#god i am so disgusted by everyone who liked and agreed with that post
1winwin · 3 months
some of you believe that wayvs success with this cb has to do with them being five and it's literally the most ridiculous thing ever. yes let's act like it has nothing to do with sm suddenly putting in effort.
i respect everyones opinions but there is absolutely no reason to call sicheng talentless and not good enough in singing or dancing. he has always shown that he cares about wayv, lastly by going back and forth during on my youth era to attend wayv events and to do his own solo stuff.
as if his explanation why he won't be participating in this cb wasn't enough for you to understand that this is not his fault and that he really wanted to.
you dumbasses saying you only like him for looking pretty in season's greetings and photoshoots is so shallow and it's highly disgusting how many notes these posts get.
first wayv wasn't good enough to be considered a part of nct (except for your fave member) and now you need someone else to shit on. if you can't find someone to hate (always veiled with the infamous i love winwin but…) you can't live your miserable life.
please don't interact with me if you genuinely have this mindset or agree with this mental bullshit.
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violetasteracademic · 2 months
What does it take for regifted jewelry to be romantic?
Rambling crap post that will literally only make sense of you have seen the movie The Family Stone but let's do it.
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Sometimes I genuinely try to understand other ships. I actually really mean that, in a deeply authentic and non sarcastic way. If this shipwar wasn't so nasty, I'd engage with other people the way I do with my real, human, offline friends- some of whom are E/lucien's and G/wynriels. They are genuinely wonderful people who are not chronically online like we are (and we are, there's no point throwing that around as an insult) and they don't actually care that much. They are just going off vibes - but would be absolutely disgusted to see the violent misogyny and bullying that takes place here. We enjoy talking to each other about the ships, even when we don't agree.
Typically, when I am trying to understand something, I seek out more of it. I've asked my friends for fated mate book recommendations that match E/Lucien's story (meeting your mate, then genuinely falling for another person that is absolutely right for you in every way except for the fact that he is not your mate, and somehow the plot leads to falling in love with your mate that you don't like anyways because fate is always right and never makes mistakes, even if everyone is questioning it because you have feelings for someone else) and I haven't been able to find anything. The closest I can get is meeting your mate when you are possibly already in love/engaged/what have you to someone else and then you find out that person you are already with is actually the worst (aka Graysen) and then you wind up falling in love naturally and authentically with your mate. This is what makes it work. The person who isn't your mate showing his true colors and realizing you were wrong about them.
I think this is why Azriel's character has been rewritten to create a moment of the male Elain is actually into showing his true colors. Otherwise, her moving on to her mate that she isn't interested in just because the guy she likes rejected her literally doesn't make any sense. It can't be political machinations and the threat of violence and exterior motives and interference keeping Azriel and Elain apart. It has to be Azriel's personality and personhood, or the fated mates typical structure that I assume everyone is basing their thought process on falls apart.
I've actually been wracking my brain for years to find a piece of art or story that represents a piece of jewelry being regifted symbolizing the transference of a relationship and I FINALLY realized- my favorite holiday movie- The Family Stone! My God, the movie is literally named for the piece of jewelry, his mother's ring.
Finally having a piece to work with and pick apart allowed me to understand what elements are required to really pull off "regifting" to show that the gift is symbolically landing where it needs to go in a moving and romantic way.
1: The jewelry must not have been picked out and purchased for a specific woman, with deep and thoughtful insights as to why the man saw this piece of jewelry and thought of the woman he loves. In The Family Stone, the ring is an heirloom. It is no one's ring but his mother's. And the journey of this stone landing on the hand of the woman that is right for Emmet is deep, complicated, and heart breaking.
This is not the case for Azriel, who saw the rose necklace (very widely agreed to symbolically represent Elain on all sides) and saw something that the full depth and color was revealed when held to the light, a thing of secret, lovely beauty. And he knew it was meant for Elain. My God. Jfc. That's poetry.
2: The original recipient of the gift must actively show displeasure or disappointment in the jewelry- further revealing that this is the wrong woman.
In The Family Stone, Meredith (Sarah Jessica Parker), the "first" and "wrong" woman sees the ring on her little sister Julie's finger (Claire Danes) and while there is some drama (the ring symbolically gets stuck on Julie's finger lolol) Meredith looks at the ring and hilariously goes- "That's it?" because the diamond is so small. She doesn't like it. She wouldn't want to wear it. Meanwhile Julie was stunned. She lost her breath over its beauty and was overwhelmed.
Elain was also stunned and breathless at how beautiful her gift was. She wants to wear it immediately, and she wants him to put it on her. The act of this beautiful, thoughtful gift emboldens Elain to do something she has never done before: Blatant, unrestricted touching. Even while the man she is supposed to be with, the man whose gifts do disappoint her, sleeps upstairs. So the classic holiday romance trope of one gift is right and one gift is wrong is already playing out. From Elain's perspective, the woman who will demand a say in who she chooses and is the only confirmed FMC, she's been getting disappointing gifts from her mate for years. When she finally sees a gift that steals the air from her lungs and lights up her eyes, a gift she wants to wear and use immediately after years of lukewarm responses to the man she is "meant" to be with, it's romantic as fuck. Unless you don't like her and don't want her with Azriel, in which case it isn't romantic to you personally. However, personal opinion on Elain doesn't actually change the fact that after years of many of us already assuming Az and Elain were into each other, they had an extremely classic holiday romance reveal.
4: The act of changing your mind about who will receive this gift, in order for it to be romantic, must be an act of hope. An act of joy and dreams and revelation. Realizing that there is more out there for you, and after years of playing it safe, of trying to make it work for the wrong reasons with the wrong woman, you are ready to be brave and break your character patterns to act on that dream of happiness.
Near the climax of The Family Stone, we discover that Emmet's mother, the keeper of this ring, has had her breast cancer return. It is already clear she is not going to make it this time.
We learn that Emmet has been acting out of trauma, grief, and loss. He cannot wrap his mind around the thought of getting married without his mother being there. In a heart breaking scene, Sybil finally gives Emmet the ring she has been refusing the entire movie and lets him know it is his decision. But she also frees him from the horrible pressure he has placed on himself to get married while she is still alive. She wishes passion, joy, and happiness for him. She helps him cope with the loss of her, helps him heal the wound and burdens he carries of trying to be the Perfect Son and do everything right. All she wants for him is happiness and love. But ultimately, the decision is his.
In a rush of hope and healing, Emmet asks Julie to try the ring on. He wants to see it on her. It is a culmination. It is powerful, emotional, and restorative. In this story of brothers and sisters coping with the loss of their mother and trying to find their personal happiness, they all wind up together in the end. Meredith winds up telling Emmet she can't marry him, before he even reveals he decided not to ask her, because they both knew it wasn't right. It was so clear that they weren't in love with each other, but just trying to fit this ideal picture for reasons that had nothing to do with love. Still, Meredith isn't a villain, and winds up falling in love with his brother. The next year, everyone but Sybil gathers as a family, the first Christmas without her. The grief is palpable, but so is the love. The image of Sybil smiling at her gathered family through last year's gifted photograph of her ends the movie.
Azriel's regifting of Elaine's necklace was not a culmination. It was not an act of hope, it was not Azriel releasing Elain because he realized his love for her was not genuine and there was real and true happiness to be found in G/wyn. He did not even care to give it to her directly. He gave it to Clotho, who absolutely read the vibes and noted his sadness. He didn't even care if it wound up with Gwyn or literally any other priestess. He needed to relieve himself of the necklace because of the pain of not being able to be with Elain, just like Cassian yeeted his first Solstice gift to Nesta into the Sidra after her rejection. Regifted or getting rid of gifts as an act of pain is not romance. It is not even symbolic of a change. It only reflects a man who is hurting because he has nowhere to channel his love and longing.
What I find odd is that most people do agree that Az regifting the necklace via Clotho is absolutely not romantic, thus Azriel incel fuckboy (which literally makes no sense) was born. For the necklace regift to hold the symbolism that G/wynriels want it to hold (a sort of passing of the torch of Azriel's affection and attention) they agree that this is icky and gross behavior but G/wyn will fix him and he'll stop being icky and gross. I'd ask for recommendations on romances like that to try to understand that thought process as well, but frankly I am not interested.
Azriel getting rid of the necklace was not an act of hope, it was an act of pain. It was lot an act of love, it was an act of loss.
A change in who a gift belongs to can be romantic, with the right elements. The great ACOSF bonus chapter necklacegate has none of them. And yet somehow, even though everyone agrees it wasn't romantic, people are still out here arguing that it clearly symbolizes a new romance.
I assure you, romance symbolizes romance. It shouldn't be tricky or leave you feeling icky or like the MMC is flaky and entitled. I cannot think of a single romance author who thinks it's a good idea to sit down and write toxic fuckbois as MMC's. Even if they were toxic fuckbois in the past, they IMMEDIATELY simp for their women. As of now, Azriel still hasn't noticed G/wyn, his supposed mate, and is hurting and heartbroken over another woman that he would kill for if asked to. He is not coping with it by raking about town and looking for a new girl to fall in love with since he was ordered away from the one he wanted. He's just training, not sleeping, and putting rocks in snowballs.
When trying to determine what is being foreshadowed as romance, if we have to stretch beyond asking the simple question what is romantic, I fear we have lost the plot.
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spacebarbarianweird · 10 months
hi!!! i play a drow/dhampir warlock, how do you think astarion would react if durgetav was a dhampir?
This is a very interesting take! Besides, I and @marcynomercy are obsessed with Dhampirs. Since I have a separate request for Drows, I will make this one solely about a Dhampir Tav
Who has serious body image and acceptanace issues because like many dhampirs Tav can't stand neither vampires nor vampiric ancestry.
Astarion x Dhampir!Tav
You are an outcast.
You spent your childhood as a normal child, but at the of 16 you felt a terrible bloodlust.
The fangs grew, replacing canines.
Your mother taught you all your life that vampires are monsters and disgusting creatures.
But apparently, she slept with one of them.
Since you are a god forsaken dhampir.
You are scared. You beg for mercy.
But your mortal family throws you out, threatening to murder you if you ever dare come back.
You run away. Alone and scared.
Maybe, vampires can answer your questions? Maybe, your father - whoever he is - can help you?
Alas, no family reunion for an outcast like you.
The vampire who fathered you is a disgusting evil creature who knows nothing but violence.
He doesn't recognize you as your child. Moreover, he doesn't even understand what you are.
You lock him in silver chains and drag him to meet the sun one last time.
You are a dhampir. The only thing any vampire must be afraid of.
Immune to vampirism. Fast and dangerous. A stepchild of the night.
You are embarrassed of your ancestry. You cover your mouth and explain your pale skin by a rare skin condition. But people still fear you, even more than vampires.
You wish you were never born like that.
Eventually, you become a renowned vampire hunter.
One day, you get a request to murder a certain Vampire Lord in Baldur's Gate along with all his spawns and thralls.
You are ready to do such a job pro-bono.
But... The gods have other plans for you.
The moment you meet Astarion, you know who he is. No vampire can hide their rotten nature from a dhampir.
But there is something about him, something about what and how he tells his story, that makes your feel pity.
He doesn't look like those morons who wanted to be vampires. He doesn't look like he enjoyed what he was doing on his master's orders.
He is a victim.
The night he wants to bite you, he realizes your blood tastes weird - it's not like he can't drink it, but more like... he'd better not.
"I am half a vampire, Astarion. Don't push your luck."
You agree that you won't have any problems with him drinking blood if he doesn't hurt the companions and useful people.
You know your own bloodthirst. Astarion has its much worse
You gradually fall in love. Maybe it's your own desire to embrace your dark nature.
Upon arrival at Baldur's Gate, you make a decision - you will destroy Cazador and all his spawns, leaving only Astarion alive.
But - you won't let him ascend.
Otherwise, you will be his mortal enemy. And if ascends, you will kill him instantly.
You kill Cazador - but something changes inside you. You see other spawns, miserable and sorrowful. You've never thought you could feel compassion toward them.
Astarion is different, after all. No vampire is like him. But others... You suddenly see so much in common with them.
Your dark family, your blood, your kind.
Astarion also makes a choice. Ascension means losing you. He will be able to subdue everyone to his will, but not a dhampir.
But you warn the spawns - you will not hesitate to kill them if they lose control.
Post-game, you together do what you do best.
Monster hunting.
You are immune to necrotic damage, he is a literal vampire. You are unstoppable together.
You help him with nightmares and body autonomy issues.
He trusts you. Even though he must be afraid of you.
Sometimes, you love-bite him with your fangs, and, gods, he likes it.
His skin regenerates, and you pierce it once again.
You also learn to love your own body. Your pale skin, your fangs, your dark hair.
It's difficult to hate yourself when Astarion adores you.
You are both fast and deadly.
And you are going to be together for many centuries - dhampirs live as long as elves. 
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati
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marlsswrites · 2 months
you're absolutely disgusting for glorifying fascist characters
james married lily and they would both vomit at the idea of being anything close to friendly with a death eater
Okay this is so stupid but I feel like I should speak up about this because it is HORRENDOUS.
Also really? An anonymous hate comment? Thats just sad, if you’re going to be hater at least have the guts to say it to my face.
I actually laughed when this came into my inbox. They are wizards! Fictional wizards, to clarify. We know next to nothing about regulus, james or lily! So, if i want to make a post about jegulus, i will make a fucking post about jegulus.
You can’t go around calling people fascists just because you dont agree with their opinion, it is so childish and it takes the meaning from the word.
I respect everyones opinions, you dont like jegulus? Thats fine, i respect that. You ship jegulily? Cool, I don’t massively ship it but id never hate on someone who does. You ship jily? Yay, me too! So how about you send a prompt to my inbox and ask me to write a jily oneshot, you dont need to flood my inbox with stupid hate while being anonymous! If you really want to say something, you wouldnt do it anonymously.
There is so much to this fandom, so many headcanons and so so many opinions. And everyone has the right to their opinion, I really dont give a shit that you dont like jegulus, but calling me a fascist is just so pointless.
How on earth do you want me to react? “Sorry, I will stop shipping the couple that have offered me comfort on a daily!” Or “oh wow, you’re being pointlessly stupid, that is such a good point!”
No, because at the end of the day, no one reacts like that. No one will listen to you if you act like that! If you dont support me for liking jegulus, get off my page, honest to god. If you dont like jegulus but you like wolfstar, just skip the jegulus content. Its so easy!
If you want less jegulus content on your feed, maybe stop actively searching for jegulus creators to hate on?
Jegulus brings me so much comfort, if im having a bad day I can just do some writing, or make a video, or read some more of the fanfic i was in the middle of. And you are calling me a fascist simply because i seek comfort in a couple of fictional wizards? Just let people be happy, it really isn’t difficult. And if you cant understand that, you really shouldnt be commenting on it, because you are obviously uneducated and not mature enough to be saying and speaking up about things like that.
I am literally just a another human trying to have some fun and find happiness in the things that I love, and you are some random person online who clearly only finds joy in trying (and failing) to make people feel like shit, get a life. And again, if you have a problem with this post, please DNI, hate is not wanted and is really not needed.
Anyway im off to write some more gay fanfiction about said ‘fascists’, bye!! 🫡
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agendabymooner · 1 year
london boy ! lando n. x ofc (alessandro sister!writer!ofc)
"they say 'home is where the heart is' but god i love the english."
summary: nicola grazia 'cola' alessandro just moved to britain after tilly wolff's newly opened publishing company hired her as an editor and writer, so what's a better way to get to know your new home than to tour the city with lando norris? OR everyone thinks that the mclaren driver is seeing someone... and he proved to everyone that he is- he just wouldn't show her face.
content warning: based on characters from the rush series (see masterlist), fluff, ion even know if lando's english, use of explicit language, "private but not secret" kind of relationship, colabebe is a private account, daniel ricciardo being a good brother-in-law?? events have taken place post-wedding series.
note: i have a different part already made for this and i made that shit first before the actual introduction to the characters/storyline 😭 my brain is in shambles rn sorry guys. cheers xx
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liked by landonorris, mateoales, loricciardo
landonorris put them damn dogs away dawg 😩🐶 liked by colabebe
colabebe ur the only one i can hear bitching about it 🤭
landonorris do you have one more room for a person to spoil loricciardo nora_alessandro jacquelinalessandro
mateoales no gtfo no british parasites allowed
danielricciardo have a brother-in-law who feeds off your chanel addiction ✅ liked by colabebe
colabebe have a sister-in-law who keeps an eye on your pregnant wife whenever you're away ✅
danielricciardo i agree ✅
hellonsite you should donate some for charity 🙌
colabebe didn't u call me poor back in elementary for my tattered shoes?
user1 girl bffr 💀
nora_alessandro and now you're few steps away from buying your own chanel bag tesoro 🥰 liked by colabebe
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[translation: extremely grateful for the opportunity that was given to me by @wolffpublishing, and for that reason, i will continue to thrive in my journey as an editor and author. thank you so much! hello united kingdom!]
tagged wolffpublishing
liked by danielricciardo, landonorris, alex_albon
danielricciardo LETS GOOOOO !!!!! liked by colabebe
tillywolff welcome to the team nicola! ❤️ liked by colabebe
colabebe thank you so so so much tils!
landonorris i cant wait to play muse for you shawty 😭 liked by colabebe
colabebe bold of u to assume i'm not writing about alex_albon
alex_albon yeah i appreciate that and all but isn't that lando's youtube silver plaque on your shelf?
colabebe 👀
landonorris SO YOU WERE JUST SEDUCING ME SO YOU CAN TAKE THAT PLAQUE??? i was so convinced you didn't have ur eyes on it yet here i am 😐
mateoales disgusting comment by lando aside, i think you can sell that plaque at a pawn shop
landonorris you can keep that plaque ig 🤠 liked and pinned by colabebe
colabebe hehehe <3
landonorris its like i never win against any of you alessandros
loricciardo don't lie- you always get your way with me
landonorris so does she???
loricciardo she's my sister mate 🧐
georgerussell63 ur sister sent some wine in ur new flat. congrats! liked by colabebe
colabebe do you think u and her can send another one bc me and lando emptied it already 🙂
georgerussell63 i'm just a boyfriend, not jesus.
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colabebe posted a story !!!
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liked by carlossainzjr, georgerussell63, loricciardo
user1 your plaque and YOUR WHAT? 😟😳
landonorris did i stutter?
user2 i didnt know u have rizz like that 😱 liked by landonorris
georgerussell63 baffled. did you seriously just bring her in your office instead of actually touring london??? smh norris
landonorris absolutely not 😠 she went paddington shopping and to the places that had the sorting hat and everything 😤 i dont like these accusations george william russell
user3 oh no, no-rizz used the full name RUN PRINCE GEORGE🏃‍♀️
carlossainzjr i hate that 👌 thing lando so much liked by landonorris
landonorris sorry babe
carlossainzjr its okay babe
user4 arent we all worried the drivers know who she is?
user5 we? whos we? i like the chaos in the comments idk why u crying about it 🥰
danielricciardo i hope you can still attend the family dinner after calling her a thief 😇
landonorris she likes me so much she wouldn't dare uninvite me
user6 what if lando's dating one of daniel's in-law? 🤔
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ryuichirou · 4 months
A bunch of replies todayyy! Sorry for the wait!
Anonymous asked:
Wha…what is with all the gaslighting discourse?
A waste of our precious time, Anon.
It started with some Anon being frustrated with me talking about Jade being a gaslighter in a hc post about twst boys being horrible to their lovers, and then them calling Rook a gaslighter instead. I was confused about this ask and replied half-jokingly, but the Anon came back trying to explain themselves once more. So I wrote another reply where I stated my position loudly and clearly: I do not agree with that Anon, I will continue drawing and writing Rook and Jade as I please, and I do not like how the Anon approached this topic by basically telling me that because it upsets them personally, I should reconsider how I view the characters. I find this type of rhetoric manipulative and unfair not only to us, but to the rest of people here: I can’t prioritise one person’s trauma over others’. I also really don’t like it when someone tries to assess my personal views on things by the type of fiction that I like and the way I see and portray certain characters. This is literally why we shoo away everyone who acts disgusted because of some of our ships, and this situation is no different to me. “I really don’t like it = this is dangerous” is manipulative, no matter how you cut it.
Anyways, then there was that Anon to whom I replied yesterday! And it was a nice ask, I had fun thinking about what to write. They actually sent their ask a month ago, just as this whole thing was happening, but I took my time because I was busy, but wanted to reply properly. Just like I said before, I love talking about characters a lot, and even if I disagree with someone, as long as they aren’t trying to force their point of view on me or imply that I don’t get it or I am stupid, I like hearing different interpretations of characters. Even if it feels completely off to how I view it, I can appreciate or at least respect it if they respect the way I do things. And don’t imply that I don’t get it or I am stupid.
So yeah, this is everything I have to say about this lol But you can read more on this topic; I believe there are plenty of other posts on this site, apparently this discussion has been going on for years. I really have no idea what there is to even discuss though.
Anonymous asked:
I know you haven’t talked about twst cast being parents for awhile, but I couldn’t help but come up with an azuide kid scenario. Imagine the kid is constantly feeling so much pressure from Azul’s expectations that when they fail a test after enrolling into NRC, the kid just SNAPS, overbloting and having a complete breakdown. And Ortho gives Azul and Idia a look that screams “See? I TOLD you so!”
It really has been a while! We don’t really think about family topics all that often though, so I guess it’s not very surprising lol
Thank god AzuIde kid has Ortho around because these two aren’t at all helpful with Idia hiding in his room for the majority of time and Azul almost being the second Riddle’s mom lol If it takes less time for them to overblot than it did for poor Riddle, it’s going to be very impressive. ESPECIALLY if the kid has Shroud blood, which means that they shouldn’t be able to overblot easily, if at all…
This is some great parenting right here.
Anonymous asked:
How do you think diasomnia would celebrate silver's birthday :)? I feel like Lilia would end up doing the least most birthdays,,, where he just ends up having sex, doing what he wanted anyway while barely being nicer to him than usual. Silver would be so grateful still lol
Anon, I am so sorry because I didn’t reply in time I completely missed the time when it would be perfect…. Sweet Silver, my precious fellow Taurus, I have failed you. 😔 But it’s better late than never!
I feel like Silver mentioned that they celebrate it together every year and take a picture together, and to be honest, I think Lilia actually cares a lot about making Silver’s birthday feel special. Even thinking back on how he made sure Silver would experience trick-or-treating on Halloween despite not having any neighbours, Lilia seems like someone who likes doing this type of thing. Silver himself doesn’t really care much though.
This doesn’t mean that Silver wouldn’t be very grateful even for a bare minimum of course, I think he gets this feeling of “there’s more?” every year after only receiving this “doing the least” level of attention from Lilia at first. Maybe Lilia would try to prank him as if he forgot about his birthday, but… Silver himself wouldn’t remember, so this isn’t much of a prank :(
Also ALSO! When it comes to sex, you are right; Lilia would present it as something special for Silver only, but he would ABSOLUTELY end up just going whatever he himself wanted to do lol
Anonymous asked:
Have you heard how horny Rollo is for the bell tho? Now that's a paraphilia if I've ever seen one. No clue how it would even work but mark my words, that boy will either fuck the bell or get fucked by the bell one way or another
Anonymous asked:
Rollo anon here, Malleus sneaks into the belltower to get railed by the gargoyles and comes face to face with Rollo getting off to the bell
Anon THIS PIECE OF ROLLO LORE IS SUCH A TREASURE (in the most unhinged horny unholy way possible). Just as with Gargoyles (both with Rollo and with Malleus), this is something that’s been on the back of my mind since we’ve heard this information lol There has to be a way… The bell is magical for a reason…
God Rollo would absolutely hate being interrupted and SEEN by Malleus of all people. Wait until he hears about the reasons why Malleus is even there, heheh.
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
True, Sebek is too hard on (pun intended) for Malleus to slip up unless he's REALLY distracted. Also can you two imagine...Lilia physically shows Sebek how to move using Silver as the example and then letting Sebek try right after, guiding Sebek's hips every once in a while to correct his rhythm and or movements he gets to stick it in.
(this is related to this post)
I’ll be honest, this is so stupidly easy to imagine that I don’t know if we should judge ourselves or Lilia for this LOL
He just wants to ensure that he has taught these boys everything that they need to know… This is a very important part of their training. Sebek is becoming a man. 🥹
Anonymous asked:
Yes yes, Jack has a knot, does that mean Leona and Che'nya have barbs? Is Ruggie's grandma packing? Twins in merform with no balls? Followup question: Who would be most into all the different kind of dicks?
Yes yes yes and yes. Someone also mentioned a possibility of Malleus having two dicks lol I always forget about all that stuff when it matters (i.e. when I actually draw it), and it sucks; we need more beastboy dicks! And Ruggie’s grandma too I guess… powerful woman :(
Now that I think about it, I really don’t draw balls when I draw Twins in their merform. But with merman in general, in our case it’s usually something that makes no sense biologically lol but at least it’s fun! And very hot.
As for the follow-up question, damn it I feel like the only correct answer here is Rook fucking Hunt, but since we don’t really see him on the receiving end of things, he is just here to appreciate.
Also you know, wild card? Riddle. He just isn’t aware of it yet. Also Idia because he has no choice and he’s seen too much weird porn.
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vicsy · 7 months
are u okay vic? sending love xx
(hateful ppl only have hate in their sad lives and try to bring everyone else down to their depressing level, don’t listen them!!)
frankly, anon? no, i am not.
and if you think about it, it's incredibly stupid to be all torn up because of a fucking sport I watch for general enjoyment but what else is new? i got into f1 when life hit the absolute possible low for me and it helped me immensely through it all, still does, and i found so many friends and wonderful people and i started writing again. it's pure fucking escapism coming back to bite me in the ass.
it hasn't been great to be an f1 fan lately because of events I don't need to be recapping - it's all out there in its disgusting glory, all over social media every single day. we're just being reminded of how rotten the core of this sport is and how high of a role money and power play. it's not new but disappointing nevertheless, considering there isn't much we can do to try and fix that.
but the hate among us, the fans? it's getting out of hand.
i will never go out on my way to police anyone's behaviour (it is never justified) but clearly there is a line between haha jokes and pure fucking malice. there is having genuine, critical conversations you can have (recently had one with my close friend and it was so refreshing to talk instead of secretly talk shit) and using this sport as a yardstick to measure someone's morals. it's been happening more and more, considering recent comments made by drivers in regards to the ongoing case that deals with harassment. that opened a can of worms that made ALL of us unhappy and even more disappointed, in one way of another. there is expressing genuine opinion and then there is being a hater because it's a trend.
are all Charles fans insane? are all Daniel fans delusional misogynists? are all Lando fans insufferable pricks? are all Max fans outright racists? are all Lewis fans stuck up? I could go on and same sentiment goes for each team on the grid. can we rightfully define someone by who they are a fan of? are we all required to make a statement each time a driver says/does something mindnumbingly stupid in order to, god forbid, not get cancelled along with that driver? can we genuinely bring a driver up without shitting on the other or is it not mutually exclusive?
there has been a barrage of hate towards several drivers and i get it, i do, it's sports, we're always gonna get like this. it's the whole spirit of it. i am not saying we can't root for someone and talk shit about the other. but again, i am seeing the waves of hate getting bigger and bolder, assumptions being made on the spot. people openly calling each other stupid over being fans or having a different opinion. in some ways any sense of compassion and critical thinking is dead in a ditch.
it wasn't like this before, if i am honest, but i am also a rather new fan. i am seeing all sorts of stuff on my dash both from people i don't know and from people i do know. it's a knee jerk reaction, to go and judge someone by posts and stuff, i know it but i made myself not do that. but i am just afraid of this ongoing trend of hate. i really am.
it just seems like there is no margin for error. your fave can either be squeaky clean, completely unproblematic, or they should be shot on sight. it doesn't matter if any of us acknowledge it or not. for some reason, it's a "you are what you eat" situation. and i find it rather unfair. you can separate person and a driver. two things can be true at once etc etc. none of it warrants wishing actual harm on other people.
so yeah, sorry for a rant. i'll stop now and, for what it's worth, i have been trying to unlearn the ways of "people pleasing", so here are just my thoughts that i don't think many will agree with but i don't want to bend under whatever popular opinions circulate here (especially by "big blogs"). i'd rather have people talk to me personally and i am always open to having a conversation, making friends and discussing opinions. those at the head of f1 management don't seem to do better but us tearing each other apart can also mean that we aren't doing any better, too. at least i personally think so. don't take my word as a generalized opinion.
thank you for the message, anon, i appreciate it. sorry again to be Like That. big hug!
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quoigenicfromhell · 3 months
will confess, it's incredibly tiring to keep seeing people just defending sophie because she's "The pro-endo blog" when she's frankly incredibly racist. like. i am an endogenic system, but i'm also a system of colour, and people just ignore how sophie has posted such bangers (/s) as "i don't agree with the transracial terminology […] however i know many other headmates in other systems that identify as different ethnicities for exomemory reasons, i think it would be hypocritical to try to police how others identify.", along with defending being transintersex, literally saying it'd be cool for her to be described as a radqueer god, along with many other instances of being blatently fine with radqueers, which is a racist ass community.
like. yeah. way to make systems of colour feel welcome in the pro-endo community, by having one of the biggest blogs be a blatant racist. i'm begging people to actually be critical of her and think about what else she's saying outside of just "endogenics are real!", because she's spreading a lot of bullshit and i have been blocking every single blog i see supporting her, even if that leaves me with a lot quieter community
Transracial and transID stuff honestly makes us angry, and yeah, that's one of the reasons we don't support her. KIND OF A RANT INCOMING.
The wild thing is, we're one of the systems she uses an excuse in this example. We have collective members from various non-USian cultures. Given our predilection towards spiritual explanations for our plurality and the fact that we have lives outside of the body, we don't make everyone 'admit they're actually white' or whatever, but we are also not saying these people have any special connection with any cultures on this earth. One of these people, let's call him Orpheus; transracial stuff makes him fucking *livid*. He is disgusted by the fetishization from people who have not shown an ounce of respect towards various cultures, and seemingly do not intend to respectfully learn about them or integrate open practices into their own life. The culture we're most familiar with is Japanese; if you genuinely felt something for that culture you could do things like learn the language, practice more humility, learn how to make Japanese cuisine, purchase a futon from Japan, take your shoes off in the house, etc. How many people actually do this? How many of these people are familiar with any Japanese people? It just feels like a white person really liking a culture from media consumption (without actually knowing anything about it), and then saying they want to be a part of that culture and pretending that denouncing their whiteness makes them any less privileged in a society where white supremacy is the dominant mode of hierarchy.
(All this is to say: none of us would ever ID as 'transracial', no matter what we look like or what our memories are, because we understand that the reality of our body's race and our Collective upbringing are what determines every interaction we have; pretending otherwise and fetishizing a race you have no connection with is really disgusting.)
God. Don't get us started with the radqueer stuff, we'll be here all day. I have sympathy for people who identify as 'transdisabled' or whatever because they can't admit they are actually disabled or feel like they're not allowed to call themselves that despite having actual disabilities, but the rest of it is just privileged people cosplaying social inequality. It's so fucking gross, and sort of emblematic of Sophie's seeming inability to hold people to account if they agree with her or like her.
ETA: I don't see stuff like 'mspec lesbians' or any other weird/nontraditional gender or sexuality labels to be part of radqueer stuff. Gender and sexuality are finger paints, you can do literally whatever you want with them. Idk if those are still under that umbrella but regardless, go nuts
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hopelessrromantix · 2 years
Oh my god. Yet another teenaged afab asshole with internalized misogyny. Look, don’t worry about people interacting with your ‘writing’ (insert all the eye rolls). You may think you’re some huge talent that needs to swat hoards of unworthy readers away, but somehow I doubt that’s the case. I’ve never heard of you until I came across your unhinged tirade in a tag I follow. I suspect I’m not missing much. Also? You don’t get to speak for mlm because you’ve been identifying as a gay man for 5 minutes.
Good luck being angry at everything! Hope 2023 provides you with much fodder for outrage. You seem to live off it.
Hi! Allow me to introduce myself!
My (online) name is Roman, I'm a 19 year old transitioning gay man who has identified as such for 6+ years now. I am a writing major and screenwriter who also writes numerous essays on feminism in media and epidemic of women, POC, and LGBTQ+ people being mistreated and misrepresented! I've had several such essays reviewed as well as won numerous awards for my writing and live performances!
Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I'm no huge talent. Never in my life will i pretend to be more than a guy with like five friends on the internet just posting shit I wanna write. If you haven't heard of me, it probably means you were staying in your lane until now!
I, as someone who's been in several MLM relationships, feel disgusted and fetishized by women consuming sexual MLM content. Honestly, with how angry y'all get at men fetishizing women I would've thought you'd had more brain cells.
As someone who is fueled by rage, I'm sure better people than you will provide plenty of fodder. I'll die on this hill and looking like an asshole doing it just to protect my five gay friends on the internet. And I'll gladly post stuff like this so everyone can see just why I hate women interacting w my stuff.
I tag stuff as masc exclusive, you so weren't meant to find it. I put this in general tags because some people clearly don't get the message. Btw, I've gotten mostly dms about men agreeing. Keyword: MEN. Go ahead, ask any MLM writers. You've got the 'related blog' section right? Link a MLM masc writer this and watch how hard they laugh at you.
Since you clearly don't like my material it should be really easy to stay the fuck away! In fact, either you were already doing it or you're a fem person trying to feel whole again once we call you out for being a fucking fetishizing pervert. Your call.
I know it may be hard to believe, but fem aligned people don't own all of tumblr! Some shit isn't for you and I don't care that you, for some deluded reason, believe I'm misogynistic.
ill have a great time fueling the fires of my rages with idiots like you
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Hazbin Hotel x Helluva Boss Theory: Why The Overpopulation Is Charlie’s Dad’s Fault & Theory To Fix It...In Fanon.
[Note: Reading This Post Is Optional. and Don’t Reblog Without Permission. also will talk about small spoilers from the Lucifer TV Show...and even the Fan Series that is  Arackniss Audio Series that is by Axelgear...]  
not everyone has to agree to this theory, but it still makes sense if you think about it...
there is a Overpopulation in Hell, in Hazbin Hotel (and possibly Helluva Boss, if they are in the same universe but have two different stories going on.)
but the overpopulation, might be the most high in the Pride Ring.
there is a rule that sinners can’t use the Elevators to take them to the other rings, which might be a foolish rule to make, as it has done more harm than good to make such a rule...
Lilith, you have married a Himbo I am afraid...
Charlie’s idea to redeem Sinners to stop the overpopulation to save lives and even try to help them become better, is a noble thing.
but it is still possible she might only be able to help some, while others who have crossed dangerous lines that should of never been crossed, cannot be redeemed......like certain Toxic-Priests & Toxic-Nuns, who can’t be forgiven for the disgusting actions they have done to the souls of innocent ones...
while there can be some Sinners in the Pride Ring, that could still be like chaotic neutral, but in theory some might be more darker than most, and aren’t able to be redeemed.
plus it could be possible that some of the people who ended up in Hell in both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, are good people, while only some other percent are neutral, chaotic neutral, and then there is the worse of the worse, far worse than Overlords, even if the Overlords would be more powerful.
in theory, if Lucifer had the meetings with the other rulers of the other rings, they can get rid of the rule that says that Sinners cannot go to the other rings.
there can be three options, go to Charlie’s Hotel to try to be redeemed, or wait for the next cleansing day when the Exterminators come down and kill some of the sinners in the pride ring, and that also gives the sinners the choice to hide or die.....
then there is the third choice, moving to one of the other rings that fits their trait and interest.
that last choice, might be important that is equal to Charlie’s goal to redeem her people and get them sent to Heaven....
man she is kind of like the Lucifer from the Lucifer TV Show, yeah plot twist and spoilers, the Lucifer from that universe ends up becoming, I guess a type of therapist and ends up with Chloe and even having a daughter named Aurora Morningstar....
but anyway, when Lucifer’s Dad from that universe retires and one of this other sons becomes the new God, Lucifer’s Dad ends up retiring to his ex and I guess well, former ex and now rekindle love and other half, Goddess’s Universe.
so at some point, Lucifer figures out the meaning of his father’s words, something about how Hell doesn’t need a keeper anymore...
that it needs a healer, meaning that Lucifer from that universe, would be helping redeeming souls through therapy so they can get to Heaven.
if Charlie ever watched that show, I think she would be a bit jealous of Aurora having such a cool dad. XD
might make Charlie’s Dad mad though, that his counterpart would give therapy to mortals so they can be redeemed and go to heaven...
dude, you don’t let the sinners go to the other rings, and have kind of caused the overpopulation in the first place, I might be a Defective Earth Angel who’s Mom when pregnant with me, NEVER got Morning sickness, and only got Evening sickness, which was part of the reason why I use the word Eveningstar and add that with Twilightner like something from Deltarune, like being between a Lightner & Darkner....the Player could be seen as a Twilightner probably.
anyway like I was trying to say, I might be a Defective Earth Angel, but even I had figured that out.
I don’t know how many Moms ever had just evening sickness, but I still find it weird and funny my Mom never got morning sickness with me and only got evening sickness.
it might be a good idea, that there should be some form of  therapy in the afterlife, for souls who had suffered trauma to their souls.
and some souls could have it far worse with some traumas, and some might be lucky not to have a full memory of some of their more traumatic past lives, or even ones that had nothing to do with them, but they might of inherited like copy memories that belong to their soul-parents that they had fragmented from.
which I guess could be like a soul mitosis, when a small piece of a soul breaks off and becomes a fragment but also becomes a newborn soul, and it might end up merging with another fragment soul and making someone new.
and I wouldn’t be surprised if Grandpa King David’s Daughter Tamar ever went through a soul mitosis, well her and the gal named Sarah who Asmodeus was smitten like a kitten for...could go through that soul mitosis as well, I mean possibly...but Asmodeus was like smitten like a kitten for Sarah.
in Helluva Boss, Asmodeus aka Ozzie is smitten like a kitten for Fizzarolli...
Ozzie can’t lie, the fans know he is smitten like a kitten for Fizzy....
it’s Sarah All Over Again....but like slightly different.
Ozzie from Helluva Boss and King Asgore from Undertale, should both be called Fluffybuns....maybe call Ozzie “Fluffybuns” just to mess with him.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Lucifer, Ozzie, Mammon and the others in both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, are cute idiots, and give off those himbo vibes...
if this was like a thing in real life, this would be possibly one of the reasons why the Goddess shouldn’t of been dethroned, it upsets the balance, but try telling that to the humans who back in the ancient stupid ages and think war solves everything...
and if Archangel Samael is Cain’s Bio-Dad, he ain’t really a good one...
and as weird as it might be, I think Cain possibly needs both a hug and therapy.
I still think both Cain and Abel were in the wrong, you do NOT harm fluffy babies in that way, Abel! you just don’t....
it’s one thing to use livestock for food and clothes, and yeah some animals you can have be like animal companions and even be emotional support animals.
but I can’t be the only one who is just realizing what Abel was doing was wrong, and the theory he could of got way worse later on.
Cain still shouldn’t of done what he did, but there could of still been some hidden meaning to it, something we never really thought of before....
but yeah, I still think those two were both in the wrong, but Cain needed spiritual and emotional healing, which is why I think he needs both a hug and therapy.
and like I pointed out before, even if Samael is Cain’s Bio-Dad, he ain’t the boss of me....even if Cain is my ancestor, and well I think because Seth is also my ancestor, wouldn’t that mean they both are kind of Dunkles...? 
and if he turns out to have a hand in Cain’s emotional and spiritual damage,
I might have another reason to think about placing him on the list...
you know the list that has to do with my wishing to punch those who deserve it in the groin, even if I never did that before and it is just wishful thinking...
Mammon was the first one I thought about doing that to, which is why he is at the top of the list....
I guess I could think about adding Asmodeus to that list, even if he is way bigger than me, cause well I’m only around 5′5″....
and it is just wishful thinking of something I would like to do to those who deserve it.....but if I was able to, I would try my best to punch Ozzie in the groin.
but Mammon would be the first.....and he freaking knows why, even if it is normal for people to be greedy, there is just some lines it should never cross...
anyway even if this might not happen in the canon of the shows, the whole sinners being allowed to move to the other rings to fix the overpopulation in the pride ring would possibly help a lot, and well it might only happen in the fanon timelines.
and it could be true that when a sinner does die from a holy weapon, their essence ends up becoming part of the buildings and items...
for all we know, Sir Pentious’s Hat was one of those victims of Exterminators.     
if Sir Pentious somehow could change into humanoid form, but like still have a hat head, he might end up having a rival for Arackniss...
pretty sure Arackniss might classify as a “Fallen Angel” in a certain Fan Series.....like starting out as a Sinner Demon, but then end up becoming a Angel, and then technically falling, and not really going back to being a sinner demon, but had become a Fallen Angel....some might get where I’m going with that theory, and it having to do with a certain fan series, and if it turn out my theory is canon in that fan series, I would be surprised, and maybe even happy. maybe I would end up freaking out. XD
and yeah, I’m talking about the Audio Series of Arackniss, that is by Axelgear
(and just like the canon series of both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, it isn’t for kids....and I guess would be like 18+ and for a mature audiences.)
anyway there might be a bigger reason why the pride ring is the most overpopulated, it might have to do with keeping all the sinners from going to the other rings....and if this does became so, Arackniss could end up adding Ozzie and Fizzy to his himbo harem....
we already know he is a bit of a moronsexual....he goes for cute idiots.
there can be different levels of a himbo, and with how Monty The Python is, he would be the highest rank himbo.....but probably come in second or third place...meaning there would be someone who more of a himbo than him....
Papyrus from Undertale, would come in second, and the one who would come in first would be Tucker from Red Vs Blue....I was thinking Caboose, but Tucker works as first place for now, because he thought he went back in time once and thought Donut was Sarge, so yeah he gets the highest rank of himbo...
Doctor Deep from Sonic Prime comes in fourth place, that he has to share with Eggman from Sonic Boom, because they both are Egg-Himbos.
and my being super weird aside, it could be possible that the overpopulation could be solved by relocation, which Charlie does have the right idea by suggesting redemption, but that might not be able to help everyone...
like it could help those who might not want to try it, but don’t really want to try.
but even if there are some who do try it, they might not be able to be redeemed because they just can’t be redeemed, while only some percent of the sinners of hell can be redeemed and be reformed into angels and send to heaven.
I don’t think it would just be me who figured this out, some fans might of also figured this out as they figured out the real reason for the overpopulation in hell, but it being more in the pride ring than the other rings....
maybe Lilith should take Lucifer over her knees and spank him for allowing it to get this far....no one should misuse the spanking, and it should only be use if it is truly needed, and with how some parents and those who are suppose to watch little kids are, they need to make sure not to over do it and not put all their strength into a spanking, it could possibly cause emotional damage, I mean it could be possible it could for some....
plus there can be a right and wrong way how some teachers handle little kids, like sending them in timeout way too much if they accidentally do something wrong without meaning to, and the teachers don’t try to explain in a calm and gentle way, instead of just making the child feel bad and at some point it is going to cross a line where they will stop playing with the other kids and keep to themselves....anyway it could be possible that there can be a right and wrong way...
and well Lucifer isn’t a child, but doesn’t mean he ain’t acting like one it would appear, and him keeping the sinners in his ring, and not letting them go live in the other rings, is possibly part of the reason for the overpopulation.
so Charlie’s redemption plan and even letting those who aren’t ready for redemption or have no interest in it, should be allowed to move to the other rings, as it would make the pride ring less overpopulated.
so yeah the sinners might need to go through a relocation process, either by going to Charlie’s Hotel for redemption or moving to one of the other rings.
also the whole Arackniss becoming a Fallen Angel in the Arackniss Audio Series by Axelgear, is more of a fan theory....and I wouldn’t be surprised if that theory turns out to be true....it could possibly make Arackniss a higher rank than a Overlord....like he could possibly be made as a Duke or a Prince.
but anyway, it could still be possible that if some of the sinners were moved to each of the other rings, it will cause the overpopulation in the pride ring to be less and it would help a lot, but also some of the half of the sinners that do move to the other rings, can be ones who want redemption but didn’t feel ready for it yet, and once they are ready, they can go to the pride ring (when it isn’t the cleansing day...) and go to Charlie’s Hotel.
and even if this might not happen in the canon timelines, it can work for the fanon timelines, even in crossover timelines.
plus this would be fan headcanon, that would work in the fanon...
maybe Lilith should ground her husband Lucifer for causing the overpopulation.....just place him in the box of shame, he will stay in the box as a timeout. XD
and another punishment for him, would be that he isn’t allowed to play with his rubber ducks, or be around his Lilith or even hold her and kiss her....
like picture Charlie’s Dad screaming “why must you torture me so?!”
and well the reply would be like “you know why young man, now back into the timeout box of shame!” XD
I’m weird, and even if some might not fully agree with it, I believe in a Goddess now too....though when someone misuses the words “may the lord have mercy on you.” or “may god have mercy on you.” because you come out and say you started to believe in a Goddess now as well, but when you freaking try to get that toxic-religious jerk to try to understand they are hurting your feelings and making you feel really bad as well as making you cry, of course they wont listen and will keep throwing those misused words at ya....
which is why I had to block that toxic-religious jerk a few years ago, who kept throwing either “May the lord have mercy on you” or “may god have mercy on you.” and I know that it was one of the two, and it still hurt my feelings.
I know I am better from what happen, and I don’t want to go through that again.
but that toxic-religious jerk didn’t listen to reason, they kept throwing those words at me, and they possibly thought they were “helping” but really they weren’t and I pointed out how it was making me feel bad and making me cry, but they wouldn’t listen, they kept throwing those same words and it wasn’t a good thing, and plus I had figured out what they were doing was misusing those words.
I think maybe that could count as religious trauma, well toxic-religious trauma.
not all people who are religious or spiritual will be like that person.
and what they did, was still wrong, but they still wouldn’t listen that they were making me feel bad and that could be the case with others they may have hurt if it wasn’t just me they had caused toxic-religious trauma to...
and I know I can’t really talk to my family about it, because they don’t know I don’t really go by Christian anymore, even if I can still believe in God, but I also believe in a Goddess now too...
I’m in different closets, and one of the them being the Aroaceflux closet...
and there is the Neo-Spiritual Closet.                                                                   
even if my family might disagree, but I don’t think they would be as bad as some families that take their disapproval a bit too far, and might try to “fix” someone who is Ace....there really needs to be a shirt that reads “being h*rny shouldn’t be mandatory, so stop shaming me for being Ace.”
but instead of the word Ace, it has a Spade instead.
anyway not everyone has to agree with this theory about how the overpopulation in the pride ring, might be caused by that rule that says the sinners can’t go to the other rings.
and if sinners were to move to some of the other rings, it could be possible half of those sinners could end up becoming Overlords in the rings they end up moving to....
like there being a Overlord of the Lust Ring for one...
I know this idea and theory, might not be revealed to be canon, but it can still work in the fanon....and it does make sense that the overpopulation in the pride ring, and in the pentagram city, might have to do with how Lucifer is running things, and not understanding he can’t just keep all the sinners in one basket, and the pride ring is that basket.
anyway in my next post, I think I will talk about a FNAF theory, or maybe a Sonic Prime theory...
also I think Charlie could still be able to redeem some of the sinners, but that doesn’t mean she can redeem all of them, as some of them can’t really be redeemed, and have possibly done far worse than the three V’s and Alastor. 
and yeah, as weird as it might sound...if my theory is true, and the reason why the sinners can’t go on that elevator in one of the episode of Helluva Boss...
is because of that rule and it being why the pride ring is so overpopulated...
well, that still makes me think Charlie’s Dad should be put in a timeout in a box.
and he isn’t allowed to cuddle Lilith or hold any of his rubber ducks so long as he is in that timeout box of shame...even I would ground him if I was able to...
anyway I think I will wait until tomorrow to post more theories, but maybe tomorrow I can talk about a FNAF theory, or maybe Undertale or Deltarune theory, or maybe Sonic Prime theory....I can decide later or tomorrow...
also I hope some don’t take the theory and fan headcanon about the cause of the overpopulation in the pride ring in Hazbin Hotel.
and only some fans can end up predicting future canon of a show or video game. like Kris from Deltarune ending up eating all the pie.
anyway I think after I post this, I will go listen to that radio that started to act freaky at times with me....still reminds me a bit of Alastor.
I can always watch Transformers Animated, Transformers Prime and even RWBY, later tonight or tomorrow...
so anyway, it’s okay not everyone thinks this theory could turn out to be canon.
I know it might not, and it will just be in fanon, I mean they didn’t reveal that Megatron went through mitosis in TFA, and Sari is his daughter and she was a hatchling and wasn’t like the other protoforms that were taken from Yoketron’s Dojo...but fans do figure out things, even ones that never get fully revealed at the end of a show series.
or like in theory, Ultra Magnus turning out to be Megazarak, and not really being the Original Ultra Magnus, Megazarak could of placed the real one in stasis before Optimus’s Team ended up on Earth....
if Megazarak can’t be a big shot in the Decepticons, he might as well be so in the Autobots....
Megazarak use to be the leader of the Decepticons, but was exiled by Megatron.....so yeah, I believe “Ultra Magnus” the very one that got hurt by Shockwave, is actually Megazarak, and the real Ultra Magnus is being kept hostage at a secret base that belongs to Megazarak who is also disguised as Ultra Magnus....I think I will talk more about that theory another time...
but I hope some like the theory about why I think the overpopulation could be how it is in Hazbin Hotel, not everyone has to take this theory seriously, and in fanon it could be solved with having some of the sinners go through a relocation to the some of the other rings, and if some wanted to, they can also have the choice of going to Charlie’s Hotel and try to get redeemed even if they do ended up moving to one of the other rings before heading to the hotel.  
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jinkushiroll · 1 year
When you said no one gave a damn about Palestine your actually not even wrong, from stan twitter point of view. No one harassed brett gelmen who is a co-star of noah when he proposed to his fiancé in Israel, no one batted an eyelash when Jerry Seinfeld traveled there. Point is many celebs have went to Israel because at the end of the day whether people hate it or not it’s a country with actual people living inside of it. The way people eagerly jumped at the chance to “cancel” and namecall Noah so fast was so weird. It’s been like this for years when he had his bar mitzvah there he got hate, like what he’s literally Jewish it’s his religion.
Point is I’m disgusted with the amount of antisemitism I’m seeing directed at him it’s unfair to see so many act like all Jews that have visited there *to see family or to pray at the western wall* to all be in favor of its government. It’s simply idiotic and generalizing. Noah can travel where ever he likes and I’m glad to see him reconnecting to his Jewish heritage and religion.
Woke up to anon spitting facts🙏
And it's actually so confusing how, as a post on his tag mentioned the other day, everyone just immediately wants to cancel Noah for everything. I've seen people make wild stuff up about him JUST to find scope to cancel him. Like I swear to God 50 years from now someone on twitter (if it doesn't fall off by then) is gonna be like "Noah Schnapp replaced the nword with neighbour in that rap song during his summer camp. There's video evidence." Bitchass he was 13 😭 and I'm not one to express my opinion on this but I'm pretty sure he apologized profusely and much water has flown in the Ganges since then.
Mostly it's all the internalised homophobia and antisemitism and all the people that think they are PhD scholars about the Israel-Palestine conflict after 5 too many Google searches (again, they didn't bother before some gay and Jewish 18 year old posted Israel in his insta stories) but he simply doesn't deserve all that. He is literally just some kid on a practical level, he has more geopolitical knowledge than many of his defenders give him credit for, but he's 18 and rich and grew up in this sort of over privileged white bubble (not something he deliberately chose and can he counted as his fault, something stan twitter will terribly fail to grasp)
Maybe promoting Israel to 20M people on Instagram wasn't all that cash money and maybe the people he's interacting with are active zionists and the concerns of the Palestinian fans are very much valid but like, we need to remember we don't even know HIS OWN PERSONAL stance for sure. Emphasis on all those synonyms because he hasn't himself openly talked about it.
I am from a country where just about every 60 year old around is pro-israel because of the former/current political relationship between Israel and my country, though it is a generational thing. No one from the more recent generations agrees to ethnic cleansing and genocide, but we can't just boycott our grandparents and older relatives even though we have such a significant difference in opinion.
I know this doesn't really apply to Noah all that much, but point stands that we're building our empire of doubts and contempt for him on mere speculations and supposedly reliable observations (as far as I'm aware) and yes I am choosing to defend him because none of that ever ends well, from my experience.
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elizaviento · 2 years
Green on the Vine — Strawberry Wine (Part 4 of ?)
(Stardew Valley — Shane/Female Farmer/OC) Note: My working draft for this fic is called "Stardew Trash" in Google docs. Just thought y'all would like to know. Lmao.
This chapter is rated SFW — 3096 words.
(FYI: Additional chapters of Green on the Vine — Strawberry Wine can be found in the Stardew Valley Fic Masterpost link in my blog description.  Or, you can click the #green on the vine strawberry wine tag in this post, within my blog, to access all additional chapters.)
Occupying himself with the hens was the best decision Shane could have made that day. Their soft clucks, the silken slide of their feathers through his fingers, the graceful bobs of their heads as they pecked the dirt at his feet provided the perfect distraction from the thirst that nudged the back of his throat. Cravings were always a bitch to deal with, even under the best of circumstances, but the heightened stress level encapsulating the farm like a dome amped his desire to sink into the familiar sense-numbing void tenfold.
Distant mumblings from the doctor and the farmer caught Shane’s attention as he fetched hay from the nearby silo. More than once, he wished he could eavesdrop, but they were far enough away that the soft rustling of maple leaves muffled their words until they resembled a mere hum among the ambient babble of nature. Instead, he went about his work, attempting to drown out the intrusive thoughts of what they could be discussing in his absence. Not that it mattered. The farmer was well-liked among nearly everyone in Pelican Town. Her world didn’t revolve around Shane and his fragile notions that she would wake up one day and realize she’d wasted her time befriending him. The town doctor came to her house to tend to her wounds. He fixed what was broken in a way Shane could never compete with. Patching a hole in a weathered fence and laying down some hay seemed incredibly trite in comparison.
“Fuck, I need a drink,” he grumbled while gently nudging a round hen that had decided to roost on his foot. Calculations filtered through his mind, as they did when he tried to justify cutting into the time he spent with Jas, taking shortcuts on the ranch chores, or ducking out early from his shift on the days Morris left early.
Can I get away with it? Can I spend another 50 bucks on beer this week? Can I sleep 30 more minutes to nurse this hangover? Can I avoid talking to anyone until my head stops pounding?
Granted, these calculations had become less and less arduous and frequent since the last black-out drunken stupor had forced him to look himself in the eye and decide, once and for all, if he would allow it to consume him entirely. He had been close. So close , so many times. But once the farmer had found him face down on the Cindersap lake dock at 2 am, vomiting over the side, a sensation of shame gripped him so tightly that he felt he might be crushed by the weight of it. She’d dragged him home – God only knew how – and sat by his bedside with a pitcher of water and a waste basket until he groaned back to life the following morning. The looks of pity and disappointment from Marnie he could handle. Shane had grown used to them and learned to shrug them off with ease. But the fear that swam in Kristen’s eyes and the subsequent relief when she realized he hadn’t straight up died of alcohol poisoning stabbed him like a molten hot poker between the ribs. Shame. Utter, absolute, disgusting shame.
Had he cut back on drinking for her ? Had he agreed to professional intervention to never witness that fear contorting her freckled face and suffer that suffocating shame ever again? Shane tried to pretend the answer to those questions was no. Sometimes he almost believed it.
His cargo pocket began to sing for the dozenth time that morning. The number on the screen wasn’t in his contacts, but he knew exactly who it was by now, having received 3 voicemail messages from the town’s Mayor.
“Shane, it’s Lewis. How’s Krissy? Did you and Harvey get there alright? Call me back.”
“Shane, it’s Lewis again. I texted Harvey, but he hasn’t replied.”
“Shane – Lewis. I know I’m not your favorite person in the world, but I think we can both agree that we care about Krissy. Just tell me if she’s okay.”
Finally fed up, Shane canceled the call and tapped out a text, his fingers jabbing at the screen aggressively – She’s fine, Lewis. Stop calling me . – before he powered down the device altogether and made a mental note to talk to Marnie about not sharing his cell phone number with anyone else in town. Shane would never understand what Marnie saw in that man, but he also knew that Kriss regarded Lewis like a second grandfather, having spent most of her childhood summers on this farm. She had history in Pelican Town, albeit a bit ancient, but enough that dormant roots sprouted instantly and bloomed the moment the old timers recognized her shining face as that of Homer Wynand’s rambunctious granddaughter. It had taken less time than he’d wagered for her to forge multiple friendships among the younger town’s people, but he could tell right away that she wouldn’t have trouble fitting in, much to his annoyance.
Would he ever admit out loud to secretly hoping for another outcast? Absolutely not. Would he have shunned her, regardless? Of course. But, it was made so much easier to treat her like shit in the beginning, believing she was just like every other slack jaw in this podunk town who would shun him right back. He was glad when she eventually proved him wrong.
After he’d wasted as much time as he could cleaning up the coop, he found the farmer sitting cross-legged in front of a makeshift grave near the pond. He hadn’t expected to find her there, but he wasn’t surprised. She reminded him of Marnie in how she was attached to her animals. Maybe even of himself…
Shane had made up his mind about helping Kristen around the farm before she emerged from the bathroom, smelling of sweet mint. The humidity trailing after her only amplified the aroma of her shampoo or soap; he wasn’t sure which. All he did know was that it filled him with an odd sense of comfort. It was familiar . It was her.
He’d been prepared for her to protest, which was precisely why he didn’t give her the opportunity. The ridiculously large bandage wrapped around her right hand and the noises of frustration as she struggled through the simple tasks of cleaning herself up and getting dressed were enough to ignite his slumbering sense of duty. The odd fluttering he felt in his chest when he recalled the myriad of ways she’d helped him over the past 2 years intensified, especially when his thoughts lingered on the obvious distractions she provided for him when the urge to drink himself to death reared its ugly head.
“Hey, let’s play that new first-person shooter you got. Loser orders a pizza!”
“Wanna take a walk on the beach? I bet Jas would like to go for a swim.”
“I have a fresh batch of hatchlings! Come over and see. They’re so fucking cute!”
Yes, obvious distractions. But effective. Without realizing, the farmer had helped the deadbeat, alcoholic stock boy more than anyone ever had. And now, he owed her.
Shane cursed and cracked one bloodshot eye when the alarm screeched in his ear, pulling him from a dream. Even before he stumbled out of bed to slam his hand on the snooze button, it had melted from his memory like one of Jas’ favorite ice cream bars on a sunny summer day. But the feeling lingered. Though sleep deprived — having arrived home from Joja at just past midnight — he felt oddly at peace, even at 4:30 am.
Four-fucking-thirty, Christ… he thought, switching on his bedside lamp. He couldn’t remember a time he’d willingly gotten up this early. Going to bed this late? Sure. But that was a completely different circumstance.
He dressed quickly in his usual attire, shoving his uniform in a backpack and slinging it over one shoulder as he stepped from his bedroom and entered the darkened kitchen.
“Shhh…I’m in here. Don’t wake Jas,” Marnie said from somewhere in the blackness. His eyes hadn’t fully adjusted, and Shane nearly jumped out of his knock-off Crocs, startled.
“Jesus, Marnie!” he whispered aggressively, flipping on the overhead light. Marnie sat in her bathrobe at the kitchen table, cradling a mug of something steamy. “Why are you up so early?”
“Lewis told me you’d be going to Krissy’s farm this morning, so I thought I’d make you some coffee. It’s fresh in the pot. I can cook something, too, if you’re hungry.”
Lewis. Fucking Lewis…
“How the hell —” he began before cutting himself short. He should have known this would happen. Hot gossip traveled fast in tiny towns. “Kriss told him and he told you?”
“Yes,” she confirmed, rising from her chair to fetch another mug from the cupboard. “Is that a problem?”
And it really wasn’t. It wasn’t like Shane was doing something scandalous that needed to be kept hidden. If gossip was going to spread, he supposed it was better than the usual trash people thought about him. Still, the sense of privacy he tried to preserve from most of the inhabitants of Pelican Town bristled at the idea that everyone probably knew what he’d be up to, innocent or otherwise.
“It’s a kind thing you’re doing, Shane. I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.”
Marnie’s tone softened as it did when she was proud of him, which was rare. His cheeks prickled with heat, and he averted his eyes, suddenly interested in a hairline crack in one of the porcelain tiles near his feet.
“I’m not hungry,” he replied, changing the subject as he took the mug from her outstretched hand. The aroma cut through the remaining fog lingering in his brain, and he took a large sip, unconcerned with the resulting scald to his tongue.
“Good. I’m going back to bed,” Marnie joked. “Turn off the light when you leave.”
For the first time, probably ever, the chirping of birds before dawn didn’t agitate him. In fact, they were a welcome soundtrack for his hike toward the farm, granting him a reprieve from some of the more intrusive thoughts that always seemed to plague him. Booze still remained the most effective dampener, which frustrated him, but he’d take what he could get. The air also hadn’t become oppressively hot just yet, and he felt surprisingly light on his feet.
The trek from the ranch to Kristen’s farmhouse took approximately 15 minutes. He’d walked the trail so many times that he had it committed to memory and was on her front porch at 5 am on the dot.
“What are you doing here?” the farmer groaned when she finally answered the door. He knocked loudly and insistently, knowing she’d still be dead to the world. “I don’t get up until 6, ya know?”
“Hey, that’s fucking great for you —,” he answered, plopping his backpack on the rocking chair next to the front door, “— but I gotta be at work at 8, and it takes 45 minutes to walk there from here.”
Kristen scrubbed at her eyes with her good hand, the other hanging limply at her side. Shane idly wondered if she was in much pain before his thoughts pivoted to how cute she looked with her curly hair so wild and unkempt from sleep. He quickly shut that one up, however, by making fun of her instead.
“You look like you stuck your finger in a light socket.”
She laughed hoarsely, lightly kicking his green foam shoe.
“Says the only person left on the planet who wears Crocs,” she retorted, opening the door wider to let him inside. “You want coffee? I need to take painkillers now, or I might start weeping like a baby soon.”
“Nah.” So, she was in pain. That knowledge distressed him, but there was nothing he could do other than what he was here for. “I’m gonna get started now. I’ll be in the coop.”
He worked in silence, as usual. At Joja, his co-worker Sam always wore headphones, the music blasting from them so loud that Shane wondered how he hadn’t gone completely deaf. It wasn’t that he preferred the silence. Rather, all of his favorite songs were tied to memories that were too tender to prod at just yet. Finding new music seemed just as daunting, and Shane realized he was probably getting old.
35 isn’t old, is it?
It is for you, Shaney boy. It’s old as fuck. You’re out of shape, an addict, stuck in a dead-end job, and a shitty god-father. You may as well be 60.
It wasn’t Shane’s voice that answered in his head, echoing between his ears like a specter. It was familiar, teasing, heart-achingly distant. And Shane refused to entertain it. The owner of that voice wouldn’t have spoken to Shane in such a spiteful manner had it been right in front of him. The owner of that voice wouldn’t speak at all. Death tends to render a person speechless, after all.
Time slipped away as he continued to work, spending a significant amount of it stroking each hen that crossed his path. He found that even though he’d opened the coop door for them to graze, several remained inside, squabbling for attention.
“Kriss spoils you, huh?” he asked as he scratched the short feathers on their tiny heads. “She better.”
Checking his watch, Shane sighed. Rolling out of bed before the sun wasn’t exactly his favorite thing, but he’d gladly do it every day if it meant this was his actual job. Instead, he’d make the long walk to town and clock in at the soul-sucking pit of hell that spit out his meager bi-weekly paychecks from a talking Pez dispenser that called itself Morris.
Not for the first time, Shane found himself wondering how Kristen survived the corporate lake of fire. She’d spoken about it a handful of times but preferred not to linger, changing the subject at every available opportunity. Shane never pressed. He knew how frustrating it was when people couldn’t mind their own business, even if curiosity gnawed at the base of his brain. He knew she’d been an attorney on Joja’s payroll, but the specifics were vague. Shane wasn’t sure he’d understand them anyway if he were honest, so he let it be. Picturing the farmer as anything but kind of boggled his mind anyway. Her earthy essence seemed ingrained into every fabric of her being, utterly content with the life she’d built far away from exhaust fumes, blaring horns, and tiny, overpriced apartments. She seemed happy.
“Hey, are you hungry?”
Her voice sliced through the silence so suddenly that Shane flinched, whipping his head around to find Kristen leaning against the coop door, a bucket of strawberries gripped in her good hand.
“What the hell are you doing?” he asked, motioning toward the bucket filled to the brim with ripe red fruit.
“Don’t try to father me, Shane. I still have one good hand, and the strawberries in the greenhouse were past harvest. If they weren’t picked today, they’d rot.”
“I’m telling Harvey,” he lied, striding toward her to snatch the bucket. It was heavy .
“You do that, and I’ll tell Marnie you let Jas watch the Blair Witch Project.”
“You watched it with us!” he protested. A hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, giving him away. Nevertheless, his brow pinched, imagining Kristen picking strawberries off hundreds of vines with only one hand. “I would have harvested the strawberries.”
“You have to leave soon.”
“I can always come back, Kriss,” he said, scrubbing his free hand at the back of his neck. His opposite arm was beginning to ache with the weight of the bucket, and he wondered how she seemed to handle it so effortlessly. “I was planning to do that anyway. After my shift. Just… don’t fuck yourself up more than you already have.”
“Okay…” Her eyes darted around the coop, avoiding Shane’s entirely, and her stance became rigid as she crossed her arms, shifting from foot to foot. He recognized these mannerisms — stubbornness waging war with logic.
He followed her back to the farmhouse in silence, unsure of what else to say. He knew deep down that she would continue to try and complete her chores, incapacitation be damned, but he would be there to haunt her every step of the way.
Once inside, Shane emptied the bucket into her kitchen sink and washed the berries as best he could while she tossed something into the microwave. Several minutes later, he was finished and she shoved a soggy sausage sandwich warped in a paper towel toward his face.
“I’m… bad at this,” she said, providing no further context until Shane blinked at her, confused. “I don’t like asking for help. It makes me feel weak, and feeling weak makes me feel inadequate.” Shane already knew this. The pair had more in common than he sometimes liked to admit. “But, I appreciate it. I really do. Thank you.”
Again, she avoided eye contact with him, nervously fidgeting with a strand of curly hair. It was so endearing that Shane had to take a step back, nibbling on the sandwich until his brain could come up with an adequate response. A response that wouldn’t make him sound like a doe-eyed sap.
“It’s nothing. I owe you anyway.”
He braced himself for another protest. The farmer had told him countless times before that her friendship wasn’t transactional. No strings. No expectations. Nothing was owed because nothing was due. Instead, she smiled and did something that transferred her anxious energy straight from her body into his. She hugged him.
Shane’s brain seized up like a wrench had been thrown into the cogs, screeching everything to an abrupt halt. It wasn’t the first time he’d been hugged by the farmer, but his reaction was always the same. His arms hung limply at his sides, and he held his breath, unable to move and reciprocate. Damn it, why couldn’t he just —
She released him a couple of seconds later, the smile finally reaching her eyes. She never seemed phased that Shane couldn’t bring himself to hug her back, and he was glad she never acknowledged it. She truly expected nothing from him other than what he was willing to give freely.
“I get off at 5 so I’ll be back at around 6,” he said, moving toward the door. Once outside, he retrieved his backpack, deciding he’d get changed in the Joja Mart employee locker room instead. For now, he needed to clear his head.
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13, 14, 16, 18!!!
Yaoigami, my dear dear friend, I will be breaking up this post because I can not ever say something quickly. Skipping 13 because I’ve already answered it!
14. That one thing you see in fics all the time
A thing I LOVE to see is Light being so sooo repressed. It’s real, and painful, and hot. Love.
A thing I HATE is Sex God Light tm. Those who know me know that I hold the firm belief that Light is a total nightmare to bed. I love this about him and refuse to believe that he could be some super confident dom right off the bat. However, I see SO much fic where Light is super experienced and confident and just fucks L like its nothing asking to be called Sir or Kira or something. No. This type of fic also tends to have L as a super shy virgin that can’t even look Light in the eyes. L is 25 and the richest person in the world—I think he’s had sex before. Light, however, is newly in college, straight laced, disgusted by impurities, and living at home. He even has a throw away line about his mother cleaning his room if I’m remembering correctly. However. This is a take everyone knows I have… I’ll try to think of a more obscure one.
Oh I HATE innocent Misa. Misa is scary, she gets Light to agree to date her under threat of death from a supernatural being. Misa is not a good person. She is obsessive with Light and I think she scares him at time. Her demands to be physical with him should not be taken as funny. She is demanding sex under threat of physical violence. Light knows that if he really displeases Misa that she will have him killed. What’s more, Misa makes it clear that this will go on for the rest of his life. Yes Light is cruel to her too, but if at any time Misa decided that she’d had enough, she could have Light killed so easily. And the thing is I am WAY more compelled by this Misa. I want her to be frightening and I want her to push Light in upsetting ways. Misa is demanding, wildly selfish, often manic, needy, and so so lonely. She is grieving her parents and grief makes her terrible and blood hungry and incapable of being alone. And yet she is still doing something horrific to Light. I just like my fiction just dripping with conflict and confusing power dynamics.
One more! I HATE When Light’s family is depicted as totally abusive or perfectly lovely. I think Light is a product of his family—they are well off, he is a cop’s son, he is the first born son. Light is very very privileged. But he is also held to unreasonably high standards. He is also under an incredible amount of pressure to be perfect, to continue to hold his grades, to continue to be special. It’s easy to be special when you’re 5 and reading chapter books before you’ve been enrolled in kindergarten. It’s much much harder to be special at 20 when everyone has started to catch up. When you are in first place, second place looks terrifying, it looks like failure. I think Light’s family has inspired a deep sense of fear in Light and I think he doesn’t understand this. I dislike openly abusive Yagami family because well… Light would get it. He would know where his fears and displeasure come from. Perfect family just… bores me. It feels untrue—speaking as someone who was raised “gifted” (stupid word, but it defined all of my early life). I think his father yelled at him while he was learning his times tables, I think his mother seemed to love him more when he was bringing home prizes. I dont think he was ever hit.
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Don't know if you follow X-men and writers not knowing what to do with Magneto post Claremont redemption arc but one of the most egregious was in X-men: First Class where they have Erik (young Magneto) agree with the Nazi who tortured him with terrible lines like
"you are my creator " (referencing Frankenstein's monster)
"I agree with your politics but alas you killed my mother"
Like NO.... NO to all of that
I feel that Bemis run has (along with everything else) has Marc agree with antisemites and literal nazis that they're right (That's antisemitism, Marvel).
(also in Ra's fight with Khoshu we have Wolverine and Kitty wave to what look like sentinels and you know Days of Future Past that's the robots that killed almost every mutant and placed everyone in internment camps - it's another subtle little oppressed group sides with oppressor thing. )
GOD I hate that this issue is PREVALENT in recent Marvel stuff
I don't follow the X-men comics. Marvel can never figure out what they want to do with the X-men. ESPECIALLY since the most recent turn of events has basically figured out that "MAGNETO IS RIGHT" but they still have to put him as the villain. Hence the 'redemption arch'. I do watch the movies and I adored the cartoons growing up and at first I bought into the Charles is the bigger man argument, but as I've grown up, I found myself understanding Magneto more. Charles is NOT Jewish. He didn't survive the Holocaust. These are two major things that they chose to put as Magneto's past. And I need to do more research into the history of writing X-men and Magneto in general to figure out if he was always written with this background or if it was something that was later determined.
But having a non-Jewish person telling someone who has already been through a genocide that they have nothing to worry about and that they should trust the system, even when the system is showing ALL the signs that previously led to the first genocide...
I could go on about that all day. I have feelings about the X-men.
Coming back to Moon Knight, it is a very similar aspect of Bemis having Marc tell Ernst that he was right.
And moving away from even the disgusting and despicable depiction of Jews and favoring of Nazi beliefs and Christian Values....
WE STILL HAVE THE ASPECT OF HIM AGREEING WITH HIS ABUSER. Even if Ernst hadn't been a Nazi, he still traumatized Marc. And then came back and said "I created you so you have to love me!"
Even with all the good memories, they are now tarnished.
You don't get to slap me with one hand and lift me up with the other.
And getting into the Bendis run (which I am working on now), we're going to deal with oppression in a different manner from the people that are supposed to be Heroes.
I'll get into it more during my postings, but the way the Avengers have ALWAYS discriminated against Moon Knight because of their mental health issues has always upset me. Yet Moon Knight always comes out looking like the asshole because clearly he's the insane one.
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mywitchcultblr · 10 months
"This anon rant is over a god in genshin impact who is not even a human nor has a fixed gender by the way, they really hate the thought of gender non-conforming Zhongli"
Ive never laughed harder at the lack of reading comprehension of someone older than me
Or the fact that you still believe zhongli is canonically genderfluid.
My dud i do not care what your headcannons are. I never said i hate the thought of him being genderfluid. Its not my personal headcannon but that does not mean i hate it or even the people who enjoy it.
My problem, which i cant believe you are still unable to comprehend, is that you are misinterpreting canon and treating your headcanons as fact and canon, and then guilt tripping other people and lowkey accusing random people of hating or purposfully "forgetting" an indentity of a character because you think they must hate that indentity
But in reality its just you projecting onto a character and misinterpreting them and getting mad when you realize other people dont do that.
And "doesnt have a fixed gender" my ass. Like i said if you really cared so much about his gender identity then you would respect that he is written as a male and is meant to be interpreted, in canon, as a male.
I am in no way repulsed by the idea of zhongli being "gender non conforming"
again my problem is your guilt triping and inability to separate your headcannons from canon.
It is obvious however that it is you who is repulsed by the opposite of gender nonconforming zhongli
Considering how hard you are trying to paint me as some evil transphobe or bigot or what have you, and once again your inability to seperate you headcannons from canon.
I cannot say it enough i do not care what your headcannons are. Have them. Keep them. I dont give a shit. Literally all i asked and am still asking is that you learn to not guilt trip people over not having the same headcanons as you that you try to claim are canon.
Do you even know the difference between canon and headcanons?
Canon is the source material. Its whats official and what the author(s) have written or intended
Headcanons or fancanons are made up by the fandom. They are personal ideas and concepts made up by fans for the source material. Keyword being personal.
Im not saying you have to adhere to canon. Im not saying you cant have your own headcanons. I think ive been pretty damn clear on that.
But trying to force your headcannons on others and claim them to be canon and then getting upset when they dont agree is fucking wrong. Its rude and disgusting behaviour that you should be ashamed of doing.
Like what on earth makes you think its okay to guilt trip people like that? Over, like you said, a god in genshin impact. A fucking fictional character.
You think my problem lies with the headcannon itself but its fucking not. My problem is you and your actions.
If you wanna delude yourself into thinking your headcannons are canon then do it by yourself. You dont get to be an ass to everyone else because they dont adhere to the same fictional concepts as you.
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Zhongli is still too fabulous for gender, I like the fact that you are so upset over one harmless post from me that say "Zhongli doesn't care about conventional gender" bro can turn into a pile of fruit if he wants, he's not even a human. I do enjoy the fact that you are so bothered. Please write more long, upset rant to fuel the dark side of the Force within my soul. I fed on it
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
Hi! Autistic aroace anon from before! I saw your post abt ace Donnie and aro Leo (which btw, I LOVE how their colors are basically their flags? But in Leo’s case it’s his green tone)
And I totally agree!! Donnie seems to have somewhat interest in romance, like the innuendo at the Bearnardo “why I always like the cute and mean ones” and with Atomic Lass. But a teen flirty normal level (thank god, I also agree with you at the “pls they dont care yet, its hormones. Pls focus family and friends), than to actually have smth not rlly, and the arosexual part? I may be projecting a lil here. But he always seemed more interested in the flirt part than anything else.
With Leo, he liked to flirt, but more to charm the person to gain their favor than actually flirt, like in Donnie’s case. He always seemed averse, but not against it, just “yuck”. I felt that was also a normal teen reaction like “I don’t wanna get strings attached” but with smth more, a “yeah, rlly not for me” thing. I can totally see him being gray/demi aro (again projecting? I’m gray/demi aroace), since with some stuff he seems fine but with others, more exaggerated or “honeyed” ones, he gets uncomfortable. But I could understand if ppl put him on sex-repulsed full Aro in the spectrum.
It’s totally wild and funny to me how the fandom is rlly 8/80. The dynamics of both of them being switched in the fandom to fit the box idea that they created for these two is wild to me. “Oh, Donnie’s autistic and 10% of the time, specially in stressful situations, he doesn’t want to be touched? And also a genius nerd? Nah, he’s a goofy goober which the idea of relationships is totally alien and foreign to him, he totally runs from it and has 0 experience of it”. “Oh, Leo’s has narcissistic tendencies and flirted to gain favors before in specific and numbered occasions? He’s totally a flirt, believing everyone wants to date him and he’s a heartbreaker, he totally loves that attention, not uncomfortable at all”
So yeah, sorry for my lil rant, but I rlly do feel whatchu said in that post a whole lot!!
Speaking of colors, he is blue and wore that orange uniform in Air Turtles so yaknow XD
The thing is, the turtles are teens, PLUS they lived an isolated way of life. They had NO way of acting on their interests no matter if they had or didn't have any.
And also. Attraction and relationships are not connected whatsoever! They can. But they don't have to! So the allo person might not want any relationships and aspec person can want and be in one. The relationship status says NOTHING of their identity xD
And moving on to Donnie. He has crushes on fictional character and makes sense, again, no people around. But he also used this his type on Strawberry who are very real and in the moment and is very cute and is very mean to him xD Donnie has a type with real girls too. What he wants to do with this attraction and if he has any sexual attraction is unknown and obviously, it's a kid's cartoon and romance is basically a non-existant part of it(thank god xD). And anyone can hc almost any queer and not queer identity on him, because all of them can and will work xD
Same with Leo, we have some canon moments with him, but it can work for so many queer identities. He is aro as a very direct conclusion. He is grey or demi and his repulsiveness tones down if he falls for someone, etc xD He can also be just a teen who is not into romance but now it extra disgusts him. Anything can work and as long as we are not forcing our hcs on others, it's all good xD
I also hc Donnie a quick developer, he had his plastron developed first, he instalearned his mystics. He could get into the whole romance territory earlier than Leo too xD Leo might not be that enthusiastic the way Donnie is, but still!
Although Mikey doesn't seem to mind and Raph is a big supporter as a comparison xD
And yeeeeeeah I am not a fan(although I can VERY much understand) of latching on this one trait, no matter if it's a rare one or not, and making it the whole personality. Donnie is autistic and very rarely is not 100% excited for a touch? He is touch repulsed autistic. He has canon romantic interests? Nah he is aroace. (Which I LOVE aroace hcs. But I've noticed that in fandoms aroace hcs 99% mean NO romance and NO sex NEVER, even though aspec has SO much variation). With Leo he has these few sad moments and BOOM he is a 100% 24/7 sad boy that was born depressed and all that. Despite the fact that he is very joyful and very confident and very cocky most of the time. YES he copes with jokes, this doesn't mean ALL his jokes are just cover ups. Donnie's copes with collecting data, doesn't mean he doesn't do it on regular just cause he likes it. HECK both of them tend to cope with the thing they like, so they would feel better. Donnie likes data collecting so he copes with it. Leo likes joking so he copes with it.
I love your rants🤝
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