#go girls give us nothing <3
deathshallbenomore · 1 year
io: in questi mondiali femminili che tanto non seguirò per davvero [oltre all’italia perché okay] si tifa marocco
il marocco: perde 6-0 contro la germania
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ssalballoon · 11 months
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Can rest his weary bones
The weight of the world
All falls away
- after the initial fright of a wizard losing one's magic, i imagine it could feel like respite similar to how flying to a new country and being unknown and a complete blank slate is... among the sussur blossoms he is just gale dekarios
- lyrics from good riddance by Darren Korb (play hades/supergiant games and change your life forever)
- his embroidery has roses in it, apparently it's a term of endearment in waterdeep :') cute
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jonasiegenthaler · 2 months
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bitternanami · 1 year
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been watching nezumiva's retrospective of aa3 and like always im Thinking About Her. alt text has img description
(w crop because tumblr messed w the quality a bit)
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ilottthepilot · 2 months
whenever i'm having a bad day i can just remember that it's not as bad as the day lando norris must have had before he was called into the f1 studio to film grill the grid
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hello everyone. the situation got so dire over here that I did a Nirya design finally
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khihi · 1 year
incredibly funny to me that jere didn't show up in person to collect the award for cha cha cha, he just sent in a video of himself in his Usual Jumper and got on with his day
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incorrectbp · 2 years
zhanghao: i would do anything for the members of this team.
zhanghao: except running, jogging or climbing stairs.
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martyrbat · 7 months
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obsessed with how he looked happy before going deadpan and staring down the camera
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neosatsuma · 10 months
nearing the end of the Shibuya Incident again has brought to my attention that there are manga-readers who think Nobara is? dead?? which is wild to me because yes Gege clearly wants it to be unclear, but like Every Time she's brought up a semi-truck goes by like "BWWAAAAHHH" and you can't hear the verdict and then a boss fight falls from the sky. like the song and DANCE of it all, u know gege would hit us with it no sugarcoating no ambiguity if they'd killed a main trio member 💀
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suave-hogan · 1 year
I haven’t shared the whole reason why I can’t listen to Aqua’s ‘Barbie Girl’ the same way anymore, have I?
Well here it is since the movie is coming out this week✨
The clip is from Season 2 Episode 5 of The TWRP Show. Timestamp 43:35
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ikuhara · 2 months
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paxdemon · 2 years
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The grandson of Spaniards who came to live in Normandy during the post-war immigration wave, Esteban Ocon took up karting "a bit by chance" during a family weekend in a multi-sport complex. "I was four years old, I got in without asking anyone, and once I started I didn't stop, I dodged people as if they were cones", he remembers, with the satisfaction of someone who has seen his dream come true. We were dealing with a very mature boy for his age, with a rather difficult life experience," says Gwen Lagrue. “He had a deep determination, rare even, which is one of his strong points today." At the same time, his mechanic father, who ran a garage with his mother in Beaubray, in the south of the Eure, gave him a kart for Christmas.  "I made choices that could have been catastrophic, I don't want young people reading this to follow my example. It worked for me, but it won't work for everyone," [Ocon] says. Esteban Ocon, va vite et deviens
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currymanganese · 1 year
My take on what I've seen a lot of people commenting on whether or not Claire returns in S3 is that Claire Bear doesn't return in S3. For the simple reason that the character was not even developed, and she left the same way she appeared, abruptly and in a way that no one will miss her. I do think she will be mentioned if she appears it will be at most a farewell scene with carmy, but if not that she will never come back. She fulfilled her purpose. 🥸
Based take anon, I hope to God that you're right. I'll breathe such a sigh of relief if you are. If they bring Claire back to flesh out her character and her relationship with Carmy more, it'll feel like they'll be cutting into time that could be better used to explore characters and dynamics that we were already interested in since season 1 yet again.
For example, what's Ebra's last name? Has Ebra immigrated to the US alone, or has his family joined him? If he lives in the US alone, is his family in Somalia still alive, is he close to them? Do they depend on him for remittances? Did they die in war or civil unrest or some other tragedy? Does Manny have kids and a last name of his own? Is Angel in college part time (like I headcanon him to be) and does he see dish washing as just a temporary thing until he breaks into the career he actually wants?
Will Tina find out that Syd's mom is dead? Will that affect the way she interacts with Sydney? Will she develop a maternal bond with Syd? Are any of the restaurant's staff undocumented immigrants? Will they have to help each other secure documentation? How will Marcus's mom's death affect him? Will the restaurant's staff band together to support him emotionally? Will Carmy step up and become a true friend/ older brother figure to him? Will Syd, Marcus and possibly Carmy grow closer together over commiserating over each of them coping with the death of one parent (if Carmy's father is in fact dead)?
What was Syd and Carmy's childhood like? Does Syd still have friends from the CIA? What is Syd's extended family life like? If her Dad is second generation Nigerian American, has Syd ever visited her family in Nigeria? Is she close with her mother's family? Is Syd her grandparents' oldest granddaughter? Has she ever gotten a taste of the oldest daughter experience, despite being an only child, because of having to mind younger cousins at family get togethers?
What was her love life and business like? Does Syd do her own hair to save money? Will she start wearing her hair in different styles more regularly when she is more financially secure? Will Syd get a share of equity in the restaurant when the business becomes profitable? When will Mr. Adamu meet Carmy and what will he make of Syd and Carmy's relationship? Where does Mr. Adamu work? How does that impact on how much quality time he got to spend with Syd as she grew up, if he's still in the same field that he was in when Syd was a child? Did Syd have any behavioural struggles that she dealt with as a young child before she was old enough to understand her mother's death? Did Mr. Adamu ever have her referred to a clinical child psychologist when she was a little girl? Does Syd go to therapy, or does she want to herself? Is Syd depressed?
Has Carmy ever struggled with suicidal ideation before? Has he ever made an unsuccessful attempt on his own life before, perhaps as a child or an adolescent? In his dream in episode 1, why did Carmy tell the bear on the State Street Bridge where his brother killed himself, "I know, I know...." What secret pain does Carmy know about that even we, the audience, are not privy to? Why was cousin Michelle so worried about the impact of Donna's behaviour on Carmy's mental health in particular? Why did the older relative/ acquaintance at Cicero's kid's party so freely assume that Carmy was the one that killed himself and not Mikey? If Carmy has been suicidal himself before, in addition to his survivor's guilt and avoidance of Donna, was this another reason he could not bear to attend Mikey's funeral, if he had to attend and face his own mortality and the fact that his brother's body in the coffin, or ashes in the urn could have easily been him?
Was Carmy ever institutionalized before? If so, does it explain his apparent severe internalized stigma against mental illness ("I'm a fucking psycho!") and him seemingly having an aversion to seek out any mental health care beyond attending the Al-anon meetings? Will Carmy ever go to therapy? Will he ever learn to love himself? Will Syd and Carmy ever realize they have deeper feelings for one another? Will Carmy allow himself to accept Syd's feelings for him if she reciprocates his?
Will any of The Bear's new staff get deeper characterizations of their own? Will Tina's son, Louis, begin working at the restaurant after all in the future, perhaps as front of house staff, or maybe as a dish washer if Angel leaves for better things? Will Gary ever return to a sports related career, perhaps by getting certification to become a coach? What will Fak's job duties be going forward, besides being a general repair man?
Was the restaurant's storefront getting shot out in Season 1 a one-off incident, or was it a warning of things to come because of the Berzatto family's ties to Cicero? Will any of Richie and Mikey's old drug clients come by to raise hell at the restaurant because they can't get their fix anymore? Will they pay back Cicero in time? Will they win their Michelin star? Will the business go under?
Will Nat enjoy motherhood? Will it bring her closer to Donna, if Donna sobers up and joins a rehabilitation program, or will it be the final nail in the coffin for their relationship if loving her own child will allow Nat to fully understand the depths of Donna's cruelty towards her and just how much she was failed as a child? How will Pete navigate fatherhood? Will Carmy grow closer to him as he sees and admires the way that Pete cares for his niece or nephew, and his sister? Will Carmy ever have a desire for a family of his own?
Will Carmy repair his relationship with Syd and with Richie? Will Richie win over the respect of his ex-wife and daughter? Will Richie learn to mind proper boundaries between himself and the Berzattos? Will they kill Donna off in Season 3? Start the season off with a funeral that crushes Marcus (his mom's), but ultimately cements his found family's support for him and for each other, and end the season with a funeral (Donna's) that Carmy, Nat and Richie heartbreakingly find freeing?
There is so much rich material that has yet to be explored with this show and these characters and their interpersonal dynamics. However, if the showrunners wanted Claire to remain as a part of this tapestry in the long run, then imo they should have written her to be as compelling as possible from her introduction in order to match the rest of the show's energy, instead they wrote her like the odd one out.
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zekkopunks · 9 months
cursed to have one of the most interesting mother series interactions be in smash bros because it’s not a game where the character’s emotions are explored that deeply during cutscenes
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roseworth · 1 year
Here’s a fun one: what do you think Rose’s room in Titans Tower looks like?
very empty
from the very beginning she was basically assuming she was going to be kicked off the team at any given moment, so i think she would have her bed and some clothes in there and thats about it
plus every time she leaves she has like. a bag. and nothing else. and i really think that that bag basically holds her whole life bc she doesnt have a lot of things other than some clothes and some weapons
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not to mention anything that she mightve once had was pretty much either destroyed by wade or left behind when she was 15
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and even other than that. anything she mightve had was probably left behind when she joined slade. so this girl owns basically nothing besides her essentials
but as a treat i think that the only personal item she really owns is lili's necklace, just bc they never found her body and never buried it with her so i can imagine rose keeping it :) especially because even when she was with deathstroke she really just wanted to have a family so i dont think she wouldve gotten rid of anything of lili's even while she was drugged
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