#god bless viki
cangse-sanren · 4 months
and they call this CENSORED?
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I finally started watching Word of Honor and it's got me in a choke-hold and I'm not even 7 episodes in.
But... I have some questions - and as you are the Word of Honor specialist on my dash I was hoping you could help me out.
Does it have a HEA? If it doesn't I'm still gonna watch it, but I feel I need to be prepared. (Do I need to stock up on my wine?? Is it a tequila ending?!? Or is it a The Untamed ending?)
I keep seeing mentions that it is based on a book. As both a book lover and a media traditionalist (as in, you should always read the book) - is it available in English? (I am dumb and do not speak/read any other languages. 😩)
I started watching on Netflix because that was the app I was browsing when it showed in my suggestions and I said "Yes, this is good time to start this!" (at 9pm on Sunday 🤦🏻‍♀️) - But I have Viki, is Viki going to have the better subs? (my experience says yes, but thought I'd ask.)
And why did they make this show so specifically bingeable, every episode ends in the middle of a scene!
Oh my god to be considered a WOH specialist is like a life goal achievement. Thank you!!
Ok let’s dive in:
1) If you don’t watch the special 15 minute epilogue (available on YouTube), then yeah you will need tissues and tequila. I actually loved the sad ending though. It was beautiful. But after crying you can watch the epilogue and decide which you prefer.
2) It is based on a book called Faraway Wanderers by Priest (author of many novels, BL like Guardian and non-BL like Legend of Fei). The book has not yet been officially published in English, but there are English translations available online. I’ve not read it, so I don’t have a link. I’m hoping Seven Seas will publish it soon. They have just started publishing Guardian and are preparing to publish another Priest novel this year.
3) I watched it on Netflix. A month or so ago @linameka started watching it with me using Viki and I instantly clocked the poor quality subtitles. I switched her to Netflix immediately. You really never know which is going to have the better subs. For instance I started Falling Into Your Smile on Netflix and I couldn’t get through 5minutes of it. Switched to Viki and it was 1000x better. Finished the show in a weekend.
Yeah cdramas do that on purpose. They are like potato chips. I watch them faster than kdramas because they are just designed to binge.
Bless you for thinking of me 💜
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remythologise · 2 years
You mentioned C-Dramas / K-Dramas that scratch that homophobic gay drama itch and, well, I'm shamefully a sucker for those tropes. Could you share which of those mirror that type of media?
Will say that it’s really not exactly the same vibe because you will get a SHARP CONCENTRATED DOSE of even more homoerotic shenanigans in the following shows, they are much more intentional (to varying degrees, although I feel undeniably so in every instance) than the western instances BUT it will scratch that itch because none of these shows have “canon” gay romance. This is very hard to explain properly because some of it is very canon, just censored. But I will use my old terminology — it is unmarketable gay media. To me. Despite at least four of these being created and marketed TO appeal to fujo trash like myself… it is unmarketable gay media TO ME!!! Sorry you’ll just have to take my advice that Vibes on censored gay dramas are Tremendous.
I will say because literally all of these dramas have the central relationship ‘censored’ in various ways do not go in expecting a Happy Gay Ending, though most (not all.) of these do have about as happy an ending as they could under the But-Not-TOO-Gay Circumstances. (Much like. Supernatural or House M.D. Shall we say. Journey not the destination…) ALL of the following shows are on Netflix, though it’s probably a better viewing experience with the subs to watch on Viki.
IMO you should also watch the shows in the following order. Also I could harp on about these shows for YEARS but I tried to keep it brief (I could talk more.)
THE DEVIL JUDGE — girl I love this show so much I don’t know what to do with myself. It is SUCH camp fun everyone is so gay in it (despite the canon het romance). I don’t even KNOW how to adequately describe this show it’s literally What If There Was A Dystopian Korea (Basically The Same Korea) And They Made A Reality TV Show For The High Court But Also It’s Mostly A Gay Gothic Romance Complete With Old British Mansion. 11/10 had such a fun time. THIS SHOW IS SO UNDERRATED ON THIS WEBSITE COMPARED TO—
BEYOND EVIL — VERY similar in cat-and-mouse homoerotic vibes to the Devil Judge but Up To Eleven on the cat-and-mouse thing. Literally was awarded best drama and actor award of that year. It’s not just a gay show, it’s also a VERY good show! A detective from a small town and a detective from the city get paired up to Solve A String Of Murders. Both of them think the other is suspicious/untrustworthy. 12/10 would yell ‘KISS’ at my TV until my voice was hoarse again.
THE UNTAMED — someone on anon told me to watch this show in like 2019 and it took me THREEEE YEARRRSSSS to watch it. I really struggled to adapt to the CDrama tone/format at the beginning but I’m SOOOO glad I did. You really have to get into it and flow with it but once you’re in you’re IN you are LOCKED into What If Game of Thrones Was Camp and Gay and Actually Good. SUCH good writing, character, relationship and world building. I laughed, I cried, 13/10 this show has been popular enough that you have all heard of it!
WORD OF HONOR — So you watched the Untamed and this was the thing everyone was recommending to watch next but wasn’t ‘as good’ as the Untamed. Well. Wasn’t as good TO YOU. I’M HAVING A BALL ON THIS BITCH! Literally of all these shows this one is my favourite PURELY because I love these stupid flirting assholes so much. Shut up. Sorry this post is incoherent. The plot is not as good as the Untamed but the banter/relationship is even more in focus and just chef’s kiss dynamic to ME. So 14/10 gay it probably was the biggest reason gay-vibes drama is now banned in China. Girl I am not literally not joking. All the danmei is in unreleased development hell. Help.
GUARDIAN — For the true die-hards (not on Netflix/Viki and got purged from the legal internet but can be found. In places.) SO YOU WATCHED WORD OF HONOR AND YOU’RE LIKE GOD THAT ENDING RIPPED OUT MY ASSHOLE EMOTIONALLY WHAT IF I FOUND AN ENDING THAT WAS QUALITATIVELY WORSE. DO I HAVE ANOTHER PRIEST (AUTHOR OF WORD OF HONOR) ADAPTATION FOR YOU. Production values ZERO acting values MIDDLING gay values FUN AND SEXY. This show is literally what if Torchwood was better and worse at the same time. The reason the string of danmei adaptions started I believe, because this one was so popular. I haven’t watched all of this yet I’m savouring it. Don’t look at me.
HEAVEN’S OFFICIAL BLESSING — not quite the same vibes as what you’re going for with this ask (not a live action; very much an anime and not finished yet) but would be remiss not to mention the VERY PRETTY AND GREAT adaptation of the series by the same author of the Untamed. Also on Netflix.
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prodigyprosecutor · 1 year
finished reading he who drowned the world and decided i need to get into palace dramas so i went to watch the next episode of story of yanxi palace (i watched like 3 episodes and then fell off) on viki where they played me the same jack daniels ad twice with the show's intro music blaring in the background before starting the episode without subtitles even though i had them turned on. god bless
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arbitraryallegory · 2 years
God bless the broken road (a series of lucky choices that began with me reading the uwma summary on viki and deciding it was too sad, i will not be subjecting myself to that thank you very much, but then seeing an incredible gifset of winteam on this here very website which led me to fold shallowly like wet cardboard and watch uwma despite myself, a decision which i thank that gif maker for every day, because I came to genuinely love uwma all on its own merit, like I cried so so so hard you don’t understand but it was so good, and which also gave me a deep appreciation for the entire cast and the director and led me to find out winteam, who I loved and adored and sucked up the crumbs of like a hoover in uwma, were getting their own series and it was coming out fairly soon [rip everyone who waited three years i sympathize but i’m so glad i’m not one of you tbh]) that led me straight to Between Us the series ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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www98vikitoo · 5 years
I really like that Inosuke's wearing the boar head not because he hates his pretty "girlish" face (like in lots of media tropes) but probably because he just wants to look like those who raised him. I'm pretty sure he gives jack shit about his looks anyway lmao
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 3 years
TV Recommendation: Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
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According to family lore, it began as a blessing from the gods. However it came about, Bong-Soon is pretty positive it’s a curse.
In Bong-Soon’s family, for hundreds of years, each woman bears incredible super strength from the moment they are born. That power stays with them their entire lives- unless they misuse it. If the power is used for personal gain or to harm innocent lives their strength vanishes, never to return.
Bong-Soon lives a quiet life, trying desperately to forget this incredible power she was born with. She doesn’t want to stand out, she doesn’t want to be strong. All she wants in life is to play the weak little lady to In Gook-Doo, her dashing police officer lifelong crush, and become a game designer for the nation’s top software company.
Life has a weird way of getting you want you want. When using her power to deal with a pack of gangsters harassing a bus full of children at a construction site, Bong-Soon is seen by An Min-Hyuk, a man who just happens to be in the market for a bodyguard after receiving several death threats.
And- bonus for Do Bong-Soon- he also happens to be the CEO of her dream-company. Min-Hyuk makes a deal with Bong-Soon: keep him safe and he’ll mentor her in game design himself.
Do Bong-Soon has spent her life trying to be the weak little girl for her crush- who remains impervious to her advances. As for Min-Hyuk, as scared as he is of Bong-Soon’s power, he’s also incredibly excited by the opportunities it provides for her to become a real-life superhero.
Will Do Bong-Soon choose to keep up her act, or will she step up and become the hero of the average people?
A murderer lurking in the shadows and targeting women in Bong-Soon’s neighborhood may make that decision for her.
You can preview the first 2 episode free on Viki (subs in 44 languages) or watch the full show on Amazon Prime Video.
** To unlock on Viki you can sign up for a 7 day free trial, after that it is $5 a month for access to nearly every show on the site (Don’t worry about Episode 0, it’s just behind the scenes & interviews)
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rhysand-vs-fenrys · 2 years
Can you recommend top 5 BL whatever (books, movies, shows)? I'm in a mood for no hets and I don't think anyone does WL ...
I can think of 2 things and then... I guess 3 fillers. I will put a ✨️ by the genuine enjoyment recs.
✨️ Heaven Official's Blessing /TGCF (Novel and anime on Netflix (dubbed in English on Funimation)):: A disgraced God is approached by a dangerous Demon King who is known for killing Gods. Strangely, this Demon King wishes only to see this particular God happy and takes care of him with the gentleness of a devout worshipper.
✨️ The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation // The Untamed (Show, Novel, Graphic Novel, Anime):: A heroic young man is changed by war and loss into a powerful icon of evil and corruption. 16 years (13 in the book) after his death, he is resurrected by a madman, reunited with the man he loved in youth, and must solve the mysteries of the past without succumbing to the darkness of the present.
Symantec Error (Show):: A cold but high achieving student is targeted for abuse by an aloof classmate and love blossoms between them.
History 3: Trapped (Show):: A *heavy sigh as I try not to gag at the cliche* police officer falls in love with the gang leader he is trying to bring down. Cliche, not great acting, but the sex scenes are extremely well done, to the degree where it's worth noting.
Be Loved In House: I Do (Show):: A jewelry designer is forced to cohabitate with his insufferable and arrogant boss. As they learn more about one another, love blooms.
The last 3 I put in order of the show rating on Viki. It's disappointing that there isn't more imagination and effort put into them. The plots are aggressively simple and cliche, and -don't spam me with hate- the acting is pretty bad (more so in the last 2).
But you have to appreciate that they're even making the shows and showing love to the LGBT community. Demand for the shows will translate into funding, funding will translate into improvements in talent ability and writing.
And frankly with the writing, I'm not sure that even the most talented actor in the world could have landed the scenes.... but again, a sincere effort was made and hopefully will lead to more in the future.
A couple others that are noteworthy but not quite for this list-
Dumb Husky and His White Cat Shizun (Novel, but not yet published in English (coming soon though!!)):: An all-powerful evil emperor kills himself and wakes in his own 16 year old body. As he tried to change the past he will learn that those he loved most were undeserving of that love, and those he hated most were the ones he now wishes to hold tightly.
Guardian (Webnovel, and show (but show is 50% less gay because of censorship)):: A special team of humans and demons (aliens in the show) hold the line between their two peoples. Chief Zhao Yinlan and the mysterious Shen Wei are bound by a future one cannot imagine, and a past the other can never forget.
Word of Honor (Webnovel, and show (again 50% straighter bc censorship)):: A man who became an assassin on behalf of his prince realizes he serves an evil master and initiates a process that will lead to his own death within 1 year. After leaving his home, he meets, befriends, and slowly falls in love with a powerful outlaw king. Together they must try to reveal to the world a corrupt autocracy and avenge past wrongs.
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theravennest · 3 years
Let’s Talk the Ending of WOH!
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Despite all the tragedy, I think what I liked the most about the ending of Word of Honor is that everything that happened was referenced or foreshadowed earlier in the drama, usually in one of the many philosophical debates held between Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing. Annd pretty much every failure had to do with good ol’ fashioned hubris. 
The writing at the end was a bit flawed and messy, yes, mostly due to suddenly having to cut like 10 eps from their expected drama length and due to having to move the real ending from the main episode to a special ep due to the censorship concerns. However, I would argue that the additional 10 or so episodes probably would not have changed the actual outcome of the drama, only the road to getting there would’ve been a bit more fleshed out.
This is mostly because everything that happened, was particularly foreshadowed at various points throughout. It was all very cyclical writing, which I’m a complete sucker for.
There’s of course the most obvious one when Cao Weining had the dream in ep 17 about him and Gu Xiang dying young and going to the afterlife mere minutes apart...
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And then they did.
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But there’s also ep 23 Wen Kexing casually proposed to Zhou Zishu that they should move to the mountains and live like the immortals do...
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*These are the Viki translations of this scene.
And then they did that.
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Then there’s the time in ep 6 when Kexing jokingly told Zishu that if there was an immortal god chasing him, he would be able to talk him down using just his words...
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and then they did that...
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But the juiciest callback/foreshadowing for me was actually this:
Literally the very first night Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu spend together with their children after Chengling’s home was destroyed in ep 3, they have a heavy debate/discussion about the Glazed Armor and the nature of the martial arts world.
In that conversation, Zhou Zishu says, “Matters of the martial arts world are all about three things: greed, hatred, and ignorance.”
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Everything that happens with Mo Huaiyang and the other sects deciding to ignore Ye Baiyi’s proclamation that the Ghost Valley matter would be resolved peacefully did so out of pure hatred, greed, and a whole lotta ignorance. 
They were foolish and greedy and they all paid the price when Scorpion King betrayed them.
Even our leads, bless their hearts, fell into this trap. Even though both Zishu and Kexing repeatedly mentioned that Sect Leader Mo was a wily and cunning, they still failed to properly ward against him.
ZZS in ep 8:
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WKX in ep 23:
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After their recent successes with Zhao Jing’s defeat, they failed to follow their own instincts about Mo Huaiyang and the other sects so they did not anticipate the Trojan Horse wedding guest routine they put on.
BTW, this also reminds me of what Wen Kexing says to Zhou Zishu in ep 5:
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The sentiment is echoed again in ep 35 from Scorpion King when he lays waste to everyone in the Ghost Valley:
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Then of course we have the Glazed Armor itself. The great MacGuffin to end all MacGuffins!!! The thing which so many people coveted and murdered for...or got murdered for.
That first night together, Zhou Zishu, Wen Kexing, and Gu Xiang have the discussion about whether such a thing was real or simply fool’s gold.
ZZS: Treasures, divine weapons, secret martial arts scrolls, panaceas. Every few years, something of the kind gets made up and causes the people of the martial arts world to scramble for it, leading to countless deaths. Only then will everyone be happy. Ridiculous.  WKX: How is it ridiculous? ZZS: Isn't it? All these treasures have a name. They're called “the Way of Reaping without Sowing". Simply put, it's just greed. WKX: I'm surprised that you are of the same opinion as me.
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And then Gu Xiang chips in with, “I finally figured out what you just said! That's right, in fact, it's because the people fighting over it know that their skills of martial arts are poor, so they try to reap without sowing! They already know they are weak, but they still fight with others over it. Do they have a death wish?”
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Everything that Mo Huaiyang and the other sects did was a mad scramble to reap without sowing, to gain power without truly earning it. Duan Peng Ju and Prince Jin are included in this when it comes to their hot pursuit of the World’s Armory and the secret to a lasting nation that turned out to be useless and empty. And because they chased after that empty treasure, Sect Leader Mo, Scorpion King, Duan Peng Ju, and Prince Jin all either died horribly or lost everything they worked for.
Ep 35:
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Which is a callback to WKX in ep 3, “Although peace reigns over the land, ignorant people create trouble for themselves.”
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I love writing like this, y’all!! Regardless of the production shortcuts they had to take due to extenuating circumstances, I will always enjoy the ending of Word of Honor because it felt so referential to its own internal logic/writing. 
It was a great ride for me and every time I re-watch the show I grow a little more fond of it.
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spockandawe · 4 years
HEY THERE, you have me interested in The Untamed but I'm a little lost as to where to start, there's both a 50 episode normal version and a 20 episode special edition, which should I watch/start with? Also WHAT does your svsss tag stand for? I'm seeing "The Untamed" and "Chén Qíng Lìng" and "Mo Dao Zu Shi" and "Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation" thrown around as synonyms or related pieces of media, but nothing with svsss!
Sure thing!!
Okay, to start with, I’d definitely go with the 50-episode version. It’s a Lot, and there is some padding added to the story compared to the original book, but twenty episodes seems really, really short to do justice to the central plot 
(a quick skim of google tells me that the special edition leans harder into the original novel’s gayness, which the show has to be coy about, because china. i think there are expanded scenes featuring the two leads, which is awesome, because their acting is AMAZING, but that just means the plot scenes are even more compressed. I saw at least one person recommend that you not do the special edition unless you’ve consumed the story in at least one other more standard format already)
Also! Iirc, the show is available on youtube and netflix, among other platforms, though those two are wonderfully accessible. However, comma, I do hear from people fluent in chinese that the subtitles sometimes are inaccurate in unnecessary/unfortunate ways. From what I hear, viki has the best complete set of subtitles (I think there may be fansub projects in progress, but I am not at all in touch with those. I still haven’t watched the show myself).
And the general summary of my current webnovel fixation! There’s this webnovel author who goes by mxtx, who currently has three complete books out, which have all been translated into english. Then after I finished those, I started branching out into other authors and webnovels, though I’m not too deep into that end of the pool yet. I’ll break each book into a separate paragraph for clarity. 
Oh, and. Each of these books is explicitly gay, and set in ancient fantasy china, in a wuxia/xianxia setting, which I’m not too familiar with myself, but I believe it functions a lot like how authors will use ‘ancient fantasy europe’ as a playground where they don’t necessarily need to match up to established countries/cities/etc, but they expect readers to recognize certain conventions, like I’d be able to recognize a western author writing a basic feudal setting, or recognize witches and wizards, without them explaining the whole thing from the bottom up. Since I’m not familiar, it raised the difficulty level a little for me to get into the genre, but the webnovel translators tend to use footnotes and I picked up a lot as I went on.
(if you are interested in any of these, novelupdates.com is a good central resource collecting links to various fan translation projects)
So! Mxtx. Her earliest book is The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System (SVSSS), which is also the shortest and most linear of her books. The general premise is that a guy who’s been hate-reading this (straight) stallion harem webnovel with a dark protagonist. He goes to bed, and wakes up in the novel, as the protagonist’s dickbag teacher, who is doomed to eventually die horribly. He wants to not die, and is also a decent human being, so the book follows the “original” novel derailing from its intended path, and accidentally getting super duper gay. This one is about to come out in donghua form, but I think that may be its first non-book adaption.
Her second book, which was adapted into The Untamed/Chen Qing Ling (CQL), is also known as The Grandmaster Of Demonic Cultivation/Mo Dao Zu Shi (MDZS), which really manages to be the hardest of her books to summarize. Wei Wuxian, the grandmaster of demonic cultivation, dies. Thirteen years later, he wakes up in someone else’s body. Most of the world would like him to stay dead, tbh, but he’s a good egg, and he and his old friend(????) go forth and solve a necromantic mystery together, and also there is romance-romance and ten million family feelings. This one gets nonlinear, with several extended flashback sequences, and the story STARTS at about the midway point of the plot. This has been adapted into an audio drama at least once, a manhua, a donghua, and now a live action show, so it goes by a million different names in its various formats.
Her third book, and the LONGEST, is Heaven Official’s Blessing/Tian Guan Ci Fu (TGCF), and oh my god, it’s so long, and I love it so, so much. This gets into high fantasy much  more than the other two, including the idea that as people develop their cultivation and powers, they may eventually achieve immortality and ascend to the heavens. The story follows Xie Lian who achieved immortality and ascended to heaven! And then fell. And then ascended! And fell again. Eight hundred years later, he ascends for the third time. He meets Hua Cheng, the ridiculously powerful ghost king, who most of the other immortals are terrified of. But Hua Cheng seems to like Xie Lian! And Xie Lian thinks Hua Cheng is a sweet boy! (hua cheng is a sweet boy, but only for xie lian). This also has extended flashback sequences, but is a more linear story than MDZS, I think. Also it made me cry, which, wow, rude. I love it so incredibly much. This also exists as a manhua, but I think it’s still being published? I haven’t read it yet.
NOW. Mxtx is working on a fourth book, but it’s not out in chinese yet, never mind english. But I needed More. I was getting some SVSSS vibes from this one other book, which, *wobbly hand motions*, but I am enjoying the hell out of this book purely for its own sake.
Meatbun is an author with other books that I haven’t read yet, but I am currently in the middle of The Husky And His White Cat Shizun/Er Ha He Ta De Bai Mo Shi Zun (Erha/2ha), which is at this moment being adapted to a live action tv show called Immortality. There are MANY warnings that go with this book, though the google docs translation files do a good job of placing warnings at the front of every document and in front of relevant chapters. The general premise! Mo Ran basically conquered the entire world, put down all resistance by force, and was a super powerful but Kinda Dumb emperor. As part of this, he took his old teacher, who he despised with a burning passion, prisoner, and abused him a Lot. The story starts as rebels try to mount an assault on his palace, and Mo Ran’s cousin gets impatient with how slowly things are moving and runs ahead of the group. He finds that (suicide warning:) Mo Ran has... taken poison, and is in the middle of dying. This doesn’t stick. He wakes up as a teenager, apparently having traveled back in time, and starts living through events again, with the knowledge of his past life. It took me a while to warm up to this story, but ohhhh my goodness, it’s so TASTY. The translation for this one is ongoing, and I am in AGONY waiting for further updates.
So those are the ones I’m currently into and mostly blogging about! I also read Dreamer In The Spring Boudoir, mostly because feynite wrote an SVSSS fic set in the universe of that novel, which was good in some ways, left me cold in others (and the original novel is straight, with a society with rigid gender roles, so making it super gay in the fic made the setting much more interesting to me). Meatbun has other writing, which I haven’t sampled yet, but I am definitely interested in doing that sometime soon. 
Sorry, I know this is a LOT, so if you have any other questions feel free to ask me!! I got into these mostly via being interested in the untamed, so I read them as 1) mdzs, 2) svsss, 3) tgcf, 4) erha, which was an order that worked well for me. But if someone was looking for a general order to read them in, independent of that, I might suggest 1) svsss, 2) mdzs, 3) tgcf, 4) erha. They’re all really good, and scratch different emotional itches, and each of them has at least a few characters who sucker-punch me RIGHT in the goddamn heart. They’ve been a HUGE help for me dealing with the restlessness and/or apathy of quarantine, so I’ve been evangelizing them to pretty much anyone who will listen to me, hahaha
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kdramaxoxo · 5 years
“It’s called employment” !!!!! Yes!!!! God bless the volunteers but I don’t understand why Viki doesn’t pay them.....but I pay for viki....
I’m so grateful for this ask because it lets me rant even more! :D
So the crux of Viki’s business model: sharing Asian content subtitled in multiple languages is flawed, in that Viki uses volunteers for their subtitles. Sure we love those volunteers and of course they are amazing, but it also means the translation is often wonky or disconnected feeling since multiple people work on an episode. And…it can take 3-5 days for a show to be completed (and let’s be real : if you’re in this fandom, “complete” is anything over 95%).
But the real reason I hate this is that it is unfair to the volunteers who should 100% be paid for their time. This company is not a charity and should not rely on volunteers. The subbers deserve to be paid for their time and if they don’t, then viki needs to find people who do. It’s nuts that they put money into their apple tv, roku apps, licensing, website and marketing but cannot find money to pay people for doing the absolute most important job. Without subtitles, NO ONE would be using viki.
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kickassviv · 5 years
Viki Viktoria is hot 🔥 God bless Arsenal and their 8 players I have a crush on. For the record until Viki gets a known girlfriend I'll ship Jill with her AND Jackie. Clowns away!! 🤡
how are you not exhausted
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shop-korea · 2 years
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AFTER - 10A EST - MY - L EAR -
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vikipassionatelife · 3 years
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@vikisoh helped #FauziahPawsCare to deliver a cute #puppy to a adopter. Those puppies will #PTS #PutToSleep by local masjid if there is no one adopted them. Viki always try hard to help these #dog #rescuer to get a home for puppies. May #God blessed the adopter and her lovely family with good health. 🤭 #lovedogs #loveanimals #RespectLives #dogsofinstagram #dogslover (at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYOCIzKPjGD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wu-xie · 4 years
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@mejomonster​ BLESS YOUR HEART
I couldn’t find a youtube version w subs but Viki is definitely so much better oh my god 
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lonelyspacedragon · 4 years
oh BUDDY. if you wanna read/watch something new and you're in the mood for pain, you HAVE to watch The Untamed. its free on youtube with english subtitles, or you can download Viki (which is also free) and watch it with portugese subtitles there. theres also a novel which has been translated to english, an animation with english subtitles free on youtube, and the graphic novels. SO MUCH CONTENT. IT NEVER ENDS. and the main characters are queer. i highly recommend!!!!!
Bold of u to assume I already didn't watch the donghua, read the novel and started the manhwa but then forgot it, and rhe live action didn't interested me
Tho I didn't get super into it like some of my friends
what I really got into was Heaven Official's Blessing, is from the same autor and GODS THIS FUCKING STORY
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I super duper recommend theres a donghua in the making and the manhwa is currently being released the novel is easy to find (I have the driver link but u can read on novelupdates dot com) Its super gay also
Im trying to read some of priest's work lots o people say they're super good
but anyways back to my fave of all times thats TGCF (Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official's Blessing)
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also yeah its super gay also and the story on point the characters are 👌🏻chefs kiss
anyways this started aa u recommending me but it ended with me recommending u so yeah go go read it all
also also sorry for the wait too much going on and didn't had time
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