#goat island lighthouse
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jadafitch · 3 months ago
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Goat Island Light, Cape Porpoise Harbor, Kennebunkport. During a 1947 storm on Goat Island, Coastguardsman Joseph Bakken and his family were frantic as the waves spilled over the island, washing away a fence and damaging the walkway and boat slip. In the middle of the chaos, they had forgotten about the family dog and her new puppies. They were found floating safely in a box in the flooded basement.
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eregyrn-falls-art · 9 months ago
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Yesterday, a birthday day-trip up to Maine!
Lobster rolls at The Clam Shack in Kennebunkport (to which I'd never been); definitely in the running for "best lobster rolls in Maine", I tell you. Then, a photo of a cool model tall ship hanging over the entrance to The Stadium Gallery, in Kennebunkport's quaint little town square. I really should have ducked in there to ask about the sign's history; I blithely assumed I could look it up online later, but haven't managed to find any info on it yet. (The shop itself is relatively new, and carries sports memorabilia.)
Then, to the beach! We tried out Goose Rocks Beach, a little to the north of Kennebunkeport, and it was a real winner! Not crowded at all (to say the least), and we were there at low tide, so the expanse of beach was simply enormous. The water really wasn't terribly cold; there seems to be a really enormous stretch of very shallow water that goes out a ways, and it's shallow enough that the sun warmed it up a lot. The waves coming in were tiny and gentle. (The eponymous Goose Rocks offshore were taking the brunt of the ocean breakers.)
We walked along the beach, me in the water and my friends (who hadn't dressed for it) staying on the shore. As we approached the northern end, I realized that a river seemed to be flowing into the ocean at that point. There was a long sand-bar there, and I was able to walk out along it for quite a ways. Really fun to be that far from shore (20 or 30 yards, I guess?) and have the water depth still be only just over the top of my feet. I've included some screenshots from Google maps to show what the lay of the land was.
On the way back south, we stopped at Cape Porpoise, as I'd read that you can see Goat Island Lighthouse offshore from there. We went down to where the Cape Pier Chowderhouse is marked, and yeah, you SURE COULD see it! It was a lot closer than I had expected.
Then, home after a stop at the Maine Diner for blueberry ice cream, and pie. Very fun day exploring some bits of the coast I hadn't been to before. Weather couldn't have been more gorgeous -- a lovely break before the massive heat-wave that's supposed to descend on us tomorrow.
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flowersforthemachines · 2 months ago
Some facts about Harding gathered from the banters
I went through all companion banters on DanaDuchy's channel after playing the game to write down all facts about companions/the world that I haven't seen brought up anywhere in the game as a writing reference (and for funsies).
Note: This list may not be exhaustive. I might have missed some something or didn't write it down because I considered it common knowledge. If you have anything to add, please DM me or send an ask! (do specify what banter the information is coming from, though)
Note 2: Posts from this series (mostly) don't include information from banters specific to quests or between companions and faction members. I plan to do another playthrough to capture more of those and will add any relevant info to the character posts.
Other characters' posts: Bellara, Davrin, Lucanis, Emmrich, Neve, Taash. I'm also planning a post about just the Lighthouse some time later
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Family and past:
Harding's parents split up a few years ago. Her father lives in Amaranthine. She's okay with that and thinks her parents are happier apart
Harding’s mother never taught her how to cook, she's entirely self-taught
Harding carries around the first letter her Mother sent her after joining the Inquisition
Harding doesn't have siblings 
Harding had a mabari named Contessa who passed away from old age
(If in romance) Taash offers Harding to get a mabari together
Time with the Inquisition:
Back in Skyhold, Solas once told Harding he was sorry dwarves couldn’t dream
Harding thinks that if she had never joined the Inquisition, she probably would’ve got married and tended to goats
Harding volunteered for the Inquisition because their soldiers kept scaring the sheep because they all had super old maps. And because she didn't want to spend the rest of her life watching sheep
Harding likes sandwiches, they are one of her favourite foods 
Harding finds Treviso very beautiful (who doesn’t) 
Harding would bring a bow, clean socks and a spoon to a deserted island
Harding likes books about blood and gore
Harding doesn't like killing, but she doesn't feel bad about it. She compares it to farmers having to kill wild animals that get too close to their land, as sometimes a quick kill can prevent more suffering (i.e. if a wolf gets inside your sheepfold, your own animals will die in pain)
She says that this kind of mindset is the reason why a lot of Inquisition scouts came from farmers, as they need to kill people when necessary (even if those people aren’t their enemies personally), but don’t go out looking for it
Harding likes almonds. They are crunchy :) 
Harding is fascinated by Minrathous’s nightlife 
Harding doesn't drink alcohol 
Harding really likes puns
Harding has fought a Stormrider dragon before 
Harding has a detailed and decorated scrapbook with her kills (with doodles. Including a cute giant spider)
Harding never visited Nevarra before the Veilguard, though she had heard of Cumberland’s Summer Exhibition. Emmrich disregards it as just a market with a horse show 
Dwarves and magic:
Harding finds herself more hungry than usual since getting hew new powers
Neve and Emmrich hypothesise that Harding developing Titan powers may have increased her lifespan (or even granted her eternal life) 
Harding describes using her magic as “touching something vast and eternal, a well, deep inside”. Lucanis says that it sounds similar to him using his demon powers
Relationships with companions:
Bellara, Neve and Taash call her “Lace”. Davrin and Lucanis call her “Harding”
Emmrich calls her "Harding" most of the time, though he calls her "Lace" on two occasions (in a banter about Emmrook, and the one where he talks about seeing her aura differently after he becomes a Lich)
Harding grows special plants for Davrin to help him mask the griffon smell in his room
Harding grows truffles for Assan
Harding lets Assan sleep on her
To Lich!Emmrich, Harding appears different from other dwarves. She has a special aura (but it comes and goes)
Harding buys an enchanted barbed arrow to take out Lucanis/Spite if push comes to shove. She later tries to give it to Lucanis and apologises, but he insists she keeps it as a sign of his trust
Harding finds Teia intimidating because she is “polished” (Lucanis disagrees but notes she keeps good track of all utensils Viago poisoned at the table) 
Teia called Harding fearless in a conversation with Lucanis
Harding invites Neve to her house in Ferelden after Neve's apartment in Minrathous burns down, in case she wants to get away from the Lighthouse 
Harding is very excited about Neve taking over the Threads (“Do they have to kiss your hand?”) and wishes she were a crime boss
Harding once dreamt of Neve stealing her strawberry tarts
Harding starts humming Taash’s name to herself after they get together
About gifts from Taash: 
Harding doesn’t use the archery bracer because it feels so special she’s afraid it could get lost or get dirty
She also doesn’t wear the hairpin because she’s afraid to lose it
Taash got the cheese in Minrathous
Conclusion: get Harding cheese, it’s the only thing she isn’t afraid to actually use
Garden and plants: 
It's enough to mention a plant for it to start growing in Harding’s garden
The Fade plants normally don’t need tending. However, they may begin to wilt if that’s what you expect them to do 
Smuggler’s Rose clouds the person’s mind if you are wearing it like perfume, letting you pickpocket other people more easily
Sage bane mixed with troll moss can be used to treat toenail fungus
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yourpenpaldee · 9 months ago
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I don't usually put myself out there as it makes me nervous. But I've been a lurker for way too long, and it's about time I step out of my comfort zone. So, hello! I'm Dee (she/her), twenty-two, and have found my voice with storytelling.
Writing has always been a passion of mine, and continues to be the tool I turn to when I need an outlet to freely express myself. I have, unfortunately, hit a rough patch with consistency, and I'm here to bring all of that motivation and inspiration back. Especially since there are one too many WIPs sitting on the backburner, and they're all calling my name.
As someone who loves to dip their toes into every genre of fiction, I will read anything that peaks my interest. However, when it comes to creating, my works usually fall under romance and mystery. With practice, I intend on branching out into other genres I don't write often. There's a lot to explore in the world of writing, and I don't want to limit myself to only two categories.
Creating this blog provides me the space I need to accomplish the many goals I often dream of achieving. I acknowledge that it all starts with the ability to hold myself accountable. To show up for myself. To become comfortable with the uncomfortable. Putting myself and my projects out into the world is only the first of many steps, and it feels quite liberating.
I aim to use the voice I've found to not only contribute to the progression of POC representation, but to touch on several topics that remain heavily stigmatized in today's media. There’s a joy that runs through my veins every time I see someone like me on my screen or in a book. I feel seen, heard, and proud. I feel important. But as a creator, there’s that itch that can only be scratched when I create. When I make something that lets the next person know that they’re not invisible. That they're valued, loved, and appreciated. That's what I hope for when someone reads a project of mine. For them to feel the same rush of joy flowing through them as it does me.
Wow, I’m a yapper. I'd like to close this intro off with some fun facts, so here are some of my top five favorites with sidenotes because I still want to yap a bit more about the things I adore.
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And that concludes this introduction on me and this blog. I would love to connect and befriend other authors, so please don't hesitate to reach out as my DMs will always be open! I'd love to support and read your works, so don't be hesitant to share them with me if you'd like.
I hope you all will enjoy reading my works as much as I enjoy the process of bringing my ideas to life.
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divider creds to strangergraphics ♡
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leafteaposts · 6 months ago
I need to get some Aus out of my head in hopes I can continue working on my actual fics om writing.
So have the one that distracts me the most at the moment,
The storyline follows canon but there is no Baratie. No restaurant floating at the sea.
In this au Zeff's trauma of losing his crew, being stuck on a rock with a little feral eggplant and eating his own fucking leg takes a toll. When they are saved he wants to leave all behind but the kid has fixated on him and is, after all the only one that actually understands the horror of almost starving to death and surviving the storm that took all he had left. He can't handle the tempo, the sounds, the teeming life around him anymore, as he has ghosts at every corner and a equally traumatized kid looking at him like he is a saviour, like he is worth something.
They are more co-dependent in this au and when the Marines hear that red leg Zeff might be the man saved with a kid from a rock in the middle of nowhere he flees in the night. Taking Sanji with him.
From there they steal a boat and sets out to sea. They drift for a long time, moving in the night and laying low in the days, Sanji has to steal food and help a still weak Zeff that are equal parts caring and hostile as he still has a nasty infection raging inside due to his self amputated leg.
At the edge of the east blue they find a small island surrounded with jagged cliffs and a wind that never quiets. There stands a lighthouse and they make it their home. They do have a small space that serves as a restaurant /sleeping area/ infirmary when shipwrecked sailors finds them or drift ashore. Mostly smugglers, pirates and other shady people, often in bad conditions and Zeff and Sanji feed them with what they have and steal what they deem reasonable.
Zeff have huge survivors guilt (as does Sanji) Zeff want more for Sanji, for him to leave, to find the all blue, but just can't push him to leave, instead they grow ever more dependent on each other, Sanji's own guilt and issues make him much more quiet, not as aggressive as he doesn't grow up in a rowdy restaurant in his adolescence years. Still anger issues but take the form more introverted.
They have a patch of land they grow vegetables on and have some sheep and goats for wool and milk/meat. (Living quietly on the island when they arrived, no people, the lighthouse seems to be a forgotten blind spot in the sea for most. Having been abandoned for a long time.) Due to their living conditions Sanj is foremost educated in foods that can last long times and harsh weathers, but they still make the best food you ever eaten. This is maybe also why, Sanji muses, why he gets a warm feeling when Zoro (and Luffy) never show any signs of disgust over eating frogs, rats etc. At Skypeia much later, he feels all fuzzy when they all devour the rat stew and he can't stop locking at the swordsman.
Patty and Carne find them as smugglers in need and they keep supplying them and are their only steady visitors. Until a boy with a straw hat crashes the peace and brings change with him.
Nami still steals the Merry but it takes much longer time. They stay longer, and the drama with Don Crieg is still happening, just as Mihawks arrives, etc. They get to know Zeff, Sanji and their small world. After a long time at the lighthouse Nami leave with the Merry and Zeff dares to slowly let Sanji free, pushing him towards his destiny.
This Sanji have longer hair as he can't be as fancy/prissy on the island, have to groom himself/of have Zeff help him. Takes on the role as the care taker a lot as Zeff has serious bouts of depression in periods. Dissociates a lot and compartments his life a lot to handle the loneliness and his own traumas. Wakes up sometimes with Zeffs hands in his hair and the old man humming sea shantys to bring the light back into Sanji's eyes. He dress smart but clear they are poor and lives of the sea and land. He is good at sewing and mending. After Arlong park Nami makes sure Sanji gets a proper suit, heck she makes sure he gets one in each big port. Slowly he can develop his style and image he has inside and we see more of canon Sanju shine through. He is still a lover boy, still heart in his eyes but much more shy. Clashes with Zoro at the regular, bonds with Usopp the most at the start. Usopp and Nami also teach him about the outside world more, giving him books to read and Zoro often asks him to read out loud so he can practice. Sanji takes it as criticism but Zoro loves listening to his voice and also learns himself. Zoro surprises himself with discovering he is secretly a history buff. Zoro also helps Sanji with math as suddenly working with such large quantities and berries is a little daunting in the beginning. This is also one of the reasons they often shop together when restocking the food etc.
A slow, quiet love grows in those moments, often making them feel confused about their feelings as the fights and butting heads doesn't stop. They have different goals and ideologies just as in canon but complement each other and Luffy perfectly.
Phew. Maybe it will now leave me alone?
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berrypass-de-murdler · 7 months ago
61. The Island of Bad Dreams
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Budsies finished her and sent me this picture and I'm so excited omg I'm screaming
I hope to see her in person soon <3
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FINALLY here is Président Amaranth! He was originally meant to be a horrible, obnoxious idiot and then I accidentally designed him too cute and everyone loves him!!! He part-times as a drag queen and loves everyone
Just realized I colored his left sclera wrong but whatever I'll fix it when he's digitized
But when he closed his eye…
It could almost feel like nothing changed at all
And when he closed his eye
It could almost feel like he’d been there before
Because he has! It’s Death Irratino Island. A crunched victim lies, but it is NOT Goat Lord. Just some idiot.
MIDNIGHT: Logico. Hi. SLATE: Logico…
There’s a new person! ‘PRESIDENT AMARANTH’! 
AMARANTH: [snotty noises] FRENCH! [snotty noises]
A silhouette also looks at Lodge from afar. It’s Mr. Shadow… it’s FOLLOWING him!!
mr. shadow's theme
LOGICO: The last time I had a follower I fell in LOVE. And I NEVER WANT THAT TO HAPPEN AGAIN!!
Shadow stands there, and it almost looks… smug about it, even though it has no face.
LOGICO: THE FIGURE IS SASSING ME! MIDNIGHT: Don’t you have something you need to be doing. LOGICO: Yes…
So Logico searches, in the dead of night once more, on this horrible island. The Island of Bad Dreams. There is even a crystal skull on the ground - the SAME crystal skull that he had. The same one. The tears are soon to follow.
Shadow is watching Logi from the lighthouse, but the light turns on and is very jarring. Shadow squints and blocks its eyes. It wants to go now.
Poor Slatu. She is in the woods, making little noises over and over. Logi wants to give her a hug, even if she did it. 
MIDNIGHT: Logico. LOGICO: What. MIDNIGHT: Is it time to go back to the movies now. LOGICO: You idiot. You planned this whole thing just to save face, didn’t you? Just so there’d be DRAMA? You killed Irratino… MIDNIGHT: It’s really not very professional to accuse me of something with zero evidence
Damn, can’t argue with that. Logico hears Amaranth singing loud and clear.
AMARANTH: Ai ai ai, ai ai ai! Time to rob a gra-ay-ave!
Really? And he’s dancing in the ruined church. And he’s holding a broom. And the body is right there. For god’s sake, he did it!! But no, Logico is still daydreaming and stumbles about, and it takes him a good fifteen minutes to see the blatantly obvious answer standing in front of him. 
AMARANTH: Fine! An ancient sacred sceptre is buried on this island along with my namesake, the great French president Amaranth! I was going to recover the sceptre and use it to cement my leadership! Now look what you’ve done! You’ve destabilized Europe! MIDNIGHT: Maybe next time, don’t be so obvious. SLATE: I will save you and me, President Mauve.
Lodge couldn't care less. He stumbles to the shore where he stood and watched Irratino’s last heartbeat. His crying becomes inescapable. His precious, innocent, perfect goat man, his life taken. He faceplants into the gravel and sobs hysterically, when he suddenly feels a comforting hand on his shoulder.
It’s Shadow! It’s come to protect Logico. Does he really want that?? Logico stumbles backwards into the loose tide. Why is he so afraid of this thing, and not the countless serial killers everywhere??
He pushes the being away, and its GLASSES FALL OFF. Logico gasps like there’s no air left to breathe. For like 10 seconds, he’s making direct eye contact with the seemingly furious, motionless beast. But all it does is put its shades back on quickly with a gleam. Logico gasps but QUIETLY. Shadow stares at him, EVERYTHING blowing in the wind.
It runs away into the darkness again, its cape madly flying.
The end!
Fucking new DeviantArt auto-generated tags.
President Amaranth is not 'the cowboy from Bambi'
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The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See you next time murdlers!
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thatndginger · 10 months ago
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I'm still exhausted all the time (yay 50 hour workweeks) but I've finally had a bit of my creative spark return this week. So have a few page spreads from the Idiot's Guide to Moressau that I polished up over the last few days.
Two more sections to go (this whole thing would go a lot quicker if I wasn't making up 90% of it as I go :P)
Transcript under the cut.
First image:
The Idiot's Guide to Moressau
Provided Courtesy of Portia Beckham and The Pack
Second Image:
Shopping That Won’t Bankrupt You If you want to find some shopping that’s reasonably priced and not forced to keep up a bright and happy facade for the city’s ‘image’, then you’re going to want to check out the street markets. All local, usually handmade, and you’re far less likely to run into a stuck-up asshole. The really good ones don’t advertise their existence, you just have to know. Best practice: check the Arts or Lonewood districts on a weekend evening. You’ll find something that makes the entire trip worth it. Guaranteed.
Not in the mood for a stall crawl? There are a ton of unique stores around Moressau worth your time. But like most things, you’ll have to put in a little footwork for them. My personal suggestions are The Salt Well - a secondhand store covering three stories in the Arts - and Thistle & Rue - a local artist co-op that never fails to lighten my wallet with every visit.
Local Food Worth Your Time Moressau is far from an haute cuisine destination, but since you’re here you’re better off checking out some of the local offerings than settling for fast food. Trust me. Check out Jax’s Diner down in the industrial side of town. Open twenty-four-seven and the best breakfast plate you’ll ever eat in your life. Or if you want something fishy The Queen’s Catch on the Old Wharf is by far the best place to sample some of the sea’s bounty. Finally, if you’re looking for somewhere with both good booze and good food, you can’t go wrong with Island Goat or the Salt Beard Tavern. Just don’t ask to try the chef’s special at the tavern. Trust me.
The Historical and Creepy Look. All of Moressau is creepy. Or at least that’s what I’ve been told. It’s dark and gloomy and you’re just as likely to get mauled by a creep as you are to get scared by a dumpster rat. If you don’t know what you’re doing, stick to the shit all the brochures tout. You’re less likely to die that way. There’s museums and tour guides for all of you nerds, too. That tour of Augustus Laroche’s mansion is actually pretty fun. They have paid actors and everything, but frown on self-guided tours outside of the usual routes. Just FYI.
I’ve heard of some walking tours that have popped up recently that seem safe, if you’re into that kind of thing. Word to the wise, though: avoid anything that mentions the Montrose Syndicate. They aren’t dead, and they don’t like being talked about. Whoever started that tour is going to end up at the bottom of the bay sooner or later.
Seaside Attractions (And Then Some) This is another one the brochures can handle for you. The boardwalk and lighthouse are safe enough, and there are parts of the preserved old wharves that aren’t too bad either. They were made with old shipwreck lumber. The founders were thrifty and morbid like that. Stick to the North Docks and Downtown if you want to explore more of Moressau’s seaside attractions. The Old Docks aren’t the safest place anymore, day or night. If you’re up for a bit of a hike, check out the original lighthouse just north of the city. It was abandoned in favor of the new lighthouse in the early 1900's, but whatever they made it with keeps it standing, even if the rocks around it have eroded away. It’s not as fun since the city took out the bridge connecting the lighthouse to land, but you’re brave (and stupid) you can still make it across the gap. Ask me how I know.
For some modern entertainment - or modern-ish - it’s worth it to check out Saltshock, the amusement park right off Harbor Boardwalk. It’s got some of those old wooden rollercoasters that are actually terrifying. The modern steel coasters have nothing on those rickety old things. The prices aren’t too bad, but definitely don’t bother buying any souvenirs there. That’s where they get you.
Oh, and since you’ll be in the area, keep an eye on the street art. I know a guy who paints some really cool murals around the Docks and Southside neighborhoods. Some of them disappear pretty quickly, since he never asks permission to decorate someone’s wall. He says there’s an internet group or something dedicated to finding his latest work. He’s usually full of shit, though, so I’ll believe it when I see it. Maybe he’s right. His art is good. So keep an eye out for anything signed “W S”.
Third Image:
If your entire reason for coming to Moressau is to meet a vampire then I have two questions for you: What the hell is wrong with you, and why bother coming here at all? Statistically, there is at least one vampire in or near where you live now. Chances are that if you’re only here to be a bloodbag, you won’t listen to my advice, so I’m going to write this for those of you who want to avoid some unpleasant new scars around the neck region.
How to Spot a Vampire Let’s get something straight right now. Vampires don’t sparkle. They aren’t incredibly pale. They aren’t indestructible. A freshly-fed vampire isn’t much different from a human actually. Warm to the touch - never hot - and no paler than the average person, just without the heartbeat that makes a human…. human.
That said, there are some tell-tale aspects of a vampire that are impossible to hide. You’ll know a vampire as soon as they open their mouth. Their fangs don’t do that stupid retraction thing like some movies claim. Vampires also have reflective eyes, like most supernaturals. A vampire’s eyes don’t glow, they aren’t blood red, they’re just eyes. But they’ll shine in the passing light of a car or a camera flash, that’s for certain. Lastly, vampires lack both a shadow and a reflection.
A vampire who hasn’t fed in a few days will have a chill to them like any other dead body. But a hungry vampire is faster, stronger, and much easier to piss off. A hungry vampire is more likely to drink you down to the last drop, too.
Where to Find a Vampire Typically, vampires can only come out at night. They tend to burn to a crisp within an hour if they’re exposed to full sunlight. It’s not a pretty sight. Luckily for the vampires of Moressau, the sun only comes out about 30 days of the year, so they can be out at nearly any time. Most of them keep to the night hours though. They’re nocturnal creatures by nature. They also tend to hang out in the Midnight Quarter. There are some vampires who’ve lived there since the city was founded, and if you’re looking for ‘night life’ then the Midnight Quarter is exactly where you want to be. Don’t let your guard down for a second there. The only places where regulations on vampire feeding are enforced are donation centers, and even those are iffy. Sure, the city says they oversee vampire parlors to ‘ensure safe conditions for both mundanes and supernaturals’ but they’re lying through their teeth.
Not all vampire parlors and clubs are terrible. Just most of them. Club Nomad caters primarily to vampires, but they’ll welcome anyone looking for a night out. The bouncers there are better than most about keeping an eye on the crowds. If you want exclusivity, then L’Sourire en Sang run by the Société de Keres is as old and exclusive as you can get. They’re pretty strict about who they let in - mundane and vampire both - but I’ve heard that almost every human visitor has left alive.
Last but not least, there’s Cameo. It hasn’t been around very long, but it’s already pissed off all the old, mouldy vampires in the city so it has my vote of confidence. I heard it’s run by a new coalition in town called the Strix Assembly, and they’re very concerned about keeping their bloodbags alive and well. Pampered, even. They don’t mind the occasional shifter or supernatural drifting through, either.
Finding Good Mosquito Repellent Vampires might be some of the deadliest supernaturals out there, but lucky for us mortals there are some tried and true ways to keep them off your neck. Or kill one, if you need to.
First, sunlight. We’ve covered this. Keep up.
Second, rowan wood. I don’t know what it is about rowan specifically, but it’ll burn any vampire who touches it. They hate the smell of it too, if you’re in the market for new cologne.
Vampires have an aversion to garlic, but it’s not going to stop a determined one. Pepper spray is useful if you can make a quick getaway. Don’t bother with religious iconography or silver unless you want to be laughed at before you die.
And finally… I talk a lot of shit, but most vampires are just like everyone else. Common sense and a nice attitude will go a long way. This guide is so you know how to handle the dangerous ones.
Shapeshifter taglist: @sunset-a-story @touloserlautrec
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sergeifyodorov · 2 years ago
Sidney Crosby for the character ask
actually i do have a very specific first impression of sidney which is that i was . can’t have been ten, probably closer to seven or eight and i was living w my dad and hockey was on and it was pens vs a team that was not the leafs, and i knew he was a leafsfan so i was like “why are you watching hockey if it’s not your team” and he was like “sometimes i like to watch it for sid the kid” and i was like. a kid? and he pointed out what must have been a truly baby sidney and i remember clearly thinking I Hope He’ll Be A Leaf Some Day… truly my delusions have always been there.
well GOAT obviously
beyond that he is such a good leader and obviously just a huge awkward dorky sweetheart -- there are no stories of bad encounters with him, like, ever. i think my general vision of him is just someone who is so stubborn and willful and good, who has pushed all of himself into doing hockey and doing hockey well and has negotiated some kind of reward from the universe for it. definitely has The Tism. if i were a hockey boy i too wouldve jerked off to posters of young sidney.
also is aging incredibly as both a player and as a guy… i don’t think either sidney or the audience are ready for silver fox sidney crosby. but the time is approaching far more rapidly than either of us would care to admit
i do however believe that the instant he retires he will vanish into the distant nova scotian woods, or perhaps the sea, and we will never hear anything about him again.
much like ovi, sidney is Old and thereby has an abundance of Moments. Here are some:
sidovi duelling hat tricks night (it was both of their moments, come on)
That one anecdote about him walking with reporters coatless somewhere in the negative tens, followed by them going through the tim hortons in the rink and people stopping and realizing who it is the moment that he goes into the elevator
2010 olympic golden goal
this isn’t technically a Sidney Moment but the steve dangle tweet about “has sidney crosby passed the torch followed by sidney crosby ripping out his opponent’s heart and eating it has been happening for the past six years” (the tweet itself is also about four or five years old)
The entirety of his Fucked Up Teeth era where he had to wear the fishbowl and fought a bunch of people . I think we don’t remember enough that Sid used to be an absolute bloody menace -- I’m pretty sure he’s either the only rookie or one of the only rookies with 100 pts and 100 PIM in a season.
he did the michigan before it was cool btw
well let’s go back to the disappearing into the woods thing. have you guys heard of sable island perchance
well u see. there is an island off the coast of nova scotia
it’s got an electoral district and everything. Or it’s part of one. Which is weird because only a couple of researchers live there periodically.
anyway. king under the mountain type au where post-concussions sid decides instead to leave hockey, go back to nova scotia and become a lighthouse keeper/researcher. living on sable island, skating once a year on the thin-ass ocean ice when it freezes. disappears when the sport of hockey needs him most etc
in fact in this au he leaves in 2012, and because there’s no hope of his returning the penguins are. Substantially worse in the following year, not only breaking hard from the playoffs but also doing a leedle light tanking to get themselves a similarly touted prospect… 2013 first overall pick nathan mackinnon.
natemac who is and has always been a sidney fanboy numero uno AND a sicko who wants 2 win above all else. natemac who gets himself immediately into a war of wills with geno because geno wants sid to live a good life, a long and peaceful life away from where he has been and natemac who knows that there is something else going on. that sid gave up, but he is not lost.
so nate and geno play out nate’s rookie year; nate breaks in the offseason for sable island in search of sidney. cue geno coming along.
nategenosidney roadtrip 2 return to hockey nightmare psychosexual experience for everyone involved (geno has to contend with his feelings for sidney, a dear friend and colleague who he wants to both protect and win alongside, as well as his frustration towards nate, this doughy-faced and overemotional young firecracker… a lot like a certain sid, back in the day.) (sid has to deal with his feelings for geno, a respected teammate who he wanted to become captain after him but so clearly would rather not have that spot in his life replaced, and his new affection for this nate guy, someone who is so earnest and so competitive and so insane in exactly the same way as him that he’s not sure if it’s deliriously endearing or driving him nuts)(nate has to deal with his huge awfully enrapturing celebrity crush on someone he has always wanted to play with but who is apparently unavailable and has to deal with this sort of weird captainrookie mutual bullying homoeroticism he’s developed with geno)
i think this just ends up in a threesome tbh but who am i to say
honestly… i do not find him that particularly attractive… i think it is maybe something to do with yalls competency kink (can’t blame u). the lips and the ass are great though he’s just almost too pretty for me. 
also i am a sidstache truther
genuine tie between nate, geno, and ovi
go read jes ticklefighthockey’s entire archive right now and then go read her entire ao3. THAT is true sidscholarship i do not feel as if i am anywhere near capable of that level of it
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simvanie · 2 years ago
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7 Sins Legacy - generation 2
Luxor invited Tomi, the sim he met the night before, to have lunch with him at the market square in the center of the town. Tomi grew up on the island of Tartosa, but moved to Simtorini when she was old enough to live on her own. After spending the rest of the day getting to know each other, they had their first kiss on the beach.
The next day Tomi invited Luxor to her house where he met her goat Delphine. They spent some time in the pool together and later in the day they decided to go island hopping. They ended the day watching the sunset from the top of the lighthouse and explored the inside of the the lighthouse afterwards.
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kokiafans · 2 years ago
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As previously posted here, KOKIA updated her official webshop KOKIA Jirushi with pre-order pages for her upcoming releases: the 25th anniversary concert Blu-ray release (including a limited edition including a special booklet and signature), and her 25th Anniversary Best The Lighthouse. All are currently scheduled to ship around September 21.
In preparation for today's stream of the concert, I have posted the track lists below under a Read more link, so you can either choose to read up on which songs to expect, or to fully ignore this and go into the stream unspoiled. I will be listing the albums on which the songs first appeared, so you can use this list as a way to track down the album if you discover a new song you love!
I will update the discography page later today.
KOKIA 25th anniversary concert 'you and me' tracklist
Masquerade (prologue)
Maigo no watashi wa gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o (’I would have golden tea with a silver fox during being lost’) (from Gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o)
Fukurou ~Fukurou ga shiraseru kyaku ga kita to~ ('The Owl ~The owl tells that we have uninvited guests~') (from Animal CD vol.1)
Hontou no oto ('real sound') (from moment)
Kotou ('isolated island') (from Hoshi no uta kaze no naka)
Tora ~ hiru to yoru ga ai shita kemono~ ('The Tiger ~The beast who was loved by day and night~') (from Animal CD vol.4)
Cells (new song; will appear on her new album The Lighthouse)
Life ~seimei no hibiki~ ('Echo of life') (from EVOLVE to LOVE)
Hoshi no keiji ('Star revelation') (from PIECES 2)
Dragon (from Animal CD vol.4)
The Lighthouse (new song; will appear on her new album The Lighthouse)
Utau hito ('singing people') (from Uta ga chikara)
Anshin no naka ('in peace') (from Remember me)
Hoshi no uta (’Song of stars’) (from Hoshi no uta kaze no naka)
Moment ~ima o ikiru~ ('Live in the now') (from moment)
Wataridori ('Migratory bird') (from Animal CD vol.4)
Kaze wa yuu (’Wind whispers’) (from Hoshi no uta kaze no naka)
Yume no tochuu ('on my way to my dream') (from Where to go my love?)
Kisetsu hazure no sakura ('Late blooming cherry blossoms') (from Gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o)
Jinsei wa uta no you ne (’life is like a song, isn’t it’) (from ALIVE the live history)
From the day 1 performance (not in the stream, Blu-ray only):
Chiisa na uta ('little song') (from the VOICE)
Chouwa ('Harmony') (from trip trip)
Backstage, interview
KOKIA 25th anniversary best album 'The Lighthouse' tracklist
NOTE: The web shop mentions that the track list is possibly subject to change before release.
Disc 1
The cell / *new song
Hoshi no keiji ('Star revelation') / From the album PIECES 2, theme song for the game Shan Hai Jing Hua ('Flowers in the mirror of mountains and seas')
Shoudou ('Impulse') / From the album PIECES 2 theme song for the game 'Echocalypse'
Otentou-sama wa waratteru (’the Sun is laughing’) / From the album Kono sekai no katasumi de ('In this corner of the world')
Yagi ~ninja yagi ya~ (’Goat ~I'm the ninja goat~’) / From the album Animal CD vol.3
Maigo no watashi wa gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o (’I would have golden tea with a silver fox during being lost’) / From the album Gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o ('Golden tea with a silver fox')
Dragon / from the album Animcal CD vol.4
Hollow / *new song
The Lighthouse / *new song
Ochite yuku... ('Falling down...') / *new song
Hoshi no uta (’Song of stars’) / From the album Hoshi no uta kaze no naka ('Song of stars in the wind')
Hoshi ni natta inu (’the dog that became a star’) / From the album Kono sekai no katasumi de ('In this corner of the world')
Kisetsu hazure no sakura ('Late blooming cherry blossoms') / from the album Gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o ('Golden tea with a silver fox')
Wataridori ('Migratory bird') / from the album Animal CD vol.4
Kaze wa yuu... (’Wind whispers’) / from the album Hoshi no uta kaze no naka ('Song of stars in the wind') Disc 2
Fukurou ~Fukurou ga shiraseru kyaku ga kita to~ ('The Owl ~The owl tells that we have uninvited guests~') / from the album Animal CD vol.1
Kurage ~uchuuyuuei Floating soul~ (’Jellyfish ~space walk~’) / from the album Animal CD vol.3
Kotou (’isolated island’) / from the album Hoshi no uta kaze no naka ('Song of stars in the wind')
Makenai you ni (’Don’t give up’) / from the album Kono sekai no katasumi de ('In this corner of the world')
I'll be there / theme song for the game Marfusha
Tora ~ hiru to yoru ga ai shita kemono~ ('The Tiger ~The beast who was loved by day and night~') / from the album Animal CD vol.4
Rakuda ~kiri e ni natteku~ (’Camel ~would make for a cut-out picture~’) / from the album Animal CD vol. 3
Buta ~mondai nai buu~ (’Pig ~no problem, oink~’) / from the album Animal CD vol.3
Kuma ~kuma ono hatsukoi kuma tta na~ ('Bear ~the bear’s first love, he’s stumped~') / from the album Animal CD vol.1
Tanuki ~matsuri no yoru~ ('Raccoon dog ~festival night~') / from the album Animal CD vol.1
Hebi ~hanihohebi tanchou fujin~ ('Snake ~hanihoheto Madam minor~') / from the album Animal CD vol.2
Tokei jikake no TikTok ('The TikTok of clockworks') / from the album Gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o ('Golden tea with a silver fox')
Sagashimono wa uta no naka ('The things I'm looking for are inside songs') / from the album Gin no kitsune to kin no koucha o ('Golden tea with a silver fox')
Kakurenbo ('Hide-and-seek') / *new song
I LOVE YOU 2020 / from the album Hoshi no uta kaze no naka ('Song of stars in the wind')
Uma ~kaze no uma~ (’Horse ~horse of the wind~’) / from the album Animal CD vol.3
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meryj30 · 6 months ago
Santorini,Greece: Best Spots for Sunset, Food, and Fun
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Nestled in the Aegean Sea, Santorini is a Greek island that feels like stepping into a postcard. Known for its stunning sunsets, blue-domed churches, and crystal-clear waters, this Cycladic paradise is perfect for travelers seeking beauty, culture, and adventure. Whether you're looking to relax on the beach, explore ancient ruins, or indulge in mouthwatering Greek cuisine, Santorini has it all. In this guide, we’ll dive into the best spots for sunsets, food, and fun on this breathtaking island.
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And for the most seamless travel experience, be sure to use Trip.com to plan and book your Santorini adventure. Trip.com Official Site‎‎ | Travel Deals and Promotions offers fantastic deals on flights, hotels, and activities, making it the go-to platform for stress-free travel.
1. Sunset Spots: Capturing Santorini’s Iconic Glow
No trip to Santorini is complete without watching its famous sunset. Here are the best locations to experience this magical moment:
Perhaps the most iconic spot to watch the sunset, Oia is known for its cliffside whitewashed houses and windmills. As the sun sets over the caldera, the sky turns shades of pink, orange, and gold, casting a magical glow over the village. Get there early to secure a good spot, as it can get crowded during peak season.
Tip: Book your stay in Oia with Trip.com to wake up to the island’s most beautiful views.
For a quieter but equally spectacular sunset experience, head to Imerovigli. This village is located at the highest point of the caldera, offering unobstructed views of the sunset. Skaros Rock, a massive rock formation, provides an epic backdrop for photos.
Akrotiri Lighthouse
If you're looking to escape the crowds, head to Akrotiri Lighthouse. Located at the southwestern tip of the island, this spot offers a peaceful and less touristy sunset experience. The lighthouse itself adds a touch of charm to the setting.
The capital of Santorini, Fira, also offers some excellent sunset views. Head to a cliffside café or restaurant and enjoy the sunset with a refreshing cocktail or a glass of local wine.
2. Food: A Culinary Journey Through Santorini
Greek cuisine is known for its fresh ingredients, bold flavors, and rich history. Santorini offers a mix of traditional Greek dishes and unique local specialties. Here are some must-try dishes and the best places to eat on the island:
Santorini’s Local Specialties
Tomatokeftedes: These are tomato fritters made from the island’s flavorful tomatoes and herbs. They are crispy, light, and full of flavor.
Fava: A smooth purée made from yellow split peas, fava is a quintessential dish of Santorini. It's often served with olive oil, onions, and lemon juice.
Chlorotyri: A soft, tangy cheese made from goat’s milk, this local delicacy is perfect for salads and savory pies.
Seafood: Being an island, Santorini is home to some of the freshest seafood you’ll ever taste. Look out for grilled octopus, squid, and the catch of the day.
Best Restaurants in Santorini
Ammoudi Fish Tavern (Oia): Nestled in the tiny harbor below Oia, Ammoudi Fish Tavern is renowned for its fresh seafood. You can enjoy your meal right by the water while watching the sunset.
Metaxi Mas (Exo Gonia): A hidden gem located in the village of Exo Gonia, Metaxi Mas is a traditional Greek tavern offering hearty local dishes with a modern twist. Their fava and tomato fritters are a must-try.
Naoussa (Fira): This charming restaurant offers excellent views of the caldera and serves delicious Greek cuisine, including fresh seafood and local wines.
Make reservations at these top spots via Trip.com for a seamless dining experience during your stay in Santorini.
3. Fun Activities: Discovering the Best of Santorini
Santorini offers more than just stunning sunsets and delicious food. The island is brimming with activities that cater to all types of travelers. Whether you're an adventurer, a history buff, or simply looking to relax, Santorini has something for everyone.
Explore Ancient Akrotiri
If you're a history enthusiast, Akrotiri is a must-visit. Often referred to as the "Pompeii of the Aegean," this ancient settlement was buried under volcanic ash thousands of years ago and is remarkably well-preserved. Wander through the streets and see buildings, pottery, and frescoes from the Minoan civilization.
Hike from Fira to Oia
For those who love the outdoors, the hike from Fira to Oia offers some of the most stunning views on the island. This 10-kilometer trek takes you along the caldera’s edge, offering panoramic views of the Aegean Sea, the volcano, and neighboring islands. The hike takes about 3-4 hours and is best done in the early morning or late afternoon to avoid the heat.
Wine Tasting at Local Wineries
Santorini is famous for its unique volcanic wines, particularly its Assyrtiko grapes. Take a wine-tasting tour at one of the island’s many wineries, such as Santo Wines or Domaine Sigalas, and sample the crisp white wines that are grown in Santorini’s volcanic soil.
Relax on Santorini’s Beaches
Santorini’s beaches are unlike any other in the world due to the island’s volcanic history. The Red Beach, located near Akrotiri, is surrounded by dramatic red cliffs and is perfect for a day of swimming and sunbathing. Alternatively, head to Kamari or Perissa, both of which offer long stretches of black sand.
Sail Around the Caldera
One of the best ways to see Santorini is from the water. Book a boat tour that takes you around the caldera, with stops at the hot springs, volcanic islands, and secluded beaches. Many tours offer sunset cruises, providing a unique perspective of the island’s famous sunset.
You can easily find and book boat tours and other activities through Trip.com, ensuring you get the best deals and experiences.
4. Where to Stay: The Best Accommodation in Santorini
Santorini offers a wide range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to budget-friendly guesthouses. Whether you're looking for a cliffside villa with a private pool or a cozy hotel near the beach, Santorini has it all.
Oia: For luxury and romance, Oia is the place to stay. Hotels like Canaves Oia Suites offer world-class service and breathtaking views of the caldera. Book your stay through Trip.com for exclusive deals.
Fira: If you want to be close to the action, Fira is the perfect base. The city is full of restaurants, bars, and shops, and offers stunning views of the caldera. Check out Trip.com for affordable options in Fira.
Kamari: For beach lovers, Kamari is a great option. The town is located right on the black sand beach and offers a more relaxed vibe than the caldera towns. Find beachfront hotels on Trip.com.
Conclusion: Your Dream Santorini Getaway Awaits
Santorini is a destination that truly has it all: stunning sunsets, world-class food, rich history, and endless activities. Whether you’re planning a romantic getaway or a fun-filled adventure, Santorini promises an unforgettable experience. And to make your trip planning as seamless as possible, book everything through Trip.com. From flights and hotels to tours and activities, Trip.com Official Site‎‎ | Travel Deals and Promotions is the ultimate platform for hassle-free travel.
Plan your dream Santorini getaway today, and prepare to be swept away by the beauty of this iconic Greek island!
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mythoscarrentals · 1 year ago
The Top 10 Destinations to Visit in Crete with a Rental Car
Crete, the largest island in Greece, is a treasure trove of natural wonders, rich history, and vibrant culture waiting to be explored. With its diverse landscapes ranging from pristine beaches to rugged mountains and charming villages, Crete offers endless opportunities for discovery and adventure. Renting a car provides the freedom to explore this enchanting island at your own pace, allowing you to uncover its hidden gems and iconic landmarks. Here are the top 10 destinations to visit in Crete with a rental car:
1. Chania
Start your journey in the picturesque town of Chania, located on the northwest coast of Crete. Explore the charming Venetian harbor lined with colorful buildings, visit the historic Old Town with its narrow alleys and Ottoman-era architecture, and marvel at the impressive Venetian lighthouse. Don't miss the opportunity to stroll along the waterfront promenade or sample traditional Cretan cuisine at one of the local tavernas.
2. Rethymnon
Continue your exploration eastward to the captivating town of Rethymnon, renowned for its well-preserved medieval architecture and Venetian fortress. Wander through the atmospheric streets of the Old Town, visit the imposing Fortezza overlooking the sea, and relax on the golden sands of Rethymnon Beach. Be sure to visit the archaeological sites of Eleutherna and Ancient Rithymna for a glimpse into the island's ancient past.
3. Heraklion
Journey to the bustling capital city of Heraklion, home to some of Crete's most significant historical and archaeological sites. Explore the magnificent Palace of Knossos, the legendary center of the Minoan civilization, and delve into the island's history at the Heraklion Archaeological Museum. Take a stroll along the lively waterfront promenade or venture into the vibrant streets of the city center to experience its vibrant atmosphere.
4. Agios Nikolaos
Located on the picturesque Gulf of Mirabello, Agios Nikolaos is a charming coastal town known for its scenic beauty and relaxed ambiance. Explore the quaint harbor dotted with colorful fishing boats, wander through the bustling town square lined with cafes and shops, and visit the archaeological site of Gournia for a glimpse into Minoan life. Don't miss the opportunity to relax on the sandy beaches of nearby Elounda or take a boat trip to the mystical island of Spinalonga.
5. Elafonisi Beach
Venture to the southwestern tip of Crete to discover the breathtaking beauty of Elafonisi Beach, often referred to as the "pink beach" due to its unique pink sand. Marvel at the crystal-clear turquoise waters, stroll along the pristine shoreline, and bask in the sunshine on this idyllic stretch of coastline. Explore the nearby cedar forest and nature reserve, home to diverse flora and fauna, or embark on a leisurely hike along the scenic coastal trails.
6. Samaria Gorge
For outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers, a visit to the Samaria Gorge is a must-do experience. Located in the White Mountains of western Crete, this dramatic gorge is one of the longest in Europe and offers spectacular hiking opportunities amidst breathtaking scenery. Embark on a challenging trek through the rugged terrain, passing towering cliffs, lush vegetation, and cascading waterfalls along the way. Keep an eye out for native wildlife such as wild goats, birds, and butterflies as you traverse this natural wonder.
7. Balos Lagoon
Discover one of Crete's most iconic natural attractions, the stunning Balos Lagoon, nestled between the rugged Gramvousa Peninsula and the island of Crete. Accessible by boat or a scenic drive followed by a short hike, Balos Lagoon boasts crystal-clear turquoise waters, powdery white sands, and a picturesque backdrop of dramatic cliffs and rock formations. Spend the day swimming, snorkeling, and sunbathing in this idyllic paradise, or simply relax and soak up the awe-inspiring beauty of your surroundings.
8. Knossos Palace
Step back in time to ancient Crete with a visit to the legendary Knossos Palace, located just south of Heraklion. As the center of the Minoan civilization, Knossos Palace is steeped in myth and legend, with its labyrinthine corridors, grand staircases, and intricate frescoes providing a fascinating glimpse into the island's rich history. Explore the archaeological site and uncover the mysteries of this ancient palace complex, which is believed to have been the seat of King Minos and the legendary Minotaur.
9. Lassithi Plateau
Escape the coastal crowds and venture inland to the scenic Lassithi Plateau, a fertile plain nestled amidst the Dikti Mountains in eastern Crete. Known for its picturesque villages, traditional windmills, and fertile farmland, the Lassithi Plateau offers a tranquil retreat from the hustle and bustle of the coast. Explore the charming villages of Psychro and Agios Georgios, visit the ancient Diktean Cave, and marvel at the panoramic views from the plateau's scenic viewpoints.
10. Spinalonga Island
Embark on a journey to the hauntingly beautiful island of Spinalonga, located off the coast of Elounda in northeastern Crete. Once a leper colony, Spinalonga is steeped in history and intrigue, with its well-preserved Venetian fortress and crumbling ruins providing a poignant reminder of its tumultuous past. Take a boat trip to the island and explore its labyrinthine streets, crumbling buildings, and atmospheric surroundings, before returning to the mainland with memories of an unforgettable day.
Renting a car in Crete unlocks a world of exploration and adventure, allowing you to discover the island's top destinations at your own pace and on your own terms. From historic towns and archaeological sites to stunning beaches and natural wonders, Crete offers something for every traveler to enjoy. So pack your bags, hit the road, and get ready to experience the best that Crete has to offer with a rental car by your side.
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nancyfmccarthy · 1 year ago
A Lighthouse and a Shipwreck
Our hike this morning started in Xilokeratidi and reached the Katapola lighthouse, or what is left of it.
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The village of Xilokeratidi is near the larger port of Amorgos. This time of year it is a sleepy little stretch of tiny, quiet taverna.
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The hike skirted the shore opposite Katapola.
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The lighthouse and tower were built in the 1880’s. It is the oldest lighthouse on the island….
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…but it’s mission has been usurped by a modern light driven by a solar panel.
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Of course there were goats along the trail.
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Back in Xilokeratidi, we watched this boat drop tourists at a nearby sandy beach…
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…which is one of the few nearby that offers chairs and umbrellas. It looked very crowded.
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Instead, we opted to drive to Mourou Beach, which was a mix of black sand and rocks. It was another beach at the bottom of a cliff, but there was a path and stairs to make the trek a little easier. There were a few more people here than at our beach yesterday. But it was definitely not crowded.
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There was what looked like dead coral off shore, which was interesting to explore while swimming. But even better were the underwater caves along the far shore into which we could swim.
Our last stop of the day was the Amorgos Shipwreck.
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In 1980, some modern day pirates from Cyprus ran into bad weather off of Amorgos. They tried unsuccessfully to set an anchor but instead crashed onto the rocks of Liverio Bay.
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miss-nerd-alert · 3 months ago
Keep Lucanis and everything he’s got going on. Mary Kirby is the GOAT and I wish she’d gotten to do more with him.
Gonna be honest, I wish we’d actually gotten Calpernia instead of Neve. Sanitizing Tevinter was a weird choice, and there’s just no way to do that with Calpernia. Also I just hate Neve’s default staff/knife thing. It’s such a minor thing, I know, but it’s just so stupid looking, and I hate how she holds it.
Varric would be alive, because fuck whoever wrote that shit.
Keep the Mourn Watch as is because I love those freaks. Maybe make some tweaks to the armor, but otherwise they’re perfect.
I actually like seeing the Solas Memories, because whoever wrote them actually committed to the idea of Solas being a piece of shit. Also Mythal being a groomer. I know some people were pissed about it because Solas said she was the best of the Evanuris, but that bar is so low it’s a tripping hazard in hell, and Solas isn’t an unbiased party.
Ditch the Lighthouse. I already didn’t care for it that much because of the whole “it’s in the Fade” thing, but then I found out about the ideas that were scrapped (the submarine and Xenon’s private island) and I feel robbed.
Controversial take, but I actually like how the Crows are depicted for the most part. In previous games they could afford to just be killers for hire, but they’ve got an actual enemy to fight now that Antiva’s been invaded by the Antaam, and them acting as a resistance movement is a great storyline. I’d make them more shady so they’d feel a bit more in-line with their depiction in past games, but I genuinely like them.
I wish they’d delved more into the contrast between Tevinter and the South, especially with the Chantry. Seriously, we know from Dorian in Inquisition that Tevinter doesn’t view Andraste as the Maker’s bride and puts their emphasis on worshipping the Maker specifically, so her having an entire temple in Dock Town doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
Shartan. I get that the focus is on the Evanuris and the ancient elves, but Shartan and the elven slaves should 100% have been more involved in the worldbuilding. They were the direct descendants of the ancient elves, more of their influence should have been felt in Tevinter, poking up through the cracks of the Imperium’s facade.
Veilguard should’ve been the end of the series. We’ve already had three world-ending threats, and the stakes can’t get higher than they’ve been. Honestly if not for Solas and his Dread Wolf cliffhanger, I would’ve said Inquisition should’ve been the end, but Veilguard feels like it was supposed to be the end. This threat across the sea teaser feels more like filling in the map than naturally building on pre-existing plot threads.
I'm curious; to those who have completed veilguard and weren't happy with the direction, what would you wanted the story to have been instead?
What would you keep? What would you throw out?
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berrypass-de-murdler · 8 months ago
47. The Mystery of the Mysterious Island
I must resist the urge to retitle this 'A Cruise to Die For 3'
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I don't love how most of the digitized artworks look, but then again I don't love how the official artworks of mine look-
I toned down Rose's cape so he'd be able to like walk, but he still looks absolutely ridiculous. Why did I think this was a good design idea?
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The real Baron Maroon enters and unironically this is one of my favorite official artworks??? Part toad and part 'dragon', his bellowing roar is so loud it can literally knock a person out.
They exit on a lighthouse with an island. There’s a scream, ‘cuz the captain’s dead now too. OH MY GOD NAVY NOOOOOO I mean the other captain (Navy has plot armor). Why murder the captain AFTER it crashes? The suspects are some unseen passengers: Tangerine, Maroon, and Azure.
AZURE: Look at the stars! They say- LOGICO: WHAT… WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM PLEASE, I’M BEGGING YOU, WHY? AZURE: :< I didn’t even say the clue IRRATINO: No, she has a point. The stars say she was by a broken building like that dead church.
Well, that investigation turned out uneventful.
LOGICO: Look, I understand. It was a very poor job of that captain to crash this ship. He had one job! MAROON: You think that’s why I killed him? That proves you’re a bad detective. That’s not why I killed him! I killed him because he slept with my wife! LOGICO: He slept with your wife… after we crashed. MAROON: FUUUU
This mf is married? Anyway, Logico and Irratino tie him up and throw him in the lighthouse, which could be essentially also murder. 
IRRATINO: I can’t call anyone. My phone’s not working. LOGICO: Who would have thought this creepy fucking island would have NO CELL SERVICE?
The end!
Potatoes, that was a short episode. I hope I can produce something decent soon
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The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See you next time murdlers!
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rothgalleries · 4 years ago
New England Photography of Newport Harbor Lighthouse in Rhode Island
New England Photography of Newport Harbor Lighthouse in Rhode Island
Newport Harbor Light and Claiborne Pell Bridge: f/22, 3 sec., ISO100. There are plenty of New England lighthouses and there is no shortage in Rhode Island either. My recent New England Photography adventure brought me back to Newport, RI. The Newport Harbor Light also known as Goat Island Light or Green Light has been a photo bucket list item for many years. So, I am glad I finally had a chance…
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