#gmax pikachu
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wolfrayetlaw · 25 days ago
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025 - 026 Pikachu, Raichu + Alolan Raichu, Gmax Pikachu
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jayedwards101 · 1 year ago
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Day 19, plump. Ok, my first thoughts were applin cuz apples are kinda plump/round yah? But my Amiga told me plump is kinda soft, so what's not soft but a giant pikachu? My fav gmax pokemon :)
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myocarre · 7 months ago
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got the chance to catch a gigantamax grimmsnarl in shadowlocke!
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front-facing-pokemon · 10 months ago
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pinkstarununiversefuture · 1 month ago
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Ultramax starters
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The fire in charzard bursts out like lava thanks to ultra energy
The cannons on blastois back multiplied as water streams from its body
The flower on venusours back grows even bigger with 1000 times more pollen
The tail on pikachu has grown bigger and filled with more energy
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pokemoninaction · 2 years ago
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~ Ultimate Journeys Ep. 43
[This gifset doesnt include all the moves used in the battle. It’s just made to put my gifs in chronological order ]
Gigantamax Cinderace vs Gigantamax Pikachu
Gigantamax Cinderace used G-Max Fireball!
Gigantamax Pikachu used G-Max Volt Crash!
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The only non-extinct pikamons to still truly be in the pika genus are the Pawmi family, categorised by how they’ve retained their ability to evolve. Paldea was one of the only regions not to be involved with the mass Pikachu breeding craze of ‘25, hence how they’ve adapted and evolved to the climate more naturally.
Hundreds of years ago, the bright yellow fur of a Pikachu used to be considered a sign that the trainer was fortunate or noble, so many royal families used to own them by the dozen. This is the reasoning for so many old coins having Pikachus printed on them, as well as an explanation for the many circle-cheeked “pikamon” that became domesticated in that time.
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haveyouusedthispokemon · 17 days ago
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If got only through evolution, please vote based on how you initially met
Submitted shinies below:
#1 - Submitted by @strawbebbyy-shinies
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I can't believe nobody has submitted a pikachu yet. Here's mine - the surfing pikachu you get as a gift in ultra sun/ultra moon. Got her in 430 soft resets, and then moved her to gen 8 and made her gmax. Her name is Creme Brulee because I named all my pikachu line shinies after pudding-like desserts, lol (the others are Flan, Pudding, and Custard)
#2 - Submitted by Anonymous
I have a shiny story if you don't mind—i have a shiny pikachu named Tang in pokemon sleep that I did not realize was shiny for TWO WEEKS until my brother pointed it out to me. Color blind gang rise up 😔
#3 - Submitted by @buni-gutz
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I woke up at 2am to a shiny pikchu on pokemon sleep
#4 - Submitted by @issues-oclock
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shinypokemonshowdown · 1 year ago
i missed round 1, it wasn't every pokemon ever right?
Yes it was actually! I only excluded slight gender differences (like the girl/boy Pikachus), every vivilon/arceus/unknown form (they just got one entry) and the new dlc pokemon that weren't revealed when I started the poll.
But I tried to include every pokemon including Gmax, megas and altered forms ^^ Round One had over 500 matchups
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silvermeww · 3 months ago
The other day I had to go out shopping with my family, and while I usually hated shopping for once, I have found some pretty funny Pokémon merch (or rather, bootlegs).
(Under a read more because it is very picture heavy)
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I mean, nice try but I know that’s a Mimikyu lol /j
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Wait… Lego Brock? What’s next to him? What is happening—
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Literally the first thing I see after DP Brock is OG Gary. Nice.
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JAMES??? Are you okay?? Please speak to me!! Also is that supposed to be a rose? I actually thought it was a sceptre right until I started posting this lol.
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Anyways, after this fun run I realised that there was the back of the box that shows all of the characters available and I’m just here to say that I wish I never saw it.
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Ash: My brother called him bold and yeah, I’ve got to agree
Pikachu: Not his Pokédex number but I’ll let it slide.
Misty: #notmymisty (Why is her hair like that???)
Bulbasaur: Could’ve put this guy first. Also okay, this seems to be an OG thing here…
Brock: Still stuck in Hisui I see. It happens to the best of us.
Daisy(?): Had to get some girl rep I guess
Squirtle: #notmysquirtle Get the sunglasses if you’re going to be bootleg
Eevee: It’s crying out in pain, I can just hear it. How did they massacre your design that badly???
(Me: Okay, who is this rando??? …Wait, it couldn’t be…)
It’s Leon. Yeah. He lost his cap and ended up in this strange dimension with the rest of everyone. Also his hair may be cut down to shoulder length, I can’t tell.
Professor Oak: Yeah his hair went disco, he’s still in the 1970s having the time of his life or something. My sister thought he was a girl lol.
Charmander and Pichu aren’t bad ig, but the latter is a bit unexpected at this point.
James and Gary are There. Gary at least got the canon family so I can’t be too mad. James, however, is stuck with the last two of the pack imo, Gengar and Snorlax (Gen 1 who get GMax and a Mega/Z Crystal respectively… also just very well known mons) and now I’m scared if it’s an allegory for Meowth as a big cat and Jessie being dead or something. Or maybe I’m just reaching.
ALSO. Each part they have works into making a Dialga and Palkia, so there’s that. Maybe that’s the reason why they are all badly made and have been summoned to the White Space. Someone make a fanfic about it.
Further on my quest to find a small gift token for some people in a class I teach, I came upon this curious thing.
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Me: Oh boy, I can’t wait to see what stickers they would make out of the XY series! Hopefully there would be some good ones out here.
(My sister: That keyhole is for the Master Class)
The stickers:
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Wow, I totally remember May being there! Also I’m pretty sure it was DP that had the 10th anniversary but idk (Advanceshipping real?). Anyways I love how there is so much AG and then we get Togepi and Piplup coming in. And OG Ash. And Cyndaquil. And Phione. And my personal favourite Pokémon Rumble Charmander.
But perhaps the next page will give me what I want, right?
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Wrong! Deoxys movie sticker be upon you!!! No, seriously, how did they get that as a sticker? I love the rep though, just wished we had all of the other characters too ngl to complete the pic. My brother loved the second Ash on the bottom pic, said it looked very smug, and honestly imagine using that sticker. For what occasion would it be most useful?? Also miscoloured OG Ash on the third row from the bottom my beloved, more 3D pics, Skitty in a Contest stage, DP Ash?? And Birch merchandise (we need that around here). Now there is one more sticker page left (it repeats the same pages afterwards), and I honestly gave up hope. And I was right to, but still, look at this lol:
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The only Lucario you will ever get. That Croagunk one with Chimchar at the back. That one Ranger from that one Ranger’s special (I think the Deoxys one???). And of course, we can’t forget Shedinja.
So yeah, it was definitely a pretty eventful shopping day. I couldn’t get a picture of it, but there was this holographic picture in a frame that had Pikachu changing into different Kanto Starters, and another frame from another shop that flashed with Ash and the gang from multiple series (got jumpscared by XY help). Idk but that existed lol.
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zosonils · 3 months ago
Favorite pokemon glitch from the past 10 years?
oooh this is an interesting one because most of my glitch knowledge is further back than that [by which i mean i know about gen 5 softlocks i hate the passage of time]. there might be cooler ones that i don't know about but i'm gonna say the sword and shield bug where through some fuckery involving online battles and clock settings you can use an item on a pokemon in your party and then change which pokemon you have selected in this tiny window between confirming the item validity/effects and actually applying those effects. in practice this primarily means you can evolve pokemon that shouldn't be able to, such as gmax factor pikachu and eevee into raichu or any of eevee's stone evolutions, or male combee and salandit into vespiquen or salazzle via exp candy. they took transmasc azumarill from us but at least we have transfem vespiquen now
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magnificentsapcaddy · 1 year ago
Here's a fun fact for all of you. Out of the 18 different Pokemon types, only Grass and Electric have Pokemon which are:
Babies (Budew, Pichu)
Legendaries (Virizion, Zapdos)
Mythicals (Celebi, Zeraora)
Mega-Evolutions (Mega Ampharos, Mega Venusaur)
Gmax Forms (Pikachu Gmax, Rillaboom Gmax)
Paradox Pokemon (Sandy Shocks, Brute Bonnet)
Ultra Beasts (Xurkitree, Kartana)
Fossil Pokemon (Dracozolt, Cradily)
A Pokemon that evolves via a stone (Jolteon, Leafeon)
A Pokemon that evolves via high friendship (Pikachu, Roselia)
A Pokemon that evolves via trading (Electivire, Gourgeist)
Every other type fails to have a Pokemon which appears in at least one of the above categories. Rock and Flying are the closest to filling all the roles without doing it; there is no Rock type Pokemon that evolves from high friendship, and there is no Flying type Pokemon that evolves from a trade. Fire, Water, Bug, Psychic, and Fairy all fail to meet two of the above criteria.
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front-facing-pokemon · 10 months ago
I don’t think ANYONE used gmax pikachu or eevee have you HEARD GMAX PIKACHUS CRY
i have! it has also been like an entire week since i've shown my face here. let's get through some asks, shall we?
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i hadn't thought about that point. paradox beasts, paradox swords of justice… i wonder if there is more solid lore behind them—especially when tpc seems very unwilling to refer to these pokémon as being even remotely related to their very obvious modern-day counterparts. the lore of paradox pokémon in general has always been shoddy, i feel
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thank you! i love hearing myself talk so it works out
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and it's a VERY good impression!!!
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not sure which one you're talking about, but we'll get there, probably! i'm almost through queuing up all the gmax forms and am getting close to hisuian forms, after which will be the dreaded gen 9 models with their fucked up eyes. but i'm sure i'll (hopefully) figure something out
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i saw this a few times in the comments, and i'm not entirely sure what to do with it, since apparently a lot of the pokédex entries nowadays leave a lot up to speculation, considering how short and vague they are. i suppose they're like that on purpose, to leave the pokémon lore open and ambiguous (so they can keep it "consistent" across all the various forms of media, perhaps?), but this just seems like a weird thing to do. personally. to me. adding new regis makes a bit more sense, since regis have always been a little Loose on the lore, i suppose, but these guys are just darn strange..!
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amateurmagic · 11 months ago
For the Pokemon meme- 1, 11 and 22! And also passing along the be sure to stay hydrated train :)
Eeee thanks for the ask!! I haven't done tumblr asks in a while
1) Who was your first starter?
Turtwig!! I was pretty late to the game for Pokemon, but I adore him!! Sadly, I really don't use the line very much bc they're weak/allergic to everything
11) List your top 6 favorite Pokemon
1. Espeon!! I had one in my og Diamond file that just blasted through everything and that's what put it on my radar. I also love its simple and elegant design and I'd love to have one follow me around. I also really like the emphasis on bond and trust in all its dex entries
2. Raichu - it's just so big and looks so nice and soft and pudgy to hold and hug. And also absolutely strong enough to decimate my enemies. It also seems like the least loved member of the Pika-line, (most of its anime appearances are basically Raichu slander lol) but Alolan Raichu is nothing but soft pancake-loving perfection
3. Lucario - bit of a basic choice but i will always love this reliable ace. It was also one of my friend's favorite pokemon who helped get me into Pokemon, so there's the nostalgia points there. And no one can deny that Lucario's movie was, and still is, an absolute banger
4. Ponyta - again with the nostalgia play, but Ponyta was the first pokemon i learned. (I guess separate fun fact is that my first pokemon I learned wasn't Pikachu). I also grew up riding horses and still do, and the little childhood desire of being able to ride and own a literal fire horse has not subsided. It's also got a real cute face
5. Hisuian Arcanine - Kantoian Arcanine has always hovered near the top of my favorites list, but when the Hisuian form came out? Instant top. I love it's design and also it's callback to historic asian guard dogs. Also who could resist a giant fluffy dog to help hunt down your enemies and then lower your heating bill in the winter?
6. Meowscarada - after a lot of internal debate, I've gotta give the last spot to my Scarlet ace. Initially, I actually hated how the final form of our grass cat looked, but it's definitely grown on me (though the puffy sleeves and weird hand-paws are still problem but we're fixing that in fanart wut). And working to develop my ScarVio muse’s Meowscarada’s personality and arc for my slew of fics that hopefully will make it out of google docs one day lol has also endeared it to me. Also Scarvio has been the first mainline Pokemon game to really grab me since XY, so Meowscarada gets points for that too
Honorable mentions (bc that last choice was hard) - Eevee, Buizel, Absol, Torterra and Latios
22) - If you were a gym leader, what would your typing/theme be?
I love that this question says theme, because I've always wondered how Gym Leaders and E4 end up specializing in types. Besides for Misty, I don't remember anyone in canon who wasn't already a gym leader deciding to specialize in only one type (yeah I know Misty becomes a gym leader, but when she battled Ash in like. ep maybe 7, she barely was). Because they must've had mixed teams when they were up and coming trainers, winning leagues and challenging Champions and such. I much prefer some of the mixed teams of the ScarVio teachers in the Academy Ace tournament and then Battle Frontier brains in the anime that have a unifying theme instead. Like an international gym with all final forms of starters would be cool
As for me, it's so basic, but I'd love an Eeveelution gym with Eevee as the ace, maybe with Gmax, even though I haven't finished Shield yet. But if I had to pick a type, I think I'd go Fire-type with Hisuian Arcanine as my ace, along with Ponyta/Rapidash, Hisuian Typhlosian, Delphox, Houndoom, and maybe Salazzle
And yes!! Hydrating is good!! Hydrate or die-drate. Currently doing with tea
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pokemoninaction · 2 years ago
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~ Ultimate Journeys Ep. 43
Gigantamax Pikachu used G-Max Volt Crash!
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synthaphone · 2 years ago
hmmm maybe i should reorganize my pokemon bank so that pokemon i'm saving for breeding projects go AFTER my living dex
basically right now i've got
Box Space 1: functional boxes (actively trading, pokemon for future breeding projects organized by region, box for stuff i want to mass release, box for stuff i need to evolve, like 8 boxes of random shit for trades)
Box Space 2: sentimental value boxes: old teams from previous games, my shiny collection, event pokemon, pokemon i bred/trained for battling, pokemon i am just very fond of and have had for years
Box Space 3: Living Dex pt 1
Box Space 4: Living Dex pt 2 + my boxes for alternate forms, gender differences, all gmax capable pokemon, regional variants, and hat pikachus
Box Space 5: empty
Box Space 6: empty
Box Space 7: empty, except for one box at the very end that has some miscellaneous Alcremie forms i have doubles left of from when i was collecting all the alcremie variants
so i'm thinking i should move the breeding project repository pokemon to Box Space 5 maybe. that way all the stuff im moving around constantly or don't mind trading away on the GTS is right at the front, and i don't have to worry as much about running out of room in Box Space 1 because i can't bring myself to release all of my charmanders that were all caught in different pokeballs just in case 'ohhhh what if someday i want one in a nest ball for some reason and i don't have one anymore, aaaa'
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