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overcastkid · 1 year ago
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love language
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frownyalfred · 2 months ago
Dude. In Eye of the Sky, if Bruce's memory ever went spotty?? If something J'onn did comes back to bite him or some attacker somehow manages to get the jump on him like they almost did with Duke there or whatever the fuck and he just?? Is disoriented and confused?? Instinctively looking to Clark for help and asking for his kids because the last ten years are gone?? On a scale from ecstatic to horrified what do you think Kal's reaction would be. And how long do you think it would take Bruce to figure out what exactly is going on (my money's on two minutes).
Oh god the dread this idea made me feel. It’s like a horror film, Bruce waking up on the Watchtower and he can’t leave. Clark looks the same, Barry and Diana and Hal are all there but something is wrong. Something is wrong and he can’t remember and Dick isn’t picking up his comm and Alfred isn’t picking up the Batcave comm and J’onn won’t meet his eyes and and—
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cezorian · 1 year ago
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been playing undertale yellow very fun he is my favourite character
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jhutchissupercool · 11 months ago
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also why is this picture better than my eyesight 🧍‍♂️
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cosmicdenro · 4 months ago
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wip for you <3
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ditterdoob · 1 year ago
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micheals mouth is censored for artistic purposes and not becaus i couldnt draw it trust
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minyard-05 · 6 days ago
HISTORY????? girl. GIRL.
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lifenconcepts · 8 months ago
*Chews off your hand and shakes my head while gnawing on your flesh like it’s a chew toy*
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lcvecat · 11 months ago
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peak bobby i fear
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cinderellaboyincorectquotes · 10 months ago
Buddy: I want attention.
Chase: Aw lemme give you a hug then!
Buddy: let me bite your arm
Chase: The heck-
Buddy: Did I stutter?
Chase: Please do stutter next time.
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birf · 19 days ago
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dichromaticdyke · 6 months ago
i can't lie, abigail is dear to me, but doesn't she count as a love interest? she's the point of interest of a love triangle with two of the band members. she has the lead singer give her head. said lead singer proposes to her in aotd!
as much as i'm a big proponent of making every character queer (and being romanced is not the sole purpose of abigail's character) , respectfully, it just seems that canon-wise how is she not?
that’s a good point, one that i think boils down to how you define a love interest. because yes, she is the object of affection to two different characters, but the ways in which they’re attracted to her does subvert the general idea of a love interest if we look at it purely within the context of romantic interest.
pickles says straight up that he doesn’t want to date her, he just wants to have sex with her. and yes, he grows jealous of nathan when she has sex with him instead and when nathan wrongfully says she’s his girlfriend, but i don’t think they really had anything to do with her and more to do with their rift in season 4 altogether. like pickles says in his speech, nathan had not been considering pickles’s feelings in any of his actions. she was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. but even after nathan apologized and said he was basically willing to give her up if it meant he could have him back, pickles lost interest in abigail completely. he doesn’t even show any concern for her in DSR (despite him saying they have to find her as well after the attack). she wasn’t a love interest to pickles, she was an object of sexual desire during a time of celibacy and just a representation of nathan’s selfishness.
nathan is more complicated though…
i’m gonna look at their major interactions throughout the series so we’re on the same page.
“writersklok” - abigail is hired, nathan doesn’t like that she’s here (either because she’s not dick or because she’s trying to change things or both) and he tries to get rid of her
“going downklok” - nathan is trapped in the sub for months with no groupies and not allowed to jack off. he briefly thinks about how having sex with abigail would be fun but doesn’t think he’s allowed to. pickles tells him that may not be the case, and he gets further interest in her. he still doesn’t pursue her for weeks, even despite having a small rivalry with pickles about it. he goes down on her, she runs off, he’s upset because he had to be a service top for once.
“dethdinner” - abigail dodges nathan’s calls after their sexual encounter. he tells skwisgaar he’s probably gonna marry her and have kids with her, he tries to force a connection with her in the album credits, he announces that they’re dating even though, again, she hasn’t spoken to him since the sub.
“breakupklok” - abigail officially quits as dethklok’s producer, saying the relationship was no longer professional.
“the church of the black klok” - nathan apologizes to pickles and tells him that he doesn’t even want abigail if it means he can’t have pickles. abigail is moved by this show of genuine emotion. and then revengeance happens. notably, pickles is the one who reminds everyone else that they have to rescue abigail in turn with nathan.
DSR - nathan thinks about abigail while they’re partying around the world. he thinks about her purely in sexual terms, with her giving him a blowjob and having much larger breasts than she actually does. when she’s rescued, she’s either in skwisgaar’s arms or on the floor. she and nathan kiss.
AOTD - nathan decides he might want to quit music and focus on life instead, pursuing a life with someone he “likes.” he proposes to abigail when she comes to the funeral, telling her she’s the only thing that makes sense. she declines, telling him they weren’t even dating and that she only kissed him because he saved her life. she wishes him well and leaves. nathan and the rest of the band continually says she broke up with him, despite (again) that they were never dating. nathan wants to have a conversation with her but can’t, and when connecting each of the giant aux cords, he apologizes to an abigail that isn’t there, telling her he respects her and wants her to be happy. he also tells pickles that he and abigail never had sex and that if they’d had it wouldn’t have been right.
let’s cut out moments that are either purely sexual in motivation or otherwise platonic. that cuts out “writersklok,” “going downklok,” “breakupklok,” and DSR.
with “the church of the black klok,” this could also be considered a pseudo “breakup” with abigail, as nathan explicitly expresses how he is prioritizing his relationship with pickles over any potential relationship with pickles.
with AOTD, there is also a “breakup” and nathan expressing that he’s moving on from her. however, even the way he expresses feelings to her feel less like genuine romantic interest and more desperation. nathan is dealing with intense PTSD and wants to return to some sort of semblancy of normal. abigail is the perfect vessel to project that onto, and he even never says he loves her. he says he likes her, and he later says he respects her. we can’t really go off any kind of genuine romantic interest here, i think. he wasn’t thinking clearly, and even he didn’t believe he was in love with her. he had definitely deluded himself into thinking they had a relationship that she could “break up,” but again, i’m taking everything he did while he was on xanax and traumatized and depressed and dealing with the weight of the world with a grain of salt.
that leaves “dethdinner,” which i’d say is the strongest argument in favor of nathan having actual romantic interest in abigail—not just sexual desire and not drugged up lunacy. he’s calling her, telling her their moment meant a lot to him, planning their future, and calling her his girlfriend. i could definitely see the argument here that she’s a love interest, as this is the only time any of his romantic feelings for her seem genuine and don’t just seem like sexual desire.
however, and this is getting more into a headcanon/theory territory, i still don’t know if it is genuine. now we know nathan feels things very strongly and that he has had girlfriends before. each of them were very different, though.
rebecca nightrod was verbally abusive and he hated her, though he still felt a sense of betrayal when she cheated on him in her coma, he still devoted himself to her despite hating her. he saw her in her comatose state as the perfect girlfriend, because she could no longer berate him or tell him what to do. yes she was terrible, but the coma was the perfect get out of jail free card, and instead of taking it, he stayed with her. he loves the idea of a girlfriend, even one who’s terrible to him or fucking comatose, but he doesn’t seem to have interest in having to be an active boyfriend.
his different dates in “klokblocked” were never really girlfriends. even when nathan stopped seeing rachel and the band was upset, he insisted that he was never in a relationship with rachel. and of course he never got too close to the other girls because he didn’t like seeing his bandmates with them.
then trindle oh trindle. this is the only girl that nathan seems to really have fallen for. honestly, i mean that even more than abigail. he was much more distraught at the idea of trindle cheating on him. plus he actually spent time with her. like, a lot of time. they made out constantly. though that’s the other thing too. trindle’s relationship with nathan was almost exclusively sexual, the only difference was the label of girlfriend. but she was still seen as a crazy fan, and she never grew past that because she was basically bjork stalker level of crazy. but nathan dated a fan not necessarily because he liked her but because she was obsessed with him and she liked to flash him and suck his dick.
nathan, god i love him sweet as sugar and just as smart, though he’s the only one with several on-screen romances, doesn’t seem to actually want romance. he wants sex, obviously, and he wants the idea of a girlfriend or a wife. but does he actually want it? he stopped seeing so many girls just because his bandmates befriended them and made it difficult for him to have alone time with them. he got lucky that his bandmates didn’t see the girls as a threat and instead as potential additions to their group. that’s an ideal situation, but he still threw it away because it meant he couldn’t fuck them immediately.
so it’s basically my theory that nathan never had genuine romantic interest in abigail. she was another girl that he could potentially use to have his idea of a relationship, but he knew nothing about her. he only seemed to be pursuing her romantically just because they had a sexual encounter that he didn’t even enjoy. it feels to me more like obligation. i’m not saying he wouldn’t have wanted to be with her, he did keep pursuing her, but i doubt how much of that is because he likes her as a person and how much of that is because he wants her sexually.
so, is she nathan’s love interest? i mean, yes and no. he did try to pursue something with her, so i can say that could potentially make her a romantic interest, but there’s so much up in the air as to what his exact feelings towards her were. and if those feelings were all sexual, then that would be like calling the groupies love interests.
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jhutchissupercool · 1 year ago
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It’s not a want, he’s a need at this point
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nerdyperday · 9 months ago
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Day 2825 Kazuichi Soda
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gcsly · 1 year ago
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numbersareimaginary · 4 months ago
I need to be someone's chew toy ASAP...
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