#go go go go go go who’s next 😁❗️
falllpoutboy · 3 months
when s3 part 2 is just 5 episodes of sydcarmy doing it in different positions for 30 minutes each
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huffle-dork · 1 year
Etwas Peilen (Swapboys AU)
Continuation of Welcome to the Show exploring Alt and Henny’s relationship!
Masterpost | More Swapboys
Before the new friends parted ways, the good doctor Jackson rounded them all up to get their scratches and wounds tended to. Bro and Jackie were already helped, with Bro giving a detailed report to the police and Jackie icing his aching nose.
Dr. J had Alt up on the bar stools with him, lightly dabbing antiseptic on the cuts on his cheek. Alt hissed and was trying not to glitch away as Jameson held him still.
Henrik watched anxiously, wringing his fingers back and forth. He… can’t believe Magnificent just… let them go. Guess they proved themselves? Maybe… but- Henrik was scared the puppetmaster was only biding his time. And until now… he had no one who he could confide in.
Until… Alt.
As the good doctor started to gather his supplies and finished up with Alt, popping a clean white bandage on his cheek- Henrik hesitated before slowly approaching. The normally charismatic actor felt nerves in his throat but he tapped the glitch on the shoulder.
Alt looked back and raised an eyebrow at him, “Schneep? Uh… wassup?”
Henrik tapped his legs as he tried to find his voice, “T-Today was… long day. But- we… we have found ourselves in a uh… similar position, yes? And so I… I was wanting to invite you to make the drinkings with me?”
Alt’s eyebrows furrow in slight concern, “Are you suggesting alcohol to wash our troubles away? Cuz I don’t think the doc would approve of that-“ He glanced back towards Jameson as he went to join the others.
The gentleman laughs and shakes his head, “No no! Not in that way… I- just think it would be nice to… get to know each other better? Since well… you know.” Henrik messes with the back of his head anxiously, trying to give an award winning smile to Alt.
The younger man stared at Henrik with an unreadable expression for a couple beats. Then, he sighs and stuffs his hands in his pockets, going to pull his mask up out of habit but stopping himself to look back at the actor.
“…I should warn you I’m not an open person so… I dunno how much getting to know each other they’ll be… but, sure. Tomorrow night… meet me at Insomnia.”
Henrik tilts his head slightly, “Not tonight?”
Alt laughs, though, it looks kinda pained. “Nah I… I got a gig tonight.” He laughs some more and pushes his bangs back then tugs on them, “god… I have a gig… I… I should get ready for that…”
Henrik frowns in sympathy and hesitates before putting a hand on Alt’s shoulder. “Please… do not push yourself too hard my friend… and you… you are injured…”
Alt blinks in surprise at the gesture and then glitches back to his feet, looking at the actor warily. Henrik blinks and holds up a hand and Alt attempts to give a forced smile. “I-I would cancel but… I need money for drinks now.”
Henrik steps back and wildly waves his hands, half signing out of habit. “No no! You will not pay! It will be on me!”
The glitch seems surprised by this too. But, now he smiles more genuinely. “Well… all the more motivation then, huh?”
He lightly hits Henrik on the shoulder as he starts to walk away, turning so the gentleman can still read his lips. “…see you tomorrow then, Schneep. You know how to reach me.”
He then pauses and fully turns back towards Henrik, something dawning on his face. “Wait… you Do know how to text right? U-Use a phone?”
Henrik laughs and nods, “Ja I know the telefon! I’m not as fresh from the past as you think, my friend. I have learned very much!”
“Oh… okay- good then…” Alt nods then sends a two finger salute Henrik’s way, glitching away into that night. “See ya.”
Turns out Henrik did know how to text but… not… well-
Around 7 pm the next day Alt’s phone buzzed with:
…Yeah man- how’s 9 sound?
U kno u don’t have to use only emojis to text right?
Welp- guess that answered that. (Asking Jackie about it- apparently after Dr. J helped Henrik get his phone, the teal gentleman accidently got stuck in the emoji menu for a couple days and now is like- addicted to them. Alt wasnt sure if that was better or worse than old man texting-)
A little after 9, Alt glitched in front of the small pub downtown called Insomnia. He liked it here- good place for a drink after some of his shows.
He walks in, nodding towards the bartender that recognized his mask. Then, it was surprisingly easy to find Schneep- cuz he barreled right towards Alt with his arms open.
“Hallo, Alt!! My friend!!” He shouted.
Alt quickly stumbled back, his shoulders buzzing as he tried to keep out of Henrik’s grip. He hurried to take off his mask and hold up his hands. “Uh- hi Schneep- sorry just- not good with… contact-”
Henrik tilted his head in confusion but then got the memo and nodded, a bright smile back on his face. “Oh yes! Not to worry- I will save huggings for later!”
“Y…yeah- sure-” Alt muttered as he rubbed the back of his neck. Damn- this guy was too sweet. It was kinda intimidating…
A furry head peaked out from Henrik’s leg and Alt recognized Schneep’s dog, Sahne. He felt himself bristle a bit like an offended cat. But, she just blinked at him, her tail slightly wagging. She had her vest on- guess she was working. So, Alt tried his best to ignore her.
Henrik led them towards a quieter part of the bar where he had already set himself up with a small book. Though, once Alt got closer he recognized it as something more than just a paperback novel- it was a small moleskin sketchbook. Henrik plopped into the seat and Alt hesitated before sitting down and gesturing towards the book.
“You… draw?”
The gentleman’s eyes sparkled as he eagerly nodded. “Oh yes! I quite like making art in my spare time! Normally, I like to paint… but when I wait for friends I like to draw portraits!”
He shows Alt his sketches- quick gestures of other patrons- mostly anyone with a very striking appearance. Henrik smiles as he looks at them. “I think… learning people is helping me to understand more and more about how people work now. Sometimes- it helps it feel not too different.” He pats Sahne’s head as she sits down next to him. She licks his fingers then settles down to rest under his barstool.
Alt listens and nods to his words. He then flushes and fumbles for his backpack. They were trying to get to know each other and… well- this was something most people don’t know about him. But, artists liked showing off to other artists. It couldn’t hurt… He pulls out a thin tablet and then turns on the screen, flipping to show it to Henrik. On the screen are designs he’s done for his illusions and shows- and concepts of graffiti tags, most featuring a green eyeball with red x’s and a stitched smiley face over its iris. Alt’s face turns very red as he stammers out, “I uh… I draw too. And, um… i also like- painting but… not in the way you do.”
The German actor looks beyond pleased, sparkles practically coming off his body as he grabs Alt’s hands and holds them close. Alt yelps and pulls himself away and Henrik apologizes quickly, “Oh yes sorry! But Alt! You are good! Such fun colors!! I wondered if it was bright paint on your clothes! Someday you must show me more of your work!”
The glitch turns even more red and hides a bit in his hoodie, “Um… yeah- if I can… find one that’s uh- in a good spot… I can show you.”
Alt had been trying to find more free spaces lately but- doesn’t mean he doesn’t still tag where he’s not supposed to. Not that anyone could catch him- he had quite the streak for heaven spots around the area. Couldn’t take Henrik to see those though- well, at least up close.
Alt flagged down the bartender and ordered some Irish whiskey, watching as Henrik got what looked like his 3rd pint of beer. He smirked and sipped at the drink, taking a second to appreciate it before he sighs and looks back at Henrik.
“Alright, you had something on your mind, right? Or were you serious about getting to ‘know me’?” Alt added the air quotes to make sure his sarcasm wasn’t lost on Schneep.
Henrik blinked and then played with the pages of his sketchbook. “Oh ah… I do- want to get to know you… I think you seem- well… very rough around edges- but… sympathetic too. I think I would very much like to be friends.” He tried to smile at Alt. But, then he sighs and takes a sip of his drink before continuing.
“But- if you want to skip pleasantries then- we can talk about the elephant in the air-”
“...do you mean ‘elephant in the room’?”
Henrik flushed and then laughed, “Oh is that how that is called? But… ja- let’s talk about this elephant.”
He then gets quiet and looks down, tracing the lines in the table.
“...Magnificent-” He eventually whispers, suppressing a shudder. “I… I could not help but notice… that he treated you and me… very different from each other.”
He looks to meet Alt’s eyes now, “I do not know how it works for you… maybe it is different… but when I am ah- puppet… I see it all. I remember. Not right away but… it comes to me in my dreams…” He grips one of his hands into a fist and closes his eyes as he takes a shaky breath. Sahne seems to sense his distress and reaches up to rest her head on his leg. He continues, “I cannot control what my body does. I cannot form my own thoughts- but I still… see it. I am forced to take in what awful things I am made to do…”
Henrik hesitates again before meeting Alt’s gaze. “in the warehouse, when he gave you his power… did you mean it? That you wanted all that or… was that his ah- thinking forced in you?”
Alt frowns. Wow- that was… immediately very deep. He takes a long sip of his whiskey before he responds, but his voice is quiet. He almost forgets he needs to turn enough for Henrik to read his lips.
“I… I was definitely influenced but… I guess. I do.. kinda want that?” He grips at his head slightly, “It’s… complicated… and goes wayyy into my backstory that I’m not sure you’re at a level to unlock yet.”
Henrik looks confused.
Alt shakes his head.
“Sorry video game joke uh- im not sure we’re… close enough yet… to explain why… but-”
“Then, can I share some of me?”
The glitch blinks at the actor. “Huh?”
“If you know me better then- we would be closer. And you can explain better, ja?” Henrik smiles.
Alt looks confused by this but eventually laughs and knocks back some more of his drink. “Alright, shoot.”
Henrik hums and looks up, “Oh… where to begin…?”
“Oh!” He grins at Alt, “I know is hard to believe because of my accent but- did you know I am not full German? Actually, I am a full British citizen!”
Alt’s eyebrows shot up, “...that is hard to believe.”
The gentleman laughs lightly, “I know my accent is everywhere- but I spent many of my early years only speaking German- and sometimes French!” He gets a dreamy look on his face, “My father was a British doctor- he learned in France where he met my mother. She was full German but was trying to study with some artists there. They met… fell in love and then moved to London and had their 5 kids.”
“5 kids?!”
“Yes! I was the baby!” Henrik added with glee. “I had 4 older siblings- two brothers, Peter and Fritz… and my sisters, Gabi and Ilse.” He smiles sadly for a second and pauses to take another drink before sharing more.
“Father used to say when he grew up he hated German because he was expected to learn it. But then, he met my mother and it was suddenly the most beautiful language to him. We loved speaking it- even while in England. I wouldn’t even see Germany until I was grown.”
He then frowns and leans more on the table, absent-mindedly petting Sahne’s fur back. “... that changed with the war. The great war… Then, our accents and our language was suddenly not to be spoken. People would get angry with us for sounding too German. We made sure to hide our German sounding names… Father was on the lines, as were my brothers.
So… they were… somewhat safe when the Zeppelins came. Safer than we were…”
Alt’s heart and stomach dropped.
“No one was prepared… we were out shopping and… and-” Henrk clenched his glass tight with both hands, his fingers shaking. He squeezed his eyes shut and took a stuttering breath. Sahne whined and leaned more on his leg. Alt didn’t know what to say-
“... Mama, Ilse and Gabi didn’t have to suffer. But, I never saw them again-”
“...Schneep-” Alt tried to interrupt. But, Henrik was lost in his re-telling.
“That’s how my deafness started, I was… 11, I think? Peter found me, he was working in a hospital nearby. He took care of me. Some kind soldiers taught me sign while I recovered- then... Then father was-”
“Schneep!” Alt exclaimed and gripped onto Henrik’s shoulder. The gentleman looked up with slightly misty eyes. Alt was quick to pull away but he held up his hands. “Dude… you… you more than earned your level- I… I can answer your question now… if you want.”
Henrik blinks and then laughs, looking a bit embarrassed as he rubbed at his eyes. “O-oh ja… I forgot that was the point… we are not here to hear such sad story!” He tried to smile it off but Alt could tell it was forced.
Alt swallowed and then knocked down the rest of his drink, the alcohol burning his throat. He quickly ordered another one, shaking himself out. “Need a bit more liquid courage for this…” He muttered.
Once the new drink is gotten, Alt holds it in his hands for a second before sighing and turning enough for Henrik to understand but not enough to look in his eyes. Pixels vibrate around his head and shoulders in a way that’s hard to see in the dim light of the pub.
“… I dunno if you met anyone like me in your time. And not just.. cuz of the glitches and magic but… I was… born… wrong.” He clenched his teeth slightly and tried to ignore the feeling that was screaming at him- telling him that every eye was on him. “…And I grew up… constantly thinking about it… how I wanted to be something… better. Stronger… because I didn’t feel like I was… as I am.”
He traces the rim of his cup in thought. Henrik watched him very patiently. Alt felt like that was more than he deserved.
“I know Mag was spitting fucking bullshit- but… some part of me… wants to believe him. And I’m not sure if that’s his mind tricks or… the part of me that wants to be… something more. I.. I want to be stronger… but I don’t know how to get there… and for just a little bit… I did believe him. That he could… make me stronger. And… things would get… easier.”
He leans his head on the table, starting to feel the alcohol in his cheeks. Schneep leans closer to make sure he can still understand. Alt angles his head a bit better as he mumbles in defeat.
“I’m sorry… I know you want to find some good in me but… my life has royally sucked. And… sometimes what Mag purrs out sounds… argh!”
He suddenly grips at his head, a headache blooming alongside his conflicted mind. Purple seems to spark weakly in his eyes.
“I dunno! I’m confused! I… I can still hear his stupid smug voice in my head…! I don’t know what I want…! I just- I just… I’m so fucking tired…! Of all of this-! I’m tired of being hungry and- and- powerless and a-scared… I don’t want to feel so lost anymore…!”
He starts to cry but hides his face and he hiccups “I want all of this to stop…!”
Henrik almost misses the last part but- his eyebrows crinkle with sympathy. Alt starts to come back to himself and then shoots up, looking at Henrik with wide eyes and red ears.
“Fuck I- I didn’t… I didn’t want to-“
The gentleman hesitates, going to reach out like he wants to touch Alt’s hand, but then stops to just loop his pinky around Alt’s own. Alt almost pulls away but- that’s… that’s not so bad.
“I understand,” He says softly, “He whispers siren songs- into your head. But… he will only tell you things you want to hear. He does not care… he only wants control. His promises are… empty.”
He sighs and looks down, shrugging. “That is how he got me. He used my confusion and promised to help me… he did not. He is nothing but ein lügnerischer Bastard.”
Alt looks away but- he’s afraid to tell Henrik how little he cared. Before, he met the others. Before he even thought he could become friends with them… with anyone. He didn’t care who he hurt- if he got hurt. Because- he’d finally be somewhere better…. Someone better. ….right?
Henrik lets go of Alt’s pinky and then waves a hand, giving a nervous smile.
“This is getting too of the serious! We should… talk about other things!”
Alt looked down at the table and sighs. “ I… I think… I need to go home…”
“No!” Henrik suddenly yells, startling the glitch and Sahne, who bumped her head on his leg. The actor then pleads to Alt. “We do not need to talk anymore if that is what you want! We can just… do the hangings out! We could… draw together and drink! No more serious talk!”
This gives Alt pause. Actually… that sounded like it could be fun. The pickpocket slowly smiled, bringing back his tablet. “You know what Schneep… I’ll bite. But it’s on your wallet-“
Schneep beamed brightly.
The two spent a while just drawing together. Alt tried to copy Henrik’s idea of drawing others around him. But- he wasn’t nearly as good as Schneep. So, he went back to what he knew- he even tried making bubble tags of the others' names. Just for fun. It was nice to just- doodle for a change.
He glanced at Schneep who had paused in his drawing to stare at someone across the way. He had a somewhat lovestruck look on his face.
Alt tried to follow his gaze- and saw what looked like a man- but honestly their gender was pretty ambiguous. They had tan copper skin and wavy brown hair. They were dressed in shiny silks with celestial patterns on them- even Alt had to admit they were very pretty. Maybe they were a model.
Henrik seemed to think so too- cuz as Alt looked at Henrik’s sketchbook- the whole page was filled with studies of that one person.
The glitch smirked and then bumped Henrik enough to get his attention. “Like something you see?”
“Hm? Oh! Ja… very much-“ Henrik sighed as he looked back. “He is… so pretty- I cannot stop looking…”
Alt rolled his eyes and waved a hand in front of his face. “Careful- you don’t want to creep them out-“
Then Alt frowns, realizing something.
“Wait… Schneep- are you… gay?” Alt makes a face and thinks, “wasn’t that like- a sin back then or something?”
Henrik’s face turns bright red with embarrassment and alarm. He holds his cheeks and ducks down, whispering, “ah yes right I- I cannot think such things!”
Alt wasn’t expecting such a response- so he hurries to correct him “no no it’s okay! it’s… not like it was anymore. It’s okay now- no laws against it!” Alt hurried to look around then gestures vaguely at a cluster of gay couples on another side of the pub. “Like see there’s a couple guys over there too- you’re fine…”
The actor seems to calm slightly at this and nods. Alt hesitates before adding, “I just- didn’t expect someone from your time to even be into that…”
Henrik laughs “Well it was- against the law. Very strictly for a longtime… but it does not mean the thoughts are not there.” He looks back to study the pretty person again as he swirls his drink in his glass. “Though… I think I like just- pretty people in general. I do not care what sex they are, you know?”
“Well- if it helps, I think they’re non-binary- from what I can tell at least.” Alt shrugs.
“Ah yes… that is- neither girl nor boy… yes?”
“It gets… complicated but- yeah basically.” Alt answers. He makes a face and takes a long sip of his drink. “Gender is weird.”
He then starts to think about this too. Maybe he was having too much to drink by now but- he finds himself muttering. “I get it… the pretty people thing. I- think I’m the same…? Though… I dunno- I don’t… crush on anyone. But I think if I knew someone for long enough… maybe-” Alt sighs dramatically and falls back against the table, squishing his cheek against it. “feelings are weird too…”
Henrik smiles and shakes his head with a laugh, “They are indeed…”
“Fucking hate them-“ the glitch muttered. Henrik shakes his head with a quiet giggle.
“You know- I had many chances to visit Berlin once I started acting. And it was such a sight…! It was… more okay there- to be queer. Even here in Brighton, it was becoming better and better! It made me feel… so happy. Like I could be understood- eventually.”
He looks to Alt and smiles, “Even when I was younger… I think I heard of people like you, Alt.” Alt’s eyebrows raised in surprise.
He grips his glass and looks down at the table. “However…It all started to change… right before I- I was brought…“ He pressed his lips together and suppressed a shudder.
Alt’s face creases in sympathy. He knocks back the rest of his drink then adds quietly. “…you dodged something really awful, Schneep…”
“I know…” Henrik’s voice cracks. “…I am… grateful in some ways… that I did not have to suffer another war… but…” He bites his lip to keep from crying.
Alt can tell there’s a lot left unsaid in the silence but he can read it well enough. No need to draw out this pain for the poor guy. Alt’s been pretty sensitive to touch tonight but- he leans his shoulder against Hen and flags down the bartender for another round. “…it’s okay, Schneep. I get it… let’s talk about something else, alright?”
Henrik quietly nods.
There’s quiet for a second before Alt asks, “uh… I don’t know- a lot of sign yet… wanna try to teach me? Something simple though.”
Schneep’s face instantly lights up with excitement and nods. “Oh yes!! I have the perfect thing!!”
Turns out- in sign, you can either finger spell a name or whoever’s signing can make up a sign that’s faster for someone they know. So, Henrik made quick work of teaching Alt the signs he used for their little group.
Bro Fantastic was the letter B then the sign for hero. Jackie was J then the sign for tired. Dr. J was easy- it was two J’s then the sign for doctor, naturally. And Sahne was cream, dog. Because Sahne in German meant Cream. Not the most creative name but- Alt had to admit it suited her.
Eventually Henrik starts to sign something that starts with A- then he makes a jagged motion in the air. Alt tilts his head.
“What’s that one?”
“It’s you! A- then lightning! Alt!” Henrik adds cheerily.
Alt feels his face heat up slightly. He then grins and laughs, “heh- awesome. Got any others?”
Henrik thinks- and Alt can see his cheeks getting flushed and warm like he feels on his own. So everything was a bit harder to slug through- but it was definitely more fun.
Finally, Henrik laughs and then starts a sign that looks like he’s drawing whiskers on his face. Then he taps his hand on his forehead, holding it straight up and touching the thumb to his skin.
Alt narrows his eyes. “Mmmm what’s that mean-“
Henrik grins real wide as he shows again, this time explaining. “Cat, bitch!”
The glitch’s eyes widen and then he barks out a laughs nearly spilling his drink. “Magnificent!”
“Yes! You got it!”
They both erupt into drunken laughter and giggles, falling over on each other.
The night wears on for a bit longer before the two admit they’ve had enough to drink. Alt feels it a bit more than his German counterpart and ends up stumbling into him as he attempts to stand up, nearly running into Sahne.
“Oops… s’rry pubby-“ Alt mumbles. Sahne wags her tail vigorously in response.
Henrik laughs then asks, “Can I help you outside, or?”
Alt grumbles and waves his hand. “Yeh ye- do wh’ev’r ya want…” He then pushes his face somewhat against Henrik’s side and the taller man quietly giggles at the sight.
Henrik leads the two outside and then tries to flag down a cab. He helps hold Alt up with one arm, while Sahne guards his other side, alerting him to any sounds he needs to watch out for.
He feels Alt shift and looks down to see the tired glitch try to find his eyes.
“…hen?” Alt slurs out.
It takes a second for Henrik to process that but his eyebrows shoot up. Alt hasn’t attempted to use his first name yet- it still wasn’t it fully, but it was close enough to make Henrik’s chest feel light.
The glitch looks away at first but then looks back to mumble out, “…it was nice. To not drink… alone.”
Henrik smiles and nods, “…I thought so too! It was very funny! …Perhaps we can… do it again sometime?”
Alt can’t help but feel himself smile. “…yeah… I think I’d like that…”
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always-wizu-you · 9 months
DanPri Festival 2024
This is a bit late and by now I think you guys would've known about it, but DanPri is getting their own event in February 2024! I'm really looking forward to it 🥰
Here's the seiyuus' responses below
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Pretty Series: ㊗DanPri's first solo event🎊 DANPRI FESTIVAL will be held!!  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 📅2/25 (Sun) Bunkyo Civic Hall Daytime: 3:00 p.m. / Evening: 6:30 p.m. 📌Casts WITH #Yamashita Seiichirou #Kobayashi Tatsuyuki #Tsuchida Reiou DARK NIGHTMARE #Kawai Kentarou #Uzawa Shintarou Mario #Tachibana Tatsumaru Ticket advance starts! https://w.pia.jp/t/danpri-festival/
Reiou: Here, a Christmas present 🎁🤶 Seichi: The long-awaited DanPri event is finally going to be held ❗️✌️ We want to deliver the best show, so we are discussing it passionately and going through many trials and error. Stay tuned for more information! ! ! ! ! ! Kobatatsu: DanPri Festival!!! Will be held!!! Next year!!! I will be appearing as Asahi Mitaka from WITH✨☺️! I really can't wait to see everyone again✨😉 I'm kind of happy that it was announced on Christmas Eve 🎄❤️ Please look forward to see what kind of event it will be~✨😆 Kawai-kun: ✨Information✨ The first solo event of all 6 PriPara boys! “𝑫𝑨𝑵𝑷𝑹𝑰 𝑭𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑽𝑨𝑳” 2/25 (Sun) Bunkyo Civic Hall We're finally allowed to announce it! ! We're not only going to do live performances; there will also be talk show session, etc. It will definitely be an IIZE!! event🐺🎙️ Uzawa-kun: WITH DARK NIGHTMARE Mario Finally, with all 6 of us, “𝑫𝑨𝑵𝑷𝑹𝑰 𝑭𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑽𝑨𝑳” will be held✨ 🥷You'll also be able to see the true YamiPri 🥷 \IIZE/\IIZE/\IIZE/\IIZE/ Tatsumaru: Please come and visit us on next year's February 25th ( ´∀`)! ! Seichi: Please... I'm counting on you to be tsukkomi*... don't lose to "those guys"…🥹 Tatsumaru: If I become a boke* too, Sei-chan might die from the stress huh🤪 Seichi: What's with all the gamesmanship, deception, and betrayal…. Is DanPri the same as Battle Royale...!? I will survive… absolutely… (Looking forward to work with you for real!) Tatsumaru: Life is a series of choices and bargains… No, DanPri is more of a zoo actually. Watch out for the predators!!!! (Yeah, looking forward to it! So excited!)
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Pretty Series: ㊗DANPRI FESTIVAL will be held🎊 \Comments from all 6 performers/ Don't miss the best "IIZE" show! WITH #Yamashita Seiichirou #Kobayashi Tatsuyuki #Tsuchida Reiou DARK NIGHTMARE #Kawai Kentarou #Uzawa Shintarou Mario #Tachibana Tatsumaru 📅2/25 (Sun) 15:00/18:30 🏠Bunkyo Civic Hall Ticket advance starts! https://w.pia.jp/t/danpri-festival/
Seichi: Did you guys see it? There's not enough tsukkomi* here... Reiou: It's okay, I'm here 😘 Seichi: Ladies and gentlemen, here's exhibit A 😁 Kobatatsu: I'm going to be a tsukkomi! ! ! ! ! ✨😘 Seichi: Alright, let's watch today's M-1 Grand Prix* and do some special training🤓 Kobatatsu: Nandeyanen! ! ! ! ! ! 🫲✨
*Tsukkomi/Boke is the roles in Manzai (a comedy performance style performed typically by duo groups). Boke is the guy who fools around while Tsukkomi is the one who calls them out for it (usually by shouting "nandeyanen" while hitting the boke). M-1 Grand Prix is annual Manzai competition.
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berryvjakey · 3 years
“𝟕 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧” 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐄𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 💋
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warning: a little sugestive (making out )
a/n: if you are under 16+ then please, dni, I mean that's just some making out, but I will feel bad with the thought that someone really young read that
you were at your friend’s party and someone suggested to play “spin the bottle”
your friends spined, it stopped on you
“Truth or dare?” a guy you didn’t know asked you
“Dare” as a baddie you are obliviously, you picked dare because hey, what can possibly happen, right?
"Play 7 minutes in heaven with Heeseung" you actually didn’t expect that, but you’re not going to back out 🙄
you went to bathroom, and you friend locked the door
LITERALLY a second after that, Heeseung stood infront of you like 🧍
“What are you-“ he cut you up with his lips on yours
this kiss was hot
he putted one of his hands on your waist and the other one on the wall, next to your face
you placed your hands on his cheeks and then, when the kiss started to get sloppy and spicier, the doors opened
"You can leave" your friends said as you and Heeseung look at each other with blush on your cheeks and heavy breath
i think he would be pretty chill about this whole thing
“You have to play 7 minutes in-“
“Yeah yeah, I get it, can we start?”
“Bro, you don't even know who will be locked with you”
"Ok, can we hurry up please?"
he was just really bored, but when he heard your name, he started to hurry things up even more
"Y/N, come on! Hurry up, I don't have time!"
when you guys were finally alone, he started to flirt
"U know ... your lips look so cold, I can warm them with mine" *wink*
his pickup lines were so bad, you felt sorry from him 😭
he wasn't expecting you to actually laugh at his awful pickup lines, so he just shut you up with his lips
he lied about your cold lips because they weren’t cold
they were soft
kiss was delicate and nice, but he wanted something more ... spice????
when he was about to start going further, the doors opened
"Jay, you can leave now cause as I remember, you "don't have time” do you?"
Jay promised himself that he will make out with you another time, after all he didn’t embarrassed himself infront of you for nothing
ok hear me out besties ❗️❗️❗️
so… Jake hadn’t his first kiss yet
i mean like, a real kiss, not a peck on a lips when he was 6, from a girl in kindergarten
he might seem experienced but his not
his friends knew that all of course
they also knew that Jake has the biggest crush on you from first year of high school, so they invented you to their house for “a big party 🎉 “ (they lied about that “big” part) and made you play some games with them
you started really innocent
first game you played was monopoly
then “spin the bottle” comes up
and when it were your turn to pick a challenge, Sunghoon asked “truth or dare”
you pick truth
that answer wasn’t expected, you ruined their plan ngl, but Hee came up with a new one, brighter one
“Ok, tell us about your most embarrassing moment in your entire life" Heeseung said with a big grin on his face
now, you’re the one surprised
your face literally said 😧
obviously you don't want to do this, so you try to back out
"You know what? I will pick dare then 😁"
"But you're 100% sure? You can't back out this time" Heeseung warned you, but you still decided to go for it and said quick "yeah"
"Go to that closet and play 7 minutes in heaven with, hmm… Jake!" you looked at him and his face was like “what 😀”
he was literally so shocked that his hands started to sweat a little, but he still was kind of happy
"Ok, I guess” you reply
so let’s move on to the moment when Jay and Sunghoon lock you up with Jake in not very big closet
at first it was so awkward
he had not kissed anyone in his life, so he doesn't even know what to do and where to start
"So are we supposed to kiss or-?”
"I- like- I haven't kissed anybody ... ever"
"It's totally fine if you don't want to kiss me, we can just sit here and-"
"Naur! I want to kiss you, but I don't really know how…"
boys, were dying from cringe on the outside of the closet ☠️😭
"Come closer" he did as you told him
"And just go with the flow" once again he did as you said
it wasn’t as hard as he thought
he feels a thousands of butterflies in his stomach
you started to move your lips, and he did the same
kiss from second to second was getting sloppier and in the end it looked like the kiss from gif
he was like hungry (?? idk it sounds creepy) cause it feels so nice and he wanted more
he has his hands awkwardly placed on his knees, and you have yours on both sides of his arms
"Get out of here, horny perverts!" Jay scolded both of you when he open the closet door and saw what he saw
he didn't want to play in the first place
he was tried after a long day so he just wanted to sleep
even when he heard that you also will play the game
but his friends forced him to play it
he was so annoyed that he HAVE to sit here when he clearly doesn’t want to
"You and Y/N will get locked up” those words mostly his name but let’s say that yours too broke him from his thought
"What?" he said, still annoyed and more tired
his friends told him what's going on, so he stood up and made his way to one of the rooms in which you will be locked with him
you went after him and sit on the room’s bed
door was already closed, and you played with your fingers
"let's cuddle" he said all of a sudden, and you looked at him a little confused
"L-E-T-S C-U-D-D-L-E, u know, we can kiss and after that go to sleep"
"You’re really sleepy, aren’t you?"
"Yeah, a bit”
"So we can go to sleep right away, I don’t mind having a small nap"
"But who said I want to waste a kiss from you?"
his answer made you blush
he approached you and lay on the bed next to you
"Lay down please" he told you, and you did that
after that he hug you, and he kissed your forehead, then your nose and lastly, he kissed your lips
it wasn't making out, that’s a fact
it was very sweet cuddling
after some minutes of kissing softly, the doors opened
"Get out!" Sunghoon muttered hiding his head in the crock of your neck
"But the time is over, you can leave now"
"GET OUT!" and then you were again alone
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Edie & Liam
Edie: [a picture of him in class that we’ve sent him after school, like hi was watching you energy, anyone else who happens to be in shot getting the X’d out eyes treatment of course]
Liam: [send her a pic back of wherever you are right now and likewise give any random peeps the same treatment because we obvs miss you too and this is also a I’m here- wherever here is- if you need to know clue so]
Edie: 😍
Edie: [picture of whichever teacher is doing detentions today]
Edie: -100 XP 😒
Liam: [I like to imagine you taking said pic of whatever teacher and destroying it creatively and aesthetically IRL because you are that bitch so however long it takes we gotta and then send the footage to her because we can’t actually do a murder thank you boy]
Edie: You’re so cool
Edie: meanwhile I’m a total noob for getting caught, then caught again and forced into this hell
Edie: What I did was funny, anyway, not an excuse to keep me locked up when we could be having fun 😩😠
Liam: what did you do
Edie: [a link to the school website, heavily vandalized, like we’ve changed all the info to the true tea honey, slagging off this place and all the teachers, looking at you Mr Lucas]
Edie: they still haven’t worked out how to change it back
Edie: if the IT staff can’t do it they shouldn’t be getting paid 🤷‍♀️
Liam: you wanted to be caught or you wouldn’t have been
Liam: or wrote [something that only she would include which he knows cos he knows her inside and out bitches]
Edie: 😳 maybe
Edie: do you think that’s sad?
Edie: attention whore behaviour, like
Liam: maybe if you were a noob, doing shit anyone could think up and nobody’s impressed by
Edie: This place needs shaking up
Edie: everyone in it
Edie: it’s not like I want all 👀 on me
Edie: just off the bullshit they think matters now
Liam: yeah
Liam: i've held back from breaking you out, tempting as it is, like
Edie: well I wouldn’t complain 😋
Edie: the kid next to me might legit be dribbling into his book rn so
Liam: nah you’re right we’d have too many 👀 on us, your sister’s the hardest
Liam: and there can’t be no witnesses or word of mouth going round about what I’m doing to that 🤤 kid when he leaves
Edie: like she wouldn’t be in a lot more trouble than detention if all her shit got out
Edie: I like it when it’s just yours 👀
Liam: I said I’d do whatever to keep her on side for now 😇 til you’re bored of it
Liam: outing her is for someone 😈
Edie: I could never be bored of you
Edie: just wondering what having her on side is even worth
Liam: I know you wish she was bored of him, and yeah, right again, there probably is more we could be doing about it other than only being a perfect example of what she don’t have
Edie: I think it’s going to take something more drastic, probably
Edie: as she only 💭 about herself and him
Liam: between you, me and that kid in detention, I can do drastic
Liam: our secret
Edie: you make everything feel ❗️❕❗️❕❗️❕ when before it was like, flatlining
Edie: and he deserves drastic anyway
Liam: like you said, they all deserve it
Liam: no exceptions
Edie: none
Edie: we should leave Dublin
Edie: when we 🤵💍👰❤️🤰❤️👶
Liam: leave for where
Edie: anywhere you want to go
Edie: we want
Liam: anywhere with 🍂🍁☔️🐚🌊 for the 👶🐶 to play in
Edie: we could move around the coast
Edie: see all and every 🍂🍁☔️🐚🌊
Edie: long as we all have each other, we’d be happy
Liam: [send her a pic of the passport photos you literally just got like okay brb getting a passport in case I need it]
Edie: you’re gonna end up on hotmugshots.com for sure
Edie: I think I’m still a 👧 in mine, I’ll do a new one too
Liam: promise not to smile and I’ll take em for you later
Edie: A challenge
Edie: okay, if you promise not to make me smile
Liam: for the 👶🐶
Edie: when we have the 👶🐶 you will be 😁 too
Liam: I can’t make no promises if you make me 💭 about it
Liam: I’ll end up saying some shit that’ll make you too 😁 for 😐📷
Edie: I can be 😇 too and earn it
Liam: can be our secret too as you’re in detention with lads who reckon they’re 😈❗️❕💯 keep the cred you earned earlier going
Edie: 🤘👊🙄
Edie: apparently he made Miss Keating cry, like she’s not having a breakdown that ain’t about you, dickhead
Liam: his turn soon, like
Liam: but there’ll be no confusion what it’s about
Edie: kill me
Liam: in person, when it’s me and you without attention seeking tossers in the other seats
Edie: I missed you
Edie: miss you
Edie: any thought that ain’t you is static
Liam: I’ll be there waiting on you to come out
Edie: I can take you somewhere fun
Edie: once you’ve handled this kid, and taken my picture, of course
Liam: I dunno who has got the easier task of it there, me or you
Edie: maybe I should ask you some Qs
Edie: or do we want to see how well I know you
Liam: I know you know me better than anyone else does
Edie: I won’t make you close your eyes
Liam: I won’t make you work out what’s true and what’s a lie
Edie: I’ll get better at it
Liam: I’ll get better at keeping the deception for everyone else
Edie: I can handle all the real you want to give me
Liam: I’d already have given you all of it if I could
Edie: I know
Edie: I’m not going anywhere, we’ve got time
Liam: and you’ve got [whatever feelsy yet everyday looking item he gave her in the last convo we did] so you know I’m not either
Edie: exactly 😌
Edie: I trust you even if you lie
Edie: you can tell me the sky is green and the grass is blue and that’s how it is
Liam: take the right 💊 it’s not a lie, but you can trust me whatever the fuck I’m on
Edie: next time we go star gazing
Liam: [tell her somewhere cool you should go and do that that’s probably high up and dangerous lol]
Edie: 🤩🤩 we can camp out, without your dad, sorry
Liam: I’m owed time from work, say when and I’ll warn my manager he and my da’ll both have to do without me
Edie: Thank God you have such reliable coworkers to hold the fort
Edie: do you still have a bike?
Liam: my ma’ll kept my 1st one but I don’t think I’ll be getting on it, you might have to swap with me 🧚🏼‍♀️
Liam: or I’ll have to go over fences 👀🚲🛴🛵🛺🛒🔎 and you might need to keep a lookout
Edie: 🥰 I need to see!
Edie: I bet it was 🟥
Liam: like a 🚒
Liam: we’ll find it, do it up for our 👦
Edie: 🔔🃏🏴‍☠️🔥
Edie: he’ll fit in the basket at first
Liam: unless he’s massive from the start
Liam: she’ll fit though, taking after you
Edie: were you always a head above everyone else
Liam: you’ve seen the footage, did it look like I was living a shite godzilla remake
Edie: only that you’re both cute
Edie: 🦖💘
Liam: the franchise is hardcore oversaturated without me adding years of home movie frames to it + Minilla’s got more than 4 letters so it can’t go on the list of 👶 names
Edie: even on the forums, I think they’d agree it’s pretty played out
Edie: monster 👶 have had their day as well
Liam: [posts on the forum asking for their baby name ideas for the pisstake because imagine what those nerds would say]
Edie: 😆
Edie: all I’m seeing is waifu and top ten anime villain lists
Edie: none of you are being godparents
Liam: you should probably use what’s left of your detention to do your own proper list, seeing as they’re being fuck all help
Liam: 13 for her and same for him
Edie: I’m gonna
Edie: it’s such a huge thing, you’re giving it to them for life, all the expectations or reputations that come with
Edie: I want names that don’t belong to no one else, no one anyone knows, so it’s all them
Liam: easy to do better than all our parents on that 1 thing
Edie: for real
Edie: I swear my ma picked the most cursed names on purpose
Edie: and you don’t deserve a name at least 20 other lads at school have, like
Liam: what’s the lad sat next to you called, strike that off as well, like
Edie: Mikey, I only know ‘cos he keeps pissing about and she’s losing her rag 🙄
Edie: not looking further than the bible is ultimate lazy parenting, for sure
Liam: I should’ve asked how sharp your ✏️ is, that’s my bad
Edie: 😳🤤 now that’s my second biggest wish
Edie: after wishing you were beside me instead
Liam: next time you’re caught I’ll let em get me too
Edie: 🥺 that’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard
Edie: 🔫 Blaze of glory only for us I promise
Liam: [find a way to be even more romantic by sending her footage you’ve just sneaky filmed of this detention like hey]
Edie: how did I not see you
Edie: 🤯
Liam: look again now
Liam: [and pop up so she can see you lol]
Edie: [obviously coming out to hug you soz you bothered being sneaky lmao]
Liam: [not soz though cos we blatantly wanted that or else we wouldn’t have revealed ourselves]
Edie: [not sorry we’re excited to see you ever]
Liam: [obvs gotta kiss you and I hope that lad sees it and backs off for his own sake even though Liam is not remotely doing it for his benefit]
Edie: [am saying you have to go back in though so the teachers can’t stop you jumping said kid ‘cos I’m nasty I’m evil]
Liam: [blatantly gonna follow you off school grounds and absolutely scare the shit out of you when it’s time for you to leave, soz Mikey but Liam isn’t the kind of lad to warn you off with a smack when he could throw lit matches in your direction or dangle you off somewhere really high etc etc]
Edie: [you really don’t deserve it but we out here so soz boy]
Liam: [thank god you’ll be scared into silence cos the consequences would be worse than detention for Liam and you if you blabbed and none of us want that rn]
Edie: [that’s not the vibe, purely using you to show this side of, not get in trouble, anyway, her/my idea was to go for a bike ride and then go to the arcades/beach for more childhood energy]
Liam: [I love that and I vote that this poor lad also has a bike Liam can steal]
Edie: [lmao our bad but yes, doubly serves a purpose]
Liam: [he’s not gonna be as tall as you but hopefully he’s not so short you’ll look like you’re riding a kid’s bike haha]
Edie: [be hard on your legs, she can’t exactly give you a backy on hers either lol]
Liam: [I also think that he should’ve done something while he was waiting to make it even harder than she did for them to fix whatever she did to the school website so it has to stay up longer like that cos that’d make her happy]
Edie: [love ya nerds, again could get into a lot of trouble for that but we’ll ignore that for right now]
Liam: [it’s fine we know he’s good at covering his tracks and she’s literally been in detention so it couldn’t have been her]
Edie: [we’re unphased anyway, soz to your mother but we are]
Liam: [soz not soz that we gotta make the bae feel good things by any means necessary cos we can’t, he’s stopped stalking Rio what more does everyone want]
Edie: [honestly lmao, gonna say that your funtimes get cut short by her calling you home for some drama as it’ll give me an in to chat about her]
Liam: [good idea boo]
Edie: [creep shot of Rio defaced as per]
Edie: 👿
Liam: [a selfie he has just taken with his mum that the poor woman probs thinks is really nice but he purely did so he could likewise deface it so Edie knows he misses her big but as importantly knows he’s basically next door if she needs him and isn’t doing anything really fun without her]
Edie: 👋 Eimear
Edie: She had no reason to drag me back she’s so blatant
Edie: not to mention tapped in the skull, asking me loads of questions about this school website shit
Liam: you should tell her it’s Lex framing you, she’d buy it
Edie: I think she thinks that already
Edie: as if she’s got the 🧠 in hers
Liam: that’s on both of us for giving her more than she’d know what to do with before, you might as well run with it
Edie: I reckon Lexie needs to come out of retirement
Edie: she wants to make this website thing about her, for some reason, doing 20 questions over here, we can actually fuck with her
Liam: I’d say yeah in a sec if you hadn’t already done the time
Liam: you deserve the glory at 🏫 it’s got nothing else going for it
Edie: [a while later, not ages but like long enough this Rio convo has progressed, my vibe is the website hack, obvs being talked about, peaked her stalker senses but it does sound like Edie and not Lexie so now we’re lowkey tryna be like was it you all along because you would suspect everyone]
Edie: I’m just feeling like I should do some of the shit she’s accusing me of
Edie: It’d be fun
Liam: what’s she accusing you of
Edie: she won’t just come out with it, ‘course not
Edie: but stalking her is what it sounds like
Liam: and you wanna do what about it
Edie: send her some of these ‘weird’ messages she’s alluding to
Edie: between us I bet we can do better than whatever the fuck she’s actually got so far
Liam: yeah, but where’s the fun in something that easy
Edie: idk
Edie: her reaction?
Liam: she’ll hide it from you, you’ve repeatedly said she treats you like a kid
Edie: yeah, she does
Liam: I don’t want you to end up disappointed
Edie: it’s bullshit anyway, why would I
Liam: for it to be all riding on her reaction, which she ain’t gonna give you how you want, I don’t see how you wouldn’t
Edie: oh no, I meant why would I stalk her
Edie: you’re probably right about that
Edie: annoying as it is to not have a plan of revenge now
Liam: she can’t think of anyone else smart enough
Edie: well can’t fault her there
Edie: all her mates are as braindead
Liam: besides if she was being stalked it’s always the boyfriend and she don’t wanna think about that
Edie: we’re on the same page 📖
Edie: I said, you don’t think he’s mentally fucked, the evidence is your whole ‘relationship’
Liam: sick and possessive enough
Edie: seriously
Edie: I’m sure she’s crying to him now
Liam: and he’ll be loving it
Edie: should stalk his shit instead
Edie: see all the bullshit he’s hiding
Liam: if you mean it, I’ll do it
Edie: I mean it
Edie: if we seriously found that
Edie: or any other sick shit
Edie: we could finally end them
Liam: alright, but you’re gonna have to tell me everything you know about them to bring them down, the more dates and shit we know the less work cracking his passwords will be
Edie: i’ll come over
Edie: weren’t joking when I said she was 😭
Edie: i don’t need to be here
Liam: you can stay, my ma don’t need to know
Edie: scheming can be done in silence…
Liam: she’s watching [something a mum would, I’m thinking a reality show like real housewives lol] and it’s kicking off 🔊 can make loads of noise yourself if you want, I’m not worried she’ll hear us
Edie: should’ve 📹 that kick-off for her, she would’ve loved it
Edie: but I’ll keep that in mind
Liam: I’ll keep in mind you coming through my window
Edie: beating you coming through mine is a good thing to 🎯 for
Liam: you had perfect aim in the arcade
Edie: I’ve had lots of practice there
Liam: you don’t need any for me
Edie: 🎰
Liam: nah, I’m not the jackpot, you are
Edie: 😖 I love you so much you know
Liam: I know I don’t have to ask if you mean that too
Liam: and I know I wanna be able to say it back meaning it as much
Edie: I just mean it, don’t say it back ‘til you do
Edie: and you know it for sure
Liam: how do you know it for sure
Edie: it’s like
Edie: I’d do anything for you, but I want to, not ‘cos I have to
Liam: I’d do anything for you
Edie: maybe you just need to be turned back on
Edie: and all your feelings are already here
Edie: or still here
Liam: if you can find the switch we’ll find out
Edie: 💡
Liam: 💣
Edie: I want that for you
Edie: 💥
Liam: don’t you care you could get hurt
Edie: no
Edie: maybe I should
Edie: but I still wouldn’t more than I want it
Liam: the way things are I can stop it from being deliberate, never hurt you
Edie: controlled 💣💥s only
Edie: maybe the opposite could help though
Liam: the maybe’s massive
Liam: you’ve gotta be sure it’s what you want
Edie: I trust you
Liam: you trust this version bc you can
Edie: I trust it’ll work
Liam: then I will
Liam: you’ve got good judgement
Edie: you won’t be able to hurt me
Edie: not really
Edie: and that proves something
Liam: not if you know what you’re getting into, really know
Liam: gay shit aside
Edie: I saw you with that kid
Edie: you can show me more before we try, if you want
Liam: if you want
Liam: bc that was jokes, fuck all compared to what I could do
Liam: tell me you saw that, like
Edie: yeah
Edie: I did
Edie: why did you do that?
Liam: detention’s shite without you having to put up with him
Liam: I did it for you
Edie: did it make you feel anything
Edie: or do you just want it to
Liam: it was a test, you passed, I failed
Edie: did you want to scare me
Liam: no but if you was there’s no point me trying to want anything
Edie: then why’d you fail
Liam: 🤖
Liam: I should’ve felt something, he and you did
Edie: got it
Edie: he was just some random, he doesn’t matter
Liam: but it was for you and you do
Liam: you’re the 🔑
Edie: I wanna be 👼🏼 and work a miracle
Edie: but I won’t let it break my heart if it doesn’t work, I promise
Liam: I’d stop mine before I let anything break yours
Edie: that would
Edie: but I don’t have to I feel selfish about keeping you about whilst you’re 🤖 so that’s okay
Liam: I’ve been trying the wrong things, but now we’ve worked out what the right ones are
Edie: it makes sense
Edie: if you liked fucking up that kid, being a psychopath is way easier
Edie: ❤️ is what got you here and messed up, avoiding it is logical
Liam: so when you get here don’t let me
Edie: you’re sure?
Liam: yeah
Edie: [come through that window asap then girl, kiss him with all you got before we can think to second guess anything]
Liam: [another window kiss we do love to see it lads, definitely put her on your bed or sofa depending if you’re in your bedroom or your downstairs lair so you can keep that intense makeout going]
Edie: [pepper in those IRL I love yous because have to at this point]
Liam: [the romantic in me wants to believe it has some effect so yeah please do gal we’re trying to get somewhere here]
Edie: [along with all the comforting things you could think to say but do sincerely mean like you’re here and not leaving etc etc]
Liam: [gonna give you the win of all your efforts turning him on at least physically cos Lexie could NEVER and it’s progress sis, even if we can’t necessarily keep that going long enough for y’all to hook up here and now under his mother’s roof which would also send me given all her cockblocking attempts before they were needed]
Edie: [we’re here for progress honey, and we won’t have a massive sad face about it or patronize you so]
Liam: [oh Lexie, you didn’t know what you were getting yourself into in any sense, and I do feel bad about framing you as Rio’s stalker but also you were v patronising and kinda a bitch so]
Edie: [it isn’t really your bad to the degree we punished you but no love lost sorry, meanwhile we’re just cuddling you so tight rn boy, probably trying to calm down cos you ain’t a saint/ would not have the libido issues he has rn so 👀]
Liam: [I imagine he’s just 👀 at her stomach in his intense way thinking about how they are halfway to their future now she’s said she loves him so then obvs is gonna ask her what baby names she has thought of nbd just a normal topic of convo lol]
Edie: [wouldn’t make you die at all, at least we can say you’ve thought of Libi, we will think of a boy one at some point but you can say how they’re harder ‘cos they are]
Liam: [it is not our fault boys names suck but yeah at least you can agree on Libi here and now because love that for you, soz that he is gonna kiss your belly and kill you even more girl]
Edie: [resist the urge to be like put that baby in me now, thank you, just get his hand to rub your belly like she already is, casual]
Liam: [it wouldn’t kill you to go down on her and deal with some of her sexual tension, just saying, just be aware that your mum is around though because that would be awkward]
Edie: [lmao not your first time getting interrupted, be so rude]
Liam: [I’d be that mean if your mum was more chill and it was just embarrassing but she’d be too drama about it genuinely so we cannot put you through it]
Edie: [you can’t get kicked out that would be so dramatic, like we’ll do that later but not right now]
Liam: [good vibes only rn please, you could probably search for all his baby stuff though if you’re sneaky, like not the bike but the smaller stuff lurking in the loft or wherever]
Edie: [hanging out in the loft is a full childhood vibe, take blankets and whatnot up so you can make it like a den, because you can also start this Buster process]
Liam: [his mum clearly keeps too much of your baby and childhood stuff so yeah get comfy cosy and go through it to see if there’s anything you actually want for Libi and lol at all the cringe, it’ll be really fun and we know you’ll also love stalking Buster together]
Edie: [why you hoarding for honey, well we know why but time to address that maybe, we’ll just be dying over how cute he was and playing with all this stuff though whilst we plan the epic ruster takedown]
Liam: [at least the loft can be your new hangout cos I vibe his mum doesn’t like to get on a ladder and go up there cos she’s smol like moomin so you don’t have to worry about her]
Edie: [I’ve never got in the loft ‘cos likewise it freaked me out lmao but I love that for y’all, can truly be lurking and no one will know]
Liam: [honestly such a vibe for you, if I could put your bedroom up there I would but she’d never let you cos gotta be nosy on what you’re doing lads]
Edie: [more of a vibe you have a room you’re never in ‘cos clearly likewise trying to spend as much time here as we can]
Liam: [I’m too invested in how cute you too are and it’s gonna break my heart p.s Winnie says he should sneak down and bring her probably literal midnight snacks]
Edie: [absolutely winner bear, seriously, you’re literally so innocent and Liam is just traumatized it’s so rude of us but there we are]
Liam: [it’s actually so evil of us but I’m glad you’re living your best lives rn, should we post this cos we’ve actually covered a lot?]
Edie: [good idea mugglebub]
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