These two. 😂😂
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Shenanigans with LADS men x Lyssa
Numero 12.
Mephisto will not be excluded.
Others will be subjected to the madness 🤭
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I actually got that crochet hat today as a present from my little sister.
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Why does this remind me of Zayne
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𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘯 𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘴𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦. ☕️
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could you put your longer writings under a read more cut please
Hello. Sure. No problem. Thank you for reminding me.
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Poor Mephisto... my baby.
When the boys get invited to the cookout
If you know, you know...a very niche post for those that get it 😘
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He is immediately given the fattest plate made by an auntie or grandmother
He's slightly overwhelmed and doesn't know where to start
Xavier is for sure passing out before he even finishes his plate
Wakes up for seconds and then is forced to make room for dessert
Sweet potato pie, pecan pie, banana pudding , it's all calling his name
Little cousins are definitely asking him if he has games on his phone
Fighting the itis while being dragged to watch whatever sports team is on tv
Aunties are asking him where he's from..."He don't always seem to be all the way there honey"
Overall has a good time and took several plates home for later
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This mf dancing with the aunties
"Don't hurt em now son!" They hyping him tf up
He's being super attentive to women in the family, but also not trying to be left alone too long
"Your cousin asked how serious we are"
He's telling anyone that will listen that he did your hair
He's being asked for tickets to his exhibits (knowing damn well they not gonna attend)
Raf questions everything you put on his plate, but eats it anyway
" You want me to eat the sweet potatoes, greens, and cornbread in one bite?"
"I'm starting to see why you don't come home so often"
He disappears for a time and find him later playing dominoes with the men
"Babe, take me home I'm tired"
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You're protecting this man with your life
"Ain't this the lil boy you were always hanging around"
"Did your parents ever come home?"
When they found out he's a doctor, every medical concern family members have had for the last 20 years are being asked
"I suggest meeting with your medical professional."
"Everything on that plate is probably the direct cause to her high blood pressure."
Plays exactly one game of Uno
"I think I upset your uncle."
Hides in the bathroom when he's being asked to dance
Finds time to play a bit with the kids outside
Secretly enjoying the dessert table when no one is around
As soon as his social battery is drained, he's giving you the look 'it's time to go'
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Chile...after being flirted with for the 1st hour, the men kidnap him for some spades
From spades to dominoes, he's doing all the gambling
"Place your bets, gentlemen. Maybe it's beginner's luck."
Let's your aunties fawn over him a second time
"If I was 15 years younger honey.."
Let's you guide him while doing the electric slide
He takes one bite of pie and gives you the rest
Wayyy to sweet for his tastes
Find him passed out on the couch at some point...the food was hittin
Listening to any concerns the kids have and teach them self defense
"Despite what your cousin says, sometimes violence is the answer."
Taking photos with family and friends all night-you delete every single one
Aunties giving yall knowing looks all night (they can just tell the dick is good)
"That was very amusing kitten. Invite me again next time
Luke and Kieran living it up the whole night
Don't take rude questions to heart "You don't care all those piercings are messing up your face"
Shameless flirting with eligible cousins
Passed out next to sylus on the couch with food in hand
Mephisto was called a rat and hit with a broom
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The Hunter, a baby and the unexpected forming of family in unlikely places
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Hunter Lyssa Williams finds a baby abandoned outside her apartment complex. The 24-year-old is way over her head and does not know the first thing about looking after a tiny human. However, as the saying goes, 'it takes a village to raise a child' and in her case a group of unlikely men come along for the ride.
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Genres: Slice of life, comfort, eventual relationships, eventual romance, enemies to friends, frenemies, fluff...
Word count: 2772 words
Eventual Relationships: Xavier/MC/Rafayel
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Chapter One: The Introduction to It All
It was one of the worst days of her life. Work was hell having to battle high level wanderers—just thinking about it made the cut on her arm burn. Then Tara and her bestie could not shut up about their last shipping escapade.
Their captain was in one of her moods as well, despite the woman trying to mask it well, Lyssa always had a way of picking up the slightest twinge of facial muscle and body language that speaks otherwise. Then finally her motorcycle refused to work, keeping her stranded in Linkon city.
“This day couldn’t get any worse than what it already is.”
Like a preferable middle finger sent her way from the Deep space tunnel, the sky opened sending a heavy shower of rain. The biggest fuck you were shouted to the sky as she stormed off, ignoring the shell-shocked looks from a few co-workers that exited the building at that moment.
Lyssa disliked the busy city life and only ventured in it due to working for the Hunter’s Association and its necessities that she couldn’t get from her home that was located on the outskirts of the city before it crossed over to the N109 zone.
The scowl on her face deepened knowing that her only option now was having to use the apartment she had on standby for emergencies.
Cursing profanities under her breath she continued along, too angry to care about the rain soaking her clothes and temporarily obstructing her vision.
Within fifteen minutes the doors of the apartment building came into view, and she hurried along, shaking the water from her hair as she finally took shelter. Lyssa sighed, leaning against the wall and willed herself to start her deep breathing exercises recommended by her therapist whenever she felt overwhelmed.
It took a while, but she came back to herself as her breathing regulated. The hunter slowly made her way to the door when her hearing picked up on soft whimpers and the rustling of fabric.
Years of training sharpened her senses, and her eyes zoned onto a few boxes that were left out. At first, she thought maybe it was a trick of her ears until the whimpering became a little louder. Moving forward she squatted and inspected the boxes.
Stuffed to the back of the wall was a box of medium size, slightly opened. Lyssa was expecting a puppy or maybe a kitten, the shock of finding a baby blew her mind out of the water.
Like who the hell leaves a baby in a fucking box, outside a building were anyone could either steal it, kick it or heavens forbid, the garbage disposal unit fetches it away unknown to anyone. There were orphanages for crying out loud, child protective services… just why? Why?
Wasting no time, she scooped up the box, punched in the building’s security code and raced to get to her apartment. The child needed to get warm and fed. Oh God! How long were they in the dam box?
The whimpering stopped and Lyssa panicked, peeping inside to make sure the child was still breathing. She let out a relieved sigh at the steady rise and fall of the child's chest. Only a few minutes ago she was angry at being stranded in the city and now was appreciative of the inconvenience.
She refused to let her mind think of what if. As the hunter entered her apartment, she knew making decisions on what next raised her anxiety, and so she needed a second opinion. It was time to call an old acquaintance.
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“The number you’ve dialed in currently unavailable. Hang up and try again or leave a message after the beep.”
This was the third day in a row they were unsuccessful in getting on to Lyssa. Dr. Zayne looked at his phone as the call disconnected once again. A week ago, his colleague Dr. Waverly came to him in concern that one of his patient Lyssa Williams missed a very important appointment which was unusual for the young woman to do; there was no call, no correspondence.
Why the doctor told him this left him a bit puzzled. Zayne and Lyssa—even though they have been acquainted with each other for a few years—rarely spoke to each other and sometimes on visiting the hospital she would exchange pleasantries and nothing more.
Dr. Waverly stated that Lyssa did not have a next of kin or emergency contact listed on her record, making it difficult to make any contact. Even her place of employment hasn’t seen the young woman for the same duration and being unable to make contact. Dr. Waverly came to him with hope that might find a way to contact the woman.
The light rapping on his door brought the doctor from his thoughts. Looking up his gaze met his friend and patient Jasmin.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything important. I can always come back.”
Zayne cleared his throat “No. That won’t be necessary, you are scheduled for a checkup, and it would be counterproductive if you rescheduled.”
Jasmin entered the room taking a seat. She was about to speak again when her eyes landed on the file on Zayne’s table, recognizing her co-worker’s face even though it was upside down.
“Have you gotten on to her?”
Zayne took a moment to understand who Jasmin was referring to. He looked at the file once more before closing it.
“I take it no one has been successful on your end?”
“No and it is concerning. Lyssa is not one to go AWOL. As much as she complains about hating having to work in the city, she is always present. I swear her attendance is almost perfect, works even when sick but this sudden disappearance is so unlike her.”
“Has no one taken the initiative to visit her home, to see if she is there?”
Jasmine huffed “Tara and I have but the only problem with that plan is no one knows where she lives. The address in the Hunter database is fake. She was so crafty about it, using an address that wouldn’t be suspicious if you don’t know what you’re looking for. I went to it to find a bakery.”
Zayne raised an eyebrow. He never realized that Lyssa was such a private person that she would lie about where she lived.
“I even went to our Captain, but she said Lyssa was away on a mission which I don't believe. I just hope she’s alright.”
The good doctor couldn’t help but nod in agreement, yet he felt he was missing something. “If you don’t mind, can you give me that address.”
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A week and change ago
“At this point I should stop being surprised every time I get a call from you. Yet again, the only time you do call is when you’re in a predicament. So, what is it this time?”
Lyssa groaned in exasperation, her nerves were already in a state of turmoil and this jackass wasn’t helping “Dox now is not the time. You have experience with babies, right?”
The voice on the other line went silent “What the fuck did you do this time? You pregnant or something? Dam Lyssa, I know we haven’t spoken in a while but the last thing I expected was you popping out kids. Wait didn’t your doctor say that doing that would--”
The child in her hand squirmed before letting out an ear-piercing scream. Lyssa dropped the phone in surprise, hearing it clatter to the floor but did not try to pick it up, her focus entirely on calming the crying infant.
“Shh… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shout but I have no idea what I’m doing. Shh… it’s alright.”
She glanced down, hearing Dox shouting and carefully retrieved the phone.
“I have you on speaker give me a minute to boost up the computer and switch the call over to that device.”
Lyssa did that quickly while simultaneously rocking the now fretting child. The exasperated expression of Dox popped on; his eyes swept over her person before landing on the child in her arms. He grinned like the cat that caught the canary.
“Well, well, well. Child theft is a new low even for you Dove.”
“I called for your assistance not your judgment and if you must know, I found them outside my apartment building, abandoned and left in a box. What was I to do? Leave them there?”
The cheerful look in Dox’s eyes left almost instantly “In a box? Don’t people know about orphanages or child services—whom you should have contacted. Why are you taking on this responsibility Lyssa?”
“My thoughts exactly. Why I haven’t called them is because I don’t want to. Have you forgotten my own experience or Alexandra’s or what about Rose?”
“That was years ago, the system has improved, you know this.”
“I don’t care. I refuse to let this child go through even a smidge of what we experienced and the thought of any organization raising a child sickens me.”
“Your bleeding heart is raising its head. Here I thought you locked away these emotions.”
“You are such a jackass Dox.”
Dox laughed “The jackass you called for help. Anyway, you should come to my place. I have tons of space, and the gang will be happy to see you again.”
“I refuse to come to the N109 zone. I think you’ve forgotten who I’m employed with.”
“Something you shouldn’t have done but I guess at the time you didn’t have much of a choice but be honest, is there really anything holding you back from quitting?”
“Not really,” she said without hesitation “But I don’t want to right now.”
Dox groaned “Girl, it’s not like you have to work. You got a shit ton of money than most people left by—”
Lyssa hissed angrily, being careful not to wake the child that fell back asleep “which I will not touch.”
“Lyssa, we spoke about this already. The money is yours. You deserve it after what happened. If you’re going to keep and raise the child which I know you will, your hunter salary wouldn’t last. Looking from here, they don’t look older than 5 months and you can’t return to work unless you hire a nanny which I advise against.”
Lyssa scowled “I hate when you’re right.”
“Saved you tons of headaches over the years because I’m mostly always right. Now, take my advice like the cute Dove you are and tell me what you want for dinner, Rose and I will be there in under an hour with some things for you and the kid.”
“I really need a crochet hook and wool of every color. This apartment doesn’t have any of my supplies and I feel out of place without seeing wool around the house.”
“You are such a granny.”
“Fuck you, Dox.”
“Sorry Dove, I am spoken for but thanks for thinking of me in that light.”
“Eww. Get off my computer. I’ll see you in an hour.”
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True to his word, Dox arrived just under an hour, hands filled with bags of all sizes. Rose followed behind with several boxes.
“Where’s the wee babe. Let me get a good look at ‘em,” Rose asked excitedly. She was a petite woman, three years older than Lyssa, with red curly hair and soft features.
“That babe is sleeping so please don’t wake them.”
Dox snorted “Relax Dove. Rose is a baby expert; she is a Pediatric nurse after all.”
It was at that moment that Lyssa noticed Roses’ medical bag.
Rose gave her a reassured smile “Get something to eat, you look like you haven’t eaten all day and for the love of sake get out of that Hunter uniform.”
Dox gently pushed Lyssa to the direction of her room “You heard the nurse, get going, I’ll dish out dinner.”
Thanking them she did as was instructed. The warm water did wonders for her aching muscles and as she stood under the shower, a list of things that she had to take care of rushed through her mind.
Dox was right, she couldn’t rely on her hunter’s salary alone and speaking of work, being a Hunter wasn’t a safe career if she was going to be raising a child. She would have to request time off. Lyssa didn’t think it was smart to just up and resign, it would raise suspicion which she didn’t want.
She would have to call Captain Jenna in the morning. Next would be getting a crib and stocking up on formula and baby items. Then there is also the issue of making sure the child is not found out by Child services which shouldn’t be an issue with Alexandra and Dox involved.
Then there is her upcoming doctor’s appointment with Doctor Waverly which she would have to miss. Dam, it’s only been a few hours and already her whole life was being reshuffled.
Stepping out the shower, she hurried to get dressed and rejoin the others not wanting to keep them waiting.
When she stepped into the living room, Rose was in the process of putting a new outfit on the baby, cooing and looking excited.
Not too far from the couch stood a crib and a baby swing. Then on the center table had a pile of clothing, diapers, wipes, some books and other baby things.
“Lyssa come join me. Dox is in the kitchen putting away the bottles and formula.”
“When he said he was bringing a few things I wasn’t expecting all this. Saves me the hassle of getting them myself. Thank you.”
“None of that, we weren’t going to leave you headless about this. I think what you’ve chosen to do is admirable, and I agree with your decision to raise this child. Now, you will be pleased to know that apart from a few diaper rashes, she is a healthy baby. Dox wasn’t off about her age either; she is five months old. Poor thing being left alone the way she was.”
Lyssa sat down and observed the way Rose clothes the child. The delicate movements and soft touches. It was a relief knowing the baby's gender since it will help with research.
“To be honest I wasn’t sure whether or not you guys would help, after all, I stay away.”
Rose raised a brow “We know your personality. We know you little one. Even though you act like you’re better off alone, we’ll always offer a helping hand despite you being a stubborn arse.”
That made Lyssa laugh “Thank you regardless.”
“You’re welcome. Now let’s leave this other little one to sleep since I’ve given her a feed and we can move this conversation to the kitchen. Dox and I have a few things to discuss with you.”
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Present day
Lyssa rouse from her nap at the sound of rapping on her door. The night before little Ella refused to sleep, extremely fussy and did not want to be put in her crib. The little girl was now puckered out, fast asleep on her chest, fist clutching the shirt she wore.
The rapping persisted and Lyssa had a good mind to ignore whoever was at the door. All she wanted to do was sleep. Sleep deprivation was no joke.
Carefully putting the babe to her shoulder, one hand on her back and the other supporting her bottom, she slowly got up and walked to the door.
Blame it on her state of tiredness because she opened the door without checking the peephole.
“I guess I should be relieved that you’re alive, but this was the last thing I expected.”
All traces of sleepiness left her body at the voice of Doctor Zayne. If he found her it means that Doctor Waverly will find out and Jasmin, who will then tell Tara who will tell everyone at the Association, and they will get up in her business. She should have returned home when Dox offered to.
“Whatever you’re thinking, stop. I’m sure you have your reasons for disappearing.”
Lyssa groaned at the absurdness of it all “How the hell did you find my apartment?”
“Jasmin gave me the address from your workplace and your Captain helped with the rest.”
Cursing, she turned and told him to get inside. The day was starting and already turning out to be a pain. She really didn’t want to talk to Doctor Zayne.
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A/N: A new chapter will be out every weekend, on Sundays. If you wish to read it on my AO3 account, here's the link.
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Just a Lyssa appreciation post.
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Lyssa is about to go through it with the upcoming story 😂 with Zayne and Sylus getting on her nerves. Rafayel and Xavier aren't any better.
I can't get to log into the game to get my other pictures of Rafayel and Xavier.
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Shenanigans with LADS men x Lyssa
Numero 11.
Mephisto will not be excluded
Others will be subjected to the madness 🤭
Lyssa: "I think we need a vacation. Just you and I. Together from the madness that is my life and you from Sylus and the twins.
Mephisto snuggled on her tummy: "CAW, CAW, CAW."
Lyssa: "Oh please. I can stop him from tracking you. All I have to do is fill you with my Evol."
Mephisto gave her a I-know-you-lying look.
Lyssa laughed. "I'm not! Honest. I've done it before. So where do you want us to go?"
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A Love and Deepspace fic where Hunter Lyssa Williams finds a baby abandoned outside her apartment complex.
The 24-year-old is way over her head and does not know the first thing about looking after a tiny human.
However, as the saying goes, 'it takes a village to raise a child' and in her case a group of unlikely men come along for the ride.
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A/N: I was watching the movie 'Three men and a baby' (1987 film) and my brain and muse knocked me on my ass with this story idea. Look, when I get inspiration to write, I just go with the flow.
Genres: Fluff, Slice of life, Comfort, Eventual romance, Enemies to Frenemies to Friends, Lots of emotions.
The first chapter will be posted on Sunday September 15. My home country has a three-day weekend, so I'll get enough time to type this out.
It will be posted on this platform and my AO3 account @Onyx_Lenora_Traise.
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Stuffed to the back of the wall was a box of medium-sized, slightly opened. Lyssa was expecting a puppy or maybe a kitten, the shock of finding a baby blew her mind out of the water. Like who the hell leaves a baby in a fucking box, outside a building were anyone could either steal it, kick it or heavens forbid, the garbage disposal unit fetches it away unknown to anyone. There were orphanages for crying out loud, child protective services… just why? Why? Wasting no time, she scooped up the box, punched in the building’s security code and raced to get to her apartment. The child needed to get warm and fed. Oh God! How long were they in the dam box? The whimpering stopped and Lyssa panicked, peeping inside to make sure the child was still breathing. She let out a relieved sigh at the steady rise and fall of the child's chest. Only a few minutes ago, she was angry at being stranded in the city and now was appreciative of the inconvenience. She refused to let her mind think of what if. As the hunter entered her apartment, she knew making decisions on what next raised her anxiety, and so she needed a second opinion. It was time to call an old acquaintance.
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So Lyssa decided to battle Sylus and then Zayne.
Sylus showed her no mercy... I think Zayne felt sorry for her and went easy. However, the next round with him, he whooped her butt.
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22 notes · View notes
Shenanigans with LADS men x Lyssa
Numero 10.
Mephisto will not be excluded
Others will be subjected to the madness 🤭
The boys
Rafayel: "Do you think it is wise to leave them like this?"
Zayne: "I agree, we should move them."
Sylus: "I say let's see how this plays out. It's been boring these last few days."
Xavier: "I strongly disagree. I do not want to be on the receiving end of their wrath."
Rafayel: "..."
Zayne: "..."
Sylus: "..."
Xavier: "..."
Lyssa: "When I get myself unstuck from this wall, I'm crastating all of you."
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So cute
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MY MC and her family.
Dont asks why Zayne has alot of kids....also blame him
212 notes · View notes
Shenanigans with LADS men x Lyssa
Numero 9.
Mephisto will not be excluded
Others will be subjected to the madness 🤭
He watches Lyssa grumble under her breath as she gets frustrated, unraveling knotted yarn.
"The things I have to put up with...how on earth did a whole basket of yarn get like this."
Sylus smiled and teleported behind her, biting the junction between her neck and collarbone. He caught her as her knees buckled.
Lyssa: "Really, Sy?"
Sylus: "Got you to stop stressing unnecessarily, little bird."
Lyssa: "Do it again, please."
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Shenanigans with LADS men x Lyssa
Numero 8.
Mephisto will not be excluded
Others will be subjected to the madness 🤭
Zayne and Mephisto
Lyssa: "Get out, snowman!"
Zayne: "but-"
Lyssa: "No! The last time you were in here, you almost ate out the cookie dough."
Zayne: "In my defense, you had too much."
Lyssa: "I will unleash Mephisto on you."
Zayne chuckles: "You can't continue to use Mephisto as a threat."
Mephisto: CAW!"
Lyssa smirks: "He says he'll be happy to comply with my wishes."
Zayne: "I shouldn't be surprised, even the bird is whipped.
24 notes · View notes
Shenanigans with LADS men x Lyssa
Numero 7.
Mephisto will not be excluded
Others will be subjected to the madness 🤭
Zayne and Sylus
Zayne: "Sometimes I question your choice in men."
Lyssa gave a dry laugh: "That's rich coming from you. Have you seen the person you're dating?"
Zayne: "How could I not. I chose them."
Lyssa: "Fortunately or unfortunately, however you want to look at it, we're stuck with who we got."
Sylus: "I do not like being spoken about like I'm not here."
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Lyssa wheezing in a corner at the accuracy.
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Isso é tão eles 🤣🤣🤣
Instagram @cershamotoko
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Rusty as hell!
I was doing some cleaning and found my XP-PEN drawing tablet and let me tell you I was so nostalgic because it has been almost five years since I've done any type of drawing.
I wanted to scold myself because a promise I made when I purchased the darn thing was to improve on my drawing skills especially digital art.
Such a disservice to myself. Anyway, I felt the urge to draw Lyssa and holy shit am I rusty at this. My fingers caught cramps a few times. Maybe it's a sign for me to get back doing art.
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I forgot how bad I suck at drawing hands.
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