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luthqrs · 3 months ago
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“She never even made it off the table.” JENNIFER JAREAU in CRIMINAL MINDS 6x18 | 'Lauren'
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stevenuniversallyreviews · 6 years ago
Episode 121: Rocknaldo
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“I don't love that. I don't accept that.”
Ronaldo Fryman has always been annoying.
From his first speaking role in Cat Fingers, and his first starring role in Keep Beach City Weird, this has been obvious. He’s selfish and insensitive, dominating every conversation he’s a part of and refusing to respect viewpoints that differ from his. He works well in small doses, where his grating nature can be properly diluted, so it’s understandable that an entire episode of Ronaldo at peak Ronaldo is not a widely beloved entry in the Steven Universe canon. But even though I can’t stand watching Rocknaldo, I actually, uh, kind of love it.
That’s a hard “uh, kind of” though. It’s tough to separate my emotions about this one, because I respect such an incredible portrayal of toxic fandom, but I hate toxic fandom so much that I don’t enjoy spending time with it, even as parody. This isn’t an episode I’m ever in the mood for, but it’s just so good at what it’s doing that I can’t stay mad at it.
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Ronaldo’s propaganda is first played for laughs, with Steven’s bewilderment at what he’s reading (“They’re adding mind-controlling minerals to our water suppl—they hate men?”) and the vaudevillian back and forth of Ronaldo’s Rock People talking points and Steven’s quick and absolute dismissals. Ronaldo’s embarrassment is a bit of a surprise considering he’s never seemed capable of such a sensation, and his willingness to admit he’s wrong seems like a good sign, but oh boy does that attitude not last.
The mindset that led Ronaldo to make his bad faith arguments in pamphlet form (which he calls Ronalphlets because heaven forbid we get the idea that it’s not about him) persists, and it’s so much worse in conversation than as printed media. It’s not enough that he impedes on Steven’s personal space, but he checks off multiple key items on the Pathetic Internet Troll I Find Useless List (or “PITIFUL” if we’re using proper jargon). He’s casually sexist. He negs Steven into accepting his intrusions. He gatekeeps the concept of being a “true” Crystal Gem, which is lousy in a bubble but so much worse in practice because he’s doing it to an actual Crystal Gem. He gaslights by stating his incorrect views as obvious facts, complete with his own lingo, to make Steven question his own validity. And perhaps worst of all, he takes advantage of Steven’s empathetic nature to pretend that a tolerant person must accept abuse.
On the one hand, Ronaldo’s extreme behavior can be chalked up to severe sleep loss; that’s certainly the angle the episode goes for. But on the other, his toxicity begins well before he decides to stop sleeping, and as someone whose record for consecutive waking hours is an inadvisable thirty-six, fatigue will make you cranky, but it won’t make you more conniving. In cartoon world it’s a clean device to up Ronaldo’s awfulness in a way we can walk back from, but ugh he’s still a trashfire. Zach Callison always deserves kudos, and Rocknaldo is no exception, but Zachary Steel wins out here for capturing such a loathsome version of his character.
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A key ingredient for Rocknaldo is timing. Steven just had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, and this is our first glimpse at how it’s changed him, so what better way to test our all-loving hero than to pit him against a black hole of selfishness? He’s grown a lot since Keep Beach City Weird in a way Ronaldo hasn’t, and while his instinct is still kindness, now there’s a welcome dose of teen moodiness mixed in. 
It takes a while for Steven to realize it’s a grift, but beyond this slowness being a necessity for the conflict of the episode to work, it makes sense for where he’s at this point in the show. Again, kindness is an instinct for this kid, and even when Ronaldo starts getting infuriating, we’ve seen Steven be patient with him before. He’s also got that martyr complex revved up: this isn’t the first or last time he’s been willing to suffer to make someone else comfortable. He knows how much it sucks to be called the wrong name by now, so he’s the only person who consistently calls Ronaldo “Bloodstone.” And considering Rose Quartz wasn’t what he thought, he now feels that he must double his efforts to be his best self to compensate.
Also important is Steven’s willingness to defend his friends from the start, calling the term “Rock People” offensive and defending the Gems’ decision to leave Ronaldo behind on a dangerous mission. He can take Ronaldo’s lousiness all day, but finally snaps when Connie’s worthiness is insulted. It’s sweet that he sticks up for people, but it’s a bummer that he probably would’ve put up with Ronaldo even longer if the only one suffering was himself. Steven would do anything for his friends, but he’s not doing much for Steven.
This is why Ronaldo is the ideal antagonist for an episode coming off Steven’s space adventure. Steven’s selflessness contrasts perfectly with Ronaldo’s selfishness, but instead of a story about selflessness being good and selfishness being bad, we see how selflessness isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Yes, it’s good to care about others, but it’s also important to have boundaries and enough self-respect to defend yourself; this isn’t even the first time we’ve gotten this message, but it bears repeating. There’s are limits to tolerance that trolls will always exploit (“White Nationalists aren’t welcome here? So much for the ‘Tolerant Left!’”), and on a show about empathy we need for Steven (and the audience) to see that empathy doesn’t mean being a doormat.
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Steven’s patience fuels the episode, but the wheels are greased by the Amethyst and Pearl’s disdain. It’s a minor part of Rocknaldo, but I’m not sure I could survive how grating Ronaldo is without some backup from the Gems.
Garnet may lead a slow clap at Steven’s rousing speech on the nature of acceptance, but Amethyst is happy to crack jokes at Ronaldo’s self-seriousness, down to that perfect impression near the end of the episode. Meanwhile, Pearl openly hates the guy. We don’t even get Sassy Pearl (perhaps the greatest Pearl of all), she’s just bluntly dismissive as a refreshing antidote to Steven’s hospitality. She doesn’t bother to remember his ridiculous new name because she refuses to humor the notion that he’s a Gem, and it totally works for me; misnaming is played for drama when Steven is concerned, as befits the trans allegory that comes to a head in Change Your Mind, but Ronaldo is a human belittling Steven’s identity by pretending he shares it, so “Bloodstone” isn’t worth getting right to her (it helps that “Fryrocko” is also a delightful thing to call somebody). This jokey take on names works in the moment, but more importantly primes us for a more serious take in our last scene.
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The final conversation, after a rare time jump, does salvage Ronaldo somewhat. He apologizes and admits he was acting like a jerk, and remains dedicated to helping the Crystal Gems in his own weird way. But the root of his problem isn’t gonna up and go away, and that root, again, is selfishness. He doesn’t fit in because he would rather the world adjust to meet his whims than take a single step towards self-improvement, so he chooses to see himself as “the ultimate outsider.” I guess it’s nice to find a positive spin on qualities you’re not great at, but it reeks of self-importance in a way that’s true to the character but is still frustrating to watch. Ronaldo is very good at being who he is, but I just don’t have much patience for intentionally annoying characters.
Still, we get that lovely moment of Steven talking about his name; it’s not a big revelation that folks only call him Rose Quartz when they’re mad at him, but verbalizing it shows that he’s aware of the pattern. The issue of his name will pop up more and more, becoming a cornerstone of both the Season 4 and Season 5 finales, so it’s nice to discuss it in a calm moment so we can keep Steven’s opinion in the back of our minds when things get messy. Ronaldo, to his credit, asks permission before sharing this story on his pamphlet, and evokes fellow emotionally-challenged antagonist Zuko in his attempt at solidarity. (Fun fact: in no other way is Ronaldo similar to Zuko.)
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Moving from Zuko to Zuke: I don’t know where Rocknaldo’s production lined up on the timeline of the Steven Universe fandom's worst elements harassing Jesse Zuke, but I hope Zuke got some level of catharsis in portraying such “fans” in this pathetic manner. Speaking as a guy with a blog, calling Ronaldo “just a guy with a blog” is perfect putdown for a loser that makes himself feel big by pretending to know how to run a ship better than the captain. Imagine if I spent every post saying how much better of a storyteller I am than this crew. Ugh.
Fandoms can do great things, but man are they pros at doing horrible things. During the week that I wrote this review, a 15-year-old Super Smash Bros player got yelled off the internet for beating an established player in an incredible fashion, because while the community adores a young upstart, they can’t stand when that upstart is a girl. And no, I’m not saying the entire fandom did it, just as the entire Steven Universe fandom didn’t target one of the show’s best boarders (note that this article was written when Zuke still went by Lauren), but there are more than enough Ronaldos in every community, and it’s up to people who comprehend the basic tenets of empathy provided by a show they claim to love to stand up to such bullies.
If you don’t like Rocknaldo, that’s just fine. Because you shouldn’t like how Ronaldo acts in it. Liking something doesn’t give you the right to harass people, so do your part in shutting that nonsense down. 
I’ve never been to this…how do you say…school?
Just give us an episode with Peridot, Yellow Pearl, Peedee, and Ronaldo trapped in a room already.
We’re the one, we’re the ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!
I hate watching this episode, but that doesn’t mean I hate the episode. It does its job very well, which is worthy of admiration even if I’m probably never going to watch it again now that this review is done.
Top Twenty
Steven and the Stevens
Hit the Diamond
Mirror Gem
Lion 3: Straight to Video
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Log Date 7 15 2
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Gem Drill
Know Your Fusion
Future Boy Zoltron
No Thanks!
     6. Horror Club      5. Fusion Cuisine      4. House Guest      3. Onion Gang      2. Sadie’s Song      1. Island Adventure
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years ago
How incorrect tagging contributes to SPN ship wars
@radioabsurd left this very impassioned rant about the behavior of SPN fandom in the main tags.�� Let me point out that there are things here, that I would say are correct.  There are things however, that I am not happy with.  I am not certain about this person's sincerely.  Let me put it that way.  I edited bits that contained blasphemy because I don't want that nonsense in my post.  I also added bold font to the bits that made me smirk.  Other than that, everything is as it appears.  My commentary is in italics and brackets.  Thank to doll face for forwarding this to me. 
Supernatural Fandom
If you hate the actual angel Jensen Ackles, don’t talk to me, like my shit or any of that.
[A polite suggestion for people to ignore her]
If you hate the actual angel Misha Collins, fuck off and don’t talk to me or like my shit.
[Disrespecting Misha warrant the use of profanity.]
If you hate on the actual angel Jared Padalecki, please block me or you will get blocked.
[A please is thrown in, so the politeness is back.  Also, note the order in which these actors are mentioned.  Any other person would mention Misha last.  But no, Jared gets last place, like an afterthought.]
I’m so tired of this hate people give each other in the fandom with the ship wars and shit.
[Honey, I would like to point out that all the hate, especially the violent ones directed to the actors, comes solely from the destiel shippers.  Everyone else retaliates.]
I FUCKING ship #destiel and #cockles, but in no way do I think J2 are not important to each other. They are the bestest of friends. In no way do I hate on Daneel, Vicki, or Gen(They are all actually queens).
[Well, at least you agree that the Js friendship is hated on by the Misha shippers.  The wife hate is a landmine.  Do people hate the wives because they ship the boys or because they genuinely found nothing to like in the wives?  I don't really care much for an actor's relatives.  But if the boys are happy, whatever rocks their boats.  Besides, who they marry is not my business.  Out of sight.  Out of mind.  If I like them, I would have no reason to go overboard and call them 'queens'.  But that is just my opinion on the subject.  Julia Roberts was never called a queen, despite her success.  Just pointing that out.  Do I think they deserve any hate?  I don't know them well enough to answer that one.  But if you put yourself out there, you are going to get the bad attention with the good.  As long as the hate doesn't extend to death threats, I say freedom of speech.  Just tag it appropriately.] 
Even If I don’t ship #wincest I’m not going to FUCKING hate on somebody for their ship because guess what! I FUCKING ship #thorki and #t'cherik and wow I must be such a disgusting human being but these are freaking fictional characters and aren’t real! (Not talking about real people ships)
[This seems friendly enough until you get to the second mention of this topic.]
If you don’t agree with something please FUCKING get over it and block it or ignore it.
[You should see the replies I get, from hellers I call out of tagging incorrectly.  They don't block or ignore.] 
Jeez, and all the ships hate on the wives and the other people on the show, not just one ship. XXXX, why am I even in this fandom.
[I concur.  There are haters of ships and people.  But unless you go into their appropriate tags, you will never find them.  Guess who tags all their hateful filth, including calling Jensen a homophobe, in the main tags? Yep, the destihellers.]
Also, if I get freaking hate on shipping #thorki (they’re not even real brothers okay, get over it) or #t'cherik (in the comics theyre not cousins thank you very much) and your in the supernatural fandom then your actually the problem.
[I don't know how to tell you this, but Sam and Dean are not real brothers either.  They are fictional.  So basically, in an offhanded manner, you have kind of insulted the people, you are telling others not to insult.  Just thought I would point that out.] 
haters get on my nerves 👌🏽
[You are absolutely right.  I cant stand them either.  Especially the ones who tell Jared to kill himself and threaten to kill Jensen.  All destihellers.  I don't deal with haters as much.  Because I believe it is your prerogative to hate whoever you want.  As long as you tag it properly.  But I draw the line at death threats, because the hate has moved into malevolent territory.  That is why I don't go onto the anti tags.  Let them hate.  But when possible felony becomes an issue, I speak up.]
(there might be spelling errors but that’s life so what eves)
 [True!  My typing is atrocious.]
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My issue with this rant: 
I appreciate the effort.  Don't get me wrong.  But there are issues presenting themselves here.  This rant is addressed to the entire fandom.  The problem is that is doesn't differentiate between the instigators and the retaliators.  There is an assumption, within the rant, that everyone should like the same things in the same manner without personal opinion or prejudice.  And to be honest, that kind of uniformity in human psychology, is unheard of in human societies.  We are all different.  We cannot be expected to enthusiastically love anyone or anything unless we have been given viable reason to.  The other baffling thing on this post is the anti Vicki tag.  Interestingly, there is no other post with this tag.  As far as I can see, nobody hates Victoria.  People are generally quite indifferent towards her. 
So you are basically giving fandom and onlookers the impression that this woman gets hated when, in reality, she doesn't even force a blimp in the radar.  The only time I saw her being discussed, was when I watched in bemused amazement , as J2 tinhats were comparing her to one of the Js wives and talking about how much more nicer she was and how they respected her more.  So those particular J fans don't hate Victoria.  Do Misha's fans hate her?  If so, how are they tagging their hate.  I haven't seen anything. 
You post makes no mention of actor harassment, cast and crew harassment, threats of arson and vandalism and actual attacks on fans by other fans.  There is a different between someone saying ''I cant stand Vicky'' and ''I am going to burn Vicky's home down, while she is still in it''.  A similar arson threat was sent to Jensen by a Misha fan.  Receipts for this, and other threats, are on my blog.  To my logic, death threats are a more pressing issue than hate.  All of the aforementioned are by destiel shipping and Misha stanning perpetrators.  To people who are not aware of this reality, if they read this post, they will assume that everyone in the fandom is hateful.  They won't know about the truth.  So no, all the shippers do not have an equal hand in trouble making.  There are some that are worse than others. 
Finally, your tagging is contradictory and troublesome.  Tumblr recognizes 30 tags only, but the most effective are the first five.  For a post of this nature, you shouldn't have tagged Danneel twice.  Danneel has fans from her other endeavors. like One Tree Hill, who are not SPN fans.  They don't need to see this drama, which has nothing to do with them.  So that tag is a general/main tag and you should stay out of it.  The last two tags are for ships outside our fandom, and basically what you have done, by including those tags, is exposed outsiders to the dirty laundry that this fandom is known for.  This is where SPN's faulty reputation comes from.  ''Mentions'' is also a very widely used external tag.  It has not an SPN related tag, neither is it related to this post.  Tagging this post under that tag, also brings this fandom into disrepute.  The tags on this post, does this fandom no favors.   
The post is not a hate post, [you are reprimanding all and sundry over putrid behavior] and therefore does not belong in the anti tags.  If you are trying to right the wrongs of this fandom, do it in the main ship tags, for the whole shipping section of fandom to see.  You cant tell people how to feel about someone.  And posting this particular rant in the anti tags, is essentially you telling those people not to hate whoever they genuinely cant stand.  If you are talking about a ship, tag the ship.  If you tag your post #anti Jensen, you are telling people, this post is about why I hate Jensen.  That is the point of that tag.  That is not exactly what your post is about, is it?  Now I tag in the main tags, and not in the anti tags because I tackle any subject that is going to cause a death threat to reach Jensen.  That is the policy behind my tagging system.  Your tagging system doesn't seem to make sense.  You cant tag Jensen and anti Jensen.  These two tags contradict each other. 
Don't tag the characters on a TV show, because that is not what your post is about.  People who are non-shipping fans of Dean Winchester, don't want to be bombarded with this shipping-related rant.  This is not courteous to them.  Also, if you misspell a tag, the tag has consequently been rendered useless.  So there is essentially no point in having that tag.  Just replace or remove it.  Its not that hard.  Also, I don't think you know what a bibro is.  There are non-shippers amongst them.  So why are they a part of this ship-war rant?  You can't tag SPN or Supernatural, because the entire fandom doesn't need to see this.  The entire fandom are not shippers.  You were not addressing the entire fandom, so leave them out of it.  In fact, your title is incorrect too. 
Judging by the crux of your post, the tags should have been:
Destiel, Wincest, Cockles, J2 Tinhats, Wincestiel  
All the ship names are present.  So anyone who is involved with these ships will read them and understand.  If you want to add more tags [which I don't recommend] then add the following:
Sabriel, sastiel
I would tag these two ships because they are ships that three actors are a part of.  I don't recommend tagging the actor's names, because the post is not about them, but about shipper behavior.  They are merely mentioned as the motivation behind the hate, by your logic.  Their names are still general tags, and people searching Jared Padalecki might hate shipping and this post will give credulity to their hatred because it is invasive and makes shippers looks bad....well, worse would be the apt word to use.
I am conflicted about the motive of the rant.  No, I don't believe any of the actors are ''actual angels''.  They are human and flawed, some more than others.  I don't think their wives of sovereign control of anything.  But I appreciate the effort in bridge-building.  The doll face that sent me this, found the wincest remark offensive, but I am willing to give your the benefit of the doubt on that one, because I assume it was an honest mistake.  I am not a wincest fan though, which I why I am reacting a little differently.  Perhaps, because I am not emotionally invested. 
P.S.:  Speaking of wincest, someone told me that even wincest ship posts are being tagged with the actor's and character's names.  I don't care what you ship, but by using general tags, you are not driving on your lane.  Stop mistagging.  Unless Jared Padalecki is really pregnant with someone's lovechild, don't tag him in an mpreg post.  I don't think he wants people knowing about his baby bump.  Tag politely.  Tags like Top!Sam and Bottom!Cas are NOT general tags, so that is ok.  But Sam Winchester and Jared Padalecki, for example, are general tags, so keep your shippy stuff away from it.  Wincest fans, its your job to clean house. 
The reason why I am lenient with the wincest ship and J2 tinhatters, is because they are not repeat and frequent offenders, and they don't send death threats to actors.  In fact, if you search the wincest tag, you find a small handful of offenders, and a destiel offender who tagged her post weecest and wincest even though it was about destiel.  Now, why do that? 
Respect the tags.  Respect the actors.  Stop behaving like SPN owes you something, and keep your fantasy on your side of the fandom.
Please excuse the typos.
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boywentz · 7 years ago
Hi, I know this is weird to ask but can you explain why people think Pete is a rapist and whether it's true or not because I don't think it is but I don't know. It's just bugging me... If you can't that's fine too, I love your blog btw. 💜
I'm no expert on this subject, but I did look into it a fair amount when I started hearing claims about Pete being a rapist/pedophile, so I'll tell you what I know and my thoughts on it. If I've missed something or got something incorrect, call me out on it.The claims against Pete stem from a relationship that he had for 3-5 years (depending on where you look) with Jeanae White, and information about their relationship stemmed from her livejournal. Around 2008/2009, a tumblr user presented information from Jeanae's livejournal (in a pretty biased and non-factual way) branding Pete as a statutory rapist.So fast forward to 2015, this stuff comes back up again from a yet another tumblr post. Following this, a bunch more people tagged on and made their own "we need to talk about pete wentz" posts that stem from Jeanae's own heartbreak-fueled words from when the two broke up in 2007. I'm guessing these are the kind of posts you've seen; they still go around a lot now.What these people are going off is that Pete Wentz dated a 15 year old girl, while he himself was 23. A lot of people will tell you that their relationship began in 2002 (when Jeanae would have been 15 or 16), but as far as I'm aware, the only evidence for this is from her own blog - from posts written to drag Pete after he ended their relationship.However, there IS evidence to support the idea that they started dating in 2004, not 2002. This would put Jeanae at 17 or 18 years old at the time, and the legal age of consent in Illinois (where their relationship was based) is 17. Whether or not you agree with him dating a 17 year old when he was a few years older isn't really my concern, but the point is that their relationship would have been legal right from the start.The evidence for their relationship starting in 2004 includes the lack of photographic (or any other) evidence of the two being together whatsoever before 2004, at least that I (and other people) have found after spending plenty of time looking. I believe there's a few other supporting facts that I've seen on tumblr and elsewhere, but I can't think of them off the top of my head; if you want to, I'm sure you can find them with a google search. In summary: going off of facts, Pete didn't date a 15 year old, and there is no actual evidence to suggest that he is either a rapist or a pedophile.I'm gonna kill two birds with one stone here and also address other claims I've seen about Pete recently, usually tied in with the rapist/pedophile claims. A lot of people believe that because a lot of Pete's lyrics for Take This To Your Grave describe violence towards women, he's a bad person.There's two reasons why I disagree with this. One is that the person these lyrics are said to have been written about (Jeanae) broke Pete's heart. I've heard that she cheated on him with two of his closest friends over one weekend while he was away in LA, and plenty of other cases where she was unfaithful. I'm not saying that her cheating would excuse Pete for any kind of physical violence towards her - because it wouldn't - which leads me on to reason number two.Pete expressing his hurt and anger in words hurts no one - Jeanae herself a few years after TTTYG's release forgave Pete, and in my opinion his words weren't totally unwarranted. Yes, they do depict violence, but by channeling his emotions into words and using them to create music, he prevented himself from channeling them into violent or destructive behaviour that could have resulted in him hurting himself or somebody else. That doesn't make him a bad person, at least in my eyes.Apologies for going off on a tangent, I just thought it was worth mentioning because I often see the two issues addressed together. This post explains why I don't see Pete as anything close to a bad person - we all have flaws and that doesn't exclude him, but claims about him being a rapist or a pedophile or a misogynist are baseless. Skepticism is important, especially on this website.
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onisionhurtspeople · 7 years ago
Why do you do this to him
1. Because I want people like you - his fans - to be able to scroll through my blog and read about all the negative ways in which he has affected not just his girlfriends and friends, but also his own fans (who are mostly very young girls between the ages of 12 and 17, and who are at a particularly impressionable time in their life - too impressionable a time to be told by their idol that they’re disgusting, fat, and ugly). Just click on a couple of these posts and read them for yourself.
2. To give the people who he hurt a place to vent and have their voices heard and acknowledged, to know that they’re not alone, and to have a community surrounding them where they feel supported and loved.
3. To act as a place where I can centralize all of the information about Greg and the ways in which he has abused his exes in the past. You say that we shouldn’t care unless he’s physically beating them, but there are many more types of abuse than just the physical variety. There’s emotional abuse, psychological abuse, verbal abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse, manipulation, control, and coercion, and Greg does all of these things to his partners and more.
4. To offer a fair, logical, objective, and honest counter-balance for his extremely ignorant and uneducated opinions. I want his fans to be able to read through my blog and realize that many of the things he preaches about are topics that he has done very little research on, and that many of his opinions are not just poorly researched, but factually incorrect. I want them to know that actually, veganism will NOT automatically make you thin (nor is it necessarily a superior diet), that having an eating disorder does NOT make you stupid or unworthy of love, that it’s NOT hypocritical or dishonest to be upset when your favorite singer dies or when a terrorist attack happens in your own country, and that being “brutally honest” is just an excuse that people like Greg use to avoid the responsibility of having to find a way to phrase their thoughts and opinions in a manner that is still honest while also taking into account the other person’s feelings. This is a mark of weakness, not a mark of strength - you do not have to choose between being honest and being nice; those concepts are not mutually exclusive. Do you know what it’s called when somebody is constantly invalidating, yelling at, criticizing, and berating others under the guise of “It’s just a joke, man, lighten up” and “I’m just being honest”? It’s called bullying. It’s called gaslighting. It’s called being an asshole.
5. Most importantly, I want this blog to be a place where people feel comfortable openly expressing their emotions and ideas, and where we can all have an open dialogue concerning many of the topics that Greg discusses, rants about, or engages in, such as mental health, eating disorders, psychological abuse, vegetarianism, LGBTQ+ rights, feminism, and body image. I want to encourage his followers to learn how to think for themselves and question everything instead of just mindlessly agreeing with everything he says. Just because somebody claims to be honest does not mean that they’re actually being honest. In fact, if somebody has to continuously remind you of their honesty, completely unprompted by you or anyone else, then that’s an enormous behavioral red flag - a person who is truly honest does not have to constantly remind you of it, because they will allow their authenticity to shine through in their actions. The reason why Greg is always going on and on about being “the most honest person on YouTube” is because he knows that his actions don’t line up with his words, and that many of his younger and less experienced fans who worship him are not yet old enough or mature enough to have the perspective that comes along with wisdom and age - it just would’t have occurred to most of them to fact-check anything he’s saying; they just take his claims at face value.
I hope this answered your question, and I hope that you read this and spend some time asking yourself some tough but very important questions about whether or not you’re ready to be honest with yourself about his behavior. Feel free to message me back if you have any more questions or points to make.
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How the hell did all these antis up in my feed?
Admittedly I'm not the best at figuring out Tumblr. I'm not sure how the the algorithms work to recommend posts to my dashboard, but I can't imagine what I would have on my tumblr to indicate that I would enjoy reading the biting remarks of anti Destiel shippers.
I enjoy both Supernatural as a series and in fan fiction. I enjoy the dynamic between the characters and the interactions between many fans that share interests. Not everyone I know are Destiel shippers. Some don't ship at all. Some ship Wincest or Sastiel. Regardless I've been able to have enjoyable conversations with many people in the fandom without resorting to being obnoxious jerks to each other.
So I'm actually quite surprised to find several blogs show up in my dash that are utterly hateful towards people with differing opinions than themselves. Even more surprising to me is the fact that these people would lambaste someone for not tagging properly and that being an adequate excuse for them to be cruel or mean. As I said earlier i'm not entirely familiar with how Tumblr works. The use of tags sometimes confuses me, but people acting as if there are specific tags that EVERYBODY should know about and being rude and condescending about incorrect tag usage kind of rubs me the wrong way. It's pretty presumptuous, demanding, and entitled to believe that people should tag the way you expect them to tag.
It's A TV show for god sake why would a person go out of their way to argue with somebody else, a total stranger and possibly make them miserable for something that is not a great importance in anyone's life. Sure supernatural can bring a lot of enjoyment to people. But there's no law that says other people must enjoy things the same way you do in order for you to enjoy them. Live and let live if someone doesn't do fandom the way you do leave them alone. The only reason I can fathom that someone would harass a total stranger in fandom has different views than them is that the one thing that antis enjoy most is to hate or make others miserable. And frankly if you're that kind of person you can do that without being a fan of something. Essentially you're a fan of being obnoxious and being a bully. Stop using your favorite show as an excuse to indulge that side of yourself.
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nevertobeships · 7 years ago
Do you have any writing advice for someone who really struggles with writing body language? I have a hard time reading it in the real world and I'm lost on how to write it in my fics. I think my dialogue is fine it just seems like everything else is lacking. The transition from rp writing to fanfiction is really tough, and I can't seem to adapt to the now popular fanfiction trends of the way things are written. I'd be very grateful for any advice.
Anon, do not worry! Many people, including myself, strugglewith this. I’m going to make a couple of assumptions to get us started (if theyare incorrect just shoot me another ask and I can go in a different direction).I assume that if you are coming to me then you have read some of my writing andtherefore I also assume that you enjoy supercorp. With those two assumptions inmind I’m going to use that arena to give my advice. But please keep in mindthat this is only MY opinion. I’ve been writing pretty much my whole life andI’ve learned that there really is no right or wrong way to go about writing.Sure, there are preferred styles, grammatical rules, trends that may bepopular, etc…but essentially you have to find YOUR flow and style. Writing andwhat is considered the right way to write so subjective.
And just as a quick note I have never done rp writing sokeep that in mind.
Here is my advice (and I explain each point below):
1. Keep trying at the real life body language and understandthe pros and cons of having that information.
2. Use the resources you have (e.g., the show and gifs).
3. Find actors/actresses to use as muses and inspiration whoare really talented and who also put everything into their characters.
4. Read! 
Reading body language in the real world is hard. When youare interacting with another person there is so much else going on. Not onlyare you most likely participating in that interaction but you are trying toprocess what the other person is saying and doing on top of consideringenvironmental/situational variables, analyzing your own intentions while alsotrying to gauge the other person’s intentions – its crazy! This is why so fewpeople are good at this. Yet body language is crucial in many cases. Hell, in apersonal example of mine just recently – I was saying everything I could tosomeone, being EXPLICIT with my diction and my intentions and they just didn’tget it (or chose to ignore it for what it was :/) and…*sigh* well it’s a messlet me tell you. And I wonder if the interactions between us had happened inperson where there was body language (i.e., extra data) to process then perhapsthings wouldn’t have become so convoluted? There has been a lot of research thatshows we humans are not really good at conveying what we mean in simple text.If someone sends you a text that IS IN ALL CAPS you know something is going onout of the ordinary. They are excited, angry, etc… and are trying to getcertain information across in that way. That helps to a point. And its funnythat the rise of emojis was supposed to help us communicate better, beyond capsand punctuation, in written form but new research is showing that we evenmisinterpret those as well lol. So obviously body language can help us withthis problem but again for many of us that can be overwhelming to deal with inthe real world. That being said, writing body language still needs to berealistic and convey important information but in fiction we can process iteasier than if it was happening live in front of us.
Lucky for us, we are writing fanfiction and we have thosecharacters on our screen where we can watch them over and over in the privacyof our own homes with little distractions. If you are in the supercorp fandomthen even more lucky because we have some of the best gif makers in the entireSupergirl fandom and they are an absolute blessing. I think gifs are underratedwhen it comes to character analysis but they are so good for body languagestudy because you have a small amount of data input, three to ten seconds orso, and it automatically repeats so no pausing and rewinding back on Netflix oryour stream. So let us look at an example:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
These gifs were created by @brielarsan and you can find the original post here.
Holy shit. This is a writer’s gold mine. I mean look atthis: we know Lena doesn’t have a lot of friends (really none at this point inS2, our poor precious baby *cries*). We know she only ever felt accepted by Lexand look what he did to the world and ultimately her. And we’ve seen the longgazes, the smiles, the lip bites between her and Kara/Supergirl. We alreadyknow all of this – we have this data! So in that mindset, what does this mean?What does that sudden breath mean for Lena when Kara finally opens the doorknowing what we know? She has found acceptance in someone else – Kara – someonewho knew she was a Luthor from the start but has put her belief in Lenaregardless. But even if you don’t know or don’t use all of this data look ather body! Look at her hands, for example. They are in a classic worry positionone that other characters have done (see Meredith Grey from Grey’s Anatomy asjust one example) and Lena has done this herself several times across many episodesbecause she is a soft precious baby who is really worried how others perceiveher. Now look at her facial expression. You can tell exactly when Kara openedthe door and realized it was Lena. Even though we can’t see Kara’s face we cantell from Lena’s face when Kara smiles because we see that relief on Lena’sface. And then in that second gif what does that little shy sway mean? What doyou pick up from her doing that? To me, she is not only relieved that Kara isletting her in her home and doesn’t seem at all freaked out that she is there butalso in a way she is in a giddy disbelief that she’s not being turned away akashe feels accepted (and of course these two fools love each other and we cansee that here). And look how we can see all of that in how her hands start torelax too! My biggest piece of advice is to study stuff like this and/or mimicit in your own fics. Also look at what people say about gifs in the tags! Its so frustrating when people don’t put anything in the tags and I can be guilty of it but some people do the type of interpretation I just did above in the tags of gif posts and you can learn a lot by seeing how others are interpreting a scene.
You really can’t do anything that I just mentioned above ifyou don’t have that talented person on your screen though. Lucky for us we havethe one and only Katie McGrath who conveys more character information in twoseconds of acting than some of the other characters on Supergirl do in anentire episode. I could probably write two pages of description based on thetwo short gifs above and that is all in thanks to Katie and her wonderfulness. Katieis also a perfect example at someone who puts her heart and soul into hercharacters. You can tell that by how she does her interviews and the in-depthanswers she provides. She really IS Lena on screen. Chyler is another greatexample on Supergirl. I mean, Chyler should be earning Emmys for her portrayalof Alex in both Season 1 and 2 but I’m biased (and Katie too for Lena’s character). Sasha Alexander as Maura Isleson the TNT’s now concluded show Rizzoli and Isles is yet another example thathas benefitted me. When you have amazing characters and actors/actresses behind them they can inspire you to write your best stuff and give you so much to workwith. 
Lastly one of the other things you can do is to read.Whether its published fiction or fanfiction just read and see how others are conveyingbody language. When you read a section and get that vivid imagery as a readerstop and evaluate that section. What did that author do to set up that scene foryou? How do they have the characters interacting with one another and theenvironment around them? If you ever get to beta for somebody take thatopportunity! It will give you the chance to read someone’s fic and be in themindset of editing where you are looking at how the story is coming togetherthrough dialogue and body language. Or you can even contact one of yourfavorite writers and just tell them about your favorite sections of their pieceand list the reasons why. Not only will you make that author’s day but that mayalso help get a conversation started where you can discuss the intricacies ofthe characters including body language. This is really how @stennnn06 and I gotstarted talking. We squealed about Katie (as we still do) but then we startedlooking at each other’s writing, beta-ing for one another, and collaborating. Ican’t speak for sten but I know that I write better after discussing Lena andour headcanons with her. You can try to get a beta for your stuff too! Whenyour beta starts analyzing your stuff and asking you questions it really putsit in perspective for you and you can learn so much. I can tell you right nowthat I learned more about one of MY OWN stories by having @mssirey beta it andgive me feedback.   
On another note, also check out some writing blogs for tips. @heywriters is a great source and would be a good start for you. You can alsogo to my blog on tumblr (not tumblr mobile) and I have a page on the right handside labeled ‘Writing References’ and you’ll find a bunch of sources. Just out ofcuriosity I searched ‘body language’ on the search function on my blog and itbrought up some good posts so maybe check those out too! 
I know this is long and probably not anything you wanted butthere is my advice :)
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thewritinghole · 8 years ago
Editing: Beta Reader Tips
Hello! I know it’s been a long time since I made an original post on this blog, but since I’ve been on the hunt for a good beta reader for several months now, I thought it would be a good time to make a “tips” masterpost for finding a good BR and how to be a good BR.
What is a Beta Reader?
In case anyone’s unaware, a beta reader is someone who reads an author’s unpublished manuscript and gives feedback on it BEFORE the author begins the process of self-publishing or finding a publisher, similar to beta-testers of a video game that has yet to hit the market. Beta readers are especially important for those who are trying to find a publishing company/literary agent to represent them, because oftentimes agents and companies receive so many manuscripts a day that they’ll only take the best of the best. This means that a writer wants their manuscript to be the most polished that it can possibly be.
A beta reader, therefore, is a trusted person that reads an author’s manuscript and edits it both for spelling/grammatical mistakes and to give critiques of the actual content of the book. If we’re continuing the video game analogy, this is similar to a beta-tester looking for bugs in a game and reporting back to the developer to get them fixed. Beta readers are usually unpaid, but this depends on the situation.
Tips and Tricks
Before you find a beta reader, you want to make sure that your manuscript is in the best condition it can possibly be. The fewer mistakes the beta reader has to point out, the better.
Since beta readers are unpaid, it may be hard to find someone willing to read your work. But there are some traits that, ideally, your beta reader could exhibit.
Possible criterion for a beta reader:
·         They are someone you trust. One of the scariest things about finding a beta reader is the act of giving them unpublished, possibly uncopyrighted work and asking them to read it for you. You want to make sure that you have somebody you trust not to steal your work or give it to someone else.
·         They are someone with writing/editing experience. In a perfect world, perhaps you know/can find somebody who is also a writer or—better yet—has worked in a publishing environment and knows what agents/publishing companies are looking for. If not, that’s okay; you can also reach out to fellow writers, or even just avid readers who’ve read enough books to know what works and what doesn’t.
·         They’re in your target market. When writing something that’s intended to be sold, authors usually need to pander to a certain market, i.e. people of a certain age range or with interest in a certain genre that you’re hoping will buy the book. If you’re writing a teen romance novel, your market would be teenagers; if you’re writing a fantasy novel with a middle-aged character, your market is adult nerdy types; etc. So when you’re searching for a beta reader, it would be prudent to find someone within your target market to read it, because their opinion would be more valuable. A seventeen-year-old girl’s opinion of your paranormal drama would probably be more reflective of your audience than an elderly man’s.
·         They have the time, interest, and energy to read and edit your work quickly and thoroughly. Sometimes you may have the perfect reader lined up, but they’re too busy with other things to commit the time needed to read your work well. You don’t want to be waiting weeks and weeks for their latest feedback on Chapter 1.
·         They double as a sensitivity reader. Not every writer needs these, but a sensitivity reader is a reader who is screening your work to make sure it isn’t insensitive toward or incorrect about a certain subject or group of people, such as your portrayal of gay or disabled characters, or your description of active combat. This is usually necessary for authors that are writing about a subject they aren’t familiar with or don’t experience, such as a white writer writing about racism or islamophobia. Someone that does experience and understand these subjects would be a good sensitivity reader, and could save your story from being misrepresented in the long run.
So, with all these ideas in mind, here are a few of the best ways to find capable, willing betas:
·         Ask your loved ones. Friends and family are a good go-to for this sort of work. They’re trustworthy, they (usually) won’t demand payment, and they (hopefully) have interest in your work and are willing to help you succeed. However, if your loved ones aren’t experienced writers/readers or if they’re too busy to devote time to helping you, this might not be an option for you.
·         Join a writing club or writing circle. There are plenty of these on and offline, big and small, professional and casual. Plenty can be found on college campuses, in libraries, or on Facebook pages or Tumblr blogs. These tight-knit communities of writers usually exist to help each other improve their work and collaborate on projects.
·         Contact an advertised professional. Lots of people on and off the Internet (but mostly on) advertise their skills as editors and are happy to help other writers out. Some may ask for payment, but there are plenty that don’t. You just need to be mindful of their experience (lots of people may say that they’re great writers, but you may not think so) and how trustworthy they are.
·         Simply advertise your need for help. This works best on social media, but if you announce that your manuscript is ready to be edited, there’s a good chance at least a few people will offer to read it for you, whether you know them personally or not. You should always evaluate how committed they will be, though, and consider whether or not their advice would be a good fit for your book. And, as always, you should consider their trustworthiness.
In the event that you do find someone interested in being a beta reader, but you want to make sure they’d be a good fit, here are a few things you can ask them:
·         Are you willing to share your contact information with me?
·         Have you written or edited anything before?
·         If so, could I read it?
·         How much free time do you normally have that you could devote to reading my manuscript?
·         Are you interested in this genre/this type of writing/etc.?
If you like the person you’ve found and you think they’re a good fit, there’s also a few ground rules you should establish before letting them read your work.
·         Make it very clear that if you discover that they’re stealing/copying your original work, they will be dealt with accordingly. (This may not apply if you already know the person or if you’re paying them, but it’s always good to establish rules, even if they don’t seem necessary.)
·         Establish how you’ll give them your work, how you’d like them to give their comments, etc. Some beta readers will prefer to have a paper copy of your work to annotate by hand; some may find it more convenient to read it and edit it electronically. Some authors may prefer to give readers their whole manuscript at once; some may prefer a chapter-by-chapter basis. Discussing this beforehand is the best way to have a smooth working experience with your beta reader.
·         Vocalize what you’re looking for in your beta reader. Perhaps you just want someone to look for small mistakes and point out certain plot devices that don’t work, but some authors want more specific advice. If you’d like your reader to give feedback on certain scenes or plot devices that they’re unsure about or read a character for authenticity, you should tell them that. This is especially important if your beta reader is also a sensitivity reader.
Once all of this is established, you’re set to go on letting your beta reader edit your work for you. Some writers may want to find multiple readers to get more feedback from a wider range of sources. In cases like these, it’s good to find different types of people to read your work, because they may notice different things.
For example, my novel is a satirical drama/romance about a gay couple of two men; therefore, I may want to search for a male reader, because I’m a female and I want to make sure my male characters are relatable; an avid teenage reader, because that’s my target audience; and an avid older reader, just to see if my novel appeals to those beyond my target audience. (I may have also wanted to find a homosexual reader, but because I’m not straight I didn’t think that necessary.)
Anyway, now that all of that has been established, I hope all of you have an easier time finding beta readers to read your story. Don’t be afraid to take the next step to getting published! Happy writing!
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bathtub-drain-clogged · 5 years ago
Water Heater Repair Contractor Close by
Pioneer Plumbing has built a reputation of honesty with our long time returning customers. We’ve found that “doing the right thing” in all aspects of our company has brought us to where we are today, and will continue to guide us into the future. Don’t hesitate to call and ask us any plumbing, heating, ventilation, or gas related questions. Chances are if you have a tricky issue, we can solve it.   We have a few goals for our clients. One is to be available for you. It is very uncommon that when you call us we are unable to make it within the same day. We give our repeat customers priority service so if you’ve used us before and you have an emergency, we are going to do what we need to, to get someone there.   Two is to be upfront and honest. From our quotes to our service techs on site, we don’t like to beat around the bush. We will let you know our concerns, our recommendations, and our opinions on how we would handle each situation as if it were our own residence where the problem occurred. We won’t tell you the job is only a 2 hour repair when we have had situations where it turned into an all day repair.   Three is to stand behind our installations and repairs. With mechanical work, it is very common for jobs to get larger or go sideways as you get into them. If we give you a quote we will stand true to the price, if we complete a job for you and you are unhappy with the finished product, we will come back and make it right. In return, all we ask is that you communicate with our office respectfully and honestly so that we can make sure at the end of the day you are happy with our services!   So next time you have a plumbing, heating, cooling, or gas question, repair, or installation you would like quoted, give us a call! Were here to help.  
Air circulation in your home If you have central heating, the furnace (also known as an air handler) in your home will heat your air in the winter while the blower motor circulates the air throughout your home. The AC evaporator coils for your air handler remove heat and humidity in summer. After your furnace heats or cools your air, it is then supplied to the duct system and the air begins flowing through your registers. How many air systems run in your home? Your thermostat is what sets the temperature in your home for your comfort. The number of thermostat(s) determine how many systems work to regulate your indoor air for heating and cooling. Improve IAQ with Duct cleaning Air duct cleaning can help reduce allergies from dust and other pollutants. Pollen, dust, and mold spores can get trapped in your duct work, which means that it's being continuously circulated throughout the air you breathe at home. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), 25 to 40 percent of the energy used for heating or cooling a home is wasted. Contaminants in the heating and cooling system cause it to work harder and shorten the life of your system. Although filters are used, the heating and cooling system still gets dirty through normal use. The National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) recommends air duct cleaning for improvement of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). A certified duct cleaning will include cleaning of the furnace, the main trunk line [for air circulation] and all vents (including supplies and returns) each cleaned out individually. Where is a furnace/air-handler typically located in a home? Typically your furnace is centrally located in the home. It is usually located in an area such as a utility closet (by a cold air return), garage, attic, basement, or crawlspace; in the case of a heat-pump (a dual-system) it will be located outside of the home. When your system is run with a heat pump, it is likely a typical duct cleaning will include cleaning of evaporator coils with full system cleanings. Your furnace is usually located by other mechanical equipment such as the hot water heater, a [permanently installed] central vacuum cleaner, or a water softener, if this equipment is installed in your home. https://www.advantaclean.com/blog/2014/november/how-to-locate-your-furnace/
Why Heating Repair is Unavoidable When Upkeep Is Ignored
There are a few ways to maintain your furnace system. Odds are, during winter months your heater runs throughout the day attempting to keep the house warm. furnace systems commonly run longer than needed, because of incorrect controls. There there are various areas in your heating section to take a look at when troubleshooting for efficiency.
Replace The Air Filter
This is what you typically hear people speaking about most often, but so few individuals take the recommendation and check it. When there is a obstruction, you either run the chance of not circulating heat adequately or possibly starting a fire.When the air filter gets dirty air will not flow through either which means the furnace must work harder and will also mean a risk of fire. When your system works overtime, it costs more to run. The fire situation is self-explanatory. In each case it is not suitable for peace of mind or your budget.
Test The Blower
Look at the blower blades and clean them up. If you find any buildup of dirt and debris, your fan will work harder to blow the air around, and your heating will be overexerting itself. Meaning that the system is over taxed and costing extra money to run.
Check To See That The Fire Damper Works
Be certain to look at your fire damper for proper operation. The fire damper explains itself so pay attention to this aspect.
The Flex Duct
It is feasible that your ducts became damaged over the years for various reasons. If a duct has flattened or become obstructed, the system will think that the proper temperature has been reached, which will not be true. When this will happen the system works harder to do its job but will be incapable to attain the right tempurature.
Make Sure The Insulation Is Secure
Insulation is usually ignored but is among the most regular reasons why an furnace system malfunctions. Take take time to look at the insulation in between the duct work and the exterior to ensure it has not worked itself loose. If this happens, your system will not reach ideal temperatures and will work too much to try and accommodate.
Ductwork Needs To Be Connected
Make sure the ductwork is hooked up in all places to all pieces. These detachments can cause cracks in the air flow and result in a loss of heated air in your home, since it will be escaping through the holes.
Check For Leaks In The Return Air Inlets And Zone Dampers
Make certain that that return air intakes are free of dust and debris so air can flow easliy. Check your dampers to verify that they are in the best spot. Through the year we may change the positioning of the damper for a lot of reasons (i.e. getting into a tight space or arranging for storage). Check to notice that the dampers are in the right position too. If these everyday jobs are beyond what you are comfortable with, it would be a good idea to hire an area heating company licensed for furnace and gas furnaces. You ought to be able to locate a good heating company who can manage this for you. The best advice we can provide is to establish yearly maintenance for this appliance. As a reader on Home Ac Repair, I thought sharing that piece of content was worthwhile. Enjoyed our blog entry? Please quickly share it. Help somebody else find it. Thank you so much for going through it.
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rebeccahpedersen · 6 years ago
Top-Ten Burning Questions For The 2019 Real Estate Market (Pt3)
I sure hope the blog readers are up early on a Friday!
We all know that Friday blogs only get one weekday of display on TRB, but they do get Saturday and Sunday, for what it’s worth.
Here’s hoping that “Burning Questions” #4 through #10 get the eyes they deserve…
4) How many condos will be cancelled, and will changes to the Condominium Act result?
In short: several, and no.
That’s a pessimistic viewpoint, right?  Well, it’s a realistic view-point as well.
I literally had this conversation with a colleague of mine today when he told me, “You’re being pessimistic.”  I told him that as much as I’d love to be optimistic, I can’t help but be realistic.  I don’t go through life seeing the cup as half-empty, but I sure as hell don’t ever want to fall into the segment of society that willfully delude thesmelves into seeing something that isn’t there.
Being realistic means you’re less likely to be caught off guard.  And perhaps that’s a mantra that every pre-construction condo buyer should adopt.
We saw more condo cancellations last year than that any year I can remember, and the media coverage was ramped up too.  It makes for a sexy story, especially when you have whiny buyers who will mug for the cameras while telling their sob stories.  Remember, it’s always somebody else’s fault!
Since, in my opinion, politicians aren’t actually in the business of helping people, but rather in the business of self-preservation, I don’t believe that at any point in the near future, we will see changes to the Condominium Act that will prohibit developers from cancelling more condo projects, for any reason they see fit.  There’s just nothing “in it” for a politician to enact change.  Don’t get me wrong – politicians will stand in front of podiums at some point, lamenting the evil developers and promising to help the poor, infantilized pre-construction condo buyers, but once the flashbulbs stop, those politicians will simply go back to City Hall and work on their giant paper-clip chains at their desks.
Remember, I’m not being pessimistic, I’m being realistic.  There’s a difference!
At some point, developers will cross the line, and maybe, just maybe, something will be done.
Take the Cosmos Condo, for example.  In 2018, Liberty Developments cancelled the 3-tower, 1,453-unit complex, citing the cliché “financial constraints” as the reason.  And only a few months later, Liberty filed an application with the city of Vaughan to build two “new” condos on a plot of land that they own right next door.
Is that fair?
Well, yes, of course it is.  Because, 1) Liberty was permitted to cancel the project as per their clauses in the Agreements that buyers signed, and, 2) Liberty can file an application to build a condo on any plot of land that they own, as they see fit.  Liberty is free to suggest that one project has nothing to do with the other, and while we know that’s not the case, it doesn’t matter.
Is that case enough to cross the line?  Or is it just business as usual?
We will soon find out!
Because on February 13th, 2019, a class-action lawsuit against Liberty Developments finally goes to court!
Suing a condominium developer is never easy, and when it comes to suing for a cancelled condo, I have never seen a class-action result in a “win” in Toronto.  Correct me if I’m wrong.
The website www.cosmoscondoscancellation.com will tell you all you need to know about this class-action, as well as what is required for a class-action of this statue.  In order to proceed, the law firm requires 400 people to provide a non-refundable fee of $500 plus HST, which represents a paltry $200,000 retainer for the firm.
It should be noted that the law firm, Charney Lawyers, is perhaps the most experienced firm in Toronto when it comes to condominium lawsuits.  According to their website, they have class actions against Festival Tower, X-Condos, Emerald City, Murano, and One Bedford, just to name a few.  And according to THIS article, the firm is poised to take on the developer of Iconica Condos, which was the second major condo cancellation in Vaughan in 2018, this one even larger than Cosmos, with 3-towers and 1,633 units getting the axe.
According to Urbanation, in 2018 there were 12 buildings in 9 developments, representing 4,202 units, that were cancelled.
In 2017, there were only eight buildings and 1,658 units cancelled.
In 2016, a mere 379 units were cancelled.
Will this trend continue in 2019?
5) Will we open up the Greenbelt to development?
I mentioned this in December’s year-end blog, specifically including in the “Future of the City of Toronto” story, which I felt represented Story #1.
I wrote that blog about two weeks after the Ontario government launched Bill 66, the “Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018,” and mere days after the media had grabbed on to the story, and the reaction.
The Toronto Star sought out mayors and twenty municipalities for statements, and while Mayor John Tory was the only one to dance around the issue and not provide any comment of substance (no surprise…), most mayors were wholeheartedly against the idea of residential development on the Greenbelt.
But here’s what’s interesting about the idea of building on the Greenbelt: it’s not for the benefit of municipalities other than Toronto.
At least, not in my opinion.
The biggest reason why the Greenbelt would be opened to residential development would be to alleviate the massive imbalance of supply and demand in Toronto, and potentially reduce prices and/or stop rapid appreciation.
I don’t think that Doug Ford is even considering what’s best for Aurora in all of this, but rather what’s best for Toronto.  Ironic, considering he’s known as the mayor who doesn’t care about Toronto, and panders to voters outside the GTA (ie. his desire to build subways north of the city, rather than a downtown relief line).  That is the only reason why I think, maybe, Doug Ford will do what’s best for the Greenbelt, rather than what’s best for the real estate market.
And of course, that raises a good discussion point!  With regards to whether or not to build residential real estate on the Greenbelt, what comes first: a) what’s best for the Greenbelt, b) what’s best for real estate values and affordability to those in southern Ontario, in the long-term?
Is this simply a case of, “If you want to make an omlet, you need to break a few eggs”?
Are we naive for thinking that we won’t ever need that land?
Every time I see a movie based hundreds of years ago, and there’s nothing but green land surrounding the quaint little town, in every which way, it makes me think about what existed on the site of my home, or office, one hundred, two hundred, or five hundred years ago.
Call this line of thinking exaggerated if you please, but don’t people acknowledge that at some point, we’d have to consider building on the Greenbelt in order to house the people who want to live in the Golden Horseshoe?
Or do we just continue piling people on top of one-another in the downtown core until the house of cards implodes?
6) Will there be any changes in the mortgage market?
I believe that as things stand right now, this is the most confusing time for the mortgage market in a decade.  Maybe more.
There have been worse times, ie. 20% interest rates, vendor take-back mortgages, et al.
But in terms of being able to know, with a modicum of certainty, what interest rate you will end up with, before purchasing, I don’t know that there’s been a stranger time than now.
5% down?  20% down?  House?  Condo?  Variable?  Fixed?
There’s absolutely zero consistency across the board, and what’s worse is that most buyers are making assumptions that are entirely incorrect.
For example, would you assume that if you have a 20% down payment, you would get a better interest rate than the buyer with a 5% down payment?  I think that’s a reasonable assumption, right?
Wrong.  Dead wrong.
Buyers will 5% down get better rates than those with 20% down.  Buyers who are better qualified financially are punished by the banks, who charge them higher rates.  For those of you that work in banking, we can call this semantics, and yes, I’m being a dramatic.  But you get my point.
The “pre-approval” is ironically both more necessary, and useless, than ever before.  It’s necessary because lenders have tightened up their criteria and no longer should a buyer simply rely on an online calculator, or loosey-goosey conversation with a bank or mortgage broker with respect to a pre-approved amount.  But the pre-approvals are useless because so much changes in the mortgage market, week-to-week, and literally day-to-day.  Not only that, a buyer looking at different property types, at different prices, will ultimately get very different terms from a lender.  So what good is a pre-approval if the terms are going to change between the day the ink on the document dries, and the day the purchase is made?
I’ve heard anecdotally that most banks have a November 1st year-end, so after that date, they “turned off the taps,” so to speak, and made far fewer loans.  This wouldn’t make sense to many people who simply assume that banks are in business to lend, 24/7, 365.  But having experienced exceptional years, most banks realized the need to let employees catch their breath, and prepare for 2019.  Based on this, I would expect restrictions to loosen this month.
I’ve also heard that CMHC will be releasing new policies in April that will be groundbreaking, although exactly what those new rules are, remain to be seen.  I’ve heard rumours that this is mainly to do with self-employed, contract, and commission-based individuals, who have been hit hard over the last couple of years.  It’s amazing, because I’ve had clients who are commission-based with exceptional incomes get turned down for loans that salary-based individuals, with half the salary, would have had no problem obtaining.
7) Will we continue to see a mass exodus from the city?  Where will buyers go in 2019?
Over the past six years, two of my friends have moved from Toronto to Mississauga, one has moved from Toronto to Montreal, one has moved from Toronto to Kingston.
Work, life, and family played a role.
But you can’t think for a second that the cost of living in Toronto wasn’t a major factor.
As I’ve mentioned before many times, it can actually be faster to get to work, living outside the city and having access to better transit, than living downtown in a poorly-serviced spot.  I always reference my friend who moved to Mississauga and walks 8-minutes to the GO Station, takes a 16-minute train to Union, and walks 5-6 minutes to his office.  He used to take 40 minutes to get to the same office from Bathurst & Queen’s Quay.
Some clients of mine who live east or west of the city are seeing absolutely zero point in living in the core, although to be fair, I just received an email from a client who works at Yonge & Finch, who’s wife drives to Mississauga, and who wants to live in midtown.
But whereas moving outside the core used to be a last-resort, and one that was fought by the parents and friends, and much debated among the buyers, it has now become a realistic discussion point at the start of many searches.
I also think, and this is one of the rare times when you’ll hear me say this, that people are becoming more reasonable.  Don’t get me wrong, the good folks that protested the B.C. pipeline on the Bloor Viaduct in Toronto (John Tory clearly had no issue with this) on Wednesday night, during rush hour, with their e-vapes and man-buns, who went back to their parents’ houses when they were finished, will still clamour for the government to pay for their lives, and everything in it.  But the actual working-class in Toronto seem to have accepted that if you can’t afford to buy a property in Toronto, then you can look outside the city.
I understand.  Change is hard.  Acceptance is harder.  But it seems as though more and more people are accepting that, 1) The market crash of 50% that will enable them to buy their dream home, isn’t coming, and 2) The universe is not going to solve their problem.
Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, Milton, and Brampton have all seen an uptick in activity in the past few years, despite the ups and downs of the market.  The same can be said for Ajax, Oshawa, Whitby, and Pickering, although prices have suffered there, as mentioned on Monday.
People are going to continue moving out of the city.  People will continue moving into the city, ie. those who can afford it, but I just don’t see all those with the means and desire to own a freehold property outside the city hanging on here any longer.
8) Will condos continue to get smaller and smaller?
Absolutely.  No question about it, in my mind.
But isn’t this a necessary evil?  I mean, if buyers are objecting to prices, and rapid appreciation, then isn’t buying a smaller condo the obvious alternative?
Paying more, to get less.  That’s the theme in today’s condo market, and I don’t see it changing.
I always point to The Art Shoppe as a classic example of what to expect moving forward.  There are studio plans of 321, 325, 331, 339, 379, 379, 418, 431, and 559 square feet respectively.  One-bedroom plans of 321, 480, 487, 510, 543, 567, 569, 607, 663, 867, 889, 893, and 1,004 square feet respectively too.  I’ll admit, the 800+ square foot 1-bedroom layouts are very rare, but this doesn’t offset the fact that this development has seven different floor plans of under 400 square feet.
Once upon a time, we thought that a sub-600 square foot condo was small.  When I bought my first 585 square foot condo, the people around me marvelled at what a tiny space it was.  I remember when condos started being built in the high-400’s, and it was just laughable.  The low-400’s came after that.  But the low-300’s?  This is something new.  And not altogether; I mean, there are 350 square foot bachelors in older buildings.  But in pre-construction, off floor plans?  This is a relatively new phenomenon.
9) Will pre-construction condo prices continue to make zero sense?
Oh yeah, we’re into bizzaro territory now.
Magic beans.  That’s what this has come to.
“King Toronto Condos” was launched last fall by Allied Properties & Westbank, and it was written up in the major newspapers, ie. THIS article in the Globe & Mail which drooled over the Danish architecture.
But what’s different about this condo isn’t just the architecture, which most people don’t actually care about, but just pretend to because it’s trendy, but rather the major difference between this condo and any other King West condo is the price.
How about $1,604 per square foot?
The 16-storey, 514-unit building will offer units starting at $659,900 and starting at 390 square feet.
For the love of GOD, who is paying $1,091,990 for a 681 square foot, 1-bed, 1-bath?
Apparently, “investors” are.  Yup.  Smart investors.  That’s the ticket…
10) Will “housing” be a major discussion point in the 2019 Federal election?
No question about it.  And if you know me, and you know my view on politics (ie. what’s written in point #4), you won’t be surprised to hear me say that this will be more pandering to voters.
I would love to see more affordable housing built across Canada, specifically in Toronto.  But with that comes about 1000x as much rhetoric which I just can’t stand.
I fully expect every politician, from every party, to appeal to the cash-strapped, gee-shucks Canadian who can’t afford they home that they want, whether that’s simply a roof over their head, or the 4-bed, 4-bath detached with a walk-in closet that they believe they “deserve.”
I fear we’ll get away from the idea of subsidized housing for those at the lowest-end of the spectrum, and waver into politicians promising that every Canadian can have what they want.  Because that’s been the theme in most elections of late, and I’m not sure that you’ll gain the vote of the middle class by promising housing for those holding the bottom-rung.
Liberals, PC, NDP, and whatever party Maxime Bernier seems to have started, will all make housing a major part of their platforms.  And while I don’t think it will dominate the election, I think voters who don’t feel as affected (ie. don’t care) about some of the bigger issues, will focus in directly on campaign discussions that affect them.
So there you have it, folks!
Ten burning questions, and probably fewer answers than we’d hoped to have.
The discussion after Wednesday’s blog was fantastic, and the readers even went through a few number-crunching examples for investment properties, which I thought was really cool.
More questions in today’s blog, albeit less appealing.  But I invite you to have your two cents either way…
The post Top-Ten Burning Questions For The 2019 Real Estate Market (Pt3) appeared first on Toronto Realty Blog.
Originated from http://bit.ly/2H6JVrg
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tamerafinn787-blog · 7 years ago
The 3 Many Common Automobile Service center Mistakes Cars and truck Owners Make.
Understand that past take ins can easily pave a pathway in to your function when you agree to pick up from the oversights then permit them go. Therefore allow me offer you a review from the 10 very most common mistakes I see people creating when they first come close to a girl - and also this isn't really just pupils - this puts on frequent individuals I monitor when I head out. If your blunder has created somebody to lose rely on you, come close to the person and also give a truthful apology. The Hynix courtroom discusses the difference in between a blunder from rule ... where the truths are known but the lawful consequences are certainly not, or are strongly believed to be other in comparison to they definitely are ...," Century Importers, Inc Some of the most typical credit report blunder is actually co-signing on a lending for loved ones members that do not pay for there certainly bills. They informed the information internet site that the exact method for taking care of such an oversight was unidentified because such mistakes had never ever been actually made in the Oscars' 88-year record. Don't trump yourself up. Get back to the very first step where you analyze the oversight. You could need to have take into consideration the sort of error that has occurred and also the amount of time taken to locate the solution to these inquiries and also the nature of your work. One simple means to stay clear of the typical membership site blunders is actually to have an appeal as well as go at the numerous other membership sites. Essential Rhode Island Household Legislation pointer: Lots of folks utilize the phrase full protection" This is certainly not a lawful term. . At that point there are actually the personal blunders that some people bring around for a life time; their filthy little bit of tricks. 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About the Author: Mike Clover is the manager of is one of the best special on-line information completely free credit rating documents, Net identity theft program, secure charge card, and a BLOG SITE with a riches of personal credit score info. Kids that dread discipline or even the loss from passion in action to their errors discover how to hide their oversights. The majority of the opted for ones made huge errors someplace in the video game, were wounded in the spine through yet another player, or even just merely conformed incorrect. While today risks have actually been considerably minimized and fulfillment is high amongst individuals, there have been a lot of errors along the way featuring dangerous components, suspicious surgical approaches, and poor opinion. It only commemorated its l lth wedding anniversary as well as created it through the recent recession along with few missteps. When appearing at independent oversight, one must initially differentiate in between mechanical estimates as well as organisation mistake. Check out - or click the adhering to url to receive house owners insurance coverage estimates from premier providers and also view how much you can spare. For technical arithmetics, a celebration may be able to reserve the contract on these reasons offered that the various other gathering does not aim to make the most of the error, or even 'seize up' the offer (involving a deal that a person carried out not want making, revealed through an error in calculation etc.). This will be found through an unprejudiced standard, or even if a sensible individual would certainly have the capacity to recognize that the mistake would certainly certainly not make sense to some of the celebrations. On a common papers are actually created in regular styles like Microsoft PowerPoint and also Microsoft Term after which they are turned into the PDF style for additional processing. Many of the exact same oversights are actually made by both husband and wife however because of the differing mental makeup from males and females some are actually a lot more frequent to one in comparison to the various other. The fifth mistake providers create is actually to certainly never think about developing a picture and identification for their company. Nonetheless, the mature and also professional thing to do is actually to own up as well as admit to your supervisor or even manager that it was you that created the mistake. MISTAKE 3: Replicate or even unoptimised information- Lots of material farms exist on the web that supply short articles on several topics that have actually been replicated off various other resources. Equipments that sense an inaccurate action or even part may be used to error evidence a method. Following opportunity you believe that you've slipped up, simply smile as well as enjoy that you only made a significant deposit in to you experience account. This is actually far simpler in a knowing culture than in a performance-focused culture, in which blunders are actually often looked at much more roughly. Lots of people make the error of certainly not securing the pre-approved financings before trying to find residences. There is actually a guideline that an entity or individual can easily not be made extra responsible merely by being in the information chain as well as passing along details taken in good faith in the opinion that it held true, or a minimum of without know-how from the possibility of falsity or even miscalculation. And I again convey confidence in all of them that they have that within all of them to stay clear of producing that error again. Another strategy of acquiring this skill-set is actually to discover several of the standard approaches as well as avoid the best usual oversights. Still, this is not where very most identities are swiped and also it is a huge mistake to think that merely shielding your own stuff may make a primary distinction in your identity fraud risk. By that time this was actually practically impossible for me to discover the identity and location of the pet owner so I had to drop the scenario (which I strongly believed possessed a settlement deal market value from at the very least $50,000 to $75,000). Yet another usual mistake made by those that are aiming to boost their look is feeling that they must have the easiest. Yet despite the office setting, you should figure out just how you can convert the oversight off an obligation in to a possession," Gergen states. Continuously making the very same blunder is going to trigger concerns to become asked - bad inquiries either! When you have actually made a mistake as well as removal on, the key is to accept. Scenery this as an experiment that gave beneficial relevant information. . The primary step in oversight proofing is to identify the sort of mistake, or even mistakes, that induced the flaw. To error A for B → A mit B verwechseln, A für B halten; it may not probably be actually misinterpreted for just about anything else → das ist doch unverkennbar!, das kann guy doch gar nicht verwechseln! An error, as this appears to me, is none the a lot less a mistake due to the fact that it is actually produced intentionally in the sequent from a wrong motive. Lastly, the final large oversight that several girls make is overcomplicating their program. The eradication of error-prone intervene a process is actually one more method of mistake proofing.
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x-mentalia · 7 years ago
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Thank you for your submission, the mods have accepted your application into the ring. Please have your blog ready by 06/02! Name: Olena Shevchenko
**I just want to say something really quick: Within my app, there are some vague mentions of things like abuse (like child abuse and spousal sexual abuse) but I didn’t put much detail, there’s only mentions in passing as needed. I just wanted to give a heads up before anyone goes in and gets surprised. Thanks!!
Name: Olena Shevchenko
Country: Ukraine
Alias (Optional): Vesna
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 36
Species (Mutant/Human): Mutant
Group: X-men
Appearance (1-2 Paras): Olena stands at a fairly intimidating 5 feet 10 inches, and has a naturally strong body shaped like a barrel, complete with a strong stomach and noticeable biceps and leg muscles. She’s a big girl, that’s for sure, never having been very small. She does carry some extra weight on her hips and thighs, making her look soft, but she’s actually very strong and resembles a weightlifter. Her chest grabs attention most places she goes, boasting a G cup these days after two children; but the rest of her body is proportioned so she doesn’t look too top heavy. She has very short light golden blonde hair and big blue eyes that are sharp like a hawk’s. Even through the things that she’s seen, her face is still fairly youthful, with hardly a hint of crows’ feet, or 11s between her eyebrows, or laugh lines marking the outsides of her natural downturned pout. Really, she has sharp, sculpted beautiful features upon her face that have lent her a few too many objectifying comments that usually included her body too. Her hands are far from feminine, rather with wide knuckles and palms and short nails, too busy with work to deal with pampering.
Face Claim (OCs must answer): It’s not that important but I do use the model Sveta Utkina as a reference. Even though her body type is totally wrong and she’s grown her hair out since I started using her, I’m still in love with her face.
Personality: Overwhelming and overbearing are traits typically associated with Olena. She talks, a lot, and she’s awfully nosy, unable to get her nose out of other people’s business. She almost always has something to say, but it’s typically good-natured. Her somewhat lacking knowledge of English being noticeable with incorrect grammar and searching for unknown words, coupled with the way she feels all emotions so intensely, tends to make her come across as tactless; but rest assured that everything comes from the bottom of her big heart. She was born with a maternal instinct and a passion for caring for others, and she always goes more than out of her way to make it known that she cares. She’ll take care of you even if you protest and tell her you’re fine. And she seems to have this instinct that tells her something is wrong, whether someone isn’t feeling well or something bad is going to happen; it isn’t a power, it’s just a weird instinct that tends to be right.
She’s weird—so weird—and doesn’t give a damn if somebody thinks so; her purpose in life, after all, is not to please others with her existence. The way she rambles about obscure subjects, especially medical cases and phenomena that she’s experienced in her nursing career, shows that she’s not very affected by the gory or the macabre, rather finding it all fascinating and worth examining to learn from. You can find her watching disgusting horror movies and she will just be picking apart the inaccuracies of the gore. She’s also extremely blunt with her words, lending from the fact that she’s not well-versed in euphemisms or anything else non-literal in English. She will speak her mind; and although she’s not the most eloquent in English, a fact that sometimes bothers her a little, she will not mince her words and make everything as clear as she can, speaking her mind freely. She isn’t private about herself or her thoughts, only hiding things to protect her family. This can easily be traced to her abusive childhood, and her loveless former marriage, spanning years of being unable to speak her mind or do as she pleases; now, she uses her ‘freedom’ to make up for lost time.
Oh, and it’s terribly obvious that Olena usually sees things in black and white. Good and bad, no in between, because, at heart, she is an incredibly fierce woman. Though many may see a loving mother and friend, she is also a fighter, unafraid of getting her hands dirty. And though she is affectionate, often calling others sweet pet names, she has a bit of a fatalistic, pessimistic streak that pushes her to always be ready. You might never have met someone so protective of their children, but Olena would walk backwards into hell for her daughter and son. People who have wronged her—her parents, her ex husband—are often Olena’s motivation for doing things, to show she can be so much better than she was always assumed to be.
She is wild, passionate, and untamed, having the ferocity of a dedicated warrior. She is thoroughly dedicated to her causes and to her allies and friends. She is a lionness, waiting to pounce.
Strengths: Physically strong; great control and skill with her powers; generous; well meaning; thoughtful; openminded
Weaknesses: Proud; often lets her emotions take control; overbearing; crass; forgetful; nosy
Backstory (2-3 Paras): On August 24, 1981, a pair of twins were born in Kyiv, a boy and a girl. The boy, named Orest, quickly became his parents’ pride and joy; while the girl, Olena, became an afterthought. The couple were never interested in having a girl, which became amplified when they had three more boys over the next several years. All four of the boys were treated with care, even though the family was essentially in poverty; whilst Olena was meant to take care of the home and the younger boys while their parents were working. She had little freedom, not even being able to make her own choices about her appearance, and for her whole childhood she had very long hair and was forced to wear unsightly clothes, as her quickly developing body gave her a bad reputation and was a subject of her parents’ constant torment.
Living somewhere like Ukraine, and having abusive parents, can really throw off a sexuality crisis even more; and the poor girl just thought she was going crazy when she began to have strange thoughts. But it was never at the forefront of her mind, as Olena’s powers first began to show up when she was twelve—a private emotional outburst led to a dead field bursting into bloom with dandelions. She didn’t have much time alone to mess around with these strange abilities, however, until she was a few years older. Despite being very intelligent and making high marks in school, Olena’s parents just wanted her to get married, as they believed taking care of a house and having children was all she was good for. At the time, the legal age for girls in Ukraine to marry was 17; so in 1998, at the age of 17, Olena wed Anton, a man several years her senior
Olena entered the marriage with a lack of affection for Anton, and a plan. She agreed to marry the creep, who had an obsession with her (or rather, her body), and ride it out for a few years so she could obtain a degree. She was actually successful in not consummating their marriage for a couple of years, as she used her nursing program as an excuse as to why she wasn’t home; when she was actually finishing shifts at her job and classes at the medical school, she would stay out even later so she could mess around with her powers in private and become more familiar with them, discovering some fascinating things.
Eventually though…
Kalyna was conceived and born in 2001. Olena still had enormous contempt for her husband, but she felt nothing but love for her daughter. Having completed her nursing degree the year prior, she didn’t have much time to recover after the birth before going back to work in the children’s ward of the hospital she worked at. With Kalyna in the care of the mother of a friend, Olena worked her fingers to the bone to make sure her daughter would have a good life. On days off, she would take her baby to the outskirts of the city, avoiding Anton, and have quiet time whilst practicing with her powers.
It was an uptick in crime in an adjacent neighborhood that first drove Olena to really test out her abilities as a heroine. Enlarging and manipulating some pitiful plants growing between cracks in the sidewalk helped her apprehend a shooter one night, making the plant wrap around his leg and cause him to trip and fall, keeping him in place while help came.
Symon was born when Kalyna was 3 years old, and Olena was still working herself to death at the hospital, though she loved her job dearly, almost as much as she loved her children. She had practically no rest, in between working and caring for her kids and gaining a reputation as a quiet vigilante. Never letting herself be fully seen, the strange occurrences with the plants became linked with a figure that became known under several names, including Jaryla, Kupala, Lada, Vesna (all of which being Slavic pagan deities relating to plants), and even Demeter; but Vesna seemed to stick the most, both in the press and in public opinion. And public opinion was still split in Kyiv, and Ukraine at large, among mutants. There was (and still is) distrust of the government, questioning many of their decisions; though mutants did not technically have legal discrimination, they were still treated poorly by many government officials. But much of the public saw mutants as the children of or even new reincarnations of the old pagan gods.
And some of those mutants sure could protect them even better than the police.
Caring for sick children by day, helping needy citizens by night… Olena embraced the Vesna figure and eventually made herself a costume so she could disguise herself while putting herself out to help more. Though she was based in Kyiv, and her schedule was restricted by her job and her family life, the figure of Vesna gained national attention, which even began to spread to a few other countries. It was the strongest and most empowered Olena had ever felt.
In 2010, Olena filed for divorce. In 2011, she was free, and had custody of her children because of the case. Kalyna and Symon, now 10 and 7, held contempt for their father as well, since he was never a caring figure and always very cold and distant to them. They stayed in Ukraine a couple more years, during which time the childrens’ patronyms were changed to matronyms, and they legally bore their mother’s maiden name. At the height of her notoriety, and when political issues were rising, Vesna vanished for months. This, of course, was when Olena and her children immigrated to the United States, along with many other Ukrainians.
Moving takes time and settling, but their new home within New York state was so much more comfortable than the life they had been leading before. With all intentions of gaining full citizenship in the United States, Olena initially took up a low-key life, not taking on any trouble so she could keep up her eligibility as a candidate for citizenship. She became restless, however; and a few months in, the figure Vesna popped up in America, known by Americans who kept their eye on international oddities and mutants.
Olena was surprised, however, to find out the much more polarized opinions of Americans about mutants. She was helping people with her powers…and they wanted her dead, simply because of her powers? It didn’t make much sense. Even with the thought in mind that some mutants did bad things with their powers, it just wasn’t right to stop all mutants ‘just in case.’ Being incredibly strong willed, the only option for Olena was joining the X-Men to help figure out some solution. Holding a civilian job and caring for her two teenage children while living off-campus and having to go to the headquarters for training proves to be an extremely busy life, and she runs the risk of possibly burning out; but quitting is not an option.
Mutant Questions
Plant Manipulation: The power to control plant-life. Having had her powers since she was a young teenager, being well-practiced, and already being an established heroine, Olena has wide mastery over her powers and can be considered very strong. Olena is capable of creating plants from thin air. She can also make existing ones healthier. The ones she creates are always of the highest quality.
She recently discovered the ability to create hybrids, although this is not fully developed. Olena can drain the life out of a plant, which will give her more physical strength. She’s not exactly Captain America but she’s in better shape than the average person. She can detect the health of an existing plant, and tell whether its conditions are good or if it’s being harmed (and diagnose if it’s getting too much or too little sun or water, or if the soil is bad).
She can bring dead plants back to life, although this is more taxing on her. Olena needs a higher caloric intake to be able to use her powers consistently. She also needs regular doses of sunlight and plenty of water.
Plant enhancement: The power to augment, grow or bring plants back to life and even create them. Olena can increase the amount and health of plants, flowers and other produce, heal and otherwise nourish them and influence environment to reach and stay on the ideal range to help plant-life flourish. She can accelerate their growth and even create them from nothing if needed.
Plant growth: The power to influence the growth of plant life. Olena can influence and accelerate the growth of plants, causing them to mature with supernatural speed, grow to unusual size, and produce in abundance. She can cause plants to grow from seeds to full-grown plants in moments, cause them to flower and produce fruits, seeds, etc. outside season, cause a cut plant to grow roots and other similar feats. This extends to fruits, vegetables, vines, flowers, and branches.
Plant generation: The power to generate plants. Olena can generate plants, including vines, moss, fungi, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers, and manifest them anywhere she wants. She does not need to do this in soil, and can even make trees grow on the floor inside. Generating poisonous plants causes a trace amount of the poison to enter her system, and can make her sick, depending on the severity of the poison auses a trace amount of the poison to enter her system, and can make her sick, depending on the severity of the poison and how much was generated. This extends to fruits, vegetables, vines, flowers, and branches.
Vine manipulation: The power to control vines. Olena can create, shape and manipulate vines, tendrils, stems or runners of the plant with a growth habit of trailing or climbing stems or runners, the specialized stems, leafs or petioles with a threadlike shape that is used by climbing plants for support, attachment and cellular invasion by parasitic plants, generally by twining around suitable hosts. The user can cause vines to grow, develop thorns, move/attack, mutate vines by rearranging DNA structure and revive withered or dead vines.
Chlorokinetic combat: The power to utilize plants in combination of physical combat. The main usage of this is chlorokinetic whip generation, in which she creates vine that she can easily use as whips and lassos. 
Like an actual plant, Olena needs plenty of sunlight and water to effectively use her powers. Being cooped up inside and working can be extremely draining on her, and she will need some time to recoup. She also requires a high caloric intake, especially if she is creating and/or enhancing high amounts of edible plant matter. Just in general, she burns lots of energy and calories while using her powers. They can also dehydrate her quite a bit.
Creation of plants is limited to her own knowledge of plants. She can’t just make something she’s never heard of, and she can’t do it just by looking at a book or online. I hope that makes sense. Basically her powers are limited to her personal knowledge. She could make a tree shoot up out of a concrete floor; but unless there’s some sort of earth directly beneath it, the tree (or whatever plant) won’t survive.
If she creates any sort of poisonous plants, Olena runs the risk of some of the poison also materializing inside of her body. Although it won’t be as effective as actually ingesting or touching the plants, creating a large amount will up the dosage inside of her. Also the worse the poison, the more toxic the effects in smaller dosages.
The existing plants that Olena may enhance to be healthier and live longer can still be affected by the soil and weather. While they’ll last a little longer than usual, they are still, unfortunately, capable of losing the fight eventually.
Really, using her powers can just drain her energy, especially if she’s creating too many plants. She has built up some resistance but is also prone to over working herself and pushing her limits too far, which has led to burnout before.
Lit Writing Sample:
Someone close to you has just discovered you are a mutant, how does your muse react before the other can reveal their feelings?
Olena set her jaw firmly when she heard the tone in her twin’s voice. She and Orest had always been more alike than they ever wanted to admit, even in adulthood when they lived a world apart. And she knew he was feeling serious about a suspicion he’d been having. And Olena had a sneaking feeling she knew what he was thinking about. They’d been close their whole lives, even when their parents were in control and Orest had had much more freedom than his sister.
“Orest,” she supplied evenly, transferring the phone from between her ear and shoulder, to now being held in hand. She would at least give him the benefit of focusing all her attention on the conversation, rather than splitting it between him and cutting coupons. He deserved as much. An angel, he was, like their younger brothers.
“Lenku, I know there has always been something amiss. You have always been hiding something from me; which, I will admit, is impressive, but some secrets are too big to be hidden effectively.” His voice was calm, and mostly even, though shaking slightly. His timbre had always been a touch more delicate than Olena’s.
“I came out to you years ago,” she replied loudly, and lamely. That probably wasn’t what he mean; and even her sexuality had been no surprise, as twins always have a special connection.
“I think there’s another coming out that you need to do, though.” She could hear him shift. He was a very large man, nothing about his body delicate, and he’d never been capable of being quiet. “There was always something else you were running off to do whenever you had the chance. And all those times Mariya wasn’t able to watch the kids for longer and you begged and begged for me or someone else to keep them on nights you worked because you needed to stay out longer…”
Olena swallowed thickly.
“And those weird things always happening in your neighborhood, or the one near it.”
She remained very still for several moments, silent, idly studying the metal blades of the kitchen scissor blades, not unlike the pair she had used to cut off her braid twenty years before. Oh, she knew exactly what her brother meant. The clues were really too obvious, and she was fortunate that it had taken this long for it to come up. Orest remained quiet too, ever so patient, just waiting for her to feel comfortable.
Finally, she inhaled softly, and expelled a long breath. “Are you asking if I am one of them? The extraordinary people? The…mutants?” She spoke the last word in English, softly, as if someone was listening in. She only ever spoke in Ukrainian with her brothers, occasional English slang words sneaking in based upon each sibling’s knowledge. And mutant almost felt like a slang word.
Olena licked her lips, pausing, then replied, “Yes. Yes, I am, Orest, and I’ve hidden it from you and Mykola and Havryil and Kyrylo for so long because I didn’t want to potentially put your lives in danger just for being associated with me. People never really knew what to think in Ukraine, but…it’s so much worse here in America, some humans want us dead simply because some mutants use their powers for bad things.” The flood gates were open as Olena poured out her thoughts, spilling from her head and her heart. She rested a palm on her forehead as she confessed, feeling weak and defeated. “All I ever wanted was to save people and keep them safe and now I’ve wrapped myself up in this gigantic thing, trying to solve a problem for the whole world. And the kids know but I don’t ever let them anywhere near my dealings because I want them to be safe too. Orest, if any of you—you, the boys, the kids—were ever harmed because of my associations, I don’t know what I would do, because it would be my fault. And so I only ever hid it because it was for your safety.”
Clearly he was stunned by the outburst, as Orest initially replied with his own silence. Olena panted softly as she caught her breath after her impromptu rant—she was prone to them, as her twin knew, but they sometimes became embarrassing. “It makes sense that you didn’t tell us,” Orest finally replied. “I read about mutants in the news sometimes, and the dangers they’ve faced.”
She licked her lips as she waited for him to continue.
“As long as my sestrenku is a hero, however… I will always be proud. You must be working very hard, having your job and being a mother and also being a hero. You’d best be taking care of yourself!”
Olena felt herself relax when her brother’s response was favorable, and she released a little laugh, though it came out sounded nervous, as she was still coming down from her little emotional outburst. “Bratku, not once in my life have I ever taken care of myself, and you know that just as well as I do.”
“Nonsense, the day you walked out on that dick, what’s his name, is the best thing you’ve ever done and you’re still benefitting from it. So tell me more about this mutant thing, if you can? Unless you’re sworn to secrecy. In which case, tell me and I swear I won’t tell anyone else.”
The woman chewed on her lip, wondering where to begin. She supposed there was a nice place to start. “Vesna. You’ve heard of her? The heroine?” A pause. “That is me, the one with the plants. I am literally the hero Vesna.”
She heard him lean forward, obviously enthralled. “No! Really? That’s awesome! You will have to tell me all about it! What you can actually do! How long have you had them?”
She giggled, now excited about sharing secrets with her brother, something they had never really been capable of as children, as she had always been forced to watch him and their other brothers from behind some sort of electric fence. “I was twelve! Imagine going through puberty with powers!“
0 notes
yabancithemovie-blog · 7 years ago
What should I do for GRE preparation as a beginner?
GRE Exam Preparation TipsTone of this passage are available utilizing the option of the flip of phrases or words.  Assume that it's complicated if the tone seems to be impartial and search for the tone.  You are able to arrive in the tone
by detecting the diction or simply by asking these questions: Can the writer feel positively or negatively about a specific topic?  What facet of this subject does the writer criticize?  What questions does the writer raise throughout the passing?   
And solve as possible.  (Do not approach the issues using formulae.  Try out a logical strategy unless you are able to fix it faster with a formulation.)  Document If So that you should be attempting to brush up on your notions, folks locate the Quants section simple.  In cramming as many formulas as 21, I'd recommend you create your theories concrete and do not get carried off.  When you're confident enough attempt taking up a mock test and determine where you stand, examine your mistakes and then return to these topics and be certain that there is not an Achilles heels.   Spend as little timeas possible preparing for Quants and that I really don't think that it will ooccupy a great deal of time.   
Because time is of the character, will be brief but on the off possibility that you fall upon one or two ones, it's a good idea to concentrate more and find the picture of this passing.  
Is a test, so it's necessary to answering the queries in regards to be true but also fast.   You're 
expected to answer 20 questions in 30 mins either from the Quants section and the Verbal.  Try plenty of evaluations that are mock it can help you a whole lot.  
As you might not be used to the language utilized.  The very best method to 
prepare for the part would be to READ.  The part is vocabulary and being comprehensive with language might make the difference between you getting into institute or an institute overseas.  
Be looking out for concessions:
Answers that are wrong tend to fall under categories which 
can help you remove the decisions in regards to reading comprehensions or the GRE verbal reasoning department.  
Questions on reading comprehension passages possess the area in comparison to some other sort of query in the GRE.
Some of the following tips can come in handy:
Skimming through the questions is being requested.  If you discover alternative or a question confusing 
rephrase the query on your keywords.  
Before beginning your 
Try conversing just in English together with your family and friends.  It is okay to make.  Additionally, it will assist you.
Before you begin your preparation, you want to understand the following.
You have to perform a SWOT analysis.  Evaluate your strengths and 
weaknesses so that it's going to be more easy for you to concentrate more
 you are comfortable with.  People are familiar with the segment that is quants and have a tendency to battle with all the Quants section.  It's a good idea to take the examination after 6 weeks of preparation in case you haven't reserved a date for the examination yet.  
4.  Magoosh language builder.  
Try composing: Attempt to outline everything you have have read daily and make it checked by a specialist.
3.  PrepGame.
Tips that may come in handy when it comes to the 
comprehension but they might be employed to some query in the section.  
Partying and taking drugs a week or 2 prior to the Evaluation 
Be Conscious of the Incorrect answers:
They say save the best for the past in regards to the exams like GRE but it will not hold good.
Spend a hour and two hours daily to GRE's section to your Quants section.
Assume a lot ofAre beyond the scope of the passing overly intense authentic but demand external understanding overly specific/too wide
Please do not attempt to memorize phrases.  Try to come up to bear in mind these words' significance.
Taking the mocks will not help you optimize or enhance your scores if you don't examine the evaluation in detail and determine where you've gone wrong.  
Taking the mockup evaluation at the Perfect time period Is Essential:
DUMB down them:
preparation.  It's a Fantastic thing to avoid eating outside crap 
Notes while studying the understanding passage 
allotted.  Remove phrases and the information that are 
present to throw off you.  
From the end of this first month, you ought to have:
Without preparing the scores which you secure may demotivate you, you simply take this up.  Make sure that you cover all of of the theories and 
practice again to them and committing the evaluation.   
Diet as you'll require a good deal of energy 
You should not prepare for hours together to decode the GRE.  
Should you try the questions that are unknown, you are going to wind up wasting time. 
 If you discover a query complicated, it's far better to leave it by simply answering the questions linked to the comfortable and simpler questions and enhance your score.  
Install These apps in your own Android phone
You've covered all of of the bases it's very important to put your skills.  The ETS allows you to take two evaluations up . 
 Ensure that you use it because the scores which you get in those 
tests are extremely accurate i.e., should you take up the true GRE examination your scores will only change by 3 marks on both sides of the score you've got in the Mock examination.  
Be certain that your prep because of a occasion or does not require a back seat.
Getting to the toughest Aspect of everything PREPARATION:
The options are wrong if they:
Your mistakes.  Cover the concepts and attempt until you're extremely confident that you will get it spot on from the exam, to address problems in addition to the issue from the issue.  
The query asked is associated to a line in the 
comprehension passage, it will not help in the event that you go back and read the 
sentence.  The thumb rule is to see a minumum of one sentence before and 
Take Advantage of the circumstance:
2.  Subscribe to blogs you find interesting.  I advise that you combine medium.com.
Few tips:
Use the scratch mat:
Prep and while taking the exam.  Make Sure that you adhere to a 
Try watching lots of English films and television shows with subtitles.   You will gradually enhance your writing and speaking abilities.
The section is that the section and It'll definitely be the mar or make variable on your GRE
If you're a newcomer is to begin well ahead of time.  The term newcomer is relative.  What you might consider as something might not 
be for somebody else.  
Install language builder that is Magoosh and 
finish learning the words out of 5 amounts and all of the 7 degrees.  Keep revising before you proceed on to find new words, what you've learned.  
Save the worst for the past:
2. You ought to be methodical using Barron's 800.
Last but not the least
 This program can be found on several different platforms, and is totally free, such as Google Play Store, the Apple App Store, and shortly, the Windows Phone Store.  
Notice: Whenever you 
Most of the reading comprehension passages while shooting the GRE You Will Encounter
Their diet and health.  This Is Essential both 
Watch your daily diet:
Locate the tone of this passage:
Learn a phrase please attempt to find out all the meanings of this word.  Learn use and the antonyms for every word.  
3.  Subscribe to a word a day and attempt using the phrase as much as possible.
1.  Start.  You may begin with reading this newspaper's sport column.
Food, throughout your phase.  Refrain from ingesting, 
The writer, many situations can have a voice towards facet or a subject in the passages.  The writer may have a strong opinion 
towards particular aspects in a passing and argue to it during the 
passing but then the writer may suddenly stop doing this and create subtle
 or extreme concessions to the other hand that will weaken the 
arguments which were formerly made from the reading comprehension 
passage.  Be certain that concessionsn't throw you.  
Solved probable questions in the segment, taken up tests, revised the theories where you went wrong examined them and solved a few sums.  
1.  Increased the amount of pages you read to 50.
The GRE examination has 3 segments the analytic writing section, the verbal part and the quants section.  The analytic writing section does not contribute to a GRE score so that you should not break your mind about it.   The quants is you should be seeking to get and the segment.  Anything more than 160 is a score in regards to 
verbal.  You're expected to answer 20 questions in thirty minutes in all those segments.  One thing that almost all of the folks do not understand is that the GRE
 is really just for 80 marks but the marks are given from 320 so 
that we do not assume that somebody that scores a 40 is just half as great 
as a man or woman who scores 80 so that the scores are awarded on a scale of 260--340.  
The GRE is a timed evaluation: When we had all the time we are in need of, then each one of us could find the best score on the GRE.  However, the GRE
Reading should not be regarded as a member of the two hours you devote daily to the part.
Zero in on the thought behind the more extended passages:
First 10 times:
Listed below are a
5.  Revise of the theories Which You Can be analyzed on in the GRE
0 notes
Home Mama' Is actually Not A Genuine Work.
2 weeks ago I put on my extremely classy cap and gown, as well as I walked across the stage at the College of Nevada (The TRUE Educational institution of Nevada). By doing this of presuming will assist you to expand your perspectives, makes you parched for discovering as well as remodeling from your writing a blog skills If you assume that a silly online amount of money making formula" you see on net is going to offer to you the possibility to get countless bucks just by doing nothing" you really have actually lied yourself. For example, a person that is madly in love with somebody, logically understand the partnership is certainly not exercising, probably could also be thought about psychologically abusive, his heart wants to remain while logic mentions absolutely no, that emotion coming from heart, that desire is actually NOT intestine feeling/intuition. The treadmill diary is mostly a motivational device-- remembering, you could easily find your progress (or even are without thereof) as well as really feel either influenced or even shamed. This led me to develop The IMPRESSIVE (Establish, Push Limits, Boost, Continue) Design from Experience, a surprisingly foreseeable four-stage method every journey looks at which anybody could put on live an exciting and amazing life. Using them effectively as well as along with your passions featured could bring up profile pages of people you will be really encouraged through.
So the thoughts is toned up to work this way consequently made use of to it. Thus on some days you relax and unexpectedly recognize while presuming that you are searching for a trouble in a situation or location of your lifestyle where there are actually none. They are actually normally even more focused on themselves as well as don't truly think about others. Inspired through movies like Ferris Bueller's Day Off, where the charming hero develops adventurous adventures, I assumed that if I can learn to be as exciting as Ferris, then perhaps my lifestyle could be other. While examining these points one could consider the environmental improvements and external aspects however our company need to understand that these are actually likewise pertinent with relation to psychology and thought methods. For me, thinking outside package does certainly not only feature all the above named, but also the visibility not to stubbornly linger on my own viewpoint and also to modify the opinion I became pregnant when another individual proves me to be inappropriate or even incorrect. I believe I'll check in along with my Dr to view if I prepare ... cos I am actually starting to seem like a bird, transformeding into the wind, getting ready to take flight. Yet interacting socially a lot of on these sites could eliminate the important time you have to spend writing a blog. Pay attention to chanting/humming the concept (or presuming it within your head), over and over once again, till there are no interrupting thought and feelings from your mind. The second stage is actually to be knowledgeable about when you are actually utilizing the destructive reasoning designs - Our team can easily employ other thinking designs depending upon exactly what we are carrying out in lifestyle. You might possess invested hours weekly along with thinking as well as referring to just how inappropriate traits have gone with you in lifestyle. Spend some time to think of this as well as merely for a while forget exactly what your parents, partner or employer may prefer. So as for a book to assist you come to be extra successful it should do one thing to transform how you assume or even behave. If you believe that you will certainly neglect after that you'll find proof" that you will certainly stop working in your reality. However be sensible, have a back up program if you are found out to stay with your flame tossing or even various other unlikely passion, as well as always be true to who you are actually (certainly not who everyone else wants you to become). It consists of expressions from theorists, authors, religious thinkers and also various other terrific minds whose fantastic words motivated lots of human beings. dig this , one of the best business person bios; was actually composed after the author had performed over 3 years of job interviews along with Jobs and also participant from his loved ones, his coworkers as well as rivals. Today my viewpoints concern ShoutmeLoud is Fantastic given that Admin allotment each trait along with his community as he can. At first I was upset & was dropped for initial few weeks, as I could not head out of my space. When I consider the arrogant people I have met that seems to be mostly men that present this characteristic. If one thing is actually not exercising, attempt and modify your reasoning type as well as come at that from yet another angle. That being actually claimed, this is likewise important to note that teaching people to think strategically plays an essential task in suppressing meaningless obedience to authority. Shrug off insults like they failed to happen as well as those that witness your unflinching nature might be inspired to perform the very same. As well as senior individuals which store favorable stereotypes concerning seniority typically recover much better coming from impairment in comparison to those that presume adversely. Thanks for reviewing this terrific checklist from 9 Nelson Mandela quotes that have actually perhaps encouraged you to modify the method you think of lifestyle for the better.
0 notes
mikkagals-blog · 8 years ago
Information Literacy – START (Assessing Websites)– CN20
“Information Literacy – START (Assessing Websites)”      Want to let someone know something or perhaps you want to let everyone living in this world know? Want to update a person or a group of people on how your everyday life is going through? Want to share a personal opinion and give other people advice to whether you are friends with that person or not? Today, this is not impossible with all the technologies our great scientists have invented. No matter how far the person is or the people are, one’s message will be sent to him or her without doubt.       Particularly in collaborative blogs or should I say blogosphere, people who write these kind of things typically post entries or pictures which are based on a single theme. The blogosphere is often compared to grassroots journalism in that each member is able to post on any topic that catches their personal interest. Whether it would be a fashion blog, food blog, political blog, news blog, health blog, or maybe many more, any person can post their own personal belief or interest and share it with all the people that are also interested in seeing what other people think about in this specific scope.      The blogosphere is a powerful social network in that many popular bloggers have an audience measured in thousands and in some cases, millions rather; nonetheless, it is also very diverse which is why it does not represent a unified social unit – even though some of the social sub-groups within the blogosphere are.       Although bloggers can become influential and even profit from their posts, blogs are often maintained out of a desire to share thoughts with like-minded people rather than profit; therefore, in my perspective, joining a group blog is good idea, but obviously, it has its own bad side. It may help enhance one’s skills, for instance, in cooking. It allows aspiring chefs to explore the different kinds of recipes and cooking techniques. One may also ask for other people’s or critiques’ opinions on how a certain recipe tastes like. “Does it taste good or bland? Does it taste bad?” Questions like these will only be stuck in one’s mind if he or she won’t ask for other people on what they think about a recipe that the blogger has made and how to improve the recipe to make it taste good.       Trending things in such topics like fashion blogs would be known by the members of the blogs and it may help the fashion victims to keep themselves updated as they wish.      As of its bad side, since different people has their own different tastes and beliefs, members of a blog may tend to team up to debate and judge one another’s belief. At times, for example, people that belong to Group A forces Group B to change their beliefs and to follow what Group A believes is right and true; however, the Group B has its own belief of right and true, which is why this kind of method is not going to work.      In wikis, however, the developer of the first wiki software described a wiki as “The simplest online database that could possibly work.” Random people can freely edit or create a web page for a topic using any web browser wherein nitty-gritty details are needed for the readers to fathom the needed information that they are looking for, but these pieces of information are sometimes deceiving, sometimes true, sometimes right, and sometimes incorrect; consequently, whatever kind of information that can be found in a wiki is very skeptical.      Like many simple concepts, open editing has some profound and subtle effects on wiki usage. Allowing everyday users to do this is kind of exciting that it encourages democratic use of the web and promotes content composition by nontechnical users.      Yes, it really is the simplest database since one could find almost or perhaps everything in a wiki. It is kind of convenient if you really trust that wiki, but giving it a double check would be better and safer. Of course, having to know a wrong information is troublesome and annoying, especially when you suddenly realized that that piece of information is incorrect, and I admit that I have felt that kind of feeling.       According to some people, it is important to create a wiki since it is the most flexible, yet underrated tool in modern newsrooms. Because a reporter never knows everything about a subject, chances are there is a reader or a viewer who knows something that could greatly enhance a story. Public wikis are a great way to aggregate information from the people who know the subject matter best and is perhaps the best use of a wiki in today’s modern era is journalism.      Not only that, a wiki can also make our lives easier by sharing notes and details in one place that those who are involved can access any time. Having to know the news that goes around the world is really essential in our lives. Economic and cultural state of a country can also be found here. Plus, recognizing these things and respecting them would help a person to get along with others. This may also help us maintain our social health healthy.      The authors and editors of both wikis and group blogs are inspired to share the pieces of information that they know to the whole wide world. It is like scratching a friend’s back since knowing an information given by somebody else is a very big help and vice versa. Whether it would be a belief, an interest, an experience, or a fact, sharing things like these would literally help other people understand how the world and our lives work much better. Some may see this as kibitzing, but actually, it may still be useful without noticing it being useful.      As our technologies continue to ameliorate, everything, and by everything I mean literally every single thing in this world, should be dealt with care because we never know when we will need it even if it harms us, I suppose.
References: https://www.techopedia.com/definition/4862/blogosphere http://wiki.org/wiki.cgi?WhatIsWiki http://www.adweek.com/digital/5-reasons-you-should-create-wiki-now/
0 notes
rebeccahpedersen · 6 years ago
Top-Ten Burning Questions For The 2019 Real Estate Market (Pt3)
I sure hope the blog readers are up early on a Friday!
We all know that Friday blogs only get one weekday of display on TRB, but they do get Saturday and Sunday, for what it’s worth.
Here’s hoping that “Burning Questions” #4 through #10 get the eyes they deserve…
4) How many condos will be cancelled, and will changes to the Condominium Act result?
In short: several, and no.
That’s a pessimistic viewpoint, right?  Well, it’s a realistic view-point as well.
I literally had this conversation with a colleague of mine today when he told me, “You’re being pessimistic.”  I told him that as much as I’d love to be optimistic, I can’t help but be realistic.  I don’t go through life seeing the cup as half-empty, but I sure as hell don’t ever want to fall into the segment of society that willfully delude thesmelves into seeing something that isn’t there.
Being realistic means you’re less likely to be caught off guard.  And perhaps that’s a mantra that every pre-construction condo buyer should adopt.
We saw more condo cancellations last year than that any year I can remember, and the media coverage was ramped up too.  It makes for a sexy story, especially when you have whiny buyers who will mug for the cameras while telling their sob stories.  Remember, it’s always somebody else’s fault!
Since, in my opinion, politicians aren’t actually in the business of helping people, but rather in the business of self-preservation, I don’t believe that at any point in the near future, we will see changes to the Condominium Act that will prohibit developers from cancelling more condo projects, for any reason they see fit.  There’s just nothing “in it” for a politician to enact change.  Don’t get me wrong – politicians will stand in front of podiums at some point, lamenting the evil developers and promising to help the poor, infantilized pre-construction condo buyers, but once the flashbulbs stop, those politicians will simply go back to City Hall and work on their giant paper-clip chains at their desks.
Remember, I’m not being pessimistic, I’m being realistic.  There’s a difference!
At some point, developers will cross the line, and maybe, just maybe, something will be done.
Take the Cosmos Condo, for example.  In 2018, Liberty Developments cancelled the 3-tower, 1,453-unit complex, citing the cliché “financial constraints” as the reason.  And only a few months later, Liberty filed an application with the city of Vaughan to build two “new” condos on a plot of land that they own right next door.
Is that fair?
Well, yes, of course it is.  Because, 1) Liberty was permitted to cancel the project as per their clauses in the Agreements that buyers signed, and, 2) Liberty can file an application to build a condo on any plot of land that they own, as they see fit.  Liberty is free to suggest that one project has nothing to do with the other, and while we know that’s not the case, it doesn’t matter.
Is that case enough to cross the line?  Or is it just business as usual?
We will soon find out!
Because on February 13th, 2019, a class-action lawsuit against Liberty Developments finally goes to court!
Suing a condominium developer is never easy, and when it comes to suing for a cancelled condo, I have never seen a class-action result in a “win” in Toronto.  Correct me if I’m wrong.
The website www.cosmoscondoscancellation.com will tell you all you need to know about this class-action, as well as what is required for a class-action of this statue.  In order to proceed, the law firm requires 400 people to provide a non-refundable fee of $500 plus HST, which represents a paltry $200,000 retainer for the firm.
It should be noted that the law firm, Charney Lawyers, is perhaps the most experienced firm in Toronto when it comes to condominium lawsuits.  According to their website, they have class actions against Festival Tower, X-Condos, Emerald City, Murano, and One Bedford, just to name a few.  And according to THIS article, the firm is poised to take on the developer of Iconica Condos, which was the second major condo cancellation in Vaughan in 2018, this one even larger than Cosmos, with 3-towers and 1,633 units getting the axe.
According to Urbanation, in 2018 there were 12 buildings in 9 developments, representing 4,202 units, that were cancelled.
In 2017, there were only eight buildings and 1,658 units cancelled.
In 2016, a mere 379 units were cancelled.
Will this trend continue in 2019?
5) Will we open up the Greenbelt to development?
I mentioned this in December’s year-end blog, specifically including in the “Future of the City of Toronto” story, which I felt represented Story #1.
I wrote that blog about two weeks after the Ontario government launched Bill 66, the “Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018,” and mere days after the media had grabbed on to the story, and the reaction.
The Toronto Star sought out mayors and twenty municipalities for statements, and while Mayor John Tory was the only one to dance around the issue and not provide any comment of substance (no surprise…), most mayors were wholeheartedly against the idea of residential development on the Greenbelt.
But here’s what’s interesting about the idea of building on the Greenbelt: it’s not for the benefit of municipalities other than Toronto.
At least, not in my opinion.
The biggest reason why the Greenbelt would be opened to residential development would be to alleviate the massive imbalance of supply and demand in Toronto, and potentially reduce prices and/or stop rapid appreciation.
I don’t think that Doug Ford is even considering what’s best for Aurora in all of this, but rather what’s best for Toronto.  Ironic, considering he’s known as the mayor who doesn’t care about Toronto, and panders to voters outside the GTA (ie. his desire to build subways north of the city, rather than a downtown relief line).  That is the only reason why I think, maybe, Doug Ford will do what’s best for the Greenbelt, rather than what’s best for the real estate market.
And of course, that raises a good discussion point!  With regards to whether or not to build residential real estate on the Greenbelt, what comes first: a) what’s best for the Greenbelt, b) what’s best for real estate values and affordability to those in southern Ontario, in the long-term?
Is this simply a case of, “If you want to make an omlet, you need to break a few eggs”?
Are we naive for thinking that we won’t ever need that land?
Every time I see a movie based hundreds of years ago, and there’s nothing but green land surrounding the quaint little town, in every which way, it makes me think about what existed on the site of my home, or office, one hundred, two hundred, or five hundred years ago.
Call this line of thinking exaggerated if you please, but don’t people acknowledge that at some point, we’d have to consider building on the Greenbelt in order to house the people who want to live in the Golden Horseshoe?
Or do we just continue piling people on top of one-another in the downtown core until the house of cards implodes?
6) Will there be any changes in the mortgage market?
I believe that as things stand right now, this is the most confusing time for the mortgage market in a decade.  Maybe more.
There have been worse times, ie. 20% interest rates, vendor take-back mortgages, et al.
But in terms of being able to know, with a modicum of certainty, what interest rate you will end up with, before purchasing, I don’t know that there’s been a stranger time than now.
5% down?  20% down?  House?  Condo?  Variable?  Fixed?
There’s absolutely zero consistency across the board, and what’s worse is that most buyers are making assumptions that are entirely incorrect.
For example, would you assume that if you have a 20% down payment, you would get a better interest rate than the buyer with a 5% down payment?  I think that’s a reasonable assumption, right?
Wrong.  Dead wrong.
Buyers will 5% down get better rates than those with 20% down.  Buyers who are better qualified financially are punished by the banks, who charge them higher rates.  For those of you that work in banking, we can call this semantics, and yes, I’m being a dramatic.  But you get my point.
The “pre-approval” is ironically both more necessary, and useless, than ever before.  It’s necessary because lenders have tightened up their criteria and no longer should a buyer simply rely on an online calculator, or loosey-goosey conversation with a bank or mortgage broker with respect to a pre-approved amount.  But the pre-approvals are useless because so much changes in the mortgage market, week-to-week, and literally day-to-day.  Not only that, a buyer looking at different property types, at different prices, will ultimately get very different terms from a lender.  So what good is a pre-approval if the terms are going to change between the day the ink on the document dries, and the day the purchase is made?
I’ve heard anecdotally that most banks have a November 1st year-end, so after that date, they “turned off the taps,” so to speak, and made far fewer loans.  This wouldn’t make sense to many people who simply assume that banks are in business to lend, 24/7, 365.  But having experienced exceptional years, most banks realized the need to let employees catch their breath, and prepare for 2019.  Based on this, I would expect restrictions to loosen this month.
I’ve also heard that CMHC will be releasing new policies in April that will be groundbreaking, although exactly what those new rules are, remain to be seen.  I’ve heard rumours that this is mainly to do with self-employed, contract, and commission-based individuals, who have been hit hard over the last couple of years.  It’s amazing, because I’ve had clients who are commission-based with exceptional incomes get turned down for loans that salary-based individuals, with half the salary, would have had no problem obtaining.
7) Will we continue to see a mass exodus from the city?  Where will buyers go in 2019?
Over the past six years, two of my friends have moved from Toronto to Mississauga, one has moved from Toronto to Montreal, one has moved from Toronto to Kingston.
Work, life, and family played a role.
But you can’t think for a second that the cost of living in Toronto wasn’t a major factor.
As I’ve mentioned before many times, it can actually be faster to get to work, living outside the city and having access to better transit, than living downtown in a poorly-serviced spot.  I always reference my friend who moved to Mississauga and walks 8-minutes to the GO Station, takes a 16-minute train to Union, and walks 5-6 minutes to his office.  He used to take 40 minutes to get to the same office from Bathurst & Queen’s Quay.
Some clients of mine who live east or west of the city are seeing absolutely zero point in living in the core, although to be fair, I just received an email from a client who works at Yonge & Finch, who’s wife drives to Mississauga, and who wants to live in midtown.
But whereas moving outside the core used to be a last-resort, and one that was fought by the parents and friends, and much debated among the buyers, it has now become a realistic discussion point at the start of many searches.
I also think, and this is one of the rare times when you’ll hear me say this, that people are becoming more reasonable.  Don’t get me wrong, the good folks that protested the B.C. pipeline on the Bloor Viaduct in Toronto (John Tory clearly had no issue with this) on Wednesday night, during rush hour, with their e-vapes and man-buns, who went back to their parents’ houses when they were finished, will still clamour for the government to pay for their lives, and everything in it.  But the actual working-class in Toronto seem to have accepted that if you can’t afford to buy a property in Toronto, then you can look outside the city.
I understand.  Change is hard.  Acceptance is harder.  But it seems as though more and more people are accepting that, 1) The market crash of 50% that will enable them to buy their dream home, isn’t coming, and 2) The universe is not going to solve their problem.
Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, Milton, and Brampton have all seen an uptick in activity in the past few years, despite the ups and downs of the market.  The same can be said for Ajax, Oshawa, Whitby, and Pickering, although prices have suffered there, as mentioned on Monday.
People are going to continue moving out of the city.  People will continue moving into the city, ie. those who can afford it, but I just don’t see all those with the means and desire to own a freehold property outside the city hanging on here any longer.
8) Will condos continue to get smaller and smaller?
Absolutely.  No question about it, in my mind.
But isn’t this a necessary evil?  I mean, if buyers are objecting to prices, and rapid appreciation, then isn’t buying a smaller condo the obvious alternative?
Paying more, to get less.  That’s the theme in today’s condo market, and I don’t see it changing.
I always point to The Art Shoppe as a classic example of what to expect moving forward.  There are studio plans of 321, 325, 331, 339, 379, 379, 418, 431, and 559 square feet respectively.  One-bedroom plans of 321, 480, 487, 510, 543, 567, 569, 607, 663, 867, 889, 893, and 1,004 square feet respectively too.  I’ll admit, the 800+ square foot 1-bedroom layouts are very rare, but this doesn’t offset the fact that this development has seven different floor plans of under 400 square feet.
Once upon a time, we thought that a sub-600 square foot condo was small.  When I bought my first 585 square foot condo, the people around me marvelled at what a tiny space it was.  I remember when condos started being built in the high-400’s, and it was just laughable.  The low-400’s came after that.  But the low-300’s?  This is something new.  And not altogether; I mean, there are 350 square foot bachelors in older buildings.  But in pre-construction, off floor plans?  This is a relatively new phenomenon.
9) Will pre-construction condo prices continue to make zero sense?
Oh yeah, we’re into bizzaro territory now.
Magic beans.  That’s what this has come to.
“King Toronto Condos” was launched last fall by Allied Properties & Westbank, and it was written up in the major newspapers, ie. THIS article in the Globe & Mail which drooled over the Danish architecture.
But what’s different about this condo isn’t just the architecture, which most people don’t actually care about, but just pretend to because it’s trendy, but rather the major difference between this condo and any other King West condo is the price.
How about $1,604 per square foot?
The 16-storey, 514-unit building will offer units starting at $659,900 and starting at 390 square feet.
For the love of GOD, who is paying $1,091,990 for a 681 square foot, 1-bed, 1-bath?
Apparently, “investors” are.  Yup.  Smart investors.  That’s the ticket…
10) Will “housing” be a major discussion point in the 2019 Federal election?
No question about it.  And if you know me, and you know my view on politics (ie. what’s written in point #4), you won’t be surprised to hear me say that this will be more pandering to voters.
I would love to see more affordable housing built across Canada, specifically in Toronto.  But with that comes about 1000x as much rhetoric which I just can’t stand.
I fully expect every politician, from every party, to appeal to the cash-strapped, gee-shucks Canadian who can’t afford they home that they want, whether that’s simply a roof over their head, or the 4-bed, 4-bath detached with a walk-in closet that they believe they “deserve.”
I fear we’ll get away from the idea of subsidized housing for those at the lowest-end of the spectrum, and waver into politicians promising that every Canadian can have what they want.  Because that’s been the theme in most elections of late, and I’m not sure that you’ll gain the vote of the middle class by promising housing for those holding the bottom-rung.
Liberals, PC, NDP, and whatever party Maxime Bernier seems to have started, will all make housing a major part of their platforms.  And while I don’t think it will dominate the election, I think voters who don’t feel as affected (ie. don’t care) about some of the bigger issues, will focus in directly on campaign discussions that affect them.
So there you have it, folks!
Ten burning questions, and probably fewer answers than we’d hoped to have.
The discussion after Wednesday’s blog was fantastic, and the readers even went through a few number-crunching examples for investment properties, which I thought was really cool.
More questions in today’s blog, albeit less appealing.  But I invite you to have your two cents either way…
The post Top-Ten Burning Questions For The 2019 Real Estate Market (Pt3) appeared first on Toronto Realty Blog.
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