#god I love Lucifer so much
facedock · 1 year
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Such a reaction is not programmed into IL-series circuitry.
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starkspi · 2 months
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From "Managerial Liberties" on AO3 by @miribalis (where they collect fallen angels like shiny Pokémon at the hotel), it makes me really happy (and has my heart).
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nouverx · 4 months
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"But do you feel like a young god? You know the two of us are just young gods"
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snowheartsz · 8 months
I think we moved on from this WAY too quickly
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coinsauce · 6 months
thingy i doodled yesterday during a test hihihi
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mousy-nona · 7 months
Chronicles of Cursed Cat Alastor
One day, the hotel woke up to see Alastor’s perpetual “on air” sign had been turned off. His room was empty, his coffee ice cold. 
And in the middle of the lobby was a cat. Or what seemed to be the approximate shape and size of a cat, but with the strangest, most evil face any of them had ever seen. It grinned up at them and wagged its little stump of a tail, which made Charlie melt into a puddle of happy tears.
“Isn’t he adorable?” She squealed.
And that was that. The cat joined their weird little family – and Lucifer secretly resolved to get his daughter to an eye doctor. Stat. 
“Charlie, are you sure about this one? There’s something weird about that cat.” Lucifer eyed the red thing warily. “It’s looking at Keekee like it wants to eat it!” 
“Don’t be silly! Mr. Montgomery is probably trying to be her friend!” She frowned. “It’s so strange. Keekee’s never been this skittish around other cats before.” 
A thin line of drool was falling from the edge of Mr. Montgomery’s mouth. When he noticed Lucifer watching, he sucked it back up and graced him with a freakish, utterly too human grin.  
Lucifer’s wedding anniversary hit him like a truck. That is, he didn’t handle it very well. He got up, fully intending to make a show of his utterly fantastic mood – haha, look how great I feel! Your mother didn’t crush my heart and set it on fire with a flamethrower after all! – but found it was all too much of a bother, and sat promptly back down. He laid his head on his desk. Just a few more minutes. Then I’ll leave. 
He didn’t even notice Mr. Montgomery had waltzed in until the abomination jumped up onto his desk. The cat loomed over him, his razor teeth inches from Lucifer’s nose. 
“Can I help you?” He sniffled. Couldn’t a man mourn the end of his marriage in peace? 
Mr. Montgomery tilted his head with a sickening crack, his neck nearly bending into a right angle as he studied Lucifer’s red eyes, the mountain of used tissues accumulating by the desk, the ring he was clutching in his hand.
Stretching leisurely (in the exact same way he learned from Keekee, Lucifer noted), Mr. Montgomery strolled over to a picture of Lilith he had on his desk – and smacked it off. He stared at him the entire time, as if daring him to do something about it.
“Are you…are you power playing me right now?” 
“Meow,” Mr. Montgomery sneered. 
“That’s it, you little freak! Come to Daddy!”
When Charlie got home, she found Lucifer with his six wings fully spread and the hotel half destroyed by angelic bolts, panting and wheezing as he tore a couch apart. 
“Dad, what are you doing?” 
He whirled around, his eyes wild as he zapped a vaguely cat-shaped shadow into oblivion. “It’s that monster! That cat! I can hear him in the walls!”
“Isn’t he behind you…?” Vaggie asked.
And he was. Mr. Montgomery was sitting on a shelf over the reception, licking his paw and yawning. 
Lucifer deflated. “Ah. I guess he is.”
“Dad, isn’t today…?” Charlie trailed off, blushing a little.
“Oh! Right. Yes, it is,” Lucifer said. He’d been so busy chasing Mr. Montgomery around, he’d completely forgotten about his anniversary. 
“Are you doing okay?”
He sighed and pulled her into a hug. “Yes, I’m fine. I was a little sad at first, but then I got distracted.”
“Burning down the hotel?” Vaggie asked. Mr. Montgomery meowed and started purring, looking as pleased as a cat that had gotten the cream.
“That cat is trying to kill me!” Lucifer roared, pointing at the wholly unrepentant Mr. Montgomery.
The accused murderer jumped onto Charlie’s lap and started kneading her lap. Everyone let out a collective awww! Charlie nearly teared up, and Angel Dust snapped a picture for his Voxstagram. Even Vaggie, the sole voice of reason, was making what the kids called heart eyes at the monster. 
Lucifer nearly tore out his hair in frustration. “He’s tricking you, don’t you see? That cat has it out for me! This is the third time he’s tried to kick rat poison into my food!” 
“Don’t be silly, Dad! He’s just a cat. Cats knock stuff over all the time!” 
“Rat poison? Three times?” 
Charlie looked around, frowning. “Who keeps putting rat poison on the shelves?” 
No one fessed up. Mr. Montgomery let out a loud purr and fixed Lucifer with the most hair-raising, devilishly smug grin Lucifer had ever seen. 
“Did no one see that? Seriously, did no one else see that?”
A few weeks passed before someone finally broached the question that was on everyone’s mind.
“Has anyone seen Alastor?” Charlie tapped her nose with her pencil, frowning a bit. “It’s strange for him to be gone this long.” 
“Oh, oh! I’ve seen him!” Niffty raised her hand and waved it frantically. “He’s right over there!”
Everyone turned – but all they saw was a furry red blob warming himself near the fire. 
“Niffty, doll, have you been sniffing the toilet cleaner again?” Angel Dust asked gently.
“Nooo, silly. The cat is Alastor!” Niffty chirped, clapping her little hands with delight. Mr. Montgomery – no, scratch that – Alastor blinked his left eye, then his right eye, and smiled blandly up at all of them.
“But…but…how?” Angel Dust stuttered.
She shrugged, her shoulders going all the way up to her ears. “Dunno. He’s got a few weird friends who like to play tricks on him. Isn’t it great? He showed up all fluffy and cuddly! Perfect for hugs!” 
Alastor the Cat looked remotely nervous for the first time since he’d appeared. 
“How do we turn him back?” Lucifer demanded. He would rather die than admit it, but he sort-of-kind-of missed the sadistic demon that made his life Hell. It was getting kind of boring without him around. 
“Dunno! Ask him!”
Once again, they all turned to the cat, who opened his mouth – “Meeeeow.”
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moliathh · 1 year
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—“But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most”
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pageofheartdj · 1 month
Can't stop thinking about Lucifer's obliterated self-esteem and crippling loneliness paired with Alastor's possesive nature and selfishness.
Alastor is proud in who he is. He is unapologetic with what he wants and likes. He is violent in the intensity of his emotions. He is a cannibal so he is not one to restrict his needs.
Lucifer and Alastor would feed each other's cravings just right.
Lucifer is unique and he will fully belong to Alastor, Alastor is irreplaceable for Lucifer. Lucifer NEEDS him. And he needs him because Alastor doesn't expect perfection from him, doesn't WANT perfection the way others decide what it is. Alastor himself decides it and for him Lucifer has no flaw, not in a way others see it. Lucifer is unblemished, but not in a blind adoration and worship way where Lucifer is what others want him to be and not who he actually is. His flaws are not ignored, but are appreciated in a way that makes Lucifer Lucifer. So Lucifer in time can accept it all and heal and change and be once again proud of himself.
And Alastor can once again allow himself be vulnerable, allow geniune humane connection that needs him to open up completely. He wasn't doing it to protect himself from exploitation, to not give away his own weaknesses. But what does he have to worry with Lucifer, who does not need it, holding all the power in his palm. He might as well be vulnerable for him and reconnect with his old human self he burried for strenght. He doesn't need to supress himself anymore, allowing softness back.
They are not perfect with each and that's what makes it perfect for them. Both need a challenge and they love the way the other one creates it.
Alastor loves being on equal footing for Lucifer, receiving the respect he deserves, his ambitions and determination being seen. Alastor doesn't allow Lucifer to drown in apathy again. He keeps Lucifer awake and motivated, he makes him stubbornly not give up.
Alastor will breath new life into Lucifer's slump of a life, shake him from his depression, motivate him to improve by being a real challenge with sharp words. Lucifer will satisfy Alastor's urge to reach the very top, to shine in spotlight, to be someone's everything pressure free.
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oatmealdoodles · 8 months
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when I have to learn a new character design, I do this thing where redraw a few scenes to get used to them.
also Lucifer is the best character you can’t convince me other wise
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Scene idea running through my mind; Lucifer full of despair after having his last meeting with God because he has been told the events of the future and the role he is supposed to play, far far away from everything he has loved, just for their sake, everyone’s sake, maybe even his own— and as he slowly walks, dazed and terrified, the young prince appears from a corner with a gentle smile, coming closer to his aid, worried over his apparent fears. In that instant he finally understands, and asks the naive prince if he wishes to have a taste of the tree of knowledge. When the prince accepts, both flaming souls meet and part away just as quickly. The prince can only realize what the action was when he sees the human do it, their lips meeting, their bodies trying to become whole again before they had been separated.
#bible fandom#archangel michael#lucifer#lucifer/michael#ramble thoughts:#i ahev many versions of lucifer as i have of michael#on of those being that lucifer. more specifically. the satan lucifer. is a being that knows his own future and willingly chooses#to be the executioner. the tester. the betrayer and the 'evil' all for the sake of God's plan. He is god's of his darkest aspects#and the brightest at the same time. he is no crestor of evil#but rather the personification of God's own 'evil' and each angel as well as demon personifies that.#and yet not all angels personify the good as not all demons personify the evil#for the sake of His plan. for the sake of giving everyone the kingdom of heaven. for the sake of Jesus's death not being in vain or for the#sake of everyone’s pain be for naught. he plays the devils advocate so that goodness triumphs in the end. Both Lucifer and God agreed to it#and Michael is one of the few that infers that as well. since he was made to be the extreme of Lucifer. not so much as to be profound#goodness like The Son or the Holy Spirit or even the prophets. but he is the extreme personification of servitude#he serves God as a chief. he serves humanity as a guardian. he serves nature as its rain. he serves justice to the vioceless#and he serves to be the one to cast Lucifer out so that The Satan could exist in the first place. even when it goes against all that he#loves. nein. even when they both have to go against their own love. they choose the world instead.#haha one of them burns the world for love and the other burns himself for love.
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muzzleroars · 8 months
How would Lucifer feel about his student's states rn? Michael is literally a walking corpse and Gabriel nearly died/is similiar to him rn and his other two students just try to be normal as much as possible while internally screaming, Raphael trying his best to keep optimistic and be a leader and Uriel trying not to panic over finally getting to think about the stuff he has written down and contemplating all the secrets he's keeping from his brothers
lucifer, once he's able to process the world around him, would see them as the victims of god's corroding presence, that no matter if one was banished from his side or cleaved to him in perpetual adoration, they must all ultimately deteriorate. he has very complicated emotions concerning the archangels, at turns feeling a great pity for them in their servitude, knowing how they must have been punished, how they lived under constant threat, constant surveillance, knowing that if they did not perfectly conform to god's capricious whims they could lose everything they had ever had, ever been...but then at other times expressing a deep, bitter hatred for what they had done, not just to him but to all the angels who followed him, to all the damned souls, so many of which did little or nothing at all to deserve so hideous a fate. not only did they uphold it, but they actively contributed to the condemnation, to slandering lucifer and his angels to the righteous and the damned over generations. and not even hell itself can hate as lucifer does.
in michael's fate he almost sees god's kingdom laid bare, and it's obviously the one that makes him most volatile - he had been closest to michael but michael had also cast him out, michael the most egregious victim but only because he had so fought for all the evil that god perpetuated in this world. god's greatest champion now his most heinous casualty. michael would likely try to conceal himself, but lucifer knows far more than he thinks - hell has whispered it to him already, long ago now, and besides, this is an evil he recognizes from eons prior. god did many things and lucifer, by his side, saw angels created only to be destroyed, to test what it meant to lose light, that all the rest of the host of heaven never knew. and lucifer, as a seraph, would have had the responsibility to carry out that ritual - he left many like michael is now in his "practice" (god promised they were never really alive, they would be erased and there would never have been any pain) lucifer, really, is the first one that can give michael any verifiable information on his state, though there is nothing he can do for it - so fallen, he cannot complete the process now as he may once have been able to as a high seraph. and he grieves for michael. he grieves horribly, to the point that it causes him physical agony, trying to touch him, to feel what he feels but unable to when michael is not truly damned. the fire left in him sparks, ignites, explodes, until smoke is billowing out of every crack of his ashen body, yet he erupts into unstable reactions that michael can do nothing but take. lucifer mourns, telling him how he always knew this would happen, that god would twist and shatter michael into so many pieces, that making him prince had been the cruelest punishment he could have given him...but then condemning him for his stupidity, that he had finally gotten the fate allotted to a mindless, barbaric dog and choked himself on his own collar. he is no better than a husk, rotting in hell just like the rest of them but fully conscious, trapped in a corpse falling to pieces and showing everyone the greatest reward for his loyalty. and finally lucifer rails against him for taking what he says without fight, look at how still michael clings to penance, to think this will do anything for either of them. in part lucifer is vindicated in michael's fate, in part he aches for him, a part of him believes he made his bed and a part of him wishes to help him out of it. the most terrible thing is that he seems to far prefer lucifer's abuse, and can't stand to see that beneath it all, his old teacher's love still remains.
gabriel garners a relatively different reaction - though lucifer doesn't really have the humor for smugness, there is a distinct lack of surprise seeing him as fallen. he always knew gabriel was likely to join them, sure he had the heart for it but wasn't quite there yet in his head. however, there is a similar honesty to what lucifer tells him - he fell into treachery, but that betrayal is hardly limited to the council he slaughtered. reflected in his fall is all the damned he stabbed in the back, how he may have had some form of mercy for them in his heart, how he may even had compassionate dealings with them, but how little it truly mattered in the end. in judecca for his ultimate treachery, but just as at home in ptolomaea. so lucifer deeply resents what he considers gabriel's "fake" service and the careless, disingenuous hope he gave to the souls of hell who are already tormented enough - having hope doubles that cruelty, and he doubts gabriel even considered it. yet it is also clear lucifer trusts him more than he does the other archangels at this point and in his favorable change of emotion would tell him he was proud of his liberation of heaven. gabriel took great personal risk to finally act so late on his conflicted feelings, yet able to break the angelic yoke, and lucifer is sympathetic to what gabriel experienced at the hands of the council - he is the one gabriel is most able to speak to about his loss of faith and meet understanding of it. lucifer is far more extreme in his hatred of god, but it provides gabriel about the least judgmental outlet he could have when he feels a particular need to express his grievances. lucifer still believes gabriel is different from other fallen angels and doesn't care for the fact that he continues to feel kinship to those in heaven, but he is the most comfortable with him (as an aside, gabriel quickly clears any remaining virtues out of hell when lucifer is released because. well. they would never last)
raphael and uriel he is most distant with, not trusting them yet still observing them closely. because lucifer does hold on to the love he had for all of them, and more than gabriel or michael, he sees the result of fear in these two and how evil becomes self-sustaining. they attempt to apologize to him, but there is a distinct tension, an anxiety carried forward despite them now knowing the truth (uriel especially, given that he himself edited the record of lucifer's fall) and it makes lucifer burn in despair, in hatred of god. in them, he sees the full effect of what's been done to his memory in heaven, how much he's become an object of loathing and warped in the minds of even those he loved the most. so he avoids them almost entirely, not even desiring to feel pity for their positions given how comfortable they still are by comparison even to their brothers - if he does speak to them, he's almost sure to bring that up and little else, almost forcing himself not to care for them despite knowing that he does. because he knows raphael is there sacrificing his own wellbeing to sustain the other three, and he knows uriel feels defunct, vestigial but laden with all the knowledge of truth. for as low as lucifer is, he could never detach himself to the point of apathy, he can't close himself off to the suffering of others no matter how abstract it is to him in his misery. so...very occasionally as they continue to try to speak with him...he offers them advice on what to do. it's shocking when it happens each time, as they usually either get the cold shoulder or some venom spat at them (with him ever so often just blaspheming to scare them off immediately). but for raphael he will sometimes tell him just how to solve some argument, or when the problem doesn't require his intervention and instead should rather be solved only by those involved. for uriel, he tells him with all the truth he has it is now his place to administer it wisely, to methodically come to know what must be told and when, and that his presence will be necessary if they wish to move forward without all the lies perpetuated under god. these moods typically don't last long, but they serve to ease something in all of them as raphael and uriel remember the lucifer they once loved little by little.
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cherry-bomb-ships · 29 days
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Imm thinkin about devil againnnnnnn ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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ihategodandthatsfinal · 6 months
welp, might as well throw it out there.
God was in his very private heavenly rooms, There was dim lights and mostly mild colours as he rested on his bed in the heavenly chambers. Suddenly he heard a light knock on the door.
- "Come in."
His right hand Man Lucifer respectfully and Slowly walked into the room, Opening the door varily and giving him a slight nod of respect and greeting. The Angels wings shifted as he turned and closed the door behind him.
"Lucifer?" The lord asked. "What are you doing here, it is dark outside?" His heavenly presence sounded a mix of confusion and concern.
The Angel Walked up to him and Bowed before his lord, The Almighty Yahweh. "To be sincere it is out of mild familiarity that I come here. I mean in no way to bother you with My presence but I assumed you wouldn't mind." He said and stood up straight from his bow, Nodding a little again so his brown hair flused as his blue grayish eyes pierced into the lords eyesight. "Simply, Nowhere else in heaven is making me feel bliss right now, And that is the point, isn't it, My Lordly godly presence?" he asked.
God thought, and tilted his head slightly looking away in thought. "I..Assume it is." He concluded, and Lucifer nodded and Walked up to him.
"Then it would be at my utmost pleasure to be blissed by your presence." The Archangel said.
The Lord thought for a moment, before his eyes softened. Lucifer *was* his favourite Angel after all. "Alright then, Morningstar." he said, still sitting on the bed. his hands grasping a little looser and softer at the gray sheets.
- "But As I already said, It's late. So I wouldn't want you staying uo too much." The Lord said, When Lucifer looked away he knew exactly what that meant. "Lucifer...I know you worry so much on your work, but you should *really* take it easy on ya.."
"I..I'll consider it My Lord." Lucifer said hesitantly. With his arms in an unsure and defensive cross. The Lord nodded, and Lucifer went over to one of the White bookshelves in the room to begin reading.
God noticed that having Lucifer's presence there felt Almost *calming*. A natural, strange chilling way. He didn't know what to make off it, as he sat up in a sitting position, letting go of the laying position he'd allowed himself to rest in for a while.
He watched the angel, curiously so, And In an almost protective manner. As if he didn't want him to get hurt, even though he knew *nothing in heaven could hurt him* And the Angel even barely knew what pain was...
After he had watched Lucifer for a while, He started to get a little worried. "ey, Lucifer." He raised his voice a bit, catching the attention of his Archangel. Lucifer froze, slightly, before shaking it off and furrowing his eyebrows as he remained stern and professional, not letting any fear show as he stood with his back turned. he was about to say 'yes my lord?' but God beat him to it. "Cut it out, will ya?" He said softly almost in an asking and pleading way, as the lord tilted his head, looking sympathetic. truly, wanting lucifer to stop his studying and to get some rest.
"My Lord, I can't-" Lucifer was about to say, but got interrupted *AGAIN* Before he could finish the sentence.
"No Lucy, you need to get some sleep." The lord said pushingly and Lucifer sighed.
"fine." he Said putting down the book and lowering his arm he had reached out to take a book off the shelf. he turned around and walked towards god, On His bed as he was. "Yes my Lord, I will."
As he walked over to him "Good." Was the only thing god said, God had noticed how Lucifer's first response had been more like treating god as a friend, while the second Adressed him as a Superior. he also saw how his tone had shifted from casual to More firm and genuinely caring and Compliant.
for a moment Lucifer wasn't sure what to do After he'd walked over to The Almighty's bed, But The Almighty (God) Just smiled and tapped the spot beside him.
Lucifer's eyebrows shot up. "*me*? Cuddle with the Almighty *Lord*?" He asked surprised.
God gave him a playful tilt of his head and a playful smile. "oh Come on! Don't act so surprised, you know I favor you, and can be soft like this with you." God was very fond of Lucifer, so technically the Angel shouldn't be surprised.
Still, when he slumped down on the bed next to god he couldn't help but feel that this was unexpected.
God looked over at him, smiling.
"Now time to get you some sleep."
The Two beings Layed cradled together, Lucifer In Yahweh's Arms and Yahweh with lucifer's hands loosely hugging him, though not quite holding him.
They breathed softly, as they layed there in the bed. Lucifer felt comforted and Safe.
As his head was at about The height of Facing into god's chest and at that level next to him, compared to him, and would have layed into him if they had been closer, and not as apart.
God smiled contentedly.
Finally, Lucifer would finally get some *sleep*
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ruicchiii · 1 year
thank you nightbringer for existing and thus making me return back to my obey me fixation i have many thoughts about this
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
fav silliest small detail lucifer headcanon ? 🤲
there's a line in s11 where amara implies that she trusted him once that i have spun off now into justification for the idea that lucifer really was the most favorite of favorites. even amara adored him. spoiled rotten baby archangel doted on by his dad, his aunt, his big brother, even death Itself was fond of him.
the idea of lucifer following amara around is really cute to me for some reason. i mean, her entire purpose is to destroy what her brother creates, keep the balance, but... i mean, this angel is kind of cute. and he's curious about what she does, how she does it, watching her work with wide eyes and fluttering around her. (because to me. if angels are building sized and archangels are country sized, then amara would be a whole planet on her own. and lucifer would be so tiny compared to her.) maybe she taught him a few things, even. maybe sometimes he reminded her of her brother, bright little light that lucifer was.
<3 and then this immediately stops being silly because this relationship was then used to trick and trap her for eons, and lucifer was made her warden, and she hated him for that.
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Something something, the VERY obvious nature of knowing exactly what insecurity a fictive is going to adopt, and sure enough its EXACTLY the thing you thought it would be. And it expresses in the same way
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