pcktknife · 11 months
Trick or treat!
one of these teeth chatter thangs
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skittybot · 2 months
Ever bought cosplay?
i hav a maid outfit that i havent worn in like 3 years but thats kinda the extent. i havent cosplayed since i was a lil kid and my mum dressed me and my sister up as darth maul from star wars alsjdfaslkfgjakl
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p5x-theories · 3 months
I believe in P5X’s capability to maybe have the Fourth Fat Woman In Gacha Games
Yes... I believe in them. I think they can do it. We can manifest it.
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beansprean · 11 months
Happy birthday! NOVEMBER FIFTH BDAY?
Yes it is true. I was forged in the bowels of Mount Heller and it is the only way I can truly be destroyed
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couldtransitionsaveher · 10 months
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"Arcueid-coded, citrussy, relatable in her desire to be useful to others, an Urobuchi main character who suffers horribly for having hope and thus is woman coded, dies and is thus woman coded, turned into a plot device in later things for others’ advancement and is thus woman coded, also Fruity." - @freezing-kaiju
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girlballs · 11 months
Trick or treat!
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gay lizard for you
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golden-x-mage · 1 month
@freezing-kaiju replied to your post “jiro and dangerous jiro”:
the real question is is murasame two different guys
is murasame distinctly murasame-son and murasame-mother or are they a son who is a ranger and also his headmate, mother
​to me its definitely the latter, but unpicking the facts of that situation would involve spending more time thinking about it than inoue ever did
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sharkgirldick · 4 months
What’s your experience with tokusatsu
I liked Power Rangers as a kid. Best I got.
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dragongirlsnout · 7 months
i can send u some stuff to backup ur blog if u want just in case photomatt kills you
I'm probably in the clear now (Unless I post any Mazda 6s), and did export my blog last time a bunch of this shit was going down, so I'm probably good.
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versegm · 2 years
A metaphor you may take joy from: Chaldea is not the haunted house. Guda is.
When you carry soooo many fucking ghosts inside of you (literal; the servants can only exist so long as you do) (metaphorical; if you do not hold onto the Doctor, onto Da Vinci, onto all these people no one else remember, where will they go?) bottom text
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skittybot · 28 days
Blue, orange, and an off-and-on pink
nawwwww :3 mwah! sitting on u whilst u feed me oragnes
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boppeepudding · 11 months
trick or treat!
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eliasdrid · 1 year
Three thoughts: since everyone and their mother calls build the best rider and I had a relatively mid experience with it and I see you had an awful experience with it…
number three but I put it first bc it’s the most important: why didn’t you like it? Sorry if you’ve made posts abt that—
number one, what do you consider the best rider show?
number two, have you seen kamen rider geats?
3 - Oh that wretched show (Kamen Rider Build)........................ I'll leave my full answer for last so I can just do a "read more" and spare people of spoilers for the show. The TL;DR is that I have a love/hate relationship with it, it starts really well but then it uh, it's like the show just forgets itself? does that make sense? I don't know, it disappointed me... My message to the world is: if you want to watch it (in my opinion) up to episode 33 it's pretty good, it gets worse later.
[note: edited this to be less harsh bc I liked a lot of the show in the end despite my issues with some choices and some people might think I didn't like anything at all]
1 - This kinda spoils the options for the poll a little but whatever. I got into toku this year with sentai so I've only watched Shin Kamen Rider (the 2023 movie) and then Kamen Rider Den-O (2007), Kamen Rider W (2009) and Kamen Rider Build (2017).
I don't think any of the shows are perfect but I think the most satisfying experience overall from start to finish was Den-O because it's a bit silly but consistent with it? So it's pretty enjoyable.
2 - Funny story... I started Geats but I couldn't click with it. I do think a lot of the suit designs are SUPER pretty though. Kamen Rider Geats, Cross Geats and Na-Go are my faves for sure (from the images and material I've seen).
3 - OK So let's do this. I have actually not done a list of all my issues with this show here in my blog but I have complained a lil to people I know and who have watched it (and shared my opinions). This is my personal opinion and I want to preface this by saying I'm a sci-fi nerd and I might have set the bar too high because it looked really promising to me.
I'll get to issues related to characters first, I think that's easier:
Vernage could have been really interesting but she is equally under and overutilized when convenient to the point she's always doing everything with her last breath (until she does actually die... ) and shows up so sporadically you almost forgot she was still alive when she shows up again. It's wild because when she's introduced you're like? Oh? Will she give us lore and then die? Perhaps a clue to a secret weapon? Some secret power up? no!
Misora is never developed to her full potential despite going through a lot of stuff during the entire show. She could have had a more active relationship with Vernage and tap into some martian knowledge or be able to channel Vernage's power willingly but :/ Her dad literally ends in a coma and she is like... mostly unaffected? Doesn't talk about him? Idk, I'm not saying she should henshin because that's unrealistic with this show but she could have worked with Vernage to take revenge on Evolt for that (via helping the team). I WILL say, she does have her sad moments and her actress does a really good job, it broke my heart when she had her final conversation with Evolt!Soichi. But off that? She's an internet idol ^w^ and the glue that has to hold the team together even though she's like LITERALLY 18-19 and everyone else in their mid 20s and up???
Insanely enough Sawa's friend to spy to friend to spy to friend thing is decently executed so I can't complain much here.
Y'know what I can complain about though? Kazumi! Kazumi is such a character that I wanted to root for because he is so much about community once you get to know him and he has this good caring leadership vibe to him. This guy commits and this guy finds middle points and he can't forgive Gentoku but he asks anyway that he joins them and he even encourages him later to try and follow his father's footsteps. HOWEVER. HE IS A FUCKING CREEP OVER AN IDOL AND THAT UNFORTUNATELY IS MISORA. Bro is 29 years old demanding respect from Banjo and fangirling over a girl that is like... a real human being... who he actually gets to know. I thought their relationship would be... realizing she's a Real Human Being With Thoughts And Feelings but he never stops being a weirdo and it was uncomfortable... ☠
Isurugi Soichi... (not Evolt) underutilized as hell... we get this reveal that he can talk to Evolt near 33 and I thought "OH! Maybe he can influence him? Maybe this is what has been stopping Evolt from wrecking absolute havoc?" but as you might know/guess, this was not the case. There was a LOT of potential for a parallel with Him being posessed by Evolt and Misora being possessed by Vernage and Misora coming to terms with the fact that her dad got the worst alien buddy out of the situation but... they don't do this.
Evolt (Evolt)... my major problem with him is that the show literally tries to sell this "monster that didn't have feelings before" story on the last arc and it just... doesn't work? Because yeah, he's an asshole but like he clearly gets frustrated and excited and he clearly had a lot of feelings driving him around otherwise he'd not have gotten attached to the same human body for 10 YEARS and only hopped out of it when his "vessel" was complete.
Banjo, I got here finally, I deserve a medal. Not my kind of character but overall he's fine? The whole alien thing is done in the most boring way possible imo, idk how they did that but hey! The show is in such a hurry to go through as many small plots as possible near the end that it went super fast?
Sento! I can't talk about one and not the other! Overall Sento is a well done amnesiac protagonist until they make him go back to his old self to undo character development near the end for what feels like ages (I think it was just two episodes though?) and then he remembers and io and behold! he's Sento again but can remember some things from before. I have no words, it felt like he was going to stay like that for a second and all his character development would be undone. I think he could have remembered without having to go through that, I think he could have had conversations with himself without them just making him forget his friends so Katsuragi could have ONE chat with Gentoku. I think he was prone enough to monologue that he could have started remembering after Evolt by just. Literally talking to himself and finding his old self within him... like we could have had the same thing without the weird moment. I also think the whole arc with his dad suddenly coming back was poorly written... because? Suddenly he's not THE Genius and also Build wasn't "originally" meant for him even though it's hinted MANY times that it was Katsuragi who developed the Kamen Rider System entirely/mostly on his own. I think I could be ages here so I'm gonna move on by saying: it was bad.
Gentoku... my meow meow... I'm biased, overall I liked his character development and the Rogue drama was interesting? (it has a couple problems and more torture/blood than necessary maybe tho). His whole deal felt more straightforward than the rest and before he becomes a bit of a "joke" (with the identity fashion crisis and then the awkward moments) he has some really good moments of redemption. I really liked his speech in 39 when he feels bad about fucking up with Utsumi and is too injured to fight. ("Im not writing at 2 am edit": He has good character moments after 39 too! I understand they needed to kill the tension a little by making some fun of him and I liked some of it; the nepotism bit was really good! and his sacrifice was meaningful)
Honorable Utsumi mention because: what do you mean he was a cyborg??? That was so out of the blue and meant absolutely nothing because it's not... anything. For a show that did decent hints about things Utsumi suddenly being a cyborg because "haha his nickname was cyborg" and they maybe did one joke on an episode intro... it's really lame. Off this (which I needed out of my chest) he has a lot of missed potential and could (and should) have replaced Sento's dad as Evolt's "main" scientist because uhh he literally did the Sclash Driver and was very talented? Did the writer just... forget that? I guess so! It'd have been more interesting for sure if he had been working all along against Evolt fearing he'd betray Nanba but no.
I'm gonna go over plot things as quick as possible because I got too wordy with the character stuff:
The Pandora Box. I get it, it's a very convenient excuse but for a thing that Evolt seems to have created himself... they sure throw a last minute "but he doesn't know about this secret panel" I think... I think Evolt knows his funny little box for destroying planets and consuming their energy better than anyone on Earth...
The Sky Wall and the Pandora Tower. It'd have been SO much fun if, as I had hoped, the Pandora Tower was a massive labyrinth they had to figure out to get to the top and stop Evolt or some sort of ritual over a period of time...
The Show is called Kamen Rider Build! They do not build shit during the final episodes. I guess the Grease power up but he dies as soon as he uses it so that doesn't count. They literally got most of everything "solved" around the time Katsuragi made the Genius bottle so! They decide to reuse the Hazard Trigger to do something that is never hinted at (or makes sense if you ask me)... they don't even modify it 😭😭😭😭 They could have done something like before the proxy battle when Sawa and Sento do the modifications for Tank/Tank and Rabbit/Rabbit and have the team help Sento assemble a new device before fighting Evolt but no...
"Let's make a new world instead of properly defeating the bad guy" coward move! It also conveniently erases everyone's character development even if Sento and Banjo are "the same" in the new world it's just, a weird choice (I've been told they get their memories back in the specials or something but still ????)
Evolt destroying the world at random suddenly for his own amusement was really just an excuse to do the New World thing sellable and was really weird specially after the Be The One Movie in which he CLEARLY doesn't want Earth destroyed. He Loved Earth. He spent 10 slutty slutty years posing as a DILF and 3+ of them causing problems on purpose. BE REAL.
Also having Gentoku and Kazumi die was another way to make the "new world" thing more easy to digest because "see :( our friends died we need to bring them back :(" (idk man they were pretty decent at fighting, they could have not died!)
FINALLY. On the New World thing: A Post War scenario with the Kamen Riders helping rebuild the country and Kazumi and Gentoku in leadership positions, Misora reconnecting with her Dad and Sento trying to figure out how to use the bottles for good and more practical uses than fighting would have been much better...
anyway this got super long, I'm so sorry. Thank you for coming to my KRB talk. Kudos to you if you made it to the end, I probably have even more thoughts on this but we'd both be here forever. I'm locking this because people are weird about shows sometimes and I have seen people insist that Build is Really Really good when it's like. mid at best if you have to judge it from start to end.
additionally: I refuse to watch the specials <3 the movie (Be the One) was fine though, tbh it felt more on sync with the show than the finale. Even if they introduce the Blood Tribe guys only to kill them off. The Buid/Cross Z fusion bit was fun too!
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"Her life is saved by an old cool and villainous looking woman who sees her own soul reflected in Argo's misunderstood Russian heart and fuses her soul with Argo's, making Argo kind of two women. She's also an abused prisoner unfortunately, probably a communist which is trans coded, and wears a sleeveless jacket. AND has a dominatrix wife." - @freezing-kaiju
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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girlballs · 11 months
What's Zetian Type's plot?
local woman has the worst three days at work of her life, in space
no okay so the actual plot. the year is 2X27; Karim Orti (player character, hot milf, has an arm cannon) is in the far edge of the Milky Way trying to prevent some parasitic interdimensional bird aliens (the Arvokel) from turning planets into breeding grounds that they can use to stage a full infestation of the galaxy.
she's already cleaned out one planet (Zetia, where she obtained the eponymous Zetian Type powered armor from some nearly-extinct helpful wasp aliens) and has tracked some Arvokel stragglers to a second planet, Kuraseri, which has been heavily fortified by the Arvokel's genetically engineered vassal species, the Dekauten (crab people who take on larval Arvokel as symbionts). so Karim's job becomes untangling the sprawling tangled knot of this Dekauten military outpost so she can clear the way to the underground incubation areas used by the Arvokel and hopefully wipe them out for good, while also navigating the parts of the planet that have been sucked into an alternate dimension (kind of a light world/dark world situation)
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vhsghostricks · 1 year
Dangan asks 13 17 35 41 aaaaand 48!!!
13. What is your otp?
Celesgiri and Hinanami.... my all time favorite ships
17. List 5 headcanons for your favorite characters.
I'll do Maki bcus she's my brand lol
She likes the violin, it's her favorite instrument. Kaede makes her unsure of this overtime lol
She doesn't understand certain kinds of jokes but doesn't mind hearing people explain them.
Her weapon of choice is always rifles, despite never wanting to touch another one.
Maki's a sucker for cartoons, she'll call them stupid and meaningless but will sit in a chair and watch an entire marathon of one if someone asked
Walks quietly. Nobody realizes she's right behind them bcus her steps are so light.
35. What is your honest opinion on the end of v3?
Uhhhh it's alright. I give v3 a lot of flack in my server but in all honesty it's okay. Not my favorite ending but it was charming to see team dangan get dunked on.
41. What is your opinion on Ultimate Talents being similar to low level superpowers?
I think calling them low level superpowers is lame. Most of these kids broke their backs over honing their professions, call it what it is, it's talent.
48. Do you have any rarepairs?
Did this one already :)
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