#go to Sunday brunch and Bruce needs to be okay with killing the really really bad ppl :(‘
starlooove · 6 days
I alluded to this in tags awhile ago but like. IK continuity doesn’t work this way and when things shifted from kooky and silly 40s stuff with psas scattered to like dark brooding whatever we’re supposed to take it as like either time passing with some hand waving to personalities or ‘it was always like this for them trust’ but thinking about dick specifically going from holy galloping grasshoppers Batman to dealing with Bruce in spyral and shit is so so so sad I can’t articulate it well rn but like everyone kinda agrees the shift happened after two face and jason but like no dick saw it all he saw it while it happened he saw Bruce taking tim to baseball games and then gaslighting him at 16 he saw the man who’d take care of a random baby on the fly threaten to send his youngest son back to the league he saw the man who helped usher in a new era of young heroes treat Steph like shit he saw the man who inspired hope for a future in civilians heroes and enemies alike take advantage of cass’ suicidal thoughts and separation from her own humanity he saw everything and he just has to. Deal. To everyone else this is just Bruce and ppl like Tim and cass justify it to an extent bc they love him and get exasperated and when Dick is angry but how couldn’t Dick be angry? That’s his dad and he’s being so fucking mean and idk I’m rambling
#i promise this is better thought out on the daily Im so so tired rn autocorrect is saving me#and It’s like the lighthearted era of the 40s smacking someone across the face into shit like throwing him into Jason’s memorial#like It’s not even whiplash bc it’s always happened it’s just. aaruhdsjak#and this is why I hate the entire thing where Bruce does nothing and it’s ALL terrible writing like#they had Superman doing corporal punishment bro idk#and not saying that’s good or necessary today I’m just saying unfortunately for Bruce Stans literally everyone is shaped by his behavior#It’s why they’re so fucked to eachother too#like the reason perfect dad bruce who’s only issue is miscommunication is annoying bc u#sets up every following issue tk ve of the same vein#he and Jason DONT have genuine morality clashes that usually end up violent and beLetha#near lethal bc they’re both secure in their own righteousness#It’s ‘they need to talk and Jason needs to call alfie and gl#go to Sunday brunch and Bruce needs to be okay with killing the really really bad ppl :(‘#like no bro sorry they’re not as wishy washy as u 🙄#that’s a joke#Im not saying bruxe should hit his kids I’m just saying when he does it’s not automatically the writer doesn’t know him#they might know him all too well actually#also it’s just the way it’s framed for me sorry I think Conflict is interesting#so bruce growing up (at 60 lmao) and dick just having to deal with it is sooo#like idk IK dc is trying to happy family Damian and Bruce rn but to me Bruce DID get somewhat better but Damian can’t ades#address tough shit without feeling luke he’s dragging it and rlly he should be grateful they’re turning a blind eye tk his mistakes so he#goes along with it#pretend the soulless ‘i hate you bc I’m insecure and secretly think ur my favorite Drake!’ is actually#‘i know the role I need to play in order to keep things smooth and if u#i talk to any of you genuinely I’ll explode and also you’ll hate me and also I think I’ll hate you I think I already do so’#that’s my coping#and thats for me personally like this entire post Is how I personally like to see it#i like happy go lucky batfam in microdoses except WFA y will not be forgiven for what u did to Duke#also for the og post I have a whole thing about how Bruce’s attempt to separate the man and the mask causes him to do crazy shit to his kids#but diff time THATS just how I get my middle between incorrect quotes bruce and dudebro bruce tbh
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metalbvcky · 4 years
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*Shows up late to the Stucky/Marvel fandom Post-EG with Starbucks and dozens of fics that I’ve read in hand* So you guys like fanfiction?
Yeah so, because of quarantine I’ve been consuming a ton of fic. I’ve probably read over 1.5 million words in just a couple months. So why not share what I’ve been reading! Note that some of these are older (popular) fics so veteran Stucky peeps will probably know of them since I not too recently delved into the realm that is Stucky fanfic. :)  
Down below are over a dozen fics with different tropes, Canon/AU’s, and what not. Please do heed the tags on some of these. For the curious: My AO3 bookmarks. 
Also shoutout to @stuckylibrary, the mods over there are doing the lords work. 
Key:  ♥ = My fave, S = Smut, DS = Dom/Sub 
Heroes are Easy, People are Hard ♥ by Halbereth, Lorien - Words: 152,284 | CW Fix It, Slight Canon Divergence, Recovery, Slow Burn
Shuri and Wanda cleared Bucky's triggers shortly after Killmonger's attempted coup, and he and Steve went on the run. But it turns out there's more to "fixing Bucky's head" than "getting Hydra out of it." When a group of rogue scientists manage to neutralize the serum and make Steve very sick--pre-serum "this is bad" kind of sick--and they're cut off from contact with Wakanda, Bucky knows only one person with resources to help. He calls Tony and surrenders on the condition that Tony tries to help Steve.
From there, it's basically three variously messed-up guys’ trajectories from "This Is Fine", "Reasonably Speaking I Know It’s Fine", "I Will Be Fine With It" to actually being fine, guest-starring a far-better-adjusted teenage boy who climbs walls, a 1957 Ford Thunderbird, two women with a keen sense of the absurd, and Bruce, the Zen master of “it’s fine that it’s not fine.” Add in the fact that Bucky's been secretly in love with Steve since the thirties and things only get harder. Learning to be a person is the hardest thing Bucky Barnes will ever have to do--but he's got company along the way.
Reap The Whirlwind by Cristinuke - Words: 18,221 | Canon Universe, Post CW, Domestic 
Bucky finds a cat. Or rather, a cat finds him.
Your Favorite Ghost by augustbird - Words: 21,013 |  Canon Divergence, Post TWS
It's harder than Steve ever expected to bring Bucky home.
Despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained) ♥ by praximeter (Zimario) - Words: 71,532 | Canon Divergence TWS, Body Modifications 
“They really didn’t want the mask to come off.” Hill thumbed through the scans, and pulled out a film that she then handed over to Sam, face mostly expressionless but for the flat line of her pursed lips.
Sam accepted the film and held it up to the light, angling so both he and Steve could see it, squinting at the outline of the Winter Soldier’s skull, and the blips of unnatural white that showed up, God, in his brain, not to mention about half his teeth, plus the mask, with its thin protrusions—
“Those are pins,” Steve realized. He looked over at Hill. “The mask—it’s nailed to his face.”
Hill’s face was as unmoved as ever. “Like I said. They really didn’t want it coming off.”
This city bleeds its aching heart ♥ by Renne - Words: 34,537 | Canon Universe, Fake/Pretend Relationship 
The one where Steve and Bucky pose as a happily married couple while on a mission for SHIELD, to catch an international arms dealer hiding in a suburban neighbourhood.
The Best Way to Wake ♥ by LeeHan - Words: 42,293 | Post TFA, Canon Divergence TWS, Recovery 
James Buchanan Barnes lay in a glass pod in the middle of the table, frozen since he fell. Steve’s hands were on the glass before he realized he’d moved. “Wait, Captain!” “Get him out,” Steve whispered, his hands searching for a clasp, a keypad, something. “Captain, we need to keep him in stasis—“ “I said get him out!”
Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail ♥ series by owlet - Words: 264,438 | Canon Divergence (sort of) 
The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect
Undersell, overcommit by silentwalrus - Words: 10,222 | Canon Universe 
Steve goes so hard for Bucky that he becomes a licensed, practicing massage therapist.
Sparked Up Like a Book of Matches by Sena - Words: 26,734 | Post-TWS, Canon Universe 
Steve lives in Stark Tower and doesn't have much to do when he's not going after Hydra strongholds. He attends charity events to make Pepper happy. He goes hiking with Sam. He hangs out with Clint in Bed-Stuy and watches Dog Cops. Sometimes Tony gives him super alcohol in a sippy cup. Sometimes he sees Bucky out of the corner of his eye and wonders if it's real or if he's starting to lose his mind.
Alternately, the one with terrible jokes, a foot chase through the Lower East Side, and a tiny little robot named Shitcan.
Sugar Sweet ♥ from the Red Velvet series by ColorCoated - Words: 173,400 | Modern/Sugar Daddy AU, Age Difference, Slow Burn
"What's your name?" It wasn't even a line. He was just pretty and Bucky wanted a name to go with that face. With that strong jawline. With those deep blue eyes. A little smirk, "Steve."
Awww, Steve. He looked like a Steve. Bucky pursed his lips in a way he hoped was attractive, "You should buy me a drink."
College Student Bucky finds himself immediately attracted to Steve. He knows that Steve's a bit older than him, and that Steve himself is put off by the age difference. . . But that doesn't stop Bucky from wanting to climb him like a tree.
Steve and Bucky Go Away for the Weekend (and cook a lot) ♥ by E_Greer -  Words: 30,126 | Canon Universe, Domestic 
In which Steve coaxes Bucky out of the Tower for a birthday weekend away and sweet, fluffy domesticity ensues. Phlintasha helps keep Bucky calm, Steve has Opinions about how you set the table, stories are told, greenhouses are toured, baths are had, books are read, tears are shed, stars are gazed upon, and everyone makes Bucky feel loved. Includes Friday night dinner, Saturday morning breakfast, Saturday lunch, Saturday dinner, and Sunday brunch.
Dona Nobis Pacem by thegraytigress - Words: 65,214 | Canon Universe, Recovery 
"This job... We try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes it doesn't mean everybody, but if we can't find a way to live with that... Next time maybe nobody gets saved."
An incident on the battlefield exposes how much Steve's falling apart under the crushing weight of leading the Avengers after Sokovia. Now Bucky's adopting a new mission: save Steve before he destroys himself completely, even if it means the end of Captain America.
Give 'Em Hope ♥ by L1av - Words: 130,022 | Modern/Hospital AU, UA/Age Difference 
Dr. Steve Rogers likes to think that if his patients have hope- their chances of survival will increase. Bucky Barnes has a 20% chance of survival and a desperate yearning to experience life. Against Steve's better judgment, he develops a relationship with his patient. It's illegal. It's wrong. But it's giving Bucky the hope to keep going, so Steve's going to keep giving it, because he wants Bucky to survive. He needs him to.
You belong (to me) by hermionesmydawg - Words: 29,759 | S, DS, Canon Compliant, Post CW
"Hold on." Bucky lifted a finger and backed out of the doorway, returning a moment later with his cell phone. He snapped a photo of Steve, typed a few words, and then returned to his apple. "What the hell were you doing at a sex club last night?"
"Not having sex, if that's what you're wondering." An alert sounded from Steve's nightstand - a new Snapchat message. He rolled his eyes and unlocked his phone. Sam was always sending stupid Snapchats and frankly, Steve couldn't figure that goddamn app out and cursed whoever created that piece of shit.
The chat wasn't from Sam this time, however. It was a picture of himself, not looking guilty at all, with the caption "when your buddy catches you looking at p*rn."
Circling Back from the It’s Not Linear series by chaya - Words: 59,642 (Series Total: 136,782) | Canon Divergence
Steve looks for Bucky, Bucky finds Steve, Steve tries desperately to put Bucky back together. Bucky tries desperately to let him.
Continuing Education by 743ish, romanticalgirl - Words: 14,443 | S, Canon Universe/College, Shrunkyclunks 
Steve is invited to be a guest lecturer on the WWII unit for Bucky's college course. Bucky's more than happy to glean any extra knowledge (in more than just history) from Steve, and Steve's happy to eductate him. But then Bucky has to decide if he can handle the fact that Steve throws himself into danger, and if the sex is worth it. Or if it's not just sex anymore.
Salt & Sugar by GoldBlooded, stfustucky - Words: 19,598 | Modern/Restaurant AU
Steve Rogers is a bigshot celebrity chef in New York City, and Bucky Barnes is a classically trained pastry chef in Moscow.
When billionaire and mutual friend Natasha Romanoff calls on them to collaborate for her Memorial Day Benefit Gala, they both brace themselves to spend the week working with some jerk they're bound to hate. Except... Steve makes a burger that could bring Bucky to tears, and Bucky makes tartlets so beautiful Steve's sure they qualify as art. Maybe, just maybe, together they could make this a night to remember.
@/sgtbarnes1917 and @/cptrogers1918 by BayleyWinchester - Words: 114,203 | Canon Universe, Social Media Fic 
Bucky Barnes broke Twitter with one photo
Proprietary Information ♥ from the Additional Information series by notlucy - Words: 85,141 (Series Total: 165,871) | Modern AU, Age difference, Slow Burn
Okay, so Bucky Barnes has a crush on Steve Rogers. The guy's gorgeous, talented and, oh yeah, the Chief Design Officer of the biggest tech company in the world. In other words: he's so far out of Bucky's league that he might as well be in a different stratosphere.
Deep in the Woods (Where My Heart Has Been Waiting) by SilverMyfanwy - Words: 15,353 | Pioneer-AU, Shrinkyclinks 
Steve Rogers gets lost in the woods in a snowstorm. Bucky Barnes takes him in. Pioneer-era AU ish with Shrinkyclinks, evil chickens and a cabin in the woods.
A Bucky Odyssey by inediblesushi, thorstbench - Words: 9,952 | Shrinkyclinks,  Cap!Bucky, Nurse!Steve  
Bucky Barnes, Captain America, has a plan to make Steve Rogers, SHIELD nurse, fall in love with him. Confiding in the Internet might not be the best idea, though. So when the bad pick up lines do not work and Steve looks determined to staying single, he decides to be more himself and less what he thinks he should be.
At first I wanted to wait to post this until I finished a few more fics from my ever growing read-later list but what the heck, now or never! I’ll probably end up making a part 2 reclist by the amount of fic I’m reading these days. 
Happy reading and stay safe out there fellow Stucky trash members!!
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grandthorkiday · 6 years
Mob AU “Playthings” Part 3
[Link to mob!au anon’s “Playthings" fic tag]
[Start at Part 1]*
(*Note: Link is editable for other parts, just change the number. For mobile users, tag is “playthings part1”)
Luck was smiling down on Val and Bruce.
No one came to take Loki in the middle of the night or the next morning. Loki even agreed at first to be released into Stephen Strange’s custody. Hela’s presence may have helped with that. Foster claimed as soon as the younger man saw his older sister he had immediately became more willing to cooperate with the doctors and nurses. He didn’t seem fazed when they told him he was being transferred to Strange’s private facility. He was more concerned that he had only one set of clothes and no cell phone.
He had made the trip out of the city well enough too. He drove in Hela’s car with Strange in the backseat. Neither sibling really spoke to one another. Hela mostly rehearsed what she was going to next: go and get clothes for Loki, go tell their Father he was safe, and then see about getting a phone. Loki simply made remarks about things he saw out the window: he’d eaten at that restaurant, stayed at that hotel, remembered that bodega. Strange in the back tried to merge their conversations, but the younger man didn’t take the bait.
The first hour at the facility too went remarkably well. Strange had just bought the mansion outside the city and converted it to a rehabilitation center and had yet to really attract clients outside of a few through the police department and local DAs. As of right now, Loki was his only live-in patient.
“Got the run of the place! I have two other people on my staff and a few housekeepers, but other than that you can think of it like a retreat from big city living!”
The trouble, Val had been informed when she arrived that afternoon, had arisen not long after Hela had left. One of the staff had suggested Loki take a shower and slip into some pajamas they would provide. To that they had gotten an icy response and a slammed door. Strange had then suggested that he should eat something; he had barely eaten his breakfast at the hospital and had been moving to the facility around lunchtime. Surely he was hungry.
“I am not eating until I get my clothes and phone.”
[read more cut]
It was a strange ultimatum, but no one was about to fight him. After that, things got worse. He had begun to pace, first in and out of rooms and then the halls. He asked how far they were from the city. When no one gave him a clear response, he became more distraught. He began to demand people’s phones. One of the housekeepers relented when he threatened to accuse her of stealing. Strange found him, thankfully, already attempting to call for an Uber.
“You can’t keep me here!!! I want to go home!”
That was around the time Val and Bruce arrived. Loki was going room to room screaming at the top of lungs, banging on furniture, and throwing things.
“I don’t know if I can safely release him to Odin’s custody,” Val admitted at one point as they heard a chair get thrown.
“I don’t think that’s the home he’s referring to,” Bruce said sadly.
“Neither do I,” Strange replied. “The way he interacted with Hela in the car, I think he wanted to distance himself from her. Make it easier to leave. He kept referring to places he’s been in the city. I think that was a, ‘Hey I’ll be fine, you’ll probably find me here.’”
“But he isn’t fine!” She motioned to the sound of more screaming.
“Oh, far from it. But people can get accustomed to pain and trauma.”
Loki stomped into the large entrance hall and toward the small group. “I. WANT. TO. GO. HOME!”
“Where’s home, Loki?” Strange asked calmly.
The young man glared at him nostrils flaring. “I didn’t agree to come here!”
“Actually, you did. This morning. You signed the waiver and everything.”
“I change my mind!”
“Not how this works, kiddo.”
“Well,” Bruce shuffled forward, hands in his pocket, “the door isn’t locked and there’s no gate. You could just walk out the front door.”
Loki gave the doctor a smug satisfied look and headed for the door. His hand had just touched the handle when Val spoke up.
“So, just fuck Thor, right?”
“Fuck'em. I mean, you keep saying you want to help Thor-”
“I do.”
“Save Thor-”
“I do.”
“And you’re given an opportunity to do that and be free, but fuck all that because you want to go ‘home’.”
Strange sent a warning look but Bruce nodded to keep going.
Loki didn’t turn around but his shoulders had become incredibly tense and tight. His grip on the doorknob was a death grip.
“Nine years ago, I fucked up by you and Thor. I should have stayed behind and watched you overnight. Posted cops on that entire wing. Every time after that was a shit show. And now, I want to make it right. But you gotta help me. You gotta let Stephen here, and Bruce, and the staff help you. If we can help you, we can help Thor.”
The pause was long and silent. Faintly, one could hear the distant sound of traffic from the road. A few housekeepers had begun to clean up after Loki’s rampage. Strange’s cellphone buzzed in his pocket but he made no move to anwer it.
Loki turned back. His face was shiny and wet with tear tracks. “Okay.” It was said weakly, and very shakily, but it was a start.
“Okay,” Val repeated.
“I-I’m going to be in therapy?”
“When you’re up for it,” Strange spoke up at last. “This is your journey to recovery, not-”
“But the more I say can help Thor.”
“Y-yes, but most of our sessions could and will be confidential if you decide on that.”
“But you will tell part of them to the police and DA anyway. Because you work for them.”
“I work to help y-”
“DON’T PATRONIZE ME!” Loki shouted. “Just tell me, will it help?”
“Yes,” Strange said quickly. “Not only help therapeutic wise,” Loki glared at him, “and help with any investigations.”
“When do we start?”
“When do you want to start?” Bruce asked.
“Now. I want to start now.”
The three glanced at one another. He was willing to talk, and it would be stupid to look gift horse in the mouth.
“Alrighty,” Strange stretched, trying to make a nonchalant gesture under the circumstances, “I guess we can go to my office. And start from the beginning.”
“I can’t believe it! After only one semester of being undecided, my Baby Brother has decided on his major!”
“I’m only three years younger than you!”
“Shut up! Remember you’re only here because of that stupid fake id.”
Loki parodied Thor talking, receiving a gentle punch in the arm. The rest of the table laughed into their beers. Loki indeed was too young to be here; he was 18 and barely that. He had just decided his major. English, to the disappointment of his adopted Father and delight of his adopted Mother. Thor, a sensible Economic major, had turned 21 a few months ago and had been bar hopping nearly every weekend with his friends and roommates. Occasionally, he would let Loki come too, though he had set down some rules.
“No ordering mixed drinks, no more than three drinks, and no flirting with anyone.”
“Jealous?” he had teased, batting his eyelashes.
“Oh definitely,” the older brother had replied, rolling his eyes. But there was something in his eyes that made Loki think he sort of was.
“So what sold you on being an English major?”
“I can actually professionally learn about the fantasy genre. And Dad can’t say shit.”
“You can’t base your entire life on saying saying ‘fuck you’ to Dad.”
“Watch me!”
“This is you coming out all over again.”
“Oh I love this story,” Heimdall, Thor’s current crush and oldest friend, said into his beer.
Before Thor was able to finish however, a waitress came by and put down two martini glasses on the table and slid them over to the him and his younger brother.
“Um, we didn’t order these,” he pushed the glasses back toward the woman.
“They’re from that guy.” She pointed to the other end of the bar to the booths in the back. Sitting alone was a thin but attractive older man, glasses balancing on the tip of his nose and his white blonde hair quaffed. He too had his own martini glass which he raised in acknowledgment. He winked playfully at the brothers.
“You two got an admirer!” Fandral laughed.
“He’s not that bad looking,” Hogun admitted.
“He looks like he has a lot of cash to burn,” Sif looked over her shoulder at the man before turning back. “You guys should go say hi!”
“What?!” Both brothers looked scandalized.
“Standard procedure if you ever get a drink at a bar. At least say thank you.”
“We’ll be here if you need us.”
Loki sent Thor a challenging look and the other sighed. As they moved with their drinks over toward the man, Thor hissed, “If this fucks up my chances with Heimdall, I’m going to kill you.”
“It isn’t my fault he bought us a drink!”
The man smiled at them as they approached the booth. “I see you got my uhm gift.”
“Yes we did. Thank you.”
“We weren’t expecting someone to buy us drinks!”
“Really?! I’m shocked! You two must be beating off people buying you drinks all the time!”
“Nope. Not really.”
“Where are my manners? Please sit down! There’s more than enough space.”
“Um,” Loki nervously looked back at the table. The small group waved them on.
Thor slid into the booth shrugged. “I mean, how’d you swing booth all by yourself?”
“I hmm know the owner. Helped his sister. He’s very accommodating.”
Loki slid in beside his brother and finally took a sip of the cocktail. “Oh that’s really good!”
“Personal favorite of mine! Glad you like it.”
“Usually don’t go for stuff like this but I think I found my new favorite drink.”
“Tell them you want the Malcolm. They’ll know what your talking about.”
“The Malcolm? Are you Malcolm?”
The man smiled and shrugged.
Conversation during the first drink was friendly and light.
“You both go to NYU AND work near full time?! AND you’re out on a Friday night?! God I wish I had your energy!”
“Being a waiter isn’t that hard. And I work mostly Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Brunch rush,” Thor waved the issue away.
“I just seat people. Just got promoted from dishwasher,” Loki nodded, curling in his lips. “They gave me the same shift as him on Sunday but my schedule is a bit of a mess. I’m taking more clases.”
“Well I can see why you both are on the Brunch shift,” Malcolm’s eyes wandered over the pair of them. They both blushed.
The second drink, the conversation became more flirty and loose.
“Oh my fucking God. You’re brothers!”
“Adopted,” Loki giggled.
“You’re not the first person to make that mistake to be honest,” Thor laughed into glass. “I once dated a girl once who was convinced that I was cheating on him with her.”
“Oh my god, no!”
“Swear to Christ.”
“Did you tell her finally.”
“After a few weeks. The sex was really good.”
“But the cards on the table. Have you ever-”
“I mean he’s adopted and your bi and he’s gay-”
“Never crossed the mind.”
“Not even for a moment?”
Malcolm laughed. “I mean, what if, I dunno. Hmm, you met a handsome stranger in a bar. And he bought you a few drinks and you were having a great time.”
“Two drinks wouldn’t cut it,” Thor replied.
“I guess we need another round.”
“I guess we do.”
The third drink was where things began to turn.
“I think you’re cut off,” Thor reached across the table to Loki’s drink. The younger brother was swaying in his seat. Malcolm stopped his handd.
“Hey, hey, hey now. He’s okay. He’s fine. Your fine aren’t you, Lo Lo?”
“More than okay,” Loki giggled, stretching out in the booth.
“How about you? You good?”
Thor was about to say something but forgot. He giggled too. “This drink is strong!”
“I’ll order water next round, Sparkles.”
He didn’t order water next round.
“Hey!” Thor slurred from his position on the table. “Youse only hads one or two drinks.”
“Oh sweetheart, you’re just finding this out now?” Malcolm’s voice wasn’t as fun anymore. It sounded full of authority and menacing.
“G-group,” Loki moaned. “Get to group.”
“They’re outside sweet thing. They called you boys a cab.”
The younger brother tried to slide out of the booth and walk, but nearly fell forward. Someone caught him and helped him walk. Thor needed two people apparently, grumbling all the while. Malcom followed behind.
There was indeed a car waiting for them outside. A van actually. The group was nowhere in sight. The doors opened as they approached and two pairs of hands grabbed Loki and half threw half pushed him into the back. He tried to get out but his movements were uncoordinated. Thor struggled more, and was able to land a few punches to one of them before someone came up behind him with a taser. He went down, and he was shoved in beside his brother.
“Take them to the location, and no funny business. They’re mine and any person who touches them gets their hand removed. Got that. No playing coy about this. Swear to God, if you-”
‘Malcolm’s’ words were cut off as the door closed and they were cast into darkness.
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Five Inches to the Left
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC, BatFam - Jason Todd/Red Hood, feat Tim Drake/Red Robin
Rating: PG
Original Idea: This prompt list number 13
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) Look at this! Just a little bit of fun! For me. I had fun writing it. @welovegroot
"At any point did it cross your mind that this was a terrible idea?" I asked.
"No," Jason answered honestly. "Because that's your job."
"Of course it is," I muttered, rolling my eyes. "If that's the case, I must strongly inform you that this is a terrible idea."
"Of course it is," Jason said distractedly. "But it's a great idea."
"Jason. Are you even listening to me?"
"Oh my word." I grabbed him by the collar of his leather jacket and dragged him away. "Jason, Tim is going to kill you if you do this."
"Come on, princess. It's a harmless prank!"
I sighed. "Maybe, but your relationship with your brothers is hazy at best and I thought you were trying to improve."
"Darling, this is how I show affection."
"Not to me," I pointed out.
"That's because you're not my brothers."
"Great. Thanks," I said, still dragging Jason behind me.
Till he slipped his arms out of his jacket and went running back the way we came.
I rolled my eyes, slung his jacket over my shoulder, and ran after him. "Jason!"
He laughed, easily outstripping me because of his long legs.
Before I could even dream of catching up, he slipped into his brother's apartment like a ghost, promptly locking me, his impulse-control, out.
But I guess he forgot that he taught me how to pick locks. So I picked the lock and slid in after him. "You know he probably has this whole place bugged with cameras, right?" I signed, hands moving slowly.
Jason shrugged. "Probably," he signed back.
I rolled my eyes. "He will know it's you," I signed.
"Too bad," Jason signed.
I shook my head and lingered at the front door, keeping an eye on the peephole in case Jason's brother returned from work early.
Jason wasn't really that terrible of a man. He tried to make people believe he was some broody, mean, bad, anti-hero type. Which, under the red helmet, he kinda was sometimes---but that was also just a persona. Jason as a man without the mask was actually pretty neutral.
Which meant this harmless prank involved moving every piece of Tim's furniture five inches to the left and rubbing out the dents in the carpet that revealed where they were supposed to go.
Except the fridge and stuff in the kitchen since it couldn't really move.
I pulled a deadpan expression and glanced through the peephole again. Still nothing.
Not that I was expecting Tim to come through the front door, if I was perfectly honest. If he had cameras in his apartment and saw that his older brother and his older brother's girlfriend were inside, he'd probably come in through the window. Just because he was another former-Robin and that seemed like a former-Robin thing to do. The entire Wayne family was just ridiculously Extra™.
Which was probably why Jason and I were dating, to be perfectly honest. I wasn't quite as dramatic, but I could be pretty dramatic.
Once Jason had accomplished his goal---he was weirdly strong and managed just fine pushing Tim's double bed five inches on his own---we slipped out of the apartment. I handed him back his leather jacket. That I'd been holding the whole time.
"So, wise guy, now what?" I asked. "I mean, we most definitely shouldn't be here for the payoff. I don't want a bo staff to the face."
"Right. Now we get out of here and wait to listen to him complaining over Wayne Brunch on Sunday," Jason said.
"Wayne Brunch is a thing? I thought you were making that up," I said.
He shook his head. "Nope. One-hundred-percent real. One of the biggest drags of my week." He held out his hand. "Come on, babe. Let's bug out."
So, we did. I took his hand and we ran out of the building. Jason was laughing his head off and I was grinning. Sure, Tim would accuse me of aiding-and-abetting or something, but technically my hands were clean in the prank. I'd done nothing but watch the door and hold Jason's jacket after trying to drag him away.
Well, Sunday Brunch arrived, and for the first time since Jason and I started dating, I was invited. Jason had never invited me to come because he thought I'd be bored or freaked out at how messed up his family was.
This time, however, he wanted me to be there with him when-and-if Tim started complaining about running into his own furniture.
"How lovely to see you again," Bruce greeted, shaking my hand with a warm smile. "Honestly, Jay, I don't know why you don't bring her around more often."
"Because the rest of you guys are f---freaking insane," Jason muttered under his breath.
"Look who's talking," Dick Grayson snarked, coming up to us, giving the two of us a big double hug. "Hey," he said to me, "you're rubbing off on him. Did you hear how he didn't swear just then?"
I grinned and shoved Dick playfully away with my elbow. "As a matter of fact I did. It's a work-in-progress," I replied.
"I'm proud of both of you," Dick said. Jason rolled his eyes.
Tim stumbled into the large backyard of Wayne Manor with bags under his eyes and a to-go cup of coffee in one hand. Jason and I exchanged a look. "You okay, Timmy?" I asked. "You look like a mess."
He grunted and flopped down at the table. "The last couple days have just been really crappy," he remarked. "I think I need to go to the doctor and have my inner ear checked or something. I keep running into my furniture and it's driving me up the walls. All my coordination has just gone out the window."
Dick listened to his younger brother with an interested expression while Jason's hand squeezed mine so hard while he tried not to laugh that his knuckles turned white.
"I nearly broke a lamp yesterday," Tim added as an afterthought. "Hit the end table and it wobbled dangerously."
Damian and Cassie were watching me and Jason carefully. I was better at concealing my humor than Jason. But then again, I hadn't really wanted to pull that prank in the first place.
Bruce also eyed his second son, ignoring me a little more. Which was just fine.
The rest of us sat at the table and began Brunch. Whatever brunch was. I knew it was a breakfast-lunch combo but why did it exist? I'd have to ask Alfred later…
"Confession," Jason said to Tim. "We picked your lock and moved all your furniture five inches to the left."
Tim leapt to his feet. "WHAT?! WHY?!"
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cruzrogue · 6 years
The Bakers on Staple Drive
Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon - WEEK 3
This week’s prompt is:
Hidden.  can read on A03
Hidden feelings? Hidden fantasies? Something hidden in the Loft? Somewhere in the city?
The rules are simple:
Every     Friday I will post a new writing prompt.
You     will have a week to write, beta, completely rework after a crisis of     self-confidence, re-beta, and post your interpretation of the prompt the     following week. (Yes, I’m a writer myself and am aware of the process we     go through.)
Tag     your response #OlicityHiatusFic, #OlicityHiatusFic-A-Thon, or #OHFAT (or     all three for you overachievers out there).  Make sure to use these     tags on both Tumblr posts AND on AO3.
Tag     me @thebookjumper in     all your Tumblr posts.
Add     your contribution to the Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon 2018 collection on AO3.
Look     for the next prompt.  Lather, rinse, repeat.
​The Bakers on Staple Drive
‘They be coming for your girl. That pretty blond.’ He hears those words over and over while he lies in solitary confinement from beating a man to a pulp.
She’s supposed to be hidden away under A.R.G.U.S. Protection. He knows though deep inside she is defiant and is putting her life in danger and he isn’t there to scold and protect her.
“William do you want another piece?” Felicity calls from behind the counter.
“No. I’m good.” He says as he gets up from the dining table and cleans up as their fixed body guard is at the head of the table looking at the view of the scanners placed around their safe home. To the outside world it looks like a couple and their son moved in a few weeks ago. Felicity dyed her to be a few shades darker to allow her natural color to come in.
A.R.G.U.S. did setup some state of the art computer equipment so Felicity would have something to do. Lyla was relieved that her friend even wanted to help on any mission that needs her expertise. Face time with John is Felicity’s only window to her past.
Passing the two-story lovely cottage house on Staple Drive with its cute post mailing box saying ‘the Bakers’ and the white picket fence adorn with rose bushes no one can tell that it’s a well-constructed safe house with bullet proof windows and so many other amenities that yield to safety. Felicity is left in the safe room built within the house every single weekday as William is dropped off at summer camp that other agent’s kids go to and Derek isn’t there to protect her for five hours every day as he heads to a base not more than twenty miles away to keep up appearance of a working man so their neighbors don’t get suspicious.
Patting Derek’s arm is the closest contact she has with her guardian as she plays housewife. Derek and Rosie Baker with their son Adam. Derek is seen as a stern father keeping tabs on his son’s whereabouts when the neighborhood children love to bike everywhere.
They have been seen together as a family unit every Sunday as they head to church creating an illusion so chatter surrounding them is low. They then make an appearance at a local diner to eat before making the trip to the local grocery store. Other than that, the Bakers do keep to themselves as Mrs. Baker is a stay at home mother and their son is off in summer camp during the weekdays.
Rosie happens to be a devote Christian which makes Felicity roll her eyes as the Sunday brunch ladies exchange recipes and gossip and her new knowledge of passages of the New Testament she delivers on Sunday mass is work of art. William snickers at how she tells him that she could be an actress with all the lies she’s spurts out now a little afraid that she might even get struck by lightning when entering the church after the very animated pastor kept talking of the act of living in sin.
Their days turn to weeks and soon Months and Felicity knows she can’t keep up this lie. Her moods follow repeatedly to missing Oliver to being so angry with him when silence in the quiet house catches her off guard especially when she becomes idle and she hates being idle. Diaz has been tended to but her life is upside down with their secret being out in the open. She really has no clue how William will take it when she tells him there is no way he can go back to a regular academic setting. She has been offered a job by Lucius Fox of Wayne Tech and she is thinking that might be a viable option. He sent her a package in Bruce Wayne’s behalf with details that could help her come from hiding. She wants to be Felicity not Rosie Baker, she wants her life back and she’s only been Rosie for six weeks.
She heard that Dinah got hurt really bad when a meta gang went after her luckily that Dig wasn’t far from her location or she would have bled out. Rene left Starling with his daughter before Diaz emerged from his hiding spot. She hates that it was Black Siren’s cooperation that helped capture the Dragon. Though in his final act before his take down he violently killed her. At least Quentin was spared living through that despair she thinks darkly. She didn’t know much about Curtis but after his boyfriend healed up, he vanished.
Felicity is very protective of William it hurts her soul how yet again Oliver’s foolishness cost him dearly; being separated from his family.
Working for A.R.G.U.S. indirectly has given her an outlet and a way to target criminals and she is not going to let that dumb pine tree stay there any longer than necessary. She isn’t foolish she knows the government wants to use Oliver’s skills and even push at him by using extortion against the people he loves and she isn’t interested in being one of his weaknesses.
Derek and William leave and she supposed to go the fortified room and do her diligence work from there. She thinks nothing of it as she dumps a garbage bag into its container off the side of the small balcony by the kitchen entry. When the neighbor calls out, “Good morning Rosie, do you have a minute?”
Felicity looks at the woman and thinks nothing of it. “Sure, come inside. I was just finishing up.”
“How do you like the neighborhood?”
“It’s nice.”
“It’s very quiet and secluded. Doesn’t it make you feel safe?” without waiting for Felicity’s answer “It makes you wonder what people are hiding in places like these.”
“Your husband Derek, right?” Felicity just nods. “He was followed to that base a distance away.”
Felicity understood the implication and backed away slowly.
“I had my husband well associate take family pictures of the lovely Bakers.”
Felicity looked at the woman before peering to see that another person is coming up the walkway towards the open kitchen entry.
“Pleasantly surprised that there is a hefty price for your talents.” The woman calls out to her associate. “We won the jackpot.” The man enters the house and his sneer is evident as he looks at the subject that will give him a good payout.
They don’t display any weapons so Felicity takes off running as fast as she can to only to be tackled by the man. His heavy weight holding her down enough to also wind her. He moves only when she stops struggling and he drags her back to the kitchen and plops her on a chair.
“I’m going to get some rope.” He says as he takes a knife from its holder. “If she moves stab one of her legs.” The woman nods grabbing another chair to sit in front of her victim. She’s holding the blade towards Felicity’s thigh and seems content that Felicity won’t do anything stupid.
Felicity mumbles something that has the other woman asks, “What?” as she gets closer. It’s enough for Felicity to head butt her.
“Owe.” She holds her head a moment before her eyes search and finds a weapon right beside her. “It always looks cooler in movies.”
Moving out of the way as the object grazes her leg she twists herself around and kicks the neighbor as hard as possible than grabs the saucepan she was going to put in the dishwasher earlier and smacks the neighbor across the face. Not enough time to reach and close the door so Felicity runs from the room as the woman goes down.
She can hear a mans aggravated voice enter the open kitchen and is on her tail right away. She thinks about getting to the forfeited room which is just up the stairs to her left but a hand sloppily grabs her ankle and she’s begins to slightly fall luckily gets a hold of the banister to help stabilize herself. Throwing the dented saucepan at the man he ducks which gives her a moment to make it to the top and run as quickly to her safe spot to be hidden from these crazies.
She hits the distress button and sits behind the monitors as she locates the criminals in her home security system. The distress button also locks down the house and all the doors and windows automatically lock up. So, the intruders are in the house with her. If her heart rate wasn’t spiked with narrowly escaping her captives she could be enjoying the show before her. Its reminding her of one of those reality television shows she binge watched with William recently.
She sees that John is trying to contact her and she picks up.
“Hey, John I’m okay… really I am okay… umm just a little gash on my right thigh.”
He stays on the phone with her for twenty minutes until a few black vans show up and begin a perimeter sweep. She sees Derek take point at the front as several armed men have other points of entry. Within minutes that feel like an eternity the two neighbors are escorted out in handcuffs into awaiting separate vehicles and she sees the camera shot where Derek is waiting for her to open the panic room door.
“You okay?” he asks as his eyes roam her over.
“I’m fine. Just a cut that isn’t bleeding anymore.”
“Let’s take a look at it.”
“Ms. Smoak, please let me do my job.”
“Okay. Okay.” she sits there as he goes through protocol in taking care of his assigned task.
She hates to think that this is her life now. She feels like she has two options one to keep hidden away and act like the damsel in some overrated storybook or take charge and plan a future where she’s still in a guilted cage but free to be Felicity Smoak and pick up the pieces with William and start making a life for them.
Picking up the phone given to her she makes her decision final.
“Hi, I’m Felicity Smoak, I was told…” she listens to the other end before a small pause and soon after she speaks again. “Hi. Mr. Fox, I’ve decided to take you and Bruce on that offer.”
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