#god I wanna make a will cosplay tiktok SO BAD
psychoticwillgraham · 6 months
*resists the autistic urge to make every single outfit that will wore in the show*
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tripletroubleposts · 4 months
Adding this from the future: guys don't look at this I went insane
No this is so real. -🐶 <3
You were the one who I was most worried about not liking it so I'll post this for everyone, might as well contribute XD (redacted your name for privacy btw)
I need him so bad fuuuuuck
I know my brain is fucked up, has been since 4th grade but gods I wanna find him, stalk him and watch him through security cameras and later through his windows. Then I wanna break into his house, maybe sneak through his window while he's sleeping, steal a pair of boxers or a shirt he's recently worn... then I want to kidnap him, have him locked up in a beautiful lavish home far away from civilization with everything he could want if he could just love me. He'd struggle at first and honestly I want him to. I want him to back away from me for it to just be a wall or corner. Nowhere to run. Just fucking love me. Please it's almost like you're not real why does no one think he's amazing like I do. When he eventually comes around, I'd love for us to do cosplays together ❤️ he would be soap or **** and I could be Roach or a young pirate boy. If it really went well I would go for V**** next. I haven't really watched him lately but I remember his voice. I remember how they made me feel. Now that I think about it I'm probably not gonna post this but this is crazy. Is this how people with celebrity crushes feel? I've never been good with romance so idk. I think I need to make a character ai or Chai of this tiktoker or I'll go insane. Fuuck I need him so cute so mine pls please so mine? Please? Fuck his cute little waist and dubious sex. This little freak has captivated me. I'm like 90% he's trans.
Editor's note: I figured out he was just a twinky cis guy with a silly haircut and not, in fact, transmasculine. I still love him, of course, but I got a hit to my ego. Censored out the other person he could be/cosplay as it's an unpopular character that would make it too easy to find him. Also censored out V name.
Also, if you figure out who this is about, DO NOT send this to them or make them aware of this.
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Sekai characters' Roblox styles and gameplay habits!
Over the past few way too long, I've become. Somewhat of a Roblox goblin, especially when it comes to avatar making. So I'd like to share with you the kind of avatars each Sekai character would have (two examples for everyone except Tsukasa and Mafuyu, who only have one) and the kind of games they'd probably play.
Long post, so click under the cut!
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Big fan of 2.0 and those 3D anime girl heads with the fuckhuge eyes. Dresses all her avatars in school-themed outfits. Plays a variety of games, but mostly "mundane" roleplay games (such as Bloxburg and Brookhaven).
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LOVECORE LOVECORE LOVECORE. Does the 1.0 legs on otherwise 3.0 body thing. Almost exclusively plays RoBeats and those Friday Night Funkin' clone games. (i am pushing the pan saki agenda.)
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Very red. Will wear just about anything as long as it has a red and white colour scheme. Doesn't actively play Roblox, only bought the 800 Robux pack because Ichika told her it was "embarrassing" when they played games together and she was a bacon.
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Barb model. Basically only plays Da Hood and fashion runway games. Does not play games with the rest of her unit (when asked why, gets defensive and says she just doesn't wanna play Roblox). Gets genuinely upset whenever she plays a game for the first time and it doesn't let her use R6. Commissions art of her avatar and specifically requests the artist to make them buff.
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Pastel preppy. Mostly plays Bloxburg, Adopt Me, MM2 and preppy hangout games. Makes TikToks where she shows off trades she makes.
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Black clothes, short brown hair and penguin hats. Plays the same games that were on the front page 5 years ago and gets sad when any of them lose popularity or get deleted.
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All of her outfits are Halloween-themed (mostly witches, though she does have a good deal of vampire ones). To her, it's the single most important day on the calendar. Extremely stereotypical Royale High player.
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Black and red edgelord, though much more in the "demon queen who wants to take over the world" way than the "haha I wear a shirt with a cropped anime ahegao girl and some Japanese text that doesn't actually mean anything" way. Also an avid Royale High player, but slightly less stereotypical than Airi.
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Animal-themed softie. (Honestly these fits are super cute.) Plays vibe games and "soft" roleplay games, as well as whatever An's playing (so mostly Da Hood).
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One of THOSE annoying rich kid Rogangsters/CnPs. Also one of those toxic assholes you meet in Da Hood/club and vibe games. Unironically goes on digital dates with Kohane in games.
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Goth weeb. Makes "uwu me and my partner are so cute in roblox" TikToks with Toya. Mostly plays Da Hood, Royale High and anime fighting/roleplay games. Probably does Genshin cosplays as well let's be real.
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Another one of those types who have no idea how to make R6 work and think R15 is the devil, except he's a softie who looks like he came out of an R63 animation instead of a DH-obsessed barb like Shiho. Plays dance games that allow you to use R6, as well as whatever Akito's playing (but only if he wants to make a video with him, he stays away from games that force R15 at all costs unless Akito needs him there for whatever reason).
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Only has one outfit because he doesn't go into games where people care and only even bought it in the first place because he got mad at people at school for bullying him for being a bacon. A veritable god at simulators.
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A rare non-toxic rich kid. Her outfits are all super pink and covered in bunnies. Has TONS of lim faces (SSHF and the butterfly ones are just her favourites). Plays EVERYTHING that gets on the front page (and enjoys most of it too).
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An edgy weeb similar to Akito, but one I'd personally argue is a lot cooler than him. Almost exclusively plays anime fighting games, though she'll also join Tsukasa regularly. (Fun fact: I liked the avatar on the left with the cat shirt so much I bought it and used it for a few days.)
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One of those dudes who only wears girl outfits. Will wear literally anything as long as it's feminine, has a consistent colour scheme and looks good with the makeup faces and mage anims. Plays every game that gets stereotyped as an "ODer game" in the hopes that someone will think he's a hot girl IRL and ask for his social media.
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No particular style. Only buys clothes she sees other people wearing in games and only does vague searches for keywords or colours for accessories (such as "eye" or "black"). All her avatars (even besides these ones) wear hoodies and have extra eyes somewhere on them. Plays a lot of PVP and building games.
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Only has one avatar, because she doesn't care enough to make more. Only plays front-page games. Extremely basic.
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Yet ANOTHER R6 obsessor who doesn't know how to style it, except this time she's a self-proclaimed "emo" who doesn't even know it was a music scene first and the fashion came later. Plays drawing games, 2D fandom roleplay games and Booth Plaza/Rate My Avatar.
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UwU kawaii pastel pink and rainbow softie, who also probably uses this to hide the fact they're actually super toxic. Plays dress-up and hangout games.
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Do you know anyone who always makes themselves out to be the victim? HAHAHAHAHHAAAA...yep! umm got a pen and paper?? mostly my mom. nuff said.
Have you ever wished you had been born the opposite sex? I mean not like that, ya know? more like "would my life have been different HAD I been born different?"
What were some of your favorite books your parents read to you as a child? I can't really remember "bedtime stories" per se, but childhood stories...? of course all the typical nursery rhymes, then again as I was an adult and found Andrew "Dice" Clay (stand up comic back in the 80s/90s) and heard his new renditions...can never hear them the same again lmao
Have you ever been insulted or called names by a significant other? okay this is different given its by a significant other right..? ummm really not to my face, but cheating and seeing who I was cheated on with I think pretty much says it :|
What’s your favorite movie battle scene? oh god given I've never been huge into your usual action movies...umm most of mine to be honest? anything in the REAL Bourne movies..aka with Matt Damon, and yes that includes the whatever you wanna call it yeaars after the Renner one aka Bourne 4...when Matt was brought back? he still got it!
Do you drink more frequently than once a week? heh used to...let's not go there
Do you have any step-grandparents? umm yeah always have...one's passed, the other is still alive...
What is something popular that you refuse to participate in? TikTok dances...I mean I finally caved and downloaded the app itself, I just can't dance for shit XD sooo yeah won't see me trying any...except for the Applebees one since I worked there twice so it hits close to home and I may or may not have damn near memorized those moves off the commercial from tik tokers :P
Do you oftentimes find it difficult to relate to other peoples’ feelings? a lot...especially when it's those who "say" they can relate but first of all, not in your circumstances...two, as far as just in general? yeah I can relate wayy more on so much shit than they know, whether deep shit or just usual day to day..so...it varies. depends on the person and situation, including how I meet them...
What’s a common misconception about your country? oh lord lol I've seen so many memes about this, especially between us and Brits umm..the food. by all means, ours are so bad for you but from what I've seen recipe/custom "snack" or whatever wise? umm...we gotta talk lol and I got a bff from the UK and we constantly debate about this so I have inside info! XD
How far away do you live from the house you grew up in? oh god I moved around so much but my main one? 1 hr 56 mn drive, not sure if that's counting traffic lol
Have you ever been to a same-sex wedding? first of all, define "wedding"...but no but by all means get me my dress and I'm there!
Who takes care of your pet(s) when you’re out of town? I'm ALWAYS home since he's gone more than he's home so...our cat is well taken care of trust me. and she is a hellion given he's gone more than he's home so since I'm here, she takes it out on me :|
Do you practice meditation? Never
What’s your favorite Marvel movie? Black Widow is one right...? my bff constantly cosplays as her cause she loves ScarJo so yes...although I've always wanted to f*** Rob Downey Jr. sooo I guess Iron Man is mine? XD
What was the last thing you wrote down on paper? doc appointments to write on the calendar
What’s the population of your hometown? hard to answer given I moved around so much
Have you ever eaten Cajun food? What about Creole food? no I've never been a fan of spicy food to begin with but I have severe health issues that literally don't let me anyway
If you’ve had both, which cuisine do you prefer? look above
Did you have a Walkman when you were a kid? fuck yeah! who didn't? we were all trying to get one that had "no skip" so while we were on the bus we could have at least one song before we got to school!
What’s the most difficult experience you and a significant other have gone through together? umm...cheating. and it's ex. thank god...
What are your siblings’ names and ages? I've said this before..I have a stepsis by marriage who's Kayla and she's my age she's just two months before me lol...not gonna get into my sperm donor "half" brother....
What’s your favorite recipe you’ve come up with? I never have Have you ever worn false eyelashes? never
Do you pay much attention to local news? no I make it a point not to for the most part but I catch it every now and then
Have you ever attempted to pick a lock? Did you succeed? no but my fiance and I watch channels on Youtube that tell you how to lol
When did you last dust the baseboards in your home? next...
Do you prefer Japanese or Korean cuisine? Japanese.
What’s something you have zero tolerance for? animal abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, rape...
Do you know anyone who could be described as a religious fundamentalist? No
What was the last act of self-care you did for yourself? getting coffee for myself while he was at work
What grammar mistake do you find the most irritating? all of them
What will you be buying the next time you go grocery shopping? snacks aka junk food as always
Do you drink soda often? for the most part yeah
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inkofamethyst · 3 years
January 1, 2022
Another new year, another day of me holding myself back from exclaiming that january first is just another day.  It marks the passage of time just like any other day does.  But I don’t say that when people wish me a happy new year because then I’d be a buzzkill who ruins the mood and also I can recognize that some people (for some reason) really like celebrating the end of one year and the beginning of another.  So Happy New Year to those people, from me, I guess.
You know, if you really think about it, the “if he wanted to he would” is a really stupid philosophy.  Like yea some people are just naturally more thoughtful.  And it’s cute to see a guy do cute things without being asked.  But that statement really only breeds bitterness and is therefore not helpful.  Talk to your man.  And if you can’t do that, re-evaluate.  Idk I just see it so often in tiktok comments to the point where it’s kind of lost the original sentiment behind it imo.
Speaking of tiktok,,,, there’s this dude who is gaining a huge following right now because he’s recently planned to sell women’s jeans with big pockets.  He’s framing his whole brand around himself sticking up to the fast fashion industry and listening to what women want and he’s apparently gotten threatening emails from fast fashion companies and he has a lawyer and investors... and I just can’t help but get this icky feeling that maybe, just maybe, we’re all being duped?  That maybe all of this will come to nothing and he’s just using women’s desire to be heard to gain a following.  Like that redheaded guy and black women a few months back.  I mean this wouldn’t be the first time where a man developed something to help women, but I’m also really skeptical... There’s a lot of talk and a lot of hype and his page only recently became devoted to this plan and I haven’t seen a sketch or design or prototype in any of the videos I’ve watched.  Just him, a smile, and an excited voice saying all the pretty words that women want to hear.
Anyway, to change topics completely, I really really enjoyed watching Hawkeye (even if the end credits scene did not live up to my expectations (though don’t get me wrong I’d love a fully overhyped musical about Steve Rogers that only draws facts from public information and has to make up stuff about his life to add to the drama (yknow, the forced romance subplots n stuff))), but I just... I cannot, I simply am unable to look at Florence Pugh, a literally fantastic actress (at the age of twenty five agh), and not see flashbacks of that awful, godforsaken movie in my head.  I WAS TOO SOFT FOR IT THEN AND I AM TOO SOFT FOR IT NOW.  (I can’t find the date of the post where I talked about it because the tumblr search system is absolute booty but oh god oh man oh it was bad that was a terribly sickening night.  (WAIT I FOUND IT.  Feb 1 2020))  I saw her in Little Women and was tortured by those images.  Same with Black Widow.  It’s that... that little frown thing she does where her mouth is slightly open... haunts me.
Wait hold on.  I think I have another project to add to the Winter Break list.  I’m pretty sure I have three yards of this black rib knit fabric that I bought for a Storm cosplay even though it would be pretty terrible for a Storm cosplay and also that’s a pretty uninspired cosplay choice for a Black girl tbh (not that I wouldn’t do it, but I think I felt like it was really the only option for me lol and that’s simply not true) but!!  While I’ve been afraid of sewing knits for ages, I made a knit dress for my mom for Christmas and it was literally no issue at all, all I did was get a ballpoint needle.  ~So~ I think I wanna sew this jumpsuit from Mood to sort of replace the black one I already own which doesn’t work with bras (I probably just need to buy some boob tape or something).  Alternatively, I could try making a square-neckline dress to replace the one I own which also coincidentally does not work well with bras.
If I could get one project done each week, I’d be in fantastic shape.  And that’d be a totally achievable goal if I wasn’t working on a walking skirt that refuses to cooperate (this is me being hyperbolic there’s really only been one problem so far lol.  Can you believe I took measurements and did my patent-pending Pleat Math which has never steered me wrong before and still came up with a final waistline that was two inches too big???  Unacceptable.  The plan is to try to fix it tonight somehow.
I watched three movies yesterday (Ron Goes Wrong, Sonic, and Archive) and I also did some sewing and just resting in general and it was great.  Aside from the pleating thing, the walking skirt is certainly coming along!!  I’m treating it as a relatively low-stakes project, but I’m putting in effort to certain parts of it to learn techniques (ex. the material is just okay, but I did flatline it (...not amazingly well), and I plan to fell/catchstitch the seams by hand (there’s going to be so much handsewing involved and I’m so excited), etc).  I generally enjoyed all of the movies I watched, and they were all moving in their own ways, but Archive was by far the most moving and interesting (...even if the premise loses steam around the edges, but none of that was explored in the movie, so I’ve decided to just let it be), and also Theo James is still very hot.  He’s more attractive now even than he was in Divergent tbh.
Today I’m thankful that I got through another year.  Here’s to whatever nonsense 2022 brings I guess.
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z0rdic · 6 years
A word about Tiktok
I love how people hate on TikTok, and before that Musical.ly. Like okay, I get it, it's an app and or platform you don't like, wow surprise.
You guys need some serious help if you are going to bash people for having a creative outlet for either their feelings, hobbies or interests. You are bashing people for doing something they like that brings no harm to others what so ever. I see teens who are more educated on manners than you are on that simple subject of 'everyone is allowed to like what they like despite its abnormalities'.
I've seen hundreds of YouTube videos bashing people, making cringe complications and rants about TikTok and how it's 'super gross and cringe'. I would be surprised if I actually found a video with valid critique or points between the hate and spite.
TikTok isn't even that bad. It's people lipsyncing to music for crying out loud and vines and memes. What is so wrong about that? Some even make super cool original stuff that is funny and educational even. If someone is hating on something so innocent and harmless as that.
If you want to bash people on TikTok, go adress your hate towards the real issue on the platform. Go bash the people who make reactions that are offensive and rude. Go bash those who make fun of cancer and suicide, with more! Those are the real toxic people who are trying to be 'funny' but are in reality pure dumbasses trying to bring people down. I saw a post on TikTok the other day - yes I have the app- about a little girl crying telling people to stop bullying her for her hair loss due to chemo. She was going duetted with people brushing their hair in an evil manner purely to make a dumb and rude joke towards her being balled. She has cancer for crying out loud!!! What are they doing!?!?
If you want to give some real critique try the app for awhile for real and see how fucked up the notification system is. How when you follow someone you don't see their new videos on the follow feed. Things like that! Or give a TikTok person actual critique on how to improve.
Don't bash furries for liking anthropomorphic animals, if they are honest and open about liking something in a non sexual manner, and only wanna show off their cool characters, for God's sake let them!
Don't bash cosplayers for making maybe not the best cosplays if they like what they are doing let them!
Don't bash someone for lipsyncing, it's harmless and fun let them!
If you can respect another human for being slightly different than you then YOU are the person who needs help, therapy and counseling. Because then YOU are the problem.
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thecasinowolf · 4 years
And now,,, excitedly talking abt Chro & Hex images bc...
Now I can look at them w/ out panic attacking YEEEAAAA!!! Let’s react to some images, I missed them :> under the cut of course this is long & also jus a lil personal victory 4 me Succ it, abuserz!!
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god hez so pretty Lookit his eyebrowz also that witch hat?? immaculate *chef’s kis*
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The scar!! Omf I thought that was the COOLEST shit back in the day Also the headset badass luv him
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I miss Chro’s lil eye tattoo so much bro it was so cool it was my fav thing to draw on when I cosplayed him but o well,,,
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that’s a solid man rite there also he’s smiling!!!!! happey!!!! *kiss*!!!!
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Okay points off for dragging Cid like that but god,,, th-that shirt *fans self* Mr. Circidas I can see ur tibbies- also the bow’s cute I’ve noticed that in a few drawings he’s jus,,, god he’s so pretty I missed u so goddamn much
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The gays!! Omg Hex’s bat tattoo!! His eyesbrows!! The lil stubble!!!!! The lil hair in his face!! His EYES!! GOOD SHITTT!!
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hhhhh he look so calm This man could look in to my eyes and I’d jus freeze tf up
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Chronos ur not fooling anyone there’s no words in that book Nice cape vest thing tho- wHERES UR GLASSES WAIT-
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His lil smile hhghghghghghghhh his lil batty bat wings,,, my heart,,,, 
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BUFF!! STRONG!! DAD!!! PLEASE CRUSH ME!!1!! HOLU FUK!!! also his lil ponytaill,,, beautiful lookit that curl,,,
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Seth: *Takes off glasses* I can’t see shit also the heartz,,, the hearts on his tail,,, God Chro ur stunning sir,,,,
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HIS HAIR!! IS!! SO!! LONG!! HE’S BEAUTIFUL!!! LOOKIT THAT ARMOR!!! S T U N N I N G!!! wherez ur glasses tho it bothers me when he isn’t wearing them I kno he doesn’t need them but like-
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THIS is the outfit I wanna do when I cosplay Chro He’s making ice cream!! I luv him!!
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God,,,,,,, Hex,,, the way he’s looking at his bf,,, u just know he treats him right,,, *swoonz* Also Chronos looks like he’s plotting some shit please sir chill out *ba-dum-tss*
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A strong man A big boi He means business He’s the teacher I’d let yell at me,,, *hhhh blush blush*
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The hair textureee,,, his hair’s so long,,, I want 2 play w/ it... he’s... so... PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!
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ok this picture kinda scares me why’s he so mad at me I’m sorry what did I do pls don’t bite my ankles ur so smol
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hhhhh *blush blush blush blush heart beatz fast* thank u Mr. Circidas so r u,,, do u wanna,,, u kno,,, hold handz b4 marriage???
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gauges???? GAUGES???? HHHHHGHGHGGHGHGH also Hex’s beard is absolutely amazinf Luv u Mr. Mithras uwu~
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Hhh,,,, muscle man,,, wearing cape,,, sit on chair,,, lemmmeee,,,, sit on ur lap,,,
alrite and that’s all I missed them so much I’m glad those bad memories & events are out of my mind Sure it might take a while before they can make it near the top spots in my fav characters list but it really is a breath of fresh air to calmly type their names and look at them again If u read this far Thamk u for celebrating this personal victory w me! I appreciate u! *Gives u kiss* /p
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