#go fuck yourself you zionist motherfucker.
brickdykehouse · 4 months
A few quotes from Israeli leaders that may interest some people:
“Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.”
— David Ben Gurion. Quoted on 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.
12 July 1937, Ben-Gurion entered in his diary: “The compulsory transfer of the Arabs from the valleys of the proposed Jewish state could give us something which we never had, even when we stood on our own feet during the days of the First and Second Temple
– a Galilee free from Arab population."
These quotes clearly illustrate Ben Gurion's intentions to expulse palestinians from their land, and considered any resistant to their invasion as "terrorism". It also displays that the basis for the foundation of Israel was completely religious, and it doesn't take a genius to know that religion is no basis or justification for the Nakba. Additionally, kinda racist.
“If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical reckoning of the people of Israel.”
Ben-Gurion (Quoted on pp 855-56 in Shabtai Teveth’s Ben-Gurion in a slightly different translation).
Ben Gurion here admits that he would sacrifice half of all jewish children in Nazi Germany in favour of founding an Israeli state. The founder and first president of Israel stated verbatim that he would favour the state of Israel over the lives of the Jewish children who would fall victim to the holocaust. That is, fundamentally, a fucked up position to hold, and is far from what any decent person would choose to do, Jewish or not
But what about modern Israel?
I encourage you to look through this database. The things contained would shock any reasonable person.
Genociders aren't reasonable. There is not religious justification of genocide. I have the utmost respect for the Jewish faith and I fully believe in the rights of the Jewish people, but I will not stand for Religion being used to justify a genocide, by anyone, for any reason.
Zionists portray the only solution to the plight of the jewish people being the formation of Israel and, in the process, the expulsion and extermination of Palestinians and I say to that, Bull-fucking-shit.
There have been many groups of people across history that have been opressed and undervalued. Not once has there ever been a push for a Transgender nation that would expel others from their rightful land. The Zionist solution ignores the idea of any kind of civil rights movement that would establish the Jewish people as a protected group like others. Genocide is not a civil rights movement.
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gryficowa · 1 month
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A strange gif with Bluey appeared on my screen
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I know, too random
Now that I have your attention:
And yes, liberals still piss me off, no change, no, Harris is not a good option, she's a fucking Zionist and has a fucking history of supporting Israel
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Besides, Harris' fans don't even talk about Palestine, they only use it as emotional blackmail (Blue MEGA, fuck you), because hello, these motherfuckers were happy about the attack on the strikers, and many of them still believe in Israeli propaganda about Hamas, so it is clear that the only thing they need Palestine for is to, to force people to vote for blue terrorists
In addition, they call everyone bots, even though they keep saying the same slogans, which indicates that if someone is a bot, they fucking
If you support pinkwashing and homonationalism, don't fucking call yourself a supporter of LGBT+ people
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mikichko · 3 months
Let me make something abundantly clear to you fucking smooth brain motherfuckers since apparently me saying it nicely isn’t getting through your thick fucking skulls. If you are a zionist or reblogging anything like this get the fuck off my blog.
I do not want you here.
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Don’t come in here and try to fucking argue about both sides when my friends have had entire branches of their families wiped out by Israel. Do not fucking let yourself think for a second that I have respect for any of you cunts that think that just because jewish people survived a literal genocide it somehow prevents them from carrying out one in the modern day. Especially after everything we’ve seen coming out of Gaza.
Go fuck yourself.
As always: Free Palestine. From the river to the sea.
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ihavebeesinmybrain · 11 months
im so fucking sick of seeing posts of people trying to assert their moral superiority by talking about how they’re so appalled by people continuing to post normal content given what’s happening in gaza right now and how it’s so dystopian that folks are going to halloween parties while civilians are being bombed. like????? YEAH babes, we LIVE IN A DYSTOPIA. is this news to you???
this pressure for everyone to have something to say about every human rights issue, every political topic, every current event, every injustice is absurd. not every voice should be a part of these conversations. not everyone has the information and perspective to speak constructively on these issues and platforming their voices is only going to cause harm.
who does it serve when you sit around feeling guilty all day that you’re not the one being bombed? who does it serve for you to get on tiktok and post about how sad this is for *you*?
yes, we should never bury our heads in the sand and turn a blind eye. but it’s also unrealistic to expect everyone around the globe to stop their entire lives and spend every waking moment just ruminating on the tragedy of human suffering. there are absolutely actions we all can and should take. contacting representatives, donating if and when we’re able, educating the people in our lives who are falling victim to zionist propaganda, attending protests, building community in our own areas, sharing information and action items from the activists who have been doing this work since way before all of you self-righteous white guilt ridden motherfuckers showed up here. but doing those things doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything else.
real people’s death and suffering, a literal ethnic cleansing that is occurring in real time, is not your chance to prove to everyone online what a good person you are. like it’s actually disgusting the way people are using this crisis as an opportunity to virtue signal and posture as a hashtag ally.
and anyone who has actually been involved in activism and organizing will tell you that you CAN’T let these things consume you. you MUST take care of yourself. you can NOT wallow in secondhand suffering. because when you burn yourself out you can’t help anybody. that path leads straight to nihilism. the only purpose that serves is to waste your energy and feed your ego.
yes, we live in a dystopia. and if we sit around all day feeling sad about that, then the oppressive dystopic institutions responsible for atrocities like the genocide of palestinians are the only ones benefiting. it is revolutionary to love ourselves, to care for ourselves, to carve out joy for ourselves in a world that has been designed so that the ruling class and the powers that be can sit back and relax while they pick us off and profit off of our pain and oppression the entire time.
nothing i am saying here is new. it’s been said far more eloquently by so many people who came before me. but this just makes me so fucking mad. because when you hop on tiktok or twitter or what the fuck ever and rage post about how other people aren’t as empathetic as you?? all that tells me is that you’re someone who shows up when there’s a big injustice or crisis that everyone’s talking about and the rest of the time, *you* are burying your head in the sand. *you* are turning a blind eye. *you* are not consistently doing the work and fighting for collective liberation. because shit like this happens every fucking day. what is happening in gaza is not new. but it’s new to you, isn’t it? and you need everyone to see what a good person you are for caring so much? absolutely fuck off.
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newdayslinguine · 2 years
Self help talks money walks everybody wants to change with a two week course if ya like me you need a little trick cause ya currently shit at dealing with conflict
Dont start a fight but don’t avoid everything in life you got to get it just right (heres your solution) a role model for you conflict resolution; superman, too fictitious and laser vision is a little too vicious jesus christ, yes turn the other cheek but if done every time it gets me beat
You need a six foot two bespectacled motherfucker who wont suffer no fool hes a big bad dog from the bbc and he wont break eye contact with a nazi
(Youre in charge you can do it just get louis theroux it youre in charge you can do it just get louis g g g get louis) youre in charge you can do it just get louis, get louis dont get scared but dont pursue it get louis get louis
Hey nice shirt arsehole!
I couldn’t help but feel there’d been a communication breakdown between the random man thatd shouted at me on the street and myself
What the fuck is that whos speaking right now
Shut up
I regret that i had lost my temper
I apologise for shouting in anger
But my hopes were through genuine discourse we could dissolve the tension that had grown between us
Step 1 ask a question make it surprisingly genuine (do you feel the need go comment of other peoples shirts because you know your own shirt is shit)
Step 2 dont react dont retract but dont attack theres only one rule from here on out;
(Keep eye contact, keep eye contact, keep eye contact, keep eye contact) even when they leave (KEEP) even when they sleep (KEEP) make sure that you are the one thats staring at them in their dreams (dreams dream drea dre dre dre dre dre dre dre dream dream dreams)
YOURE in charge you can doit (ask a question keep control) get louis get louis STARE INTO THEIR MORTAL SOUL youre in charge you can do it invade their mind while they’re unconscious
(Youre in charge you can do it) feast upon their weak subconscious
Upon invading the dreams of my most recent victim id begun to feel my host body had become quarrelsome and resistant
Hello? Whos speaking?
I am me i am you you are me we are louis
I dont care who what why why is- oh my god what did you do to him?
I am louis
I am louis
I am louis I was beginning to feel
No! No beginning to feel no reflective gonzo journalism and nodemonic posession!
Louis was meant to resolve conflict youre just creating more pain
There is no p p p pain there is no hurt there can be no suffering ig there is only louis (i am louis i am louis) and this is your house is it
Stop it now this is too niche a content
Silence mortal! You have invoked louis within your own mind and for that there is no content too niche no reference too obscure no logical progression of joke too stupid and absurd with thine eyes we see all every conceivable past every possible future and every twelve year old neonazi female body builder ultra zionist and westboro baptist member that dares meet our gaze shall join our fold as sure as you yourself shall be louis!
I was beginning to feel omnipotent
Youre in charge you can do it deal with conflict treat them kind get louis! Get louis! Hold their soul and bend their mind youre in charge you can do it! You can set up your own rhyme when you see through all space and time
Youre in charge you can do it g g g get louis g g g get louis!
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noshizzle · 4 years
Tweets 2020
Pedos rule in this upside down From banks to the churches, from the law to the crown The implicated elite are feeling the heat They're being exposed & must be deposed Yet here they are, dictating the rules 
Blindly obeyed by programmed fools.
Ghislaine Maxwell may conveniently die, then walk away scott free.  Protected by Mossad, the FBI, & the compromised powers that be.
People getting busy, heads down in the sand  Land grab, fuckin money grab, This shit is outta hand  Fighting, hating, where is the love?  We gotta come together and rise above   the motherfuckers bringing us down,  the banking cartel running this town
It’s amazing to me, that people can’t see   What’s right in front of their eyes  It’s out in the open, they’ve told us for years  It should come as no big surprise.
When a vaccine wielding psychopath is kicking down your door   You’ll wish you’d acted sooner, coz now it’s fucking law   You’ll never find benevolence where tyranny exists  Just overbearing ruthlessness of ever-tightening fists
Donations funnelled to corporate accounts  Trillions given to banks  Get up stand up it’s time to denounce  The corrupt the crooks & the cranks 
Bullshit Lies Manipulation   Obedience now a stipulation  Comply when told your soul's being sold  Its value more precious than silver & gold
Our future freedom’s a going concern  Reality’s false, when will we learn?
Unite together & stand as one  Cease the division, rise like the sun  There’s a greater enemy pulling the strings   A controlling force, with darkness it brings  Twisted domination & oppression of all  Insidious, disguised, till the last curtain call
Subversion, frustration, blinding a nation  Fake truths, fake news, misinformation  Egos collide, reaching fever pitch  As the plan unfolds without a fucking hitch
The reset agenda  Flip the switch, focus shift  Monarch of media  Bank robbery, rolling out on script  Mega bailouts, eliminating debt Competition is a sin  Shakeout the global economy  So the few can win
Starring bad actors, the world is a stage  Scripted to bring you more fear, and rage  This is war, make no mistake  The ones asleep must now awake!
Riots, looting, tear gas, shooting  Dictators rule, Xi, Trump, Putin  Division, derision, underlying a vision  The boot on us all, the cities our prison   It’s time to leave old shackles behind  Open your eyes & open your mind
Problem reaction solution  At the core of this mental pollution  We protest worldwide   We know that they lied  The light is on, there’s nowhere to hide
I control my destiny not you, you can’t tell me what to do.  You don’t own me, I’m not your slave.  I pay your wages, so you behave.  I feel the power rise within, it transmutes fear, it’s where I begin.
2020 news is stranger the fiction  Designed in part to fuel your addiction  Agent provocateurs, so obvious in the crowd  Destruction is encouraged, free speech is not allowed.
Monkeys steal the virus  Soros funds the riots  Covid lies are wearing thin  Shifting poles, planets backspin   Media gaslights, none of it’s true  The orange man exits the WHO
Babylon burns over George Floyd’s murder  Rise up America, it can go no further  Educate yourself, you’re being conned  Stand up & fight, break the bond  Tear it down, build anew  The time is now, expose the few  Corporate criminals with untold greed  Unite as one if u want to be freed.
Social engineering causes blindness to the truth, yet the arrogance of ignorance is going through the roof.   Wake the fuck up & look at the proof...
Fuck the billionaires, the parasitical scum.  Fuck the fake celebrities, so insincere & dumb.  Fuck the New World Order, fuck the new regime, fuck the psyop mind control and zionist machine.
Track me, trace me, keep me from harm.  The next wave's coming, sound the alarm.  Lockstep lockdown worked like a charm.  Enjoy for a second this manufactured calm.
A web of lies in a web of spies. The truth gets deleted, it's no surprise. The tunnel vision of brainwashed eyes threatens the future of all our lives.
Fuck the corporations, it's time to take them down.  Fuck their propaganda, let's run them outta town.  Stop clicking on their bait, keep your cash & churn.  Stop falling for their hate, watch them crash & burn.
Sign up now to become a narc, snitch at the beach, at the mall, in the park. Wield your power, go on the hunt. Report your friends you fascist little cunt.
Under house arrest for a flu at best, a hyped-up virus with a bogus test. A covert operation as blatant as hell, wake up people, break free from the spell.
Manipulative mass media designed to feed you lies, a plan to take complete control rolled out before our eyes.
What the fuck is going on, is this the burning of Babylon?
Complacency, compliance, keep the masses down. CIA intelligence, a presidential clown.
Predictive programming, it's on the rise. Critical thinking has taken a dive. There's a war on death to stay alive, roll out the vaccine to help us survive.
A friendly state reminder, you're nothing but a slave. Don't question what we tell you...believe, be quiet, behave.
The battle lines are drawn in this psychological war, where fear is the weapon & the zombies want more.
Political games for ultimate gains, corruption prevails, injustice remains.
Writing rhymes in these dark times, while censorship is praised for concealing the crimes.
Lies to the left of me, dissension to the right. Control bearing down with military might.
Shit’s going down to say the least. The poor go starving while the rich they feast. Into the darkness I shine my light. Love and truth will win this fight.
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brickdykehouse · 4 months
There's a constant, 24/7 stream of footage from Palestine of murdered children in an ongoing genocide and yet somehow I'm supposed to be versed in political history before I can say it's wrong. Well I am, but I shouldn't have to be.
I've seen, with my own two eyes, more bodies of dead children than I could ever care to see again, killed without care and for fun, with bullets and bombs, tiny charred hunks of flesh that used to be innocent, hopeful children, and I'm supposed to accept that it's just part of getting rid of a "Terrorist" Organisation? On the basis of unsubstantiated claims made by a genocidal regime?
Fuck that, fuck Israel, and fuck you if you hold any other opinion than "Hey maybe we should stop the genocide?"
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brickdykehouse · 4 months
It's really important to actually understand 7/10 so you can understand the Israeli role. Once again, most of the destruction was done by the Israeli military.
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brickdykehouse · 4 months
If you think that the IOF, one of the most technologically advanced militaries in the world, is 'accidentally' killing thousands of civilians by accident, then you're stupid. The IOF has access to US technology, funding, and intelligence, and there is no way that the slaughter is unintentional. At BEST, the IOF simply do not consider extensive civilian casualties, the lifes of innocent palestinians to be above being rid of Hamas, and whats probable is that they are deliberately going for mas casualties. This is a genocide.
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brickdykehouse · 4 months
So the IOF has, according to their own admission, occupied the Gaza-Egypt border. Essentially:
The IOF are, by their own admission, cutting off any escape for Palestinian civilians. Further, they've already stated that they won't let any men of "Fighting Age" pass. Considering what Israel considers to be the minimum age of combatants, we could see civilian children as young as ten be trapped in Gaza. Depending on how well Israel's media blackout works, they could be in grave danger of mass execution.
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brickdykehouse · 4 months
I'm confused... you say that those are acts of genocide but none of them are in line with the definition you gave? It doesn't just say 'when civilians are killed' or 'when combatants are killed' or 'when a city is bombed' - those are all just aspects of war. Hell, it doesn't even say 'when a city is indiscriminately bombed' because no one would call Hiroshima or Nagasaki genocides.
Awful, yes. Genocide, no.
I'm not going to comment on the veracity of your claims (many of which sound a whole lot like propaganda), but even if they were all accurate that still doesn't constitute a genocide. It just sounds like a war to me, or, more specifically, a seige.
Considering the targets are largely civilian residential, medical, and education, it does constitute a genocide. Genocide isn't defined by the method, its defined by the intended result. Considering that Israeli politicians themselves have been quoted as wishing to render the strip "unlivable" and describe Palestinians as "human animals", it would constitute a genocide.
If the IDF ACTUALLY wanted to eliminate Hamas, they could do so effectively with minimal civilian casualties. Israel is backed by the USA, one of the largest intelligence agencies in the world. Israel could have gone in, eliminated hamas, freed the hostages, and left. Except they decided to carpet bomb the strip and deny humanitarian aid. Israel has killed more hostages themselves than Hamas has.
And before you say "Hamas supporter!": I think that both Hamas and the Israeli government have committed war crimes and atrocities. I also realise that one is doing it on a larger scale against millions of people, and the other took a few hundred hostages which they *said they would release if Israel stopped bombing the strip and killing civilians, which Israel ignored*
Hamas even SAID that they would submit to the decision of the ICC in a ceasefire scenario. All Israel needs to do is to just... stop bombing the strip, stop murdering civilians rampantly, and they get: Hamas's leaders arrested, Hostages returned, and Peace.
But they don't want that. The Israeli war cabinet hungers for the blood of the palestinian people, and that is evident.
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brickdykehouse · 4 months
Do you have any source on the IDF intentionally targeting women and children? Or did you just see a meme about it?
The only people intentionally targeting civilians here is Hamas, who also just admitted to significantly over reporting the death of women and children, cutting their reported number by nearly half.
Plus, the only reason Rafah is being attacked is because Hamas decided to go there too, and bring hostages with them. Israel had been very clear on its goals: destroy Hamas and get the hostages back.
And even if everything you said was true (it's not) that *still* wouldn't even come close to a genocide.
You've fallen for so much propaganda, it's honestly sad.
If Israel's goal was to be rid of Hamas and retrieve hostages, they would of accepted the ceasefire deal that would've resulted in Hamas disbanding and the hostages being returned, which Israel said no to!
The hamas leaders stated they would VOLUNTARILY submit to the ICC prosecutors in the scenario where a permanent ceasefire was achieved. Israel refuses any deal that would result in a ceasefire because what they care about is razing the strip to the ground, as many of the war cabinet have been QUOTED saying PUBLICALLY.
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