mitochondriencocktail · 6 months
4 & 8 for GO au♥️
4. Do they underestimate/overestimate each other?
I'd say, yes... to underestimating. They both underestimate each other's awareness with the situation at hand regarding their feelings. Jere meets Bojan when he's freshly integrated into the human world, so obviously there are things Bojan doesn't know, but that doesn't mean he's naive. And Bojan initially views Jere's 'angelic' allegiance as something that makes him naive as well, but he's far from it.
8. How do they handle disagreements?
OOOOOH :) Well. Right where we left them, it's messy. I think they'd both explode in different ways; Bojan more noticeably, whereas Jere would slink into himself until he can't hold it in anymore and then that righteous anger we saw in Pompeii would come out again. Things are tense right now and they're unsure how to navigate whatever budding attraction is between them. .......I miss them.
The thing is, where we left them, the anger wouldn't necessarily be because of each other, but rather it's a 'safe' outlet because they've become so close so quickly. But it's not a healthy outlet for them.
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godlyolympostv · 6 days
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Simple meme turned to whole beach episode
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katiajewelbox · 1 year
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King Goau is the late father of Van Fanel and Folken in the anime series Vision of Escaflowne. He was the ruler of Fanelia and the husband of the Draconian lady Varie. He only appears in flashbacks in the anime but is generally remembered as a good ruler who was not afraid to break with tradition to follow his heart.
My Picmix composition features a still from the anime.
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eireanness · 1 year
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@_@ So I decided to play around with oil paint sub tool for the background trees. I don't think i did too bad! I took some inspo from Mahad and Goau's clothes to create a somewhat "casual" kingly outfit for Van. Hitomi is partial Varie/ just a more simplified version. I decided to... leave the shadowing more basic, usually i want to blend blend blend.. but I wanted to leave more of that anime feel > <;;; I think I'm going to go with the name Salazar Goau de Fanel for their son!
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mirimiramiri · 8 months
… in a hopeless place
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The shadows of the fighters looked like long brush strokes drawn by a restless hand on the dusty canvas of the castle courtyard. In the hazy red light of the evening sun, the master trained his student to prepare him for his great test. Their steps were quick and silent, only the singing of the swords disturbing the peace.
“Folken is good, isn’t he, Mom?” 
“Yes.” Like his father, Varie thought. The dark waves of loneliness once again overwhelmed her inexorably. Using strength that she no longer possessed, she fought her way back into the here and now. 
From one of the castle's countless balconies, she watched the progress of her firstborn. Her youngest son keeping her company. Mother and child were alone, only little Merle was sleeping in her bed in a room behind them. She was exhausted from raging. Once again Van - her tireless playmate - had followed her throughout the castle. Maids complained in secret about the children's wild antics, but the queen didn't care. 
Little did she care about anything these days.
It was slowly becoming autumn. The world was immersed in a cheerful sea of various colors, but red was the most present. Like a harbinger of doom, the forest's crown of leaves turned crimson, as if blood were streaming down the sacred mountains of Fanelia. 
The queen was shivering and the thick cloak around her shoulders did nothing to stop it.
“He will definitely be able to complete the ritual,” explained her youngest son with the confidence of childish inexperience. He reached for her hand as if he sensed her slipping toward depression. "Certainly." 
Folken narrowly avoided a dangerous blow from Vargas, but the tip of his sword robbed him of a few strands of his silver hair. Varie frowned as her son was reprimanded by his master. In her opinion, they shouldn't train with real weapons. It was negligent, an accident could have happened too easily. Goau would surely have laughed at her womanish clucking... 
“Mom?” Van tugged at her fingertips and with difficulty she tore her worried gaze away from her firstborn, who had grown up far too quickly. There stood her second son, the long-awaited latecomer, her late miracle. When she had already buried any hope along with his unfortunate siblings. In the evening light his big eyes shone like two rubies. He looked very serious. 
“Yes, what is it?” she asked and decided to give him her full attention now. She was neglecting him, that much was clear to her. But it was often so painful to dedicate herself to him. She only ever saw his father in his face, his fuzzy head, his thoughtful look. Even his high child's voice sounded like Goau's deep baritone and tore her heart into a thousand shreds every day.
“Once Folken is king, what will become of me?” “Oh, a fair question,” were her words of praise. She cocked her head a little. From his mouth it sounded as if he had not the slightest doubt about his brother's success.
 “Don’t you know?” he pressed impatiently. 
She knelt down. Her blue robe cascaded across the floor. Her long hair flowed over it like a second cloak. Not a single white thread ran through her blackness, even though she was already the age of a grandmother by human standards. 
Their first son, by a quirk of nature, had hair like an old man, but Van looked just like his father. A hand stroked his fluffy, shaggy head, ruffling it even more. “You, my little dragon, can do whatever you want with your life.” His eyes grew even larger. 
"Exactly." She tapped his tiny nose, making him giggle. “But most likely you will get married, have a family and take over the administration of one of the southern territories.” 
“Marry?!” Van shouted loudly as if the idea were the most absurd thing in the world. “A girl?!”
 "Boys usually marry girls," his mother smiled. She immediately thought of the day of her own wedding, when she walked down the aisle under countless critical looks and swore eternal loyalty to the man of her life. With great difficulty she withdrew from this all too sweet past. 
“But girls are yucky!” her son complained, putting his fists on his sides. The wooden sword at his hip, a gift from Vargas, clacked just as indignantly. “For example, these two boring blonde princesses from Asturia…” he murmured under his breath because it wasn’t really appropriate to gossip. 
“But certainly not all of them,” said Varie indulgently.
Van seemed to have to ponder this for a long time. He furrowed his little brow and she almost thought she saw smoke rising from his ears. 
“Merle is also a girl and not yucky,” he combined extremely astutely. “I’ll just marry Merle.” 
“Oh Van.” Now Varie laughed. It sounded rusty, her body had forgotten how to do it. "Unfortunately this is not possible." 
“Why not?” Now he crossed his arms and looked at her sternly. 
Varie sighed. Children were truly excellent verbal duelists with inexhaustible endurance. Van was no exception. He may not have been nearly as eloquent as Folken at his age, but he made up for it with his tenacity. 
“Merle is not like us,” she explained gently. But that only made him seem even more determined. True to the motto “especially now”. “Dad wasn’t like you either and you still got married.” 
“That was different…” his mother began, but then she stopped. Wasn't she teaching her son exactly the same kind of prejudice as those who had always met her? Who had almost prevented her marriage to Goau? “You know what, you’re right. If you really want that and Merle does too, then you’ll get married one day.” 
She stroked his hair, which no matter how often she combed it would always remain an untamable tangle. Secretly she wanted nothing less than for him to change his mind when he grew up. If the relationship between her and her husband had already been under difficult circumstances, what about between him and the cat girl? Van should have it easier for once. Easier than her and Goau and also Folken. Without the burden of the crown on his head and the weight of the whole world on his shoulders. Hopefully one day he would meet a nice, uncomplicated girl from Fanelia with whom he wanted to marry.
 “Yes, I’m definitely marrying Merle!” Van seemed very happy with himself and his decision. Then his mood changed abruptly. “Are you going to get married again?” he wanted to know sadly. 
Varie swallowed. She hadn't expected this question. "Why would you ask that?"
 “This lunchtime… a few maids were talking about it. That you find a new man and disappear with him. And that they can’t wait for it to happen.”
20 years. 
For 20 years she called this castle and this country her home, the humans her people and yet in their perception she was a parasite. The black widow who dragged the king into misfortune. It was probably only because of the respect that Master Vargas enjoyed among the citizens that they had not been chased away. Sometimes she wondered whether her sons wouldn't be better off without her... and whether there wasn't something to the curse that supposedly fell on the descendants of Atlantis. 
Varie's heart felt heavy. Then she forced her lips into a smile. It certainly seemed tense, but it was all she could manage. “Didn’t I teach you that it’s not appropriate to eavesdrop?” 
Van waved his short arms indignantly. “I can’t help it! I hid and they talked right next to me! I… I…” He blushed. “I even covered my ears, but they were really really really loud.” 
His mother nodded. “I believe you,” she assured and he stopped trying to justify himself. "And to your question: I won't go away with another man." She tickled his chin and he squirmed back and forth, giggling. “Your dad was my great love and that will only go away when the stars no longer shine at night.” 
And sometimes, in dark hours, she cursed Sora for her prophecy, forever chaining her to the human world and a man who had been taken from her far too soon. 
If she had known this beforehand, would she have avoided her fate? Would she have never gone to that mountain lake that night? Or would curiosity have ultimately driven her there? So that her treacherous heart immediately focused on that tall, beautiful man who climbed out of the thicket to her. With that face that was nothing but stunned admiration. Although she immediately showed him her true, feared nature. But he had loved her wings, the mark of her curse, as fiercely and deeply as everything about her. Despite, or perhaps because of, she was different. 
“The stars will always shine, so will you always love daddy?” Goau’s second son concluded after a long time of thinking. 
“Always…” she confirmed.
Prince Van grinned broadly. In doing so, he revealed a gigantic gap from which the last baby tooth had recently fallen. The clanging of metal resounded from the courtyard again. Mother and son turned their attention downward. Folken now held a round shield in front of him. With this he fended off the attacks of automatically fired bolts that drilled into the ground behind him in a grotesque pattern. He moved quickly and deftly. His spectators watched the exercises in admiration. 
A window was slightly open behind the queen and prince. In the room beyond, a small figure lay in a bed. Her long ears twitched frantically. Merle was wide awake. It wasn't appropriate to eavesdrop, but the two of them were talking nearby. No challenge for her excellent hearing. She heard her own heartbeat louder than anything else in her ears. 
Marry? That's what two people did to stay together forever? Out of love. And her prince wanted to marry her. That meant he loved her. Van, her prince, loved her. 
Merle hugged her pillow and imagined it was her Van. Her future husband. Who worshiped her and carried her in his hands. Inspired by this wonderful future, she felt like the most valuable creature in the world. No longer an orphan, an outlaw, neither animal nor human, a servant, an oddball. She was still looked at askance for it, but soon people would look up to her. 
That she would be Van's wife and great love. She pressed a kiss to her pillow and couldn't wait for his promise to finally come true.
Note: Vargas is the German name for Balgus.
I found the huge age gap between Van and Folken remarkable and wondered if their parents might have had problems conceiving and with miscarriage. I had a lot of fun with small Van and will write more about the little rascal in the future, probably together with his father. He reminds me of Calvin and can join the G.R.O.S.S club :D
Huge thanks to wonderful @eireanness!
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silphine · 11 months
[ESCAFLOWNE] Alfons Mucha's influence
There is an artist which I like to consult the works from time to time : Alfons MUCHA. One day, I stopped on one specific illustration he did :
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" Painting " (from the series " The Arts " - 1898)
I didn't know why, but the design of the dress seemed kind of familiar to me. But it took me a huge time to find out why. Some time ago, I opened one of my artbooks, and I fell on this :
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Varie Fanel settei - in her Draconian dress
I always loved this sketch of Varie Fanel and the dress she wore when she first met her husband Goau Fanel. But I never noticed that it was inspired by dresses drawn by Mucha ! [ Fun fact : We can see the influence Alfons Mucha had on Nobuteru Yuki's 1990 style on series like "Record of Lodoss War", "The Weathering Continent", "Vaelber Saga"... (cloth folds, arabesques in hair, ornements...) This settei is not a Yuki's one but I like to imagine he shared some Mucha's works with the staff. ] Others ? :
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" Amethyst " (from " The Precious Stones " series - 1900)
" Leslie Carter " (1908) > The most similar one I've found.
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adnnnnnnn · 1 year
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bububbl4s · 10 months
GOLDEN ORACLES AU (goau) Zelda and Link deaign !
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heavenlydragon · 2 years
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“Escaflowne Bible” scans [page 8]
You may (or may not) remember the scans/translations of the tiny Escaflowne Bible artbook. This is the second to final part to be posted, called Character Profiles (or Character Biographies). Many thanks again to @legendofthesevenstars for the proofread!
This will be posted page by page, with translation, updating every week or so. Here goes the Van and Merle page! Translation under the cut.
The young king of Fanelia, equivalent to 15 years of age on Earth, half-human and half-Draconian [1]. Van’s situation is totally wretched. His father Goau dead, his mother disappeared ten years ago, and his brother a traitor, he finds himself in tragic circumstances. Because of that, he became silent and expressionless and closed off his heart, preferring to be alone. But since he met Hitomi, he began to open up a bit, such as talking about his past. Because of that, he was able to synchronize with Escaflowne. However, his reckless/hot-headed nature is unchanging.
[1] Literally, “legendary Draconian and human half ”. Half is a term used in Japanese society for people with one Japanese parent.
Question of interest
Where does Van hide his wings when not using them?
When Atlanteans created a machine to transform the power of their wishes, they also wished to be able to fly through the skies. The wings are the product of the spiritual power of that wish. It’s unclear whether Van has them genetically or because of his own wish to fly. In any case, he has no physical wings stored in his back.
Pic descriptions
Clothes make the man (?) The armor used for Van’s coronation. In the usual casual clothes, he doesn’t look much like a king, but in this getup, he looks the part.
It seems the wings sprouting from Van’s back don’t have physical form or substance.
Van’s everyday wear. This is his true nature.
Fanelian royal family portrait from the time the family was still whole, as it appeared in episode 9. Van was still a baby at the time…
A catgirl born in the village of Irini in the Fanelian countryside. Equal to 13 years in Earth age. As an orphan, she was picked up by Balgus. Since she became Van’s handmaiden, she has cared for him more than anyone else. That’s why whatever Hitomi does, she flares up at her and flashes her cat-claws in jealousy. Moreover, quite unusual for the characters in this work, she is very lively and straightforward with her feelings. In episode 15, she even asks Hitomi whom she likes: is it Van or Allen?
Question of Interest
If Van and Merle married, would their children also have wings?
Since there is the Mole Man, a half(breed) between human and another tribe, the probability of their children having wings is high. But, imagining someone with Merle’s body and Van’s face for example, having wings on their back, is a bit of a laughable idea.
Pic Descriptions
Won’t lose to the likes of Hitomi! (speech bubble)
Jumping into the conversation between Millerna and Hitomi, Merle asks whom Hitomi likes
Will Merle’s feelings for Van become fulfilled later in the story? Let’s see after episode 20!
Merle’s ears let her express all kinds of emotions
For Van, Merle can sacrifice even herself, protecting him (episode 15)
<<ESCAFLOWNE TIDBITS>> (on top of the page)
Planet Gaea, as the “space-time loophole” exists in another dimension, but it’s said its measurements are almost the same as Earth’s. North is cold and the countries in the South have warm climate, much like on Earth. The number of population is uncertain but it’s said there are about a hundred countries in total. Speaking of Earth history, it’s similar to medieval Europe. Zaibach is a fairly big country, located in the North. Van’s homeland, Fanelia, is comparatively a much smaller and weaker country.
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ruinsoftime · 2 years
Escaflowne Voice Meme
Okay, I guess it's my turn. This is a Written Meme instead of voice btw. The original questionnaire is here: Escaflowne Voice Meme.
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01. Introduce yourself! When did you first watch Escaflowne? What brought you into the fold?
I already shared part of my experience in this post, so I'm gonna expand on that.
I was young and naive and in Junior High. There was an open tv channel that broadcasted anime shows all evening. One of them was Escaflowne, and I liked it, I mean, it's medieval! With robots! And swords! And the robots wear capes! But I wasn't a fan.
I saw the movie until I was in college and I loved it.
Years later, I always attempted to watch the series, because I thought I never watched it complete (and I never passed from the first episode in those tries). In 2021 I finally watched the entire series again… I didn't remember a thing hahaha and I discovered that I had actually seen it completely before because the only things I recalled were the "Aoi Hitomi" song and that Dilandau was a woman (and I spent the entire time looking for the womanly clues on Dilandau, with no success).
But you know, I really really loved the movie but I forgot how much I did it, it took some effort on my part to remember… hell, I even had magazine clippings in my room (still there) and used to draw Van and Hitomi, but all that is still lost in my mind and from the world (I rescued a drawing, not the great thing).
So here I am.
I already had a tumblr account but I guess due to inactivity I couldn't use the tags, so I better started anew.
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02. Who is your favorite character and why? Was it love at first sight? Has any of their qualities or quirks swayed you on characters in other series?
Van. The guy grew on me after my second watch, it's easy to sympathise with him.
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03. Which side are you on? What do you think happens Post-Hitomi when she leaves? Who do you think will be the next opposing power?
This is fanfic area, but I think Basram would get everyone in trouble if not kept in check. Zaibach could resurface years later, too. Or, you know, Hitomi returns and starts a fight :P
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04. Least favorite plot point? Was there something you think should have changed? What do you think would have made it better.
I found Millerna and Dryden's love story boring (because there's none?). Van's wings are too corny (lol) What's up with Varie? I'd have liked to see more about the war. Escaflowne's customer service was ridiculous hahaha I had to pause when Folken performed the "let's make Hitomi and Allen a couple" mission.
Movie: I wanted to know more about... everything.
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05. OTP? What kind of art and fiction would you like to see? What are some head canons you have for them? What is you NoTP?
Every question is like 10 questions lol This one is pretty obvious: Hitomi x Van of course. If you drop Folken in there I won't mind (not sure if Van or Hitomi would agree though). I like to read so I find fanfics very entertaining and comfy. I like art too so fanarts are welcome. Alright my headcanon is… Hitomi comes back to Gaea, finds her place in there, marries Van of course, and the whole planet is in peace.
NoTP: Van and Dilandau. Van/Hitomi x OC (unless you convince me).
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06. What would you like to see in a figurative remake/sequel? Would you include more minor characters? Would you want a whole new story that could be a stand alone?
I've lived long enough to see failed sequels shit on a perfect story so I'd go for standalone story or a backstory, like Goau's life, Varie's story, Moleman's, Leon's adventures, and so on.
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07. Movie, Series, Game, or Manga preference? What are things you did/didnt like of each?
I love the movie, I love everything about it except for it to be so short, unable to expand on the new universe they built.
The series is great, we'll always wonder what would Escaflowne be if only they got all the episodes they needed and didn't have to pack everything in 26 episodes. A monumental work.
Everything else is meh to me. I've read both mangas and watched the extra scenes of the videogame. I haven't read the LNs for obvious reasons.
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08. Do your favorite impression! Bonus points if you can do a conversation with a scene cut in!
floats in the middle of the room inside a levistone, taking a nap
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09. What do you think about the idea of a re-dub? What are your feelings about the current cast selection for Van (and others if more are introduced)?
I haven't seen the english dub but I've seen the latino one. I wouldn't mind a re-dub, even if I feel that nowadays actors lack heart. Van's VA, Jesús Becerro, died some years ago so I'd prefer to watch it like it is for nostalgia's sake.
As for the japanese cast… it's perfect, period.
I love Maaya Sakamoto's voice (Hitomi), a shame I don't like her music. Tomokazu Seki (Van) surprised me, he's also Kougami's VA in Psycho-Pass (I love his voice in PP) and I didn't notice until certain line he said reminded me of some other character (Gilgamesh).
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10. Recite your top five characters by name.
Van. Hitomi. Folken. 5 is a lot.
Secondary: Gadess, Ruhm, Moleman, Balgus, Yukari.
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I’ve somehow become insane about our own AU and OCs to the point where I open tumblr in hopes to find content / stimulation about our own creation but obviously nothing exists so I guess I’m just gonna start yolo’ing mood boards like it’s 2018 and create my own enrichment
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godlyolympostv · 14 days
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Just a little fun AU in silly reality TV format, mostly exploring Amfis and Posys relationship. Backdrop being the EPIC the musical - meaning this Poseidon is that Poseidon.
Amphitrite is slept on and ignored too much, I like to think they are a fun couple.
Sideblog of @pahatarcarabosse
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rpnewspaperblog · 2 years
GOAU ETF: Investors May Be Better Off Buying Royalty Companies Themselves (NYSEARCA:GOAU)
Inok The U.S. Global GO GOLD and Precious Metal Miners ETF (NYSEARCA:GOAU) provides exposure to precious metal companies that are selected and weighted using U.S. Global’s proprietary composite scoring methodology. The GOAU is heavily skewed towards royalty and streaming companies. Historically, royalty and streaming companies outperformed precious metal producers and miners because they have…
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mintingprofit · 2 years
GOAU ETF: Good Choice For Mining Company Exposure
GOAU ETF: Good Choice For Mining Company Exposure
farakos Introduction Formed in 2017, the U.S. Global GO GOLD and Precious Metal Miners ETF (NYSEARCA:GOAU) (hereinafter referred to as the “Fund“) is an exchange traded fund (“ETF“). U.S. Global Investors, Inc., a publicly traded asset management firm (GROW) (hereinafter referred to as “GROW“), manages the Fund. Domiciled in the U.S., the Fund invests in a global basket of less than 30 mining…
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akwardpogayto · 4 years
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My girls!!! Sof and Elizabel!! They’re at the Seattle world fair, in 1962!!
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