#karate administrative emergency
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krytus · 3 months ago
no bc you really do have to see this scene for yourself
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cobrakoi · 16 days ago
So, I have a question. Was Season Six Part Two even necessary? Other than giving us Daniel in a dog cage and Terry Silver's Boss Hogg, I mean. If you watched Part 1 and then Part Three, would you miss any context at all?
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tmarshconnors · 4 months ago
A Symbolic Duel of the Skies
When it comes to iconic aircraft, two names soar above the rest: Air Force One, the official aircraft of the sitting U.S. president, and Trump Force One, the private Boeing 757 jet owned by Donald Trump. While one symbolizes the institutional power of the United States government, the other epitomizes the flair and individuality of a man who thrives on spectacle. Let’s delve into the differences, similarities, and the symbolic weight each carries.
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Air Force One: The Flying White House
Air Force One isn’t just an airplane—it’s a fortress in the sky. Operated by the U.S. Air Force, this customized Boeing 747 (VC-25) represents the full might of the federal government. Equipped with advanced defense systems, encrypted communications, and the ability to refuel midair, it ensures that the president can command the country even in the most turbulent times.
Beyond its military-grade specifications, the interiors are functional yet dignified: a medical suite, offices, conference rooms, and a space for press briefings. The blue and white livery, designed during JFK’s administration, projects a timeless elegance. Every flight embodies the continuity of American democracy.
Trump Force One: A Flying Statement
In contrast, Trump Force One is unabashedly personal and extravagant. This Boeing 757, emblazoned with the Trump name in gold, is less about function and more about flair. The interiors include 24-karat gold seatbelt buckles, leather seating, and a private bedroom. If Air Force One is a symbol of collective power, Trump Force One is a testament to individual ambition.
The jet made headlines during Trump’s 2016 campaign, often serving as a backdrop for rallies. It became a potent visual tool, reinforcing his outsider status and business success. After a hiatus during his presidency, the jet has recently been refurbished, signaling its owner’s ongoing political ambitions.
Technology and Capability: A Tale of Two Standards
Air Force One: Unparalleled security and cutting-edge technology make it the most sophisticated aircraft in the world. It’s EMP-hardened, armed with countermeasures against missile threats, and capable of functioning as a command center during national emergencies.
Trump Force One: While luxurious, it lacks the defensive and operational capabilities of Air Force One. Its primary purpose is comfort and style, with no pretensions of handling global crises.
Symbolism: National Power vs. Personal Branding
Air Force One transcends politics, representing the presidency itself regardless of who occupies the office. It is steeped in tradition and is a reminder of the gravity of the role it serves.
Trump Force One, on the other hand, is the embodiment of Donald Trump’s personal brand. It’s loud, unapologetic, and designed to command attention—whether on a runway or in the political arena.
Which Reigns Supreme?
Comparing Trump Force One and Air Force One is like comparing apples and oranges. One is a utilitarian marvel of government power; the other, a luxury jet tailored to a billionaire’s tastes. Both, however, reflect the man who commands them: the sitting president flies Air Force One as a steward of the nation, while Trump Force One is a vehicle for a businessman-turned-politician who thrives on the spectacle.
What’s fascinating is how these aircraft have become symbols of two very different approaches to leadership. Air Force One speaks to duty and decorum, while Trump Force One projects confidence and charisma. Together, they encapsulate the tensions and contrasts in American political life today.
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Entry 3 - Becoming an effective team member + support from supervisor
Colac Herald’s Director Andrea Graham was huge in terms of building my confidence during my internship.
She encouraged me to pursue other professional development opportunities and allowed for flexibilities around my study.
I always came to her when I was thinking of taking up another role or doing something outside of work.
She was super supportive when I branched out into podcasting (albeit for a rival media company) as she knew it was a path, I wanted to learn more about.
She was also supportive of me taking administrative roles in local sport, where I currently am the secretary of the Colac District Cricket Association.
Larisch., et al., (2023) said leaders or directors play a massive role on company culture, and I believe Andrea positively affects workers at the Colac Herald.
Amin., et al., (2024) said that a good workplace culture could influence workplace behaviours.
One thing I loved about the Colac Herald was seeing how many people have to work together to produce a paper.
The ads team has to notify the typesetters/graphics team what people are paying for and then the journalists are notified how many pages they have to fill and then the journalists have to create the content and proof each other’s work.
This meant that communication and a collaborative approach was crucial when it came to producing the paper.
During my internship I was able to cover a lot of rural sport which led to some surreal experiences such as attending a BBL games and interviewing professional athletes.
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As a sports journalist I was able to write match reports, match previews, and news stories on football, cricket, netball, soccer, basketball, lawn bowls, sailing, motorcross, darts, bowls, baseball, karate, shooting, cycling, pigeon racing, archery and woodchopping.
The editorial section included writing articles for the Colac Herald’s Next Gear features where I spoke to car enthusiasts about their builds as well as local mechanics. Other editorial stories I wrote included promotional and advertorial material for pizza shops, pharmacies, bakeries and so many other small local businesses.
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I also did rural reporting where I would speak to local farms or farmers about new technology innovations, sustainability methods or other practices they were implanting.
This led me into cattle reporting where I frequently visited the Colac saleyards and interviewed the salesmen, vendors and buyers at cattle markets.
Throughout my general news role, I reported on local council, federal government and volunteer services.
I interviewed members of parliament several times for stories, attending council meeting and wrote feature stories on emergency service members.
Lisa-Marie Larisch, Kallings, L. V., Jakobsson, B. T., & Blom, V. (2023). “It depends on the boss” – a qualitative study of multi-level interventions aiming at office workers’ movement behaviour and mental health. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 18(1)https://doi.org/10.1080/17482631.2023.2258564
Muhammad Amin, b. B., Mohammad, R. K., Salawati, M. B., Munusamy, S., & Hee, J. J. (2024). Impacts of Workplace Culture on Deviant Workplace Behavior: A Systematic Review. Sage Open, 14(2)https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440241247976
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brightdigigold · 2 years ago
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mostlysignssomeportents · 6 years ago
#5yrsago We visited Ukraine's Palace of Corruption
Jasmina Tesanovic:
Jasmina Tesanovic ventures into the "Palace of Corruption" where deposed Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych partied and gloried in graft while the #Euromaidan raged on his doorstep. Tesanovic was in Serbia when Milosevic was deposed, and she reflects on the careers of post-Soviet dictators.
Life is tense, these days in Kiev. The faces of the locals are stiff and their reactions are fast, as in an emergency ward.  One cannot lose one's nerve in a life threatening situation.
The street-fights are over for now, while the war tourism has started. In the famous Maidan Square where a hundred protesters were shot dead in the February struggles, the paramilitary camp tents are still standing.  Rubber tyres are piled in long, tall, ugly barricades, and the revolutionary militia are sitting on stools inside their tents and bomb shelters, chain-smoking and brewing coffee on campfires of scrap wood. However, the ex-President Yanukovych has fled for Russian sanctuary, and the stands of tourist attractions have arrived.
   Ukrainian women sell tiaras of plastic flowers with the national colors of yellow and blue.  Fridge magnets  carry symbols of the uprising: flags, militia logos, Internet memes,  pics of Vladimir Putin depicted as Adolf Hitler, and so on.
    The "EuroMaidan" is loud with the sound of mourning for the nation's fallen.  Orthodox priests have the biggest stages and the loudest amplifiers, these days. In their tall hats and gilt robes the priests endlessly chant and croon, and the random passers-by join in with their hands pressed devoutly to their hearts.  The EuroMaidan is like a wounded heart still pulsing after an attack, trying to heal.
     The recently-elected president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko,   swore into office these days with the words: we are not giving up Crimea. The Crimean region of Ukraine seceded to Russia, or it was seized by Russia more or less, while refugees from Donetsk and Luhansk, the Russian-ethnic dominated cities,  are fleeing every day to Kiev. The nation is splitting up on ethnic lines.  It is the beginning of a national struggle and not its end.
    The "Mezhyirya Festival," a one-time international conference about investigative journalism, activism and hackers, was held in an estate once commandeered by Viktor Yanukovych, in a huge park north of  Kiev: http://mezhyhiryafest.com.  The event was organized by the Yanukovych Leaks group and the Share foundation from Serbia.   The scenery was fantastic: a privatized hunting-grounds half the size of Monaco, next to the vast public reservoir for the city of Kiev, which is a beautiful and rather radioactive artificial lake on the Dnieper River.  The numerous and lavish buildings and villas in this huge estate were conquered by the rebels, after Viktor Yanukovych fled the uprising for safety in Russia.
   Strange militia figures in makeshift uniforms, with walkie-talkies and black wooden batons, patrol this vast park.  The secret elite stronghold has been opened to the citizens of Kiev and even a few of us tourists. Wedding parties have appeared, along with improvised carts and trucks offering bottled water, ice cream dispensers, local beer…  No one seems to drink from that lake, and there are no sign of swimmers despite the June heat.
     We stayed inside an administrative building for the State Guard of Ukraine, the men who guarded the blind metal gates for the secretive estate they called "Object 109."  Behind the vast, rambling, two-story-high metal walls, crowned with security videocameras, Yanukovych and his inner circle built odd structures like huge, half-empty hotels.  Our rambling former guard-house seemed scarcely used:  the Revolutionaries had arrived and kicked in the door-jambs, removing the police computers and leaving snarled wiring, scattered DVDs, fancy sofas and ugly chairs.  However, the karate gym,  numerous security brochures and antiterrorist shooting targets made it entirely obvious to us that this was the headquarters of Yanukovych security.
    I slept inside a narrow room that declared itself to be "bookkeeping" for some alleged company called "Grosser," yet it was full of abandoned almanacs and empty notebooks for the  uniformed Ukrainian State Guard.  A few kilometers down one of the best-paved roads in Ukraine was the colossal hunting mansion of the former President.  
    This Citizen-Kane extravaganza, now widely known as the "palace of corruption," blazed all over with crystal and gilt.  Money can really hurt when its controllers lack taste.   This palace is now well-symbolized by one of the ex-President's ideas of refinement, a gold-plated loaf of Ukrainian bread.
   Our little group of activists and journalists had to visit this legendary, sinister palace, and by night, as well.  Although we numbered a round two dozen, we were like mice in this vast over-lit labyrinth of conference rooms, gyms, spas, a vast indoor tennis court, a private full-sized boxing ring, dangling hosts of golden crystal chandeliers, Gothic viewing rooms with huge TV screens and robot massage chairs, marble saunas, baroque inlaid elevators, endless parquet floors, acre-sized plush carpets, hosts of antique bronze statuary and several spotless white grand pianos, one of them crowned with a skinned and stuffed housecat.  
    Despite its "private" status, it was entirely clear that no one had ever had any private life in this mansion.  It was a deliberate showplace in which a tiny, anxious elite attempted to impress itself.
   One of our journalist hosts was a young Ukranian woman who had never seen the palace herself.  Now they charge people twenty American dollars to see all this mess, she told me. The sight of it will make only people more angry, but it will take a lot of cash to keep this park running.
    The privatized compound has become a national park nowadays,  run by revolutionary volunteers. Someone has to feed the exotic ostriches and mind the giant wooden galleon and the antique car barn, so moms with toddlers clean the rooms, while old men mow the weeds.  Somebody also had to feed us foreign conference tourists, so bright-eyed women in braids and kerchiefs and aprons somehow appeared, to make us blintzes with jam, and potato pancakes, and pork chops.
     There was no packaged food. This brand new revolution of the Ukrainian poor is like some refusal of the industrial age. Viking-tall yellow-haired women with big blue eyes are like the personification of the blue-yellow Ukranian flag.  They were the main audience for us invited foreigners, and they listened to our ramblings politely, took notes and said almost nothing.
     Of course we had plenty to tell them -- mostly about surveillance marketing, the collapse of free expression on the Internet, and the many depredations of the American NSA.   Bewildered and shy, they listened.
    In October 5, 2000, Milosevic was toppled in Serbia.  The same heady post-revolutionary atmosphere reigned for a while -- maybe a hundred days.  However, the Serbian revolution never achieved a "lustration" like in the Czech republic, or the "truth and reconciliation" of South Africa.   Milosevic died in a Dutch prison in The Hague, but Serbia, fourteen years later, is mostly ruled by the younger and smarter people from the old Milosevic establishment.
     A revolution that fails to make a clean break with the past is just a changing of the guard. The people of Ukraine people are aware of this, which is why there are still wary militia camps inside the Maidan.  But whose government is it, when your nation shatters in the struggles between superpowers?  It has been a hundred years since a young  Serb shot and killed the royal heir to the great throne of Austria-Hungary, and to this day no one knows if he was a hero or a terrorist.
  It was an honor and a pleasure to visit Kiev: it brought me sadness, but it felt important and necessary.  I lived in Serbia during our own political mayhem, and when strangers came to visit us notwithstanding the so-called danger, we felt better and safer.  Of course we were stuck there on the ground while they had a jet return-ticket in their pockets: but at least there were those, few precious moments when we looked them right in the eye.
-Jasmina Tesanovic (Photos by Bruce Sterling)
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krytus · 18 days ago
when i want to win a childrens karate tournament so i give the order to kidnap my rival's family (from my yacht) but my ex best friend partner shows up (on my yacht in the middle of the ocean) and is like nah bitch. im ending the cycle. and then we fist fight. and then im homoerotically on top of him (on the floor of my yacht) winning but he grabs his still lit cigar and throws it into a tank of fuel (fuel for the yacht). and then we blow up.
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Evaluating Sorghum Stem Borer Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) Lepidoptera: Crambidae) Management Alternatives in Eastern Ethiopia-Juniper Publishers
To know more about Journal of Agriculture Research- https://juniperpublishers.com/artoaj/index.phpTo know more about open access journal publishers click on Juniper publishers
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The study was conducted to find out best sorghum stem borer management option for agro-pastoralist in eastern Ethiopia. Treatments were T1 (no management), T2 (foliar spray of Karate 5 EC at 30 and 60 DAE), T3 (only sorghum intercropping with cowpea), T4 (foliar spray of Karate 5 EC at 50 DAE + intercropping with cowpea), T5 (Push-pull), T6 (Diazinon 10 G at 50 DAE + intercropping with cowpea) and T7 (Diazinon 10 G at 30 and 60 DAE). Treatments were arranged in RCBD design and replicated in three. The result showed that stem borer infestation significantly decreased in all treatments compared to the control (T1) at P<0.05. The number of larvae/plants decreased across treatments 83.8, 81.73, 40.17, 69.21 30.95, 74.26% on T7, T6, T5, T4, T3 and T2. Tunnel length also reduced by 55 and 65% in T7 and T6 also 25 to 39 % in T3 and T5 respectively. The number of non-productive tillers/plants was decreased by 83.25, 91.75, 66.75 and 58.75% on T7, T6, T2 and T4 respectively. Foliar damage indices reduced by 74.4, 55.13, 11.21, 70.16, and 61.3 % in T7, T6, T5, T4 and T2 respectively compared to the control. Grain yield increased by 70.96 and 68.69% respectively in T7 and T6 were as in T2 and T4 increased by 67 and 59% respectively compared to the control.
Keywords: Sorghum; Stem borer; Insecticide; Push-pull; Infestation; Grain yield
Cereals, especially sorghum is the most important field crops grown in resource-poor small-scale farmers in Eastern Ethiopia [1]. The yield and quality of these crops are affected by a wide array of biotic (pests and diseases) and drought stresses. Of the various insect pests attacking cereal including sorghum in Africa, lepidopteran stem borers are by far the most injurious on cultivated maize and sorghum [2,3]. They are generally considered to be the most damaging insect pests of maize and sorghum in Africa [4]. Stem borers can cause severe damage at different growth stages of the crop from seedling to maturity. When infestation is severe, there is a physiological disruption of plant growth, and panicle emergence and grain formation are severely affected, resulting in reduction in kernel number and mass.
Seventeen species of stem borers in two families Pyralidae and Noctuidae have been found to attack sorghum and maize in various parts of the country [2]. Feeding and stem tunneling by borer larvae on plants results in crop losses as a consequence of the destruction of the growing point. Yield losses in areas with severe borer problems vary between 10-70% [2]. Up to 80% yield loss in sorghum by Chilo partellus were also reported in sorghum growing localities in eastern Ethiopia [1].
According to studies made on management of cereal stem borer, manipulation of crop ecosystem can significantly reduce infestation and increase crop yield [5]. There are also numerous reports indicating that using different insecticide resulted in good control of stem borer increased grain yield [5-7].
Currently no easily applicable means for sorghum stem borer management technique is available in eastern Ethiopia to recommend to the sorghum farming community [1]. Else were different sorghum stem borer management techniques have been reported including intercropping [6], use of insecticide and push-pull reported to be effective [5,8,9]. Therefore, it is important to evaluate different stem borer management approaches that had been reported to be effective elsewhere before recommending to the farming community in the current study area. Therefore, the study was conducted to find out best management approaches for stem borer occurring in sorghum in a Fafen administrative zone of East Ethiopia.
    Materials and Methods
Description of study area
A field experiment was conducted in a district located in the Ethiopian Somali region Fafen administrative namely Tulugulled were sorghum is grown as the primary crop. This area is characterized traditional sorghum production area as mono cropping by Agro pastoralist. The climate of the study area is a bimodal rainfall pattern and it is characterized by quasi double maxima with a small peak in April and the main peak in August. It belongs to the warm semi-arid to cool and humid agro-climatic zone with the altitude of 1550m.a.s.l. The average annual temperature ranges from 18-27.5 0C. The average annual rainfall ranges from 200 to 1400mm. It is bounded between the geographical coordinates of 912,270–1,058,809.8 UTM north and 877,449.1-975,927.2 UTM East [1].
Treatment and experimental design
Seven different cereal stem borer management approaches were evaluated in farmers’ field with a high infestation history of stem borer. Each seven treatments were replicated in three and arranged in RCBD. There were 1 and 1.5m between plots and blocks and each plot had a size of 12m2, sorghum seeds variety Teshale planted on plots prepared in 30cm x 70cm spacing in 6 rows/plot.
Method of data collection and data analysis
Sampling of stem borer infestation was started at fourth weeks after emergence and was repeated every two weeks interval until physiological maturity of the plants. Prior to data collection 10 plants from two central rows were randomly selected and tagged. All necessary data were collected from pre tagged ten plants. During the final stage, destructive sampling was made on ten plants/plot to measure and count tunnel length, number holes/ stalk, percent of plants with dead heart and number of larvae (Table 1).
Result and Discussion
The result revealed that all the treatments were found significantly superior over the untreated control in reducing the infestation of C. partellus. The result from the study indicated that all insect pest infestation parameters significantly responded to the treatment at (P<0.05). According to the result in (Table 2) there were significant difference in number of larvae/plant (NL/P), plant height (PH), tunnel length (TL) and number of nonproductive tillers/plant (NNPT/P) at (P<0.05). Similarly, percent of plants with dead heart (PPDH), number of eggs/egg bache (NE/EB) and number of exit hole/plant (NEH) also significantly affected by treatments effect.
Effect of treatments against pest population
According to the result in the (Table 2) the highest number of larvae/plant (NL/P) was recovered from control treatment (T1) followed by T3 and T5. The lowest NL/P was recorded from those treatments received insecticide Karate 5 EC and Diazinon 10G with or without intercropping (T7 and T2). Compared to control and other treatments the NL/P reduced by 83.8% in T7 followed by T2 74.26%. There were also remarkable NL/P reduction on T6 and T4 in these treatments it was reduced by 81.73, 69.21% respectively. NL/P reduction observed on T5 and T3 were moderate and found to be 40.17, 30.95% respectively. The decrease in larval number/each plant in T2, T4, T6 and T7 could be attributed to the insecticide along with habitat management. Similar result was reported by Neupane et al. [10] indicted that conventional insecticide significantly reduced infestation compared to control stem borer in maize.
The number of egg batch (NEB) and number eggs/egg batch (NE/EB) over the season showed significant variations at P<0.05 among treatments. Lowest egg batch was recorded on T2 and T7 in these treatments number of egg batches reduced by 79.4 and 78.86% similarly number of eggs/egg batch reduced by 64.33 and 56.2% respectively. The reduction in the NEB and NE/EB could be due to the deleterious effect of insecticide and pest confusion due to habitat manipulation resulted from intercropping and push-pull. The present findings can also be compared with those of [8,11,12]. When single round insecticide application integrated with intercropping (T6 and T4) reduced NEB by 35.28 and 49.4% as well as NE/EB batch 64.37, 50.4% respectively. Push-pull and intercropping (T5 and T3) resulted in 36.42% reduction in number of egg batches compared to the control treatment.
   Effect treatments against crop damage
According to the result in (Table 2) there were significance difference at P<0.05 among treatments on foliar damage indices (FDI), number of exit holes/stem (NEH), number of nonproductive tillers/plant (NPT/P) and percent of plants with dead herart (%PDH). Significant reduction in the FDI, NEH, NPT/P and %PDH was recorded from T6, T7 and T4 and T2. Compared to the T1 FDI reduced by 74.4 and 70.88% in T7 and T4 flowed by T6 55.13% and T4 60.33%. There was also moderate reduction in T5 and T3 the FDI amounted to be 35.08, 30.78% respectively. Maximum NEH was recorded from T1 and the minimum was recorded from T7. NEH also moderately reduced in T5 and T3 reduction was found to be 40.11 and 45.55% respectively. Kavita and Manjunatha [13] reported les number exit holes/plant when sorghum intercropped with cowpea.
The lowest tunnel length was recorded from insecticide treated plots T2, T4, T6 and T7 respectively. Tunnel length reduced by 69.5 and 65% in T7, T6 respectively and also 25 to 39 % in T3 and T5 compared to the control. Conformity with [7], reported lowest foliar damage and stem tunneling on plots treated with insecticide compared to control. Average number of non-productive tillers/ plant (NPT/P) were significantly higher in control treatment T1 followed by T3 and T5. The same finding was confirmed by [7] that successful infestation of stem borers into plants, and their feeding may cause death of growing points reduction in number of harvestable ears.
Insecticide received treatment (T2, T4, T6 and T7) produced less NPT/P. The result in the (Table 2) showed that higher proportion of plants with dead heart was recorded from T1, followed by T3 and T5. All treatments received insecticides had resulted in low %PDH. Similar result was reported by [11] indicting insecticides showed better control of maize stem borer and reduction of dead heart in maize stem borer. Accordingly, treatments received Diazinon 10 G (T6 and T7) resulted in significantly low %PDH 13.47 and 14.22%. Similarly, Karate 5 EC treated plots (T2 and T4) showed reduction 19.78 and 17.26% respectively compared to the control but it was not effective as Dizinone 10 G. this could be due to the fact that foliar insecticide are not effective as the granular insecticide [6,7]. The result may also corroborate with Manzooret et al. [14] whom indicated that compared to the check, insecticide treated plots showed reduce infestation and crop damage. In this study manipulating crop environment using intercropping and push-pull showed remarkable reduction on infestation though the result is not comparable with insecticides treatment. Current finding is in agreement with Degri et al. [5] whom reported that intercropping pattern of 1:2 ratio and 1:1 ratio had significantly lowered number of infested plants than the sole crop (1:0 ratio).
methods on grain yield
The result in (Figure 1) revealed that there were significant differences on total grain yield and 100 seed weight at P<0.05. Accordingly compared to all treatment, those plots treated with insecticide (T2, T6 and T7) had relatively higher 100 seed weight. The lowest seed weight was recorded from T1 were as the highest was recorded from T7 followed by T6. Compared to control treatment, T7 and T6 increased 100 seed weight by 67.0, 62.0% respectively. Similarly, T2 and T4 resulted in 58.74 and 55.1 % seed weight increment. Both sorghum intercropping (T3) and push pull (T5) increased 100 seed weight by 35.71% on average. Hegde et al. [13] found that maximum grain and fodder yield when maize intercropped with cowpea compared to sole crop on maize infested with stem borer.
Maximum grain yield was obtained when sorghum treated with insecticide (T7, T6 and T2) and followed by the T5 and T3 (Figure 2). Compared to insecticide treatment (T2, T4, T6 and T7) push-pull (T5) and intercropping (T3) showed reduced grain yield. According to the result in there was no statistically significance differences were observed between intercropping and push pull treatments. Total grain yield increased by 70.96 and 68.69% respectively in T7 and T6 compared to the control. Were as Karate 5 EC application twice (T2) and intercropping + Karate 5 EC once foliar spray (T4) increased grain yield by 67 and 59% respectively compared to control (T1). Effectiveness of insecticide treatment against stem borer reported on maize and sorghum in several areas. According Adamu et al. [7] insecticide treated maize plants recorded the highest grain weigh. Compared to control T1 sorghum intercropping with cowpea T3 and push pull (T5) also resulted in grain yield increment amounted to be 35.17% for both treatments on average.
A number of study report indicated that intercropping cereal and legume can reduce the pest infestation and increase grain yield. Ayisi et al. [15] reported that intercropping reduced C. partelus infestation and increased grain yield in mixed and alternate intercropping systems, relative to the sole cultures. Similarly, Ampong et al. [16] indicted that when sorghum planted in intercropping manner with cowpea resulted in reduced stem borer infestations and increased grain yield compared to the sole sorghum.
Among all tested treatments against stem borer insecticide application found to supper effective in reducing infestations and increasing grain yield. Moreover, the finding also revealed that by integrating reduced insecticide application frequency + intercropping produced comparable result with repeated insecticide use. Accordingly, the result obtained from push-pull treatment showed appropriate grain yield increment. Though grain yield obtained from insecticide treated plots had wide yield gap it may not be reasonable to relay on insecticide completely. Therefore, we recommend push-pull approaches for sustainable stem borer management by putting insecticide + intercropping option on the table as alternative strategy.
To know more about Journal of Agriculture Research- https://juniperpublishers.com/artoaj/index.php
To know more about open access journal publishers click on Juniper publishers
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servicemasteruniverse · 6 years ago
Training to Be a Life Coach - A Way to Practice Even When You Don't Have Time
Have you considered turning into a holistic mentor however you're life appears to be excessively occupied? Or on the other hand have you experienced a holistic mentor training program, however now you're attempting to discover time to rehearse? Or on the other hand perhaps you've been a holistic mentor for some time, however you're feeling somewhat corroded or your techniques are feeling somewhat stale?
All things considered, this article will offer you an explicit system that can help!
As of late, I was addressing one of the holistic mentors who is experiencing our Mentor Mentality Tip top Holistic mentor Training and Accreditation. She was amped up for the training and was cherishing the existence instructing ideas. All the more imperatively, she's taking them and making them her own.
Be that as it may, she was confronting somewhat of a test.
Her significant other is wrapping up a propelled degree. They are preparing to move. They've sold their home yet they haven't discovered another one yet. Thus, every part of their life coach durban just feels up the noticeable all around. She's working with a couple of customers however to her point... her life simply isn't taking into account a great deal of training with life instructing customers at the present time.
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So coming into this discussion, she was disappointed... imagining that she couldn't push ahead. To her very own affirmation, she felt stuck.
I tuned in for a bit and after that I think I astounded her with a story.
I revealed to her that back in school, I was truly into Aikido. I disclosed to her that I took classes from a more established man who had gotten the majority of his training in Korea. We quickly discussed what the classes resembled. At that point I clarified that at the higher belt levels, we would take part in full-contact competing. I grinned as I described a portion of the war stories and the wounds from that period of kicks, punches and acting like activity film stars (or that is at any rate how I recall it!).
I'll concede that this little story appeared as though a digression until the point when I took it back to her circumstance.
I clarified that despite the fact that I wasn't extraordinary at it, I adored full-contact saving. It was brisk. It was requesting. Things happened so quick that you needed to apply what you had realized and adjust rapidly.
At that point I stated, "Full-contact fighting is a great deal like life training. You bring learning, methodologies and strategies to both, however when it's an ideal opportunity to fight or holistic mentor... you need to give up and enable nature to assume control."
In any case, at that point I shared a smidgen of my Aikido educator's instructing procedure that I thought would likewise apply to my growing holistic mentor's life.
I stated, "There are approaches to get ready for full-contact competing that can assist you with your life training practice... despite the fact that you can't work with a great deal of customers at the present time." She didn't attempt to veil the amazement in her voice as she stated, "Truly... how?"
I clarified that one of the procedures that our educator used to prepare us for competing was that he would have us envision a fighting circumstance. He would have us thoroughly consider our response in the event that somebody went to punch us with a specific goal in mind. At that point he would push us to imagine an explicit square for a fanciful rival's kick.
He revealed to us that the more nitty gritty we could be in our inner being, the more it would encourage us. Some of the time we would take 5 minutes to do this sort of activity in class yet he would likewise urge us to do this for longer squares of time outside of class.
Explicit kick... explicit square. Explicit punch... explicit square. Slippery kick... imaginative square. Shock snatch... brisk reaction. The majority of this... in our creative energy.
At that point I asked the new mentor, "How might you apply this to rehearsing for an instructing discussion?"
She stated, "Well, I surmise I could consider an explicit customer. I could envision a portion of the things that they are up against or a portion of the choices they are battling with. At that point I could think of a few inquiries that I would need to ask somebody like that."
I stated, "Great" yet I held off on the compulsion to endeavor to seem like Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Child. At that point I asked, "What else?"
She answered, "Gee. Perhaps I could even think of thoughts for what they may state because of my inquiries. And after that I could think of follow up inquiries dependent on that." At that point she stated, "I surmise I would fight rationally... sort of as you did. Just I'd use inquiries rather than punches."
I concurred as a major smile went over my face.
She proceeded with, "This is incredible on the grounds that I have a great deal of time in my vehicle at the present time. So I could simply be running these activities in my mind constantly. I might not have a great deal of time to work with real life instructing customers at the present time, however with this system, I could continue rehearsing."
To make sure she felt great about this, I proceeded to clarify that in business, they likewise call this kind of activity "Situation Arranging." This is when whole groups of individuals are gotten to consider how a crisis or an explicit issue could emerge and afterward they set up an arrangement together to address it. Truth be told, I have a companion who is an abnormal state official with a local power organization. His organization ventures to have the whole administration group amass and after that they are given an emergency on the spot. Next, everybody needs to scramble and address the crisis as though it has truly occurred. They may burn through two entire days managing the issues that could emerge as though they may really occur. This may appear to be a great deal of pointless pressure or work, however this organization (and numerous others) see the incentive in getting ready for circumstances like this... through training.
Presently, should "mental competing" or "situation arranging" replace working with genuine instructing customers? Probably not. That wouldn't work in Jujitsu and it wouldn't work in holistic mentor training.
In this way, I'm not saying that by any stretch of the imagination.
In any case, this sort of activity can surely enable anybody to remain sharp and think of new thoughts... regardless of whether you're another or an accomplished holistic mentor.
In addition, for circumstances like our instructing understudy... who is encountering an insane season in her life when she can't generally rehearse with a genuine customer... this gave an answer that enabled her to "feel unstuck" and keep on pushing ahead in her training.
So here are some explicit strides for what we'll call "Mental Training"
Choose a customer (you can either make up a profile in your psyche or utilize an explicit individual from your life)
Envision that they are coming to you with an explicit test or increasingly broad issue
Work on thinking of a lot of inquiries you would need to request that they begin the discussion
At that point envision them reacting with a certain goal in mind to one of your inquiries.
In light of their reaction... think of a couple of more inquiries that you would need to ask them either to elucidate their reaction or help them push ahead
Proceed in this procedure
You may likewise think that its supportive to make a flowchart of the discussion so you can monitor your inquiries and their envisioned reactions. (this will likewise assist you with recording a portion of the amazing life instructing questions you create as you walk this out)
To outline, there is nothing superior to anything working with a real life training customer to build up your abilities as a first class life mentor. Be that as it may, there can be times when it is useful to have the capacity to rehearse despite the fact that it's unrealistic to work with an individual.
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medicalmarijuana-news · 8 years ago
‘Synthetic Marijuana’ Scare in New York
A rather sensationalistic piece in the New York Times last month luridly headlined: “Drug 85 Times as Potent as Marijuana Caused a “Zombielike’ State in Brooklyn.” Apparently, emergency medical technicians called to a “mass casualty event” in Brooklyn’s Bushwick neighborhood reported multiple people at the scene, “all of whom had a degree of altered mental status that was described by bystanders as ‘zombielike,'” according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Blood and urine samples drawn from eight of the 18 men hospitalized that day revealed they had taken a synthetic cannabinoid called AMB-FUBINACA, originally developed by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, with the street names “AK-47” or “24 Karat Gold.” It is said to be 85 times as potent as the main agent in natural cannabis, THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol.
The Times said the New England Journal of Medicine report ��offers a window into the ever-evolving world of synthetic drugs, which are growing increasingly powerful even as the makers of the illicit substances continue to create new chemical compounds to evade detection.”
The authorities are seemingly using these findings to lubricate a crackdown.
The Hudson Valley’s Daily Freeman reported Jan. 4 that a delicatessen in the town of Newburgh was busted for selling the “synthetic marijuana” product K2, with the owner and a clerk both facing felony charges. Police seized 111 packets of the stuff. The raid, carried out by Newburgh cops and agents of the state police Community Narcotics Enforcement Team, was actually announced in a press release by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, signaling a statewide effort against “synthetic marijuana.”
Said Cuomo in the press release: “Make no mistake: K2 and other synthetic drugs are dangerous and a risk to public health and safety. Selling this poison is illegal and this administration will continue to do everything in its power to get K2 off the streets and hold accountable those who continue to break the law.”
Of course, as we’ve had to point out before, “synthetic marijuana” is an oxymoron. There is no such thing as “synthetic marijuana”—cannabis is a plant, and if it isn’t a plant it isn’t cannabis. This stuff is just any old herbaceous substance (oregano, catnip, whatever) treated with a synthetic chemical concoction designed to mimic (however crudely) the effects of THC. And the new chemical compounds are not developed to “evade detection,” but to stay ahead of the law. When one compound is outlawed, manufacturers just tweak a molecule or two. This does result in products that get further and further afield from actual THC, and avoiding this stuff is a good idea—no matter how enticingly it is packaged. (A photo with Cuomo’s press release shows the K2 was sold as “Green Giant Herbal Potpourri,” with a cute image of a green elfin creature.)
We hate to belabor the obvious, but if they would just legalize cannabis, there wouldn’t be any incentive for sleazy entrepreneurs to be producing bad imitations of the real thing. The market conditions that these manufacturers exploit would be wiped out overnight. Youth would not be lured to try untested chemical compounds, and the state police could save a lot of money spent on hunting the stuff down.
Just sayin’.
You can keep up with all of HIGH TIMES’ marijuana news right here.
from Medical Marijuana News http://ift.tt/2hYxw6S via https://www.potbox.com/
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bountyofbeads · 6 years ago
Mary Robinson on climate change: ‘Feeling “This is too big for me” is no use to anybody’
The former president of Ireland has a new raison d’être: saving the planet. Yet, despite the dire warnings of this week’s IPCC report, she is surprisingly upbeat
by Rory Carroll EXCERPT
She has anticipated the IPCC report by writing a book-cum-manifesto, Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience and the Fight for a Sustainable Future, published this week. It tells stories of farmers and activists, mostly women, who tackle climate change in Africa, Asia and the Americas. They are examples of positive change that Robinson thinks can help turn the tide.
“I don’t think as a human race that we can be so stupid that we can’t face an existential threat together and find a common humanity and solidarity to respond to it. Because we do have the capacity and the means to do it – if we have the political will.”
Climate change may be man-made, but Robinson believes women are key to the solution, through planting trees, recycling waste, eating less meat and a thousand other measures, big and small. “There’s a nurturing quality, a concern for children, that’s very deep in women. And women change behaviour. It’s women who decide what the diet will be. And, of course, in vulnerable countries, it’s women who bear the brunt of climate change.”
The former barrister karate-chops the air for emphasis. “I’ve learned from Archbishop Desmond Tutu to be a ‘prisoner of hope’, a great expression that he uses. That means the glass may not be half full, but there’s something in the glass that you work on. Hope brings energy.”
So, while the Trump administration withholds leadership and money from the global effort for clean energy – “That’s where it hurts” – the US may yet meet Paris emissions targets, thanks to efforts by We Are Still In, a coalition of mayors, governors, tribal leaders, colleges, businesses, faith groups and investors that is continuing to follow the terms of the agreement. The movement to divestment from fossil fuels is also making progress. “They’ve now moved to trillions being divested. That’s very significant.”
Grim scientific prognoses must not paralyse civil society, says Robinson. It must unite, march, organise, pressure politicians. “Feeling a complete inability to do anything – ‘This is too big for me, I give up’ – that’s no use to anybody. [With] despair, all the energy to do something goes out of the room.”
Robinson says she is adapting her own behaviour: fewer flights and more teleconferencing; eating less meat as an “aspirant vegetarian”; using public transport, although she confesses to taking taxis frequently. “I talk to the taxi drivers, that’s my compensation. I get them to message for me. Ten years ago, taxi drivers were the most sceptical about climate change. Now, they’re the most keen to get an electric car, or at least a hybrid.”
At the age of 73, Robinson has carved out a new role in public life. No longer a high-powered global bureaucrat with a big budget and staff, no longer a head of state trailed by pomp, she instead relies on a formidable intellect, her brand name and her social and political network. You could call it soft power, except Robinson does not do soft. She is friendly and courteous, but the famous iron-grip handshake is still there; so too her antiphathy towards smalltalk. The gaze is direct, the sentences exact. When I go off-topic and ask about Brexit, or the Irish presidential election, there is a tight smile. “We’re straying far from the book, aren’t we?”
Supporters and critics have long noted a personal stiffness matched by an unbending commitment to liberal principles. How else would a GP’s daughter from Ballina, County Mayo, emerge in the 1970s as a law professor and outspoken advocate for women’s rights and contraception while other politicians genuflected before the might of the country’s Roman Catholic church? She was denounced from the pulpit and had condoms sent to her in the post. Nominated by the Labour party as a long-shot candidate for the presidency in 1990, she won. It was an astonishing result that prefigured Ireland’s social liberalisation. It enshrined Robinson as a progressive talisman.
Women change behaviour; they decide what the diet will be. And they bear the brunt of climate change
Kofi Annan tapped her up to become the UN’s high commissioner for human rights in 1997, three months before her presidential term ended. It was a rare misstep. She has expressed regret for letting the then secretary general “sort of bully” her into leaving the presidency early to head to Geneva. Later, George W Bush’s administration bristled at her stance on human rights, Palestine and other issues after 9/11, which contributed to her stepping down in 2002.
A year later, Robinson found herself in a Dublin maternity ward holding her first grandchild, Rory. “I was flooded with a sense of adrenaline, a physical sensation unlike anything I had ever felt before,” she writes in Climate Justice. “In that moment, my sense of time altered and I began to think in a time span of a hundred years. I knew instinctively that I would now view Rory’s life through the prism of our planet’s precarious future ... the abstract data on climate change that I had skirted around for so long became deeply personal.”
Robinson was struck by the injustice that those least responsible, such as islanders in Kiribati or herders in Kenya, suffered most from climate change, and by the fact that much of the world ignored scientists’ warnings. Her response is to tell the stories of people such as Sharon Hanshaw, a hairdresser in Mississippi who led community recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina; Constance Okollet, a Ugandan farmer who taught neighbours to plant trees to stop topsoil erosion; and Natalie Isaacs, an Australian entrepreneur who launched an online initiative to help households curb their carbon footprints. “I try to illustrate the hope and the fightback,” says Robinson. “And the need for empathy. We need to have empathy now with those who are suffering ... because that’s where we’ll all be very shortly if we don’t change course.”
Robinson wanted to do a documentary to accompany the book, but she was advised instead to do a podcast. “Being of my generation, I said: ‘What’s a podcast?’” she laughs. She agreed. Thus was born an unlikely phenomenon: Mary Robinson, comedian. The former president co-hosts the podcast Mothers of Invention with Maeve Higgins, an Irish comedian based in New York. They banter while discussing climate change and interviewing guests. “People listen through Maeve, through her questions. It’s making it much more real. There’s no doubt that Maeve is drawing me to the dark side. I’m getting funnier because of that.” Higgins does the comedic heavy lifting, riffing and throwing out lines while Robinson plays the straight foil.
“I’ve learned that young people now in the United States get their politics from comical programmes,” says Robinson. She alludes to The Daily Show, but mixes up Jon Stewart with Jimmy Stewart and Trevor Noah with Trevor Nunn, which is actually pretty funny.
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krytus · 18 days ago
miguel diaz became a karate world champion and you're complaining? john kreese blew up + murdersuicided and youre whining? daniel and johnny bonded to each other for life and its not enough? 🙄
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tenderlyjoyfulpizza-blog · 7 years ago
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I don't understand just what everybody will anticipate from that premise, but I believe I was actually availabled on the sci-fi/paranormal capacity of a team from high school children with their freak abilities finding one thing scary as well as going against this. Addiction and behavioral condition counselors recommend folks which deal with alcohol addiction, medication obsession, eating disorders, or even various other behavior issues. Although managers and also administrators are in virtually catbird seat of the job, this creates an extra organized as well as uniform item or even job flow. When they refer to Corbyn the MP, rather than Corbyn the innovator, in this particular part of north Greater london, people admire his decency, values and hard work. Mona Liesa Marie Wessel from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada earned her Medication in Educational program & Instruction along with an attention in English to Sound speakers of Various other Foreign languages (ESOL) coming from Concordia University-Portland in July 2014. You will definitely throughout your lifestyle have people which will definitely tell you that you are actually inappropriate. Each day, there was one person appointed to grab any sort of trash folks had left behind (certainly not take it out; we had a janitorial staff) as well as a single person delegated to place recipes in the dishwashing machine. A smart problem log tells you which methods you've dealt with (push this girl off a roof; drop a speaker on this 2nd individual) while secured challenges offer you a photo or an idea indicating methods you've yet to discover (push this lady off the rooftop and also directly into the 2nd individual). They talked to professionals off 14 various markets as well as found that legal professionals are actually the absolute most down-trodden when this pertains to their work, along with 8 away from 10 folks who do work in regulation claiming they discover their work boring. As an alternative, Bello believes the people residing in Gough's Cave made the brain cups as component of a routine or interment practice. . This's as if the unit our experts decide to use says something about that we are actually as folks, as well as there is some ancient war of two types of folks being paid through our genetics. Words like blue, environment-friendly, sports, disturbing, being physical, scientific research, math, creating, computers, structure, getting in difficulty, dangerous actions, frightening, fighting, teasing, owning quickly, designing, and also discovering were actually ones lots of people stated described a kid. Dark or melancholy ideas are on replay in your mind and you simply uncommitted enough to establish any add-ons or even connections along with folks. By doing this, you could advise your banking company promptly if there's a suspicious transaction.
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Dr. John Alexander Webb The State South Carolina,  An Inspiration to People Worldwide
Life is not easy right from birth. It comes with a lot of ups and downs but only the strong can maneuver and eventually emerge victorious. This is exactly what Dr. John Alexander Webb The State South Carolina  went through but astonishingly he is one of the most celebrated doctors globally that we have now. To start with, he was born prematurely with a clubbed feet condition. The doctors did not see any chance of Dr. John surviving; they felt there was no hope for him. To their surprise, he did not die and he is now among the best medical physicians. He is based in Myrtle Beach in South Carolina and has been a healthcare administrator for many years.
Indeed Dr. John Alexander Webb could have submerged himself into a pity party situation and use that as an excuse to accomplish nothing in this life. This was not the case for he did not let his condition put him down nor his family’s poor background. While growing up he joined his fellow boys in a number of sports mostly football, bowling, basketball and karate. He enjoyed his youth and interacted well with his peers. Dr. John went to Regent’s University and graduated with a bachelors of Science degree.  He has since been working as the director for Health First while still doing his best to be of assistance to various health organizations.
Without a doubt, Dr. John Alexander Webb is a true inspiration to those that especially feel like life has been unfair to them. He has a heart for the young people and encourages them so much to work hard in order to realize their dreams. He continues to tell them that hard work and patience eventually pays.  Dr. John Alexander Webb is a businessman, a mentor and a volunteer in organizations like, Habitat for humanity. He spends most of his time doing community work. If you truly want to make something worthwhile out of your life then this is the man you need to emulate. You can learn so much from him that will eventually shape your future.
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johnbattlesca · 8 years ago
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Taekwondo Legend Jhoon Rhee
“A picture is worth 1,000 words; an action is worth 1,000 pictures.” — Jhoon Rhee
For decades, we’ve known Jhoon Rhee as the father of taekwondo in America. Without digging too deep into our memories, most of us could tell you that the master is based in Washington, D.C., and that he’s trained elected officials on Capitol Hill for years. Some may also know that Jhoon Rhee was instrumental in the development of martial arts sparring gear back in the 1970s and that in 1983 he was inducted into the Black Belt Hall of Fame as Man of the Year. In martial arts circles, he’s as famous as anyone can be.
Ironically, few people — in America or his native South Korea — know much about Jhoon Rhee other than the aforementioned points. To remedy that, I wrote this article. It presents 10 fun and fascinating facts about taekwondo’s best-known practitioner.
Photo by Sara Fogan
In 1964, Rhee met Bruce Lee at Ed Parker’s International Karate Championship in Long Beach, California. The two became friends and frequently discussed the martial arts, and Rhee wound up teaching a few taekwondo kicks to Bruce Lee.
A number of people vehemently deny that, and if you’re one of them, consider the following: Bruce Lee’s early demonstrations centered on hand techniques that utilized speed and power. His prowess in the physical pursuits stemmed from his experience as a dancer, boxer and wing chun practitioner — none of which was oriented toward kicking. When Lee rose to fame as a kung fu actor, it was well after his collaboration with Rhee had begun.
Now take a look at a Jhoon Rhee side kick — any photo from one of his early taekwondo books or articles will do. Compare that to film footage of Bruce Lee doing a side kick. The techniques are nearly identical.
Jhoon Rhee is also credited with teaching Muhammad Ali the “accu-punch,” a fact that Ali stood behind. The accu-punch is described as a blow that’s done instantly when no thought is given to it. It’s launched as soon as an opponent presents an opening. Ali said he used the punch in 1975 to knock out U.K. heavyweight champ Richard Dunn in one minute 30 seconds. Pretty cool — but wait a minute. Rhee credits Bruce Lee with having taught him more effective hand techniques that didn’t telegraph one’s intent. So maybe it’s more accurate to say Lee taught the punch to Ali through Rhee.
In the 1973 Raymond Chow flick When Taekwondo Strikes, Jhoon Rhee had a role. The setting was one he was all too familiar with: the Japanese occupation of Korea. Rhee demo’d his taekwondo skills on the big screen while portraying a leader of the resistance. He looked forward to more opportunities in showbiz, but Bruce Lee passed away around the time the movie hit the theaters.
That, coupled with the amount of time Rhee was required to be away from his family and his martial arts schools, left a sour taste in his mouth. It ended up being his first and last film.
The karate/kobudo master teamed up with Black Belt magazine to make Fumio Demura Karate Weapons: Complete Video Course. Merging Demura’s classic DVDs with new new kata footage, the program streams lessons on the nunchaku, bo, kama, sai, tonfa and eku bo to your digital device. Details here!
When Jhoon Rhee began teaching the martial arts while studying engineering in Texas in the late 1950s, he advertised his program as karate. Occasionally, he’d use the name tang soo do to denote the style of karate he taught. Using the word “karate” was a wise move because Americans were familiar with it. Virtually no one had heard of taekwondo.
In 1960, Gen. Choi Hong-hi paid a visit to the Texas-based Jhoon Rhee Karate Club. Choi, the founder of the oh do kwan, one of the original five kwan that emerged after Japanese colonial rule, encouraged Rhee to use the new Korean term. Calling it “taekwondo” evoked a sense of freedom and independence, as well as respect for the Korean homeland. Rhee agreed.
The road wasn’t an easy one to follow, but Rhee proved he was more than up to the challenge. His decision to go with the new name made him the United States’ first taekwondo instructor.
Jhoon Rhee possessed a reverse punch and roundhouse kick that were second to none. He could bust boards with either technique. Combine that taekwondo prowess with his strength, balance and flexibility, and you can see that he was an exemplary athlete.
However, it wasn’t always that way. When he was a child, no one thought he’d amount to much physically. “I was the smallest, weakest, most uncoordinated kid in school,” Rhee says. “When I was 6, a 5-year-old girl beat me up. When we ran track, I was always last. No one expected me to succeed in athletics.”
These are a few of the books Jhoon Rhee has written.
Once Jhoon Rhee concluded his studies in Texas, he moved to Washington, D.C. “When I came to Washington in 1962, I wrote many letters to ambassadors telling them to pay attention to their children’s education,” he says. “I told them, ‘If your children come to my school, I guarantee they will make A’s and B’s.’ Some asked, ‘How can you do that?’ I said, ‘If they don’t, they won’t make black belt.’ They immediately began enrolling their kids.
“After a few years, they saw the results. As the various ambassadors’ tenure expired, they had to return to their homelands. Many asked me to share my instructors and teach them in their countries. I didn’t have enough instructors to go around, so I introduced them to my classmates from the 1940s, several of whom traveled to their countries to teach. These instructors would then introduce taekwondo to neighboring countries. The training of ambassadors’ family members would happen again and again as they came and went from Washington.”
The result: More than 179 countries now have access to taekwondo instruction, which is why it was accepted into the Olympics.
Jhoon Rhee and Ronald Reagan in 1981.
Jhoon Rhee has taught more than 350 U.S. senators and representatives. Rep. Bob Livingston (R-Louisiana), Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Illinois) and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-New York) are just a few of those who’ve made it to black belt. Other notable students include former Vice President Joe Biden, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-California) and former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Georgia).
How did Rhee manage to corral so many Congress critters? First, his home base is D.C., a community to which he’s remained committed for years. Second, he endeavors to bring trust, loyalty and honesty to all his relationships. Third, he espouses a philosophy that holds that taking action makes good things happen.
For years, Jhoon Rhee and his students have performed taekwondo routines to The Star Spangled Banner and God Bless America. He calls it martial ballet. The martial arts component represents Eastern culture to the West, and the music symbolizes Western culture to the East. The result is a marriage of East and West designed to promote peace and freedom for all.
“America has really helped Korea, and I am so grateful for this,” Rhee says. “More than 34,000 young people sacrificed their lives for a country they never heard of and people they never met — it’s hard to imagine. Then the Americans helped rebuild Korea’s economy into what it is today.”
Rhee is repulsed when modern Koreans talk negatively about the United States or shout things like “Yankee, go home!” He recalls a time not too long ago when he reminded Koreans of the generosity of Americans:
“During Korea’s last two administrations, there were communists occupying the president’s office. People in the administrations were carefully trying to influence everybody to be anti-American. Five years ago, I went there to give a speech to 300 masters. I said: ‘I heard America is really unpopular now. I want to see how many of you think America is bad.’ Fifty percent raised their hands. I continued my speech, and after I got through with them, I said, ‘If I got you a green card and a one-way ticket, how many of you would come to the U.S. and live?’ One hundred percent raised their hands.”
Wang Bo, formerly of Shaolin Temple, is the featured instructor in an online kung fu course from Black Belt. Titled Tree of Shaolin, it streams video lessons to your preferred digital device. Sign up here and start your journey along the 1,500-year-old Shaolin path!
On April 10, 2007, Jhoon Rhee addressed an assembly of world leaders at the United Nations and gave one of the most moving speeches of all time. Its title was “Mending Our Troubled World With Martial Arts Philosophy of Action.”
He spoke about the need for a vision, arguing that vision is the source of inspiration for reconstructing society. He recalled an answer Helen Keller gave when she was asked what could be more difficult than living without sight. The blind woman said, “Sight without vision.”
Rhee also spoke about education. He outlined his golden rules of teaching: Lead by example and never fail to correct students’ mistakes with a smile — not until they learn but until they develop a habit or skill. He also explained his famous seven qualities of a champion, which apply as much to business and personal relationships as they do to the martial arts: patience, speed, timing, power, balance, flexibility and good posture.
On January 9, 1991, Jhoon Rhee began 11 days of seminars in Moscow. He taught for 18 hours a day, obviously with little rest or free time. On the final day, he sat down with 87 martial artists and conducted a 15-hour question-and-answer session. (Rhee answered every question presented to him, including the old standby: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? He said, “The egg, of course.”)
By the end of the event, the attendees were so inspired that they all changed the names of their schools to Jhoon Rhee Taekwondo.
Jhoon Rhee’s good deeds have garnered him glowing praise from none other than former President George H.W. Bush:
“I’ve known Master Rhee as a leader, a great volunteer and an expert [at taekwondo] since the ’60s. I was elected to Congress at the end of 1966, and it was shortly thereafter that I met him. Master Rhee was teaching a bunch of congressmen, and he did a great job at it. We call him ‘Master Rhee’ because he is at the top of his field here. He brought this marvelous martial art to the United States of America. He’s taught members of Congress [and] has helped children on a volunteer basis and otherwise, too. It’s a great discipline, good exercise. He’s done a lot for our country.”
Floyd Burk is a San Diego-based 10th-degree black belt with more than 40 years of experience in the martial arts. To contact him, visit Independent Karate Schools of America.
from Black Belt» Daily » Black Belt http://www.blackbeltmag.com/daily/traditional-martial-arts-training/taekwondo/10-things-you-didnt-know-about-taekwondo-legend-jhoon-rhee/ 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Taekwondo Legend Jhoon Rhee published first on http://thrandythefabulous.tumblr.com
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thrandythefabulous · 8 years ago
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Taekwondo Legend Jhoon Rhee
“A picture is worth 1,000 words; an action is worth 1,000 pictures.” — Jhoon Rhee
For decades, we’ve known Jhoon Rhee as the father of taekwondo in America. Without digging too deep into our memories, most of us could tell you that the master is based in Washington, D.C., and that he’s trained elected officials on Capitol Hill for years. Some may also know that Jhoon Rhee was instrumental in the development of martial arts sparring gear back in the 1970s and that in 1983 he was inducted into the Black Belt Hall of Fame as Man of the Year. In martial arts circles, he’s as famous as anyone can be.
Ironically, few people — in America or his native South Korea — know much about Jhoon Rhee other than the aforementioned points. To remedy that, I wrote this article. It presents 10 fun and fascinating facts about taekwondo’s best-known practitioner.
Photo by Sara Fogan
In 1964, Rhee met Bruce Lee at Ed Parker’s International Karate Championship in Long Beach, California. The two became friends and frequently discussed the martial arts, and Rhee wound up teaching a few taekwondo kicks to Bruce Lee.
A number of people vehemently deny that, and if you’re one of them, consider the following: Bruce Lee’s early demonstrations centered on hand techniques that utilized speed and power. His prowess in the physical pursuits stemmed from his experience as a dancer, boxer and wing chun practitioner — none of which was oriented toward kicking. When Lee rose to fame as a kung fu actor, it was well after his collaboration with Rhee had begun.
Now take a look at a Jhoon Rhee side kick — any photo from one of his early taekwondo books or articles will do. Compare that to film footage of Bruce Lee doing a side kick. The techniques are nearly identical.
Jhoon Rhee is also credited with teaching Muhammad Ali the “accu-punch,” a fact that Ali stood behind. The accu-punch is described as a blow that’s done instantly when no thought is given to it. It’s launched as soon as an opponent presents an opening. Ali said he used the punch in 1975 to knock out U.K. heavyweight champ Richard Dunn in one minute 30 seconds. Pretty cool — but wait a minute. Rhee credits Bruce Lee with having taught him more effective hand techniques that didn’t telegraph one’s intent. So maybe it’s more accurate to say Lee taught the punch to Ali through Rhee.
In the 1973 Raymond Chow flick When Taekwondo Strikes, Jhoon Rhee had a role. The setting was one he was all too familiar with: the Japanese occupation of Korea. Rhee demo’d his taekwondo skills on the big screen while portraying a leader of the resistance. He looked forward to more opportunities in showbiz, but Bruce Lee passed away around the time the movie hit the theaters.
That, coupled with the amount of time Rhee was required to be away from his family and his martial arts schools, left a sour taste in his mouth. It ended up being his first and last film.
The karate/kobudo master teamed up with Black Belt magazine to make Fumio Demura Karate Weapons: Complete Video Course. Merging Demura’s classic DVDs with new new kata footage, the program streams lessons on the nunchaku, bo, kama, sai, tonfa and eku bo to your digital device. Details here!
When Jhoon Rhee began teaching the martial arts while studying engineering in Texas in the late 1950s, he advertised his program as karate. Occasionally, he’d use the name tang soo do to denote the style of karate he taught. Using the word “karate” was a wise move because Americans were familiar with it. Virtually no one had heard of taekwondo.
In 1960, Gen. Choi Hong-hi paid a visit to the Texas-based Jhoon Rhee Karate Club. Choi, the founder of the oh do kwan, one of the original five kwan that emerged after Japanese colonial rule, encouraged Rhee to use the new Korean term. Calling it “taekwondo” evoked a sense of freedom and independence, as well as respect for the Korean homeland. Rhee agreed.
The road wasn’t an easy one to follow, but Rhee proved he was more than up to the challenge. His decision to go with the new name made him the United States’ first taekwondo instructor.
Jhoon Rhee possessed a reverse punch and roundhouse kick that were second to none. He could bust boards with either technique. Combine that taekwondo prowess with his strength, balance and flexibility, and you can see that he was an exemplary athlete.
However, it wasn’t always that way. When he was a child, no one thought he’d amount to much physically. “I was the smallest, weakest, most uncoordinated kid in school,” Rhee says. “When I was 6, a 5-year-old girl beat me up. When we ran track, I was always last. No one expected me to succeed in athletics.”
These are a few of the books Jhoon Rhee has written.
Once Jhoon Rhee concluded his studies in Texas, he moved to Washington, D.C. “When I came to Washington in 1962, I wrote many letters to ambassadors telling them to pay attention to their children’s education,” he says. “I told them, ‘If your children come to my school, I guarantee they will make A’s and B’s.’ Some asked, ‘How can you do that?’ I said, ‘If they don’t, they won’t make black belt.’ They immediately began enrolling their kids.
“After a few years, they saw the results. As the various ambassadors’ tenure expired, they had to return to their homelands. Many asked me to share my instructors and teach them in their countries. I didn’t have enough instructors to go around, so I introduced them to my classmates from the 1940s, several of whom traveled to their countries to teach. These instructors would then introduce taekwondo to neighboring countries. The training of ambassadors’ family members would happen again and again as they came and went from Washington.”
The result: More than 179 countries now have access to taekwondo instruction, which is why it was accepted into the Olympics.
Jhoon Rhee and Ronald Reagan in 1981.
Jhoon Rhee has taught more than 350 U.S. senators and representatives. Rep. Bob Livingston (R-Louisiana), Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Illinois) and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-New York) are just a few of those who’ve made it to black belt. Other notable students include former Vice President Joe Biden, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-California) and former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Georgia).
How did Rhee manage to corral so many Congress critters? First, his home base is D.C., a community to which he’s remained committed for years. Second, he endeavors to bring trust, loyalty and honesty to all his relationships. Third, he espouses a philosophy that holds that taking action makes good things happen.
For years, Jhoon Rhee and his students have performed taekwondo routines to The Star Spangled Banner and God Bless America. He calls it martial ballet. The martial arts component represents Eastern culture to the West, and the music symbolizes Western culture to the East. The result is a marriage of East and West designed to promote peace and freedom for all.
“America has really helped Korea, and I am so grateful for this,” Rhee says. “More than 34,000 young people sacrificed their lives for a country they never heard of and people they never met — it’s hard to imagine. Then the Americans helped rebuild Korea’s economy into what it is today.”
Rhee is repulsed when modern Koreans talk negatively about the United States or shout things like “Yankee, go home!” He recalls a time not too long ago when he reminded Koreans of the generosity of Americans:
“During Korea’s last two administrations, there were communists occupying the president’s office. People in the administrations were carefully trying to influence everybody to be anti-American. Five years ago, I went there to give a speech to 300 masters. I said: ‘I heard America is really unpopular now. I want to see how many of you think America is bad.’ Fifty percent raised their hands. I continued my speech, and after I got through with them, I said, ‘If I got you a green card and a one-way ticket, how many of you would come to the U.S. and live?’ One hundred percent raised their hands.”
Wang Bo, formerly of Shaolin Temple, is the featured instructor in an online kung fu course from Black Belt. Titled Tree of Shaolin, it streams video lessons to your preferred digital device. Sign up here and start your journey along the 1,500-year-old Shaolin path!
On April 10, 2007, Jhoon Rhee addressed an assembly of world leaders at the United Nations and gave one of the most moving speeches of all time. Its title was “Mending Our Troubled World With Martial Arts Philosophy of Action.”
He spoke about the need for a vision, arguing that vision is the source of inspiration for reconstructing society. He recalled an answer Helen Keller gave when she was asked what could be more difficult than living without sight. The blind woman said, “Sight without vision.”
Rhee also spoke about education. He outlined his golden rules of teaching: Lead by example and never fail to correct students’ mistakes with a smile — not until they learn but until they develop a habit or skill. He also explained his famous seven qualities of a champion, which apply as much to business and personal relationships as they do to the martial arts: patience, speed, timing, power, balance, flexibility and good posture.
On January 9, 1991, Jhoon Rhee began 11 days of seminars in Moscow. He taught for 18 hours a day, obviously with little rest or free time. On the final day, he sat down with 87 martial artists and conducted a 15-hour question-and-answer session. (Rhee answered every question presented to him, including the old standby: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? He said, “The egg, of course.”)
By the end of the event, the attendees were so inspired that they all changed the names of their schools to Jhoon Rhee Taekwondo.
Jhoon Rhee’s good deeds have garnered him glowing praise from none other than former President George H.W. Bush:
“I’ve known Master Rhee as a leader, a great volunteer and an expert [at taekwondo] since the ’60s. I was elected to Congress at the end of 1966, and it was shortly thereafter that I met him. Master Rhee was teaching a bunch of congressmen, and he did a great job at it. We call him ‘Master Rhee’ because he is at the top of his field here. He brought this marvelous martial art to the United States of America. He’s taught members of Congress [and] has helped children on a volunteer basis and otherwise, too. It’s a great discipline, good exercise. He’s done a lot for our country.”
Floyd Burk is a San Diego-based 10th-degree black belt with more than 40 years of experience in the martial arts. To contact him, visit Independent Karate Schools of America.
from Black Belt» Daily » Black Belt http://www.blackbeltmag.com/daily/traditional-martial-arts-training/taekwondo/10-things-you-didnt-know-about-taekwondo-legend-jhoon-rhee/
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