll come to u for plotting i don’t like to lay things out in a like set super elaborate way so i’ll pop some general ideas down at the end of this intro but rlly we can just form connections off what our muses have in common and how their personalities would gel !! : 
so kit is a music production major student and his love for his craft is immense. music is without a doubt the passion in and love of his life. he’s never felt like he really connected to much else in the world like he has done to and with music. it’s almost like a living entity to him because he has this chemistry and harmony with it which seems to always mean that he excels at whatever he tries out in the musical field. 
he’s also a professional level violinist. he plays in competitions as well as concerts, pretty much always places first. i imagine it’s immensely annoying for anyone whose up against him. but kit doesn’t have bad sportsmanship, nor is he greedy. there’s just nothing he pours his soul into quite like his music. 
has recently formed a band. he plays guitar in it. it’s more of a hobby and a for fun thing then it is anything serious but they all enjoy it and have a good time just making melodies and stories with the instruments. they’re crazy good though. sometimes they will do some competitions or gigs. there is nothing that compares to the adrenaline rush of being on stage for kit in this whole world. ( by the way this is totally open for connections i think it would be super fun to have his band members be other muses ! ) 
think like the anime given and like day6, the rose etc in terms of kit’s vibes and inspiration. he mostly is inspired by the character of ugetsu murata if anyone has seen given. 
his mom passed away during childbirth but obviously kit is too young to remember all of this so he’s not traumatized by it or anything, he has an amazing and lovely adoptive family who he’s always seen as good as being biological. he does have that slight feeling of being unwanted though, since his biological father never wanted anything to do with him and he didn’t have the out of death interfering so he’s a little bitter about that. 
he was raised in busan and he has a younger sister and an older brother. he actually does have a really close relationship with his whole family but it isn’t in the conventional way where they’re super open and warm. not a lot of them are good with emotions, mostly that is down to his parents and sister. but it works out since they also make kit more in touch with his sentimental and loving side. 
he’s not like... a fuckboy per se but he’s a bit of a charmer and a minx. he does sleep around like a lot and spends half his life flirting up a storm, very into his casual intimacy. you can often locate him hooking up in really unconventional places on campus and he’s like hardly ever in his own dorm room. 
remembers strange facts about music like all the time, kind of just one of the perks of being a music major but he will randomly blurt them out and think that like this works as a form of comfort like if you’re worried about putting off something for your studies, he’ll tell you some weird fact about how much mozart or whatever used to procrastinate to make you feel better cause he’s terrible at being emotionally responsive :-))))
he’s really into like his fashion, bit of an 80′s fanatic so he loves like the whole aesthetic of that era in terms of fashion and music. i mean you can just go to his pin section on style but you’ll see it’s very much 80′s and 90′s inspired. 
has a sweet tooth so if you want a quick way for him to like you then i recommend just giving him baked goods or biscuits of any variety because he is a fiend for that. and it’s hard to impress kit on a regular day so you may want an easy way into getting him to actually notice you. 
he’s not mean, he’s just really unobservant. like he’s so focused on his music and study that he literally almost is obsessive so he finds most things boring that don’t relate to music somehow since it’s the one thing he feels he truly connects with but he’s trying i swear. he’ll improve. you just gotta prod him a bit and he will interact meaningfully. 
he’s playful, mischievous, fun loving despite sometimes seeming intimidating because he can regularly be found brooding over his desktop trying to sort out a backing track or something, just powering his way through a pack of cigarettes and drinking far too much caffeine. he loves to gossip and he’s pretty funny with the irony and dry-wit and smart ass vibes despite being so in his own world all the time. 
he’s lonely deep down underneath like all of his bravado. like ugetsu he is kind of one of those characters who has that hidden emotional complexity, on the surface he may just seem like a self-absorbed asshole but in reality he’s just a little bit lost and lonely and he actually does want to find a whole army of soulmates in friends and a ‘special’ someone that he can connect with. he’s kind of just trying to figure out who he is outside of his music without losing his drive for it. 
these are all just super loose general ideas, we do not have to do any of these and we can totally just brainstorm what comes naturally from our muses shared interests, backgrounds, persona’s etc. honestly i’m pretty much open to anything !!
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gojosgigi · 3 years
Dance class.
summary : there’s a new girl in harry’s dance class. a very charming girl, might i add.
pairing : harry styles [au] x fem!brown!reader.
warnings: i don’t think there are any, honestly.
A/N: hi, this is my first writing that i actually post (i have like a billion drafts hahaha). i just want to note that english is not my native language, and that i’m still learning. hope you enjoyed this, and please, please let me know what you think. any constructive criticism, and advice is very much welcomed. as i said, i am still learning, and wish to improve my writing. if there are any grammatical errors, or this came off as cringe-y, i apologise in advance. thank you, and i hope you enjoy. :)) love always, G 🤍
Since harry wasn’t exactly the best dancer in the world, he decided it’d be fun to join a dance class.
“what is it that you can’t learn if you try?” with that thought, he made the decision to join this dance class, for which there wasn’t any specific dance type they taught, they taught multiple ones. all the way from simple pop, to contemporary, belly dancing to salsa. It was sort of a mish-mash of everything. There were two dance instructors, they always had prepared-choreographed dances that they taught.
At first, harry felt shy to dance in front of people, even tho the group wasn’t that big. Which one of the instructor of the two , Lidiya, caught up with, noticing his body language. She re-assured him there was nothing to feel conscious about, and that all the other people were there to learn too. Even tho her words were comforting, it took harry some time to adjust and get comfortable. Which, soon, he did. He even became friends with the people in the class. His warmth, kindness, and undeniable charm, was something hard not to grow captivated to.
“Hi, Lola!” harry said, walking in class, greeting the blonde girl. She returned his greeting with a smile.
“you’re early today” she said, teasing him for being late most the time.
“i’m not always late, okay?”
“sure.” she said, with a small smirk. Harry shook his head. “hey! almost forgot. Nona sent these for you” she handed him a box of cookies.
“god i love Nona.” he said, thanking her and asking her to thank Nona for him.
“and she loves you too, so much, to the point where i wonder if she loves you more than she loves me.” she said, causing harry to chuckle.
He was about to say something, but gets cut off, unintentionally, by the instructor, Max.
“Hello,everyone! how are we today?” he asks, setting his bag down. “Lidiya will be here in about two minutes, or atleast that’s what she texted me. then we’ll start class, okay?”
The group acknowledges with nods and small “okay” s.
Harry continues his conversation with Lola, when he hears the door open. the sound of a beautiful, and almost comforting laugh fills his ears.
he looks over to see Lidiya walk in, accompanied with a gorgeous dark-eyed girl. Her hair falling perfectly down her shoulders, wearing a black outfit with white shoes, looking absolutely beautiful.
“Hi, everybody! i’m so sorry i’m late.” Lidiya announced “Damn does this one take time getting ready” she said, humorously, earning a playful glare from the dark haired girl. “This is y/n, by the way. My best friend, she’ll be joining us from now on.”
Y/n looked around the room, letting out a small “hi”, waving. her eyes seemed to stop for a second when they met harry’s. Harry felt blood rush to his cheeks.
Their small moment was intruded by Max’s voice, y/n turned her attention to him. “you guys said two minutes. two minutes!” He said, causing y/n to chuckle. “there was traffic” she said, Lidiya and her let out small laughs. “in LA? you found traffic in LA?” max questioned, shaking his head. shrugging her shoulders, smirking “nothing is impossible, my boy.” she patted his shoulders. “just take your place, okay?” he said, she chuckled.
She walked over to stand in the empty spot next to Harry. “Hi! Y/n Y/l/n” she said, offering him handshake. “her accent” he thought to himself. “Hello, i’m harry.” he said, shaking her hand. “what a beautiful name you have” “you think so?” she said, smiling. “how sweet of you! always secretly thought it wasn’t- well, let’s just say, not the best” she laughs, harry too let’s out a chuckle.
they continue the small-talk, which soon gets cut off by music. “Let’s get this started, shall we?” Lidiya says, over the music.
The class went by, a share of awkward chuckles and small sweet glances, and smiles shared by the newly-met duo.
Y/n was an exceptional dancer, harry thought. He wasn’t just saying that because he might as well have been biased [a/n : he is biased. he is very much biased, but this ain’t about him] she was actually very impressive.
as the class tries to do the steps being demonstrated by Max, Lidiya takes a round around the class trying to help anyone who’s struggling. Y/n notices her untied shoe and bends down to tie it, Lidiya runs over with small, quickening steps and slaps her bum, laughing. “Oi!” she yelps. harry couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “find something funny, curly?” she asks, shooting him a playful glare. He shakes his head “no” still laughing. the dark haired girl rolls her eyes, playfully before joining in.
—— —— ——
It was about 1:45 am, at the moment. and harry still couldn’t sleep. blaming only and only y/n for simply just not leaving his thoughts. her beautiful eyes, her angelic smile, her laugh, her rose gold coloured watch, her little hair tie that she had on her wrist, her sweet, bubbly humour, her kind personality, the way she walked, the way she treated and talked to other people, the way she called him “curly” once , how much she loved her best friend, her accent— oh her accent! harry loved her accent, it was so- so intellectual, in a way, combined with her beautiful voice. harry could listen to her talk all day. y/n might as well be the most captivating person he’s met!
harry was never the kind of person to get crushes on people by just meeting them once , but there was something about y/n that harry just couldn’t ignore. he still wouldn’t say he had a crush on her, he was just so in awe of her.
harry liked whatever it was that he was feeling. he felt happy, something he hasn’t felt in a long time. there was a certain sweetness to it. his only bummer is that he’s going to have to wait all the way till thursday to see her again.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
The writings on his skin Shinsou Soulmate au
Soulmate au with communication via writing on their skin.
Oh god this is bad, I’m not happy with it at all. My original draft got deleted and I had to rewrite this at 2 am and I’m dead. I didn’t proof read it because I swear I’m gonna pass out so I’m so terribly sorry for butchering this. I love Hitoshi to the moon and back I hope he has the most wonderful birthday I LOVE HIM. Hope this doesn’t suck that much. Love ya. 💖💖💖💖💖
warnings: mentions of bullying, some angst, fluff
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When Hitoshi was young he used to believe in soulmates. He couldn’t wait to meet the person that would fit him like a puzzle piece. In the early age of five, Shinsou Hitoshi was filled with positivity and hope. Hope that in the future he would get to enjoy all the things he liked with someone special. 
He was so excited for the first day of school. some of the kids from his neighborhood would be in his class; they didn’t like him they were really afraid of his quirk and would make fun of him all the time, but he didn’t care. He would make new friends and just ignore them. Stepping into the classroom he was met with about 18 new faces. 18 possible friends. A smile spread across his face as he made eye contact with one of the kids. The boy was playing with some LEGOs as Hitoshi made his way to him. 
“Hi I’m Shin-”
“AHH IT’S THE MONSTER!!!” the boy cried out as he stumbled backwards putting a respectful distance between them. The whole class turned to look at them and one by one all the kids slowly took a step back. They were all afraid of him. They all wanted nothing to do with him. They-they.
“He’s a villain!!!”
“Someone call All Might!!!!” 
More children joined the mocking and the cries for help. A group of boys, two of which he knew, walked up to him growls leaving their mouths as -even though Hitoshi was a tall child- they towered over him. Pushing him to the ground, one of them snatched his backpack emptying the contents on him before throwing it at a corner of the room. 
“Villains are not allowed here! Jihiko-sensei will kick you out, villain!” Right on cue, Jihiko-sensei stepped into the room, her eyes landing immediately at his wide eyed face and trembling form. 
“Boys that’s rude!” grabbing his backpack she started putting back his scattered supplies.“Apologise to Shinsou right now!”
Reluctantly the four boys bowed their heads, mumbling an apology before rising their noses up in the air and walking away, leaving a terrified Hitoshi on the floor. 
During the first day of school he knew that he wouldn’t be getting new friends and with that his doubts of even having a soulmate bloomed to life. 
Middle school was not as bad as elementary. He had gotten used to the teasing and the name calling. He couldn’t say that it didn’t bother him; it really did but he had learned not to show it. Even now, years after that fateful first day in kindergarten, he had no friends. All of them pushed him away, some more politely than others, leaving the word ‘villain’ lumming over their heads as they turned him down. He was fine though. No soulmate mark had appeared but at this point he couldn’t really be disappointed. After all, someone like him -a monster, a villain- didn’t deserve to have a soulmate.
It was a normal day in his boring middle school. So boring that Hitoshi had turned to doodling on his arm. It was not a habit, he hadn’t done it before since he saw the doodles as tattoos and he didn’t want to give others more reasons to call him evil. Plus he liked his arms clean. But he was bored and it was hot and he wasn’t functioning correctly. At some point during his history class, he fell asleep. He woke up to a light tickling sensation running up his arm and a dim shine appeared on a spot near his wrist. 
‘You can’t draw….’ 
He blinked once, twice expecting the words to disappear but they didn’t. They didn’t fade, they were real. Bold black letters stared back at him as he marveled at the sight. He … he had a soulmate and he could actually speak to them. Snapping out of his trance he scrambled for a pen and thought of a response. He didn’t wanna seem desperate. Deciding on sarcasm he wrote beside their own message. 
‘Well excuse me Picasso’
 He waited for a response for what felt like centuries. This was amazing, incredible, astonishing all of those long pretty words writers use to describe their female characters in poems. Would they want to meet him? Did they live nearby? Were they the same age? So many questions swirled inside his head he almost missed the mandala pattern that appeared on his wrist. The design became more vibrant and visible as the minutes ticked by. It was beautiful. 
‘What’s your favorite color?’
‘Be patient sweet soulmate of mine, you’ll see.’ 
His heart skipped a beat. Oh lord he hadn’t even met them yet and he was already getting butterflies in his stomach. Slowly purple highlights started to appear on his skin, matching the black outlines perfectly. They truly were a Picasso. 
‘There now you have true art on your hand.’
‘Confident are we?’
‘Only when it comes to inter-soulmate communications.’ 
He liked them. He knew that from the first moment. A smile took its place on his face as he saw new letters forming on his skin, warmth blooming in his chest as he stared at their conversation. Soulmate...maybe he wasn’t so lonely after all. 
UA High. This is it. He was finally here. A place where heroes were made. It’s his time to show all those pesky brats that called him a villain that he could be a hero. A fine one at that. Getting placed in the general department was a disappointment and kind of a let down. He thought he did well on the exam. Apparently, having a grape quirk was more hero material than his brainwash. He wasn’t fazed though and neither was his soulmate. They hadn’t stopped speaking since their first conversation back in middle school. His day would start with a small, sloppy good morning scribbled on his wrist. They were there for him whenever he needed someone to rant to and he was always their shoulder to cry on. Well inky shoulder? They had agreed to keep their identities a secret along with their gender leaving everything to the hands of fate. 
‘She shall bring us together, babe.’ They always called him that, not that he minded. 
‘Well she should hurry up kitten.’ And he in return he given them that pet name. They never complained. He hadn’t mentioned which school he applied to, only that he would be becoming a hero. So when they mentioned something about a Bakugou Katsuki he was intrigued. 
‘Yeah he is in my class. Super annoying 0/10 would not recommend.’
 They went to the same school. What a coincidence. Maybe fate did work fast. Choosing his next words wisely he replied. 
‘So you are in class 1-A huh? Funny.’
‘How do you know that?????’
‘I’m in the general department that’s why.’
There was no response for some time. He knew Aizawa was a harsh teacher when it came to discipline, he gets a taste of his discipline every afternoon at six,  so he didn’t write anything else. Later that day, during his training, the familiar tingle distracted him. Glancing down on his arm, he totally missed Aizawa’s capture tool coming straight for his leg. Before he knew it, he was swiped off his feet and started hanging upside down from a branch of a nearby tree. 
“You are distracted Shinsou!” Aizawa sighed below him. Hitoshi read the message quickly before turning his attention back to his teacher. 
“I’m sorry Aizawa-sensei.” 
“Yeah yeah just don’t be like that during your training with my class. You remember that it starts tomorrow right?” Aizawa said as he got him down, letting him fall with a loud thud. 
“Yes sensei I know.”
“Great, now go get some rest I don’t want you passing out the moment you step in the forest.” 
Shinsou had never gathered his things quicker. Draping his jacket over his shoulders he sprinted to his dorm, an idea forming in his mind. He didn’t know if you wanted to meet him yet but he sure as hell wanted to see you. Grabbing a pen from his desk he scribbled under your previous message. 
‘Can you draw one of your mandalas on my wrist?’ 
Y/N was late. Like super late. She had missed her first alarm and had only gotten up because of the pounding at her door. She had stayed up the previous night drawing something for her soulmate. She kept messing up and redoing her work one too many times. Reaching her classroom she slid the door open and tiptoed to her seat seeing as Aizawa-sensei hadn’t gotten out of his sleeping back yet. Sitting down she let out a sigh of relief as her friend leaned over to her. 
“Late night with your soulmate???” She sang teasingly which only made Y/N roll her eyes. 
“Shut up Sky!” Soon they were instructed to put on their hero costumes and meet their homeroom teacher at the edge of the mini forest right in the outskirts of the school grounds. 
Skipping out of the girls locker room she looked down at her wrist where the mandala from last night looked back at her. She ran her fingers over the lines wishing she could see the design on the recipients skin.  
“Come on man! We’re gonna miss the intro move your ass!” Sky grabbed her arm and yanked her forward, ruining her moment of longing as they made their way to the forest. 
Aizawa-sensei was accompanied by another person. A boy almost at his height with vibrant purple hair and the most tired eyes Y/N had ever seen. He was staring at the class giving small nods when someone asked him something. 
“This is Shinsou Hitoshi. Most of you will know him from the sports festival, he fought the problem child.” Midoriya hid his face in his palms at the name. “He will be joining the hero course come next year so have fun training with him.”
Shinsou raised his hand to scratch his neck, a nervous habit Y/N concluded, when she saw the intertwining lines on his wrist. The purple stood out. It was more vibrant on her design, slightly losing it’s shine on his pale skin possibly because he received it. Was that? Was he? 
“Who wants to pair up with him?” at that her arm shot up instantly, without even thinking. Aizawa motioned for the rest of the students to find their partner as she made her way to him. He was taller up close, her head barely reaching his chin. Extending her drawn on hand she greeted him. 
“Y/N L/N, nice to finally meet you Shinsou.”
The house was quiet. Oddly quiet. Hitoshi let his bag drop next to the coat hanger as he took off his shoes. The TV could be heard playing from the living room but no voices accompanied it. Where was she? Making his way to the kitchen he found a bowl full with steaming soup that looked like it had just been made. He left it on the table, his first priority being to find the girl he was looking for. Slowly walking up the stair he heard a humming coming from the room down the hall. 
Once at the top he made his way to the pastel violet door, grasping the knob and pushing it open. He was met with the back of his soulmate, humming the soft tune he had heard earlier as she rocked steadily back and forth. The mess of purple hair on her shoulder raised its head revealing those stunning e/c eyes he adored so much. 
“Daddy…” the little girl in Y/N’s arms let out a low sleepy mumble. Turning around she saw her husband standing in the doorway of the nursery, a smile adorning his face as he looked at Kei. Kei, at the sight of her father, started doing grabbing motions trying to leave her mother’s embrace. Hitoshi let out a low chuckle as he took the two year old in his arms, letting her wrap her chubby arms around his neck and nuzzle into his neck. 
“Happy birthday Toshi.”
Shinsou Hitoshi could have never imagined he would be here today, holding his daughter as his soulmate stared back at him. He was happy, beyond happy actually. Words could not express. Extending an arm out to her, she took it tucking herself under his chin as one of her hands came to rest on the back of her baby. Kissing both of his girls, he squeezed them closer to him.  
 “Thank you kitten. For everything.”   
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAG TEAM AY:
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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tsuumu · 4 years
good intentions.
kuroo x reader
your long-term boyfriend is perfect. i mean perfect. he excels at basically everything he does. well, except one thing. at least he has good intentions, right?
based off of a request found here.
word count:
tags/tw: y/n & kuroo are uni students, lots of playful insulting, kuroo is perfect, well not really, y/n is a mess, y/n is me doing any kind of work, domestic x1000, kuroo cooking is so cute.
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You know those people who just seem to have it all?
No, not literally, but it’s so sickeningly easy for them that they might as well be arms reach of anything they want.
Usually we tend to dislike people like that, mainly because... well, we’re not them (much to our abysmal dismay, too). They end up taking a spotlight of jealousy in our lives and we find ourselves constantly thinking: Man, i’d love to kick their asses, but would alternatively jump at the oppertunity to switch lives with them ‘Freaky Friday’ style.
These people are the embodiment of admiration.
Young. Good looking. Fit. Successful. Socially conscious. Killer smiles. Can always hold a drink. Never seem to embarrass themselves even a little, but on the off chance they do, everyone adores them more and sees it as a cute little incident or quirk of theirs.
Just thinking about it makes you want to build yourself a bunker, deep underground, just to sulk in for a decade or so, lamenting angrily at the dusty walls.
Yes. You know the truth is that there will always be someone better than you at simply existing, but that doesn’t stop that simmering of content from rising within. Realistically speaking, you’d avoid these people like your life depended on it because they’re so... detestable.
So who would have known that you —of all people— would end up falling in love with one?
Well, you did. As much as they repel you, you find that they weirdly attract you too.
That’s right.
The man who stole that pretty little heart of yours, who’d caught your attention indefinitely with his cut-throat prowess and charisma. He’d approached you one fine evening at some bar you’d never been to before, ordered you your favorite drink because he’d seen you order it twofold previously (vodka cranberry, heavy on the juice) and chatted you up the way you’d always wished a guy would.
The appalling epitome of cliche.
The whole encounter practically ran like he’d planned it before-hand. It’s almost infuriating, how easily he swept you off of those tipsy feet of yours.
Something bumps lightly over your head as a shadowy figure passes by. You groan lightly in response.
“Hey, cut it out!”
Somehow, you’ve found yourself on the floor, crossed-legged, pen in your mouth and both your hands. One is furiously scrawling something down, the other flicking the cap off to highlight. It’s an understatement to note that you look like a bit of a mess, brows scruched up in an untidy pile in the middle of your forehead, dead-focused on the first draft of your thesis that was due weeks ago.
Yeah, you were one of those people.
A mocking string of apologetic noises come from the figure in front of you as he chucks his keys onto the kitchen counter.
Kuroo Tetsurou. That’s your A-list Boyfriend.
A-list of what? Of life, for god’s sake.
If it were him that’d been assigned a task with this ridiculous deadline, he’d probably have handed it before it was fucking given to him in the first place! Not only is he academically adept to the point of pure indignancy (on your part, of course, you’re too prone to jealousy for your own good), but his organisation is nothing short of freakishly unnatural.
He says he’s minimalistic, you say he’s an alien.
If someone had told you that the man you loved was actually some kind of secret government- made equipment to survey you, you wouldn’t bat an eyelid. He’s that good.
He chuckles at his own jeers, slipping a hand through the fridge handle. It unlatches with ease and he takes a cold can of beer out, pulling the tab back and allowing it to hiss open satisfyingly. Your eyes flicker upwards, gnawing at your knuckle, you’re not only stressed out, but unbelievably embarrassed that you’re at it again. He’s seen you like this countless times, after promising to clean up your act and follow in his footsteps.
Following in his footsteps. Well, that’s how he described it. You were close to socking his arm.
“Shut up.”
Tetsurou tilts his head back, drinking to his heart’s content before catching your eye. You’re correct. He has seen this before, so he knows not to take your off-handed comments to heart. Instead, he’s rather bemused.
“Your scruched up nose.” He begins, setting the can down to the side, crossing one leg over the other. “That’s your classic concentrating face.”
You’re not even listening if you’re honest. You’re trying to understand what this section of the task even means after re-reading it for the fifteeth time. The responses you give are made absently.
“You look like a cat that’s been forced to wait to eat. That little glare. It’s cute, kitty.”
Your head jerks up questioningly. Did he call you cute?
His head tilts.
“Oh, you’ve relaxed your face now. It’s gone back to being ugly.”
You scowl and throw the highlighting pen at him.
“Go away! I’m almost done!”
Your fingers move to your lower back, pressing on your spine in hopes it’ll crack and relieve some of the tension in your body. Kuroo retrieves the pen, sweeping the can up with his spare hand. He plods over, craning his neck down to study whatever it is that you have on your lap.
“It’s too dark in here to see that properly.”
“I’m fine!”
“Well—“ He leans back to switch the overhead lights on. “—now you’re finer.”
You turn to him, pausing for a moment.
“Oh, thanks.”
It’s like you fall into this crazed state when you’re overworked. Frantic. Snappy. Cowering in the dark like some sort of parody Dracula— that is, if Dracula were three weeks late on his university assignment worth a disgustingly high percentage of his final grading. If Kuroo came too close, or said something a little too sly, you’d probably bite him. He knows this too, opting to keep quiet from now on. Instead, he sits leisurely on the floor, just behind you, placing his hands against your propped up body and gently pressing his thumbs into the blades of your back.
“Drop it a sec, yeah?”
Your body’s stiff, but you can tell he’s shocked at just how stiff it is. For a moment, you’re caught off guard, before rolling your shoulders back forcefully.
“Can’t... gotta finish—“ and you gesture wildly at everything around you. That answer was to be expected. You weren’t as academically driven, sure, but you weren’t one to give in easily. Or fail, for that matter.
Tetsurou plants a gentle kiss onto the nape of your neck, mumbling into the ridge of your spine.
“That—“ he copies your movements. “Can wait. I know you think it can’t, but it can. And you’re going to stop now.”
Your eyes lower a little, vision blurring.
You twist yourself to look at him, giving him another sour look.
“I’m serious!”
“So am I.” It rolls off the tongue so easily for him. He’s utterly calm. But then again, he’s not the one that needs to be on bloody ‘X-Games’ mode.
He’s never the one. Damn it.
You lift yourself up a little by placing your palms under you, wincing at the twinges of pain it induces. You’d made friends with the floor for a little too long, butt totally numb.
“Fine.” You resign, suddenly falling back onto him. “I’ll email my professor for the tenth time this week and wait as he rips me apart. Shall I?” Kuroo tuts, snaking an arm around your upper-body, the other brushing at your baby-hairs so he’s able to see your face a little clearer.
“He wouldn’t do that.”
“Uh— yes he would. Would you like front row seats to my untimely demise?”
“You’re so dramatic.”
For the first time through that entire day, you smile, even if it’s just a little. And to him, he’s managed to fish you out of that downward spiral you’ve been plunging into. Job well done on his part. He softly runs a his palm down your side.
“Your professor covers mine when she’s busy.” He states matter-of-factly. “Let me email him. It’s not ludicrous to say that i’m your boyfriend and you’re a little troubled at the moment.”
You’re slumped over, at the moment, chin buried into your chest.
“Troubled sounds like i’ve lost my mind.”
“Well not like that—“ The eager boy begins sifting out your laptop from under the seemingly endless piles of paper. “Let’s think of a better excuse.” Your body doesn’t move an inch, fiddling with the cap of the pen lid. You throw it by accident and it bounces too far to reach comfortably. Shit.
“Mmm.” He buries his nose into the crown of your head. “Shall I tell him you got into a car accident?”
“What? Tetsu, that’s stupidly unbelievable. I don’t even drive.”
“I guess... maybe not a car.” His fingers teasingly splay over your stomach, body bent intrusively over yours. They move against the softness of your flesh, dipping down slightly.
You suck in a breath.
“I’m sure I can do something for you that’ll keep you from walking for quite some time.” Tetsurou hums deeply, and it feels like he’s talking directly into your brain.
Your fingers fumble for the pen he just gave back, before hitting him square on the forehead with it. It ricochets back perfectly onto your chest with a loud snap.
“You’re an idiot.”
“I don’t need excuses. I’ll just come back to it later.”
“Oh— yeah. That too.”
With a heave, you sit up, rubbing the side of your head as the blood rushes back.
“I’m kinda hungry.” You’d been so distracted with this work that even simple, human needs took a backseat.
This is why Kuroo doesn’t like it. At times like this, you’d barely eat, sleep, breathe. Seriously. Sometimes you’d hold your breath for absurdly long periods of time whilst reading, only to hack and gasp and apologise because you were so into it.
That’s... extreme. And he does not approve in the slightest.
“Mhm...” Your eyes sparkle hopefully. “Did you get me something to eat?”
Tetsurou scratches his neck timidly.
“Well, not exactly.”
Immediately, your face drops and he protests wildly.
“Don’t look at me like that!”
Well— well— you couldn’t help but be disappointed! You were starving and tired and ready to email your professor a string of rather unpleasant curse words instead of another half-assed excuse. Your fingernails had been worn down considerably from all the abrasive biting you’d done, aching and red.
Being a full-time student was covert self-destruction. You heavily relied on your boyfriend to bring in food because you didn’t have the time to do so yourself. This had been discussed and agreed upon prior though, since along with Tetsu’s many formidable talents, a balanced work to school life was yet another.
He ambles back to the kitchen area, gesturing to the island smack bang in the middle.
“That doesn’t mean I came empty-handed.”
Oh. You hadn’t noticed it before, but he’d come home with groceries. Um. Groceries?
“What’s that?”
“Stuff I picked up on the way back.”
“Like, ingredients?”
“Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
The both of you are quiet for a moment, and you’re eyeing the bag like it’s appeared out of nowhere with something potentially life-threatening inside it. Yes, that sounds stupid. But the truth is... you guys never really got groceries. Not actual groceries with actual ingredients. Because that is a strong indicator that they’d have to be cooked.
And god, neither of you knew how to do that.
You’re a student who’s barely stepped into adulthood, not Gordan Ramsay.
Okay. You sound ridiculous. Cooking isn’t that complex. It’s actually quite simple if your heart’s in it.
“I figured i’d be able to do something with these.” Kuroo pats the bags and they crinkle a tad.
Of fucking course he’d ‘be able to do something’ with them.
He’s Kuroo-Genius-Tetsurou!
CEO of doing things with other things and it actually working out. Building cabinates, lock-picking, gardening, guitar, skateboarding, poker. Since you’ve been together, these are a few of the varation of things he’s naturally picked up.
You? You’re a more do-it-once-it-fails-and-never-do-it-again type.
In your mind there’s literally no doubt he’d ace cooking and list it under the other fifty(billion) things he’s also capable of, just so he can mention it off-handedly to other people at parties or something.
If there’s something to criticise about your boyfriend, he’s awful at shutting up about himself. He’ll go on forever, as if he’s showcasing his entire life to strangers in some desperate attempt to sell them his excessive excellence.
Is he arrogant? Maybe. But is he able to do it in a manner that’s utterly bewitching? Absolutely. He’s not gloating, you see, he’s ‘modestly sharing’. And you find yourself wanting to praise him, you want to hear about how much better he is than you.
Let’s be honest. Kuroo and modesty were not made to be placed in the same sentence, any humble talk of his is utter bullshit.
But everyone loves it all the same.
That’s what you mean about perfect people. They spark something in others. It’s almost hypnotic. And when you snap out of it, it’s like it’s been confirmed that you’re undoubtedly inferior. Post-Kuroo-Encounter depression. PKE. You having a devastating case of it.
Maybe you have a bit of a complex about this. Ugh.
He’s lucky he’s so damn loveable.
And that you’re so damn hungry.
“Okay.” You state.
Plus, you are a little curious to see what exactly will unfold with his newfound persuit in the culinary arts.
You haul ass to get up, audibly cursing, hopping around from foot to foot to get your blood-flow back in action. Eventually, you’ve nestled yourself onto a stool, hands propping your chin up, observing expectantly.
“What are you making, chef?”
“Uhh..” He’s rolling his sleeves up, eyes glued to the screen of his phone that’s placed facing upwards. “Chicken Alfredo.” Tetsu sounds a little uncertain but you’re staring into his head and you can almost hear the cogs turning. Really, it’s only a matter of time until the bastard works his Area 51-esque magic and concocts the dish.
He takes a little more time to familiarise himself with the recipe, before looking up, giving you a wicked grin.
“I’ve got this.”
You’re sure he does, smiling back.
Whilst he’s preparing god knows what, you peek into the grocery bag to see if there’s anything you can nibble on. You recieve another gentle smack to your head. Tetsu’s holding a packet of dry pasta.
He’s hit you with pasta.
“Nu-uh. I didn’t bring any kitty treats for you, be patient.”
“Stop hitting me like i’m a fly, or a cat!”
“Don’t be silly. I’d never hit a cat! They’re precious, adorable, i’d protect one with my life. And you—“ He hits you again. “—well, you’re you, baby.”
You snatch the packet forcefully and lob it at him again.
“You have a death wish, Kuroo-san.”
“Eesh. The formalities! I’m kidding!”
You cradle your cheek in your palm, sighing tiredly. The two of you usually ordered in, or got something you’d be able to set up pretty easily. Neither of you were particularly passionate about cooking, hence its absence in your routines. Yes, it’s excessively healthier than your current lifestyle, but you weren’t suffering. And even now, watching Tetsurou fill a pan with water, muscles firm against the shy of his shirt. You know he isn’t either.
Now that you’re looking, and looking some more, it’s pretty hot, seeing a guy cook.
“You know, you should make breakfast shirtless so I can tell my friends my hot boyfriend cooks me breakfast shirtless.”
He laughs.
“You’d enjoy that too much.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Yes. I can’t keep indulging you.”
He means that your desire for immediate gratification is your biggest weak-point. Kuroo’s recently been trying to teach you the art of patience. Abstinence. You don’t get it. Apparently perfect people believe in ‘self-control’ crap.
“Also, oil.” He adds.
“Oh, I suppose it’d hurt, right?”
Your boyfriend alternates from his phone to the actual practice in short cycles. To you, he looks like he’s on track, though you’re not quite sure what to be looking for in the first place. These things usually came ready and steaming on plates in restaurants. Even now, having to wait, it’s so difficult. But you’re enjoying the light conversation it brings, so it’s whatever.
Though, that lasting etch of confusion and concern on the boy’s face leaves you wondering if actually, this is proving slightly difficult for him.
“Is everything okay?” You pipe up.
He doesn’t answer at first.
“Think so.”
“Oh— i’ve never heard that from you before.” It’s usually straight confidence from this man.
“Shut up.”
From the stool, you slip, dragging your hand over the counter as you walk around to see it up close. You don’t really know what you’re expecting, but... it’s not this.
“Tetsu, that’s boiling a little violently, don’t you think?”
“Yeah. It is. That’s not a good sign.”
He bats you away.
“We can’t both stand here!”
“Why not?”
“Spaaace.” He whines. “And if we both stay crowded around it’ll—“
And it happens, exactly what you’d predicted.
You, of all people, had made an assumption your boyfriend hadn’t. Ain’t that crazy? The water rises up too high, boiling over and spilling absolutely everywhere. The gas flame heightens all of a sudden, curling up next to the fabric of a dish towel next to it. In a panic, you pull him back.
“What the fuck—“
There’s no time for you to think, your hands fumbling to close the stove, you hadn’t realised the water had seeped over it, causing you to cry out in pain in the process, hand burnt silly.
But you do it. Quickly too. And Kuroo’s utterly dazed, like he hadn’t even thought to react. Your immediate response post-injury is to suck on the wound, trying to suppress the pain with the soothing movements of your tongue. That doesn’t do much, so you flap it about like a mad man, that only instigates more irritation.
Tetsu snaps out of it when he hears your hissing, grabbing onto your wrist and pulling you to the sink forcefully, apologising profusely as he does.
Cold water hits you. It’s instant relief.
“God— i’m so sorry, (y/n)—“ He stumbles, still panicking, he seems to be experiencing everything five minutes too late. “I don’t know why that happened, I swear to God i’ve done that before but it just—“
You let out a giggle, and it shuts him up.
Another one slips. It gets louder and louder, harder to suppress until you’re full on belly laughing, hunched over. He stares at you, wordlessly surprised.
“T-Tetsu— you burnt water—“ You try and stifle your laugh but it only shakes your body more. His deep shame morphs into relief when he sees you’re okay. Tearfully making fun of him, but okay. He pulls you into a tight embrace, ignoring your remarks and still feeling unbelievably guilty.
It’s okay. You’re still chortling, holding him just as tight.
“Here, let me— let me bandage this.” In a cupboard somewhere, he pulls out a small wrap of fabric, proceeding to do just that. You watch happily enough, before turning to the boiled water that had completely stilled.
“Thanks. Let me do this.”
With considerable time and effort, you’re able to clean up the haphazard mess and start afresh, filling his place. Yeah, Kuroo is pretty humiliated, but he was more concerned about your wellbeing at the time than anything else. Seeing you unwavered was enough to make him feel like things were good.
It’s a miracle really, that you do end up filling two plates with delicious smelling pasta.
That lingering look of sorrow is still plastered all over the poor boy’s features, watching you with wide eyes.
“How did you manage that?”
You just shrug, licking a smidge of sauce off of your thumb.
“Dunno. Guess I have potential.” Your gaze moves up to his, pinching his cheek and blubbering jokingly. “Baby. What’s with the long face?”
“Feel bad.” Tetsu looks so glum. It’s adorable.
The scrape of the plate against the counter is clear as bells as you urge him to eat.
“I should thank you, dumbass.” Admiring the bandage work, a grin settls upon you. This ordeal helps you to see that, actually, Tetsu wasn’t good at everything. In fact, for once, you were better.
And God. That’s— that’s different. You don’t want to be as cocky as him, but it feels nice for a change. He admires you.
“Got an excuse for that late assignment now.” You muse.
“Oh my god.”
You’re always going to be a handful.
“Ugh. Tetsu. Something good always come out of your actions. It’s sickening!”
“I hurt you, silly!”
“I’m feelin’ pretty good about it, regardless. Plus—“ You jump up, leaning over the counter to flick his forehead. “—i’m going to tell everybody this pretty little golden boy set our kitchen on fire because he tried to boil water.”
“Cruel. You’re cruel.”
“The cruelest.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Voice of Reason
Prompt: #55 for @soldtochanglix​ – “Don’t leave me...”
soldtochanglix said:
hey! I was wondering if I could do a drabble request. the idol id prefer is Wonwoo from SVT or Jinyoung from Got7 and id like to request either number 54 or 55. Don't tire yourself just trying to write my requests. You don't have to do both I request either. I love reading your fics, have a nice day (or night). :)
Pairing: Park Jinyoung x reader
Genre: CEO au / angst / fluff
Warnings: only for Jinyoung’s poor liver.
A/N: This is the one for Jinyoung, your Wonwoo request will be tomorrow.
Word count: 1458
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Park Jinyoung was done caring.
The multi-billion dollar deal had fallen through and it was all due to his incompetence. His company would now fail and he would be left in ruins, the young CEO who had tried to covet too much too soon.
Even he knew he had been ambitious reaching out for this deal. Yet it had been dangled in front of him, and like most people, Jinyoung had believed he held the necessary skills to make it his. Blinded by foolishness, he reached out for a bounty far too large and now the livelihoods weighed down on his shoulders that he was accountable for. If all trade stopped with Park Corporation, he would disappoint those who had followed him blindly as their leader.
It all felt too much and as the hard liquor ran down his throat in one motion, he laughed bitterly. Even the strongest of spirits couldn’t help him now.
“You look like you shouldn’t be drinking so much,” a voice oozed and he glanced up out of his misery, uncharacteristically smiling widely at you. He pulled out the empty barstool beside him and patted the seat. You grinned. “At least, not alone. Who knows what kind of trouble you’ll get into?”
“Nothing worse than I’m already in,” he admitted easily. He was drunk now; he could feel the warmth of the alcohol as it moved throughout his veins.
“You’re in something deep?” you breathed with feigned confusion, shaking your head and he watched the movement of your hair floating around your off the shoulder dress until he grew dizzy. Blinking rapidly, he tried grasping at any remaining coherency but the liquor had taken care of that.
“Quit moving,” he mumbled and you laughed, music to his ears. Just who were you? A figment of his imagination? He knew this couldn’t be real life now. No one as beautiful as you would sit down beside him when he was pathetic like this.
“You’re cute.”
“I’m a failure.”
“We all fail in life, kid. It’s all about how you make the choice to rise back up from it. Are you going to let everyone just walk all over you and make you feel incapable or will you try for another round and prove what a mistake they made doubting you?”
Jinyoung scrutinised your flawless face until his eyes hurt from staring so intensely at you. “Just who are you?”
“Maybe the voice of reason you need to get up from the hole you’re creating yourself before it’s too late,” you answered, standing back up. Jinyoung’s hand shot out to hold onto you and you looked down at his grip, your lips curling up softly. “Stop being so cute, kid.”
Jinyoung felt like one then. He longed for nurture, for immense comfort. He wanted to be smothered and hear words whispered into his ear that he was going to be okay, that he was safe hiding where he was. He could continue then, if you allowed him to cling onto you as he buried himself down into obscurity.
His inner critic mocked him for being so weak and his grip faltered on your wrist. Still, he attempted to hold onto your comfort. “Don’t leave me.”
“Am I even someone you need to stay at your side?” you wondered with another smile, leaning in to brush your lips over his cheek. “You’ve done so well fighting this battle alone.”
“It’s lonely at the top though,” he told you, now desperate. His eyes pleaded with you, and his hand regained some of its grasp. “I don’t want to be alone anymore.”
“I think you’re looking at the wrong version of what you want, Park Jinyoung. You need to find comfort in someone who can stand at your side through it all. And you know her already.”
“I do? Who?”
“Jinyoung? Jinyoung!”
“Stop calling out my name,” he muttered, groaning at the pressure in his head. He held it in his hand for a moment and then when it grew silent around him, he opened his eyes, blinking rapidly in confusion. It only brought on his headache further.
“Oh thank goodness, I thought you would never wake up. Did you have to drink so much?! How do you even get all this alcohol into the office? I never knew you had such a stash.”
Jinyoung slowly blinked now, the two worlds he saw soon becoming one. He stared at you then, trying to decipher why you looked so familiar to the woman in his dreams.
You let out a heavy sigh before coming over to his side. “I know things didn’t go well yesterday but your liver doesn’t deserve this kind of disrespect. And nor do my nostrils. You absolutely reek.”
“What?” you bit back, collecting the copious amounts of empty bottles from his desk.
Jinyoung tipped his head to the side, catching it in his hand when it felt too heavy. “Am I in a different universe?”
“What on Earth are you-- is it because I didn’t refer to you politely just now? Well, after all I’ve done for you, seeing you throw yourself into the flames has angered me. Where has my stubborn, meticulous employer gone? Stop selling yourself short.”
“Have you always been this chatty?” he wondered with a smile and you rolled your eyes. He leaned forward in his chair and toppled onto his desk, cringing at his lack of grace right now.
You smirked. “Working as your personal assistant for the last four years, I’ve learned when to hold my tongue.”
“Did you forget how to do that overnight?”
“You stopped caring so someone has to get you back into shape. And fast.”
“Why?” he wondered. Jinyoung had nothing worth fighting for except the urge to keep whatever he had left in his system down. He held his stomach and groaned.
“Whilst you spent the night crying away into your expensive shirt sleeve and sloshing alcohol into your regretful stomach, I’ve been working and I’ve received a call from CEO Hong. Turns out he found you so formidable yesterday that he’s changed his mind.”
“What?!” Jinyoung stood up suddenly, eyes wide with panic. “When is he coming?!”
“In two hours.”
“Y/N, I can’t, I mean I stink like a brewery and oh god, I’m not prepared.”
“Good thing you have me. Go home, take a shower and drink this on the way,” you answered, holding out a remedy for his hangover. “Your driver is ready downstairs and I’ve got a presentation all drafted up. When you’re back you’ll have time to run through it before he gets here.”
Jinyoung stared at you, a slow smile crossing his lips. The version he had seen in his drunken stupor held nothing compared to the woman standing before him now. He moved towards you and you stepped back, causing him to chuckle. “Know that if I was more presentable, I would kiss you.”
“That’s your concern right now? I’m trying to save us!”
“You’ve saved me,” he assured and watched as a flush of pink coloured your cheeks. He grinned, walking towards the exit of his office. “And when I’m done with this meeting, I’m taking you out for dinner.”
“What if I decline?” you questioned with a smile and Jinyoung bit the bottom of his lip briefly.
“Someone told me that it’s all about how you rise up again from your failures. I’ll just have to keep trying.”
“Secure the deal first, Park Jinyoung.”
“And when I’ve got that in the bag?” he asked, feeling confident the more alert he became. He felt more like himself again. “You’re next?”
“You can’t covet me like some deal,” you replied, ushering him out the door.
He did your bidding, only to turn around and enter it again, finding you clutching your chest. Jinyoung grinned. He strode up to you, taking your free hand and held it up to his own chest.  
“You’re right; you’re no deal to me. You’re so much more and if I had to choose between the deal or you, I know which one I never want to fall out of these hands of mine.”
“Oh my God, you’re still drunk! Get going!”
“I’ll prove it to you when sober later!” he called as he headed out of the building again, smiling all the way down to the car waiting for him. He apologised to his driver for how bad he smelt and then settled into his chair, letting out a small laugh.
He didn’t know if it was a dream or an actual parallel universe, but he was certain that even in his weakest moment, he had you pulling him up again.
Deal or not, he wouldn’t fail.
Because he had you.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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scotfem · 4 years
Ooooh my god. Read the whole thing it's mind boggling and written by a TRA that doesn't actually know what oppression is
Last month, Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon posted a heartfelt video statement online. 
She said that she would make a stance to address transphobia in her party, outlining that it ‘is wrong and we must treat it with the zero tolerance we treat racism or homophobia.’
I – like many other Scottish National Party members who left in January – watched in tears.
Yet, I fear that Sturgeon’s words have come too late to undo the SNP’s slide into becoming one of the most concerning hubs of transphobia in Scotland.
When I, a non-binary person, joined the SNP In February 2019, the party felt like a beacon of hope. Scotland had a great LGBTQ+ equalities rating, and Nicola herself, as a life-long feminist and LGBTQ+ ally, was a role model I held in deep respect.
But at just three months in, I felt first-hand the party’s disregard for the safety and wellbeing of trans people.
After I appeared in a short social media video for the SNP’s official student wing, I became the focus of a disproportionately large hate campaign launched by anti-trans activists online. They pored over screenshots of my body shared over Mumsnet, mocking my features, which they found unfeminine.
As I watched the party fail to act as the same activists who attacked me sent thank you cards to SNP politicians like Joanna Cherry for her opposition to trans rights, I never took it upon myself to report what had happened. I was aware of other complaints that had received no response.
That was until I came to a crisis point in 2020 when I was subjected to coordinated, planned abuse by anti-trans activists at a branch meeting I had been invited to.
The leaked branch meeting minutes were seen by The Herald describing, ‘At one point photocopies of men taken from the internet were passed with the comments that they had all been convicted of predatory and paedophilic behaviour against women and girls while self-identifying as women’. 
In shock at their actions, I did not look at them all but one picture stood out to me, of a well-known UK trans public figure. 
This trans woman had experienced abuse online for her appearance not fitting the patriarchal ideal of what ‘woman’ looks like. Yet they compared her to convicted rapists and paedophiles, just for being who she is.
I couldn’t help but compare it to what happened to me over the SNP Student video; the sheer disgust at our bodies – objects to be ridiculed. 
As the night went on that room devolved into a den of transphobia. The minutes detail that anti-trans activists ‘shouted comments of men getting access to women/girls in toilets and changing rooms and raping them and the infiltration of LGBT information in primary schools encouraging children to identify as gay or trans.’
I was too scared to say anything although the branch executive apologised for these activists’ actions and ushered me to safety; it took me three months to summon up the courage to talk publicly about it.
And my fear was justified. Six months after I formally complained, nothing was done. I felt hurt and betrayed when I did not receive the support I should have been able to expect.
I emailed the new National Secretary Stewart Stevenson MSP, setting my intention to leave unless an update on my complaint was provided within two weeks.
He said nothing. And so, I left.
The sad part is many other instances go unreported due to the survivors being too scared to come forward out of fear of harassment. I was not the first trans person to come forward about being abused in the SNP.
Emma Cuthbertson, the former convenor for the party’s official LGBTQ+ wing, said she sent ‘at least 21 complaints’ outlining instances of transphobic abuse she received from other party members to SNP HQ, the national secretary and even Sturgeon herself. She said no one responded and subsequently left to join the Scottish Greens.
The rumbles of bigotry and party inaction came to a crescendo on Tuesday January 26, the day before Holocaust Memorial Day, as prominent SNP MP Joanna Cherry appeared to defend an anti-trans activist whose Twitter account has been suspended for violating its ‘hateful conduct’ policy. 
Cherry tweeted claiming that ‘Twitter moderation policies are a violation of #FreeSpeech & your hateful conduct policy does not protect women…As a Member of Parliament I’m calling you out on your sexism & your #HumanRights violations’, which was to me insinuating that sexism led to the account being banned rather than acknowledging the discriminatory remarks aimed at trans and Jewish people.
Last week, the SNP had a reshuffle and dropped Cherry from the front bench – Anne McLaughlin MP has been appointed instead as the party’s spokeswoman on justice and immigration.
Recently, Justice Minister Humza Yousaf submitted highly controversial proposals to the Hate Crime Bill, which seems to enshrine in law the demand of anti-trans activists to be exempt from hate crime regulations when criticising trans people’s identities.
This accumulation of stories shared over social media, to significant outrage, meant it was understandable that a sliver of recognition from Sturgeon in her video was enough to make mytears start.
Watching her was like having two years of fear and silence finally be put into words. I cried out of pain, mourning and exhaustion because I feel this has come too late to heal the harm done to trans people both inside and outwith the party.
At this time, I don’t think the SNP support trans people on our road to an equal and inclusive independent Scotland at all. Trans healthcare was already at crisis levels prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Now, waiting times are at such severe levels that some trans people wait up tothree years just for their first appointment at a Gender Identity Clinic.  
Trans women are experiencing an epidemic of Intimate Partner Violence, including domestic and sexual abuse from their partners.
I’ve watched as close friends’ lives have been ruined by these problems, but they seem of little interest to a party in which the mere mention of trans rights acts as a lightning rod for amplifying transphobia, and distracts from the mission of independence. Trans people are tired of having to ‘wheesht for Indy’ (‘wheest’ meaning hush).
It’s a horrible situation. Young people joined the SNP out of hope for a new Scotland and now many are regretting that decision.
Sturgeon has promised change and I believe her to be an ally but until change happens, I cannot see the SNP as a safe space for already marginalised trans people.
The onus is on all of our allies to pressure the SNP leadership to launch an independent, external review of its transphobic culture, with a focus on many ignored instances of discrimination and abuse, before a generation of its activists are lost.
‘We hope our efforts will reaffirm the status of the SNP as great supporters of the LGBT+ movement. The door remains open for Teddy, other trans people and trans allies, should they wish to re-join the party at any time.’
Joanna Cherry QC MP said: ‘I am not aware of anyone in the SNP who wants to undermine the rights of Trans people. As a lesbian, a feminist and a veteran of the struggles for equality I believe that everyone deserves equal protection under the law and I am very proud of the fact that in Scotland we have very good rights-based protections for Trans people. 
‘There is currently a debate about changing the Gender Recognition Act in Scotland. Some people have advocated for a policy of self-identification of gender. In response Women have raised legitimate concerns about the impact on their sex-based rights enshrined under the Equalities Act. It is concerning that in this area it is difficult to express a viewpoint without being labelled a transphobe. The Scottish Government’s proposed amendment to the draft Hate Crime bill was designed to ensure that people who wish to discuss women’s sex-based rights would be protected from charges of transphobic hate crime.  Without such protections Scotland will end up in breach of Article 10 ECHR which protects the right of free speech.‘
-End of article-
You read that right folx, this idiot is actually saying that women being able to congregate and speak about issues that affect us is hate speech and wants it to be enshrined in law. The trans movement couldn't be any more anti-woman if they tried
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youcouldmakealife · 5 years
Ask: re enforcers
hey taylor! this got too long for the askbox
i was rereading a bit of luke and i had the thought that just by merit of when the older stories were written and how they've aged- you've created an AU where true goon enforcers are still active even in the present day? which is a delightful can of worms! roman mentions that he was drafted to be an enforcer but that the role had essentially been phased out by his rookie year and definitely by 2023/2024, which suggests that the verse is 6-8 years "behind" our hockey and now i am consumed with the hockey logistics of the verse. like is it the same kind of skills game? is there the same insistence on "toughness" in verse? has the league gotten its shit together re: hits to the head? did it take longer for the johnny hockeys of the verse to make a debut? obvs i'm not expecting an answer to all of these but taylor........this verse has Layers
It really is a fascinating break from the current NHL, and a sign of how much things have changed since I started writing Luke (and Mike, who had just preceded it).
 (This got long as hell so it’s under a cut.)
Let’s break down the decline of fighting in the NHL, per hockeyfights.
Last season, the league fight leaders were tied at 6 fighting majors apiece. Boston, team leader, had 26 of the 226 fights. 
Now let’s head back to the 12-13 season, which had just wrapped up when I started writing Mike. The league fight leader fought 14 times, the team leader (Leafs) were responsible for 44 fights, which was part of the league’s 692. This was a season when you still had the Colton Orrs, the George Parros..es, the Mike Brouwer and Luke Morris equivalents. 
Fighting was already on the decline then. (I just randomly went to the 09-10 season, and the team leader -- Ducks -- had 78 fights. 01-02? Panthers had 117. This isn’t a pure decline -- 94-95′s leader only had 54, so there was a massive increase in fighting up to the peak years, but that is UNRELATED, I just find it interesting), but there were still pure enforcers in the league. 
Current NHL? You’ve got guys who’ll fight, you’ve got guys who are known to cheapshot, but they also offer something valuable to your team outside of that, either from an offensive or defensive (or both!) standpoint. Gone is the goon. And that’s not the case in YCMAL ‘verse, because Mike and Luke were written during the decline of the goon, written to be playing during the decline of the goon, but I was writing in a timeline past the current one, so we’ve got enforcers in the 18-19 league.  (Nikita, while a frequent fighter, provides more than that to his team, ditto Derek and obvs Captain Jake)
Mike’s kind of the last pure enforcer (Luke retools his game a bit later in his career), and as Roman mentioned -- on the decline during his rookie year? Well that rookie year Mike knocked his teeth out. So Roman, born in ‘96, was still picked up as a goon, when I’d say our last pure ones were born in the late 80s. 6-8 years sounds almost exactly right. (to anyone blinking as to why Roman’s rookie year was Liam’s third, when he’s a year older -- Roman did college and the A first, and also Liam’s a lot...better at hockey than Roman. I’d apologise to Roman but he isn’t in denial about his role.)
So to get to your questions, kinda (sorry, I fall into research wormholes and tangents. So. Many. Parantheses. in this.).  YCMAL ‘verse 2019: We’ve got a department of better player safety (not perfect, but better), that does actually consistently call headshots (not IIHF level...god I want IIHF level calls), but there are some little fiddly differences in calls due to the still present level of fighting (I’d say it’s comparative to that 12-13 season, maybe 13-14). Less instigation and retaliation calls, more ‘settle it on the ice’ shit, but that, again, is dying off, and I’d say by that 23-24 season, it’s pretty much died out entirely. Roman’s role then is as a pretty dirty power forward. We’ve still got plenty of those.
Skills game is there, and you’ve got your Marc Lapointes, your David Chapmans, skilled, undersized guys (Julius Halla, who’s weedy in comparison to Marc and David, is v much a Johnny Hockey player, but he’s not the first or close -- I wouldn’t say it was later those players got picked up, just that it was fewer and the tide did change later), but there’s definitely a level of fighting, even among the skilled players, that you won’t find in the actual NHL.
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Chapter 25 - complete draft...
Eren had fainted from his panic attack, resulting in another trip to hospital. His husband woke not long after they'd arrived, but Mike was concerned by the flush in Eren's cheeks and the warmth coming off him. Laying with Eren curled into him, his omega was safely in his hold. Mike had ordered an ultrasound, which revealed the heartbeats of the pups were slower than he'd like them to be. All the stress was having way too much of a negative effect on his love and their children. Left alone in the corner of the emergency department, it felt like they'd been there all night. Eren was still out of it, but if he dared to move, Eren would whine for him... even if he hadn't actually moved from his lover's side. When Mike finally returned, the man ran a hand through his short hair. Something about his body language sending Levi on edge "Hey guys. I'm sorry to have left you so long" "What is it?" "Straight to the point. Eren, I'm sorry, but we're going to admit you. Despite having calmed, the pups vitals still remain low enough that I'm worried. Your own blood pressure is sky high, and I'm worried that it's going to lead to further complications" Nodding against his chest, Eren didn't speak "What are we talking about?" "We may need to go ahead and deliver the pups early" Eren shot up in his lap, well, he shot up the best he could given his stomach was in the way "No! It's too soon" "I said may. This is why we're going to admit you. Your health has a direct impact on the health of your pups, and the trial is taking its toll on you. If all goes well, you'll only be here for a couple of days" "What about the trial?" "I'll talk to Floch. Your health is far too important and we knew this might be a possible outcome from your surgery" "But... I need to make them understand" "I think you've gotten your point across..." Eren glared daggers at him. Levi raising his free hand in surrender "It's not worth your health" "Someone has to make them understand what it was like there" "Eren... hey. It's sucks, but the pups and you come first. Floch has been putting too much pressure on you since the start of the trial" "Don't you see. I've finally been able to talk about what happened..." "I know you have. You barely avoided a panic attack yesterday, and today you fainted... you're still recovering" "So you think I'm weak" He'd walked into that one "No. I know how strong you are" "Then why aren't you listening to me" "Because right now, your body can't keep up with your mouth. I know how passionate you are about omega rights and making the world better for them. I know that more than anyone, but you can't help anyone if you collapse again" "I..." "Yes. You're being stubborn and I love that fire of yours, but right now, this needs to your number one priority" Eren lowered himself back against him. Levi wrapping his arms back against his omega as kissed the top of Eren's hair "How long?" "Like I said, a few days. If your pups vitals rise, we'll be able to release you" * Despite the pups vitals rising, Eren was still stressing over the trial. His husband was a ball of nervous energy, that had chewed his nails until they'd bled waiting for any news at all from the courtroom. The jury had actually stepped in to request that Eren wasn't put back on the stand until he was physically healed entirely, and the judge had agreed with their request, so now it was quality "home time" without the quality. The month sliding away as Eren grew becoming more and more absent minded. His omega had come home from hospital and turned their room into a nest, which he'd rearranged at least a dozen times over the next week. Levi had wanted to stop him, but it was only outlet Eren had at the moment... and it wasn't like his omega could get himself into much trouble when it came to fluffy blankets and cushions. Believing everything was alright, he'd let Eren kick him out the house to go clothes shopping for him. His mate having become so self conscious over his heavy stomach, that he was prone to bursting into tears each time he looked at it, and heaven forbid Levi "accidentally" touched it. Barely half an hour into shopping, Viren was having a blast. Playing on his phone, the pup was torn between the device and the bright colours around him... and when Eren rang, the boy rushed to answer, refusing to hand the device over and leaving Levi having to hunch over the trolley in order to talk to his husband. Eren was straight to the point. "Levi. Come home". Hanging up on him, Eren refused to answer his phone as Levi tried to call him back. Not sure what the right step was, he ended up paying for everything in the shopping trolley, before driving home in a blind panic. Rushing inside their apartment, Eren was leaning heavily against the kitchen counter, one hand rubbing his stomach as he moaned in pain "Eren?!" "I think there's something wrong with the pup... fuck..." "Ok, you're ok" Jogging over to Eren, he looped his arm around his omega, lifting him off his feet. His husband yelping "How long ago did the pain start?" "About 5 minutes before I called you. Wait! Where's Viren?!" Looking around the apartment, it took Levi a moment "I... may have left him in the car" Groaning at him, Eren shook his head "You forgot our son?!" "You said to come home and I panicked" "Levi!" "I feel stupid enough as it is..." "How do you forget a whole human?!l "I said I'm sorry" "No you didn't" "Well I am. Hold onto me" "Fuck... what do think I'm doing...?" "I don't know..." "God... shit..." "What happened?" "Titan jumped on my stomach and I panicked. He pulled me out a nightmare... and into a world of pain" It was Levi's turn to groan "Seriously?!" "It wasn't like it was on purpose" "I just... how?" "I went to bolt and thought I strained my back, but it hurts more around the front too... my head doesn't always let me remember I'm pregnant when I'm coming out of a nightmare" "Do you want to talk about it?" "No. It was about you, anyway" "About me?" The elevator took its sweet time to arrive. He'd barely remembered to lock the door with Eren's silent help, and then he'd nearly forgotten to push the button. Stepping in, Eren pressed the basement button for them "What happened?" "I told you" "No. In your nightmare" "Reiner was trying to kill you again" "Fucking arsehole" "That's what I said" "Seriously. Can't the blonde fuck just fuck the hell off?" "It's not like I was particularly happy to see them. This pregnancy is throwing me some pretty fucked up dreams" "I'm the only alpha you should be dreaming about" "You were there. You were and you ended up nearly dying and I don't want to think about it when you child is trying to kill me from the inside out" "Ok... ok... here we go" Viren was screaming up a storm in the back seat, Eren was pissed at him for forgetting their son and Levi was in meltdown about the possible loss of their pup. A fucking nightmare and a strained back... if their pup died from that... he had no idea what the fuck the fallout would be. Eren had had so many nightmare, flight instead of fight, fuelled wake ups. But this would just be the fucking cherry on the cake for this to be the reason they lost the pup. Even if he'd been there, he might not have been able to change anything... hopefully it was just a strained back... and nerve pain from muscle contractions. Arriving at the hospital, he was definitely going to piss off more than a few people with his parking. Nearly forgetting Viren again as he rushed to help Eren, he was a complete and total mess over everything. Eren was in pain, something his alpha wouldn't shut the fuck up over. His dynamic had stripped him of reason, and any chance of acting calmly. He was like one of those idiot alphas on TV as he ushered Viren into the Emergency Department waiting room. Olou for once in his life didn't make things even worse, sending a nurse to open the door for him before he could even yell at the stuttering fool. Laying Eren out on the bed, his omega writhed with pain. The crotch of his sweat pants damp as the doctor on duty came rushing over to him. Explaining everything, Eren was taken away from him, and Levi was reunited with his son... who's little legs hadn't been able to catch up... An hour later, Viren was with a nurse as Levi was with Eren... Eren babbling and crying as Levi held his hand. Wheeled in to surgery, Eren had been given an epidural as their pup was coming out. Their "first" twin's vitals were strong, but their "second" little one wasn't doing so great. Eren hadn't stopped apologising since Levi had been told he needed an emergency caesarean. Hushing Eren, he nuzzled his face, careful not to disturb his oxygen mask. It wasn't how he thought today was going to go, but if their child needed to come out to have a chance at surviving, that was what was happening. Setting up the privacy screen, Levi had thought that the current attention would be performing the caesarean, but when Mike walked in, his heart leapt. No offence to the other doctor, but Mike knew the ins and outs of Eren's complicated case "Sorry I'm late to the party. I was just taking a nap. Eren, I see we're going to have a baby. Let's get in there" "He's freaking out" "I can see that, but don't worry. Even Levi here can perform a caesarean" "Even. What is this even? We both know how complex it can be" "I was trying to make him feel better. Now, it's probably going to feel a little weird, but Levi's going to be right here with you" Mike turned to the closest nurse assisting, double confirming the epidural and catheter were in place. Wiping down Eren's stomach, Eren whined softly, Mike nodding to them both "Alright, let's get your baby..." Mike gave a running commentary, probably more for Eren's sake than his. It was the longest 45 minutes of Levi's life, and he'd had plenty of long arse minutes before, and no doubt more would come, but the wait was excruciating. Eren was still crying, but his sob's had grown to small hiccups. Hidden from view, Levi was glad he didn't have to see down there, and that Eren couldn't either. His poor omega was probably just as confused as he was over how fast everything was happening "Dad, are you going come cut the cord?" Eren had a death grip on his hands, he couldn't have, even if he really did want to "I can't move at the moment" Mike laughed softly, Levi could see him moving, then came a small cry. It was all so fucking perfect. Assisting, the cord was cut by the nurse "One beautiful baby boy... he's going to be staying with us for a while, but first, it's time for some mum cuddles, while we get mummy cleaned up" Taken first to be wiped down, their newborn son was moved to Eren's chest. Eren releasing his hand immediately to place it on their pup's back. Levi letting out a sob of relief over the sight as he did. The poor little boy's growth was glaringly obvious... once his stats had improved, he'd be off for another surgery, but for now, Levi was falling in love all over again. It didn't matter that he still had birth on him, or the tumour or anything else. Their... their son was perfect. Another little boy... God, how he hoped he'd look like Eren... Nuzzling Eren's cheek, he cried freely as he whispered words of praise between kisses "Your other pup is stable. The amniotic sack hasn't ruptured, nor is there any signs of placental separation. 31 weeks is in the acceptable range for delivery, and he has a high chance of survival, but at this point, I feel leaving him there would be the best move" "You... can do that?" "Yes, Levi. Come on. You know this. You had the same training I did, for your Paramedic degree. There are cases when twins or triplets are born days or even weeks apart" What did Mike want him thinking about? All he could think about was how tiny the baby against Eren's chest was, and how incredibly proud he felt "I'm going to go ahead and close. Eren still has 9 weeks, which means there is still plenty of growing for this one to do" Eren let out a small whine of confusion "Lee...?" Staring down at their son, Eren looked enraptured by the boy's existence... "He's perfect... like you... I'm so proud of you" "He's here... he's so small... but what about the other pup" "They're fine. Mike's going to close you now" "They're not coming out?" "No, Bright Eyes. That one, he's doing just fine. He still needs to do a bit more growing" "But they're twins..." "Mhmm. Fraternal twins. Your water didn't break, and he's just fine" Which meant Eren had wet himself in pain... he'd have to hide the evidence from his mate "Boys. They're both boys?" "Yeah, Eren. Two beautiful boys. Just like their beautiful mother. I'm so fucking proud" Hiding his face against Eren's, Levi continued to cry tears of earnest. They'd known it could happen, and there was a high chance of it happening as the tumour put so much pressure on the tiny pup's heart. Most with condition passed thanks to the strain on their heart "I'm sorry, mum. I need to take him now" Eren nodded, watching as their pup was moved from him "He's so small... I don't want to let him out my sight" "He's going to be just fine. He just needs a little help" "And his brother?" "He's fine too. Right, Mike?" "Yeah. We'll be monitoring him, but congratulations guys" "Thanks, Mike... thank you, for saving him" "Hanji is going to lose her mind over this. She was supposed to be on this afternoon, but Anna came down with gastro" Eren snorted a very wet snort as he nodded "She's going to tell us off again" "Let her. I'll fucking rip her to shreds if she dares say anything to you" "Lee... thank you... thank you for giving me these pups..." "Hey, you're the one who did all that hard work" "I'm so fucking proud to be your omega... I couldn't... I could never do this with another alpha" "You don't have to and you won't ever have to. Did you see him? He's prefect... so perfect" "I... so much for a girl" "There's still time. One day" "One day... but a house of boys... is going to be chaos" "We need to hurry up and convert your room now" "Fuck... I forgot about that... I've been so sleepy... and now he's here" "That he is. We'll need to think of a name too" "Mmm... two names..." Crying as they held each other, Eren was taking the birth better than expected. His omega radiated maternal happiness and warmth over their son finally being in the world, and Levi didn't want the moment to end. He had not one, but two beautiful sons and a third on the way. He was the luckiest alpha in the world... "I love you, Eren. I love you, beyond words. I'm so proud. You're so strong and I'm so proud of my omega" Starting to purr, Eren rubbed his cheek against his "My alpha" "Yeah. All yours. So good to me little omega..." "Love you, Lee. Always..." "Such a good little omega" Trading soft words of love back and forth, Mike stitched Eren back up, before he was moved to recovery for monitoring and their pup was taken down to the NICU. Stroking Eren's hair, his mate was sleepy, but all smiles, commenting on the fact, Eren yawned as turned his head to look at him properly "I really like the drugs" "So when pup two comes, it's drugs again?" "My arse appreciated them..." "You'll still bleed, but it shouldn't be too bad" "I didn't have to tear... it's a good birth when you don't feel like your pooping out a watermelon" "I don't know..." Eren laughed weakly "Don't tell me you have another kink?" "I don't know. I have a you kink. I love everything you do" "You keep telling me that... I guess I have a Levi kink" "Really?" "Yeah. You see, Levi's my husband and he's got this amazingly big, thick dick that feels amazing riding... but don't tell him. I'm not going to be riding him for a while" "It's ok. He can think of plenty of other things to do..." Eren groaned, still smiling "Don't tell me you have a birth kink" "It's not my fault. It's how omega pheromones are made. You're calling for protection and affection so I don't hurt you. We talked about this with your first pregnancy" "I won't be wearing a bikini again" Levi didn't give two fucks about Eren wearing a bikini outside, he wasn't letting his mate out the house with that much of his skin exposed... and when they were home, he was more than happy to undress Eren with his teeth "Who says?" "My tummy is going to be all pudgy" "So?" "So, people will talk" "I don't give two shits if they do. You're flawless. I don't care if your stomach's softer, or if there are stretch marks and scars, I'll kiss them over and over until you love them like I do. It's proof you carried our babies" "But what it's never flat again?" "It doesn't make me love you any less" "And what if I'm not pretty anymore" "You're the most stunning omega I've ever met. You're beautiful inside and outside. Never forget that, Eren" "You're so cheesy" "Yep. Now, you're supposed to be resting" "I am... I don't want to sleep though. I want to see him" "Soon, Bright eyes, real soon..." "Good... and Viren. I need my baby boy" "Viren's with the nurses right now. I guess it's a perk of everyone knowing us" "I wish they knew me a little less. Can you find him while I sleep? My omega is freaking out that our pup was taken away... and I want my baby boy. I need him close" "Yeah. Of course I will" "Mmm. Thank you..." "You're most certainly welcome" "No need to get so formal..." "You literally just birthed a baby... you're so strong" "Mike did the work, and drugs are great..." "And you're ok with this? With all of this?" "I... don't know. I'm just so relieved he's alive" "We'll talk about it later, my little omega" Viren was confused as to why he'd been left with nurses who didn't buy him cookies, however Mike had rectified the situation. The pair of them already on their way to find them as Levi began his hunt. Putting a fake pout on his lips as Viren ran away from him, Mike really couldn't pull it off "You buy him a cookie, and deliver his baby brother, and you still get dumped" "How is he?" "The NICU is on it. His heart's weak from the growth of the tumour, but the extra time really helped with his development" "All that... for a few more weeks..." "Hey. He made it to just about 31 weeks. We are talking about 4 extra weeks which is huge in the development of the pup. He wouldn't have had even half the chance he has now, if he'd been birthed then" "He's not that far..." "Levi, it's the 21st of March..." "When the f-fork did that happen?" "When it stopped being the 20th" "It feels like he was only just on the stand..." And not home for two weeks... Lifting Viren into his arms, his son shoved his cookie into his face in an attempt to share "That's your cookie, baby. When we can see our pup?" "Not just yet. He's been cleaned up, and now that he's out, we'll run a few tests and get a real good look at that tumour" "You don't need to sound so fu-forking happy" "I'm not. I just want to get the thing off him" Heading back into the room he'd just left a few moments ago, Eren was still awake "Mummy!" "Hey, baby!" "Hey, you're self" Eren groaned at Mike's pathetic joke. Levi wasn't jealous... at all... much... a lot... even if it was in jest. His mate was in no condition to be hit on "Levi, you stink of anger" "Then don't hit on my mate" "Lee, it's ok. He wasn't hitting on me. Literally no one who valued their balls would hit on my in front of you" Mike nodded "I do value my balls" Carrying Viren over to Eren, Eren immediately reached for their son "Sorry, Eren. Not just yet. You're going to be weak for a little while, and I know you've been through the drill before. But. No bending, no heavy lifting. No running. No jumping. No carrying Viren around. You get the pleasure of staying with us for the next few days, and..." "Mike, just let him see Viren. He's just had a pup, let him see his son" "And I have to be cruel to be kind. I'm not keeping them apart, it's just Eren shouldn't be reaching like that yet" Eren huffed softly "I'm sure you both have big dicks, but can I please have Viren next to me? I need my baby boy" "Be very gentle, and if he's going to eat, he stays on Levi's lap" "Ok..." With Viren sitting in his lap, Eren had his hand against their son's side. The angle didn't look terribly comfortable, but Eren was smiling sleepily at their toddler, not fussed at all by the monitors or Mike, and the nurses coming in to check on him. It was clear Eren wanted to sleep, but having Viren close by his side, his husband was fighting it, in favour of Viren talking about how good his cookie was. Levi was still in a state of shock over how fast everything had happened. They'd been snuggling in Eren's nest the previous night, falling asleep after some very heavy petting. Eren had been sleepy and adorable as he shood him out their nest to spend time with their son, bunching his blankets up to hide behind, when Levi kept stealing kisses... and now they had a beautiful baby boy, living and breathing... outside of Eren. He was just... so fucking proud "Lee? You ok?" "I'm ok... I'm just proud. Really proud..." "Oh, Lee. Hey..." "Sorry. I can't believe it" "I can't either... I really wish I had a picture of him... he was so small" "Yeah. But perfect, and he's going to be fine" "I love you" "I love you, too. I'll see if someone can take Viren for the night" "No. I want him here, please... I want you both close... I need to know you're safe" "We're both safe, and when you're moved back to the ward, I'll see if we can steal a bed" "I don't want to inconvenience anyone" "You won't... we won't. Get some sleep, Eren" "Ok... I'm really sleepy" "I know you are. You did so good" * While Eren slept, Levi took Viren with him down to the NICU. Eren wouldn't be waking any time soon, and Levi needed to see their son. Having not seen Viren since he was discharged, the nurses were excited to see one of their previous patients, while Levi was allowed to see his son. Trying to get photos of the baby boy without the tumour or wires showing, the little pup looked even smaller, but so very sweet as he slept. His eyebrows were little more than thin light brown wisps, like his sparse light brown hair. His skin so light it was transparent, and he seemed dwarfed by the humi-crib he was in. The placecard on the side read "Baby boy Ackerman. Born March 21st, 15:39 pm. 15 inches. 3 pounds 1 ounce" Their pup was bigger than he'd expected them to be, though barely half the size of a normal, healthy pup... even though multiples did run on the small size. He had a hell of a lot of growing to do before he'd reach a healthy weight and size... and then there was the added weight from the tumour, which looked more like a tail than the huge mass that it'd been. He was so perfect. His hands so tiny... And Levi was gone all over again, crying over the perfection of the little boy they'd fought so hard to save. Mike as right. If he'd been birthed a month ago, he more than likely would have died. All the stress and worry they'd been through, it was all worth it for this. Recollecting Viren, they stopped by the bathroom, then the cafeteria, before heading back upstairs. In his absence, Eren had moved to the ward. He hadn't intended to be gone so long, but all concepts of time had gone out the window when he'd looked at his son. Sitting by Eren's side, Viren fell asleep in his arms while Levi dozed. It was the middle of the night when Mike came in to check on them. Bringing a chair with him, Levi grunted a greeting, too stuck in his chair to care about rudeness "I moved your car, and Titan's been fed" "You left and came back?" "No. Erwin dropped by. I didn't tell him about Eren" "Keeping secrets from your husband again?" "This one isn't mine to share. How is he?" "Pup's covered in wires" "I meant Eren" "He's been sleeping... what we were doing before you came along" "I couldn't get you a bed, but I thought you'd prefer your car wasn't towed" "I forgot about it..." "And I forgot to bring your keys with me. Do you guys need anything?" "Eren doesn't want us leaving... I think it's going to hit him hard once it sinks in that the pup's actually been born" "I was thinking he took things pretty well" "He said he liked the drugs" "I don't blame him... omega's slick and loosen, but not quite like females do" "I'm grateful he didn't have to go through the same pain as last time" "No. That wasn't the best birth. But you know, Erwin delivered your first son, and I delivered your second. Mike and Erwin are great names" "I don't think Eren would agree" "He would too. He's a smart kid. Speaking of kids, I take it you'll need some man power in that apartment of yours" "I guess so. Viren's moving into Eren old room, while the twins will be in his ... it'd be so much easier if Eren would just let me buy a house for us" "I thought you didn't want a house" "3 kids under the age of 4. A fat tom cat, plus Eren and I. The apartment is only so big. Besides... there were a lot of things I didn't want before Eren came into my life" "Then why don't you talk to him about it?" "Mike. You saw how he was on the stand. He's been so nervous at home... and home is his safe space. He still checks the locks on the doors at night. If that's his safe space, can you imagine how he feels about leaving it?" "So you've talked about it?" "A little bit. He shuts down at the mention of leaving the apartment. And the apartment... it's kind of being the one stable thing he's had. No matter where he wandered off to, he had the apartment to come home to" "Maybe it has something to do with his foster house? Maybe he thinks if you move home, things are going to fall apart?" "I don't know. Things have been so hectic. I don't like the fact that we don't have a room where he can his own space. He still needs it. I wish I could say he didn't, but recovery isn't instant and the trial brought up so much shit, that I thought we'd gotten past" "I suppose it has. It's also made a hell of a lot people sit up and take notice over omega affairs" "At what cost though? We nearly lost our pup, and he's covered in wires. Everything happened so fast, he didn't have time to start spiralling" "So... I'll enlist Erwin and Eld into emptying Eren's room. Or should we wait?" "For now, we should wait. Eren doesn't take well to people touching his things. Even I get in trouble, and that's over small things" "Oh? He gets mad?" "No. He starts thinking the things he likes or the way he organises things are wrong and that he's wrong, and it goes from there... it's not that bad... and he doesn't want to be like that. It just gets too much for him sometimes" "What does Krista say about it all?" "It's his way of coping. He thinks if everything is a certain way, then things are ok. Like, it's giving him some small measure of control to choose for himself" "He's certainly complicated" "He is. But I'd choose him every day of the week" "Well. I'm headed home. Let me know when's good, there's no time limit" "Thanks, Mike. And thanks for taking over in there today. Eren... would thank you too" "You're welcome. But in leaving Hanji to you" "God. She's going to freak" "At least she knows enough not to come in while looking after Anna, so you'll have a few days peace" "This is true. I'll probably see you in the morning" "I've got a late shift, but I'll try stop by" Giving Mike a nod, the man patted his shoulder before leaving. "Lee?" "Oh, hey. I didn't know you were awake. You just missed Mike" "I woke up just as he was saying goodbye. Where's Viren?" "He's here..." "Can I hold him?" "You've got to be careful" "I need him..." "Alright" Rising to lay their sleeping son against Eren, Eren nuzzled into his hair "I feel so weird... empty and not empty... I don't even know what he looks like. Not properly" "Here. I took some photos while you slept. He was sleeping, and their keeping a close eye on him" "Can I see?" "Yeah. Mike was just here offering to help move things around in the apartment for us, he won't be touching your things, so we can go through them together" His battery was just about dead, but scrolling through photos of their new baby boy, he smiled softly as he moved so Eren could see too "Here he is... he looks so much like you. He's got the soft brown eyebrows and he's got brown hair like you... and he's a fighter..." "He's so small Levi... he's too small" "Hey. He's strong. Like I said, he's a fighter. And our baby boy is going to need a name... do you have any ideas?" Flicking through the pictures, Eren sniffled "Y-yeah... I... think I was dreaming about him" "A good dream?" "He was happy... so happy" "Then a good dream. When you're strong enough, we'll go see him together" "I want to call him Rei... like a ray of sunshine, but not spelt the same... I want him to be happy. I'm tired of the darkness around us" "They've got you on some good drugs, don't they?" "Yeah They're keeping me numb, so if I have a nightmare, I won't run. We talked about it when they moved me" "Oh, Eren. It's ok" "It's a lot... this morning I was in bed with you, thinking about snuggles and lazy sex... and now... I'm carrying a pup. Who won't be born on the same day as his twin brother" "He was born at 3:39 pm on March 21st. I took photos of his measurements for you" "Thank you... but... do you like his name? Is that a good name?" "It's a very you name" "If you don't like it..." Levi shook his head. He didn't know if their son was a "Rei" or not... but Eren's thinking was adorable, and it was a nice change for him to be having nice dreams "I didn't say I didn't. Rei Ackerman... what about his middle name?" "I don't know...." "Maybe we should ask Viren?" "Ask a three year old? He'll probably say something like "cookie" or "super hero"" Lebi snorted. Yeah. He could see that. Or something like "bike" or "red" "They're both unique names, to say the least. But hey..." Eren pouted, Levi kicked himself mentally, thinking he'd pushed too far "If you're going to be like that, his middle name is "Sin". Like Raisin cookies..." "Did you just... Eren, no one likes raisin cookies" Looking up from his resumed nuzzling of Viren's hair, Eren stared him in the eyes "Maybe it's time for a change then?" "I'm going to have this stuck in my head. He's going to be "Raisin" for the rest of his life" "I don't mind. As long as he's happy" "He will be. Every single day, he's going to be happy... and we're going to be happy" "I don't know if I'm happy right now. I don't know what I feel" "That's old. You and me, we'll figure this out together... how about I give Krista a call on the morning? And we can talk about what's going on together?" Eren nodded, Levi leaning over to kiss his forehead "I'd like that..." "Alright. Is there anything you want or you need?" "Just you and Viren close... and... can you talk to me... I don't care what about... I don't want to go back to sleep" "Then how about I tell you how I met omega?" "I think I know this one" "Do you know how I much I love him?" "Maybe you should tell me agai?n" "Well... it all started with Shitty Glasses getting fucking hitched..."
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revielmallari · 4 years
June 28, 2020
As you can see I had a lot to think about during this pandemic. Something incredible happened to me and he was the only one in my mind who I thought would appreciate this. I never sent this and I don’t think I ever will but let’s put it out there than just being in my drafts. It’s March 28, 2021; Sunday night. I wrote this letter June 28, 2020. 
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Hey Brick Ovens,
I’m writing this at 2:10AM, June 28th, 2020 because I just wanted to tell  you how my day went. I might not send this on the exact date cos I’m still mastering up the balls to send this to you. lol. Also, how are you?  How’s the family?  You actually don’t have to reply to this email. I just really wanted to let you know what I’ve been up to. So June 27th I had a food tasting at Tomas Morato. I got a consultancy job from Enzo,(The bartender from RRR, remember you met him before; the guy with glasses???) Anyway, he consults this bar in Tomas Morato and he got me to do the Food Menu. Grabe I cannot explain my feelings while doing the food tasting. I got up at like around 8am to prep everything cos tasting will be at 1PM. When I got to QC it was around 1:45PM (I’m always late, you know this lol) But they weren’t starting yet so it was fine. So I plated the dishes.
I made 8 dishes for the tasting. Oyster Ceviche, Fried Bird Taco, Fried Bird Sandwich, Oyster Omelette, Salmon with Orange Tare sauce, Cold Sesame Noodles, Sausage & Sweet Potato Hash and Cilantro Nachos. Lol diba anyway as I was plating the dishes, 2 random guys and the GM told Enzo that they wanted to taste the food already so they did… The thing is they’re not part of the food tasting… They were chefs that wanted to rent the restaurant for their commissary. And we didn’t know that they weren’t part of it. So sayang lang the food. I was super annoyed but it was okay cos they liked it. Like they were saying how they studied culinary but my food was better. (Cos they had tasting also but 2 dishes lang) Anyway, so cos the alcohol delivery for the Cocktail Tasting was late we had to go to Eastwood.
The office of the company’s owners who umbrella’s the restaurant was there. They’re Indians so I was like really nervous cos they might not like what I prepared. But when they tried the food… FUCKKKKK THEY LOVED IT. I cried a little cos I was super stressed. Anyway, now I’m doing consultancy. They wanna hire me as their Head Chef. For the consultancy they’re willing to pay me 75,000.00 for 25 Hours. Dude thats fucking crazy. I mean you know cos it’s my first time to freelance so I’m so overwhelmed. And I can’t believe people would pay me that amount for my recipes. Freaking 8 recipes. Wala lang I just wanted to make kwento cos well you were one of the people that believed I was a really good cook. And like everything you wanted me to pursue with my cooking career is slowing happening so I wanna share it with you. Like literally kanina lang yung Food Tasting and naalala kita right after they hired me.  So ayun. HAHAHAH. You don’t have to reply. I just really wanted to tell you what happened today. Thank you for believing in me. I’m sorry that our last conversation wasn't the best. and I know things got out of line or whatever but I really do apologise. Anyway, thank you. I’m just so happy that I get to work in a restaurant that you know pays well unlike Dulo you know hahaha. But yeah yun lang. I’m also happy for you. I know you don’t need to hear that from me but I really am. Take care always and wear a mask cos this pandemic is just unreal.
God Speed,
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koltarmi · 7 years
worlds away (but we’ll meet again someday) ch. 1 - a Rebelcaptain soulmate au
This is my May the 4th exchange gift that I am posting late and it is for @early-sunsets . Thank you so much for your patience and understanding, there are going to be more installments, but I thought I would let you read what I have for you so far. I hope you enjoy! 
Read it on AO3. (x)
For all her life, Jyn Erso has only ever known the universe to be cruel and indifferent.
It had taken everyone and everything she had ever loved or cared about. The universe spat on her and ground her into the dirt. It fought to take everything she was, so she fought back.
Scarif burns around them as the man in white aims his blaster at her. Just this once, however, the universe is kind enough to send the person she needs the most in that moment.
The plasma bolt that she expects never hits her. Instead, the man in front of her crumples onto the ground.
Behind him, Cassian leans heavily against one of the support pillars of the satellite, his hands tightly gripping his blaster. His eyes met hers and he flashes her a brief grin.  
Do you think anybody is listening?
I do.
When they arrive on the beach, Cassian’s legs give out and they fall onto the sand below them. The bright light bringing their deaths creeps closer to them. The two take a moment to listen to the quiet rush of water lapping against the sand.
They don't say anything for awhile. They don't have to; they know their companion's thoughts.
No one had responded on the comm links, all of Rogue One was dead.
The plans were sent and the Death Star would be destroyed. The Rebellion would see to it. Their deaths… All of their deaths wouldn't be in vain.
And when they hold each other as the world burns, they both think:
If only we had more time…
The thing about the universe is that there's more than one. A multitude of universes that are unimaginably vast.
And with enough time, two souls are bound to meet each other again.
He passed by her quickly. The only indication that he ever existed was the draft that shifted her tunic.
Something in her subconscious urges her to follow the man, but before she can move forward, he disappears in the sea of people, as if he had never been there to begin with.
She doesn't see him again.
She doesn't see anything else as Mount Vesuvius erupts, covering the world in fire and ash.
His drawn sword and armour glinted in the sunlight. King Arthur's coat of arms was emblazoned on his scarlet cape.
The moment she sees him, everything comes rushing back.
Scarif. Pompeii. Two lives that couldn't be any more different from each other.
She looked up at Cassian, but noticed there wasn't a single hint of recognition in his face.
“What exactly happened here?” he asked.
Jyn took in the scene around her, having forgotten about the dozen knocked out bandits lying on the forest floor. She ripped her mother's necklace from the grasp of one of the bandit’s. She held the warm crystal in her hand.
‘Kyber crystal,’ her memory reminds her.
“I was just taking back what was mine,” she said, gesturing at the bandits.
Cassian took that as a valid answer and sheathed his sword. “Sir Andrew, at your service,” he said bowing.
Jyn’s name in this world finally made sense to her: Lyra. But with her memories, it didn't feel right to bear her mother's name.
“My name is Ginnifer, but you can just call me Jyn.”
He nodded. “These bandits have been harassing local merchants. On behalf of Camelot, we would like to thank you,” he said, gesturing to the bandits with a wry smile. “For your kind service.”
“Actually, I was on my way to Camelot,” she added.
“Would you mind if I accompanied you?”
“Not at all,” she replied.
Jyn learned that Sir Andrew of Embia was a knight of the Round Table, a role he was justly proud of.
In turn, she told him about her life. Her mother died when she was young. She was raised by her father, who had passed away a year ago. Since then, she had traveled from kingdom to kingdom to find work.
“Camelot is a place of opportunity. You are more than welcome to stay, of course.”
As they approached the gates of Camelot, Jyn put on her mother's kyber crystal necklace and she gazed at Cassian. She wasn't foolish enough to spend yet another lifetime being cautious.
“I think I will,” Jyn said.
Jyn ran her hand through the straw covering the cold dungeon floor. She looked up when a pair of boots stopped in front of her cell.
“I am not apologising,” she said, fiddling with the straw.
“I never said anything about an apology,” Cassian sighed. “You can't keep punching people.”
“In my defense, he was an idiot and tried to rob a man in broad daylight.”
“You can't go around and deliver justice with your fists.”
Jyn stood up and dusted the straw off her skirt. She leaned on the cell door and wrapped her hands around the cold metal bars. “Says who?”
Cassian gave her an exasperated look, but a grin made its way to his face. One of the many things Jyn liked about this universe was that Cassian smiled quite often.
“The king,” he said bluntly. “It is also part of our duties as knights of the Round Table and Camelot to protect its citizens.”
Jyn shrugged. “It’s not my fault that you're not very good at your job.”
Cassian was silent. He clasped his hands behind his back, the sly grin still on his face. “Is that so?”
She nodded and wondered what he was thinking about.
“Would you like to join us and become a knight of the Round Table?”
Jyn blinked. “What?”
He turned to face her. “Jyn, you have a strong sense of justice and a willingness to fight for what you believe in. You would be a great asset to the kingdom and it is better paying than the job you currently have.”
“You’re asking me to join the Round Table? Do you even have the power to do that?” she asked.
“No,” he replied. “But King Arthur himself has requested me to personally extend this offer to you.”
Cassian motioned for a nearby guard to open the door to Jyn’s cell. “So, what do you say?”
She stepped out of the cell and smiled. “When do I start?”
Jyn woke up to the taste of blood in her mouth and the smell of smoke in the air. She yanked at her helmet and tossed it to the ground to find her surroundings. Her armour-clad body felt heavier than usual as she tried to remember what had happened to her before she blacked out.
Camlann. Cassian was in his suit of armour, ready to fight by her side. Swords clanged as the ground around them caught on fire.
Cassian. Where was he?
As Jyn stood up an intense pain ripped through her left leg, forcing her onto her knees. She looked down and found a small dagger that had been wedged in between the knee joint of armour.
Taking a deep breath, she grabbed the hilt of the dagger and pulled it out, a stream of curses leaving her mouth. Jyn took the offending blade and examined it.
The damn blade had been laced with poison hemlock.
“Jyn,” a weak voice called out. She noticed a knight not too far from her bearing the same insignia of a dragon that she wore.  Shuffling over to the body, Jyn carefully took off the knight’s helmet.
A breath of relief escaped from her lips as she carefully attempted to wipe the dirt and ash off of Cassian’s face.
“You’re going to be okay,” she reassured him.
He shook his head furiously before Jyn finally noticed that his leg was bent at an odd angle. The burned off flesh revealed the bone underneath his skin.
“We’ll get you some help. They can fix it,” Jyn said, not sure if she was trying to comfort Cassian or herself.
He shook his head and groaned, but Jyn ignored it as she tried to figure a way to move him that would not aggravate his injury.
Suddenly, Cassian tightly gripped one of her arms, forcing her to look at him.
“Jyn,” he rasped. He had an almost blissful expression as his hand drifted towards her face.
“Andrew, you’ll be okay. We’ll get you help.”
He shook his head. “Not Andrew,” he said.
Jyn felt her body freeze as she looked into his eyes. Hesitantly, she leaned forward as her heart lifted with an inkling of hope. “Cassian?”
He smiled and nodded.  
“Oh, god. Cassian,” Jyn said, her eyes welling up with tears. “We have to get you back. Maybe they ca-”
Cassian weakly shook his head, taking her hand in his. “Just stay with me, please.”
As his eyes slowly fluttered shut, Jyn begged him to stay awake. Her every breath became shallower before Jyn finally collapsed, her hand tightly gripping Cassian’s.
They had burned on Scarif and in Pompeii; it was only fitting that the same happened to them on the battlefield of Camlann.
The scattered universes hold nothing but time.
There is enough time for civilizations to rise and fall. There is enough time for society to succumb to its worst form and destroy everything it was given. There is enough time to rebuild.
So there certainly must be more time for two souls to be reunited.
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Second draft
This was not the way Levi wanted to start his day. Especially not today of all days, yet somehow he was standing in the middle of his favourite tea shop with scolding hot tea staining his crisp white shirt, and some shitty teen staring at him like it was all his fault. It wasn't his fault the kid didn't even bother looking as he came out from behind the counter and walked right into him. The shitty brat too dim witted to even offer the slightest word of apology. No. This wasn't how he wanted to start today of all days at all.
Thanks to that one incident his whole day had been thrown out of whack and was now running late for a meeting that would change his life enough as it was. When Levi had hit and passed 25, he'd thought he'd be safe from ever having to take an omega for a mate, his unusual scent and pheromone sensitivity making it damn near impossible to even stomach having an omega around, but some how, by some unlucky throw of the dice, an omega who was actually compatible with him had been found, and what was even worse was the fact the kid had only just presented. He found the whole thing disgusting and disgraceful, but by law he was in no position to argue. Omega's were a rare commodity, and only an alpha and omega could breed more omegas. That was why the government had made it mandatory for all alphas and omegas to register their DNA so that they may be matched "for the good of society" or some bullshit. Today his days as a single alpha came to an end and he'd be collecting his omega.
Having been forced to return home and shower, Levi couldn't deny his alpha side was quietly boiling at anger over the morning's incident, having been disrespected so openly in public. Go back 20 years and he'd have been well within his rights to beat some sense into the kid, but now days everyone was supposed to be treated as an equal. It didn't even occur to him that he might have been in the wrong, or that the snarl that boiled up from his throat might have scared the teen... no... none of this shit was his fault.
Arriving at the office, Levi was greeted by Isabel. The woman wasn't his personal secretary per say, but she seemed to have taken the role on somewhere along the line. Isabel was definitely everything he wasn't, the woman never seemed to let anything get to her, and always wore a cheeky smile as if she was scheming something mischievous. Passing him the files for today, Isabel's smile was even larger than normal
"You're late"
"I know. Are they here?"
"Yep, both he and his parents are here"
He...? So his mate was a guy? For someone who had never been in a relationship he honesty didn't know how to take it. As it was, he'd only taken care of things down there to keep his alpha reined in and he couldn't say that it ever felt really good
"They're in your office"
Levi resisted the urge to roll his eyes. The wall of glass right beside them meant he could see that for himself as plainly as he could see Isabel standing just short of his door
"Thank you, Izzy"
Slipping past the woman, Levi turned into his office. He'd only taken two steps into the room when he realised something was terribly wrong
"Oh hell no. I am not marrying this arsehole!"
"Eren! You don't even know him"
"I know enough"
"What did you do now?"
"Why do I have to be the one who did anything wrong? He walked into me. I was trying to do my job and he took a step back and straight into me"
Levi couldn't help the involuntary growl that escaped his throat
"I'm sorry sir, he used to be such a cute kid, but presenting as an omega has left him feeling a..."
"Mum. He doesn't give a shit. Can't you smell how much he wants me gone?"
"Eren, you're just imagining it"
"I'm not imagining it. Ask him yourself"
Forcing himself to cross and sit in the deep red office chair behind his desk, Levi cleared his throat, he might be an arsehole, but the kid was a shitty brat
"You were the one who walked into me, and you didn't apologise either. Now your name is Eren right?"
The kid nodded in his direction, his wide green eyes filled with fury
"Eren, answer him"
"Fine. God. Just back off. Yes, my name is Eren"
"Yeager. Look, isn't this all in the paperwork the government sent you"
"It is. But unlike you, I'm making an attempt"
"So you're one of those? You like chatting up 13 year old boys?"
"Eren! That's enough! You're being incredibly rude to Levi right now"
"You're the ones being rude. Oh look, your 13 year old son just spent a week doing all sorts of messed up things because his stupid body has to decide he was an omega. Quick! Let's register his DNA and then pair him up straight away. Let's not ask him what he wants. Yeah. Let's do that"
He had to give the kid points for being straight up about it all. Not many people, alpha or omega, had the balls to talk so straight and openly to him
"So you're 13"
"He is and as he's just presented he's never been mounted or marked"
Grisha... he vaguely remembered that being the father's name... whatever it was, he didn't care for the way the man talked about his own son
"Let's get down to business. You've brought your signed papers of transfer right?"
The woman... Carla? Nodded as she pulled a small pile of papers from her handbag
"I know Eren is a handful, and I know he's stubborn and quick to anger... but he's still my baby. Please. Please take care of him..."
Unlike Grisha, Carla's words struck him as being full of genuine concern for her son. Eyeing him resentfully as Levi took the papers, the teen openly mocked him by releasing a blast of sweet citrus tones, which Levi found weren't totally unappealing... though he'd never state as much openly when Eren was still just a child
"I have no desire to lay my hands on a child"
Grisha sat straighter in his chair
"Are you trying to say there is something wrong with our son?"
"No. I'm trying to say that at 13, he is too young to be bred. A child can hardly be expected to take care of a child of his own, or understand the consequences of mating and breeding. I will take him into my custody, but I will not breed him until he comes of legal beta age"
Grisha looked scandalised, while Carla looked relieved. An omega was never really given any legal rights no matter their age, but an alpha was declared an adult at 16 and a beta at 18. By which time he was certain this whole mistake would have been sorted out and Eren would be moved to his rightful alpha.
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